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Use of English in
oral communication
Eisha Safdar Malaika Waqar Hiba Naseer Fatima Jilani
● The rhythmic patterns of English speech
● The choice of tone and its significance
● Pause
● Fluency in spoken English
● Classification of sounds
● The study of phoneme
● The syllable
● Prosodic feature of an utterance
● Pitch and intonation
● What is oral communication
● Importance and objectives of oral communication in business
● Use of English in Oral Communication
○ The phoneme
○ Sounds of English speech
○ Phonetic symbols: The IPA symbols
● Pronunciation
● Change of meaning by the stress shift
● The English phonemic system and its notation
● How to improve your pronunciation
Oral Communication
The ability to transmit ideas from your brain to either one person or a group of
Oral communication takes place in face-to-face conversations, group
discussions, telephonic calls and other circumstances in which spoken words
are used to express meanings.
Importance and objectives of oral communication in business
Communication is perhaps the most essential component in business. Without communication, companies
cannot interact with their customers. Internally, confusion will arise and slow productivity. Without well-
defined oral communication skills, a worker will not likely advance in his or her career and may even be
1) Internal Oral Communication
• Important for both individual and organization
• language and verbal exchanges within a company
• Necessary to be a good manager
• Internal oral communication is also valuable to the employee while speaking with his or her superiors.
2) Customer Service Communication Skills
• Listening to the customers
• Being patient
• Displaying empathy
• Understanding the issue or problem
3) Importance of communicating ideas
Expressing your ideas positively assures the people you are communicating with that you are in
control of everything, even when the situation is leaning towards negative outcomes
Use of English in Oral Communication
The Phoneme
The phonemes are minimal
unit of a meaningful sound
in a particular language.
Sounds of
English Speech
There are 47 sounds of English speech corresponding to 26
letters (alphabet) of written English. Just as there are 5
vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and 21 consonants in the written form of
Phone is a sound which can be meaningful or meaningless.
● Meaningful sound is “phoneme”
● Meaningless sound is “noise”
symbols: The
IPA symbols
The scientific study of linguistics that deals with the
production transfer and reception of speech sound.
44 sounds are graphically by phonetic symbols developed by
a body of experts, known as International Phonetic
Classification of
Sounds are classified into two types
● Vowels
● Consonants
There are 24 consonants in phonetics.
Consonants are the phonemes of a particular language in the
production of which there is some blockage , constriction , or
narrowing of the kind causing friction in the oral or nasal
 Manner of Articulation
 Place of Sounds
 Voiced or unvoiced
 Nasal sounds
There are 23 vowels in Phonetics.
Vowels are the phonemes of a particular language in the
production of which there is no blockage , constriction or
narrowing of kind causing friction in oral or nasal passage.
Vowels are divided into two types
● Monothongs
● Diphthongs
Monothongs are the vowels in the production of which there is no
change in the quality of sound.
Diphthongs are the vowels in the production of which there is
change in quality of sound.
Syllable is a unit of spoken language consisting of a single
uninterrupted sounds formed generally by a vowel and preceded
or followed by one or more consonants.
For example:
● im- por - tance = 3 syllables
● Wo - man = 2 syllables
● Wo - man - ly = 3 syllables
features of an
Prosody may reflect features of the speaker or the utterance:
their emotional state; the form of utterance ( statement, question,
or command); the presence of irony ; emphasis, contrast , and
focus. It may reflect elements of language not encoded by
grammar or choice of vocabulary.
 Length
 Stress
 Pitch and Intonation
Length is shown by the duration and movement of and utterance.
For example, here the following two utterances, both having 5
syllables each
● My aunt is away (5)
● Watch dogs catch much meat (5)
The term stress describes the force or intensity or air pressure in
uttering a word or a part of a word or a sentence. Stress is used
to lay emphasis on the word and it's meaning.
Word Stress
The stressed part of a word is Marked with raised stroke before it,
 Conduct = con- duct
 Present = pre - sent
 Production= pro- duction
The place of stress in single syllable words is fixed.
 You have to go there.
Stressed in
In linguistics and particularly phonology, stress or accent is the
relative emphasis or prominence given to a certain syllable in a
word or to a certain word in a phrase or sentences.
 Illness
 Marriage
 Winning
Unstressed in
An unstressed syllable is a part of a word that you say with less
emphasis than the stressed syllables.
o Freedom
o Heaven
o Doctor
Pitch is a perceptual property of Sounds that allows their ordering
on a frequency - related scale, or more commonly , pitch is a
quality that makes it possible to judge sounds as “higher” and
“lower” in the sense associated with musical melodies.
