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Họ và tên học viên: Bùi Thị Thanh Viên
Ngành: Ngôn ngữ Anh
Khóa: …2017-2019
Tên đề tài:
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TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................2
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................3
1.1. Rationale...............................................................................................................3
1.2. Aims of the study..................................................................................................3
1.3. Scope of the study ................................................................................................3
2. Literature review..........................................................................................................4
2.1. Listening skill .......................................................................................................4
2.2. Factors that affect listening learning ................................................................6
2.3. Type of Listening Strategies.................................................................................8
2.3.1. Cognitive strategies .......................................................................................9
2.3.2. Memory strategies .......................................................................................10
2.3.3. Compensation strategies..............................................................................10
2.3.4. Metacognitive strategies..............................................................................11
2.3.5. Affective strategies......................................................................................11
2.3.6. Social Strategies ..........................................................................................12
2.4. Previous Studies .............................................................................................12
3. Methodology..............................................................................................................13
3.1. Some definitions.................................................................................................13
3.2. Method of the study............................................................................................15
3.3. Data collection instrument..................................................................................15
References .....................................................................................................................17
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1. Introduction
1.1. Rationale
Listening is a process that allows the listener to understand a message, help them
engage in dialogue and succeed in communication. Without listening skills, people
engaged in communication activities will not receive the message, and therefore, they
cannot respond quickly and efficiently. Many researchers agree that in language
learning, listening plays an important role in the reception of a language.
In recent decades, listening skills have been gaining much attention among researchers
in teaching and learning foreign languages in general and learning English as a
Foreign Language (EFL) in particular. Many scholars believe that the most important
step to start learning English is to try to hear the language. In addition, listening skills
bring the students the opportunity to feel the language and improve the overall ability
to use English. Rost (1994) also emphasized that Listening can be seen as a necessary
skill in the process of training a foreign language learner and even can be considered
as a tool to predict the success of English learners. As such, listening skills play an
important role in learning English. Therefore, the topic “An investigation of listening
strategies applied for the 10th grade students at Binh Lieu high school” is chosen for
1.2. Aims of the study
The study aims to explore the memory, cognitive, compensation, affective, social and
metacognitive listening strategies that the 10th grade students, at Binh Lieu high
school, apply in their English learning process.
1.3. Scope of the study
The research is done at Binh Lieu high school. The respondents are 100 students
learning at this school and the report is written in 2018.
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Moreover, there are some mistakes that can happen when doing survey. The type of
error occurred when the respondents selected not to focus on the questions. Thus, they
circle their answer by chance without thinking and share their true idea, for instance
their answers are just all “agree” or “disagree”. In addition, the respondents had no
time to answer the questionnaire, then they gave incorrect answers.
2. Literature review
2.1. Listening skill
According to Hasan (2000), "hearing" and "understanding" are two distinct processes
in which "hearing" is a process by which listeners receive information, and this
process takes place one way at a time, unlike interpretation or interaction with the text.
Listening is the process of two-way interaction between the listener and the listening
text, and this interaction gives the listener an overall understanding of the text. This
"hearing" and "understanding" process is performed when the listener selects and
interprets the information received through the hearing organ and other visual cues (if
any) for the purpose of understanding the message of the speaker.
This view of listening comprehension is also consistent with the second hypothesis of
the language spoken by Richards (2002) and O'Malley & Chamot (1999). This
assumes that listening to spoken language is an activity and a complex process in
which the listener focuses on the chosen aspects of the listening. From the sounds they
hear, they find the meaning of the listening message, and relate what they hear to the
knowledge they currently have. Brette (1995) states that "hearing is a decisive
language skill. It plays an important role in the acquisition of language. When
comparing listening with other language skills, Morley (2001) also points out that on
average each of us listens "twice as much as we say, four times what we read, and five
times what the learner wrote ".
The researchers distinguish between Listening and Hearing. Listening is an active
process, including sound analysis, which is different from Hearing, which only
captures sounds passively. In the same way, Harmer (2001) states that Listening is a
"receptive skill" when learners receive the main idea through what they hear. Listeners
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receive the message of the speaker through accent, pronunciation, grammar, and words
that the speaker uses and understands the meaning of their message.
Richards & Schmidt (2002) describes listening as comprehension of speech in the first
or second language, and listening comprehension of a second language involves both
top-down and bottom-up processes. (Bottom-up). Brown (2006) also shares this view
and argues that the "top-down" process occurs when learners use background
knowledge and vocabulary available to capture the content of the listening, while the
bottom-up process is to use the context of the listening to predict the meaning of the
new word. According to Helgesen (2003), hearing is an active and purposeful skill.
During the listening process, the listener not only captures the content they are
listening to but also can listen to the information they have previously known to
understand the listening. In addition, Helgesen also said that when listening, the
listener is not just listening to the words, but also understand the implications behind
the words.
According to Rubin & Thomson (1994), listening skills are divided into two categories
based on the type of listening process: (i) basing on reciprocal hearing: this process
occurs when the listener is asked to participate in the interaction process and to
alternate between listening and speaking. Situations that require interactive listening
include live and telephone conversations. In these situations, listeners have the
opportunity to ask the speaker to speak more clearly, repeat or speak slowly; (ii) Non-
reciprocal listening: This kind of hearing takes place when the listener participates in a
passive passage of a monologue, a speech or a conversation.
Successful listeners are those who can incorporate "inside the head" knowledge - that
is, knowledge that is not coded directly in words - and that knowledge “outside the
head knowledge” to understand what they are listening, according to Nunan (1991).
Anderson & Lynch (1988) also distinguishes these two processes by opposing the
process. The bottom-up process of the listener - like the "tape recorder" - with the top
down process - is "modeling" (model builder). Therefore, the use of both types of
knowledge is essential. The concept of the processes up and down in listening
comprehension is also discussed by Anderson (1983) and Rubin (1994). According to
them, the bottom up process involved initiating by identifying sounds, distinguishing
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words and understanding grammatical structures, and finally understanding the
meaning of the message. This is a mechanical process and a research focus of some
teaching methods (Brown, 2006). The above process takes place when the listener
focuses on the general meaning of the listening text and the application of the
schemata. According to the researchers, the schema is an intellectual framework built
on past experiences that can be used to help listeners understand current situations.
