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Musclesare responsible forall typesof bodymovement –theycontract or shortenand they are the
machine of the body.
There are three basicmuscle typesare foundinthe body:
 Smoothmuscle
 Cardiac muscle
 Skeletal Muscle
Smooth Muscle Characteristics:-
 Has no striations
 Spindle-shapedcells
 Single nucleus
 Involuntary –no consciouscontrol
 Foundmainlyinthe wallsof hollow organs
 Slow,sustainedandtireless
Cardiac Muscle Characteristics:-
 Has striations
 Usuallyhasa single nucleus
 Joinedtoanothermuscle cell atan intercalateddisc
 Involuntary
 Foundonlyinthe heart
 Steadypace!
Skeletal muscles
Classification Of Muscles:-
A. ByFascicular Orientation
3 Spiral
4 Cruciate
Parallel ( Relativetomuscle directionof pull):-
(a) Quadrilateral- Quadratus - lumborum,Thyrohyoid
(b)Longandstrap like- Sartorius
(c) Strap like withtendinousintersection- Rectusabdominis
(d) Fusiform- Bicepsbrachii
Pennate muscles:-
(a) Unipennate –FlexorPollicislongus
(b)Bipennate- Rectusfemoris,Dorsal interossei of hand
(c )Multipennate - Deltoid
Spiral Muscles:- Supinator
Cruciate Muscles:- Sternocledomastoid,Masseter
B. By Type Of Skeletal Muscle Fibre
1. Slowor Red fibresortype I fibres
2. Fast or White fibresortype IIfibres
C. By Insertionnearoraway fromjoint
1. ShuntMuscle( AwayfromJoint)
2. Spurt Muscle ( NearJoint)
Naming of skeletal Muscles:-
 Direction of muscle fibers
 Example: rectus (straight)
 Relative size of the muscle
 Example: maximus (largest)
 Location of the muscle
 Example: many muscles are named for bones (e.g., temporalis)
 Number of origins
 Example: triceps (three heads)
 Location of the muscles origin and insertion
 Example: sterno (on the sternum)
 Shape of the muscle
 Example: deltoid (triangular)
 Action of the muscle
 Example: flexor and extensor (flexes or extends a bone)
Nomenclature of Muscles:-
On Basisof :
1.Shape of muscle
Major , minor, longus, brevis
3. NumberOf Head
Biceps,triceps, Quadricepsfemoris, Digastric
4. Position
Supraspinatus,Infraspinatus,Abdominis, Oculi,oris
External oblique,Internaloblique,FlexorD.Superficialis,FlexorD. Profundus
6. Attachment: Sternocledomastoid, coracobrachialis
7. Action: Flexor,Extensor,Abductor
Musclesof Facial Expression(thatdonotworkby crossinga joint)
Orbicularisoculi Closeseye (squint),
Frontal bone and
Orbicularisoris Closeslips(purses,
Maxillaandmandible Skinand muscle around
Zygomaticusmajor Raisescornersof mouth
Zygomaticbone Skinand muscle at
corner of mouth
Buccinator Compresscheeks
Mandible andmaxilla
Frontalis Raise eyebrows Epicranial aponeurosis Skinof eyebrows
Musclesthat act on the Jaw (formasticationandfacial expression)
Musclesthat act on Neck(tomove head)
Musclesthat act on Shoulder(tomove the arm)
Masseter Elevatesmandible (asin
Zygomaticarch and
Mandible ramusand
Temporalis Elevatesmandible Temporal,frontal,
parietal bones
Platysma Pullslowerlipdown(as
infrowning) Depresses
mandible (opening
mouthas when
Pectoralismuscle Mandible,skinof lower
Sternocleidomastoid Sternocleidomastoid
Both sides:flexesneck
(as inlookingdown)
One side:cockshead
Manubrium, clavicle Mastoidprocessof
temporal bone
Spleniuscapitis Both sides:extends
neck(as inlookingup)
One side:cockshead
C7 to T3 (variable) Nuchal line andmastoid
Deltoid(anterior) Flexionandmedial
rotationof humerusat
Clavicle Deltoidtuberosityof
Deltoid(middle) Abductshumerusat Acromion Deltoidtuberosityof
Rotator Cuff Muscles(ALLthese small muscleshelptokeepheadof humerussnugin glenoidfossa)
Musclesthat act on Scapula(to move shoulder)
Levatorscapulae Elevatesandretracts
scapula(as inbringing
C1 to C4 Medial borderof
Rhomboideusmajor Retracts scapula(asin
pullingthe shoulders
T2 to T5 Medial borderof
Serratusanterior Protracts scapula
(whichpushesthe arm
forwardinfront of the
Ribs1 to 9 Anteriorsurface of
vertebral borderof
Deltoid(posterior) Extensionandlateral
rotationof humerusat
Scapularspine Deltoidtuberosity of
Pectoralismajor Flexion,adduction,
medial rotationof
humerusat shoulder(as
Sternumto rib7 Medial
half of clavicle
of humerus
Latissimusdorsi Extension,adduction,
humerusat shoulder
(gymlat pull-downs)
T7 to L5, ribs 10 to 12,
of humerus(muscle
Subscapularis Mediallyrotates
humerusat shoulder.
