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IDEAI am going to be creating a short film based on the theme of homosexuality. The film consists of two boys who are from
two completely different social groups, one is the typical popular kid who enjoys sport, he is called Harry and the other is
a bit of a loner, he is struggling with mental health and has come out as gay. Because of this, he gets bullied every now
and again which may be one of the reason he struggles with mental health, his name is George. Through both waiting for
a bus alone , they start to become friends which confuses both of them as they would never have thought they would
have got on however, instantly there was some sort of chemistry between the both of them. After this, the pair starting to
hang out more outside of school, this lead to their relationship growing and growing as time went on. However, they
never spent time with each during school time as Harry did not want it to affect his reputation and the way he was
viewed in school. After constantly hanging out outside of school, the pair both started to feel more than friendship for
each other, this made Harry seriously question himself as he viewed himself as completely heterosexual, the fact that he
was now feeling things for a boy angered him as he did not want to be this way. He was scared of what his very
homophobic father and friends would say. The situation worried George as although he was perfectly comfortable with
his sexuality and who he was, he didn't want his feelings for Harry to get in the way of their friendship. Because of both
these reasons, the pair didn't reveal their feelings for each other and decided to keep it to themselves. As time goes on
their relationship and feelings grow stronger however Harry tries to suppress the way he feels as he can not take how
people would view and how his life would change if he did come out. After a while of being friends, George cant take it
anymore and finally decided to go and tell Harry how he feels, he doesn't plan how he is going to do it or what he is
going to say but he just runs to Harrys house to tell him. As he pours his heart out to Harry telling him how he feels at his
front door, what George doesn't know is that all of Harry’s mates are sitting right behind him. They hear what he has said
and start to take the mick out of him in front of harry, Harry doesn't know how to react does he follow his friends to
maintain his reputation or does he stick up for his new secret best friend who he has deep feelings for. Without thinking,
he joins in with his mates and laughs in Georges face. This leaves George heartbroken and betrayed, he runs back home
and goes back to his dark place as he has lost and been betrayed by not only his only friend but the boy he loves. The
Harry is your typical popular kid in school, he loves sport and has a very masculine group of
friends. He views himself as a very heterosexual male however, when he starts to become
friends with George he starts to question his sexuality. In Harrys head, this is seriously bad as he
doesn't want to be gay, he wants to fit in with his mates and also make his father proud. He
feels if he comes out as gay he will lose all of his friends, his fathers love and his reputation.
This is because his group of friends and his dad are extremely homophobic making Harry think
negatively of gays. Harry doesn't want peoples personas of him to change as he does heavily
care what people think. This leads to him making a huge mistake with George and losing the
boy who he has fallen in love with.
I wanted to include a character like Harry in my product as I feel his situation is very common in
the world. There are millions of teenagers who know deep down that they are not heterosexual
however, are to scared to come out because of how they feel they will be treated by people
around them. I want to spread awareness for people in situations like Harry and hopefully this
film shows why you shouldn't keep these kinds of things to yourself, it is important to talk.
The second character included in my product is called George. He is a bit of a loner and
doesn't really have any friends. George has come as gay and does get bullied a bit for it
however, no one really cares about him therefore the bullying situation is not awful. However,
he does struggle with mental health, this may be due to his past of being bullied and the fact
that he is often lonely. However, his loneliness all changes when he starts to become friends
with harry, a very popular boy in his school. The friendship is very unlikely and neither of them
thought that they would ever get on like they do, right from the tart their was instant
chemistry between he two of them. This makes George the happiest he has been for a long
time. As their friendship grows however, George starts to realize that the connection may be
more than friendship, this worries George as he doesn't want what him and Harry have to be
ruined by Georges feelings. Because of this, he doesn’t tell Harry and keeps it to himself.
Despite what he wants to do, as time goes on Georges feelings only increase for his friend and
he struggles to contain how he feels as it is killing him holding it in. On a rash decision he
does finally go tell Harry how he feels, however, he gets it thrown back in his face as Harry
can’t face to lose his friends and his reputation. This sends George back to his dark place
where he feels lonely however, he is now worse as he has the memories Harry in his head.
