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Clean tests - good tests
Petr Heinz
Time for an exercise
Time for an exercise
Who have ever written an automated test?
Time for an exercise
Who have ever written an automated test?
Who already dealt with tests failing for no apparent reason?
Time for an exercise
Who have ever written an automated test?
Who already dealt with tests failing for no apparent reason?
Who had ever feeling like the tests are just throwing
obstacles in your way?
How is testing done with ShopSys Framework
Unit tests - PHPUnit
Integration / database tests
Crawler tests
Acceptance tests - Codeception, Selenium
Performance tests
automated execution on CI server (Jenkins)
What can I expect from a good test?
It is testing one functionality and it fails when it doesn’t work properly.
It is robust enough not to fail when changing unrelated code.
Even after two months I know what, how and why it is testing.
When it fails, I know where the problem is.
It is easy to execute the test and it runs fast. Having unexecuted test is useless.
It is testing an important functionality. The aim isn’t 100% coverage.
Test phases
Arrange - initial requirements setting
Act - the execution of the test
Assert - expected result control
Each phase should be easily told apart in the code.
Don’t be afraid to extract bit of the code just to make it more readable.
Finally, source codes!
Let’s have a look at an acceptance test for searching
product in the administration using its catalogue
class AdminProductSearchCest {
public function testSearchByCatnum(AcceptanceTester $me) {
$me->wantTo('search for product by catnum');
$me->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[username]', 'admin');
$me->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[password]', 'admin123');
$me->clickByText('Advanced search');
$me->selectOptionByCssAndValue('.js-search-rule-subject', 'productCatnum');
$me->fillFieldByCss('.js-search-rule-value input', '9176544MG');
$me->seeInCss('Aquila Still Spring Water', '.js-grid-column-name');
$foundProductCount = $me->countVisibleByCss('tbody .table-grid__row');
assertEquals(1, $foundProductCount);
Acceptance test of filtering - the original code
class LoginPage extends AbstractPage {
const ADMIN_USERNAME = 'admin';
const ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'admin123';
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
public function login($username, $password) {
$this->tester->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[username]', $username);
$this->tester->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[password]', $password);
$this->tester->clickByText('Log in');
LoginPage object
class AdminProductSearchCest {
public function testSearchByCatnum(AcceptanceTester $me, LoginPage $loginPage) {
$me->wantTo('search for product by catnum');
$loginPage->login(LoginPage::ADMIN_USERNAME, LoginPage::ADMIN_PASSWORD);
$me->clickByText('Advanced search');
$me->selectOptionByCssAndValue('.js-search-rule-subject', 'productCatnum');
$me->fillFieldByCss('.js-search-rule-value input', '9176544MG');
$me->seeInCss('Aquila Still Spring Water', '.js-grid-column-name');
$foundProductCount = $me->countVisibleByCss('tbody .table-grid__row');
assertEquals(1, $foundProductCount);
Acceptance test of filtering - using the LoginPage
class LoginPage extends AbstractPage {
const ADMIN_USERNAME = 'admin';
const ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'admin123';
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
public function login($username, $password) {
$this->tester->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[username]', $username);
$this->tester->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[password]', $password);
$this->tester->clickByText('Log in');
public function assertLoginFailed() {
$this->tester->see('Login failed.');
LoginPage object - assert extension
class AdministratorLoginCest {
public function testSuccessfulLogin(AcceptanceTester $me, LoginPage $loginPage) {
$me->wantTo('login on admin with valid data');
$loginPage->login(LoginPage::ADMIN_USERNAME, LoginPage::ADMIN_PASSWORD);
public function testLoginWithInvalidUsername(AcceptanceTester $me, LoginPage $loginPage)
$me->wantTo('login on admin with nonexistent username');
$loginPage->login('nonexistent username', LoginPage::ADMIN_PASSWORD);
public function testLoginWithInvalidPassword(AcceptanceTester $me, LoginPage $loginPage)
$me->wantTo('login on admin with invalid password');
$loginPage->login(LoginPage::ADMIN_USERNAME, 'invalid password');
Acceptance test of filtering - reusing the LoginPage
class AdminProductSearchCest {
public function testSearchByCatnum(AcceptanceTester $me, LoginPage $loginPage) {
$me->wantTo('search for product by catnum');
$loginPage->login(LoginPage::ADMIN_USERNAME, LoginPage::ADMIN_PASSWORD);
$me->clickByText('Advanced search');
$me->selectOptionByCssAndValue('.js-search-rule-subject', 'productCatnum');
$me->fillFieldByCss('.js-search-rule-value input', '9176544MG');
