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Translation of Nu Ke
Bai Wen
2016 DAOM of OCOM Capstone
presentation by Min-Hwa Lee
Title:Nu Ke Bai Wen
Book Title
Original Author: Zhong -Fu Qi
Publisher: Tiabjin Science and
Technology Press
Copyright Date: 2012 January
ISBN : 978-7-5308-2551-8
The book is split into two volumes. Dr. Qi summarized all
issues surrounding the female physiology, pathology,
menstrual cycle, leucorrhoea, pregnancy, and delivery
questions into one hundred questions. The first fifty questions
discuss general female physiology and pathology. The
second volume which started the question fifty-one till one
hundred discuss the pregnancy and postpartum care and
complication of postpartum.
When did the book
Nu Ke Bai Wen was written in 1220(
Song Dynasty) when the Chinese
medical initiated the department of
pediatrics and gynecology. Not only the
medical science, the common science
and technology in Song Dynasty was
extremely advance compare to Tang
Dynasty. The printing invention was
among the four major invention in the
Chinese history.
The history background of
this book
Not only the medical science, the
common science and technology in
Song Dynasty was extremely
advance compare to Tang Dynasty.
The printing invention was among
the four major invention in the
Chinese history.
Why does the translation matter?
Translating a text is a journey that facilitates learning and sharing information with
other people. Therefore, this project was just the beginning of a journey for me to
learn, and maybe share some ancient Chinese scholars wisdom to my peers.
I got the inspiration from an ancient famous translator,Xuan Zang (c.602-664). He
was a Buddhist monk, translator, and traveler in the Tang dynasty. Xuan Zang had
done seventeen-year hiking trip from China to India on the Silk Road. The story
was recorded in the book, Great Tang Records on the Western Regions. In his
lifetime, he translated 657 Sanskrit Buddhist texts. Without his dedication and
passion, we would not understand the wisdom left from Buddha.
Chinese Medicine origins from China. All the ancient texts were only written in
ancient Chinese. Therefore, translation plays a part to pass down the discovery
and understanding of Chinese Medicine based on personal practice.
Why is this book chosen ?
Earlier books, such as the Jin Gui Yao Lue and Qiao Jin Yao
Fang were published previously, but they only mentioned a
chapter for women's health. Also, there are a few books that
discuss women’s problems. However, Dr. Qi considered them as
not systematically written and simplistic. Also, he thought some
books were only based on the theoretical use of formulas. Many
of these earlier books were not designed for practical use. He
wrote this book based on his long-term practice in gynecology
and research from the Huang Di Nei Jing
In my practice, I see more female than male clients. Therefore,
having a booklet that provides information on the physiology,
pathology, and treatment method would be helpful in my
practice. This small, ancient book answers most of my questions
relating with women, and provides practical herbal formulas.
Zhong-Fu Qi wrote the book in 1220 AC, in the period of Song
Dynasty in Chinese history. Dr. Qi worked as internal medicine
doctor in the military and professor in the Song royal medical
department. Furthermore, he worked for the Department of
Gynecology for the Royal Hospital (Tai Yi Yen). The book was
completed on the 13th of Jia Ding of the Southern Song
He lived in the period when the nation began to divide the medical from nine departments into
thirteen departments and managed by Tai Yi Ju (Highest Medical Office). The thirteen
departments include adult, pediatric, wind, eye, ear, trauma and fractures, swollen sore or boil,
trauma associated with weapons, women disorders including obstetrics, mouth and teeth, throat
and larynx, acupuncture, and forbidden department.
Background of the author
Huang Di Nei Jing was written around 475-221 BC
Shennong Bencao was written around 200-400 AC.
Jin Gui Yao Lue and Qiao Jin Yao Fang were published around AC 220; but they only
mentioned a chapter for women's health.
Also, the first printing women’s health book, Jing Xiao Chan Bao, was published in AC
Fu Ren Liang Feng Da Quan" (The Complete Collection of Prescriptions for Women or
Fine Formulae for Women) written in AC 1236
Compare with previous texts
Who had ever translated this book? Why did
they choose this book?