Lessertubercle of
Supraspinatus Abductsarm at
Greatertubercle of top
of humerus
Infraspinatus Laterallyrotates
humerusat shoulder.
Middle partof greater
tubercle of posterior
Teresminor Laterallyrotates
humerusat shoulder.
Lateral borderof
Inferiorpartof greater
tubercle of posterior
scapula,as inpunching
or hugging)
Trapezius(upper) Elevatesscapula(asin
Occipital bone,C1-C7 Lateral 1/3 clavicle and
Trapezius(middle) Retracts scapula(asin
T1 to T5 Spine of scapula
Trapezius(lower) Retracts anddepresses
scapula(as inpulling
T6 to T12 Medial 1/3 of scapula
Musclesthat act on the Elbow(tomove the forearm)
Brachialis Flexeselbow(asin
your mouth)
Anteriordistal shaftof
Pronatorteres Pronates forearmat
Medial epicondyle of
processof ulna
Lateral midshaftof
Bicepsbrachii Flexeselbow,supinates
forearm(asin scooping
up waterinyour hand
to drink)
Long head:
of scapula
Short head:coracoid
processof scapula
Radial tuberosity
Tricepsbrachii Extendsforearmat
spoonback to the table)
Long head: infraglenoid
tubercle of scapula
Lateral head: posterior
proximal shaftof
Medial head: posterior
distal shaftof humerus
Olecranonof ulna
Musclesthat act on Wrist (tomove the handand fingers)
Extensorcarpi radialis
Lateral epicondyle of
Metacarpal III(base)
Flexorcarpi radialis Flexeswrist,radially
Medial epicondyle of
MetacarpalsII and III
Extensorcarpi ulnaris Extendswrist,ulnar
Lateral epicondyle of
shaftof ulna
Metacarpal V (base)
Flexorcarpi ulnaris Flexeswrist,ulnar
Medial epicondyle of
Pisiform, hamate,
metacarpal V (base)
Extensordigitorum Extendsdigitsof hand,
and wrist
Lateral epicondyle of
Dorsal side of digits2 to
Flexordigitorum Flexesdigitsof the
hand,and wrist
Medial epicondyle of
Anteriorside of digits2
to 5
Musclesthat act on Vertebral Column
Spinalisthoracis One side:lateral flexion
of vertebral column
Both sides:extension
and hyperextensionof
vertebral column
T11 to L2 T3 to T7
Rectusabdominis Compressesabdomen,
flexesvertebral column
cartilage 5 to 7
Musclesof Breathing(musclesthatworkonthe vertebral column)
External intercostals Pullsribsuptoward
to cause inspiration
Inferiorborderof rib
Superiorbordersof rib
Diaphragm Diaphragmdropsdown
to enlarge thoracic
to 12, costal cartilage 5
to 9, lumbarvertebrae
Central tendon(in
centerof the disc
Musclesthat act at Hip(tomove leg)
Pectineus Flexeship,adductsleg Pubisandpubicramus From lessertrochanter
to superiorpartof linea
asperaof femur
Adductorlongus Flexeship,adductsleg Superiorramusof pubis Lineaaspera(shorter
Adductormagnus Extendship,adductsleg Inferiorischial ramus Lineaasperaof femur
Gluteusmaximus Extendship(asin
Ilium, sacrum, coccyx Gluteal tuberosityof
Gracilis Adductslegat hip, Pubis Medial aspectof
flexesknee proximal tibia
Tensorfasciae latae (tensesorstabilizeship
and knee joints),
abductslegat hip
Iliaccrest nearanterior
Lateral condyle of tibia
Psoasmajor Flexeship(asinlifting
legto place on stair)
Vertebral bodiesT12 to
Sartorius Flexeshipandflexes
Medial aspectof tibial
Musclesthat Flex Knee (hamstringsworkasa group,as whenpullingbackinpreparationtokicka ball)
Bicepsfemoris Extendship,flexes
Long head:Ischial
Short head:Posterior
mid-shaftof femur
Headof fibula
Semimembranosus Extendship,flexesknee Ischial tuberosity Posteriormedial
condyle of tibia
Semitendinosus Extendship,flexesknee Ischial tuberosity Medial surface of
proximal tibia(slightly
anteriorto insertionof
Musclesthat ExtendKnee (quadricepsworkasa group,as whenkickingaball)
Vastuslateralis Extendsknee Greatertrochanter,
lateral lipof linea
to anteriorsurface)
Tibial tuberosityand
Vastusmedialis Extendsknee Intertrochantericline,
medial lipof linea
to anteriorsurface)
Tibial tuberosityand
Vastusintermedius Extendsknee Anteriorshaftof femur Tibial tuberosityand
Rectusfemoris Extendsknee,flexeship
spine of coxal bone
Tibial tuberosityand
Musclesthat act on Ankle (tomove foot)
Soleus Plantarflexionatankle Proximal thirdof tibia
and fibula
Gastrocnemius Plantarflexionatankle,
