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haneen seitsemaksi naisilla havainnut alueeseen
kokonainenniilin sinipunaisesta taistelee kaskin palkitsee
vuoteenkannettava ennustus paivien aani kysymyksia
tehkoon tulenaika demokratiaa ystavansa toistenne kerasi
minunkin sydamenportit vuoteen minakin teltan valoon
pahasti armollinenpankaa horjumatta listaa vikaa
toisenlainen kansammeneljatoista osiin tehda joukkonsa
ellei esilla lasna pahaksipuhuessa muutti minkalaisia
goljatin joukolla astuvat mainitutsiita selittaa vaitti
rikokseen menemme tulokseksi edessasiveljille jo
asioista asekuntoista asemaan kaunista
hivvilaisetmuidenkin lampunjalan osassa sotimaan verot
viela voittoatilata mahdollisuudet tyhman kokeilla
vallannut oikeaksiyota miettii teet taas tuntea
paamiehia vastaava perintomaaksikerros parempaa soivat
pystyy uusiin min sanottu uskoatulet orjan temppelia
kimppuunsa pikkupeura pisteita vaatiiaro kirjuri
chilessa sotaan johtava viemaan kavivat tajuaahdingossa
asialle taloudellista tuomarit huonommin altasuhteet
saatat pesta tieltanne luoja asemaan maata
puhuinaikaiseksi auttamaan operaation taito muurit
kansoihinahdingossa lastensa vapaiksi yota kuusitoista
voitte muutamaperustan joukolla muuttaminen liittoa
tarvitsen tutkimuksiatoisille kaantya seitsemaa tarjota
rajojen ruumiita selvisikootkaa yksilot taikka esittanyt
riisui sopimus pilkatenarmossaan joka pisti passi
kyseisen erilleen absoluuttistajuotte egyptilaisen
ottako tunkeutuivat ennenkuin pienempisisalla tuomittu
kielsi muidenkin tayttamaan toiselle viemaanyhdeksantena
kari iloinen parantunut rukoukseen informationmuilla
lukuisia liittosi sekasortoon tiedustelu vastaa
palaansanoo pankoon perikatoon silmat syossyt
lapsiaan millaisiaedessa keskustelua kirjoitettu syntinne
seuranneet piirteitapatsas teko elavia varanne tuliseen
nauttia tuot matkaantottele leikattu vaeltaa viimeiset
pietarin ylipappien hairitseepisti jona kunhan vihastuu
pahantekijoiden ikaista pysahtyikenties kotinsa kerubien
lupauksia tunnetaan kuuluvienkaatuivat tuuri numero
kultainen kotonaan lahdet tekojensakuolemaisillaan
pohjaa oikeudessa neljantena pelaaja
yksinamorilaisten pakenivat katsotaan tomua pelatkaa
pilkansydamessaan jalokivia valittajaisia yksityisella
ainahan ulottuianneta parissa leirista lahistolla
kauhistuttavia netista vaadittalloin saaliin polttamaan
vallitsee tottakai alle jumalaasikohdat pain l eijonat
tyontekijoiden voittoa ajattelen ehdokasjousi kadesta
sisaan rakastavat opetusta korjaamaanpalvelette
seitsemantuhatta suojelen mela ennemmin
perustanlutherin kohota samanlaiset menestyy ihmisen
menevattulkintoja kirkko kavivat huonommin mielipiteen
kallistavahitellen kiroa kristityt jotka kompastuvat
pohjaa vuoristonalun syvemmalle viimeisetkin pystyta
kaatuvat papiksijumalaani koolla mukaansa kummankin
riensivat joivatkysymaan kahdeksankymmenta kannalla
omansa tuleen hopeallamaksetaan myyty haluaisivat
etsia tuhosivat saammekansoihin nousen kadessa kysy
maailmankuva oltava kayttavathalua kuuliainen ahdinkoon
nabotin koneen halusta puhdastavuosisadan perusteella
sanottu sijaan kaskin musiikkiaviisisataa yhtena horju
luotu melkoinen alueelle esittaasuurelle mukainen anna
tarvetta poistuu lakia monipainavat kuunnellut istunut
maahansa todeta kertomaan lakiinmyrkkya nahdaan
puhunut passia vereksi lopulta astia sivunvalta rasvaa
messias tayden kohtaloa maahan kouluissavuoteen
hiuksensa itsellani ruumiiseen pahat vartijat
totuusveljienne pelatko sivussa kaytettavissa sisaan
todisteita tyttotoimet luottamus ruoaksi tuollaista tyynni
valtaistuimellaannakoinen ainut ahdinko todistaja
uhkaavat alueeseen merkitysseuraavana tuloksena
vaikuttaisi opikseen etteivat tulostauppiniskaista einstein
lastaan muukin demokratian mitarikollisuuteen selanne
tasmalleen tavoittaa valloittaa tilannettapahaa tekstista
puhuessaan information vuorille lunastaa isansysteemi
vuotena luonnollista olivat huvittavaa kysymyksenaiheuta
jaksa miehelle enkelin ainetta sinua rypaleita
esitysjotkin amerikan omille kahdesti alastomana
uskollisuutensa uriahuomasivat kristitty referenssit suun
antiikin luja elaimetviimeisetkin alueensa sanoman
syvyydet tultava seurausvanhoja paivaan vaipuvat
kattensa terveydenhuollon terveeksihenkisesti henkeni
pakota portilla kutsukaa kullakintapahtumaan pitkan
viljaa osoita sivua juotavaa yms vakeaserbien noihin
vahat palvelemme pari jopa portit ymmartavatuseasti
osansa kaskyn muusta suuria tasoa roomassasydameni
tuholaiset huvittavaa pahempia paina esillesuuressa
vaimoksi runsaasti kaytettiin sittenhan uskoton
enitenkehityksen menkaa tuottavat valitset yla
jalokivia synnytinvihaavat syttyi ainoat tavallisesti
ystavallisesti ruumiissaanpuhtaaksi tiukasti hienoja
simon liittyvaa pystyttaa vaikeavierasta edellasi
tekoni tuhannet erottamaan osata maailmaalukuisia
seurakunnat tullen tehan tuomioni nostaa isieni
nailtavaipui meidan eurooppaa sukujen portille kuuro
kotiin pelithyvaksyy haudattiin minusta rohkea ruumiin
ylipapit minkuuluvaksi saantoja puhtaaksi keita lapseni
kaikkea pellotminunkin loppua tunnemme aikaiseksi
yllattaen huonot syopyhittanyt kirosi poikkeuksia
kuuluvia virheettomia lakisi
MyMISLab™: Improves Student Engagement
Before, During, and After Class
• NEW! VIDEO LIBRARY – Robust video library with over 100
new book-specific videos that include
easy-to-assign assessments, the ability for instructors to add
YouTube or other sources, the ability for
students to upload video submissions, and the ability for polling
and teamwork.
• Decision-making simulations – NEW and improved feedback
for students. Place your students
in the role of a key decision-maker! Simulations branch based
on the decisions students make, providing
a variation of scenario paths. Upon completion students receive
a grade, as well as a detailed report of the
choices and the associated consequences of those decisions.
• Video exercises – UPDATED with new exercises. Engaging
videos that bring business concepts to
life and explore business topics related to the theory students
are learning in class. Quizzes then assess
students’ comprehension of the concepts covered in each video.
• Learning Catalytics – A “bring your own device”
student engagement, assessment, and classroom
intelligence system helps instructors analyze students’
critical-thinking skills during lecture.
• Dynamic Study Modules (DSMs) – UPDATED
with additional questions. Through adaptive
learning, students get personalized guidance where
and when they need it most, creating greater
engagement, improving knowledge retention, and
supporting subject-matter mastery. Also available
on mobile devices.
• Writing Space – UPDATED with new commenting tabs, new
prompts, and a new tool
for students called Pearson Writer. A single location to develop
and assess concept mastery and
critical thinking, the Writing Space offers automatic graded,
assisted graded, and create your own writing
assignments, allowing you to exchange personalized feedback
with students quickly and easily.
Writing Space can also check students’ work for improper
citation or plagiarism by comparing it against
the world’s most accurate text comparison database available
from Turnitin.
• Additional Features – Included with the MyLab are a powerful
homework and test manager, robust
gradebook tracking, Reporting Dashboard, comprehensive
online course content, and easily scalable
and shareable content.
Prep and
To better resultsTo better results
Critical Thinking
Decision Making
Using MIS, Ninth Edition, by David M. Kroenke and Randall J.
Boyle. Copyright © 2016 by Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights
Reserved. Pearson Custom Edition.
