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Normal anatomy of MSS
part 2
Toktobekova Astra Toktobekovna
The active part of locomotor apparatus.
• Plan:
• 1. Muscles as an organ.
• 2. Muscles development, anomalies.
• 3. The work of muscles. Elements of biomechanics.
• 4. Classification of the muscles.
1. Muscles as an organ.
• Each skeletal muscle fiber is a single cylindrical muscle
cell. An individual skeletal muscle may be made up of
hundreds, or even thousands, of muscle fibers bundled
together and wrapped in a connective tissue covering.
Each muscle is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath
called the epimysium. Fascia, connective tissue outside the
epimysium, surrounds and separates the muscles. Portions
of the epimysium project inward to divide the muscle into
compartments. Each compartment contains a bundle of
muscle fibers. Each bundle of muscle fiber is called a
fasciculus and is surrounded by a layer of connective
tissue called the perimysium. Within the fasciculus, each
individual muscle cell, called a muscle fiber, is surrounded
• Skeletal muscle cells (fibers), like other body cells,
are soft and fragile. The connective tissue covering
furnish support and protection for the delicate cells
and allow them to withstand the forces of
contraction. The coverings also provide pathways
for the passage of blood vessels and nerves.
• Commonly, the epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium extend
beyond the fleshy part of the muscle, the belly or gaster, to form a
thick ropelike tendon or a broad, flat sheet-like aponeurosis. The
tendon and aponeurosis form indirect attachments from muscles to
the periosteum of bones or to the connective tissue of other muscles.
Typically a muscle spans a joint and is attached to bones by tendons
at both ends. One of the bones remains relatively fixed or stable
while the other end moves as a result of muscle contraction.
• Skeletal muscles have an abundant supply of blood vessels and
nerves. This is directly related to the primary function of skeletal
muscle, contraction. Before a skeletal muscle fiber can contract, it
has to receive an impulse from a nerve cell. Generally, an artery and
at least one vein accompany each nerve that penetrates the
epimysium of a skeletal muscle. Branches of the nerve and blood
vessels follow the connective tissue components of the muscle of a
nerve cell and with one or more minute blood vessels called
2. Muscles development, anomalies.
• Myogenesis is the formation of muscle tissue during
embryonic development from stem cells in the mesoderm.
• Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning
they differentiate into all cell types, including muscle cells.
• Muscle tissue is formed in the mesoderm layer of the
embryo in response to signals from fibroblast growth
factor, serum response factor, and calcium.
• In the presence of fibroblast growth factor, myoblasts fuse
into multi-nucleated mytotubes, which form the basis of
muscle tissue.
• Unused myoblasts dedifferentiate into myosatellite cells,
which remain in the muscle fiber until needed to
differentiate into new muscle cells when a muscle is
damaged or stressed.
• Myocytes are tubular muscle cells or fibers that develop
from myoblasts.
• Myocytes are specialized as cardiac, skeletal, or smooth
muscle cells.
• Myogenesis: The formation of muscle tissue during the
development of an embryo.
• Mesoderm: One of the three tissue layers in the embryo of
a metazoan animal. Through embryonic development, it
produces many internal organs of the adult, including the
muscles, spine, and circulatory system.
• Myoblasts: A type of embryonic stem cell that gives rise to
muscle cells.
• Myogenesis is the formation of muscular tissue,
particularly during embryonic development. Muscle fibers
form from the fusion of myoblasts into multi-nucleated
fibers called myotubes. In early embryonic development,
these myoblasts proliferate if enough fibroblast growth
factor (FGF) is present. When the FGF runs out, the
myoblasts cease division and secrete fibronectin onto their
extracellular matrix. The second stage involves the
alignment of the myoblasts into the myotubes.
• The third stage is the actual cell fusion itself. In this stage,
calcium ions are critical for development. Myocyte
enhance factors (MEFs) promote myogenesis. Serum
response factor (SRF) plays a central role during
myogenesis, required for the expression of striated alpha-
actin genes. Expression of skeletal alpha-actin is also
regulated by the androgen receptor, which means steroids
can regulate myogenesis.
