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Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 1
2 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Challenge The Now
‘Challenge The Now’ is a thought leadership series designed for business
leaders of all sizes, poised to transform how we perceive and execute
marketing in the era of digitally empowered consumers. The series aims at
enabling business leaders take on change and drive their businesses into the
future. With enterprises at various stages of marketing and digital maturity,
a one-size-fits-all solution wouldn’t be the right transformation approach.
What enterprises require is a holistic reimagining of marketing transformation
leveraging digital as a catalyst to reconfigure its marketing approach and leap
ahead with confidence.
‘Challenge The Now’ serves as the catalyst for this reimagination allowing
leaders to bridge the gap between conventional practices and transformative
strategies - remapping and rewiring data, creativity, media, and technology,
fostering a comprehensive understanding of how to create impactful
brand-customer experiences for the present and the future.
This series will take a close look at 6 key areas of opportunities:
1. Technology & Innovation
2. Media
3. Consumer Experience
4. Creative & Communications
5. Data & Insights
6. User Interface & Experience
In this thought paper, Challenging the now with AI in marketing, we are
aiming at inspiring and empowering marketing leaders with the power of
AI, thus providing them a clear path towards reimagining, reinventing and
revolutionizing their approach to digital marketing.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
01 02
Brief overview of the current marketing
landscape and the need for transformation
using AI. Pg 5
Introduction to the “In:Sights” series.
Thesis statement: The role of AI in
challenging traditional marketing practices.
Pg 7
Explanation of Diagnostic AI capabilities
and its impact on research. Pg 13
Exploration of Generative AI and its
impact on creativity. Pg 14
Insight into Predictive Analytics and its
role in marketing strategy. Pg 15
Additional use cases Pg 16
Defining Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) for AI-driven marketing. Pg 34
Measurement and evaluation of
ROI in B2B and B2C scenarios. Pg 36
Comparative analysis of
traditional vs. AI-driven ROI. Pg 37
Recap of key insights. Pg 44
Call to action: Encouraging readers
to embrace AI in their marketing
strategies. Pg 45
Teaser for the next installment in the
“In:Sights” series. Pg 48
Real-world examples showcasing
Diagnostic AI applications. Pg 18
Creativity unleashed: Generative AI in
marketing campaigns. Pg 30
Anticipating trends: Predictive analytics
success stories. Pg 31
Overview of the
LS Digital approach. Pg 40
Detailed strategies for leveraging
AI in marketing. Pg 41
Strategic planning to differentiate
from competitors. Pg 42
Definition of normal way of doing things
(absence of AI) in marketing. Pg 9
Overview of how AI is revolutionizing
marketing norms. Pg 10
Importance of embracing AI for staying
competitive. Pg 11
Spotlight on AI: Dawning an
Era of Challenging Maketers
Understanding AI use cases
for marketers: Diagnostic,
Generative, and Predictive AI
ROI in the Context of
Marketing Imperatives
Case Studies: Diagnostic,
Generative, and Predictive AI
Challenging the Now:
LS Digital approach
4 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Brief overview of the current marketing
landscape and the need for transformation
using AI
In an age where every scroll, click, and interaction is a potential data
point, the marketing world using these data points had undergone a
profound transformation. Marketers had started their challenging journey
and were maturing to marry data with creativity with technology and
were delivering better outcomes for their brands. With the emergence of
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has not only reshaped the landscape again but
has the potential to become an indispensable ally for modern marketers.
It’s no longer a question of whether to embrace AI; it’s a matter of
effectively leveraging its capabilities to elevate your marketing game.
The chatter about AI replacing human jobs or AI delivering anything you
want might be the headline, but the real story lies in the synergy between
human creativity and AI’s analytical prowess. The notion that marketers
are being replaced by algorithms is a simplistic narrative that belies
the intricate dance between technology and human ingenuity in the
marketing world. AI isn’t the terminator of marketing jobs; it’s the catalyst
for a renaissance.
As marketers, our journey is defined by our ability to adapt to the
relentless evolution of the digital landscape. From the inception of social
media advertising to the rise of e-commerce empires, our roles have
constantly evolved. The art of persuasion has evolved into a science of
precision, and the AI-driven tools at our disposal are the brushes for this
new canvas.
Harnessing the power of AI in your marketing strategy isn’t about
relinquishing control; it’s about amplifying your impact. Consider this,
a recent
Imagine a world where data collection and analysis are seamlessly
integrated, where your content resonates effortlessly with SEO keywords,
and your media strategies are constantly optimized. With AI as your ally, you
can shift your focus from the bottom line to more meaningful endeavors –
crafting compelling narratives, fine-tuning your brand’s voice, and deeply
understanding the audiences you seek to engage.
58% 98% 48%
of marketers utilizing
generative AI report
enhanced performance
as a primary benefit.
accuracy seen when
predicting the winning
ad combination, as per
of organizations
surveyed by IBM are
already seeing a better
customer experience.
Globally, as per eMarketer report**:
70% 54% 39%
of marketers in India
are exploring Generative
AI applications,
indicating a significant
interest in AI adoption
of marketers in India
point to the
of AI as a challenge,
highlighting the need
for improved knowledge
and training in this area.
of Indian organizations
are in the process of
developing strategies
to address AI-related
risks, demonstrating a
proactive approach to
risk management.
State of AI in Marketing 2023 from MMA India report* found that:
Marketers are using AI to predict new
trends that impacts their business
* MMA India Report: State of AI in Marketing 2023
** eMarketer report
6 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
In this report, we delve into the transformative capabilities of AI in the
marketing realm. We explore how it helps in customer and market
research and insights building at scale, generates and optimizes advertising
campaigns and content at scale, revolutionizes engagement by helping
build hyper-personalized experiences. Beyond the tools and techniques, we
uncover the essence of AI in marketing: the power of insights.
The possibilities for integrating AI into marketing are ever-expanding.
To navigate this exciting frontier, we’ve curated a selection of tools and
insights to help you harness the full potential of AI, whether it’s research,
streamlining copywriting, optimizing experience, or supercharging your
social media performance.
Join us on this journey as we unveil the true essence of AI in modern
marketing – a partnership that empowers, enhances, and elevates the
art and science of connecting with customers in the digital age.
Introduction to the “In:Sights” series.
Thesis statement: The role of AI in
challenging traditional marketing practices.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 7
8 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Dawning an era of
challenging the now
Spotlight on AI:
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Definition of normal way of doing
things (absence of AI) in marketing
In the marketing lexicon, ‘USUALS’ is a term that encapsulates the
conventional, the predictable, and the often routine practices that have
long characterized our field. It’s a term that speaks to the status quo, the
tried-and-tested methods that once formed the bedrock of successful
marketing campaigns. Yet, in the ever-evolving digital landscape, the
‘USUALS’ have been rendered obsolete. What was once effective can
quickly become archaic in a world where consumer behaviors shift like
sand dunes in the desert.
The ‘USUALS’ practices relying solely on demographic data to target
audiences, crafting one-size-fits-all marketing messages, and employing
manual data analysis to make marketing decisions. These traditional
approaches, even though familiar, have their limitations in a world where
personalization, precision, and predictive insights reign supreme.
10 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Overview of how AI is revolutionizing
marketing norms
Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI), the transformative force that challenges
the ‘usuals’ and redefines marketing norms. AI is not a mere tool; it’s
the harbinger of a new era where data-driven decision-making, hyper-
personalization, and predictive analytics are the order of the day. AI
empowers marketers to transcend the confines of demographics and
delve into the realm of psychographics, understanding not just who their
customers are but what motivates and engages them in a profound way.
AI, with its machine learning algorithms, has the remarkable ability to sift
through vast troves of data, identifying patterns, anomalies, and hidden
insights that human analysis would struggle to uncover. It not only
predicts trends but also prescribes actions based on these predictions.
It enables marketers to be proactive rather than reactive, positioning
them at the forefront of consumer expectations.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
In this era of digital Darwinism, where adaptability is the key to survival,
embracing AI is not merely an option; it’s a mandate for staying competitive.
Marketers who continue to rely on outdated ‘USUALS’ risk being left in the
wake of innovation. The digital landscape is a battleground where brands
compete not just for attention but for relevance as well. In this relentless
race, AI is the ultimate ally that enables marketers to navigate uncharted
territories, engage audiences with unparalleled precision, and craft
campaigns that resonate on a personal level.
To remain competitive is to embrace the transformative potential of AI
and recognize that it is not the enemy of human creativity but its enabler.
