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 To recognize the normal rhythm of the heart -
“Normal Sinus Rhythm.”
 To recognize the 17 most common rhythm
disturbances (3-Lead)
 To be shown an acute myocardial infarction
on a 12-Lead ECG.
 ECG Basics
 How to Analyze a Rhythm
 Normal Sinus Rhythm
 Heart Arrhythmias
 Diagnosing a Myocardial Infarction
 Advanced 12-Lead Interpretation
Sinoatrial node
AV node
Bundle of His
Bundle Branches
Purkinje fibers
Sinoatrial node
AV node
Bundle of His
Bundle Branches
Purkinje fibers
 In the heart, this electrical
activity is referred to
as depolarisation.The
contraction causes the blood to
be pumped around the body.
Contracted chambers within the
heart are termed systolic.
 Relaxation of the heart muscle is
caused by
electrical repolarisation.
Relaxed chambers within the
heart are termed diastolic.
 The normal resting rate
of self-excitation of
the sinus node is about 75
times per minute in
 Since this rate is faster
than that of other cardiac
muscle fibres, the sinus
node is called
the pacemaker.
Atrial Depolarisation
 The conduction continues to
travel in a wave both
downwards and leftwards,
through both atria,
depolarising each cell in turn
and causing the atria to
contract. It is this
depolarisation that can be
seen as the P wave on the ECG.
Atrioventricular Nodal Depolarisation
 Eventually this conduction of
depolarisation meets the atrioventricular
node near the centre of the heart. It is
the atrioventricular node that is the main
cause of delay in conducting the impulse
from the atria to the ventricles.
 This delay allows the atria to fill
the ventricles with blood before they
 As the atrioventricular node is small, no
depolarisation voltage is recorded and an
isoelectric PR segment is seen on the ECG.
Septal Depolarisation
 The depolarisation travels down the
septum and along the bundle of His, before
splitting to follow the left and right bundle
branches. It continues onward to the
conduction myofibres which distribute the
action potential and thus depolarise the
muscle cells of the ventricles.
 As the left bundle branch is activated first,
the depolarisation proceeds from left to
right and may give rise to a small negative
deflection within the ECG, referred to as
the Q wave. At the same time
the atria and sinus node start to repolarise
and relax.
EarlyVentricular Depolarisation
 The wave of depolarisation continues
down the septum and into the
ventricular wall. Since the mass of the
left ventricular wall is significantly
greater than the right, the mean vector
of depolarisation of the ventricular wall
is to the left.
 The depolarisation takes place quickly,
causing ventricular contraction, and is
seen as the R wave on the
ECG. Atrial, atrioventricular nodal, and
bundle of His relaxation continues.
LateVentricular Depolarisation
 The rim of the ventricular
muscle is the last to contract.
The direction of depolarisation
leads to the S wave on the ECG.
Ventricular Systole
 After the contraction
of the ventricles,
there is an
isoelectric ST
segment on the ECG
that corresponds to
the plateau of the
action potential of all
Ventricular Repolarisation
 Repolarisation is the
return of the membrane
potential to the baseline
and relaxation of the
muscle.This gives a
deflection on the ECG in
the same direction as
depolarisation because
both polarity and direction
are negated — theT wave.
Atrial andVentricular Relaxation
 When the heart has completely
repolarised, the chambers are
relaxed and there is no electrical
activity until the sinus
node triggers the start of the next
 P wave - Atrial
• T wave - Ventricular
• QRS - Ventricular
Atrial depolarization
delay in AV junction
(AV node/Bundle of His)
(delay allows time for
the atria to contract
before the ventricles
 SA Node - Dominant pacemaker with an
intrinsic rate of 60 - 100 beats/ minute.
 AV Node - Back-up pacemaker with an
intrinsic rate of 40 - 60 beats/minute.
 Ventricular cells - Back-up pacemaker with an
intrinsic rate of 20 - 45 bpm.
 Horizontally
 One small box - 0.04 s
 One large box - 0.20 s
 Vertically
 One large box - 0.5 mV
ReallyVery Easy
How to Analyze a Rhythm
 Step 1: Calculate rate.
 Step 2: Determine regularity.
 Step 3: Assess the P waves.
 Step 4: Determine PR interval.
 Step 5: DetermineQRS duration.
 Option 1
 Count the # of R waves in a 6 second rhythm strip,
then multiply by 10.
9 x 10 = 90 bpm
3 sec 3 sec
 Option 2
 Find a R wave that lands on a bold line.
 Count the number of large boxes to the next R
wave. If the second R wave is 1 large box away the
rate is 300, 2 boxes - 150, 3 boxes - 100, 4 boxes -
75, etc. (cont)
R wave
 Option 2 (cont)
 Memorize the sequence:
300 - 150 - 100 - 75 - 60 - 50
Approx. 1 box less than
100 = 95 bpm
 Look at the R-R distances (using a caliper or
markings on a pen or paper).
 Regular (are they equidistant apart)? Occasionally
irregular? Regularly irregular? Irregularly irregular?
Rhythm Irregular
Very fast (> 350 bpm) for Atrial, but ventricular
rate may be slow, normal or fast
P Wave Absent - erratic waves are present
PR Interval Absent
Normal but may be widened if there are
conduction delays
•EKG Quick Reference Guide
 Only one fast conducting foci compared to
atrial fibrillation
 Rough looking (saw tooth)waves
 Are there P waves?
 Do the P waves all look alike?
 Do the P waves occur at a regular rate?
