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Motorola Solutions
Penang Technical Expo
[Reducing Cycle Time for iDEN Releases – A Development and Test
Praveen Srivastava
Leena V, Gyanesh K
* Engineering Manager in iDEN
Motorola Solutions, Bangalore, India
*Email: *
Keywords: Cycle time, Changing customer requirements, Lean, Optimization, Quality
iDEN system releases have been taking
longer time from M8 (System Requirements
allocated and project scope is baseline) to
M3 (Ready For Controlled Introduction)
when it is first commercially deployed. For
a typical iDEN system release, the duration
between M8 and M3 is close to 18 months.
The current releases are posing new
challenges to product development and
requires comparatively shorter cycle time.
This paper talks about such an iDEN release
which was done and ready for deployment in
less than 9 months. This paper analyzes the
techniques and strategy used by
development and test team to achieve this
and proposes techniques & strategies which
can be used by future iDEN releases.
1. Introduction
1.1 iDEN Product development in M –
Gate framework.
iDEN system releases follows M-Gate
framework to drive a new product from idea
to launch. At M8 start, system architecture
document ( SAD ) is ready and available for
sub-system requirement (REQ) creation.
This is followed by completion of
component design specifications (DD) and
test specification. Coding and unit testing
(UT) at task level is done after that.
Component Integration Testing (CIT) is
done to validate task level interactions. Box
test (BT) validates the functional box
requirement and interactions with other
network elements (NE) in simulated
environment. BT completion ensures
software quality is sufficient to start system
test (ST) .
Figure 1 – SR21.0 Release ( DAP )
Fig. 1 shows a typical iDEN release, SR21.0
for dispatch application processor (DAP)
which was completed in 18 months.
Diagram clearly shows that each phase in
development and test is executed with little
overlap. This little overlap between phases
is also due to small features introduced after
CIT started.
1.2 Challenge
M - Months
SR21.0 ( M8-M3 ) 18 Months)
Motorola Solutions
Penang Technical Expo
Dispatch IP gateway (DIG ) was a new
network element added in iDEN to provide
dispatch communications services to users in
the operator’s network, who are equipped
with personal computing (PC) or packet data
enabled cell phones running DIG IP Client
application. It was not a typical iDEN
release, the system requirements were not
clear hence scope was not frozen at M8.
DAP box was initially suppose to provide
mechanism for the operators to manage the
quality of service (QoS) for iDEN PTT
application service. This was anchor feature
of the release with 30 staff month (SM)
effort. The work on SAD started in March-
2012, design and coding started in parallel
but feature was removed from the release 4
months later in June-12. Another feature
IMEI proxy and billing enhancements with
effort of 17 SM were introduced at the same
time and cycle time from M8-M3 was
reduced to 9 months. What it meant to
development team was to undo the QoS
changes, implement new features, test it and
give it to system test (M5) in 5 months
which usually was 12 months. System test
had 4 months to complete which usually was
6 months and ready for deployment in
1.3 Dispatch IP gateway (DIG) 1.1 Release
The problem was changed scope which
included backing out QoS changes,
implement new features, complete unit test,
integration test, box test and deliver to
system test in 5 month. We needed a way to
properly control the QoS functionality that
was already merged into dap code. Backing
out QoS was more effort considering
regression test effort and it was putting
more pressure on schedule. Another
challenge was to deliver the software to box
test so that, they can start early and deliver
to system test on time. Existing way of doing
coding followed by UT, CIT and BT was
not seem to be working as this meant adding
more resources or impact the schedule.
Adding more skilled resources was not an
option due to learning curves of new joins
before they become productive.
Figure 2– DIG1.1 time line on M-Gate
1.4 Size Comparison
SR21.0 DAP size was 7.8 KLOC and
DIG1.1 DAP size was 4.7 KLOC.
