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Speech Sound Pics™
Knowing how to spell
‘butterfly’ , or read the
word is not enough.

Children need to learn,
and work out, WHY
words are created in
this way (ie the parts/
speech sound pics.)

This will help them
develop the skills needed
to spell and read even
the most difficult of
words, including those
they have never heard of.
SSP is not used to help
children read and spell,
but to become readers
and writers.
SSP is used to shape
reading and spelling brains
for ALL children.
How to count sound pics for spelling
             (95% of the time)
With training, practice
and confidence teachers
can cover all levels in
Prep. ALL Preps can
be reading and spelling
with confidence by
 term 4.
Offering daily SSP and by
giving children their own
folders and quality decoding
and encoding practice
material. Each child can
progress at their own level,
regardless of the level
being covered within the
class, with their gains
monitored. As teachers gain
confidence they will
differentiate teaching,
and run 2 different levels
after term 1 (with any
red alert children having
additional, intensive
support from TAs.)
What will children be able to do
when they have completed the
  Green, Purple, Yellow and
      Blue SSP Levels ?

          (all of the following)
To read and spell the basic
skills children need are to ...
•   *hear speech sounds – beginning, middle, end – know
    how many there are
    * know that we use ‘sound pics’ to represent speech sounds
    * be able to blend ‘speech sounds’ and ‘sound pics’ into words (l to right)
    * to be able to place (order) ‘sound pics’ correctly to build words
    * to understand that most sounds can be represented using more than .
    one ‘sound pic’ (ss/ps/sc/s etc)
    *to understand that some ‘sound pics’ can represent more than one
    spoken sound (eg ow/ th)
    * to understand that ‘sound pics’ can be made up of one or more letter
    (eg eigh)
    * to understand what they are reading
 Direct, systematic and explicit FUN teaching of
the SSP Levels by enthusiastic, trained teachers,
     alongside opportunities (planned and
         spontaneous) for self-discovery.
   Also by knowing every child’s skill set as it
       relates to previous slide, and level.
                Interested in Kindy/ School PD or Private Training?
          Australia wide and also International Training Options Available
                    Online workshops and courses also available
Readers for this level- SSP flap books, SPELD SA phonics books (you can download for free
    or order hard copies at a reasonable rate – see

        . . __ . .
Skills included;
Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the
beginning, middle or end of the word, linking with sound
pics, identifying sound pics, blending sound pics into words, segmenting
sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words, creating
sentences, discussing meaning.
Readers for this level- SSP flap books, SPELD SA phonics books (you can download for free
              or order hard copies at a reasonable rate – Dandelion Launchers –

Skills included;
Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the beginning, middle
or end of the word, linking with sound pics, identifying sound pics, blending sound pics into
words, segmenting sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words,
creating sentences, discussing meaning, thinking about sentence structure before writing,
Introduced to concepts that speech sounds can be represented by more than one sound pic
(eg c/k/ck) that sound pics can be made up of more than one letter (eg ck, ff, ll) , that some
sound pics can represent more than one speech sound ( eg c and g) and that when 2 of the
same letter are next to each other this represents the same speech sound (ss, ll)
Continue with Dandelion readers

Skills included;
Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the beginning, middle
or end of the word, linking with sound pics, identifying sound pics, blending sound pics
into words, segmenting sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words,
creating sentences, discussing meaning, thinking about sentence structure before
writing, using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, rhyming, clapping
rhythms, working out which speech sound the sound pic represents, by blending the
word for meaning (oo/ th/ eigh) .
 New concepts – when some sound pics sit together they create a brand new sound pic
(sh/ch/th/ng) – and can again represent more than one speech sound (th/ oo) - q is
always sitting with u in a word
By now children should have all of the foundational skills required to decode (read) and
encode (spell) and you are able to help children with fluency, vocab and comprehension.
Please have a 15 minute reading time every day, with a range of books for the children to
choose. They can read to themselves, to a friend, in groups, to an adult etc.

Readers will be following the order, eg Dandelion – and I will upload as many free readers
as possible this year, so that children can practice these skills in meaningful ways.

