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EMC 731
Grades 1–3
• 23 drawing topics
• Draw animals,
people, vehicles
• Reproducible step-
by-step directions
• Reproducible draw
then write forms
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• We address all major curriculum areas,
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How We Began
• In 1979, Joy Evans and Jo Ellen Moore were
team-teaching first grade in a Title I school.
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Educational Publishers with one book.
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Draw…Then Write
Use Drawing to Motivate Writing
In Draw…Then Write students follow picture and written directions to draw animals, people,
and vehicles. The finished drawings provide motivation for creative writing.
Authors: Jo Ellen Moore
Joy Evans
Editor: Marilyn Evans
Illustrator: Jo Larsen
Designer: Jo Larsen
Desktop: Jo Larsen
Cover: Cheryl Puckett
EMC 731 Congratulations on your purchase of some of the
finest teaching materials in the world.
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Entire contents © EVAN-MOOR CORP. 18 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Monterey, CA 93940-5746.
Permission is hereby granted to the individual purchaser to reproduce student materials in this
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©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 2 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
How to Use Draw…Then Write
The 30 topics in this book are presented in three levels of difficulty, allowing you to customize
the lessons to the needs of your students.You may want students to progress through all three
lessons on a topic or do only the lesson that is most appropriate.
After students have had some experience with the lessons, the reproducible pages are ideal
for writing center activities.
Easiest Level — Complete Sentences
Students follow three steps to complete a drawing.You may
wish to guide these steps by using an overhead transparency
of the page or by illustrating the steps on the chalkboard.
Students then select words from a word box to complete
three sentences about the object drawn.
More Difficult Level — Write Sentences
Students follow three steps to complete a drawing. Next, students
write phrases to answer who, what, where, when, and why
questions about the drawing. Finally, students use the phrases
to write an interesting sentence about the drawing. (You may
want to brainstorm as a class and write the phrases on a chart
before beginning the activity.)
Most Difficult Level — Write Paragraphs
Students are challenged to draw the object in a new situation.
They then write a paragraph about the picture, following the
writing prompt provided. Capable writers can extend this
paragraph to create an original story.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 3 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Snail ....................................................16
Frog .....................................................19
Elephant .............................................22
Puppy ...................................................25
Lion ......................................................28
Pickup Truck......................................31
Robot ..................................................37
Clown ...................................................40
Duck ....................................................46
Race Car .............................................52
Shark ..................................................55
Rabbit .................................................58
Porcupine ...........................................64
Monkey ...............................................67
Cat .......................................................70
Octopus ..............................................76
Airplane ..............................................82
Dragon ................................................85
Child ....................................................88
Castle ..................................................91
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 4 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
crawls butterfly leaves climbs
walks flowers plants moth
A caterpillar ____________________________on little feet.
A caterpillar eats _________________________________.
Someday it will be a ______________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 5 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a caterpillar.
Write about the caterpillar.
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 6 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a big purple caterpillar on a green leaf.
Write about what the caterpillar is going to do.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 7 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
feathers beaks bugs seeds
wings nest worms egg
All birds have ____________________________________.
This bird likes to eat _______________________________.
The bird will build a ___________________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 8 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a bird.
Write about the bird.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 9 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a bird building a nest on a tree branch.
Explain why the bird is building a nest.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 10 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
whiskers ears run seeds
tail hide cheese jump
A mouse has _______________ and ___________________.
A mouse likes to eat ___________________________________.
A mouse can _________________ and _______________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 11 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a mouse.
Write about the mouse.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 12 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a brown mouse with its dinner.
Write about what the mouse ate and how it got its dinner.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 13 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
hard slow hides green
shell plants fruit brown
The turtle has a ____________________________ on its back.
A turtle likes to nibble on ______________________________.
A turtle moves so ____________________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 14 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a turtle
Write about a turtle.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 15 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw the turtle hiding in its shell under a bush.
Explain why the turtle is hiding.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 16 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
shell crawls garden yard
foot slimy trail plant
A snail lives in my ____________________________________.
The snail has one ____________________________________.
It moves along on a ________________ __________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 17 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a snail.
Write about the snail.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 18 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw three snails eating leaves and flowers in the garden.
Describe how a snail moves.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 19 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
eyes pond river flies
feet water bugs insects
The frog lives by the ____________________________________.
A frog watches for food with its big _______________________.
The frog catches _________________________ on its tongue.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 20 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a frog.
