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Championing Collaboration and Empathy
in the Logistics Industry
Revolu onizing
Logis cs
The Future of Supply
Chain Management
From AI to Blockchain
The Role of Technology
in Modern Logis cs
Middle East's
Most Inuential
Leaders In
VOL: 09 ISSUE: 10 2023
In the ever-evolving landscape of global trade and commerce,
the Middle East has emerged as a pivotal hub for logis cs and
supply chain management. The region’s strategic geographical
loca on, coupled with a visionary approach to infrastructure
development, has posi oned it at the forefront of the logis cs
industry. As the demand for seamless and efficient movement of
goods con nues to surge, it is impera ve to recognize and
celebrate the individuals who have played an instrumental role in
shaping the logis cs landscape of the Middle East.
Our special edi on, “Middle East’s Most Influen al
Leaders In Logis cs,” is a tribute to these trailblazers.
Within these pages, we delve into the stories,
strategies, and successes of leaders who have
demonstrated excep onal prowess in
steering their companies toward
excellence in logis cs opera ons. From
innova ve technology adop on to
sustainable prac ces and visionary
leadership, these individuals have set
new benchmarks for the industry.
This edi on serves as a testament to
the ingenuity and dedica on of these
leaders, showcasing their unwavering
commitment to advancing the logis cs
sector in the Middle East. Through
insigh ul interviews, case studies, and in-
depth analyses, we aim to shed light on
the visionary prac ces that have propelled
these individuals to the forefront of the
As we navigate through the profiles of these leaders, it
becomes evident that their contribu ons extend beyond their
organiza ons. They are catalysts for innova on, driving the
industry forward and influencing its trajectory on a regional and
global scale. Their accomplishments resonate not only within the
logis cs community but also impact the broader economy,
contribu ng to the prosperity and growth of the Middle East.
Championing Collaboration and Empathy
in the Logistics Industry
Ghazwan M.D. Sunji
Revolu onizing E-commerce through
Order Fulfilment Excellence
Naviga ng the Complex World
of Logis cs
22. Mojtaba Sedehi
Visionary Leadership in Supply chain
and Logis cs
32. Toufic Kreideieh
Revolu onizing Logis cs
The Future of Supply
Chain Management
From AI to Blockchain
The Role of Technology
in Modern Logis cs
Laurance Langdon
General Manager
Modern Freight Company
Championing Collaboration and Empathy
in the Logistics Industry
Cover Story
, ,
You will always hear me say that this industry is a people
business, and our clients buy expertise. If you don’t have time
to gain the expertise and experience yourself, then make sure
you employ the right people who do, and someone who can
bring the right team of experts together and lead them.
Middle East's Most Influen al Leaders In Logis cs
A Journey Fueled by Experience, Trust, and the Power of
Many years ago, a young graduate from the
vibrant metropolis of London, Laurance
Langdon, the esteemed General Manager at
Modern Freight Company, stumbled upon a job listing
that piqued his interest. The words “Middle East
Department” brought back a flood of cherished memories
from his childhood in Dubai. Intrigued by the opportunity
to reignite that sun-soaked nostalgia, he took a leap of faith.
Little did he realize that this decision would ignite a passion
for logistics and pave the way for his extraordinary career.
From the moment he stepped foot into the industry,
Laurance was determined to learn every aspect of the
business. Starting as an office junior, he began a journey of
absorbing knowledge, gaining firsthand experience, and
offering a willingness to do any task thrown at him.
Supported and trusted by his colleagues, he navigated the
logistics landscape, cherishing the memories and
maintaining the relationships of those who guided him
while remembering the negative impact of those who
overlooked, misled, and spoke down to him.
Driven by the lessons learned from those experiences,
Laurance vowed to himself that if ever given the
opportunity to manage others, he would never forget the
importance of empathy and the value of every team
member. He believes that the success of a business lies in
collaboration, clear strategies, and recognizing the
contributions of every individual, regardless of their
position or experience. Laurance’s philosophy extends
beyond the confines of his department, often seeking input
from colleagues across the organization to gain fresh
perspectives and challenge his ideas.
Join us as we explore the remarkable career of Laurance
Langdon and his invaluable insights on the power of
people, empathy, and collaboration in the ever-evolving
world of logistics!
Visionary - Shipping Mastermind
As a young boy, Langdon’s family lived in Dubai for five
formative years. The memories of carefree days at the
beach and the pioneering community exploring the Middle
East sparked a deep connection within him. When he
stumbled upon a job opening in the Middle East department
at Schenkers London, his heart leaped at the chance to
reconnect with those cherished memories. Despite his lack
of knowledge about logistics and shipping, Langdon’s
genuine enthusiasm and his ability to showcase his limited
Arabic language skills during the interview impressed the
hiring team. Before he even reached home, the job offer had
already been extended, marking the beginning of an
extraordinary journey.
Starting as an office junior, Langdon embarked on a humble
path, working his way up the ladder while immersing
himself in every aspect of the logistics business. What truly
stood out during his early years was the unwavering support
and trust he received from his colleagues. Their generosity
and encouragement not only shaped his professional growth
but also forged lasting friendships that endure to this day. It
was these early experiences, both positive and negative, that
left an indelible mark on Langdon’s leadership philosophy.
Langdon vividly remembers the times he felt overlooked,
deceived, and disrespected in his career. These experiences
became the building blocks of his empathetic leadership
style. He vowed never to treat others in a similar manner
and committed himself to creating an environment where
every individual is valued, heard, and given equal
opportunities to contribute their ideas. In Langdon’s view,
the logistics industry thrives on collaboration, with success
hinging on every team member working together towards a
shared goal with a clear strategy in mind.
To foster collaboration and tap into the power of diverse
perspectives, Langdon actively seeks input from individuals
at all levels of the organization. He believes that some of
the best ideas arise from those who may be inexperienced
The one thing I learned very early
was that if your plan is not solid and
rmly in place before you begin, you
will forever be in catch-up mode. So,
plan, plan, and plan some more. And
this has to be with all stakeholders,
and everyone must know their role
and responsibility in the plan.
or not directly involved in daily operations. By inviting
colleagues from different departments into meetings and
encouraging them to ask thought-provoking questions or
offer ideas, Langdon ensures that all thoughts are
thoroughly examined from various angles. This approach
has not only sparked innovative solutions but has also
strengthened the sense of belonging and collective
ownership within the company.
In 1977, any company starting up in the UAE would have
encountered a vastly different business environment
compared to the present day. Having grown up in Dubai
during that time, Laurance possesses vivid memories and
photographs that serve as reminders of the city’s relatively
small size. MFC, a logistics pioneer in the UAE, was
initially created to support Dutco, a well-established
Emirati company renowned for its exceptional construction
business. MFC’s primary focus was managing the imports
of the procurement department, which served as the
foundation for its subsequent growth. Throughout its
remarkable 46-year history, MFC has weathered financial
crises, regional conflicts, and various pandemics, yet it
continues to stand strong—a testament to the leadership of
past General Managers and the dedication of its owners.
MFC owes its longevity to its diverse business activities, its
ability to adapt to an ever-changing industry, and its
proactive approach to providing solutions to its customers.
However, it is the incredible employees who have made
significant sacrifices for the company that truly deserve
Many individuals have devoted their entire careers to MFC,
from their first job until retirement. Today, the company is
experiencing a new wave of young talent, which, when
combined with seasoned employees, keeps MFC dynamic
and facilitates the transfer of knowledge and succession
planning. When approached about joining MFC, Laurance
did not hesitate because he was already familiar with the
company, its values, and its ethical standards. Moreover, he
recognized the loyalty and trust that MFC has cultivated
among its customers, some of whom have been with the
company for two decades or more. Sustaining such
unwavering loyalty amidst constantly changing
circumstances is a testament to the company’s excellence.
Unprecedented Success
Laurance learned early on the importance of having a solid
and well-established plan before starting any task.
Langdon explains that without a solid plan, you will always
been playing catch-up. Therefore, it is crucial to
meticulously plan and involve all stakeholders, ensuring
that everyone knows their role and responsibilities. This
level of planning becomes even more critical when facing
challenging situations. Langdon delves into his book of
stories, providing compelling examples of overcoming
difficulties, such as being on a remote mine site in
Cameroon trying to offload heavy cargoes and conducting a
route survey in Mozambique during heavy rainfall, when
the road conditions were constantly changing and visibility
limited. In such circumstances, he anticipated every
possible outcome and took steps innovatively. Ultimately,
the success of the plan relied on having the right team with
relevant experience. This experience not only ensured a
smooth execution but also prepared him for any unexpected
setbacks. Langdon explains further that even with the best
planning, things can still go off track. However, when
everyone is committed and aligned with the plan,
challenges are approached with a solution-oriented mindset
rather than blaming others.
Global Experiences
Laurance has had the opportunity to live in various places
around the world, including Australia, China, Southeast
Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. He has also worked on
projects in many other countries and continents for
extended periods of time across Central Asia and South
America. Working with diverse groups of people in
different cultures and challenging conditions has not only
tested his resilience but also expanded his cultural and
business knowledge. These challenging opportunities have
pushed Laurance to think creatively and find solutions to
seemingly impossible tasks. He recalls with fondness
leading the first-ever Chinese-driven convoy of mining
trucks across Southern Mongolia, establishing and
managing cross-border project train solutions between
China and Kazakhstan before anyone else had considered
sustainable rail options to Europe. And successfully
transporting out-of-gauge power plant equipment across
Brazil and arranging convoys through central Mozambique
to Zambia. These experiences have taught Laurance the
importance of venturing outside of the office, and he is a
strong proponent of encouraging his colleagues to get into
the field, to see, touch, and experience the work firsthand. It
is through these experiences that one truly learns, and
everyone can write their own stories.
Upon returning to Dubai in 2011, Laurance had the
privilege of working at the corporate level, providing
training, global strategic guidance, and even delving into
underwater robotics while collaborating with ship owners
and ship managers. Langdon expands further that the
shipping and logistics industry has so many facets to it that
it continues to fascinate even after all these years, and he
stresses the need to always keep learning about the industry.
As Langdon finds himself in the later stages of his
professional journey, the act of imparting his accumulated
knowledge and lived experiences has emerged as the most
gratifying and fulfilling dimension of his work.
Nonetheless, there are occasions when Langdon yearns for
the hands-on involvement of fieldwork, as he occasionally
reminisces about complexities encountered during those
ventures. Of course, Langdon clarifies that, like all
memories, we forget about the sleepless nights, showerless
environments, and different-tasting food, but instead, we
remember the comradery, the moments of laughter, and the
great feeling of completing the job successfully.
Building and Managing High-performing Teams
In a conversation about his expertise in office start-ups and
management, as well as his successful track record of
building and managing teams in various regions, Laurance
emphasized the importance of having the right combination
of skills, talent, and personality in the logistics and shipping
business. According to Laurance, in order for everything to
run smoothly, it is essential to select the right individuals,
provide them with a well-defined and concise strategy,
enable them to fulfill their roles effectively, and back them
Cashow is the biggest challenge in
logistics, especially in these uncertain
times. Getting paid is a full-time job,
and it is unfortunate that so many
companies that do have money,
including big multinationals, delay
payments beyond credit terms, putting
huge pressure on smaller companies.
up with a strong marketing plan. By following these steps,
success becomes attainable.
Unconventional Approach to Business
Having experience in establishing businesses from scratch
in unconventional markets, opportunities frequently arose
for Laurance when customers approached him with
problems they were having as a result of the challenging
locations they were also in. Everyone had unique problems,
which required unique expertise and solutions. These
solutions were then replicated and made available to others,
creating a reputation and expertise in areas where delays
and spiraling costs were a big risk. Laurance found that
effectively providing solutions at a reasonable cost was the
key to building a logistics company. Once mastery in this
area is achieved, a distinct product becomes available for
wider sale.
Warehouses and Customizable Solutions
MFC possesses two warehouses spanning more than 50,000
sqm, providing almost 20,000 pallet positions for storage.
MFCs comprehensive service encompasses the entire
supply chain, from the manufacturer to the retail store. This
includes tasks such as unboxing, repackaging, and
relabeling, tailored to the specific requirements of their
clients. Recognizing that not all customers require all
services, MFC offers customizable solutions to alleviate
logistical concerns, allowing their clients to concentrate on
their core competencies.
Key Account Management plays an important part in this,
Langdon explains, and by getting close to your customers
and truly building a partnership, means you bring real value
to the customer.
