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2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France)
Justin P. McKennon*
*Lightning Technologies, an NTS Company,USA.
Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, Boundary Conditions,
COMSOL Multiphysics, Return Conductor
1 Abstract
Return conductor networks are typically used to provide a
low inductance return path back to the generator during most
full vehicle tests and tests of other large objects. There are
several commonly used methods of return networks, the most
popular of which are coaxial return arrays and ground planes.
During the construction of these arrays, practical
considerations often take precedence over the intended design
due to facility constraints, time, materials, and accessibility
issues. While conducting tests, it is not uncommon for wires
to be moved, droop, or fall, and the impact of these changes
on measurements and current flow is not well understood.
Utilizing the finite element method in COMSOL
Multiphysics, these effects can be accurately calculated. In
this work, a sample wing box is constructed in COMSOL
with several ribs and spars. A coaxial return array and ground
plane return network are modelled, with common routing and
configuration defects analyzed.
2 Introduction
The rationale for making use of a coaxial return array
configuration can be explained by examining the magnetic
fields within hollow conductors. If there are two conductors
carrying equal current in the same direction, the fields
produced by the two conductors cancel along a long
equidistant from the two conductors. The fields at other points
do not cancel, but their sum is lower than in the space outside
the conductors [1]. If there are three equally spaced parallel
conductors carrying equal currents, the fields are further
reduced in the intervening space between the conductors [1]
[2]. The more conductors carrying identical currents that are
arranged in a cylindrical configuration, the more magnetic
field cancellation occurs within the cylinder. If an infinite
number of parallel conductors are arranged in this
configuration so that they merge, forming a near solid tube,
the magnetic field due to currents on the tube becomes zero
everywhere inside the tube [1] [2]. Thus, by making use of
these principles, the impact of the return path on the test
object and measurements can be greatly reduced with the
aircraft or test object acting as the center conductor and the
return path as the outer conductor.
The further the return conductor array is from the surface of
the aircraft, the less the fields created by current travelling in
the conductor interact with the aircraft or test object inside the
array. However, due to practical limitations, the separation of
the wires is generally limited to 1-2 meters, which is a
common height that landing gear and test support objects are
able to raise the object above the ground. Wires are generally
held in place by return array stanchions such as those shown
below in Figure 1 [2].
Figure 1- Typical Stanchion Support of Return Conductors
Due to the randomness associated with taking measurements
(changes in applied current between injections, facility noise,
etc.) it is very difficult to characterize the influence of the
wires on the test object. Thus, in order to accurately
determine the influence of the return wires on the test object,
a geometrically accurate representation of the test setup must
be developed, including the array, and the fields and current
densities must be calculated.
Another common return network configuration involves the
use of a ground plane. Current is returned from the root of the
test object along a ground plane under the test object, which
connects to the generator to complete the circuit. Large test
objects often make use of this technique due to it being much
easier to implement than the return array. The intent of this
configuration is to minimize the influence of the return
current on the test object, due to the current density anywhere
in the ground plane being small [2].
2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France)
Using software packages such as COMSOL Multiphysics,
highly accurate models of test objects (often derived directly
from Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) files) can be solved
analytically determining the field levels and current densities
associated with a test, without any of the issues associated
with noise or measurement challenges. COMSOL in
particular employs the Finite Element Method to solve
systems of partial differential equations that represent the
entirety of the physics interactions occurring in the model.
This paper focuses on the simulation and analysis of a
representative wing section in various return array
configurations through the use of the Finite Element Method
3 Model Development
3.1 Model Geometry
The model used in this work is that of a representative
aluminium wing section. The upper and lower wing skins are
both 0.2” thick, as are the forward and aft spars. Two
representative conductors are routed through the structure and
there are two apertures; one corresponding to an access panel
that may not be installed fully, and the second corresponding
to a NACA scoop as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Apertures in Geometry
200kA of the quad exponential analytical waveform for
Current Component A, defined in [3], is injected at 8 discrete
points intended to represent the redistribution of current that
occurs during an outboard wing tip strike. The injection
points are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 - Injection Points
Current flows through the wing structure and is removed at
the opposite end with connections to the return conductor
array. The ideal setup for the return array, in a pure coaxial
configuration – essentially an infinite number of infinitely
close return conductors, is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 - Ideal Return Array Setup
This configuration serves as the control for this research. The
effects of the return network on the test article are negated in
this configuration, allowing for the “True” values associated
with measurements to be obtained in this model.
