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Jacky Chen
Professor Navarro
English 1A
16 October, 2021
Impacts Of Art to The World and Why It Had Been Disregarded
in Many Places
Art is the expression, application, or depiction of creative
ability and creativity via
visual media such as painting and sculpture. The artists have
made significant contributions
to society via their work, which has resulted in a sea shift in
how people see real-world
events. Nonetheless, art brings silent ideas to life and allows
them to be interpreted by the rest
of the world present artists art with a purpose in mind. Various
individuals perceive their
intentions and meanings differently based on their prior
exposure to art, their known history,
and the historical period in which the art is exhibited. In this
context, I will use chapter two of
our textbook to discuss the influence of arts on society while
critically analyzing the author's
use of rhetorical devices and comparing them with " Dr. Larry
Brewster and California
Arts-in-Corrections: A Case Study in Correctional Arts
Research." This chapter of the book
is written by Checker and Fishman and focuses on many issues,
but I will point out her
arguments on the impact of art in New York and why art had
been disregarded in many
The author uses rhetorical devices to appeal to us on the causes
of art underestimation
in New York. Using pathos, the author appeals to our emotions
by stating the ways art has
been underscoring in modern America. The author appeals to
our feelings when passing
through her arguments on the importance of art in people's
lives, specifically in politics. She
wants us to feel how she thinks about how art has lost its value
in a modernized society. Here,
the author paints a vivid picture of how she dwelled into
teaching, she needed people to "be
impacted by the theatre" (Checker and Fishman, 57). She
constantly reminds us of why art
should still be embraced even after the evolution of museums
and the gallery system. "This
work has underscored the many contradictions between our
artistic ideas and how they have
been institutionalized since the modern era, brilliantly
accounting for the art world I
experienced, with all its dissatisfactions" (Checker and
Fishman, 53). Artists raised concerns
about funding organizations' propensity to quantify economic
outcomes rather than recognize
aesthetic and social worth when evaluating creative initiatives
piqued the author's attention.
The author uses pathos and introduces a fair share of life
examples and writings to
appeal to us on how art is influential and impacts our daily
lives. Also, through pathos,
Fishman points out that "consequently, the arts no longer serve
as a source of inspiration or a
means of expressing concern for most people (Checker and
Fishman, 53). It's not uncommon
for the author to talk about art's significance and its favorable
reactions. Throughout the
chapter, she successfully uses pathos to build a sympathetic
picture via emotionally charged
words and phrases. She notes that 'she sang her final song"
(Checker and Fishman, 54) on the
budget and that "she left the art world" because it dismayed her.
The author selected this
story as symptomatic of the Pathos device since we can all
identify with these problems.
Pathos seems to be more successful than Ethos or Logos as a
rhetorical technique the author
uses in certain situations. These words help establish the
impacts of art in the New York
modernized society, and they are an appeal to pathos or the
readers' feelings of anger and
There are many times in the book when the author discusses the
value of art and its
advantages. The author says that artists educate their pupils
"that witnessing an artwork may
be an opportunity to express a point of view, to think about
different concepts, and to think
critically about their surroundings" (Checker and Fishman, 66).
Using this example, we can
understand how important art is while simultaneously
emphasizing its seriousness. As a
result, the author imbues the work with meaning. They reassert
the thesis by utilizing these
instances, making it more straightforward for the listener to
relate to.
Throughout this chapter, there is a particular anchoring bias
towards art's power on
teachers' lives and not a societal impact. This leads us to the
second sense in which this work
is cultural activism. The author noted that several artists and
directors told her that teaching
was something broader than art. Arts educators want to foster
independence, self-confidence,
observation, and critical thinking in their students by teaching
"creative thinking," a rigorous
cognitive process. They believe that a democratic education
aims to prepare students to be
engaged citizens, which many people believe the present
educational system does not
adequately prepare them to achieve. Their teaching methods
thus directly challenge the
dominant educational ethos and agenda in America, which
focuses on producing an
educational product, judged through relentless testing. In these
hierarchical and positivist
educational approaches, some things must be known, and
children are measured by whether
they can prove they know them on a test. This demonstrates that
the mental dispositions and
work processes that program directors and artists teach are
critical to productive and creative
thinking in any industry. Because of this, it's challenging to be
impartial when discussing the
effect of the arts outside the classroom. Because of their ties,
the author has a soft spot for
teaching artists and wants to learn more about it. These
problems of art's impotence and
influence are also felt when people have this prejudice while
discussing or writing about
other professions. The author chooses a career they are
passionate about narrows the
audience's understanding of the problem.
Art's effects on people's lives and the helplessness of art and
artists due to modernity
are explored in this chapter through various cause-and-effect
scenarios. As an example,
consider the passage where the author discusses the relationship
between art's importance in
the New York City community and its causes and effects.
Cultural groups, institutions, and
artists in New York City started to fill the void (Checker and
Fishman, 55). In this
cause-and-effect example, the reader will see how widespread
these problems are in New
York City and how they influence art programs in the city's
standard curriculum in the future.
In addition, the reader will be able to adapt the circumstances to
their states or regions by
looking at them through the lens of New York City. It provides
students with the opportunity
to develop and examine their own opinions on the reasons and
consequences of art
curriculum inclusion — or exclusion — in their school systems.
According to the author's opinion, art education is no longer
necessary, as shown by
certain schools no longer provide art classes. "Instead, they
operate with the belief that
instructors and students must first gain confidence in their
views and separate themselves
from authoritative interpretations to build critical perspective"
(Checker and Fishman, 61).
However, throughout the chapter, the author's tone is assertive,
making it appealing to
The second article is a fascinating case study that tells how an
arts-correctional body
of research came to exist, and I will be brief while analyzing it
rhetorically. Native American
art is one of the practices that belong to Americans' aboriginal
inhabitants. Consequently, it
was mainly produced after the European contact. The native
Americans knew nothing about
art and artists, but few American Indians allowed art to become
part of their daily lives.