It’s the technology and exploration that liberates marketers from the
mundane so they can focus on what truly matters - the art of storytelling,
the development of authentic brand voices, and the creation of experiences
that deeply resonate with their target audiences.
In the following sections, we will explore how AI is
not just challenging the now but redefining
the very essence of marketing.
We will dive into the specific
capabilities of AI that are driving
this revolution, from diagnostic
insights to generative creativity
and predictive foresight.
Importance of embracing AI
for staying competitive
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 11
12 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Diagnostic, Generative,
and Predictive AI
Understanding AI use
cases for Marketers :
Diagnostic AI use cases
At the heart of AI’s transformative power lies its ability to diagnose,
interpret, and decipher data at a scale and speed that surpasses human
capacity. Diagnostic AI, also known as descriptive analytics, serves as
the foundation upon which marketing strategies are built. It provides the
answers to questions such as Who are my customers, segments, what’s
happening in their world, how do they come into brands world, why do
they engage, cultural context and nuances, category tends, competition
With diagnostic AI, marketers can gain profound insights into their
customers’ behaviors. It sifts through mountains of historical data to
uncover patterns, trends, and anomalies that may have otherwise eluded
human analysis. By understanding the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of past, marketers
can make data-driven decisions and refine their strategies for the future.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Exploration of Generative AI and its
impact on creativity
Generative AI, often considered the vanguard of creativity, challenges
the conventional belief that machines lack artistic flair. In the marketing
realm, generative AI unleashes a new era of content creation and
storytelling. It doesn’t just mimic human creativity; it amplifies it.
Imagine an AI capable of crafting compelling narratives, generating
catchy ad copy, or even designing visually stunning graphics. Generative
AI transforms marketing content from the ordinary to the extraordinary,
infusing it with creativity that resonates deeply with audiences. It’s the
tool that empowers marketers to scale their creative efforts and captivate
consumers with tailored, engaging content.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Insight into Predictive Analytics and its
role in marketing strategy
Predictive analytics is the forward-looking compass of marketing strategy.
It is the technology that gazes into the future, guiding marketers toward
the most promising paths. Through the analysis of historical data and
patterns, predictive analytics foretells what is likely to happen next,
enabling marketers to make proactive decisions.
In the marketing context predictive analytics informs decisions on ad
targeting, product recommendations, and customer retention strategies.
It can predict consumer behaviors, such as which products they are likely
to purchase next or when they might be inclined to churn. By leveraging
predictive insights, marketers can optimize their campaigns, allocate
resources efficiently, and deliver personalized experiences that anticipate
consumer needs.
In the subsequent sections, we will dive deeper into real-world use
cases where diagnostic, generative, and predictive AI capabilities are
transforming marketing practices. From understanding consumer
preferences to creating captivating content and strategizing for the future,
AI is not just reshaping marketing; it is revolutionizing the way we connect
with our audiences.
Additional use cases which companies
are embarking in spaces of
Voice Search and Chatbots: The rise of voice search and chatbots
emphasizes the need for conversational marketing and natural-
sounding interactions​​.
Marketing Automations: AI-driven marketing automations streamline
campaigns across multiple channels, optimizing engagement and
Livestream Shopping and Social Shopping: These new phenomena
use AI to combine e-commerce with entertainment, providing real-
time product demonstrations and leveraging influencer marketing
and user-generated content for product promotion​​
Check the link to know more.
16 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Diagnostic, Generative,
and Predictive AI
Case Studies:
18 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Real-world examples:
Diagnostic AI applications
Climate Change - A Gen Z perspective
Client: An international non-profit in the field of climate, energy and nature.
Challenge: How are Gen Zs in India and Brazil engaging in climate action?
How does their interest in climate change stack up against other interest
Insight and Impact: By analyzing thousands of social media posts from
young climate activists and digital creators in India and Brazil, prominent
narratives illuminating different facets of Gen Z’s interest and engagement
in climate action were identified.
Case in point:
India Gen Z: Climate anxious and want to influence
change for a better future
The study also revealed that social media is their biggest arsenal
in driving conversations and actions around climate change.
Research also showed Gen Z’s interest in climate change, although
significant, stacks much lower when compared to other categories
that they are also interested are in.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
10% 20% 30% 40%
Search volumes-Aug 2020-July 2022 (as a % of all searches for each narrative)
for the better
High growth, low volume
Low growth, low volume
High growth, high volumes
Low growth, high volume
to fight for
Climate anxiety
10% 20% 30% 40%
Search volumes-Aug 2020-July 2022 (as a % of all searches for each narrative)
High growth,
low volume
Low growth, low volume
High growth, high volumes
Low growth, high volume
to fight for
We are the action
fight for survival
Brazil Gen Z: Climate warriors who believe that there is no
climate justice without social justice.
20 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Real-world examples:
Diagnostic AI applications
Transmitting the right brand in money transfers
Client: One of the world’s leading money transfer companies.
Challenge: How are the key money transfer brands positioned, from the
point-of-view of consumers? What are the big opportunities for the client
to reposition its brand to drive differentiated relevance in the global market
for remittances?
Insight and Impact: Looking at Instagram and YouTube content from nine
major money transfer brands, six distinct communications themes were
identified, and brought to life through representative text, images and
videos. It also articulated the central emotions within each theme. The study
mapped nine brands across the communications themes to identify where
there was “white space” for the client’s brand to move into.
Two themes in particular were identified as ideal zones to build the client
brand’s future marketing around.
Case in point:
Powered by Quilt.Ai
Real-world examples:
Diagnostic AI applications
Charged with uncertainty: A deep dive into
the EV supply chain apprehensions
Client: An international non-profit in the field of climate, energy and nature.
Challenge: Explore public sentiments concerning the electric vehicle supply
chain in five countries. Interpret diverse curiosities and fears across different
cultural and economic contexts, requiring a nuanced analysis for precise and
actionable insights.
Insight & Impact: Analyzing over 700,000 searches and 4,000 social
media posts, uncovered escalating concerns (+59% since 2020) about the
environmental and social impacts of the EV supply chain. Prominent among
the findings was misinformation and political rhetoric surrounding China,
Tesla, and narratives on EV pollution. The client was provided with insights-
powered targeted strategies to counter the prevalent narratives online.
The data and insights not just helped the client understand public sentiment
but also enabled them to effectively address these concerns.
Case in point:
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 21
• USA (+70%) • France (+57%) • Germany (+53%) • India (+52%) • United Kingdom (+39%)
“carbon footprint of electric
cars” (+333%)
“electric cars battery
enviroment” (+366%)
“are electric cars bad for
the enviroment” (+500%)
electric car battery
pollution ” (+500%)
Jan 2020 Jal 2020 Jan 2021 Jal 2020 Jan 2022
Searches reflect growing concerns (+59%)1
regarding the 
and social impacts of EV supply chain
22 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Real-world examples:
Generative AI applications
Leveraging AI to generate concepts in line with
Gen Z consumer trends
Challenge: How can we leverage AI to generate and new brand concepts in
line with Gen Z trends around ‘limitless’ for 11 brands?
Insight and Impact: AI models were used to create one creative concept
for each brand with the aim of exploring examples of how brands in these
industries could play to the future Gen Z consumer. Some brand examples
used in this exercise include Amazon, Airbnb, Capital One, LinkedIn, and
General Mills. The concepts were created in a way that integrated previous
work on Gen Z trends around the concept of ‘limitless’ and brand values.
Case in point:
Powered by Quilt.Ai
Airbnb Hustle Haven:
“Focus. Create. Succeed.”
Airbnb is launching a Gen Z offering that
celebrates the power of monetization
Could feature content creators,
Roblox developers, and other
individuals who have leveraged
their side hustles while staying in an
Airbnb property
Highlighting inspiring stories of people
who have used Airbnb properties to
achieve success
Visuals should be evocative and
captivating, portraying the potential
of living life to its fullest while utilizing
Airbnb’s flexible and affordable options
Amazon RetroTron:
“Back in Time, Anytime”
Amazon is launching a Gen Z offering
that takes users back in time to explore
and experience iconic moments or
events of the Y2K era
Through this trend, Amazon
can provide customers with an
immersive new product offering, as
well as capitalize off the growing
interest in retro-style products
among Gen Zers
This product will be an interactive
Amazon Alexa skill, featuring content
tailored based on user preferences
and interests
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Real-world examples:
Generative AI applications
Leveraging AI to generate and evaluate
brand concepts
Client: A leading global beverage company
Challenge: How can we leverage AI to create new product propositions
and concepts for four soft drink brands launching alcoholic ready-to-drink
variants in the European market?
