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My Personal Beliefs
One personal belief that I would have a difficult time changing is my freedom of speech. The reason being that nobody has the right to tell my I
cannot express my beliefs. I want to be someone who changes the world so being able to speak whenever I want on different problems is necessary.
What would you do if someone tried to take away your freedom of speech? If it had not been for a lot of civil rights leaders everything would be the
same as it had been several years ago. I don't know what would change this belief because this is a natural right. This belief has changed my life
because my freedom of speech has given me a voice to be able to be with or against a certain subject. My speech gives me my personality, and my
mindset. Another of my personal belief is more content...
There are certain instances where you have to make a decision these are decisions where there is certainty, risk, and uncertainty. So this is why
decisions are to be made with caution sometimes. When you are certain the decision is easier because you aren't going to keep changing your
answer. Then there is when there is risk, which because there is a big area of risks you take longer to decide. For example of a test if you have
deductions you will take longer to answer because every missed point could be less of a point. Then when you are uncertain you take a risk a lot of
the time. But even though reasoning, and decision–making are separate processes they are very similar. The reason behind this is that to make a good
decision you have to have reasoning behind why you picked that certain answer. For example if you had a problem, which would decide your
housing situation, you have to see what were the best choices. So you see the pros and cons then with those you make your decision. Decisions are
made after reasoning is given on why it's a good or bad
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Personal Beliefs
As of January 5, 2018, the contents of this document pertain to the beliefs, perceptions, and other variants that affect what I stand for. I Currently stand
for living healthy, self–awareness, karma, and good energy. Healthy lifestyle I believe in living healthy. Living healthy has become one of my
biggest beliefs because of the great impact it has done on myself and my life. Living a healthy lifestyle for me doesn't just mean I believe in just
eating healthy; I also believe in having an active lifestyle because being active to me is just as important. Living a healthy lifestyle has become a
great belief of mine because when I was diagnosed with Scoliosis; I turned my attention to sports because of the great impact it could have on my
back problems. When I turned my attention to sports; the main sport that caught my attention was soccer. I absolutely fell in love with the game and
like any athlete I wanted to exceed and be the best at it. At this point is when I was introduced to the living healthy aspect was introduced to my life
and from there I have always made it a imp Self–Awareness I believe in self–awareness. Self–awareness is important to me because I feel everyone
needs to be aware of what they are thinking, feeling, motives and desires. We forget to check each other from time to time and see what sparks the
fire within us. I believe ones happiness begins within themselves but how can you be happy if you don't find out what makes you happy or what
drives you. I
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Personal Beliefs About Children And Learning
My personal beliefs about children and learning include; having the children feel safe and welcome, because safety is the number one rule in a child
care center. Children should learn the basic things of life. Some of those include, reading and writing, science and math, art and games. Children need
a good sense of education to teach them the basic things they need.
The purposes of early childhood education are; teaching the kids what they need to know in order to go kindergarten. Giving them a voice, and letting
them be heard with what they want to say. By letting them know they have a voice, lets them feel a sense of comfort and safety. Motivating and
encouraging them to do what is right. Having a yes I can attitude about wanting to do things.
I believe that children learn best when they are taught under certain conditions and in certain ways. Those include; How teachers teach for example; if
the teacher does not ask you questions, and never answers the questions it can cause the children to have difficulties learning. If the teacher does ask
questions, and interacts with the children it makes learning a lot easier. the environment of the classroom, and how children interact with others. A
positive classroom with positive attitudes means that the children will learn more, and they will learn in a healthy environment. The way they interact
with others also contributes to this because they will be doing this for the rest of their lives.
The curriculum of any classroom
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Educational Philosophy Paper1 My Personal Beliefs and Statement About Education As a child, I learned to grow as an individual with the
inspiration and leadership quality of many people, including not only my family but my teachers as well. Of course as a child all I wanted to do
was play with my toys, go to the park with my friends, or eat, where school was never my favorite place to be. Although I didn't love school, I
always came left school thinking about something new, whether it was about the lesson I learned or how my teacher was able to help my fellow
classmates and I understand so easily. My teachers never failed to inspire me. As a result, I always dreaded graduating up a grade because I knew
it meant learning to connect with a new teacher and their teaching styles, yet they never failed to disappoint me. Growing up I was and still am
today, an athlete. As an athlete I always had someone to look up to, whether it were my coach or another athlete of the same sport. It was pretty
obvious to me that I wanted to grow up having an effect on people, mostly children. I realized that the people who left an impact on my life have
motivated me to leave an impact on other peoples lives. Growing as an individual around leaders, coaches and teachers, made it obvious to me that
one day I want to be a teacher and want to be able to inspire children the way I was inspired growing up. I am motivated from my own childhood to
hopefully leave a big enough impact on my future
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My Personal Values Essay
My personal values Values are those things that are important, meaningful and valued by an individual, a group of people, or an organization.
Whether we are aware of them or not, every individual has his or her core set of values, which consist of many different kinds of values. Each
individual's value system is different from one another because individual's values are built up through one's life experience, environment, and family
background. Values are important to us because they reflect our personal moral standards, shape our behavior, and guide us through long life journeys.
Since we live in a highly connected society, each person's value system does not only affect one's own life, but also affects many other people and the more content...
However, we should pay attention to our manners, utilize our communication skills; and on the bottom line, we need to avoid intentionally hurting
people. When coming across people who have total different opinions from mine, I always act respectfully. For example, at school, we have to do many
team projects; most often, team members may come from total different cultural background, and thus always have different opinions about the same
thing. Being respectful to other students, I am well–mannered, using appropriate language, opening to criticisms, and conducting myself professionally.