Write about the frog.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 21 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a big frog and a little frog on a log in a pond.
Describe how the frogs catch their food.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 22 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
ears wrinkled leaves water
tail trunk head gray
An elephant has ________________________________ skin.
An elephant wags its ____________________ back and forth.
It sucks ______________________ up in its trunk.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 23 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw an elephant.
Write about the elephant.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 24 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a baby elephant holding its mother’s tail with its trunk.
Write about the ways an elephant uses its trunk.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 25 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
digs chews bone toy
runs barks ball bath
This puppy _____________________ and _____________________.
It wants a _____________________________________________.
Sometimes it _____________________ holes in the yard.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 26 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a puppy.
Write about the puppy.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 27 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a puppy playing in the backyard.
Write about what a puppy might do.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 28 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
hunter wild pounces jumps
mane claws teeth roar
A lion is a ___________________________________________ .
It has sharp ___________________ and _________________.
The lion ___________________________________ on its prey.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 29 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a lion.
Write about the lion.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 30 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a lion hiding in tall, dry grass.
Write about what the lion is going to do.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 31 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
pickup truck
cab carry cattle feed
truck bed haul equipment animals
The driver sits in the _____________________ of the pickup.
The driver can _________________ things in the back of the pickup.
The driver can carry ______________________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 32 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a pickup truck.
Write about the pickup truck.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 33 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a pickup carrying a large load.
Describe what the pickup is carrying and where the load is being taken.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 34 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
gray sleeps chews carries
furry climbs leaves baby
A koala is a _______________________________ animal.
The koala _______________ among the branches.
It ___________________________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 35 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a koala.
Write about the koala.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 36 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a koala and its baby climbing a tree.
Write about what the koala will do in the tree.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 37 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
machine help metal talk
toy move work plastic
My robot is a __________________________.
It is made of ___________________________.
It can ________________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 38 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a robot.
Write about the robot.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 39 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a robot at work.
Describe what your robot can do.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 40 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
funny laugh grin flip
stumbles giggle jumps tricks
A clown is _______________________________.
A clown does ____________________________.
A clown makes people _________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 41 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a clown.
Write about the clown.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 42 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a funny clown.
Write about how the clown makes people laugh.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 43 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
person propellers fly noise
pilot land loud turn
A _____________________ flies a helicopter.
The ___________________ go around and around.
They make _______________ when they _______________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 44 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a helicopter.
Write about the helicopter.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 45 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a helicopter flying in the sky.
Pretend you are the pilot. Where would you fly the helicopter?
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 46 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
pond feathers feet swim
water wings dive fly
The duck is in the ______________________________.
It has _____________________________________.
A duck can _____________________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 47 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a duck.
Write about the duck.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 48 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a duck and three ducklings in a row.
Write about what the ducks are doing.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 49 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
big gray river water
large smooth grass swim
A hippo is ______________________________________.
A hippo stays in the ________________________ all day.
It comes on land to eat ____________________ at night.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 50 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a hippo.
Write about the hippo.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 51 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a hippo.
Describe what the hippo is doing.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 52 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
race car
races driver prize quicker
faster speeds trophy racer
A race car ________________________________ around the track.
The winning car goes _____________________ than the other cars.
The winning _________________ gets a _____________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 53 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a race car.
Write about the race car.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 54 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a race car speeding past another car.
Describe the race.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 55 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
teeth ocean hunt fish
fins sea swim water
A shark is a kind of _____________________________.
A shark lives in the ________________________.
It has sharp ___________________ to help it catch food.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 56 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a shark.
Write about the shark.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 57 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a large shark chasing a school of fish.
Write about what will happen if the shark catches the fish.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 58 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
whiskers wiggle tail jumps
furry ears hops moves
A bunny has long __________ and a fluffy _______________.
A bunny can ____________________ its nose.
It _____________________ on strong legs.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 59 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a bunny.
Write about the bunny.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 60 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a brown bunny hopping across green grass.
Pretend your friend has never seen a bunny. Describe what a bunny
looks like.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 61 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
large wild hunts hibernates
strong furry fishes sleeps
A bear is a ___________________________ animal.
A bear _______________ and _________________ for food.
It _____________________ in the winter.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 62 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw bear.
Write about the bear.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 63 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a bear by a river full of fish.
Write about how the bear is going to get dinner.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 64 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
quills long climb fruit
spines sharp leaves seeds
A porcupine has _________________________________.
Some porcupines __________________ trees to find its food.