Steve is Harrys dad in the film. He is nor included much as he is not really needed however his
main purpose in the product is to be used as a very homophobic character. I wanted to make
the father of Harry incredibly homophobic as I knew this would add layers to the film and add
that sense of complexity, a father figure is normally very important in a boys life growing up
meaning there opinion is incredibly important. This is good as it will show the contrast
between the young boys head and the father views creating a much more complex and
detailed film.
I wanted to include the idea of a homophobic dad as I feel this is very common with
teenagers in real life. Many people across the world are hiding their sexuality due to how they
think people around them will react especially their fathers. I feel this is because of the
generation a lot of parents grew up in, they have very small minded views on everything in
the world. This leads to a lot of conflict with the new younger as generally we are much more
open minded and open to different thing sin society. I am hoping this project will spread
awareness and show how parents should be open minded as their children might be gay and
really struggling with their sexuality.
Scene 1
Film opens with the two different boys waking up, shows the depression of George and the confidence of Harry. It then
cuts to the boys walking to school in their different situations, the group of boys and George walk past each other
camera is focusing on the boys then as one of the boys shoulder barges George the camera spins round to match the
barge and switches to make George the main focus. It then cuts to them in school to show a brief idea of their school
lives. Harry is with all of his boys looking happy and George is walking alone looking depressed. Scene ends with George
walking into class, shot reverses when bell goes at end of the day.
Scene 2
The school bell goes and George leaves his room and leaves school, walks up to his bus stop to go to his mums house,
when he gets there Harry is sat there waiting all alone. Harry doesn’t normally get this bus however, his parents have just
split up so he is off to his dads new house. Conversation starts between the two as George drops his phone as he sits
down, harry picks it up for him. I want to include a few close ups here to really zoom in on the emotion towards one
another. They don’t stop talking and then get on the bus together.
Scene 3
Walking through the school again the walk past each other and Harry gives George a slight smile, George is starting to
feel happier as he feel she is actually making a friend however, when he walks to the bus stop Harry is no where to be
seen. This confuses George and he debates if he has done anything wrong as it appears that he is avoiding him.
However, the next day George walks up to tis bus again and Harry was sat there again like he was on the first day. The
two get talking and Harry ends up bringing up his parents split, this is a topic they can both relate on which brings them
closer. When they get off the bus, they decide to go do something together. This then ques a montage of the two
getting on and their friendship growing, few close ups of their emotion towards each other to give a slight hint they
might fancy each other. Scene finishes with George falling onto his bed looking happy and feeling optimistic.
Scene 4
The scene starts with George walking though school and walks past Harry, he looks at him and something in his head
switches, instantly releases its more than just friendship. Then cuts to him at home saying that to himself that everything
is fine and he will just keep his feelings to himself. After this, the are sat together just chatting, more close ups to show
emotion and the chemistry between the both of them. Then cuts to Harry going home seems very happy until he walks
into his living room and his dad is sat their with the paper in his hands, he drops a comment about gays and says “glad
your not one son!”. This makes Harry slowly walk off, this comment seemed to cut him deep and made him question
things, however, he tries to ignore it. In his head he is strong that he is not gay, he knows he likes girls, at least this is
what he keeps telling himself.
Scene 5
At school the next day, and the idea of being gay is still in the back of Harrys head, his friends then start bringing up girls
however, all of a sudden he seems to not really share an interest in them. He walks home to his mums alone and sits in
his room alone questioning everything , starts to pace up and down his room, he doesn't want to be gay, he wants to fit
in with everyone else. His face looks distressed and angry. Scene ends with George throwing something aggressively in
his room, this is to show his anger towards the subject.
Scene 6
George walks past Harry in school and Harry completely ignores him, George senses something is up and he is correct,
Harry wants to try not to be friends with him so he can get rid of this desire for George inside him. However, the next
shot cuts to the bus stop later on and George walks up to Harry to see what is wrong, Harry cant face to tell him so he
lies and says he is fine, in the next shot they hang out and Harry realizes his feelings and knows there is no stopping
them, the energy between them both if electric. In the shot, you can see they are both obsessed with each other and how
the relationship is constantly growing. The shot ends when they both run off home and are both so happy.
Scene 7
George wakes up and cant get Harry off his mind. He doesn't know if he can keep the way he feels hidden anymore.