 Is there one P wave before each QRS?
Normal P waves with 1 P
wave for every QRS
 Normal: 0.12 - 0.20 seconds.
(3 - 5 boxes)
0.12 seconds
 Normal: 0.04 - 0.12 seconds.
(1 - 3 boxes)
0.08 seconds
 Rate 90-95 bpm
 Regularity regular
 P waves normal
 PR interval 0.12 s
 QRS duration 0.08 s
Normal Sinus Rhythm
 Rate 60 - 100 bpm
 Regularity regular
 P waves normal
 PR interval 0.12 - 0.20 s
 QRS duration 0.04 - 0.12 s
Any deviation from above is sinus
tachycardia, sinus bradycardia or an
Arrhythmias can arise from problems in
• Sinus node
• Atrial cells
• AV junction
• Ventricular cells
The SA Node can:
 fire too slow
 fire too fast
Sinus Bradycardia
*Sinus Tachycardia may be an appropriate response to stress.
Atrial cells can:
 fire occasionally
from a focus
 fire continuously
due to a looping re-
entrant circuit
Premature Atrial
Contractions (PACs)
Atrial Flutter
Atrial cells can also:
• fire continuously
from multiple foci
fire continuously
due to multiple
micro re-entrant
Atrial Fibrillation
Atrial Fibrillation
Multiple micro re-
entrant “wavelets”
refers to wandering
small areas of
activation which
generate fine chaotic
impulses. Colliding
wavelets can, in turn,
generate new foci of
Atrial tissue
The AV junction can:
 fire continuously due
to a looping re-
entrant circuit
 block impulses
coming from the SA
AV Junctional Blocks
Ventricular cells can:
 fire occasionally from
1 or more foci
 fire continuously
from multiple foci
 fire continuously due
to a looping re-
entrant circuit
Contractions (PVCs)
Ventricular Fibrillation
 Sinus Rhythms
 Premature Beats
 Supraventricular Arrhythmias
 Ventricular Arrhythmias
 AV Junctional Blocks
 Sinus Bradycardia
 SinusTachycardia
 Sinus Arrest
 Normal Sinus Rhythm
30 bpm• Rate?
• Regularity? regular
0.10 s
• P waves?
• PR interval? 0.12 s
• QRS duration?
Interpretation? Sinus Bradycardia
 Deviation from NSR
- Rate < 60 bpm
 Etiology: SA node is depolarizing slower
than normal, impulse is conducted
normally (i.e. normal PR and QRS
130 bpm• Rate?
• Regularity? regular
0.08 s
• P waves?
• PR interval? 0.16 s
• QRS duration?
Interpretation? Sinus Tachycardia
 Deviation from NSR
- Rate > 100 bpm
 Etiology: SA node is depolarizing faster
than normal, impulse is conducted
 Remember: sinus tachycardia is a
response to physical or psychological
stress, not a primary arrhythmia.
 Etiology: SA node fails to depolarize and no
compensatory mechanisms take over
 Sinus arrest is usually a transient pause in sinus node
 Premature Atrial Contractions
 PrematureVentricular Contractions (PVCs)
70 bpm• Rate?
• Regularity? occasionally irreg.
2/7 different contour
0.08 s
• P waves?
• PR interval? 0.14 s (except 2/7)
• QRS duration?
Interpretation? NSR with Premature Atrial Contractions
 Deviation from NSR
 These ectopic beats originate in the atria (but
not in the SA node), therefore the contour of
the P wave, the PR interval, and the timing are
different than a normally generated pulse from
the SA node.
 Etiology: Excitation of an atrial cell
forms an impulse that is then conducted
normally through the AV node and
 When an impulse originates anywhere in
the atria (SA node, atrial cells, AV node,
Bundle of His) and then is conducted
normally through the ventricles, the QRS
will be narrow (0.04 - 0.12 s).
60 bpm• Rate?
• Regularity? occasionally irreg.
none for 7th QRS
0.08 s (7th wide)
• P waves?
• PR interval? 0.14 s
• QRS duration?
Interpretation? Sinus Rhythm with 1 PVC
 Deviation from NSR
 Ectopic beats originate in the ventricles resulting
in wide and bizarre QRS complexes.
 When there are more than 1 premature beats
and look alike, they are called “uniform”.When
they look different, they are called “multiform”.
 Etiology: One or more ventricular cells
are depolarizing and the impulses are
abnormally conducting through the
 When an impulse originates in a
ventricle, conduction through the
ventricles will be inefficient and the QRS
will be wide and bizarre.
Signal moves rapidly
through the ventricles
Signal moves slowly
through the ventricles
 Atrial Fibrillation
 Atrial Flutter
 Paroxysmal SupraVentricularTachycardia
100 bpm• Rate?
• Regularity? irregularly irregular
0.06 s
• P waves?
• PR interval? none
• QRS duration?
Interpretation? Atrial Fibrillation
 Deviation from NSR
 No organized atrial depolarization, so no normal
P waves (impulses are not originating from the
sinus node).
 Atrial activity is chaotic (resulting in an
irregularly irregular rate).
 Common, affects 2-4%, up to 5-10% if > 80 years
 Etiology: due to multiple re-entrant wavelets
conducted between the R & L atria and the
impulses are formed in a totally unpredictable
 The AV node allows some of the impulses to pass
through at variable intervals (so rhythm is
irregularly irregular).
70 bpm• Rate?
• Regularity? regular
flutter waves
0.06 s
• P waves?
• PR interval? none
• QRS duration?
