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Area SEND virtual roadshow
‘What to expect on an ASEND
Slides from roadshows held 11 to 13
January 2023
 Main changes under the new framework
 What to expect on an area SEND inspection
 How we gather evidence
 Support and challenge following inspection
 SEND reforms
 In May 2016, Ofsted and CQC introduced a one-off programme of
local area SEND inspections.
 The programme of full inspections was completed in April 2022; the
revisits continued up to December 2022.
 Aims:
 To assess how well local areas were implementing the reforms introduced by
the Children and Families Act 2014;
 The extent to which they were meeting their responsibilities towards children
and young people with SEND.
Towards a new inspection
 In 2020, DfE, with the support of DHSC, commissioned
Ofsted and CQC to develop a new area SEND inspection
framework to operate from early 2023.
 Aims:
 Ensure no accountability gap between inspection
 Include a greater focus on the experiences of children and
young people with SEND and their families
 Give more prominence to the quality, integration and
commissioning of education, health and care services
 Include evaluation of alternative provision commissioning
Main changes under the new area
SEND framework
based on
received by
Inspect at
least once
every 5
A continuous inspection cycle
A continuous inspection cycle
 The frequency and type of inspection activity in any individual local
area will be based on a number of factors including:
 previous inspection outcomes
 time since last inspection or revisit
 any other information that Ofsted and/or CQC receive which may
indicate that an inspection may need to take place sooner
 other Ofsted and CQC inspections that may involve local area
partners – as far as possible, we will take the timing of all these
inspections into account when planning the overall inspection
Introduction of three inspection
 Under the new framework there will be
three distinct inspection outcomes
which determine future inspection activity.
 Inspectors provide an overall summary
judgement about the local area
partnership which reflects their evaluations
about the impact of arrangements on
children and young people with SEND.
1. Full inspection within five years
2. Engagement meetings with local
area partnerships
Inspection outcome: positive experiences and outcomes
The local area partnership’s SEND arrangements typically lead to
positive experiences and outcomes for children and young people with
SEND. The local area partnership is taking action where improvements are
1. Full inspection within three years
2. Engagement meetings with local
area partnerships
Inspection outcome: inconsistent experiences and outcomes
The local area partnership’s arrangements lead to inconsistent
experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
The local area partners must work jointly to make improvements
1. Submission of priority action plan
2. Monitoring inspection usually within 18 months
3. Full reinspection usually within three years
4. Engagement meetings with local area
Inspection outcome: widespread and/or significant failings
There are widespread and/or systemic failings leading to significant
concerns about the experiences and outcomes of children and young
people with SEND, which the local area partnership must address urgently.
Alternative provision
 Inspections under the area
SEND framework will look at
how local authorities
commission AP and their
oversight of the AP in their
 Inspections will not consider
the commissioning of AP by
schools and other
education providers.
Engagement meetings
 To support the inspection cycle, the framework introduces
engagement meetings
 Ofsted’s regional director working with CQC managers will exercise
their discretion about the timing of the meetings, taking into
account inspection outcomes and any recent inspection activity
 The meetings will take place at a mutually convenient time to
Ofsted, CQC and leaders within the local area partnership.
 We have clarified in the framework the purpose, structure and
expectations of engagement meetings in direct response to the
understands needs
is working to improve
its services
identifies and acts
on concerns
is up to date with changes in
the SEND system
engages with children
and families
Ofsted and
CQC will
seek to
whether the
local area:
Engagement meetings
Timing will be determined by previous inspection
outcomes and any recent inspection activity
Focus in-depth Share learning
National theme
Thematic visits
As part of the new inspection arrangements, Ofsted and CQC will carry out a
series of thematic reviews. We’ll conduct visits to a small number of areas to
investigate a particular aspect of the SEND system in greater depth.
Thematic visits: alternative provision
 We are proposing visits to a small
number of areas in the spring and
summer 2023
 We propose to publish guidance in
early 2023
 We hope to publish the first thematic
report on findings in autumn 2023
What to expect on an area SEND
No more revisits
Any area that has not received a revisit will have a full
inspection under the new framework within 3 years.
Written Statement of Action will be taken into
account by inspectors
Ofsted and CQC will expect local area partnerships to
continue working on areas that were previously
identified as needing improvement and if there are still
concerns in those areas we will report accordingly.