Revealing the Key Challenge
When asked how he would advise aspiring entrepreneurs
thinking of entering in the world of logistics, Langdon
shares his experience that the main challenge in the
logistics industry today, particularly during uncertain times,
is managing cash flow. In the current climate of uncertainty,
receiving timely payments can become a demanding task. It
is unfortunate that several companies, including large
multinationals, tend to delay payments beyond the agreed
credit terms, which puts significant pressure on smaller
businesses and smaller suppliers of services.
Furthermore, Langdon expands, in the logistics industry,
building strong interpersonal relationships is paramount as
clients look for service providers with the right expertise,
but this takes time, and trust is not easily won but very
easily lost.
And lastly, if an individual starting a logistics company
lacks the time or resources to acquire the necessary
expertise and experience, it becomes crucial that they hire
individuals who already possess them. Additionally, having
someone who can assemble a capable team of experts and
lead them effectively is essential.
Future Plans - Navigating Global Uncertainty
The current global uncertainty looms heavily in the minds
of individuals and organizations contemplating growth and
expansion. With high-interest rates and inflationary
pressures, borrowing money becomes a costly endeavor,
adding stress to businesses and individuals alike. The
specter of recessions further complicates matters,
contributing to a mix of unsettling headlines. However, at
MFC, they remain unfazed by these challenges because
they have seen them before and learned from those
experiences. Instead, they prioritize their customers,
making it their mission to intimately understand their
customers’ strategies and goals and to actively support their
success. This customer-centric approach forms the
foundation of their organic growth plan, driving them
toward their desired destination. As the UAE’s most trusted
partner for logistics and shipping companies without a local
presence, MFC has always maintained a neutral stance.
Their long-standing relationships and earned trust continue
to serve them well, providing an optimistic outlook for the
Raving Rewards
They have received the following awards :
● Freight Forwarder of the Year 2020 – MEA
● CSR/ Sustainability Initiatives Provider of the
Year- Landmarks in Logistics Award 2022
● Freightweek – Sustainable 3PL Logistics company
of the year 2022
In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, efficient
and accurate order fulfilment is a critical component of
success. In this dynamic sector, visionary leaders are
driving innovation and reshaping the way orders are
fulfilled, making it possible for businesses to meet the ever-
growing expectations of consumers for speedy and accurate
deliveries. The leaders in this industry are individuals and
organizations that have harnessed innovation, streamlined
operations, and optimized logistics to provide seamless end-
to-end solutions for businesses looking to thrive in the
digital marketplace.
Meet Ghazwan, M.D. Sunji, Co-Founder/Chief
Operations Officer at GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre
who, stands out in the field of Logistics. With a proficiency
of consultants and advanced technology, Ghazwan
guarantees to attain unparalleled outcomes for the clients.
These state-of-the-art inventory systems keep Ghazwan and
his team above the rest, and thus, we at Insights Success
interviewed him to learn more about his personal and
professional journey.
Below are the highlights of the interview:
Could you please brief us about yourself and what
motivated you to embark on this sector?
In short, I excel in simplifying complex processes and
tackling difficulties in fields like operations, technologies,
and international trade challenges for businesses as well as
individuals. My tenure at Federal Express has equipped me
with invaluable expertise that has been instrumental in my
professional journey. I have personally witnessed the
difficulties people encounter with shipping and short-term
storage; therefore, I am determined to provide accessible
and cost-effective solutions by presenting a range of options
to choose from.
Revolutionizing E-commerce through Order Fullment Excellence
Could you please tell us about GHS Logistics Fulfilment
and its inception story?
Our fulfilment center was established in 2016 as a branch of
GHS Logistics Services FZE to cater to the rapidly growing
demand for order management and expand into fulfilment
services. We specialize in bridging the gaps in the supply
chain for businesses of all types, including “B2B”, “B2C”,
“DTC,” and “Government to Consumers.” At our core, we
value the traceability of orders and deliveries and have
implemented the best practices and software to create a
seamless workflow that caters to a wide range of business
models. With our fulfilment centers situated in various
locations throughout the UAE, e-commerce businesses can
be closer to their consumers and deliver products more
How does GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre differentiate
itself from other order fulfilment centers, and what
types of businesses can benefit from the services
provided by GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre?
We stand out in four significant ways:
1) Our dedication to completing tasks promptly and with
high standards demonstrates our high regard for your
precious time.
Customers of our Customers are
priori zed in GHS, and their
happiness is a target that must
be achieved all the me.
Fulfilment Centres
Lead by Co-Founder & Chief Opera ons Officer Mr. Ghazwan M.D. Sunji
September, 2023
2) We possess the necessary expertise to efficiently execute
tasks at the appropriate time, location, and manner.
3) Our triumph is closely linked to our clients’ triumphs, so
we are committed to helping businesses attain their
4) Our technology is always ahead of the game, primed to
meet and surpass our customers’ ever-increasing demands.
Can you explain the process of storage services offered
by GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre, and how does GHS
Logistics Fulfilment Centre ensure accurate picking and
packing/repacking services?
We are experts in creating a seamless flow of operations
and processes by working closely with your business
representatives. Our advanced warehousing system is
designed to integrate with 52 different platforms, including
popular shopping carts like Shopify, WooCommerce, and
Etsy, as well as leading marketplaces like Amazon and
eBay and advanced ERP systems such as Oracle and Odoo.
Our services are triggered precisely when needed, ensuring
maximum efficiency. With our integration, sales orders are
transformed to WMS RFID devices for pick and pack
services with 99.92% accuracy. Our team uses various
technological solutions to monitor, track, and enhance the
efficiency of our services. As leaders in fulfilment services
in the Gulf region, Middle East, and North Africa, we offer
reliable, flexible, and scalable business-to-business pick and
pack warehousing services for small, medium, and large
businesses, as well as online merchants. Our high-volume
services can handle bulk orders and a variety of items, from
pellets to large-scale requirements. You can trust us to
provide top-notch services that will exceed your
What freight forwarding and custom clearance services
does GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre offer?
When it comes to your freight forwarding needs, GHSL FC
is the ultimate solution. Our team of specialists are experts
in the shipping regulations of major countries, ensuring
shipments are taken care of to 256 countries and the
countryside. We offer air, sea, and land transport and
import, re-export, and export services to Italy, Spain, the
UK, the US, and Canada. We handle full container and less
container load (LCL) services, with all types of containers
available. Our customs clearance process is guaranteed to
be smooth and hassle-free, covering SAQR Port, RAK Port,
Rak Airport, Hulailah, Rakez Customs, and all UAE ports,
airports, boarders, Dubai, and Jebel Ali, the largest
commercial port. Choose GHSL FC for a reliable and
efficient freight forwarding experience. We are confident in
our ability to meet your needs and exceed your
Can you explain how the GHS Logistics Fulfilment
Centre handles delivery arrangements for its clients?
At our company, we guarantee timely and reliable delivery
of our customers’ products and services. We are proud to
provide exceptional service starting from the moment we
receive a delivery request until successful completion. Our
rigorous process involves prioritizing deliveries based on
urgency, optimizing delivery routes for maximum
efficiency, and utilizing advanced systems to constantly
track and monitor deliveries. You can trust us to deliver
your goods with confidence.
Does GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre offer inventory
audit and inspection services? If so, how do they ensure
We offer comprehensive, optimized solutions that will meet
all your critical inventory management needs. Our services
include a top-notch inventory system that efficiently tracks
and manages inventory, in-depth inventory planning and
Ghazwan M.D. Sunji
Opera ons Officer (COO)
GHS Logis cs Fulfilment
September, 2023
analysis to ensure optimal performance, regular inventory
audits to guarantee accuracy, real-time inventory balance
monitoring for timely decision-making, a detailed inventory
history record for comprehensive tracking of inventory
movement, adjustments, and receipt, efficient sorting of
goods for effective management, and implementation
of barcoding for seamless inventory tracking and
management. You can be confident that our solutions will
provide everything you need to manage your inventory with
ease and precision.
Can you elaborate on the re-branding services provided
by GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre?
At GHS, we confidently ensure a seamless and rewarding
rebranding process through our comprehensive research,
planning, and attentive care. Our specialist team conducts a
thorough analysis of your products and develops multiple
tailored solutions to meet all your needs. Whether you need
a simple packaging change or a new product that will
captivate your target audience and differentiate you from
your competitors, our experts use their expertise and
necessary tools to provide innovative and personalized
solutions that greatly benefit your business.
How does the GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre ensure
cost-effectiveness and efficiency in its fulfilment services?
At GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre, we excel in rapidly
and efficiently handling your inventory. Our top priority is
to minimize the time between orders and deliveries,
ensuring speedy shipment and transportation of your
products. We optimize the entire fulfilment process,
including strategically positioned warehouses and seamless
order management. Our ultimate mission is to provide you
with a hassle-free experience from start to finish.
Can you provide any success stories or examples of how
GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre has helped businesses
achieve their order fulfilment goals?
Numerous businesses in the UAE and the Middle East have
found success through their association with GHSL FC’s
innovative concepts. A prime example of our team’s
exceptional abilities occurred in late 2018 when a Lebanese
Amazon seller company approached us for assistance in
bringing their Canadian supplements to the UAE. Despite
facing six months of stonewalling from regulatory
authorities, our expert team quickly identified the missing
documentation and requested additional information to
expedite the process. In a mere fourteen days, GHS
received the shipment at their warehouse, surpassing the
expectations of the grateful Lebanese company, who
expressed regret for not seeking our assistance sooner. As
a testament to our exceptional service, the company
collaborated with GHS, bringing us over 200 new
customers. Today, she runs an educational firm that teaches
Amazon selling techniques and supports other startups, all
thanks to the invaluable assistance provided by GHSL FC.
What sets GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre apart from
other fulfilment service providers in the UAE?
Our services are expertly designed to cater to your unique
requirements. With the proficiency of our consultants,
advanced technology, and efficient execution support, we
guarantee that you will attain unparalleled outcomes.
We specialize in implementing state-of-the-art inventory
systems that will save you valuable resources. Our solutions
eradicate the need for transport, warehouse storage,
technology, training, and staff, allowing you to optimize
your operations and concentrate on your core objectives.
Can you explain the process of implementing GHS
Logistics Fulfilment Centre’s services for a new client?
Our comprehensive process is designed to ensure that
customers get the most out of their product and that our
working relationship is both positive and productive.
Here’s how we do it:
1. We require clients to complete our questionnaire to
provide us with all the relevant information we need.
2. Based on the information provided, we will present a
proposal that must be followed.
September, 2023
3. The onboarding process, including registration, contract
signing, and payment, will be handled according to our
4. If necessary, we will make adjustments to the process to
ensure the best possible outcome for our clients.
How does the GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre ensure
the security and safety of the client’s inventory during
the fulfilment process?
Our expertise in inventory management services and state-
of-the-art systems ensures that you receive unparalleled
insight into your inventory. Our all-encompassing inventory
management services are tailor-made to provide maximum
benefits to our clients. Our highly effective inventory
management services enable you to accurately assess
product availability and procure goods accordingly.
Moreover, we offer complete visibility across all shipments,
orders, and global inventories, giving you real-time
information on your stock.
Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and
awards or recognition that accurately highlight your
achievements in the corporate niche.
Over the years, GHS Logistics has received numerous
awards and recognitions for exceptional services. Notable
among these awards are:
• In 2013, GHS Logistics was honored by Hadid Int'l
Services with a certificate of honor for their
outstanding service provision.
• In 2014, Moonjet Aero Services recognized GHS
Logistics as their best partner in 4PL and 5PL,
presenting them with a certificate of honor.
• In 2016, GHS Logistics was acknowledged by MEA
Markets Magazine as the Best Packing, Removal &
Storage Company and was awarded the prestigious
UAE 2016.
• In 2017, Dubai Police presented GHS Logistics with a
certificate of honor for their quick response and
• In 2018, GHS Logistics won 3rd place for Best
Technology Involved in the market 2018 at Ras Al
Khaimah Economic Zone (RAKEZ).
• In 2022, GHS Logistics was recognized by Silicon
India Magazine as one of the Top 10 Promising NTDS
Providers from GCC. Additionally, RAKEZ awarded
GHS with the Golden award for 10 Years in the Free
Zone and 5 Years in the Mainland.
• 2022-2023 MEA Markets magazine also acknowledged
GHS Logistics as the Most Trusted 3PL Provider and
the Best 3PL Provider in 2022 and 2023, respectively.
GHS Logistics is proud to have received these awards and
recognitions, which demonstrate their commitment to
providing exceptional service to their clients.