During recent times art was only recognized as an imperative
significance when wealth was
the essential factor in the culture. This article uses logos to
appeal to its readers by reason.
Logos are prevalent throughout this case study, as the author
notes in the article's first
paragraph that this correctional arts program is among the
longest-running in the country and
also has the most research behind it" (Gardner, 195). An
impressive success story in
correctional arts has been the quantity and quality of AIC
program assessments.
The article is a peer-reviewed article that has provided a vital
contribution to the study
of the correctional art research and therefore has no biases.
With a strong use of analytical
methodologies and the author having no conflict of interest with
the investigation, this article
is solid. When the author says that "any study on correctional
arts programs is good"
(Gardner, 199), he's using logos throughout the piece. Because
of this, it is not easy to
conduct double-blind, controlled, randomized research on
people who have been incarcerated
or who are on probation or parole.
Throughout the article, the author uses evidence which is a
building block for solid
arguments. She uses more than ten peer-reviewed articles to
conclude and analyze the data
she has at hand. In the United States and abroad, many arts-in-
corrections initiatives have
been successful. For the most part, these initiatives have never
been reviewed, their results
have never been quantified, and their history has never been
recorded (Gardner, 194). The
discipline of correctional arts relies heavily on stories to bolster
its arguments, but it lacks
reliable data to back up those arguments. Art activities are
offered extensively and sporadic in
correctional facilities throughout the United States, if not
The author's tone is very inspirational. The entire article was
insightful and was
explained very calmly without any biases. The author used little
to no personal opinions
about the controversy as described in this article. Even though
additional research has come
out after those two points were made, the general tendency
remains the same. Fear of bad
outcomes, a lack of resources, or a perception of a lack of
resources, and "methodological
paralysis" have all been proposed as possible reasons (Gardner,
Throughout the second chapter of our textbook, Checker and
Fishman, our author
appeals to our emotions on matters concerning art and society,
New York, to be specific. She
uses pathos in many instances to offer a way readers can relate
to the impact of art and its
powerlessness in many places through commonly held emotions.
On the other hand, Gardner
uses logic throughout her case study. The art of using logos
makes her readers feel smart by
using only facts to pass her arguments. The two articles appeal
to their readers with the same
purpose and ideas of arts and society; however, they use a
different pattern of the
organization throughout their course.
Conclusively, using logos and pathos, these articles have
appealed to our emotions,
logic, and rationality on the topic of art and correctional art in
California and New York. In
my opinion, these articles give readers an overview of the
importance of art to the world, the
reasons why skill is underestimated, and the perspectives with
which people view art. I
believe these articles were conclusive and fulfilled their
hypothesis. We need individuals like
Checker and Fishman to guarantee that art continues to be
taught in schools by the proper
artists since the art program was so effective that it was one of
the best models of prison arts
programming in California.
Checker, Melissa, and Maggie Fishman. Local Actions: Cultural
Activism, Power, and
Public Life in America, Columbia University Press, 2004.
ProQuest Ebook
Gardner Ph.D., Amanda. "Dr. Larry Brewster and California
Arts-in-Corrections: A
case study in correctional arts research." Journal of Prison
Education and Reentry
6.2 (2020): 194-200.
Stage 2: Topic Proposal
250 words minimum
MLA format
Post your reply in the Text Box
Once you have reviewed Step 1 and 2 for the Digital Short
complete a Topic Proposal
for Project 4 In the Text Box explain the Topic in California,
Issue, Audience and
Rhetorical Genre that you will utilize to assist with developing
your Digital Short. Include
a potential thesis statement for the focus of your Project 4.
Rhetorical Genre:
Thesis Statement:
Jacky Chen
Professor Navarro
English 1A
13 September, 2021
Education is a key component of a country's economy. It is a
measure of the potential
human capital of a nation. Literate individuals in a society have
greater social standing than their
peers, but they also have better jobs and chances for riches. The
greater the degree of literacy, the
better a nation is able to lead its goals/objectives for growth.
Literacy is the process of learning that allows a person to
comprehend and communicate
written material, obtain new knowledge, teach these abilities
and use the knowledge and skills
gained in society. The important terms here are acquire, the
capacity to comprehend, to teach, to
apply and to profit. However, at various times different
individuals have defined literacy
differently. Traditionally, literacy was defined as the capacity
to read, utilize written material
properly and write it in various situations. New aspects arise
from the definition, though.
In using the knowledge obtained from textual sources, this
definition does not require
critical thinking. It remains inadequate since it does not take
into consideration a number of
important elements of literacy.
Most individuals understand that literacy consists of a number
of concrete abilities
including cognitive reading and writing skills. These abilities
should be separate from the
environment of their acquisition and the background of the
person who obtains them. The person
should be able to decode phonetics, orthography, word
recognition and vocabulary. This
indicates that you should not rely on images to indicate
significance. The focus is on the capacity
to comprehend and convey orally provided knowledge as written
Recently, many academics have begun to use the word 'literacy'
in a much wider
metaphorical meaning, in order to allude to other talents and
skills, such as 'information literacy,'
'visual literacy'. The introduction of these ideas has changed the
understanding of literacy as a
collection of words and also the interpretation of signs,
symbols, images and sounds that vary
according to the social environment. These abilities allow a
person to collect knowledge and use
it in many situations.
Additionally, to the current notions of literacy, it should be a
learning process in which
people continuously acquire knowledge and abilities and use
them to serve society. According to
the National Literacy Teaching Investigation, reading learning
and reading teaching are generally
considered in the wider field of literacy. The literacy learning
system should thus concentrate on
research, reflection, customisation, testing, embedding,
deliberately practiced and shared
A literacy community is a group of individuals who
communicate through reading and
writing. It is a space where students are invited to discuss
writing and reading. The growth of
literacy relies on the wealth of the literacy group. Literacy
communities are based on
interpersonal connections built around the reading and writing
of a community. This implies that
the community frequently introduces and talks about new
literature. These talks focus on linking
books and book sections with real life or other books. Centres
on listing, journaling, book
response and resource charts are written to assist students
comprehend their learning.