Sitting down on his bed, he makes a rash decision and decides to walk over to Harrys house knock on his front floor and
tell him how he feels and he cant contain his love anymore. The next few shots follow him as he runs round to Harrys
house to express himself. He knocks on the front door and Harry answers asking what he wants looking a bit worried and
concerned. George just blurts out his feelings saying “I love you” and Harry doesn't know what to say he's speechless.
This is because all his mates are literally sat in his house and one over hears what George has just said and gets all the
boys to come to the door. They start laughing at George and taking the mick, Harry doesn’t know what to do as if he
sticks up for George he will lose his reputation and his friends respect whereas if he doesn’t stick up for George he could
lose him. Without thinking, he joins in with his friends as he doesn’t know what to do, his head is so conflicted. Everyone
is laughing at George, so he runs home. This leads to him being sat alone in his room in disappear, he cant believe Harry
would do something so malicious. George goes back to his dark place of feeling alone and depressed. The final shot of
the film will be George with his hands on his head in dispear.
Location 1-College
For my first location I am going to film throughout college. This because I need a school
to be included in my product as the characters of George and Harry are still young and are
going to school. I felt college would be a good place to film as it is not only coinvent for me,
also fits the school aesthetic perfectly. Its size will also allow me to film in different locations
when filming Harry and Georges interactions throughout their school lives. I wanted to film in
school located as I felt it is the perfect place to show how different social groups differ and
different types of people are treated. I also thought that there isn’t many films that explore the
themes my film does which are based around the teenager age range making my product
extremely authentic.
Location 2- My bedroom
I have decided to film in my bedroom as I need two different bedrooms for each character. I
decided on my bedroom as again it is very convenient for me but also it matches the theme
the product. My bedroom consists of all black, white and grey colours therefore conveying the
dark and negative tone for the product. I feel these colours added with the dark colour tone
the finished product will allow me to create some incredibly dark scenes which is exactly what
want. My room is also very average in sized meaning that the characters doing look
“Hollywoodized”. This is effective vas I want my film to look professional and clean however, I
Location 3- Brayton Barff
For my third location I will film in a very large wood near where I live. I chose this location as I want to
this as a spot where the two boys hang out together, the size of the location means that I could film in
lots of different locations around the Barff and you wouldn't even be able to tell that they are all close
each other. This is incredibly useful as on screen it appears the boys are constantly travelling to
places with each other. This makes this location very convenient for me. Adding to that, the woods
trees and unique lighting would allow me to collect some very aesthetically pleasing shots adding a
clean look to the product. While filming in this location, I feel I would specially film at the top of the hill,
under the trees and in the field. This to portray the feel of three different locations which I feel the
Brayton Barff would do perfectly.
Location 4- Friends Bedroom
I decided I wanted to use my friend Bens bedroom as one of my locations as I need to include another
bedroom for one of my boys. I felt my mates bedroom would work well as his bed sheets are blue
as first glance doesn’t really mean anything. However, I feel the colour blue can be associated with
popularity as stereotypically its is a very basic colour and many boys favourite. Subconsciously the
audience will see this and may associate this with that idea meaning they will already know that Harry
the popular boy. Adding to this, a lot of people who really like to analyse films may also like the
as the popular boy has blue sheets to show how basic he is and he fits into society whereas George
Black or grey which are both colours used to symbolize negativity and darkness, this portray his lack of
Location 5-Bus stop near Tesco carpark
For my fifth location I decided to chose a very specific bus stop. This was quite difficult for me as I
needed a bus stop where people could sit down however, somewhere that wasn’t right on a main
This is because the road would be very busy meaning that not only would it be hard to get the
shots I requite, but also the sound of the cars may seriously affect my audio. Because of this, i decided
chose a bus stop near Tesco carpark in York. This is because although it is near a main road it isn’t
right next to one meaning that I have more space to collect the different shots I want. There is also
to sit at the bus stop which is an essential for me when filming the different scenes at the bus stop. The
fact that the bus stop is not also too close the main road means that hopefully the microphone won’t
pick up the cars sounds too much meaning they won’t block out the dialogue of the characters but the
audio will hopefully still slightly pick up the noise of cars. I want this as it make the shots feel more real
and I feel real cars noises in the background would work more effectively then if I have to actually edit
them in my self in pot production.