Pitch is raising and lowering the voice while speaking . The use of
pitch is called intonation.
The way we use changes in pitch to convey the meaning, and
● You're coming
● You're coming?
The rhythmic
patterns of
English speech
English is spoken in a rhythmic way. The speaker's voice keeps
rising and falling continuously in a partnered way. There are
several rhythmic pattern of English speech sound but the two
patterns which are of interest to us are
● The falling tone
● The rising tone
These two tones communicate to opposite attitudes of the
speaker. Therefore, to avoid creating false of impressions it is
necessary that both the speaker and listener knew the
significance and meaning of tone.
The choice of
tone and its
The choice of tone is deliberate. And each tone is associated with
the nature and purpose of the utterance.In the Falling tone the
voice start with high and ends low. It is reversed in the rising tone.
The falling tone:-
Is associated with the following types of sentences.
● Commands
○ Bring here
○ Come here
● Statements
○ Can be sincere
Expression and just formal utterance
For example "thank you" can be a sincere expression of gratitude
it it can be just a statement of formality. The difference in the
nature of the statements in expressed by the falling or rising tone
of the speakers.
On business the distinction between the low ending and the high
ending tones is crucial as follows:-
The falling tone convey
The choice of
tone and its
The falling tone conveys business like objectivity, sincerity,
excitement, certainty and command. Further examples of falling
Our children don't like the way we run the world for them.
You'll have to come with her now
Well done!
How difficult!
Do you want to go out or stay?
Would you have tea or some cold drink?
Statement with question words. What places did you visit
this time?
A phrase such as isn't it? Or won't it? That we add at the
end of the statement changes it into a question to find
that someone agrees with us or not.
You're from Delhi, aren't you
You've got it's copy, haven't you?
The choice of
tone and its
The Rising Tone
The rising tone is used for the following kind of statement:
1. Request
Post the letter please
Please give me a glass of water.
2. Apologize
We feel so sorry.
I deeply regret the lapse.
3. Yes/No Questions:
Did the test begin on time?
Is our office open?
4. Questions Tags as Real Questions
Customers can be attracted, can't they?
The meeting can be postponed, can't it?
Pausing is one of the best choices you can make when in a
speaking situation. The pause helps you to feel comfortable in
your words and how you are saying them. It gives you time to
breathe in and exhale out. Taking time to breathe is an important,
but often forgotten principle of communication.
Consider the following two utterances with two different pauses.
 A small/bearded person was looking for you.
 A small bearded/ person was looking for you.
Fluency in
Fluency means saying words/group of words smoothly, without
hesitating or halting between the words. Fluency is the flow and
efficiency with which you express your ideas, particularly when
speaking. A few grammar mistakes may appear here and there in
the explanation, but it should be delivered in a way that is easy to
understand and shows how comfortable you are with the
Methods of
your fluency
of English
Your fluency depends upon the length of group of words you're
able to speak/say without a gap or hesitation. Therefore to
improve your fluency is to practice to increase the length of the
word groups you speak at a time.
● She came back-by the Monday-evening-flight
● There are three breaks in the utterance.
For practicing fluency you may use the following exercises of
lengthening word groups to be spoken to:
● Who was that-pretty lady-you danced with-at the party?
● It was the-beginning of the holidays when-I went to-
Muscat last month.
● She wants to know how-long she should wait for you-to
reach here.
fluency of
speakers of
Lack of confidence: Many foreign learners of English fail to speak
English smoothly. They lack confidence. They communicate with
their mother language fluently with ease. But they find it difficult
to interact with English. They hesitate to speak English because
of lack of practice in speaking English.
To overcome this hesitation, they should practice loud reading to
prose practice smoothly and unhesitatingly. They should follow
the punctuation marks for long and short pauses. They should
gradually increase the speed of reading the text.