In this case I do understand that the community has got
different ways on how they define
literacy. One of the definitions of literacy by the community is
someone who is able to read and
write. They all have the same understanding whereby they can
all communicate in one language.
It is the true definition of literacy by the community. It applies
in most cases on only in the
community but also within the school set up. The school in most
cases is termed to be a
community. The reason for this, is the fact that they get to share
the same cultures which defines.
They have gathered together for a common goal which is to get
education. The gathering in this
case is what we term as a community. The school in this case is
brought up by different
ideologies that they get to share on a daily basis. I therefore
think the fact that my own
understanding and definition of literacy is the same as that of
the community. The key aim with
literacy is the fact that it helps bring different people of the
same culture together. They can get
to share ideas at all times and exchange words. They also get to
share experiences and make a
better way on how they express themselves. All the members
are brought together with a
common goal which is to share ideas and interact on a daily
They help determine different things such as where I come
from. The key thing with
literacy is the fact that it helps provide me with the right
confidence that will determine what the
future goals for. The next thing is that I can get to express
myself among the people or the
community members due to the fact that we can get to speak the
same language and share the
same ideas.
Literacy has had an effect on me and my everyday lives, not just
in basic tasks, but also
in initiatives where my voice has a long-term influence. In
Melissa Checker and Maggie
Fishman's book Local Actions: Cultural activism, Power and
public life in America they state
how "... different activist groups... rather than being isolated,
these groups reach out to the
American public and often each other as they demand that they
are recognized, countered and
heard" (Page 2). Checker highlights the effect and the way
activists attempt to raise awareness of
activist and social movements.
Growing up in the Bay region, I have seen the effect of our
voices in a relatively liberal
place. The organizing of demonstrations is extremely frequent
in the Bay Area. I attended some
protests, where a huge number of posters hung with different
themes. Demonstrators utilize these
posters to convey their opinions and voices during
demonstrations and social movements. We
would remain quiet about political issues without our voices and
the willingness to utilize our
voices. As a person who is well aware of our present problems
with immigration, healthcare and
the Black Lives Matter movement, and a member of many social
movements, I have opened my
eyes to how literacy can affect Americans from every point of
life. We may prioritize and alter
our present problems by becoming informed and competent to
utilize literacy. For example, most
recently, police officers who killed the African American
George Floyd were jailed because
every day people protested to hold them responsible. To
prioritize these problems, we utilize the
power in our voice that provides "a variety of possibilities and
promises" (Page 2). Through
literacy, we may utilize our voices and disseminate knowledge
to educate other people and draw
attention to topics of concern to us.
My cousin has impacted my life and he was my greatest role
model while I grew up with
him. One thing that I learned from him was to use my voice to
influence the world positively. He
exposed me to social movements. As I started to comprehend
literacy in my identity, I
participated in immigrati on. I should identify as a timid person,
but I do appreciate the power my
voice has to 'transform prevailing views, ideas and
understanding for social change' when it
comes to societal problems (Page 6). I recognize the advantage
in my life and I am able to assist
other Asian and Chinese groups that feel their voices that are
not as strong with my literacy.
These events formed my "Social Identity" (page 7) through the
impact of my cousin.
Literacy is a challenge, particularly with English as a second
language in America. Not
only is literacy difficult for me but also for other Asian and
Chinese in the USA and other ethnic
communities. I was born in China with Chinese parents who
only spoke Chinese. I was totally
confused when I started third grade. In the mind of an eight-
year-old language it's strange, and
you don't know that there are numerous languages. I was able to
acquire the English language
with the assistance of my instructor and my elder cousin who
was then at school. I was able to
quickly take up the language due to the assistance I received.
That is why it is essential that we
begin to teach language skills for people from a very early age.
I think that it is very essential to
assist people who have faced this circumstance to learn a new
language. After all, it's necessary
in our daily lives.
When you think about literacy, you just think about it, but not
about yourself. My
Chinese parents moved to the United States in 2012, but then
my cousin and I became their
traductors. For the most part of my youth, I learnt literacy at
primary school, but also taught
English literacy to my parents. I often have to translate to the
staff at the grocery shops to obtain
assistance. That was extremely tough since English is my
second language and had not expanded
my vocabulary. The precise translation of terms proved difficult
to discover. It went on to my
education. I would start thinking in Chinese while writing
essays and desire to write Chinese
terms. It was certainly a barrier to my reading, and I think it
slowed down me, but benefited my
parents at the same time. My parents can now converse
effortlessly in English. Although it
slowed me down in school, it taught me the significance of
learning literacy in two languages to
assist others in a similar position.
Checker, M., & Fishman, M. (2005). Local actions: Cultural
activism, power, and public life in
America. Columbia University Press.
Overview: For Project 4 you will pull from your previous three
assignments and develop
a scholarly argument around an issue in the state of California
in the form of a Digital
short. The Digital short should pull from your three (3) Formal
assignments and your
informal assignments as evidence. You should reflect on the
progression of your
research, and look forward to where this research might head
● The (rough draft) Script should be a minimum of 1000 words
● Process Write should be a minimum of 500 words
● The (final draft) Digital short should be a minimum of 10
minutes long
Submission guidelines
● You will submit the fully formatted Word Doc, Docx or Pdf
of the
Process Write to its correct folder, but this will be the primary
for the Blog post.
● Minimum 10 minutes in length.