Continuity with the old framework
Inspection process
Offsite Offsite & Onsite
Multi-agency working
Social care
To gain a more holistic
view of the impact of
local SEND services and
Annex A – request for information
Inspectors will request information from the local area partnership
 its strategy and commissioning arrangements for children and young
people with SEND
 person-level data, which inspectors will use to select the children and
young people whose experiences they will evaluate
 providers and services (including alternative education providers)
Inspectors will also request from the local authority information
about its commissioning arrangements for alternative provision.
How we will gather evidence
Week 1: offsite inspection activities
Notification Request Disseminate
Notify the local area
10 working days
before onsite activity
and discuss
inspection timetable
Request information
from local area
partnership for key
documents as
described in Annex A
6 children and young
people to be selected
for tracking
Disseminate surveys
Week 2: offsite and onsite inspection
Tracking meetings Analysis
Finalise onsite
inspection timetable
with the local area
Tracking meetings
with children and
young people
Virtual meetings Analysis of
Gathering evidence directly
 The inspection team will select the individual
cases taking account of the range of needs and
the demographics of the area​.
 Inspectors will select 6 children and young people.
 Inspectors will select cases representing each of the
4 areas of need (communication and interaction;
cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental
health difficulties; sensory and/or physical needs), 2
receiving SEN support and 1 in AP.
 This will help the understanding of impact and
develop lines of enquiry to be followed through
onsite evidence gathering.
Tracking meetings
We have improved the accessibility of
the surveys by making them available in a
range of formats, including multimedia
content and improving the clarity of the
Gathering evidence directly
Accessibility: multimedia
 Audio recordings for each question for all three surveys. The easy
read version does not have audio recordings
 Short videos for each CYP question that provide additional
explanation or examples for the questions.
 An introduction video at the beginning of each survey that explains
the purpose of the survey and gives some background about what
the inspections are about.
 We also supply paper copies to the local area that they can
distribute although we encourage the surveys to be completed
online for analysis purposes.
Week 3: onsite inspection activities
Slide 28
On-site evidence gathering Feed back inspection findings to the
local area partnership
Week 3: onsite inspection activities
 Inspectors will carry out a range of evidence gathering activities,
 sampling visits of providers – note that those providers are not
under inspection themselves
 having discussions with children and young people with SEND,
parents and carers, and practitioners
 scrutinising evidence provided by the local area partnership
 focused sampling of the partnership’s decision-making processes,
including in relation to vulnerable cohorts of children and young
people with SEND.
Week 3: onsite inspection activities
 This evidence will be cross-referenced with:
 inspector’s scrutiny of a range of data as set out in Annex A of
the area SEND framework and handbook )
 inspectors’ own observations
 the outcomes of our surveys of children and young people, their
families and the practitioners and professionals who work with
 the partnership’s own evaluations of its impact.
Gathering evidence directly
with children
and young
with parents and
Inspection team
Meeting with
Discussions with children and young people
 Inspectors will meet with groups of children and young people to:
 understand their experiences and outcomes
 understand how the local area partnership engages with them
and what impact this has
 identify any common themes that will contribute to lines of
enquiry for the inspection
 discuss their views on effective practice and how the local area
partnership could improve its arrangements
Discussions with parents and carers
 Inspectors will meet with parents and carers during the inspection
 understand the impact on their child of the local
area’s SEND arrangements
 understand the impact on the wider family
 identify effective practice and how arrangements could be
 gain more information about specific lines of enquiry.
Inspection team meetings and meetings with
 The team will meet each day to discuss and record emerging
 In a final team meeting, inspectors will summarise key evidence,
make final evaluative judgements and agree the main points of
feedback to the local area.
 Inspectors will hold a series of meetings with area representatives
throughout the inspection, including an initial meeting with
leaders, discussions about the area’s self-evaluation and planning,
regular keep-in-touch meetings and the final feedback at the end
of week 3.
Gathering evidence directly –
Focused sampling
 Inspectors will evaluate the decision-making
processes and oversight for specific groups of
children and young people with SEND.
 These include quality of ECHPs, Fair Access
protocols and the Dynamic Support Register.
Gathering evidence directly –
Focused sampling
 Inspectors will select a number of children and
young people’s, review their information and
discuss with the local area officer(s)
directly involved in the decision-making and
oversight of those cases.
 We will use the focused sampling to review the
local area partnership’s oversight for particular
cohorts of children and young people with SEND,
for example, those with high rates of absence,
those education EOTAS, those known to Youth
Justice and those not on a school roll or home
Gathering evidence directly –
Sampling visits
 Inspectors will visit a number of providers and services
across education, health and care.