A commentary of this book was written by Feng Juan Han and Jin
Yang. Han is the descendant of one of the National Elder Chinese
Medicine doctors, noted the use of the formula Hu Po San by her
teacher. In one ectopic pregnancy case who had a low blood platelet
count that made surgery inadvisable, Her teacher made a suggestion to
use a famulae Hu Po San from this book, Two days later, the patient’s
condition was resolved. Surprisingly, Hu Po San treated ectopic
pregnancy successfully, and impressed the researchers. In the 1970s.
One of the doctors had clinic specializing in Gynecology Oncology who
used Hu Po San as pattern formulae to treat gynecological cancer
patients. Since then, the gynecology department of their hospital still
uses this formula. Hu Po San is listed in the 8th and 25th question,
which discusses abdominal pain and bleeding disorders.
Due to this book listing at least two formulae for one symptoms, it is very helpful to use as
reference book to treat women health.
Examples of translation:
第六問 經候或前或後多寡不定
Question 6: Why is the menstrual cycle either early or late, or vary in amount?
答曰:夫婦人病,多是月經乍多乍少,或前或後,時發疼痛。醫者一例呼為經病,不曾 說得是陰勝陽,
Answer: The female diseases mostly are heavy/scanty bleeding, early/late, or painful
menstruation. Most practitioners collectively call them jing {menstrual} diseases, never thinking of
these two conditions: yin overacting on yang and yang overacting on yin. Therefore, the results
are often poor. First, if the yin overacts on yang, then the uterus is cold, and blood is unable to
transport the nutrients. It is similar to the weather during winter, when the water freezes.
Consequently, the menstrual flow will be scanty and late.
Secondly, if the yang overacts on the yin, then the blood will overflow. It is comparable to the
weather during a hot summer, when the water overflows. As a result, the menstrual flow will be
heavy and early. The former two conditions should be treated using the even strategy: balancing
of the yin and yang, and moving the qi and blood.
When yang qi overacts on yin, the menstrual flow is heavy.
Dang Gui Yin , Suppress yang and tonifies yin, and nourish the jing {meridian} and
mai {vessels}.
當歸(去蘆微炒) 熟地(淨洗酒蒸焙乾) 川芎 白芍 黃芩(小半) 白朮(各等分)
{Ingredients} : Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix) (remove stems, slightly
dry-frying), Shu Di Huang( Rehmanniae Radix Preparata) (steam with wine and
baking until dry), Chung Xiong ( Chuanxiong Rhizoma), Bai Shao ( Paeoniae Radix
Alba), Huang Qin (half of the dose), Bai Shu ( equal proportion)
Chen Xiang Jiang Qi Tang: It moves the flow of qi in the pathway, and unblocks the
qi in the vessels.
烏藥 沉香 香附 甘草 砂仁(各等分)
{Ingredients} :Wu Yao, Chen Xiang, Xiang Fu, Can Cao, Sha Ren (equal proportion).
[Instructions} : Grind into fine powder. Measure 2 qian (≈6 g) of each ingredient, and
drink with salty water before meals.
When the yin qi overacts yang, the menstrual flow is scanty.
Qi Wu Tang. It treats women with a combination of ying qi {nutritive qi} and wei qi
{defensive qi} deficiency, which results in both late menstruation and abdominal
pain with either heavy or scanty flow.
當歸 芎 白芍 莪朮川薑 熟地(酒蒸焙乾) 木香(各等分)
{Ingredients}: Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix), Chuan Xiong, Bai Shao (
Paeoniae Radix Alba), E Zhu, Chuan Jiang, Shu Di Huang( Rehmanniae Radix
Preparata)(steamed with wine and baked until dry), Mu Xiang (all in equal
{Instructions}: Grind into rough powder. Each unit is 4 qian ; cook with a pot of
water into 80%. Take when it is warm anytime of the day.
Zi Shi Ying Wan : Treat women with scanty menstrual blood, or delayed
menstruation, or with menstrual abdominal pain.