Porcupines eat ___________________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 65 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a porcupine.
Write about the porcupine.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 66 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a porcupine and a dog. Show what the dog looks
like after it touches the porcupine with its paw.
Write about what is happening in your picture.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 67 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
tail climb swing jungle
hands feet jump zoo
This monkey lives in the _________________________________.
It uses its ______________ and ____________ to move in trees.
A monkey can _________________________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 68 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a monkey.
Write about the monkey.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 69 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a monkey in a tree.
Write about what the monkey is doing.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 70 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
small play purrs soft
furry climb run pounce
A cat is a __________________________ animal.
It can ___________________________________.
A cat _______________________ when it is happy.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 71 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a cat.
Write about the cat.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 72 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a cat chasing a butterfly.
Write about how the cat moves as it tries to catch the butterfly.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 73 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
tail hunts den eats
ears catches hole bushy
This fox has a long __________________ and big ________.
It __________________ small animals for food.
It lives in a __________________ in the ground.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 74 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a fox.
Write about the fox.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 75 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a fox in the woods.
Write about where the fox is going.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 76 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
soft arms ocean rocks
colors tentacles sea water
An octopus lives in the __________________.
It has a ___________ body with eight ______________.
An octopus can change ______________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 77 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw an octopus.
Write about the octopus.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 78 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw an octopus hiding in the rocks. Draw yourself
swimming near the octopus.
Write about what you would do if you met an octopus while you were
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 79 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
scales tiny tank pet
fins fishbowl aquarium gold
This is my ___________________ fish.
It has ________________ and ____________.
It lives in the ____________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 80 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a fish.
Write about the fish.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 81 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw two different fish in a large fishbowl. Add water,
plants, and a snail.
Write about ways that the fish are the same.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 82 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
pilot people journey engines
passengers travelers trip flight
The airplane is ready to start a ___________________.
Many ___________________ get on the plane.
The ______________ starts the _____________ and off they go.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 83 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw an airplane.
Write about the airplane.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 84 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw the airplane flying among clouds.
Write about where you would like to travel on an airplane.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 85 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
scales dangerous fire fly
wings friendly tail scary
A dragon has ______________ and _________________.
This dragon is ___________________________________.
It can breathe ____________________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 86 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a dragon.
Write about the dragon.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 87 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a fierce dragon breathing fire.
Write about what you would do if you met a dragon.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 88 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
boy ittle funny sing play
girl big smart dance learn
This child is a ______________________________.
He is __________________ and _______________.
He can ______________________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 89 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a child.
Write about the child.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 90 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a child that looks like you. Have the child doing what
you like to do.
Write about what you like to do.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 91 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
moat tower king knights
bridge queen soldiers servants
This castle has a ________________ and a _________________.
A _________________ and a _______________ live here.
There are __________________ to protect the castle.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 92 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a castle.
Write about the castle.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 93 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a castle. Show the king and queen going
into the castle.
Write about what you think it would be like to live in a castle.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 94 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw and write.
1 2 3
flukes swims ocean air
flippers dives water oxygen
A whale has _________________ and ___________________.
A whale comes out of the water to get ____________________.
A whale ___________________ in the ___________________.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 95 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Who or what? _______________________________________
Did what? _______________________________________
Where? _______________________________________
When? _______________________________________
Why? _______________________________________
Write a sentence.
1 2 3
Draw a whale.
Write about the whale.
©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 96 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731
Draw a whale swimming along in the ocean.
Write about what a whale can do.
About Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
About Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
At Evan-Moor, our products are written, edited,
and tested by professional educators. We strive
to provide the best products and service possible.
Evan-Moor’s materials are directed to teachers
and parents of prekindergarten through 6th-grade
students, and most materials are correlated to
state standards. We address all major curriculum
areas, including:
Reading Science
Math Early Childhood
ELL Writing
Geography Social Studies
Arts & Crafts Teacher Resources
How We Began
In 1979, Joy Evans and Jo Ellen Moore were
team-teaching first grade in a Title I school. They
decided to put ideas that worked for their students
into a book. They joined with Bill Evans (Joy’s
brother) to start Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
with one title.
Who We Became
Evan-Moor now offers over 450 titles, many of
which have won awards for quality, creativity, and
innovation. Our materials are used in classrooms
around the world.
Our Mission
Now, as then, we are dedicated to helping children
learn. We think it is the world’s most important job,
and we strive to assist teachers and parents in this
essential endeavor.