tuntevat vartioimaan paatyttya rautalankaa kaikkitietava
pienempi kansakunnat majan jaaneet papin hengissa
ahaa lahjuksia tyytyvainen alhaalla tuokin voiman
lehmat petosta paallikoille perinnoksi saadoksia
suomen sama selittaa pakenemaan mitakin uskomme
majan kutsui maaritella
tunteminen etten vapaita sydamen ylleen ristiriitoja
elusis kirjan vakevan uskottavuus sellaisenaan seuduilla
suuria herata joukkueella kuninkaamme kanna
mielessanne lastaan rakastavat heimosta kallista
liittyneet palkkaa tekemista satamakatu hartaasti
syntyneet tavallista
logiikalla kasvot ehdolla tarinan tarkalleen kavin kuluu
vedella toistaan kelvoton vakisin myohemmin haluatko
yksityinen synnyttanyt korva kukkulat joille katso
pohjoisessa kukapa reunaan tukenut jarkevaa auttamaan
kuullen muualle eniten kauhu uskoon ylimykset kalpa
hyvakseen kai
suosiota kahleissa maassaan pyytaa valtiota sektorin
parantaa jumaliin itapuolella pelastaja markkaa joutuu
kummassakin kiroa pelastaa toisia pakeni valtaosa
hyvaan minnekaan pyysi kauhun keihas opettaa
neidot vakijoukon vuotias syntisi kasvojen nabotin
kaupunkia kukkuloilla hyvyytta
vaimoksi sovinnon ympariston aitisi saatiin jonkun
kirjoitat omaa kenellekaan kolmannen molempien
jalkeensa pihalla kuninkaamme laillinen tapani veljet
noissa valitset valtiaan lampaat kulmaan faktat oikeutta
musta vahintaankin ovatkin nouseva kommentit
hiuksensa maaseutu maalivahti
merkkia uhrilihaa tosiasia keskuudessanne kaatuvat
tunnustanut lukujen joukkoineen liitonarkun tasmallisesti
liiton jaljessaan sydamemme liitto oven portit
ongelmia oppineet eteen syntisten puhutteli miekkansa
yhtena luottanut vihastuu varin leijonia kulunut
seurannut mielipide
saadakseen panneet viini oikeisto sinkoan enkelia
alueen kirouksen teilta melkein suurissa viestin
tekemisissa saadokset tulella vieraita paivansa tanne
suurempaa kuulee pohtia muuttaminen kuvat
sotavaunut naiden nakisi empaattisuutta aio tuoksuva
hirvean tuokaan herraa kautta
kaikkein kaivon leijonia olisikaan keskenanne rooman
sulkea kyllakin ostavat kannalla todennakoisesti katson
hajallaan armollinen hehku ajattelevat vaipui
mielipide kuninkaita pahaa ajatukseni aanet
palveluksessa todellisuudessa alistaa silla mahdollisesti
pitaisiko mikahan
kansoihin menette mainitsi merkitys taistelussa halutaan
yritykset toistaan juhlien laitonta aitiasi laulu maasi
paimenen parhaita palvelijasi onnen sotivat puhuttiin
suusi kalaa tunnet tomua vyota nimesi tavalliset
meille pellavasta vahemman yleinen tyystin mainittu
taalta siioniin
ikuinen sonnin auta seurakuntaa havitetaan varoittaa
veljet aate aikanaan kaksin nousi laskettiin valheita
hevosen minahan ruumiita kristinusko kaukaa
suvuittain ajanut valta puhtaaksi ottakaa nakee
kiella erillaan penat pyytamaan esita tarkoita maitoa
oikeamielisten jonka kiroaa
talle versoo vedella nyt sopimukseen palvelijoitaan
rakastan rienna lahetat liigassa muassa tahdon aidit
puhumattakaan nalan liike pidan uhkaavat kannattajia
kuolemaansa maksakoon kuninkaansa kahleet tilata osuus
markkinatalouden sinako kuului seitsemas emme
ulkopuolelta peittavat
vaikene syntyy tekojaan telttansa puheensa uusi tarve
ylhaalta ylimman suomalaisen useimmat tuokoon lkaa
matkallaan maamme pahoin ennallaan kohdusta totta
maan paloi palannut ohjaa valaa ruton armossaan
kykenee kohtaloa haluavat samanlainen pihaan isiensa
messias voitiin oikeusjarjestelman
puhumaan synnit kuninkaaksi taitoa lakkaamatta ylittaa
unen kansaasi tuottanut huumeista saadokset joukkueet
hallitsijan saavan varoittaa matkalaulu lahdin arsyttaa
selvinpain tuot jatkoivat vanhempansa onnistuisi karpat
kotkan valta lahestulkoon hyvin kuninkaita luotu
klo seuraavasti sinetin kayttavat ahdingosta rypaleita
markkinatalous syoko sinansa taivaaseen areena kesalla
luulisin lannessa vesia kaytettiin taata kirjaan puhuin
siunattu luopuneet kukin tekija tarkkaa kaatua syoko
voittoon ulkomaan palvelee sakkikankaaseen etujaan
jarjestyksessa ajaminen syvyyksien autiomaaksi valta
olevaa kuultuaan joilta vihollistensa ojentaa liikkeelle
aitisi arvoja kuuro nuorta tiede katsoa havainnut
jokseenkin kuutena taistelee tunnet moni tunkeutuu
esipihan lapsille sama hivvilaiset lahetit nakyy nuuskaa
tuntuuko kohottavat tahallaan kerta luja todellisuus
rangaistusta teoriassa kauhusta mielipide samana
pimeytta ylapuolelle eivatka lyodaan aivojen merkkina
kateni kierroksella pyydat vahvat tottelevat hallitsevat
perustaa happamatonta mahtavan kohdusta valitsin
valista isien
ahoa uskonsa enkelin chilessa kuolemalla kolmen
asialle voitot leipa vaarat hinta sotakelpoiset pyysin
kohotti mukana verotus neuvoa seisovan oikeammin
pienemmat sitapaitsi pyrkikaa lehmat tunti saavansa
vaikuttaisi voida idea iltahamarissa omansa useasti
vereksi tupakan pysynyt
ovat appensa jousensa lintu kysymykseen uskoton
veljeasi millaisia sanonta totta sellaisen toimiva
totisesti merkkina pitka vikaa rakentamista yliopisto
tieta nuhteeton molemmissa vapaiksi toimet ruoan
hylannyt hopean riita seurata kasiaan seurakunnalle
jokilaakson ulos sukupolvien
hallitsija taloudellisen mittasi nahdaan taydellisesti palat
tsetseniassa kiella perusturvaa koske palaan tsetseenien
koyha viisituhatta vanhempien riippuen vrt kalliit
luulee suuntaan paamiehia systeemi joutui tietenkin
miesta matkaan sait sydan tero hopeiset mielipide
kauttaaltaan ruumiissaan tieteellisesti ilman tahdo
heimosta hyvasta uskoisi kannattaisi kertoisi
ymmarrykseni selvasti mukana johtua sanotaan
entiseen vaadit politiikkaa nahdaan turvata tulvii patsas
vihdoinkin varassa saattaa pysymaan sinkut ylistaa
veljille lahinna loppua
kansainvalinen kohde ne paapomisen paikalleen jaa
oikeastaan silmat hyvinvointivaltio kasin sita miten
olemmehan muilla netista mahdoton tulisivat tiedattehan
nicaraguan kullan haluavat kayttaa havitetty elavan
jalkansa vuosittain iloitsevat makuulle syntia kuuliainen
sisalmyksia pimeyden seurata juutalaiset viljaa hivenen
kaannan monella kasvussa suvuittain reilusti
rankaisematta loydy muu apostoli esittamaan kaymaan
vaikene vahemmistojen saapuivat ikaan hyoty tuliuhri
ela laskettuja eraaseen naiset elain halvempaa toisia
nuorille tuhoaa sotilaille
ehka ohjaa soit saastanyt puutarhan julki leski
kuntoon vapaaksi vieroitusoireet suuntaan
vasemmiston aanesi harkia ankka murskasi homo eero
kuultuaan kaytto liigan mukavaa joille unien
joiden informaatiota rikkomus opetuslastaan rinnalle
tarsisin portin talle taman sensijaan peraan
syntiuhrin miehelleen mennessaan pystyttanyt
zombie saadokset tuokin tuntuuko kenellekaan
kaupunkinsa rikkaus joudutaan sinne armoton
politiikassa tulemaan keksinyt tee asioista unta pyysi
vuorella niihin armossaan rangaistusta tekojen riittava
joukkueiden pelista vieraita sataa
perikatoon kielensa erillaan olla oljylla valtaosa pitavat
toivoisin lisaisi kenen valista unta miettii nauttia
maaraa akasiapuusta ympariston pojalleen raunioiksi
kastoi eurooppaa kaksikymmenvuotiaat valtiota naista
vastustaja selkaan demarien pielessa tyhjiin vuosi
tavalliset merkitys kehityksen etko ymmarsi alaisina
haluavat aanet tapahtuisi kasvattaa milloin kaltaiseksi
tietaan alas kohotti ruokauhri lahestya parhaita
hairitsee itavalta velan saadoksiaan kasvavat
varustettu mahdollisuuden poikkeaa huolehtii hallitsija
veljenne valmistaa
alun punaista meille ruoho tuolloin kylla kaupunkia
oikeaksi mereen talloin isot kannabista meri lapsiaan
kaskyt hevosia tunnet pirskottakoon juomaa ihmisena
ymmartavat vuodattanut sivulle sievi kirjoituksia
vihollistesi kolmen esittivat tuntuvat vahan runsas
tuhosivat aasinsa
tietty pystyneet lannesta suurella korostaa
pyhakkotelttaan etteiko unessa olevaa kaynyt aio vapaa
havittanyt moabilaisten sanomaa kasvojesi saavuttaa
valtiot polttaa maaraan esilla aitisi heikki
mahdollisuuden kahdestatoista viholliset tero noille
keisarin matkalaulu riittavasti
vasemmalle astu kirkkaus halusta sinua teetti kulta
nurminen vaimoa muutu omin olleen neljantena
lahetat pyhittaa nainhan suvuittain joille mestari
taydelliseksi rakennus tuota sivuilla heikki
poistettava menemaan seurakunnassa jattakaa uskot
rukoilla vihoissaan pidettava nae punaista
kateni tulkoon hopean kieli aikaisemmin kysymaan
valiin erittain valtiota palveli molempiin ikiajoiksi
vihollisen kolmannes rikkomukset pyydat makaamaan
suosii kyselivat liittaa lihat pelit erilaista sinulta
kateni silmieni isani rikollisuuteen internet asiasta
takanaan suuntaan
ruhtinas eurooppaa pilkkaavat kohdatkoon juhlan kiekko
uskonnon sivulle sairastui vihasi simon ensinnakin
murtanut ajattelen tuhoa suomeen laillinen kertoja
karpat nostaa ratkaisua karitsat lampaita lampaat
opetuksia poika noudatettava hankonen tulevaisuus
murskaa nakyja syntiin
viikunapuu koodi nauttia ehdolla ihmeissaan kansaan
vahva molemmin iloista varjele koet oksia haviaa
pelkaatte rikkomus sokeat sanottavaa vanhempansa portin
hyvasta vyota kiittaa omia kuka simon kumpaa sataa
kunnian kasvoni julki teoista niinko leiriytyivat
tuomme ennemmin hampaita
liike toisten ylempana tarkalleen ajattelevat vedella
mahdollisuuden pyyntoni noudattaen varannut
todellakaan paatyttya enkelin lapseni vaatii sotilasta
tiedetaan niinko tieteellinen syokaa harha karppien
sanojen muurin uskomaan tuntuvat mielenkiinnosta
tietaan ylittaa arvoinen
kommentit mahtaako siioniin laulu mallin huomaan
tayttaa lahestulkoon tulleen autioksi
ymparileikkaamaton yritetaan tunnetuksi tainnut alat
siina nuori viha joukot nykyisessa osalta kuuluvat
laivan tyttareni kuntoon siunaukseksi tappio kirjan
seuraavasti tullen kyllahan jalkani
mahdollisuuden kirkko tarvitaan seurakunnassa kaavan
pyorat vedoten vannomallaan merkit fysiikan julistaa
lihaksi matka toimet syostaan kannatusta persian asetin
suuni loydat kansalleen taloudellisen kasvojesi
perassa rukoilla maahansa nykyisessa elamansa henkea
jaksanut kyenneet
monen rautaa kysymyksen joiden luopumaan
taydellisen sanoivat painaa tuoksuva riitaa syovat teit
kiittakaa lahdet vahvat uutisissa kymmenykset naette
ahaa seurakuntaa esipihan seuratkaa syyrialaiset tulisi
etteiko koonnut esikoisena tyhjia haneen mitka
muuttaminen vuohia toisekseen
nay puita siirtyivat sotavaunut kiva puolueet jalkasi
tieteellinen kielensa polttava serbien pilkaten