Location 6- My living room
I decided to choose my living room as the living room included in my final product. I went with this
decision as it is not only extremely convenient for me, I also feel it work well for its purpose. My living
room is of around normal size which makes sure that film isn’t “Hollywoodized”, this is good as it
a very and authentic type of film which is exactly what I want to achieve when creating this product.
room also consists of mainly very plain colours which creates almost a very standard and traditional
In my product, I am planning to include a very dull and dark tone therefore this
specific colour pallet matches the theme perfectly. The bland grey colour which I
want to include is probably going to be the most prominent colour in the final
product. This is because the colour symbolizes a very emotionless idea which
not only resembles the views of the father figure and friend group in the film,
but this also reflects the mental dullness of both the main characters at some
point during the film. With Harry, this is when he starts to question his sexuality
and worries what everyone around him might think and with George, this is at
the start of the film when he is significantly struggling with mental health and
also at the end of the film when his feelings get thrown in his face by Harry. The
darker shades of grey included on the pallet really relate to the idea of bad
mental health and depression as the colour heavily suggests connotations of
death and fear. I feel it is a must to include these dark colour sin my product as I
need to really portray a very negative tone for the film. This is to reflect the
difficult times that the characters are going through throughout the film. I feel
the colour tone of a film can be a really effective addition to the product and
enforce the given tone even further.
In my product, I want to include a slight blue tone to the colour scheme hence
why I have chosen the specific pallet. This pallet includes an array off different
blue colours however the most prominent tone is the dark blue colour. I want
to include this shade specifically as it adds to the already depressing tone of
the product. This is because the colour blue suggest the idea of sadness and
coldness, this heavily links to my film more specially the character of George as
he struggles with bad mental health. I feel this specific colour will convey the
idea of depression and sadness better than any other therefore I feel it is
necessary that is it is included in the final product. Contrasting to that however,
I also want to include the colour blue in some of the more positive scenes, this
will probably be included in the sky and included in the scenes where Harry
and George are developing a really strong relationship. This is because the
colour blue also suggests connotations of trust and loyalty which is some of
the qualities that the two boys are developing within their relationship. This
means that the colour can be used in different shads throughout my film to
convey different themes and ideas.
The colour of black will definitely at some point be included in my product.
This is because I feel it is a very necessary colour to include. I feel this way as
the colour creates an array of negative connotations. This includes the idea of
misery death and depression, these themes will add to already depressing
tone of the product. This will perfect for the really dark scenes as it will be
used as a catalyst to add to the already negative shot. The colour black will
either be included in the background just tom try to add to the negativity or
when any shots are shot later on, it will then be a prominent aspect of the
shot. Because of what the colour resembles, I feel its use in my product is
incredibly useful. This specific pallet also includes the colours of grey which is
probably the most prominent colour tone of my product as it is a dark and
dull colour however, it does also resemble balance which symbolizes the rise
and downfall of each characters journey in my product.
For the title font of my product I decided to go with a font called CaviarDreams_Italic. In the
end I decided on this specific font type for many different reasons. First of all, its simplicity drew
me in, this is because I wanted the title text to almost in some ways contrast the rest of the film.
This is because I want the film to have an almost balanced feel to it and as everything else
about the film is very complex. This relates to the different relationships included in the product
and the different feelings and choices the characters have to make. I feel a simple looking title
font would be incredibly effective to really pursue a different kind of tone. In addition to that,
the fonts round shaping conveys a very wholesome feel, this heavily links to the theme of love
which occurs throughout the product. I feel this is a very clever method to subconsciously
emphasise this specific significant theme to the audience. The font is also bold enough to read
and understand, this is effective as its boldness reflects the importance of the predominant
theme of the product. This is important as before the film even really begins, the audience
already are shown the importance of the product.
The font will only be used at the start of the film to open the film with its title. This is because
no where else in the film will need text apart from the credits where I will just use the same font.