Characteristics of Myoblasts
• A myoblast is a type of embryonic progenitor cell that
differentiates to form muscle cells. Skeletal muscle fibers
are made when myoblasts fuse together, so muscle fibers
have multiple nuclei. The fusion of myoblasts is specific to
skeletal muscle (e.g., biceps brachii), not cardiac or smooth
• Mesoderm: The embryonic layer from which muscle
tissues develop, including cardiac muscle, skeletal muscles
cells, tubule cell of the kidney, red blood cells, and smooth
muscle in gut.
• Myoblasts that do not form muscle fibers dedifferentiate
back into satellite (myosatellite) cells. These cells remain
adjacent to a muscle fiber, situated between the
sarcolemma and the endomysium (the connective tissue
that divides the muscle fascicles into individual fibers).
Satellite cells are able to differentiate and fuse to augment
existing muscle fibers and form new ones. In undamaged
muscle, the majority of satellite cells are quiescent; they
neither differentiate nor undergo cell division. In response
to mechanical strain, satellite cells become activated and
initially proliferate as skeletal myoblasts before
undergoing myogenic differentiation.
• Flexor carpí radialis brevis v. Profundus. A very good
specimen of this muscle was found in the left fore-arm of a
tall muscular subject. The origin was from the anterior
surface of the radius from the level of the lower end of the
oblique line to about an inch and half above the lower end
of the bone. Its position was external to the flexor longus
pollicis and pronator quadratus. The fibres passed
downwards and slightly inwards and formed a small
round tendon which passed through the anterior annular
ligament in a separate canal on the outer side of that for
the tendon of flexor carpi radialis. Its insertion was by two
slips, the larger into the base of the 2nd metacarpal bone
outside the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis and partly
blended with the latter, while the smaller turned obliquely
• Levator Clavicule. Two specimens were observed. One
arose from the posterior tubercles of the transverse
processes of the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebræ, and was
inserted into the middle part of the upper border of the
clavicle, in the interval between the trapezius and sterno-
cleido-mastoid. The other arose from the transverse
process of the 6th cervical vertebra, while its insertion was
blended with the inner part of the clavicular insertion of
the trapezius on its posterior aspect.
• Supra Clavicularis Proprius v. Tensor Fuscice Colli. Of
this very rare muscle I have found one example. The inner
end was attached in front of the clavicular head of the
sterno-cleido-mastoid about an inch and three-quarters
outside the sterno-clavicular articula tion, while the outer
extremity, at a distance of about wo inches from the
acromial end of the clavicle, had a somewhat broader
attachment in front of the trapezius. The muscle between
its points of attach ment formed a slight curve with the
convexity upwards, and was enclosed and fixed in its
position in a sheath formed by the deep cervical fascia.
Short tendinous fibres attached it to the bone at either end;
the remainder of its length was fleshy, with a few bundles
• Chondro-epitrochlearis. example was ob served. The
attachments were similar to those of the chondro
epitrochlearis described by Prof. Macalister. Arising by
flesby fibres from the cartilage of the sixth rib on the right
side, in close connection with the lower border of the
pectoralis major, it followed the course of the lower border
of that muscle till it reached the inner side of the arm, and
then turned downwards on the inner aspect of the limb,
forming a narrow flattened tendon which blended with
the brachial aponeurosis immediately above and in front
of the epitrochlea..
• Sterno-cleido-mastoid.-Numerous minor variations were seen. In
several cases the sterno-mastoid and cleido-mastoid were
completely separate from origin to insertion, and in one the spinal
accessory nerve passed between the two parts. In another case,
besides the entire separa tion of the two parts of the muscle, the
cleido-mastoid was in its turn subdivided into two parallel planes of
muscular fibres (a superficial and a deep), with a thin layer of fat and
connective tissue between.
• Pterygoideus proprius. Of this muscle I have met with
three examples. In each instance it was attached by one
end to the crest on the great wing of the sphenoid, and by
the other to the posterior border of the external pterygoid
plate. Of the rarer form described by Prof. Macalister,
where the inferior extremity is attached to the tuber
• Transversus nuche . Two well-marked examples, with
similar attachments, were seen. Passing from the external
occipital protuberance and inner end of superior curved
line, for about half an inch, the fibres proceeded
horizontally outwards to blend with the tendinous
insertion of sterno-cleido-mastoid at the outer end of the
superior curved line and base of mastoid process.