Medial andlateral
epicondylesof femur
Tibialisanterior Dorsiflexionand
Lateral condyle and
antero-lateral tibia
Medial cuneiform,
undermetatarsal 1
Function of Skeletal Muscles:-
 Produce movement
 Maintainposture
 Stabilize joints
 Generate heat
MicroscopicAnatomyof Skeletal Muscle:-
 Cellsare multinucleate
 Nuclei are justbeneaththe sarcolemma
 Sarcolemma– specializedplasmamembrane
 Sarcoplasmicreticulum –specializedsmoothendoplasmicreticulum
 Bundlesof myofilaments
 Myofibrilsare alignedtogive distrinctbands
 I band= lightband
 A band= dark band
 Contractile unitof a muscle fiber
Organization of the sarcomere
 Thickfilaments=myosinfilaments
 Composedof the proteinmyosin
 Has ATPase enzymes
 Thinfilaments=actinfilaments
 Composedof the proteinactin
 Myosin filaments have heads (extensions, or cross bridges)
 Myosin and actin overlap somewhat
Nerve Stimulus to Muscles:-
 Skeletal muscles must be stimulated by a nerve to contract (motor neruron)
 Motor unit
 One neuron
 Muscle cells stimulated by that neuron
Neuromuscular junction:-
A neuromuscular junction (or myoneural junction) is a chemical synapse formed by the
contact between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber. It is at the neuromuscular junction that a
motor neuron is able to transmit a signal to the muscle fiber, causing muscle contraction.
 Neuromuscularjunctions –associationsite of nerve andmuscle
 Synapticcleft– gap betweennerveandmuscle
 Nerve andmuscle donot make contact
 Areabetweennerve andmuscle isfilledwithinterstitialfluid
Transmission of Nerve Impulse to Muscle
 Neurotransmitter–chemical releasedbynerve uponarrival of nerve impulse
 The neurotransmitterforskeletal muscleisacetylcholine
 Neurotransmitterattachestoreceptorsonthe sarcolemma
 Sarcolemmabecomes permeabletosodium(Na+
 Sodiumrushingintothe cell generatesanactionpotential
 Once started,muscle contractioncannotbe stopped
The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction
 Activationbynerve causesmyosinheads(crossbridges)toattachto bindingsitesonthe thin
 Myosinheadsthenbindto the nextsite of the thinfilament
 Thiscontinuedactioncausesa slidingof the myosinalongthe actin
 The resultisthat the muscle isshortened(contracted)
Contraction of a Skeletal Muscle:-
 Muscle fibercontractionis“all or none”
 Withina skeletal muscle,notall fibersmaybe stimulatedduringthe same interval
 Differentcombinationsof muscle fibercontractionsmaygive differingresponses
Gradedresponses –differentdegreesof skeletalmuscle shortening,rapidstimulus=constant
contractionor tetanus
Muscle ResponsetoStrong Stimuli:-
 Muscle force depends upon the number of fibers stimulated
 More fibers contracting results in greater muscle tension
 Muscles can continue to contract unless they run out of energy
Energy for Muscle Contraction:
 Initially,musclesusedstoredATPforenergy
 Bondsof ATPare brokento release energy
 Only4-6 secondsworthof ATPis storedbymuscles
 Afterthisinitial time,otherpathwaysmustbe utilizedtoproduce ATP
Direct phosphorylation :-
 Muscle cellscontaincreatine phosphate (CP)
 CP isa high-energymolecule
 AfterATPis depleted,ADPisleft
 CP transfersenergytoADP,toregenerate ATP
 CP suppliesare exhaustedinabout20 seconds
Anaerobic glycolysis:-
 Reactionthatbreaksdownglucose withoutoxygen
 Glucose isbrokendownto pyruvicacidto produce some ATP
 Pyruvicacidis convertedtolacticacid
Aerobic Respiration:-
 Seriesof metabolicpathwaysthatoccurinthe mitochondria
 Glucose isbrokendownto carbondioxide andwater,releasingenergy
 Thisis a slowerreactionthatrequirescontinuousoxygen
Muscle Fatigue and Oxygen Debt:-
 When a muscle is fatigued, it is unable to contract
 The common reason for muscle fatigue is oxygen debt
 Oxygen must be “repaid” to tissue to remove oxygen debt
 Oxygen is required to get rid of accumulated lactic acid
 Increasing acidity (from lactic acid) and lack of ATP causes the muscle to contract less
Types of Muscle Contractions:-
 Isotonic contractions