● Include Title Slide and Concluding Slide with Credits/Work
● 4 Primary/Secondary resources (Including the Interview) -
Full MLA
Video / Presentation Requirements
● 10 minutes minimum, in length
● Sound effects, music, video clips
● Transitions, captions, title slide and credit slide (citations
Step 1:
Begin by recording the Script using any app on their phone,
personal computer,
or campus computers. I suggest recording the script in a
bathroom, or another
secluded place that they will have access in order to avoid
background noise. I
also emphasize listening to the audio after they record it on the
device, and
before they upload it to the Video Editing software. Once
completed, they will
email the document to the device utilized to assemble the video.
The assignment
is a minimum of 10 minutes, so the recording of the audio is a
good benchmark
for meeting the assignment guidelines for length. The
completed audio file will
also function as the student’s guide for where to place the
Digital sources in the
Video / Presentation Requirements
● 10 minutes minimum, in length
● Sound effects, music, video clips
● Transitions, captions, title slide and credit slide (citations
Step 1:
Begin by recording the Script using any app on their phone,
personal computer, or
campus computers. I suggest recording the script in a bathroom,
or another secluded
place that they will have access in order to avoid background
noise. I also emphasize
listening to the audio after they record it on the device, and
before they upload it to the
Video Editing software. Once completed, they will email the
document to the device
utilized to assemble the video. The assignment is a minimum of
10 minutes, so the
recording of the audio is a good benchmark for meeting the
assignment guidelines for
length. The completed audio file will also function as the
student’s guide for where to
place the Digital sources in the timeline.
Stage 5: Digital Short Process Write
Submit a 500 word process write that discusses your work with
the Projects and
Assignments in relation to Project 4 (your Digital Short). The
process letter should
clearly articulate how you have gained both knowledge of and
insight into your essay
and the research process.
● How did your research assist in locating your Issue,
Stakeholders, and
● How did your writing help you in understanding the
competing Interest of
each Stakeholder?
● How did you translate your research and writing into a Digital
Short? Detail
the process and difficulties?
Utilize the following objectives for the project to assist with
explaining your process this
term as you developed the essays and digital short:
● Active engagement of the knowledge and research in a
meaningful way.
● Articulation of the research in an alternative mode (or
● Creative and thoughtful expression of the project’s
generation, drafting, and
● Publication of project so that the public has access to it (e.g.,
Youtube, etc.).
Stage 3: Digital Script Assignment
Digital Script
● Begin with your semester Outlines from Projects 1-3 to assist
with developing
10 Claims. These Claims will function as the first talking points
of your script.
○ You might need to pull more Claims in order to meet the 10
minimum for your presentation.
● Before you place your Claims on the Document, decide how
you wish to
present your research.
● Locate Images, Infographs, additional media, etc. that will
serve as visual
Evidence for each Claim. The pictures must relate to the
specific Claim.
(Think of our lecture on Visual Rhetoric, how can an image
support an idea or
○ 2-3 media formats per Claim to function as Visual evidence.
● Open up a Word Document (Microsoft or Page), Power Point,
or Google
○ Note: Google Docs and Word Online will not help you earn an
“on this project. You must use a program with the full version
Word or Pages. Utilize the school computer labs
● On the document:
1. List the Thesis for your essay.
2. List your 10 Claims/Topic Sentences,
3. Add your Visual Evidence under its respective Claim.
4. In 3-4 sentences below each picture, Analyze how each
picture is
Evidence for each Claim. Remember, your Script is explaining
Evidence that is presented on screen.
1. This is different than explaining Evidence that the reader
is processing from a quote or paraphrased line.
○ Word, PowerPoint, or Pages document with 10 Claims and 2-3
pieces of Visual Evidence.
○ Visual Evidence must pertain to each Claim.
○ Analysis must explain Evidence's relationship to Claim.
Step 1
Before we can assemble our Digital Script and Digital short, we
want to think of the style
or rhetorical genre that we are going to communicate our
writing through. Below, you
will find a few examples of Digital shorts. Each of these
present's information in very
different ways. We want to think of who our audience is and
how we want to present our
information to allow them to enter into our ideas. Are we trying
to motivate, inform,
educate, etc. our audience?
Persuasive/Thesis Driven
Student YouTube Channel
Step 2
The next step is to add Visual and Audio depth. We might not
create a Digital Short that
wins an Oscar, but we can still provide details and effects that
make our videos appear
polished. This is achieved through using a variety of resources
listed below to expand
your Photo Script into a Digital Short.
Visual and Audio depth
Video and Mp4s
Audio and Mp3s
Ripping Media for Academic Purposes
· On Mozilla:
o VideoDownloadHelper:
o Easy Screenshot:
· Via the web:
o Shortening Clips:
o Downloading YouTube
Stage 2: Topic Proposal
250 words minimum
MLA format
Post your reply in the Text Box
Once you have reviewed Step 1 and 2 for the Digital Short
complete a Topic Proposal
for Project 4 In the Text Box explain the Topic in California,
Issue, Audience and
Rhetorical Genre that you will utilize to assist with developing
your Digital Short. Include
a potential thesis statement for the focus of your Project 4.
Rhetorical Genre:
Thesis Statement:
Stage 1: Assignment Guidelines
Overview: For Project 4 you will pull from your previous three
assignments and develop
a scholarly argument around an issue in the state of California
in the form of a Digital
short. The Digital short should pull from your three (3) Formal
assignments and your
informal assignments as evidence. You should reflect on the
progression of your
research, and look forward to where this research might head
● The (rough draft) Script should be a minimum of 1000 words
● Process Write should be a minimum of 500 words
● The (final draft) Digital short should be a minimum of 10
minutes long
Submission guidelines
● You will submit the fully formatted Word Doc, Docx or Pdf
of the Process
Write to its correct folder, but this will be the primary content
for the Blog post.
● Minimum 10 minutes in length.
