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SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
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Pemetaan/Penilaian Kompetensi Manajerial &
Sosial Kultural dan Potensi (Assessment Centre)
Kementerian Perdagangan
Jakarta, Agustus 2023
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Kerangka Kerja Daring
2 Tata Cara Pelaksanaan
3 Hal-Hal yang Memerlukan Perhatian
4 Diskusi Koordinasi Pelaksanaan
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Kerangka Kerja Daring
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
1. Kerangka Kerja Menyeluruh
2. Persiapan #1 : Pengumumam
3. Persiapan #2 : Gladi Bersih
4. Pelaksanaan #1 : Pembukaan oleh Pimpinan
5. Pelaksanaan #2 : Pengambilan Data
6. Pelaksanaan #3 : Wawancara Kompetensi
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Instansi Pembina/
Kementerian Perdagangan
• Pengumuman jadwal dan penyampaian
tata cara (tata tertib, dan lainnya)
• Pemberian akses download bahan Uji
Penyampaian hasil
(uploade, email, WA)
hasil assessment •Pengumuman
Lokus ujian
rekap nilai
hasil Uji
Catatan :
— Daring : dalam jaringan = online
— *untuk kondisi tertentu dilaksanakan secara luring
Pelaksanaan Uji Kompetensi secara Daring
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Lokus ujian
Catatan :
— Daring : dalam jaringan = online
— *untuk kondisi tertentu dilaksanakan secara luring
Persiapan #2 : Gladi Bersih
Peserta Ukom
• Memastikan semua peralatan terjamin
beroperasi dengan baik sesuai KETENTUAN
• Memastikan jaringan beroperasi
• Memastikan peralatan beroperasi
• Memastikan sistem pengawasan
(kamera) beroperasi secara akuntabel
Instansi Pembina/
Kementerian Perdagangan
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
• Pengawasan daring
Lokus ujian
Catatan :
— Daring : dalam jaringan = online
— *untuk kondisi tertentu dilaksanakan secara luring
Pelaksanaan #2 : Pengambilan Data Kompetensi
Peserta Ukom
• Mengikuti setiap kegiatan sesuai dengan
• Pengawasan secara daring (Audio dan Visual)
• Pemberian akses download bahan ujian
• Monitor pelaksanaan secara daring
Penyampaian hasil yang telah
diselesaikan peserta
Instansi Pembina/
Kementerian Perdagangan
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
• Pengawasan daring
Lokus ujian
Catatan :
— Daring : dalam jaringan = online
— *untuk kondisi tertentu dilaksanakan secara luring
Pelaksanaan #3 : Wawancara Kompetensi
Peserta Ukom
• Mengikuti setiap kegiatan sesuai dengan
• Akses kontak Psikolog Pewawancara
• Monitor pelaksanaan secara daring
Proses wawancara berlangsung
Instansi Pembina/
Kementerian Perdagangan
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Skema Pengambilan Data Uji Kompetensi Manajerial dan
Sosial Kultural
Pemberian Instruksi
Kamera pengawasan dari hadap
belakang* /peninjau
Kamera pengawasan dari hadap depan*
Ilustrasi kegiatan
Catatan :
*Melakukan komunikasi melalui
whatsapp chat dgn admin untuk hal
teknis. Membatu penyampaian
pertanyaan peserta dapat dilakukan
melalui chat zoom akun panitia
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
2 Tata Cara Pelaksanaan
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Jadwal Kegiatan
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Jadwal Uji Kompetensi Manajerial dan Sosial Kultural
Jumat, 25 Agustus
1. Breifing Teknis
2. Penyampaian hasil Kueisoner
kompetensi & critical
• Penjelasan Teknis kegiatan Uji Kompetensi
• Pembentukan Grup dan penyampaian Kuesioner
Kompetensi yang merupakan bagain dari
asesmen/penilaian Kompetensi dan dikerjakan secara
mandiri akan di jelaskan detail di forum grup Whatsapp.
Rabu 30 Agustus
Penilaian Kompetensi
Tes Tulis, Tes Psikologi
• Teknis akan dijelaskan saat briefing
• Jadwal akan disampaikan di forum WAG untuk detailnya
• Jadwal Wawancara akan disampikan melalui forum WAG
Kamis, 31 Agustus
Pelaksanaan Wawancara
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Waktu Kegiatan Keterangan
(1) (2) (3)
07.30 – 08.15
Peserta sudah masuk ke ruang yang sudah ditentukan dan kamera pengawas
sudah terkoneksi ke zoom.