 They will evaluate children and young people’s
experiences and outcomes by reviewing documents
and discussing with a practitioner(s).
 Inspectors will test their initial lines of enquiry through
other inspection activities, such as having meetings with
stakeholders and sampling of larger groups of children and
young people across education, health and care.
 These are not inspections of the providers.
Gathering evidence directly – education
 These visits may include settings such as nurseries, schools,
colleges, alternative provision and specialist services.
 They may include meeting children and young people and, if
appropriate, scrutinising files and talking to practitioners.
Gathering evidence directly – health
 These visits will include universal, targeted and specialist health
teams, such as speech and language therapy services and children
and young people’s mental health teams.
 Providers and services will gather evidence of the assessment,
intervention and transition stages of health support.
Gathering evidence directly – social care
 This may include visits to services such as the disabled children’s
team, early intervention support and adult social care teams.
 Social care will consider the identification, assessment, intervention
and transition stages of social care support.
Gathering evidence directly –
Alternative provision
Meet LA leaders
Sampling visits
to AP providers
Child or young person
tracking Discuss SEND with
senior leaders
Review AP
Focused sampling
Gathering evidence directly – alternative provision
 Inspectors will meet with local authority leaders and managers to
understand the local authority’s processes and decision-making.
 They will carry out visits in one or more alternative provision
settings as part of the sampling activity.
 Through focused sampling activities, inspectors will review the
information received about the local authority’s arrangements for
alternative provision. This will include:
 review the fair access protocols
 sample EHCPs for children and young people attending
alternative provision
Meetings as
part of the
Children and
Area leaders
Meetings as part of the inspection activity
 During offsite and onsite inspection activity, the inspection team will
gather evidence from a wide range of professionals, children, young
people and their families through a range of meetings through our
case tracking, sampling visits and focused sampling activities.
 Meetings may be virtual or face to face. We have found through
pilots that one or the other is more effective rather than a combined
face to face and virtual.
 Lead inspectors will work with you to schedule the necessary
Publishing the inspection report
 The draft report is usually shared within 14 working days.
 The local area has 10 working days to comment on the
draft report.
 The report intended for publication is shared with the local
area within 30 working days .
 The local area has 5 working days to submit a complaint.
 Publication is 3 working days later.
Inspection reports
 Through the consultation, we have responded to requests for our
reports to be more accessible and follow our standard reporting
format such as Ofsted’s school inspection reports
 The reports will therefore look a little different, starting with what
it’s like to be a child or young person in the local area along
with what the local area is doing well, what is not going so well and
what they need to do to improve the experiences and outcomes for
children and young people.
Publishing updated strategic plans
 We ask that strategic plans are published 30
working days following publication of the
inspection report.
 This should include the actions the area partnership
is taking, or will take, in response to the
recommendations made in the inspection report.
 Local area partnerships are not required to produce
new strategic plans, but instead should update
existing plans.
Priority action plan (area SEND)
 Ofsted and CQC ask the local area to submit a priority action
plan within 30 working days following the publication of the
inspection report. Ofsted and CQC will then decide whether to
approve the action plan.
 The local area must publish the final priority action plan (area
SEND) within 70 working days of the publication of the
inspection report.
 Set out actions to address the areas for priority action in the
inspection report, the responsible organisation for each
proposed action, and the period within which the action is to
be taken.
Department for Education and
NHS England support and
DfE and NHSE approach to improvement
Committed to a proportionate and evidence-based
Consideration given to a holistic view of the context of, and
challenges in, a local area.
The proposed support and challenge response post-inspection,
increases in intensity across the three outcomes.
It looks to celebrate effective practice, pitches support and challenge
at the accountable partner(s) and ensures wider knowledge can be
drawn upon.
DfE officials and NHSE nationals and regions are developing a
consistent and robust response to the outcome of a Monitoring Visit
letter from CQC/Ofsted.
Increase in support and challenge
Positive experiences and outcomes
Celebrate effective practice
Light touch contact
Offer of general support for
identified areas for improvement.
Explore effective practice
Formal joint monitoring against
strategic improvement plans with
DfE and NHSE
Offer of bespoke support for
identified areas for improvement.
Inconsistent experiences and outcomes
Widespread and/or systemic failings
leading to significant concerns
Exploring opportunities for further
Joint formal monitoring of priority
action plan with DfE and NHSE
Direct support package agreed to
address areas of priority action
Statutory interventions considered
on case-by case basis.