Insights and Impact: After a thorough analysis of
the research reports provided by the client, the data
was distilled into blocks of digestible, bite-sized
information to feed as inputs into an AI model. The
outcome: 27 new and distinct product concepts
complete with product names and taglines, product
idea and descriptions, functional and emotional
benefits, ingredients etc. as well as packaging
design for inspiration. The concepts were put into
a workshop including all brand stakeholders, and
mixologists, to filter down to a final few concepts
to take forward into product development.
Case in point:
Powered by Quilt.Ai
Real-world examples:
Generative AI applications
Leveraging AI-led creative concept generation to
innovative for an established coffee brand
Client: A global beverage company
Challenge: How can we leverage AI to generate creative concepts, taglines,
and beverage experiences for different coffee segments?
Insight and Impact: AI used to explore creative concepts as a continuation
from our tribe segmentation work. Collaborating with the client to
understand the consumer segments and mindsets they were targeting,
leveraged AI models to offer textual and image creative concepts. This
included creative cafe concepts, taglines, drink names
and beverage ideas (ice coffee, hot coffee, etc.). For
further nuance, AI concepts that were directly inspired by
different consumer segment profiles were also included.
This creative conceptual ideation was used by the client
to inspire their internal strategy and communication work.
Case in point:
Powered by Quilt.Ai
24 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Real-world examples:
Predictive AI applications
Using predictive AI to understand how brands’ ads
have changed over the past year
Client: A leading global beverage company
Challenge: How can we leverage AI to evaluate 13 brands’ ads to uncover
how their communications have changed over the past year (2021 vs. 2022)?
Insight and Impact: Using proprietary ‘Ad semiotics
technology’, 26 ads across 13 brands were analyzed.
Did a deep-dive into each brand, using AI to detect the
differences between brands’ ads from 2021 vs 2022 in
archetypal cues, ad testing value scores, differentiation,
and number of times a brand’s logo appeared. Primary
insight found was that out of all sample ads, Doritos’ 2022
ad was most differentiated, as signified through its heavy
use of personified animals which led to a decrease in
relatability scores.
Case in point:
2021 2022
% of frames where brand
logo is detected
2021 2022
ad vs. top performers
Ad testing values present in
each sample ad
Enjoyable Relatable
2021 2022
Brand archetype most aligned with sample ad
No labels found
2021 2022
26 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Real-world examples:
Predictive AI applications
Identifying winning concepts using AI
Client: A leading global beverage company
Challenge: How can we leverage AI for almost instantaneous results for
testing 11 new product concepts against 4 key metrics and, thus, identify
winning concepts?
Insight and Impact: Using ‘Ad semiotics’ technology, 11 new product
concepts were tested on four key metrics - ‘needs fit’, ‘believability’,
‘uniqueness’ and ‘brand fit’. This AI based technology mapped the alignment
of each concept against the set metrics with a score. Through this client
was able to identify which concepts aligned with various consumers needs
(needs fit) the most, identify the ones that met the fine balance across the
other three metrics (Believability, Uniqueness, Brand fit) as well as pinpoint
concepts that needed improvement on specific metrics. This allowed the
client Identify the top two winning concepts in matter of a couple of hours.
Case in point:
Powered by Quilt.Ai
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
28 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Real-world examples:
Predictive AI applications
Using predictive AI to evaluate SuperBowl ads
Client: A leading global beverage company
Challenge: How can we leverage AI to evaluate SuperBowl ads to predict
future campaign success?
Insight and Impact: Using proprietary ‘Ad semiotics technology’, conducted
a frame-by-frame analysis on 25 ads from the 2023 NFL SuperBowl.
Deep-dived into each ad, using AI to detect archetypal cues, assign ad testing
value sores, as well as measure ad, brand, and social performance. Insights
generated gave a clear picture of why some SuperBowl ads performed better
than others— ads which scored higher in relatability oftentimes received
higher engagement and greater growth in consumer buzz.
Case in point:
Consolidated performance score
25% 50% 75% 100%
Powered by Quilt.Ai
AI predictor of purchase intent
AI predictor of content relatability
AI interpretation of values
Average Twitter sentiment
Multi-channel impact on brand interest
The Farmer’s Dog
The Farmer’s Dog
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
In addition, we have more examples of global brands finding
success with AI.
Analyzing and winning:
Diagnostic AI applications
Netflix’s Content Recommendation Engine:
Netflix, a pioneer in leveraging AI, uses diagnostic AI to analyze viewer data
and recommend personalized content. By examining past viewing habits,
preferences, and even the time spent on particular genres, Netflix ensures
that subscribers receive tailored content recommendations. This has
significantly increased their user engagement and retention rates.
Amazon’s Product
Recommendations: Amazon’s
Product Amazon’s diagnostic AI
algorithms analyze users’ browsing
and purchase histories to suggest
products they are likely to buy.
These recommendations account
for a substantial percentage
of Amazon’s total sales and
have been a critical factor
in the company’s
continued growth.
You might
also like this
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 29
30 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Creativity Unleashed:
Generative AI in marketing campaigns
The Washington Post’s AI-Powered Reporting:
The Washington Post has employed generative AI to assist in
creating news articles. While human journalists remain essential
for in-depth reporting, AI-powered systems generate automated
stories for routine topics like earnings reports and sports scores.
This allows human reporters to focus on pertinent stories and
investigative journalism.
Burger King used generative AI to produce advertisements for their
“Moldy Whopper” campaign. The AI-generated visuals depicted
the natural decay of a Whopper burger over time, emphasizing
the use of preservative-free ingredients. The campaign garnered
widespread attention, showcasing the creative potential of AI in
Burger King’s AI-Generated Ads:
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Anticipating Trends:
Predictive analytics success stories
Spotify’s Music Recommendation Algorithm:
Spotify employs predictive analytics to anticipate user music
preferences. By analyzing listening history, user-generated playlists,
and real-time listening behavior, Spotify’s algorithm predicts songs and
artists users are likely to enjoy. This not only enhances user experience
but also aids in personalized advertising.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 31
32 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Ford’s Predictive Maintenance:
In the automotive industry, Ford utilizes predictive analytics to forecast
vehicle maintenance needs. Sensors within Ford vehicles collect data on
various components, allowing the company to predict when parts are
likely to fail and proactively schedule timely maintenance for customers.
This predictive approach enhances customer satisfaction and reduces
maintenance costs.
These real-world examples illustrate the tangible impact of diagnostic,
generative, and predictive AI in marketing and beyond. From personalized
content recommendations to AI-generated advertising and proactive
maintenance scheduling, AI has become a driving force behind enhanced
customer experiences and more effective marketing campaigns.
In the following sections, we will delve deeper into how we can define ROI
in the AI-driven marketing world.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
in the context of
marketing imperatives
34 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Defining Key Performance Indicators
(KPIs) for AI-driven marketing
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential for evaluating the
effectiveness of AI-driven marketing initiatives. They provide a
clear framework for measuring success:
Research effectiveness
and efficiency
Media spend
and optimization
Engagement and
conversion rate
communications and
Conversion Rate
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
In both B2B and B2C marketing, the conversion rate is a vital KPI. AI can
optimize ad targeting, content personalization, and lead nurturing to
increase conversion rates. For instance, a B2B company may measure the
conversion rate from leads to closed deals, while a B2C retailer may track
the rate of website visitors converting to customers.
CLV represents the total value a customer brings over their entire
relationship with a business. AI can enhance CLV by enabling personalized
experiences, leading to higher customer retention and long-term
profitability. B2C companies like Amazon and B2B providers like Salesforce
use AI to analyze CLV and tailor marketing strategies accordingly
Case in point:
Case in point:
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
36 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Measurement and evaluation of ROI
in B2B and B2C scenarios
Measuring ROI in B2B and B2C scenarios involves assessing the financial
impact of AI-driven marketing efforts:
Example: B2B Lead Generation
In B2B marketing, AI can optimize lead generation by identifying high-
quality leads and automating lead nurturing. ROI can be measured by
comparing the cost of AI tools and campaigns with the revenue generated
from converted leads. For instance, if a B2B company invests in AI-driven
lead generation tools and sees a 20% increase in sales, they can calculate
ROI based on the additional revenue generated.