08.15 – 11.45
Instruksi dari Asesor
Sesi 1 - In Tray Simulation Online menggunakan
aplikasi Zoom Meeting
Sesi 2 - Proposal Writing
11.55 – 13.00 ISTIRAHAT
13.00 -17.00
Sesi 3 - Tes Psikologi
Online menggunakan
komputer PC / Laptop
Sesi 4 – Inventory Peran dalam Tim
Sesi 5 – Inventory Kepribadian
Waktu Kegiatan Keterangan
(1) (2) (3)
08.00 – selesai Sesi 6 - Wawancara Kompetensi
Online menggunakan
aplikasi Zoom Meeting
(Peserta masuk sesuai
jadwal yang telah
Rabu, 30 Agustus 2023
Kamis, 31 Agustus 2023
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Petunjuk Umum
Akan di bagikan di WAG
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
(PermenPANRB No. 38 Tahun 2017)
No Jabatan
Manajerial Kompetensi
1 JF Madya 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 36
2 Administrator/Eselon 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Standar Penilaian
Pemetaan Kompetensi Manajerial dan Sosial Kultural
(berdasarkan Peraturan BKN No. 26 Tahun 2019)
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Dokumentasi Kegiatan
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 19
Pembentukkan Forum Group
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Kegiatan wawancara
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Monitoring Tes Psikologi
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Monitoring kegiatan dengan Zoom Meeting
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Ketentuan Kamera Pengawas
• kamera pengawasan harus
Memperlihatkan meja kerja dan
layar pengerjaan.
• Tidak diperbolehkan
menggunakan Virtual Backgroud
(Zoom Kamera Pengawas
maupun Zoom Kerja)
• Kamera Pengawas harus dalam
keadaaan on Video dan On
Audio, agar tidak dengung
mohon untuk speaker pada
kamera pengawas di non
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Melakukan pengaturan nama ID (ID Zoom)
dengan ketentuan sesuai DAFTAR NAMA YANG KAMI BERIKAN
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
3 Hal-Hal yang Memerlukan Perhatian
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Kelangkapan Tata Laksana
Uji Kompetensi Kementerian Perdagangan
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Kesiapan Mesin dan Peralatan :
1. Perangkat Utama
a. Komputer/laptop yang memadai. Disarankan komputer/laptop dengan procesor
multicore (Core i3/i5/i7) atau yang setara dan dengan RAM 4GB;
b. Webcam laptop atau USB webcam;
c. Sudah terinstal aplikasi Ms Office (Word), browser Google Chrome atau Mozilla
Firefox versi terbaru, Zoom Meeting versi terbaru.
d. Pada aplikasi Ms Office fitur auto save diaktifkan dan di setting save autorecover
setiap 2 menit.
e. Memiliki program untuk membaca file pdf dan rar/zip
2. Perangkat Kamera Pengawas (Spesifikasi sama dg Perangkat Utama atau dengan
Smartphone atau Laptop yang cukup reliable dan berfungsi dengan baik)
3. Tempat yang Representatif
a. Ruangan yang terjaga ketenangannya dan tidak ada suara lain/tidak ada lalu
b. Kondisi pencahayaan yang memadai (wajah dapat terlihat di kamera).
4. Koneksi Internet/Jaringan
a) Koneksi internet yang memadai. Disarankan koneksi internet broadband (4G/LTE)
dengan kecepatan download minimum 1,5 Mbps dan upload 0,5 Mbps;
b) Untuk keamanan jaringan, tidak dianjurkan menggunakan jaringan publik (jaringan
yang ada di tempat umum).
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Kesiapan Peserta :
1. Setiap peserta wajib mengikuti kegiatan mulai dari awal sampai selesai.
2. Kegiatan dilakukan secara daring, anda diwajibkan untuk bergabung dalam zoom meeting yang telah
kami tentukan minimal sesuai yang telah kami tentukan pukul 07.00 WIB. Alamat zoom meeting
akan kami informasi dalam forum group whatsapp.