Evan-Moor products are available
at fine teacher supply stores and
bookstores everywhere and
• Supports the 6 traits of writing
• Clear teacher instructions
• Correlated to state standards
How to Write a Story
Grades 4–6+ EMC 794
Paragraph Writing*
Grades 2–4 EMC 246
Writing Fabulous
Sentences & Paragraphs*
Grades 4–6+ EMC 575
Writing Poetry with Children
Grades 1–6+ EMC 734
Poetry Patterns & Themes
Grades 3–6+ EMC 733
Giant Write Every Day:
Daily Writing Prompts
Grades 2–6+ EMC 775
Writing Forms: Tops & Bottoms
Grades K–2 EMC 596
Writing Titles
* Includes transparencies
Why Teachers Use
• Fun drawing activities
inspire students to write.
• Each drawing comes
with writing prompts at
three levels of difficulty
to help you differentiate
• Over 20 motivating
drawing topics appeal
to students’ varied
• Step-by-step directions
guide students through
each activity.
• Reproducible student
pages are ideal for
writing-center activities.
Best-selling Writing titles . . .
Draw...Then Write
Give your students the motivation they need to write creatively and
successfully! Draw…ThenWrite provides students with easy step-by-stepDraw…ThenWrite provides students with easy step-by-stepDraw…ThenWrite
directions for drawing animals, people, and vehicles. The finished drawings
become the perfect inspiration for a variety of fun writing activities. Each
of the drawing activities comes with writing prompts at three levels of
difficulty so you can tailor lessons to each student’s individual needs. There’s
something to inspire and instruct every student! 96 reproducible pages each.
Grades 1–3 EMC 731 Grades 4–6 EMC 773
Writing Fabulous Sentences
& Paragraphs
Guide your students through the process
of writing with scaffolded practice that’s as
engaging as it is educational! Transparencies,
paragraph-writing forms, graphic organizers,
a trait-based writing guide, and engaging
activities help you introduce students to
essential writing techniques as they progress
from writing sentences to paragraphs.
Correlated to state standards.
Grades 4–6+ EMC 575
How to Write a Story,
Grades 4–6+
Give your students the organizational tools
they need to craft interesting short stories,
along with the creative inspiration that makes
writing fun! Students complete focused activities
on characters, setting, action, and conclusion,
and then write their own short stories. Writing
templates and a trait-based writing guide help
you lead students through the process of writing.
Correlated to state standards.
Grades 4–6+ EMC 794
ISBN 9781608234110 EMC 731

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Draw...then write, grades 1 3 by joy evans (

  • 1. EMC 731 Grades 1–3 • 23 drawing topics • Draw animals, people, vehicles • Reproducible step- by-step directions • Reproducible draw then write forms What’s Inside... E-book
  • 2. Who We Are • At Evan-Moor, we are proud that our products are written, edited, and tested by professional educators. • Evan-Moor’s materials are directed to teachers and parents of prekindergarten through sixth-grade students. • We address all major curriculum areas, including: reading social studies thematic units writing geography arts & crafts math science How We Began • In 1979, Joy Evans and Jo Ellen Moore were team-teaching first grade in a Title I school. They decided to put ideas that worked for their students into a book. They joined with Bill Evans (Joy’s brother) to start Evan-Moor Educational Publishers with one book. • Bill and Joy’s parents’ garage served as the warehouse and shipping facility. • The first catalog was a folded 8½" x 11" sheet of paper! Who We Became • Evan-Moor now offers over 450 titles. Our materials can be found in over 1,500 educational and trade book stores around the world. • We mail almost 2 million catalogs a year to schools and individual teachers. • Our Web site offers 24-hour service and the ability to download many of our titles. • Evan-Moor is located in a 20,000-square-foot facility in Monterey, California, with a staff of nearly 60 professionals. Our Mission Now, as then, we are dedicated to helping children learn. We think it is the world’s most important job, and we strive to assist teachers and parents in this essential endeavor. About Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
  • 3. Thank you for purchasing an Evan-Moor e-book! Attention Acrobat Reader Users: In order to use this e-book you need to have Adobe Reader 8 or higher. To download Adobe Reader for free, visit Using This E-book This e-book can be used in a variety of ways to enrich your classroom instruction. You can: • engage students by projecting this e-book onto an interactive whiteboard • save paper by printing out only the pages you need • find what you need by performing a keyword search … and much more! For helpful teaching suggestions and creative ideas on how you can use the features of this e-book to enhance your classroom instruction, visit User Agreement With the purchase of Evan-Moor electronic materials, you are granted a single-user license which entitles you to use or duplicate the content of this electronic book for use within your classroom or home only. Sharing materials or making copies for additional individuals or schools is prohibited. Evan-Moor Corporation retains full intellectual property rights on all its products, and these rights extend to electronic editions of books. If you would like to use this Evan-Moor e-book for additional purposes not outlined in the single-user license (described above), please visit for an Application to Use Copyrighted Materials form.