3.2 Model Boundary Conditions
In order for the current density, electric fields, and magnetic
fields to be determined in an analytical model, proper
boundary conditions must be applied in order for the
governing mathematical equations to be solvable. This work
makes use of the Radio Frequency (RF) module in COMSOL
to do so. This work uses a 3D formulation of Maxwell’s
Equations to calculate the electromagnetic fields and current
densities, shown in Equation 1.
In (1), the magnetic vector potential, A, is solved for, and the
associated current densities and fields are determined. The
constitutive relations, and specific material parameters
(conductivity (σ), permittivity (ɛ), permeability (μ)), are
specified for each domain in the model. This allows for
different material types – aluminium, air, copper – to be
applied on various domains throughout the model to influence
the electromagnetic fields and flow of current accordingly.
One additional boundary condition is specifically used in this
model and warrants discussion. The Perfect Electrical
Conductor (PEC) boundary condition is applied
on all exterior surfaces to limit the solution to the model to a
finite size. This boundary condition sets the tangential
components of the electric potential to zero. It imposes
symmetry for electric and magnetic fields, and any current
flowing into a boundary with the PEC condition applied is
perfectly balanced by induced surface currents. This allows
for the PEC boundary condition to function as a way to
2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France)
“Ground” the model and provide a way for any displacement,
conducted, and induced surface currents to be grounded. The
PEC boundary condition, in this work, is applied on all
exterior surfaces in the air domain of the model, as well as on
the connections to the return array conductors.
3.3 Mesh
The Finite Element Method is a numerical technique for
finding approximate solutions to systems of differential or
partial differential equations that are governed by boundary
conditions. At its core, the finite element method divides the
generated model geometry into smaller pieces – finite
elements – and uses variational methods to solve the problem
by minimizing the associated error function and achieve
Once the geometry has been developed and the boundary
conditions have been applied, the model needs to be meshed.
COMSOL provides a robust, automatic meshing algorithm
that performs much of the meshing without need for user
input. Care must be taken to analyze the generated mesh and
ensure that sufficient mesh density exists in the regions of
interest in the model. The determination of the proper mesh
density falls outside the scope of this work. Using the
automatic meshing algorithm in COMSOL, Figure 5 is
Figure 5 - Meshed Model
4 Results
4.1 Nominal Coaxial Configuration
The wing model was first simulated in an ideal array
configuration, with no defects present in the geometry of the
return array to serve as a control for this work and provide a
basis for comparison. This configuration is a pure coaxial
geometry, with all of the current being returned along the
model boundaries to the current source. This is equivalent to
an infinite number of infinitely close return conductors.
Figure 6 shows the nominal configuration.
Figure 6 - Ideal Return Array
This configuration serves to demonstrate the current density
in the various components in the model, without the exterior
influence of any individual return conductors contributing to
the measurements. A plot of the current density, at 6.4 μS in
log base 10 scale, is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7 - Current Density in Wing Box with Ideal Array
As shown, the current density is concentrated at the edges of
the model. The skin effect, caused by the presence of eddy
currents in the Ribs, can also be seen in Figure 7.
Surface current density measurements in the upper wing skin,
FWD and AFT Spars, and on the lower wing skin near each
aperture were taken. The location of these measurements is
shown in blue in Figure 8. Figure 9 shows the measured
surface current densities at each location under the Ideal
Array Configuration.