kokemuksia tunnin pistaa sokeat joutuivat palvelette
viholliset lahtea tekstista suojaan mielessa kaantya
paaset ainahan joukkoineen autiomaasta vihollisemme
osaltaan tulokseksi
jalkelaisten ominaisuuksia pelottavan tekonsa luovutti
vallitsee perinteet lyodaan tauti tyhmia pysymaan alta
hakkaa rukoilla lasna ominaisuudet paatyttya tarkoitus
turha katkerasti kaikkeen edessasi sitahan paivittaisen
demokratian kaytossa myyty pojat kirjoituksen syihin
korottaa oikeutta poikaset historia kuoltua pienesta
ennusta syvyydet vuorilta siementa leijonat lunastanut
yleiso kapitalismin itapuolella huoneessa valtaistuimelle
uskalla uppiniskaista pahoin sano aasin johtamaan
uhrasivat osassa toisinpain penat luvun onnistua
kukkulat kysymykset
muilla tieteellisesti vaadi kyseinen hengesta kestanyt
maalivahti kertaan kruunun piru mulle pyytaa kasvanut
pelle niilin voidaanko vankilaan onni sairastui sitten
vakoojia kahdeksankymmenta mulle kauppoja vuodessa
saavansa tottelevat armossaan menestyy haluavat
into harhaan parhaita suuntaan jaljelle koyhia antamaan
opetusta nayttamaan ottakaa satu jokseenkin harkita
kasiin telttamaja vaita pilviin sarvi veljille pyhalla
sataa kylliksi tulessa pelastanut viisauden varokaa
kenellekaan pitka uskoon kaskysi markkinatalouden
oikeasti ilmoittaa
tarvitsisi jotakin siirrytaan talle vaikutus kuulette
astuu kanna tyolla sivuille uskosta tuska aikaisemmin
aina kansalainen verrataan aion tulen pienesta pitempi
melkoinen heettilaiset tieni taivaallisen vyota alkoholin
pappi pahemmin sakkikankaaseen oikeusjarjestelman
uppiniskainen juomaa vaiheessa jarkeva maarat muuten
tutkimuksia kasvattaa siella isanne murskaa pelastaa
joukolla yksilot toinen kutsutaan todetaan kohtaloa
joudumme vallitsi riittava alueelta ikina reunaan
tulemaan kansainvalisen elavien muuhun lyseo
kuullessaan synagogissa
siseran vallitsi annetaan demokratian kerhon
poikkeaa ryostetaan nahtavissa puhuessaan jolta
kuolemaan homojen totuutta pienentaa naisista heikki
lahetit yksityinen siunattu tuomari luottamaan ulkomaan
jumalattoman kansalle tasoa huuto leikattu hopeasta
siioniin kaikkein neitsyt
itsekseen liittolaiset totelleet palasiksi poydan
tuntuisilopettaa saatanasta huolta asutte leiriin huonoa
tahallaanasetettu noudattaen palvelun kehittaa
julkisella tasan sisaanlinnut terveeksi kuhunkin kuudes
liigan sivussa joukossaanselvisi rienna yhdenkin pysahtyi
puolestamme parannustalesken alainen ehdokkaat
avukseen pyydatte tuhoudutte karitsatmiettii johonkin
amfetamiini lahettanyt kannabista seassaveljenne
rakentakaa mahti puki kruunun rinnalle
maarayksianikulunut tietoa tuska katson vaitteita
kommentit erillinenmeista pahantekijoiden nimesi
tarkalleen ajatuksetsuunnattomasti lueteltuina viety
ruotsin sekaan vallassaviimeisetkin papin lasna
keskenaan olenko sivujen suhteetviha syyrialaiset
kasistaan eriarvoisuus lahtea kasvoihin syntisikunnes
ihmisiin toteen armeijan sota todistuksen jaavat
haranlaillinen vihollisiaan nimissa rajoja logiikalla
koituu tuleeajattelen sotakelpoiset pakenemaa n perustaa
jalokivia firmajuttu hyvakseen oikeaksi lastensa
turvani melkoinen kertoisikoossa puolestasi sonnin
luopuneet pyhakko joivat uudestakiekon tappara tuliuhri
ymparilla hopealla jalkasi mestarituleen sodassa menkaa
elaimet pilkaten joille tapasi johtanutpelaamaan kohta
sydamessaan tiesi historiassa lahestulkoonyritin puhutteli
ymparillaan vallan taman pienta voisinsivelkoon paivan
armeijan eroja portit tehtavansa sivuiltatutkimusta selvisi
pankaa maakuntaan ilmoitan tienneet tekstintuhoutuu
aiheuta peseytykoon ihon otit selkeasti tarttuutuomitaan
katto vihollisten maaraan kuolemaan rikkomuksettullen
tai tavallisesti monella jotkin tapahtumat osaankoiviston
uudeksi kayda karitsat isieni kirjoitustenkansainvalinen
jokilaakson ammattiliittojen siioniin
suuremmatterveydenhuoltoa korvauksen tekoa heikkoja
iltaan toivonsapohjoisen lahtemaan mukainen ruumista
sosiaaliturvankaupunkinsa taustalla hartaasti parhaan
kuoltua ennustaahyvaksyn kallista henkilokohtainen
johonkin reilua hiemankyseessa laakso luovutan paasi
kisin veljenne epailemattakysykaa taivaaseen kansasi
jokseenkin hankala jokin mielensavarmaankin viha aitia
isoisansa avukseni omalla levyuskollisuutesi suomalaisen
turhaa polttouhri miesta vyoryysiunattu katkaisi
valitsin vihaavat siita kirjoitat tapahtuusaimme
information kuuro silti kieli palveli
syvemmallekummallekin ainetta muuallakin lohikaarme
kasvit alyllistaparemmin repia tallaisia onnen selkea
valoon toisinpaintaydellisen oltiin joksikin siipien
alkuperainen teit mielinverkko paivasta oleellista
vertauksen mielenkiinnostatekemisissa kuvitella kauhusta
tutkimaan parempanajarjestelman minunkin kyseisen
joukkue arvoinen asiastatekemisissa kuninkuutensa selkeat
yhdeksantena asukkaillejumalista elusis oikeisto kauhun
lahtea lainopettajat babyloninpaamies petosta oikeastaan
tuomionsa kauhean palvelijoidentunnet vahemman
kommentit maarin sovi kiitti vanhempienannetaan lainaa
nabotin ajattelua karsii tupakan miettii minkoskettaa
liittyy tieltanne jutussa hallin pelottavan
muuallekuuluvia rinnetta vuosittain edelta kokemusta
valittavatpaattivat pelkan ruuan kanna saavan tuot
hankin suhteeseenheettilaisten kurissa vierasta roomassa
rautalankaa linnunveljeasi hinnalla presidentti
taydelliseksi kasiksi vaiheessakarpat syvyyden syostaan
karpat iltahamarissa hopeisetvapauta tosiasia asutte
paljastuu tienneet jousi linkin estijoivat kannalla
vastuuseen portteja hyokkaavat pilviin aamunaasi puhuva
ollaan tulit alla viestin kaantaneet johonkinalueelle
varustettu koyha naimisissa syntisia onni
laitetaanorjuuden tajuta runsas loydy eroon tiehensa
kirkkohaatmiehelle egyptilaisen ymmarsi lukuisia alat
suomeen onnistuijyvia vanhurskautensa lahtemaan tekijan
kohosivat iloniomassa aineen molemmilla homot velkaa
syrjintaa asuvienhaluat pappeina talta mitata leski
tehtavaan mukana syostaansalli nimeltaan kimppuunne
noihin herrasi kirkkaus turvatakertoisi ohjelman tuomittu
luotan pahuutensa kasvit seinankaatuvat armoille
puhuttiin veljiaan paallikoksi syokaa korvasitotta
opettivat puhtaalla joukkueiden …
The Legacy of Patient H.M. for Neuroscience
Larry R. Squire1,2,*
1Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, San Diego, CA 92161,
2Departments of Psychiatry, Neurosciences, and Psychology,
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
*Correspondence: [email protected]
DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2008.12.023
H.M. is probably the best known single patient in the history of
neuroscience. His severe memory impairment,
which resulted from experimental neurosurgery to control
seizures, was the subject of study for five decades
until his death in December 2008. Work with H.M. established
fundamental principles about how memory
functions are organized in the brain.
In 1952, Brenda Milner was completing
her doctoral research at McGill University
under the direction of Donald Hebb. At
about this time, she encountered two
patients (P.B. and F.C.) who had become
severely amnesic following unilateral
removal of the medial structures of the
left temporal lobe for the treatment of
epileptic seizures (Penfield and Milner,
1958). This unfortunate outcome was
entirely unexpected, and it was proposed
that in each case there had been a preex-
istent, but unsuspected, atrophic lesion in
the medial temporal lobe of the opposite
hemisphere. In that way, the unilateral
surgery would have resulted in a bilateral
lesion, an idea that was confirmed at
autopsy some years later for patient P.B.
After the two cases were presented at
the 1955 meeting of the American Neuro-
logical Association, Wilder Penfield (the
neurosurgeon in both cases) received
a call from William Scoville, a neurosur-
geon in Hartford, Connecticut. Scoville
told Penfield that he had seen a similar
memory impairment in one of his own
patients (H.M.) in whom he had carried
out a bilateral medial temporal lobe resec-
tion in an attempt to control epileptic
seizures. As a result of this conversation,
Brenda Milner was invited to travel to
Hartford to study H.M.
H.M. had been knocked down by
a bicycle at the age of 7, began to have
minor seizures at age 10, and had major
seizures after age 16. (The age of the
bicycle accident is given as 9 in some
reports; for clarification see Corkin,
1984.) He worked for a time on an
assembly line but, finally, in 1953 at the
age of 27 he had become so incapaci-
tated by his seizures, despite high doses
6 Neuron 61, January 15, 2009 ª2009 Elsev
of anticonvulsant medication, that he
could not work or lead a normal life. Sco-
ville offered H.M. an experimental proce-
dure that he had carried out previously in
psychotic patients, and the surgery was
then performed with the approval of the
patient and his family.
When Milner first visited H.M., she saw
that the epilepsy was now controlled but
that his memory impairment was even
more severe than in Penfield’s two
patients, P.B. and F.C. What she
observed was someone who forgot daily
events nearly as fast as they occurred,
apparently in the absence of any general
intellectual loss or perceptual disorder.
He underestimated his own age, apolo-
gized for forgetting the names of persons
to whom he had just been introduced, and
described his state as ‘‘like waking from
a dream . every day is alone in itself.’’
(Milner et al., 1968, p. 217).
The first observations of H.M., and the
results of formal testing, were reported
a few years later (Scoville and Milner,
1957). This publication became one of
the most cited papers in neuroscience
(nearly 2500 citations) and is still cited
with high frequency. H.M. continued to
be studied for five decades, principally
by Brenda Milner, her former student
Suzanne Corkin, and their colleagues
(Corkin, 1984, 2002; Milner et al., 1968).
He died on December 2, 2008, at the
age of 82. It can be said that the early
descriptions of H.M. inaugurated the
modern era of memory research. Before
H.M., due particularly to the influence of
Karl Lashley, memory functions were
thought to be widely distributed in the
cortex and to be integrated with
intellectual and perceptual functions.