Interpretation? Atrial Flutter
 Deviation from NSR
 No P waves. Instead flutter waves (note
“sawtooth” pattern) are formed at a rate of 250
- 350 bpm.
 Only some impulses conduct through the AV
node (usually every other impulse).
 Etiology: Reentrant pathway in the right
atrium with every 2nd, 3rd or 4th
impulse generating a QRS (others are
blocked in the AV node as the node
74 148 bpm• Rate?
• Regularity? Regular  regular
Normal  none
0.08 s
• P waves?
• PR interval? 0.16 s  none
• QRS duration?
Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia
 Deviation from NSR
 The heart rate suddenly speeds up, often
triggered by a PAC (not seen here) and the P
waves are lost.
Positive Positive Left lower quadrant Normal (0 to +90 degrees)
Positive Negative Left upper quadrant Possible LAD (0 to -90 degrees)
Negative Positive Right lower quadrant RAD (+90 to 180 degrees)
Negative Negative Right upper quadrant ExtremeAxis Deviation (-90 to 180 degrees)
 1st Degree AV Block
 2nd Degree AV Block,Type I
 2nd Degree AV Block,Type II
 3rd Degree AV Block
 The electrical impulses are slowed as they pass through the conduction
system, but they all successfully reach the ventricles. First-degree heart
block rarely causes symptoms or problems.Well-trained athletes may
have first-degree heart block. Medications can also cause this condition.
No treatment is generally needed for first-degree heart block.
 PR interval greater than 0.20sec.
 The electrical impulses are delayed further and further with
each heartbeat until a beat fails to reach to the ventricles
entirely. It sometimes causes dizziness and/or other
symptoms. People with normal conduction systems may
sometimes have type 1 second degree heart block when they
 Type 1 (aka Mobitz 1,Wenckebach): Progressive
prolongation of PR interval with dropped beats (the PR
interval gets longer and longer; finally one beat drops) .
PR interval remains unchanged prior to the P wave which
suddenly fails to conduct to the ventricles.
 Usually see complete AV dissociation because the
atria and ventricles are each controlled by separate
 none of the electrical impulses from the atria reach the ventricles.
When the ventricles (lower chambers) do not receive electrical impulses
from the atria (upper chambers), they may generate some impulses on
their own, called junctional or ventricular escape beats.Ventricular
escape beats, the heart’s naturally occurring backups, are usually very
slow. Patients frequently feel poorly in complete heart block, with light
headedness and fatigue
60 bpm• Rate?
• Regularity? regular
0.08 s
• P waves?
• PR interval? 0.36 s
• QRS duration?
Interpretation? 1st Degree AV Block
 Deviation from NSR
 PR Interval > 0.20 s
 Etiology: Prolonged conduction delay in
the AV node or Bundle of His.
50 bpm• Rate?
• Regularity? regularly irregular
nl, but 4th no QRS
0.08 s
• P waves?
• PR interval? lengthens
• QRS duration?
Interpretation? 2nd Degree AV Block, Type I
 Deviation from NSR
 PR interval progressively lengthens, then the
impulse is completely blocked (P wave not
followed by QRS).
 Etiology: Each successive atrial impulse
encounters a longer and longer delay in
the AV node until one impulse (usually
the 3rd or 4th) fails to make it through
the AV node.
40 bpm• Rate?
• Regularity? regular
nl, 2 of 3 no QRS
0.08 s
• P waves?
• PR interval? 0.14 s
• QRS duration?
Interpretation? 2nd Degree AV Block, Type II
 Deviation from NSR
 Occasional P waves are completely blocked (P
wave not followed by QRS).
40 bpm• Rate?
• Regularity? regular
no relation to QRS
wide (> 0.12 s)
• P waves?
• PR interval? none
• QRS duration?
Interpretation? 3rd Degree AV Block
 Deviation from NSR
 The P waves are completely blocked in theAV
junction; QRS complexes originate
independently from below the junction.
 Etiology:There is complete block of conduction in
the AV junction, so the atria and ventricles form
impulses independently of each other.
 Without impulses from the atria, the ventricles own
intrinsic pacemaker kicks in at around 30 - 45
 In RBBB, activation of the right ventricle is delayed as depolarisation has to
spread across the septum from the left ventricle.
 The left ventricle is activated normally, meaning that the early part of the QRS
complex is unchanged.
 The delayed right ventricular activation produces a secondary R wave (R’) in the
right precordial leads (V1-3) and a wide, slurred S wave in the lateral leads.
 Delayed activation of the right ventricle also gives rise to secondary
repolarization abnormalities, with ST depression andT wave inversion in the right
precordial leads.
 In isolated RBBB the cardiac axis is unchanged, as left ventricular activation
proceeds normally via the left bundle branch.
 Broad QRS > 120 ms
 RSR’ pattern inV1-3 (‘M-shaped’QRS
 Wide, slurred S wave in the lateral leads (I,
 Normally the septum is activated from left to right, producing small Q waves in
the lateral leads.
 In LBBB, the normal direction of septal depolarisation is reversed (becomes right
to left), as the impulse spreads first to the RV via the right bundle branch and
then to the LV via the septum.
 This sequence of activation extends the QRS duration to > 120 ms and eliminates
the normal septal Q waves in the lateral leads.
 The overall direction of depolarisation (from right to left) produces tall R waves in
the lateral leads (I,V5-6) and deep S waves in the right precordial leads (V1-3),
and usually leads to left axis deviation.