 Myofilaments are able to slide past each other during contractions
 The muscle shortens
 Isometric contractions
 Tension in the muscles increases
 The muscle is unable to shorten
 Some fibers are contracted even in a relaxed muscle
 Different fibers contract at different times to provide muscle tone
 The process of stimulating various fibers is under involuntary control
Effects of Exercise onMuscle:-
 Increase in muscle size
 Increase in muscle strength
 Increase in muscle efficiency
 Muscle becomes more fatigue resistant
Muscles andBody Movements:-
 Movement is attained due to a muscle moving an attached bone
 Muscles are attached to at least two points
 Origin – attachment to a immoveable bone
 Insertion – attachment to an movable bone
Types of Ordinary Body Movements:-
 Flexion – decreases angle of joint and brings two bones closer together
 Extension- opposite of flexion
 Rotation- movement of a bone in longitudinal axis, shaking head “no”
 Abduction/Adduction (see slides)
 Circumduction (see slides)
 Prime mover – muscle with the major responsibility for a certain movement
 Antagonist – muscle that opposes or reverses a prime mover
 Synergist – muscle that aids a prime mover in a movement and helps prevent rotation
 Fixators
Disorders relating tothe Muscular System:-
• Muscular Dystrophy: inherited, muscle enlarge due to increased fat and connective
tissue, but fibers degenerate and atrophy
• Duchenne MD: lacking a protein to maintain the sarcolemma
• Myasthemia Gravis: progressive weakness due to a shortage of acetylcholine receptors
Abnormal Contractions:-
• spasm – involuntary contraction of one muscle
• cramp – painful spasm
• tetanus – multiple spasms of skeletal muscles
• tic – involuntary twiches of muscles, usually under voluntary control
• tremor – rhythmical, involuntary contractions of opposite groups of muscles
• fasciculations – involuntary, short twiches on motor unit visible under the skin
• fibrilace – spontaneous contractions of fibres of one muscle that aren´t visible under the
• fascia (= perimysium externum)
– fibrous envelope of muscle or muscle group
– barrier for spreading of inflammation in that specific area
• osteofascial septum (= septum osteofasciale)
– fascial divider from the superficial fascia to the periosteum
separates the space for muscle groups – compartment (compartimentum)
 Enthesopathy- Ex; Tenniselbow

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Muscular system

  • 1. MUSCULAR SYSTEM Musclesare responsible forall typesof bodymovement –theycontract or shortenand they are the machine of the body. There are three basicmuscle typesare foundinthe body:  Smoothmuscle  Cardiac muscle  Skeletal Muscle Smooth Muscle Characteristics:-  Has no striations  Spindle-shapedcells  Single nucleus  Involuntary –no consciouscontrol  Foundmainlyinthe wallsof hollow organs  Slow,sustainedandtireless
  • 2. Cardiac Muscle Characteristics:-  Has striations  Usuallyhasa single nucleus  Joinedtoanothermuscle cell atan intercalateddisc  Involuntary  Foundonlyinthe heart  Steadypace! Skeletal muscles Classification Of Muscles:- A. ByFascicular Orientation 1.Parallel 2.Pennate 3 Spiral 4 Cruciate Parallel ( Relativetomuscle directionof pull):- (a) Quadrilateral- Quadratus - lumborum,Thyrohyoid (b)Longandstrap like- Sartorius
  • 3. (c) Strap like withtendinousintersection- Rectusabdominis (d) Fusiform- Bicepsbrachii Pennate muscles:- (a) Unipennate –FlexorPollicislongus (b)Bipennate- Rectusfemoris,Dorsal interossei of hand (c )Multipennate - Deltoid (d)Circumpennate-Tibialisanterior Spiral Muscles:- Supinator Cruciate Muscles:- Sternocledomastoid,Masseter B. By Type Of Skeletal Muscle Fibre 1. Slowor Red fibresortype I fibres 2. Fast or White fibresortype IIfibres C. By Insertionnearoraway fromjoint 1. ShuntMuscle( AwayfromJoint) 2. Spurt Muscle ( NearJoint) Naming of skeletal Muscles:-  Direction of muscle fibers  Example: rectus (straight)  Relative size of the muscle  Example: maximus (largest)  Location of the muscle  Example: many muscles are named for bones (e.g., temporalis)  Number of origins  Example: triceps (three heads)