If everyone knows how to respect to others and act respectfully to each other, we will easily to get along with each other and thus there be more
happiness and less conflict in our society, so we will make the world a better place. Second, I highly value integrity. Integrity is defined as "a concept of
consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and
truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions." It generally means not intentionally harming others, not stealing from, not cheating, or being fair to, others. I
value integrity because it manifests a person's inner strength, honor, kindness, and geniuses of one's soul. According to Kantian moral perspective
whether an action is morally good or not depends primarily in the intentions of the agent performing the
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Personal Values, Beliefs, And Attitudes
Introduction As human beings, we all have our own values, beliefs, and attitudes. These things develop over the course of our lifetime and at any
point can change based on an experience that we may have. Our family, friends, community and the experiences we have had all contribute to our
sense of who we are and how we view the world.
Values, Beliefs, and a Little About Me
Over the course of my life my values have changed based on circumstance. Currently if I had to list out my top five values in descending order they
would be: religion, family, education, country, and culture. I value religion first and foremost because of my beliefs system that has been instilled
in me since I was a child. " If you place God first in your life, then everything else will work itself out", is something my Grandfather has always
told me. Family is something that doesn 't necessarily come first, but is a very high value to me. I identify as being a very caring father and
husband, the protector, and head of my household. My family has always been supportive of my decisions. They have influenced me to always give
my best at everything and to persevere when I fail. Education is the new value that has began to take a precedence in my life. Education is the bridge
to success that I am striving to succeed at. Without education I cannot properly attend to my family 's needs. The time demand of education also puts it
very high on my values list because it warrants the majority of my attention.
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The Importance Of My Personal Belief System
In this paper, I will talk about "gaining a better understanding of my personal belief system, and how culture, race, ethnicity, and values influence me
in the helping profession." The focal point of exercise 1.1, is to make us understand how important it is to gain a better understanding of our personal
beliefs. I want to personally say, I agree 100% with this philosophy because doing this, will only sweeten our relationships with our clients. I back this
statement up with, believing that "one can't manage to help others, if they physically don't understand who they're yet." It is literally impossible for
someone to have success in this field or any other fields, if they have no clue on what their personal belief system consists of. Becoming
knowledgeable about your personal beliefs will most certainly benefit you, but it will also benefit your relationship with your clients as well. For
example, let's say you're a counselor and your client is someone who is having withdrawals about an abortion. And you grew up with the understanding
to "never get an abortion, abortions aren't acceptable, and etc". Knowing your beliefs, how would that factor in this process? If it was me, I would
actually hear my clients stories, and reasons why she or her family decided to go through with the abortion, moreover I believe that the beliefs that you
learned as a child can definitely change as you grow older. Saying this, this will actually result into allowing one to understand their personal
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How Does Religion Affect Personal Identity?
Spirituality is often extremely personal. Religion is one of the topics one is warned not to talk publicly about, although many faiths encourage missions
or ministry that spread the Good Word. Testimonies are not typically invited in everyday conversation. Spirituality can determine one's identity, as well
as establish community. Many are introduced to various religions, or one religion, from childhood. For college students, some may begin to question
this sector of their upbringing, seeking to understand more of their culture and what exactly it means to be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. The
morals held in these various faiths guided by leading figures often govern actions and shape personal identity. Jesus is the center of my faith.
Consequently, Jesus is my protector, validation, and an example of the lifestyle I wish to lead.
Jesus is my protector and savior. Like most kids I was afraid of the dark when I was younger. However, I was taught to pray every night before bed.
Lying in the dark and imaging the demons in my closet and the monsters under my bed, I started to imagine Jesus as my bubble and force field. If more content...
He protects those from sin through his sacrifice on the cross, and thus also saves us from ourselves. Through this sacrifice, one can find validation
and value in personal existence and trust in a greater purpose although the meaning may be hard to see. Finally, Jesus represents the lifestyle all
Christians aim to adhere in order to establish the kingdom on the hill, or a better and more peaceful society overall. Spirituality is personal. The
different philosophies often shape and reshape how individuals label themselves. College students stereotypically begin to question their faith and
explore spirituality in search of truth. However, personally, I believe this questioning solidifies faith and leads to a stronger sense of
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Essay on My Religious Belief
My Religious Belief
I am a Christian and I believe in the Holy trinity: God, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
God is the most high God, all–powerful, all–knowing, the creator, full of unfailing love and truth, God is the only "true" God. He is the light.
Jesus is the son of God, he is God in the flesh, he came into this world for two purposes, to teach us how to live on earth and because God so loved the
world that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus. Jesus died on cross for our sins, and is sitting at God's right hand today.
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love that dwells in each and every last one of us, it is not a part of the body so if the body dies, the spirit will continue to
live. Because love never dies. more content...