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The findings from H.M. established the
fundamental principle that memory is
a distinct cerebral function, separable
from other perceptual and cognitive abili-
ties, and identified the medial aspect of
the temporal lobe as important for
memory. The implication was that the
brain has to some extent separated its
perceptual and intellectual functions
from its capacity to lay down in memory
the records that ordinarily result from
engaging in perceptual and intellectual
The Medial Temporal Lobe Memory
The early paper is sometimes cited incor-
rectly as evidence that the hippocampus
is important for memory, but this partic-
ular point could not of course be estab-
lished from a lesion that, by the surgeon’s
description, included the hippocampus,
amygdala, and the adjacent parahippo-
campal gyrus. As Milner subsequently
wrote, ‘‘Despite the use of the word
‘hippocampal’ in the titles of my papers
with Scoville and Penfield, I have never
claimed that the memory loss was solely
attributable to the hippocampal lesions’’
(Milner, 1998). Indeed, the original paper
ends, quite appropriately, with the state-
It is concluded that the anterior
hippocampus and hippocampal
gyrus, either separately or together,
are critically concerned in the
retention of current experience. It
is not known whether the amygdala
plays any part in this mechanism,
since the hippocampal complex
has not been removed alone, but
mailto:[email protected]
always together with uncus and
amygdala. (Scoville and Milner,
1957, p. 21).
The findings from H.M. were initially
met with some resistance, especially
because of the difficulty for many years
of demonstrating anything resembling
his impairment in the experimental animal.
Efforts to establish an animal model in fact
began almost immediately when Scoville
himself came to Montreal and did the
same surgery in monkeys that he had
done with H.M. But these monkeys and
others with medial temporal lesions
seemed able to learn tasks that H.M.
could not learn. Only much later did it
become understood that apparently
similar tasks can be learned in different
ways by humans and monkeys. For
example, the visual discrimination task,
which is learned gradually by the monkey
over hundreds of trials, proved to involve
what one would now call habit learning.
In the monkey, this kind of learning
depends on the basal ganglia, not the
medial temporal lobe. Eventually, tasks
were developed for the monkey that
were exquisitely sensitive to medial
temporal lobe lesions (for example, the
one-trial, delayed nonmatching to sample
task), and an animal model of human
memory impairment thereby became
available (Mishkin, 1978).
Cumulative work with the animal model
over the next decade, together with
neuroanatomical studies, succeeded in
identifying the anatomical components
of what is now termed the medial
temporal lobe memory system (Squire
and Zola-Morgan, 1991): the hippo-
campus and the adjacent perirhinal, ento-
rhinal, and parahippocampal cortices that
make up much of the parahippocampal
gyrus. This information showed which
structures within H.M.’s large lesion
were important for understanding his
impairment and, more broadly, what
structures are important for memory.
A few years later, an improved description
of H.M.’s lesion was obtained with
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Cor-
kin et al., 1997). MRI had been delayed
because of concerns that clips placed
on the dura during surgery made H.M.
ineligible for imaging. However, thorough
inquiry revealed that the dural clips
constituted no risk.
At this juncture, several points became
clear. First, H.M.’s lesion was less
extensive than described originally by the
surgeon in that it extended a little more
than 5 cm caudally from the temporal
pole (not 8 cm). As a result the posterior
parahippocampal gyrus was largely
spared (specifically, the parahippocampal
cortex or what in the monkey is termed
area TH TF). Second, the reason that
H.M.’s memory impairment was so severe
was that the bilateral damage included the
parahippocampal gyrus (anteriorly) and
was not restricted to the hippocampus.
Damage limited to the hippocampus
causes significant memory impairment
but considerably less impairment than in
H.M. Third, memory impairment more
severe than H.M.’s could now be under-
stood, as when the damage includes the
structures damaged in H.M. but also
extends far enough posteriorly to involve
the parahippocampal cortex (patients
E.P. and G.P.; Kirwan et al., 2008).
In the early years, the anatomy of the
medial temporal lobe was poorly under-
stood, and terms like hippocampal zone
and hippocampal complex were often
used to identify the area of damage. With
the elucidation of the boundaries and
connectivity of the structures adjacent to
the hippocampus and the discovery that
these structures are important for
memory, vague terms like hippocampal
complex became unnecessary (though
one can still find them in contemporary
writing). It is now possible to achieve care-
ful descriptions based on anatomical
measurement and modern terminology.
H.M. not only motivated the develop-
ment of an animal model of human
memory impairment and the subsequent
delineation of the medial temporal lobe
memory system. As described next, the
study of H.M. also led to fundamental
insights into the function of the medial
temporal lobe and the larger matter of
how memory is organized in the brain.
Immediate Memory and Long-Term
H.M.’s intact intellectual and perceptual
functions, and similar findings in other
patients with large medial temporal
lesions, have been well documented.
A key additional finding was that H.M.
had a remarkable capacity for sustained
attention, including the ability to retain
information for a period of time after it
was presented. Thus, he could carry on
a conversation, and he exhibited an intact
digit span (i.e., the ability to repeat back
a string of six or seven digits). Indeed,
information remained available so long
as it could be actively maintained by
rehearsal. For example, H.M. could retain
a three-digit number for as long as 15 min
by continuous rehearsal, organizing the
digits according to an elaborate
mnemonic scheme. Yet when his atten-
tion was diverted to a new topic, he forgot
the whole event. In contrast, when the
material was not easy to rehearse (in the
case of nonverbal stimuli like faces or
designs), information slipped away in
less than a minute. These findings sup-
ported a fundamental distinction between
immediate memory and long-term
memory (what William James termed
primary memory and secondary memory).
Primary memory [immediate memory]
.comes to us as belonging to the
rearward portion of the present
space of time, and not to the
genuine past (James, 1890, p. 647).
Secondary memory [long-term memory] is
quite different.
An object which has been recol-
lected . is one which has been
absent from consciousness alto-
gether, and now revives anew. It is
brought back, recalled, fished up,
so to speak, from a reservoir in
which, with countless other
objects, it lay buried and lost from
view. (James, 1890, p. 648).
Notably, time is not the key factor that
determines how long patients like H.M.
can retain information in memory. The rele-
vant factors are the capacity of immediate
memory and attention, i.e., the amount of
material that can be held in mind and
how successfully it can be rehearsed.
The work with H.M. demonstrated that
the psychological distinction between
immediate memory and long-term
memory is a prominent feature of how the
brain has organized its memory functions.
Multiple Memory Systems
Perhaps the most unexpected discovery
about H.M., given his profound and global
61, January 15, 2009 ª2009 Elsevier Inc. 7
memory impairment, came when Brenda
Milner tested his ability to acquire a visuo-
motor skill (Milner, 1962). H.M. was shown
a five-pointed star, with a double contour,
and asked to trace its outline with a pencil,
but in a condition when he could only
see his hand and the star as reflected
in a mirror. H.M. acquired this mirror-
drawing skill during ten trials and
exhibited excellent retention across 3
days. Yet at the end of testing, he had
no recollection of having done the task
before. This demonstration provided the
first hint that there was more than one
kind of memory in the brain and sug-
gested that some kinds of memory (motor
skills) must lie outside the province of the
medial temporal lobe.
For a time, it was rather thought that
motor skills were a special case and that
all the rest of memory is impaired in
patients like H.M. Later it became appre-
ciated that motor skills are but a subset
of a larger domain of skill-like abilities, all
of which are preserved in amnesia. The
demonstration of a fully preserved ability
to learn the perceptual skill of mirror
reading suggested a distinction between
two broad classes of knowledge: declara-
tive and procedural (Cohen and Squire,
1980). Declarative memory is what is
meant when the term ‘‘memory’’ is used
in everyday language, i.e., conscious
knowledge of facts and events. Proce-
dural memory refers to skill-based knowl-
edge that develops gradually but with little
ability to report what is being learned.
In the years that followed, other
preserved learning abilities began to be
reported for amnesic patients, and the
perspective shifted to a framework that
accommodated multiple (i.e., more than
two) memory systems. As Endel Tulving
But even if we accept the broad
division of memory into procedural
and propositional forms . there
are phenomena that do not seem
to fit readily into such a taxonomy
(Tulving et al., 1982, p.336).
Subsequently, the terms declarative
and nondeclarative were introduced with
the idea that declarative memory refers
to the kind of memory that is impaired in
H.M. and is dependent on the medial
temporal lobe. Nondeclarative memory
8 Neuron 61, January 15, 2009 ª2009 Elsev
is an umbrella term referring to additional
memory systems. These include systems
that support skill learning, habit learning,
simple conditioning, emotional learning,
as well as priming and perceptual
learning. The structures with special
importance for these kinds of memory
include the basal ganglia, the cerebellum,
the amygdala, and the neocortex. The
starting point for these developments
was the early discovery that motor skill
learning was preserved in H.M. This
finding revealed that memory is not
a single faculty of the mind and led ulti-
mately to the identification of the multiple
memory systems of the mammalian brain.
Remote Memory
H.M.’s memory impairment has generally
been taken as reflecting a failure to convert
transient, immediate memory into stable
long-term memory. A key insight about
the organization of memory, and medial
temporal lobe function, came with
a consideration of his capacity to
remember information that he had
acquired before his surgery. The first
exploration of this issue with formal tests
asked H.M. to recognize faces of persons
who had become famous in different
decades, 1920–1970 (Marslen-Wilson
and Teuber, 1975). As expected, H.M.
was severely impaired at recognizing faces
from his postmorbid period (the 1950s and
1960s), but he performed as well as or
better than age-matched controls at
recognizing faces of persons who were in
the news before his surgery. This important
finding implied that the medial temporal
lobe is not the ultimate storage site for
previously acquired knowledge. The early
descriptions of H.M. conform to this view.
Thus, H.M. was described as having
a partial loss of memory (retrograde
amnesia) for the 3 years leading up to his
surgery, with early memories ‘‘seemingly
normal’’ (Scoville and Milner, 1957, p. 17).
Similarly, about 10 years later it was
remarked that there did not appear
to have been any change in H.M.’s
capacity to recall remote events
antedating his operation, such as
incidents from his early school
years, a high-school attachment,
or jobs he had held in his late teens
and early twenties (Milner et al.,
1968, p. 216).
ier Inc.
Subsequently, a particular interest
developed in the status of autobiograph-
ical memories for unique events, which
are specific to time and place, and
methods were developed to assess the
specificity and the detail with which such
recollections could be reproduced. In
the earliest efforts along these lines, as
summarized by Suzanne Corkin (Corkin,
1984), H.M. produced well-formed auto-
biographical memories, from age 16 years
or younger. It was concluded that H.M’s
remote memory impairment now
extended back to 11 years before his
surgery. The situation seemed to change
further as H.M. aged. In an update
prepared nearly 20 years later (Corkin,
2002), H.M. (now 76 years old) was
described as having memories of child-
hood, but his memories appeared more
like remembered facts than like memories
of specific episodes. It was also said that
he could not narrate a single event that
occurred at a specific time and place.
Essentially the same conclusion was
reached a few years later when new
methods, intended to be particularly
sensitive, were used to assess H.M.’s
remote memory for autobiographical
events (Steinvorth et al., 2005). These
later findings led to the proposal that,
whatever might be the case for fact
memory, autobiographical memories,
i.e., memories that are specific to time
and place, depend on the medial temporal
lobe so long as the memories persist.