Figure 8 - Surface Current Density Measurement Locations
on Exterior Surfaces
2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France)
Figure 9 - Ideal Return Array Surface Current Density
4.2 Array Configuration With Uniform Spacing
Since physical limitations (size, space, inductance, and
accessibility) prevent the use of the nominal configuration
shown in section 4.1, actual tests are run with a finite number
of conductors in the return array. The number of conductors
varies between individual tests and test articles; however the
most common array configuration involves several wires
encompassing the wing circumferentially. The configuration
used in this work has uniformly spaced conductors (in
relation to both the test object and one another). Each wire is
12 inches from the test article, and 18 inches from adjacent
wires. This spacing remains constant throughout the length of
the article, and is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10 - Uniform Return Conductor Array Geometry
The same measurements described in section 4.1 were taken
with the uniformly spaced array conductors, and are shown in
Figure 11.
Figure 11 - Uniform Return Array Surface Current Density
4.3 Array Configuration without Uniform Spacing
In order to take measurements during actual testing, parts of
the test article need to be opened, closed, moved, or altered. It
is not uncommon for the wires of the array to be moved
accidentally, or repositioned to accommodate personnel or
test equipment. Additionally, due to laboratory space and
inductance constraints, it may not be possible to uniformly
space the conductors. In Figure 12, a random, 10% variation
in conductor-to-conductor and conductor-to-test-object
spacing is introduced. This randomly displaces each of the
wires in the array from their uniform locations.
Figure 12 - Random Spaced Conductor Geometry
Figure 13 shows the surface current waveforms in this
Figure 13 - Non-Uniform Return Array Surface Current
Density Measurements
2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France)
4.4 Array Configuration with Uniform Spacing and
Sagging Wires
During some tests, it is not uncommon for individual wires in
the array to sag or droop. When this happens, the rest of the
array can stay intact (with the intended spacing), but one or
multiple wires can hang closer to, or further away from, the
test article. This is most common on wires routed along the
upper wing skin (wire sags closer to the surface) and lower
wing skin (wire sags further away from surface). Figures 14
and 15 show the sagging wires in this configuration. In each
case, the wire is sagging 4 inches from the uniform
configuration. Figures 16 and 17 show the surface current
density measurements in each configuration.
Figure 14 - Wire Sagging Away from Lower Wing Skin
Figure 15 - Wire Sagging Towards Upper Wing Skin
Figure 16 - Wire Sagging Away from Lower Wing Skin
Surface Current Density Measurements
Figure 17 - Sagging Wire Towards Upper Wing Skin Surface
Current Density Measurements
4.5 Ground Plane Configuration
In situations where it is not possible to suspend wires above
the test article, a common approach is to make use of a large
ground plane. This technique is commonly used by
manufacturers of large transport aircraft. Figure 18 illustrates
this test setup. Figure 19 shows the measured current densities
in this configuration.
Figure 18 - Ground Plane Configuration
Figure 19 - Ground Plane Surface Current Density
4.6 Magnetic Field Intensity Seen by Conductors
Through Apertures
The simple deviations from the nominal configuration
described in 4.1 - 4.5 all produce changes in the surface
current density measurements throughout the test article.
Since the goal of the coaxial configuration is to reduce the
magnetic fields seen by the center conductor, these deviations
from the ideal design all cause changes in the magnetic fields
that penetrate apertures in the test article. The test article in
this work has both a NACA Scoop, and an access panel that
2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France)
serve as electromagnetic apertures. These apertures allow
time-varying magnetic flux to pass through them, and interact
with conductors inside the test object. In most cases, the
magnetic flux coupling from exterior sources that occur here
is not representative of the actual in-flight aircraft
environment. During flight, all access panels are securely
closed, providing electromagnetic shielding for the
conductors inside the wing. For example, if during testing, an
access panel is left un-installed or poorly installed (missing
fasteners), the magnetic fields generated by the test setup are
allowed to interact with the conductors, potentially skewing
measurement data. Each of the simple defects described in 4.2
– 4.5, all cause variations in the intensity of the magnetic field
seen by conductors passing near these apertures. Figure 20
shows the magnetic field intensity throughout the test article
in log base 10 scale and the magnetic flux coupling with
interior conductors occurring through apertures in the test
article (NACA Scoop, Access Panel). Figures 21 and 22 show
the measured magnetic field intensities seen by the lower
conductor in the NACA Scoop Bay (Figure 21) and the
Access Panel Bay (Figure 22) for the configurations described
in 4.1 - 4.5.