Examples of top-down processes may be: the reflection of ideas and the guessing of
words and the identification of the subject. The bottom line is that understanding
language is a process that goes through many stages, and the output of each step
becomes the input of the next stage. This is why Buck (2001) named this process One-
way listening.
2.2. Factors that affect listening learning
According to Underwood (1989), foreign language learners often face the following
seven challenges: (1) uncontrollable speed of speech, (2) the constraints of the listener,
(3) the failure to recognize the signal, (4) not understanding the information, (5) not
concentrating, and (6) no learning habits.
Rubin and Thompson (1994) also identify three issues and suggest solutions. First, the
speaker speaks too fast. If the listener cannot keep up with the speed of the speaker, he
or she can ask the speaker to repeat, say more loudly, or express the same idea but in a
more understandable way. Second, listeners do not understand the target language on
television or in movies. Listeners need to know what to judge, or anticipate what they
will hear next, based on visual cues, teacher questions, warm-ups, and background
knowledge. Third, listeners tend to stop listening, when they hear a new word or
phrase. As a result, they lose information that can help explain unfamiliar words or
phrases. Listeners need to focus on the familiar parts and keep listening to get the
complete information. According to Hasan (2000), learners are sometimes unaware of
their mistakes in identifying the causes of their problems. They often use ineffective
listening strategies and try to listen and try to understand each word, every detail of the
text. Trying to listen and trying to understand each word in the listening is wrong,
because even native speakers do not listen in this way. Good listeners usually only
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hear keywords to understand the gist of the message and always try to guess the
meaning of the new word in the context of the listening.
Nguyen Bang and Nguyen Ba Ngoc (2002) cite some difficulties in listening the Tai
sound, English vocabulary and speed point out the difficulties of the learner as (1)
Difficulty in listening to English, (2) Trying to understand all the words to catch the
mind of the speaker, (3) do not understand the native speaker when they speak
naturally, (4) need to listen, Listen repeatedly, (5) Difficult to capture all the
information and not predict the next information, (6) Do not focus on listening.
Rubin (1994) indicates five factors that may affect hearing comprehension. These are:
(i) the characteristics of the speech such as speech speed, stop, accent and rhyme,
difference between first language and second language, etc. (ii) and language
proficiency; (iii) exercise characteristics such as type of exercise; (iv) Listener
characteristics such as language proficiency, memory, concentration, age, gender,
ability to use the first language, background knowledge, and (v) such as using top-
down, bottom-up processes, parallel processing and listening strategies.
Yagang (1994) assesses the difficulty of listening based on four factors: (1) listening
message, (2) speaker, (3) listener, and (4) listening context. Rubin also shares this
view. When learning a foreign language, listening and understanding unfamiliar
sounds over a long period of time is very tiring. Although successful listeners do not
try to understand every word they hear (in fact, they only hear the words), they still
find it difficult to separate keywords from a long and dense word list. In addition, if
the message contains too much information that cannot easily be stored in short-term
memory, the listening strategies may not be feasible. Short-term listening is more
effective, as it reduces the complexity of the content, and helps the listener reduce
fatigue and shorten the concentration time. When discussing the thickness of
information in a listening post, many researchers, including Underwood (1989), have
indicated that information in spoken language needs to be presented more sparingly
than written language.
According to Rubin (1994), background knowledge has a great impact on
understanding the subject. Learners build the meaning of the listening by breaking
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down what they hear (or read) into meaningful units, then pair them up, based on their
social and linguistic knowledge, and then use them to fill in the blanks. Learners with
a background knowledge of a topic at varying levels understand and interpret new
information in different ways as they decode new information.
By using their existing knowledge and strategies, learners try to interpret new
information by linking to familiar information. Boyle (1984) see "knowledge of a
particular subject or topic" as a factor influencing foreign language comprehension.
Learners find it easier to listen to a familiar topic than to hear a new subject. To help
learners become familiar with the subject of the listening, the instructor should initiate
the learner's background before performing the listening task, helping them use what
they already know about the topic, the listening process is effective.
In short, there are many listening strategies that can be applied to each subject, each
situation, each listening objective, and so forth. Teachers and learners should actively
learn, select appropriate methods and strategies and apply them to each type of
listening. The bottom line is that regardless of the method or strategy employed, the
ultimate goal of all listening is to understand the message of the speaker and respond
appropriately to the message.
2.3. Type of Listening Strategies
Oxford’s classification system of LLS applied not only in learning language, but also
in learning language skills such as reading, listening, writing and speaking, is divided
into two general types of strategies, direct strategies and indirect strategies. In the
current study, the two general types of strategies are also analyzed and applied to
learning listening skill.
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Figure 2. 1: Strategy System summarized from Oxford (1990)
‘Listening strategies’ or tools or actions learners employ to make their L2 learning
easier, enjoyable and transferable to new input (Oxford, 1990), were proposed to help
relieve the difficulties in listening. They are believed to be able to enhance learners’
proficiency in learning other languages, and also develop their communicative
competence and self-confidence. Strategies not only make the listeners better
understand what they hear, but also help them deal with difficulties occurring in their
listening tasks. According to Oxford’s (1990) classification of language learning
strategies, the strategies used in listening can be summarized as a diagram above
2.3.1. Cognitive strategies
Cognitive strategies were used to help learners to obtain knowledge, understand of
linguistic system, for example, learners could understand the meaning of words from
contexts, link new information with existing schema. Particularly, cognitive strategies
are classified into four sets such as practicing, reviewing and sending messages,
analyzing and reasoning, and creating structure for input and output. The first set of
strategies (practicing), consisting of two strategies: recognizing and using formulas
and patterns, and repeating, helps learners use what they hear to facilitate the retrieval
of appropriate information from long-term memory. For instance, using repeating
strategy, listeners could repeat information to facilitate the retention. Moreover,
listeners could recognize familiar patterns and use them for guessing the meaning. The
second set (sending and receiving message) which could help listeners get the idea
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quickly by focusing the main ideas and detail ideas while listening. The third strategy
(analyzing and reasoning strategies) was used to construct words or compare and
contrast words or expressions between the target language and the native language to
make listening learning easier. This set which comprises three related strategies
translating, analyzing contrastively and transferring helps learners use words, concepts
or structures from learners’ primary language to understand the target language. The
final strategy (creating structure for input and output) including two strategies; note-
taking and summarizing, helps learners synthesize what they hear to facilitate retention
of the information. With taking notes strategy, learners could write down what they
hear and summarize basing on their notes to help their understating better
(summarizing strategy).
