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May 12, 2015
IS 310.001
Lost and Found
Automated Improvements to the ECCHA Lost and Found System
1. Introduction................................................................................................................................ 5
2. Positioning .................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Problem Statement................................................................................................................5
2.2 Product Position Statement....................................................................................................6
3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions............................................................................................ 6
3.1 Stakeholder Summary............................................................................................................6
3.2 User Summary.......................................................................................................................7
3.3 User Environment..................................................................................................................7
3.4 Key Stakeholder or User Needs...............................................................................................7
3.5 Alternatives and Competition.................................................................................................8
4. System Overview ........................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 System Perspective................................................................................................................9
4.2 Assumptions, Constraints, and Dependencies........................................................................10
4.3 System Features ..................................................................................................................10
4.4 High-level System Requirements...........................................................................................10
5. Project Risk List........................................................................................................................ 11
6. Requirements Analysis ............................................................................................................. 11
6.1 Requirements Elicitation Plan...............................................................................................11
6.2 Business Requirements ........................................................................................................12
6.3 User and Functional Requirements .......................................................................................12
6.4 Nonfunctional Requirements................................................................................................13
6.5 Common Information...........................................................................................................18
7. Use-Case Diagram and Specifications...................................................................................... 19
7.1 Use Case Diagram................................................................................................................19
7.2.1 Generate Reports..............................................................................................................19 Brief Description ............................................................................................................19
7.2.2 Flow of Events ..................................................................................................................19
2 Basic Flow......................................................................................................................19 Alternative Flows ...........................................................................................................20 System Can Not Generate Report.................................................................................20 System Can Not Access Excel........................................................................................20
7.2.3 Special Requirements........................................................................................................20 Timely completion......................................................................................................20
7.2.4 Preconditions....................................................................................................................20 The Systemis functioning and ready to use......................................................................20 The computer is powered on, user accesses Lost and Found page.................................20 The computer is powered on, user accesses Excel. .......................................................20
7.2.5 Post conditions.................................................................................................................20 All necessary data fields have been filled, and the user submits the information. ...........20 Notification window displayed upon completion..........................................................21
7.2.6 Extension Points................................................................................................................21
7.3.1 Enter Animal Information..................................................................................................21 Brief Description ............................................................................................................21
7.3.2 Flow of Events ..................................................................................................................21 Basic Flow......................................................................................................................21 Alternative Flows ...........................................................................................................21 System Can Not Access Website...................................................................................21 System Cannot Submit Form........................................................................................21
7.3.3 Special Requirements........................................................................................................22 Timely completion......................................................................................................22
7.3.4 Preconditions....................................................................................................................22 The Systemis functioning and ready to use..................................................................22 The computer is powered on, user accesses Lost and Found page.................................22
7.3.5 Post conditions.................................................................................................................22 All necessary data fields have been filled, and the user submits the information............22 Notification window displayed upon completion..........................................................22
7.3.6 Extension Points................................................................................................................22
7.4.1 Enter Owner Information...................................................................................................22 Brief Description ............................................................................................................22
7.4.2 Flow of Events ..................................................................................................................23 Basic Flow......................................................................................................................23
3 Alternative Flows ...........................................................................................................23 System Can Not Access Website...................................................................................23 System Cannot Submit Form........................................................................................23
7.4.3 Special Requirements........................................................................................................23 Timely completion......................................................................................................23
7.4.4 Preconditions....................................................................................................................23 The Systemis functioning and ready to use..................................................................23 The computer is powered on, user accesses Lost and Found page.................................23
7.4.5 Post conditions.................................................................................................................24 All necessary data fields have been filled, and the user submits the information. ...........24 Notification window displayed upon completion..........................................................24
7.4.6 Extension Points................................................................................................................24
8. Business Rules and Entity Relationship Diagram .................................................................... 24
8.1 Entity Relationship Diagram..................................................................................................25
8.2 Business Rules.....................................................................................................................26
8.3 Sample Data Tables..............................................................................................................26
9. Data Flow Diagrams ................................................................................................................. 27
9.1 Context Level Diagram .........................................................................................................28
9.2 Level 0 Diagram...................................................................................................................29
9.3 Level 1 of Process 1..............................................................................................................30
9.4 Level 1 of Process 3..............................................................................................................31
10. Prototype Mock-ups................................................................................................................ 32
10.1. Lost and Found Menu........................................................................................................32
10.2 User Sign-in Screen............................................................................................................33
10.2 Generate Reports Form......................................................................................................33
11. Transition Plans ...................................................................................................................... 34
11.1. Test Plan...........................................................................................................................34
11.1.1 Component Testing.........................................................................................................34
11.1.2 Integration Testing..........................................................................................................34
11.1.3 System Testing................................................................................................................34
11.1.4 Acceptance Testing.........................................................................................................35
11.2 ImplementationPlan..........................................................................................................35
11.3 Training Plan......................................................................................................................36
11.3.1 Eau Claire Humane Society Staff.......................................................................................36
12. Appendices.............................................................................................................................. 37
12.1 Revision History.................................................................................................................37
12.2 Reference Materials...........................................................................................................38
12.3 Glossary ............................................................................................................................38
1. Introduction
The purpose of thisdocumentisto examine anddescribe the needs,risks,andkeyattributesof the Lost
and Foundsystemforthe ECCHA.The objective of thisprojectistocreate an efficientLostandFound
systemforthe ECCHA that allowsuserstoquicklyandeffectivelylocate alostanimal.The systemwill
cut downtime forusers,improve detailedinformationwithinthe online database,reduce humanerror
indocumentation,andreduce retentionratesof lostanimalswhichinturnwill reduce costsatthe
ECCHA.Upon implementation,userswill be providedwithaneasytouse,efficientonlinedatabase that
allowsthemtoquicklysearchanddetectan animal withnoconfusion.The detailsregardinghow this
Lost and Foundsystemwill justifythese needsare presentedinthe documentbelow. Itdescribes
diagramand specifications,dataflowdiagram, entityrelationshipdiagram,prototype mockups,our
2. Positioning
The current problemsandsolutionswill be discussedfurtherinthissection. Animprovementinthe lost
and foundsystemwouldincreasethe efficiencyof the ECCHA inhelpingownersfindtheiranimals.
2.1 ProblemStatement
Thisprojecthas beenstartedinorderto increase efficiencyandlimitthe time animalsspendon
the Lost and Foundpage. Thisprojectwill determine how tocommunicate effectivelyandina
timelymannerwiththose searchingforan animal,byfurtherdevelopingonlinenotifications
and detectingpotential matches.
The problem of Animal retention rate for lost and found is too high
affects Owners who are without their animals, which in
turn raises costs for ECCHA.
the impact of which is Shelter space and resources at ECCHA become
limited and owners remain unhappy.
A successful solution would
Improve Lost and Found webpage, request detailed
pictures of members’ animals, and maintain records
of previous Lost and Found animals.
Thisprojectwill improve the lostandfoundsysteminthe organization.The intentof thisproject
isto decrease the time animalsspendinthe Lost andFoundsystem, reduce costs,andincrease
efficiencyof resources.
For The Eau Claire County Humane Association,
who Need to increase the effectiveness of the Lost and
Found System.
the Lost and Found
Is a system to manage Lost and Found animals,
that Will increase animals being reunited with owners by
20% (
Unlike The current paper system,
our product Will make the system more effective, while also
increasing user friendliness.
3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions
The sectionbelow identifiesthe stakeholdersthatwill be effectedbythe changessuggested. The roles
of eachstakeholderandusers,systemrequirements,andthe systemneedsare describedbelow.
3.1 StakeholderSummary
The followingtable representsthe indirectusersof the Lost andFoundsystemand their
Role: Description: Responsibilities for the
project or system
Donors Donors will provide the
funding for the ECCHA.
Provide funds for the ECCHA
Board of Directors Board of directors make
budget and project decision.
Decide if the system is funded
3.2 UserSummary
Thistable describesthe userswhoare directlyimpactedbyoursystem.Eachuserrole,
descriptionof the role,andhowtheywill directlyuse the systemispresentedbelow.
Role Description How this role will use the system
Employee Impute andmanage animal data -Entercustomer/ animal informationonto
online database
-Produce reports
Manager Oversee the use of the systemand
reviewitsoverall effectiveness
-View turnoverdata
-Maintainaccurate records
Animal owner Givesthe systemthe descriptionof
-Enteranimal information
3.3 UserEnvironment
The followinglistcontains environmentalcharacteristicsrelevanttothe improvementof the
Lost and Foundsystem:
- Three to five peoplewouldbe expectedtoaccess the systemsimultaneously
- Each task shouldtake nomore thanfive minutes
- Window7 and office 2010 are the currentsystems
- Each employee will have accesstothe systemwithausername andpassword
- Our systemwouldneedtogetintegratedwithPetPoint
- Potentiallyincorrectanimal descriptionbasedonunderstandingof animals
- Requiresmanual entryof information
- Animal furpresent
3.4 Key StakeholderorUserNeeds
Diagramedinthe table beloware the stakeholder/userneeds,priorityof concern,andthe
solutions.The needsare prioritizedonascale from 1-10, with10 beingthe mostimportant.
Need Priority Concerns Current Solution ProposedSolutions
Compile and
9 Human errorin data
animal owners
of theiranimal
Manual with
pencil andpaper
Expanddatabase of
animal pictures,request
filesof previously lost
Update records 8 Human errorin data
Manual with
pencil andpaper
Digital records
update alongwithpaper
and pencil.
Generate reports 8 Inadequacydatawill
leadto incorrect
A searchable system
3.5 AlternativesandCompetition
The followingisananalysisandcomparisonof whatthe ECCHA currentlyusestokeeptrackof
theiranimals,switchingtoanotheronline database(iShelters),orourlostand foundsystem.
Each systemwill be comparedandevaluatedusingaweighteddecisiontable.
Currently,the ECCHA usesa mix of paperdocumentation,andacomputerdatabase called
“PetPoint.”Whenananimal comesin,itisfirstexaminedbyanemployee.Next,theyhand
documentall the necessaryattributesof the animal onalostand foundreport. Then,the
possible,includesapicture of the animal.Fromthere,the animal’sinformationisretrievable
fromeitherthe paperdocuments,orthe PetPointdatabase.One of the mainissuesof the
currentsystemisits accuracy. The keyproblemthe ECCHA facesis correctlyidentifyingthe
breedof the animal.Also,the systemresultsinaninefficientuse of time.The time spent
handwritingthe animal’sinformation,andthenmanuallyenteringthisinformation,isredundant
and can be improved.
One alternative the ECCHA hasto thissystem, istocompletelytransitiontoadifferentonline
database.Althoughdefinitelyanoption,thisalternative isn’tnecessarilycostortime effective.
These systemscanrange anywhere from$200 to $2500 a month.Also,the capabilitiesand
attributesof these systemsvarygreatly.These systemswill eitheroffernotenoughtothe
ECCHA,or more thantheycouldeveruse.Althoughthiswouldpossiblysave the ECCHA money
inthe longrun bycompletelyeliminatingthe use of LostandFounddocuments,the
implementationcostsandtime neededtotrainemployees,justdoesn’tcompare toour
Giventhese options,ourLostandFoundsystemisthe optimal alternative.The improvedLost
and Foundsystemstreamlinesefficiency,anddrasticallyreducesusererror.Oursystemtailors
to whatthe ECCHA currentlyuses,soit will take littletime toimplement,andpresentaneasy
learningcurve.Byusingan easyto findbreedselector,andreducingthe amountof time needed
to inputthe animal’sinformation,the LostandFoundsystemisthe bestalternative available to
the ECCHA.
The followingtable weighsthe needsof the organizationandrankseachtask 0-5 dependingon
the abilityof the systemtomeetor handle thatrequirementorconstraint. (See NextPage)
Criteria No Action Online
Proposed System
Requirements Weight Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score
Interface with
15 4 60 0 0 5 75
10 0 0 1 10 5 50
Provide detailed
15 2 30 2 30 4 60
Reduce usererror 7 3 21 1 7 4 28
10 1 10 3 30 5 50
Track animal
3 1 3 3 9 3 9
5 5 25 3 15 4 20
Scarcity of
5 4 20 2 10 2 10
Cost of
20 5 100 1 20 3 60
10 5 50 2 20 3 30
Total 100 319 151 392
4. System Overview
This section contains the assumption perspectives dependencies, features, constraints, and high
level requirements for the system.
4.1 System Perspective
The system proposed will be an addition on to the current system of PetPoint. The
system will bridge an information gap between the users and PetPoint. This will be a
public system for use by the employees of the ECCHA to post found animals and also by
the public to post a lost animal.
4.2 Assumptions,Constraints,andDependencies
The followingare alistof assumptions,constraints,anddependenciesimportantfor
implementingthe Lost andFoundsystem.
The followinglistof assumptionsare vital toproperlyimplementthe system:
- The systemwill be maintainedandupdated
- Staff will adaptandlearnnew systemcomponents
- The systemwill be developedbystudents
- There are sufficientresourcesandtimeframesneededtocompletethe project
- Staff hoursand roleswill remainthe same
Beloware a listof constraints thatour systemmustcomplywith:
- Technologyavailabilitycanbe limitedattimes
- Onlythree tofive userscan accessthe systemsimultaneously
Belowisa listof dependenciesthe Lost andFoundsystemisreliantupon:
- ECCHA mustprovide time totrainstaff
- The Lost and Foundsystemwill continuetointegrate withPetPoint
- MicrosoftOffice 2010 or higherisrequired
- The systemwill be secure sothatonlyECCHA staff can make changes
4.3 System Features
The followingshowsfeaturesof the LFS andthe priorityassociatedwitheach.The scale ranges
from1-10 with10 beingthe mostimportant.
System Features Priority
Informusersof possible matches 10
Connectto PetPoint 10
Assistinguserswithaccurate datainputviadropdownmenus. 9
Retaininformationaftermatchhasbeenmade 7
Track annual and seasonanimal numbers 4
4.4 High-level SystemRequirements
The table belowisa table of the specifichighlevelrequirementsthatthe systemrequiresto
function. The requirementsare rankedinprioritywith1beingthe lowestand10 beingthe
System Requirements Priority
Hard Drive Containing 250GB 10
Internet access 10
Compatibility with PetPoint 10
Computer system cannot come in direct
contact with animals
Windows 7 Compatibility 9
2 GB of RAM Memory 8
Core i3 2.0 Ghz Processor 6
5. Project Risk List
The following table contains a list of possible risks as well as mitigation strategies. The ranking
from 10 (largest project impact) to 1 (least project impact) shows the importance of each risk.
Priority Risk Description and Impact Mitigation Strategy and/or
Contingency Plan
10 Doesnot findthe LFS to be necessaryor
beneficial,the Boardof Directorsmaynot
approve funding.