  • 5. Draw…Then Write Use Drawing to Motivate Writing In Draw…Then Write students follow picture and written directions to draw animals, people, and vehicles. The finished drawings provide motivation for creative writing. Authors: Jo Ellen Moore Joy Evans Editor: Marilyn Evans Illustrator: Jo Larsen Designer: Jo Larsen Desktop: Jo Larsen Cover: Cheryl Puckett EMC 731 Congratulations on your purchase of some of the finest teaching materials in the world. For information about other Evan-Moor products, call 1-800-777-4362 or FAX 1-800-777-4332. Visit our Web site for additional product information. Entire contents © EVAN-MOOR CORP. 18 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Monterey, CA 93940-5746. Permission is hereby granted to the individual purchaser to reproduce student materials in this book for noncommercial individual or single classroom use only. Permission is not granted for schoolwide or systemwide reproduction of materials. Printed in USA.
  • 6. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 2 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 How to Use Draw…Then Write The 30 topics in this book are presented in three levels of difficulty, allowing you to customize the lessons to the needs of your students.You may want students to progress through all three lessons on a topic or do only the lesson that is most appropriate. After students have had some experience with the lessons, the reproducible pages are ideal for writing center activities. Easiest Level — Complete Sentences Students follow three steps to complete a drawing.You may wish to guide these steps by using an overhead transparency of the page or by illustrating the steps on the chalkboard. Students then select words from a word box to complete three sentences about the object drawn. More Difficult Level — Write Sentences Students follow three steps to complete a drawing. Next, students write phrases to answer who, what, where, when, and why questions about the drawing. Finally, students use the phrases to write an interesting sentence about the drawing. (You may want to brainstorm as a class and write the phrases on a chart before beginning the activity.) Most Difficult Level — Write Paragraphs Students are challenged to draw the object in a new situation. They then write a paragraph about the picture, following the writing prompt provided. Capable writers can extend this paragraph to create an original story. .
  • 7. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 3 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Contents Caterpillar..........................................4 Bird......................................................7 Mouse..................................................10 Turtle..................................................13 Snail ....................................................16 Frog .....................................................19 Elephant .............................................22 Puppy ...................................................25 Lion ......................................................28 Pickup Truck......................................31 Koala....................................................34 Robot ..................................................37 Clown ...................................................40 Helicopter..........................................43 Duck ....................................................46 Hippo...................................................49 Race Car .............................................52 Shark ..................................................55 Rabbit .................................................58 Bear.....................................................61 Porcupine ...........................................64 Monkey ...............................................67 Cat .......................................................70 Fox.......................................................73 Octopus ..............................................76 Fish......................................................79 Airplane ..............................................82 Dragon ................................................85 Child ....................................................88 Castle ..................................................91 Whale..................................................94
  • 8. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 4 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 crawls butterfly leaves climbs walks flowers plants moth A caterpillar ____________________________on little feet. A caterpillar eats _________________________________. Someday it will be a ______________________________. caterpillar
  • 9. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 5 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a caterpillar. Write about the caterpillar. Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence.
  • 10. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 6 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a big purple caterpillar on a green leaf. Write about what the caterpillar is going to do.
  • 11. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 7 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 feathers beaks bugs seeds wings nest worms egg bird All birds have ____________________________________. This bird likes to eat _______________________________. The bird will build a ___________________________________.
  • 12. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 8 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a bird. Write about the bird.
  • 13. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 9 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a bird building a nest on a tree branch. Explain why the bird is building a nest.
  • 14. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 10 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 mouse whiskers ears run seeds tail hide cheese jump A mouse has _______________ and ___________________. A mouse likes to eat ___________________________________. A mouse can _________________ and _______________.
  • 15. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 11 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a mouse. Write about the mouse.
  • 16. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 12 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a brown mouse with its dinner. Write about what the mouse ate and how it got its dinner.