$me->seeInCss('Aquila Still Spring Water', '.js-grid-column-name');
$foundProductCount = $me->countVisibleByCss('tbody .table-grid__row');
assertEquals(1, $foundProductCount);
Acceptance test of filtering - using LoginPage
class ProductSearchPage extends AbstractPage {
const SEARCH_SUBJECT_CATNUM = 'productCatnum';
* @param string $searchSubject
* @param string $value
public function search($searchSubject, $value) {
$this->tester->clickByText('Advanced search');
$this->tester->fillFieldByCss('.js-search-rule-value input', $value);
public function assertFoundProductByName($productName) {
$this->tester->seeInCss($productName, '.js-grid-column-name');
public function assertFoundProductCount($productCount) {
$foundProductCount = $me->countVisibleByCss('tbody .table-grid__row');
assertEquals($productCount, $foundProductCount);
ProductSearchPage object
class AdminProductSearchCest {
public function testSearchByCatnum(
AcceptanceTester $me,
LoginPage $loginPage,
ProductSearchPage $productSearchPage
) {
$me->wantTo('search for product by catnum');
$loginPage->login(LoginPage::ADMIN_USERNAME, LoginPage::ADMIN_PASSWORD);
$productSearchPage->search(ProductSearchPage::SEARCH_SUBJECT_CATNUM, '9176544MG');
$productSearchPage->assertFoundProductByName('Aquila Pramenitá voda neperlivá');
Acceptance test of filtering - using the ProductSearchPage
Naming of the testing methods
Testing methods don’t have to be named exactly after the tested method.
It is suitable to name the methods after the tested scenario.
The intention and the expectations of the test should be clear.
If it’s not easy to name the testing method it might be the case you are testing too
many things at once.
Don’t be afraid of long names.
Back to code!
Let’s have a look at a unit test of method for adding
product to the cart
interface CartService {
// …
* @param SS6ShopBundleModelCartCart $cart
* @param SS6ShopBundleModelProductProduct $product
* @param int $quantity
* @return SS6ShopBundleModelCartAddProductResult
* @throws SS6ShopBundleModelCartInvalidQuantityException
public function addProductToCart(Cart $cart, Product $product, $quantity);
// …
Test class interface
interface AddProductResult {
* @param SS6ShopBundleModelCartItemCartItem $cartItem
* @param bool $isNew
* @param int $addedQuantity
public function __construct(CartItem $cartItem, $isNew, $addedQuantity);
* @return SS6ShopBundleModelCartItemCartItem
public function getCartItem();
* @return bool
public function getIsNew();
* @return int
public function getAddedQuantity();
Interface of the return value of the tested method
class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase {
// …
public function testAddProductToCartInvalidFloatQuantity() {
$cartService = $this->getCartService();
$product = $this->createProduct();
$cart = $this->createEmptyCart();
$addedQuantity = 1.1;
$cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity);
// …
Adding to the cart unit test - original method name
class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase {
// …
public function testCannotAddProductWithFloatQuantityToCart() {
$cartService = $this->getCartService();
$product = $this->createProduct();
$cart = $this->createEmptyCart();
$addedQuantity = 1.1;
$cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity);
// …
Adding to the cart unit test - new method name
class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase {
// …
public function testAddProductToCartInvalidZeroQuantity() {
$cartService = $this->getCartService();
$product = $this->createProduct();
$cart = $this->createEmptyCart();
$addedQuantity = 0;
$cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity);
// …
Adding to the cart unit test - original method name
class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase {
// …
public function testCannotAddProductWithZeroQuantityToCart() {
$cartService = $this->getCartService();
$product = $this->createProduct();
$cart = $this->createEmptyCart();
$addedQuantity = 0;
$cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity);
// …
Adding to the cart unit test - new method name
class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase {
// …
public function testAddProductToCartNewProduct() {
$cartService = $this->getCartService();
$product = $this->createProduct();
$cart = $this->createEmptyCart();
$addedQuantity = 2;
$result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity);
$this->assertSame($addedQuantity, $result->getAddedQuantity());
// …
Adding to the cart unit test - original method name
class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase {
// …
public function
testAddProductToCartMarksNewlyAddedProductAsNewAndContainsAddedQuantity() {
$cartService = $this->getCartService();
$product = $this->createProduct();
$cart = $this->createEmptyCart();
$addedQuantity = 2;
$result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity);
$this->assertSame($addedQuantity, $result->getAddedQuantity());
// …
Adding to the cart unit test - new method name?