2.3.2. Memory strategies
Memory strategies were used to enter new information into memory storage and for
retrieving it to help learners be able to link one L2 item or concept with another.
Memory strategies are categorized into 4 sets: creating mental linkage, applying
images and sound, reviewing well and employing action. The two sets, creating mental
linkage and applying images and sound are mentioned in the current study.
Specifically, the creating mental linkage includes two specific strategies associating
and grouping. For example, using associating, learners can link what they know with
what they hear, and know how to connect sound and picture to remember words with
grouping use. Meanwhile, semantic mapping is used to help learners to remember the
location of words when listening.
2.3.3. Compensation strategies
Compensation strategies could help listeners make up for missing knowledge when
they do not hear something clearly. Therefore, they could use clues to guess meaning
of words or pieces of information. Hence, compensation strategies are considered as a
tool for ‘‘guess unintelligently’’ (Oxford, 1990) because listeners guess
‘‘systematically’’ by using clues without listening to every word. The two specific
strategies of compensation strategies are using linguistic clues and other clues. For
instance, using linguistic clues including word order, word stress could help listeners
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understand the unfamiliar words. Unlike linguistic clues, listeners can get useful
information from other clues such as situational contexts, background noise to guess
what is going.
2.3.4. Metacognitive strategies
Metacognitive strategies are divided into three sets: centering your learning, arranging
and planning your plan, and evaluating your learning. The first strategy (paying
attention) could help listeners focus their attention on listening tasks, materials,
activities. The second strategy, arranging and planning your plan could aid listeners
organize and gather materials, plan for an L2 task, and arrange a study space like
setting goals and objects. For example, using setting goals and objects strategy could
assist students to know what their purposes are while listening (listen for idea, listen
for identify speakers’ attitude). The final sets, evaluating your learning include two
specific strategies such as self-monitoring and self-evaluating. These specific
strategies could offer the listeners a holistic view of the ongoing listening process to
avoid making their mistakes which they had before and check comprehension a text to
verify that a task has been completed.
2.3.5. Affective strategies
Affective strategies could help listeners handle their feelings, emotions, motivation or
attitudes in learning listening skills. The three sets of affective strategies were
lowering listeners’ anxiety, encouraging themselves, and taking their emotion
temperature. The first specific strategy of lowering listeners’ anxiety in using
progressive relaxation enables listeners to keep calm when listening. The second is
encouraging themselves in making positive statement helps listeners increase their
confidence in finishing listening task. The last set (taking their emotional temperature)
consists of two specific listening strategies, listening to the body and discussing with
someone helps listeners recognize their feelings and exchange their feelings with their
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2.3.6. Social Strategies
Social strategies could help listeners work together and understand the target language
as well as the language. Social strategies include two sets: asking for question and
cooperating with each other. Particularly, asking for question (asking for verification),
for instance, or verification from their teacher or their friends could help listeners
clarify what they are not clear. While, cooperating with each other like cooperating
with peers aid listeners to share information and to check comprehension or to solve
2.4. Previous Studies
The three authors Thitipat Watthajarukiat, Monta Chatupote and Panida Sukseemuang
studied the research of English Listening Strategies Used by Thai Undergraduate
Students in Public Universities in the South in 2013. This study aimed to examine the
use of listening strategies among different ability groups of undergraduate students in
terms of frequency and types of strategies used. The findings indicated that cognitive
strategies, especially using grammatical knowledge to help listening, were used most
frequently, while metacognitive strategies and physically acting out what was heard
were used the least. The findings are expected to be beneficial for teachers to help
students become aware of the significance of listening and benefits of using the right
strategies with the right tasks. They can also serve as guidelines for teachers who
would like to provide strategy training in English listening instruction, especially for
college students who need sufficient language skills for both social and academic
In Vietnam, Le Huynh Thanh Huy studied the topic of An Investigation into Listening
Strategies of EFL Students within the High School Setting in 2015. The results of the
study allow significant implications in teaching and learning listening skill of English.
It is suggested that promoting students’ awareness of using listening strategies
contribute to their listening learning process. Therefore, listening strategies training
should be implemented in a language classroom to help students become more
autonomous both inside and outside of the classroom. At first, one listening strategy is
chosen to teach learners in a listening lesson. Gradually, many types of listening
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strategies are introduced to learners in many different kinds of listening tests. As a
result, learners’ awareness of using listening strategies would be raised day by day,
(Huy, 2015).
3. Methodology
3.1. Some definitions
Quantitative research is the study of the use of (mostly statistical) methods to quantify,
measure, reflect, and interpret relationships between variables (variables).
Quantitative research involves the quantity and number. Its purpose is to measure the
variables for each goal and consider their relevance in terms of numbers and statistics.
Quantitative research is used to generalize research results through randomization and
representative sampling. Quantitative research can provide data to describe the
distribution of the characteristics and properties of the study as a whole, examine the
relationships between them and determine the causal relationship. Limitations of the
Quantitative Approach; (1) The phenomenon of human behavior (behavioral research)
is not clarified; (3) Affected by many factors, sometimes not objective; (3)
Standardized scales have different interpretations, different interpretations.