 As the ventricles are activated sequentially (right, then left) rather than
simultaneously, this produces a broad or notched (‘M’-shaped) R wave in the
lateral leads.
 QRS duration of > 120 ms
 Dominant S wave inV1
 Broad monophasic R wave in lateral leads (I,
 Absence of Q waves in lateral leads (I,V5-V6;
small Q waves are still allowed in aVL)
 Prolonged R wave peak time > 60ms in left
precordial leads (V5-6)
 Rhythm: irregular-coarse or fine, wave form varies in size and shape
 Fires continuously from multiple foci
 No organized electrical activity
 No cardiac output
 Causes: MI, ischemia, untreatedVT, underlying CAD, acid base
imbalance, electrolyte imbalance, hypothermia,
 Ventricular cells fire continuously due to a looping re-entrant circuit
 Rate usually regular, 100 - 250 bpm
 P wave: may be absent, inverted or retrograde
 QRS: complexes bizarre, > .12
 Rhythm: usually regular
 Ventricular standstill, no electrical activity, no cardiac output – no pulse!
 Cardiac arrest, may followVF or PEA
 Remember! No defibrillation with Asystole
 Rate: absent due to absence of ventricular activity. Occasional P wave
may be identified.
 Escape rhythm (safety mechanism) to prevent ventricular standstill
 HIS/purkinje system takes over as the heart’s pacemaker
 Treatment: pacing
 Rhythm: regular
 Rate: 20-40 bpm
 P wave: absent
 QRS: > .12 seconds (wide and bizarre)
To diagnose a myocardial infarction you need
to go beyond looking at a rhythm strip and
obtain a 12-Lead ECG.
 The 12-Lead ECG sees the heart from 12
different views.
 Therefore, the 12-Lead ECG helps you see
what is happening in different portions of
the heart.
 The rhythm strip is only 1 of these 12 views.
The 12-leads include:
–3 Limb leads
(I, II, III)
–3 Augmented leads
(aVR, aVL, aVF)
–6 Precordial leads
(V1- V6)
Some leads get a
good view of the:
Anterior portion
of the heart
Lateral portion
of the heart
Inferior portion
of the heart
One way to
diagnose an
acute MI is to
look for
elevation of
the ST
Elevation of the ST
segment (greater
than 1 small box) in
2 leads is
consistent with a
The anterior portion of the heart is best
viewed using leadsV1-V4.
If you see changes in leadsV1 -V4 that are
consistent with a myocardial infarction, you
can conclude that it is an anterior wall
myocardial infarction.
Do you think this person is having a myocardial
infarction. If so, where?
Yes, this person is having an acute anterior wall
myocardial infarction.
Now that you know where to look for an
anterior wall myocardial infarction let’s look at
how you would determine if the MI involves the
lateral wall or the inferior wall of the heart.
Some leads get a
good view of the:
Anterior portion
of the heart
Lateral portion
of the heart
Inferior portion
of the heart
Second, remember that the 12-leads of the ECG look at different
portions of the heart.The limb and augmented leads “see” electrical
activity moving inferiorly (II, III and aVF), to the left (I, aVL) and to the
right (aVR).Whereas, the precordial leads “see” electrical activity in
the posterior to anterior direction.
Limb Leads Augmented Leads Precordial Leads
Now, using these 3 diagrams let’s figure where to look for a
lateral wall and inferior wall MI.
Limb Leads Augmented Leads Precordial Leads
Remember the anterior portion of the heart is best viewed
using leadsV1-V4.
Limb Leads Augmented Leads Precordial Leads
So what leads do you think the
lateral portion of the heart is best
Limb Leads Augmented Leads Precordial Leads
Leads I, aVL, and V5- V6
Now how about the inferior
portion of the heart?
Limb Leads Augmented Leads Precordial Leads
Leads II, III and aVF
Now, where do you think this person is having
a myocardial infarction?
This is an inferior MI. Note the ST elevation in
leads II, III and aVF.
How about now?
This person’s MI involves both the anterior wall (V2-V4) and
the lateral wall (V5-V6, I, and aVL)!
The best way to read 12-lead ECGs is to develop a step-by-step
approach (just as we did for analyzing a rhythm strip). 5-step approach:
1. Calculate RATE
2. Determine RHYTHM
3. Determine p wave, QRS AXIS, t wave
4. Calculate INTERVALS
5. Look for evidence of INFARCTION
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Introduction to Electrocardiogram (ECG) Basics

  • 1.