紫石英(水研飛) 禹餘糧(燒醋淬) 人參 龍骨 川烏頭(泡去皮尖臍) 桂心(不見火) 杜仲
(去皮薑製炒黑) 桑寄生 五味子 遠志(去心) 澤瀉 當歸(去蘆) 石斛(去根酒炒)蓯蓉(酒
浸洗) 乾薑(炮各一兩) 甘草(炙半兩) 川椒(去目並合口炒地上出汗 ) 牡蠣(固濟火燒通
{ Ingredients}:
Zi Shi Ying ( grinding with water), Yu Yu Liang ( quenching with vinegar), Ren
Shen, Long Gu, Chuan Wu Tou ( soaking with water to remove skin ) Rou Gui (
raw), Du Zhong ( remove skin and frying with ginger until black), Sang Ji Sheng,
Wu Wei Zi, Yuan Zi ( remove core), Ze Lan, Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix)
( remove stem), Shi Hu ( remove root, frying with wine), Rou Cong Rong ( Soaking
with wine) , Gan Jiang ( quick-frying 1 liang each)
{ Instruction}: Grind into fine powder, mix with honey and make into pills as big as
the size of black pepper. Take 30-60 pills with rice soup before meal.
Above is the formula for seeking for pregnancy.
Jin Hua San: Treat women fever after menstruation bleeding, flooding and spotting ,bitter taste in the mouth
and dry tongue. and menstrual cycle blockage. They all can take it.
玄胡索 瞿麥 當歸 牡丹皮 石膏(二兩) 干葛(各一兩) 蒲黃(半兩) 桂心 威靈仙(各三分凡方中云一分者二錢五分
{Ingredients}: Yan Hu So, Qu Mai, Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix), Mu Dan Pi, Shi Gao ( 2 liang) ,Ge
Gen ( 1 laing each ), Pu Huang ( 0.5 liang), Rou Gui, Wei Ling Xian ( 3 feng )
Grind them into rough powder. Each unit is 2 qian, cook with a pot of water and 3 pieces of ginger into 60%
left over. Take it before meal.
This formula is from the head judge of Yang Sheng Xi.
Tong Jing Wan: Treat women with menstrual cycle blockage, pain, or bloody
masses in the abdomen.
桂心(不見火) 青皮(去白) 大黃(炮) 乾薑 川椒(炒去目) 莪朮 川烏(泡去皮尖) 干漆(炒
去煙出) 當歸 桃仁(炒去皮尖以上各等分 )
{ Ingredients}:
Rou Gui ( raw), Qing Pi ( remove the white part), Da Huang ( quick-frying), Gan
Jiang , Chuan Jiao ( dry-frying ), Er Zhu, Chuan Wu ( soak and remove skin), Gan
Qi ( dry(frying until smoky) , Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix), Tao Ren (
dry-frying and remove skin, equal proportion)
{ Instruction} : Grind into fine powder, ⅖ cook with vinegar into paste and mix with
the rest of powder into pills as the size of the black pepper. Let it sit to be air dry.
Take 20 -30 pills before meal with rice soup or warm wine.
Wu Ling Zhi Wan:Treat menstruation bleeding can’t stop. It is rescue and relief formula.
{ Ingredient}:
Wu Ling Zi powder . dry-frying until it smokes. Each unit is 2 qian. Cook with 2 pieces of Dang Gui (
Angelicae Sinensis Radix) , a pot of wine until 60% left over. Remove pulps and drink it when it is
warm. Take 3 units and it will get result. If dry blood in the uterus, then modify with vinegar to wine to
cook until 70% left over. Take it warm with the pulps.
Wen Jing Tang : Treat Ren and Chong meridian deficiency, irregular menstruation, either heavy
bleeding or dripping, or delayed cycle, or flooding. Also, it can treat damage pregnancy and then
blood stagnated. Furthermore, it can treat acute abdominal pain, diarrhea with fever, heat on the
palms, dry lips and mouth and lower abdomen cold,and infertility.
丹皮 阿膠(碎炒) 當歸(去蘆) 人參(去蘆) 川芎 甘草(炒) 肉桂(去粗皮) 芍藥(各二兩) 半夏(各湯洗七
次二兩半) 吳茱萸(三兩) 麥門冬(去心五兩半)
{Ingredients}: Mu Dan Pi, Er Jiao, Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix), Ren Shen, Chuan
Xiong, Gan Cao, Rou Gui, Shao Yao( 2 liang each), Ban Xia( 2.5 liang), Wu Zhu Yi ( 3 Laing ),
Mai Men Dong ( 5.5 liang)
Grind into rough powder. Each unit is 3 qian ; cook with 1.5 pot of water into 80% left over.
