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NICK enters his house, looking bedraggled and tired, dumping
his keys on his table and heading into the kitchen. He
presses the on switch on the radio.
And good morning London, that was
"Summertime Sadness" by the
wonderfully talented Lana Del Ray.
Its 7:50 pm and you're listening to
Break Radio, I'm your evening host
Derek Cross, wishing you all a
beautiful evening!
NICK bends down to his freezer, getting out a ready meal and
shoving it lazily into the microwave. The house is quiet,
all but the radio and micro wave making a sound. NICK turns
to leave to the living room, but is stopped by the sound of
his phone vibrating. He pulls his phone out of his pocket,
sighing as he looks exhausted at the phone reading the text
message as he moves to turn off the microwave and head to
the door.NICK sighs, hanging up and stuffing his phone into
his pocket, grabbing his keys and heading out the door.
We're going to kick off our evening
with show with a new tune.
NICK enters his mothers house , a dull looking place, moving
quickly through into the living room, his mother, KAREN,
sitting down on her arm chair in tears, holding a letter in
her hand. A graduation photo of NICK and KAREN upon the wall
behind her. NICK sits down next to her, holding her hand and
beginning to comfort her. NICK takes the letter, reading it
over and looking sad.
NICK sitting down at KAREN'S kitchen table, wearing glasses
and studying bills in front of him. KAREN is standing next
to the kettle making a cup of tea. AMY comes downstairs in
her pyjamas, entering the kitchen and coming to greet KAREN,
who kisses her affectionately on top of the head. AMY smiles
at KAREN, moving to NICK to wrap her arms around his neck,
NICK seems happy to see AMY, but is also extremely busy with
sorting the bills out. NICK remains still on the table,
reading the papers infront of him, whislt KAREN and AMY move
about the kitchen making their breakfast and chatting away.
NICK is at home in bed, sleeping peacefully in his quiet
house. His phone lights off, AMY ringing him, he wakes up,
picking up his phone and groggily answering it. He reaches
for a light turning it on as he begins to climb out of bed.
NICK climbs into bed looking extremely tired, bags under his
eyes, messy hair. He closes his eyes, attempting to fall
asleep before his phone lights up and begins ringing. He
rolls over grabbing it and immediately getting out of bed as
he answers the phone.
AMY opens the door to a happy looking NICK, holding two
grocery bags. She hugs him tightly and welcomes him in,
chatting away whilst NICK slowly walks into the kitchen,.
KAREN rushing to take the bags off him and placing them on
the counter. AMY leaves the room for a few seconds, before
dragging her BOYFRIEND with her and introducing him to NICK.
BOYFRIEND seems uncaring as NICK shakes his hand,
scrutinising him, but he smiles weakly after seeing how
happy AMY seems to be.
KAREN and AMY are sitting on the sofa. BOYFRIEND is standing
against the wall, seeming uncaring and uninvolved. NICK
enters the living room with a cake, number candles read
'50'. NICK sets the cake infront of his mother, NICK and AMY
singing happy birthday too her as she blows out her candles,
pulling NICK down into a hug.
NICK walks down the street, looking tired and checking his
watch as he yawns, bumping straight into the young woman
infront of him. The young woman, KELLY, drops her bag, the
contents spilling on the road. Both NICK and KELLY bend to
the floor, gathering all their items until their hands
touch, making them look up at each other and laugh
NICK and KELLY are sitting down having a romantic meal, they
are clearly enjoying each other's company and NICK seems
more relaxed and happy. NICK's phone rings, causing him to
frown and apologise to KELLY as he gets up to answer it. He
sighs, nodding to the person on the phone as he turns back
to KELLY, who smiles at him, getting up out of her chair.
BOYFRIEND storms past NICK in the hallway with AMY following
in tears. NICK grabs onto AMY holding her back whilst KAREN
stands at the other end of the corrider crying and looking
worried, before turning away into the kitchen. NICK turns
AMY to face him, hugging her tightly as she cries.
NICK and KELLY walk down the park, her arms wrapped around
one of his as they chat happily. NICK smiles down to her as
she talks, before pulling away as his phone rings again.
KELLY smiles weakly, taking a step back as he stands back
nodding as he speaks on the phone before smiling back at
KELLY, moving to put his arm around her and continue their
KAREN opens the door to NICK and KELLY, taking NICK quickly
in her arms before being introduced to KELLY, shaking her
hand, then pulling her into a hug and giving her a kiss on
her cheek. KAREN leads them both into the living room,
introducting KELLY to AMY and her BOYFRIEND.
AMY and KAREN are sitting on the sofa, KELLY is standing out
the way as NICK brings in a birthday cake with "51" candle
on it.
NICK and KELLY are both asleep. They are woken by NICK'S
phone, KELLY tries to stop him from answering, but NICK
still feels he has to pick up the phone. KELLY rolls over
and goes back to sleep.
NICK and KELLY are sitting with AMY and her BOYFRIEND,
showing off her new engagement ring. NICK and KELLY seem
excited for them both, whilst KAREN stands at the side
looking displeased.
KELLY is comforting AMY, whilst NICK is arguing with her
BOYFRIEND, over his treatment of her.
NICK and KELLY are sitting on the sofa, NICK is doing bills,
whilst KELLY is relaxed reading a book. She tries to get
involved with NICK, but he is inturrupted by his phone once
KAREN opens the door to NICK holding groceries, smiling
weakly at his mother as she lets him in. AMY and her
BOYFRIEND are arguing in the background. (SEVERAL DOR SHOTS)
KELLY and NICK sit with AMY and her BOYFRIEND as she shows
them her pregnancy test and they congratulate her.
KELLY and NICK walk home, holding hands as KELLY happily
puts her head on NICK'S shoulder.