  • 4.  Location of the muscles origin and insertion  Example: sterno (on the sternum)  Shape of the muscle  Example: deltoid (triangular)  Action of the muscle  Example: flexor and extensor (flexes or extends a bone) Nomenclature of Muscles:- On Basisof : 1.Shape of muscle Deltoid,Quadratus,Rhomboid,Lumbricals 2.Size Major , minor, longus, brevis 3. NumberOf Head Biceps,triceps, Quadricepsfemoris, Digastric 4. Position Supraspinatus,Infraspinatus,Abdominis, Oculi,oris 5.Depth External oblique,Internaloblique,FlexorD.Superficialis,FlexorD. Profundus 6. Attachment: Sternocledomastoid, coracobrachialis 7. Action: Flexor,Extensor,Abductor SKELETAL MUSCLES- NAME, ORIGIN, INSERTION & ACTION Musclesof Facial Expression(thatdonotworkby crossinga joint) ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Orbicularisoculi Closeseye (squint), lowerseyebrows Frontal bone and maxilla Eyelid Orbicularisoris Closeslips(purses, protrudes) Maxillaandmandible Skinand muscle around mouth
  • 5. Zygomaticusmajor Raisescornersof mouth (smile) Zygomaticbone Skinand muscle at corner of mouth Buccinator Compresscheeks (whistling,sucking) Mandible andmaxilla molarregions Orbicularisoris Frontalis Raise eyebrows Epicranial aponeurosis Skinof eyebrows Musclesthat act on the Jaw (formasticationandfacial expression) Musclesthat act on Neck(tomove head) Musclesthat act on Shoulder(tomove the arm) ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Masseter Elevatesmandible (asin closingmouthwhile chewing) Zygomaticarch and bone Mandible ramusand angle Temporalis Elevatesmandible Temporal,frontal, parietal bones Coronoidprocessof mandible Platysma Pullslowerlipdown(as infrowning) Depresses mandible (opening mouthas when chewingorsurprised) Pectoralismuscle Mandible,skinof lower face ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Sternocleidomastoid Sternocleidomastoid Both sides:flexesneck (as inlookingdown) One side:cockshead Manubrium, clavicle Mastoidprocessof temporal bone Spleniuscapitis Both sides:extends neck(as inlookingup) One side:cockshead C7 to T3 (variable) Nuchal line andmastoid process ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Deltoid(anterior) Flexionandmedial rotationof humerusat shoulder Clavicle Deltoidtuberosityof humerus Deltoid(middle) Abductshumerusat Acromion Deltoidtuberosityof
  • 6. Rotator Cuff Muscles(ALLthese small muscleshelptokeepheadof humerussnugin glenoidfossa) Musclesthat act on Scapula(to move shoulder) ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Levatorscapulae Elevatesandretracts scapula(as inbringing shoulderupandin towardear) C1 to C4 Medial borderof scapula,superiorto spine Rhomboideusmajor Retracts scapula(asin pullingthe shoulders back) T2 to T5 Medial borderof scapula Serratusanterior Protracts scapula (whichpushesthe arm forwardinfront of the Ribs1 to 9 Anteriorsurface of vertebral borderof scapula shoulder(asinupward flap) humerus Deltoid(posterior) Extensionandlateral rotationof humerusat shoulder Scapularspine Deltoidtuberosity of humerus Pectoralismajor Flexion,adduction, medial rotationof humerusat shoulder(as inoverheadfistraise,or benchpressmotion) Sternumto rib7 Medial half of clavicle Intertuberculargroove of humerus Latissimusdorsi Extension,adduction, mediallyrotation humerusat shoulder (gymlat pull-downs) T7 to L5, ribs 10 to 12, iliaccrest Intertuberculargroove of humerus(muscle travelsunderaxillary region) ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Subscapularis Mediallyrotates humerusat shoulder. Stabilizesshoulder. Subscapularfossaof scapula Lessertubercle of anteriorhumerus Supraspinatus Abductsarm at shoulder.Stabilizes shoulder. Supraspinousfossaof scapula Greatertubercle of top of humerus Infraspinatus Laterallyrotates humerusat shoulder. Stabilizesshoulder. Infraspinousfossaof scapula Middle partof greater tubercle of posterior humerus Teresminor Laterallyrotates humerusat shoulder. Stabilizesshoulder. Lateral borderof scapula Inferiorpartof greater tubercle of posterior humerus