3. Melakukan pengaturan nama ID (ID Zoom) dengan ketentuan sesuai daftar nama yang kami
berikan, bagi nama yang tidak sesuai, tidak akan di admit atau ditahan dalam waiting room.
4. Peserta harus menyiapkan kamera pengawas yang dapat memperlihatkan meja kerja peserta serta
layar computer/laptop/PC yang digunakan. Dengan ketentuan : video aktif dan audio aktif. (agar
tidak terjadi dengung, mohon untuk speaker pada kamera pengawas di non aktifkan).
5. Video Zoom Meeting harus dalam keadaan aktif selama kegiatan pengerjaan tes berlangsung.
6. Para peserta boleh di damping oleh satu pendamping teknis, dan pendamping teknis hanya dapat
membantu terkait dengan hal teknis kegiatan.
1. Menyiapkan ruang kerja peserta;
2. Menghubungkan ke zoom meeting serta pengaturan audio dan video; serta
3. Pengiriman hasil jawaban ke email.
7. Peserta diharapkan untuk tidak menggunakan perlengkapan yang sekiranya tidak dibutuhkan/ tidak
berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan uji kompetensi dan potensi (hanya menggunakan
PC/Komputer/Laptop yang terkoneksi dengan internet) dan menggangu konsentrasi dalam
pelaksanaan kegiatan
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
1. Apabila mengalami hambatan atau masalah saat pengerjaan
persoalan, silahkan untuk raise hand dan chat private kepada panitia
SINERGI, kami akan melayani bapak dan ibu secara satu persatu di
ruangan yg terpisah
2. Jika terjadi kendala /gangguan akibat tidak sesuainya spesifikasi
perangkat utama atau jaringan internet, menjadi resiko dari peserta.
3. Mohon siapkan perangkat cadangan dan alat untuk mengakses
jaringan internet sebagai cadangan.
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
❑ Asesor akan memberikan instruksi pada setiap sesinya
❑ Bapak/Ibu diharuskan mengunduh lembar jawab (MS.Word) di
link yang akan kami share di forum chat dan mengkakses untuk
persoalan-persoalannya di link tersebut.
❑ Asesor akan menjelaskan secara umum petunjuk pengerjaan
setiap sesi( bapak/ibu dapat membaca scr mandiri)
❑ Setelah Aba – aba mulai terdengar, Bapak/Ibu diharapkan
sudah memulai melakukan pengerjaan, dimulai dari :
❖ Melakukan rename file lembar jawab dengan Ketentuan
penamaan file lembar jawab “Kode Peserta - nama lengkap
- Sesi” (contoh : A01- JOKO SASONGKO - Nomor Sesi).
❖ Membaca Instruksi Khusus serta lembar persoalan di link.
❖ Melakukan pengerjaan tes.
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
untuk dapat mengunduh lembar
lembar jawabnya untuk sesi 1 –
sesi 2. dan untuk membaca
persoalan-persoalannya dengan
menggunakan browser yang
tersedia serta dapat langsung
mengakses di forum chat zoom
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Sesi – Tes Psikologi
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Untuk kode akses/kode referensi akan diinfokan saat pelaksanaan tes
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Sesi 4 – Inventory kerja sama
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Sesi 5 – Kepribadian
SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance
This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission.