God wants our attention right now. God said that if we take one step, he will take two. He said this to encourage our relationship with him and to
reinforce the fact that he loves us and will never turn his back on us, even if we are living in sin. However, in order for us to truly have a relationship
with God (take the first step); we must first accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We have to accept Christ as our Savior because we can't
have a personal relationship with God as long as we are with sin .In order to make atonement for our sins, we have to accept Christ. To accept
Christ, which can be done anywhere, anytime and anyplace, is taking the first step to building a relationship with God, we must confess of our
sins, repent of our sins, confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior and he died on the cross for our sins, and finally, have
faith in our prayers (what we just said, or simply put, just talking to God). By following the steps mentioned above, we are considered born again
Christians and can now have a loving relationship with God. Although it is not required, Christians also get baptized in holy water to cleanse the
body (flesh) of all of its sin, generally the same day they accept Jesus as their Savior. Christians prefer to do this step because Jesus was
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Personal Principles Of A Belief System
A belief system is an ideology or set of principles that helps us to interpret our everyday reality. These principles can be religious, philosophical, or
political. Our beliefs can be shaped and influenced by a lot of different factors.Your values describe what is important to you in the way you live
your life. For me, my beliefs are highly impacted by where I come from, my neighborhood, my cultural background, and the fact that I am also a
girl play a huge part. However, when it comes to sharing your beliefs with someone it can either cause a negative impact or a positive one because
everyone has a different set of values with varying degrees of importance given to each value. For example, I come from a family of older parents,
which means
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My Values And Beliefs Of Nursing
Philosophy of Nursing Everyone's values and beliefs about the profession of nursing are all different. The four concepts of nursing are interrelated
and all mean something different to every person, too. Throughout this paper, I will be reflecting on my values and beliefs about nursing through the
four concepts while comparing them to a nursing theorist with views that are most similar to my own. My Values and Beliefs of Nursing I choose
nursing as my future career because I enjoy working with others, helping others feel better, and educating people. These three topics are all involved
in what nursing is. I believe that nursing is focused on the holistic care of individuals and their families in order to achieve and maintain an optimal
level of health, a great quality of life, and comfort. This is done through the promoting healthy living, providing a safe environment, preventing illness,
and the caring for the individual and the family. My Views of the Nursing Concepts After evaluating what the nursing concepts mean to me, I found
that they are most similar to Florence Nightingale's theory. For the first concept of nursing, I think it is the holistic care of individuals to provide an
optimal level of health and function, comfort, safety, and education. With holistic care, nurses focus on the mind, body, and spirit. Not only does
nursing deal with caring for the individual, but also education is a large part of nursing. To me, the second concept of nursing,
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Personal values, belief and attitudes
Personal values, belief and attitudes
As human beings, we all have our own values, beliefs and attitudes that we have developed throughout the course of our lives. Our family, friends,
community and the experiences we have had all contribute to our sense of who we are and how we view the world. As community services
workers, we are often working with people who are vulnerable and/or who may live a lifestyle that mainstream society views as being different or
unacceptable. If, as community services workers, we are to provide a service that meets the needs of our target groups and helps them to feel
empowered, we need to be aware of our own personal values, beliefs and attitudes and be prepared to adopt the professional values of more
It is important that you develop an awareness of what you value, as these values will be important in informing your relationships with clients,
co–workers and employers.
The following is a list of common dominant values in Australian society. Tick the values that apply to you and then select the ten most important values
you ticked and rank them.
(1 = most important, 10 = least important)
Click here for the list (.doc 12 KB)
Did you learn something about yourself that you didn't expect? What is important here is your ability to be able to identify the values that are
important to you.
It is important to be conscious of our values. This knowledge helps us to:
ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing
identify the consequences of our actions for ourselves and others (including clients and co–workers)
consider other and better options if necessary.
It is important to not only have a
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If I'm being honest, If I had to describe my personal relationship with Christ with one word, I would use the word unstable. This has nothing to do with
Christ but everything to do with me. I know that Jesus Christ is always there for me and is steadfast in his love (Lamentations 3:22–23), but I think
that I rely on myself and my own devices way too heavily and I lose sight of how much he truly loves me and the significance of his unfailing love. I
think that I leave him and come back to him repeatedly because of my desire for self–reliance. Self–reliance is not a bad thing by any means, but to
sacrifice your relationship with Christ because of self–reliance is a bad thing. That thought has been on my mind a lot recently. Instead of simply
shutting out Jesus because I thought I was doing perfectly fine on my own, like I used to, I now try to balance my desire for self–reliance and our
personal relationship. Recently, my thoughts have been regularly drifting this; "Should I rely on Jesus completely? What does that look like?" My
first thought when I think full reliance on Christ is underprivileged children and young adults my age who live day to day, not knowing where their
next meal will come from or having any financial security. Should I strive to be more like those people? Are they living with full reliance in Christ,
or is there a healthy balance? Personally, I think that everyone has to find a balance. To some, being penniless and hungry is when they feel closest to
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Absolute Truth and Personal Belief
Absolute Truth and Personal Belief are mutually exclusive concepts; however, personal belief without a foundation of absolute truth is dangerous to the
human soul. Unless on the witness stand in a court of law, or the thought of facing their Creator in the afterlife, the average person hardly thinks about
absolute truth governing their daily lives. Few people wish to hear the truth about themselves; people generally prefer to believe whatever makes them
feel comfortable in the moment. Absolute Truth and Personal Belief are like the structure of a complex sentence. Absolute Truth functions as the
subject in a stand–alone sentence, while Personal Belief serves as the predicate to the truth a person holds dear. People are not always aware of these
two natural functions in their daily lives. Absolute Truth is the honest reality of a situation or circumstance, while Personal Belief is the acceptance by
the mind that something is true; but the question is, between truth and belief, which is more important? In the Christian Bible (John 18:38), Fifth
Prefect of the Roman province of Judea (A.D. 26–36), under Emperor Tiberius, Pontius Pilate asked the most famous question in history, "What is
Truth"? Though he addressed the Son of God, who possessed the authority, which absolute truth provides, the text indicates that Pilate did not wait for
Jesus' answer. Instead, Pilate sought release from the entire situation. Do you wonder what would have
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Personal Beliefs
We each steer our lives around a set of beliefs we have on ourselves, on others and on the world around us. These beliefs shape our decisions,
thoughts and ultimately our actions then as a result whether we know it or not. It is beliefs that also shape us into the individuals we are and it is
these very beliefs that limit or allow us to change and grow in our lives as well. We all have them, we all have a unique set of beliefs even if many
overlap, and we often don't examine our beliefs enough to truly understand ourselves. Personal development is highly related to these beliefs and
without taking time to understand them, we can never achieve the maximum personal growth we desire. So, in this article we will explore our belief more content...