KAREN and a quite pregnant AMY sit on the sofa. AMY's
BOYFRIEND, stands against the wall looking bored. KELLY
enters with the cake, candles reading "52". NICK walks
closely behind her, his hands on her waist.
NICK is comforting a heavily pregnant AMY who is crying,
explaining how her BOYFRIEND has left her, taking off her
engagement ring.
NICK walks quickly down the street, his arms swinging gently
by his side. He seems relaxed and enjoying his peaceful
quiet walk down his road. He lifts his right hand bending
his wrist to look down at the silver watch. 8:30. He walks
to the edge of the road, looking left and right, before
slowly stepping off the kirb. Nick walks across the road,
his phone beginning to ring, a bland ringtone sounding out.
He looks down at the phone, "Mum Mobile". He frowns, sighing
as he presses accepts the call lifting it to his ear.
Mum? What's up?... What about her?
Is she alright?!...What?!...
NICK looks back down to his watch, the back across the road
towards his house.
Alright, alright! Just... I need to
quickly pop home and grab something
NICK frowns, keeping his eyes on his watch as he steps onto
the road.
I will I w-
NICK Stops dead in the road, staring wide eyed at the
oncoming car. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes
The radio is still playing the song as it comes to its end,
the RADIO DJ speaking over it.
And that was "Seasons in the Sun"
DEREK'S voice is faded as the titles appear, the scene
fading out, leaving only the words "Seasons in the Sun".
NICK opens his eyes slowly, staring back to where the
oncoming car was. Its no long coming towards him. He blinks,
grimacing as he turns his aching neck. He brings his arm up
slowly, looking down at his watch. 8:30. He looks behind
him, the car is now stopped in the middle of the road. The
FEMALE DRIVER of the car steps out, breathing heavily, her
whole body shaking as she clings on her car to move around
to the front.
Oh god!
NICK steps towards the car calling out for the FEMALE
Is everything alright miss?
The FEMALE DRIVER ignores him making her way around to the
front of her car, bursting into loud cries. From across the
road a couple are beginning to rush to the front of the car.
The man drops to the floor infront of the car, dropping out
of NICK'S view.
(To his wife.)
Janet! Janet call an ambulence.
Janet looks shaken and pale, she digs her hand into her
pocket pulling out her phone and dialling quickly onto it
shoving it to her ear.
Oh god... Pi- Yes. Yes... Um,
ambulance please, there's been an
accident. He's bleeding out... A
car! He was hit by a car!... I
don't know him, we were just pass-
JANET looks up and down the road, looking past NICK.
Yes... Yes, it's um, Woodford
road.. Oh thank you... Please,
yes... Hurry please.
JANET stuff her phone into her pocket, dropping down by her
husbands side. NICK walks closer, looking over at the YOUNG
MAN standing at the side of the road, looking like he could
be sick any moment.
Hey. Hey! You alright there?!
The YOUNG MAN doesn't seem to respond to NICK. Staring in
horror at the front of the car. NICK frowns, growing with
concern and confusion as he walks closer. He stops as the
front of the car comes into view, dropping his phone and
briefcase to the floor, both getting not even a scratch on
them. In front of the car is NICK'S BODY, covered in blood,
pale skinned and unmoving. NICK stumbles backwards tripping
up th kirb, his eyes kept on the sight of his motionless
The FEMALE DRIVER stares down at NICK'S BODY.
I swear. It was an accident! He
came out of nowhere!
Just calm down, and don't touch
him! The paramedics should be here
NICK stares in horror across the road, unable to speak or
move. Staring blankly at the people surrounding his BODY.
Is there anything on him to contact
his family?
(Pointing to broken phone in
the road.)
Can't try his phone, broken.
NICK looks over at his phone, patting himself down quickly,
his eyes darting between his broken phone, and the phone he
dropped only seconds ago. He quickly looks back to his
watch, 8:30, then back over to his BODY, the watch on his
wrist shattered. NICK brings his hands into his hair,
hyperventalating as he sits upon the kirb. He stays still
and quiet for a few moments, before looking up, his face
full of worry.
NICK staggers to his feet, looking back over at his BODY,
covering his mouth as he heaves. He grabs hold of a lampost,
bending over as he retches, though nothing happens. NICK
wipes his mouth anyway, standing himself up, eyes still
filled with tears. He closes his eyes shaking his head.
You have to get to Kelly.
NICK grimaces, turning from the scene, breaking into a run
down the street.
NICK runs fast through the streets, shaking his head as he
mutters to himself.
Its not true. This can't be right.
Everything will be fine. Kelly will
sort it.
NICK looks around at people as they passed, their clothing
and faces bright and lively, but none of them seem to take
any notice as he runs down the street. NICK runs down
several streets, passing different people, until he reaches
KELLY'S house.
NICK stops outside KELLY'S house staring up at her door for
a few seconds. Before charging to the front door, pounding
his fist loudly upon it.
KELLY sits on her sofa, wrapped in a blanket, a tissue in
one hand, a picture of NICK in the other. She's weeping
quietly, staring at the photograph of NICK. A faint noise is
heard from her door, it catches her attention, causing her
to get up from the sofa, placing the picture carefully on
her coffee table as she leaves the room, opening the door
NICK looks up at KELLY relif coming over him.
Oh Kelly thank god yo-
NICK cuts himself off, seeing her red face and wet eyes.
What's the matter w-
He stops staring at her as she stares forward. KELLY stares
out infront of her house seeing nothing.
Kelly? Kelly?!
KELLY steps back into her house sadly and silently. NICK
rushes back to the door, beginning to bang on it again.
Goddamn it Kelly! NO! You saw me,
I'm still here I know I am! Open
back up. OPEN THE DOOR!
KELLY move s back to her sofa, sitting down. She wraps
herself back in the blanket, picking up the picture of NICK
and breaking down into tears again. NICK moves round to the
window, pressing his face against it as he looks in at her.