Uji Kompetensi Manajerial dan Sosial Kultural
Kementerian Perdagangan
Jakarta, Agustus 2023

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Prex Briefing 25 Agustus 2023.pdf

  • 1. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 1 BRIEFING : Pemetaan/Penilaian Kompetensi Manajerial & Sosial Kultural dan Potensi (Assessment Centre) Kementerian Perdagangan Jakarta, Agustus 2023 SINERGI CONSULTING
  • 2. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. Kerangka Kerja Daring 1 2 Tata Cara Pelaksanaan 3 Hal-Hal yang Memerlukan Perhatian 2 4 Diskusi Koordinasi Pelaksanaan
  • 3. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 3 Kerangka Kerja Daring 1
  • 4. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 4 1. Kerangka Kerja Menyeluruh 2. Persiapan #1 : Pengumumam 3. Persiapan #2 : Gladi Bersih 4. Pelaksanaan #1 : Pembukaan oleh Pimpinan 5. Pelaksanaan #2 : Pengambilan Data 6. Pelaksanaan #3 : Wawancara Kompetensi
  • 5. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 5 Instansi Pembina/ Kementerian Perdagangan SINERGI Consulting • Pengumuman jadwal dan penyampaian tata cara (tata tertib, dan lainnya) • Pemberian akses download bahan Uji Penyampaian hasil (uploade, email, WA) *penugasan penyampaian hasil assessment •Pengumuman Lokus ujian peserta rekap nilai hasil Uji Kompetensi Catatan : — Daring : dalam jaringan = online — *untuk kondisi tertentu dilaksanakan secara luring KERANGKA KERJA Pelaksanaan Uji Kompetensi secara Daring
  • 6. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 7 SINERGI Consulting •Pengumuman Lokus ujian peserta Catatan : — Daring : dalam jaringan = online — *untuk kondisi tertentu dilaksanakan secara luring Persiapan #2 : Gladi Bersih Peserta Ukom • Memastikan semua peralatan terjamin beroperasi dengan baik sesuai KETENTUAN PELAKSANAAN PENILAIAN KOMPETENSI • Memastikan jaringan beroperasi • Memastikan peralatan beroperasi • Memastikan sistem pengawasan (kamera) beroperasi secara akuntabel koordinasi koordinasi Instansi Pembina/ Kementerian Perdagangan
  • 7. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 8 SINERGI Consulting • Pengawasan daring Lokus ujian peserta Catatan : — Daring : dalam jaringan = online — *untuk kondisi tertentu dilaksanakan secara luring Pelaksanaan #2 : Pengambilan Data Kompetensi Peserta Ukom • Mengikuti setiap kegiatan sesuai dengan KETENTUAN PELAKSANAAN PENILAIAN KOMPETENSI koordinasi koordinasi • Pengawasan secara daring (Audio dan Visual) • Pemberian akses download bahan ujian • Monitor pelaksanaan secara daring Penyampaian hasil yang telah diselesaikan peserta Instansi Pembina/ Kementerian Perdagangan
  • 8. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 9 SINERGI Consulting • Pengawasan daring Lokus ujian peserta Catatan : — Daring : dalam jaringan = online — *untuk kondisi tertentu dilaksanakan secara luring Pelaksanaan #3 : Wawancara Kompetensi Peserta Ukom • Mengikuti setiap kegiatan sesuai dengan KETENTUAN PELAKSANAAN PENILAIAN KOMPETENSI koordinasi koordinasi • Akses kontak Psikolog Pewawancara • Monitor pelaksanaan secara daring Proses wawancara berlangsung Instansi Pembina/ Kementerian Perdagangan
  • 9. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 10 Skema Pengambilan Data Uji Kompetensi Manajerial dan Sosial Kultural Pemberian Instruksi Kamera pengawasan dari hadap belakang* /peninjau Kamera pengawasan dari hadap depan* /peninjau Ilustrasi kegiatan Catatan : *Melakukan komunikasi melalui whatsapp chat dgn admin untuk hal teknis. Membatu penyampaian pertanyaan peserta dapat dilakukan melalui chat zoom akun panitia
  • 10. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 11 2 Tata Cara Pelaksanaan
  • 11. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 12 Jadwal Kegiatan 1
  • 12. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. Jadwal Uji Kompetensi Manajerial dan Sosial Kultural 13 WAKTU AGENDA KEGIATAN KETERANGAN Jumat, 25 Agustus 2023 1. Breifing Teknis 2. Penyampaian hasil Kueisoner kompetensi & critical incident • Penjelasan Teknis kegiatan Uji Kompetensi • Pembentukan Grup dan penyampaian Kuesioner Kompetensi yang merupakan bagain dari asesmen/penilaian Kompetensi dan dikerjakan secara mandiri akan di jelaskan detail di forum grup Whatsapp. Rabu 30 Agustus 2023 Pelaksanaan Penilaian Kompetensi Tes Tulis, Tes Psikologi • Teknis akan dijelaskan saat briefing • Jadwal akan disampaikan di forum WAG untuk detailnya • Jadwal Wawancara akan disampikan melalui forum WAG Kamis, 31 Agustus 2023 Pelaksanaan Wawancara Kompetensi