Both are beliefs, the difference is that we easily forget about the daily influences and beliefs that we all wish deep down we were not limited by.
Strategy is an interesting topic and certainly not an uncommon one in business when it comes to planning, decisions and organizational leadership. I
am going to explore some pieces of strategy, how to develop and utilize a strategy and also extend that to other walks of life.Timing Strategy Strategy is
all about the future and planning for things to come. Or is it? Well, I think it is more than that. Strategy certainly has the future in mind but much of
strategy is about executing a plan and the methods behind executing that as well. It is about timing and controlling decisions to follow a plan at the
right points. The timing of strategic maneuvers is often the most important point of strategic plan and unfortunately, timing is also the thing that gets in
the way the most of following a strategy successfully. Things come up, issues occur, crisis hits and needs to be tended to, there just always seems to be
another urgent thing requiring your attention and time before you can get to delivering on that strategy. Strategy often seems like its counter–intuitive
with urgent day to day ongoing work. If that is the case, I say then you have either the wrong
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Personal and Ethical Belief System Essay
Personal Ethical Belief System and Professional Ethics
Cherissa Boyd
BSHS – 332 University of Phoenix
August 15, 2011
David Elkins
Personal Ethical Belief System and Professional Ethics
In the profession of human services, every professional will at some point, include his or her personal ethical standards into his or her work with
clients. My personal ethics are a huge part of who I am today, and these beliefs affect every decision I make whether it is personal or professional. I
believe a person's life experiences are what shape his or her personal ethical belief system and professional ethics. A person's morals determine what
is right and what is wrong in his or her life. Everyone is responsible for his or her actions more content...
However, whether it was good or bad, positive or negative, right or wrong, these experiences have shaped my moral and ethical development and
made me who I am today. My mother taught me to respect my elders and peers at all times. She also told me not to pre–judge other people. Her saying
was, "never judge a book by its cover" (Mama). I never truly understood it until I grew up and began to experience life. She said always be kind, and
"never bite the hand that feeds you" (Mama). She never took the time to explain what these saying meant, so I had to learn them the hard way.
I have five sisters and three brothers, of which are African American, and each child is from a different father. I am the only bi–racial child in the
family; therefore, everyone mistreated me; I was the outcast. My siblings and their friends called me names like "po white trash," "banana face,"
and "fish." My siblings used to beat me up quite often, place me in the closet, put dirty socks or underwear in my mouth, and pull my hair because
it was longer than theirs was. My childhood was very difficult as I tried to fit into an all black community. I realize it was hard for my siblings and
other people to accept me for who I was; therefore making me see the reality that we live in a diverse society, and people should not be judged by the
color of their skin. Peeple should be accepted no matter what their culture, religion, race, sex, beliefs, etc.
The maltreatment I received
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Questions On Personal Belief Survey
As I read the following questions from the Personal Belief Survey I was able to learn a great deal about my own opinion and how my viewpoints
may impact my future teaching. I would recommend many students take this essay to have a better understanding of their opinions and
perspectives. I faced many challenges of choosing which option to pick for almost every question. Many questions made it extremely difficult for
me to be able to choose only one option. I found myself wavering by my opinions that were triggered with the survey. One example of the more
problematical questions is number twelve. Option A says "Issues dealing with students' physical, social and emotional development need to be
considered in learning". Option B says "Issues dealing with students' physical, social and emotional development need to be considered separately
from learning". This particular question made me think about students who are in a regular classroom setting who have no disabilities versus students
who are placed in a special classroom who do have some form of disability. Whether it is a physical or mental disability, there are many different
standpoints to this question. One way I viewed this was to take into consideration that in order for a student with a disability to progress in school, that
teacher should accommodate all classwork with the student's disability. There are, however, many reasons why physical, social and emotional
development may be considered separate from learning.
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Religion And Personal Belief Essay
Religion and personal belief continue to be important in the lives of most Americans. Large majorities say that they belong to a religious tradition and
there is broad agreement about religious belief and practice. About eight–in–ten Americans say they have no doubt that God exists, that prayer is an
important part of their lives, and that "we will all be called before God at the Judgment Day to answer for our sins" ("Trends in Attitudes Toward
Religion and Social Issues: 1987–2007," 2007). The newest generation of young adults, the Millennial Generation, rejects the spiritual values that
deeply permeate the nation's culture. How can one not believe in the maker, the creator, our savior. A very large majority of people in the newer
generation describe themselves as more spiritual than religious. some people feel that organized religion does not give the understanding that they feel
they have of God. Organized religion has divided itself into doctrines, creeds and different viewpoints or interpretations, some people have gone on
their own search for the truth and chosen their own path based on what they have discovered is the truth in their own hearts. People sometimes they
find that one religion or another matches their own beliefs, sometimes they do not. I believe It is the knowledge of truth in your own heart that makes a
person spiritual rather than religious. People development always takes place within institutional and cultural settings shaped by
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Just as every student is unique, learning and thinking in different ways, coming from different backgrounds, so are we as teachers. When it comes to
teaching everyone is different. I have tons of teaching friends and each of us all believes different things and value different things within the
classroom. My personal values as an educator are what defines who I am as a teacher. Where I place value in the classroom defines my student's
success and growth academically, socially and emotionally.
When it comes to my own personal values and beliefs around my role as a teaching and my students learning from me I value most how my students
learn. According to a study conducted by the National Teacher Policy Institute, the difference in more content...