Provide more factsandestimatesto
the Board to show the importance of
the LFS
10 There isinsufficientfunding. Reorganize fundinganddonationsas
well asrestructure componentsof
systemtobe cheaper
8 Donorsmay not provide enoughfunding. Continue toraise awarenessand
7 Users don’tlike change. Describe how the systemwill benefit
comparedto othersystems.Showhow
will reduce workloadandpaperwork.
7 Cannotfindan efficientwaytotrack lostand
Propose solutionsthatdraw from
systemswithsimilardataand product
6 Time neededtomaintainthe systemmakesusers
reluctantto use.
Show usershow the time takento
maintainthe systemcanpositively
impactthe community.Weighted
6 Developerunclearof scope andneedsof the LFS. Clarifyorget new developer.
6. Requirements Analysis
The followingsectionillustratesthe necessaryrequirementsneededtosuccessfullyimplementthe Lost
and Foundsystem.Itcontainsthe elicitationplan,businessrequirements,userandfunctional
requirements,andnon-functional requirements.
6.1 RequirementsElicitationPlan
In orderto elicitrequirementsforthe Lostand FoundSystem, ourgroupaimsto developa
surveythatwill be providedtothe membersandcustomersof the ECCHA.We will sendanemail
to our customersandmemberswiththe surveyattached,aswell asaskthose whocome into
the Humane Associationtotake a minute tofill outthe survey.The purpose of the surveys,
whichwill be writtenandconductedby‘Mike andAlex,will be toidentifythe aspectsof the
currentLost and Foundsystemthatare working,and whichaspectsof the systemtheywould
like improvedorchanged.There willbe 25 surveysfilledoutbycustomers,members,and
employeeswhichwill consistof 15 questionseach.Resourcesneededinclude the questionnaire
template andanappropriate timeframe of 10minutestosurvey. Alongwiththe surveys,our
groupwill conducta fewbrief interviews.ZachandSam will be conductingthe interviewson
twocurrent ECCHA employeesandKarenherself.We willbe selectingthe employeesbasedon
theirinvolvementinthe Lostand Foundprocess.Due to the employees’tightschedules,Sam
will be emailingKarenatECCHA in orderto setup a time that isconvenientforheremployees.
Zach and Sam will be preparingseveral questionsaheadof time andwill bringajournal totake
detailednotes.Resourcesneededforthistechnique include copiesof the interview questions
template andemail accesstoKaren.
6.2 BusinessRequirements
The followingstatementexplainsourrequirementsandhow the systemwillimpactthe Humane
The purpose of The Lost andFoundSystemisto create a unifiedsystem that
automaticallyinterfaceswithPetPointsothatanimal reportsare more easilygenerated,
filesandlostanimal historyare more easilyaccessed,andlesspaperisusedonanimal
6.3 Userand Functional Requirements
The followingtable showsthe userandfunctional requirementsforthe Lost and FoundSystem.
It describesthe differentstepsuserswill needtotake,andwhatthe Lost and FoundSystem
needstodo to supportthose steps.
We usedRelationshiptoOtherRequirementsmethodbecause oursystemneedstobe able to
interface andmeetrequirementsof PetPoint.Examplesof thisinclude beingable tomatchthe
data entryfieldswithcorrectinformationeventhoughwe wouldlike toincorporate adropdown
menuforbreeds.If our systemcannot accuratelyenterdataintoPetPointitbecomesuseless.
As well,we usedMoSCoWanalysistodocumentthe rankings.
M = Must be includedinthe system
S = Shouldbe includedinthe system
C = Couldbe includedinthe system
W = Won’tbe includedinthe system
ColumnHeaderKey:CI= CommonInformationIdentifier,ST= Status
StatusColumnKey:A = Accepted C= Changedsince lastreview,N (orBlank) =New since last
ID Userand SystemFunctional RequirementStatements CI [Ranking] ST
Owner/ Employee
Goal U2 Enter Animal Information CI2 M N
U2.1 User selectsLost andFound
U2.1F1 Systemdisplayshome page withoptionbars
U2.2 User selectsanimal breed
U2.2F1 Systemdisplayspicturesof breedoptions
U2.3 User entersanimal information CI2
U2.3F1 Systemdisplaysonline “Lost”form which displays
information regarding the lost animal
U2.4 User attachesdetailedphotosof lostanimal
U2.4F1 Systemprovidesuploadlink
U2.5 User submitsform
U2.5F1 Systemdisplayssubmitbutton
Owner/ Employee
Goal U3 Enter Owner Information M N
U3.1 User selectsLost andFound
U3.1F1 Systemdisplayshome page withoptionbars
U3.2 User selectsOwnerInformation
U3.2F1 Systemdisplayspicturesof breedoptions
U3.3 User entersOwnerinformation
U3.3F1 Systemdisplaysonline “Lost”form which displays
information regarding the lost animal
U3.5 User submitsform
U3.5F1 Systemdisplayssubmitbutton
Goal U4 Generate Reports M A
U4.1 SelectManagerTasks A
Systemdisplayshome page withoptionbars A
U4.2 Validate User A
Systemdisplays“Username andpassword” A
User isan authorizeduser CI1 N
U4.3 User selectsgenerate reports A
Systemdisplaysmanagersreports inexcel A
6.4 Nonfunctional Requirements
The followingare the nonfunctional requirementsnecessaryforthe Lost and Foundsystemto
ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST
OPERATION Requirements:How well doesthe system performfor daily use?
AccessSecurity How well is the systemguarded againstunauthorized access?
The extentto which the system issafeguardedagainstdeliberate and intrusive faults from internal and external sources.
N-ACS1 Employeeswill be providedwithauthorizedusernamesaswell as
N-ACS2 An email addresswillbe connectedwithemployees’accounts. C
ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST
N-ACS3 Each passwordisto be changedeverysix monthsbyeach
authorizeduser.If usernamesorpasswordsare forgotten,the
informationwill be senttothe email addressof the user.
N-ACS4 Passwordswill notbe shownatany pointintime duringthe login
N-ACS5 Non-authorizeduserswill notbe requiredtoenterausername or
passwordto make entries. However,non-authorizeduserswillnot
be able to change any data currentlyinthe system.
N-ACS6 Each unsuccessful attemptbyan employeetologinshall be
recordedonan audittrail.
N-ACS7 If an authorizeduserisloggedinbutidle forlongerthan20
minutes,theywillbe automaticallyloggedout.
Availability How dependable is the systemduring normal operating times?
The degree to which users can depend on the systemto be up (able to function) during “normal operating times.”
N-AVL1 The Lost and FoundSystemwill be available tousers24 hoursper
day,7 days perweek.
N-AVL2 In the case of maintenance orsystemoutages,userswill be
notifiedviaemailpriortothe outage.
N-AVL3 The Lost and Foundsystemshall maintain99% up time A
N-AVL4 If necessary,maintenance willalwaysbe conductedduringlow
peakhour timesof after1am and before 5am.
Efficiency How fastcan itprocess? How many can be processed? How well doesthe system respond?
The extentto which the software systemhandlescapacity,throughput, and responsetime.
N-EFC1 The initial systemshall be able tohandle eachdataentryinless
than one second,andthe full dataform inlessthanfive seconds.
N-EFC2 Anyinterface betweenthe userandthe systemshall take nomore
than five seconds.
N-EFC3 Once an entry has beeninthe systemtwoweeks,itwill be
removedfromthe Lost and Foundsection,andmovedtothe
Adoptionsectionof the system.
N-EFC4 The initial systemshall have anavailable storage space of 2TB. A
N-EFC5 The systemshall produce a storage capacitywarningnotification
whenthe 70% capacity thresholdiscrossed.
N-EFC6 The systemwill be able toaccommodate 10 userssimultaneously
at any giventime.
Integrity How accurate and authentic are the data?
The degree to which the data maintained by the softwaresystem are accurate, authentic,and withoutcorruption.
N-INT1 Anyentrymade by an authorizedusertothe systemwill be
reviewedbyanotherauthorizeduserormanagerbefore the entry
N-INT2 To avoidtotal lossdue to an unexpectedsystemfailure,eachentry
will be savedtoa word documentpriortobeingsubmitted.
N-INT3 Data shall be added,updated,orremovedona dailybasisasto
avoidinaccurate or irrelevantdata.
ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST
N-INT4 Anycorrupt data submittedbyanon-authorizeduser,suchasdata
that isobviouslyinaccurate,shallbe removedbyanemployee or
N-INT5 The systemwill be screenedweeklytoensure LostandFound
submissionsbyownersare legitimate.
Reliability How immune is the systemto failure?
The extentto which the software systemconsistently performsthe specified functionswithoutfailure.
N-REL1 Managers or directorswill be notifiedastoanysystemoutages. A
N-REL2 The rate of entryfailure shall be 1/1000 (1 occurrence in1000
days).Failure meansthe systemfailstosave anentryof a lost
N-REL3 The mean time tofailure of the systemtimingoutshall be 1/1000
(1 occurrence in 1000 entries).Failuremeansthe systemmust
cancel the current processandallow the userto re start.
N-REL4 Afterfive unsuccessful loginattempts,the systemwill recognize an
unauthorizeduserandfreeze the systemuntil amanagerlogsin
and unfreezesthe system.
N-REL5 If the systemfailstoaccepta Lost and Foundsubmission,anerror
box will appeartonotifythe user.
N-REL6 A basicsystemfunctionstestwill be performedeveryweekto
ensure all aspectsare workingasintended.
Survivability How resilientis the systemfrom failure?
The extentto which the software systemcontinues to function and recoversin the presence ofa systemfailure.
N-SRV1 If informationsubmittedbyauserfailsto update,the userwill
immediatelyreceiveanemail withanotification.
N-SRV2 In the case of a systemfailure,usersthathave submitted
informationwill be informedthattheirentrieswillbe recovered
and postedagain.
N-SRV3 The systemwill be inspectedonce every12monthsinorder to
ensure efficiencyandresistance tofailure.
N-SRV4 Employeesandmanagersare authorizedtoperformsystem
N-SRV5 The systemisable to functiononminimal hardware requirements.
Thus increasingitslongevity.
Usability How easy is itto learn and operate the system?
The ease with which the user is able to learn, operate, prepare inputs, and interpretoutputs through interaction with a system.
N-USE1 The systemwill take nomore than 15 minutestolearnand
N-USE2 Non-authorizeduserswill be able torecognize andfigure outhow
to use the systemwithinfive minutes.
N-USE3 Authorizeduserswill be requiredtoarrive tothe ECCHA earlyon
the firstday of the systemimplementationfora15 minute training
N-USE4 Users shall be able tofill outa formin the systemwithinfive
REVISION Requirements:Howeasy is it to correct errors and add functions?
ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST
Flexibility How easy is itto modify to workin differentenvironments?
The ease with which the softwarecan be modified to adaptto differentenvironments, configurations,and user expectations.
N-FLX1 No piece of textthatmightbe displayedtoauser shall reside in
program source code.Everypiece of textthata usermightsee
mustbe modifiable without changingsource code.
N-FLX2 The systemwill be able tofunctionwithupdatedversionsof
N-FLX3 The systemwill be updatedwheneverPetPointisupdatedtostay
N-FLX4 The systemwill have the abilitytobe able to have language
changedat the requestof the user.
N-FLX5 The abilitytoadd a mobile versioncanbe made available atthe
N-FLX6 The report customizationoptionsmustbe flexibletorespondto
the user’sneeds.
Maintainability How easy is itto upkeep and repair the system?
The ease with which faults in a software system canbe found and fixed.
N-MNT1 The maintenance logshall be storedwithinthe systemtorecord
updatesmade tothe system.
N-MNT2 A systemdevelopment teammemberwhohasat leastone yearof
experience supportingsoftware applicationsshall be able toadda
newproductfeature withnomore than one weekof labor
N-MNT3 The systemshall notbe shut downformaintenance more than
once in a 24-hour period.
N-MNT4 The systemwill runa self-checkeverythree monthstodetermine
any problemsthatcouldarise
N-MNT5 The systemshall notbe shut downformaintenance more than
once in a 24-hour period.
N-MNT6 The systemsource code is properly documentedsochangescanbe
Scalability How easy is itto expand or upgrade the system’scapabilities?
The degree in which the system isable to expand its processing capabilities upward and outward to supportbusinessgrowth.
N-SCL1 The effortneededtoadministerthe systemshall nothave a
significantincreasedue to anincrease inthe numberof animals.
N-SCL2 The systemwill be usable oncomputeraswell asall mobile
N-SCL3 Addingextrafunctionalitieswillnotmake the systemitself less
N-SCL4 The elapseddurationof time requiredtoproduce anystatement
or reportshowinginformationabouttransactionsshall be based
uponhowmuch data is presentedratherthanthe total quantityof
N-SCL5 Whena newversionof the systemisreleased,itshall be available
to be upgradedfromany previousversion
N-SCL6 The systemdoeshave the abilitytoincrease the possible amount
of users.
ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST
Verifiability How easy is itto show the system performs its functions?
The extentto which tests,analysis, and demonstrations are needed to prove thatthe system will function as intended.
N-VER1 Users of the systemshouldparticipate insystemreviewsthatwill
occur on a monthlybasis
N-VER2 Software alphatestingwillrequirethe use of atest database with
data extractedfromthe productiondatabase.Thistestdatabase
will be deletedaftersuccessful implementationof the software
N-VER3 The systemwill be pre-testedbyusersafterthe alphatesting
phase to validate systemrequirementsare beingsatisfied.
N-VER4 User manualswill be available tousers.Definitionsandstep-by
stepinstructionsof the system’smainfunctionswill be highlighted.
N-VER5 If the systemfailsbeforethe authorizedusersavesall new animal
and ownerinputs,the systemshall be able torecoverall changes
updatedupto one minute priorto the failure
TRANSITION Requirements:How easyis it to adapt to changes in the technical environment?
Interoperability How easy isitto interface with another system?
The extentto which the software systemis able to couple or facilitate the interface with other systems.
N-IOP1 The systemmustbe able to interface withPetPoint’sdataentry
N-IOP2 The systemmustnot displayimagesoffensivetopossibleusers. A
N-IOP3 The systemmustuse Englishas itscommondisplaylanguage to
increase effectivenessandreduce errorsinprocessing.
N-IOP4 Non-authorizeduserswill notbe able togenerate reportsfromthe
N-IOP5 Reportsgeneratedcanbe exportedtoapplicable Microsoft
N-IOP6 Upgradesto the systemwill notinterferewithabilitytointerface
N-IOP7 Systemwill be able toconvertpaperrecordsto digital viascanning
themintothe system.
Portability How easy isitto transport?
The ease with which a software systemcan be transferred from its currenthardwareor software environmentto another.