Remove pulps and take the warm herbal soup before meal
1. Song, Yong Mei and Song, Chang Hong edited, Vo Nu Ke Bai Wen, Tianjin, Tianjin Science and Technology press, 2012
2. Han, Feng Jan and Yang, Jing, Nu Ke Bai Wen Commentary, Beijing: People’s Military Medical Press, 2011
3. Scheid, Volker, Bensky, Dan, Ellis, Andres, and Barolet, Randall, Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas and Strategies 2nd
Seattle, Eastland Press, 2009
4. Bensky, Dan,Clavey, Steven, and Stoger, Erich, Chinese herbal medicine Materia Medica 3rd
edition, Seattle, Eastland Press, 2004
5. staff, Chinese Medicine, Old Book, Women Book, Nu Ke Bai Wen., Accessed March 15, 2015

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Book report

  • 1. Translation of Nu Ke Bai Wen 2016 DAOM of OCOM Capstone presentation by Min-Hwa Lee
  • 2. Title:Nu Ke Bai Wen Book Title Original Author: Zhong -Fu Qi Publisher: Tiabjin Science and Technology Press Copyright Date: 2012 January ISBN : 978-7-5308-2551-8
  • 3. Summary The book is split into two volumes. Dr. Qi summarized all issues surrounding the female physiology, pathology, menstrual cycle, leucorrhoea, pregnancy, and delivery questions into one hundred questions. The first fifty questions discuss general female physiology and pathology. The second volume which started the question fifty-one till one hundred discuss the pregnancy and postpartum care and complication of postpartum.
  • 4. Setting When did the book completed? Nu Ke Bai Wen was written in 1220( Song Dynasty) when the Chinese medical initiated the department of pediatrics and gynecology. Not only the medical science, the common science and technology in Song Dynasty was extremely advance compare to Tang Dynasty. The printing invention was among the four major invention in the Chinese history. The history background of this book Not only the medical science, the common science and technology in Song Dynasty was extremely advance compare to Tang Dynasty. The printing invention was among the four major invention in the Chinese history.
  • 5. Why does the translation matter? Translating a text is a journey that facilitates learning and sharing information with other people. Therefore, this project was just the beginning of a journey for me to learn, and maybe share some ancient Chinese scholars wisdom to my peers. I got the inspiration from an ancient famous translator,Xuan Zang (c.602-664). He was a Buddhist monk, translator, and traveler in the Tang dynasty. Xuan Zang had done seventeen-year hiking trip from China to India on the Silk Road. The story was recorded in the book, Great Tang Records on the Western Regions. In his lifetime, he translated 657 Sanskrit Buddhist texts. Without his dedication and passion, we would not understand the wisdom left from Buddha. Chinese Medicine origins from China. All the ancient texts were only written in ancient Chinese. Therefore, translation plays a part to pass down the discovery and understanding of Chinese Medicine based on personal practice.
  • 6. Why is this book chosen ? Earlier books, such as the Jin Gui Yao Lue and Qiao Jin Yao Fang were published previously, but they only mentioned a chapter for women's health. Also, there are a few books that discuss women’s problems. However, Dr. Qi considered them as not systematically written and simplistic. Also, he thought some books were only based on the theoretical use of formulas. Many of these earlier books were not designed for practical use. He wrote this book based on his long-term practice in gynecology and research from the Huang Di Nei Jing In my practice, I see more female than male clients. Therefore, having a booklet that provides information on the physiology, pathology, and treatment method would be helpful in my practice. This small, ancient book answers most of my questions relating with women, and provides practical herbal formulas.