Kelly! Kelly! Please! I'm not...
I'm still here!
NICK bangs on the window, but KELLY can't hear him. NICK
screams at the window, kicking the wall beneath it.
I'm not dead! The car didn't hit
me! This is all a dream. This isn't
real. Kelly, just let me in!
NICK bangs one last time on the window, before throwing his
back against it, sliding down to the floor, breaking down
into tears.
I'm still here...
NICK looks around the street, a man standing across it
looking back in his direction.
Fuck this. Someone notice me!
Someone tell me whats going on!
NICK looks straight at the man across the street.
Bet you don't even know what you're
looking at over here!
The man across the street looks at him, beginning to move
across the road towards him. The man, RICKY, stops on the
edge of the pavement.
Shush... Someone might hear you if
you shout like that.
Nah, I'm kidding. Unless someone
else like us is around here.
NICK starts up at RICKY in disbelief, stumbling for words
for a moment.
What... You, y-you can see me?
See you, hear you, touch you.
Pretty much everything.
How? No one else can.
RICKY scoffs, stepping closer to NICK.
I'm dead too, so, you know... We
can see each other. The living,
know squwat.
NICK blinks at RICKY growing pale and looking down at the
So its true...
RICKY shuffles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Well shit dude... I'm guessing you
just died huh?
NICK remains silent, shaking his head as he brings himself
to his feet. NICK brings his hands into his hair, pulling at
it, gently at first before tugging hard, screaming loudly as
he begins to freak out.
FUCK! This is shit!
NICK looks over at RICKY, jabbing him with a finger.
Screw you, saying I'm dead! I can't
die! Christ! I have my family to
look after!
RICKY puts his hands up, backing away slowly.
Woah dude. Don't take this out on
me. I didn't kill you.
You don't just fucking tell people
they're dead you little bastard!
Its hard to take in I know! But you
have to be dead, otherwise you
couldn't see me.
You don't know anything! What are
you, like sixteen?!
Technically I'm thirty-eight.
Technically? Fuck you mean
Well... I died in '94... Sooooo,
twenty years later. It doesn't
matter, just calm down dude.
Oh screw you! What do you know?!
You just had your life implode
before you eyes. My girlfriend is
sitting in their crying over me,
and she doesn't even know I'm right
And she never will, you're dead.
But I can tell you it is far from
NICK looks over at RICKY glaring angrily.
What? Have I got some trail to
decide if I go to heaven or hell.
RICKY laughs weakly, trying to move closer to NICK, who just
glares at him, causing RICKY to change his mind and stay
Well, no matter how religious you
are, that ain't how it works dude.
NICK looks defeated, slumping back to the floor.
Then how does it work?
Simple, you either move on or you
don't. Your choice.
NICK looks up at RICKY, confused.
Then why are you still here?
Got a little sister I plan on
keeping my eye on.
NICK looks wide eyed and paniced, staring forward.
Amy? You got a sister too?
Yes she's going... Nevermind, it
doesn't matter anymore does it?
Nothing matters anymore. God, how
is my family going to even survive
without me. I did everything for
them, I made sure they had enough
of everything, and now... They're
going to have nothing, and with Amy
going in... Oh god no.
NICK brings his head into his hands, breaking down into
tears once more.
Sounds like you took care of them a
lot... You know, I took care of my
sister, thats what brothers do
NICK shakes her head, his voice muffled by his hands.
Its not like that. I provided all
of them, with everything.
Oh... Man of the family... Well
Both fall into silence, motionless and quiet. RICKY looks
down at NICK coughing awkwardly.
It may not solve everything, but...
Being dead has its perks.
NICK turns his head slowly to look up at RICKY, narrowing
his eyes.
Let me think of an... Ah yes.
RICKY reaches into his pocket, pulling out a cigarette and a
lighter. He lights the cigarette and puffs on it slowly.
Now I can smoke to my hearts
content without worrying its going
to kill me.
How ironic...
NICK rolls his eyes moving to place his head back in his
hands, but stops for a moment, looking quickly back to
Wait. How can you smoke if you're
dead. How can you even hold that.
Don't ghost walk through walls and
shit like that?
You'd think. No, its not that
glamourous, floating into the
female changing rooms and stuff.
You see. Just like every person,
everything is made up of atoms, and
it would appear these atoms create
a... Lets just call it an 'essence'
of the being. Thats why your body
is still dead with the living, and
you're able to be here.
So. This here cigarette, is not an
actual cigarette, but is the
'essence' of one. You get it?
That would explain...
NICK looks down at his watch, 8:30.
Then why doesn't my watch work?
We're in some kind of Limbo... I
dunno, but times useless here,
there is no time. I'm still looking
eighteen ain't I?
NICK eyes RICKY over, sighing lightly as he rubs his hair,
leaning against KELLY'S house.
This is all too much.
RICKY smiles weakly, moving over to lean against the hosue
next to NICK.
I know dude. It still overwhelms me
at times.
RICKY relaxes for a moment, both in silence as he smokes.
RICKY speaking after a short while.
But, try to think of it how I do.
NICK frowns looking up at RICKY as he stands up, moving away
from the house.
Death isn't the final chapter dude.
You're free.
RICKY backs out onto the street, turning and walking away.
NICK keeps leaning against the house, thinking for a moment.
He stands up, looking back into KELLY'S house, watching her
sat there crying for a little while.
I still love you Kelly.
NICK sighs, looking over his shoulder in the direction RICKY
went, beginning to follow him.
NICK follows closely behind RICKY, who is walking in a
nonchalant manner, looking around the park with a smile on
his face, clearly enjoying himself. NICK quickens his pace
to catch up with RICKY.
How can you be so.. Happy?
How? How couldn't I be? The way I
see it, I could have stayed like
you, miserable, confused, worried.
Or I could have got over it and use
my freedom as a good thing.