  • 13. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 14 Waktu Kegiatan Keterangan (1) (2) (3) 07.30 – 08.15 Peserta sudah masuk ke ruang yang sudah ditentukan dan kamera pengawas sudah terkoneksi ke zoom. 08.15 – 11.45 Instruksi dari Asesor Sesi 1 - In Tray Simulation Online menggunakan aplikasi Zoom Meeting Sesi 2 - Proposal Writing 11.45 – 11.55 PENGIRIMAN LEMBAR JAWAB SESI 1 DAN 2 11.55 – 13.00 ISTIRAHAT 13.00 -17.00 Sesi 3 - Tes Psikologi Online menggunakan komputer PC / Laptop Sesi 4 – Inventory Peran dalam Tim Sesi 5 – Inventory Kepribadian Waktu Kegiatan Keterangan (1) (2) (3) 08.00 – selesai Sesi 6 - Wawancara Kompetensi Online menggunakan aplikasi Zoom Meeting (Peserta masuk sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan) Rabu, 30 Agustus 2023 Kamis, 31 Agustus 2023
  • 14. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 15 Petunjuk Umum Akan di bagikan di WAG
  • 15. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. STANDARD KOMPETENSI MANAJERIAL (PermenPANRB No. 38 Tahun 2017) No Jabatan Manajerial Kompetensi JMLH Integritas Kerjasama Komunikasi Orientasi Pada Hasil Pelayanan Publik Pengembangan Diri dan Orang Lain Mengelola Perubahan Pengambilan Keputusan Perekat Kebangsaan 1 JF Madya 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 36 2 Administrator/Eselon 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27
  • 16. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. Standar Penilaian Pemetaan Kompetensi Manajerial dan Sosial Kultural (berdasarkan Peraturan BKN No. 26 Tahun 2019) 17
  • 17. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 18 Dokumentasi Kegiatan 2
  • 18. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 19 Pembentukkan Forum Group
  • 19. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 20 Kegiatan wawancara
  • 20. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 21 Monitoring Tes Psikologi
  • 21. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 22 Monitoring kegiatan dengan Zoom Meeting
  • 22. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. KAMERA PENGAWAS Ketentuan Kamera Pengawas • kamera pengawasan harus Memperlihatkan meja kerja dan layar pengerjaan. • Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan Virtual Backgroud (Zoom Kamera Pengawas maupun Zoom Kerja) • Kamera Pengawas harus dalam keadaaan on Video dan On Audio, agar tidak dengung mohon untuk speaker pada kamera pengawas di non aktifkan
  • 23. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 24
  • 24. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. PENGATURAN PENAMAAN Melakukan pengaturan nama ID (ID Zoom) dengan ketentuan sesuai DAFTAR NAMA YANG KAMI BERIKAN
  • 25. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 3 Hal-Hal yang Memerlukan Perhatian 26
  • 26. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 27 AGENDA PELAKSANAAN KETENTUAN PELAKSANAAN UJI KOMPETENSI JADWAL WAWANCARA PENGATURAN PENAMAAN Kelangkapan Tata Laksana Uji Kompetensi Kementerian Perdagangan
  • 27. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 28 Kesiapan Mesin dan Peralatan : 1. Perangkat Utama a. Komputer/laptop yang memadai. Disarankan komputer/laptop dengan procesor multicore (Core i3/i5/i7) atau yang setara dan dengan RAM 4GB; b. Webcam laptop atau USB webcam; c. Sudah terinstal aplikasi Ms Office (Word), browser Google Chrome atau Mozilla Firefox versi terbaru, Zoom Meeting versi terbaru. d. Pada aplikasi Ms Office fitur auto save diaktifkan dan di setting save autorecover setiap 2 menit. e. Memiliki program untuk membaca file pdf dan rar/zip 2. Perangkat Kamera Pengawas (Spesifikasi sama dg Perangkat Utama atau dengan Smartphone atau Laptop yang cukup reliable dan berfungsi dengan baik) 3. Tempat yang Representatif a. Ruangan yang terjaga ketenangannya dan tidak ada suara lain/tidak ada lalu lalang; b. Kondisi pencahayaan yang memadai (wajah dapat terlihat di kamera). 4. Koneksi Internet/Jaringan a) Koneksi internet yang memadai. Disarankan koneksi internet broadband (4G/LTE) dengan kecepatan download minimum 1,5 Mbps dan upload 0,5 Mbps; b) Untuk keamanan jaringan, tidak dianjurkan menggunakan jaringan publik (jaringan yang ada di tempat umum).