The special difficulty of foreign speakers of English is owing to
the fact that, unlike Indian languages, English words are not
always pronounced according to their spelling
For example:
Spelling Pronunciation
Rough (ruff)
Doubt (dout)
Cough (coff)
Bough (bow)
Further to be able to pronounce a word correctly,we should know not
only the sounds which form words but also the correct word stress.In
the case of single (mono) syllabic words,there is no difficult.The words
with more than one syllabic follow the following:
● words of two syllables with stress on first syllable
'tea-cher, 'sis-ter, 'he-ro
● words of two syllables with stress on second syllables
con-'sist, be-'hind, be-'gin
● words of two syllables having both the syllables stressed
'half-'term , 'thir-'teen
● words of three syllables with stress on first syllable
● words of three syllables with stress on second syllable
● words of three syllables with stress on third syllable
dis-ap-'point , in-di-'rect
● In words having four or more syllables,the stress usually falls on
the third from last.
de-'moc-ra-cy, pho-'tog-rap-her
A shift in the position of stress in a word changes it's function
and meaning. For example: the word "convict" with the stress on
the first syllable 'con is a noun. If the stress shift to the second
syllable,the word become a verb.
Word Noun verb
Absent /æbsənt/ /əb'sent/
Accent /æksənt/ /ək'sent/
Protest /prəʊtest/ /prə'test/
Frequent /friːkwənt/ /frɪ'kwent/
Change of
meaning by
the stress shift
The English vowels and diphthongs are conveniently considered in five
groups (A,B,C,D,E) below:
● The short vowels are
ɪ kit,sit
e dress,bed
æ flat,map
ʌ jug,nut
● the long vowels and diphthongs are
iː freeze,see
aɪ high,eye
ɔɪ choice,boy
● (RP)
uː goose, too
ɒ goat,show
aʊ wow,now
ɪə near-RP
● (RP)
ɪə near,fear
eə square, hair
ɑː father,start
ɔː thought,law
ʊə cure, pure
The English
system and its
i (happ)y, (rad)i(ation),(glor)i (ous)
ə a(bout),(comm)a,(comm)o(n)
u (infl)u(ence),(sit)u(ation)
_although the weak vowel system also includes
ɪ i(ntend), (rabb)i(t)
ʊ(stim)u(lus), (ed)u(cate)
The English consonants are:
/p/ /b/, /t/ /d/, /k/ /g/, /f/ /v/, /s/ /z/, /θ/ /ð/, /ʃ/ /ʒ/, /ʈʃ/ /dʒ/,/h/, /w/, /n/, /m/,
/r/, /j/, /ŋ/, /l/.
The symbols p,b,t,d,k,f,v,h,r,I,w,n stands for the English consonants sounds
usually so spelled.
Keywords for the remaining consonants sounds are as follows:
ð:this, smooth, other
z:zone, roses
ŋ:sing,long, thanks
Stress is shown by a mark placed at the beginning of the syllable in question,as
the following examples:
Primary word stress:reMEMber
Secondary word stress:ACaDEMic,BUTter
The English
system and its
The type of pronunciation to be spoken is known as received
pronunciation (RP). In business interactions, this is the model
followed by educated executives. Some common errors of
pronunciation to Be avoided
The correct sound of "r". Some of us roll it too much. For
pronouncing "r" correctly, the tongue is slightly curled from the
sides and drawn back slightly to touch the ridges of the teeth. The
single "r" in the middle and at the end of the words is mostly silent
in English,whereas Indians mostly pronounce it clearly. Try to
pronounce the following words without "r"
army,car,carpet,iron, finger
Exceptions Single "r" is pronounced in the middle of the words
when it appears before vowel sound. For example: career,
paragraph, various
Double "rr" must be pronounced "rr" in a word is to be
pronounced. For example, "curry","sorry".
The "r" at the beginning of a word is pronounced, but it should not
be rolled.
Say this aloud.
Round the ragged rock,the ragged rascal ran.
Notice the position of the tongue while you say these rs at the
beginning of the above words. It is not curled.
How to improve
For example, the words, "vine" and "wine" or "water" or "vendor"
should not be spoken in the same way, "v" should not sound like
"w". In the above words "v" is pronounced with lower lip touching
the upper row of teeth, but "w" is pronounced with lips in the
rounded form.
To practice the distinction between the sounds of "v" and "w" say
these words.
Love-low, cover-cower, ever-ewer
Avoid mixing
up w and v
“I” and “D” Say the following words: Time, dime, candour, bridal,
Finally the test of effective spoken English is easy in intelligibility
of words and their quickest response in the desired manner.
Avoid unclear
Thank you
Any Questions?