Figure 20 - Magnetic Flux Coupling with Interior Conductors
Figure 21 - Magnetic Field Intensity Seen by Lower
Conductor in NACA Scoop Bay
Figure 22 - Magnetic Field Intensity Seen by Lower
Conductor in Access Panel Bay
5 Results
As shown in 4.1-4.6, each return array configuration produces
varying results. Table 1, shown below, compares the peak
surface current density measurements for each of the
configurations to the ideal configuration for the FWD Spar,
Aft Spar, Upper Wing Skin, and Lower Wing Skin
Measurements near the NACA Scoop and Access Panel.
Table 2 summarizes the magnetic field intensity data seen by
the lower conductor in the NACA Scoop and Access Panel
Table 1 - Surface Current Density Comparison Data
Configuration FWD
Wing Skin
Lower Wing
Skin Access
Panel (A/m)
Ideal 8,100 8,300 33,600 33,800 33,200
Uniform 8,900 9,400 34,100 31,900 32,000
Random 9,000 10,000 34,400 31,000 30,900
Wire Sag
8,200 9,500 35,800 31,800 31,000
Wire Sag
8,500 9,800 35,000 31,500 31,450
8,500 8,000 27,000 38,500 40,100
Table 2 - Lower Conductor Magnetic Field Intensity
Comparison Data
Configuration Magnetic Field Intensity
Lower Conductor in
NACA Scoop Bay (A/m)
Magnetic Field Intensity
Lower Conductor in
Access Panel Bay (A/m)
Ideal 1,600 3,300
Uniform 1,400 3,600
Random 1,340 3,700
Lower Sag 1,300 3,350
Ground Plane 1,300 5,100
2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France)
6 Conclusion
In this work, several common return array configurations
were examined. An ideal coaxial return arrangement, in
which the magnetic fields generated by the return conductors
are very low, serves as the control for this research. Since the
ideal array is not attainable, the currently accepted best
practice is to uniformly space several conductors
circumferentially around the wing. Comparing the surface
current density measurements between the ideal and realistic
return arrays shows that the uniform configuration can serve
as an appropriate return configuration. With variations in the
surface current density measurements being less than 2,000
A/m between the two, in addition to comparable magnetic
field intensity measurements, it is reasonable to state that
measurements taken within a uniform return configuration are
acceptable. The ground plane return configuration produces a
significantly different current distribution, skewed towards
the lower wing skin area. Since the return is below the test
object, the path of least resistance is through the lower skin,
which explains the increased current density and magnetic
field readings.
However, as defects are introduced into the uniform array, be
it through improper spacing or sagging wires, the surface
current density also changes. With a variability in spacing
(conductor to conductor /conductor to test object) of 10% (or
less than 2 inches), the current density measurements change
by several hundred A/m (for a 200kA test current). During
actual testing, these distances can certainly be larger than 2
inches (from the uniform location), and the impacts of these
non-uniformities will continue to increase, especially near
To summarize, the currently accepted method of a coaxial
return array provides a suitable return path for the current,
with minimal impact on the test object and measurements.
Deviations from this uniform array do have an impact
proportional to the distance the wire is located away from its
uniform (intended) location.