  • 7. scapula,as inpunching or hugging) Trapezius(upper) Elevatesscapula(asin shrugging) Occipital bone,C1-C7 Lateral 1/3 clavicle and acromionprocess Trapezius(middle) Retracts scapula(asin pullingshouldersback) T1 to T5 Spine of scapula Trapezius(lower) Retracts anddepresses scapula(as inpulling shouldersbackand down) T6 to T12 Medial 1/3 of scapula spine Musclesthat act on the Elbow(tomove the forearm) ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Brachialis Flexeselbow(asin bringingaspoonto your mouth) Anteriordistal shaftof humerus Coronoidprocessof ulna Pronatorteres Pronates forearmat elbow(asinturninga doorknoblaterally) Medial epicondyle of humerus,coronoid processof ulna Lateral midshaftof radius Bicepsbrachii Flexeselbow,supinates forearm(asin scooping up waterinyour hand to drink) Long head: supraglenoidtubercle of scapula Short head:coracoid processof scapula Radial tuberosity Tricepsbrachii Extendsforearmat elbow(asinloweringa spoonback to the table) Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of scapula Lateral head: posterior proximal shaftof humerus Medial head: posterior distal shaftof humerus Olecranonof ulna Musclesthat act on Wrist (tomove the handand fingers) ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Extensorcarpi radialis brevis Extendswrist,radially deviateswrist (abduction) Lateral epicondyle of humerus Metacarpal III(base) Flexorcarpi radialis Flexeswrist,radially deviateswrist (abduction) Medial epicondyle of humerus MetacarpalsII and III (base) Extensorcarpi ulnaris Extendswrist,ulnar deviateswrist (adduction) Lateral epicondyle of humerus,posterior shaftof ulna Metacarpal V (base)
  • 8. Flexorcarpi ulnaris Flexeswrist,ulnar deviateswrist (adduction) Medial epicondyle of humerus Pisiform, hamate, metacarpal V (base) Extensordigitorum Extendsdigitsof hand, and wrist Lateral epicondyle of humerus Dorsal side of digits2 to 5 Flexordigitorum Flexesdigitsof the hand,and wrist Medial epicondyle of humerus Anteriorside of digits2 to 5 Musclesthat act on Vertebral Column ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Spinalisthoracis One side:lateral flexion of vertebral column Both sides:extension and hyperextensionof vertebral column T11 to L2 T3 to T7 Rectusabdominis Compressesabdomen, flexesvertebral column Pubiscrestand symphysis Xiphoidprocess,costal cartilage 5 to 7 Musclesof Breathing(musclesthatworkonthe vertebral column) ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION External intercostals Pullsribsuptoward origin,elevatesribcage to cause inspiration Inferiorborderof rib above Superiorbordersof rib below Diaphragm Diaphragmdropsdown to enlarge thoracic cavity,causing inspiration Xiphoidprocess,ribs10 to 12, costal cartilage 5 to 9, lumbarvertebrae 1-5 Central tendon(in centerof the disc shapeddiaphragm) Musclesthat act at Hip(tomove leg) ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Pectineus Flexeship,adductsleg Pubisandpubicramus From lessertrochanter to superiorpartof linea asperaof femur Adductorlongus Flexeship,adductsleg Superiorramusof pubis Lineaaspera(shorter insertionthanadductor magnus) Adductormagnus Extendship,adductsleg Inferiorischial ramus Lineaasperaof femur Gluteusmaximus Extendship(asin pushingdownwhile climbingastair),rotates leglaterally Ilium, sacrum, coccyx Gluteal tuberosityof femur Gracilis Adductslegat hip, Pubis Medial aspectof