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Use of English in oral communication skills

  • 1. Use of English in oral communication
  • 2. Presenters Eisha Safdar Malaika Waqar Hiba Naseer Fatima Jilani
  • 3. ● The rhythmic patterns of English speech ● The choice of tone and its significance ● Pause ● Fluency in spoken English ● Classification of sounds ● The study of phoneme ● The syllable ● Prosodic feature of an utterance ● Pitch and intonation ● What is oral communication ● Importance and objectives of oral communication in business ● Use of English in Oral Communication ○ The phoneme ○ Sounds of English speech ○ Phonetic symbols: The IPA symbols Content ● Pronunciation ● Change of meaning by the stress shift ● The English phonemic system and its notation ● How to improve your pronunciation
  • 4. Oral Communication The ability to transmit ideas from your brain to either one person or a group of people. Oral communication takes place in face-to-face conversations, group discussions, telephonic calls and other circumstances in which spoken words are used to express meanings.
  • 5. Importance and objectives of oral communication in business Communication is perhaps the most essential component in business. Without communication, companies cannot interact with their customers. Internally, confusion will arise and slow productivity. Without well- defined oral communication skills, a worker will not likely advance in his or her career and may even be terminated. 1) Internal Oral Communication • Important for both individual and organization • language and verbal exchanges within a company • Necessary to be a good manager • Internal oral communication is also valuable to the employee while speaking with his or her superiors. 2) Customer Service Communication Skills • Listening to the customers • Being patient • Displaying empathy • Understanding the issue or problem
  • 6. 3) Importance of communicating ideas Expressing your ideas positively assures the people you are communicating with that you are in control of everything, even when the situation is leaning towards negative outcomes
  • 7. Use of English in Oral Communication
  • 8. The Phoneme The phonemes are minimal unit of a meaningful sound in a particular language.
  • 9. Sounds of English Speech There are 47 sounds of English speech corresponding to 26 letters (alphabet) of written English. Just as there are 5 vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and 21 consonants in the written form of English. Phone is a sound which can be meaningful or meaningless. ● Meaningful sound is “phoneme” ● Meaningless sound is “noise”
  • 10. Phonetic symbols: The IPA symbols The scientific study of linguistics that deals with the production transfer and reception of speech sound. 44 sounds are graphically by phonetic symbols developed by a body of experts, known as International Phonetic Association.
  • 11. Classification of Sounds Sounds are classified into two types ● Vowels ● Consonants
  • 12. Consonants There are 24 consonants in phonetics. Consonants are the phonemes of a particular language in the production of which there is some blockage , constriction , or narrowing of the kind causing friction in the oral or nasal passage.  Manner of Articulation  Place of Sounds  Voiced or unvoiced  Nasal sounds
  • 13.
  • 14. Vowels There are 23 vowels in Phonetics. Vowels are the phonemes of a particular language in the production of which there is no blockage , constriction or narrowing of kind causing friction in oral or nasal passage. Vowels are divided into two types ● Monothongs ● Diphthongs
  • 15. Monothongs Monothongs are the vowels in the production of which there is no change in the quality of sound.
  • 16. Diphthongs Diphthongs are the vowels in the production of which there is change in quality of sound.
  • 17. Syllables Syllable is a unit of spoken language consisting of a single uninterrupted sounds formed generally by a vowel and preceded or followed by one or more consonants. For example: ● im- por - tance = 3 syllables ● Wo - man = 2 syllables ● Wo - man - ly = 3 syllables
  • 18. Prosodic features of an utterance Prosody may reflect features of the speaker or the utterance: their emotional state; the form of utterance ( statement, question, or command); the presence of irony ; emphasis, contrast , and focus. It may reflect elements of language not encoded by grammar or choice of vocabulary.  Length  Stress  Pitch and Intonation
  • 19. Length Length is shown by the duration and movement of and utterance. For example, here the following two utterances, both having 5 syllables each ● My aunt is away (5) ● Watch dogs catch much meat (5)
  • 20. Stress The term stress describes the force or intensity or air pressure in uttering a word or a part of a word or a sentence. Stress is used to lay emphasis on the word and it's meaning. Word Stress The stressed part of a word is Marked with raised stroke before it, like  Conduct = con- duct  Present = pre - sent  Production= pro- duction The place of stress in single syllable words is fixed.  You have to go there.
  • 21. Stressed in speech In linguistics and particularly phonology, stress or accent is the relative emphasis or prominence given to a certain syllable in a word or to a certain word in a phrase or sentences.  Illness  Marriage  Winning
  • 22. Unstressed in speech An unstressed syllable is a part of a word that you say with less emphasis than the stressed syllables. o Freedom o Heaven o Doctor
  • 23. Pitch Pitch is a perceptual property of Sounds that allows their ordering on a frequency - related scale, or more commonly , pitch is a quality that makes it possible to judge sounds as “higher” and “lower” in the sense associated with musical melodies.