Poorly constructed arrays, or arrays that have been
unintentionally modified during testing, can skew data and
yield potentially misleading data as a result. Care must be
taken to ensure that the array stays in the uniform
configuration as much as possible, as deviations in return
conductor routing locations will alter current flow and impact
measurement data, providing an unrealistic aircraft
7 References
[1] Wieting, T, et al.: ‘Electromagnetic Field
Investigations Inside a Hollow Cylinder’,
International Journal for Computation and
Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, April 1995, pp. 223-227
[2] Fisher, F., Perala R., and Plumer, J.A.: ‘Lightning
Protection of Aircraft’ (Lightning Technologies,
2004, 2nd
[3] SAE ARP 5412B: ‘ Aircraft Lightning Environment
and Related Test Waveforms’, 2013

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Electromagnetic Modeling

  • 1. 2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France) 1 ELECTROMAGNETIC MODELING OF RETURN CONDUCTOR CONFIGURATIONS USING THE FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Justin P. McKennon* *Lightning Technologies, an NTS Company,USA. Keywords: Finite Element Analysis, Boundary Conditions, COMSOL Multiphysics, Return Conductor 1 Abstract Return conductor networks are typically used to provide a low inductance return path back to the generator during most full vehicle tests and tests of other large objects. There are several commonly used methods of return networks, the most popular of which are coaxial return arrays and ground planes. During the construction of these arrays, practical considerations often take precedence over the intended design due to facility constraints, time, materials, and accessibility issues. While conducting tests, it is not uncommon for wires to be moved, droop, or fall, and the impact of these changes on measurements and current flow is not well understood. Utilizing the finite element method in COMSOL Multiphysics, these effects can be accurately calculated. In this work, a sample wing box is constructed in COMSOL with several ribs and spars. A coaxial return array and ground plane return network are modelled, with common routing and configuration defects analyzed. 2 Introduction The rationale for making use of a coaxial return array configuration can be explained by examining the magnetic fields within hollow conductors. If there are two conductors carrying equal current in the same direction, the fields produced by the two conductors cancel along a long equidistant from the two conductors. The fields at other points do not cancel, but their sum is lower than in the space outside the conductors [1]. If there are three equally spaced parallel conductors carrying equal currents, the fields are further reduced in the intervening space between the conductors [1] [2]. The more conductors carrying identical currents that are arranged in a cylindrical configuration, the more magnetic field cancellation occurs within the cylinder. If an infinite number of parallel conductors are arranged in this configuration so that they merge, forming a near solid tube, the magnetic field due to currents on the tube becomes zero everywhere inside the tube [1] [2]. Thus, by making use of these principles, the impact of the return path on the test object and measurements can be greatly reduced with the aircraft or test object acting as the center conductor and the return path as the outer conductor. The further the return conductor array is from the surface of the aircraft, the less the fields created by current travelling in the conductor interact with the aircraft or test object inside the array. However, due to practical limitations, the separation of the wires is generally limited to 1-2 meters, which is a common height that landing gear and test support objects are able to raise the object above the ground. Wires are generally held in place by return array stanchions such as those shown below in Figure 1 [2]. Figure 1- Typical Stanchion Support of Return Conductors Due to the randomness associated with taking measurements (changes in applied current between injections, facility noise, etc.) it is very difficult to characterize the influence of the wires on the test object. Thus, in order to accurately determine the influence of the return wires on the test object, a geometrically accurate representation of the test setup must be developed, including the array, and the fields and current densities must be calculated. Another common return network configuration involves the use of a ground plane. Current is returned from the root of the test object along a ground plane under the test object, which connects to the generator to complete the circuit. Large test objects often make use of this technique due to it being much easier to implement than the return array. The intent of this configuration is to minimize the influence of the return current on the test object, due to the current density anywhere in the ground plane being small [2].