N-POR1 Time Zone will needtobe seteachtime the systemis
N-POR2 Productwill be customizableuponimplementationtomeetuser’s
N-POR3 Productwill have bothcomputerandmobile/tablet capabilities. A
N-POR4 Systemmustbe able to functiononwindows7and up operating
systemsaswell asAndroidandiOSmobile operatingsystems.
N-POR5 Software shouldalsosave toa “Cloud”serverforoffsite backup. A
N-POR6 All time references will be basedoff of the time zone whichthe
N-POR7 The systemwill be able tohave limitedfunctionwhennot
connectedtothe internet.
ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST
Reusability How easy isitto convertfor use in another system?
The extentto which a portion ofthe software systemcan be converted for use in another.
N-REU1 Productcan be implementedasa subsystemif anoverarching
N-REU2 Will be designedtoadhere toHyperTextMarkupLanguage(HTML)
N-REU3 Currenthard copiesfromECCHA will be scannedintothe system. A
N-REU4 Database will be easilymovedtootherstorage formsinfuture
hardware updates
N-REU5 Systemwill be codedtoworkwiththe mostcommon operating
6.5 CommonInformation
ID NamedInformation Definitionor BusinessesUsage / Business
CI1 AuthorizedUser The Lost and FoundSystemdisplaystwotext
A userbecomesauthorized uponsuccessful
completionof the login.
CI2 Animal Information Animal informationincludessex,species,
7. Use-Case Diagram and Specifications
The belowsectionsillustrate the relationshipsbetweenthe usersandthe systemsof the use case.The
use case diagramand the use case specificationsdescribehow the systemandthe usersinteract.
7.1 Use CaseDiagram
The followingsectionillustrates the use case diagram, (Figure 1) andthe specificationsof the
majoruse case withinthe Lostand FoundSystem. The majoruse casesare Fill outlostform,
enteranimal information,enterownerinformation,andgenerate reports
7.2.1 GenerateReports
Belowisdocumentationdescribingthe generatereportsuse case BriefDescription
Generatingreportsisa necessaryfunctionforkeepingtrackof lostandfoundanimals. The
manageris able togenerate reportstokeeptrack of animal information sothattheycan
presentthe informationtostockholders,andkeepstatisticsaccurate.
7.2.2 FlowofEvents
The followingare the basicandalternative flowsfornavigatingthe generate reports use case BasicFlow
Belowisthe basicflowof events,orthe most commonpath,throughthe generate reportsuse
1. Use Case beginswhenthe userattemptstologintothe Manager section.
2. Use Case:Validate Userisperformed.
3. User Selectsgenerate reports.
4. User selectsinformationtobe includedin reportusingfilters.
5. The systemgeneratesreportfromselecteddata.
6. The systemdisplaysthe reports inExcel.
7. The use case endssuccessfully
20 AlternativeFlows
Beloware some examplesof alternativeflowsfromthe basicflow describedabove forthe use
case Generate Reports. System CanNot GenerateReport
1. User Selectsgenerate reports.
2. The systemshowsanerror message thatsays“SystemCan NotGenerate Report”.
3. Systemreturnsto step3. System CanNot Access Excel
1. The systemgeneratesreportsforthe lostandfoundanimals.
2. The systemshowsanerror message thatsays“Can Not AccessExcel”.
3. The systemreturnsbackto step4.
7.2.3 Special Requirements
There isone special requirementthatneedstobe fulfilled foroursystemtooperate successfully Timelycompletion
The systemwill needtobe able togenerate reportinformationandbe able toopen excel with
Informationpresentwithin30 secondsof activatingthe system.
7.2.4 Preconditions
The followingare preconditionsnecessarypriorto generatingreports inthe system. TheSystem isfunctioningandreadyto use
The systemhas a secure connectiontothe internet,systemisupto date and readyforuser
input. Thecomputer is poweredon,useraccessesLostand Foundpage.
The user mustenterthe correct URL to navigate tothe webpage andaccessLost and Foundtab. Thecomputeris poweredon,useraccesses Excel.
The user mustopenExcel to view the generatedreports.
7.2.5 Post conditions
The followinglistof postconditionsare possible statesthe systemcanbe infollowingthe
completionof the use case. All necessarydatafieldshavebeen filled,andthe user submitsthe
Fileshave been updated.
21 Notificationwindowdisplayeduponcompletion.
The user isnotifiedthattheirsubmissionwassuccessful andisgiventhe optiontocontinue or
7.2.6 ExtensionPoints
No extensionpointscanbe identified,asthe GeneratesReport use-casedoesnotinclude
7.3.1 Enter Animal Information
Belowisdocumentationdescribingthe EnterAnimal Information use case. BriefDescription
EnteringAnimal Information isanecessaryfunctionforthe lostand foundprocess.Byentering
and maintainingthoroughandcomplete animal informationthe betterthe matchesthe system
can return.
7.3.2 FlowofEvents
The followingare the basicandalternative flowsfornavigatingthe enteranimal information use
case. BasicFlow
Belowisthe basicflowof events,orthe most commonpath,throughthe enteranimal
information use case.
1. The use Case beginswhenthe user opensthe website.
2. User entersthe animal informationintothe appropriate fields.
3. Use Case:EnterOwnerInformation.
4. User submitsform.
5. The use case endssuccessfully. AlternativeFlows
Beloware some examplesof alternativeflowsfromthe basicflow describedabove forthe use
case EnterAnimal Information. System CanNot AccessWebsite
1. User attemptstoaccess website.
2. The systemshowsan errormessage thatsays “SystemCanNot AccessPage”.
3. Systemreturnstostep3. System CannotSubmitForm
1. Starts at step4.
2. Systemfailstouploadfile.
3. Systempromptsusertotry again.
7.3.3 Special Requirements
There isone special requirementthatneedstobe fulfilledforoursystemtooperate
successfully. Timelycompletion
The systemwill needtobe able to processsubmittedinformationinlessthan15 secondsdue to
the simple formatof the entereddataas text.
7.3.4 Preconditions
The followingare preconditionsnecessarypriortoenteringanimal informationinthe system. TheSystem isfunctioningandreadyto use
The systemhas a secure connectionto the internet,systemisupto date and readyforuser
input. Thecomputeris poweredon,useraccessesLostand Foundpage.
The user mustenterthe correct URL to navigate tothe webpage andaccessLost and Foundtab.
7.3.5 Post conditions
The followinglistof postconditionsare possible statesthe systemcanbe infollowingthe
completionof the use case. All necessarydatafieldshavebeen filled,andthe usersubmitsthe
Animal informationfileshave beenupdated. Notificationwindowdisplayeduponcompletion.
The user isnotifiedthattheirsubmissionwassuccessful andisgiventhe optiontocontinue to
the home page or exit.
7.3.6 ExtensionPoints
No extensionpointscanbe identified,asthe EnterAnimal Informationuse-casedoesnot
include extendsrelationships.
7.4.1 Enter OwnerInformation
Belowisdocumentationdescribingthe enterownerinformation use case. BriefDescription
EnteringOwnerInformation isanecessaryfunctionforreconnectinglostandfoundanimals.By
providingaccurate contactinformationthe ownersof the animal canbe notifiedwhenan
animal matchingtheirlostanimal’sdescriptionisfound.
7.4.2 FlowofEvents
The followingare the basicandalternative flowsfornavigatingthe EnterOwnerInformation. BasicFlow
Belowisthe basicflowof events,orthe most commonpath,through the enterowner
informationuse case.
1. The use Case beginswhenthe user opensthe website.
2. Use Case:EnterAnimal Information.
3. User entersownerinformationintothe appropriate fields.
4. User submitsform.
5. The use case endssuccessfully. AlternativeFlows
Beloware some examplesof alternativeflowsfromthe basicflow describedabove forthe use
case EnterOwnerInformation. System CanNot AccessWebsite
1. User attemptstoaccess website.
2. The systemshowsan errormessage thatsays “SystemCanNot AccessPage”.
3. Systemreturnstostep3. System CannotSubmitForm
1. Starts at step4.
2. Systemfailstouploadfile.
3. Systempromptsusertotry again.
7.4.3 Special Requirements
There isone special requirementthatneedstobe fulfilledforoursystemtooperate
successfully. Timelycompletion
The systemwill needtobe able toprocess submittedinformationinlessthan15 secondsdue to
the simple formatof the entereddataas text.
7.4.4 Preconditions
The followingare preconditionsnecessarypriortoenteringownerinformationinthe system. TheSystem isfunctioningand readyto use
The systemhas a secure connectiontothe internet,systemisupto date and readyforuser
input. Thecomputeris poweredon,useraccessesLostand Foundpage.
The user mustenterthe correct URL to navigate tothe webpage andaccess Lost and Foundtab.
7.4.5 Post conditions
The followinglistof postconditionsare possible statesthe systemcanbe infollowingthe
completionof the use case. All necessarydatafieldshavebeen filled,andthe usersubmitsthe
Ownerinformationfileshave beenupdated. Notificationwindowdisplayeduponcompletion.
The user isnotifiedthattheirsubmissionwassuccessful andisgiventhe optiontocontinue to
the home page or exit.
7.4.6 ExtensionPoints
No extensionpointscanbe identified,asthe EnterOwnerInformationuse-casedoesnotinclude
8. Business Rules and Entity Relationship
The Followingdiagramshowseachentityfromthe LostandFounddatabase and illustratesthe business
rulesas connectionsbetweenentities.Thisdiagramalsodisplaysthe attributesthatare includedineach
entity.Primaryandforeignkeysare identifiedwitha“PK”or “FK” buttonrespectively.
8.1 Entity RelationshipDiagram
8.2 BusinessRules
The followingbusinessrulesexplainthe relationshipof eachentityfromthe EntityRelationship
Owner and Animal
Every owner may own one or more animals.
Every animal is owned by an owner.
Owner and Phone
Every owner has one or more phone numbers.
Every phone number belongs to one owner.
Owner and Email
Every owner has one or more emails.
Every email belongs to one owner.
Owner and Address
Every owner must have one address.
Every address has oneor more owners.
8.3 SampleDataTables
Owner ID Last Name First Name AddressID
1 Johnson Joey 13
2 O’Neil Neil 11
3 Brown Molly 12
4 Zuckerberg Marcus 12
5 Winfrey Oprah 14
AddressID Street City State Zip
11 516 ½ Menominee St. Eau Claire WI 54701
12 427 NiagaraSt. Eau Claire WI 54702
13 454 SummitAve. Eau Claire WI 54701
14 1111 Rich Dr. Eau Claire WI 54701
Animal ID Name Age Weight Sex Species Breed Owner ID
123 Boots 2 10 F Cat Tabby 3
124 Mr. Pickles 4 12 M Cat Siamese 4
125 Gary 14 95 M Dog German
126 Claire 8 20 F Rabbit Flemish
127 Steve 5 75 M Dog Irish
128 Tina 5 362 F Llama Ccara 5
Email ID Email Address Type (W,H) Primary Owner ID
21 H Y 4
22 W N 3
23 H Y 2
24 H Y 3
25 W Y 5
26 H Y 1
Phone ID Phone Number Type (H, C, W) Primary Owner ID
1111 715-222-3333 H Y 1
2222 715-123-4567 C Y 2
3333 715-236-9840 W Y 4
4444 612-222-9666 C Y 5
5555 715-609-6196 W N 5
6666 952-911-0911 W Y 3
9. Data Flow Diagrams
The Data FlowDiagramisa graphical representationof the proposedlostandfoundsystem.Eachof the
followingisanillustrationof the flow of datawithinthe lostandfoundsystematvariouslevelsof
9.1 ContextLevel Diagram
The contextlevel diagram(Figure1) showsanoverview of the systemandthe flow of data
withinthe Lostand FoundSystem. ThisLevel showshow eachactoreffectsthe systemfroma
top down perspective. Italsoshowswhatthe systemgivestoeachactor involvedinthe system.
Figure 1: Context Level Diagram
9.2 Level 0 Diagram
The level 0 diagram(Figure 2) displaysthe movementof datainand outof the system. The level
of the diagramshowshowthe systeminteractswiththe datastores. The othermainfeature of
thislevel isthatitshowshowthe data is transformedbetween the processes.
Figure 2: level 0 Diagram
9.3 Level 1 of Process1
The data flowdiagram(Figure 3) decomposesthe ProcessInformationprocess.Thislevel of the
diagramshowswhathappenswithinthe processof enterinformation. Itshowswhere the datadirectly
goesand whathappenstoit inthe specificpartsof the processof enterinformation.
Figure 3: Level 1 diagram
9.4 Level 1 of Process3
The data flowdiagram(Figure 4) decomposesthe Generate reportsprocess..Thislevel of the
diagramshowswhathappenswithinthe processof generate reports. Itshowswhere the datadirectly
goesand whatspecificinformationisusedincertainpartsinside of the processgenerate reports.
Figure 4: level 1 diagram
10. Prototype Mock-ups
The followingsectionsillustrate prototypemock-upscreens.Theseprototypesdisplaythe processthe
userwill follow whenusingthe LostandFoundSystem.Eachform will be providedwithintroductory
textto explain whatthe userisseeing.
10.1. Lost and FoundMenu
Thisis the mainLost and Foundformthat userswill interactwith.The userwill interactwith
drop-downmenusandtextboxestoenterthe requiredinformation.There willalsobe anarea
to uploadimagesof theirpet.
10.2 UserSign-inScreen
From thisscreen,the usercan input theirusername andpasswordtosignintothe system.
10.2 GenerateReportsForm
Thisform isviewable afterthe userlogsintothe system.Fromhere,the primaryfunctionof this
page is to generate anyrequiredreport.
11. Transition Plans
The followingsectionswill detail the testplan,the implementationplan,andthe trainingplanforthe
Lost and FoundSystem.These plansare tobe implementedtoensure asuccessful installationof the
Lost and FoundSystem.
11.1. Test Plan
The test planisusedto ensure properfunctionalityandneedsof the ECCHA.Thisplanwill
include the following:Component,integration,systems,andacceptance testing.Eachformof
testingwill be describedinthe followingsubsections.
11.1.1 ComponentTesting
Componenttestingoccurswhenthe subsectionsof the systemare testedindividually.First,the
loginscreenwill be testedtoensure thatmanagersare able tosuccessfullylogin.Also,the login
screenwill be testedtoensure thataccessisnot allowedwithoutpropercredentials.Next,the
generate reports componentwill be testedtoensure all aspectsof the formare workingand
filteringproperly.The LostandFoundformwill be testedtoguarantee informationremains
withinthe correctfieldsandcanbe easilyconvertedintoothertextforms.The final component
testfor the systemwill be itsabilitytoaccuratelymatchdescriptionsfromthirdpartydatabases.
The systemdeveloperwillbe responsible forconductingthesetestsonthe prototype.Basedon
requiredfields,sample datawill be createdtotestineachprototype mockup. Fromhere,any
errorsthat may have occurredwill be documentedandcorrectedtoensure properfunctionality.