Motorola Solutions
Penang Technical Expo
2.1 Response to Challenge
DIG1.1 ST was to start from Jan 14, 2013,
FOA was in April -13, so we started looking
for ways to reduce development and test
cycle time. Obvious choice was to opt for
design requiring less regression, do things in
parallel and reduce duplicates wherever
2.2 Requirement/Design parallel to SAD
Figure 3 – DIG1.1 faults
Requirement was started parallel to SAD and
design started after requirement was in some
shape. This has given a head start to
development and coding started in June-
2012 which would have otherwise started in
Aug-2012. This has pulled in code start by 8
weeks. The key was to keep common
resources to do SAD, requirement and
design. This helps, as SAD updates due to
feature change has to flow down to
requirement and design and if same person is
doing the changes in requirement and
design, gap in communication is removed.
2.3 QoS feature removal was handled
through another feature.
QoS, the anchor feature of release was
removed in July-2012 with a possibility to
return in future. Nearly, 80 %
implementation was already done for this
feature, backing out the feature and creating
a new baseline was costlier due to regression
effort and would have eliminated possibility
of putting it back in release. This was
handled by bringing another feature where
QoS related messages were stopped from
being sent in case feature is turned off. This
strategy has avoided backing out changes
and doing additional regression.
# of UT
# of CIT
# of BT
QoS ON/OFF Implemented Jul-12 4834/7 102/0 105/0
IMEI Proxy development Aug-12 No UT 868/2 1800/0
IMEI Proxy development Sep-12 2834/4 149/3 1291/1
Table 1 : Test Cases Distribution for UT/CIT/BT
QoS ON/OFF was implemented and
delivered to BT in July end. The new
features (IMEI Proxy and billing
enhancements) brought in later were
developed when BT was testing this
regression. The table above “having test case
distribution across phases” helps understand
extent of testing in each phase. BT
regression started with QoS on/off. It has
removed the need of additional regression
testing for this feature by development/CIT.
New feature development was done when
BT was regression testing. So, another
feature to avoid removal of dropped feature
did the trick. Majority of the defects were
caught in UT.
2.4 Reduce Integration Test (CIT )
2.4.1 Re-use UT scripts in CIT
DAP UT and CIT on target platform is done
using daptool which simulates other tasks
and NEs in case of UT and other NEs in case
of CIT.
Cycle Time
DIG1.1 faults for SAD, requirement and design
Motorola Solutions
Penang Technical Expo
Figure 4 – DAP Tool architecture
After analyzing the test environment, a new
strategy was introduced in creation of test
scripts. Since UT and CIT uses same tool , it
was possible to create common scripts. New
feature scripts were written in such a way
that it can be re-used directly in CIT.
Automated CIT suite made sure execution of
CIT was also fast.
2.4.2 Removing Duplicates across test
On Line Configuration Change (OLCC),
Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT) and
Statistics (STAT) are the areas where CIT
testing environment is similar to BT. So
these tests were removed from CIT as BT
anyway covers those. Theoretically, this
approach should have caused BT finding
more defects in constructions #1 when
regression started and forced us to do more
builds but re-use of UT scripts and
strategically removing non critical
functional area testing did not show this.
Number of builds remained comparable to
other iDEN releases.
2.5 Box Test Reductions
The box test delivery was broken into
constructions. First delivery to BT was
having QoS code in it. Second construction
had rest of the features in it. BT duration for
a normal iDEN release is 4 months. The
DAP is supported on 3 hardware platforms (
7221 ATCA, 7367 ATCA and SCP ).
Normally, BT tests regression on all the
three platforms. BT adopted new strategies
and reduced the test cycle time by 50 %
using following strategy
2.5.1 Regression optimization
Regression test cases were classified
between platform dependent and platform
independent based on requirements.
Platform dependent cases are mainly
hardware related cases, health-checks, CPU,
platform specific alarms/installation & MOP
verification. Platform independent cases
were mainly call processing ( CP ) , OLCC,
LMT. Platform independent cases were
executed only on one platform, this has
resulted in 24 % reduction of regression test
Table 2 – BT Regression Optimization
Reduction in regression test cases has not
impacted quality as we have not found
defects coming from entire regression suite
executed later in cycle.