When working with teachers of young children, especially those in an early childhood education center you hear it said that young children learn
through play. An article published inPsychology Today states that there is more to play than swings, jungle gyms and games of tag on the recess
playground. Imaginative play – make–believe and pretend – is important for young children's healthy development. "Over the last 75 years, a number
of theorists and researchers have identified the values of such imaginative play as a vital component to the normal development of a child,"
Psychology Today reports. "Systematic research has increasingly demonstrated a series of clear benefits of children's engagement in pretend games
from the ages of about 2Đ’Đ… through ages 6 or 7. Actual studies have demonstrated cognitive benefits such as increases in language usage including
subjunctives, future tenses, and adjectives. The important concept of 'theory of mind,' an awareness that one's thoughts may differ from those of other
persons and that there are a variety of perspectives of which each of us is capable, is closely related to imaginative play. Pretend play allows the
expression of both positive and negative feelings, and the modulation of affect, the ability to integrate emotion with cognition." Research has also
shown that imaginative play helps children develop self–regulation skills, social skills such as problem solving and communication,
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My Personal Beliefs

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  • 2. Personal Beliefs As of January 5, 2018, the contents of this document pertain to the beliefs, perceptions, and other variants that affect what I stand for. I Currently stand for living healthy, self–awareness, karma, and good energy. Healthy lifestyle I believe in living healthy. Living healthy has become one of my biggest beliefs because of the great impact it has done on myself and my life. Living a healthy lifestyle for me doesn't just mean I believe in just eating healthy; I also believe in having an active lifestyle because being active to me is just as important. Living a healthy lifestyle has become a great belief of mine because when I was diagnosed with Scoliosis; I turned my attention to sports because of the great impact it could have on my back problems. When I turned my attention to sports; the main sport that caught my attention was soccer. I absolutely fell in love with the game and like any athlete I wanted to exceed and be the best at it. At this point is when I was introduced to the living healthy aspect was introduced to my life and from there I have always made it a imp Self–Awareness I believe in self–awareness. Self–awareness is important to me because I feel everyone needs to be aware of what they are thinking, feeling, motives and desires. We forget to check each other from time to time and see what sparks the fire within us. I believe ones happiness begins within themselves but how can you be happy if you don't find out what makes you happy or what drives you. I Get more content on
  • 3. Personal Beliefs About Children And Learning My personal beliefs about children and learning include; having the children feel safe and welcome, because safety is the number one rule in a child care center. Children should learn the basic things of life. Some of those include, reading and writing, science and math, art and games. Children need a good sense of education to teach them the basic things they need. The purposes of early childhood education are; teaching the kids what they need to know in order to go kindergarten. Giving them a voice, and letting them be heard with what they want to say. By letting them know they have a voice, lets them feel a sense of comfort and safety. Motivating and encouraging them to do what is right. Having a yes I can attitude about wanting to do things. I believe that children learn best when they are taught under certain conditions and in certain ways. Those include; How teachers teach for example; if the teacher does not ask you questions, and never answers the questions it can cause the children to have difficulties learning. If the teacher does ask questions, and interacts with the children it makes learning a lot easier. the environment of the classroom, and how children interact with others. A positive classroom with positive attitudes means that the children will learn more, and they will learn in a healthy environment. The way they interact with others also contributes to this because they will be doing this for the rest of their lives. The curriculum of any classroom Get more content on
  • 4. Educational Philosophy Paper1 My Personal Beliefs and Statement About Education As a child, I learned to grow as an individual with the inspiration and leadership quality of many people, including not only my family but my teachers as well. Of course as a child all I wanted to do was play with my toys, go to the park with my friends, or eat, where school was never my favorite place to be. Although I didn't love school, I always came left school thinking about something new, whether it was about the lesson I learned or how my teacher was able to help my fellow classmates and I understand so easily. My teachers never failed to inspire me. As a result, I always dreaded graduating up a grade because I knew it meant learning to connect with a new teacher and their teaching styles, yet they never failed to disappoint me. Growing up I was and still am today, an athlete. As an athlete I always had someone to look up to, whether it were my coach or another athlete of the same sport. It was pretty obvious to me that I wanted to grow up having an effect on people, mostly children. I realized that the people who left an impact on my life have motivated me to leave an impact on other peoples lives. Growing as an individual around leaders, coaches and teachers, made it obvious to me that one day I want to be a teacher and want to be able to inspire children the way I was inspired growing up. I am motivated from my own childhood to hopefully leave a big enough impact on my future Get more content on
  • 5. My Personal Values Essay My personal values Values are those things that are important, meaningful and valued by an individual, a group of people, or an organization. Whether we are aware of them or not, every individual has his or her core set of values, which consist of many different kinds of values. Each individual's value system is different from one another because individual's values are built up through one's life experience, environment, and family background. Values are important to us because they reflect our personal moral standards, shape our behavior, and guide us through long life journeys. Since we live in a highly connected society, each person's value system does not only affect one's own life, but also affects many other people and the more content... However, we should pay attention to our manners, utilize our communication skills; and on the bottom line, we need to avoid intentionally hurting people. When coming across people who have total different opinions from mine, I always act respectfully. For example, at school, we have to do many team projects; most often, team members may come from total different cultural background, and thus always have different opinions about the same thing. Being respectful to other students, I am well–mannered, using appropriate language, opening to criticisms, and conducting myself professionally. If everyone knows how to respect to others and act respectfully to each other, we will easily to get along with each other and thus there be more happiness and less conflict in our society, so we will make the world a better place. Second, I highly value integrity. Integrity is defined as "a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. In ethics, integrity is regarded as the honesty and truthfulness or accuracy of one's actions." It generally means not intentionally harming others, not stealing from, not cheating, or being fair to, others. I value integrity because it manifests a person's inner strength, honor, kindness, and geniuses of one's soul. According to Kantian moral perspective whether an action is morally good or not depends primarily in the intentions of the agent performing the Get more content on