Name Role Contact Number
Ben Ralphs Harry 07555965621
Harry Whitely George 07588571796
Neil Skinner Harry’s dad 07720937512
Jamie Coult Harry’s friend 07495728409
Cameron Steel Harry’s friend 07514273196
Equipment and props Locations
DLSR Camera House living room
Shoulder Mount Bus stop
Tripod College hallways
Mobile phones My bedroom
School Bags Brayton Barff
Push Bikes Friends bedroom

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Forbidden Friendship

  • 2. IDEAI am going to be creating a short film based on the theme of homosexuality. The film consists of two boys who are from two completely different social groups, one is the typical popular kid who enjoys sport, he is called Harry and the other is a bit of a loner, he is struggling with mental health and has come out as gay. Because of this, he gets bullied every now and again which may be one of the reason he struggles with mental health, his name is George. Through both waiting for a bus alone , they start to become friends which confuses both of them as they would never have thought they would have got on however, instantly there was some sort of chemistry between the both of them. After this, the pair starting to hang out more outside of school, this lead to their relationship growing and growing as time went on. However, they never spent time with each during school time as Harry did not want it to affect his reputation and the way he was viewed in school. After constantly hanging out outside of school, the pair both started to feel more than friendship for each other, this made Harry seriously question himself as he viewed himself as completely heterosexual, the fact that he was now feeling things for a boy angered him as he did not want to be this way. He was scared of what his very homophobic father and friends would say. The situation worried George as although he was perfectly comfortable with his sexuality and who he was, he didn't want his feelings for Harry to get in the way of their friendship. Because of both these reasons, the pair didn't reveal their feelings for each other and decided to keep it to themselves. As time goes on their relationship and feelings grow stronger however Harry tries to suppress the way he feels as he can not take how people would view and how his life would change if he did come out. After a while of being friends, George cant take it anymore and finally decided to go and tell Harry how he feels, he doesn't plan how he is going to do it or what he is going to say but he just runs to Harrys house to tell him. As he pours his heart out to Harry telling him how he feels at his front door, what George doesn't know is that all of Harry’s mates are sitting right behind him. They hear what he has said and start to take the mick out of him in front of harry, Harry doesn't know how to react does he follow his friends to maintain his reputation or does he stick up for his new secret best friend who he has deep feelings for. Without thinking, he joins in with his mates and laughs in Georges face. This leaves George heartbroken and betrayed, he runs back home and goes back to his dark place as he has lost and been betrayed by not only his only friend but the boy he loves. The
  • 3. CHARACTER 1- HARRY Harry is your typical popular kid in school, he loves sport and has a very masculine group of friends. He views himself as a very heterosexual male however, when he starts to become friends with George he starts to question his sexuality. In Harrys head, this is seriously bad as he doesn't want to be gay, he wants to fit in with his mates and also make his father proud. He feels if he comes out as gay he will lose all of his friends, his fathers love and his reputation. This is because his group of friends and his dad are extremely homophobic making Harry think negatively of gays. Harry doesn't want peoples personas of him to change as he does heavily care what people think. This leads to him making a huge mistake with George and losing the boy who he has fallen in love with. I wanted to include a character like Harry in my product as I feel his situation is very common in the world. There are millions of teenagers who know deep down that they are not heterosexual however, are to scared to come out because of how they feel they will be treated by people around them. I want to spread awareness for people in situations like Harry and hopefully this film shows why you shouldn't keep these kinds of things to yourself, it is important to talk.
  • 4. CHARACTER 2- GEORGE The second character included in my product is called George. He is a bit of a loner and doesn't really have any friends. George has come as gay and does get bullied a bit for it however, no one really cares about him therefore the bullying situation is not awful. However, he does struggle with mental health, this may be due to his past of being bullied and the fact that he is often lonely. However, his loneliness all changes when he starts to become friends with harry, a very popular boy in his school. The friendship is very unlikely and neither of them thought that they would ever get on like they do, right from the tart their was instant chemistry between he two of them. This makes George the happiest he has been for a long time. As their friendship grows however, George starts to realize that the connection may be more than friendship, this worries George as he doesn't want what him and Harry have to be ruined by Georges feelings. Because of this, he doesn’t tell Harry and keeps it to himself. Despite what he wants to do, as time goes on Georges feelings only increase for his friend and he struggles to contain how he feels as it is killing him holding it in. On a rash decision he does finally go tell Harry how he feels, however, he gets it thrown back in his face as Harry can’t face to lose his friends and his reputation. This sends George back to his dark place where he feels lonely however, he is now worse as he has the memories Harry in his head.