  • 2. 2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France) 2 Using software packages such as COMSOL Multiphysics, highly accurate models of test objects (often derived directly from Computer-Aided-Design (CAD) files) can be solved analytically determining the field levels and current densities associated with a test, without any of the issues associated with noise or measurement challenges. COMSOL in particular employs the Finite Element Method to solve systems of partial differential equations that represent the entirety of the physics interactions occurring in the model. This paper focuses on the simulation and analysis of a representative wing section in various return array configurations through the use of the Finite Element Method in COMSOL. 3 Model Development 3.1 Model Geometry The model used in this work is that of a representative aluminium wing section. The upper and lower wing skins are both 0.2” thick, as are the forward and aft spars. Two representative conductors are routed through the structure and there are two apertures; one corresponding to an access panel that may not be installed fully, and the second corresponding to a NACA scoop as shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 - Apertures in Geometry 200kA of the quad exponential analytical waveform for Current Component A, defined in [3], is injected at 8 discrete points intended to represent the redistribution of current that occurs during an outboard wing tip strike. The injection points are shown in Figure 3. Figure 3 - Injection Points Current flows through the wing structure and is removed at the opposite end with connections to the return conductor array. The ideal setup for the return array, in a pure coaxial configuration – essentially an infinite number of infinitely close return conductors, is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 - Ideal Return Array Setup This configuration serves as the control for this research. The effects of the return network on the test article are negated in this configuration, allowing for the “True” values associated with measurements to be obtained in this model. 3.2 Model Boundary Conditions In order for the current density, electric fields, and magnetic fields to be determined in an analytical model, proper boundary conditions must be applied in order for the governing mathematical equations to be solvable. This work makes use of the Radio Frequency (RF) module in COMSOL to do so. This work uses a 3D formulation of Maxwell’s Equations to calculate the electromagnetic fields and current densities, shown in Equation 1. (1) In (1), the magnetic vector potential, A, is solved for, and the associated current densities and fields are determined. The constitutive relations, and specific material parameters (conductivity (σ), permittivity (ɛ), permeability (μ)), are specified for each domain in the model. This allows for different material types – aluminium, air, copper – to be applied on various domains throughout the model to influence the electromagnetic fields and flow of current accordingly. One additional boundary condition is specifically used in this model and warrants discussion. The Perfect Electrical Conductor (PEC) boundary condition is applied on all exterior surfaces to limit the solution to the model to a finite size. This boundary condition sets the tangential components of the electric potential to zero. It imposes symmetry for electric and magnetic fields, and any current flowing into a boundary with the PEC condition applied is perfectly balanced by induced surface currents. This allows for the PEC boundary condition to function as a way to
  • 3. 2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France) 3 “Ground” the model and provide a way for any displacement, conducted, and induced surface currents to be grounded. The PEC boundary condition, in this work, is applied on all exterior surfaces in the air domain of the model, as well as on the connections to the return array conductors. 3.3 Mesh The Finite Element Method is a numerical technique for finding approximate solutions to systems of differential or partial differential equations that are governed by boundary conditions. At its core, the finite element method divides the generated model geometry into smaller pieces – finite elements – and uses variational methods to solve the problem by minimizing the associated error function and achieve convergence. Once the geometry has been developed and the boundary conditions have been applied, the model needs to be meshed. COMSOL provides a robust, automatic meshing algorithm that performs much of the meshing without need for user input. Care must be taken to analyze the generated mesh and ensure that sufficient mesh density exists in the regions of interest in the model. The determination of the proper mesh density falls outside the scope of this work. Using the automatic meshing algorithm in COMSOL, Figure 5 is produced. Figure 5 - Meshed Model 4 Results 4.1 Nominal Coaxial Configuration The wing model was first simulated in an ideal array configuration, with no defects present in the geometry of the return array to serve as a control for this work and provide a basis for comparison. This configuration is a pure coaxial geometry, with all of the current being returned along the model boundaries to the current source. This is