Componenttestingwill be complete when,andonlywhen,all componentsof the systemare
11.1.2 IntegrationTesting
At completionof componenttesting,toconfirmthatall componentsare workingtogether,
testingforsuccessful integrationwill commence.Thistestingistoguarantee thatthe Lost and
Foundsystemwill integrate smoothlywithexistingsystemsusedbyECCHA.Toconduct thistest,
the systemdeveloperwill use sampledataandperforma mock-documentation,likethatof an
end-user.Fromthese testresults,we canconfirmthatall data issyncedcorrectlywith
correspondingdatabases.Once anyandall issueshave beenrecorded,corrected,andtested
againto confirmissueshave beenresolved,onlythencanintegrationtestingcanbe completed.
11.1.3 SystemTesting
Upon completionof the integrationtesting,alphatestingwillbeginonthe developmentsite
usingdevelopmentpersonnel.Inordertoavoidfuture modificationsduringonsite testing, any
errorsduringalphatesting will be fixedandthe testwill be runagain.Thisversionof testing
involvesthe bringingtogetherof all the programsthat a systemencompassesfortesting
purposes.Systemtestingwillverifythatthe integratedsystemhascompletelysatisfiedthe
explicitrequirementsof the ECCHA.The system developmentteamwillbe responsible for
conductingthe systemtestingandprovidingtime frame neededforsystemtesting.Testingwill
be consideredcomplete once anydeficiencieshave beencorrected.
11.1.4 AcceptanceTesting
Acceptance testingwillbeginatthe developmentsite uponsuccessfulcompletionof system
testing.The developmentteam,the alphatesters,willperformfinal acceptance testingpriorto
the onsite testingatthe ECCHA inorderto guarantee successuponimplementation.Duringthis
phase of the acceptance testing,systemdeveloperswill entersimulateddataintothe system
and attemptto make the systemfail.Duringthisphase,systemdeveloperswill testforsecurity,
The firstcomponentof acceptance testingissecuritytests.Duringsecuritytesting,system
developerswill attempttoaccessthe systemwithoutpropercredentials.Next,system
developerswill enterpropercredentialstoaccessthe systemandthenrestartthe systemwhile
loggedinwhichwill force the usertore-enterlogincredentials.Thesetestsdemonstrate thata
userwhohas eithernotenteredthe correctcredentialsorhasnotloggedinafterrestarting
theirsystemwill notbe able toenter,edit, orsubmitdataintothe system.
The secondcomponentof acceptance testingisrecoverytests.Duringrecoverytesting,system
developerswill force asystemfailure.The purpose of thistestistodemonstrate the system’s
abilitytopropertyreboot,save informationthatisbothinthe systemandcurrentlyinprogress,
and protectsubmitteddatafromcorruption.
The third componentof acceptance testingisstresstests.Duringstresstesting,system
developerswill logintothe systemonmultiple differentcomputersinordertoputstresson the
system.The purpose of stresstestingistodemonstrate the system’sabilitytohandle multiple
usersaccessingthe systemsimultaneously.
The fourthcomponentof acceptance testingisperformance tests.Duringperformance testing,
systemdeveloperswill ensure the systemperformsasaccordingtodesign.Systemdevelopers
will testthe systemona computeras well asmobile devise.Performance testswill be
consideredcomplete if the systemfunctionswithoutglitchesorerrors.
Aftersuccessful completionof alphatesting,the systemwillbe readyforonsite betatesting.
The ECCHA employeeswillbe the betatesters.Betatestingwill be completedbyeachemployee
whois involvedinthe Lostand Foundprocessinany way.Each employee will complete each
testthat was completedduringalphatesting,includingsecurity,recovery,stress,and
performance.The betatestingwillbe consideredcompleteonce eachtesthasbeensuccessfully
completedbyeachemployee.If anyerrorsorglitchesare encountered,theywill be fixed,and
the employeeswillbe askedtotestthatsectionof the systemagain.Once the beta testingis
completedandthe ECCHA staff signoff on the system, the Lostand Foundsystemwill be
implementedata future date.
11.2 ImplementationPlan
The implementation of the LostandFound Systemwill use the directinstillation approach. The
oldsystemwill be shutdown whenthe new one issetup. The directapproach will be the best
way to implementthe new system, becausethe systemisdesigned tostreamlinethe process
and any overlapwouldcreate repeated dataandwastedtime.
The implementation will take place afterall testingandtraininghastakenplace. The systemwill
be implementedbetween11pmand1am as thiswill be atime of little tonouse of the system. If
the systemisnot completely functional byopeninghoursorif it isattemptedtobe usedonline,
a message onthe computerwill appearsaying, “The systemiscurrently unavailable. Pleasetry
later.”The data already enteredintothe currentsystemwill be transferred andtransformed to
match the new system. Lostand Foundsystemwill be fully functional foruse afteritisfully
Afterthe implementation of the LostandFound systemthe staff of the ECCHA andthe public
will be able tomore easily inputlostanimalsandowners of lostanimalsintothe database. This
will alsoallow forthe systemtoflagpotential matches. The systemwill alsoallowformanagers
to generate specified reportsthatcancontainimportantinformation.
11.3 Training Plan
Once the Lost and Found systemisfully functionalall employees andauthorized userswill go
throughtrainingto make sure they can getfull use of the system.
11.3.1 EauClaireHumaneSocietyStaff
All employees will be taughthow touse the new Lost andFoundform. All authorized userswill
gettrainingon the generate reportfunction.
The trainingwill be completed bythe systemadministratorinthe formof a one-on-one meeting
for authorized usersandagroup meetingof all the employees. The singletrainingsession will
be heldwhenThe ECCHA isn’topentothe publicandwill lastnolongerthan one anda half
hours. The trainingsessionwill be heldone weekbefore the implementation of the system. In
case of employee turnoverora new authorized userbeingintroduced tothe Lost andFound
system, atrainingmanual will be createdtoguaranty the systemisusedoptimally andproperly.
12. Appendices
The belowinformationisrequiredforthe documentationprocessfordesigningthe system.Information
specifictothisdocumentcanbe foundhere tosupplementpriorcontent.
12.1 RevisionHistory
Throughthe developmentof the system, as a groupwe kepttrack of eachstepof whoworked
on the project. Thisinformationisforthe ECCHA to review throughthe progressionof the
improvementof the lostandfoundsystem.
Date Version Description Author
2/24/2015 1.0 Startedinitial formattingandideaof planning Group
3/3/2015 2.0 CompletedProblemStatement,ProductPosition
3/10/2015 2.1 Enhancedall of StakeholderandUserDescriptions,
additional formatting
3/12/2015 2.2 CoverPage Mike
3/13/2015 2.3 EnhancedIntroductorytexts,addedadditional table
3/13/2015 2.4 Table Formatting Zach
3/15/2015 2.5 Final informationandformatting Group
3/17/2015 3.0 CompletedSystemsPerspective and High-level System
Alex andSam
3/17/2015 3.1 AddedProjectRiskList,elaboratedon High-level
3/17/2015 3.2 AddedAssumptions,Constraints,andDependencies Sam
3/18/2015 3.3 AddedAlternatives andCompetition Mike
3/18/2015 3.4 AddedSystemFeatures,updatedglossary Group
3/22/2015 3.5 Fixedformatting, revisedsectionnamesinrevision
history,fixedmistakesbasedoff of feedback
4/7/2015 4.0 Additionof Use Case Diagramand Specifications Group
4/15/2015 4.1 Added RequirementsAnalysis Group
4/21/2015 4.2 AddedData FlowDiagrams Group
5/7/2015 4.3 AddedBusinessandEntityRelationshipDiagrams Group
5/9/2015 4.4 AddedadditionalinformationtoUse Case
Specifications, EntityRelationshipDiagram,
RequirementsAnalysis,andDataflow Diagrams
5/12/2015 4.5 AddedTestPlan,ComponentTesting,Integration
Testing,SystemTesting,andAcceptance Testing
5/12/2015 4.6 AddedImplementationPlanandTrainingPlan Alex
5/12/2015 5.0 Final Formatting Zach
12.2 ReferenceMaterials
The belowchart containsthe namesof the documentsanddatabasesusedincreating this
Reference DocumentName BriefDescription Location of Definitive
ClientQuestionResponses Answerstoclientquestions. D2L ClientInfo
Guide Star ECCHA Financial informationfornon-profits
SystemService Request D2l Group Locker Group17
Milestone 1 Early versionof thisdocument D2l Group Locker Group17
SystemDescription Early additiontothisdocument D2l Group Locker Group17
Use Case for ProposedSystem Early versionof Use case section D2l Group Locker Group17
SpecifyRequirements Earlierversionof requirementssection D2l Group Locker Group17
Data flowdiagram Earlierversionof DFDsection D2l Group Locker Group17
Milestone 2Updates Combinationof multipleupdatesof
D2l Group Locker Group17
12.3 Glossary
The followingisatable fordefiningsome of the termswe use throughoutthe document.
Term Description
Actor A personor systemthatderivesbenefitfromandisexternal tothe system
Alphatesting Testingof systemat developersite using fictitious data
Attribute A characteristicof an entity
Beta testing Limitedaccesstestingusingreal usersandreal datain the environmentthe systemwill
be implemented
Board of
The executivesincharge of businessdecisionmakingforECCHA
Statementsof the processesandpoliciesgoverningthe behaviorof the organization.
businessrulesthatdefine orconstrainthe relationshipsamongthe people,places,
thingsandeventsaboutwhichthe organizationismaintainingdata.
Specificinformationthatisreferencedmultiple times
Constraints Eventsand circumstancesthatmayrestrict,limit,orregulate aproject
An overall viewof the “informationsystem”under consideration,showingits
relationshipwithexternal entities
D2L Desire toLearn website forclassandfile hostingforstudents/facultybeingusedbythe
Universityof Wisconsin-EauClaire.
Data Flow
A picture of the movementof databetween external entities,the processes,andthe
data storeswithinasystem
Data store
A data repository—eitherpermanentfortemporary—fordatatransformedby
processes.Datastorescan be filesorfull database systems.
Database An organizedsetof informationthatisstoredina computerandaccessible inmultiple
An entitywhose existenceisdependentuponanotherentitybecause all orpartof its
primarykeycomprisesaforeignkeyfromanotherentity.Alsoknownasa weakor
An ongoingorupcomingconcernthat hasa significantprobabilityof adverselyaffecting
the successof majormilestones.
An approachto installingnew software where youchange overfromthe oldinformation
systemtoa newone byturningoff the oldsystemwhenthe new one isturnedon.
Director A salariedemployeewhoworksfull timeatThe CommunityTable whodirectsbusiness
on-site andinteracts withthe guests
Donor SuppliesfundsforECCHA operations
ECCHA Eau Claire CountyHumane Society
Entity A person,place,object,eventorconceptinthe userenvironmentaboutwhichthe
A model thatcapturesthe overall structure of organizational data
ForeignKey A fieldinone table thatuniquelyidentifiesarow of anothertable
A statementof whatthe usermustbe able to doand what the systemmustdoto
supportwhatthe usermustbe able todo
GB Gigabyte,ameasure of space ona computerharddrive
Ghz The unitof ratingfor a computerprocessorreferringtothe speedwhichthatcomputer
can complete processesinagivenunitof time.
Graphical User
Interface (GUI)
An illustrationof howapersoninteractswitha computer-basedsystemthrough
graphical iconsand visual indicators(e.g.,contrast,repetition,alignmentandproximity).
Hard drive Internal componentof the computerwhere dataisstored
A systemcomposedof peopleandcomputersthatprocessesorinterpretsinformation
A planfor installingsoftware atusersites,includingpreparations,usertraining,and
The processof bringingtogetherall of the modulesthataprogram comprisesfortesting
purposes. Modulesare typicallyintegratedinatop-down,incremental fashion.
Level 0 Diagram Representsasystem’smajorprocesses,dataflows, anddatastores
Level 1 Diagram The major processesof a systemare brokendownintolevels,witheachlevel showing
the depthof the system
LFS Lost and Found System
Manager Salariedemployeethatoverseesregularoperations
Commonprocessingsuite thatcontainsproductssuchas Word,Excel,etc.
MoSCoW Technique usedtocategorize requirementsof asystem(Must,Should,Could,Won’t)
Specificationsof howwell asoftware systemmustfunction
Non-functional requirementsfocusedonhow well asystemperformsfordailyuse.
PetPoint 3rd
party online database containinglostandfoundinformation
PrimaryKey Unique identifierforarecord withinanentity
RAM RandomAccessMemory,the abilityfora computerto handle multiple tasksatonce
Stakeholder Personwithinterestintothe operationsof ECCHA
System Technologyandprocessesworkingtogethertoachieve tasks
The bringingtogetherof all the programsthat a systemcomprisesfortestingpurposes.
Programsare typicallyintegratedinatop-down,incrementalfashion.
TestCase A setof conditionsunderwhichatesterwill determinewhetheranapplication,software
systemor one of its featuresisworkingasit wasoriginallydesigned
An iterative processof examiningthe softwarewiththe purpose of confirmingthatthe
Non-functional requirementsfocusedon how easyitis to adaptto changesin the
technical environment.
Use Case
Graphical depictionof connectionbetweenuse-case diagramelements.
Textual arequirementsdocumentationthatdescribe the step-by-stepprocessauser
goesthroughto achieve aspecificgoal usingasoftware system.Use case specifications
alsodescribe the alternativepaths:a) all the possible waysthe userausercan take to
achievingagoal and b) all the possible thingsthatcan go wrongalongthe way that
preventthe userfromachievingthe goal.
User Anypersoninteractingwiththe system
User Interface The meansby whichthe userand a computersysteminteractorwhat the userseeson
the screen
A table usedtoanalyze alternativeoptionsbyassigningweightsandvaluestodifferent
characteristicsof eachoption.