Local areas currently with a WSoA / APP
Until inspected under the new
framework, DfE officials and
NHSE regions will continue to
jointly monitor, review, support
and challenge these local
For areas with an APP, formal
monitoring and appropriate
application of the step-down
policy will continue until the
local area is inspected under
the new framework.
All areas implementing Written
Statements of Action will
continue to be monitored,
supported and challenged until
they are inspected under the
new framework (within the first
3 years).
The nature and frequency of
that monitoring will be decided
on a case-by-case basis.
Update – green paper
 The SEND and alternative provision green paper aims to improve experiences
within a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable system across education, health and
 We will publish an Improvement Plan (IP) by March that will:
Focus on delivery
Reflect the
feedback from
the consultation
Outline the
steps we will
be taking
Ensure long-
term sustainable
system change
Thank you
If you have any further questions, please contact us at

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New area SEND framework webinar PPT.pptx

  • 1. Area SEND virtual roadshow ‘What to expect on an ASEND inspection’ Slides from roadshows held 11 to 13 January 2023
  • 2. Contents  Main changes under the new framework  What to expect on an area SEND inspection  How we gather evidence  Support and challenge following inspection  SEND reforms
  • 3. Background  In May 2016, Ofsted and CQC introduced a one-off programme of local area SEND inspections.  The programme of full inspections was completed in April 2022; the revisits continued up to December 2022.  Aims:  To assess how well local areas were implementing the reforms introduced by the Children and Families Act 2014;  The extent to which they were meeting their responsibilities towards children and young people with SEND.
  • 4. Towards a new inspection framework  In 2020, DfE, with the support of DHSC, commissioned Ofsted and CQC to develop a new area SEND inspection framework to operate from early 2023.  Aims:  Ensure no accountability gap between inspection frameworks.  Include a greater focus on the experiences of children and young people with SEND and their families  Give more prominence to the quality, integration and commissioning of education, health and care services  Include evaluation of alternative provision commissioning
  • 5. Main changes under the new area SEND framework
  • 7. A continuous inspection cycle  The frequency and type of inspection activity in any individual local area will be based on a number of factors including:  previous inspection outcomes  time since last inspection or revisit  any other information that Ofsted and/or CQC receive which may indicate that an inspection may need to take place sooner  other Ofsted and CQC inspections that may involve local area partners – as far as possible, we will take the timing of all these inspections into account when planning the overall inspection schedule.
  • 8. Introduction of three inspection outcomes  Under the new framework there will be three distinct inspection outcomes which determine future inspection activity.  Inspectors provide an overall summary judgement about the local area partnership which reflects their evaluations about the impact of arrangements on children and young people with SEND.
  • 9. 1. Full inspection within five years 2. Engagement meetings with local area partnerships Inspection outcome: positive experiences and outcomes The local area partnership’s SEND arrangements typically lead to positive experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND. The local area partnership is taking action where improvements are needed.
  • 10. 1. Full inspection within three years 2. Engagement meetings with local area partnerships Inspection outcome: inconsistent experiences and outcomes The local area partnership’s arrangements lead to inconsistent experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND. The local area partners must work jointly to make improvements
  • 11. 1. Submission of priority action plan 2. Monitoring inspection usually within 18 months 3. Full reinspection usually within three years 4. Engagement meetings with local area partnerships Inspection outcome: widespread and/or significant failings There are widespread and/or systemic failings leading to significant concerns about the experiences and outcomes of children and young people with SEND, which the local area partnership must address urgently.
  • 12. Alternative provision  Inspections under the area SEND framework will look at how local authorities commission AP and their oversight of the AP in their area.  Inspections will not consider the commissioning of AP by schools and other education providers.
  • 13. Engagement meetings  To support the inspection cycle, the framework introduces engagement meetings  Ofsted’s regional director working with CQC managers will exercise their discretion about the timing of the meetings, taking into account inspection outcomes and any recent inspection activity  The meetings will take place at a mutually convenient time to Ofsted, CQC and leaders within the local area partnership.  We have clarified in the framework the purpose, structure and expectations of engagement meetings in direct response to the consultation.