  • 7. Zhong-Fu Qi wrote the book in 1220 AC, in the period of Song Dynasty in Chinese history. Dr. Qi worked as internal medicine doctor in the military and professor in the Song royal medical department. Furthermore, he worked for the Department of Gynecology for the Royal Hospital (Tai Yi Yen). The book was completed on the 13th of Jia Ding of the Southern Song Dynasty. He lived in the period when the nation began to divide the medical from nine departments into thirteen departments and managed by Tai Yi Ju (Highest Medical Office). The thirteen departments include adult, pediatric, wind, eye, ear, trauma and fractures, swollen sore or boil, trauma associated with weapons, women disorders including obstetrics, mouth and teeth, throat and larynx, acupuncture, and forbidden department. Background of the author
  • 8. Huang Di Nei Jing was written around 475-221 BC Shennong Bencao was written around 200-400 AC. Jin Gui Yao Lue and Qiao Jin Yao Fang were published around AC 220; but they only mentioned a chapter for women's health. Also, the first printing women’s health book, Jing Xiao Chan Bao, was published in AC 852. Fu Ren Liang Feng Da Quan" (The Complete Collection of Prescriptions for Women or Fine Formulae for Women) written in AC 1236 Compare with previous texts
  • 9. Who had ever translated this book? Why did they choose this book? A commentary of this book was written by Feng Juan Han and Jin Yang. Han is the descendant of one of the National Elder Chinese Medicine doctors, noted the use of the formula Hu Po San by her teacher. In one ectopic pregnancy case who had a low blood platelet count that made surgery inadvisable, Her teacher made a suggestion to use a famulae Hu Po San from this book, Two days later, the patient’s condition was resolved. Surprisingly, Hu Po San treated ectopic pregnancy successfully, and impressed the researchers. In the 1970s. One of the doctors had clinic specializing in Gynecology Oncology who used Hu Po San as pattern formulae to treat gynecological cancer patients. Since then, the gynecology department of their hospital still uses this formula. Hu Po San is listed in the 8th and 25th question, which discusses abdominal pain and bleeding disorders. Due to this book listing at least two formulae for one symptoms, it is very helpful to use as reference book to treat women health.
  • 10. Examples of translation: 第六問 經候或前或後多寡不定 Question 6: Why is the menstrual cycle either early or late, or vary in amount? 答曰:夫婦人病,多是月經乍多乍少,或前或後,時發疼痛。醫者一例呼為經病,不曾 說得是陰勝陽, 是陽勝陰,所以服藥少得有效。蓋陰氣盛乘陽,則胞寒氣冷。血不營運,經所謂天寒地凍,水凝成冰, 故令乍少而在月後。 Answer: The female diseases mostly are heavy/scanty bleeding, early/late, or painful menstruation. Most practitioners collectively call them jing {menstrual} diseases, never thinking of these two conditions: yin overacting on yang and yang overacting on yin. Therefore, the results are often poor. First, if the yin overacts on yang, then the uterus is cold, and blood is unable to transport the nutrients. It is similar to the weather during winter, when the water freezes. Consequently, the menstrual flow will be scanty and late. 若陽氣盛乘陰,則血流散溢。經所謂天暑地熱,經水沸溢,故令乍多而在月前,當和其陰陽,調其氣 血,以平為福。陽氣勝陰。月假多者, Secondly, if the yang overacts on the yin, then the blood will overflow. It is comparable to the weather during a hot summer, when the water overflows. As a result, the menstrual flow will be heavy and early. The former two conditions should be treated using the even strategy: balancing of the yin and yang, and moving the qi and blood. When yang qi overacts on yin, the menstrual flow is heavy.
  • 11. 當歸飲,抑陽助陰。調理經脈。 Dang Gui Yin , Suppress yang and tonifies yin, and nourish the jing {meridian} and mai {vessels}. 當歸(去蘆微炒) 熟地(淨洗酒蒸焙乾) 川芎 白芍 黃芩(小半) 白朮(各等分) 上為粗末,每服三錢,水盞半煎至八分。食前熱服。 {Ingredients} : Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix) (remove stems, slightly dry-frying), Shu Di Huang( Rehmanniae Radix Preparata) (steam with wine and baking until dry), Chung Xiong ( Chuanxiong Rhizoma), Bai Shao ( Paeoniae Radix Alba), Huang Qin (half of the dose), Bai Shu ( equal proportion) 沉香降氣湯,順氣道。通氣脈。 Chen Xiang Jiang Qi Tang: It moves the flow of qi in the pathway, and unblocks the qi in the vessels. 烏藥 沉香 香附 甘草 砂仁(各等分) 上為細末,每服二錢。空心鹽湯調下。 {Ingredients} :Wu Yao, Chen Xiang, Xiang Fu, Can Cao, Sha Ren (equal proportion). [Instructions} : Grind into fine powder. Measure 2 qian (≈6 g) of each ingredient, and drink with salty water before meals.