  • 17. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 13 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 turtle hard slow hides green shell plants fruit brown The turtle has a ____________________________ on its back. A turtle likes to nibble on ______________________________. A turtle moves so ____________________________________.
  • 18. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 14 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a turtle Write about a turtle.
  • 19. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 15 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw the turtle hiding in its shell under a bush. Explain why the turtle is hiding.
  • 20. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 16 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 snail shell crawls garden yard foot slimy trail plant A snail lives in my ____________________________________. The snail has one ____________________________________. It moves along on a ________________ __________________.
  • 21. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 17 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a snail. Write about the snail.
  • 22. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 18 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw three snails eating leaves and flowers in the garden. Describe how a snail moves.
  • 23. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 19 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 frog eyes pond river flies feet water bugs insects The frog lives by the ____________________________________. A frog watches for food with its big _______________________. The frog catches _________________________ on its tongue.
  • 24. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 20 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a frog. Write about the frog.
  • 25. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 21 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a big frog and a little frog on a log in a pond. Describe how the frogs catch their food.
  • 26. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 22 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 elephant ears wrinkled leaves water tail trunk head gray An elephant has ________________________________ skin. An elephant wags its ____________________ back and forth. It sucks ______________________ up in its trunk.
  • 27. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 23 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw an elephant. Write about the elephant.
  • 28. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 24 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw a baby elephant holding its mother’s tail with its trunk. Write about the ways an elephant uses its trunk. Draw Write
  • 29. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 25 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 puppy digs chews bone toy runs barks ball bath This puppy _____________________ and _____________________. It wants a _____________________________________________. Sometimes it _____________________ holes in the yard.
  • 30. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 26 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a puppy. Write about the puppy.
  • 31. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 27 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a puppy playing in the backyard. Write about what a puppy might do.
  • 32. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 28 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 lion hunter wild pounces jumps mane claws teeth roar A lion is a ___________________________________________ . It has sharp ___________________ and _________________. The lion ___________________________________ on its prey.
  • 33. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 29 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a lion. Write about the lion.
  • 34. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 30 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a lion hiding in tall, dry grass. Write about what the lion is going to do.
  • 35. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 31 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 pickup truck cab carry cattle feed truck bed haul equipment animals The driver sits in the _____________________ of the pickup. The driver can _________________ things in the back of the pickup. The driver can carry ______________________________________.
  • 36. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 32 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a pickup truck. Write about the pickup truck.
  • 37. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 33 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a pickup carrying a large load. Describe what the pickup is carrying and where the load is being taken.
  • 38. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 34 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 koala gray sleeps chews carries furry climbs leaves baby A koala is a _______________________________ animal. The koala _______________ among the branches. It ___________________________________________.
  • 39. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 35 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a koala. Write about the koala.
  • 40. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 36 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a koala and its baby climbing a tree. Write about what the koala will do in the tree.
  • 41. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 37 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 robot machine help metal talk toy move work plastic My robot is a __________________________. It is made of ___________________________. It can ________________________________.
  • 42. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 38 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a robot. Write about the robot.
  • 43. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 39 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a robot at work. Describe what your robot can do.
  • 44. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 40 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 clown funny laugh grin flip stumbles giggle jumps tricks A clown is _______________________________. A clown does ____________________________. A clown makes people _________________.
  • 45. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 41 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a clown. Write about the clown.
  • 46. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 42 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a funny clown. Write about how the clown makes people laugh.
  • 47. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 43 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 helicopter person propellers fly noise pilot land loud turn A _____________________ flies a helicopter. The ___________________ go around and around. They make _______________ when they _______________.
  • 48. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 44 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a helicopter. Write about the helicopter.
  • 49. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 45 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a helicopter flying in the sky. Pretend you are the pilot. Where would you fly the helicopter?
  • 50. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 46 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 duck pond feathers feet swim water wings dive fly The duck is in the ______________________________. It has _____________________________________. A duck can _____________________________________.
  • 51. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 47 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a duck. Write about the duck.
  • 52. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 48 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a duck and three ducklings in a row. Write about what the ducks are doing.
  • 53. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 49 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 hippo big gray river water large smooth grass swim A hippo is ______________________________________. A hippo stays in the ________________________ all day. It comes on land to eat ____________________ at night.
  • 54. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 50 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a hippo. Write about the hippo.
  • 55. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 51 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a hippo. Describe what the hippo is doing.
  • 56. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 52 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 race car races driver prize quicker faster speeds trophy racer A race car ________________________________ around the track. The winning car goes _____________________ than the other cars. The winning _________________ gets a _____________________.