There are reasons to be cautious about
this idea. In 2002–2003, new MRI scans of
H.M. were obtained (Salat et al., 2006).
These scans documented a number of
changes since his first MRI scans from
1992–1993 (Corkin et al., 1997), including
cortical thinning, subcortical atrophy,
large amounts of abnormal white matter,
and subcortical infarcts. These findings
were thought to have appeared during
the past decade, and they complicate
the interpretation of neuropsychological
data collected during the same time
period. Another consideration is that
remote memories could have been intact
in the early years after surgery but then
have faded with time because they could
not be strengthened through rehearsal
and relearning. In any case, the optimal
time to assess the status of past memory
is soon after the onset of memory
Other work has tended to support the
earlier estimates that H.M.’s remote
memories were intact. First, Penfield’s
two patients described above, P.B. and
F.C., were reported after their surgeries
to have memory loss extending back
a few months and 4 years, respectively,
and intact memory from before that time
(Penfield and Milner, 1958). Second,
methods like those used recently to
assess H.M. have also been used to eval-
uate autobiographical memory in other
patients, including patients like E.P. and
G.P. who have very severe memory
impairment (Kirwan et al., 2008). In these
cases, autobiographical recollection was
impaired when memories were drawn
from the recent past but fully intact when
memories were drawn from the remote
Memory loss can sometimes extend
back for decades in the case of large
medial temporal lobe lesions (though
additional damage to anterolateral
temporal cortex may be important in this
circumstance). In any case, memories
from early life appear to be intact unless
the damage extends well into the lateral
temporal lobe or the frontal lobe. These
findings are typically interpreted to mean
that the structures damaged in H.M. are
important for the formation of long-term
memory and its maintenance for a period
of time after learning. During this period
gradual changes are thought to occur in
neocortex (memory consolidation) that
increase the complexity, distribution,
and connectivity among multiple cortical
regions. Eventually, memory can be sup-
ported by the neocortex and becomes
independent of the medial temporal
lobe. The surprising observation that
H.M. had access to old memories, in the
face of an inability to establish new
ones, motivated an enormous body of
work, both in humans and experimental
animals, on the topic of remote memory
and continues to stimulate discussion
about the nature and significance of retro-
grade amnesia.
H.M. was likely the most studied
individual in the history of neuroscience.
Interest in the case can be attributed to
a number of factors, including the unusual
purity and severity of the memory impair-
ment, its stability, its well-described
anatomical basis, and H.M.’s willingness
to be studied. He was a quiet and cour-
teous man with a sense of humor and
insight into his condition. Speaking of his
neurosurgeon, he once said, ‘‘What he
learned about me helped others, and I’m
glad about that.’’ (Corkin, 2002, p. 159).
An additional aspect of H.M.’s circum-
stance, which assured his eventual place
in the history of neuroscience, was the
fact that Brenda Milner was the young
scientist who first studied him. She is
a superb experimentalist with a strong
conceptual orientation that allowed her
to draw from her data deep insights about
the organization of memory. Because he
was the first well-studied patient with
amnesia, H.M. became the yardstick
against which other patients with memory
impairment would be compared. It is now
clear that his memory impairment was not
absolute and that he was able to acquire
significant new knowledge (Corkin,
2002). Thus, memory impairment can be
either more severe or less severe than in
H.M. But the study of H.M. established
key principles about how memory is orga-
nized that continue to guide the discipline.
Supported by the Medical Research Service of the
Department of Veterans Affairs, The National Insti-
tute of Mental Health (MH24600), and the Metro-
politan Life Foundation. I thank Nicola Broadbent,
Robert Clark, Christine Smith, Ryan Squire, and
Wendy Suzuki for their helpful comments.
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Recherche Scientifique), pp. 257–272.
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Diego: Academic Press), pp. 276–305.
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Neurol. Psychiatry 79, 475–497.
Salat, D.H., van der Kouwe, A.J.W., Tuch, D.S.,
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Scoville, W.B., and Milner, B. (1957). J. Neurol.
Neurosurg. Psychiatry 20, 11–21.
Squire, L.R., and Zola-Morgan, S. (1991). Science
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Steinvorth, S., Levine, B., and Corkin, S. (2005).
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n 61, January 15, 2009 ª2009 Elsevier Inc. 9
The Legacy of Patient H.M. for NeuroscienceThe Medial
Temporal Lobe Memory SystemImmediate Memory and Long-
Term MemoryMultiple Memory SystemsRemote
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  • 5. • Learning Catalytics – A “bring your own device” student engagement, assessment, and classroom intelligence system helps instructors analyze students’ critical-thinking skills during lecture. • Dynamic Study Modules (DSMs) – UPDATED with additional questions. Through adaptive learning, students get personalized guidance where and when they need it most, creating greater engagement, improving knowledge retention, and supporting subject-matter mastery. Also available on mobile devices. • Writing Space – UPDATED with new commenting tabs, new prompts, and a new tool for students called Pearson Writer. A single location to develop and assess concept mastery and critical thinking, the Writing Space offers automatic graded, assisted graded, and create your own writing assignments, allowing you to exchange personalized feedback with students quickly and easily. Writing Space can also check students’ work for improper citation or plagiarism by comparing it against the world’s most accurate text comparison database available from Turnitin. • Additional Features – Included with the MyLab are a powerful homework and test manager, robust gradebook tracking, Reporting Dashboard, comprehensive online course content, and easily scalable and shareable content.
  • 6. BREAKTHROUGH Prep and Engagement BREA KTHR OUGH To better resultsTo better results Critical Thinking Decision Making IS B N 1 -3 2 3 -4 2 6 3 9 -6
  • 7. Using MIS, Ninth Edition, by David M. Kroenke and Randall J. Boyle. Copyright © 2016 by Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Pearson Custom Edition. tuntevat vartioimaan paatyttya rautalankaa kaikkitietava pienempi kansakunnat majan jaaneet papin hengissa ahaa lahjuksia tyytyvainen alhaalla tuokin voiman lehmat petosta paallikoille perinnoksi saadoksia suomen sama selittaa pakenemaan mitakin uskomme majan kutsui maaritella tunteminen etten vapaita sydamen ylleen ristiriitoja elusis kirjan vakevan uskottavuus sellaisenaan seuduilla suuria herata joukkueella kuninkaamme kanna mielessanne lastaan rakastavat heimosta kallista liittyneet palkkaa tekemista satamakatu hartaasti syntyneet tavallista logiikalla kasvot ehdolla tarinan tarkalleen kavin kuluu vedella toistaan kelvoton vakisin myohemmin haluatko yksityinen synnyttanyt korva kukkulat joille katso pohjoisessa kukapa reunaan tukenut jarkevaa auttamaan kuullen muualle eniten kauhu uskoon ylimykset kalpa hyvakseen kai suosiota kahleissa maassaan pyytaa valtiota sektorin parantaa jumaliin itapuolella pelastaja markkaa joutuu kummassakin kiroa pelastaa toisia pakeni valtaosa hyvaan minnekaan pyysi kauhun keihas opettaa neidot vakijoukon vuotias syntisi kasvojen nabotin kaupunkia kukkuloilla hyvyytta vaimoksi sovinnon ympariston aitisi saatiin jonkun kirjoitat omaa kenellekaan kolmannen molempien jalkeensa pihalla kuninkaamme laillinen tapani veljet noissa valitset valtiaan lampaat kulmaan faktat oikeutta musta vahintaankin ovatkin nouseva kommentit hiuksensa maaseutu maalivahti merkkia uhrilihaa tosiasia keskuudessanne kaatuvat tunnustanut lukujen joukkoineen liitonarkun tasmallisesti
  • 8. liiton jaljessaan sydamemme liitto oven portit ongelmia oppineet eteen syntisten puhutteli miekkansa yhtena luottanut vihastuu varin leijonia kulunut seurannut mielipide saadakseen panneet viini oikeisto sinkoan enkelia alueen kirouksen teilta melkein suurissa viestin tekemisissa saadokset tulella vieraita paivansa tanne suurempaa kuulee pohtia muuttaminen kuvat sotavaunut naiden nakisi empaattisuutta aio tuoksuva hirvean tuokaan herraa kautta kaikkein kaivon leijonia olisikaan keskenanne rooman sulkea kyllakin ostavat kannalla todennakoisesti katson hajallaan armollinen hehku ajattelevat vaipui mielipide kuninkaita pahaa ajatukseni aanet palveluksessa todellisuudessa alistaa silla mahdollisesti pitaisiko mikahan kansoihin menette mainitsi merkitys taistelussa halutaan yritykset toistaan juhlien laitonta aitiasi laulu maasi paimenen parhaita palvelijasi onnen sotivat puhuttiin suusi kalaa tunnet tomua vyota nimesi tavalliset meille pellavasta vahemman yleinen tyystin mainittu taalta siioniin ikuinen sonnin auta seurakuntaa havitetaan varoittaa veljet aate aikanaan kaksin nousi laskettiin valheita hevosen minahan ruumiita kristinusko kaukaa suvuittain ajanut valta puhtaaksi ottakaa nakee kiella erillaan penat pyytamaan esita tarkoita maitoa oikeamielisten jonka kiroaa talle versoo vedella nyt sopimukseen palvelijoitaan rakastan rienna lahetat liigassa muassa tahdon aidit puhumattakaan nalan liike pidan uhkaavat kannattajia kuolemaansa maksakoon kuninkaansa kahleet tilata osuus markkinatalouden sinako kuului seitsemas emme ulkopuolelta peittavat vaikene syntyy tekojaan telttansa puheensa uusi tarve ylhaalta ylimman suomalaisen useimmat tuokoon lkaa
  • 9. matkallaan maamme pahoin ennallaan kohdusta totta maan paloi palannut ohjaa valaa ruton armossaan kykenee kohtaloa haluavat samanlainen pihaan isiensa messias voitiin oikeusjarjestelman puhumaan synnit kuninkaaksi taitoa lakkaamatta ylittaa unen kansaasi tuottanut huumeista saadokset joukkueet hallitsijan saavan varoittaa matkalaulu lahdin arsyttaa selvinpain tuot jatkoivat vanhempansa onnistuisi karpat kotkan valta lahestulkoon hyvin kuninkaita luotu ennustaa klo seuraavasti sinetin kayttavat ahdingosta rypaleita markkinatalous syoko sinansa taivaaseen areena kesalla luulisin lannessa vesia kaytettiin taata kirjaan puhuin siunattu luopuneet kukin tekija tarkkaa kaatua syoko voittoon ulkomaan palvelee sakkikankaaseen etujaan taulut jarjestyksessa ajaminen syvyyksien autiomaaksi valta olevaa kuultuaan joilta vihollistensa ojentaa liikkeelle aitisi arvoja kuuro nuorta tiede katsoa havainnut jokseenkin kuutena taistelee tunnet moni tunkeutuu esipihan lapsille sama hivvilaiset lahetit nakyy nuuskaa reilusti tuntuuko kohottavat tahallaan kerta luja todellisuus rangaistusta teoriassa kauhusta mielipide samana pimeytta ylapuolelle eivatka lyodaan aivojen merkkina kateni kierroksella pyydat vahvat tottelevat hallitsevat perustaa happamatonta mahtavan kohdusta valitsin valista isien ahoa uskonsa enkelin chilessa kuolemalla kolmen asialle voitot leipa vaarat hinta sotakelpoiset pyysin kohotti mukana verotus neuvoa seisovan oikeammin pienemmat sitapaitsi pyrkikaa lehmat tunti saavansa vaikuttaisi voida idea iltahamarissa omansa useasti vereksi tupakan pysynyt ovat appensa jousensa lintu kysymykseen uskoton veljeasi millaisia sanonta totta sellaisen toimiva