New concepts
A speech sound can be split, in print, by sound pics – eg ate has 2 speech sounds a-e/t
(t is last speech sound) however in print the speech sound a-e (ay) sandwiches this sound
pic. (next slide illustrates- you do not need to watch this with the children, but can if
helpful) Some sound pics can be made up of sound pics that dont seem to fit !
 (eg ph, wh ) – the King wants it this way so we just remember them
Words learnt as ‘tricky words’ are now either ‘tricky yes, yes’ (decodable) or ‘tricky no, no’
(difficult to decode and easier to memorise eg one / two / was )
Some words may sound the same, but are spelt with different sound pics. (hear, here etc)
If a child is not reading fluently, or spelling words
accurately by the end of Prep (other than by
memorising words short term eg for a spelling test)
then we need to work out the gaps, in their reading
and spelling brain, in order to effectively help them.

If you use SSP from day 1 of Prep, no child will struggle
with reading and spelling, even if they do not have a
brain ‘wired’ to find this easy.
Most of the ‘gaps’ relate to phonemic awareness, not print, or
If a child can’t hear the smaller parts in words, they are limited in what they can
process, and achieve, especially with regards to spelling. This poor phonemic
awareness can be changed, quickly, with intensive SSP training. It is included within
SSP for all children, in effect putting an intervention in place even before we know if
there are problems. Children who have not had this specific training however, can
also be helped, quickly. Ideally this should be picked up before Year 2, otherwise
not only will their ability to participate in the curriculum hinder academic
achievement, their motivation to learn, and self-esteem, will decrease. Most never
The specific skills we need to test are the ability to hear these smaller parts in words, and
identify placement in the word, the ability to blend speech sounds and sound pics into
words, the ability to manipulate sounds, and code knowledge (recognising the sound pic and
knowing how it links to speech). Without this it is difficult for all brains to be able to not only
work out all of the words within their text, but to understand it. The brain is having to work
too hard. SSP helps brains work smarter, not harder. The earlier you start using it at home
and in the classroom, the better.
Can they hear the sound when you give speech
sounds eg
s / a / t                p / i / n
Can they tell you the first, middle, or last sound
of words created with three speech sounds eg
hat    pan house           tap     dog fish
Can they copy the speech sounds using the
puppet, after you show them the speech sounds
r / a / t              f / o g
This is all auditory and does not involve print at all. It is this ability to hear speech sounds
that is the biggest predictor of reading and spelling difficulties.
Why so quick?
If they find these easy then they will not struggle with the SSP explicit
teaching, as they already have reasonable PA (phonemic awareness)

You are checking every Prep child, so this simple test is all you need, to
identify ‘red alerts’ (children who cannot hear the smaller parts in words, or
identify which is at the beginning or end). There will be around 35% who
don’t find this easy, and 2 or 3 children in your class will be ‘red alerts’. If we
work this out quickly, at the beginning of term 1, we can change this.
Some children can do this, they just don’t understand the terminology or
what you want from them. Make a note to recheck.
Also note children who seem unable to focus for even this short period of
Adapt this according to the child. If the child is distracted by the puppet, don’t
use it. The puppet (with movable mouth) makes it easier for some, as they
can see the mouth moving, alongside the speech sounds. Get to know your
See folder in ‘teacher resources’ for assessment
tools at every level.

These take a couple of minutes per child, and you simply
record which they need more practice on. The tests check
for sound pic
recognition, blending, segmenting, manipulating, identifyin
g speech sound in words, ability to decode sentences for
understanding. Parents and TAs can help with this.
Remember – children need these basic
skills children in order to develop
fluency, vocab and comprehension...

*hear speech sounds – beginning, middle, end – know how many there are
* know that we use ‘sound pics’ to represent speech sounds
* be able to blend ‘speech sounds’ and ‘sound pics’ into words (left to right)
* to be able to place (order) ‘sound pics’ correctly to build words
* to understand that most sounds can be represented using more than one
‘sound pic’ (ss/ps/sc/s etc)
*to understand that some ‘sound pics’ can represent more than one spoken
sound (eg ow/ th)
* to understand that ‘sound pics’ can be made up of one or more letter (eg
* to understand that many spoken words can be spelt in different ways,and
have different meanings (their, there, they’re etc)
* to understand what they are reading
Within every level children build on their
           knowledge of the code
 and have daily opportunities to practice these
        decoding and encoding skills.