● Include Title Slide and Concluding Slide with Credits/Work
● 4 Primary/Secondary resources (Including the Interview) -
Full MLA

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  • 1. Jacky Chen Professor Navarro English 1A 16 October, 2021 Impacts Of Art to The World and Why It Had Been Disregarded in Many Places Art is the expression, application, or depiction of creative ability and creativity via visual media such as painting and sculpture. The artists have made significant contributions to society via their work, which has resulted in a sea shift in how people see real-world events. Nonetheless, art brings silent ideas to life and allows them to be interpreted by the rest of the world present artists art with a purpose in mind. Various individuals perceive their intentions and meanings differently based on their prior exposure to art, their known history, and the historical period in which the art is exhibited. In this context, I will use chapter two of
  • 2. our textbook to discuss the influence of arts on society while critically analyzing the author's use of rhetorical devices and comparing them with " Dr. Larry Brewster and California Arts-in-Corrections: A Case Study in Correctional Arts Research." This chapter of the book is written by Checker and Fishman and focuses on many issues, but I will point out her arguments on the impact of art in New York and why art had been disregarded in many places. The author uses rhetorical devices to appeal to us on the causes of art underestimation in New York. Using pathos, the author appeals to our emotions by stating the ways art has been underscoring in modern America. The author appeals to our feelings when passing through her arguments on the importance of art in people's lives, specifically in politics. She wants us to feel how she thinks about how art has lost its value in a modernized society. Here, the author paints a vivid picture of how she dwelled into teaching, she needed people to "be
  • 3. impacted by the theatre" (Checker and Fishman, 57). She constantly reminds us of why art should still be embraced even after the evolution of museums and the gallery system. "This work has underscored the many contradictions between our artistic ideas and how they have been institutionalized since the modern era, brilliantly accounting for the art world I experienced, with all its dissatisfactions" (Checker and Fishman, 53). Artists raised concerns about funding organizations' propensity to quantify economic outcomes rather than recognize aesthetic and social worth when evaluating creative initiatives piqued the author's attention. The author uses pathos and introduces a fair share of life examples and writings to appeal to us on how art is influential and impacts our daily lives. Also, through pathos, Fishman points out that "consequently, the arts no longer serve as a source of inspiration or a means of expressing concern for most people (Checker and Fishman, 53). It's not uncommon for the author to talk about art's significance and its favorable reactions. Throughout the
  • 4. chapter, she successfully uses pathos to build a sympathetic picture via emotionally charged words and phrases. She notes that 'she sang her final song" (Checker and Fishman, 54) on the budget and that "she left the art world" because it dismayed her. The author selected this story as symptomatic of the Pathos device since we can all identify with these problems. Pathos seems to be more successful than Ethos or Logos as a rhetorical technique the author uses in certain situations. These words help establish the impacts of art in the New York modernized society, and they are an appeal to pathos or the readers' feelings of anger and frustration. There are many times in the book when the author discusses the value of art and its advantages. The author says that artists educate their pupils "that witnessing an artwork may be an opportunity to express a point of view, to think about different concepts, and to think critically about their surroundings" (Checker and Fishman, 66). Using this example, we can
  • 5. understand how important art is while simultaneously emphasizing its seriousness. As a result, the author imbues the work with meaning. They reassert the thesis by utilizing these instances, making it more straightforward for the listener to relate to. Throughout this chapter, there is a particular anchoring bias towards art's power on teachers' lives and not a societal impact. This leads us to the second sense in which this work is cultural activism. The author noted that several artists and directors told her that teaching was something broader than art. Arts educators want to foster independence, self-confidence, observation, and critical thinking in their students by teaching "creative thinking," a rigorous cognitive process. They believe that a democratic education aims to prepare students to be engaged citizens, which many people believe the present educational system does not adequately prepare them to achieve. Their teaching methods thus directly challenge the dominant educational ethos and agenda in America, which
  • 6. focuses on producing an educational product, judged through relentless testing. In these hierarchical and positivist educational approaches, some things must be known, and children are measured by whether they can prove they know them on a test. This demonstrates that the mental dispositions and work processes that program directors and artists teach are critical to productive and creative thinking in any industry. Because of this, it's challenging to be impartial when discussing the effect of the arts outside the classroom. Because of their ties, the author has a soft spot for teaching artists and wants to learn more about it. These problems of art's impotence and influence are also felt when people have this prejudice while discussing or writing about other professions. The author chooses a career they are passionate about narrows the audience's understanding of the problem. Art's effects on people's lives and the helplessness of art and artists due to modernity are explored in this chapter through various cause-and-effect scenarios. As an example,
  • 7. consider the passage where the author discusses the relationship between art's importance in the New York City community and its causes and effects. Cultural groups, institutions, and artists in New York City started to fill the void (Checker and Fishman, 55). In this cause-and-effect example, the reader will see how widespread these problems are in New York City and how they influence art programs in the city's standard curriculum in the future. In addition, the reader will be able to adapt the circumstances to their states or regions by looking at them through the lens of New York City. It provides students with the opportunity to develop and examine their own opinions on the reasons and consequences of art curriculum inclusion — or exclusion — in their school systems. According to the author's opinion, art education is no longer necessary, as shown by certain schools no longer provide art classes. "Instead, they operate with the belief that instructors and students must first gain confidence in their