equivalent to an infinite number of infinitely close return conductors. Figure 6 shows the nominal configuration. Figure 6 - Ideal Return Array This configuration serves to demonstrate the current density in the various components in the model, without the exterior influence of any individual return conductors contributing to the measurements. A plot of the current density, at 6.4 μS in log base 10 scale, is shown in Figure 7. Figure 7 - Current Density in Wing Box with Ideal Array Configuration As shown, the current density is concentrated at the edges of the model. The skin effect, caused by the presence of eddy currents in the Ribs, can also be seen in Figure 7. Surface current density measurements in the upper wing skin, FWD and AFT Spars, and on the lower wing skin near each aperture were taken. The location of these measurements is shown in blue in Figure 8. Figure 9 shows the measured surface current densities at each location under the Ideal Array Configuration. Figure 8 - Surface Current Density Measurement Locations on Exterior Surfaces
  • 4. 2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France) 4 Figure 9 - Ideal Return Array Surface Current Density Measurements 4.2 Array Configuration With Uniform Spacing Since physical limitations (size, space, inductance, and accessibility) prevent the use of the nominal configuration shown in section 4.1, actual tests are run with a finite number of conductors in the return array. The number of conductors varies between individual tests and test articles; however the most common array configuration involves several wires encompassing the wing circumferentially. The configuration used in this work has uniformly spaced conductors (in relation to both the test object and one another). Each wire is 12 inches from the test article, and 18 inches from adjacent wires. This spacing remains constant throughout the length of the article, and is shown in Figure 10. Figure 10 - Uniform Return Conductor Array Geometry The same measurements described in section 4.1 were taken with the uniformly spaced array conductors, and are shown in Figure 11. Figure 11 - Uniform Return Array Surface Current Density Measurements 4.3 Array Configuration without Uniform Spacing In order to take measurements during actual testing, parts of the test article need to be opened, closed, moved, or altered. It is not uncommon for the wires of the array to be moved accidentally, or repositioned to accommodate personnel or test equipment. Additionally, due to laboratory space and inductance constraints, it may not be possible to uniformly space the conductors. In Figure 12, a random, 10% variation in conductor-to-conductor and conductor-to-test-object spacing is introduced. This randomly displaces each of the wires in the array from their uniform locations. Figure 12 - Random Spaced Conductor Geometry Figure 13 shows the surface current waveforms in this configuration. Figure 13 - Non-Uniform Return Array Surface Current Density Measurements
  • 5. 2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France) 5 4.4 Array Configuration with Uniform Spacing and Sagging Wires During some tests, it is not uncommon for individual wires in the array to sag or droop. When this happens, the rest of the array can stay intact (with the intended spacing), but one or multiple wires can hang closer to, or further away from, the test article. This is most common on wires routed along the upper wing skin (wire sags closer to the surface) and lower wing skin (wire sags further away from surface). Figures 14 and 15 show the sagging wires in this configuration. In each case, the wire is sagging 4 inches from the uniform configuration. Figures 16 and 17 show the surface current density measurements in each configuration. Figure 14 - Wire Sagging Away from Lower Wing Skin Figure 15 - Wire Sagging Towards Upper Wing Skin Figure 16 - Wire Sagging Away from Lower Wing Skin Surface Current Density Measurements Figure 17 - Sagging Wire Towards Upper Wing Skin Surface Current Density Measurements 4.5 Ground Plane Configuration In situations where it is not possible to suspend wires above the test article, a common approach is to make use of a large ground plane. This technique is commonly used by manufacturers of large transport aircraft. Figure 18 illustrates this test setup. Figure 19 shows the measured current densities in this configuration. Figure 18 - Ground Plane Configuration Figure 19 - Ground Plane Surface Current Density Measurements 4.6 Magnetic Field Intensity Seen by Conductors Through Apertures The simple deviations from the nominal configuration described in 4.1 - 4.5 all produce changes in the surface current density measurements throughout the test article. Since the goal of the coaxial configuration is to reduce the magnetic fields seen by the center conductor, these deviations from the ideal design all cause changes in the magnetic fields that penetrate apertures in the test article. The test article in this work has both a NACA Scoop, and an access panel that