According to Prof. Macalister, this muscle is always
• Omo-hyoid. In one instance I found the anterior belly of
this muscle represented purely by tendon. In another case
the origin of the muscle was solely from the base of the
coracoid process. This peculiar form of the muscle has
been described by Gruber under the name of coraco-hyoid.
An additional origin from the clavicle was found in several
instances, but a purely clavicular origin I have not had an
opportunity of observing.
• Stylo-hyoid. Complete absence of this muscle was
observed in one instance. Two examples of doubling of the
muscle were met with, the duplicate arising in one
instance from the base of the styloid process.
• In one instance. Peroneus quartus. well-marked example
of this muscle was met with. The origin was blended with.
The lower fibres of attachment of the peroneus brevis; the
insertion was into an elevation on the outer surface of the
3. The work of muscles. Elements of
• Muscles allow us to consciously move our limbs, jump in
the air, and chew our food.
• But they are also responsible for many more processes
that we cannot actively control, such as keeping our hearts
pumping, moving food through our guts, and even making
us blush.
• Our muscles need signals from our brains and energy
from our food to contract and move.
• To build new muscles through exercise, we make use of
their remarkable ability to repair themselves when
• Contraction gets muscles moving
• There are two types of muscle: striated and smooth. The
former have regular stripes, or striations, when observed
under a microscope. These striations are due to the
arrangement of muscle fibers, which form parallel lines.
• The muscles that move our body parts are called skeletal
muscles, and they are a type of striated muscle. We can
actively control these with our brain. Another type of
striated muscle are those that keep our hearts pumping,
which we are unable to actively control.
• Specific molecules within the muscle fibers allow
striated muscles to contract rapidly, allowing us to
move. The main players in this intricate process are
molecules called actin and myosin.
• Scientists continue to disagree on what allows actin and
myosin work together to make an entire muscle contract.
What is known, however, is that this process depends on
energy generated from the food that we eat.
• The contractions that smooth muscles produce tend to be
more gradual than those produced by striated muscle. An
example is the slow and controlled movement of food
through the digestive system.
• Smooth muscles do not have striations and we cannot
actively control what they do.
Calcium stimulates contraction
• The pathways that regulate contraction in striated and smooth
muscles are very different. But they do have one thing in common:
calcium is the key molecular messenger in the process.
• Striated muscles receive their triggers from the brain via motor
neurons. This results in calcium rushing into the muscle, allowing
actin and myosin to spring into action.
• Smooth muscle cells can be activated by neuronal signaling or
by hormones. Both mechanisms lead to a change in calcium
levels in the muscle cells. This leads to activation of myosin, and,
in turn, muscle contraction.
• Some smooth muscles are in a permanent state of contraction, and
the muscles that line our blood vessels are in this category. A
constant supply of calcium allows these muscles to regulate blood
flow. For example, when the muscles that line the blood vessels in
our face relax, we blush.
Muscle repair
• When we exercise, we damage our muscles. Afterward,
stem cells repair the damage and the muscles get stronger.
• New research led by George Washington University School
of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, D.C. –
published this week in the journal Science Signaling –
challenges a common assumption about this process.
• Cell generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) as a byproduct,
especially when energy consumption is high, such as
during exercise. ROS can be very toxic to cells and were,
until now, thought to hinder muscle repair.
• “It is still a common belief within
the fitness community that taking
antioxidant supplements after a
workout will help your muscles
recover better,” explains lead study
author Adam Horn.
• But the team’s research showed
that muscles tightly control ROS
levels after injury, and that ROS
are essential for repair.
• If you are among those who look to
antioxidants to speed up muscle
repair after your workout, it might
be worth letting your muscles do
their own thing.
• Elements of biomechanics.
• The skeletal muscles are organized multinucleated
myofibers, whose function is to generate length and
velocity dependent forces for movement or stability. Their
function depends on their intrinsic properties and
extrinsic arrangement.
