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assive voice ataukalimatpasif,maksudnyakalimatyangsubjeknyadikenai pekerjaan( bukanmelakukan
Dapat dirumuskan :
Be + Past participle ( V3) + By….
Keterangan :
Be : kata kerjabantu yangdisesuakandengan bentukpola
kalimatnya( Simple present, Past,Future,dll )
Past participle : Bentukkata kerjake-3
l PenggunaanPassivevoice bentuksimple present
apat dirumuskan :
ubyek+ Be + Past participle +By…
Be yangdigunakandalambentuksimplepresent,yaitu:
• am
• are
• is
contohkalimatpositif :
1) Faisal helpsulfi (aktif)→artinya”Faisal menolongulfi”
Ulfi ishelpedbyfaisal (pasif)→artinya”Ulfi ditolongolehfaisal”
2) Mazsis eatsdonat (aktif)→artinya”Mazsismakandonat”
Donat iseatenbymazsis(pasif)→artinya”Donatdimakanolehmazsis”
ontohkalimatnegatif :
1) Faisal doesn’tulfi (aktif)→artinya”Faisal tidakmenolongulfi”
Ulfi isn’thelpedbyfaisal (pasif)→artinya”Ulfitidakditolongolehfaisal”
2) Mazsis doesn’teatdonat(aktif)→artinya”Mazsistidakmakandonat”
The donat isn’teatenbymazsis(pasif)→artinya”Donattidak dimakanolehmazsis”
ontohkalimattanya :
1) Does faisal helpulfi?(aktif)→artinya”Apakahfaisalmenolongulfi?”
Is ulfi helpedbyfaisal? (pasif)→artinya”Apakahulfi ditolongolehfaisal?”
2) Does mazsiseatdonat?(aktif)→artinya”Apakahmazsismakandonat?”
Is donateatenbymazsis?(pasif)→artinya”apakahdonatdimakan olehmazsis?”
l PenggunaanPassivevoice bentuksimple past
apat dirumuskan :
ubyek+ Be + Past participle +By…
Be yangdigunakandalambentuksimplepresent,yaitu:
• was
• were
contohkalimatpositif :
1) Asri made a cake this morning(aktif)→artinya”Asri membuatsebuahkue tadi pagi”
Cake was made byasri thismorning(pasif)→artinya”Kue dibuatolehasri tadi pagi”
2) They watchedtom&jerrymovieslastsunday(aktif)→artinya”merekamenontonfilm-filmtom&jerry
Tom&jerrymovieswere watchedbythemlastsunday(pasif)→artinya”Film-filmtom&jerryditonton
ontohkalimatnegatif :
1) Asri didn’tmake acake thismorning(aktif)→artinya”Asri tidakmembuatsebuahkue tadi pagi”
The cake wasn’tmade by asri thismorning(pasif)→artinya”Sebuahkue tidakdibuatolehasri tadi pagi”
2) They didn’twatchtom&jerrymovieslastsunday(aktif)→artinya”Merakatidakmenontonfilm-film
ontohkalimattanya :
1) Did asri make a cake thismorning?(aktif)→artinnya”apakahasri membuatsebuahkue tadi pagi?”
Was a cake made by asri thismorning?(pasif)→artinya”apakahsebuahkue itudibuat olehasri tadi
2) Did theywatchtom&jerrymovieslastsunday?(aktif)→artinya”Apakahmerekamenontonfilm-film
Were tom&jerrymovieswacthedbythemlastsunday? (pasif)→artinya”apakahfilm-filmtom&jerry
Contohkalimatpassive berbentuknegatif dankalimattanya
1) Passive voice negatif
- Ray isn’thelpedbyAde
- The paperisn’tcut by Merry
- A ceremonyisnotheldbysomebody
- The movieswere notwatchedbythemyesterday
- You were notshownthe sights.
- The house wasnot builtbyme.
- He will nothave beenshownthe sights.
- We shouldnotbe shownthe sights.
- The cat wasnot kickedbyme
- The motorcycle isnot drivenbyhim
- Is The Kingof Majapahitbuiltthe castle?
- Is thatgirl whokickingme?
- Is cake eatenbyher?
- Were theywatchedthe movieslastsunday?
- Were youshownthe sights?
- Were the projectworkedbythemthismonth?
- Is the car drivenbyhim?
- Is Andyridingthe bicycle?
- Were the concert successedlastnigh?