Example: B2C E-commerce
In B2C e-commerce, AI can boost ROI by improving product
recommendations, reducing cart abandonment rates, and increasing
sales. ROI is calculated by comparing the costs of implementing AI-driven
solutions with the increase in revenue and profit margins. For instance, if
an online retailer invests in AI for personalized product recommendations
and sees a 15% increase in sales, they can calculate ROI based on the
revenue boost.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Comparative analysis of
Traditional vs. AI-driven ROI
Example: Traditional Marketing in B2C
A traditional B2C marketing campaign might involve mass email blasts to
a broad audience. ROI would be calculated based on the number of sales
generated from the campaign and the associated costs. In contrast, an
AI-driven B2C campaign might use personalized email recommendations,
leading to higher open rates and conversions. Comparative analysis would
reveal the improved ROI of the AI-driven approach.
Example: Traditional Sales Outreach in B2B
In B2B, traditional sales outreach may involve cold calling an exhaustive list
of potential leads. Here, ROI is determined by the conversion rate of these
leads into customers. AI-driven B2B sales outreach might use predictive
analytics to identify the most promising leads, resulting in higher conversion
rates and a more efficient use of resources. Comparative analysis would
show the improved ROI of the AI-driven approach.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 37
38 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
These examples demonstrate how AI-driven marketing initiatives can
redefine KPIs, improve ROI measurement, and outperform traditional
methods in both B2B and B2C scenarios. By focusing on specific KPIs,
measuring ROI accurately, and comparing traditional and AI-driven
approaches, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of the
impact of AI on their marketing efforts.
As per the State of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s breakout year. Enterprise
Scale AI Maturation: AI high performer organizations attributing at least
20% of EBIT in 2022 to AI are leveraging generative AI across various
business functions, especially in product and service development and
risk and supply chain management​​
. Interestingly, these high performers
focus less on cost reduction and more on creating new businesses or
revenue sources through AI.
Finally McKinsey research indicates that marketing is one of the primary
business areas seeing revenue benefits from AI​​
In the following sections, we will continue to explore the immense
potential of AI in reimagining digital marketing strategies for the modern
age using our framework.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
LS Digital Approach
Challenging The Now:
40 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Overview of the LS Digital Approach
We have designed a comprehensive framework to guide marketers
in harnessing the full potential of AI in their marketing strategies.
It’s a roadmap for navigating the dynamic landscape of digital
marketing and staying ahead in the game.
Step 01
Start by leveraging the power of AI to extract insights from data,
automate routine tasks, and optimize marketing campaigns.
AI can be your ally in understanding consumer behavior,
personalizing content, and making data-driven decisions.
Step 02
Crafting a winning strategy is crucial. Dive deep into how AI can
redefine your marketing tactics, from ad targeting to content
creation. Think strategically about how AI can enhance customer
experiences, drive engagement, and achieve your marketing
Step 03
In a competitive marketplace, differentiation is key. Explore how
AI can help you stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s through
hyper-personalization, innovative storytelling, or cutting-edge
customer engagement, AI can be your ticket to differentiation.
Detailed Strategies for
Leveraging AI in Marketing
Data-Driven Insights: AI can unearth invaluable insights from your data,
helping you understand customer preferences, behaviors, and trends. Utilize
these insights to tailor your marketing strategies and content.
Content Personalization: AI-driven personalization ensures that your
content resonates with individual consumers. Craft personalized experiences
that connect on a deep level, fostering brand loyalty.
Efficiency Through Automation: Automate repetitive tasks, such as data
analysis and lead scoring, to free up time for strategic planning and creative
Predictive Analytics: Use predictive analytics to anticipate market trends,
consumer behavior, and campaign outcomes. Stay ahead of the curve by
making proactive decisions.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Strategic planning to
differentiate from competitor
Innovative Storytelling: AI can help you craft compelling narratives that
captivate your audience. Explore creative ways to tell your brand story,
using AI-generated content or AI-enhanced creativity.
Hyper-Personalization: Go beyond traditional segmentation and
offer hyper-personalized experiences. Tailor your messages, product
recommendations, and interactions to each individual.
Customer Engagement: Use AI-powered chatbots, virtual assistants, and
AI-driven customer service to enhance engagement. Provide immediate
and personalized responses to customer queries.
Continuous Learning: Stay at the forefront of AI advancements.
Continuously educate your team on emerging AI technologies
and trends to remain competitive.
Our approach isn’t just about embracing AI; it’s about reimagining your
entire marketing strategy. It’s about leveraging the power of AI to challenge
the ‘USUALS,’ and delivering outcomes that set you apart from the
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
44 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Recap of key insights
We began by challenging the conventional narratives surrounding AI,
dispelling the myth that it replaces human creativity. Instead, we emphasized
the synergy between human ingenuity and AI’s analytical prowess,
underlining AI as a catalyst for a marketing renaissance.
Our exploration of diagnostic, generative, and predictive AI unveiled the
diverse capabilities reshaping marketing norms. From deciphering past data
to crafting compelling narratives and predicting future trends, AI offers
a comprehensive toolkit for marketers.
Real-world use cases across B2B and B2C domains showcased AI’s
tangible impact on enhancing customer experiences, generating creative
content, and driving anticipatory strategies. Through these case studies, we
witnessed AI’s ability to deliver results that resonate with modern marketing
We delved into ROI calculation, emphasizing the importance of defining
KPIs and accurately evaluating ROI in the context of AI-driven marketing.
Comparative analyses between traditional and AI-driven ROI demonstrated
the remarkable impact AI can have on marketing effectiveness.
In our journey through this thought paper, we’ve explored the transformative
power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in modern marketing. Here, we recap the
key insights and extend a call to action, encouraging readers to embrace AI
as an indispensable ally in their marketing strategies.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Call to Action: Embrace AI in your
marketing strategies
As we conclude, we extend a call to action to all modern marketers.
Embrace AI as more than a tool; it’s a strategic partner in redefining your
marketing game. Whether you operate in B2B or B2C, AI holds the key to
unparalleled personalization, efficiency, and competitive advantage.
It’s time to leverage the power of AI for data-driven insights, hyper-
personalization, and strategic automation. Reimagine your marketing
strategy, challenge the now and drive your brand into the future with
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 45
Here is a potential list of AI tools that can get
you started on a transformative journey:
Builder IO
Multi-channel experiences
building automated
Ai-powered UI design tool
Build Ai-powered no code
Ai-powered 3D modelling
Relume Library
One of the fastest ways to
build a website
Build Ai-powered no
code apps
Produce stunning product
videos in minutes
UI personalization tool
46 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Instant UX audit tool
Hyper-personalized marketing
Ai-chatbot for websites
End-to-end sales process
Summarize PDFs for insights
Simple Analytics:
A great Google Analytics alternative
LinkedIn content creation
Conversational voice AI
Speech to transcript converter
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
48 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
Our next installment of
“In:Sights” Series
Our journey doesn’t end here. Stay tuned for the next installment
in the “In:Sights” series, where we will continue to explore the
evolving landscape of marketing in the digital age. We’ll dive into
media and real-world success stories that will further empower
you to navigate this exciting frontier.
Thank you for joining us on this thought leadership journey.
Let’s continue to challenge the now, redefine marketing norms,
and usher in a new era of digital marketing empowered by AI.
Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
LS Digital is a Leading Independent Digital Marketing Transformation (DMT)
company from India. The company comprises of four entities,
LS Digital, Media and Measurement and Transformation Consulting
company, Langoor, CX  Web 3.0 company, F1 Studioz, a UI/UX company,
and Social Panga, a digital-first creative company, that have come together
to form a global DMT brand.
LS Digital is building India’s first DMT network for the World. Using
#ChallengeTheNow as guiding mantra for the marketers, LS Digital is
empowering the brands to construct a digital future.
With 1200+ professionals with different skillsets and over a decade of
experience, LS Digital is committed to provide integrated digital marketing
transformation solutions to brands and partner with them in their digital
journey to grow their businesses. LS Digital offers the most comprehensive
suite of digital marketing services through its six-pillar DMT framework;
Data  Insights, CX, Innovations  Technology, Media, UI/UX,
Creative  Communication.