Testimonials from Satisfied Clients/Customers
- MBC Group (a group of international TV channels and
podcasts): The Group Public Relations Officer confirms that
GHS is extremely reliable and takes care of everything
related to shipping from request till delivery.
- UK Publishing Company: Mrs. Ashley McDonalds highly
praises the fantastic team led by Ghazwan for their
exceptional communication, excellent pricing, flexible
options, and outstanding facilities. GHS went above and
beyond for her small business, which she deeply
- Arco Interiors: Eng. Alaa Dabour expresses his gratitude
to GHS for their unwavering support in a huge project in
IPIC Abu Dhabi. He firmly believes that GHS provides
superior employees who work exclusively for him, and they
respond promptly and meet the highest standards.
- Dubizzle: Mr. Ali Nazzal considers GHS to be the best
logistics company with unparalleled service. He strongly
recommends everyone to deal with them.
September, 2023
The Future
of Supply Chain
In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, supply
chain management has emerged as a critical facet of
business operations. The traditional approach to
logistics and distribution is undergoing a paradigm shift
driven by technological advancements and shifting
consumer expectations. The future of supply chain
management promises to revolutionize how goods are
produced, transported, and delivered.
Further, we will delve into the key trends and innovations
that are shaping the logistics industry, paving the way for a
more efficient, sustainable, and agile supply chain
Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are
at the forefront of revolutionizing supply chain
management. These technologies enable data-driven
decision-making, predictive analytics, and process
automation. AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts
of data to optimize inventory levels, demand forecasting,
and route planning. Machine learning algorithms learn from
historical data, allowing for more accurate demand
predictions and enhanced inventory management. This
integration leads to reduced costs, increased efficiency, and
improved customer satisfaction.
Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Transparency
Blockchain is making waves in supply chain management
by providing an immutable ledger for recording
transactions and movements of goods. This technology
ensures transparency and traceability at every stage of the
supply chain, from production to delivery. By leveraging
blockchain, companies can authenticate the origin and
authenticity of products, thereby combating counterfeiting
and ensuring compliance with quality and safety standards.
Moreover, it instills trust among consumers, as they can
track the journey of a product from source to shelf.
IoT and Real-Time Tracking
The Internet of Things (IoT) plays a pivotal role in supply
chain transformation. Sensors and devices connected
through IoT provide real-time visibility into the location,
condition, and status of goods in transit. This real-time
tracking enables proactive monitoring, allowing companies
to identify and mitigate potential issues before they
escalate. For instance, temperature-sensitive products can
be monitored for adherence to specified conditions,
ensuring quality and safety. This level of transparency
enhances supply chain efficiency and responsiveness.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Autonomous
Automation is rapidly permeating various aspects of supply
chain operations. RPA streamlines routine, rule-based tasks,
such as order processing, inventory management, and data
entry. This minimizes errors, reduces processing times, and
allows human resources to focus on higher-value activities.
Additionally, the integration of autonomous vehicles,
including drones and self-driving trucks, is revolutionizing
September, 2023
Revolu onizing Logis cs
September, 2023
last-mile delivery and warehouse operations. These vehicles
enhance speed, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness in logistics.
Sustainability and Green Logistics
Sustainability is no longer an optional consideration in
supply chain management; it is a necessity. Consumers and
regulatory bodies are increasingly demanding
environmentally responsible practices. As a result,
companies are adopting green logistics strategies to
minimize their environmental footprint. This includes
optimizing transportation routes, implementing energy-
efficient technologies, and utilizing eco-friendly packaging
materials. By prioritizing sustainability, organizations not
only reduce their impact on the environment but also gain a
competitive edge in a conscientious market.
E-Commerce and Omnichannel Fulfillment
The surge in e-commerce has reshaped consumer
expectations for fast, reliable, and flexible delivery options.
Supply chains are adapting to meet these demands by
embracing omnichannel fulfillment strategies. This involves
integrating online and offline channels seamlessly, ensuring
a consistent customer experience regardless of the sales
platform. To achieve this, companies are investing in
sophisticated inventory management systems and
leveraging data analytics to forecast demand accurately.
The future of supply chain management is characterized by
a convergence of advanced technologies and a heightened
focus on sustainability and customer-centricity. As
businesses navigate an increasingly complex global
landscape, embracing these trends will be paramount for
success. By harnessing the power of AI, blockchain, IoT,
automation, and sustainable practices, companies can create
agile, transparent, and efficient supply chains that not only
meet current demands but also anticipate future challenges.
The logistics industry stands on the cusp of a transformative
era, and those who embrace innovation will lead the way to
a more resilient and responsive future.
- Prashik Bombarde
September, 2023
Unveiling the Key Competencies in Logistics and Supply
Chain Management!
In the dynamic and complex world of logistics and
supply chain management, effective business
leadership plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth
flow of goods, reducing costs, and enhancing overall
efficiency. Leaders in this field require a blend of strategic
thinking, operational excellence, effective communication,
and a commitment to continuous improvement.
With the same skillset, Mojtaba Sedehi started working in
the field of logistics and SCM, which eventually led to
founding Amadgaran – a leader of supply chain solutions
provider in Iran. Today, Mojtaba and his team are
successfully delivering quick and innovative solutions to
its global customer base. All this resulted in an interview to
learn more about his core competencies.
Below are the highlights of the interview:
Could you please brief about yourself and what
motivated you to embark on this sector?
I was born on 15 March 1980. I started my university
studies in 1998 at Iran University of Science &
Technology (IUST) in the field of Industrial Engineering. I
took my Master of Science degree in the field of Industrial
Engineering from Polytechnic (Amirkabir) University in
Tehran. My thesis subject was: “An integrated approach to
determine the block layout, AGV flow path and the
location of pick-up/delivery points in single-loop systems,”
and actually, my thesis threw me into the field of Logistics
and Supply Chain Management!
I started my professional work in the field of logistics and
SCM before my MSc graduation in 2005. After that, all my
working life was in this field, and I always enjoyed and
loved my working subject.
My first experience in the field of logistics and SCM was
as a researcher in the “logistics and SCM” research group
in the Ministry of Trade of Iran. I was really lucky that I
started my professional experience as a researcher, which
had a deep influence and effect on my insights and
perspectives from logistics and supply chain management.
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September, 2023
After one year (in 2007) and because of my brilliant
research, they accepted me as a faculty member at the
Institute for Trade Studies and Research (affiliated with the
Ministry of Trade of Iran) with an MSc degree. In 2011, I
was appointed as the director of “logistics and SCM”
research group and the youngest director in ITSR by that
time. Also, I was selected as the “Top Young Researcher in
the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade” acknowledged
by the Minister in 2012.
I was in this position (director of the logistics research
group) for 3 years until I was invited by the Chinese
University of Hong Kong (CUHK) for a research project
called “Delegation versus Control in Supply Chain
Procurement” “in 2013 as a research assistant. This
opportunity was an amazing and phenomenal experience in
my working life; visiting Hong Kong (which was ranked
the 2 logistics country by the World Bank in 2012) gave
me high insights into international logistics and trade
After one year, I came back to Iran and started studying for
a Ph.D. in the field of industrial engineering (logistics and
SCM orientation) at the Iran University of Science &
Technology (IUST). I defended my PhD thesis with an A
degree in 2018. My thesis subject was: “An appropriate
model for cooperating of main players in a triad competing
supply chain.”
During my Ph.D. studies, I was working simultaneously in
the government sector (three years in the Ministry of
Industry, Mine and Trade and one year in the Ministry of
Road and Transportation). In 2017 and 2018, the Minister
of Industry, Mine, and Trade appointed me as the
Minister’s representative and the head of a national
project, “Developing Logistics & Supply Chain in Iran.” In
this mega project, we designed and defined 52 executive
projects to re-engineer and improve the logistics and SCM
structure and governance in Iran.
Before this notable experience, I had direct executive roles
(most of them as the manager) in some nominated projects,
Ÿ Strategies and action plan for developing logistics and
supply chains in Maku Free Zone (2018)
Ÿ Designing and establishing a new style of retail chain
in Iran grocery retail, focusing on designing the
logistics network for this chain (2015)
Ÿ Developing a Comprehensive Trade Policy Model for
Iran (2015)
Ÿ Strategic Planning for Iran Code (National Center for
Coding Goods & Services in Iran) focusing on GS1
System (2015)
Ÿ Designing and Locating the Logistics Centers for
Industrial Zones in Iran
Ÿ Publishing “Logistics and Supply Chain Management”
monthly magazine (from 2012 to 2016)
Ÿ Designing and Holding the National Logistics Award
for the first time in Iran (2012)
Ÿ Designing the Interagency Coordination Mechanism
for Trade and Transport (2013)
Ÿ Strategic Plan for Developing Business Networks in
Iran (Export-Oriented) 2011
Ÿ Strategic Plan for Developing Trade-Related
Infrastructures in Iran (2011)
Ÿ Transfer Process Design and Government Control
Reduction in Essential Product Supply Chains (cereal,
poultry, red meat, sugar, rice) 2010
Ÿ Developing an Efficient Supply Chain Structure for
Poultry Industry in Iran (2009)
Also, I have some distinguished published books in the
field of logistics and supply chain management,
summarized in the following:
Ÿ Privatization and Outsourcing: Successful and Failed
Ÿ Supply Chain of Sugar Industry in Iran
Ÿ Trade-Related Infrastructure and the Role of
Ÿ Supply Chain Management (Reference Models,
Processes, Metrics for Performance Measurement &
Software Solutions)
September, 2023
Ÿ Roadmap for Evolution of Sugar Industry Supply
Chain in Iran
Ÿ Strategic Plan for Developing Logistics Hubs in Iran
Ÿ The Purchasing Chessboard: 64 Methods to Reduce
Cost and Increase Value with Suppliers (Translation)
Ÿ Trade Logistics
Ÿ Excellence model for evaluating logistics and supply
chain management
Ÿ Directory of Iranian Logistics Companies
Could you please elaborate on your company and its
inception story?
Founded in 2018, “AMADGARAN Supply Chain
Management Group” is a private business company
managed by a group of highly experienced Iranian
professionals in logistics and supply chain management
Our staff is ready to provide logistics services to solve
your supply chain challenges and significantly improve
performance. We positively impact profitability and
customer satisfaction. Our dedicated professionals can
assist you in determining the current performance of your
supply chain, the optimal number and location of
production and distribution facilities, reduce your total
landed transportation costs, and even help you with your
global sourcing procurement plans.
Our main strength is our largest network of service
providers and industries in the field of logistics and SCM
in Iran.
During these years, we have believed in reliable, high-
quality supply chain solutions, which we provide for many
customers. As a result, we are the company of choice when
it comes to logistics consulting.
A 4PL provider is an integrator that accumulates resources,
capabilities, and technologies to run complete supply chain
solutions. Main Difference between 3PLs and 4PLs: The
3PL targets a single function, whereas the 4PL manages
the entire process. Because of our expertise in Supply
Chain, we can help any company of any size manage its
resources and streamline the process. We can work with
your existing 3PL provider to make sure that you get the
most value. We are a leading supply chain solutions
provider Specializing in helping companies penetrate new
markets, optimize their supply chain delivery models, and
reduce total supply chain costs. We deliver quick and
innovative solutions to our global customer base.
Our technical solutions and large network of trusted
logistics partners will provide the confidence needed to
make choices that matter so money is invested wisely in
new opportunities. We help you to focus on your core
competencies. As a result, you will experience
improvement in your supply chain.
Our services (core competencies) in Amadgaran Group:
Ÿ 4PL Services
Ÿ Trade and Commerce
Ÿ Consulting
Ÿ Training
Ÿ Media
Ÿ Software Solutions
Ÿ Event Organizer
Ÿ Marketing
Ÿ Insurance Broker
September, 2023
Our Main Focuses:
Ÿ 4PL and trading Services
Ÿ Logistics and SCM research and consulting projects
Ÿ Organizing and holding conferences, events, seminars,
symposiums and exhibitions
Ÿ Training and education services
Ÿ Media platforms including journals, newsletters, online
services, social networking
Ÿ Promoting logistics and supply chain management
knowledge in Iran
Ÿ feasibility study from different perspectives regarding
logistics and SCM
Ÿ Designing and developing logistics standards in Iran
Ÿ Decision-making support systems related to logistics
and supply chain management
Ÿ E-commerce and digital marketing services
Ÿ Communicating and cooperating with Iranian and
International scientists and professionals working on
logistics, SCM, and business networks
Our Strengths:
Ÿ Our largest network of service providers and industries
(as customers) in the field of logistics and SCM in Iran.