RICKY stops in his tracks, turning to look at NICK, pulling
out a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it.
Is there something, you used to do?
But you're too busy to do now?
NICK frowns, looking away as he thinks for a moment,
remembering times when he didn't have to be the sole
provider for his family.
Lots of stuff I guess.
Great. Now you can do them again.
NICK frowns at RICKY, clearly not entirely grasping his
Right, you don't want to think of
this as the end, otherwise there's
no point. You need to think of this
as another chapter, you're free
from life, everything that held you
back before, isn't gonna hold you
back any longer.
RICKY holds out the cigarette, nodding at it before taking
another smoke.
See. Cancer sticks, now they're
just tabacco, now worries that I
could have had when I was alive.
And my time is now my own, so
you're lucky I'm willing to give it
up to you.
RICKY smirks at NICK, continuing his walk through the park,
NICK quickly following.
So, you're saying I shouldn't care
about being dead?
No, I never said that. I'm saying
you should look at the positives
and not the negatives, then, you
can start to accept it.
NICK stops standing still, watching RICKY as he walks for a
little while, before realising NICK has stopped, turning to
look at him.
I'm free? Thats the posotive....
But, I don't get to see anyone I
love again.
RICKY frowns, walking slowly back over to NICK, placing a
hand on his shoulder.
Thats the beautiful thing, you can
see them whenever you want, and do
whatever you want. Except talking
to them, but, you still get to make
sure they're okay.
NICK remains quiet for a while, looking around the busy and
bright park.
I've never smoked before.
And now it isn't going to kill you.
RICKY pulls out his cigarette box, pulling one out and
handing it over to NICK. NICK takes the cigarette, and the
lighter which RICKY offers next, lighting it and inhaling
deeply, coughing quickly after it.
You'll get used to it, you've got
all the time in the world dude.
RICKY smiles at him for a moment, before turning away, and
taking a few quick steps down the path, dropping his
skateboard to the floor and jumping onto it.
All the time in the world!
NICK laughs weakly, watching RICKY as he tediously continues
to try to smoke, his eyes stuck on the skateboard as he
walks quickly after RICKY
NICK is sat quietly on a bench, watching RICKY doing tricks
on his skateboard, his eyes wander down to his watch, 8:30.
RICKY jumps off his skateboard, running over to NICK.
You do it dude, rather than, just
sitting there.
NICK looks up at him, frowning as he shakes his head.
Haven't done it in years. I've,
never had the time.
So you know how to?
NICK nods, keeping quiet.
Then do it. Nick... You're not
going to accept your freedom,
unless you act free.
NICK shuts himself up, looking over at the skateboard,
slight signs of determination on his face. He stands up,
walking over to the skate board. RICKY cheers at him loudly.
NICK stands onto the skateboard, sighing happily. RICKY
cheers loudly again.
Stop doing that.
Why? No one can hear me.... Besides
Its just... Weird, its, busy here.
Not really, for us... We're the
only ones.
You're not helping.
Oh shut up dude. Stop thinking like
that... Be, free.
NICK grumbles, looking over at RICKY with a slight glare,
before looking down at the skateboard, pushing off with one
foot, his expression immediately relaxing, a small smile out
of the corner of his lips. He pushes against the ground
again, sending himself faster down the path, his body bent
low. RICKY watches him, quickly jumping up from his bench
and running after NICK. NICK straightens up, closing his
eyes and opening his arms out, smiling brightly.
Think about it Nick, you're free
I'm free...
NICK opens his eyes dropping his hands as he looks down the
I'm free!
RICKY laughs, slowing his pace as he watches Nick skating
down the path.
NICK and RICKY are walking down the street, NICK's tie is
lose, and his jacket is flung over his shoulder. They seem
to be happier, NICK even letting out a small laugh here and
Does it ever get boring?
Just watching everyone all day?
No, its nice to know that the
people you love are safe... Should
try it sometimes.
RICKY laughs weakly, rubbing the back of his neck.
I think I will. Thanks... Dude.
Too old to say that.
I'll see you around.
Both of them shake hands parting ways. NICK looks up at the
hospital sighing weakly as he looks down one more time at
his watch, before undoing it and dropping in a bin as he
makes his way indoors.
Mum? What's up?
It's Amy.
What about her? Is she alright?!
She's fine! She's just... Its time
She's gone into labor Nick! Its
time for us to be uncles bro.
Shit... Alright, alright! Just... I
need to quickly pop home and grab
something okay?
Fine. But just hurry y'know. She
wants you!
I will I w-
Nick? Nick?! What the hell just
happened Nick? NICK!