Windows7 Microsoftoperatingsystem

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Business Analysis Project 2015

  • 1. UWEC ZACH SMITH ALEX HART MICHAEL MACALALAD SAMUEL GRITZMACHER May 12, 2015 IS 310.001 Lost and Found Automated Improvements to the ECCHA Lost and Found System
  • 2. 1 Contents 1. Introduction................................................................................................................................ 5 2. Positioning .................................................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Problem Statement................................................................................................................5 2.2 Product Position Statement....................................................................................................6 3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions............................................................................................ 6 3.1 Stakeholder Summary............................................................................................................6 3.2 User Summary.......................................................................................................................7 3.3 User Environment..................................................................................................................7 3.4 Key Stakeholder or User Needs...............................................................................................7 3.5 Alternatives and Competition.................................................................................................8 4. System Overview ........................................................................................................................ 9 4.1 System Perspective................................................................................................................9 4.2 Assumptions, Constraints, and Dependencies........................................................................10 4.3 System Features ..................................................................................................................10 4.4 High-level System Requirements...........................................................................................10 5. Project Risk List........................................................................................................................ 11 6. Requirements Analysis ............................................................................................................. 11 6.1 Requirements Elicitation Plan...............................................................................................11 6.2 Business Requirements ........................................................................................................12 6.3 User and Functional Requirements .......................................................................................12 6.4 Nonfunctional Requirements................................................................................................13 6.5 Common Information...........................................................................................................18 7. Use-Case Diagram and Specifications...................................................................................... 19 7.1 Use Case Diagram................................................................................................................19 7.2.1 Generate Reports..............................................................................................................19 Brief Description ............................................................................................................19 7.2.2 Flow of Events ..................................................................................................................19
  • 3. 2 Basic Flow......................................................................................................................19 Alternative Flows ...........................................................................................................20 System Can Not Generate Report.................................................................................20 System Can Not Access Excel........................................................................................20 7.2.3 Special Requirements........................................................................................................20 Timely completion......................................................................................................20 7.2.4 Preconditions....................................................................................................................20 The Systemis functioning and ready to use......................................................................20 The computer is powered on, user accesses Lost and Found page.................................20 The computer is powered on, user accesses Excel. .......................................................20 7.2.5 Post conditions.................................................................................................................20 All necessary data fields have been filled, and the user submits the information. ...........20 Notification window displayed upon completion..........................................................21 7.2.6 Extension Points................................................................................................................21 7.3.1 Enter Animal Information..................................................................................................21 Brief Description ............................................................................................................21 7.3.2 Flow of Events ..................................................................................................................21 Basic Flow......................................................................................................................21 Alternative Flows ...........................................................................................................21 System Can Not Access Website...................................................................................21 System Cannot Submit Form........................................................................................21 7.3.3 Special Requirements........................................................................................................22 Timely completion......................................................................................................22 7.3.4 Preconditions....................................................................................................................22 The Systemis functioning and ready to use..................................................................22 The computer is powered on, user accesses Lost and Found page.................................22 7.3.5 Post conditions.................................................................................................................22 All necessary data fields have been filled, and the user submits the information............22 Notification window displayed upon completion..........................................................22 7.3.6 Extension Points................................................................................................................22 7.4.1 Enter Owner Information...................................................................................................22 Brief Description ............................................................................................................22 7.4.2 Flow of Events ..................................................................................................................23 Basic Flow......................................................................................................................23
  • 4. 3 Alternative Flows ...........................................................................................................23 System Can Not Access Website...................................................................................23 System Cannot Submit Form........................................................................................23 7.4.3 Special Requirements........................................................................................................23 Timely completion......................................................................................................23 7.4.4 Preconditions....................................................................................................................23 The Systemis functioning and ready to use..................................................................23 The computer is powered on, user accesses Lost and Found page.................................23 7.4.5 Post conditions.................................................................................................................24 All necessary data fields have been filled, and the user submits the information. ...........24 Notification window displayed upon completion..........................................................24 7.4.6 Extension Points................................................................................................................24 8. Business Rules and Entity Relationship Diagram .................................................................... 24 8.1 Entity Relationship Diagram..................................................................................................25 8.2 Business Rules.....................................................................................................................26 8.3 Sample Data Tables..............................................................................................................26 9. Data Flow Diagrams ................................................................................................................. 27 9.1 Context Level Diagram .........................................................................................................28 9.2 Level 0 Diagram...................................................................................................................29 9.3 Level 1 of Process 1..............................................................................................................30 9.4 Level 1 of Process 3..............................................................................................................31 10. Prototype Mock-ups................................................................................................................ 32 10.1. Lost and Found Menu........................................................................................................32 10.2 User Sign-in Screen............................................................................................................33 10.2 Generate Reports Form......................................................................................................33 11. Transition Plans ...................................................................................................................... 34 11.1. Test Plan...........................................................................................................................34 11.1.1 Component Testing.........................................................................................................34 11.1.2 Integration Testing..........................................................................................................34 11.1.3 System Testing................................................................................................................34
  • 5. 4 11.1.4 Acceptance Testing.........................................................................................................35 11.2 ImplementationPlan..........................................................................................................35 11.3 Training Plan......................................................................................................................36 11.3.1 Eau Claire Humane Society Staff.......................................................................................36 12. Appendices.............................................................................................................................. 37 12.1 Revision History.................................................................................................................37 12.2 Reference Materials...........................................................................................................38 12.3 Glossary ............................................................................................................................38
  • 6. 5 1. Introduction The purpose of thisdocumentisto examine anddescribe the needs,risks,andkeyattributesof the Lost and Foundsystemforthe ECCHA.The objective of thisprojectistocreate an efficientLostandFound systemforthe ECCHA that allowsuserstoquicklyandeffectivelylocate alostanimal.The systemwill cut downtime forusers,improve detailedinformationwithinthe online database,reduce humanerror indocumentation,andreduce retentionratesof lostanimalswhichinturnwill reduce costsatthe ECCHA.Upon implementation,userswill be providedwithaneasytouse,efficientonlinedatabase that allowsthemtoquicklysearchanddetectan animal withnoconfusion.The detailsregardinghow this Lost and Foundsystemwill justifythese needsare presentedinthe documentbelow. Itdescribes stakeholderroles,contributions,responsibilities,systemrequirements,associatedrisks,use-case diagramand specifications,dataflowdiagram, entityrelationshipdiagram,prototype mockups,our transitionplans,andanappendix. 2. Positioning The current problemsandsolutionswill be discussedfurtherinthissection. Animprovementinthe lost and foundsystemwouldincreasethe efficiencyof the ECCHA inhelpingownersfindtheiranimals. 2.1 ProblemStatement Thisprojecthas beenstartedinorderto increase efficiencyandlimitthe time animalsspendon the Lost and Foundpage. Thisprojectwill determine how tocommunicate effectivelyandina timelymannerwiththose searchingforan animal,byfurtherdevelopingonlinenotifications and detectingpotential matches. The problem of Animal retention rate for lost and found is too high which affects Owners who are without their animals, which in turn raises costs for ECCHA. the impact of which is Shelter space and resources at ECCHA become limited and owners remain unhappy. A successful solution would be Improve Lost and Found webpage, request detailed pictures of members’ animals, and maintain records of previous Lost and Found animals.
  • 7. 6 2.2ProductPositionStatement Thisprojectwill improve the lostandfoundsysteminthe organization.The intentof thisproject isto decrease the time animalsspendinthe Lost andFoundsystem, reduce costs,andincrease efficiencyof resources. For The Eau Claire County Humane Association, who Need to increase the effectiveness of the Lost and Found System. the Lost and Found system Is a system to manage Lost and Found animals, that Will increase animals being reunited with owners by 20% ( Unlike The current paper system, our product Will make the system more effective, while also increasing user friendliness. 3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions The sectionbelow identifiesthe stakeholdersthatwill be effectedbythe changessuggested. The roles of eachstakeholderandusers,systemrequirements,andthe systemneedsare describedbelow. 3.1 StakeholderSummary The followingtable representsthe indirectusersof the Lost andFoundsystemand their responsibilities. Role: Description: Responsibilities for the project or system Donors Donors will provide the funding for the ECCHA. Provide funds for the ECCHA Board of Directors Board of directors make budget and project decision. Decide if the system is funded
  • 8. 7 3.2 UserSummary Thistable describesthe userswhoare directlyimpactedbyoursystem.Eachuserrole, descriptionof the role,andhowtheywill directlyuse the systemispresentedbelow. Role Description How this role will use the system Employee Impute andmanage animal data -Entercustomer/ animal informationonto online database -Produce reports Manager Oversee the use of the systemand reviewitsoverall effectiveness -View turnoverdata -Maintainaccurate records Animal owner Givesthe systemthe descriptionof theiranimal -Enteranimal information 3.3 UserEnvironment The followinglistcontains environmentalcharacteristicsrelevanttothe improvementof the Lost and Foundsystem: - Three to five peoplewouldbe expectedtoaccess the systemsimultaneously - Each task shouldtake nomore thanfive minutes - Window7 and office 2010 are the currentsystems - Each employee will have accesstothe systemwithausername andpassword - Our systemwouldneedtogetintegratedwithPetPoint - Potentiallyincorrectanimal descriptionbasedonunderstandingof animals - Requiresmanual entryof information - Animal furpresent 3.4 Key StakeholderorUserNeeds Diagramedinthe table beloware the stakeholder/userneeds,priorityof concern,andthe solutions.The needsare prioritizedonascale from 1-10, with10 beingthe mostimportant. Need Priority Concerns Current Solution ProposedSolutions Compile and enteranimal information 9 Human errorin data entrycouldcause animal owners difficultyinrecognition of theiranimal Manual with pencil andpaper Expanddatabase of animal pictures,request member’sanimal pictures,andmaintain filesof previously lost animals. Update records 8 Human errorin data entrycouldcause animalstoremainat the ECCHA Manual with pencil andpaper Digital records repositorywithabilityto update alongwithpaper and pencil. Generate reports 8 Inadequacydatawill leadto incorrect reports Obtain informationfrom binder A searchable system withabilitytofilter
  • 9. 8 3.5 AlternativesandCompetition The followingisananalysisandcomparisonof whatthe ECCHA currentlyusestokeeptrackof theiranimals,switchingtoanotheronline database(iShelters),orourlostand foundsystem. Each systemwill be comparedandevaluatedusingaweighteddecisiontable. Currently,the ECCHA usesa mix of paperdocumentation,andacomputerdatabase called “PetPoint.”Whenananimal comesin,itisfirstexaminedbyanemployee.Next,theyhand documentall the necessaryattributesof the animal onalostand foundreport. Then,the employeeorvolunteermanuallyentersinthisinformationintotheircomputerdatabase,andif possible,includesapicture of the animal.Fromthere,the animal’sinformationisretrievable fromeitherthe paperdocuments,orthe PetPointdatabase.One of the mainissuesof the currentsystemisits accuracy. The keyproblemthe ECCHA facesis correctlyidentifyingthe breedof the animal.Also,the systemresultsinaninefficientuse of time.The time spent handwritingthe animal’sinformation,andthenmanuallyenteringthisinformation,isredundant and can be improved. One alternative the ECCHA hasto thissystem, istocompletelytransitiontoadifferentonline database.Althoughdefinitelyanoption,thisalternative isn’tnecessarilycostortime effective. These systemscanrange anywhere from$200 to $2500 a month.Also,the capabilitiesand attributesof these systemsvarygreatly.These systemswill eitheroffernotenoughtothe ECCHA,or more thantheycouldeveruse.Althoughthiswouldpossiblysave the ECCHA money inthe longrun bycompletelyeliminatingthe use of LostandFounddocuments,the implementationcostsandtime neededtotrainemployees,justdoesn’tcompare toour proposedsystem. Giventhese options,ourLostandFoundsystemisthe optimal alternative.The improvedLost and Foundsystemstreamlinesefficiency,anddrasticallyreducesusererror.Oursystemtailors to whatthe ECCHA currentlyuses,soit will take littletime toimplement,andpresentaneasy learningcurve.Byusingan easyto findbreedselector,andreducingthe amountof time needed to inputthe animal’sinformation,the LostandFoundsystemisthe bestalternative available to the ECCHA. The followingtable weighsthe needsof the organizationandrankseachtask 0-5 dependingon the abilityof the systemtomeetor handle thatrequirementorconstraint. (See NextPage)
  • 10. 9 Criteria No Action Online Alternative Proposed System Requirements Weight Rank Score Rank Score Rank Score Interface with PetPoint 15 4 60 0 0 5 75 Drop-down menus 10 0 0 1 10 5 50 Provide detailed animal information 15 2 30 2 30 4 60 Reduce usererror 7 3 21 1 7 4 28 Informusersof matches 10 1 10 3 30 5 50 Track animal numbers 3 1 3 3 9 3 9 Constraints Technology limitations 5 5 25 3 15 4 20 Scarcity of donations 5 4 20 2 10 2 10 Cost of implementation 20 5 100 1 20 3 60 Systemlearning curve 10 5 50 2 20 3 30 Total 100 319 151 392 4. System Overview This section contains the assumption perspectives dependencies, features, constraints, and high level requirements for the system. 4.1 System Perspective The system proposed will be an addition on to the current system of PetPoint. The system will bridge an information gap between the users and PetPoint. This will be a public system for use by the employees of the ECCHA to post found animals and also by the public to post a lost animal.