Descriptive research does not fit neatly into the definition of either quantitative or
qualitative research methodologies, but instead it can utilize elements of both, often
within the same study. The term descriptive research refers to the type of research
question, design, and data analysis that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive
statistics tell what is, while inferential statistics try to determine cause and effect. The
type of question asked by the researcher will ultimately determine the type of approach
necessary to complete an accurate assessment of the topic at hand. Descriptive studies
primarily concerned with finding out result by either quantitative or qualitative.
Qualitative research is a type of scientific research. In general terms, scientific
research consists of an investigation that: (1) seeks answers to a question; (2)
systematically uses a predefined set of procedures to answer the question; (3) collects
evidence; (4) produces findings that were not determined in advance; (5) produces
findings that are applicable beyond the immediate boundaries of the study
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Qualitative research shares these characteristics. Additionally, it seeks to understand a
given research problem or topic from the perspectives of the local population it
involves. Qualitative research is especially effective in obtaining culturally specific
information about the values, opinions, behaviors, and social contexts of particular
Richards (1987), Anderson and Lynch (1988), Wolvin & Coakley (1982), Underwood
(1989), and Buck (1995) claim that listening is a positive and complex process that
determines the content and level of understandable information. These processes use
speech as the basis for meaning building, based on the amount of information emitted.
This information is initially identified in short-term memory and is stored in the long-
term memory of the listener. Anderson and Lynch (1988) distinguish three processes
of hearing comprehension: (i) perceptual processing, (ii) parsing and (iii) use, while
Duzer (1997) distinguishes nine stages in the process hear as: (1) determine the reason
for the hearing, (2) make the hearing image in short-term memory, (3) organize the
information by identifying the genre and function of the message, (4) Predict what
information can be conveyed in the message, (5) recall background information, (6)
determine the meaning of the message, (7) verify the message is understood correctly ,
(8) redefine the information to be stored in long-term memory, and (9) remove the
original form of the message received in short-term memory.
When studying the listening process, psychologists and linguists are based on the
interaction of two cognitive processes that distinguish the two processes of bottom-up
and top-down. According to Nunan, in the process of rising up, the learner "separates
speech into composite sounds, connects these sounds to form words, and connects
words to form words and sentences, and so on. In the process of processing top-down
information, listeners understand the meaning of the message as intended by the
speaker through the use of schemas or knowledge structures (schemata or structures of
knowledge in the brain. This view emphasizes the importance of background
knowledge that learners use to understand the information they hear. Knowledge that
learners have in the past has helped streamline the information-listening effort by
linking familiarity with new knowledge, and the lack of background knowledge that
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can damage the effort. Of the listener to understand a particular statement of the
3.2. Method of the study
The research is carried out based on a descriptive quantitative study. The descriptive
study aimed to describe the data and characteristic about what is being studied. The
quantitative method, including a listening comprehension test, a brief report about the
participants’ background as well as a LS questionnaire, is used. The listening test was
deployed to measure the participants’ English listening ability to clarify them into the
strategies that they used. The brief report of the participants’ background information
aimed to find out the participants’ prior experience with listening course and their
learning attitude toward listening classes. The LS questionnaire is adapted to examine
the participants’ use of LSs.
Qualitative research is carried out based on previous studies, books, reports, and
articles that are discussed and analysed to develop theories for the study.
3.3. Data collection instrument
In order to collect data, the researcher uses questionnaire. To investigate the students’
application of listening strategies in learning.
The main questions focused on the strategies of listening including Cognitive
strategies, Compensation strategies, Metacognitive strategies, Affective strategies,
Social strategies, the quality of the curriculum, the effectiveness of using these
strategies in their learning. The number of valid questionnaires may be less than 100
hand-outs because of few inappropriate ones.
Questionnaire was designed based on Likert scale with 5 points from 1 to 5 to describe
from lowest level to highest level. For example: 1: Never; 2: Seldom; 3: sometimes; 4:
a lot and 5: always.
3.4. Data analytical method
After data collection, Statistics Package for the Social Science (SPSS) will be used to
compute the data analyses of the study.
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4. Design of the thesis
In chapter 1, it is introduction. The study presents general parts including Background
to the study; problem statement; review of related literatures; purposes of the study;
research question; scope of the study; methods; significance and structure of the study.
In chapter 2, the study presents literature review including concepts and previous
studies relating to this topic.
In chapter 3, it is research methodology. The study presents research questions,
research participants, research procedure, data collection instruments and data
collection and analysis process.
In chapter 4, the study shows findings and discussion after analyzing data
In chapter 5, the study presents conclusion and recommendation. There are three part
in conclusion consisting of conclusion of the thesis, limitation of the thesis and
suggestions for further researches.
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Aina, M. (2014). EDU 233: General Teaching Methods. Nigeria: National Open
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Anderson, A., & Lynch, T. (1988). Listening. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
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Brown, S. (2006). Teaching Listening. New York, U.S.: Cambridge University Press. .
Buck, G. (2001). Assessing listening. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Duzer, C. V. (1997). Improving ESL learners' listening skills: At the workplace and
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Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman.