2.6 Staggered Delivery
BT started regression with construction#1
and 60 % test cases were run before
construction#2 started.
# of
test cases
24-Jul-12 7-Sep-12 2619
17-Sep-12 11-Dec-12 1746
Total-DIG1.1 4365
(No Const)
5-Dec-11 30-Apr-12 5800
DIG1.1 regression
optimization resulting
in 24% reduction on
number of test cases
over SR21.0.
Motorola Solutions
Penang Technical Expo
Figure 5 – DIG1.1 Defect Distribution
Results above shows that 44% of the defects
were found in UT, 21 % in CIT and 35 % in
BT. Early BT regression start in July, did not
report any defect. CIT which was testing
new feature during that time reported new
feature defects. The strategy of starting early
BT regression in parallel to CIT, supported
by strong UT gave good results and reduced
BT cycle time by 8 weeks.
BT also did early tools integrations and
prototyping to benchmark performance
requirement. DIG1.1 prototyping started in
parallel to CIT . Early prototyping helped to
stabilize the load and a good practice which
is adopted in other iDEN releases also.
3.0 Results and Analysis
3.1 Overlapping Phases
Figure 6 – DIG1.1 Overlapping Phases
Figure 6 shows overlapping phases of
development and test during dig1.1 release.
DIG1.1 work shown in chart before M8
(Aug -12) relates to QoS feature which was
later taken off. The SAD was changing
because of feature change after M8,
requirement was changing in response to that
followed by design, code and UT. All the
activities were running in parallel till we hit
box test start for construction # 2 in Sep-
2012. UT is major effort area where more
than 6000 test cases were executed to make
sure there are no breakages from QoS code.
The UT suite was automated, execution of
wwhich helped to make sure each time there
is a churn in requirement, no breakage is
introduced. UT scripts were also re-used by
CIT reducing CIT test case creation effort.
Table 3 below has number of defects caught
in each phase. UT has found maximum
number of defects. Removing duplicates
from CIT has not caused any impact as BT
did not find any defect in areas where testing
was removed from CIT.
Phase Defects Percentage
UT 19 42.22%
CIT 9 20.00%
BT 15 33.33%
ST 2 4.44%
Table – 3
Figure 7– DIG1.1 Fault Distribution
DIG1.1 Defect Distribution Pattern
BT cons#1 Regression Start
BT cons#2 Start
M- Months
DIG1.1 ( M8-M3 ) 12 Months)
DIG1.1 Faults Distribution over M8-M3 cycle
BT cons#1 Regression Start
BT cons#2 Start
BT End
Motorola Solutions
Penang Technical Expo
Script re-use of UT has worked well. CIT
did find defects from re-used scripts as tests
were now done with real tasks. So this
strategy also worked very well. Figure 7
shows the fault distribution which need to be
seen along with figure 6 where activities are
shown in that period. Faults were coming
from each areas during the development and
test going in parallel. It stopped after BT end
and very few defects were reported from ST.
This proves strategy of minimizing CIT and
optimizing BT worked very well w/o any
compromise on quality.
3.2 Defect Density and Fault Density
Figure 8 - Defect Density and Fault Density
In figure 8, up to DIG1.1-M8, the dig1.1
fault density is higher that SR21. This is the
period when feature churning was happening
and faults were more. CIT and BT
improvements were applied during M7-M5,
we see the fault arrival is almost parallel to
SR21.0 fault arrival charts. CIT reduction
and BT optimization has not increased
defects when cycle time is reduced.
3.3 Cycle time Reduction from Test and
The Figure 9 on next page shows a
comparison of dig1.1 against other iDEN
releases (SR21, SR22, and DIG1.5) . We
have clear saving of 10 weeks from test
optimization when compared to SR21.0
release. Ongoing releases SR22 and DIG1.5
are also using the same techniques and
methods. SR22 is showing 10 weeks of test
cycle time reduction and DIG1.5 release is
planned with 16 weeks of improvement over
existing iDEN releases.