  Carefully review ‘skills and concepts’ for each
   level. If a child has ‘gaps’ then 1:1 and small
      group activities can be used, with TAs
  and parent helpers. Aim to ensure that every
  child is proficient before moving on, however
 children can move at their own pace when you
   use home folders. You can also differentiate
group teaching to accommodate different levels.
• Check 1                            Speech Sound Identification – student says
                                        what s/he sees and tells you the sound you ask
                                        for – beginning, middle or end. Also ask them
                                        to count how many speech sounds they can
Use pics showing words used in
that level- created using their
sound pics – eg within Green
use Pat, ant, sit, tap etc

      Check 2                         Sound pic identification - student asked to point
      to the ‘pic of X speech sound and also asked to identify the speech sound when
      teacher points to sound pic

      Check 3                                          Phoneme segmentation and
      blending Student asked to point to the sound pics that make a word (eg ant if
      green level) – see if they order correctly. Teacher points to sound pics in order to
      create a word and students identifies whole word.
Check 4             Decoding for meaning
Student shown sound pic words for that level and asked to identify, and put
into a sentence. Shown tricky words for that level and asked to identify.

Check 5                Letter formation and spelling (encoding) Student asked to
write words, from within that level, after being given the word verbally. Check letter
formation within this check.

                        Decoding, plus oral and written comprehension
 Check 6                Student reads assessment sentences, no picture clues,
                        based on their level
  Eg (Green Level) Pat sat in a pan in the sand pit.
  1 verbal question about the text, and one to encourage an opinion
  eg Who sat in the sand pit? Why do you think he was doing that?
  1 verbal question about the text, with written answer.
  eg where was he sitting?

  When students have moved past Green, and are able to also read questions
  please change 1 verbal question about the text, with written answer, to 1
  written question, with written answer.
Check 7 – Rhyming
Ask the student to give a word that rhymes with one of their sound pic words
Give them 3 words and ask which rhyme.

Check 8 – Self-discovery/ problem solving
Give child an unfamiliar word from the next level, tell them the word, and ask them to
work out the sound pics, and to work out other words that have that sound pic.

Check 9 Sound pic manipulation
Ask children to manipulate sound pics eg if I say ‘lim’ without the ‘l’ what
would I say?

Check 10 Speech sound link to sound pics in words
Read assessment texts, ask child to identify sound pics for a specific speech

(see video example here)
Examples of assessment activities – from
 green level (same for all levels, but with
        different sound pics, words
Check 1
                      Say the word and ask them to point to
                      the illustration.
                      Can they are telling you the first, middle
                      and last sounds, as well as the word?

                      Ask ‘what is the last sound’ you hear
                      when I say this word? (first, middle..)

                      How many speech sounds can you hear
                      when you say the word ....

                      Tell me what this is – what are the
                      speech sounds? Can you spell the
                      word for me? (speech sounds not letters)
Check 2
Check 3
Check 4
Quickly write the word (or build using magnetic letters) Your teacher might ask
you to do this on your own or with a friend

Don’t forget
- say the word
- listen for the speech sounds
- draw the lines
- work out the sound pics
                                 _ _ _

  Check 5
Check 6

Pat sat in the tin

the ant sits in the pan

Pat is in the sand pit
1 verbal question about the text, and one to encourage
              an opinion / own thoughts
 eg Who sat in the sand pit? Why do you think he was
                      doing that?
 1 verbal question about the text, with written answer.
                eg where was he sitting?

When students have moved past Green, and are able to
 also read questions please change 1 verbal question
   about the text, with written answer, to 1 written
            question, with written answer.
If confident with this then ask
them to link sentence to pic to
     check comprehension
       Pat is in the sand pit

          Pat sat in the tin

        the ant sits in the pan
Check 7
• Can you think of a word that rhymes with


  Which words rhyme?
  sat pot tat
Check 8

set           this is the word set
So what are these words? Which are real
words and which are silly words the Speech
Sound Frog is tricking us with?
You can use the RWI cards (yellow) to
            do this check
Check 9
Can they manipulate speech sounds?

eg If I say the word ‘sat’ there are three speech sounds (use
puppet with moving mouth if helpful) s / a / t
What would happen if I couldnt say ‘s’ – what would the word
(can they tell you the new word is ‘at’)
What would the word be if I said ‘sh’ at the beginning of ir/t
What would the word be if I said ‘t’ at the end of par ?
Check 10
Text here soon- you can also use their readers,
  or ‘real’ books such as ‘Cat in the Hat’
Remember, the specific skills we need to test are the ability to hear these smaller
parts in words, and identify placement in the word, the ability to blend speech sounds
and sound pics into words, the ability to manipulate sounds, and code knowledge
(recognising the sound pic and knowing how it links to speech).
Without this it is difficult for all brains to be able to not only work out all of the words
within their text, but to understand it. The brain is having to work too hard.