  • 2.  To recognize the normal rhythm of the heart - “Normal Sinus Rhythm.”  To recognize the 17 most common rhythm disturbances (3-Lead)  To be shown an acute myocardial infarction on a 12-Lead ECG. 2
  • 3.  ECG Basics  How to Analyze a Rhythm  Normal Sinus Rhythm  Heart Arrhythmias  Diagnosing a Myocardial Infarction  Advanced 12-Lead Interpretation 3
  • 4. Sinoatrial node AV node Bundle of His Bundle Branches Purkinje fibers 4
  • 5. Sinoatrial node AV node Bundle of His Bundle Branches Purkinje fibers 5
  • 6.  In the heart, this electrical activity is referred to as depolarisation.The contraction causes the blood to be pumped around the body. Contracted chambers within the heart are termed systolic.  Relaxation of the heart muscle is caused by electrical repolarisation. Relaxed chambers within the heart are termed diastolic. 6
  • 7.  The normal resting rate of self-excitation of the sinus node is about 75 times per minute in adults.  Since this rate is faster than that of other cardiac muscle fibres, the sinus node is called the pacemaker. 7
  • 8. Atrial Depolarisation  The conduction continues to travel in a wave both downwards and leftwards, through both atria, depolarising each cell in turn and causing the atria to contract. It is this depolarisation that can be seen as the P wave on the ECG. 8
  • 9. Atrioventricular Nodal Depolarisation  Eventually this conduction of depolarisation meets the atrioventricular node near the centre of the heart. It is the atrioventricular node that is the main cause of delay in conducting the impulse from the atria to the ventricles.  This delay allows the atria to fill the ventricles with blood before they contract.  As the atrioventricular node is small, no depolarisation voltage is recorded and an isoelectric PR segment is seen on the ECG. 9
  • 10. Septal Depolarisation  The depolarisation travels down the septum and along the bundle of His, before splitting to follow the left and right bundle branches. It continues onward to the conduction myofibres which distribute the action potential and thus depolarise the muscle cells of the ventricles.  As the left bundle branch is activated first, the depolarisation proceeds from left to right and may give rise to a small negative deflection within the ECG, referred to as the Q wave. At the same time the atria and sinus node start to repolarise and relax. 10
  • 11. EarlyVentricular Depolarisation  The wave of depolarisation continues down the septum and into the ventricular wall. Since the mass of the left ventricular wall is significantly greater than the right, the mean vector of depolarisation of the ventricular wall is to the left.  The depolarisation takes place quickly, causing ventricular contraction, and is seen as the R wave on the ECG. Atrial, atrioventricular nodal, and bundle of His relaxation continues. 11
  • 12. LateVentricular Depolarisation  The rim of the ventricular muscle is the last to contract. The direction of depolarisation leads to the S wave on the ECG. 12
  • 13. Ventricular Systole  After the contraction of the ventricles, there is an isoelectric ST segment on the ECG that corresponds to the plateau of the action potential of all fibres. 13
  • 14. Ventricular Repolarisation  Repolarisation is the return of the membrane potential to the baseline and relaxation of the muscle.This gives a deflection on the ECG in the same direction as depolarisation because both polarity and direction are negated — theT wave. 14
  • 15. Atrial andVentricular Relaxation  When the heart has completely repolarised, the chambers are relaxed and there is no electrical activity until the sinus node triggers the start of the next heartbeat. 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17.  P wave - Atrial depolarization 17 • T wave - Ventricular repolarization • QRS - Ventricular depolarization
  • 18. Atrial depolarization + delay in AV junction (AV node/Bundle of His) (delay allows time for the atria to contract before the ventricles contract) 18
  • 19. 19
  • 20.  SA Node - Dominant pacemaker with an intrinsic rate of 60 - 100 beats/ minute.  AV Node - Back-up pacemaker with an intrinsic rate of 40 - 60 beats/minute.  Ventricular cells - Back-up pacemaker with an intrinsic rate of 20 - 45 bpm. 20
  • 21. 21
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  • 26. 26
  • 27.  Horizontally  One small box - 0.04 s  One large box - 0.20 s  Vertically  One large box - 0.5 mV 27
  • 28. ReallyVery Easy How to Analyze a Rhythm
  • 29.  Step 1: Calculate rate.  Step 2: Determine regularity.  Step 3: Assess the P waves.  Step 4: Determine PR interval.  Step 5: DetermineQRS duration. 29
  • 30.  Option 1  Count the # of R waves in a 6 second rhythm strip, then multiply by 10. Interpretation? 30 9 x 10 = 90 bpm 3 sec 3 sec
  • 31.  Option 2  Find a R wave that lands on a bold line.  Count the number of large boxes to the next R wave. If the second R wave is 1 large box away the rate is 300, 2 boxes - 150, 3 boxes - 100, 4 boxes - 75, etc. (cont) 31 R wave
  • 32.  Option 2 (cont)  Memorize the sequence: 300 - 150 - 100 - 75 - 60 - 50 Interpretation? 32 3 0 0 1 5 0 1 0 0 7 5 6 0 5 0 Approx. 1 box less than 100 = 95 bpm
  • 34. 34
  • 35. 35
  • 36. 36
  • 37. 37
  • 38.  Look at the R-R distances (using a caliper or markings on a pen or paper).  Regular (are they equidistant apart)? Occasionally irregular? Regularly irregular? Irregularly irregular? Interpretation? 38 Regular R R
  • 39. 39
  • 40. 40
  • 41. 41
  • 42. Rhythm Irregular Rate Very fast (> 350 bpm) for Atrial, but ventricular rate may be slow, normal or fast P Wave Absent - erratic waves are present PR Interval Absent QRS Normal but may be widened if there are conduction delays 42 •EKG Quick Reference Guide
  • 43.  Only one fast conducting foci compared to atrial fibrillation  Rough looking (saw tooth)waves 43
  • 44. 44
  • 45.  Are there P waves?  Do the P waves all look alike?  Do the P waves occur at a regular rate?  Is there one P wave before each QRS? Interpretation? 45 Normal P waves with 1 P wave for every QRS
  • 46.  Normal: 0.12 - 0.20 seconds. (3 - 5 boxes) Interpretation? 46 0.12 seconds
  • 47.  Normal: 0.04 - 0.12 seconds. (1 - 3 boxes) Interpretation? 47 0.08 seconds
  • 48.  Rate 90-95 bpm  Regularity regular  P waves normal  PR interval 0.12 s  QRS duration 0.08 s Interpretation? 48 Normal Sinus Rhythm
  • 49.  Rate 60 - 100 bpm  Regularity regular  P waves normal  PR interval 0.12 - 0.20 s  QRS duration 0.04 - 0.12 s Any deviation from above is sinus tachycardia, sinus bradycardia or an arrhythmia 49
  • 50. Arrhythmias can arise from problems in the: • Sinus node • Atrial cells • AV junction • Ventricular cells 50
  • 51. The SA Node can:  fire too slow  fire too fast Sinus Bradycardia SinusTachycardia* 51 *Sinus Tachycardia may be an appropriate response to stress.