Development/CIT techniques and strategies
resulted in around 16 weeks of savings. BT
test optimization saved around 10 weeks.
Development of DIG1.1 release between
M8-M5 was done in 5.5 months with an
improvement of 26 week over a typical
iDEN release ( M8-M5 ) cycle of 12
months. Considering some development
work ( equivalent to 6 weeks creation )
which was done before M8 and remained in
release , total reduction will be 20 weeks
which is 40 % improvement over existing
iDEN cycle
4.0 Conclusion
The major learning’s which came out from
the dig release was to focus on unit test and
strengthen it. Unit test should be automated
which will help to support parallel
development and quickly validate any
breakages due to churns of requirement. This
helped in minimizing integration testing.
Remove of duplicates across test phases is
another key for cycle time reduction. Box
test regression optimization should be
evaluated in each release.
We would like to thank the following
colleagues for their contributions in work
done to achieve this. Lenka Bikrama, Amit
Deb, Amit Yadav, DAP development and
BT team.
Cycle Time
Defect & Fault Density comparsion
M5 M3
Imptovements Applied Between M7-M5 Start
Motorola Solutions
Penang Technical Expo
[ 1 ] M-Gates Effectiveness
[ 2 ] SR21.0/DIG1.1 Release Status
Il02fil103functional areasPM
[ 3 ] DAP test environment
Figure 9 – Test Cycle Time Reduction comparison
Figure 9 – Test Cycle Time Reduction comparison
Motorola Solutions
Penang Technical Expo

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Reducing Cycle Time for iDEN Releases – A Development and Test Perspective

  • 1. Motorola Solutions 1 Penang Technical Expo [Reducing Cycle Time for iDEN Releases – A Development and Test Perspective] Praveen Srivastava Leena V, Gyanesh K * Engineering Manager in iDEN Motorola Solutions, Bangalore, India *Email: * Keywords: Cycle time, Changing customer requirements, Lean, Optimization, Quality Abstract iDEN system releases have been taking longer time from M8 (System Requirements allocated and project scope is baseline) to M3 (Ready For Controlled Introduction) when it is first commercially deployed. For a typical iDEN system release, the duration between M8 and M3 is close to 18 months. The current releases are posing new challenges to product development and requires comparatively shorter cycle time. This paper talks about such an iDEN release which was done and ready for deployment in less than 9 months. This paper analyzes the techniques and strategy used by development and test team to achieve this and proposes techniques & strategies which can be used by future iDEN releases. 1. Introduction 1.1 iDEN Product development in M – Gate framework. iDEN system releases follows M-Gate framework to drive a new product from idea to launch. At M8 start, system architecture document ( SAD ) is ready and available for sub-system requirement (REQ) creation. This is followed by completion of component design specifications (DD) and test specification. Coding and unit testing (UT) at task level is done after that. Component Integration Testing (CIT) is done to validate task level interactions. Box test (BT) validates the functional box requirement and interactions with other network elements (NE) in simulated environment. BT completion ensures software quality is sufficient to start system test (ST) . Figure 1 – SR21.0 Release ( DAP ) Fig. 1 shows a typical iDEN release, SR21.0 for dispatch application processor (DAP) which was completed in 18 months. Diagram clearly shows that each phase in development and test is executed with little overlap. This little overlap between phases is also due to small features introduced after CIT started. 1.2 Challenge 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 3/1/2011 5/1/2011 7/1/2011 9/1/2011 11/1/2011 1/1/2012 3/1/2012 5/1/2012 7/1/2012 9/1/2012 M 0 M 1 M 2 M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 7 M 8 M 9 M 10 M 11 M 12 M 13 M 14 M 15 M 16 M 17 M 18 %Phase M - Months SR21.0 ( M8-M3 ) 18 Months) ST BT CIT UT CODE DD REQ SAD