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Helgesen, M. (2003). “Teaching listening”. In D. Nunan (Ed.) Practical English
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Mẫu Đề Cương Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ Khoa Ngoại Ngữ Đại Học Thái Nguyên.docx

  • 1. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 ĐẠI HỌC THÁI NGUYÊN KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ ĐỀ CƯƠNG LUẬN VĂN Họ và tên học viên: Bùi Thị Thanh Viên Ngành: Ngôn ngữ Anh Khóa: …2017-2019 Tên đề tài: Bằng tiếng nước ngoài: AN INVESTIGATION OF LISTENING STRATEGIES APPLIED FOR THE 10TH GRADE STUDENTS AT BINH LIEU HIGH SCHOOL。 Bằng tiếng Việt: NGHIÊN VỀ CHIẾN LƯỢC NGHE ĐƯỢC ÁP DỤNG CHO HỌC SINH LỚP 10 TẠI TRƯỜNG THPT BÌNH LIÊU
  • 2. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................2 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................3 1.1. Rationale...............................................................................................................3 1.2. Aims of the study..................................................................................................3 1.3. Scope of the study ................................................................................................3 2. Literature review..........................................................................................................4 2.1. Listening skill .......................................................................................................4 2.2. Factors that affect listening learning ................................................................6 2.3. Type of Listening Strategies.................................................................................8 2.3.1. Cognitive strategies .......................................................................................9 2.3.2. Memory strategies .......................................................................................10 2.3.3. Compensation strategies..............................................................................10 2.3.4. Metacognitive strategies..............................................................................11 2.3.5. Affective strategies......................................................................................11 2.3.6. Social Strategies ..........................................................................................12 2.4. Previous Studies .............................................................................................12 3. Methodology..............................................................................................................13 3.1. Some definitions.................................................................................................13 3.2. Method of the study............................................................................................15 3.3. Data collection instrument..................................................................................15 References .....................................................................................................................17
  • 3. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 1. Introduction 1.1. Rationale Listening is a process that allows the listener to understand a message, help them engage in dialogue and succeed in communication. Without listening skills, people engaged in communication activities will not receive the message, and therefore, they cannot respond quickly and efficiently. Many researchers agree that in language learning, listening plays an important role in the reception of a language. In recent decades, listening skills have been gaining much attention among researchers in teaching and learning foreign languages in general and learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in particular. Many scholars believe that the most important step to start learning English is to try to hear the language. In addition, listening skills bring the students the opportunity to feel the language and improve the overall ability to use English. Rost (1994) also emphasized that Listening can be seen as a necessary skill in the process of training a foreign language learner and even can be considered as a tool to predict the success of English learners. As such, listening skills play an important role in learning English. Therefore, the topic “An investigation of listening strategies applied for the 10th grade students at Binh Lieu high school” is chosen for research. 1.2. Aims of the study The study aims to explore the memory, cognitive, compensation, affective, social and metacognitive listening strategies that the 10th grade students, at Binh Lieu high school, apply in their English learning process. 1.3. Scope of the study The research is done at Binh Lieu high school. The respondents are 100 students learning at this school and the report is written in 2018.
  • 4. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 Moreover, there are some mistakes that can happen when doing survey. The type of error occurred when the respondents selected not to focus on the questions. Thus, they circle their answer by chance without thinking and share their true idea, for instance their answers are just all “agree” or “disagree”. In addition, the respondents had no time to answer the questionnaire, then they gave incorrect answers. 2. Literature review 2.1. Listening skill According to Hasan (2000), "hearing" and "understanding" are two distinct processes in which "hearing" is a process by which listeners receive information, and this process takes place one way at a time, unlike interpretation or interaction with the text. Listening is the process of two-way interaction between the listener and the listening text, and this interaction gives the listener an overall understanding of the text. This "hearing" and "understanding" process is performed when the listener selects and interprets the information received through the hearing organ and other visual cues (if any) for the purpose of understanding the message of the speaker. This view of listening comprehension is also consistent with the second hypothesis of the language spoken by Richards (2002) and O'Malley & Chamot (1999). This assumes that listening to spoken language is an activity and a complex process in which the listener focuses on the chosen aspects of the listening. From the sounds they hear, they find the meaning of the listening message, and relate what they hear to the knowledge they currently have. Brette (1995) states that "hearing is a decisive language skill. It plays an important role in the acquisition of language. When comparing listening with other language skills, Morley (2001) also points out that on average each of us listens "twice as much as we say, four times what we read, and five times what the learner wrote ". The researchers distinguish between Listening and Hearing. Listening is an active process, including sound analysis, which is different from Hearing, which only captures sounds passively. In the same way, Harmer (2001) states that Listening is a "receptive skill" when learners receive the main idea through what they hear. Listeners