  • 8. views and separate themselves from authoritative interpretations to build critical perspective" (Checker and Fishman, 61). However, throughout the chapter, the author's tone is assertive, making it appealing to readers. The second article is a fascinating case study that tells how an arts-correctional body of research came to exist, and I will be brief while analyzing it rhetorically. Native American art is one of the practices that belong to Americans' aboriginal inhabitants. Consequently, it was mainly produced after the European contact. The native Americans knew nothing about art and artists, but few American Indians allowed art to become part of their daily lives. During recent times art was only recognized as an imperative significance when wealth was the essential factor in the culture. This article uses logos to appeal to its readers by reason. Logos are prevalent throughout this case study, as the author notes in the article's first paragraph that this correctional arts program is among the longest-running in the country and
  • 9. also has the most research behind it" (Gardner, 195). An impressive success story in correctional arts has been the quantity and quality of AIC program assessments. The article is a peer-reviewed article that has provided a vital contribution to the study of the correctional art research and therefore has no biases. With a strong use of analytical methodologies and the author having no conflict of interest with the investigation, this article is solid. When the author says that "any study on correctional arts programs is good" (Gardner, 199), he's using logos throughout the piece. Because of this, it is not easy to conduct double-blind, controlled, randomized research on people who have been incarcerated or who are on probation or parole. Throughout the article, the author uses evidence which is a building block for solid arguments. She uses more than ten peer-reviewed articles to conclude and analyze the data she has at hand. In the United States and abroad, many arts-in-
  • 10. corrections initiatives have been successful. For the most part, these initiatives have never been reviewed, their results have never been quantified, and their history has never been recorded (Gardner, 194). The discipline of correctional arts relies heavily on stories to bolster its arguments, but it lacks reliable data to back up those arguments. Art activities are offered extensively and sporadic in correctional facilities throughout the United States, if not regularly. The author's tone is very inspirational. The entire article was insightful and was explained very calmly without any biases. The author used little to no personal opinions about the controversy as described in this article. Even though additional research has come out after those two points were made, the general tendency remains the same. Fear of bad outcomes, a lack of resources, or a perception of a lack of resources, and "methodological paralysis" have all been proposed as possible reasons (Gardner, 194). Throughout the second chapter of our textbook, Checker and
  • 11. Fishman, our author appeals to our emotions on matters concerning art and society, New York, to be specific. She uses pathos in many instances to offer a way readers can relate to the impact of art and its powerlessness in many places through commonly held emotions. On the other hand, Gardner uses logic throughout her case study. The art of using logos makes her readers feel smart by using only facts to pass her arguments. The two articles appeal to their readers with the same purpose and ideas of arts and society; however, they use a different pattern of the organization throughout their course. Conclusively, using logos and pathos, these articles have appealed to our emotions, logic, and rationality on the topic of art and correctional art in California and New York. In my opinion, these articles give readers an overview of the importance of art to the world, the reasons why skill is underestimated, and the perspectives with which people view art. I
  • 12. believe these articles were conclusive and fulfilled their hypothesis. We need individuals like Checker and Fishman to guarantee that art continues to be taught in schools by the proper artists since the art program was so effective that it was one of the best models of prison arts programming in California. References Checker, Melissa, and Maggie Fishman. Local Actions: Cultural Activism, Power, and Public Life in America, Columbia University Press, 2004. ProQuest Ebook Central, 909222. Gardner Ph.D., Amanda. "Dr. Larry Brewster and California Arts-in-Corrections: A case study in correctional arts research." Journal of Prison Education and Reentry 6.2 (2020): 194-200. Stage 2: Topic Proposal 250 words minimum
  • 13. MLA format Post your reply in the Text Box Once you have reviewed Step 1 and 2 for the Digital Short complete a Topic Proposal for Project 4 In the Text Box explain the Topic in California, Issue, Audience and Rhetorical Genre that you will utilize to assist with developing your Digital Short. Include a potential thesis statement for the focus of your Project 4. Topic: Issue: Audience: Rhetorical Genre: Thesis Statement: Jacky Chen Professor Navarro English 1A 13 September, 2021 Literacy
  • 14. Education is a key component of a country's economy. It is a measure of the potential human capital of a nation. Literate individuals in a society have greater social standing than their peers, but they also have better jobs and chances for riches. The greater the degree of literacy, the better a nation is able to lead its goals/objectives for growth. Literacy is the process of learning that allows a person to comprehend and communicate written material, obtain new knowledge, teach these abilities and use the knowledge and skills gained in society. The important terms here are acquire, the capacity to comprehend, to teach, to apply and to profit. However, at various times different individuals have defined literacy differently. Traditionally, literacy was defined as the capacity to read, utilize written material properly and write it in various situations. New aspects arise from the definition, though. In using the knowledge obtained from textual sources, this definition does not require critical thinking. It remains inadequate since it does not take into consideration a number of important elements of literacy.