  • 6. Personal Values, Beliefs, And Attitudes Introduction As human beings, we all have our own values, beliefs, and attitudes. These things develop over the course of our lifetime and at any point can change based on an experience that we may have. Our family, friends, community and the experiences we have had all contribute to our sense of who we are and how we view the world. Values, Beliefs, and a Little About Me Over the course of my life my values have changed based on circumstance. Currently if I had to list out my top five values in descending order they would be: religion, family, education, country, and culture. I value religion first and foremost because of my beliefs system that has been instilled in me since I was a child. " If you place God first in your life, then everything else will work itself out", is something my Grandfather has always told me. Family is something that doesn 't necessarily come first, but is a very high value to me. I identify as being a very caring father and husband, the protector, and head of my household. My family has always been supportive of my decisions. They have influenced me to always give my best at everything and to persevere when I fail. Education is the new value that has began to take a precedence in my life. Education is the bridge to success that I am striving to succeed at. Without education I cannot properly attend to my family 's needs. The time demand of education also puts it very high on my values list because it warrants the majority of my attention. Get more content on
  • 7. The Importance Of My Personal Belief System In this paper, I will talk about "gaining a better understanding of my personal belief system, and how culture, race, ethnicity, and values influence me in the helping profession." The focal point of exercise 1.1, is to make us understand how important it is to gain a better understanding of our personal beliefs. I want to personally say, I agree 100% with this philosophy because doing this, will only sweeten our relationships with our clients. I back this statement up with, believing that "one can't manage to help others, if they physically don't understand who they're yet." It is literally impossible for someone to have success in this field or any other fields, if they have no clue on what their personal belief system consists of. Becoming knowledgeable about your personal beliefs will most certainly benefit you, but it will also benefit your relationship with your clients as well. For example, let's say you're a counselor and your client is someone who is having withdrawals about an abortion. And you grew up with the understanding to "never get an abortion, abortions aren't acceptable, and etc". Knowing your beliefs, how would that factor in this process? If it was me, I would actually hear my clients stories, and reasons why she or her family decided to go through with the abortion, moreover I believe that the beliefs that you learned as a child can definitely change as you grow older. Saying this, this will actually result into allowing one to understand their personal Get more content on
  • 8. How Does Religion Affect Personal Identity? Spirituality is often extremely personal. Religion is one of the topics one is warned not to talk publicly about, although many faiths encourage missions or ministry that spread the Good Word. Testimonies are not typically invited in everyday conversation. Spirituality can determine one's identity, as well as establish community. Many are introduced to various religions, or one religion, from childhood. For college students, some may begin to question this sector of their upbringing, seeking to understand more of their culture and what exactly it means to be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. The morals held in these various faiths guided by leading figures often govern actions and shape personal identity. Jesus is the center of my faith. Consequently, Jesus is my protector, validation, and an example of the lifestyle I wish to lead. Jesus is my protector and savior. Like most kids I was afraid of the dark when I was younger. However, I was taught to pray every night before bed. Lying in the dark and imaging the demons in my closet and the monsters under my bed, I started to imagine Jesus as my bubble and force field. If more content... He protects those from sin through his sacrifice on the cross, and thus also saves us from ourselves. Through this sacrifice, one can find validation and value in personal existence and trust in a greater purpose although the meaning may be hard to see. Finally, Jesus represents the lifestyle all Christians aim to adhere in order to establish the kingdom on the hill, or a better and more peaceful society overall. Spirituality is personal. The different philosophies often shape and reshape how individuals label themselves. College students stereotypically begin to question their faith and explore spirituality in search of truth. However, personally, I believe this questioning solidifies faith and leads to a stronger sense of Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on My Religious Belief My Religious Belief I am a Christian and I believe in the Holy trinity: God, the Son, the Holy Spirit. God is the most high God, all–powerful, all–knowing, the creator, full of unfailing love and truth, God is the only "true" God. He is the light. Jesus is the son of God, he is God in the flesh, he came into this world for two purposes, to teach us how to live on earth and because God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus. Jesus died on cross for our sins, and is sitting at God's right hand today. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of love that dwells in each and every last one of us, it is not a part of the body so if the body dies, the spirit will continue to live. Because love never dies. more content... God wants our attention right now. God said that if we take one step, he will take two. He said this to encourage our relationship with him and to reinforce the fact that he loves us and will never turn his back on us, even if we are living in sin. However, in order for us to truly have a relationship with God (take the first step); we must first accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We have to accept Christ as our Savior because we can't have a personal relationship with God as long as we are with sin .In order to make atonement for our sins, we have to accept Christ. To accept Christ, which can be done anywhere, anytime and anyplace, is taking the first step to building a relationship with God, we must confess of our sins, repent of our sins, confess with our mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior and he died on the cross for our sins, and finally, have faith in our prayers (what we just said, or simply put, just talking to God). By following the steps mentioned above, we are considered born again Christians and can now have a loving relationship with God. Although it is not required, Christians also get baptized in holy water to cleanse the body (flesh) of all of its sin, generally the same day they accept Jesus as their Savior. Christians prefer to do this step because Jesus was Get more content on
  • 10. Personal Principles Of A Belief System A belief system is an ideology or set of principles that helps us to interpret our everyday reality. These principles can be religious, philosophical, or political. Our beliefs can be shaped and influenced by a lot of different factors.Your values describe what is important to you in the way you live your life. For me, my beliefs are highly impacted by where I come from, my neighborhood, my cultural background, and the fact that I am also a girl play a huge part. However, when it comes to sharing your beliefs with someone it can either cause a negative impact or a positive one because everyone has a different set of values with varying degrees of importance given to each value. For example, I come from a family of older parents, which means Get more content on