Ÿ Manage both domestic and international shipping: It
takes time and experience to secure transportation
capacity and competitive freight rates.
Ÿ Access a broad range of transportation services;
Ÿ Document and simplify the logistics process for
Ÿ Global Sourcing: Procurement outsourcing is the
transfer of specified key procurement activities relating
to sourcing and supplier management to a third party;
Ÿ Identify potential savings opportunities as a trustee
Ÿ Implement cost savings projects;
Ÿ Resolve disputes raised by customers or carriers;
Ÿ Audit freight invoices to ensure accurate billing;
Ÿ Work with the customer’s logistics team;
Ÿ Supply Chain Analysis: Our experts help our customers
save significant money and improve their operating
efficiency by providing a complete audit of their
logistics activities;
Ÿ Market Researches.
Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and
awards or recognition that accurately highlight your
achievements in the corporate niche.
Because of our widespread activities in the field of logistics
in Iran (consisting of research, training, consulting, events,
marketing, software solutions, media, and 4PL services), we
have a variety range of clients from the private sector,
public sector, and the government.
OEMs and large companies usually benefit from the novel
and edge-of-knowledge consulting services of Amadgaran
for diagnosing, designing, and optimizing their SCM
processes, structures, and organizations.
SMEs usually benefit from our marketing and 4PL services,
especially for international sourcing, supplying, and
The government and policymakers usually use our think-
tank services to issue strategic keynotes about logistics and
SCM at a strategic level.
Free zones and the public sector usually benefit from our
capabilities in designing and planning “logistics centers and
Some foreign companies have agreements with Amadgaran
Group for introducing and marketing their logistics
products and services.
The academic sector (students and professors) usually
benefits from our media products, professional and
technical content, and benchmarks.
Transportation and logistics companies usually benefit from
our services like:
Ÿ Designing a 3PL structure for improving their structure
and spreading their activities
Ÿ Our marketing services to sell their logistics products
and find customers for their logistics capacities
Ÿ Our event services to promote their capacities
Ÿ Our media platform for advertising and introducing their
September, 2023
The Role of
September, 2023
n the dynamic landscape of modern business, logistics
Ihas emerged as a cornerstone of success. The
integration of technology has revolutionized how
goods are produced, transported, and delivered. From
Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Blockchain, a spectrum of
cutting-edge technologies is reshaping the logistics
industry. Further, we’ll explore the pivotal role of
technology in modern logistics, shedding light on the
transformative power of innovation.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Demand Forecasting
One of the most significant advancements in logistics is the
integration of Artificial Intelligence. AI algorithms can
analyze immense volumes of data to make accurate demand
forecasts. By factoring in historical data, market trends, and
even external factors like weather patterns, AI-powered
systems can predict consumer demand with remarkable
precision. This capability not only reduces excess inventory
costs but also ensures that products are available when and
where they are needed.
Machine Learning for Route Optimization
Machine Learning (ML) is an indispensable tool in
optimizing transportation routes. ML algorithms
continuously learn from historical traffic patterns, delivery
times, and other variables to identify the most efficient
routes. This minimizes transportation costs, reduces fuel
consumption, and lowers carbon emissions. Additionally,
From AI to Blockchain
September, 2023
ML-powered systems can adapt in real-time to changing
conditions, ensuring that goods arrive at their destination in
the most timely and cost-effective manner.
Internet of Things (IoT) for Real-Time Monitoring
The Internet of Things is a game-changer in logistics,
offering real-time visibility into the location and condition
of goods in transit. Sensors and devices embedded in
packaging and transportation vehicles transmit critical data.
This includes information on temperature, humidity, shock,
and even tampering. By monitoring these metrics, logistics
providers can ensure that products are handled and stored
under optimal conditions, preserving quality and safety.
Blockchain for Transparency and Traceability
Blockchain technology is revolutionizing how information
is recorded and shared in logistics. Its decentralized,
immutable ledger ensures transparency and traceability
throughout the supply chain. Each transaction, from
production to delivery, is recorded and time-stamped,
providing an unbroken chain of custody. This is invaluable
in industries like pharmaceuticals and food, where tracking
the origin and authenticity of products is paramount.
Blockchain also safeguards against fraud and
counterfeiting, enhancing consumer trust.
Warehouse Automation with Robotics
The advent of robotics has transformed warehouse
operations. Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and robotic
arms are increasingly used to handle tasks like picking,
packing, and sorting. These robots work alongside human
employees, augmenting their capabilities and increasing
overall efficiency. By automating routine, labor-intensive
tasks, warehouses can operate around the clock,
accelerating order fulfillment and reducing operational
Predictive Maintenance for Fleet Management
Predictive maintenance utilizes data from IoT sensors to
anticipate when equipment and vehicles will require
maintenance. By analyzing data on factors like engine
performance, tire wear, and fuel consumption, logistics
companies can schedule maintenance proactively,
preventing costly breakdowns and ensuring that vehicles
are operating at peak efficiency. This not only extends the
lifespan of assets but also minimizes downtime and
associated losses.
Enhanced Customer Experience with Chatbots
In the era of e-commerce, customer service plays a crucial
role in logistics. AI-powered chatbots are being deployed to
provide real-time support to customers. These bots can
track shipments, provide delivery updates, and address
common inquiries. By offering instant, 24/7 support,
logistics companies enhance customer satisfaction and build
brand loyalty.
To Conclude,
Technology is no longer a supplementary component in
modern logistics; it is the driving force behind its evolution.
From AI-driven demand forecasting to Blockchain-enabled
transparency, each innovation plays a pivotal role in
shaping the future of logistics. As businesses continue to
navigate an increasingly complex global market, those who
leverage technology to optimize their supply chains will
lead the way to a more efficient, sustainable, and customer-
centric future. The logistics industry stands at the threshold
of a transformative era, and embracing these technologies
will be the key to success in the dynamic landscape of
modern commerce.
- Prashik Bombarde
September, 2023
Empowering Innovation and Collaboration!
pen communication is crucial to encourage teams
to get insights and ideas. This reinforces
motivation and allows everyone to work in a
collaborative approach where even the team members are
involved in decision-making and are encouraged to take
ownership of their tasks. Fostering such a culture of
innovation, open feedback, and mutual support, Toufic
Kreidieh is empowering BFL Group to thrive in the fast-
paced logistics environment.
This people-first approach has resulted in Insights Success
interviewing Toufic to know his journey, innovative spirit,
and unwavering commitment to excellence.
Here are the highlights of the interview:
Could you please brief about yourself and what
motivated you to embark on this sector?
I am Toufic Kreidieh, Executive Chairman and Group
CEO of BFL Group. I attended the Lebanese American
University (LAU), where I pursued my Bachelor of Science
(B.Sc) in Business Management. Upon graduation, I
embarked on a job opportunity in Saudi Arabia, where I
was later relocated to Dubai and shortly after back to
Beirut. While I managed my day job, my childhood friend,
Yasser Beydoun, and I always knew that our calling was not
to be employees, but instead, we always dreamed and
aspired to be entrepreneurs.
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September, 2023
understanding the need to swiftly respond to the changing
market dynamics and customer preferences.
Can you share an example of a difficult decision you had
to make as a leader in logistics and how you handled it?
The Covid-19 pandemic left the world at a stall with plenty
of uncertainty. BFL Group, with the help of IQ Robotics,
helped pivot the challenges faced by the pandemic to
further develop and accelerate the pace of digitalization. We
signed a multi-million-dirham agreement that comprised of
160 robots with a capacity of processing 150,000 pieces per
day. This partnership allowed the Group to leverage faster
turnaround times, thus constantly injecting new stock onto
our retail shelves, allowing consumers to find new products
that appeal to them every time they shop at any of our
How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and
technologies in logistics, and how do you incorporate
them into your leadership strategy?
Staying current with the latest trends and technologies in
logistics is crucial for our success. We make sure to
regularly research and study the newest developments in the
field, attending industry events and seminars.
Incorporating these trends and technologies into our
leadership strategy involves a few key steps. To begin with,
we identify which trends align with our business goals, and
then we foster a culture of learning within our team,
Could you please elaborate on your company and its
inception story?
In 1996, Beydoun and I joined forces and scraped together
$10,000 to set up our store in an underground parking lot in
Beirut. We saw a gap in the market and knew that the off-
price model would thrive due to the appeal and joy of a
bargain. After operating two successful stores in Lebanon,
we decided to grow our business overseas. When we
expanded to the UAE back in 2000, we knew we had to
come up with something innovative. Everyone who had
stepped foot into the UAE saw it as a land of vast
opportunities! We knew that to enter the market and
become a successful brand, we had to offer a unique
experience that would appeal to our target audience and
buyers. Thus, we came up with the unique ‘treasure hunt’
business model, which entices customers to purchase and
enjoy coveted items from international brands at up to 80
percent off the original retail price. Today, we have a
thriving online presence and more than 100 stores across
the GCC and Europe.
How do you approach managing a team in the fast-
paced and constantly evolving logistics industry?
In the dynamic and evolving logistics industry, our
approach to team management centers around adaptability,
effective communication, and continuous learning. We
understand the importance of staying ahead of industry
trends and technological advancements. Our team members
are encouraged to embrace change, think creatively, and
collaborate seamlessly to challenges. Regular training and
workshop programs ensure that our team remains well-
equipped and ready to navigate the changing landscape. We
also practice transparent communication, clear roles, and
goal alignment. By fostering a culture of innovation, open
feedback, and mutual support, we empower our team to
thrive in a fast-paced logistics environment.
In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that
leaders in logistics face today, and how do you navigate
through them?
Today, leaders encounter lots of significant challenges
arising from globalization, technological shifts,
sustainability concerns, and meeting customer expectations.
To tackle these hurdles, we try our best to stay attuned to
industry trends, embrace new technologies, and forge strong
partnerships with brands, customers, and suppliers.
Adaptability is another essential for our strategy,
September, 2023
Empowering our team members involves giving them all
the tools, knowledge, and autonomy they need to excel. We
invest in continuous training and development to enhance
their skills and talents, as well as provide them with access
to recreational facilities that help maintain their overall
well-being and promote a healthy work-life balance.
Open communication channels are crucial to encourage our
teams to share their insights and ideas. We recognize and
reward performances to reinforce motivation and allow a
collaborative approach where team members are involved
in decision-making processes and encouraged to take
ownership of their tasks.
encouraging them to adapt and embrace new ideas. We
invest in training and development to equip our workforce
with the necessary skills to leverage emerging technologies.
Additionally, we collaborate closely with technology
providers and industry peers to implement these
advancements effectively. We believe in a proactive
approach, test new technologies in real-world scenarios,
and refine our strategies based on their performance.
Ultimately, our goal is to blend these trends and
technologies seamlessly into our operations, ensuring
efficiency, sustainability, and customer satisfaction.
Collaboration and communication are essential in the
logistics industry. How do you foster effective
collaboration and communication within your team and
with external stakeholders?
We encourage an open and transparent communication
culture. Regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and
cross-functional collaborations to ensure that everyone is
aligned and informed. We value each team member’s input
and encourage them to share their ideas, fostering a sense of
ownership and engagement.
We also establish clear channels of communication with our
partners, clients, and suppliers. Regular updates, feedback
loops, and proactive problem-solving help us maintain
strong relationships. We leverage technology to streamline
communication processes, ensuring that information flows
seamlessly between all parties involved.
Furthermore, we believe in the power of face-to-face
interactions. Participating in industry events, conferences,
and networking opportunities allows us to connect with
external stakeholders on a personal level, building trust and
How do you prioritize and allocate resources to ensure
efficiency and cost-effectiveness in logistics operations,
and what strategies do you employ to motivate and
empower your team members to achieve their full
To ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness, we adopt data-
driven decision-making. We analyze historical data, market
trends, and customer demands to forecast needs accurately.
This allows us to allocate resources optimally, reducing
waste and minimizing operational costs. We also implement
regular performance evaluations to help identify areas for
improvement and resource reallocation.
September, 2023
What is your vision for the future of logistics, and how
do you plan to lead your team towards that vision?
My vision for the future of logistics is to continue to
embrace innovation, sustainability, and connectivity. As
technology continues to evolve, I see logistics becoming
more efficient and interconnected with the integration of
advanced analytics, automation, and smart supply chain
To lead my team towards this vision, we enforce a culture
of continuous learning and adaptation. We will stay at the
forefront of technological advancements through ongoing
training, workshops, and partnerships with key industry
leaders. We will also encourage a mindset of problem-
solving to enable us to address upcoming challenges and
seize every relevant emerging opportunity.
Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and
awards or recognition that accurately highlight your
achievements in the corporate niche.
Ÿ ‘Most Admired E-Commerce Company of the Year’ in
the Fashion and Lifestyle Category by Images Retail
ME 2023!
Ÿ Toufic Kreidieh, Executive Chairman & Group CEO,
was awarded ‘The ICONS Of Retail Award 2023’ by
Ÿ ‘Most Admired Retail Launch of the Year’ award during
the RetailME Awards 2022.
Ÿ Toufic Kreidieh, Executive Chairman and Group CEO,
was awarded the ‘Lebanese American University
Alumni Achievement Award.’
Ÿ BFL Group Earns 2022 ‘Great Place To Work’
Ÿ Brands for Less, the flagship of BFL Group, received
the ‘Heroes of the Pandemic’ award at the Transport and
Logistics Middle East Awards 2021 under the E-
Commerce category.
September, 2023
Middle East's Most Influential Leaders In Logistics.pdf
Middle East's Most Influential Leaders In Logistics.pdf

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  • 1. Laurance LANGDON Championing Collaboration and Empathy in the Logistics Industry Revolu onizing Logis cs The Future of Supply Chain Management From AI to Blockchain The Role of Technology in Modern Logis cs Middle East's Most Inuential Leaders In Logistics VOL: 09 ISSUE: 10 2023
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  • 5. In the ever-evolving landscape of global trade and commerce, the Middle East has emerged as a pivotal hub for logis cs and supply chain management. The region’s strategic geographical loca on, coupled with a visionary approach to infrastructure development, has posi oned it at the forefront of the logis cs industry. As the demand for seamless and efficient movement of goods con nues to surge, it is impera ve to recognize and celebrate the individuals who have played an instrumental role in shaping the logis cs landscape of the Middle East. Our special edi on, “Middle East’s Most Influen al Leaders In Logis cs,” is a tribute to these trailblazers. Within these pages, we delve into the stories, strategies, and successes of leaders who have demonstrated excep onal prowess in steering their companies toward excellence in logis cs opera ons. From innova ve technology adop on to sustainable prac ces and visionary leadership, these individuals have set new benchmarks for the industry. This edi on serves as a testament to the ingenuity and dedica on of these leaders, showcasing their unwavering commitment to advancing the logis cs sector in the Middle East. Through insigh ul interviews, case studies, and in- depth analyses, we aim to shed light on the visionary prac ces that have propelled these individuals to the forefront of the industry. As we navigate through the profiles of these leaders, it becomes evident that their contribu ons extend beyond their organiza ons. They are catalysts for innova on, driving the industry forward and influencing its trajectory on a regional and global scale. Their accomplishments resonate not only within the logis cs community but also impact the broader economy, contribu ng to the prosperity and growth of the Middle East. Editor’s View Luminari e s L e a d e r s L e a d i n g L o g i s t i c s
  • 6. Laurance LANGDON Championing Collaboration and Empathy in the Logistics Industry 06. Cover Story
  • 7. Contents Ghazwan M.D. Sunji Revolu onizing E-commerce through Order Fulfilment Excellence 14. Naviga ng the Complex World of Logis cs 22. Mojtaba Sedehi Visionary Leadership in Supply chain and Logis cs 32. Toufic Kreideieh Articles Articles Revolu onizing Logis cs The Future of Supply Chain Management From AI to Blockchain The Role of Technology in Modern Logis cs 18. 28.
  • 9. Laurance LANGDON Championing Collaboration and Empathy in the Logistics Industry Cover Story , , , , You will always hear me say that this industry is a people business, and our clients buy expertise. If you don’t have time to gain the expertise and experience yourself, then make sure you employ the right people who do, and someone who can bring the right team of experts together and lead them. Middle East's Most Influen al Leaders In Logis cs
  • 10. A Journey Fueled by Experience, Trust, and the Power of People! Many years ago, a young graduate from the vibrant metropolis of London, Laurance Langdon, the esteemed General Manager at Modern Freight Company, stumbled upon a job listing that piqued his interest. The words “Middle East Department” brought back a flood of cherished memories from his childhood in Dubai. Intrigued by the opportunity to reignite that sun-soaked nostalgia, he took a leap of faith. Little did he realize that this decision would ignite a passion for logistics and pave the way for his extraordinary career. From the moment he stepped foot into the industry, Laurance was determined to learn every aspect of the business. Starting as an office junior, he began a journey of absorbing knowledge, gaining firsthand experience, and offering a willingness to do any task thrown at him. Supported and trusted by his colleagues, he navigated the logistics landscape, cherishing the memories and maintaining the relationships of those who guided him while remembering the negative impact of those who overlooked, misled, and spoke down to him. Driven by the lessons learned from those experiences, Laurance vowed to himself that if ever given the opportunity to manage others, he would never forget the importance of empathy and the value of every team member. He believes that the success of a business lies in collaboration, clear strategies, and recognizing the contributions of every individual, regardless of their position or experience. Laurance’s philosophy extends beyond the confines of his department, often seeking input from colleagues across the organization to gain fresh perspectives and challenge his ideas. Join us as we explore the remarkable career of Laurance Langdon and his invaluable insights on the power of people, empathy, and collaboration in the ever-evolving world of logistics! Visionary - Shipping Mastermind As a young boy, Langdon’s family lived in Dubai for five formative years. The memories of carefree days at the beach and the pioneering community exploring the Middle East sparked a deep connection within him. When he stumbled upon a job opening in the Middle East department at Schenkers London, his heart leaped at the chance to reconnect with those cherished memories. Despite his lack of knowledge about logistics and shipping, Langdon’s genuine enthusiasm and his ability to showcase his limited Arabic language skills during the interview impressed the hiring team. Before he even reached home, the job offer had already been extended, marking the beginning of an extraordinary journey. Starting as an office junior, Langdon embarked on a humble path, working his way up the ladder while immersing himself in every aspect of the logistics business. What truly stood out during his early years was the unwavering support and trust he received from his colleagues. Their generosity and encouragement not only shaped his professional growth but also forged lasting friendships that endure to this day. It was these early experiences, both positive and negative, that left an indelible mark on Langdon’s leadership philosophy. Langdon vividly remembers the times he felt overlooked, deceived, and disrespected in his career. These experiences became the building blocks of his empathetic leadership style. He vowed never to treat others in a similar manner and committed himself to creating an environment where every individual is valued, heard, and given equal opportunities to contribute their ideas. In Langdon’s view, the logistics industry thrives on collaboration, with success hinging on every team member working together towards a shared goal with a clear strategy in mind. To foster collaboration and tap into the power of diverse perspectives, Langdon actively seeks input from individuals at all levels of the organization. He believes that some of the best ideas arise from those who may be inexperienced ,, ,, The one thing I learned very early was that if your plan is not solid and rmly in place before you begin, you will forever be in catch-up mode. So, plan, plan, and plan some more. And this has to be with all stakeholders, and everyone must know their role and responsibility in the plan.
  • 11. or not directly involved in daily operations. By inviting colleagues from different departments into meetings and encouraging them to ask thought-provoking questions or offer ideas, Langdon ensures that all thoughts are thoroughly examined from various angles. This approach has not only sparked innovative solutions but has also strengthened the sense of belonging and collective ownership within the company. Evolution In 1977, any company starting up in the UAE would have encountered a vastly different business environment compared to the present day. Having grown up in Dubai during that time, Laurance possesses vivid memories and photographs that serve as reminders of the city’s relatively small size. MFC, a logistics pioneer in the UAE, was initially created to support Dutco, a well-established Emirati company renowned for its exceptional construction business. MFC’s primary focus was managing the imports of the procurement department, which served as the foundation for its subsequent growth. Throughout its remarkable 46-year history, MFC has weathered financial crises, regional conflicts, and various pandemics, yet it continues to stand strong—a testament to the leadership of past General Managers and the dedication of its owners. MFC owes its longevity to its diverse business activities, its ability to adapt to an ever-changing industry, and its proactive approach to providing solutions to its customers. However, it is the incredible employees who have made significant sacrifices for the company that truly deserve recognition. Many individuals have devoted their entire careers to MFC, from their first job until retirement. Today, the company is experiencing a new wave of young talent, which, when combined with seasoned employees, keeps MFC dynamic and facilitates the transfer of knowledge and succession planning. When approached about joining MFC, Laurance did not hesitate because he was already familiar with the company, its values, and its ethical standards. Moreover, he recognized the loyalty and trust that MFC has cultivated among its customers, some of whom have been with the company for two decades or more. Sustaining such unwavering loyalty amidst constantly changing circumstances is a testament to the company’s excellence. Unprecedented Success Laurance learned early on the importance of having a solid and well-established plan before starting any task.
  • 12. Langdon explains that without a solid plan, you will always been playing catch-up. Therefore, it is crucial to meticulously plan and involve all stakeholders, ensuring that everyone knows their role and responsibilities. This level of planning becomes even more critical when facing challenging situations. Langdon delves into his book of stories, providing compelling examples of overcoming difficulties, such as being on a remote mine site in Cameroon trying to offload heavy cargoes and conducting a route survey in Mozambique during heavy rainfall, when the road conditions were constantly changing and visibility limited. In such circumstances, he anticipated every possible outcome and took steps innovatively. Ultimately, the success of the plan relied on having the right team with relevant experience. This experience not only ensured a smooth execution but also prepared him for any unexpected setbacks. Langdon explains further that even with the best planning, things can still go off track. However, when everyone is committed and aligned with the plan, challenges are approached with a solution-oriented mindset rather than blaming others. Global Experiences Laurance has had the opportunity to live in various places around the world, including Australia, China, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. He has also worked on projects in many other countries and continents for extended periods of time across Central Asia and South America. Working with diverse groups of people in different cultures and challenging conditions has not only tested his resilience but also expanded his cultural and business knowledge. These challenging opportunities have pushed Laurance to think creatively and find solutions to seemingly impossible tasks. He recalls with fondness leading the first-ever Chinese-driven convoy of mining trucks across Southern Mongolia, establishing and managing cross-border project train solutions between China and Kazakhstan before anyone else had considered sustainable rail options to Europe. And successfully transporting out-of-gauge power plant equipment across Brazil and arranging convoys through central Mozambique to Zambia. These experiences have taught Laurance the importance of venturing outside of the office, and he is a strong proponent of encouraging his colleagues to get into the field, to see, touch, and experience the work firsthand. It is through these experiences that one truly learns, and everyone can write their own stories. Upon returning to Dubai in 2011, Laurance had the privilege of working at the corporate level, providing training, global strategic guidance, and even delving into underwater robotics while collaborating with ship owners and ship managers. Langdon expands further that the shipping and logistics industry has so many facets to it that it continues to fascinate even after all these years, and he stresses the need to always keep learning about the industry. As Langdon finds himself in the later stages of his professional journey, the act of imparting his accumulated knowledge and lived experiences has emerged as the most gratifying and fulfilling dimension of his work. Nonetheless, there are occasions when Langdon yearns for the hands-on involvement of fieldwork, as he occasionally reminisces about complexities encountered during those ventures. Of course, Langdon clarifies that, like all memories, we forget about the sleepless nights, showerless environments, and different-tasting food, but instead, we remember the comradery, the moments of laughter, and the great feeling of completing the job successfully. Building and Managing High-performing Teams In a conversation about his expertise in office start-ups and management, as well as his successful track record of building and managing teams in various regions, Laurance emphasized the importance of having the right combination of skills, talent, and personality in the logistics and shipping business. According to Laurance, in order for everything to run smoothly, it is essential to select the right individuals, provide them with a well-defined and concise strategy, enable them to fulfill their roles effectively, and back them ,, ,, Cashow is the biggest challenge in logistics, especially in these uncertain times. Getting paid is a full-time job, and it is unfortunate that so many companies that do have money, including big multinationals, delay payments beyond credit terms, putting huge pressure on smaller companies.