  • 15. Most individuals understand that literacy consists of a number of concrete abilities including cognitive reading and writing skills. These abilities should be separate from the environment of their acquisition and the background of the person who obtains them. The person should be able to decode phonetics, orthography, word recognition and vocabulary. This indicates that you should not rely on images to indicate significance. The focus is on the capacity to comprehend and convey orally provided knowledge as written literature. Recently, many academics have begun to use the word 'literacy' in a much wider metaphorical meaning, in order to allude to other talents and skills, such as 'information literacy,' 'visual literacy'. The introduction of these ideas has changed the understanding of literacy as a collection of words and also the interpretation of signs, symbols, images and sounds that vary according to the social environment. These abilities allow a person to collect knowledge and use
  • 16. it in many situations. Additionally, to the current notions of literacy, it should be a learning process in which people continuously acquire knowledge and abilities and use them to serve society. According to the National Literacy Teaching Investigation, reading learning and reading teaching are generally considered in the wider field of literacy. The literacy learning system should thus concentrate on research, reflection, customisation, testing, embedding, deliberately practiced and shared methods. A literacy community is a group of individuals who communicate through reading and writing. It is a space where students are invited to discuss writing and reading. The growth of literacy relies on the wealth of the literacy group. Literacy communities are based on interpersonal connections built around the reading and writing of a community. This implies that the community frequently introduces and talks about new literature. These talks focus on linking books and book sections with real life or other books. Centres on listing, journaling, book
  • 17. response and resource charts are written to assist students comprehend their learning. In this case I do understand that the community has got different ways on how they define literacy. One of the definitions of literacy by the community is someone who is able to read and write. They all have the same understanding whereby they can all communicate in one language. It is the true definition of literacy by the community. It applies in most cases on only in the community but also within the school set up. The school in most cases is termed to be a community. The reason for this, is the fact that they get to share the same cultures which defines. They have gathered together for a common goal which is to get education. The gathering in this case is what we term as a community. The school in this case is brought up by different ideologies that they get to share on a daily basis. I therefore think the fact that my own understanding and definition of literacy is the same as that of the community. The key aim with
  • 18. literacy is the fact that it helps bring different people of the same culture together. They can get to share ideas at all times and exchange words. They also get to share experiences and make a better way on how they express themselves. All the members are brought together with a common goal which is to share ideas and interact on a daily basis. They help determine different things such as where I come from. The key thing with literacy is the fact that it helps provide me with the right confidence that will determine what the future goals for. The next thing is that I can get to express myself among the people or the community members due to the fact that we can get to speak the same language and share the same ideas. Literacy has had an effect on me and my everyday lives, not just in basic tasks, but also in initiatives where my voice has a long-term influence. In Melissa Checker and Maggie Fishman's book Local Actions: Cultural activism, Power and public life in America they state how "... different activist groups... rather than being isolated,
  • 19. these groups reach out to the American public and often each other as they demand that they are recognized, countered and heard" (Page 2). Checker highlights the effect and the way activists attempt to raise awareness of activist and social movements. Growing up in the Bay region, I have seen the effect of our voices in a relatively liberal place. The organizing of demonstrations is extremely frequent in the Bay Area. I attended some protests, where a huge number of posters hung with different themes. Demonstrators utilize these posters to convey their opinions and voices during demonstrations and social movements. We would remain quiet about political issues without our voices and the willingness to utilize our voices. As a person who is well aware of our present problems with immigration, healthcare and the Black Lives Matter movement, and a member of many social movements, I have opened my eyes to how literacy can affect Americans from every point of life. We may prioritize and alter
  • 20. our present problems by becoming informed and competent to utilize literacy. For example, most recently, police officers who killed the African American George Floyd were jailed because every day people protested to hold them responsible. To prioritize these problems, we utilize the power in our voice that provides "a variety of possibilities and promises" (Page 2). Through literacy, we may utilize our voices and disseminate knowledge to educate other people and draw attention to topics of concern to us. My cousin has impacted my life and he was my greatest role model while I grew up with him. One thing that I learned from him was to use my voice to influence the world positively. He exposed me to social movements. As I started to comprehend literacy in my identity, I participated in immigrati on. I should identify as a timid person, but I do appreciate the power my voice has to 'transform prevailing views, ideas and understanding for social change' when it comes to societal problems (Page 6). I recognize the advantage in my life and I am able to assist
  • 21. other Asian and Chinese groups that feel their voices that are not as strong with my literacy. These events formed my "Social Identity" (page 7) through the impact of my cousin. Literacy is a challenge, particularly with English as a second language in America. Not only is literacy difficult for me but also for other Asian and Chinese in the USA and other ethnic communities. I was born in China with Chinese parents who only spoke Chinese. I was totally confused when I started third grade. In the mind of an eight- year-old language it's strange, and you don't know that there are numerous languages. I was able to acquire the English language with the assistance of my instructor and my elder cousin who was then at school. I was able to quickly take up the language due to the assistance I received. That is why it is essential that we begin to teach language skills for people from a very early age. I think that it is very essential to assist people who have faced this circumstance to learn a new language. After all, it's necessary in our daily lives.
  • 22. When you think about literacy, you just think about it, but not about yourself. My Chinese parents moved to the United States in 2012, but then my cousin and I became their traductors. For the most part of my youth, I learnt literacy at primary school, but also taught English literacy to my parents. I often have to translate to the staff at the grocery shops to obtain assistance. That was extremely tough since English is my second language and had not expanded my vocabulary. The precise translation of terms proved difficult to discover. It went on to my education. I would start thinking in Chinese while writing essays and desire to write Chinese terms. It was certainly a barrier to my reading, and I think it slowed down me, but benefited my parents at the same time. My parents can now converse effortlessly in English. Although it slowed me down in school, it taught me the significance of learning literacy in two languages to assist others in a similar position. Reference
  • 23. Checker, M., & Fishman, M. (2005). Local actions: Cultural activism, power, and public life in America. Columbia University Press. Overview: For Project 4 you will pull from your previous three assignments and develop a scholarly argument around an issue in the state of California in the form of a Digital short. The Digital short should pull from your three (3) Formal assignments and your informal assignments as evidence. You should reflect on the progression of your research, and look forward to where this research might head next? ● The (rough draft) Script should be a minimum of 1000 words ● Process Write should be a minimum of 500 words ● The (final draft) Digital short should be a minimum of 10 minutes long Submission guidelines ● You will submit the fully formatted Word Doc, Docx or Pdf of the Process Write to its correct folder, but this will be the primary content for the Blog post. ● Minimum 10 minutes in length. ● Include Title Slide and Concluding Slide with Credits/Work Cited ● 4 Primary/Secondary resources (Including the Interview) -
  • 24. Full MLA Video / Presentation Requirements ● 10 minutes minimum, in length ● Sound effects, music, video clips ● Transitions, captions, title slide and credit slide (citations Step 1: Begin by recording the Script using any app on their phone, personal computer, or campus computers. I suggest recording the script in a bathroom, or another secluded place that they will have access in order to avoid background noise. I also emphasize listening to the audio after they record it on the device, and before they upload it to the Video Editing software. Once completed, they will email the document to the device utilized to assemble the video. The assignment is a minimum of 10 minutes, so the recording of the audio is a good benchmark for meeting the assignment guidelines for length. The completed audio file will also function as the student’s guide for where to place the Digital sources in the timeline. Video / Presentation Requirements ● 10 minutes minimum, in length ● Sound effects, music, video clips
  • 25. ● Transitions, captions, title slide and credit slide (citations Step 1: Begin by recording the Script using any app on their phone, personal computer, or campus computers. I suggest recording the script in a bathroom, or another secluded place that they will have access in order to avoid background noise. I also emphasize listening to the audio after they record it on the device, and before they upload it to the Video Editing software. Once completed, they will email the document to the device utilized to assemble the video. The assignment is a minimum of 10 minutes, so the recording of the audio is a good benchmark for meeting the assignment guidelines for length. The completed audio file will also function as the student’s guide for where to place the Digital sources in the timeline. Stage 5: Digital Short Process Write Submit a 500 word process write that discusses your work with the Projects and Assignments in relation to Project 4 (your Digital Short). The process letter should clearly articulate how you have gained both knowledge of and insight into your essay and the research process. ● How did your research assist in locating your Issue, Stakeholders, and Faultline?