SSP helps brains work smarter, not harder. The earlier you start using it at home and
in the classroom, the better. If a student is not progressing you need to carry out
these quick tests, identify the gaps, and put an SSP intervention in place. (see RTT
site for program)

If your school has only just started to use SSP I would suggest testing every Year 1,2
and 3 child, as well as any older students currently struggling (especially with
spelling) . I can offer specific PD training in this for Learning Support teachers, and
Tas, if required, along with training about what to do with the results.
With practice, these tests take about 3 minutes per child.
Simply mark where there are
  difficulties, and make comments.
     If you help them that’s fine- just record this. This can be a
learning experience for the child, not just a ‘test’. If they struggle,
 spend a few minutes helping them by giving other examples and
telling them how you figured it out. This ‘test’ can be FUN. Pease
           be careful how the child perceives this session.

Let them know you are doing this to see what parts of the code
 we need to teach them, as they may have missed some before.
Recognise that any difficulties are a result of not having had this
teaching previously, regardless of the reasons for this. No blame
(for child, teacher or parent) – we are moving forward with new
       ideas and knowledge, find solutions for each child.
Speech Sound Blending
Assessor terminology
The Speech Sound Family speak in speech sounds. So when they
say ‘sat’ they don’t say ‘sat’ – they say s a t (separate speech
sounds, about a second between each one, and if you have a
puppet with mouth that moves then you could use this to show
the speech sounds- especially if the child doesn’t understand the
concept as hasn’t had SSP before)

If I speak in speech sounds what word can you hear ?

p/i/n    f/i/sh   c/l/o/ck       c/r/u/n/ch       h/a/pp/y
t/r/ai/n b/u/tt/er/f/l/y
Speech sound segmenting
Assessor terminology

Now you are going to speak in Speech Sounds!
Can you tell me the speech sounds in these

pat bell ship hand cheese frog house strain

(check- did they sound them as follows?)
p/a/t    b/e/ll sh/i/p h/a/n/d ch/ee/se f/r/o/g   h/ou/se s/t/r/ai/n
Speech Sound Manipulation
Assessor terminology

If I say the word ‘hat’ without the ‘t’ I would just
say ‘ha’

What would the word be if I said…
rap without the r   mog without the m
pin without the n    black without the b
lost without the s  frog without the r
Speech Sound Awareness - Rhyme
Assessor terminology
If I say the word ‘hat’ then I might think of
another word that rhymes, like ‘cat’.

Can you do this for a few words?
sit                          Which word doesnt rhyme?

ten                          mat pin hat
man                          log pog rig
chick                        mack mick stick
Not all sound pics are included, but this will give you an idea of code knowledge.
 If the child struggles past the third line then stop. They need practice.

           Sound Pic Identification
                (speech sound link, not letter name)
Assessor terminology

“ You might think of these as letters, but I see
them as pictures of speech sounds. So when I see
‘s’ I see it as one of the pictures for the speech
sound ‘sssss’, even though the letter name is ‘es’.

What is this a picture of ? “
wh    ur

ou   ea   ow   ay   ie   aw    ee         ey         ue         oo     ui

oy   oi   ph   ew   au   a-e        e-e        i-e        o-e        u-e
If they don’t know many, just stop.
However ask if they can see any others
             that they do know.
  If they know most of these then ask
    them to point to the sound pics in
order, to spell the word you give them.
Also point to the sound pics in order to
     spell a word (the child tracks the
 sound pics, blends in head, then tells
               you the word.
If this is a new child who does well, then they
   will fit into your class easily. If you need to
record their reading age use a standard test eg
   Burt etc. These tests are designed to show
where there are specific weaknesses however, if
  there are any, and gives you the information
   needed in order to get them back on track.
   They will need specific training that relates
     to the skills they found difficult (see RTT
       site) and lots of confidence building !
Helpful words    Speech Sound Pic   Decoding Practice   Spelling using   Letter    Assessing
(high frequency) teaching order     / Readers           SSP              formation Skills & Progress
Reading and Spelling Tests/ Screening Preps/ Student Progress Checks - SSP Phonics from The Reading Whisperer