  • 5. CHARACTER 3- STEVE Steve is Harrys dad in the film. He is nor included much as he is not really needed however his main purpose in the product is to be used as a very homophobic character. I wanted to make the father of Harry incredibly homophobic as I knew this would add layers to the film and add that sense of complexity, a father figure is normally very important in a boys life growing up meaning there opinion is incredibly important. This is good as it will show the contrast between the young boys head and the father views creating a much more complex and detailed film. I wanted to include the idea of a homophobic dad as I feel this is very common with teenagers in real life. Many people across the world are hiding their sexuality due to how they think people around them will react especially their fathers. I feel this is because of the generation a lot of parents grew up in, they have very small minded views on everything in the world. This leads to a lot of conflict with the new younger as generally we are much more open minded and open to different thing sin society. I am hoping this project will spread awareness and show how parents should be open minded as their children might be gay and really struggling with their sexuality.
  • 6. BRIEF PLAN Scene 1 Film opens with the two different boys waking up, shows the depression of George and the confidence of Harry. It then cuts to the boys walking to school in their different situations, the group of boys and George walk past each other camera is focusing on the boys then as one of the boys shoulder barges George the camera spins round to match the barge and switches to make George the main focus. It then cuts to them in school to show a brief idea of their school lives. Harry is with all of his boys looking happy and George is walking alone looking depressed. Scene ends with George walking into class, shot reverses when bell goes at end of the day. Scene 2 The school bell goes and George leaves his room and leaves school, walks up to his bus stop to go to his mums house, when he gets there Harry is sat there waiting all alone. Harry doesn’t normally get this bus however, his parents have just split up so he is off to his dads new house. Conversation starts between the two as George drops his phone as he sits down, harry picks it up for him. I want to include a few close ups here to really zoom in on the emotion towards one another. They don’t stop talking and then get on the bus together. Scene 3 Walking through the school again the walk past each other and Harry gives George a slight smile, George is starting to feel happier as he feel she is actually making a friend however, when he walks to the bus stop Harry is no where to be seen. This confuses George and he debates if he has done anything wrong as it appears that he is avoiding him. However, the next day George walks up to tis bus again and Harry was sat there again like he was on the first day. The two get talking and Harry ends up bringing up his parents split, this is a topic they can both relate on which brings them closer. When they get off the bus, they decide to go do something together. This then ques a montage of the two getting on and their friendship growing, few close ups of their emotion towards each other to give a slight hint they might fancy each other. Scene finishes with George falling onto his bed looking happy and feeling optimistic.
  • 7. Scene 4 The scene starts with George walking though school and walks past Harry, he looks at him and something in his head switches, instantly releases its more than just friendship. Then cuts to him at home saying that to himself that everything is fine and he will just keep his feelings to himself. After this, the are sat together just chatting, more close ups to show emotion and the chemistry between the both of them. Then cuts to Harry going home seems very happy until he walks into his living room and his dad is sat their with the paper in his hands, he drops a comment about gays and says “glad your not one son!”. This makes Harry slowly walk off, this comment seemed to cut him deep and made him question things, however, he tries to ignore it. In his head he is strong that he is not gay, he knows he likes girls, at least this is what he keeps telling himself. Scene 5 At school the next day, and the idea of being gay is still in the back of Harrys head, his friends then start bringing up girls however, all of a sudden he seems to not really share an interest in them. He walks home to his mums alone and sits in his room alone questioning everything , starts to pace up and down his room, he doesn't want to be gay, he wants to fit in with everyone else. His face looks distressed and angry. Scene ends with George throwing something aggressively in his room, this is to show his anger towards the subject. Scene 6 George walks past Harry in school and Harry completely ignores him, George senses something is up and he is correct, Harry wants to try not to be friends with him so he can get rid of this desire for George inside him. However, the next shot cuts to the bus stop later on and George walks up to Harry to see what is wrong, Harry cant face to tell him so he lies and says he is fine, in the next shot they hang out and Harry realizes his feelings and knows there is no stopping them, the energy between them both if electric. In the shot, you can see they are both obsessed with each other and how the relationship is constantly growing. The shot ends when they both run off home and are both so happy. BRIEF PLAN
  • 8. BRIEF PLAN Scene 7 George wakes up and cant get Harry off his mind. He doesn't know if he can keep the way he feels hidden anymore. Sitting down on his bed, he makes a rash decision and decides to walk over to Harrys house knock on his front floor and tell him how he feels and he cant contain his love anymore. The next few shots follow him as he runs round to Harrys house to express himself. He knocks on the front door and Harry answers asking what he wants looking a bit worried and concerned. George just blurts out his feelings saying “I love you” and Harry doesn't know what to say he's speechless. This is because all his mates are literally sat in his house and one over hears what George has just said and gets all the boys to come to the door. They start laughing at George and taking the mick, Harry doesn’t know what to do as if he sticks up for George he will lose his reputation and his friends respect whereas if he doesn’t stick up for George he could lose him. Without thinking, he joins in with his friends as he doesn’t know what to do, his head is so conflicted. Everyone is laughing at George, so he runs home. This leads to him being sat alone in his room in disappear, he cant believe Harry would do something so malicious. George goes back to his dark place of feeling alone and depressed. The final shot of the film will be George with his hands on his head in dispear.