  • 11. My Values And Beliefs Of Nursing Philosophy of Nursing Everyone's values and beliefs about the profession of nursing are all different. The four concepts of nursing are interrelated and all mean something different to every person, too. Throughout this paper, I will be reflecting on my values and beliefs about nursing through the four concepts while comparing them to a nursing theorist with views that are most similar to my own. My Values and Beliefs of Nursing I choose nursing as my future career because I enjoy working with others, helping others feel better, and educating people. These three topics are all involved in what nursing is. I believe that nursing is focused on the holistic care of individuals and their families in order to achieve and maintain an optimal level of health, a great quality of life, and comfort. This is done through the promoting healthy living, providing a safe environment, preventing illness, and the caring for the individual and the family. My Views of the Nursing Concepts After evaluating what the nursing concepts mean to me, I found that they are most similar to Florence Nightingale's theory. For the first concept of nursing, I think it is the holistic care of individuals to provide an optimal level of health and function, comfort, safety, and education. With holistic care, nurses focus on the mind, body, and spirit. Not only does nursing deal with caring for the individual, but also education is a large part of nursing. To me, the second concept of nursing, Get more content on
  • 12. Personal values, belief and attitudes Personal values, belief and attitudes As human beings, we all have our own values, beliefs and attitudes that we have developed throughout the course of our lives. Our family, friends, community and the experiences we have had all contribute to our sense of who we are and how we view the world. As community services workers, we are often working with people who are vulnerable and/or who may live a lifestyle that mainstream society views as being different or unacceptable. If, as community services workers, we are to provide a service that meets the needs of our target groups and helps them to feel empowered, we need to be aware of our own personal values, beliefs and attitudes and be prepared to adopt the professional values of more content... It is important that you develop an awareness of what you value, as these values will be important in informing your relationships with clients, co–workers and employers. The following is a list of common dominant values in Australian society. Tick the values that apply to you and then select the ten most important values you ticked and rank them. (1 = most important, 10 = least important) Click here for the list (.doc 12 KB) Did you learn something about yourself that you didn't expect? What is important here is your ability to be able to identify the values that are important to you. It is important to be conscious of our values. This knowledge helps us to: ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing identify the consequences of our actions for ourselves and others (including clients and co–workers) consider other and better options if necessary.
  • 13. It is important to not only have a Get more content on
  • 14. If I'm being honest, If I had to describe my personal relationship with Christ with one word, I would use the word unstable. This has nothing to do with Christ but everything to do with me. I know that Jesus Christ is always there for me and is steadfast in his love (Lamentations 3:22–23), but I think that I rely on myself and my own devices way too heavily and I lose sight of how much he truly loves me and the significance of his unfailing love. I think that I leave him and come back to him repeatedly because of my desire for self–reliance. Self–reliance is not a bad thing by any means, but to sacrifice your relationship with Christ because of self–reliance is a bad thing. That thought has been on my mind a lot recently. Instead of simply shutting out Jesus because I thought I was doing perfectly fine on my own, like I used to, I now try to balance my desire for self–reliance and our personal relationship. Recently, my thoughts have been regularly drifting this; "Should I rely on Jesus completely? What does that look like?" My first thought when I think full reliance on Christ is underprivileged children and young adults my age who live day to day, not knowing where their next meal will come from or having any financial security. Should I strive to be more like those people? Are they living with full reliance in Christ, or is there a healthy balance? Personally, I think that everyone has to find a balance. To some, being penniless and hungry is when they feel closest to Get more content on
  • 15. Absolute Truth and Personal Belief Absolute Truth and Personal Belief are mutually exclusive concepts; however, personal belief without a foundation of absolute truth is dangerous to the human soul. Unless on the witness stand in a court of law, or the thought of facing their Creator in the afterlife, the average person hardly thinks about absolute truth governing their daily lives. Few people wish to hear the truth about themselves; people generally prefer to believe whatever makes them feel comfortable in the moment. Absolute Truth and Personal Belief are like the structure of a complex sentence. Absolute Truth functions as the subject in a stand–alone sentence, while Personal Belief serves as the predicate to the truth a person holds dear. People are not always aware of these two natural functions in their daily lives. Absolute Truth is the honest reality of a situation or circumstance, while Personal Belief is the acceptance by the mind that something is true; but the question is, between truth and belief, which is more important? In the Christian Bible (John 18:38), Fifth Prefect of the Roman province of Judea (A.D. 26–36), under Emperor Tiberius, Pontius Pilate asked the most famous question in history, "What is Truth"? Though he addressed the Son of God, who possessed the authority, which absolute truth provides, the text indicates that Pilate did not wait for Jesus' answer. Instead, Pilate sought release from the entire situation. Do you wonder what would have Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Beliefs We each steer our lives around a set of beliefs we have on ourselves, on others and on the world around us. These beliefs shape our decisions, thoughts and ultimately our actions then as a result whether we know it or not. It is beliefs that also shape us into the individuals we are and it is these very beliefs that limit or allow us to change and grow in our lives as well. We all have them, we all have a unique set of beliefs even if many overlap, and we often don't examine our beliefs enough to truly understand ourselves. Personal development is highly related to these beliefs and without taking time to understand them, we can never achieve the maximum personal growth we desire. So, in this article we will explore our belief more content... Both are beliefs, the difference is that we easily forget about the daily influences and beliefs that we all wish deep down we were not limited by. Strategy is an interesting topic and certainly not an uncommon one in business when it comes to planning, decisions and organizational leadership. I am going to explore some pieces of strategy, how to develop and utilize a strategy and also extend that to other walks of life.Timing Strategy Strategy is all about the future and planning for things to come. Or is it? Well, I think it is more than that. Strategy certainly has the future in mind but much of strategy is about executing a plan and the methods behind executing that as well. It is about timing and controlling decisions to follow a plan at the right points. The timing of strategic maneuvers is often the most important point of strategic plan and unfortunately, timing is also the thing that gets in the way the most of following a strategy successfully. Things come up, issues occur, crisis hits and needs to be tended to, there just always seems to be another urgent thing requiring your attention and time before you can get to delivering on that strategy. Strategy often seems like its counter–intuitive with urgent day to day ongoing work. If that is the case, I say then you have either the wrong Get more content on