class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase {
// …
public function testAddProductToCartMarksNewlyAddedProductAsNew() {
$cartService = $this->getCartService();
$product = $this->createProduct();
$cart = $this->createEmptyCart();
$addedQuantity = 2;
$result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity);
public function testAddProductResultContainsAddedProductQuantity() {
$cartService = $this->getCartService();
$product = $this->createProduct();
$cart = $this->createEmptyCart();
$addedQuantity = 2;
$result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity);
$this->assertSame($addedQuantity, $result->getAddedQuantity());
// …
} Adding to the cart unit test - separating the method
class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase {
// …
public function testAddProductToCartSameProduct() {
$cartService = $this->getCartService();
$product = $this->createProduct();
$cart = $this->createCartWithOneItem($product);
$addedQuantity = 2;
$result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity);
$this->assertSame($addedQuantity, $result->getAddedQuantity());
// …
Adding to the cart unit test - original method name
class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase {
// …
public function testAddProductToCartMarksRepeatedlyAddedProductAsNotNew() {
$cartService = $this->getCartService();
$product = $this->createProduct();
$cart = $this->createCartWithOneItem($product);
$addedQuantity = 2;
$result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity);
public function testAddProductResultDoesNotContainPreviouslyAddedProductQuantity() {
$cartService = $this->getCartService();
$product = $this->createProduct();
$cart = $this->createCartWithOneItem($product);
$addedQuantity = 2;
$result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity);
$this->assertSame($addedQuantity, $result->getAddedQuantity());
// …
} Adding to the cart unit test - separating the method
Mocks are good when simulating too complex objects.
Its behavior can be controlled well directly in the test code.
It is possible to use it when verifying correct communication between classes.
It is good to extract its creation to a private method.
To the code!
Let’s have a look at a demonstration of a mocking in
database/integration test
interface WebService {
// …
* @param SS6ShopBundleComponentWebServiceRequest $request
* @return resource
public function getResponseStream(Request $request);
// …
Mocked class interface
class TransferProductTest extends DatabaseTestCase {
// …
* @param string $fileName
* @return SS6ShopBundleComponentWebService|PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
private function mockWebServiceReturningFileResource($fileName) {
$transferWebServiceMock = $this->getMockBuilder(WebService::class)
$filePath = __DIR__ . '/Resources/' . $fileName;
$fileResource = fopen($filePath, 'r');
return $transferWebServiceMock;
// …
Creating the mock in a private class
class TransferProductTest extends DatabaseTestCase {
// …
* @param string $fileName
* @return SS6ShopBundleModelTransferTransferFacade
private function createTransferFacadeMockingWebServiceWithFile($fileName) {
return new TransferFacade(
// …
Injecting the mock into the real tested class
class TransferProductTest extends DatabaseTestCase {
* @var SS6ShopBundleModelTransferProductProductTransferProcessor
private $productTransferProcessor;
* @var SS6ShopBundleModelProductProductFacade
private $productFacade;
// …
public function testCreateProductCreatesProduct() {
$transferFacade =
$logger = $this->createLogger();
$transferFacade->process($this->productTransferProcessor, $logger);
$product = $this->productFacade-
// …
Intergraton/database test
Some advice in conclusion
Tests are not here in order “to exist”, they are here for you.