For more details, visit:
Write to us:
© 2023 Copyright LS Digital

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Report on AI tools by LS Digital.pdf

  • 1. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 1
  • 2. 2 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Challenge The Now ‘Challenge The Now’ is a thought leadership series designed for business leaders of all sizes, poised to transform how we perceive and execute marketing in the era of digitally empowered consumers. The series aims at enabling business leaders take on change and drive their businesses into the future. With enterprises at various stages of marketing and digital maturity, a one-size-fits-all solution wouldn’t be the right transformation approach. What enterprises require is a holistic reimagining of marketing transformation leveraging digital as a catalyst to reconfigure its marketing approach and leap ahead with confidence. ‘Challenge The Now’ serves as the catalyst for this reimagination allowing leaders to bridge the gap between conventional practices and transformative strategies - remapping and rewiring data, creativity, media, and technology, fostering a comprehensive understanding of how to create impactful brand-customer experiences for the present and the future. This series will take a close look at 6 key areas of opportunities: 1. Technology & Innovation 2. Media 3. Consumer Experience 4. Creative & Communications 5. Data & Insights 6. User Interface & Experience In this thought paper, Challenging the now with AI in marketing, we are aiming at inspiring and empowering marketing leaders with the power of AI, thus providing them a clear path towards reimagining, reinventing and revolutionizing their approach to digital marketing.
  • 3. 3 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing TABLE OF CONTENT 01 02 03 05 07 04 06 Introduction Brief overview of the current marketing landscape and the need for transformation using AI. Pg 5 Introduction to the “In:Sights” series. Thesis statement: The role of AI in challenging traditional marketing practices. Pg 7 Explanation of Diagnostic AI capabilities and its impact on research. Pg 13 Exploration of Generative AI and its impact on creativity. Pg 14 Insight into Predictive Analytics and its role in marketing strategy. Pg 15 Additional use cases Pg 16 Defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for AI-driven marketing. Pg 34 Measurement and evaluation of ROI in B2B and B2C scenarios. Pg 36 Comparative analysis of traditional vs. AI-driven ROI. Pg 37 Recap of key insights. Pg 44 Call to action: Encouraging readers to embrace AI in their marketing strategies. Pg 45 Teaser for the next installment in the “In:Sights” series. Pg 48 Real-world examples showcasing Diagnostic AI applications. Pg 18 Creativity unleashed: Generative AI in marketing campaigns. Pg 30 Anticipating trends: Predictive analytics success stories. Pg 31 Overview of the LS Digital approach. Pg 40 Detailed strategies for leveraging AI in marketing. Pg 41 Strategic planning to differentiate from competitors. Pg 42 Definition of normal way of doing things (absence of AI) in marketing. Pg 9 Overview of how AI is revolutionizing marketing norms. Pg 10 Importance of embracing AI for staying competitive. Pg 11 Spotlight on AI: Dawning an Era of Challenging Maketers Understanding AI use cases for marketers: Diagnostic, Generative, and Predictive AI ROI in the Context of Marketing Imperatives Conclusion Case Studies: Diagnostic, Generative, and Predictive AI Challenging the Now: LS Digital approach
  • 4. 4 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 01 Introduction
  • 5. 5 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Brief overview of the current marketing landscape and the need for transformation using AI In an age where every scroll, click, and interaction is a potential data point, the marketing world using these data points had undergone a profound transformation. Marketers had started their challenging journey and were maturing to marry data with creativity with technology and were delivering better outcomes for their brands. With the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has not only reshaped the landscape again but has the potential to become an indispensable ally for modern marketers. It’s no longer a question of whether to embrace AI; it’s a matter of effectively leveraging its capabilities to elevate your marketing game. The chatter about AI replacing human jobs or AI delivering anything you want might be the headline, but the real story lies in the synergy between human creativity and AI’s analytical prowess. The notion that marketers are being replaced by algorithms is a simplistic narrative that belies the intricate dance between technology and human ingenuity in the marketing world. AI isn’t the terminator of marketing jobs; it’s the catalyst for a renaissance. As marketers, our journey is defined by our ability to adapt to the relentless evolution of the digital landscape. From the inception of social media advertising to the rise of e-commerce empires, our roles have constantly evolved. The art of persuasion has evolved into a science of precision, and the AI-driven tools at our disposal are the brushes for this new canvas.
  • 6. Harnessing the power of AI in your marketing strategy isn’t about relinquishing control; it’s about amplifying your impact. Consider this, a recent Imagine a world where data collection and analysis are seamlessly integrated, where your content resonates effortlessly with SEO keywords, and your media strategies are constantly optimized. With AI as your ally, you can shift your focus from the bottom line to more meaningful endeavors – crafting compelling narratives, fine-tuning your brand’s voice, and deeply understanding the audiences you seek to engage. 58% 98% 48% of marketers utilizing generative AI report enhanced performance as a primary benefit. accuracy seen when predicting the winning ad combination, as per Pattern89. of organizations surveyed by IBM are already seeing a better customer experience. Globally, as per eMarketer report**: 70% 54% 39% of marketers in India are exploring Generative AI applications, indicating a significant interest in AI adoption of marketers in India point to the understanding of AI as a challenge, highlighting the need for improved knowledge and training in this area. of Indian organizations are in the process of developing strategies to address AI-related risks, demonstrating a proactive approach to risk management. Approximately State of AI in Marketing 2023 from MMA India report* found that: Marketers are using AI to predict new trends that impacts their business * MMA India Report: State of AI in Marketing 2023 ** eMarketer report 6 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
  • 7. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing In this report, we delve into the transformative capabilities of AI in the marketing realm. We explore how it helps in customer and market research and insights building at scale, generates and optimizes advertising campaigns and content at scale, revolutionizes engagement by helping build hyper-personalized experiences. Beyond the tools and techniques, we uncover the essence of AI in marketing: the power of insights. The possibilities for integrating AI into marketing are ever-expanding. To navigate this exciting frontier, we’ve curated a selection of tools and insights to help you harness the full potential of AI, whether it’s research, streamlining copywriting, optimizing experience, or supercharging your social media performance. Join us on this journey as we unveil the true essence of AI in modern marketing – a partnership that empowers, enhances, and elevates the art and science of connecting with customers in the digital age. Introduction to the “In:Sights” series. Thesis statement: The role of AI in challenging traditional marketing practices. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 7
  • 8. 8 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 02 Dawning an era of challenging the now Spotlight on AI:
  • 9. 9 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Definition of normal way of doing things (absence of AI) in marketing In the marketing lexicon, ‘USUALS’ is a term that encapsulates the conventional, the predictable, and the often routine practices that have long characterized our field. It’s a term that speaks to the status quo, the tried-and-tested methods that once formed the bedrock of successful marketing campaigns. Yet, in the ever-evolving digital landscape, the ‘USUALS’ have been rendered obsolete. What was once effective can quickly become archaic in a world where consumer behaviors shift like sand dunes in the desert. The ‘USUALS’ practices relying solely on demographic data to target audiences, crafting one-size-fits-all marketing messages, and employing manual data analysis to make marketing decisions. These traditional approaches, even though familiar, have their limitations in a world where personalization, precision, and predictive insights reign supreme.
  • 10. 10 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Overview of how AI is revolutionizing marketing norms Enter Artificial Intelligence (AI), the transformative force that challenges the ‘usuals’ and redefines marketing norms. AI is not a mere tool; it’s the harbinger of a new era where data-driven decision-making, hyper- personalization, and predictive analytics are the order of the day. AI empowers marketers to transcend the confines of demographics and delve into the realm of psychographics, understanding not just who their customers are but what motivates and engages them in a profound way. AI, with its machine learning algorithms, has the remarkable ability to sift through vast troves of data, identifying patterns, anomalies, and hidden insights that human analysis would struggle to uncover. It not only predicts trends but also prescribes actions based on these predictions. It enables marketers to be proactive rather than reactive, positioning them at the forefront of consumer expectations.