  • 57. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 53 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a race car. Write about the race car.
  • 58. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 54 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a race car speeding past another car. Describe the race.
  • 59. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 55 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 shark teeth ocean hunt fish fins sea swim water A shark is a kind of _____________________________. A shark lives in the ________________________. It has sharp ___________________ to help it catch food.
  • 60. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 56 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a shark. Write about the shark.
  • 61. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 57 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a large shark chasing a school of fish. Write about what will happen if the shark catches the fish.
  • 62. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 58 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 bunny whiskers wiggle tail jumps furry ears hops moves A bunny has long __________ and a fluffy _______________. A bunny can ____________________ its nose. It _____________________ on strong legs.
  • 63. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 59 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a bunny. Write about the bunny.
  • 64. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 60 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a brown bunny hopping across green grass. Pretend your friend has never seen a bunny. Describe what a bunny looks like.
  • 65. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 61 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 bear large wild hunts hibernates strong furry fishes sleeps A bear is a ___________________________ animal. A bear _______________ and _________________ for food. It _____________________ in the winter.
  • 66. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 62 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw bear. Write about the bear.
  • 67. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 63 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a bear by a river full of fish. Write about how the bear is going to get dinner.
  • 68. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 64 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 porcupine quills long climb fruit spines sharp leaves seeds A porcupine has _________________________________. Some porcupines __________________ trees to find its food. Porcupines eat ___________________________________.
  • 69. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 65 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a porcupine. Write about the porcupine.
  • 70. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 66 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a porcupine and a dog. Show what the dog looks like after it touches the porcupine with its paw. Write about what is happening in your picture.
  • 71. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 67 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 monkey tail climb swing jungle hands feet jump zoo This monkey lives in the _________________________________. It uses its ______________ and ____________ to move in trees. A monkey can _________________________________________.
  • 72. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 68 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a monkey. Write about the monkey.
  • 73. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 69 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a monkey in a tree. Write about what the monkey is doing.
  • 74. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 70 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 cat small play purrs soft furry climb run pounce A cat is a __________________________ animal. It can ___________________________________. A cat _______________________ when it is happy.
  • 75. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 71 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a cat. Write about the cat.
  • 76. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 72 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a cat chasing a butterfly. Write about how the cat moves as it tries to catch the butterfly.
  • 77. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 73 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 fox tail hunts den eats ears catches hole bushy This fox has a long __________________ and big ________. It __________________ small animals for food. It lives in a __________________ in the ground.
  • 78. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 74 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a fox. Write about the fox.
  • 79. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 75 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a fox in the woods. Write about where the fox is going.
  • 80. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 76 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 octopus soft arms ocean rocks colors tentacles sea water An octopus lives in the __________________. It has a ___________ body with eight ______________. An octopus can change ______________________.
  • 81. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 77 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw an octopus. Write about the octopus.
  • 82. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 78 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw an octopus hiding in the rocks. Draw yourself swimming near the octopus. Write about what you would do if you met an octopus while you were swimming.
  • 83. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 79 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 fish scales tiny tank pet fins fishbowl aquarium gold This is my ___________________ fish. It has ________________ and ____________. It lives in the ____________________________.
  • 84. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 80 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a fish. Write about the fish.
  • 85. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 81 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw two different fish in a large fishbowl. Add water, plants, and a snail. Write about ways that the fish are the same. Draw Write
  • 86. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 82 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 airplane pilot people journey engines passengers travelers trip flight The airplane is ready to start a ___________________. Many ___________________ get on the plane. The ______________ starts the _____________ and off they go.
  • 87. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 83 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw an airplane. Write about the airplane.
  • 88. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 84 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw the airplane flying among clouds. Write about where you would like to travel on an airplane.
  • 89. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 85 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 dragon scales dangerous fire fly wings friendly tail scary A dragon has ______________ and _________________. This dragon is ___________________________________. It can breathe ____________________________________.
  • 90. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 86 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a dragon. Write about the dragon.
  • 91. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 87 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a fierce dragon breathing fire. Write about what you would do if you met a dragon.
  • 92. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 88 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 child boy ittle funny sing play girl big smart dance learn This child is a ______________________________. He is __________________ and _______________. He can ______________________________.
  • 93. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 89 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a child. Write about the child.
  • 94. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 90 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a child that looks like you. Have the child doing what you like to do. Write about what you like to do.