  • 13. up with a strong marketing plan. By following these steps, success becomes attainable. Unconventional Approach to Business Having experience in establishing businesses from scratch in unconventional markets, opportunities frequently arose for Laurance when customers approached him with problems they were having as a result of the challenging locations they were also in. Everyone had unique problems, which required unique expertise and solutions. These solutions were then replicated and made available to others, creating a reputation and expertise in areas where delays and spiraling costs were a big risk. Laurance found that effectively providing solutions at a reasonable cost was the key to building a logistics company. Once mastery in this area is achieved, a distinct product becomes available for wider sale. Warehouses and Customizable Solutions MFC possesses two warehouses spanning more than 50,000 sqm, providing almost 20,000 pallet positions for storage. MFCs comprehensive service encompasses the entire supply chain, from the manufacturer to the retail store. This includes tasks such as unboxing, repackaging, and relabeling, tailored to the specific requirements of their clients. Recognizing that not all customers require all services, MFC offers customizable solutions to alleviate logistical concerns, allowing their clients to concentrate on their core competencies. Key Account Management plays an important part in this, Langdon explains, and by getting close to your customers and truly building a partnership, means you bring real value to the customer. Revealing the Key Challenge When asked how he would advise aspiring entrepreneurs thinking of entering in the world of logistics, Langdon shares his experience that the main challenge in the logistics industry today, particularly during uncertain times, is managing cash flow. In the current climate of uncertainty, receiving timely payments can become a demanding task. It is unfortunate that several companies, including large multinationals, tend to delay payments beyond the agreed credit terms, which puts significant pressure on smaller businesses and smaller suppliers of services.
  • 14. Furthermore, Langdon expands, in the logistics industry, building strong interpersonal relationships is paramount as clients look for service providers with the right expertise, but this takes time, and trust is not easily won but very easily lost. And lastly, if an individual starting a logistics company lacks the time or resources to acquire the necessary expertise and experience, it becomes crucial that they hire individuals who already possess them. Additionally, having someone who can assemble a capable team of experts and lead them effectively is essential. Future Plans - Navigating Global Uncertainty The current global uncertainty looms heavily in the minds of individuals and organizations contemplating growth and expansion. With high-interest rates and inflationary pressures, borrowing money becomes a costly endeavor, adding stress to businesses and individuals alike. The specter of recessions further complicates matters, contributing to a mix of unsettling headlines. However, at MFC, they remain unfazed by these challenges because they have seen them before and learned from those experiences. Instead, they prioritize their customers, making it their mission to intimately understand their customers’ strategies and goals and to actively support their success. This customer-centric approach forms the foundation of their organic growth plan, driving them toward their desired destination. As the UAE’s most trusted partner for logistics and shipping companies without a local presence, MFC has always maintained a neutral stance. Their long-standing relationships and earned trust continue to serve them well, providing an optimistic outlook for the future. Raving Rewards They have received the following awards : ● Freight Forwarder of the Year 2020 – MEA AWARDS ● CSR/ Sustainability Initiatives Provider of the Year- Landmarks in Logistics Award 2022 ● Freightweek – Sustainable 3PL Logistics company of the year 2022
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  • 16. In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, efficient and accurate order fulfilment is a critical component of success. In this dynamic sector, visionary leaders are driving innovation and reshaping the way orders are fulfilled, making it possible for businesses to meet the ever- growing expectations of consumers for speedy and accurate deliveries. The leaders in this industry are individuals and organizations that have harnessed innovation, streamlined operations, and optimized logistics to provide seamless end- to-end solutions for businesses looking to thrive in the digital marketplace. Meet Ghazwan, M.D. Sunji, Co-Founder/Chief Operations Officer at GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre who, stands out in the field of Logistics. With a proficiency of consultants and advanced technology, Ghazwan guarantees to attain unparalleled outcomes for the clients. These state-of-the-art inventory systems keep Ghazwan and his team above the rest, and thus, we at Insights Success interviewed him to learn more about his personal and professional journey. Below are the highlights of the interview: Could you please brief us about yourself and what motivated you to embark on this sector? In short, I excel in simplifying complex processes and tackling difficulties in fields like operations, technologies, and international trade challenges for businesses as well as individuals. My tenure at Federal Express has equipped me with invaluable expertise that has been instrumental in my professional journey. I have personally witnessed the difficulties people encounter with shipping and short-term storage; therefore, I am determined to provide accessible and cost-effective solutions by presenting a range of options to choose from. Revolutionizing E-commerce through Order Fullment Excellence Could you please tell us about GHS Logistics Fulfilment and its inception story? Our fulfilment center was established in 2016 as a branch of GHS Logistics Services FZE to cater to the rapidly growing demand for order management and expand into fulfilment services. We specialize in bridging the gaps in the supply chain for businesses of all types, including “B2B”, “B2C”, “DTC,” and “Government to Consumers.” At our core, we value the traceability of orders and deliveries and have implemented the best practices and software to create a seamless workflow that caters to a wide range of business models. With our fulfilment centers situated in various locations throughout the UAE, e-commerce businesses can be closer to their consumers and deliver products more efficiently. How does GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre differentiate itself from other order fulfilment centers, and what types of businesses can benefit from the services provided by GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre? We stand out in four significant ways: 1) Our dedication to completing tasks promptly and with high standards demonstrates our high regard for your precious time. Customers of our Customers are priori zed in GHS, and their happiness is a target that must be achieved all the me. ,, , , Logistics GHS Fulfilment Centres Lead by Co-Founder & Chief Opera ons Officer Mr. Ghazwan M.D. Sunji September, 2023 14
  • 17. 2) We possess the necessary expertise to efficiently execute tasks at the appropriate time, location, and manner. 3) Our triumph is closely linked to our clients’ triumphs, so we are committed to helping businesses attain their objectives. 4) Our technology is always ahead of the game, primed to meet and surpass our customers’ ever-increasing demands. Can you explain the process of storage services offered by GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre, and how does GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre ensure accurate picking and packing/repacking services? We are experts in creating a seamless flow of operations and processes by working closely with your business representatives. Our advanced warehousing system is designed to integrate with 52 different platforms, including popular shopping carts like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Etsy, as well as leading marketplaces like Amazon and eBay and advanced ERP systems such as Oracle and Odoo. Our services are triggered precisely when needed, ensuring maximum efficiency. With our integration, sales orders are transformed to WMS RFID devices for pick and pack services with 99.92% accuracy. Our team uses various technological solutions to monitor, track, and enhance the efficiency of our services. As leaders in fulfilment services in the Gulf region, Middle East, and North Africa, we offer reliable, flexible, and scalable business-to-business pick and pack warehousing services for small, medium, and large businesses, as well as online merchants. Our high-volume services can handle bulk orders and a variety of items, from pellets to large-scale requirements. You can trust us to provide top-notch services that will exceed your expectations. What freight forwarding and custom clearance services does GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre offer? When it comes to your freight forwarding needs, GHSL FC is the ultimate solution. Our team of specialists are experts in the shipping regulations of major countries, ensuring shipments are taken care of to 256 countries and the countryside. We offer air, sea, and land transport and import, re-export, and export services to Italy, Spain, the UK, the US, and Canada. We handle full container and less container load (LCL) services, with all types of containers available. Our customs clearance process is guaranteed to be smooth and hassle-free, covering SAQR Port, RAK Port, Rak Airport, Hulailah, Rakez Customs, and all UAE ports, airports, boarders, Dubai, and Jebel Ali, the largest commercial port. Choose GHSL FC for a reliable and efficient freight forwarding experience. We are confident in our ability to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Can you explain how the GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre handles delivery arrangements for its clients? At our company, we guarantee timely and reliable delivery of our customers’ products and services. We are proud to provide exceptional service starting from the moment we receive a delivery request until successful completion. Our rigorous process involves prioritizing deliveries based on urgency, optimizing delivery routes for maximum efficiency, and utilizing advanced systems to constantly track and monitor deliveries. You can trust us to deliver your goods with confidence. Does GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre offer inventory audit and inspection services? If so, how do they ensure accuracy? We offer comprehensive, optimized solutions that will meet all your critical inventory management needs. Our services include a top-notch inventory system that efficiently tracks and manages inventory, in-depth inventory planning and Ghazwan M.D. Sunji Co-Founder/Chief Opera ons Officer (COO) GHS Logis cs Fulfilment Centre September, 2023 15
  • 18. analysis to ensure optimal performance, regular inventory audits to guarantee accuracy, real-time inventory balance monitoring for timely decision-making, a detailed inventory history record for comprehensive tracking of inventory movement, adjustments, and receipt, efficient sorting of goods for effective management, and implementation of barcoding for seamless inventory tracking and management. You can be confident that our solutions will provide everything you need to manage your inventory with ease and precision. Can you elaborate on the re-branding services provided by GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre? At GHS, we confidently ensure a seamless and rewarding rebranding process through our comprehensive research, planning, and attentive care. Our specialist team conducts a thorough analysis of your products and develops multiple tailored solutions to meet all your needs. Whether you need a simple packaging change or a new product that will captivate your target audience and differentiate you from your competitors, our experts use their expertise and necessary tools to provide innovative and personalized solutions that greatly benefit your business. How does the GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre ensure cost-effectiveness and efficiency in its fulfilment services? At GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre, we excel in rapidly and efficiently handling your inventory. Our top priority is to minimize the time between orders and deliveries, ensuring speedy shipment and transportation of your products. We optimize the entire fulfilment process, including strategically positioned warehouses and seamless order management. Our ultimate mission is to provide you with a hassle-free experience from start to finish. Can you provide any success stories or examples of how GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre has helped businesses achieve their order fulfilment goals? Numerous businesses in the UAE and the Middle East have found success through their association with GHSL FC’s innovative concepts. A prime example of our team’s exceptional abilities occurred in late 2018 when a Lebanese Amazon seller company approached us for assistance in bringing their Canadian supplements to the UAE. Despite facing six months of stonewalling from regulatory authorities, our expert team quickly identified the missing documentation and requested additional information to expedite the process. In a mere fourteen days, GHS received the shipment at their warehouse, surpassing the expectations of the grateful Lebanese company, who expressed regret for not seeking our assistance sooner. As a testament to our exceptional service, the company collaborated with GHS, bringing us over 200 new customers. Today, she runs an educational firm that teaches Amazon selling techniques and supports other startups, all thanks to the invaluable assistance provided by GHSL FC. What sets GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre apart from other fulfilment service providers in the UAE? Our services are expertly designed to cater to your unique requirements. With the proficiency of our consultants, advanced technology, and efficient execution support, we guarantee that you will attain unparalleled outcomes. We specialize in implementing state-of-the-art inventory systems that will save you valuable resources. Our solutions eradicate the need for transport, warehouse storage, technology, training, and staff, allowing you to optimize your operations and concentrate on your core objectives. Can you explain the process of implementing GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre’s services for a new client? Our comprehensive process is designed to ensure that customers get the most out of their product and that our working relationship is both positive and productive. Here’s how we do it: 1. We require clients to complete our questionnaire to provide us with all the relevant information we need. 2. Based on the information provided, we will present a proposal that must be followed. September, 2023 16