  • 28. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 29 Kesiapan Peserta : 1. Setiap peserta wajib mengikuti kegiatan mulai dari awal sampai selesai. 2. Kegiatan dilakukan secara daring, anda diwajibkan untuk bergabung dalam zoom meeting yang telah kami tentukan minimal sesuai yang telah kami tentukan pukul 07.00 WIB. Alamat zoom meeting akan kami informasi dalam forum group whatsapp. 3. Melakukan pengaturan nama ID (ID Zoom) dengan ketentuan sesuai daftar nama yang kami berikan, bagi nama yang tidak sesuai, tidak akan di admit atau ditahan dalam waiting room. 4. Peserta harus menyiapkan kamera pengawas yang dapat memperlihatkan meja kerja peserta serta layar computer/laptop/PC yang digunakan. Dengan ketentuan : video aktif dan audio aktif. (agar tidak terjadi dengung, mohon untuk speaker pada kamera pengawas di non aktifkan). 5. Video Zoom Meeting harus dalam keadaan aktif selama kegiatan pengerjaan tes berlangsung. 6. Para peserta boleh di damping oleh satu pendamping teknis, dan pendamping teknis hanya dapat membantu terkait dengan hal teknis kegiatan. 1. Menyiapkan ruang kerja peserta; 2. Menghubungkan ke zoom meeting serta pengaturan audio dan video; serta 3. Pengiriman hasil jawaban ke email. 7. Peserta diharapkan untuk tidak menggunakan perlengkapan yang sekiranya tidak dibutuhkan/ tidak berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan uji kompetensi dan potensi (hanya menggunakan PC/Komputer/Laptop yang terkoneksi dengan internet) dan menggangu konsentrasi dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan
  • 29. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. YANG HARUS DIPERHATIKAN: 1. Apabila mengalami hambatan atau masalah saat pengerjaan persoalan, silahkan untuk raise hand dan chat private kepada panitia SINERGI, kami akan melayani bapak dan ibu secara satu persatu di ruangan yg terpisah 2. Jika terjadi kendala /gangguan akibat tidak sesuainya spesifikasi perangkat utama atau jaringan internet, menjadi resiko dari peserta. 3. Mohon siapkan perangkat cadangan dan alat untuk mengakses jaringan internet sebagai cadangan.
  • 30. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. ❑ Asesor akan memberikan instruksi pada setiap sesinya ❑ Bapak/Ibu diharuskan mengunduh lembar jawab (MS.Word) di link yang akan kami share di forum chat dan mengkakses untuk persoalan-persoalannya di link tersebut. ❑ Asesor akan menjelaskan secara umum petunjuk pengerjaan setiap sesi( bapak/ibu dapat membaca scr mandiri) ❑ Setelah Aba – aba mulai terdengar, Bapak/Ibu diharapkan sudah memulai melakukan pengerjaan, dimulai dari : ❖ Melakukan rename file lembar jawab dengan Ketentuan penamaan file lembar jawab “Kode Peserta - nama lengkap - Sesi” (contoh : A01- JOKO SASONGKO - Nomor Sesi). ❖ Membaca Instruksi Khusus serta lembar persoalan di link. ❖ Melakukan pengerjaan tes.
  • 31. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 32 ❑ untuk dapat mengunduh lembar lembar jawabnya untuk sesi 1 – sesi 2. dan untuk membaca persoalan-persoalannya dengan menggunakan browser yang tersedia serta dapat langsung mengakses di forum chat zoom
  • 32. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 33
  • 33. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 34
  • 34. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. Sesi – Tes Psikologi 35
  • 35. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 36 Untuk kode akses/kode referensi akan diinfokan saat pelaksanaan tes
  • 36. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 37 Sesi 4 – Inventory kerja sama
  • 37. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 38 Sesi 5 – Kepribadian
  • 38. SINERGI Consulting Linking Strategy, People and Performance This material is sole property of SINERGI CONSULTING including its intellectual property rights, copyrights, and it should not be disclosed to any other party, photocopied or reproduced without permission. 39 BRIEFING Uji Kompetensi Manajerial dan Sosial Kultural Kementerian Perdagangan Jakarta, Agustus 2023 SINERGI CONSULTING TERIMAKASIH