• Components
• The skeletal muscles could be organized in three different
components based on their function and architecture
• The Series Elastic Component (SEC)
• The Parallel Elastic Component (PEC)
• The Contractile Component.
• The series and parallel elastic component are defined in
relation to their arrangement with the contractile
components, the later arranged in line with the contractile
components. The parallel elastic component is suggested to
consist of the membranes surrounding the contractile
components which includes the sarcolemma, sarcoplasmic
retinaculum , the perimysium and the epimysium , while
the series elastic components reside in the tendons and
• Elasticity is one of the properties of a muscle, necessary
for optimal function. These non-contractile components
contribute to the passive force generated by the muscles. It
is thought that the PEC distributes forces during passive
stretching and maintains the alignment of muscle fibers
while the SEC serves to store up elastic energy to be
released during muscle contraction and play a role in
stability during isometric contraction.
Clinical Implication
• The ability to stretch muscles (Muscle Compliance) could
be explained from the neurological (when considering the
neurophysiological basics of muscle tone) and
biomechanical models of the skeletal muscle.
Intramuscular connective tissue framework (non-
contractile components) serves to distribute forces during
muscle stretching . It has been shown that an increase in
the collagen to muscle fibre tissue exist as well as
reconfiguration of collagen arrangements in immobilized
muscles suggesting the roles of the biomechanical model
in clinical management of muscle stiffness and
contractures should be put into consideration in the
clinical management of such conditions.
• During plyometric
exercises, the SEC is
known to store up
potential energy that is
released during the
concentric muscle
contraction serving as a
spring suggesting the role
these components play in
shock absorption
especially during walking.
The perception of Delay
Onset Muscle Soreness
(DOMS) after eccentric
contraction is caused by
microtrauma to the PEC
and the SEC.
4. Classifications of the muscles.
• The three main types of muscle include:
• Skeletal muscle – the specialised tissue that is attached to bones and
allows movement. Together, skeletal muscles and bones are called
the musculoskeletal system (also known as the locomotor system).
Generally speaking, skeletal muscle is grouped into opposing pairs
such as the biceps and triceps on the front and back of the upper
arm. Skeletal muscles are under our conscious control, which is why
they are also known as voluntary muscles. Another term is striated
muscles, since the tissue looks striped when viewed under a
• Smooth muscle – located in various internal structures including
the digestive tract, uterus and blood vessels such as arteries. Smooth
muscle is arranged in layered sheets that contract in waves along the
length of the structure. Another common term is involuntary muscle,
since the motion of smooth muscle happens without our conscious
Make-up of muscle
• Skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle have very different
functions, but they share the same basic composition. A
muscle is made up of thousands of elastic fibres bundled
tightly together. Each bundle is wrapped in a thin
transparent membrane called a perimysium.
• An individual muscle fibre is made up of blocks of proteins
called myofibrils, which contain a specialised protein
(myoglobin) and molecules to provide the oxygen and
energy required for muscle contraction. Each myofibril
contains filaments that fold together when given the signal
to contract. This shortens the length of the muscle fibre
which, in turn, shortens the entire muscle if enough fibres
The neuromuscular system
• The brain, nerves and skeletal muscles work together to cause
movement. This is collectively known as the neuromuscular system.
A typical muscle is serviced by anywhere between 50 and 200 (or
more) branches of specialised nerve cells called motor neurones.
These plug directly into the skeletal muscle. The tip of each branch is
called a presynaptic terminal. The point of contact between the
presynaptic terminal and the muscle is called the neuromuscular
• To move a particular body part:
• The brain sends a message to the motor neurones.
• This triggers the release of the chemical acetylcholine from the
presynaptic terminals.
• The muscle responds to acetylcholine by contracting.
Shapes of skeletal muscle
• Generally speaking, skeletal muscles come in four main
shapes, including:
• Spindle – wide through the middle and tapering at both
ends, such as the biceps on the front of the upper arm.
• Flat – like a sheet, such as the diaphragm that separates
the chest from the abdominal cavity.
• Triangular – wider at the bottom, tapered at the top, such
as the deltoid muscles of the shoulder.