  • 52. Atrial cells can:  fire occasionally from a focus  fire continuously due to a looping re- entrant circuit Premature Atrial Contractions (PACs) Atrial Flutter 52
  • 53. 53 Atrial cells can also: • fire continuously from multiple foci or fire continuously due to multiple micro re-entrant “wavelets” Atrial Fibrillation Atrial Fibrillation
  • 54. 54 Multiple micro re- entrant “wavelets” refers to wandering small areas of activation which generate fine chaotic impulses. Colliding wavelets can, in turn, generate new foci of activation. Atrial tissue
  • 55. The AV junction can:  fire continuously due to a looping re- entrant circuit  block impulses coming from the SA Node Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia AV Junctional Blocks 55
  • 56. Ventricular cells can:  fire occasionally from 1 or more foci  fire continuously from multiple foci  fire continuously due to a looping re- entrant circuit PrematureVentricular Contractions (PVCs) Ventricular Fibrillation VentricularTachycardia 56
  • 57.  Sinus Rhythms  Premature Beats  Supraventricular Arrhythmias  Ventricular Arrhythmias  AV Junctional Blocks 57
  • 58.  Sinus Bradycardia  SinusTachycardia  Sinus Arrest  Normal Sinus Rhythm 58
  • 59. 59 30 bpm• Rate? • Regularity? regular normal 0.10 s • P waves? • PR interval? 0.12 s • QRS duration? Interpretation? Sinus Bradycardia
  • 60.  Deviation from NSR - Rate < 60 bpm 60
  • 61.  Etiology: SA node is depolarizing slower than normal, impulse is conducted normally (i.e. normal PR and QRS interval). 61
  • 62. 62 130 bpm• Rate? • Regularity? regular normal 0.08 s • P waves? • PR interval? 0.16 s • QRS duration? Interpretation? Sinus Tachycardia
  • 63.  Deviation from NSR - Rate > 100 bpm 63
  • 64.  Etiology: SA node is depolarizing faster than normal, impulse is conducted normally.  Remember: sinus tachycardia is a response to physical or psychological stress, not a primary arrhythmia. 64
  • 65.  Etiology: SA node fails to depolarize and no compensatory mechanisms take over  Sinus arrest is usually a transient pause in sinus node activity 65
  • 66.  Premature Atrial Contractions (PACs)  PrematureVentricular Contractions (PVCs) 66
  • 67. 67 70 bpm• Rate? • Regularity? occasionally irreg. 2/7 different contour 0.08 s • P waves? • PR interval? 0.14 s (except 2/7) • QRS duration? Interpretation? NSR with Premature Atrial Contractions
  • 68.  Deviation from NSR  These ectopic beats originate in the atria (but not in the SA node), therefore the contour of the P wave, the PR interval, and the timing are different than a normally generated pulse from the SA node. 68
  • 69.  Etiology: Excitation of an atrial cell forms an impulse that is then conducted normally through the AV node and ventricles. 69
  • 70.  When an impulse originates anywhere in the atria (SA node, atrial cells, AV node, Bundle of His) and then is conducted normally through the ventricles, the QRS will be narrow (0.04 - 0.12 s). 70
  • 71. 71 60 bpm• Rate? • Regularity? occasionally irreg. none for 7th QRS 0.08 s (7th wide) • P waves? • PR interval? 0.14 s • QRS duration? Interpretation? Sinus Rhythm with 1 PVC
  • 72.  Deviation from NSR  Ectopic beats originate in the ventricles resulting in wide and bizarre QRS complexes.  When there are more than 1 premature beats and look alike, they are called “uniform”.When they look different, they are called “multiform”. 72
  • 73.  Etiology: One or more ventricular cells are depolarizing and the impulses are abnormally conducting through the ventricles. 73
  • 74.  When an impulse originates in a ventricle, conduction through the ventricles will be inefficient and the QRS will be wide and bizarre. 74
  • 75. 75 Normal Signal moves rapidly through the ventricles Abnormal Signal moves slowly through the ventricles
  • 76.  Atrial Fibrillation  Atrial Flutter  Paroxysmal SupraVentricularTachycardia (PSVT) 76
  • 77. 77 100 bpm• Rate? • Regularity? irregularly irregular none 0.06 s • P waves? • PR interval? none • QRS duration? Interpretation? Atrial Fibrillation
  • 78.  Deviation from NSR  No organized atrial depolarization, so no normal P waves (impulses are not originating from the sinus node).  Atrial activity is chaotic (resulting in an irregularly irregular rate).  Common, affects 2-4%, up to 5-10% if > 80 years old 78
  • 79.  Etiology: due to multiple re-entrant wavelets conducted between the R & L atria and the impulses are formed in a totally unpredictable fashion.  The AV node allows some of the impulses to pass through at variable intervals (so rhythm is irregularly irregular). 79
  • 80. 80 70 bpm• Rate? • Regularity? regular flutter waves 0.06 s • P waves? • PR interval? none • QRS duration? Interpretation? Atrial Flutter
  • 81.  Deviation from NSR  No P waves. Instead flutter waves (note “sawtooth” pattern) are formed at a rate of 250 - 350 bpm.  Only some impulses conduct through the AV node (usually every other impulse). 81
  • 82.  Etiology: Reentrant pathway in the right atrium with every 2nd, 3rd or 4th impulse generating a QRS (others are blocked in the AV node as the node repolarizes). 82
  • 83. 83 74 148 bpm• Rate? • Regularity? Regular  regular Normal  none 0.08 s • P waves? • PR interval? 0.16 s  none • QRS duration? Interpretation? Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT)