  • 5. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 receive the message of the speaker through accent, pronunciation, grammar, and words that the speaker uses and understands the meaning of their message. Richards & Schmidt (2002) describes listening as comprehension of speech in the first or second language, and listening comprehension of a second language involves both top-down and bottom-up processes. (Bottom-up). Brown (2006) also shares this view and argues that the "top-down" process occurs when learners use background knowledge and vocabulary available to capture the content of the listening, while the bottom-up process is to use the context of the listening to predict the meaning of the new word. According to Helgesen (2003), hearing is an active and purposeful skill. During the listening process, the listener not only captures the content they are listening to but also can listen to the information they have previously known to understand the listening. In addition, Helgesen also said that when listening, the listener is not just listening to the words, but also understand the implications behind the words. According to Rubin & Thomson (1994), listening skills are divided into two categories based on the type of listening process: (i) basing on reciprocal hearing: this process occurs when the listener is asked to participate in the interaction process and to alternate between listening and speaking. Situations that require interactive listening include live and telephone conversations. In these situations, listeners have the opportunity to ask the speaker to speak more clearly, repeat or speak slowly; (ii) Non- reciprocal listening: This kind of hearing takes place when the listener participates in a passive passage of a monologue, a speech or a conversation. Successful listeners are those who can incorporate "inside the head" knowledge - that is, knowledge that is not coded directly in words - and that knowledge “outside the head knowledge” to understand what they are listening, according to Nunan (1991). Anderson & Lynch (1988) also distinguishes these two processes by opposing the process. The bottom-up process of the listener - like the "tape recorder" - with the top down process - is "modeling" (model builder). Therefore, the use of both types of knowledge is essential. The concept of the processes up and down in listening comprehension is also discussed by Anderson (1983) and Rubin (1994). According to them, the bottom up process involved initiating by identifying sounds, distinguishing
  • 6. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 words and understanding grammatical structures, and finally understanding the meaning of the message. This is a mechanical process and a research focus of some teaching methods (Brown, 2006). The above process takes place when the listener focuses on the general meaning of the listening text and the application of the schemata. According to the researchers, the schema is an intellectual framework built on past experiences that can be used to help listeners understand current situations. Examples of top-down processes may be: the reflection of ideas and the guessing of words and the identification of the subject. The bottom line is that understanding language is a process that goes through many stages, and the output of each step becomes the input of the next stage. This is why Buck (2001) named this process One- way listening. 2.2. Factors that affect listening learning According to Underwood (1989), foreign language learners often face the following seven challenges: (1) uncontrollable speed of speech, (2) the constraints of the listener, (3) the failure to recognize the signal, (4) not understanding the information, (5) not concentrating, and (6) no learning habits. Rubin and Thompson (1994) also identify three issues and suggest solutions. First, the speaker speaks too fast. If the listener cannot keep up with the speed of the speaker, he or she can ask the speaker to repeat, say more loudly, or express the same idea but in a more understandable way. Second, listeners do not understand the target language on television or in movies. Listeners need to know what to judge, or anticipate what they will hear next, based on visual cues, teacher questions, warm-ups, and background knowledge. Third, listeners tend to stop listening, when they hear a new word or phrase. As a result, they lose information that can help explain unfamiliar words or phrases. Listeners need to focus on the familiar parts and keep listening to get the complete information. According to Hasan (2000), learners are sometimes unaware of their mistakes in identifying the causes of their problems. They often use ineffective listening strategies and try to listen and try to understand each word, every detail of the text. Trying to listen and trying to understand each word in the listening is wrong, because even native speakers do not listen in this way. Good listeners usually only
  • 7. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 hear keywords to understand the gist of the message and always try to guess the meaning of the new word in the context of the listening. Nguyen Bang and Nguyen Ba Ngoc (2002) cite some difficulties in listening the Tai sound, English vocabulary and speed point out the difficulties of the learner as (1) Difficulty in listening to English, (2) Trying to understand all the words to catch the mind of the speaker, (3) do not understand the native speaker when they speak naturally, (4) need to listen, Listen repeatedly, (5) Difficult to capture all the information and not predict the next information, (6) Do not focus on listening. Rubin (1994) indicates five factors that may affect hearing comprehension. These are: (i) the characteristics of the speech such as speech speed, stop, accent and rhyme, difference between first language and second language, etc. (ii) and language proficiency; (iii) exercise characteristics such as type of exercise; (iv) Listener characteristics such as language proficiency, memory, concentration, age, gender, ability to use the first language, background knowledge, and (v) such as using top- down, bottom-up processes, parallel processing and listening strategies. Yagang (1994) assesses the difficulty of listening based on four factors: (1) listening message, (2) speaker, (3) listener, and (4) listening context. Rubin also shares this view. When learning a foreign language, listening and understanding unfamiliar sounds over a long period of time is very tiring. Although successful listeners do not try to understand every word they hear (in fact, they only hear the words), they still find it difficult to separate keywords from a long and dense word list. In addition, if the message contains too much information that cannot easily be stored in short-term memory, the listening strategies may not be feasible. Short-term listening is more effective, as it reduces the complexity of the content, and helps the listener reduce fatigue and shorten the concentration time. When discussing the thickness of information in a listening post, many researchers, including Underwood (1989), have indicated that information in spoken language needs to be presented more sparingly than written language. According to Rubin (1994), background knowledge has a great impact on understanding the subject. Learners build the meaning of the listening by breaking
  • 8. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 down what they hear (or read) into meaningful units, then pair them up, based on their social and linguistic knowledge, and then use them to fill in the blanks. Learners with a background knowledge of a topic at varying levels understand and interpret new information in different ways as they decode new information. By using their existing knowledge and strategies, learners try to interpret new information by linking to familiar information. Boyle (1984) see "knowledge of a particular subject or topic" as a factor influencing foreign language comprehension. Learners find it easier to listen to a familiar topic than to hear a new subject. To help learners become familiar with the subject of the listening, the instructor should initiate the learner's background before performing the listening task, helping them use what they already know about the topic, the listening process is effective. In short, there are many listening strategies that can be applied to each subject, each situation, each listening objective, and so forth. Teachers and learners should actively learn, select appropriate methods and strategies and apply them to each type of listening. The bottom line is that regardless of the method or strategy employed, the ultimate goal of all listening is to understand the message of the speaker and respond appropriately to the message. 2.3. Type of Listening Strategies Oxford’s classification system of LLS applied not only in learning language, but also in learning language skills such as reading, listening, writing and speaking, is divided into two general types of strategies, direct strategies and indirect strategies. In the current study, the two general types of strategies are also analyzed and applied to learning listening skill.