• Circular – a ring-shape like a doughnut, such as the
muscles that surround the mouth, the pupils and the anus.
These are also known as sphincters.

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MSS Normal anatomy muscle development

  • 1. Normal anatomy of MSS part 2 Toktobekova Astra Toktobekovna
  • 2. The active part of locomotor apparatus. Myology. • Plan: • 1. Muscles as an organ. • 2. Muscles development, anomalies. • 3. The work of muscles. Elements of biomechanics. • 4. Classification of the muscles.
  • 3. 1. Muscles as an organ. • Each skeletal muscle fiber is a single cylindrical muscle cell. An individual skeletal muscle may be made up of hundreds, or even thousands, of muscle fibers bundled together and wrapped in a connective tissue covering. Each muscle is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath called the epimysium. Fascia, connective tissue outside the epimysium, surrounds and separates the muscles. Portions of the epimysium project inward to divide the muscle into compartments. Each compartment contains a bundle of muscle fibers. Each bundle of muscle fiber is called a fasciculus and is surrounded by a layer of connective tissue called the perimysium. Within the fasciculus, each individual muscle cell, called a muscle fiber, is surrounded
  • 4.
  • 5. • Skeletal muscle cells (fibers), like other body cells, are soft and fragile. The connective tissue covering furnish support and protection for the delicate cells and allow them to withstand the forces of contraction. The coverings also provide pathways for the passage of blood vessels and nerves.
  • 6. • Commonly, the epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium extend beyond the fleshy part of the muscle, the belly or gaster, to form a thick ropelike tendon or a broad, flat sheet-like aponeurosis. The tendon and aponeurosis form indirect attachments from muscles to the periosteum of bones or to the connective tissue of other muscles. Typically a muscle spans a joint and is attached to bones by tendons at both ends. One of the bones remains relatively fixed or stable while the other end moves as a result of muscle contraction.
  • 7.
  • 8. • Skeletal muscles have an abundant supply of blood vessels and nerves. This is directly related to the primary function of skeletal muscle, contraction. Before a skeletal muscle fiber can contract, it has to receive an impulse from a nerve cell. Generally, an artery and at least one vein accompany each nerve that penetrates the epimysium of a skeletal muscle. Branches of the nerve and blood vessels follow the connective tissue components of the muscle of a nerve cell and with one or more minute blood vessels called capillaries.
  • 9. 2. Muscles development, anomalies. • Myogenesis is the formation of muscle tissue during embryonic development from stem cells in the mesoderm. • Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, meaning they differentiate into all cell types, including muscle cells. • Muscle tissue is formed in the mesoderm layer of the embryo in response to signals from fibroblast growth factor, serum response factor, and calcium.
  • 10. • In the presence of fibroblast growth factor, myoblasts fuse into multi-nucleated mytotubes, which form the basis of muscle tissue. • Unused myoblasts dedifferentiate into myosatellite cells, which remain in the muscle fiber until needed to differentiate into new muscle cells when a muscle is damaged or stressed. • Myocytes are tubular muscle cells or fibers that develop from myoblasts. • Myocytes are specialized as cardiac, skeletal, or smooth muscle cells.
  • 11. • Myogenesis: The formation of muscle tissue during the development of an embryo. • Mesoderm: One of the three tissue layers in the embryo of a metazoan animal. Through embryonic development, it produces many internal organs of the adult, including the muscles, spine, and circulatory system. • Myoblasts: A type of embryonic stem cell that gives rise to muscle cells.
  • 12.
  • 13. • Myogenesis is the formation of muscular tissue, particularly during embryonic development. Muscle fibers form from the fusion of myoblasts into multi-nucleated fibers called myotubes. In early embryonic development, these myoblasts proliferate if enough fibroblast growth factor (FGF) is present. When the FGF runs out, the myoblasts cease division and secrete fibronectin onto their extracellular matrix. The second stage involves the alignment of the myoblasts into the myotubes.
  • 14. • The third stage is the actual cell fusion itself. In this stage, calcium ions are critical for development. Myocyte enhance factors (MEFs) promote myogenesis. Serum response factor (SRF) plays a central role during myogenesis, required for the expression of striated alpha- actin genes. Expression of skeletal alpha-actin is also regulated by the androgen receptor, which means steroids can regulate myogenesis.