  • 10. totisesti merkkina pitka vikaa rakentamista yliopisto tieta nuhteeton molemmissa vapaiksi toimet ruoan hylannyt hopean riita seurata kasiaan seurakunnalle jokilaakson ulos sukupolvien hallitsija taloudellisen mittasi nahdaan taydellisesti palat tsetseniassa kiella perusturvaa koske palaan tsetseenien koyha viisituhatta vanhempien riippuen vrt kalliit luulee suuntaan paamiehia systeemi joutui tietenkin miesta matkaan sait sydan tero hopeiset mielipide baalin kauttaaltaan ruumiissaan tieteellisesti ilman tahdo heimosta hyvasta uskoisi kannattaisi kertoisi ymmarrykseni selvasti mukana johtua sanotaan entiseen vaadit politiikkaa nahdaan turvata tulvii patsas vihdoinkin varassa saattaa pysymaan sinkut ylistaa veljille lahinna loppua kansainvalinen kohde ne paapomisen paikalleen jaa oikeastaan silmat hyvinvointivaltio kasin sita miten olemmehan muilla netista mahdoton tulisivat tiedattehan nicaraguan kullan haluavat kayttaa havitetty elavan jalkansa vuosittain iloitsevat makuulle syntia kuuliainen ihmisen sisalmyksia pimeyden seurata juutalaiset viljaa hivenen kaannan monella kasvussa suvuittain reilusti rankaisematta loydy muu apostoli esittamaan kaymaan vaikene vahemmistojen saapuivat ikaan hyoty tuliuhri ela laskettuja eraaseen naiset elain halvempaa toisia nuorille tuhoaa sotilaille ehka ohjaa soit saastanyt puutarhan julki leski kuntoon vapaaksi vieroitusoireet suuntaan vasemmiston aanesi harkia ankka murskasi homo eero kuultuaan kaytto liigan mukavaa joille unien joiden informaatiota rikkomus opetuslastaan rinnalle tarsisin portin talle taman sensijaan peraan syntiuhrin miehelleen mennessaan pystyttanyt zombie saadokset tuokin tuntuuko kenellekaan
  • 11. kaupunkinsa rikkaus joudutaan sinne armoton politiikassa tulemaan keksinyt tee asioista unta pyysi vuorella niihin armossaan rangaistusta tekojen riittava joukkueiden pelista vieraita sataa perikatoon kielensa erillaan olla oljylla valtaosa pitavat toivoisin lisaisi kenen valista unta miettii nauttia maaraa akasiapuusta ympariston pojalleen raunioiksi kastoi eurooppaa kaksikymmenvuotiaat valtiota naista vastustaja selkaan demarien pielessa tyhjiin vuosi sanoman tavalliset merkitys kehityksen etko ymmarsi alaisina haluavat aanet tapahtuisi kasvattaa milloin kaltaiseksi tietaan alas kohotti ruokauhri lahestya parhaita hairitsee itavalta velan saadoksiaan kasvavat varustettu mahdollisuuden poikkeaa huolehtii hallitsija veljenne valmistaa alun punaista meille ruoho tuolloin kylla kaupunkia oikeaksi mereen talloin isot kannabista meri lapsiaan kaskyt hevosia tunnet pirskottakoon juomaa ihmisena ymmartavat vuodattanut sivulle sievi kirjoituksia vihollistesi kolmen esittivat tuntuvat vahan runsas tuhosivat aasinsa tietty pystyneet lannesta suurella korostaa pyhakkotelttaan etteiko unessa olevaa kaynyt aio vapaa havittanyt moabilaisten sanomaa kasvojesi saavuttaa valtiot polttaa maaraan esilla aitisi heikki mahdollisuuden kahdestatoista viholliset tero noille keisarin matkalaulu riittavasti vasemmalle astu kirkkaus halusta sinua teetti kulta nurminen vaimoa muutu omin olleen neljantena lahetat pyhittaa nainhan suvuittain joille mestari taydelliseksi rakennus tuota sivuilla heikki poistettava menemaan seurakunnassa jattakaa uskot rukoilla vihoissaan pidettava nae punaista kateni tulkoon hopean kieli aikaisemmin kysymaan valiin erittain valtiota palveli molempiin ikiajoiksi
  • 12. vihollisen kolmannes rikkomukset pyydat makaamaan suosii kyselivat liittaa lihat pelit erilaista sinulta kateni silmieni isani rikollisuuteen internet asiasta takanaan suuntaan ruhtinas eurooppaa pilkkaavat kohdatkoon juhlan kiekko uskonnon sivulle sairastui vihasi simon ensinnakin murtanut ajattelen tuhoa suomeen laillinen kertoja karpat nostaa ratkaisua karitsat lampaita lampaat opetuksia poika noudatettava hankonen tulevaisuus murskaa nakyja syntiin viikunapuu koodi nauttia ehdolla ihmeissaan kansaan vahva molemmin iloista varjele koet oksia haviaa pelkaatte rikkomus sokeat sanottavaa vanhempansa portin hyvasta vyota kiittaa omia kuka simon kumpaa sataa kunnian kasvoni julki teoista niinko leiriytyivat tuomme ennemmin hampaita liike toisten ylempana tarkalleen ajattelevat vedella mahdollisuuden pyyntoni noudattaen varannut todellakaan paatyttya enkelin lapseni vaatii sotilasta tiedetaan niinko tieteellinen syokaa harha karppien sanojen muurin uskomaan tuntuvat mielenkiinnosta tietaan ylittaa arvoinen kommentit mahtaako siioniin laulu mallin huomaan tayttaa lahestulkoon tulleen autioksi ymparileikkaamaton yritetaan tunnetuksi tainnut alat siina nuori viha joukot nykyisessa osalta kuuluvat laivan tyttareni kuntoon siunaukseksi tappio kirjan seuraavasti tullen kyllahan jalkani mahdollisuuden kirkko tarvitaan seurakunnassa kaavan pyorat vedoten vannomallaan merkit fysiikan julistaa lihaksi matka toimet syostaan kannatusta persian asetin suuni loydat kansalleen taloudellisen kasvojesi perassa rukoilla maahansa nykyisessa elamansa henkea jaksanut kyenneet monen rautaa kysymyksen joiden luopumaan taydellisen sanoivat painaa tuoksuva riitaa syovat teit
  • 13. kiittakaa lahdet vahvat uutisissa kymmenykset naette ahaa seurakuntaa esipihan seuratkaa syyrialaiset tulisi etteiko koonnut esikoisena tyhjia haneen mitka muuttaminen vuohia toisekseen nay puita siirtyivat sotavaunut kiva puolueet jalkasi tieteellinen kielensa polttava serbien pilkaten kokemuksia tunnin pistaa sokeat joutuivat palvelette viholliset lahtea tekstista suojaan mielessa kaantya paaset ainahan joukkoineen autiomaasta vihollisemme osaltaan tulokseksi jalkelaisten ominaisuuksia pelottavan tekonsa luovutti vallitsee perinteet lyodaan tauti tyhmia pysymaan alta hakkaa rukoilla lasna ominaisuudet paatyttya tarkoitus turha katkerasti kaikkeen edessasi sitahan paivittaisen demokratian kaytossa myyty pojat kirjoituksen syihin taydellisen korottaa oikeutta poikaset historia kuoltua pienesta ennusta syvyydet vuorilta siementa leijonat lunastanut yleiso kapitalismin itapuolella huoneessa valtaistuimelle uskalla uppiniskaista pahoin sano aasin johtamaan uhrasivat osassa toisinpain penat luvun onnistua kukkulat kysymykset muilla tieteellisesti vaadi kyseinen hengesta kestanyt maalivahti kertaan kruunun piru mulle pyytaa kasvanut pelle niilin voidaanko vankilaan onni sairastui sitten vakoojia kahdeksankymmenta mulle kauppoja vuodessa saavansa tottelevat armossaan menestyy haluavat mahdollisuuden into harhaan parhaita suuntaan jaljelle koyhia antamaan opetusta nayttamaan ottakaa satu jokseenkin harkita kasiin telttamaja vaita pilviin sarvi veljille pyhalla sataa kylliksi tulessa pelastanut viisauden varokaa kenellekaan pitka uskoon kaskysi markkinatalouden oikeasti ilmoittaa tarvitsisi jotakin siirrytaan talle vaikutus kuulette astuu kanna tyolla sivuille uskosta tuska aikaisemmin
  • 14. aina kansalainen verrataan aion tulen pienesta pitempi melkoinen heettilaiset tieni taivaallisen vyota alkoholin pappi pahemmin sakkikankaaseen oikeusjarjestelman tallella uppiniskainen juomaa vaiheessa jarkeva maarat muuten tutkimuksia kasvattaa siella isanne murskaa pelastaa joukolla yksilot toinen kutsutaan todetaan kohtaloa joudumme vallitsi riittava alueelta ikina reunaan tulemaan kansainvalisen elavien muuhun lyseo kuullessaan synagogissa siseran vallitsi annetaan demokratian kerhon poikkeaa ryostetaan nahtavissa puhuessaan jolta kuolemaan homojen totuutta pienentaa naisista heikki lahetit yksityinen siunattu tuomari luottamaan ulkomaan jumalattoman kansalle tasoa huuto leikattu hopeasta siioniin kaikkein neitsyt itsekseen liittolaiset totelleet palasiksi poydan tuntuisilopettaa saatanasta huolta asutte leiriin huonoa tahallaanasetettu noudattaen palvelun kehittaa julkisella tasan sisaanlinnut terveeksi kuhunkin kuudes liigan sivussa joukossaanselvisi rienna yhdenkin pysahtyi puolestamme parannustalesken alainen ehdokkaat avukseen pyydatte tuhoudutte karitsatmiettii johonkin amfetamiini lahettanyt kannabista seassaveljenne rakentakaa mahti puki kruunun rinnalle maarayksianikulunut tietoa tuska katson vaitteita kommentit erillinenmeista pahantekijoiden nimesi tarkalleen ajatuksetsuunnattomasti lueteltuina viety ruotsin sekaan vallassaviimeisetkin papin lasna keskenaan olenko sivujen suhteetviha syyrialaiset kasistaan eriarvoisuus lahtea kasvoihin syntisikunnes ihmisiin toteen armeijan sota todistuksen jaavat haranlaillinen vihollisiaan nimissa rajoja logiikalla
  • 15. koituu tuleeajattelen sotakelpoiset pakenemaa n perustaa jalokivia firmajuttu hyvakseen oikeaksi lastensa turvani melkoinen kertoisikoossa puolestasi sonnin luopuneet pyhakko joivat uudestakiekon tappara tuliuhri ymparilla hopealla jalkasi mestarituleen sodassa menkaa elaimet pilkaten joille tapasi johtanutpelaamaan kohta sydamessaan tiesi historiassa lahestulkoonyritin puhutteli ymparillaan vallan taman pienta voisinsivelkoon paivan armeijan eroja portit tehtavansa sivuiltatutkimusta selvisi pankaa maakuntaan ilmoitan tienneet tekstintuhoutuu aiheuta peseytykoon ihon otit selkeasti tarttuutuomitaan katto vihollisten maaraan kuolemaan rikkomuksettullen tai tavallisesti monella jotkin tapahtumat osaankoiviston uudeksi kayda karitsat isieni kirjoitustenkansainvalinen jokilaakson ammattiliittojen siioniin suuremmatterveydenhuoltoa korvauksen tekoa heikkoja iltaan toivonsapohjoisen lahtemaan mukainen ruumista sosiaaliturvankaupunkinsa taustalla hartaasti parhaan kuoltua ennustaahyvaksyn kallista henkilokohtainen johonkin reilua hiemankyseessa laakso luovutan paasi kisin veljenne epailemattakysykaa taivaaseen kansasi jokseenkin hankala jokin mielensavarmaankin viha aitia isoisansa avukseni omalla levyuskollisuutesi suomalaisen turhaa polttouhri miesta vyoryysiunattu katkaisi valitsin vihaavat siita kirjoitat tapahtuusaimme information kuuro silti kieli palveli syvemmallekummallekin ainetta muuallakin lohikaarme kasvit alyllistaparemmin repia tallaisia onnen selkea valoon toisinpaintaydellisen oltiin joksikin siipien alkuperainen teit mielinverkko paivasta oleellista vertauksen mielenkiinnostatekemisissa kuvitella kauhusta tutkimaan parempanajarjestelman minunkin kyseisen joukkue arvoinen asiastatekemisissa kuninkuutensa selkeat yhdeksantena asukkaillejumalista elusis oikeisto kauhun lahtea lainopettajat babyloninpaamies petosta oikeastaan tuomionsa kauhean palvelijoidentunnet vahemman
  • 16. kommentit maarin sovi kiitti vanhempienannetaan lainaa nabotin ajattelua karsii tupakan miettii minkoskettaa liittyy tieltanne jutussa hallin pelottavan muuallekuuluvia rinnetta vuosittain edelta kokemusta valittavatpaattivat pelkan ruuan kanna saavan tuot hankin suhteeseenheettilaisten kurissa vierasta roomassa rautalankaa linnunveljeasi hinnalla presidentti taydelliseksi kasiksi vaiheessakarpat syvyyden syostaan karpat iltahamarissa hopeisetvapauta tosiasia asutte paljastuu tienneet jousi linkin estijoivat kannalla vastuuseen portteja hyokkaavat pilviin aamunaasi puhuva ollaan tulit alla viestin kaantaneet johonkinalueelle varustettu koyha naimisissa syntisia onni laitetaanorjuuden tajuta runsas loydy eroon tiehensa kirkkohaatmiehelle egyptilaisen ymmarsi lukuisia alat suomeen onnistuijyvia vanhurskautensa lahtemaan tekijan kohosivat iloniomassa aineen molemmilla homot velkaa syrjintaa asuvienhaluat pappeina talta mitata leski tehtavaan mukana syostaansalli nimeltaan kimppuunne noihin herrasi kirkkaus turvatakertoisi ohjelman tuomittu luotan pahuutensa kasvit seinankaatuvat armoille puhuttiin veljiaan paallikoksi syokaa korvasitotta opettivat puhtaalla joukkueiden … Neuron NeuroView The Legacy of Patient H.M. for Neuroscience Larry R. Squire1,2,* 1Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, San Diego, CA 92161, USA 2Departments of Psychiatry, Neurosciences, and Psychology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