  • 14. understands needs is working to improve its services identifies and acts on concerns is up to date with changes in the SEND system engages with children and families Ofsted and CQC will seek to understand whether the local area: Engagement meetings Timing will be determined by previous inspection outcomes and any recent inspection activity
  • 15. Focus in-depth Share learning National theme Thematic visits As part of the new inspection arrangements, Ofsted and CQC will carry out a series of thematic reviews. We’ll conduct visits to a small number of areas to investigate a particular aspect of the SEND system in greater depth.
  • 16. Thematic visits: alternative provision  We are proposing visits to a small number of areas in the spring and summer 2023  We propose to publish guidance in early 2023  We hope to publish the first thematic report on findings in autumn 2023
  • 17. What to expect on an area SEND inspection
  • 18. No more revisits Any area that has not received a revisit will have a full inspection under the new framework within 3 years. Written Statement of Action will be taken into account by inspectors Ofsted and CQC will expect local area partnerships to continue working on areas that were previously identified as needing improvement and if there are still concerns in those areas we will report accordingly. Continuity with the old framework
  • 20. Multi-agency working Education Social care Health To gain a more holistic view of the impact of local SEND services and systems.
  • 21. Annex A – request for information Inspectors will request information from the local area partnership about:  its strategy and commissioning arrangements for children and young people with SEND  person-level data, which inspectors will use to select the children and young people whose experiences they will evaluate  providers and services (including alternative education providers) Inspectors will also request from the local authority information about its commissioning arrangements for alternative provision.
  • 22. How we will gather evidence
  • 23. Week 1: offsite inspection activities Select Notification Request Disseminate Notify the local area 10 working days before onsite activity and discuss inspection timetable Request information from local area partnership for key documents as described in Annex A 6 children and young people to be selected for tracking Disseminate surveys
  • 24. Week 2: offsite and onsite inspection activities Meetings Tracking meetings Analysis Finalise onsite inspection timetable with the local area Tracking meetings with children and young people Virtual meetings Analysis of information Confirm
  • 25. Gathering evidence directly  The inspection team will select the individual cases taking account of the range of needs and the demographics of the area​.  Inspectors will select 6 children and young people.  Inspectors will select cases representing each of the 4 areas of need (communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties; sensory and/or physical needs), 2 receiving SEN support and 1 in AP.  This will help the understanding of impact and develop lines of enquiry to be followed through onsite evidence gathering. Tracking meetings
  • 26. We have improved the accessibility of the surveys by making them available in a range of formats, including multimedia content and improving the clarity of the language. Gathering evidence directly Surveys
  • 27. Accessibility: multimedia  Audio recordings for each question for all three surveys. The easy read version does not have audio recordings  Short videos for each CYP question that provide additional explanation or examples for the questions.  An introduction video at the beginning of each survey that explains the purpose of the survey and gives some background about what the inspections are about.  We also supply paper copies to the local area that they can distribute although we encourage the surveys to be completed online for analysis purposes.
  • 28. Week 3: onsite inspection activities Slide 28 On-site evidence gathering Feed back inspection findings to the local area partnership
  • 29. Week 3: onsite inspection activities  Inspectors will carry out a range of evidence gathering activities, including:  sampling visits of providers – note that those providers are not under inspection themselves  having discussions with children and young people with SEND, parents and carers, and practitioners  scrutinising evidence provided by the local area partnership  focused sampling of the partnership’s decision-making processes, including in relation to vulnerable cohorts of children and young people with SEND.
  • 30. Week 3: onsite inspection activities  This evidence will be cross-referenced with:  inspector’s scrutiny of a range of data as set out in Annex A of the area SEND framework and handbook )  inspectors’ own observations  the outcomes of our surveys of children and young people, their families and the practitioners and professionals who work with them  the partnership’s own evaluations of its impact.
  • 31. Gathering evidence directly Discussions with children and young people Discussions with parents and carers Inspection team meetings Meeting with leaders
  • 32. Discussions with children and young people  Inspectors will meet with groups of children and young people to:  understand their experiences and outcomes  understand how the local area partnership engages with them and what impact this has  identify any common themes that will contribute to lines of enquiry for the inspection  discuss their views on effective practice and how the local area partnership could improve its arrangements
  • 33. Discussions with parents and carers  Inspectors will meet with parents and carers during the inspection to:  understand the impact on their child of the local area’s SEND arrangements  understand the impact on the wider family  identify effective practice and how arrangements could be improved  gain more information about specific lines of enquiry.