Start with testing the most important scenarios.
Well-kept demonstration data which you are going to use in the tests will help.
Don’t be afraid to create special classes only for the test.
Some tests are worth deleting.
Having clean code in tests is equally important as having it in application code.
Thank you for your attention
Let’s get down to your questions!

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Clean tests good tests

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  • 2. Time for an exercise
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  • 4. Time for an exercise Who have ever written an automated test? Who already dealt with tests failing for no apparent reason?
  • 5. Time for an exercise Who have ever written an automated test? Who already dealt with tests failing for no apparent reason? Who had ever feeling like the tests are just throwing obstacles in your way?
  • 6. How is testing done with ShopSys Framework Unit tests - PHPUnit Integration / database tests Crawler tests Acceptance tests - Codeception, Selenium Performance tests automated execution on CI server (Jenkins)
  • 7. What can I expect from a good test? It is testing one functionality and it fails when it doesn’t work properly. It is robust enough not to fail when changing unrelated code. Even after two months I know what, how and why it is testing. When it fails, I know where the problem is. It is easy to execute the test and it runs fast. Having unexecuted test is useless. It is testing an important functionality. The aim isn’t 100% coverage.
  • 8. Test phases Arrange - initial requirements setting Act - the execution of the test Assert - expected result control Each phase should be easily told apart in the code. Don’t be afraid to extract bit of the code just to make it more readable.
  • 9. Finally, source codes! Let’s have a look at an acceptance test for searching product in the administration using its catalogue number
  • 10. class AdminProductSearchCest { public function testSearchByCatnum(AcceptanceTester $me) { $me->wantTo('search for product by catnum'); $me->amOnPage('/admin/'); $me->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[username]', 'admin'); $me->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[password]', 'admin123'); $me->clickByText('Přihlásit'); $me->amOnPage('/admin/product/list/'); $me->clickByText('Advanced search'); $me->selectOptionByCssAndValue('.js-search-rule-subject', 'productCatnum'); $me->fillFieldByCss('.js-search-rule-value input', '9176544MG'); $me->clickByText('Search'); $me->seeInCss('Aquila Still Spring Water', '.js-grid-column-name'); $foundProductCount = $me->countVisibleByCss('tbody .table-grid__row'); assertEquals(1, $foundProductCount); } } Acceptance test of filtering - the original code
  • 11. class LoginPage extends AbstractPage { const ADMIN_USERNAME = 'admin'; const ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'admin123'; /** * @param string $username * @param string $password */ public function login($username, $password) { $this->tester->amOnPage('/admin/'); $this->tester->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[username]', $username); $this->tester->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[password]', $password); $this->tester->clickByText('Log in'); } } LoginPage object
  • 12. class AdminProductSearchCest { public function testSearchByCatnum(AcceptanceTester $me, LoginPage $loginPage) { $me->wantTo('search for product by catnum'); $loginPage->login(LoginPage::ADMIN_USERNAME, LoginPage::ADMIN_PASSWORD); $me->amOnPage('/admin/product/list/'); $me->clickByText('Advanced search'); $me->selectOptionByCssAndValue('.js-search-rule-subject', 'productCatnum'); $me->fillFieldByCss('.js-search-rule-value input', '9176544MG'); $me->clickByText('Search'); $me->seeInCss('Aquila Still Spring Water', '.js-grid-column-name'); $foundProductCount = $me->countVisibleByCss('tbody .table-grid__row'); assertEquals(1, $foundProductCount); } } Acceptance test of filtering - using the LoginPage