  • 24. Intonation Pitch is raising and lowering the voice while speaking . The use of pitch is called intonation. The way we use changes in pitch to convey the meaning, and mood. ● You're coming ● You're coming?
  • 25. The rhythmic patterns of English speech English is spoken in a rhythmic way. The speaker's voice keeps rising and falling continuously in a partnered way. There are several rhythmic pattern of English speech sound but the two patterns which are of interest to us are ● The falling tone ● The rising tone These two tones communicate to opposite attitudes of the speaker. Therefore, to avoid creating false of impressions it is necessary that both the speaker and listener knew the significance and meaning of tone.
  • 26. The choice of tone and its significance The choice of tone is deliberate. And each tone is associated with the nature and purpose of the utterance.In the Falling tone the voice start with high and ends low. It is reversed in the rising tone. The falling tone:- Is associated with the following types of sentences. ● Commands ○ Bring here ○ Come here ● Statements ○ Can be sincere Expression and just formal utterance For example "thank you" can be a sincere expression of gratitude it it can be just a statement of formality. The difference in the nature of the statements in expressed by the falling or rising tone of the speakers. On business the distinction between the low ending and the high ending tones is crucial as follows:- The falling tone convey
  • 27. The choice of tone and its significance The falling tone conveys business like objectivity, sincerity, excitement, certainty and command. Further examples of falling tone 1. STATEMENT Our children don't like the way we run the world for them. You'll have to come with her now 2. EXCLAMATIONS Well done! How difficult! 3. CHOICE QUESTIONS Do you want to go out or stay? Would you have tea or some cold drink? 4. INTERROGATIVE STATEMENTS Statement with question words. What places did you visit this time? 5. QUESTIONS TAG AS AN EXTENSION OF MEANING A phrase such as isn't it? Or won't it? That we add at the end of the statement changes it into a question to find that someone agrees with us or not. You're from Delhi, aren't you You've got it's copy, haven't you?
  • 28. The choice of tone and its significance The Rising Tone The rising tone is used for the following kind of statement: 1. Request Post the letter please Please give me a glass of water. 2. Apologize We feel so sorry. I deeply regret the lapse. 3. Yes/No Questions: Did the test begin on time? Is our office open? 4. Questions Tags as Real Questions Customers can be attracted, can't they? The meeting can be postponed, can't it?
  • 29. Pause Pausing is one of the best choices you can make when in a speaking situation. The pause helps you to feel comfortable in your words and how you are saying them. It gives you time to breathe in and exhale out. Taking time to breathe is an important, but often forgotten principle of communication. Consider the following two utterances with two different pauses.  A small/bearded person was looking for you.  A small bearded/ person was looking for you.
  • 30. Fluency in spoken English Fluency means saying words/group of words smoothly, without hesitating or halting between the words. Fluency is the flow and efficiency with which you express your ideas, particularly when speaking. A few grammar mistakes may appear here and there in the explanation, but it should be delivered in a way that is easy to understand and shows how comfortable you are with the language.
  • 31. Methods of increasing your fluency of English speech Your fluency depends upon the length of group of words you're able to speak/say without a gap or hesitation. Therefore to improve your fluency is to practice to increase the length of the word groups you speak at a time. ● She came back-by the Monday-evening-flight ● There are three breaks in the utterance. For practicing fluency you may use the following exercises of lengthening word groups to be spoken to: ● Who was that-pretty lady-you danced with-at the party? ● It was the-beginning of the holidays when-I went to- Muscat last month. ● She wants to know how-long she should wait for you-to reach here.
  • 32. Factors affecting fluency of Foreign speakers of English Lack of confidence: Many foreign learners of English fail to speak English smoothly. They lack confidence. They communicate with their mother language fluently with ease. But they find it difficult to interact with English. They hesitate to speak English because of lack of practice in speaking English. To overcome this hesitation, they should practice loud reading to prose practice smoothly and unhesitatingly. They should follow the punctuation marks for long and short pauses. They should gradually increase the speed of reading the text.