  • 9. flexesknee proximal tibia Tensorfasciae latae (tensesorstabilizeship and knee joints), abductslegat hip Iliaccrest nearanterior superiorspine Lateral condyle of tibia Psoasmajor Flexeship(asinlifting legto place on stair) Vertebral bodiesT12 to L5 Lessertrochanterof femur Sartorius Flexeshipandflexes knee,laterallyrotates thigh(intocrosslegged position) Anteriorsuperioriliac spine Medial aspectof tibial tuberosity Musclesthat Flex Knee (hamstringsworkasa group,as whenpullingbackinpreparationtokicka ball) ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Bicepsfemoris Extendship,flexes knee,laterallyrotates leg Long head:Ischial tuberosity Short head:Posterior mid-shaftof femur Headof fibula Semimembranosus Extendship,flexesknee Ischial tuberosity Posteriormedial condyle of tibia Semitendinosus Extendship,flexesknee Ischial tuberosity Medial surface of proximal tibia(slightly anteriorto insertionof semimembranosus) Musclesthat ExtendKnee (quadricepsworkasa group,as whenkickingaball) ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Vastuslateralis Extendsknee Greatertrochanter, lateral lipof linea aspera(wrapsaround to anteriorsurface) Tibial tuberosityand patella Vastusmedialis Extendsknee Intertrochantericline, medial lipof linea aspera(wrapsaround to anteriorsurface) Tibial tuberosityand patella Vastusintermedius Extendsknee Anteriorshaftof femur Tibial tuberosityand patella Rectusfemoris Extendsknee,flexeship (kickingaball) Anteriorinferioriliac spine of coxal bone Tibial tuberosityand patella Musclesthat act on Ankle (tomove foot)
  • 10. ACTION ORIGIN INSERTION Soleus Plantarflexionatankle Proximal thirdof tibia and fibula Calcaneus Gastrocnemius Plantarflexionatankle, flexesknee Medial andlateral epicondylesof femur Calcaneus Tibialisanterior Dorsiflexionand inversionatankle Lateral condyle and antero-lateral tibia Medial cuneiform, undermetatarsal 1 Function of Skeletal Muscles:-  Produce movement  Maintainposture  Stabilize joints  Generate heat MicroscopicAnatomyof Skeletal Muscle:-  Cellsare multinucleate  Nuclei are justbeneaththe sarcolemma  Sarcolemma– specializedplasmamembrane  Sarcoplasmicreticulum –specializedsmoothendoplasmicreticulum Myofibril  Bundlesof myofilaments  Myofibrilsare alignedtogive distrinctbands  I band= lightband
  • 11.  A band= dark band Sarcomere  Contractile unitof a muscle fiber Organization of the sarcomere  Thickfilaments=myosinfilaments  Composedof the proteinmyosin  Has ATPase enzymes  Thinfilaments=actinfilaments  Composedof the proteinactin MYOSIN:-  Myosin filaments have heads (extensions, or cross bridges)  Myosin and actin overlap somewhat
  • 12. Nerve Stimulus to Muscles:-  Skeletal muscles must be stimulated by a nerve to contract (motor neruron)  Motor unit  One neuron  Muscle cells stimulated by that neuron Neuromuscular junction:- A neuromuscular junction (or myoneural junction) is a chemical synapse formed by the contact between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber. It is at the neuromuscular junction that a motor neuron is able to transmit a signal to the muscle fiber, causing muscle contraction.  Neuromuscularjunctions –associationsite of nerve andmuscle  Synapticcleft– gap betweennerveandmuscle  Nerve andmuscle donot make contact
  • 13.  Areabetweennerve andmuscle isfilledwithinterstitialfluid Transmission of Nerve Impulse to Muscle  Neurotransmitter–chemical releasedbynerve uponarrival of nerve impulse  The neurotransmitterforskeletal muscleisacetylcholine  Neurotransmitterattachestoreceptorsonthe sarcolemma  Sarcolemmabecomes permeabletosodium(Na+ )  Sodiumrushingintothe cell generatesanactionpotential  Once started,muscle contractioncannotbe stopped The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction  Activationbynerve causesmyosinheads(crossbridges)toattachto bindingsitesonthe thin filament  Myosinheadsthenbindto the nextsite of the thinfilament  Thiscontinuedactioncausesa slidingof the myosinalongthe actin  The resultisthat the muscle isshortened(contracted)