  • 2. Motorola Solutions 2 Penang Technical Expo Dispatch IP gateway (DIG ) was a new network element added in iDEN to provide dispatch communications services to users in the operator’s network, who are equipped with personal computing (PC) or packet data enabled cell phones running DIG IP Client application. It was not a typical iDEN release, the system requirements were not clear hence scope was not frozen at M8. DAP box was initially suppose to provide mechanism for the operators to manage the quality of service (QoS) for iDEN PTT application service. This was anchor feature of the release with 30 staff month (SM) effort. The work on SAD started in March- 2012, design and coding started in parallel but feature was removed from the release 4 months later in June-12. Another feature IMEI proxy and billing enhancements with effort of 17 SM were introduced at the same time and cycle time from M8-M3 was reduced to 9 months. What it meant to development team was to undo the QoS changes, implement new features, test it and give it to system test (M5) in 5 months which usually was 12 months. System test had 4 months to complete which usually was 6 months and ready for deployment in April-2013. 1.3 Dispatch IP gateway (DIG) 1.1 Release The problem was changed scope which included backing out QoS changes, implement new features, complete unit test, integration test, box test and deliver to system test in 5 month. We needed a way to properly control the QoS functionality that was already merged into dap code. Backing out QoS was more effort considering regression test effort and it was putting more pressure on schedule. Another challenge was to deliver the software to box test so that, they can start early and deliver to system test on time. Existing way of doing coding followed by UT, CIT and BT was not seem to be working as this meant adding more resources or impact the schedule. Adding more skilled resources was not an option due to learning curves of new joins before they become productive. Figure 2– DIG1.1 time line on M-Gate 1.4 Size Comparison SR21.0 DAP size was 7.8 KLOC and DIG1.1 DAP size was 4.7 KLOC.
  • 3. Motorola Solutions 3 Penang Technical Expo 2.1 Response to Challenge DIG1.1 ST was to start from Jan 14, 2013, FOA was in April -13, so we started looking for ways to reduce development and test cycle time. Obvious choice was to opt for design requiring less regression, do things in parallel and reduce duplicates wherever possible. 2.2 Requirement/Design parallel to SAD Figure 3 – DIG1.1 faults Requirement was started parallel to SAD and design started after requirement was in some shape. This has given a head start to development and coding started in June- 2012 which would have otherwise started in Aug-2012. This has pulled in code start by 8 weeks. The key was to keep common resources to do SAD, requirement and design. This helps, as SAD updates due to feature change has to flow down to requirement and design and if same person is doing the changes in requirement and design, gap in communication is removed. 2.3 QoS feature removal was handled through another feature. QoS, the anchor feature of release was removed in July-2012 with a possibility to return in future. Nearly, 80 % implementation was already done for this feature, backing out the feature and creating a new baseline was costlier due to regression effort and would have eliminated possibility of putting it back in release. This was handled by bringing another feature where QoS related messages were stopped from being sent in case feature is turned off. This strategy has avoided backing out changes and doing additional regression. Activity # of UT TC/Defects # of CIT TC/defects # of BT TC/Defects QoS ON/OFF Implemented Jul-12 4834/7 102/0 105/0 IMEI Proxy development Aug-12 No UT 868/2 1800/0 IMEI Proxy development Sep-12 2834/4 149/3 1291/1 Table 1 : Test Cases Distribution for UT/CIT/BT QoS ON/OFF was implemented and delivered to BT in July end. The new features (IMEI Proxy and billing enhancements) brought in later were developed when BT was testing this regression. The table above “having test case distribution across phases” helps understand extent of testing in each phase. BT regression started with QoS on/off. It has removed the need of additional regression testing for this feature by development/CIT. New feature development was done when BT was regression testing. So, another feature to avoid removal of dropped feature did the trick. Majority of the defects were caught in UT. 2.4 Reduce Integration Test (CIT ) 2.4.1 Re-use UT scripts in CIT DAP UT and CIT on target platform is done using daptool which simulates other tasks and NEs in case of UT and other NEs in case of CIT. 0 10 20 30 1-Mar 1-Apr 1-May 1-Jun 1-Jul 1-Aug 1-Sep #offaults Cycle Time DIG1.1 faults for SAD, requirement and design Design Req. SAD