  • 15. Characteristics of Myoblasts • A myoblast is a type of embryonic progenitor cell that differentiates to form muscle cells. Skeletal muscle fibers are made when myoblasts fuse together, so muscle fibers have multiple nuclei. The fusion of myoblasts is specific to skeletal muscle (e.g., biceps brachii), not cardiac or smooth muscle. • Mesoderm: The embryonic layer from which muscle tissues develop, including cardiac muscle, skeletal muscles cells, tubule cell of the kidney, red blood cells, and smooth muscle in gut.
  • 16. • Myoblasts that do not form muscle fibers dedifferentiate back into satellite (myosatellite) cells. These cells remain adjacent to a muscle fiber, situated between the sarcolemma and the endomysium (the connective tissue that divides the muscle fascicles into individual fibers). Satellite cells are able to differentiate and fuse to augment existing muscle fibers and form new ones. In undamaged muscle, the majority of satellite cells are quiescent; they neither differentiate nor undergo cell division. In response to mechanical strain, satellite cells become activated and initially proliferate as skeletal myoblasts before undergoing myogenic differentiation.
  • 17. Anomalies. • Flexor carpí radialis brevis v. Profundus. A very good specimen of this muscle was found in the left fore-arm of a tall muscular subject. The origin was from the anterior surface of the radius from the level of the lower end of the oblique line to about an inch and half above the lower end of the bone. Its position was external to the flexor longus pollicis and pronator quadratus. The fibres passed downwards and slightly inwards and formed a small round tendon which passed through the anterior annular ligament in a separate canal on the outer side of that for the tendon of flexor carpi radialis. Its insertion was by two slips, the larger into the base of the 2nd metacarpal bone outside the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis and partly blended with the latter, while the smaller turned obliquely
  • 18. • Levator Clavicule. Two specimens were observed. One arose from the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebræ, and was inserted into the middle part of the upper border of the clavicle, in the interval between the trapezius and sterno- cleido-mastoid. The other arose from the transverse process of the 6th cervical vertebra, while its insertion was blended with the inner part of the clavicular insertion of the trapezius on its posterior aspect.
  • 19. • Supra Clavicularis Proprius v. Tensor Fuscice Colli. Of this very rare muscle I have found one example. The inner end was attached in front of the clavicular head of the sterno-cleido-mastoid about an inch and three-quarters outside the sterno-clavicular articula tion, while the outer extremity, at a distance of about wo inches from the acromial end of the clavicle, had a somewhat broader attachment in front of the trapezius. The muscle between its points of attach ment formed a slight curve with the convexity upwards, and was enclosed and fixed in its position in a sheath formed by the deep cervical fascia. Short tendinous fibres attached it to the bone at either end; the remainder of its length was fleshy, with a few bundles
  • 20. • Chondro-epitrochlearis. example was ob served. The attachments were similar to those of the chondro epitrochlearis described by Prof. Macalister. Arising by flesby fibres from the cartilage of the sixth rib on the right side, in close connection with the lower border of the pectoralis major, it followed the course of the lower border of that muscle till it reached the inner side of the arm, and then turned downwards on the inner aspect of the limb, forming a narrow flattened tendon which blended with the brachial aponeurosis immediately above and in front of the epitrochlea..
  • 21. • Sterno-cleido-mastoid.-Numerous minor variations were seen. In several cases the sterno-mastoid and cleido-mastoid were completely separate from origin to insertion, and in one the spinal accessory nerve passed between the two parts. In another case, besides the entire separa tion of the two parts of the muscle, the cleido-mastoid was in its turn subdivided into two parallel planes of muscular fibres (a superficial and a deep), with a thin layer of fat and connective tissue between.