  • 13. class LoginPage extends AbstractPage { const ADMIN_USERNAME = 'admin'; const ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'admin123'; /** * @param string $username * @param string $password */ public function login($username, $password) { $this->tester->amOnPage('/admin/'); $this->tester->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[username]', $username); $this->tester->fillFieldByName('admin_login_form[password]', $password); $this->tester->clickByText('Log in'); } public function assertLoginFailed() { $this->tester->see('Login failed.'); $this->tester->seeCurrentPageEquals('/admin/'); } } LoginPage object - assert extension
  • 14. class AdministratorLoginCest { public function testSuccessfulLogin(AcceptanceTester $me, LoginPage $loginPage) { $me->wantTo('login on admin with valid data'); $loginPage->login(LoginPage::ADMIN_USERNAME, LoginPage::ADMIN_PASSWORD); $me->see('Dashboard'); } public function testLoginWithInvalidUsername(AcceptanceTester $me, LoginPage $loginPage) { $me->wantTo('login on admin with nonexistent username'); $loginPage->login('nonexistent username', LoginPage::ADMIN_PASSWORD); $loginPage->assertLoginFailed(); } public function testLoginWithInvalidPassword(AcceptanceTester $me, LoginPage $loginPage) { $me->wantTo('login on admin with invalid password'); $loginPage->login(LoginPage::ADMIN_USERNAME, 'invalid password'); $loginPage->assertLoginFailed(); } } Acceptance test of filtering - reusing the LoginPage
  • 15. class AdminProductSearchCest { public function testSearchByCatnum(AcceptanceTester $me, LoginPage $loginPage) { $me->wantTo('search for product by catnum'); $loginPage->login(LoginPage::ADMIN_USERNAME, LoginPage::ADMIN_PASSWORD); $me->amOnPage('/admin/product/list/'); $me->clickByText('Advanced search'); $me->selectOptionByCssAndValue('.js-search-rule-subject', 'productCatnum'); $me->fillFieldByCss('.js-search-rule-value input', '9176544MG'); $me->clickByText('Search'); $me->seeInCss('Aquila Still Spring Water', '.js-grid-column-name'); $foundProductCount = $me->countVisibleByCss('tbody .table-grid__row'); assertEquals(1, $foundProductCount); } } Acceptance test of filtering - using LoginPage
  • 16. class ProductSearchPage extends AbstractPage { const SEARCH_SUBJECT_CATNUM = 'productCatnum'; /** * @param string $searchSubject * @param string $value */ public function search($searchSubject, $value) { $this->tester->amOnPage('/admin/product/list/'); $this->tester->clickByText('Advanced search'); $this->tester->selectOptionByCssAndValue('.js-search-rule-subject', $searchSubject); $this->tester->fillFieldByCss('.js-search-rule-value input', $value); $this->tester->clickByText('Search'); } public function assertFoundProductByName($productName) { $this->tester->seeInCss($productName, '.js-grid-column-name'); } public function assertFoundProductCount($productCount) { $foundProductCount = $me->countVisibleByCss('tbody .table-grid__row'); assertEquals($productCount, $foundProductCount); } } ProductSearchPage object
  • 17. class AdminProductSearchCest { public function testSearchByCatnum( AcceptanceTester $me, LoginPage $loginPage, ProductSearchPage $productSearchPage ) { $me->wantTo('search for product by catnum'); $loginPage->login(LoginPage::ADMIN_USERNAME, LoginPage::ADMIN_PASSWORD); $productSearchPage->search(ProductSearchPage::SEARCH_SUBJECT_CATNUM, '9176544MG'); $productSearchPage->assertFoundProductByName('Aquila Pramenitá voda neperlivá'); $productSearchPage->assertFoundProductCount(1); } } Acceptance test of filtering - using the ProductSearchPage
  • 18. Naming of the testing methods Testing methods don’t have to be named exactly after the tested method. It is suitable to name the methods after the tested scenario. The intention and the expectations of the test should be clear. If it’s not easy to name the testing method it might be the case you are testing too many things at once. Don’t be afraid of long names.