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Reading and Spelling Tests/ Screening Preps/ Student Progress Checks - SSP Phonics from The Reading Whisperer

  • 1. Speech Sound Pics™ A FOCUS ON ASSESSMENTS /
  • 2. Knowing how to spell ‘butterfly’ , or read the word is not enough. Children need to learn, and work out, WHY words are created in this way (ie the parts/ speech sound pics.) This will help them develop the skills needed to spell and read even the most difficult of words, including those they have never heard of. SSP is not used to help children read and spell, but to become readers and writers. SSP is used to shape reading and spelling brains for ALL children.
  • 3. How to count sound pics for spelling (95% of the time)
  • 4. With training, practice and confidence teachers can cover all levels in Prep. ALL Preps can be reading and spelling with confidence by term 4. How? Offering daily SSP and by giving children their own folders and quality decoding and encoding practice material. Each child can progress at their own level, regardless of the level being covered within the class, with their gains monitored. As teachers gain confidence they will differentiate teaching, and run 2 different levels after term 1 (with any red alert children having additional, intensive support from TAs.)
  • 5. What will children be able to do when they have completed the Green, Purple, Yellow and Blue SSP Levels ? (all of the following)
  • 6. To read and spell the basic skills children need are to ... • *hear speech sounds – beginning, middle, end – know how many there are * know that we use ‘sound pics’ to represent speech sounds * be able to blend ‘speech sounds’ and ‘sound pics’ into words (l to right) * to be able to place (order) ‘sound pics’ correctly to build words * to understand that most sounds can be represented using more than . one ‘sound pic’ (ss/ps/sc/s etc) *to understand that some ‘sound pics’ can represent more than one spoken sound (eg ow/ th) * to understand that ‘sound pics’ can be made up of one or more letter (eg eigh) * to understand what they are reading
  • 7. How? Direct, systematic and explicit FUN teaching of the SSP Levels by enthusiastic, trained teachers, alongside opportunities (planned and spontaneous) for self-discovery. Also by knowing every child’s skill set as it relates to previous slide, and level. Interested in Kindy/ School PD or Private Training? Australia wide and also International Training Options Available Online workshops and courses also available Email
  • 8. Readers for this level- SSP flap books, SPELD SA phonics books (you can download for free or order hard copies at a reasonable rate – see speedy . . __ . . Skills included; Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the beginning, middle or end of the word, linking with sound pics, identifying sound pics, blending sound pics into words, segmenting sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words, creating sentences, discussing meaning.
  • 9. Readers for this level- SSP flap books, SPELD SA phonics books (you can download for free or order hard copies at a reasonable rate – Dandelion Launchers – see Skills included; Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the beginning, middle or end of the word, linking with sound pics, identifying sound pics, blending sound pics into words, segmenting sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words, creating sentences, discussing meaning, thinking about sentence structure before writing, rhyming. Introduced to concepts that speech sounds can be represented by more than one sound pic (eg c/k/ck) that sound pics can be made up of more than one letter (eg ck, ff, ll) , that some sound pics can represent more than one speech sound ( eg c and g) and that when 2 of the same letter are next to each other this represents the same speech sound (ss, ll)
  • 10. Continue with Dandelion readers Skills included; Listening for speech sounds, identifying if speech sounds are at the beginning, middle or end of the word, linking with sound pics, identifying sound pics, blending sound pics into words, segmenting sound pics, forming sound pics (letters), writing words, creating sentences, discussing meaning, thinking about sentence structure before writing, using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops, rhyming, clapping rhythms, working out which speech sound the sound pic represents, by blending the word for meaning (oo/ th/ eigh) . New concepts – when some sound pics sit together they create a brand new sound pic (sh/ch/th/ng) – and can again represent more than one speech sound (th/ oo) - q is always sitting with u in a word