  • 11. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing SPOTLIGHT N AI In this era of digital Darwinism, where adaptability is the key to survival, embracing AI is not merely an option; it’s a mandate for staying competitive. Marketers who continue to rely on outdated ‘USUALS’ risk being left in the wake of innovation. The digital landscape is a battleground where brands compete not just for attention but for relevance as well. In this relentless race, AI is the ultimate ally that enables marketers to navigate uncharted territories, engage audiences with unparalleled precision, and craft campaigns that resonate on a personal level. To remain competitive is to embrace the transformative potential of AI and recognize that it is not the enemy of human creativity but its enabler. It’s the technology and exploration that liberates marketers from the mundane so they can focus on what truly matters - the art of storytelling, the development of authentic brand voices, and the creation of experiences that deeply resonate with their target audiences. In the following sections, we will explore how AI is not just challenging the now but redefining the very essence of marketing. We will dive into the specific capabilities of AI that are driving this revolution, from diagnostic insights to generative creativity and predictive foresight. Importance of embracing AI for staying competitive Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 11
  • 12. 12 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 03 Diagnostic, Generative, and Predictive AI Understanding AI use cases for Marketers :
  • 13. Diagnostic AI use cases At the heart of AI’s transformative power lies its ability to diagnose, interpret, and decipher data at a scale and speed that surpasses human capacity. Diagnostic AI, also known as descriptive analytics, serves as the foundation upon which marketing strategies are built. It provides the answers to questions such as Who are my customers, segments, what’s happening in their world, how do they come into brands world, why do they engage, cultural context and nuances, category tends, competition comparison. With diagnostic AI, marketers can gain profound insights into their customers’ behaviors. It sifts through mountains of historical data to uncover patterns, trends, and anomalies that may have otherwise eluded human analysis. By understanding the ‘what’ and ‘why’ of past, marketers can make data-driven decisions and refine their strategies for the future. 13 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
  • 14. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Exploration of Generative AI and its impact on creativity Generative AI, often considered the vanguard of creativity, challenges the conventional belief that machines lack artistic flair. In the marketing realm, generative AI unleashes a new era of content creation and storytelling. It doesn’t just mimic human creativity; it amplifies it. Imagine an AI capable of crafting compelling narratives, generating catchy ad copy, or even designing visually stunning graphics. Generative AI transforms marketing content from the ordinary to the extraordinary, infusing it with creativity that resonates deeply with audiences. It’s the tool that empowers marketers to scale their creative efforts and captivate consumers with tailored, engaging content. UNDERSTANDING AI USE CASES FOR MARKETERS Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 14
  • 15. 15 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Insight into Predictive Analytics and its role in marketing strategy Predictive analytics is the forward-looking compass of marketing strategy. It is the technology that gazes into the future, guiding marketers toward the most promising paths. Through the analysis of historical data and patterns, predictive analytics foretells what is likely to happen next, enabling marketers to make proactive decisions. In the marketing context predictive analytics informs decisions on ad targeting, product recommendations, and customer retention strategies. It can predict consumer behaviors, such as which products they are likely to purchase next or when they might be inclined to churn. By leveraging predictive insights, marketers can optimize their campaigns, allocate resources efficiently, and deliver personalized experiences that anticipate consumer needs. In the subsequent sections, we will dive deeper into real-world use cases where diagnostic, generative, and predictive AI capabilities are transforming marketing practices. From understanding consumer preferences to creating captivating content and strategizing for the future, AI is not just reshaping marketing; it is revolutionizing the way we connect with our audiences.
  • 16. Additional use cases which companies are embarking in spaces of Voice Search and Chatbots: The rise of voice search and chatbots emphasizes the need for conversational marketing and natural- sounding interactions​​. Marketing Automations: AI-driven marketing automations streamline campaigns across multiple channels, optimizing engagement and conversions​​. Livestream Shopping and Social Shopping: These new phenomena use AI to combine e-commerce with entertainment, providing real- time product demonstrations and leveraging influencer marketing and user-generated content for product promotion​​ . Check the link to know more. artificial-intelligence/ 16 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
  • 17. 17 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 04 Diagnostic, Generative, and Predictive AI Case Studies:
  • 18. 18 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Real-world examples: Diagnostic AI applications Climate Change - A Gen Z perspective Client: An international non-profit in the field of climate, energy and nature. Challenge: How are Gen Zs in India and Brazil engaging in climate action? How does their interest in climate change stack up against other interest categories? Insight and Impact: By analyzing thousands of social media posts from young climate activists and digital creators in India and Brazil, prominent narratives illuminating different facets of Gen Z’s interest and engagement in climate action were identified. Case in point:
  • 19. India Gen Z: Climate anxious and want to influence change for a better future Powered by Quilt.Ai Powered by Quilt.Ai The study also revealed that social media is their biggest arsenal in driving conversations and actions around climate change. Research also showed Gen Z’s interest in climate change, although significant, stacks much lower when compared to other categories that they are also interested are in. 19 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 0% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 125% 10% 20% 30% 40% Growthe (Aug 20202-Jul 2021vs. Aug2021-July 2022) Search volumes-Aug 2020-July 2022 (as a % of all searches for each narrative) Participatory approach for the better future Trending High growth, low volume Dormat Low growth, low volume Established High growth, high volumes Steady Low growth, high volume Mobilizing to fight for climate action Climate anxiety Prioritizing enviroment Embracing sustinability Average Average 0% -20% -20% 0% 10% 20% 10% 20% 30% 40% Growthe (Aug 20202-Jul 2021vs. Aug 2021-July 2022) Search volumes-Aug 2020-July 2022 (as a % of all searches for each narrative) Trending High growth, low volume Dormat Low growth, low volume Established High growth, high volumes Steady Low growth, high volume Mobilizing to fight for climate action Average Average We are the action Indigenous’s fight for survival Preaching sustainabilty Amazon vs.capitalism Brazil Gen Z: Climate warriors who believe that there is no climate justice without social justice.
  • 20. 20 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Real-world examples: Diagnostic AI applications Transmitting the right brand in money transfers Client: One of the world’s leading money transfer companies. Challenge: How are the key money transfer brands positioned, from the point-of-view of consumers? What are the big opportunities for the client to reposition its brand to drive differentiated relevance in the global market for remittances? Insight and Impact: Looking at Instagram and YouTube content from nine major money transfer brands, six distinct communications themes were identified, and brought to life through representative text, images and videos. It also articulated the central emotions within each theme. The study mapped nine brands across the communications themes to identify where there was “white space” for the client’s brand to move into. Two themes in particular were identified as ideal zones to build the client brand’s future marketing around. Case in point: Powered by Quilt.Ai
  • 21. Real-world examples: Diagnostic AI applications Charged with uncertainty: A deep dive into the EV supply chain apprehensions Client: An international non-profit in the field of climate, energy and nature. Challenge: Explore public sentiments concerning the electric vehicle supply chain in five countries. Interpret diverse curiosities and fears across different cultural and economic contexts, requiring a nuanced analysis for precise and actionable insights. Insight & Impact: Analyzing over 700,000 searches and 4,000 social media posts, uncovered escalating concerns (+59% since 2020) about the environmental and social impacts of the EV supply chain. Prominent among the findings was misinformation and political rhetoric surrounding China, Tesla, and narratives on EV pollution. The client was provided with insights- powered targeted strategies to counter the prevalent narratives online. The data and insights not just helped the client understand public sentiment but also enabled them to effectively address these concerns. Case in point: Powered by Quilt.Ai Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 21 • USA (+70%) • France (+57%) • Germany (+53%) • India (+52%) • United Kingdom (+39%) Date Monthly search volume 22000 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 “carbon footprint of electric cars” (+333%) “electric cars battery enviroment” (+366%) “are electric cars bad for the enviroment” (+500%) “Manufacturing electric car battery pollution ” (+500%) Jan 2020 Jal 2020 Jan 2021 Jal 2020 Jan 2022 Searches reflect growing concerns (+59%)1 regarding the enviromental and social impacts of EV supply chain
  • 22. 22 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Real-world examples: Generative AI applications Leveraging AI to generate concepts in line with Gen Z consumer trends Challenge: How can we leverage AI to generate and new brand concepts in line with Gen Z trends around ‘limitless’ for 11 brands? Insight and Impact: AI models were used to create one creative concept for each brand with the aim of exploring examples of how brands in these industries could play to the future Gen Z consumer. Some brand examples used in this exercise include Amazon, Airbnb, Capital One, LinkedIn, and General Mills. The concepts were created in a way that integrated previous work on Gen Z trends around the concept of ‘limitless’ and brand values. Case in point: Powered by Quilt.Ai Airbnb Hustle Haven: “Focus. Create. Succeed.” Airbnb is launching a Gen Z offering that celebrates the power of monetization Could feature content creators, Roblox developers, and other individuals who have leveraged their side hustles while staying in an Airbnb property Highlighting inspiring stories of people who have used Airbnb properties to achieve success Visuals should be evocative and captivating, portraying the potential of living life to its fullest while utilizing Airbnb’s flexible and affordable options 1 2 3 4 Amazon RetroTron: “Back in Time, Anytime” Amazon is launching a Gen Z offering that takes users back in time to explore and experience iconic moments or events of the Y2K era Through this trend, Amazon can provide customers with an immersive new product offering, as well as capitalize off the growing interest in retro-style products among Gen Zers This product will be an interactive Amazon Alexa skill, featuring content tailored based on user preferences and interests 1 2 3