  • 19. Back to code! Let’s have a look at a unit test of method for adding product to the cart
  • 20. interface CartService { // … /** * @param SS6ShopBundleModelCartCart $cart * @param SS6ShopBundleModelProductProduct $product * @param int $quantity * @return SS6ShopBundleModelCartAddProductResult * @throws SS6ShopBundleModelCartInvalidQuantityException */ public function addProductToCart(Cart $cart, Product $product, $quantity); // … } Test class interface
  • 21. interface AddProductResult { /** * @param SS6ShopBundleModelCartItemCartItem $cartItem * @param bool $isNew * @param int $addedQuantity */ public function __construct(CartItem $cartItem, $isNew, $addedQuantity); /** * @return SS6ShopBundleModelCartItemCartItem */ public function getCartItem(); /** * @return bool */ public function getIsNew(); /** * @return int */ public function getAddedQuantity(); } Interface of the return value of the tested method
  • 22. class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase { // … public function testAddProductToCartInvalidFloatQuantity() { $cartService = $this->getCartService(); $product = $this->createProduct(); $cart = $this->createEmptyCart(); $addedQuantity = 1.1; $this- >setExpectedException('SS6ShopBundleModelCartInvalidQuantityException'); $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity); } // … } Adding to the cart unit test - original method name
  • 23. class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase { // … public function testCannotAddProductWithFloatQuantityToCart() { $cartService = $this->getCartService(); $product = $this->createProduct(); $cart = $this->createEmptyCart(); $addedQuantity = 1.1; $this- >setExpectedException('SS6ShopBundleModelCartInvalidQuantityException'); $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity); } // … } Adding to the cart unit test - new method name
  • 24. class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase { // … public function testAddProductToCartInvalidZeroQuantity() { $cartService = $this->getCartService(); $product = $this->createProduct(); $cart = $this->createEmptyCart(); $addedQuantity = 0; $this- >setExpectedException('SS6ShopBundleModelCartInvalidQuantityException'); $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity); } // … } Adding to the cart unit test - original method name
  • 25. class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase { // … public function testCannotAddProductWithZeroQuantityToCart() { $cartService = $this->getCartService(); $product = $this->createProduct(); $cart = $this->createEmptyCart(); $addedQuantity = 0; $this- >setExpectedException('SS6ShopBundleModelCartInvalidQuantityException'); $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity); } // … } Adding to the cart unit test - new method name
  • 26. class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase { // … public function testAddProductToCartNewProduct() { $cartService = $this->getCartService(); $product = $this->createProduct(); $cart = $this->createEmptyCart(); $addedQuantity = 2; $result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity); $this->assertTrue($result->getIsNew()); $this->assertSame($addedQuantity, $result->getAddedQuantity()); } // … } Adding to the cart unit test - original method name
  • 27. class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase { // … public function testAddProductToCartMarksNewlyAddedProductAsNewAndContainsAddedQuantity() { $cartService = $this->getCartService(); $product = $this->createProduct(); $cart = $this->createEmptyCart(); $addedQuantity = 2; $result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity); $this->assertTrue($result->getIsNew()); $this->assertSame($addedQuantity, $result->getAddedQuantity()); } // … } Adding to the cart unit test - new method name?