  • 11. By now children should have all of the foundational skills required to decode (read) and encode (spell) and you are able to help children with fluency, vocab and comprehension. Please have a 15 minute reading time every day, with a range of books for the children to choose. They can read to themselves, to a friend, in groups, to an adult etc. Readers will be following the order, eg Dandelion – and I will upload as many free readers as possible this year, so that children can practice these skills in meaningful ways. New concepts A speech sound can be split, in print, by sound pics – eg ate has 2 speech sounds a-e/t (t is last speech sound) however in print the speech sound a-e (ay) sandwiches this sound pic. (next slide illustrates- you do not need to watch this with the children, but can if helpful) Some sound pics can be made up of sound pics that dont seem to fit ! (eg ph, wh ) – the King wants it this way so we just remember them Words learnt as ‘tricky words’ are now either ‘tricky yes, yes’ (decodable) or ‘tricky no, no’ (difficult to decode and easier to memorise eg one / two / was ) Some words may sound the same, but are spelt with different sound pics. (hear, here etc)
  • 12. If a child is not reading fluently, or spelling words accurately by the end of Prep (other than by memorising words short term eg for a spelling test) then we need to work out the gaps, in their reading and spelling brain, in order to effectively help them. If you use SSP from day 1 of Prep, no child will struggle with reading and spelling, even if they do not have a brain ‘wired’ to find this easy.
  • 13. Most of the ‘gaps’ relate to phonemic awareness, not print, or phonics. If a child can’t hear the smaller parts in words, they are limited in what they can process, and achieve, especially with regards to spelling. This poor phonemic awareness can be changed, quickly, with intensive SSP training. It is included within SSP for all children, in effect putting an intervention in place even before we know if there are problems. Children who have not had this specific training however, can also be helped, quickly. Ideally this should be picked up before Year 2, otherwise not only will their ability to participate in the curriculum hinder academic achievement, their motivation to learn, and self-esteem, will decrease. Most never recover. The specific skills we need to test are the ability to hear these smaller parts in words, and identify placement in the word, the ability to blend speech sounds and sound pics into words, the ability to manipulate sounds, and code knowledge (recognising the sound pic and knowing how it links to speech). Without this it is difficult for all brains to be able to not only work out all of the words within their text, but to understand it. The brain is having to work too hard. SSP helps brains work smarter, not harder. The earlier you start using it at home and in the classroom, the better.
  • 14. Can they hear the sound when you give speech sounds eg s / a / t p / i / n Can they tell you the first, middle, or last sound of words created with three speech sounds eg hat pan house tap dog fish Can they copy the speech sounds using the puppet, after you show them the speech sounds r / a / t f / o g This is all auditory and does not involve print at all. It is this ability to hear speech sounds that is the biggest predictor of reading and spelling difficulties.
  • 15. Why so quick? If they find these easy then they will not struggle with the SSP explicit teaching, as they already have reasonable PA (phonemic awareness) You are checking every Prep child, so this simple test is all you need, to identify ‘red alerts’ (children who cannot hear the smaller parts in words, or identify which is at the beginning or end). There will be around 35% who don’t find this easy, and 2 or 3 children in your class will be ‘red alerts’. If we work this out quickly, at the beginning of term 1, we can change this. Some children can do this, they just don’t understand the terminology or what you want from them. Make a note to recheck. Also note children who seem unable to focus for even this short period of time. Adapt this according to the child. If the child is distracted by the puppet, don’t use it. The puppet (with movable mouth) makes it easier for some, as they can see the mouth moving, alongside the speech sounds. Get to know your children.
  • 16. See folder in ‘teacher resources’ for assessment tools at every level. These take a couple of minutes per child, and you simply record which they need more practice on. The tests check for sound pic recognition, blending, segmenting, manipulating, identifyin g speech sound in words, ability to decode sentences for understanding. Parents and TAs can help with this.
  • 17. Remember – children need these basic skills children in order to develop fluency, vocab and comprehension... *hear speech sounds – beginning, middle, end – know how many there are * know that we use ‘sound pics’ to represent speech sounds * be able to blend ‘speech sounds’ and ‘sound pics’ into words (left to right) * to be able to place (order) ‘sound pics’ correctly to build words * to understand that most sounds can be represented using more than one ‘sound pic’ (ss/ps/sc/s etc) *to understand that some ‘sound pics’ can represent more than one spoken sound (eg ow/ th) * to understand that ‘sound pics’ can be made up of one or more letter (eg eigh) * to understand that many spoken words can be spelt in different ways,and have different meanings (their, there, they’re etc) * to understand what they are reading