  • 11. 10 4.2 Assumptions,Constraints,andDependencies The followingare alistof assumptions,constraints,anddependenciesimportantfor implementingthe Lost andFoundsystem. Assumptions The followinglistof assumptionsare vital toproperlyimplementthe system: - The systemwill be maintainedandupdated - Staff will adaptandlearnnew systemcomponents - The systemwill be developedbystudents - There are sufficientresourcesandtimeframesneededtocompletethe project - Staff hoursand roleswill remainthe same Constraints Beloware a listof constraints thatour systemmustcomplywith: - Technologyavailabilitycanbe limitedattimes - Onlythree tofive userscan accessthe systemsimultaneously Dependencies Belowisa listof dependenciesthe Lost andFoundsystemisreliantupon: - ECCHA mustprovide time totrainstaff - The Lost and Foundsystemwill continuetointegrate withPetPoint - MicrosoftOffice 2010 or higherisrequired - The systemwill be secure sothatonlyECCHA staff can make changes 4.3 System Features The followingshowsfeaturesof the LFS andthe priorityassociatedwitheach.The scale ranges from1-10 with10 beingthe mostimportant. System Features Priority Informusersof possible matches 10 Connectto PetPoint 10 Assistinguserswithaccurate datainputviadropdownmenus. 9 Retaininformationaftermatchhasbeenmade 7 Track annual and seasonanimal numbers 4 4.4 High-level SystemRequirements The table belowisa table of the specifichighlevelrequirementsthatthe systemrequiresto function. The requirementsare rankedinprioritywith1beingthe lowestand10 beingthe highest. System Requirements Priority Hard Drive Containing 250GB 10 Internet access 10 Compatibility with PetPoint 10 Computer system cannot come in direct contact with animals 10 Windows 7 Compatibility 9 2 GB of RAM Memory 8 Core i3 2.0 Ghz Processor 6
  • 12. 11 5. Project Risk List The following table contains a list of possible risks as well as mitigation strategies. The ranking from 10 (largest project impact) to 1 (least project impact) shows the importance of each risk. Priority Risk Description and Impact Mitigation Strategy and/or Contingency Plan 10 Doesnot findthe LFS to be necessaryor beneficial,the Boardof Directorsmaynot approve funding. Provide more factsandestimatesto the Board to show the importance of the LFS 10 There isinsufficientfunding. Reorganize fundinganddonationsas well asrestructure componentsof systemtobe cheaper 8 Donorsmay not provide enoughfunding. Continue toraise awarenessand requestdonationsthroughevents, emails,andotherdonationtechniques 7 Users don’tlike change. Describe how the systemwill benefit comparedto othersystems.Showhow will reduce workloadandpaperwork. 7 Cannotfindan efficientwaytotrack lostand founddata. Propose solutionsthatdraw from systemswithsimilardataand product flowsfromothercompanies. 6 Time neededtomaintainthe systemmakesusers reluctantto use. Show usershow the time takento maintainthe systemcanpositively impactthe community.Weighted decisiontable. 6 Developerunclearof scope andneedsof the LFS. Clarifyorget new developer. 6. Requirements Analysis The followingsectionillustratesthe necessaryrequirementsneededtosuccessfullyimplementthe Lost and Foundsystem.Itcontainsthe elicitationplan,businessrequirements,userandfunctional requirements,andnon-functional requirements. 6.1 RequirementsElicitationPlan In orderto elicitrequirementsforthe Lostand FoundSystem, ourgroupaimsto developa surveythatwill be providedtothe membersandcustomersof the ECCHA.We will sendanemail to our customersandmemberswiththe surveyattached,aswell asaskthose whocome into the Humane Associationtotake a minute tofill outthe survey.The purpose of the surveys, whichwill be writtenandconductedby‘Mike andAlex,will be toidentifythe aspectsof the currentLost and Foundsystemthatare working,and whichaspectsof the systemtheywould like improvedorchanged.There willbe 25 surveysfilledoutbycustomers,members,and employeeswhichwill consistof 15 questionseach.Resourcesneededinclude the questionnaire
  • 13. 12 template andanappropriate timeframe of 10minutestosurvey. Alongwiththe surveys,our groupwill conducta fewbrief interviews.ZachandSam will be conductingthe interviewson twocurrent ECCHA employeesandKarenherself.We willbe selectingthe employeesbasedon theirinvolvementinthe Lostand Foundprocess.Due to the employees’tightschedules,Sam will be emailingKarenatECCHA in orderto setup a time that isconvenientforheremployees. Zach and Sam will be preparingseveral questionsaheadof time andwill bringajournal totake detailednotes.Resourcesneededforthistechnique include copiesof the interview questions template andemail accesstoKaren. 6.2 BusinessRequirements The followingstatementexplainsourrequirementsandhow the systemwillimpactthe Humane Association. BusinessRequirementStatement The purpose of The Lost andFoundSystemisto create a unifiedsystem that automaticallyinterfaceswithPetPointsothatanimal reportsare more easilygenerated, filesandlostanimal historyare more easilyaccessed,andlesspaperisusedonanimal files. 6.3 Userand Functional Requirements The followingtable showsthe userandfunctional requirementsforthe Lost and FoundSystem. It describesthe differentstepsuserswill needtotake,andwhatthe Lost and FoundSystem needstodo to supportthose steps. We usedRelationshiptoOtherRequirementsmethodbecause oursystemneedstobe able to interface andmeetrequirementsof PetPoint.Examplesof thisinclude beingable tomatchthe data entryfieldswithcorrectinformationeventhoughwe wouldlike toincorporate adropdown menuforbreeds.If our systemcannot accuratelyenterdataintoPetPointitbecomesuseless. As well,we usedMoSCoWanalysistodocumentthe rankings. M = Must be includedinthe system S = Shouldbe includedinthe system C = Couldbe includedinthe system W = Won’tbe includedinthe system ColumnHeaderKey:CI= CommonInformationIdentifier,ST= Status StatusColumnKey:A = Accepted C= Changedsince lastreview,N (orBlank) =New since last review. ID Userand SystemFunctional RequirementStatements CI [Ranking] ST User Role Owner/ Employee Goal U2 Enter Animal Information CI2 M N U2.1 User selectsLost andFound U2.1F1 Systemdisplayshome page withoptionbars U2.2 User selectsanimal breed U2.2F1 Systemdisplayspicturesof breedoptions U2.3 User entersanimal information CI2 U2.3F1 Systemdisplaysonline “Lost”form which displays information regarding the lost animal
  • 14. 13 U2.4 User attachesdetailedphotosof lostanimal U2.4F1 Systemprovidesuploadlink U2.5 User submitsform U2.5F1 Systemdisplayssubmitbutton User Role Owner/ Employee Goal U3 Enter Owner Information M N U3.1 User selectsLost andFound U3.1F1 Systemdisplayshome page withoptionbars U3.2 User selectsOwnerInformation U3.2F1 Systemdisplayspicturesof breedoptions U3.3 User entersOwnerinformation U3.3F1 Systemdisplaysonline “Lost”form which displays information regarding the lost animal U3.5 User submitsform U3.5F1 Systemdisplayssubmitbutton User Role Manager Goal U4 Generate Reports M A U4.1 SelectManagerTasks A U4.1F1 Systemdisplayshome page withoptionbars A U4.2 Validate User A U4.2F1 Systemdisplays“Username andpassword” A U4.2F2 User isan authorizeduser CI1 N U4.3 User selectsgenerate reports A U4.3F1 Systemdisplaysmanagersreports inexcel A 6.4 Nonfunctional Requirements The followingare the nonfunctional requirementsnecessaryforthe Lost and Foundsystemto functionuponimplementation. ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST OPERATION Requirements:How well doesthe system performfor daily use? AccessSecurity How well is the systemguarded againstunauthorized access? The extentto which the system issafeguardedagainstdeliberate and intrusive faults from internal and external sources. N-ACS1 Employeeswill be providedwithauthorizedusernamesaswell as passwords. CI1 C N-ACS2 An email addresswillbe connectedwithemployees’accounts. C
  • 15. 14 ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST N-ACS3 Each passwordisto be changedeverysix monthsbyeach authorizeduser.If usernamesorpasswordsare forgotten,the informationwill be senttothe email addressof the user. CI1 C N-ACS4 Passwordswill notbe shownatany pointintime duringthe login process. A N-ACS5 Non-authorizeduserswill notbe requiredtoenterausername or passwordto make entries. However,non-authorizeduserswillnot be able to change any data currentlyinthe system. CI1 A N-ACS6 Each unsuccessful attemptbyan employeetologinshall be recordedonan audittrail. A N-ACS7 If an authorizeduserisloggedinbutidle forlongerthan20 minutes,theywillbe automaticallyloggedout. CI1 A Availability How dependable is the systemduring normal operating times? The degree to which users can depend on the systemto be up (able to function) during “normal operating times.” N-AVL1 The Lost and FoundSystemwill be available tousers24 hoursper day,7 days perweek. A N-AVL2 In the case of maintenance orsystemoutages,userswill be notifiedviaemailpriortothe outage. A N-AVL3 The Lost and Foundsystemshall maintain99% up time A N-AVL4 If necessary,maintenance willalwaysbe conductedduringlow peakhour timesof after1am and before 5am. A Efficiency How fastcan itprocess? How many can be processed? How well doesthe system respond? The extentto which the software systemhandlescapacity,throughput, and responsetime. N-EFC1 The initial systemshall be able tohandle eachdataentryinless than one second,andthe full dataform inlessthanfive seconds. C N-EFC2 Anyinterface betweenthe userandthe systemshall take nomore than five seconds. A N-EFC3 Once an entry has beeninthe systemtwoweeks,itwill be removedfromthe Lost and Foundsection,andmovedtothe Adoptionsectionof the system. A N-EFC4 The initial systemshall have anavailable storage space of 2TB. A N-EFC5 The systemshall produce a storage capacitywarningnotification whenthe 70% capacity thresholdiscrossed. A N-EFC6 The systemwill be able toaccommodate 10 userssimultaneously at any giventime. A Integrity How accurate and authentic are the data? The degree to which the data maintained by the softwaresystem are accurate, authentic,and withoutcorruption. N-INT1 Anyentrymade by an authorizedusertothe systemwill be reviewedbyanotherauthorizeduserormanagerbefore the entry issubmitted. CI1 A N-INT2 To avoidtotal lossdue to an unexpectedsystemfailure,eachentry will be savedtoa word documentpriortobeingsubmitted. A N-INT3 Data shall be added,updated,orremovedona dailybasisasto avoidinaccurate or irrelevantdata. A
  • 16. 15 ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST N-INT4 Anycorrupt data submittedbyanon-authorizeduser,suchasdata that isobviouslyinaccurate,shallbe removedbyanemployee or managerimmediatelyuponfinding. CI1 A N-INT5 The systemwill be screenedweeklytoensure LostandFound submissionsbyownersare legitimate. C Reliability How immune is the systemto failure? The extentto which the software systemconsistently performsthe specified functionswithoutfailure. N-REL1 Managers or directorswill be notifiedastoanysystemoutages. A N-REL2 The rate of entryfailure shall be 1/1000 (1 occurrence in1000 days).Failure meansthe systemfailstosave anentryof a lost animal. A N-REL3 The mean time tofailure of the systemtimingoutshall be 1/1000 (1 occurrence in 1000 entries).Failuremeansthe systemmust cancel the current processandallow the userto re start. A N-REL4 Afterfive unsuccessful loginattempts,the systemwill recognize an unauthorizeduserandfreeze the systemuntil amanagerlogsin and unfreezesthe system. CI1 A N-REL5 If the systemfailstoaccepta Lost and Foundsubmission,anerror box will appeartonotifythe user. A N-REL6 A basicsystemfunctionstestwill be performedeveryweekto ensure all aspectsare workingasintended. C Survivability How resilientis the systemfrom failure? The extentto which the software systemcontinues to function and recoversin the presence ofa systemfailure. N-SRV1 If informationsubmittedbyauserfailsto update,the userwill immediatelyreceiveanemail withanotification. A N-SRV2 In the case of a systemfailure,usersthathave submitted informationwill be informedthattheirentrieswillbe recovered and postedagain. A N-SRV3 The systemwill be inspectedonce every12monthsinorder to ensure efficiencyandresistance tofailure. A N-SRV4 Employeesandmanagersare authorizedtoperformsystem recoveryprocedures. A N-SRV5 The systemisable to functiononminimal hardware requirements. Thus increasingitslongevity. A Usability How easy is itto learn and operate the system? The ease with which the user is able to learn, operate, prepare inputs, and interpretoutputs through interaction with a system. N-USE1 The systemwill take nomore than 15 minutestolearnand operate. A N-USE2 Non-authorizeduserswill be able torecognize andfigure outhow to use the systemwithinfive minutes. CI1 A N-USE3 Authorizeduserswill be requiredtoarrive tothe ECCHA earlyon the firstday of the systemimplementationfora15 minute training session. CI1 A N-USE4 Users shall be able tofill outa formin the systemwithinfive minutes. A REVISION Requirements:Howeasy is it to correct errors and add functions?