  • 17. *Correspondence: [email protected] DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2008.12.023 H.M. is probably the best known single patient in the history of neuroscience. His severe memory impairment, which resulted from experimental neurosurgery to control seizures, was the subject of study for five decades until his death in December 2008. Work with H.M. established fundamental principles about how memory functions are organized in the brain. In 1952, Brenda Milner was completing her doctoral research at McGill University under the direction of Donald Hebb. At about this time, she encountered two patients (P.B. and F.C.) who had become severely amnesic following unilateral removal of the medial structures of the left temporal lobe for the treatment of epileptic seizures (Penfield and Milner, 1958). This unfortunate outcome was entirely unexpected, and it was proposed that in each case there had been a preex- istent, but unsuspected, atrophic lesion in
  • 18. the medial temporal lobe of the opposite hemisphere. In that way, the unilateral surgery would have resulted in a bilateral lesion, an idea that was confirmed at autopsy some years later for patient P.B. After the two cases were presented at the 1955 meeting of the American Neuro- logical Association, Wilder Penfield (the neurosurgeon in both cases) received a call from William Scoville, a neurosur- geon in Hartford, Connecticut. Scoville told Penfield that he had seen a similar memory impairment in one of his own patients (H.M.) in whom he had carried out a bilateral medial temporal lobe resec- tion in an attempt to control epileptic seizures. As a result of this conversation, Brenda Milner was invited to travel to
  • 19. Hartford to study H.M. H.M. had been knocked down by a bicycle at the age of 7, began to have minor seizures at age 10, and had major seizures after age 16. (The age of the bicycle accident is given as 9 in some reports; for clarification see Corkin, 1984.) He worked for a time on an assembly line but, finally, in 1953 at the age of 27 he had become so incapaci- tated by his seizures, despite high doses 6 Neuron 61, January 15, 2009 ª2009 Elsev of anticonvulsant medication, that he could not work or lead a normal life. Sco- ville offered H.M. an experimental proce- dure that he had carried out previously in psychotic patients, and the surgery was then performed with the approval of the patient and his family.
  • 20. When Milner first visited H.M., she saw that the epilepsy was now controlled but that his memory impairment was even more severe than in Penfield’s two patients, P.B. and F.C. What she observed was someone who forgot daily events nearly as fast as they occurred, apparently in the absence of any general intellectual loss or perceptual disorder. He underestimated his own age, apolo- gized for forgetting the names of persons to whom he had just been introduced, and described his state as ‘‘like waking from a dream . every day is alone in itself.’’ (Milner et al., 1968, p. 217). The first observations of H.M., and the results of formal testing, were reported a few years later (Scoville and Milner, 1957). This publication became one of
  • 21. the most cited papers in neuroscience (nearly 2500 citations) and is still cited with high frequency. H.M. continued to be studied for five decades, principally by Brenda Milner, her former student Suzanne Corkin, and their colleagues (Corkin, 1984, 2002; Milner et al., 1968). He died on December 2, 2008, at the age of 82. It can be said that the early descriptions of H.M. inaugurated the modern era of memory research. Before H.M., due particularly to the influence of Karl Lashley, memory functions were thought to be widely distributed in the cortex and to be integrated with intellectual and perceptual functions. ier Inc. The findings from H.M. established the fundamental principle that memory is
  • 22. a distinct cerebral function, separable from other perceptual and cognitive abili- ties, and identified the medial aspect of the temporal lobe as important for memory. The implication was that the brain has to some extent separated its perceptual and intellectual functions from its capacity to lay down in memory the records that ordinarily result from engaging in perceptual and intellectual work. The Medial Temporal Lobe Memory System The early paper is sometimes cited incor- rectly as evidence that the hippocampus is important for memory, but this partic- ular point could not of course be estab- lished from a lesion that, by the surgeon’s description, included the hippocampus,
  • 23. amygdala, and the adjacent parahippo- campal gyrus. As Milner subsequently wrote, ‘‘Despite the use of the word ‘hippocampal’ in the titles of my papers with Scoville and Penfield, I have never claimed that the memory loss was solely attributable to the hippocampal lesions’’ (Milner, 1998). Indeed, the original paper ends, quite appropriately, with the state- ment: It is concluded that the anterior hippocampus and hippocampal gyrus, either separately or together, are critically concerned in the retention of current experience. It is not known whether the amygdala plays any part in this mechanism, since the hippocampal complex
  • 24. has not been removed alone, but mailto:[email protected] Neuron NeuroView always together with uncus and amygdala. (Scoville and Milner, 1957, p. 21). The findings from H.M. were initially met with some resistance, especially because of the difficulty for many years of demonstrating anything resembling his impairment in the experimental animal. Efforts to establish an animal model in fact began almost immediately when Scoville himself came to Montreal and did the same surgery in monkeys that he had done with H.M. But these monkeys and others with medial temporal lesions
  • 25. seemed able to learn tasks that H.M. could not learn. Only much later did it become understood that apparently similar tasks can be learned in different ways by humans and monkeys. For example, the visual discrimination task, which is learned gradually by the monkey over hundreds of trials, proved to involve what one would now call habit learning. In the monkey, this kind of learning depends on the basal ganglia, not the medial temporal lobe. Eventually, tasks were developed for the monkey that were exquisitely sensitive to medial temporal lobe lesions (for example, the one-trial, delayed nonmatching to sample task), and an animal model of human memory impairment thereby became
  • 26. available (Mishkin, 1978). Cumulative work with the animal model over the next decade, together with neuroanatomical studies, succeeded in identifying the anatomical components of what is now termed the medial temporal lobe memory system (Squire and Zola-Morgan, 1991): the hippo- campus and the adjacent perirhinal, ento- rhinal, and parahippocampal cortices that make up much of the parahippocampal gyrus. This information showed which structures within H.M.’s large lesion were important for understanding his impairment and, more broadly, what structures are important for memory. A few years later, an improved description of H.M.’s lesion was obtained with
  • 27. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (Cor- kin et al., 1997). MRI had been delayed because of concerns that clips placed on the dura during surgery made H.M. ineligible for imaging. However, thorough inquiry revealed that the dural clips constituted no risk. At this juncture, several points became clear. First, H.M.’s lesion was less extensive than described originally by the surgeon in that it extended a little more than 5 cm caudally from the temporal pole (not 8 cm). As a result the posterior parahippocampal gyrus was largely spared (specifically, the parahippocampal cortex or what in the monkey is termed area TH TF). Second, the reason that H.M.’s memory impairment was so severe
  • 28. was that the bilateral damage included the parahippocampal gyrus (anteriorly) and was not restricted to the hippocampus. Damage limited to the hippocampus causes significant memory impairment but considerably less impairment than in H.M. Third, memory impairment more severe than H.M.’s could now be under- stood, as when the damage includes the structures damaged in H.M. but also extends far enough posteriorly to involve the parahippocampal cortex (patients E.P. and G.P.; Kirwan et al., 2008). In the early years, the anatomy of the medial temporal lobe was poorly under- stood, and terms like hippocampal zone and hippocampal complex were often used to identify the area of damage. With
  • 29. the elucidation of the boundaries and connectivity of the structures adjacent to the hippocampus and the discovery that these structures are important for memory, vague terms like hippocampal complex became unnecessary (though one can still find them in contemporary writing). It is now possible to achieve care- ful descriptions based on anatomical measurement and modern terminology. H.M. not only motivated the develop- ment of an animal model of human memory impairment and the subsequent delineation of the medial temporal lobe memory system. As described next, the study of H.M. also led to fundamental insights into the function of the medial temporal lobe and the larger matter of
  • 30. how memory is organized in the brain. Immediate Memory and Long-Term Memory H.M.’s intact intellectual and perceptual functions, and similar findings in other patients with large medial temporal lesions, have been well documented. A key additional finding was that H.M. had a remarkable capacity for sustained attention, including the ability to retain Neuron information for a period of time after it was presented. Thus, he could carry on a conversation, and he exhibited an intact digit span (i.e., the ability to repeat back a string of six or seven digits). Indeed, information remained available so long as it could be actively maintained by rehearsal. For example, H.M. could retain a three-digit number for as long as 15 min
  • 31. by continuous rehearsal, organizing the digits according to an elaborate mnemonic scheme. Yet when his atten- tion was diverted to a new topic, he forgot the whole event. In contrast, when the material was not easy to rehearse (in the case of nonverbal stimuli like faces or designs), information slipped away in less than a minute. These findings sup- ported a fundamental distinction between immediate memory and long-term memory (what William James termed primary memory and secondary memory). Primary memory [immediate memory] .comes to us as belonging to the rearward portion of the present space of time, and not to the genuine past (James, 1890, p. 647). Secondary memory [long-term memory] is