  • 28. class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase { // … public function testAddProductToCartMarksNewlyAddedProductAsNew() { $cartService = $this->getCartService(); $product = $this->createProduct(); $cart = $this->createEmptyCart(); $addedQuantity = 2; $result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity); $this->assertTrue($result->getIsNew()); } public function testAddProductResultContainsAddedProductQuantity() { $cartService = $this->getCartService(); $product = $this->createProduct(); $cart = $this->createEmptyCart(); $addedQuantity = 2; $result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity); $this->assertSame($addedQuantity, $result->getAddedQuantity()); } // … } Adding to the cart unit test - separating the method
  • 29. class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase { // … public function testAddProductToCartSameProduct() { $cartService = $this->getCartService(); $product = $this->createProduct(); $cart = $this->createCartWithOneItem($product); $addedQuantity = 2; $result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity); $this->assertFalse($result->getIsNew()); $this->assertSame($addedQuantity, $result->getAddedQuantity()); } // … } Adding to the cart unit test - original method name
  • 30. class CartServiceTest extends FunctionalTestCase { // … public function testAddProductToCartMarksRepeatedlyAddedProductAsNotNew() { $cartService = $this->getCartService(); $product = $this->createProduct(); $cart = $this->createCartWithOneItem($product); $addedQuantity = 2; $result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity); $this->assertFalse($result->getIsNew()); } public function testAddProductResultDoesNotContainPreviouslyAddedProductQuantity() { $cartService = $this->getCartService(); $product = $this->createProduct(); $cart = $this->createCartWithOneItem($product); $addedQuantity = 2; $result = $cartService->addProductToCart($cart, $product, $addedQuantity); $this->assertSame($addedQuantity, $result->getAddedQuantity()); } // … } Adding to the cart unit test - separating the method
  • 31. Mocking Mocks are good when simulating too complex objects. Its behavior can be controlled well directly in the test code. It is possible to use it when verifying correct communication between classes. It is good to extract its creation to a private method.
  • 32. To the code! Let’s have a look at a demonstration of a mocking in database/integration test
  • 33. interface WebService { // … /** * @param SS6ShopBundleComponentWebServiceRequest $request * @return resource */ public function getResponseStream(Request $request); // … } Mocked class interface
  • 34. class TransferProductTest extends DatabaseTestCase { // … /** * @param string $fileName * @return SS6ShopBundleComponentWebService|PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject */ private function mockWebServiceReturningFileResource($fileName) { $transferWebServiceMock = $this->getMockBuilder(WebService::class) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $filePath = __DIR__ . '/Resources/' . $fileName; $fileResource = fopen($filePath, 'r'); $transferWebServiceMock ->method('getResponseStream') ->willReturn($fileResource); return $transferWebServiceMock; } // … } Creating the mock in a private class
  • 35. class TransferProductTest extends DatabaseTestCase { // … /** * @param string $fileName * @return SS6ShopBundleModelTransferTransferFacade */ private function createTransferFacadeMockingWebServiceWithFile($fileName) { return new TransferFacade( $this->getContainer()->get(TransferRepository::class), $this->mockWebServicReturningFileResource($fileName), $this->getContainer()->get(ByteFormatter::class), $this->getContainer()->get(SqlLoggerFacade::class), $this->getContainer()->get(RepeatedTransferFacade::class), $this->getContainer()->get(TransferLoggerFactory::class), $this->getContainer()->get(EntityManager::class), $this->getContainer()->get(EntityManagerFacade::class) ); } // … } Injecting the mock into the real tested class
  • 36. class TransferProductTest extends DatabaseTestCase { /** * @var SS6ShopBundleModelTransferProductProductTransferProcessor */ private $productTransferProcessor; /** * @var SS6ShopBundleModelProductProductFacade */ private $productFacade; // … public function testCreateProductCreatesProduct() { $transferFacade = $this- >createTransferFacadeMockingWebServiceWithFile(self::FILE_NAME); $logger = $this->createLogger(); $transferFacade->process($this->productTransferProcessor, $logger); $product = $this->productFacade- >findOneByFloresId(self::PRODUCT_1_FLORES_ID); $this->assertNotNull($product); } // … } Intergraton/database test
  • 37. Some advice in conclusion Tests are not here in order “to exist”, they are here for you. Start with testing the most important scenarios. Well-kept demonstration data which you are going to use in the tests will help. Don’t be afraid to create special classes only for the test. Some tests are worth deleting. Having clean code in tests is equally important as having it in application code.
  • 38. Thank you for your attention Let’s get down to your questions!