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people
exist, that is all."   Oscar Wilde

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Conscious script draft 1

Seasons in the Sun

  • 1. SCENE 1A. INT. NICK'S HOUSE. MORNING. NICK enters his house, looking bedraggled and tired, dumping his keys on his table and heading into the kitchen. He presses the on switch on the radio. RADIO DJ (V.O.) And good morning London, that was "Summertime Sadness" by the wonderfully talented Lana Del Ray. Its 7:50 pm and you're listening to Break Radio, I'm your evening host Derek Cross, wishing you all a beautiful evening! NICK bends down to his freezer, getting out a ready meal and shoving it lazily into the microwave. The house is quiet, all but the radio and micro wave making a sound. NICK turns to leave to the living room, but is stopped by the sound of his phone vibrating. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, sighing as he looks exhausted at the phone reading the text message as he moves to turn off the microwave and head to the door.NICK sighs, hanging up and stuffing his phone into his pocket, grabbing his keys and heading out the door. RADIO DJ (V.O.) (cont.) We're going to kick off our evening with show with a new tune. SCENE 1B. INT. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. EVENING NICK enters his mothers house , a dull looking place, moving quickly through into the living room, his mother, KAREN, sitting down on her arm chair in tears, holding a letter in her hand. A graduation photo of NICK and KAREN upon the wall behind her. NICK sits down next to her, holding her hand and beginning to comfort her. NICK takes the letter, reading it over and looking sad. SCENE 1C. INT. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. MORNING NICK sitting down at KAREN'S kitchen table, wearing glasses and studying bills in front of him. KAREN is standing next to the kettle making a cup of tea. AMY comes downstairs in her pyjamas, entering the kitchen and coming to greet KAREN, who kisses her affectionately on top of the head. AMY smiles at KAREN, moving to NICK to wrap her arms around his neck, NICK seems happy to see AMY, but is also extremely busy with sorting the bills out. NICK remains still on the table, reading the papers infront of him, whislt KAREN and AMY move about the kitchen making their breakfast and chatting away. SCENE 1D. INT. NICK'S HOUSE. NIGHT. NICK is at home in bed, sleeping peacefully in his quiet house. His phone lights off, AMY ringing him, he wakes up, picking up his phone and groggily answering it. He reaches for a light turning it on as he begins to climb out of bed. SCENE 1E. INT. NICK'S HOUSE. MORNING. NICK climbs into bed looking extremely tired, bags under his
  • 2. eyes, messy hair. He closes his eyes, attempting to fall asleep before his phone lights up and begins ringing. He rolls over grabbing it and immediately getting out of bed as he answers the phone. SCENE 1F. INT. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. MORNING. AMY opens the door to a happy looking NICK, holding two grocery bags. She hugs him tightly and welcomes him in, chatting away whilst NICK slowly walks into the kitchen,. KAREN rushing to take the bags off him and placing them on the counter. AMY leaves the room for a few seconds, before dragging her BOYFRIEND with her and introducing him to NICK. BOYFRIEND seems uncaring as NICK shakes his hand, scrutinising him, but he smiles weakly after seeing how happy AMY seems to be. SCENE 1G. INT. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. AFTERNOON KAREN and AMY are sitting on the sofa. BOYFRIEND is standing against the wall, seeming uncaring and uninvolved. NICK enters the living room with a cake, number candles read '50'. NICK sets the cake infront of his mother, NICK and AMY singing happy birthday too her as she blows out her candles, pulling NICK down into a hug. SCENE 1H. EXT. STREET. AFTERNOON. NICK walks down the street, looking tired and checking his watch as he yawns, bumping straight into the young woman infront of him. The young woman, KELLY, drops her bag, the contents spilling on the road. Both NICK and KELLY bend to the floor, gathering all their items until their hands touch, making them look up at each other and laugh awkwardly. SCENE 1I. INT. NICK'S HOUSE. EVENING. NICK and KELLY are sitting down having a romantic meal, they are clearly enjoying each other's company and NICK seems more relaxed and happy. NICK's phone rings, causing him to frown and apologise to KELLY as he gets up to answer it. He sighs, nodding to the person on the phone as he turns back to KELLY, who smiles at him, getting up out of her chair. SCENE 1J. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. EVENING. BOYFRIEND storms past NICK in the hallway with AMY following in tears. NICK grabs onto AMY holding her back whilst KAREN stands at the other end of the corrider crying and looking worried, before turning away into the kitchen. NICK turns AMY to face him, hugging her tightly as she cries. SCENE 1K. EXT. PARK. AFTERNOON. NICK and KELLY walk down the park, her arms wrapped around one of his as they chat happily. NICK smiles down to her as she talks, before pulling away as his phone rings again. KELLY smiles weakly, taking a step back as he stands back nodding as he speaks on the phone before smiling back at KELLY, moving to put his arm around her and continue their walk. SCENE 1L. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. AFTERNOON.
  • 3. KAREN opens the door to NICK and KELLY, taking NICK quickly in her arms before being introduced to KELLY, shaking her hand, then pulling her into a hug and giving her a kiss on her cheek. KAREN leads them both into the living room, introducting KELLY to AMY and her BOYFRIEND. SCENE 1M. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. AFTERNOON. AMY and KAREN are sitting on the sofa, KELLY is standing out the way as NICK brings in a birthday cake with "51" candle on it. SCENE 1N. NICK'S HOUSE. NIGHT. NICK and KELLY are both asleep. They are woken by NICK'S phone, KELLY tries to stop him from answering, but NICK still feels he has to pick up the phone. KELLY rolls over and goes back to sleep. SCENE 1O. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. AFTERNOON. NICK and KELLY are sitting with AMY and her BOYFRIEND, showing off her new engagement ring. NICK and KELLY seem excited for them both, whilst KAREN stands at the side looking displeased. SCENE 1P. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. MORNING. KELLY is comforting AMY, whilst NICK is arguing with her BOYFRIEND, over his treatment of her. SCENE 1Q. NICK'S HOUSE. EVENING. NICK and KELLY are sitting on the sofa, NICK is doing bills, whilst KELLY is relaxed reading a book. She tries to get involved with NICK, but he is inturrupted by his phone once more. SCENE 1R. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. EVENING. KAREN opens the door to NICK holding groceries, smiling weakly at his mother as she lets him in. AMY and her BOYFRIEND are arguing in the background. (SEVERAL DOR SHOTS) SCENE 1S. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. MORNING. KELLY and NICK sit with AMY and her BOYFRIEND as she shows them her pregnancy test and they congratulate her. SCENE 1T. STREET. MORNING. KELLY and NICK walk home, holding hands as KELLY happily puts her head on NICK'S shoulder. SCENE 1U. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. AFTERNOON. KAREN and a quite pregnant AMY sit on the sofa. AMY's BOYFRIEND, stands against the wall looking bored. KELLY enters with the cake, candles reading "52". NICK walks closely behind her, his hands on her waist. SCENE 1V. KAREN AND AMY'S HOUSE. AFTERNOON.