  • 22. • Pterygoideus proprius. Of this muscle I have met with three examples. In each instance it was attached by one end to the crest on the great wing of the sphenoid, and by the other to the posterior border of the external pterygoid plate. Of the rarer form described by Prof. Macalister, where the inferior extremity is attached to the tuber maxillare. • Transversus nuche . Two well-marked examples, with similar attachments, were seen. Passing from the external occipital protuberance and inner end of superior curved line, for about half an inch, the fibres proceeded horizontally outwards to blend with the tendinous insertion of sterno-cleido-mastoid at the outer end of the superior curved line and base of mastoid process. According to Prof. Macalister, this muscle is always symmetrical.
  • 23. • Omo-hyoid. In one instance I found the anterior belly of this muscle represented purely by tendon. In another case the origin of the muscle was solely from the base of the coracoid process. This peculiar form of the muscle has been described by Gruber under the name of coraco-hyoid. An additional origin from the clavicle was found in several instances, but a purely clavicular origin I have not had an opportunity of observing. • Stylo-hyoid. Complete absence of this muscle was observed in one instance. Two examples of doubling of the muscle were met with, the duplicate arising in one instance from the base of the styloid process. • In one instance. Peroneus quartus. well-marked example of this muscle was met with. The origin was blended with. The lower fibres of attachment of the peroneus brevis; the insertion was into an elevation on the outer surface of the
  • 24. 3. The work of muscles. Elements of biomechanics. • Muscles allow us to consciously move our limbs, jump in the air, and chew our food. • But they are also responsible for many more processes that we cannot actively control, such as keeping our hearts pumping, moving food through our guts, and even making us blush. • Our muscles need signals from our brains and energy from our food to contract and move. • To build new muscles through exercise, we make use of their remarkable ability to repair themselves when damaged.
  • 25. • Contraction gets muscles moving • There are two types of muscle: striated and smooth. The former have regular stripes, or striations, when observed under a microscope. These striations are due to the arrangement of muscle fibers, which form parallel lines. • The muscles that move our body parts are called skeletal muscles, and they are a type of striated muscle. We can actively control these with our brain. Another type of striated muscle are those that keep our hearts pumping, which we are unable to actively control. • Specific molecules within the muscle fibers allow striated muscles to contract rapidly, allowing us to move. The main players in this intricate process are molecules called actin and myosin.
  • 26. • Scientists continue to disagree on what allows actin and myosin work together to make an entire muscle contract. What is known, however, is that this process depends on energy generated from the food that we eat. • The contractions that smooth muscles produce tend to be more gradual than those produced by striated muscle. An example is the slow and controlled movement of food through the digestive system. • Smooth muscles do not have striations and we cannot actively control what they do.
  • 27. Calcium stimulates contraction • The pathways that regulate contraction in striated and smooth muscles are very different. But they do have one thing in common: calcium is the key molecular messenger in the process. • Striated muscles receive their triggers from the brain via motor neurons. This results in calcium rushing into the muscle, allowing actin and myosin to spring into action. • Smooth muscle cells can be activated by neuronal signaling or by hormones. Both mechanisms lead to a change in calcium levels in the muscle cells. This leads to activation of myosin, and, in turn, muscle contraction. • Some smooth muscles are in a permanent state of contraction, and the muscles that line our blood vessels are in this category. A constant supply of calcium allows these muscles to regulate blood flow. For example, when the muscles that line the blood vessels in our face relax, we blush.
  • 28. Muscle repair • When we exercise, we damage our muscles. Afterward, stem cells repair the damage and the muscles get stronger. • New research led by George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences in Washington, D.C. – published this week in the journal Science Signaling – challenges a common assumption about this process. • Cell generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) as a byproduct, especially when energy consumption is high, such as during exercise. ROS can be very toxic to cells and were, until now, thought to hinder muscle repair.
  • 29. • “It is still a common belief within the fitness community that taking antioxidant supplements after a workout will help your muscles recover better,” explains lead study author Adam Horn. • But the team’s research showed that muscles tightly control ROS levels after injury, and that ROS are essential for repair. • If you are among those who look to antioxidants to speed up muscle repair after your workout, it might be worth letting your muscles do their own thing.
  • 30. • Elements of biomechanics. •   • The skeletal muscles are organized multinucleated myofibers, whose function is to generate length and velocity dependent forces for movement or stability. Their function depends on their intrinsic properties and extrinsic arrangement. • Components • The skeletal muscles could be organized in three different components based on their function and architecture namely. • The Series Elastic Component (SEC) • The Parallel Elastic Component (PEC) • The Contractile Component.