  • 20. LOCATIONS Location 1-College For my first location I am going to film throughout college. This because I need a school to be included in my product as the characters of George and Harry are still young and are going to school. I felt college would be a good place to film as it is not only coinvent for me, also fits the school aesthetic perfectly. Its size will also allow me to film in different locations when filming Harry and Georges interactions throughout their school lives. I wanted to film in school located as I felt it is the perfect place to show how different social groups differ and different types of people are treated. I also thought that there isn’t many films that explore the themes my film does which are based around the teenager age range making my product extremely authentic. Location 2- My bedroom I have decided to film in my bedroom as I need two different bedrooms for each character. I decided on my bedroom as again it is very convenient for me but also it matches the theme the product. My bedroom consists of all black, white and grey colours therefore conveying the dark and negative tone for the product. I feel these colours added with the dark colour tone the finished product will allow me to create some incredibly dark scenes which is exactly what want. My room is also very average in sized meaning that the characters doing look “Hollywoodized”. This is effective vas I want my film to look professional and clean however, I
  • 21. LOCATIONS Location 3- Brayton Barff For my third location I will film in a very large wood near where I live. I chose this location as I want to this as a spot where the two boys hang out together, the size of the location means that I could film in lots of different locations around the Barff and you wouldn't even be able to tell that they are all close each other. This is incredibly useful as on screen it appears the boys are constantly travelling to places with each other. This makes this location very convenient for me. Adding to that, the woods trees and unique lighting would allow me to collect some very aesthetically pleasing shots adding a clean look to the product. While filming in this location, I feel I would specially film at the top of the hill, under the trees and in the field. This to portray the feel of three different locations which I feel the Brayton Barff would do perfectly. Location 4- Friends Bedroom I decided I wanted to use my friend Bens bedroom as one of my locations as I need to include another bedroom for one of my boys. I felt my mates bedroom would work well as his bed sheets are blue as first glance doesn’t really mean anything. However, I feel the colour blue can be associated with popularity as stereotypically its is a very basic colour and many boys favourite. Subconsciously the audience will see this and may associate this with that idea meaning they will already know that Harry the popular boy. Adding to this, a lot of people who really like to analyse films may also like the as the popular boy has blue sheets to show how basic he is and he fits into society whereas George Black or grey which are both colours used to symbolize negativity and darkness, this portray his lack of
  • 22. LOCATIONS Location 5-Bus stop near Tesco carpark For my fifth location I decided to chose a very specific bus stop. This was quite difficult for me as I needed a bus stop where people could sit down however, somewhere that wasn’t right on a main This is because the road would be very busy meaning that not only would it be hard to get the shots I requite, but also the sound of the cars may seriously affect my audio. Because of this, i decided chose a bus stop near Tesco carpark in York. This is because although it is near a main road it isn’t right next to one meaning that I have more space to collect the different shots I want. There is also to sit at the bus stop which is an essential for me when filming the different scenes at the bus stop. The fact that the bus stop is not also too close the main road means that hopefully the microphone won’t pick up the cars sounds too much meaning they won’t block out the dialogue of the characters but the audio will hopefully still slightly pick up the noise of cars. I want this as it make the shots feel more real and I feel real cars noises in the background would work more effectively then if I have to actually edit them in my self in pot production. Location 6- My living room I decided to choose my living room as the living room included in my final product. I went with this decision as it is not only extremely convenient for me, I also feel it work well for its purpose. My living room is of around normal size which makes sure that film isn’t “Hollywoodized”, this is good as it a very and authentic type of film which is exactly what I want to achieve when creating this product. room also consists of mainly very plain colours which creates almost a very standard and traditional
  • 23. COLOUR SCHEME In my product, I am planning to include a very dull and dark tone therefore this specific colour pallet matches the theme perfectly. The bland grey colour which I want to include is probably going to be the most prominent colour in the final product. This is because the colour symbolizes a very emotionless idea which not only resembles the views of the father figure and friend group in the film, but this also reflects the mental dullness of both the main characters at some point during the film. With Harry, this is when he starts to question his sexuality and worries what everyone around him might think and with George, this is at the start of the film when he is significantly struggling with mental health and also at the end of the film when his feelings get thrown in his face by Harry. The darker shades of grey included on the pallet really relate to the idea of bad mental health and depression as the colour heavily suggests connotations of death and fear. I feel it is a must to include these dark colour sin my product as I need to really portray a very negative tone for the film. This is to reflect the difficult times that the characters are going through throughout the film. I feel the colour tone of a film can be a really effective addition to the product and enforce the given tone even further.