  • 18. Within every level children build on their knowledge of the code and have daily opportunities to practice these decoding and encoding skills. Carefully review ‘skills and concepts’ for each level. If a child has ‘gaps’ then 1:1 and small group activities can be used, with TAs and parent helpers. Aim to ensure that every child is proficient before moving on, however children can move at their own pace when you use home folders. You can also differentiate group teaching to accommodate different levels.
  • 19. • Check 1 Speech Sound Identification – student says what s/he sees and tells you the sound you ask for – beginning, middle or end. Also ask them to count how many speech sounds they can Use pics showing words used in hear. that level- created using their sound pics – eg within Green use Pat, ant, sit, tap etc Check 2 Sound pic identification - student asked to point to the ‘pic of X speech sound and also asked to identify the speech sound when teacher points to sound pic Check 3 Phoneme segmentation and blending Student asked to point to the sound pics that make a word (eg ant if green level) – see if they order correctly. Teacher points to sound pics in order to create a word and students identifies whole word.
  • 20. Check 4 Decoding for meaning Student shown sound pic words for that level and asked to identify, and put into a sentence. Shown tricky words for that level and asked to identify. Check 5 Letter formation and spelling (encoding) Student asked to write words, from within that level, after being given the word verbally. Check letter formation within this check. Decoding, plus oral and written comprehension Check 6 Student reads assessment sentences, no picture clues, based on their level Eg (Green Level) Pat sat in a pan in the sand pit. 1 verbal question about the text, and one to encourage an opinion eg Who sat in the sand pit? Why do you think he was doing that? 1 verbal question about the text, with written answer. eg where was he sitting? When students have moved past Green, and are able to also read questions please change 1 verbal question about the text, with written answer, to 1 written question, with written answer.
  • 21. Check 7 – Rhyming Ask the student to give a word that rhymes with one of their sound pic words Give them 3 words and ask which rhyme. Check 8 – Self-discovery/ problem solving Give child an unfamiliar word from the next level, tell them the word, and ask them to work out the sound pics, and to work out other words that have that sound pic. Check 9 Sound pic manipulation Ask children to manipulate sound pics eg if I say ‘lim’ without the ‘l’ what would I say? Check 10 Speech sound link to sound pics in words Read assessment texts, ask child to identify sound pics for a specific speech sound (see video example here)
  • 22.
  • 23. Examples of assessment activities – from green level (same for all levels, but with different sound pics, words Check 1 Say the word and ask them to point to the illustration. Can they are telling you the first, middle and last sounds, as well as the word? Ask ‘what is the last sound’ you hear when I say this word? (first, middle..) How many speech sounds can you hear when you say the word .... Tell me what this is – what are the speech sounds? Can you spell the word for me? (speech sounds not letters)
  • 27. Quickly write the word (or build using magnetic letters) Your teacher might ask you to do this on your own or with a friend Don’t forget - say the word - listen for the speech sounds - draw the lines - work out the sound pics _ _ _ Check 5
  • 28. Check 6 Pat sat in the tin the ant sits in the pan Pat is in the sand pit
  • 29. 1 verbal question about the text, and one to encourage an opinion / own thoughts eg Who sat in the sand pit? Why do you think he was doing that? 1 verbal question about the text, with written answer. eg where was he sitting? When students have moved past Green, and are able to also read questions please change 1 verbal question about the text, with written answer, to 1 written question, with written answer.
  • 30. If confident with this then ask them to link sentence to pic to check comprehension Pat is in the sand pit Pat sat in the tin the ant sits in the pan
  • 31. Check 7 • Can you think of a word that rhymes with pin sat tan Which words rhyme? sat pot tat
  • 32. Check 8 set this is the word set So what are these words? Which are real words and which are silly words the Speech Sound Frog is tricking us with? net ent pet ets est ten
  • 33. You can use the RWI cards (yellow) to do this check
  • 34. Check 9 Can they manipulate speech sounds? eg If I say the word ‘sat’ there are three speech sounds (use puppet with moving mouth if helpful) s / a / t What would happen if I couldnt say ‘s’ – what would the word be? (can they tell you the new word is ‘at’) What would the word be if I said ‘sh’ at the beginning of ir/t What would the word be if I said ‘t’ at the end of par ?