  • 31. • The series and parallel elastic component are defined in relation to their arrangement with the contractile components, the later arranged in line with the contractile components. The parallel elastic component is suggested to consist of the membranes surrounding the contractile components which includes the sarcolemma, sarcoplasmic retinaculum , the perimysium and the epimysium , while the series elastic components reside in the tendons and aponeuroses.
  • 32. Functions • Elasticity is one of the properties of a muscle, necessary for optimal function. These non-contractile components contribute to the passive force generated by the muscles. It is thought that the PEC distributes forces during passive stretching and maintains the alignment of muscle fibers while the SEC serves to store up elastic energy to be released during muscle contraction and play a role in stability during isometric contraction.
  • 33. Clinical Implication • The ability to stretch muscles (Muscle Compliance) could be explained from the neurological (when considering the neurophysiological basics of muscle tone) and biomechanical models of the skeletal muscle. Intramuscular connective tissue framework (non- contractile components) serves to distribute forces during muscle stretching . It has been shown that an increase in the collagen to muscle fibre tissue exist as well as reconfiguration of collagen arrangements in immobilized muscles suggesting the roles of the biomechanical model in clinical management of muscle stiffness and contractures should be put into consideration in the clinical management of such conditions.
  • 34. • During plyometric exercises, the SEC is known to store up potential energy that is released during the concentric muscle contraction serving as a spring suggesting the role these components play in shock absorption especially during walking. The perception of Delay Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) after eccentric contraction is caused by microtrauma to the PEC and the SEC.
  • 35. 4. Classifications of the muscles. • The three main types of muscle include: • Skeletal muscle – the specialised tissue that is attached to bones and allows movement. Together, skeletal muscles and bones are called the musculoskeletal system (also known as the locomotor system). Generally speaking, skeletal muscle is grouped into opposing pairs such as the biceps and triceps on the front and back of the upper arm. Skeletal muscles are under our conscious control, which is why they are also known as voluntary muscles. Another term is striated muscles, since the tissue looks striped when viewed under a microscope. • Smooth muscle – located in various internal structures including the digestive tract, uterus and blood vessels such as arteries. Smooth muscle is arranged in layered sheets that contract in waves along the length of the structure. Another common term is involuntary muscle, since the motion of smooth muscle happens without our conscious
  • 36.
  • 37. Make-up of muscle • Skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle have very different functions, but they share the same basic composition. A muscle is made up of thousands of elastic fibres bundled tightly together. Each bundle is wrapped in a thin transparent membrane called a perimysium. • An individual muscle fibre is made up of blocks of proteins called myofibrils, which contain a specialised protein (myoglobin) and molecules to provide the oxygen and energy required for muscle contraction. Each myofibril contains filaments that fold together when given the signal to contract. This shortens the length of the muscle fibre which, in turn, shortens the entire muscle if enough fibres
  • 38. The neuromuscular system • The brain, nerves and skeletal muscles work together to cause movement. This is collectively known as the neuromuscular system. A typical muscle is serviced by anywhere between 50 and 200 (or more) branches of specialised nerve cells called motor neurones. These plug directly into the skeletal muscle. The tip of each branch is called a presynaptic terminal. The point of contact between the presynaptic terminal and the muscle is called the neuromuscular junction. • To move a particular body part: • The brain sends a message to the motor neurones. • This triggers the release of the chemical acetylcholine from the presynaptic terminals. • The muscle responds to acetylcholine by contracting.
  • 39. Shapes of skeletal muscle • Generally speaking, skeletal muscles come in four main shapes, including: • Spindle – wide through the middle and tapering at both ends, such as the biceps on the front of the upper arm. • Flat – like a sheet, such as the diaphragm that separates the chest from the abdominal cavity. • Triangular – wider at the bottom, tapered at the top, such as the deltoid muscles of the shoulder. • Circular – a ring-shape like a doughnut, such as the muscles that surround the mouth, the pupils and the anus. These are also known as sphincters.