  • 34. Inspection team meetings and meetings with leaders  The team will meet each day to discuss and record emerging findings.  In a final team meeting, inspectors will summarise key evidence, make final evaluative judgements and agree the main points of feedback to the local area.  Inspectors will hold a series of meetings with area representatives throughout the inspection, including an initial meeting with leaders, discussions about the area’s self-evaluation and planning, regular keep-in-touch meetings and the final feedback at the end of week 3.
  • 35. Gathering evidence directly – Focused sampling  Inspectors will evaluate the decision-making processes and oversight for specific groups of children and young people with SEND.  These include quality of ECHPs, Fair Access protocols and the Dynamic Support Register.
  • 36. Gathering evidence directly – Focused sampling  Inspectors will select a number of children and young people’s, review their information and discuss with the local area officer(s) directly involved in the decision-making and oversight of those cases.  We will use the focused sampling to review the local area partnership’s oversight for particular cohorts of children and young people with SEND, for example, those with high rates of absence, those education EOTAS, those known to Youth Justice and those not on a school roll or home educated.
  • 37. Gathering evidence directly – Sampling visits  Inspectors will visit a number of providers and services across education, health and care.  They will evaluate children and young people’s experiences and outcomes by reviewing documents and discussing with a practitioner(s).  Inspectors will test their initial lines of enquiry through other inspection activities, such as having meetings with stakeholders and sampling of larger groups of children and young people across education, health and care.  These are not inspections of the providers.
  • 38. Gathering evidence directly – education  These visits may include settings such as nurseries, schools, colleges, alternative provision and specialist services.  They may include meeting children and young people and, if appropriate, scrutinising files and talking to practitioners.
  • 39. Gathering evidence directly – health  These visits will include universal, targeted and specialist health teams, such as speech and language therapy services and children and young people’s mental health teams.  Providers and services will gather evidence of the assessment, intervention and transition stages of health support.
  • 40. Gathering evidence directly – social care  This may include visits to services such as the disabled children’s team, early intervention support and adult social care teams.  Social care will consider the identification, assessment, intervention and transition stages of social care support.
  • 41. Gathering evidence directly – Alternative provision Meet LA leaders Sampling visits to AP providers Child or young person tracking Discuss SEND with senior leaders Review AP arrangements Focused sampling
  • 42. Gathering evidence directly – alternative provision  Inspectors will meet with local authority leaders and managers to understand the local authority’s processes and decision-making.  They will carry out visits in one or more alternative provision settings as part of the sampling activity.  Through focused sampling activities, inspectors will review the information received about the local authority’s arrangements for alternative provision. This will include:  review the fair access protocols  sample EHCPs for children and young people attending alternative provision
  • 43. Meetings as part of the inspection activity Health practitioners Parents/Carers Children and young people Area leaders and managers Care practitioners SENDIAS meeting Education practitioners
  • 44. Meetings as part of the inspection activity  During offsite and onsite inspection activity, the inspection team will gather evidence from a wide range of professionals, children, young people and their families through a range of meetings through our case tracking, sampling visits and focused sampling activities.  Meetings may be virtual or face to face. We have found through pilots that one or the other is more effective rather than a combined face to face and virtual.  Lead inspectors will work with you to schedule the necessary meetings.
  • 46. Publishing the inspection report  The draft report is usually shared within 14 working days.  The local area has 10 working days to comment on the draft report.  The report intended for publication is shared with the local area within 30 working days .  The local area has 5 working days to submit a complaint.  Publication is 3 working days later.
  • 47. Inspection reports  Through the consultation, we have responded to requests for our reports to be more accessible and follow our standard reporting format such as Ofsted’s school inspection reports  The reports will therefore look a little different, starting with what it’s like to be a child or young person in the local area along with what the local area is doing well, what is not going so well and what they need to do to improve the experiences and outcomes for children and young people.
  • 48. Publishing updated strategic plans  We ask that strategic plans are published 30 working days following publication of the inspection report.  This should include the actions the area partnership is taking, or will take, in response to the recommendations made in the inspection report.  Local area partnerships are not required to produce new strategic plans, but instead should update existing plans.
  • 49. Priority action plan (area SEND)  Ofsted and CQC ask the local area to submit a priority action plan within 30 working days following the publication of the inspection report. Ofsted and CQC will then decide whether to approve the action plan.  The local area must publish the final priority action plan (area SEND) within 70 working days of the publication of the inspection report.  Set out actions to address the areas for priority action in the inspection report, the responsible organisation for each proposed action, and the period within which the action is to be taken.