  • 35. Check 10 Text here soon- you can also use their readers, or ‘real’ books such as ‘Cat in the Hat’
  • 36. Remember, the specific skills we need to test are the ability to hear these smaller parts in words, and identify placement in the word, the ability to blend speech sounds and sound pics into words, the ability to manipulate sounds, and code knowledge (recognising the sound pic and knowing how it links to speech). Without this it is difficult for all brains to be able to not only work out all of the words within their text, but to understand it. The brain is having to work too hard. SSP helps brains work smarter, not harder. The earlier you start using it at home and in the classroom, the better. If a student is not progressing you need to carry out these quick tests, identify the gaps, and put an SSP intervention in place. (see RTT site for program) If your school has only just started to use SSP I would suggest testing every Year 1,2 and 3 child, as well as any older students currently struggling (especially with spelling) . I can offer specific PD training in this for Learning Support teachers, and Tas, if required, along with training about what to do with the results. With practice, these tests take about 3 minutes per child.
  • 37. Simply mark where there are difficulties, and make comments. If you help them that’s fine- just record this. This can be a learning experience for the child, not just a ‘test’. If they struggle, spend a few minutes helping them by giving other examples and telling them how you figured it out. This ‘test’ can be FUN. Pease be careful how the child perceives this session. Let them know you are doing this to see what parts of the code we need to teach them, as they may have missed some before. Recognise that any difficulties are a result of not having had this teaching previously, regardless of the reasons for this. No blame (for child, teacher or parent) – we are moving forward with new ideas and knowledge, find solutions for each child.
  • 38. Speech Sound Blending Assessor terminology The Speech Sound Family speak in speech sounds. So when they say ‘sat’ they don’t say ‘sat’ – they say s a t (separate speech sounds, about a second between each one, and if you have a puppet with mouth that moves then you could use this to show the speech sounds- especially if the child doesn’t understand the concept as hasn’t had SSP before) If I speak in speech sounds what word can you hear ? p/i/n f/i/sh c/l/o/ck c/r/u/n/ch h/a/pp/y t/r/ai/n b/u/tt/er/f/l/y
  • 39. Speech sound segmenting Assessor terminology Now you are going to speak in Speech Sounds! Can you tell me the speech sounds in these words? pat bell ship hand cheese frog house strain (check- did they sound them as follows?) p/a/t b/e/ll sh/i/p h/a/n/d ch/ee/se f/r/o/g h/ou/se s/t/r/ai/n
  • 40. Speech Sound Manipulation Assessor terminology If I say the word ‘hat’ without the ‘t’ I would just say ‘ha’ What would the word be if I said… rap without the r mog without the m pin without the n black without the b lost without the s frog without the r
  • 41. Speech Sound Awareness - Rhyme Assessor terminology If I say the word ‘hat’ then I might think of another word that rhymes, like ‘cat’. Can you do this for a few words? sit Which word doesnt rhyme? ten mat pin hat man log pog rig chick mack mick stick
  • 42. Not all sound pics are included, but this will give you an idea of code knowledge. If the child struggles past the third line then stop. They need practice. Sound Pic Identification (speech sound link, not letter name) Assessor terminology “ You might think of these as letters, but I see them as pictures of speech sounds. So when I see ‘s’ I see it as one of the pictures for the speech sound ‘sssss’, even though the letter name is ‘es’. What is this a picture of ? “
  • 43. wh ur ou ea ow ay ie aw ee ey ue oo ui oy oi ph ew au a-e e-e i-e o-e u-e
  • 44. If they don’t know many, just stop. However ask if they can see any others that they do know. If they know most of these then ask them to point to the sound pics in order, to spell the word you give them. Also point to the sound pics in order to spell a word (the child tracks the sound pics, blends in head, then tells you the word.
  • 45. If this is a new child who does well, then they will fit into your class easily. If you need to record their reading age use a standard test eg Burt etc. These tests are designed to show where there are specific weaknesses however, if there are any, and gives you the information needed in order to get them back on track. They will need specific training that relates to the skills they found difficult (see RTT site) and lots of confidence building !
  • 46. Helpful words Speech Sound Pic Decoding Practice Spelling using Letter Assessing (high frequency) teaching order / Readers SSP formation Skills & Progress