  • 9. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 Figure 2. 1: Strategy System summarized from Oxford (1990) ‘Listening strategies’ or tools or actions learners employ to make their L2 learning easier, enjoyable and transferable to new input (Oxford, 1990), were proposed to help relieve the difficulties in listening. They are believed to be able to enhance learners’ proficiency in learning other languages, and also develop their communicative competence and self-confidence. Strategies not only make the listeners better understand what they hear, but also help them deal with difficulties occurring in their listening tasks. According to Oxford’s (1990) classification of language learning strategies, the strategies used in listening can be summarized as a diagram above 2.3.1. Cognitive strategies Cognitive strategies were used to help learners to obtain knowledge, understand of linguistic system, for example, learners could understand the meaning of words from contexts, link new information with existing schema. Particularly, cognitive strategies are classified into four sets such as practicing, reviewing and sending messages, analyzing and reasoning, and creating structure for input and output. The first set of strategies (practicing), consisting of two strategies: recognizing and using formulas and patterns, and repeating, helps learners use what they hear to facilitate the retrieval of appropriate information from long-term memory. For instance, using repeating strategy, listeners could repeat information to facilitate the retention. Moreover, listeners could recognize familiar patterns and use them for guessing the meaning. The second set (sending and receiving message) which could help listeners get the idea
  • 10. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 quickly by focusing the main ideas and detail ideas while listening. The third strategy (analyzing and reasoning strategies) was used to construct words or compare and contrast words or expressions between the target language and the native language to make listening learning easier. This set which comprises three related strategies translating, analyzing contrastively and transferring helps learners use words, concepts or structures from learners’ primary language to understand the target language. The final strategy (creating structure for input and output) including two strategies; note- taking and summarizing, helps learners synthesize what they hear to facilitate retention of the information. With taking notes strategy, learners could write down what they hear and summarize basing on their notes to help their understating better (summarizing strategy). 2.3.2. Memory strategies Memory strategies were used to enter new information into memory storage and for retrieving it to help learners be able to link one L2 item or concept with another. Memory strategies are categorized into 4 sets: creating mental linkage, applying images and sound, reviewing well and employing action. The two sets, creating mental linkage and applying images and sound are mentioned in the current study. Specifically, the creating mental linkage includes two specific strategies associating and grouping. For example, using associating, learners can link what they know with what they hear, and know how to connect sound and picture to remember words with grouping use. Meanwhile, semantic mapping is used to help learners to remember the location of words when listening. 2.3.3. Compensation strategies Compensation strategies could help listeners make up for missing knowledge when they do not hear something clearly. Therefore, they could use clues to guess meaning of words or pieces of information. Hence, compensation strategies are considered as a tool for ‘‘guess unintelligently’’ (Oxford, 1990) because listeners guess ‘‘systematically’’ by using clues without listening to every word. The two specific strategies of compensation strategies are using linguistic clues and other clues. For instance, using linguistic clues including word order, word stress could help listeners
  • 11. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 understand the unfamiliar words. Unlike linguistic clues, listeners can get useful information from other clues such as situational contexts, background noise to guess what is going. 2.3.4. Metacognitive strategies Metacognitive strategies are divided into three sets: centering your learning, arranging and planning your plan, and evaluating your learning. The first strategy (paying attention) could help listeners focus their attention on listening tasks, materials, activities. The second strategy, arranging and planning your plan could aid listeners organize and gather materials, plan for an L2 task, and arrange a study space like setting goals and objects. For example, using setting goals and objects strategy could assist students to know what their purposes are while listening (listen for idea, listen for identify speakers’ attitude). The final sets, evaluating your learning include two specific strategies such as self-monitoring and self-evaluating. These specific strategies could offer the listeners a holistic view of the ongoing listening process to avoid making their mistakes which they had before and check comprehension a text to verify that a task has been completed. 2.3.5. Affective strategies Affective strategies could help listeners handle their feelings, emotions, motivation or attitudes in learning listening skills. The three sets of affective strategies were lowering listeners’ anxiety, encouraging themselves, and taking their emotion temperature. The first specific strategy of lowering listeners’ anxiety in using progressive relaxation enables listeners to keep calm when listening. The second is encouraging themselves in making positive statement helps listeners increase their confidence in finishing listening task. The last set (taking their emotional temperature) consists of two specific listening strategies, listening to the body and discussing with someone helps listeners recognize their feelings and exchange their feelings with their friends.
  • 12. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 2.3.6. Social Strategies Social strategies could help listeners work together and understand the target language as well as the language. Social strategies include two sets: asking for question and cooperating with each other. Particularly, asking for question (asking for verification), for instance, or verification from their teacher or their friends could help listeners clarify what they are not clear. While, cooperating with each other like cooperating with peers aid listeners to share information and to check comprehension or to solve questions. 2.4. Previous Studies The three authors Thitipat Watthajarukiat, Monta Chatupote and Panida Sukseemuang studied the research of English Listening Strategies Used by Thai Undergraduate Students in Public Universities in the South in 2013. This study aimed to examine the use of listening strategies among different ability groups of undergraduate students in terms of frequency and types of strategies used. The findings indicated that cognitive strategies, especially using grammatical knowledge to help listening, were used most frequently, while metacognitive strategies and physically acting out what was heard were used the least. The findings are expected to be beneficial for teachers to help students become aware of the significance of listening and benefits of using the right strategies with the right tasks. They can also serve as guidelines for teachers who would like to provide strategy training in English listening instruction, especially for college students who need sufficient language skills for both social and academic purposes. In Vietnam, Le Huynh Thanh Huy studied the topic of An Investigation into Listening Strategies of EFL Students within the High School Setting in 2015. The results of the study allow significant implications in teaching and learning listening skill of English. It is suggested that promoting students’ awareness of using listening strategies contribute to their listening learning process. Therefore, listening strategies training should be implemented in a language classroom to help students become more autonomous both inside and outside of the classroom. At first, one listening strategy is chosen to teach learners in a listening lesson. Gradually, many types of listening