  • 4. NICK is comforting a heavily pregnant AMY who is crying, explaining how her BOYFRIEND has left her, taking off her engagement ring. SCENE 2. EXT. STREET. MORNING. NICK walks quickly down the street, his arms swinging gently by his side. He seems relaxed and enjoying his peaceful quiet walk down his road. He lifts his right hand bending his wrist to look down at the silver watch. 8:30. He walks to the edge of the road, looking left and right, before slowly stepping off the kirb. Nick walks across the road, his phone beginning to ring, a bland ringtone sounding out. He looks down at the phone, "Mum Mobile". He frowns, sighing as he presses accepts the call lifting it to his ear. NICK Mum? What's up?... What about her? Is she alright?!...What?!... Shit.... NICK looks back down to his watch, the back across the road towards his house. NICK (cont.) Alright, alright! Just... I need to quickly pop home and grab something okay? NICK frowns, keeping his eyes on his watch as he steps onto the road. NICK I will I w- NICK Stops dead in the road, staring wide eyed at the oncoming car. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes quickly. The radio is still playing the song as it comes to its end, the RADIO DJ speaking over it. RADIO DJ (V.O.) And that was "Seasons in the Sun" DEREK'S voice is faded as the titles appear, the scene fading out, leaving only the words "Seasons in the Sun". SCENE 3. EXT. STREET. MORNING. NICK opens his eyes slowly, staring back to where the oncoming car was. Its no long coming towards him. He blinks, grimacing as he turns his aching neck. He brings his arm up slowly, looking down at his watch. 8:30. He looks behind him, the car is now stopped in the middle of the road. The FEMALE DRIVER of the car steps out, breathing heavily, her whole body shaking as she clings on her car to move around to the front. FEMALE DRIVER Oh god! NICK steps towards the car calling out for the FEMALE
  • 5. DRIVER. NICK Is everything alright miss? The FEMALE DRIVER ignores him making her way around to the front of her car, bursting into loud cries. From across the road a couple are beginning to rush to the front of the car. The man drops to the floor infront of the car, dropping out of NICK'S view. JANET'S HUSBAND (To his wife.) Janet! Janet call an ambulence. Janet looks shaken and pale, she digs her hand into her pocket pulling out her phone and dialling quickly onto it shoving it to her ear. JANET Oh god... Pi- Yes. Yes... Um, ambulance please, there's been an accident. He's bleeding out... A car! He was hit by a car!... I don't know him, we were just pass- JANET looks up and down the road, looking past NICK. JANET Yes... Yes, it's um, Woodford road.. Oh thank you... Please, yes... Hurry please. JANET stuff her phone into her pocket, dropping down by her husbands side. NICK walks closer, looking over at the YOUNG MAN standing at the side of the road, looking like he could be sick any moment. NICK Hey. Hey! You alright there?! The YOUNG MAN doesn't seem to respond to NICK. Staring in horror at the front of the car. NICK frowns, growing with concern and confusion as he walks closer. He stops as the front of the car comes into view, dropping his phone and briefcase to the floor, both getting not even a scratch on them. In front of the car is NICK'S BODY, covered in blood, pale skinned and unmoving. NICK stumbles backwards tripping up th kirb, his eyes kept on the sight of his motionless BODY. NICK W-what... The FEMALE DRIVER stares down at NICK'S BODY. FEMALE DRIVER I swear. It was an accident! He came out of nowhere! JANET'S HUSBAND Just calm down, and don't touch him! The paramedics should be here soon.
  • 6. NICK stares in horror across the road, unable to speak or move. Staring blankly at the people surrounding his BODY. JANET Is there anything on him to contact his family? JANET'S HUSBAND (Pointing to broken phone in the road.) Can't try his phone, broken. NICK looks over at his phone, patting himself down quickly, his eyes darting between his broken phone, and the phone he dropped only seconds ago. He quickly looks back to his watch, 8:30, then back over to his BODY, the watch on his wrist shattered. NICK brings his hands into his hair, hyperventalating as he sits upon the kirb. He stays still and quiet for a few moments, before looking up, his face full of worry. NICK (Urgently.) Kelly! NICK staggers to his feet, looking back over at his BODY, covering his mouth as he heaves. He grabs hold of a lampost, bending over as he retches, though nothing happens. NICK wipes his mouth anyway, standing himself up, eyes still filled with tears. He closes his eyes shaking his head. NICK You have to get to Kelly. NICK grimaces, turning from the scene, breaking into a run down the street. SCENE 4. EXT. STREETS. MORNING. NICK runs fast through the streets, shaking his head as he mutters to himself. NICK Its not true. This can't be right. Everything will be fine. Kelly will sort it. NICK looks around at people as they passed, their clothing and faces bright and lively, but none of them seem to take any notice as he runs down the street. NICK runs down several streets, passing different people, until he reaches KELLY'S house. SCENE 5A. EXT. KELLY'S HOUSE. MORNING. NICK stops outside KELLY'S house staring up at her door for a few seconds. Before charging to the front door, pounding his fist loudly upon it. SCENE 5B. INT. KELLY'S HOUSE. MORNING. KELLY sits on her sofa, wrapped in a blanket, a tissue in one hand, a picture of NICK in the other. She's weeping
  • 7. quietly, staring at the photograph of NICK. A faint noise is heard from her door, it catches her attention, causing her to get up from the sofa, placing the picture carefully on her coffee table as she leaves the room, opening the door cautiously. SCENE 5C. EXT. KELLY'S HOUSE. MORNING. NICK looks up at KELLY relif coming over him. NICK Oh Kelly thank god yo- NICK cuts himself off, seeing her red face and wet eyes. NICK What's the matter w- He stops staring at her as she stares forward. KELLY stares out infront of her house seeing nothing. NICK Kelly? Kelly?! KELLY steps back into her house sadly and silently. NICK rushes back to the door, beginning to bang on it again. NICK Goddamn it Kelly! NO! You saw me, I'm still here I know I am! Open back up. OPEN THE DOOR! KELLY move s back to her sofa, sitting down. She wraps herself back in the blanket, picking up the picture of NICK and breaking down into tears again. NICK moves round to the window, pressing his face against it as he looks in at her. NICK Kelly! Kelly! Please! I'm not... I'm still here! NICK bangs on the window, but KELLY can't hear him. NICK screams at the window, kicking the wall beneath it. NICK I'm not dead! The car didn't hit me! This is all a dream. This isn't real. Kelly, just let me in! NICK bangs one last time on the window, before throwing his back against it, sliding down to the floor, breaking down into tears. NICK I'm still here... NICK looks around the street, a man standing across it looking back in his direction. NICK Fuck this. Someone notice me! Someone tell me whats going on! NICK looks straight at the man across the street.