  • 6. 2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France) 6 serve as electromagnetic apertures. These apertures allow time-varying magnetic flux to pass through them, and interact with conductors inside the test object. In most cases, the magnetic flux coupling from exterior sources that occur here is not representative of the actual in-flight aircraft environment. During flight, all access panels are securely closed, providing electromagnetic shielding for the conductors inside the wing. For example, if during testing, an access panel is left un-installed or poorly installed (missing fasteners), the magnetic fields generated by the test setup are allowed to interact with the conductors, potentially skewing measurement data. Each of the simple defects described in 4.2 – 4.5, all cause variations in the intensity of the magnetic field seen by conductors passing near these apertures. Figure 20 shows the magnetic field intensity throughout the test article in log base 10 scale and the magnetic flux coupling with interior conductors occurring through apertures in the test article (NACA Scoop, Access Panel). Figures 21 and 22 show the measured magnetic field intensities seen by the lower conductor in the NACA Scoop Bay (Figure 21) and the Access Panel Bay (Figure 22) for the configurations described in 4.1 - 4.5. Figure 20 - Magnetic Flux Coupling with Interior Conductors Figure 21 - Magnetic Field Intensity Seen by Lower Conductor in NACA Scoop Bay Figure 22 - Magnetic Field Intensity Seen by Lower Conductor in Access Panel Bay 5 Results As shown in 4.1-4.6, each return array configuration produces varying results. Table 1, shown below, compares the peak surface current density measurements for each of the configurations to the ideal configuration for the FWD Spar, Aft Spar, Upper Wing Skin, and Lower Wing Skin Measurements near the NACA Scoop and Access Panel. Table 2 summarizes the magnetic field intensity data seen by the lower conductor in the NACA Scoop and Access Panel bays. Table 1 - Surface Current Density Comparison Data Configuration FWD Spar (A/m) AFT Spar (A/m) Upper Wing Skin (A/m Lower Wing Skin NACA (A/m) Lower Wing Skin Access Panel (A/m) Ideal 8,100 8,300 33,600 33,800 33,200 Uniform 8,900 9,400 34,100 31,900 32,000 Random 9,000 10,000 34,400 31,000 30,900 Upper Wire Sag 8,200 9,500 35,800 31,800 31,000 Lower Wire Sag 8,500 9,800 35,000 31,500 31,450 Ground Plane 8,500 8,000 27,000 38,500 40,100 Table 2 - Lower Conductor Magnetic Field Intensity Comparison Data Configuration Magnetic Field Intensity Lower Conductor in NACA Scoop Bay (A/m) Magnetic Field Intensity Lower Conductor in Access Panel Bay (A/m) Ideal 1,600 3,300 Uniform 1,400 3,600 Random 1,340 3,700 Lower Sag 1,300 3,350 Ground Plane 1,300 5,100
  • 7. 2015 International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (Toulouse, France) 7 6 Conclusion In this work, several common return array configurations were examined. An ideal coaxial return arrangement, in which the magnetic fields generated by the return conductors are very low, serves as the control for this research. Since the ideal array is not attainable, the currently accepted best practice is to uniformly space several conductors circumferentially around the wing. Comparing the surface current density measurements between the ideal and realistic return arrays shows that the uniform configuration can serve as an appropriate return configuration. With variations in the surface current density measurements being less than 2,000 A/m between the two, in addition to comparable magnetic field intensity measurements, it is reasonable to state that measurements taken within a uniform return configuration are acceptable. The ground plane return configuration produces a significantly different current distribution, skewed towards the lower wing skin area. Since the return is below the test object, the path of least resistance is through the lower skin, which explains the increased current density and magnetic field readings. However, as defects are introduced into the uniform array, be it through improper spacing or sagging wires, the surface current density also changes. With a variability in spacing (conductor to conductor /conductor to test object) of 10% (or less than 2 inches), the current density measurements change by several hundred A/m (for a 200kA test current). During actual testing, these distances can certainly be larger than 2 inches (from the uniform location), and the impacts of these non-uniformities will continue to increase, especially near apertures. To summarize, the currently accepted method of a coaxial return array provides a suitable return path for the current, with minimal impact on the test object and measurements. Deviations from this uniform array do have an impact proportional to the distance the wire is located away from its uniform (intended) location. Poorly constructed arrays, or arrays that have been unintentionally modified during testing, can skew data and yield potentially misleading data as a result. Care must be taken to ensure that the array stays in the uniform configuration as much as possible, as deviations in return conductor routing locations will alter current flow and impact measurement data, providing an unrealistic aircraft environment. 7 References [1] Wieting, T, et al.: ‘Electromagnetic Field Investigations Inside a Hollow Cylinder’, International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, April 1995, pp. 223-227 [2] Fisher, F., Perala R., and Plumer, J.A.: ‘Lightning Protection of Aircraft’ (Lightning Technologies, 2004, 2nd edn) [3] SAE ARP 5412B: ‘ Aircraft Lightning Environment and Related Test Waveforms’, 2013