  • 84.  Deviation from NSR  The heart rate suddenly speeds up, often triggered by a PAC (not seen here) and the P waves are lost. 84
  • 85. 85
  • 87. LEAD I LEADAVF QUADRANT AXIS Positive Positive Left lower quadrant Normal (0 to +90 degrees) Positive Negative Left upper quadrant Possible LAD (0 to -90 degrees) Negative Positive Right lower quadrant RAD (+90 to 180 degrees) Negative Negative Right upper quadrant ExtremeAxis Deviation (-90 to 180 degrees) 87
  • 88. 88
  • 89. 89
  • 90. 90
  • 91.  1st Degree AV Block  2nd Degree AV Block,Type I  2nd Degree AV Block,Type II  3rd Degree AV Block 91
  • 92. 92
  • 93.  The electrical impulses are slowed as they pass through the conduction system, but they all successfully reach the ventricles. First-degree heart block rarely causes symptoms or problems.Well-trained athletes may have first-degree heart block. Medications can also cause this condition. No treatment is generally needed for first-degree heart block.  PR interval greater than 0.20sec. 93
  • 94. 94
  • 95. 95
  • 96.  The electrical impulses are delayed further and further with each heartbeat until a beat fails to reach to the ventricles entirely. It sometimes causes dizziness and/or other symptoms. People with normal conduction systems may sometimes have type 1 second degree heart block when they sleep.  Type 1 (aka Mobitz 1,Wenckebach): Progressive prolongation of PR interval with dropped beats (the PR interval gets longer and longer; finally one beat drops) . 96
  • 97. PR interval remains unchanged prior to the P wave which suddenly fails to conduct to the ventricles. 97
  • 98. 98
  • 99. 99
  • 100.  Usually see complete AV dissociation because the atria and ventricles are each controlled by separate pacemakers.  none of the electrical impulses from the atria reach the ventricles. When the ventricles (lower chambers) do not receive electrical impulses from the atria (upper chambers), they may generate some impulses on their own, called junctional or ventricular escape beats.Ventricular escape beats, the heart’s naturally occurring backups, are usually very slow. Patients frequently feel poorly in complete heart block, with light headedness and fatigue 100
  • 101. 101
  • 102. 102
  • 103. 103 60 bpm• Rate? • Regularity? regular normal 0.08 s • P waves? • PR interval? 0.36 s • QRS duration? Interpretation? 1st Degree AV Block
  • 104.  Deviation from NSR  PR Interval > 0.20 s 104
  • 105.  Etiology: Prolonged conduction delay in the AV node or Bundle of His. 105
  • 106. 106 50 bpm• Rate? • Regularity? regularly irregular nl, but 4th no QRS 0.08 s • P waves? • PR interval? lengthens • QRS duration? Interpretation? 2nd Degree AV Block, Type I
  • 107.  Deviation from NSR  PR interval progressively lengthens, then the impulse is completely blocked (P wave not followed by QRS). 107
  • 108.  Etiology: Each successive atrial impulse encounters a longer and longer delay in the AV node until one impulse (usually the 3rd or 4th) fails to make it through the AV node. 108
  • 109. 109 40 bpm• Rate? • Regularity? regular nl, 2 of 3 no QRS 0.08 s • P waves? • PR interval? 0.14 s • QRS duration? Interpretation? 2nd Degree AV Block, Type II
  • 110.  Deviation from NSR  Occasional P waves are completely blocked (P wave not followed by QRS). 110
  • 111. 111 40 bpm• Rate? • Regularity? regular no relation to QRS wide (> 0.12 s) • P waves? • PR interval? none • QRS duration? Interpretation? 3rd Degree AV Block
  • 112.  Deviation from NSR  The P waves are completely blocked in theAV junction; QRS complexes originate independently from below the junction. 112
  • 113.  Etiology:There is complete block of conduction in the AV junction, so the atria and ventricles form impulses independently of each other.  Without impulses from the atria, the ventricles own intrinsic pacemaker kicks in at around 30 - 45 beats/minute. 113
  • 114.  In RBBB, activation of the right ventricle is delayed as depolarisation has to spread across the septum from the left ventricle.  The left ventricle is activated normally, meaning that the early part of the QRS complex is unchanged.  The delayed right ventricular activation produces a secondary R wave (R’) in the right precordial leads (V1-3) and a wide, slurred S wave in the lateral leads.  Delayed activation of the right ventricle also gives rise to secondary repolarization abnormalities, with ST depression andT wave inversion in the right precordial leads.  In isolated RBBB the cardiac axis is unchanged, as left ventricular activation proceeds normally via the left bundle branch. 114
  • 115. ECG CRITERIA  Broad QRS > 120 ms  RSR’ pattern inV1-3 (‘M-shaped’QRS complex)  Wide, slurred S wave in the lateral leads (I, aVL,V5-6) 115