  • 4. Motorola Solutions 4 Penang Technical Expo Figure 4 – DAP Tool architecture After analyzing the test environment, a new strategy was introduced in creation of test scripts. Since UT and CIT uses same tool , it was possible to create common scripts. New feature scripts were written in such a way that it can be re-used directly in CIT. Automated CIT suite made sure execution of CIT was also fast. 2.4.2 Removing Duplicates across test phases On Line Configuration Change (OLCC), Local Maintenance Terminal (LMT) and Statistics (STAT) are the areas where CIT testing environment is similar to BT. So these tests were removed from CIT as BT anyway covers those. Theoretically, this approach should have caused BT finding more defects in constructions #1 when regression started and forced us to do more builds but re-use of UT scripts and strategically removing non critical functional area testing did not show this. Number of builds remained comparable to other iDEN releases. 2.5 Box Test Reductions The box test delivery was broken into constructions. First delivery to BT was having QoS code in it. Second construction had rest of the features in it. BT duration for a normal iDEN release is 4 months. The DAP is supported on 3 hardware platforms ( 7221 ATCA, 7367 ATCA and SCP ). Normally, BT tests regression on all the three platforms. BT adopted new strategies and reduced the test cycle time by 50 % using following strategy 2.5.1 Regression optimization Regression test cases were classified between platform dependent and platform independent based on requirements. Platform dependent cases are mainly hardware related cases, health-checks, CPU, platform specific alarms/installation & MOP verification. Platform independent cases were mainly call processing ( CP ) , OLCC, LMT. Platform independent cases were executed only on one platform, this has resulted in 24 % reduction of regression test cases. Table 2 – BT Regression Optimization Reduction in regression test cases has not impacted quality as we have not found defects coming from entire regression suite executed later in cycle. 2.6 Staggered Delivery BT started regression with construction#1 and 60 % test cases were run before construction#2 started. Start Date End Date # of regression test cases DIG1.1 BT (Cons#1) 24-Jul-12 7-Sep-12 2619 DIG1.1 BT (Cons#2) 17-Sep-12 11-Dec-12 1746 Total-DIG1.1 4365 SR21.0 BT (No Const) 5-Dec-11 30-Apr-12 5800 DIG1.1 regression optimization resulting in 24% reduction on number of test cases over SR21.0.
  • 5. Motorola Solutions 5 Penang Technical Expo Figure 5 – DIG1.1 Defect Distribution Results above shows that 44% of the defects were found in UT, 21 % in CIT and 35 % in BT. Early BT regression start in July, did not report any defect. CIT which was testing new feature during that time reported new feature defects. The strategy of starting early BT regression in parallel to CIT, supported by strong UT gave good results and reduced BT cycle time by 8 weeks. BT also did early tools integrations and prototyping to benchmark performance requirement. DIG1.1 prototyping started in parallel to CIT . Early prototyping helped to stabilize the load and a good practice which is adopted in other iDEN releases also. 3.0 Results and Analysis 3.1 Overlapping Phases Figure 6 – DIG1.1 Overlapping Phases Figure 6 shows overlapping phases of development and test during dig1.1 release. DIG1.1 work shown in chart before M8 (Aug -12) relates to QoS feature which was later taken off. The SAD was changing because of feature change after M8, requirement was changing in response to that followed by design, code and UT. All the activities were running in parallel till we hit box test start for construction # 2 in Sep- 2012. UT is major effort area where more than 6000 test cases were executed to make sure there are no breakages from QoS code. The UT suite was automated, execution of wwhich helped to make sure each time there is a churn in requirement, no breakage is introduced. UT scripts