  • 8. NICK (Shouting.) Bet you don't even know what you're looking at over here! The man across the street looks at him, beginning to move across the road towards him. The man, RICKY, stops on the edge of the pavement. RICKY Shush... Someone might hear you if you shout like that. NICK (Confused.) W-what? RICKY Nah, I'm kidding. Unless someone else like us is around here. NICK starts up at RICKY in disbelief, stumbling for words for a moment. NICK What... You, y-you can see me? RICKY See you, hear you, touch you. Pretty much everything. NICK How? No one else can. RICKY How? RICKY scoffs, stepping closer to NICK. RICKY I'm dead too, so, you know... We can see each other. The living, know squwat. NICK blinks at RICKY growing pale and looking down at the floor. NICK So its true... RICKY shuffles awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. RICKY Well shit dude... I'm guessing you just died huh? NICK remains silent, shaking his head as he brings himself to his feet. NICK brings his hands into his hair, pulling at it, gently at first before tugging hard, screaming loudly as he begins to freak out. NICK FUCK! This is shit!
  • 9. NICK looks over at RICKY, jabbing him with a finger. NICK Screw you, saying I'm dead! I can't die! Christ! I have my family to look after! RICKY puts his hands up, backing away slowly. RICKY Woah dude. Don't take this out on me. I didn't kill you. NICK You don't just fucking tell people they're dead you little bastard! RICKY Its hard to take in I know! But you have to be dead, otherwise you couldn't see me. NICK You don't know anything! What are you, like sixteen?! RICKY Technically I'm thirty-eight. NICK (Sighing.) Technically? Fuck you mean technically? RICKY Well... I died in '94... Sooooo, twenty years later. It doesn't matter, just calm down dude. NICK Oh screw you! What do you know?! You just had your life implode before you eyes. My girlfriend is sitting in their crying over me, and she doesn't even know I'm right here! RICKY And she never will, you're dead. But I can tell you it is far from over. NICK looks over at RICKY glaring angrily. NICK What? Have I got some trail to decide if I go to heaven or hell. RICKY laughs weakly, trying to move closer to NICK, who just glares at him, causing RICKY to change his mind and stay back.
  • 10. RICKY Well, no matter how religious you are, that ain't how it works dude. NICK looks defeated, slumping back to the floor. NICK Then how does it work? RICKY Simple, you either move on or you don't. Your choice. NICK looks up at RICKY, confused. NICK Then why are you still here? RICKY Got a little sister I plan on keeping my eye on. NICK looks wide eyed and paniced, staring forward. NICK Amy! RICKY Amy? You got a sister too? NICK Yes she's going... Nevermind, it doesn't matter anymore does it? Nothing matters anymore. God, how is my family going to even survive without me. I did everything for them, I made sure they had enough of everything, and now... They're going to have nothing, and with Amy going in... Oh god no. NICK brings his head into his hands, breaking down into tears once more. RICKY Sounds like you took care of them a lot... You know, I took care of my sister, thats what brothers do right? NICK shakes her head, his voice muffled by his hands. NICK (Muffled.) Its not like that. I provided all of them, with everything. RICKY (Awkwardly.) Oh... Man of the family... Well shit. Both fall into silence, motionless and quiet. RICKY looks
  • 11. down at NICK coughing awkwardly. RICKY It may not solve everything, but... Being dead has its perks. NICK turns his head slowly to look up at RICKY, narrowing his eyes. NICK What? RICKY Let me think of an... Ah yes. RICKY reaches into his pocket, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter. He lights the cigarette and puffs on it slowly. RICKY Now I can smoke to my hearts content without worrying its going to kill me. NICK How ironic... NICK rolls his eyes moving to place his head back in his hands, but stops for a moment, looking quickly back to RICKY. NICK Wait. How can you smoke if you're dead. How can you even hold that. Don't ghost walk through walls and shit like that? RICKY You'd think. No, its not that glamourous, floating into the female changing rooms and stuff. You see. Just like every person, everything is made up of atoms, and it would appear these atoms create a... Lets just call it an 'essence' of the being. Thats why your body is still dead with the living, and you're able to be here. NICK So? RICKY So. This here cigarette, is not an actual cigarette, but is the 'essence' of one. You get it? NICK That would explain... NICK looks down at his watch, 8:30. NICK Then why doesn't my watch work?