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  • 117.  Normally the septum is activated from left to right, producing small Q waves in the lateral leads.  In LBBB, the normal direction of septal depolarisation is reversed (becomes right to left), as the impulse spreads first to the RV via the right bundle branch and then to the LV via the septum.  This sequence of activation extends the QRS duration to > 120 ms and eliminates the normal septal Q waves in the lateral leads.  The overall direction of depolarisation (from right to left) produces tall R waves in the lateral leads (I,V5-6) and deep S waves in the right precordial leads (V1-3), and usually leads to left axis deviation.  As the ventricles are activated sequentially (right, then left) rather than simultaneously, this produces a broad or notched (‘M’-shaped) R wave in the lateral leads. 117
  • 118.  QRS duration of > 120 ms  Dominant S wave inV1  Broad monophasic R wave in lateral leads (I, aVL,V5-V6)  Absence of Q waves in lateral leads (I,V5-V6; small Q waves are still allowed in aVL)  Prolonged R wave peak time > 60ms in left precordial leads (V5-6) 118
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  • 121.  Rhythm: irregular-coarse or fine, wave form varies in size and shape  Fires continuously from multiple foci  No organized electrical activity  No cardiac output  Causes: MI, ischemia, untreatedVT, underlying CAD, acid base imbalance, electrolyte imbalance, hypothermia, 121
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  • 123.  Ventricular cells fire continuously due to a looping re-entrant circuit  Rate usually regular, 100 - 250 bpm  P wave: may be absent, inverted or retrograde  QRS: complexes bizarre, > .12  Rhythm: usually regular 123
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  • 125.  Ventricular standstill, no electrical activity, no cardiac output – no pulse!  Cardiac arrest, may followVF or PEA  Remember! No defibrillation with Asystole  Rate: absent due to absence of ventricular activity. Occasional P wave may be identified. 125
  • 126.  Escape rhythm (safety mechanism) to prevent ventricular standstill  HIS/purkinje system takes over as the heart’s pacemaker  Treatment: pacing  Rhythm: regular  Rate: 20-40 bpm  P wave: absent  QRS: > .12 seconds (wide and bizarre) 126
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  • 130. To diagnose a myocardial infarction you need to go beyond looking at a rhythm strip and obtain a 12-Lead ECG. 130 Rhythm Strip
  • 131.  The 12-Lead ECG sees the heart from 12 different views.  Therefore, the 12-Lead ECG helps you see what is happening in different portions of the heart.  The rhythm strip is only 1 of these 12 views. 131
  • 132. The 12-leads include: 132 –3 Limb leads (I, II, III) –3 Augmented leads (aVR, aVL, aVF) –6 Precordial leads (V1- V6)
  • 133. Some leads get a good view of the: 133 Anterior portion of the heart Lateral portion of the heart Inferior portion of the heart
  • 134. One way to diagnose an acute MI is to look for elevation of the ST segment. 134
  • 135. Elevation of the ST segment (greater than 1 small box) in 2 leads is consistent with a myocardial infarction. 135
  • 136. The anterior portion of the heart is best viewed using leadsV1-V4. 136
  • 137. If you see changes in leadsV1 -V4 that are consistent with a myocardial infarction, you can conclude that it is an anterior wall myocardial infarction. 137
  • 138. Do you think this person is having a myocardial infarction. If so, where? 138
  • 139. Yes, this person is having an acute anterior wall myocardial infarction. 139
  • 140. Now that you know where to look for an anterior wall myocardial infarction let’s look at how you would determine if the MI involves the lateral wall or the inferior wall of the heart. 140
  • 141. Some leads get a good view of the: 141 Anterior portion of the heart Lateral portion of the heart Inferior portion of the heart
  • 142. Second, remember that the 12-leads of the ECG look at different portions of the heart.The limb and augmented leads “see” electrical activity moving inferiorly (II, III and aVF), to the left (I, aVL) and to the right (aVR).Whereas, the precordial leads “see” electrical activity in the posterior to anterior direction. 142 Limb Leads Augmented Leads Precordial Leads
  • 143. Now, using these 3 diagrams let’s figure where to look for a lateral wall and inferior wall MI. 143 Limb Leads Augmented Leads Precordial Leads
  • 144. Remember the anterior portion of the heart is best viewed using leadsV1-V4. 144 Limb Leads Augmented Leads Precordial Leads
  • 145. So what leads do you think the lateral portion of the heart is best viewed? 145 Limb Leads Augmented Leads Precordial Leads Leads I, aVL, and V5- V6
  • 146. Now how about the inferior portion of the heart? 146 Limb Leads Augmented Leads Precordial Leads Leads II, III and aVF
  • 147. Now, where do you think this person is having a myocardial infarction? 147
  • 148. This is an inferior MI. Note the ST elevation in leads II, III and aVF. 148
  • 150. This person’s MI involves both the anterior wall (V2-V4) and the lateral wall (V5-V6, I, and aVL)! 150
  • 151. The best way to read 12-lead ECGs is to develop a step-by-step approach (just as we did for analyzing a rhythm strip). 5-step approach: 1. Calculate RATE 2. Determine RHYTHM 3. Determine p wave, QRS AXIS, t wave 4. Calculate INTERVALS 5. Look for evidence of INFARCTION 151
  • 152. I have a challenge for you! Try to solve a Mind Bender. Will you accept the Mind Bender Challenge? Get it here: Mind Bender Mind Bender – Payhip Good Luck! 152
  • 153. Good Luck with your education 153