  • 23. 23 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Real-world examples: Generative AI applications Leveraging AI to generate and evaluate brand concepts Client: A leading global beverage company Challenge: How can we leverage AI to create new product propositions and concepts for four soft drink brands launching alcoholic ready-to-drink variants in the European market? Insights and Impact: After a thorough analysis of the research reports provided by the client, the data was distilled into blocks of digestible, bite-sized information to feed as inputs into an AI model. The outcome: 27 new and distinct product concepts complete with product names and taglines, product idea and descriptions, functional and emotional benefits, ingredients etc. as well as packaging design for inspiration. The concepts were put into a workshop including all brand stakeholders, and mixologists, to filter down to a final few concepts to take forward into product development. Case in point: Powered by Quilt.Ai
  • 24. Real-world examples: Generative AI applications Leveraging AI-led creative concept generation to innovative for an established coffee brand Client: A global beverage company Challenge: How can we leverage AI to generate creative concepts, taglines, and beverage experiences for different coffee segments? Insight and Impact: AI used to explore creative concepts as a continuation from our tribe segmentation work. Collaborating with the client to understand the consumer segments and mindsets they were targeting, leveraged AI models to offer textual and image creative concepts. This included creative cafe concepts, taglines, drink names and beverage ideas (ice coffee, hot coffee, etc.). For further nuance, AI concepts that were directly inspired by different consumer segment profiles were also included. This creative conceptual ideation was used by the client to inspire their internal strategy and communication work. Case in point: Powered by Quilt.Ai 24 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
  • 25. 25 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Real-world examples: Predictive AI applications Using predictive AI to understand how brands’ ads have changed over the past year Client: A leading global beverage company Challenge: How can we leverage AI to evaluate 13 brands’ ads to uncover how their communications have changed over the past year (2021 vs. 2022)? Insight and Impact: Using proprietary ‘Ad semiotics technology’, 26 ads across 13 brands were analyzed. Did a deep-dive into each brand, using AI to detect the differences between brands’ ads from 2021 vs 2022 in archetypal cues, ad testing value scores, differentiation, and number of times a brand’s logo appeared. Primary insight found was that out of all sample ads, Doritos’ 2022 ad was most differentiated, as signified through its heavy use of personified animals which led to a decrease in relatability scores. Case in point: Powered by Quilt.Ai 13% 10% 8% 5% 3% 0% 2021 2022 % of frames where brand logo is detected 1.00 0.75 0.50 0.25 0.0 2021 2022 Differentiation: ad vs. top performers 0.15 0.1 0.05 0.0 Accessible Ad testing values present in each sample ad Enjoyable Relatable 2021 2022 Brand archetype most aligned with sample ad 0.4 Caregiver Hero Innocent Jester Magician No labels found Ruler Sage Artist Explorer Lover Rebel 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 2021 2022
  • 26. 26 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Real-world examples: Predictive AI applications Identifying winning concepts using AI Client: A leading global beverage company Challenge: How can we leverage AI for almost instantaneous results for testing 11 new product concepts against 4 key metrics and, thus, identify winning concepts? Insight and Impact: Using ‘Ad semiotics’ technology, 11 new product concepts were tested on four key metrics - ‘needs fit’, ‘believability’, ‘uniqueness’ and ‘brand fit’. This AI based technology mapped the alignment of each concept against the set metrics with a score. Through this client was able to identify which concepts aligned with various consumers needs (needs fit) the most, identify the ones that met the fine balance across the other three metrics (Believability, Uniqueness, Brand fit) as well as pinpoint concepts that needed improvement on specific metrics. This allowed the client Identify the top two winning concepts in matter of a couple of hours. Case in point:
  • 27. Powered by Quilt.Ai 27 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
  • 28. 28 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Real-world examples: Predictive AI applications Using predictive AI to evaluate SuperBowl ads Client: A leading global beverage company Challenge: How can we leverage AI to evaluate SuperBowl ads to predict future campaign success? Insight and Impact: Using proprietary ‘Ad semiotics technology’, conducted a frame-by-frame analysis on 25 ads from the 2023 NFL SuperBowl. Deep-dived into each ad, using AI to detect archetypal cues, assign ad testing value sores, as well as measure ad, brand, and social performance. Insights generated gave a clear picture of why some SuperBowl ads performed better than others— ads which scored higher in relatability oftentimes received higher engagement and greater growth in consumer buzz. Case in point: Consolidated performance score 100% 75% 50% 25% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Powered by Quilt.Ai AI predictor of purchase intent AI predictor of content relatability Engagement AI interpretation of values Average Twitter sentiment Multi-channel impact on brand interest The Farmer’s Dog Average The Farmer’s Dog
  • 29. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing In addition, we have more examples of global brands finding success with AI. Analyzing and winning: Diagnostic AI applications Netflix’s Content Recommendation Engine: Netflix, a pioneer in leveraging AI, uses diagnostic AI to analyze viewer data and recommend personalized content. By examining past viewing habits, preferences, and even the time spent on particular genres, Netflix ensures that subscribers receive tailored content recommendations. This has significantly increased their user engagement and retention rates. Amazon’s Product Recommendations: Amazon’s Product Amazon’s diagnostic AI algorithms analyze users’ browsing and purchase histories to suggest products they are likely to buy. These recommendations account for a substantial percentage of Amazon’s total sales and have been a critical factor in the company’s continued growth. You might also like this Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 29
  • 30. 30 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Creativity Unleashed: Generative AI in marketing campaigns The Washington Post’s AI-Powered Reporting: The Washington Post has employed generative AI to assist in creating news articles. While human journalists remain essential for in-depth reporting, AI-powered systems generate automated stories for routine topics like earnings reports and sports scores. This allows human reporters to focus on pertinent stories and investigative journalism. Burger King used generative AI to produce advertisements for their “Moldy Whopper” campaign. The AI-generated visuals depicted the natural decay of a Whopper burger over time, emphasizing the use of preservative-free ingredients. The campaign garnered widespread attention, showcasing the creative potential of AI in marketing. Burger King’s AI-Generated Ads:
  • 31. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Anticipating Trends: Predictive analytics success stories Spotify’s Music Recommendation Algorithm: Spotify employs predictive analytics to anticipate user music preferences. By analyzing listening history, user-generated playlists, and real-time listening behavior, Spotify’s algorithm predicts songs and artists users are likely to enjoy. This not only enhances user experience but also aids in personalized advertising. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 31
  • 32. 32 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Ford’s Predictive Maintenance: In the automotive industry, Ford utilizes predictive analytics to forecast vehicle maintenance needs. Sensors within Ford vehicles collect data on various components, allowing the company to predict when parts are likely to fail and proactively schedule timely maintenance for customers. This predictive approach enhances customer satisfaction and reduces maintenance costs. These real-world examples illustrate the tangible impact of diagnostic, generative, and predictive AI in marketing and beyond. From personalized content recommendations to AI-generated advertising and proactive maintenance scheduling, AI has become a driving force behind enhanced customer experiences and more effective marketing campaigns. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into how we can define ROI in the AI-driven marketing world.
  • 33. 33 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 05 in the context of marketing imperatives ROI
  • 34. 34 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing + + + - - - Defining Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for AI-driven marketing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are essential for evaluating the effectiveness of AI-driven marketing initiatives. They provide a clear framework for measuring success: Example Example Example Example Research effectiveness and efficiency Media spend and optimization Engagement and conversion rate Predicting communications and optimization 01 03 02 04
  • 35. Conversion Rate Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) In both B2B and B2C marketing, the conversion rate is a vital KPI. AI can optimize ad targeting, content personalization, and lead nurturing to increase conversion rates. For instance, a B2B company may measure the conversion rate from leads to closed deals, while a B2C retailer may track the rate of website visitors converting to customers. CLV represents the total value a customer brings over their entire relationship with a business. AI can enhance CLV by enabling personalized experiences, leading to higher customer retention and long-term profitability. B2C companies like Amazon and B2B providers like Salesforce use AI to analyze CLV and tailor marketing strategies accordingly Case in point: Case in point: 35 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
  • 36. 36 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Measurement and evaluation of ROI in B2B and B2C scenarios Measuring ROI in B2B and B2C scenarios involves assessing the financial impact of AI-driven marketing efforts: Example: B2B Lead Generation In B2B marketing, AI can optimize lead generation by identifying high- quality leads and automating lead nurturing. ROI can be measured by comparing the cost of AI tools and campaigns with the revenue generated from converted leads. For instance, if a B2B company invests in AI-driven lead generation tools and sees a 20% increase in sales, they can calculate ROI based on the additional revenue generated. Example: B2C E-commerce In B2C e-commerce, AI can boost ROI by improving product recommendations, reducing cart abandonment rates, and increasing sales. ROI is calculated by comparing the costs of implementing AI-driven solutions with the increase in revenue and profit margins. For instance, if an online retailer invests in AI for personalized product recommendations and sees a 15% increase in sales, they can calculate ROI based on the revenue boost.