  • 19. 3. The onboarding process, including registration, contract signing, and payment, will be handled according to our guidelines. 4. If necessary, we will make adjustments to the process to ensure the best possible outcome for our clients. How does the GHS Logistics Fulfilment Centre ensure the security and safety of the client’s inventory during the fulfilment process? Our expertise in inventory management services and state- of-the-art systems ensures that you receive unparalleled insight into your inventory. Our all-encompassing inventory management services are tailor-made to provide maximum benefits to our clients. Our highly effective inventory management services enable you to accurately assess product availability and procure goods accordingly. Moreover, we offer complete visibility across all shipments, orders, and global inventories, giving you real-time information on your stock. Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and awards or recognition that accurately highlight your achievements in the corporate niche. Over the years, GHS Logistics has received numerous awards and recognitions for exceptional services. Notable among these awards are: • In 2013, GHS Logistics was honored by Hadid Int'l Services with a certificate of honor for their outstanding service provision. • In 2014, Moonjet Aero Services recognized GHS Logistics as their best partner in 4PL and 5PL, presenting them with a certificate of honor. • In 2016, GHS Logistics was acknowledged by MEA Markets Magazine as the Best Packing, Removal & Storage Company and was awarded the prestigious UAE 2016. • In 2017, Dubai Police presented GHS Logistics with a certificate of honor for their quick response and support. • In 2018, GHS Logistics won 3rd place for Best Technology Involved in the market 2018 at Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone (RAKEZ). • In 2022, GHS Logistics was recognized by Silicon India Magazine as one of the Top 10 Promising NTDS Providers from GCC. Additionally, RAKEZ awarded GHS with the Golden award for 10 Years in the Free Zone and 5 Years in the Mainland. • 2022-2023 MEA Markets magazine also acknowledged GHS Logistics as the Most Trusted 3PL Provider and the Best 3PL Provider in 2022 and 2023, respectively. GHS Logistics is proud to have received these awards and recognitions, which demonstrate their commitment to providing exceptional service to their clients. Testimonials from Satisfied Clients/Customers - MBC Group (a group of international TV channels and podcasts): The Group Public Relations Officer confirms that GHS is extremely reliable and takes care of everything related to shipping from request till delivery. - UK Publishing Company: Mrs. Ashley McDonalds highly praises the fantastic team led by Ghazwan for their exceptional communication, excellent pricing, flexible options, and outstanding facilities. GHS went above and beyond for her small business, which she deeply appreciates. - Arco Interiors: Eng. Alaa Dabour expresses his gratitude to GHS for their unwavering support in a huge project in IPIC Abu Dhabi. He firmly believes that GHS provides superior employees who work exclusively for him, and they respond promptly and meet the highest standards. - Dubizzle: Mr. Ali Nazzal considers GHS to be the best logistics company with unparalleled service. He strongly recommends everyone to deal with them. September, 2023 17
  • 20. The Future of Supply Chain Management In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, supply chain management has emerged as a critical facet of business operations. The traditional approach to logistics and distribution is undergoing a paradigm shift driven by technological advancements and shifting consumer expectations. The future of supply chain management promises to revolutionize how goods are produced, transported, and delivered. Further, we will delve into the key trends and innovations that are shaping the logistics industry, paving the way for a more efficient, sustainable, and agile supply chain ecosystem: Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are at the forefront of revolutionizing supply chain management. These technologies enable data-driven decision-making, predictive analytics, and process automation. AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts of data to optimize inventory levels, demand forecasting, and route planning. Machine learning algorithms learn from historical data, allowing for more accurate demand predictions and enhanced inventory management. This integration leads to reduced costs, increased efficiency, and improved customer satisfaction. Blockchain Technology for Enhanced Transparency Blockchain is making waves in supply chain management by providing an immutable ledger for recording transactions and movements of goods. This technology ensures transparency and traceability at every stage of the supply chain, from production to delivery. By leveraging blockchain, companies can authenticate the origin and authenticity of products, thereby combating counterfeiting and ensuring compliance with quality and safety standards. Moreover, it instills trust among consumers, as they can track the journey of a product from source to shelf. IoT and Real-Time Tracking The Internet of Things (IoT) plays a pivotal role in supply chain transformation. Sensors and devices connected through IoT provide real-time visibility into the location, condition, and status of goods in transit. This real-time tracking enables proactive monitoring, allowing companies to identify and mitigate potential issues before they escalate. For instance, temperature-sensitive products can be monitored for adherence to specified conditions, ensuring quality and safety. This level of transparency enhances supply chain efficiency and responsiveness. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Autonomous Vehicles Automation is rapidly permeating various aspects of supply chain operations. RPA streamlines routine, rule-based tasks, such as order processing, inventory management, and data entry. This minimizes errors, reduces processing times, and allows human resources to focus on higher-value activities. Additionally, the integration of autonomous vehicles, including drones and self-driving trucks, is revolutionizing September, 2023 18
  • 21. Revolu onizing Logis cs September, 2023 19
  • 22. last-mile delivery and warehouse operations. These vehicles enhance speed, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness in logistics. Sustainability and Green Logistics Sustainability is no longer an optional consideration in supply chain management; it is a necessity. Consumers and regulatory bodies are increasingly demanding environmentally responsible practices. As a result, companies are adopting green logistics strategies to minimize their environmental footprint. This includes optimizing transportation routes, implementing energy- efficient technologies, and utilizing eco-friendly packaging materials. By prioritizing sustainability, organizations not only reduce their impact on the environment but also gain a competitive edge in a conscientious market. E-Commerce and Omnichannel Fulfillment The surge in e-commerce has reshaped consumer expectations for fast, reliable, and flexible delivery options. Supply chains are adapting to meet these demands by embracing omnichannel fulfillment strategies. This involves integrating online and offline channels seamlessly, ensuring a consistent customer experience regardless of the sales platform. To achieve this, companies are investing in sophisticated inventory management systems and leveraging data analytics to forecast demand accurately. Conclusion The future of supply chain management is characterized by a convergence of advanced technologies and a heightened focus on sustainability and customer-centricity. As businesses navigate an increasingly complex global landscape, embracing these trends will be paramount for success. By harnessing the power of AI, blockchain, IoT, automation, and sustainable practices, companies can create agile, transparent, and efficient supply chains that not only meet current demands but also anticipate future challenges. The logistics industry stands on the cusp of a transformative era, and those who embrace innovation will lead the way to a more resilient and responsive future. - Prashik Bombarde September, 2023 20
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  • 24. Unveiling the Key Competencies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management! In the dynamic and complex world of logistics and supply chain management, effective business leadership plays a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth flow of goods, reducing costs, and enhancing overall efficiency. Leaders in this field require a blend of strategic thinking, operational excellence, effective communication, and a commitment to continuous improvement. With the same skillset, Mojtaba Sedehi started working in the field of logistics and SCM, which eventually led to founding Amadgaran – a leader of supply chain solutions provider in Iran. Today, Mojtaba and his team are successfully delivering quick and innovative solutions to its global customer base. All this resulted in an interview to learn more about his core competencies. Below are the highlights of the interview: Could you please brief about yourself and what motivated you to embark on this sector? I was born on 15 March 1980. I started my university studies in 1998 at Iran University of Science & Technology (IUST) in the field of Industrial Engineering. I took my Master of Science degree in the field of Industrial Engineering from Polytechnic (Amirkabir) University in Tehran. My thesis subject was: “An integrated approach to determine the block layout, AGV flow path and the location of pick-up/delivery points in single-loop systems,” and actually, my thesis threw me into the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management! I started my professional work in the field of logistics and SCM before my MSc graduation in 2005. After that, all my working life was in this field, and I always enjoyed and loved my working subject. My first experience in the field of logistics and SCM was as a researcher in the “logistics and SCM” research group in the Ministry of Trade of Iran. I was really lucky that I started my professional experience as a researcher, which had a deep influence and effect on my insights and perspectives from logistics and supply chain management. September, 2023 22
  • 26. After one year (in 2007) and because of my brilliant research, they accepted me as a faculty member at the Institute for Trade Studies and Research (affiliated with the Ministry of Trade of Iran) with an MSc degree. In 2011, I was appointed as the director of “logistics and SCM” research group and the youngest director in ITSR by that time. Also, I was selected as the “Top Young Researcher in the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade” acknowledged by the Minister in 2012. I was in this position (director of the logistics research group) for 3 years until I was invited by the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) for a research project called “Delegation versus Control in Supply Chain Procurement” “in 2013 as a research assistant. This opportunity was an amazing and phenomenal experience in my working life; visiting Hong Kong (which was ranked nd the 2 logistics country by the World Bank in 2012) gave me high insights into international logistics and trade logistics. After one year, I came back to Iran and started studying for a Ph.D. in the field of industrial engineering (logistics and SCM orientation) at the Iran University of Science & + Technology (IUST). I defended my PhD thesis with an A degree in 2018. My thesis subject was: “An appropriate model for cooperating of main players in a triad competing supply chain.” During my Ph.D. studies, I was working simultaneously in the government sector (three years in the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade and one year in the Ministry of Road and Transportation). In 2017 and 2018, the Minister of Industry, Mine, and Trade appointed me as the Minister’s representative and the head of a national project, “Developing Logistics & Supply Chain in Iran.” In this mega project, we designed and defined 52 executive projects to re-engineer and improve the logistics and SCM structure and governance in Iran. Before this notable experience, I had direct executive roles (most of them as the manager) in some nominated projects, like: Ÿ Strategies and action plan for developing logistics and supply chains in Maku Free Zone (2018) Ÿ Designing and establishing a new style of retail chain in Iran grocery retail, focusing on designing the logistics network for this chain (2015) Ÿ Developing a Comprehensive Trade Policy Model for Iran (2015) Ÿ Strategic Planning for Iran Code (National Center for Coding Goods & Services in Iran) focusing on GS1 System (2015) Ÿ Designing and Locating the Logistics Centers for Industrial Zones in Iran Ÿ Publishing “Logistics and Supply Chain Management” monthly magazine (from 2012 to 2016) Ÿ Designing and Holding the National Logistics Award for the first time in Iran (2012) Ÿ Designing the Interagency Coordination Mechanism for Trade and Transport (2013) Ÿ Strategic Plan for Developing Business Networks in Iran (Export-Oriented) 2011 Ÿ Strategic Plan for Developing Trade-Related Infrastructures in Iran (2011) Ÿ Transfer Process Design and Government Control Reduction in Essential Product Supply Chains (cereal, poultry, red meat, sugar, rice) 2010 Ÿ Developing an Efficient Supply Chain Structure for Poultry Industry in Iran (2009) Also, I have some distinguished published books in the field of logistics and supply chain management, summarized in the following: Ÿ Privatization and Outsourcing: Successful and Failed Samples Ÿ Supply Chain of Sugar Industry in Iran Ÿ Trade-Related Infrastructure and the Role of Governments Ÿ Supply Chain Management (Reference Models, Processes, Metrics for Performance Measurement & Software Solutions) September, 2023 24
  • 27. Ÿ Roadmap for Evolution of Sugar Industry Supply Chain in Iran Ÿ Strategic Plan for Developing Logistics Hubs in Iran Ÿ The Purchasing Chessboard: 64 Methods to Reduce Cost and Increase Value with Suppliers (Translation) Ÿ Trade Logistics Ÿ Excellence model for evaluating logistics and supply chain management Ÿ Directory of Iranian Logistics Companies Could you please elaborate on your company and its inception story? Founded in 2018, “AMADGARAN Supply Chain Management Group” is a private business company managed by a group of highly experienced Iranian professionals in logistics and supply chain management (SCM). Our staff is ready to provide logistics services to solve your supply chain challenges and significantly improve performance. We positively impact profitability and customer satisfaction. Our dedicated professionals can assist you in determining the current performance of your supply chain, the optimal number and location of production and distribution facilities, reduce your total landed transportation costs, and even help you with your global sourcing procurement plans. Our main strength is our largest network of service providers and industries in the field of logistics and SCM in Iran. During these years, we have believed in reliable, high- quality supply chain solutions, which we provide for many customers. As a result, we are the company of choice when it comes to logistics consulting. A 4PL provider is an integrator that accumulates resources, capabilities, and technologies to run complete supply chain solutions. Main Difference between 3PLs and 4PLs: The 3PL targets a single function, whereas the 4PL manages the entire process. Because of our expertise in Supply Chain, we can help any company of any size manage its resources and streamline the process. We can work with your existing 3PL provider to make sure that you get the most value. We are a leading supply chain solutions provider Specializing in helping companies penetrate new markets, optimize their supply chain delivery models, and reduce total supply chain costs. We deliver quick and innovative solutions to our global customer base. Our technical solutions and large network of trusted logistics partners will provide the confidence needed to make choices that matter so money is invested wisely in new opportunities. We help you to focus on your core competencies. As a result, you will experience improvement in your supply chain. Our services (core competencies) in Amadgaran Group: Ÿ 4PL Services Ÿ Trade and Commerce Ÿ Consulting Ÿ Training Ÿ Media Ÿ Software Solutions Ÿ Event Organizer Ÿ Marketing Ÿ Insurance Broker September, 2023 25