  • 13. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 strategies are introduced to learners in many different kinds of listening tests. As a result, learners’ awareness of using listening strategies would be raised day by day, (Huy, 2015). 3. Methodology 3.1. Some definitions Quantitative research is the study of the use of (mostly statistical) methods to quantify, measure, reflect, and interpret relationships between variables (variables). Quantitative research involves the quantity and number. Its purpose is to measure the variables for each goal and consider their relevance in terms of numbers and statistics. Quantitative research is used to generalize research results through randomization and representative sampling. Quantitative research can provide data to describe the distribution of the characteristics and properties of the study as a whole, examine the relationships between them and determine the causal relationship. Limitations of the Quantitative Approach; (1) The phenomenon of human behavior (behavioral research) is not clarified; (3) Affected by many factors, sometimes not objective; (3) Standardized scales have different interpretations, different interpretations. Descriptive research does not fit neatly into the definition of either quantitative or qualitative research methodologies, but instead it can utilize elements of both, often within the same study. The term descriptive research refers to the type of research question, design, and data analysis that will be applied to a given topic. Descriptive statistics tell what is, while inferential statistics try to determine cause and effect. The type of question asked by the researcher will ultimately determine the type of approach necessary to complete an accurate assessment of the topic at hand. Descriptive studies primarily concerned with finding out result by either quantitative or qualitative. Qualitative research is a type of scientific research. In general terms, scientific research consists of an investigation that: (1) seeks answers to a question; (2) systematically uses a predefined set of procedures to answer the question; (3) collects evidence; (4) produces findings that were not determined in advance; (5) produces findings that are applicable beyond the immediate boundaries of the study
  • 14. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 Qualitative research shares these characteristics. Additionally, it seeks to understand a given research problem or topic from the perspectives of the local population it involves. Qualitative research is especially effective in obtaining culturally specific information about the values, opinions, behaviors, and social contexts of particular populations. Richards (1987), Anderson and Lynch (1988), Wolvin & Coakley (1982), Underwood (1989), and Buck (1995) claim that listening is a positive and complex process that determines the content and level of understandable information. These processes use speech as the basis for meaning building, based on the amount of information emitted. This information is initially identified in short-term memory and is stored in the long- term memory of the listener. Anderson and Lynch (1988) distinguish three processes of hearing comprehension: (i) perceptual processing, (ii) parsing and (iii) use, while Duzer (1997) distinguishes nine stages in the process hear as: (1) determine the reason for the hearing, (2) make the hearing image in short-term memory, (3) organize the information by identifying the genre and function of the message, (4) Predict what information can be conveyed in the message, (5) recall background information, (6) determine the meaning of the message, (7) verify the message is understood correctly , (8) redefine the information to be stored in long-term memory, and (9) remove the original form of the message received in short-term memory. When studying the listening process, psychologists and linguists are based on the interaction of two cognitive processes that distinguish the two processes of bottom-up and top-down. According to Nunan, in the process of rising up, the learner "separates speech into composite sounds, connects these sounds to form words, and connects words to form words and sentences, and so on. In the process of processing top-down information, listeners understand the meaning of the message as intended by the speaker through the use of schemas or knowledge structures (schemata or structures of knowledge in the brain. This view emphasizes the importance of background knowledge that learners use to understand the information they hear. Knowledge that learners have in the past has helped streamline the information-listening effort by linking familiarity with new knowledge, and the lack of background knowledge that
  • 15. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 can damage the effort. Of the listener to understand a particular statement of the speaker. 3.2. Method of the study The research is carried out based on a descriptive quantitative study. The descriptive study aimed to describe the data and characteristic about what is being studied. The quantitative method, including a listening comprehension test, a brief report about the participants’ background as well as a LS questionnaire, is used. The listening test was deployed to measure the participants’ English listening ability to clarify them into the strategies that they used. The brief report of the participants’ background information aimed to find out the participants’ prior experience with listening course and their learning attitude toward listening classes. The LS questionnaire is adapted to examine the participants’ use of LSs. Qualitative research is carried out based on previous studies, books, reports, and articles that are discussed and analysed to develop theories for the study. 3.3. Data collection instrument In order to collect data, the researcher uses questionnaire. To investigate the students’ application of listening strategies in learning. The main questions focused on the strategies of listening including Cognitive strategies, Compensation strategies, Metacognitive strategies, Affective strategies, Social strategies, the quality of the curriculum, the effectiveness of using these strategies in their learning. The number of valid questionnaires may be less than 100 hand-outs because of few inappropriate ones. Questionnaire was designed based on Likert scale with 5 points from 1 to 5 to describe from lowest level to highest level. For example: 1: Never; 2: Seldom; 3: sometimes; 4: a lot and 5: always. 3.4. Data analytical method After data collection, Statistics Package for the Social Science (SPSS) will be used to compute the data analyses of the study.
  • 16. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 4. Design of the thesis In chapter 1, it is introduction. The study presents general parts including Background to the study; problem statement; review of related literatures; purposes of the study; research question; scope of the study; methods; significance and structure of the study. In chapter 2, the study presents literature review including concepts and previous studies relating to this topic. In chapter 3, it is research methodology. The study presents research questions, research participants, research procedure, data collection instruments and data collection and analysis process. In chapter 4, the study shows findings and discussion after analyzing data In chapter 5, the study presents conclusion and recommendation. There are three part in conclusion consisting of conclusion of the thesis, limitation of the thesis and suggestions for further researches.
  • 17. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 References Aina, M. (2014). EDU 233: General Teaching Methods. Nigeria: National Open University of Nigeria. Anderson, A., & Lynch, T. (1988). Listening. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Babalola, K. (2013). The Place of Educational Media in the Effective Utilization of the New Curriculum Module in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Education and, vol.4(1), 108-114. Bang, N., and Ngoc, N. B. (2002). A Course in TEFL Theory & Practice II. Ha Noi: Foreign University - Ha Noi National University. Brette, P. (1995). Multimedia for Listening comprehension: The Design of Multimedia-based resources for Developing Listening Skills System. Wolverhampton, UK: University of Wolverhampton. British Council. (2018). London, UK. Brown, S. (2006). Teaching Listening. New York, U.S.: Cambridge University Press. . Buck, G. (2001). Assessing listening. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Duzer, C. V. (1997). Improving ESL learners' listening skills: At the workplace and beyond. London: ERIC Q&A. Harmer, J. (2001). The Practice of English Language Teaching. London: Longman. Hasan, A. S. (2000). Learners’ perceptions oflistening comprehension problems. Language Culture and Curriculum. National University of Science Journal of Hanoi, 13(2), 137-153. Helgesen, M. (2003). “Teaching listening”. In D. Nunan (Ed.) Practical English Language Teaching. New York: McGraw-Hill. Huy, L. H. (2015). AN INVESTIGATION INTO LISTENING STRATEGIES OF EFL STUDENTS WITHIN THE HIGH SCHOOL SETTING. Asian Journal of Educational Research , 21-34. Jessa, M. (2008). Efficient English Teaching. S.B. Nangia: APH Publishing Corporation. Morley, J. (2001). “Aural Comprehension Instruction: Principles and Practices”. In Marianne Celce-Murcia (Eds.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language. U.S: Heinle and Heinle. . Nunan, D. (1991). Language teaching methodology. Sydney: Prentice-Hall.
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  • 19. Viết thuê đề tài giá rẻ trọn gói - KB Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 – Cần Kham Thảo - Kết bạn Zalo/Tele : 0973.287.149 Dự kiến kế hoạch thực hiện Nội dung Thời gian thực hiện Đề nghị người hướng dẫn . . . Đề nghị khác (nếu có) . . . Chữ ký của học viên Xác nhận đồng ý hướng dẫn của cán bộ hướng dẫn