  • 12. 陰氣勝陽,月假少者, When the yin qi overacts yang, the menstrual flow is scanty. 七物湯。治婦人營衛氣虛。經水愆期,或多或少而腹痛。 Qi Wu Tang. It treats women with a combination of ying qi {nutritive qi} and wei qi {defensive qi} deficiency, which results in both late menstruation and abdominal pain with either heavy or scanty flow. 當歸 芎 白芍 莪朮川薑 熟地(酒蒸焙乾) 木香(各等分) 上為粗末,每服四錢,水一盞煎八分。溫服不拘時。 {Ingredients}: Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix), Chuan Xiong, Bai Shao ( Paeoniae Radix Alba), E Zhu, Chuan Jiang, Shu Di Huang( Rehmanniae Radix Preparata)(steamed with wine and baked until dry), Mu Xiang (all in equal proportion) {Instructions}: Grind into rough powder. Each unit is 4 qian ; cook with a pot of water into 80%. Take when it is warm anytime of the day.
  • 13. 紫石英丸,治婦人病多是月經乍少,或在月後。時發疼痛。 Zi Shi Ying Wan : Treat women with scanty menstrual blood, or delayed menstruation, or with menstrual abdominal pain. 紫石英(水研飛) 禹餘糧(燒醋淬) 人參 龍骨 川烏頭(泡去皮尖臍) 桂心(不見火) 杜仲 (去皮薑製炒黑) 桑寄生 五味子 遠志(去心) 澤瀉 當歸(去蘆) 石斛(去根酒炒)蓯蓉(酒 浸洗) 乾薑(炮各一兩) 甘草(炙半兩) 川椒(去目並合口炒地上出汗 ) 牡蠣(固濟火燒通 紅各半兩) 上為細末,煉蜜為丸。梧桐子大。空心米飲下三十丸。至五六十丸。 { Ingredients}: Zi Shi Ying ( grinding with water), Yu Yu Liang ( quenching with vinegar), Ren Shen, Long Gu, Chuan Wu Tou ( soaking with water to remove skin ) Rou Gui ( raw), Du Zhong ( remove skin and frying with ginger until black), Sang Ji Sheng, Wu Wei Zi, Yuan Zi ( remove core), Ze Lan, Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix) ( remove stem), Shi Hu ( remove root, frying with wine), Rou Cong Rong ( Soaking with wine) , Gan Jiang ( quick-frying 1 liang each) { Instruction}: Grind into fine powder, mix with honey and make into pills as big as the size of black pepper. Take 30-60 pills with rice soup before meal. 以上無求子方。 Above is the formula for seeking for pregnancy.
  • 14. 金華散,治婦人經血後熱。崩漏不止。口苦舌乾。經候不通。並宜服之。 Jin Hua San: Treat women fever after menstruation bleeding, flooding and spotting ,bitter taste in the mouth and dry tongue. and menstrual cycle blockage. They all can take it. 玄胡索 瞿麥 當歸 牡丹皮 石膏(二兩) 干葛(各一兩) 蒲黃(半兩) 桂心 威靈仙(各三分凡方中云一分者二錢五分 也) {Ingredients}: Yan Hu So, Qu Mai, Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix), Mu Dan Pi, Shi Gao ( 2 liang) ,Ge Gen ( 1 laing each ), Pu Huang ( 0.5 liang), Rou Gui, Wei Ling Xian ( 3 feng ) 上為粗末,每服二錢,水一盞,薑三片。煎至六分。空心服。 {Instruction}: Grind them into rough powder. Each unit is 2 qian, cook with a pot of water and 3 pieces of ginger into 60% left over. Take it before meal. 以上養生席判官方 This formula is from the head judge of Yang Sheng Xi.