  • 24. COLOUR SCHEME In my product, I want to include a slight blue tone to the colour scheme hence why I have chosen the specific pallet. This pallet includes an array off different blue colours however the most prominent tone is the dark blue colour. I want to include this shade specifically as it adds to the already depressing tone of the product. This is because the colour blue suggest the idea of sadness and coldness, this heavily links to my film more specially the character of George as he struggles with bad mental health. I feel this specific colour will convey the idea of depression and sadness better than any other therefore I feel it is necessary that is it is included in the final product. Contrasting to that however, I also want to include the colour blue in some of the more positive scenes, this will probably be included in the sky and included in the scenes where Harry and George are developing a really strong relationship. This is because the colour blue also suggests connotations of trust and loyalty which is some of the qualities that the two boys are developing within their relationship. This means that the colour can be used in different shads throughout my film to convey different themes and ideas.
  • 25. COLOUR SCHEME The colour of black will definitely at some point be included in my product. This is because I feel it is a very necessary colour to include. I feel this way as the colour creates an array of negative connotations. This includes the idea of misery death and depression, these themes will add to already depressing tone of the product. This will perfect for the really dark scenes as it will be used as a catalyst to add to the already negative shot. The colour black will either be included in the background just tom try to add to the negativity or when any shots are shot later on, it will then be a prominent aspect of the shot. Because of what the colour resembles, I feel its use in my product is incredibly useful. This specific pallet also includes the colours of grey which is probably the most prominent colour tone of my product as it is a dark and dull colour however, it does also resemble balance which symbolizes the rise and downfall of each characters journey in my product.
  • 26. FONT For the title font of my product I decided to go with a font called CaviarDreams_Italic. In the end I decided on this specific font type for many different reasons. First of all, its simplicity drew me in, this is because I wanted the title text to almost in some ways contrast the rest of the film. This is because I want the film to have an almost balanced feel to it and as everything else about the film is very complex. This relates to the different relationships included in the product and the different feelings and choices the characters have to make. I feel a simple looking title font would be incredibly effective to really pursue a different kind of tone. In addition to that, the fonts round shaping conveys a very wholesome feel, this heavily links to the theme of love which occurs throughout the product. I feel this is a very clever method to subconsciously emphasise this specific significant theme to the audience. The font is also bold enough to read and understand, this is effective as its boldness reflects the importance of the predominant theme of the product. This is important as before the film even really begins, the audience already are shown the importance of the product. The font will only be used at the start of the film to open the film with its title. This is because no where else in the film will need text apart from the credits where I will just use the same font.
  • 27. CALL SHEET Name Role Contact Number Ben Ralphs Harry 07555965621 Harry Whitely George 07588571796 Neil Skinner Harry’s dad 07720937512 Jamie Coult Harry’s friend 07495728409 Cameron Steel Harry’s friend 07514273196
  • 28. RESOURCES Equipment and props Locations DLSR Camera House living room Shoulder Mount Bus stop Tripod College hallways Mobile phones My bedroom School Bags Brayton Barff Push Bikes Friends bedroom