were also re-used by CIT reducing CIT test case creation effort. Table 3 below has number of defects caught in each phase. UT has found maximum number of defects. Removing duplicates from CIT has not caused any impact as BT did not find any defect in areas where testing was removed from CIT. Phase Defects Percentage UT 19 42.22% CIT 9 20.00% BT 15 33.33% ST 2 4.44% Table – 3 Figure 7– DIG1.1 Fault Distribution 0 5 10 15 Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug-12 Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 #ofdefects DIG1.1 Defect Distribution Pattern UT CIT BT BT cons#1 Regression Start BT cons#2 Start 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 3/1/2012 4/1/2012 5/1/2012 6/1/2012 7/1/2012 8/1/2012 9/1/2012 10/1/2012 11/1/2012 12/1/2012 1/1/2013 2/1/2013 3/1/2013 M 0 M 1 M 2 M 3 M 4 M 5 M 6 M 7 M 8 M 9 M 10 M 11 M 12 %Phase M- Months DIG1.1 ( M8-M3 ) 12 Months) ST BT CIT UT CODE DD REQ SAD 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 #offaults DIG1.1 Faults Distribution over M8-M3 cycle ST BT CIT UT Code Arch/Design Requirement SAD BT cons#1 Regression Start BT cons#2 Start BT End
  • 6. Motorola Solutions 6 Penang Technical Expo Script re-use of UT has worked well. CIT did find defects from re-used scripts as tests were now done with real tasks. So this strategy also worked very well. Figure 7 shows the fault distribution which need to be seen along with figure 6 where activities are shown in that period. Faults were coming from each areas during the development and test going in parallel. It stopped after BT end and very few defects were reported from ST. This proves strategy of minimizing CIT and optimizing BT worked very well w/o any compromise on quality. 3.2 Defect Density and Fault Density Impact Figure 8 - Defect Density and Fault Density In figure 8, up to DIG1.1-M8, the dig1.1 fault density is higher that SR21. This is the period when feature churning was happening and faults were more. CIT and BT improvements were applied during M7-M5, we see the fault arrival is almost parallel to SR21.0 fault arrival charts. CIT reduction and BT optimization has not increased defects when cycle time is reduced. 3.3 Cycle time Reduction from Test and Development The Figure 9 on next page shows a comparison of dig1.1 against other iDEN releases (SR21, SR22, and DIG1.5) . We have clear saving of 10 weeks from test optimization when compared to SR21.0 release. Ongoing releases SR22 and DIG1.5 are also using the same techniques and methods. SR22 is showing 10 weeks of test cycle time reduction and DIG1.5 release is planned with 16 weeks of improvement over existing iDEN releases. Development/CIT techniques and strategies resulted in around 16 weeks of savings. BT test optimization saved around 10 weeks. Development of DIG1.1 release between M8-M5 was done in 5.5 months with an improvement of 26 week over a typical iDEN release ( M8-M5 ) cycle of 12 months. Considering some development work ( equivalent to 6 weeks creation ) which was done before M8 and remained in release , total reduction will be 20 weeks which is 40 % improvement over existing iDEN cycle 4.0 Conclusion The major learning’s which came out from the dig release was to focus on unit test and strengthen it. Unit test should be automated which will help to support parallel development and quickly validate any breakages due to churns of requirement. This helped in minimizing integration testing. Remove of duplicates across test phases is another key for cycle time reduction. Box test regression optimization should be evaluated in each release. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following colleagues for their contributions in work done to achieve this. Lenka Bikrama, Amit Deb, Amit Yadav, DAP development and BT team. References 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 Apr Jul Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct FaultDensity Cycle Time Defect & Fault Density comparsion DIG1.1 SR21.0 M7 M5 M7 M5 M3 M M M8 Imptovements Applied Between M7-M5 Start
  • 7. Motorola Solutions 7 Penang Technical Expo [ 1 ] M-Gates Effectiveness [ 2 ] SR21.0/DIG1.1 Release Status Il02fil103functional areasPM [ 3 ] DAP test environment Figure 9 – Test Cycle Time Reduction comparison Figure 9 – Test Cycle Time Reduction comparison