  • 12. RICKY We're in some kind of Limbo... I dunno, but times useless here, there is no time. I'm still looking eighteen ain't I? NICK eyes RICKY over, sighing lightly as he rubs his hair, leaning against KELLY'S house. NICK This is all too much. RICKY smiles weakly, moving over to lean against the hosue next to NICK. RICKY I know dude. It still overwhelms me at times. RICKY relaxes for a moment, both in silence as he smokes. RICKY speaking after a short while. RICKY But, try to think of it how I do. NICK frowns looking up at RICKY as he stands up, moving away from the house. NICK What? RICKY Death isn't the final chapter dude. You're free. RICKY backs out onto the street, turning and walking away. NICK keeps leaning against the house, thinking for a moment. He stands up, looking back into KELLY'S house, watching her sat there crying for a little while. NICK I still love you Kelly. NICK sighs, looking over his shoulder in the direction RICKY went, beginning to follow him. SCENE 6. EXT. PARK. AFTERNOON NICK follows closely behind RICKY, who is walking in a nonchalant manner, looking around the park with a smile on his face, clearly enjoying himself. NICK quickens his pace to catch up with RICKY. NICK How can you be so.. Happy? RICKY How? How couldn't I be? The way I see it, I could have stayed like you, miserable, confused, worried. Or I could have got over it and use my freedom as a good thing. NICK
  • 13. Freedom? RICKY stops in his tracks, turning to look at NICK, pulling out a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it. RICKY Is there something, you used to do? But you're too busy to do now? NICK frowns, looking away as he thinks for a moment, remembering times when he didn't have to be the sole provider for his family. NICK Lots of stuff I guess. RICKY Great. Now you can do them again. NICK frowns at RICKY, clearly not entirely grasping his concept. RICKY Right, you don't want to think of this as the end, otherwise there's no point. You need to think of this as another chapter, you're free from life, everything that held you back before, isn't gonna hold you back any longer. RICKY holds out the cigarette, nodding at it before taking another smoke. RICKY See. Cancer sticks, now they're just tabacco, now worries that I could have had when I was alive. And my time is now my own, so you're lucky I'm willing to give it up to you. RICKY smirks at NICK, continuing his walk through the park, NICK quickly following. NICK So, you're saying I shouldn't care about being dead? RICKY No, I never said that. I'm saying you should look at the positives and not the negatives, then, you can start to accept it. NICK stops standing still, watching RICKY as he walks for a little while, before realising NICK has stopped, turning to look at him. RICKY What? NICK I'm free? Thats the posotive....
  • 14. But, I don't get to see anyone I love again. RICKY frowns, walking slowly back over to NICK, placing a hand on his shoulder. RICKY Thats the beautiful thing, you can see them whenever you want, and do whatever you want. Except talking to them, but, you still get to make sure they're okay. NICK remains quiet for a while, looking around the busy and bright park. NICK I've never smoked before. RICKY (Smirking) And now it isn't going to kill you. RICKY pulls out his cigarette box, pulling one out and handing it over to NICK. NICK takes the cigarette, and the lighter which RICKY offers next, lighting it and inhaling deeply, coughing quickly after it. RICKY (Laughing) You'll get used to it, you've got all the time in the world dude. RICKY smiles at him for a moment, before turning away, and taking a few quick steps down the path, dropping his skateboard to the floor and jumping onto it. RICKY (Shouting) All the time in the world! NICK laughs weakly, watching RICKY as he tediously continues to try to smoke, his eyes stuck on the skateboard as he walks quickly after RICKY SCENE 6. EXT. PARK. AFTERNOON NICK is sat quietly on a bench, watching RICKY doing tricks on his skateboard, his eyes wander down to his watch, 8:30. RICKY jumps off his skateboard, running over to NICK. RICKY You do it dude, rather than, just sitting there. NICK looks up at him, frowning as he shakes his head. NICK Haven't done it in years. I've, never had the time. RICKY (Sitting) So you know how to?
  • 15. NICK nods, keeping quiet. RICKY Then do it. Nick... You're not going to accept your freedom, unless you act free. NICK I- NICK shuts himself up, looking over at the skateboard, slight signs of determination on his face. He stands up, walking over to the skate board. RICKY cheers at him loudly. NICK stands onto the skateboard, sighing happily. RICKY cheers loudly again. NICK Stop doing that. RICKY Why? No one can hear me.... Besides you. NICK Its just... Weird, its, busy here. RICKY Not really, for us... We're the only ones. NICK (Frowning) You're not helping. RICKY (Sighing) Oh shut up dude. Stop thinking like that... Be, free. NICK grumbles, looking over at RICKY with a slight glare, before looking down at the skateboard, pushing off with one foot, his expression immediately relaxing, a small smile out of the corner of his lips. He pushes against the ground again, sending himself faster down the path, his body bent low. RICKY watches him, quickly jumping up from his bench and running after NICK. NICK straightens up, closing his eyes and opening his arms out, smiling brightly. RICKY Think about it Nick, you're free mate. NICK (Quietly) I'm free... NICK opens his eyes dropping his hands as he looks down the path. NICK (Shouting) I'm free!
  • 16. RICKY laughs, slowing his pace as he watches Nick skating down the path. SCENE 8. EXT. STREET. EVENING NICK and RICKY are walking down the street, NICK's tie is lose, and his jacket is flung over his shoulder. They seem to be happier, NICK even letting out a small laugh here and there. SCENE 9. EXT. HOSPITAL. EVENING NICK Does it ever get boring? RICKY What? NICK Just watching everyone all day? RICKY No, its nice to know that the people you love are safe... Should try it sometimes. RICKY laughs weakly, rubbing the back of his neck. NICK I think I will. Thanks... Dude. RICKY (Laughing) Too old to say that. NICK I'll see you around. RICKY Yea. Both of them shake hands parting ways. NICK looks up at the hospital sighing weakly as he looks down one more time at his watch, before undoing it and dropping in a bin as he makes his way indoors. SCENE . BLACK OUT NICK Mum? What's up? KAREN It's Amy. NICK What about her? Is she alright?! KAREN She's fine! She's just... Its time y'know.
  • 17. NICK What?! KAREN She's gone into labor Nick! Its time for us to be uncles bro. NICK Shit... Alright, alright! Just... I need to quickly pop home and grab something okay? KAREN Fine. But just hurry y'know. She wants you! NICK I will I w- KAREN Nick? Nick?! What the hell just happened Nick? NICK! CREDITS "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."   Oscar Wilde