  • 37. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Comparative analysis of Traditional vs. AI-driven ROI Example: Traditional Marketing in B2C A traditional B2C marketing campaign might involve mass email blasts to a broad audience. ROI would be calculated based on the number of sales generated from the campaign and the associated costs. In contrast, an AI-driven B2C campaign might use personalized email recommendations, leading to higher open rates and conversions. Comparative analysis would reveal the improved ROI of the AI-driven approach. Example: Traditional Sales Outreach in B2B In B2B, traditional sales outreach may involve cold calling an exhaustive list of potential leads. Here, ROI is determined by the conversion rate of these leads into customers. AI-driven B2B sales outreach might use predictive analytics to identify the most promising leads, resulting in higher conversion rates and a more efficient use of resources. Comparative analysis would show the improved ROI of the AI-driven approach. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 37
  • 38. 38 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing These examples demonstrate how AI-driven marketing initiatives can redefine KPIs, improve ROI measurement, and outperform traditional methods in both B2B and B2C scenarios. By focusing on specific KPIs, measuring ROI accurately, and comparing traditional and AI-driven approaches, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of the impact of AI on their marketing efforts. As per the State of AI in 2023: Generative AI’s breakout year. Enterprise Scale AI Maturation: AI high performer organizations attributing at least 20% of EBIT in 2022 to AI are leveraging generative AI across various business functions, especially in product and service development and risk and supply chain management​​ . Interestingly, these high performers focus less on cost reduction and more on creating new businesses or revenue sources through AI. Finally McKinsey research indicates that marketing is one of the primary business areas seeing revenue benefits from AI​​ . In the following sections, we will continue to explore the immense potential of AI in reimagining digital marketing strategies for the modern age using our framework.
  • 39. 39 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 06 LS Digital Approach Challenging The Now:
  • 40. 40 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Overview of the LS Digital Approach We have designed a comprehensive framework to guide marketers in harnessing the full potential of AI in their marketing strategies. It’s a roadmap for navigating the dynamic landscape of digital marketing and staying ahead in the game. Step 01 Start by leveraging the power of AI to extract insights from data, automate routine tasks, and optimize marketing campaigns. AI can be your ally in understanding consumer behavior, personalizing content, and making data-driven decisions. Step 02 Crafting a winning strategy is crucial. Dive deep into how AI can redefine your marketing tactics, from ad targeting to content creation. Think strategically about how AI can enhance customer experiences, drive engagement, and achieve your marketing objectives. Step 03 In a competitive marketplace, differentiation is key. Explore how AI can help you stand out from the crowd. Whether it’s through hyper-personalization, innovative storytelling, or cutting-edge customer engagement, AI can be your ticket to differentiation.
  • 41. Detailed Strategies for Leveraging AI in Marketing Data-Driven Insights: AI can unearth invaluable insights from your data, helping you understand customer preferences, behaviors, and trends. Utilize these insights to tailor your marketing strategies and content. Content Personalization: AI-driven personalization ensures that your content resonates with individual consumers. Craft personalized experiences that connect on a deep level, fostering brand loyalty. Efficiency Through Automation: Automate repetitive tasks, such as data analysis and lead scoring, to free up time for strategic planning and creative endeavors. Predictive Analytics: Use predictive analytics to anticipate market trends, consumer behavior, and campaign outcomes. Stay ahead of the curve by making proactive decisions. 41 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
  • 42. Strategic planning to differentiate from competitor Innovative Storytelling: AI can help you craft compelling narratives that captivate your audience. Explore creative ways to tell your brand story, using AI-generated content or AI-enhanced creativity. Hyper-Personalization: Go beyond traditional segmentation and offer hyper-personalized experiences. Tailor your messages, product recommendations, and interactions to each individual. Customer Engagement: Use AI-powered chatbots, virtual assistants, and AI-driven customer service to enhance engagement. Provide immediate and personalized responses to customer queries. Continuous Learning: Stay at the forefront of AI advancements. Continuously educate your team on emerging AI technologies and trends to remain competitive. Our approach isn’t just about embracing AI; it’s about reimagining your entire marketing strategy. It’s about leveraging the power of AI to challenge the ‘USUALS,’ and delivering outcomes that set you apart from the competition. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 42
  • 43. 43 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 07 Conclusion
  • 44. 44 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Recap of key insights We began by challenging the conventional narratives surrounding AI, dispelling the myth that it replaces human creativity. Instead, we emphasized the synergy between human ingenuity and AI’s analytical prowess, underlining AI as a catalyst for a marketing renaissance. Our exploration of diagnostic, generative, and predictive AI unveiled the diverse capabilities reshaping marketing norms. From deciphering past data to crafting compelling narratives and predicting future trends, AI offers a comprehensive toolkit for marketers. Real-world use cases across B2B and B2C domains showcased AI’s tangible impact on enhancing customer experiences, generating creative content, and driving anticipatory strategies. Through these case studies, we witnessed AI’s ability to deliver results that resonate with modern marketing imperatives. We delved into ROI calculation, emphasizing the importance of defining KPIs and accurately evaluating ROI in the context of AI-driven marketing. Comparative analyses between traditional and AI-driven ROI demonstrated the remarkable impact AI can have on marketing effectiveness. In our journey through this thought paper, we’ve explored the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in modern marketing. Here, we recap the key insights and extend a call to action, encouraging readers to embrace AI as an indispensable ally in their marketing strategies.
  • 45. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Call to Action: Embrace AI in your marketing strategies As we conclude, we extend a call to action to all modern marketers. Embrace AI as more than a tool; it’s a strategic partner in redefining your marketing game. Whether you operate in B2B or B2C, AI holds the key to unparalleled personalization, efficiency, and competitive advantage. It’s time to leverage the power of AI for data-driven insights, hyper- personalization, and strategic automation. Reimagine your marketing strategy, challenge the now and drive your brand into the future with confidence. Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing 45
  • 46. Here is a potential list of AI tools that can get you started on a transformative journey: Builder IO Multi-channel experiences building automated Diagram Ai-powered UI design tool Typedream: Build Ai-powered no code websites Meshy: Ai-powered 3D modelling Relume Library One of the fastest ways to build a website Glide Build Ai-powered no code apps Typeframes: Produce stunning product videos in minutes FlowRL: UI personalization tool 46 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
  • 47. Flawless: Instant UX audit tool WorkHack: Hyper-personalized marketing Bodt: Ai-chatbot for websites Appolo: End-to-end sales process aiPDF: Summarize PDFs for insights Simple Analytics: A great Google Analytics alternative MagicPost: LinkedIn content creation Martin: Conversational voice AI AudioWriter: Speech to transcript converter 47 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing
  • 48. 48 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing Our next installment of “In:Sights” Series Our journey doesn’t end here. Stay tuned for the next installment in the “In:Sights” series, where we will continue to explore the evolving landscape of marketing in the digital age. We’ll dive into media and real-world success stories that will further empower you to navigate this exciting frontier. Thank you for joining us on this thought leadership journey. Let’s continue to challenge the now, redefine marketing norms, and usher in a new era of digital marketing empowered by AI.
  • 49. 49 Challenging The Now with AI in Marketing LS Digital is a Leading Independent Digital Marketing Transformation (DMT) company from India. The company comprises of four entities, LS Digital, Media and Measurement and Transformation Consulting company, Langoor, CX Web 3.0 company, F1 Studioz, a UI/UX company, and Social Panga, a digital-first creative company, that have come together to form a global DMT brand. LS Digital is building India’s first DMT network for the World. Using #ChallengeTheNow as guiding mantra for the marketers, LS Digital is empowering the brands to construct a digital future. With 1200+ professionals with different skillsets and over a decade of experience, LS Digital is committed to provide integrated digital marketing transformation solutions to brands and partner with them in their digital journey to grow their businesses. LS Digital offers the most comprehensive suite of digital marketing services through its six-pillar DMT framework; Data Insights, CX, Innovations Technology, Media, UI/UX, Creative Communication. For more details, visit: Write to us: © 2023 Copyright LS Digital