  • 17. 16 ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST Flexibility How easy is itto modify to workin differentenvironments? The ease with which the softwarecan be modified to adaptto differentenvironments, configurations,and user expectations. N-FLX1 No piece of textthatmightbe displayedtoauser shall reside in program source code.Everypiece of textthata usermightsee mustbe modifiable without changingsource code. A N-FLX2 The systemwill be able tofunctionwithupdatedversionsof Microsoftproducts. A N-FLX3 The systemwill be updatedwheneverPetPointisupdatedtostay updated. A N-FLX4 The systemwill have the abilitytobe able to have language changedat the requestof the user. A N-FLX5 The abilitytoadd a mobile versioncanbe made available atthe usersrequest A N-FLX6 The report customizationoptionsmustbe flexibletorespondto the user’sneeds. A Maintainability How easy is itto upkeep and repair the system? The ease with which faults in a software system canbe found and fixed. N-MNT1 The maintenance logshall be storedwithinthe systemtorecord updatesmade tothe system. A N-MNT2 A systemdevelopment teammemberwhohasat leastone yearof experience supportingsoftware applicationsshall be able toadda newproductfeature withnomore than one weekof labor A N-MNT3 The systemshall notbe shut downformaintenance more than once in a 24-hour period. A N-MNT4 The systemwill runa self-checkeverythree monthstodetermine any problemsthatcouldarise A N-MNT5 The systemshall notbe shut downformaintenance more than once in a 24-hour period. A N-MNT6 The systemsource code is properly documentedsochangescanbe easilymade. A Scalability How easy is itto expand or upgrade the system’scapabilities? The degree in which the system isable to expand its processing capabilities upward and outward to supportbusinessgrowth. N-SCL1 The effortneededtoadministerthe systemshall nothave a significantincreasedue to anincrease inthe numberof animals. C N-SCL2 The systemwill be usable oncomputeraswell asall mobile applications. C N-SCL3 Addingextrafunctionalitieswillnotmake the systemitself less functional. A N-SCL4 The elapseddurationof time requiredtoproduce anystatement or reportshowinginformationabouttransactionsshall be based uponhowmuch data is presentedratherthanthe total quantityof storeddata A N-SCL5 Whena newversionof the systemisreleased,itshall be available to be upgradedfromany previousversion A N-SCL6 The systemdoeshave the abilitytoincrease the possible amount of users. A
  • 18. 17 ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST Verifiability How easy is itto show the system performs its functions? The extentto which tests,analysis, and demonstrations are needed to prove thatthe system will function as intended. N-VER1 Users of the systemshouldparticipate insystemreviewsthatwill occur on a monthlybasis C N-VER2 Software alphatestingwillrequirethe use of atest database with data extractedfromthe productiondatabase.Thistestdatabase will be deletedaftersuccessful implementationof the software system. A N-VER3 The systemwill be pre-testedbyusersafterthe alphatesting phase to validate systemrequirementsare beingsatisfied. A N-VER4 User manualswill be available tousers.Definitionsandstep-by stepinstructionsof the system’smainfunctionswill be highlighted. A N-VER5 If the systemfailsbeforethe authorizedusersavesall new animal and ownerinputs,the systemshall be able torecoverall changes updatedupto one minute priorto the failure CI1 A TRANSITION Requirements:How easyis it to adapt to changes in the technical environment? Interoperability How easy isitto interface with another system? The extentto which the software systemis able to couple or facilitate the interface with other systems. N-IOP1 The systemmustbe able to interface withPetPoint’sdataentry fields. A N-IOP2 The systemmustnot displayimagesoffensivetopossibleusers. A N-IOP3 The systemmustuse Englishas itscommondisplaylanguage to increase effectivenessandreduce errorsinprocessing. A N-IOP4 Non-authorizeduserswill notbe able togenerate reportsfromthe data. CI1 A N-IOP5 Reportsgeneratedcanbe exportedtoapplicable Microsoft Applications. A N-IOP6 Upgradesto the systemwill notinterferewithabilitytointerface withPetPoint. A N-IOP7 Systemwill be able toconvertpaperrecordsto digital viascanning themintothe system. A Portability How easy isitto transport? The ease with which a software systemcan be transferred from its currenthardwareor software environmentto another. N-POR1 Time Zone will needtobe seteachtime the systemis implementedorupdated. A N-POR2 Productwill be customizableuponimplementationtomeetuser’s needs. A N-POR3 Productwill have bothcomputerandmobile/tablet capabilities. A N-POR4 Systemmustbe able to functiononwindows7and up operating systemsaswell asAndroidandiOSmobile operatingsystems. A N-POR5 Software shouldalsosave toa “Cloud”serverforoffsite backup. A N-POR6 All time references will be basedoff of the time zone whichthe systemwasimplementedin. A N-POR7 The systemwill be able tohave limitedfunctionwhennot connectedtothe internet. A
  • 19. 18 ID Nonfunctional RequirementStatements CI ST Reusability How easy isitto convertfor use in another system? The extentto which a portion ofthe software systemcan be converted for use in another. N-REU1 Productcan be implementedasa subsystemif anoverarching managementsystemisimplemented. A N-REU2 Will be designedtoadhere toHyperTextMarkupLanguage(HTML) guidelinesandstandards A N-REU3 Currenthard copiesfromECCHA will be scannedintothe system. A N-REU4 Database will be easilymovedtootherstorage formsinfuture hardware updates A N-REU5 Systemwill be codedtoworkwiththe mostcommon operating systems A 6.5 CommonInformation ID NamedInformation Definitionor BusinessesUsage / Business elements CI1 AuthorizedUser The Lost and FoundSystemdisplaystwotext fieldswithlabels“Username”and“Password.” A userbecomesauthorized uponsuccessful completionof the login. CI2 Animal Information Animal informationincludessex,species, breed,age,color,weight,andname
  • 20. 19 7. Use-Case Diagram and Specifications The belowsectionsillustrate the relationshipsbetweenthe usersandthe systemsof the use case.The use case diagramand the use case specificationsdescribehow the systemandthe usersinteract. 7.1 Use CaseDiagram The followingsectionillustrates the use case diagram, (Figure 1) andthe specificationsof the majoruse case withinthe Lostand FoundSystem. The majoruse casesare Fill outlostform, enteranimal information,enterownerinformation,andgenerate reports 7.2.1 GenerateReports Belowisdocumentationdescribingthe generatereportsuse case BriefDescription Generatingreportsisa necessaryfunctionforkeepingtrackof lostandfoundanimals. The manageris able togenerate reportstokeeptrack of animal information sothattheycan presentthe informationtostockholders,andkeepstatisticsaccurate. 7.2.2 FlowofEvents The followingare the basicandalternative flowsfornavigatingthe generate reports use case BasicFlow Belowisthe basicflowof events,orthe most commonpath,throughthe generate reportsuse case 1. Use Case beginswhenthe userattemptstologintothe Manager section. 2. Use Case:Validate Userisperformed. 3. User Selectsgenerate reports. 4. User selectsinformationtobe includedin reportusingfilters. 5. The systemgeneratesreportfromselecteddata. 6. The systemdisplaysthe reports inExcel. 7. The use case endssuccessfully
  • 21. 20 AlternativeFlows Beloware some examplesof alternativeflowsfromthe basicflow describedabove forthe use case Generate Reports. System CanNot GenerateReport 1. User Selectsgenerate reports. 2. The systemshowsanerror message thatsays“SystemCan NotGenerate Report”. 3. Systemreturnsto step3. System CanNot Access Excel 1. The systemgeneratesreportsforthe lostandfoundanimals. 2. The systemshowsanerror message thatsays“Can Not AccessExcel”. 3. The systemreturnsbackto step4. 7.2.3 Special Requirements There isone special requirementthatneedstobe fulfilled foroursystemtooperate successfully Timelycompletion The systemwill needtobe able togenerate reportinformationandbe able toopen excel with Informationpresentwithin30 secondsof activatingthe system. 7.2.4 Preconditions The followingare preconditionsnecessarypriorto generatingreports inthe system. TheSystem isfunctioningandreadyto use The systemhas a secure connectiontothe internet,systemisupto date and readyforuser input. Thecomputer is poweredon,useraccessesLostand Foundpage. The user mustenterthe correct URL to navigate tothe webpage andaccessLost and Foundtab. Thecomputeris poweredon,useraccesses Excel. The user mustopenExcel to view the generatedreports. 7.2.5 Post conditions The followinglistof postconditionsare possible statesthe systemcanbe infollowingthe completionof the use case. All necessarydatafieldshavebeen filled,andthe user submitsthe information. Fileshave been updated.
  • 22. 21 Notificationwindowdisplayeduponcompletion. The user isnotifiedthattheirsubmissionwassuccessful andisgiventhe optiontocontinue or exit. 7.2.6 ExtensionPoints No extensionpointscanbe identified,asthe GeneratesReport use-casedoesnotinclude extendsrelationships. 7.3.1 Enter Animal Information Belowisdocumentationdescribingthe EnterAnimal Information use case. BriefDescription EnteringAnimal Information isanecessaryfunctionforthe lostand foundprocess.Byentering and maintainingthoroughandcomplete animal informationthe betterthe matchesthe system can return. 7.3.2 FlowofEvents The followingare the basicandalternative flowsfornavigatingthe enteranimal information use case. BasicFlow Belowisthe basicflowof events,orthe most commonpath,throughthe enteranimal information use case. 1. The use Case beginswhenthe user opensthe website. 2. User entersthe animal informationintothe appropriate fields. 3. Use Case:EnterOwnerInformation. 4. User submitsform. 5. The use case endssuccessfully. AlternativeFlows Beloware some examplesof alternativeflowsfromthe basicflow describedabove forthe use case EnterAnimal Information. System CanNot AccessWebsite 1. User attemptstoaccess website. 2. The systemshowsan errormessage thatsays “SystemCanNot AccessPage”. 3. Systemreturnstostep3. System CannotSubmitForm 1. Starts at step4. 2. Systemfailstouploadfile. 3. Systempromptsusertotry again.
  • 23. 22 7.3.3 Special Requirements There isone special requirementthatneedstobe fulfilledforoursystemtooperate successfully. Timelycompletion The systemwill needtobe able to processsubmittedinformationinlessthan15 secondsdue to the simple formatof the entereddataas text. 7.3.4 Preconditions The followingare preconditionsnecessarypriortoenteringanimal informationinthe system. TheSystem isfunctioningandreadyto use The systemhas a secure connectionto the internet,systemisupto date and readyforuser input. Thecomputeris poweredon,useraccessesLostand Foundpage. The user mustenterthe correct URL to navigate tothe webpage andaccessLost and Foundtab. 7.3.5 Post conditions The followinglistof postconditionsare possible statesthe systemcanbe infollowingthe completionof the use case. All necessarydatafieldshavebeen filled,andthe usersubmitsthe information. Animal informationfileshave beenupdated. Notificationwindowdisplayeduponcompletion. The user isnotifiedthattheirsubmissionwassuccessful andisgiventhe optiontocontinue to the home page or exit. 7.3.6 ExtensionPoints No extensionpointscanbe identified,asthe EnterAnimal Informationuse-casedoesnot include extendsrelationships. 7.4.1 Enter OwnerInformation Belowisdocumentationdescribingthe enterownerinformation use case. BriefDescription EnteringOwnerInformation isanecessaryfunctionforreconnectinglostandfoundanimals.By providingaccurate contactinformationthe ownersof the animal canbe notifiedwhenan animal matchingtheirlostanimal’sdescriptionisfound.
  • 24. 23 7.4.2 FlowofEvents The followingare the basicandalternative flowsfornavigatingthe EnterOwnerInformation. BasicFlow Belowisthe basicflowof events,orthe most commonpath,through the enterowner informationuse case. 1. The use Case beginswhenthe user opensthe website. 2. Use Case:EnterAnimal Information. 3. User entersownerinformationintothe appropriate fields. 4. User submitsform. 5. The use case endssuccessfully. AlternativeFlows Beloware some examplesof alternativeflowsfromthe basicflow describedabove forthe use case EnterOwnerInformation. System CanNot AccessWebsite 1. User attemptstoaccess website. 2. The systemshowsan errormessage thatsays “SystemCanNot AccessPage”. 3. Systemreturnstostep3. System CannotSubmitForm 1. Starts at step4. 2. Systemfailstouploadfile. 3. Systempromptsusertotry again. 7.4.3 Special Requirements There isone special requirementthatneedstobe fulfilledforoursystemtooperate successfully. Timelycompletion The systemwill needtobe able toprocess submittedinformationinlessthan15 secondsdue to the simple formatof the entereddataas text. 7.4.4 Preconditions The followingare preconditionsnecessarypriortoenteringownerinformationinthe system. TheSystem isfunctioningand readyto use The systemhas a secure connectiontothe internet,systemisupto date and readyforuser input. Thecomputeris poweredon,useraccessesLostand Foundpage. The user mustenterthe correct URL to navigate tothe webpage andaccess Lost and Foundtab.
  • 25. 24 7.4.5 Post conditions The followinglistof postconditionsare possible statesthe systemcanbe infollowingthe completionof the use case. All necessarydatafieldshavebeen filled,andthe usersubmitsthe information. Ownerinformationfileshave beenupdated. Notificationwindowdisplayeduponcompletion. The user isnotifiedthattheirsubmissionwassuccessful andisgiventhe optiontocontinue to the home page or exit. 7.4.6 ExtensionPoints No extensionpointscanbe identified,asthe EnterOwnerInformationuse-casedoesnotinclude extendsrelationships. 8. Business Rules and Entity Relationship Diagram The Followingdiagramshowseachentityfromthe LostandFounddatabase and illustratesthe business rulesas connectionsbetweenentities.Thisdiagramalsodisplaysthe attributesthatare includedineach entity.Primaryandforeignkeysare identifiedwitha“PK”or “FK” buttonrespectively.
  • 27. 26 8.2 BusinessRules The followingbusinessrulesexplainthe relationshipof eachentityfromthe EntityRelationship Diagram. Owner and Animal Every owner may own one or more animals. Every animal is owned by an owner. Owner and Phone Every owner has one or more phone numbers. Every phone number belongs to one owner. Owner and Email Every owner has one or more emails. Every email belongs to one owner. Owner and Address Every owner must have one address. Every address has oneor more owners. 8.3 SampleDataTables Owner ID Last Name First Name AddressID 1 Johnson Joey 13 2 O’Neil Neil 11 3 Brown Molly 12 4 Zuckerberg Marcus 12 5 Winfrey Oprah 14 AddressID Street City State Zip 11 516 ½ Menominee St. Eau Claire WI 54701 12 427 NiagaraSt. Eau Claire WI 54702 13 454 SummitAve. Eau Claire WI 54701 14 1111 Rich Dr. Eau Claire WI 54701 Animal ID Name Age Weight Sex Species Breed Owner ID 123 Boots 2 10 F Cat Tabby 3 124 Mr. Pickles 4 12 M Cat Siamese 4 125 Gary 14 95 M Dog German Shepherd 2 126 Claire 8 20 F Rabbit Flemish Giant 5 127 Steve 5 75 M Dog Irish Setter 1 128 Tina 5 362 F Llama Ccara 5
  • 28. 27 Email ID Email Address Type (W,H) Primary Owner ID 21 H Y 4 22 W N 3 23 H Y 2 24 H Y 3 25 W Y 5 26 H Y 1 Phone ID Phone Number Type (H, C, W) Primary Owner ID 1111 715-222-3333 H Y 1 2222 715-123-4567 C Y 2 3333 715-236-9840 W Y 4 4444 612-222-9666 C Y 5 5555 715-609-6196 W N 5 6666 952-911-0911 W Y 3 9. Data Flow Diagrams The Data FlowDiagramisa graphical representationof the proposedlostandfoundsystem.Eachof the followingisanillustrationof the flow of datawithinthe lostandfoundsystematvariouslevelsof decomposition.
  • 29. 28 9.1 ContextLevel Diagram The contextlevel diagram(Figure1) showsanoverview of the systemandthe flow of data withinthe Lostand FoundSystem. ThisLevel showshow eachactoreffectsthe systemfroma top down perspective. Italsoshowswhatthe systemgivestoeachactor involvedinthe system. Figure 1: Context Level Diagram
  • 30. 29 9.2 Level 0 Diagram The level 0 diagram(Figure 2) displaysthe movementof datainand outof the system. The level of the diagramshowshowthe systeminteractswiththe datastores. The othermainfeature of thislevel isthatitshowshowthe data is transformedbetween the processes. Figure 2: level 0 Diagram
  • 31. 30 9.3 Level 1 of Process1 The data flowdiagram(Figure 3) decomposesthe ProcessInformationprocess.Thislevel of the diagramshowswhathappenswithinthe processof enterinformation. Itshowswhere the datadirectly goesand whathappenstoit inthe specificpartsof the processof enterinformation. Figure 3: Level 1 diagram
  • 32. 31 9.4 Level 1 of Process3 The data flowdiagram(Figure 4) decomposesthe Generate reportsprocess..Thislevel of the diagramshowswhathappenswithinthe processof generate reports. Itshowswhere the datadirectly goesand whatspecificinformationisusedincertainpartsinside of the processgenerate reports. Figure 4: level 1 diagram
  • 33. 32 10. Prototype Mock-ups The followingsectionsillustrate prototypemock-upscreens.Theseprototypesdisplaythe processthe userwill follow whenusingthe LostandFoundSystem.Eachform will be providedwithintroductory textto explain whatthe userisseeing. 10.1. Lost and FoundMenu Thisis the mainLost and Foundformthat userswill interactwith.The userwill interactwith drop-downmenusandtextboxestoenterthe requiredinformation.There willalsobe anarea to uploadimagesof theirpet.
  • 34. 33 10.2 UserSign-inScreen From thisscreen,the usercan input theirusername andpasswordtosignintothe system. 10.2 GenerateReportsForm Thisform isviewable afterthe userlogsintothe system.Fromhere,the primaryfunctionof this page is to generate anyrequiredreport.