  • 95. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 91 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 castle moat tower king knights bridge queen soldiers servants This castle has a ________________ and a _________________. A _________________ and a _______________ live here. There are __________________ to protect the castle.
  • 96. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 92 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a castle. Write about the castle.
  • 97. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 93 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a castle. Show the king and queen going into the castle. Write about what you think it would be like to live in a castle.
  • 98. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 94 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw and write. 1 2 3 whale flukes swims ocean air flippers dives water oxygen A whale has _________________ and ___________________. A whale comes out of the water to get ____________________. A whale ___________________ in the ___________________.
  • 99. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 95 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Who or what? _______________________________________ Did what? _______________________________________ Where? _______________________________________ When? _______________________________________ Why? _______________________________________ Write a sentence. 1 2 3 Draw a whale. Write about the whale.
  • 100. ©1999 by Evan-Moor Corp. 96 Draw...Then Write • EMC 731 Draw Write Draw a whale swimming along in the ocean. Write about what a whale can do.
  • 101. About Evan-Moor Educational Publishers About Evan-Moor Educational Publishers At Evan-Moor, our products are written, edited, and tested by professional educators. We strive to provide the best products and service possible. Evan-Moor’s materials are directed to teachers and parents of prekindergarten through 6th-grade students, and most materials are correlated to state standards. We address all major curriculum areas, including: Reading Science Math Early Childhood ELL Writing Geography Social Studies Arts & Crafts Teacher Resources How We Began In 1979, Joy Evans and Jo Ellen Moore were team-teaching first grade in a Title I school. They decided to put ideas that worked for their students into a book. They joined with Bill Evans (Joy’s brother) to start Evan-Moor Educational Publishers with one title. Who We Became Evan-Moor now offers over 450 titles, many of which have won awards for quality, creativity, and innovation. Our materials are used in classrooms around the world. Our Mission Now, as then, we are dedicated to helping children learn. We think it is the world’s most important job, and we strive to assist teachers and parents in this essential endeavor. Evan-Moor products are available at fine teacher supply stores and bookstores everywhere and at • Supports the 6 traits of writing • Clear teacher instructions • Correlated to state standards How to Write a Story Grades 4–6+ EMC 794 Paragraph Writing* Grades 2–4 EMC 246 Writing Fabulous Sentences & Paragraphs* Grades 4–6+ EMC 575 Writing Poetry with Children Grades 1–6+ EMC 734 Poetry Patterns & Themes Grades 3–6+ EMC 733 Giant Write Every Day: Daily Writing Prompts Grades 2–6+ EMC 775 Writing Forms: Tops & Bottoms Grades K–2 EMC 596 Evan-Moor’s Best-Selling Writing Titles * Includes transparencies
  • 102. Why Teachers Use • Fun drawing activities inspire students to write. • Each drawing comes with writing prompts at three levels of difficulty to help you differentiate instruction. • Over 20 motivating drawing topics appeal to students’ varied interests. • Step-by-step directions guide students through each activity. • Reproducible student pages are ideal for writing-center activities. Best-selling Writing titles . . . Draw...Then Write Give your students the motivation they need to write creatively and successfully! Draw…ThenWrite provides students with easy step-by-stepDraw…ThenWrite provides students with easy step-by-stepDraw…ThenWrite directions for drawing animals, people, and vehicles. The finished drawings become the perfect inspiration for a variety of fun writing activities. Each of the drawing activities comes with writing prompts at three levels of difficulty so you can tailor lessons to each student’s individual needs. There’s something to inspire and instruct every student! 96 reproducible pages each. Grades 1–3 EMC 731 Grades 4–6 EMC 773 hyhyh REVISED EDITION Writing Fabulous Sentences & Paragraphs Guide your students through the process of writing with scaffolded practice that’s as engaging as it is educational! Transparencies, paragraph-writing forms, graphic organizers, a trait-based writing guide, and engaging activities help you introduce students to essential writing techniques as they progress from writing sentences to paragraphs. Correlated to state standards. Grades 4–6+ EMC 575 REVISED EDITION How to Write a Story, Grades 4–6+ Give your students the organizational tools they need to craft interesting short stories, along with the creative inspiration that makes writing fun! Students complete focused activities on characters, setting, action, and conclusion, and then write their own short stories. Writing templates and a trait-based writing guide help you lead students through the process of writing. Correlated to state standards. Grades 4–6+ EMC 794 Includes Transparencies ISBN 9781608234110 EMC 731