  • 17. Personal and Ethical Belief System Essay Personal Ethical Belief System and Professional Ethics Cherissa Boyd BSHS – 332 University of Phoenix August 15, 2011 David Elkins Personal Ethical Belief System and Professional Ethics In the profession of human services, every professional will at some point, include his or her personal ethical standards into his or her work with clients. My personal ethics are a huge part of who I am today, and these beliefs affect every decision I make whether it is personal or professional. I believe a person's life experiences are what shape his or her personal ethical belief system and professional ethics. A person's morals determine what is right and what is wrong in his or her life. Everyone is responsible for his or her actions more content... However, whether it was good or bad, positive or negative, right or wrong, these experiences have shaped my moral and ethical development and made me who I am today. My mother taught me to respect my elders and peers at all times. She also told me not to pre–judge other people. Her saying was, "never judge a book by its cover" (Mama). I never truly understood it until I grew up and began to experience life. She said always be kind, and "never bite the hand that feeds you" (Mama). She never took the time to explain what these saying meant, so I had to learn them the hard way. I have five sisters and three brothers, of which are African American, and each child is from a different father. I am the only bi–racial child in the family; therefore, everyone mistreated me; I was the outcast. My siblings and their friends called me names like "po white trash," "banana face," and "fish." My siblings used to beat me up quite often, place me in the closet, put dirty socks or underwear in my mouth, and pull my hair because it was longer than theirs was. My childhood was very difficult as I tried to fit into an all black community. I realize it was hard for my siblings and other people to accept me for who I was; therefore making me see the reality that we live in a diverse society, and people should not be judged by the color of their skin. Peeple should be accepted no matter what their culture, religion, race, sex, beliefs, etc. The maltreatment I received Get more content on
  • 18. Questions On Personal Belief Survey As I read the following questions from the Personal Belief Survey I was able to learn a great deal about my own opinion and how my viewpoints may impact my future teaching. I would recommend many students take this essay to have a better understanding of their opinions and perspectives. I faced many challenges of choosing which option to pick for almost every question. Many questions made it extremely difficult for me to be able to choose only one option. I found myself wavering by my opinions that were triggered with the survey. One example of the more problematical questions is number twelve. Option A says "Issues dealing with students' physical, social and emotional development need to be considered in learning". Option B says "Issues dealing with students' physical, social and emotional development need to be considered separately from learning". This particular question made me think about students who are in a regular classroom setting who have no disabilities versus students who are placed in a special classroom who do have some form of disability. Whether it is a physical or mental disability, there are many different standpoints to this question. One way I viewed this was to take into consideration that in order for a student with a disability to progress in school, that teacher should accommodate all classwork with the student's disability. There are, however, many reasons why physical, social and emotional development may be considered separate from learning. Get more content on
  • 19. Religion And Personal Belief Essay Religion and personal belief continue to be important in the lives of most Americans. Large majorities say that they belong to a religious tradition and there is broad agreement about religious belief and practice. About eight–in–ten Americans say they have no doubt that God exists, that prayer is an important part of their lives, and that "we will all be called before God at the Judgment Day to answer for our sins" ("Trends in Attitudes Toward Religion and Social Issues: 1987–2007," 2007). The newest generation of young adults, the Millennial Generation, rejects the spiritual values that deeply permeate the nation's culture. How can one not believe in the maker, the creator, our savior. A very large majority of people in the newer generation describe themselves as more spiritual than religious. some people feel that organized religion does not give the understanding that they feel they have of God. Organized religion has divided itself into doctrines, creeds and different viewpoints or interpretations, some people have gone on their own search for the truth and chosen their own path based on what they have discovered is the truth in their own hearts. People sometimes they find that one religion or another matches their own beliefs, sometimes they do not. I believe It is the knowledge of truth in your own heart that makes a person spiritual rather than religious. People development always takes place within institutional and cultural settings shaped by Get more content on
  • 20. Just as every student is unique, learning and thinking in different ways, coming from different backgrounds, so are we as teachers. When it comes to teaching everyone is different. I have tons of teaching friends and each of us all believes different things and value different things within the classroom. My personal values as an educator are what defines who I am as a teacher. Where I place value in the classroom defines my student's success and growth academically, socially and emotionally. When it comes to my own personal values and beliefs around my role as a teaching and my students learning from me I value most how my students learn. According to a study conducted by the National Teacher Policy Institute, the difference in more content... When working with teachers of young children, especially those in an early childhood education center you hear it said that young children learn through play. An article published inPsychology Today states that there is more to play than swings, jungle gyms and games of tag on the recess playground. Imaginative play – make–believe and pretend – is important for young children's healthy development. "Over the last 75 years, a number of theorists and researchers have identified the values of such imaginative play as a vital component to the normal development of a child," Psychology Today reports. "Systematic research has increasingly demonstrated a series of clear benefits of children's engagement in pretend games from the ages of about 2Đ’Đ… through ages 6 or 7. Actual studies have demonstrated cognitive benefits such as increases in language usage including subjunctives, future tenses, and adjectives. The important concept of 'theory of mind,' an awareness that one's thoughts may differ from those of other persons and that there are a variety of perspectives of which each of us is capable, is closely related to imaginative play. Pretend play allows the expression of both positive and negative feelings, and the modulation of affect, the ability to integrate emotion with cognition." Research has also shown that imaginative play helps children develop self–regulation skills, social skills such as problem solving and communication, Get more content on