  • 26. ● How did your writing help you in understanding the competing Interest of each Stakeholder? ● How did you translate your research and writing into a Digital Short? Detail the process and difficulties? Utilize the following objectives for the project to assist with explaining your process this term as you developed the essays and digital short: ● Active engagement of the knowledge and research in a meaningful way. ● Articulation of the research in an alternative mode (or modes). ● Creative and thoughtful expression of the project’s generation, drafting, and revision. ● Publication of project so that the public has access to it (e.g., Canvas, Youtube, etc.). Stage 3: Digital Script Assignment Digital Script ● Begin with your semester Outlines from Projects 1-3 to assist with developing 10 Claims. These Claims will function as the first talking points of your script.
  • 27. ○ You might need to pull more Claims in order to meet the 10 minute minimum for your presentation. ● Before you place your Claims on the Document, decide how you wish to present your research. ● Locate Images, Infographs, additional media, etc. that will serve as visual Evidence for each Claim. The pictures must relate to the specific Claim. (Think of our lecture on Visual Rhetoric, how can an image support an idea or message? ○ 2-3 media formats per Claim to function as Visual evidence. ● Open up a Word Document (Microsoft or Page), Power Point, or Google Slides ○ Note: Google Docs and Word Online will not help you earn an “A “on this project. You must use a program with the full version of Word or Pages. Utilize the school computer labs ● On the document: 1. List the Thesis for your essay. 2. List your 10 Claims/Topic Sentences, 3. Add your Visual Evidence under its respective Claim. 4. In 3-4 sentences below each picture, Analyze how each picture is
  • 28. Evidence for each Claim. Remember, your Script is explaining the Evidence that is presented on screen. 1. This is different than explaining Evidence that the reader is processing from a quote or paraphrased line. Requirements: · ○ Word, PowerPoint, or Pages document with 10 Claims and 2-3 pieces of Visual Evidence. ○ Visual Evidence must pertain to each Claim. ○ Analysis must explain Evidence's relationship to Claim. Step 1 Before we can assemble our Digital Script and Digital short, we want to think of the style or rhetorical genre that we are going to communicate our writing through. Below, you will find a few examples of Digital shorts. Each of these present's information in very different ways. We want to think of who our audience is and how we want to present our information to allow them to enter into our ideas. Are we trying to motivate, inform, educate, etc. our audience?
  • 29. Creative Motivational Informational Persuasive/Thesis Driven Educational Instructional Personal Student YouTube Channel 2AtnvGT7nSED98ggg/playlists Step 2 The next step is to add Visual and Audio depth. We might not create a Digital Short that wins an Oscar, but we can still provide details and effects that make our videos appear polished. This is achieved through using a variety of resources listed below to expand your Photo Script into a Digital Short.
  • 30. 2AtnvGT7nSED98ggg/playlists Visual and Audio depth Video and Mp4s · · · · · · · · · · zJA
  • 31. · VA Audio and Mp3s · · · · · Fg zJA VA
  • 32. Fg Images · · · · · · · Ripping Media for Academic Purposes · On Mozilla: orm=mac&q=downloader o VideoDownloadHelper: downloadhelper/?src=search o Easy Screenshot: creenshot/?src=search · Via the web: o Shortening Clips:
  • 33. / o Downloading YouTube Videos: US/firefox/search/?platform=mac&q=downloader US/firefox/search/?platform=mac&q=downloader downloadhelper/?src=search downloadhelper/?src=search US/firefox/addon/easyscreenshot/?src=search US/firefox/addon/easyscreenshot/?src=search Stage 2: Topic Proposal 250 words minimum MLA format
  • 34. Post your reply in the Text Box Once you have reviewed Step 1 and 2 for the Digital Short complete a Topic Proposal for Project 4 In the Text Box explain the Topic in California, Issue, Audience and Rhetorical Genre that you will utilize to assist with developing your Digital Short. Include a potential thesis statement for the focus of your Project 4. Topic: Issue: Audience: Rhetorical Genre: Thesis Statement: Stage 1: Assignment Guidelines Overview: For Project 4 you will pull from your previous three assignments and develop a scholarly argument around an issue in the state of California in the form of a Digital short. The Digital short should pull from your three (3) Formal assignments and your informal assignments as evidence. You should reflect on the progression of your research, and look forward to where this research might head next? ● The (rough draft) Script should be a minimum of 1000 words
  • 35. ● Process Write should be a minimum of 500 words ● The (final draft) Digital short should be a minimum of 10 minutes long Submission guidelines ● You will submit the fully formatted Word Doc, Docx or Pdf of the Process Write to its correct folder, but this will be the primary content for the Blog post. ● Minimum 10 minutes in length. ● Include Title Slide and Concluding Slide with Credits/Work Cited ● 4 Primary/Secondary resources (Including the Interview) - Full MLA