  • 33. The special difficulty of foreign speakers of English is owing to the fact that, unlike Indian languages, English words are not always pronounced according to their spelling For example: Spelling Pronunciation Rough (ruff) Doubt (dout) Cough (coff) Bough (bow) Pronunciation
  • 34. Further to be able to pronounce a word correctly,we should know not only the sounds which form words but also the correct word stress.In the case of single (mono) syllabic words,there is no difficult.The words with more than one syllabic follow the following: ● words of two syllables with stress on first syllable 'tea-cher, 'sis-ter, 'he-ro ● words of two syllables with stress on second syllables con-'sist, be-'hind, be-'gin ● words of two syllables having both the syllables stressed 'half-'term , 'thir-'teen ● words of three syllables with stress on first syllable 'pos-i-tive,'per-i-od ● words of three syllables with stress on second syllable Com-'mi-tee,ho-'ri-zon ● words of three syllables with stress on third syllable dis-ap-'point , in-di-'rect ● In words having four or more syllables,the stress usually falls on the third from last. de-'moc-ra-cy, pho-'tog-rap-her Pronunciation
  • 35. A shift in the position of stress in a word changes it's function and meaning. For example: the word "convict" with the stress on the first syllable 'con is a noun. If the stress shift to the second syllable,the word become a verb. Examples Word Noun verb Absent /æbsənt/ /əb'sent/ Accent /æksənt/ /ək'sent/ Protest /prəʊtest/ /prə'test/ Frequent /friːkwənt/ /frɪ'kwent/ Change of meaning by the stress shift
  • 36. The English vowels and diphthongs are conveniently considered in five groups (A,B,C,D,E) below: ● The short vowels are ɪ kit,sit e dress,bed æ flat,map ʌ jug,nut ● the long vowels and diphthongs are iː freeze,see aɪ high,eye ɔɪ choice,boy ● (RP) uː goose, too ɒ goat,show aʊ wow,now ɪə near-RP ● (RP) ɪə near,fear eə square, hair ɑː father,start ɔː thought,law ʊə cure, pure The English phonemic system and its notation
  • 37. ● THE WEAK VOWELS ARE: i (happ)y, (rad)i(ation),(glor)i (ous) ə a(bout),(comm)a,(comm)o(n) u (infl)u(ence),(sit)u(ation) _although the weak vowel system also includes ɪ i(ntend), (rabb)i(t) ʊ(stim)u(lus), (ed)u(cate) ● CONSONANTS The English consonants are: /p/ /b/, /t/ /d/, /k/ /g/, /f/ /v/, /s/ /z/, /θ/ /ð/, /ʃ/ /ʒ/, /ʈʃ/ /dʒ/,/h/, /w/, /n/, /m/, /r/, /j/, /ŋ/, /l/. The symbols p,b,t,d,k,f,v,h,r,I,w,n stands for the English consonants sounds usually so spelled. Keywords for the remaining consonants sounds are as follows: ʈʃ:church,chain θ:thin,path s:cease,sister ʃ:ship,ocean j:yet g:go,gloves,give dʒ:judge ð:this, smooth, other z:zone, roses ʒ:vision ŋ:sing,long, thanks Stress is shown by a mark placed at the beginning of the syllable in question,as the following examples: Primary word stress:reMEMber Secondary word stress:ACaDEMic,BUTter The English phonemic system and its notation
  • 38. The type of pronunciation to be spoken is known as received pronunciation (RP). In business interactions, this is the model followed by educated executives. Some common errors of pronunciation to Be avoided The correct sound of "r". Some of us roll it too much. For pronouncing "r" correctly, the tongue is slightly curled from the sides and drawn back slightly to touch the ridges of the teeth. The single "r" in the middle and at the end of the words is mostly silent in English,whereas Indians mostly pronounce it clearly. Try to pronounce the following words without "r" army,car,carpet,iron, finger Exceptions Single "r" is pronounced in the middle of the words when it appears before vowel sound. For example: career, paragraph, various Double "rr" must be pronounced "rr" in a word is to be pronounced. For example, "curry","sorry". The "r" at the beginning of a word is pronounced, but it should not be rolled. Say this aloud. Round the ragged rock,the ragged rascal ran. Notice the position of the tongue while you say these rs at the beginning of the above words. It is not curled. How to improve your pronunciation
  • 39. For example, the words, "vine" and "wine" or "water" or "vendor" should not be spoken in the same way, "v" should not sound like "w". In the above words "v" is pronounced with lower lip touching the upper row of teeth, but "w" is pronounced with lips in the rounded form. To practice the distinction between the sounds of "v" and "w" say these words. Love-low, cover-cower, ever-ewer Avoid mixing up w and v sounds
  • 40. “I” and “D” Say the following words: Time, dime, candour, bridal, demand. Finally the test of effective spoken English is easy in intelligibility of words and their quickest response in the desired manner. Avoid unclear pronunciation