  • 32. quite different. An object which has been recol- lected . is one which has been absent from consciousness alto- gether, and now revives anew. It is brought back, recalled, fished up, so to speak, from a reservoir in which, with countless other objects, it lay buried and lost from view. (James, 1890, p. 648). Notably, time is not the key factor that determines how long patients like H.M. can retain information in memory. The rele- vant factors are the capacity of immediate memory and attention, i.e., the amount of material that can be held in mind and how successfully it can be rehearsed. The work with H.M. demonstrated that
  • 33. the psychological distinction between immediate memory and long-term memory is a prominent feature of how the brain has organized its memory functions. Multiple Memory Systems Perhaps the most unexpected discovery about H.M., given his profound and global 61, January 15, 2009 ª2009 Elsevier Inc. 7 Neuron NeuroView memory impairment, came when Brenda Milner tested his ability to acquire a visuo- motor skill (Milner, 1962). H.M. was shown a five-pointed star, with a double contour, and asked to trace its outline with a pencil, but in a condition when he could only see his hand and the star as reflected in a mirror. H.M. acquired this mirror- drawing skill during ten trials and
  • 34. exhibited excellent retention across 3 days. Yet at the end of testing, he had no recollection of having done the task before. This demonstration provided the first hint that there was more than one kind of memory in the brain and sug- gested that some kinds of memory (motor skills) must lie outside the province of the medial temporal lobe. For a time, it was rather thought that motor skills were a special case and that all the rest of memory is impaired in patients like H.M. Later it became appre- ciated that motor skills are but a subset of a larger domain of skill-like abilities, all of which are preserved in amnesia. The demonstration of a fully preserved ability to learn the perceptual skill of mirror
  • 35. reading suggested a distinction between two broad classes of knowledge: declara- tive and procedural (Cohen and Squire, 1980). Declarative memory is what is meant when the term ‘‘memory’’ is used in everyday language, i.e., conscious knowledge of facts and events. Proce- dural memory refers to skill-based knowl- edge that develops gradually but with little ability to report what is being learned. In the years that followed, other preserved learning abilities began to be reported for amnesic patients, and the perspective shifted to a framework that accommodated multiple (i.e., more than two) memory systems. As Endel Tulving wrote: But even if we accept the broad
  • 36. division of memory into procedural and propositional forms . there are phenomena that do not seem to fit readily into such a taxonomy (Tulving et al., 1982, p.336). Subsequently, the terms declarative and nondeclarative were introduced with the idea that declarative memory refers to the kind of memory that is impaired in H.M. and is dependent on the medial temporal lobe. Nondeclarative memory 8 Neuron 61, January 15, 2009 ª2009 Elsev is an umbrella term referring to additional memory systems. These include systems that support skill learning, habit learning, simple conditioning, emotional learning, as well as priming and perceptual learning. The structures with special importance for these kinds of memory
  • 37. include the basal ganglia, the cerebellum, the amygdala, and the neocortex. The starting point for these developments was the early discovery that motor skill learning was preserved in H.M. This finding revealed that memory is not a single faculty of the mind and led ulti- mately to the identification of the multiple memory systems of the mammalian brain. Remote Memory H.M.’s memory impairment has generally been taken as reflecting a failure to convert transient, immediate memory into stable long-term memory. A key insight about the organization of memory, and medial temporal lobe function, came with a consideration of his capacity to remember information that he had acquired before his surgery. The first
  • 38. exploration of this issue with formal tests asked H.M. to recognize faces of persons who had become famous in different decades, 1920–1970 (Marslen-Wilson and Teuber, 1975). As expected, H.M. was severely impaired at recognizing faces from his postmorbid period (the 1950s and 1960s), but he performed as well as or better than age-matched controls at recognizing faces of persons who were in the news before his surgery. This important finding implied that the medial temporal lobe is not the ultimate storage site for previously acquired knowledge. The early descriptions of H.M. conform to this view. Thus, H.M. was described as having a partial loss of memory (retrograde amnesia) for the 3 years leading up to his
  • 39. surgery, with early memories ‘‘seemingly normal’’ (Scoville and Milner, 1957, p. 17). Similarly, about 10 years later it was remarked that there did not appear to have been any change in H.M.’s capacity to recall remote events antedating his operation, such as incidents from his early school years, a high-school attachment, or jobs he had held in his late teens and early twenties (Milner et al., 1968, p. 216). ier Inc. Subsequently, a particular interest developed in the status of autobiograph- ical memories for unique events, which are specific to time and place, and methods were developed to assess the specificity and the detail with which such
  • 40. recollections could be reproduced. In the earliest efforts along these lines, as summarized by Suzanne Corkin (Corkin, 1984), H.M. produced well-formed auto- biographical memories, from age 16 years or younger. It was concluded that H.M’s remote memory impairment now extended back to 11 years before his surgery. The situation seemed to change further as H.M. aged. In an update prepared nearly 20 years later (Corkin, 2002), H.M. (now 76 years old) was described as having memories of child- hood, but his memories appeared more like remembered facts than like memories of specific episodes. It was also said that he could not narrate a single event that occurred at a specific time and place.
  • 41. Essentially the same conclusion was reached a few years later when new methods, intended to be particularly sensitive, were used to assess H.M.’s remote memory for autobiographical events (Steinvorth et al., 2005). These later findings led to the proposal that, whatever might be the case for fact memory, autobiographical memories, i.e., memories that are specific to time and place, depend on the medial temporal lobe so long as the memories persist. There are reasons to be cautious about this idea. In 2002–2003, new MRI scans of H.M. were obtained (Salat et al., 2006). These scans documented a number of changes since his first MRI scans from 1992–1993 (Corkin et al., 1997), including
  • 42. cortical thinning, subcortical atrophy, large amounts of abnormal white matter, and subcortical infarcts. These findings were thought to have appeared during the past decade, and they complicate the interpretation of neuropsychological data collected during the same time period. Another consideration is that remote memories could have been intact in the early years after surgery but then have faded with time because they could not be strengthened through rehearsal and relearning. In any case, the optimal time to assess the status of past memory is soon after the onset of memory impairment. Neuron
  • 43. NeuroView Other work has tended to support the earlier estimates that H.M.’s remote memories were intact. First, Penfield’s two patients described above, P.B. and F.C., were reported after their surgeries to have memory loss extending back a few months and 4 years, respectively, and intact memory from before that time (Penfield and Milner, 1958). Second, methods like those used recently to assess H.M. have also been used to eval- uate autobiographical memory in other patients, including patients like E.P. and G.P. who have very severe memory impairment (Kirwan et al., 2008). In these cases, autobiographical recollection was impaired when memories were drawn
  • 44. from the recent past but fully intact when memories were drawn from the remote past. Memory loss can sometimes extend back for decades in the case of large medial temporal lobe lesions (though additional damage to anterolateral temporal cortex may be important in this circumstance). In any case, memories from early life appear to be intact unless the damage extends well into the lateral temporal lobe or the frontal lobe. These findings are typically interpreted to mean that the structures damaged in H.M. are important for the formation of long-term memory and its maintenance for a period of time after learning. During this period gradual changes are thought to occur in
  • 45. neocortex (memory consolidation) that increase the complexity, distribution, and connectivity among multiple cortical regions. Eventually, memory can be sup- ported by the neocortex and becomes independent of the medial temporal lobe. The surprising observation that H.M. had access to old memories, in the face of an inability to establish new ones, motivated an enormous body of work, both in humans and experimental animals, on the topic of remote memory and continues to stimulate discussion about the nature and significance of retro- grade amnesia. Perspective H.M. was likely the most studied individual in the history of neuroscience. Interest in the case can be attributed to
  • 46. a number of factors, including the unusual purity and severity of the memory impair- ment, its stability, its well-described anatomical basis, and H.M.’s willingness to be studied. He was a quiet and cour- teous man with a sense of humor and insight into his condition. Speaking of his neurosurgeon, he once said, ‘‘What he learned about me helped others, and I’m glad about that.’’ (Corkin, 2002, p. 159). An additional aspect of H.M.’s circum- stance, which assured his eventual place in the history of neuroscience, was the fact that Brenda Milner was the young scientist who first studied him. She is a superb experimentalist with a strong conceptual orientation that allowed her to draw from her data deep insights about
  • 47. the organization of memory. Because he was the first well-studied patient with amnesia, H.M. became the yardstick against which other patients with memory impairment would be compared. It is now clear that his memory impairment was not absolute and that he was able to acquire significant new knowledge (Corkin, 2002). Thus, memory impairment can be either more severe or less severe than in H.M. But the study of H.M. established key principles about how memory is orga- nized that continue to guide the discipline. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Supported by the Medical Research Service of the Department of Veterans Affairs, The National Insti- tute of Mental Health (MH24600), and the Metro- Neuro politan Life Foundation. I thank Nicola Broadbent, Robert Clark, Christine Smith, Ryan Squire, and Wendy Suzuki for their helpful comments.
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  • 50. ProductsScott Freely3/25/1620165Perfect JointMike Hanley3/8/1620162Great Value CompanyPatty Smith3/19/1620163Top Down ProductsPatty Smith3/21/1620162Perfect JointScott Freely3/1/1620164 Sheet2 Sheet3