  • 50. Department for Education and NHS England support and challenge
  • 51. DfE and NHSE approach to improvement Committed to a proportionate and evidence-based improvement. Consideration given to a holistic view of the context of, and challenges in, a local area. The proposed support and challenge response post-inspection, increases in intensity across the three outcomes. It looks to celebrate effective practice, pitches support and challenge at the accountable partner(s) and ensures wider knowledge can be drawn upon. DfE officials and NHSE nationals and regions are developing a consistent and robust response to the outcome of a Monitoring Visit letter from CQC/Ofsted.
  • 52. Increase in support and challenge Positive experiences and outcomes Celebrate effective practice Light touch contact Offer of general support for identified areas for improvement. Explore effective practice Formal joint monitoring against strategic improvement plans with DfE and NHSE Offer of bespoke support for identified areas for improvement. Inconsistent experiences and outcomes Widespread and/or systemic failings leading to significant concerns Exploring opportunities for further improvement Joint formal monitoring of priority action plan with DfE and NHSE Direct support package agreed to address areas of priority action Statutory interventions considered on case-by case basis.
  • 53. Local areas currently with a WSoA / APP Until inspected under the new framework, DfE officials and NHSE regions will continue to jointly monitor, review, support and challenge these local areas. For areas with an APP, formal monitoring and appropriate application of the step-down policy will continue until the local area is inspected under the new framework. All areas implementing Written Statements of Action will continue to be monitored, supported and challenged until they are inspected under the new framework (within the first 3 years). The nature and frequency of that monitoring will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
  • 54. Update – green paper  The SEND and alternative provision green paper aims to improve experiences within a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable system across education, health and care.  We will publish an Improvement Plan (IP) by March that will: Focus on delivery Reflect the feedback from the consultation Outline the immediate steps we will be taking Ensure long- term sustainable system change
  • 55. Thank you If you have any further questions, please contact us at

Editor's Notes

  1. DfE to start- Andre
  2. DFE- Andre
  3. DFE- Andre Pass back to Tina to go through the next section
  4. OFSTED/CQC Tina Let’s look briefly at the changes in the new framework
  5. OFSTED-Tina If we look at the first inspection outcome
  6. OFSTED-Tina The second inspection outcome
  7. OFSTED-Tina The third inspection outcome
  8. CQC- LH/LP
  9. CQC- LH/LP We have surveys for CYP, parents/carers and local area partnership staff. Multimedia content: - We have audio recordings for each question (but not answers) for all three surveys. The easy read version does not have audio recordings - We have short videos for each CYP question that provide additional explanation or examples for the questions. - We have an introduction video at the beginning of each survey that explains the purpose of the survey and gives some background about what the inspections are about. - We don’t have BSL or any translated surveys. We ask that that the local area should have the survey translated if required. - We also supply paper copies to the local area that they can distribute although we encourage the surveys to be completed online for analysis purposes.  
  10. CQC- LH/LP Inspectors will carry out a range of evidence gathering activities, including: Sampling visits-when they visit providers, important to stress that providers are not under inspection having discussions with children and young people with SEND, parents and carers, and practitioners scrutinising evidence provided by the local area partnership focused sampling of the partnership’s decision-making processes, including in relation to vulnerable cohorts of children and young people with SEND This evidence will be cross-referenced with: Inspector’s scrutiny of a range of data as set out in Annex A of the area SEND framework and handbook ) inspectors’ own observations the outcomes of our surveys of children and young people, their families and the practitioners and professionals who work with them the partnership’s own evaluations of its impact
  11. OFSTED-Tina If we look at how we gather evidence for alternative provision - we have already said that a child or yp placed in commissioned alternative provision will be selected as part of the case tracking Inspectors will meet with local authority leaders and managers to understand the local authority’s processes and decision-making  The will carryout in one or more alternative provision settings as part of our sampling activity. Through focused sampling activities inspectors will review the information received about the local authority’s arrangements for alternative provision   review the fair access protocols  Sample EHCPs for CYP attending AP We will look at the fair access protocols
  12. OFSTED-Tina During offsite and onsite inspection activity, the inspection team will gather evidence from a wide range of professionals, children, yp and their families through a range of meetings through our case tracking, sampling visits and focused sampling activities Meetings may be virtual or face to face, we have found through pilots that one or the other is more effective rather than a combined face to face and virtual Lead inspectors will work with you to schedule the necessary meetings
  13. DFE/NHSE