  • 14. Contraction of a Skeletal Muscle:-  Muscle fibercontractionis“all or none”  Withina skeletal muscle,notall fibersmaybe stimulatedduringthe same interval  Differentcombinationsof muscle fibercontractionsmaygive differingresponses Gradedresponses –differentdegreesof skeletalmuscle shortening,rapidstimulus=constant contractionor tetanus Muscle ResponsetoStrong Stimuli:-  Muscle force depends upon the number of fibers stimulated  More fibers contracting results in greater muscle tension  Muscles can continue to contract unless they run out of energy Energy for Muscle Contraction:  Initially,musclesusedstoredATPforenergy  Bondsof ATPare brokento release energy  Only4-6 secondsworthof ATPis storedbymuscles  Afterthisinitial time,otherpathwaysmustbe utilizedtoproduce ATP Direct phosphorylation :-  Muscle cellscontaincreatine phosphate (CP)  CP isa high-energymolecule  AfterATPis depleted,ADPisleft  CP transfersenergytoADP,toregenerate ATP  CP suppliesare exhaustedinabout20 seconds Anaerobic glycolysis:-  Reactionthatbreaksdownglucose withoutoxygen  Glucose isbrokendownto pyruvicacidto produce some ATP  Pyruvicacidis convertedtolacticacid
  • 15. Aerobic Respiration:-  Seriesof metabolicpathwaysthatoccurinthe mitochondria  Glucose isbrokendownto carbondioxide andwater,releasingenergy  Thisis a slowerreactionthatrequirescontinuousoxygen Muscle Fatigue and Oxygen Debt:-  When a muscle is fatigued, it is unable to contract  The common reason for muscle fatigue is oxygen debt  Oxygen must be “repaid” to tissue to remove oxygen debt  Oxygen is required to get rid of accumulated lactic acid  Increasing acidity (from lactic acid) and lack of ATP causes the muscle to contract less Types of Muscle Contractions:-  Isotonic contractions  Myofilaments are able to slide past each other during contractions  The muscle shortens  Isometric contractions  Tension in the muscles increases  The muscle is unable to shorten MUSCLE TONE:-  Some fibers are contracted even in a relaxed muscle  Different fibers contract at different times to provide muscle tone  The process of stimulating various fibers is under involuntary control Effects of Exercise onMuscle:-  Increase in muscle size
  • 16.  Increase in muscle strength  Increase in muscle efficiency  Muscle becomes more fatigue resistant Muscles andBody Movements:-  Movement is attained due to a muscle moving an attached bone  Muscles are attached to at least two points  Origin – attachment to a immoveable bone  Insertion – attachment to an movable bone Types of Ordinary Body Movements:-  Flexion – decreases angle of joint and brings two bones closer together  Extension- opposite of flexion  Rotation- movement of a bone in longitudinal axis, shaking head “no”  Abduction/Adduction (see slides)  Circumduction (see slides)  Prime mover – muscle with the major responsibility for a certain movement  Antagonist – muscle that opposes or reverses a prime mover  Synergist – muscle that aids a prime mover in a movement and helps prevent rotation  Fixators Disorders relating tothe Muscular System:- • Muscular Dystrophy: inherited, muscle enlarge due to increased fat and connective tissue, but fibers degenerate and atrophy • Duchenne MD: lacking a protein to maintain the sarcolemma • Myasthemia Gravis: progressive weakness due to a shortage of acetylcholine receptors Abnormal Contractions:-
  • 17. • spasm – involuntary contraction of one muscle • cramp – painful spasm • tetanus – multiple spasms of skeletal muscles • tic – involuntary twiches of muscles, usually under voluntary control • tremor – rhythmical, involuntary contractions of opposite groups of muscles • fasciculations – involuntary, short twiches on motor unit visible under the skin • fibrilace – spontaneous contractions of fibres of one muscle that aren´t visible under the skin • fascia (= perimysium externum) – fibrous envelope of muscle or muscle group – barrier for spreading of inflammation in that specific area • osteofascial septum (= septum osteofasciale) – fascial divider from the superficial fascia to the periosteum separates the space for muscle groups – compartment (compartimentum)  Enthesopathy- Ex; Tenniselbow