  • 15. 通經丸。治婦人室女月候不通。疼痛,或成血瘕 Tong Jing Wan: Treat women with menstrual cycle blockage, pain, or bloody masses in the abdomen. 桂心(不見火) 青皮(去白) 大黃(炮) 乾薑 川椒(炒去目) 莪朮 川烏(泡去皮尖) 干漆(炒 去煙出) 當歸 桃仁(炒去皮尖以上各等分 ) { Ingredients}: Rou Gui ( raw), Qing Pi ( remove the white part), Da Huang ( quick-frying), Gan Jiang , Chuan Jiao ( dry-frying ), Er Zhu, Chuan Wu ( soak and remove skin), Gan Qi ( dry(frying until smoky) , Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix), Tao Ren ( dry-frying and remove skin, equal proportion) 上為細末,將四分用米醋熬成膏。和餘六分末。成劑。臼中治之。丸如桐子大。陰乾, 每服二十丸。空心食前米飲湯下。加至三十丸。溫酒亦得。 { Instruction} : Grind into fine powder, ⅖ cook with vinegar into paste and mix with the rest of powder into pills as the size of the black pepper. Let it sit to be air dry. Take 20 -30 pills before meal with rice soup or warm wine.
  • 16. 五靈脂散。治經候不止。拯濟方。 Wu Ling Zhi Wan:Treat menstruation bleeding can’t stop. It is rescue and relief formula. 五靈脂為末。炒令過熟出盡煙,每服二錢。當歸二片。酒一中盞。煎至六分,去滓熱服。連三服立效,如 血室有乾血。用醋一盞煎七分。和滓空心熱服。 { Ingredient}: Wu Ling Zi powder . dry-frying until it smokes. Each unit is 2 qian. Cook with 2 pieces of Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix) , a pot of wine until 60% left over. Remove pulps and drink it when it is warm. Take 3 units and it will get result. If dry blood in the uterus, then modify with vinegar to wine to cook until 70% left over. Take it warm with the pulps.
  • 17. 溫經湯治衝任虛損。月候不調,或來多不斷,或過期不來,或崩中去血。過多不止。又治曾經損孕。 瘀血停留。少腹急痛。發熱下利。手掌煩熱。唇乾口燥。及少腹有寒。久不受胎。 Wen Jing Tang : Treat Ren and Chong meridian deficiency, irregular menstruation, either heavy bleeding or dripping, or delayed cycle, or flooding. Also, it can treat damage pregnancy and then blood stagnated. Furthermore, it can treat acute abdominal pain, diarrhea with fever, heat on the palms, dry lips and mouth and lower abdomen cold,and infertility. 丹皮 阿膠(碎炒) 當歸(去蘆) 人參(去蘆) 川芎 甘草(炒) 肉桂(去粗皮) 芍藥(各二兩) 半夏(各湯洗七 次二兩半) 吳茱萸(三兩) 麥門冬(去心五兩半) {Ingredients}: Mu Dan Pi, Er Jiao, Dang Gui ( Angelicae Sinensis Radix), Ren Shen, Chuan Xiong, Gan Cao, Rou Gui, Shao Yao( 2 liang each), Ban Xia( 2.5 liang), Wu Zhu Yi ( 3 Laing ), Mai Men Dong ( 5.5 liang) 上為粗末,每服三錢,水一盞半。生薑五片。煎八分,去滓。空心食前熱服。 {Instruction} Grind into rough powder. Each unit is 3 qian ; cook with 1.5 pot of water into 80% left over. Remove pulps and take the warm herbal soup before meal
  • 18. Reference: 1. Song, Yong Mei and Song, Chang Hong edited, Vo Nu Ke Bai Wen, Tianjin, Tianjin Science and Technology press, 2012 2. Han, Feng Jan and Yang, Jing, Nu Ke Bai Wen Commentary, Beijing: People’s Military Medical Press, 2011 3. Scheid, Volker, Bensky, Dan, Ellis, Andres, and Barolet, Randall, Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas and Strategies 2nd edition, Seattle, Eastland Press, 2009 4. Bensky, Dan,Clavey, Steven, and Stoger, Erich, Chinese herbal medicine Materia Medica 3rd edition, Seattle, Eastland Press, 2004 5. staff, Chinese Medicine, Old Book, Women Book, Nu Ke Bai Wen., Accessed March 15, 2015