  • 28. Our Main Focuses: Ÿ 4PL and trading Services Ÿ Logistics and SCM research and consulting projects Ÿ Organizing and holding conferences, events, seminars, symposiums and exhibitions Ÿ Training and education services Ÿ Media platforms including journals, newsletters, online services, social networking Ÿ Promoting logistics and supply chain management knowledge in Iran Ÿ feasibility study from different perspectives regarding logistics and SCM Ÿ Designing and developing logistics standards in Iran Ÿ Decision-making support systems related to logistics and supply chain management Ÿ E-commerce and digital marketing services Ÿ Communicating and cooperating with Iranian and International scientists and professionals working on logistics, SCM, and business networks Our Strengths: Ÿ Our largest network of service providers and industries (as customers) in the field of logistics and SCM in Iran. Ÿ Manage both domestic and international shipping: It takes time and experience to secure transportation capacity and competitive freight rates. Ÿ Access a broad range of transportation services; Ÿ Document and simplify the logistics process for industries; Ÿ Global Sourcing: Procurement outsourcing is the transfer of specified key procurement activities relating to sourcing and supplier management to a third party; Ÿ Identify potential savings opportunities as a trustee consultant; Ÿ Implement cost savings projects; Ÿ Resolve disputes raised by customers or carriers; Ÿ Audit freight invoices to ensure accurate billing; Ÿ Work with the customer’s logistics team; Ÿ Supply Chain Analysis: Our experts help our customers save significant money and improve their operating efficiency by providing a complete audit of their logistics activities; Ÿ Market Researches. Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and awards or recognition that accurately highlight your achievements in the corporate niche. Because of our widespread activities in the field of logistics in Iran (consisting of research, training, consulting, events, marketing, software solutions, media, and 4PL services), we have a variety range of clients from the private sector, public sector, and the government. OEMs and large companies usually benefit from the novel and edge-of-knowledge consulting services of Amadgaran for diagnosing, designing, and optimizing their SCM processes, structures, and organizations. SMEs usually benefit from our marketing and 4PL services, especially for international sourcing, supplying, and trading. The government and policymakers usually use our think- tank services to issue strategic keynotes about logistics and SCM at a strategic level. Free zones and the public sector usually benefit from our capabilities in designing and planning “logistics centers and hubs.” Some foreign companies have agreements with Amadgaran Group for introducing and marketing their logistics products and services. The academic sector (students and professors) usually benefits from our media products, professional and technical content, and benchmarks. Transportation and logistics companies usually benefit from our services like: Ÿ Designing a 3PL structure for improving their structure and spreading their activities Ÿ Our marketing services to sell their logistics products and find customers for their logistics capacities Ÿ Our event services to promote their capacities Ÿ Our media platform for advertising and introducing their products/services September, 2023 26
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  • 30. The Role of Technology inModern L O G I S T I C S September, 2023 28
  • 31. n the dynamic landscape of modern business, logistics Ihas emerged as a cornerstone of success. The integration of technology has revolutionized how goods are produced, transported, and delivered. From Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Blockchain, a spectrum of cutting-edge technologies is reshaping the logistics industry. Further, we’ll explore the pivotal role of technology in modern logistics, shedding light on the transformative power of innovation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Demand Forecasting One of the most significant advancements in logistics is the integration of Artificial Intelligence. AI algorithms can analyze immense volumes of data to make accurate demand forecasts. By factoring in historical data, market trends, and even external factors like weather patterns, AI-powered systems can predict consumer demand with remarkable precision. This capability not only reduces excess inventory costs but also ensures that products are available when and where they are needed. Machine Learning for Route Optimization Machine Learning (ML) is an indispensable tool in optimizing transportation routes. ML algorithms continuously learn from historical traffic patterns, delivery times, and other variables to identify the most efficient routes. This minimizes transportation costs, reduces fuel consumption, and lowers carbon emissions. Additionally, From AI to Blockchain September, 2023 29
  • 32. ML-powered systems can adapt in real-time to changing conditions, ensuring that goods arrive at their destination in the most timely and cost-effective manner. Internet of Things (IoT) for Real-Time Monitoring The Internet of Things is a game-changer in logistics, offering real-time visibility into the location and condition of goods in transit. Sensors and devices embedded in packaging and transportation vehicles transmit critical data. This includes information on temperature, humidity, shock, and even tampering. By monitoring these metrics, logistics providers can ensure that products are handled and stored under optimal conditions, preserving quality and safety. Blockchain for Transparency and Traceability Blockchain technology is revolutionizing how information is recorded and shared in logistics. Its decentralized, immutable ledger ensures transparency and traceability throughout the supply chain. Each transaction, from production to delivery, is recorded and time-stamped, providing an unbroken chain of custody. This is invaluable in industries like pharmaceuticals and food, where tracking the origin and authenticity of products is paramount. Blockchain also safeguards against fraud and counterfeiting, enhancing consumer trust. Warehouse Automation with Robotics The advent of robotics has transformed warehouse operations. Automated guided vehicles (AGVs) and robotic arms are increasingly used to handle tasks like picking, packing, and sorting. These robots work alongside human employees, augmenting their capabilities and increasing overall efficiency. By automating routine, labor-intensive tasks, warehouses can operate around the clock, accelerating order fulfillment and reducing operational costs. Predictive Maintenance for Fleet Management Predictive maintenance utilizes data from IoT sensors to anticipate when equipment and vehicles will require maintenance. By analyzing data on factors like engine performance, tire wear, and fuel consumption, logistics companies can schedule maintenance proactively, preventing costly breakdowns and ensuring that vehicles are operating at peak efficiency. This not only extends the lifespan of assets but also minimizes downtime and associated losses. Enhanced Customer Experience with Chatbots In the era of e-commerce, customer service plays a crucial role in logistics. AI-powered chatbots are being deployed to provide real-time support to customers. These bots can track shipments, provide delivery updates, and address common inquiries. By offering instant, 24/7 support, logistics companies enhance customer satisfaction and build brand loyalty. To Conclude, Technology is no longer a supplementary component in modern logistics; it is the driving force behind its evolution. From AI-driven demand forecasting to Blockchain-enabled transparency, each innovation plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of logistics. As businesses continue to navigate an increasingly complex global market, those who leverage technology to optimize their supply chains will lead the way to a more efficient, sustainable, and customer- centric future. The logistics industry stands at the threshold of a transformative era, and embracing these technologies will be the key to success in the dynamic landscape of modern commerce. - Prashik Bombarde September, 2023 30
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  • 34. Empowering Innovation and Collaboration! O pen communication is crucial to encourage teams to get insights and ideas. This reinforces motivation and allows everyone to work in a collaborative approach where even the team members are involved in decision-making and are encouraged to take ownership of their tasks. Fostering such a culture of innovation, open feedback, and mutual support, Toufic Kreidieh is empowering BFL Group to thrive in the fast- paced logistics environment. This people-first approach has resulted in Insights Success interviewing Toufic to know his journey, innovative spirit, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Here are the highlights of the interview: Could you please brief about yourself and what motivated you to embark on this sector? I am Toufic Kreidieh, Executive Chairman and Group CEO of BFL Group. I attended the Lebanese American University (LAU), where I pursued my Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Business Management. Upon graduation, I embarked on a job opportunity in Saudi Arabia, where I was later relocated to Dubai and shortly after back to Beirut. While I managed my day job, my childhood friend, Yasser Beydoun, and I always knew that our calling was not to be employees, but instead, we always dreamed and aspired to be entrepreneurs. September, 2023 32
  • 36. understanding the need to swiftly respond to the changing market dynamics and customer preferences. Can you share an example of a difficult decision you had to make as a leader in logistics and how you handled it? The Covid-19 pandemic left the world at a stall with plenty of uncertainty. BFL Group, with the help of IQ Robotics, helped pivot the challenges faced by the pandemic to further develop and accelerate the pace of digitalization. We signed a multi-million-dirham agreement that comprised of 160 robots with a capacity of processing 150,000 pieces per day. This partnership allowed the Group to leverage faster turnaround times, thus constantly injecting new stock onto our retail shelves, allowing consumers to find new products that appeal to them every time they shop at any of our stores. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in logistics, and how do you incorporate them into your leadership strategy? Staying current with the latest trends and technologies in logistics is crucial for our success. We make sure to regularly research and study the newest developments in the field, attending industry events and seminars. Incorporating these trends and technologies into our leadership strategy involves a few key steps. To begin with, we identify which trends align with our business goals, and then we foster a culture of learning within our team, Could you please elaborate on your company and its inception story? In 1996, Beydoun and I joined forces and scraped together $10,000 to set up our store in an underground parking lot in Beirut. We saw a gap in the market and knew that the off- price model would thrive due to the appeal and joy of a bargain. After operating two successful stores in Lebanon, we decided to grow our business overseas. When we expanded to the UAE back in 2000, we knew we had to come up with something innovative. Everyone who had stepped foot into the UAE saw it as a land of vast opportunities! We knew that to enter the market and become a successful brand, we had to offer a unique experience that would appeal to our target audience and buyers. Thus, we came up with the unique ‘treasure hunt’ business model, which entices customers to purchase and enjoy coveted items from international brands at up to 80 percent off the original retail price. Today, we have a thriving online presence and more than 100 stores across the GCC and Europe. How do you approach managing a team in the fast- paced and constantly evolving logistics industry? In the dynamic and evolving logistics industry, our approach to team management centers around adaptability, effective communication, and continuous learning. We understand the importance of staying ahead of industry trends and technological advancements. Our team members are encouraged to embrace change, think creatively, and collaborate seamlessly to challenges. Regular training and workshop programs ensure that our team remains well- equipped and ready to navigate the changing landscape. We also practice transparent communication, clear roles, and goal alignment. By fostering a culture of innovation, open feedback, and mutual support, we empower our team to thrive in a fast-paced logistics environment. In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that leaders in logistics face today, and how do you navigate through them? Today, leaders encounter lots of significant challenges arising from globalization, technological shifts, sustainability concerns, and meeting customer expectations. To tackle these hurdles, we try our best to stay attuned to industry trends, embrace new technologies, and forge strong partnerships with brands, customers, and suppliers. Adaptability is another essential for our strategy, September, 2023 34
  • 37. Empowering our team members involves giving them all the tools, knowledge, and autonomy they need to excel. We invest in continuous training and development to enhance their skills and talents, as well as provide them with access to recreational facilities that help maintain their overall well-being and promote a healthy work-life balance. Open communication channels are crucial to encourage our teams to share their insights and ideas. We recognize and reward performances to reinforce motivation and allow a collaborative approach where team members are involved in decision-making processes and encouraged to take ownership of their tasks. encouraging them to adapt and embrace new ideas. We invest in training and development to equip our workforce with the necessary skills to leverage emerging technologies. Additionally, we collaborate closely with technology providers and industry peers to implement these advancements effectively. We believe in a proactive approach, test new technologies in real-world scenarios, and refine our strategies based on their performance. Ultimately, our goal is to blend these trends and technologies seamlessly into our operations, ensuring efficiency, sustainability, and customer satisfaction. Collaboration and communication are essential in the logistics industry. How do you foster effective collaboration and communication within your team and with external stakeholders? We encourage an open and transparent communication culture. Regular team meetings, brainstorming sessions, and cross-functional collaborations to ensure that everyone is aligned and informed. We value each team member’s input and encourage them to share their ideas, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement. We also establish clear channels of communication with our partners, clients, and suppliers. Regular updates, feedback loops, and proactive problem-solving help us maintain strong relationships. We leverage technology to streamline communication processes, ensuring that information flows seamlessly between all parties involved. Furthermore, we believe in the power of face-to-face interactions. Participating in industry events, conferences, and networking opportunities allows us to connect with external stakeholders on a personal level, building trust and understanding. How do you prioritize and allocate resources to ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness in logistics operations, and what strategies do you employ to motivate and empower your team members to achieve their full potential? To ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness, we adopt data- driven decision-making. We analyze historical data, market trends, and customer demands to forecast needs accurately. This allows us to allocate resources optimally, reducing waste and minimizing operational costs. We also implement regular performance evaluations to help identify areas for improvement and resource reallocation. September, 2023 35
  • 38. What is your vision for the future of logistics, and how do you plan to lead your team towards that vision? My vision for the future of logistics is to continue to embrace innovation, sustainability, and connectivity. As technology continues to evolve, I see logistics becoming more efficient and interconnected with the integration of advanced analytics, automation, and smart supply chain solutions. To lead my team towards this vision, we enforce a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. We will stay at the forefront of technological advancements through ongoing training, workshops, and partnerships with key industry leaders. We will also encourage a mindset of problem- solving to enable us to address upcoming challenges and seize every relevant emerging opportunity. Please give us a few testimonials from your clients and awards or recognition that accurately highlight your achievements in the corporate niche. Ÿ ‘Most Admired E-Commerce Company of the Year’ in the Fashion and Lifestyle Category by Images Retail ME 2023! Ÿ Toufic Kreidieh, Executive Chairman & Group CEO, was awarded ‘The ICONS Of Retail Award 2023’ by IMAGES RetailME. Ÿ ‘Most Admired Retail Launch of the Year’ award during the RetailME Awards 2022. Ÿ Toufic Kreidieh, Executive Chairman and Group CEO, was awarded the ‘Lebanese American University Alumni Achievement Award.’ Ÿ BFL Group Earns 2022 ‘Great Place To Work’ Certification. Ÿ Brands for Less, the flagship of BFL Group, received the ‘Heroes of the Pandemic’ award at the Transport and Logistics Middle East Awards 2021 under the E- Commerce category. September, 2023 36