  • 35. 34 11. Transition Plans The followingsectionswill detail the testplan,the implementationplan,andthe trainingplanforthe Lost and FoundSystem.These plansare tobe implementedtoensure asuccessful installationof the Lost and FoundSystem. 11.1. Test Plan The test planisusedto ensure properfunctionalityandneedsof the ECCHA.Thisplanwill include the following:Component,integration,systems,andacceptance testing.Eachformof testingwill be describedinthe followingsubsections. 11.1.1 ComponentTesting Componenttestingoccurswhenthe subsectionsof the systemare testedindividually.First,the loginscreenwill be testedtoensure thatmanagersare able tosuccessfullylogin.Also,the login screenwill be testedtoensure thataccessisnot allowedwithoutpropercredentials.Next,the generate reports componentwill be testedtoensure all aspectsof the formare workingand filteringproperly.The LostandFoundformwill be testedtoguarantee informationremains withinthe correctfieldsandcanbe easilyconvertedintoothertextforms.The final component testfor the systemwill be itsabilitytoaccuratelymatchdescriptionsfromthirdpartydatabases. The systemdeveloperwillbe responsible forconductingthesetestsonthe prototype.Basedon requiredfields,sample datawill be createdtotestineachprototype mockup. Fromhere,any errorsthat may have occurredwill be documentedandcorrectedtoensure properfunctionality. Componenttestingwill be complete when,andonlywhen,all componentsof the systemare functioningaccordingtodesign. 11.1.2 IntegrationTesting At completionof componenttesting,toconfirmthatall componentsare workingtogether, testingforsuccessful integrationwill commence.Thistestingistoguarantee thatthe Lost and Foundsystemwill integrate smoothlywithexistingsystemsusedbyECCHA.Toconduct thistest, the systemdeveloperwill use sampledataandperforma mock-documentation,likethatof an end-user.Fromthese testresults,we canconfirmthatall data issyncedcorrectlywith correspondingdatabases.Once anyandall issueshave beenrecorded,corrected,andtested againto confirmissueshave beenresolved,onlythencanintegrationtestingcanbe completed. 11.1.3 SystemTesting Upon completionof the integrationtesting,alphatestingwillbeginonthe developmentsite usingdevelopmentpersonnel.Inordertoavoidfuture modificationsduringonsite testing, any errorsduringalphatesting will be fixedandthe testwill be runagain.Thisversionof testing involvesthe bringingtogetherof all the programsthat a systemencompassesfortesting purposes.Systemtestingwillverifythatthe integratedsystemhascompletelysatisfiedthe explicitrequirementsof the ECCHA.The system developmentteamwillbe responsible for conductingthe systemtestingandprovidingtime frame neededforsystemtesting.Testingwill be consideredcomplete once anydeficiencieshave beencorrected.
  • 36. 35 11.1.4 AcceptanceTesting Acceptance testingwillbeginatthe developmentsite uponsuccessfulcompletionof system testing.The developmentteam,the alphatesters,willperformfinal acceptance testingpriorto the onsite testingatthe ECCHA inorderto guarantee successuponimplementation.Duringthis phase of the acceptance testing,systemdeveloperswill entersimulateddataintothe system and attemptto make the systemfail.Duringthisphase,systemdeveloperswill testforsecurity, recovery,stress,andperformance. The firstcomponentof acceptance testingissecuritytests.Duringsecuritytesting,system developerswill attempttoaccessthe systemwithoutpropercredentials.Next,system developerswill enterpropercredentialstoaccessthe systemandthenrestartthe systemwhile loggedinwhichwill force the usertore-enterlogincredentials.Thesetestsdemonstrate thata userwhohas eithernotenteredthe correctcredentialsorhasnotloggedinafterrestarting theirsystemwill notbe able toenter,edit, orsubmitdataintothe system. The secondcomponentof acceptance testingisrecoverytests.Duringrecoverytesting,system developerswill force asystemfailure.The purpose of thistestistodemonstrate the system’s abilitytopropertyreboot,save informationthatisbothinthe systemandcurrentlyinprogress, and protectsubmitteddatafromcorruption. The third componentof acceptance testingisstresstests.Duringstresstesting,system developerswill logintothe systemonmultiple differentcomputersinordertoputstresson the system.The purpose of stresstestingistodemonstrate the system’sabilitytohandle multiple usersaccessingthe systemsimultaneously. The fourthcomponentof acceptance testingisperformance tests.Duringperformance testing, systemdeveloperswill ensure the systemperformsasaccordingtodesign.Systemdevelopers will testthe systemona computeras well asmobile devise.Performance testswill be consideredcomplete if the systemfunctionswithoutglitchesorerrors. Aftersuccessful completionof alphatesting,the systemwillbe readyforonsite betatesting. The ECCHA employeeswillbe the betatesters.Betatestingwill be completedbyeachemployee whois involvedinthe Lostand Foundprocessinany way.Each employee will complete each testthat was completedduringalphatesting,includingsecurity,recovery,stress,and performance.The betatestingwillbe consideredcompleteonce eachtesthasbeensuccessfully completedbyeachemployee.If anyerrorsorglitchesare encountered,theywill be fixed,and the employeeswillbe askedtotestthatsectionof the systemagain.Once the beta testingis completedandthe ECCHA staff signoff on the system, the Lostand Foundsystemwill be implementedata future date. 11.2 ImplementationPlan The implementation of the LostandFound Systemwill use the directinstillation approach. The oldsystemwill be shutdown whenthe new one issetup. The directapproach will be the best way to implementthe new system, becausethe systemisdesigned tostreamlinethe process and any overlapwouldcreate repeated dataandwastedtime.
  • 37. 36 The implementation will take place afterall testingandtraininghastakenplace. The systemwill be implementedbetween11pmand1am as thiswill be atime of little tonouse of the system. If the systemisnot completely functional byopeninghoursorif it isattemptedtobe usedonline, a message onthe computerwill appearsaying, “The systemiscurrently unavailable. Pleasetry later.”The data already enteredintothe currentsystemwill be transferred andtransformed to match the new system. Lostand Foundsystemwill be fully functional foruse afteritisfully implemented. Afterthe implementation of the LostandFound systemthe staff of the ECCHA andthe public will be able tomore easily inputlostanimalsandowners of lostanimalsintothe database. This will alsoallow forthe systemtoflagpotential matches. The systemwill alsoallowformanagers to generate specified reportsthatcancontainimportantinformation. 11.3 Training Plan Once the Lost and Found systemisfully functionalall employees andauthorized userswill go throughtrainingto make sure they can getfull use of the system. 11.3.1 EauClaireHumaneSocietyStaff All employees will be taughthow touse the new Lost andFoundform. All authorized userswill gettrainingon the generate reportfunction. The trainingwill be completed bythe systemadministratorinthe formof a one-on-one meeting for authorized usersandagroup meetingof all the employees. The singletrainingsession will be heldwhenThe ECCHA isn’topentothe publicandwill lastnolongerthan one anda half hours. The trainingsessionwill be heldone weekbefore the implementation of the system. In case of employee turnoverora new authorized userbeingintroduced tothe Lost andFound system, atrainingmanual will be createdtoguaranty the systemisusedoptimally andproperly.
  • 38. 37 12. Appendices The belowinformationisrequiredforthe documentationprocessfordesigningthe system.Information specifictothisdocumentcanbe foundhere tosupplementpriorcontent. 12.1 RevisionHistory Throughthe developmentof the system, as a groupwe kepttrack of eachstepof whoworked on the project. Thisinformationisforthe ECCHA to review throughthe progressionof the improvementof the lostandfoundsystem. Date Version Description Author 2/24/2015 1.0 Startedinitial formattingandideaof planning Group 3/3/2015 2.0 CompletedProblemStatement,ProductPosition Statement,andStakeholderSummary Group 3/10/2015 2.1 Enhancedall of StakeholderandUserDescriptions, additional formatting Group 3/12/2015 2.2 CoverPage Mike 3/13/2015 2.3 EnhancedIntroductorytexts,addedadditional table content Group 3/13/2015 2.4 Table Formatting Zach 3/15/2015 2.5 Final informationandformatting Group 3/17/2015 3.0 CompletedSystemsPerspective and High-level System Requirements Alex andSam 3/17/2015 3.1 AddedProjectRiskList,elaboratedon High-level SystemRequirements,updatedGlossary Zach 3/17/2015 3.2 AddedAssumptions,Constraints,andDependencies Sam 3/18/2015 3.3 AddedAlternatives andCompetition Mike 3/18/2015 3.4 AddedSystemFeatures,updatedglossary Group 3/22/2015 3.5 Fixedformatting, revisedsectionnamesinrevision history,fixedmistakesbasedoff of feedback Zach 4/7/2015 4.0 Additionof Use Case Diagramand Specifications Group 4/15/2015 4.1 Added RequirementsAnalysis Group 4/21/2015 4.2 AddedData FlowDiagrams Group 5/7/2015 4.3 AddedBusinessandEntityRelationshipDiagrams Group 5/9/2015 4.4 AddedadditionalinformationtoUse Case Specifications, EntityRelationshipDiagram, RequirementsAnalysis,andDataflow Diagrams Group 5/12/2015 4.5 AddedTestPlan,ComponentTesting,Integration Testing,SystemTesting,andAcceptance Testing Group 5/12/2015 4.6 AddedImplementationPlanandTrainingPlan Alex 5/12/2015 5.0 Final Formatting Zach
  • 39. 38 12.2 ReferenceMaterials The belowchart containsthe namesof the documentsanddatabasesusedincreating this project. Reference DocumentName BriefDescription Location of Definitive Source ClientQuestionResponses Answerstoclientquestions. D2L ClientInfo Guide Star ECCHA Financial informationfornon-profits SystemService Request D2l Group Locker Group17 Milestone 1 Early versionof thisdocument D2l Group Locker Group17 SystemDescription Early additiontothisdocument D2l Group Locker Group17 Use Case for ProposedSystem Early versionof Use case section D2l Group Locker Group17 SpecifyRequirements Earlierversionof requirementssection D2l Group Locker Group17 Data flowdiagram Earlierversionof DFDsection D2l Group Locker Group17 Milestone 2Updates Combinationof multipleupdatesof previousassignments D2l Group Locker Group17 12.3 Glossary The followingisatable fordefiningsome of the termswe use throughoutthe document. Term Description Actor A personor systemthatderivesbenefitfromandisexternal tothe system Alphatesting Testingof systemat developersite using fictitious data Attribute A characteristicof an entity Beta testing Limitedaccesstestingusingreal usersandreal datain the environmentthe systemwill be implemented Board of Directors The executivesincharge of businessdecisionmakingforECCHA BusinessRules Statementsof the processesandpoliciesgoverningthe behaviorof the organization. Althoughgenerallynotwrittendown,youmustidentifyandthendocumentthose businessrulesthatdefine orconstrainthe relationshipsamongthe people,places, thingsandeventsaboutwhichthe organizationismaintainingdata. Common Information Specificinformationthatisreferencedmultiple times Constraints Eventsand circumstancesthatmayrestrict,limit,orregulate aproject ContextLevel Diagram An overall viewof the “informationsystem”under consideration,showingits relationshipwithexternal entities D2L Desire toLearn website forclassandfile hostingforstudents/facultybeingusedbythe Universityof Wisconsin-EauClaire. Data Flow Diagram A picture of the movementof databetween external entities,the processes,andthe data storeswithinasystem Data store A data repository—eitherpermanentfortemporary—fordatatransformedby processes.Datastorescan be filesorfull database systems. Database An organizedsetof informationthatisstoredina computerandaccessible inmultiple ways
  • 40. 39 Dependent Entity An entitywhose existenceisdependentuponanotherentitybecause all orpartof its primarykeycomprisesaforeignkeyfromanotherentity.Alsoknownasa weakor identifyingrelationship. Directand indirectrisks (relatedto systemdesign) An ongoingorupcomingconcernthat hasa significantprobabilityof adverselyaffecting the successof majormilestones. Direct Installation An approachto installingnew software where youchange overfromthe oldinformation systemtoa newone byturningoff the oldsystemwhenthe new one isturnedon. Director A salariedemployeewhoworksfull timeatThe CommunityTable whodirectsbusiness on-site andinteracts withthe guests Donor SuppliesfundsforECCHA operations ECCHA Eau Claire CountyHumane Society Entity A person,place,object,eventorconceptinthe userenvironmentaboutwhichthe organizationwishestomaintaindata Entity Relationship Diagram A model thatcapturesthe overall structure of organizational data ForeignKey A fieldinone table thatuniquelyidentifiesarow of anothertable Functional Requirements A statementof whatthe usermustbe able to doand what the systemmustdoto supportwhatthe usermustbe able todo GB Gigabyte,ameasure of space ona computerharddrive Ghz The unitof ratingfor a computerprocessorreferringtothe speedwhichthatcomputer can complete processesinagivenunitof time. Graphical User Interface (GUI) An illustrationof howapersoninteractswitha computer-basedsystemthrough graphical iconsand visual indicators(e.g.,contrast,repetition,alignmentandproximity). Hard drive Internal componentof the computerwhere dataisstored Information System A systemcomposedof peopleandcomputersthatprocessesorinterpretsinformation InstallationPlan A planfor installingsoftware atusersites,includingpreparations,usertraining,and conversionfromexistingsystems. Integration Testing The processof bringingtogetherall of the modulesthataprogram comprisesfortesting purposes. Modulesare typicallyintegratedinatop-down,incremental fashion. Level 0 Diagram Representsasystem’smajorprocesses,dataflows, anddatastores Level 1 Diagram The major processesof a systemare brokendownintolevels,witheachlevel showing the depthof the system LFS Lost and Found System Manager Salariedemployeethatoverseesregularoperations MicrosoftOffice 2010 Commonprocessingsuite thatcontainsproductssuchas Word,Excel,etc. MoSCoW Technique usedtocategorize requirementsof asystem(Must,Should,Could,Won’t) Nonfunctional Requirements Specificationsof howwell asoftware systemmustfunction Operation (Nonfunctional Requirements) Non-functional requirementsfocusedonhow well asystemperformsfordailyuse.
  • 41. 40 PetPoint 3rd party online database containinglostandfoundinformation PrimaryKey Unique identifierforarecord withinanentity RAM RandomAccessMemory,the abilityfora computerto handle multiple tasksatonce Stakeholder Personwithinterestintothe operationsof ECCHA System Technologyandprocessesworkingtogethertoachieve tasks SystemTesting The bringingtogetherof all the programsthat a systemcomprisesfortestingpurposes. Programsare typicallyintegratedinatop-down,incrementalfashion. TestCase A setof conditionsunderwhichatesterwill determinewhetheranapplication,software systemor one of its featuresisworkingasit wasoriginallydesigned Testing An iterative processof examiningthe softwarewiththe purpose of confirmingthatthe systemsatisfiesrequirements. Transition (Nonfunctional Requirements) Non-functional requirementsfocusedon how easyitis to adaptto changesin the technical environment. Use Case Relationships Graphical depictionof connectionbetweenuse-case diagramelements. Use-Case Specification Textual arequirementsdocumentationthatdescribe the step-by-stepprocessauser goesthroughto achieve aspecificgoal usingasoftware system.Use case specifications alsodescribe the alternativepaths:a) all the possible waysthe userausercan take to achievingagoal and b) all the possible thingsthatcan go wrongalongthe way that preventthe userfromachievingthe goal. User Anypersoninteractingwiththe system User Interface The meansby whichthe userand a computersysteminteractorwhat the userseeson the screen Weighted DecisionTable A table usedtoanalyze alternativeoptionsbyassigningweightsandvaluestodifferent characteristicsof eachoption. Windows7 Microsoftoperatingsystem