- were theyfinishedthe papersthismonth?
Hopefullythisblogbe of benefittoall of usand me...
Kamis,31 Maret 2011
Active AndPassive Voice
Active andPassive Voice
Kalimataktif (active voice)adalahkalimatdimanasubject-nyamelakukanpekerjaan,sebaliknya,kalimat
pasif (passive voice) adalahkalimatdimanasubject-nyadikenai pekerjaanolehobjectkalimat.Active
voice lebihseringdigunakandalamkehidupansehari-hari dibandingkandenganpassive voice. Namun
demikian,seringkitatemukanpassive voicedi surat-suratkabar,artikel-artikeldi majalah-majalahdan
tulisan-tulisanilmiah.Passive voicedigunakankarenaobjectdari active voice merupakaninformasi yang
• Active : We fertilize the soilevery6months
• Passive:The soil isfertilizedbyusevery6 months
Dari contohini dapat kitalihatbahwa:
1. Objectdari active voice (the soil) menjadisubjectdari passive voice
2. Subjectdari active voice (we) menjadi objectdari passive voice.Perhatikanpulabahwaterjadi
perubahandari subjectpronoun‘we’menjadi objectpronoun‘us’.
3. Verb1(fertilize)padaactive voice menjadiverb3(fertilized) padapassivevoice.
4. Ditambahkannyabe ‘is’di depanverb3.Be yangdigunakanadalahtergantungpadasubjectpassive
voice dantensesyangdigunakan.(Perhatikanpola-polapassivevoice di bawah).
5. Ditambahkannyakata‘by’di belakangverb3.Namun,jikaobjectdari passive voicedianggaptidak
6. Khususuntukkalimat-kalimatprogressive (present,past,pastperfect,future,pastfuture,danpast
future perfectcontinuous,perlumenambahkan‘being’di depanverb3).Kalautidakditambahkan
poinh – o di bawah.
Berdasarkankeenampoindi atasmaka passive voice mengikutipolasebagai berikut:
Subject+ Be + Verb3+ By + Object+ Modifier
Polaactive dan passive voice padatiaptensis
a. Jikaactive voice dalamsimple presenttense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahis,amatauare.
• Active : He meetsthemeveryday.
• Passive :They are met byhimeveryday.
• Active : She watersthisplanteverytwodays.
• Passive :This plantiswateredbyhereverytwodays.
b. Jikaactive voice dalamsimple pasttense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalahwasatauwere
• Active : He met themyesterday
• Passive :They were metbyhimyesterday
• Active : She wateredthisplantthismorning
• Passive :This plantwaswateredbyher thismorning
c. Jikaactive voice dalampresentperfecttense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahbeenyangdiletakkan
setelahauxiliaryhasatauhave,sehinggamenjadi ‘hasbeen’atau‘have been’
• Active : He has metthem
• Passive :They have beenmetbyhim
• Active : She haswateredthisplantfor5 minutes.
• Passive :This planthas beenwateredbyherfor5 minutes.
d. Jikaactive voice dalampastperfecttense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalahbeenyangdiletakkan
setelahauxiliaryhad,sehinggamenjadi hadbeen
• Active : He had metthembefore Icame.
• Passive :They hadbeenmetby himbefore Icame.
• Active : She hadwateredthisplantfor 5 minuteswhenIgothere
• Passive :This planthad beenwateredbyherfor5 minuteswhenIgothere
e.Jikaactive voice dalamsimple future tense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahbe
• Active : He will meetthemtomorrow.
• Passive :They will be metbyhimtomorrow.
• Active : She will waterthisplantthisafternoon.
• Passive :This plantwill be wateredbyherthisafternoon.
• Active : The farmersare goingto harvestthe crops nextweek
• Passive :The crops are goingto be harvestedbythe farmersnextweek.
f.Jika active voice dalamfuture perfecttense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahbeenyangdiletakkan
setelahauxiliarywill have,sehinggamenjadi‘will have been’
• Active : He will have metthembefore Igetthere tomorrow.
• Passive :They will have beenmetbyhimbefore Igetthere tomorrow.
• Active : She will have wateredthisplantbeforeIgethere thisafternoon.
• Passive :This plantwill have beenwateredbyherbefore Igethere thisafternoon.
g. Jikaactive voice dalampastfuture perfecttense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahbeenyang
diletakkansetelahauxiliarywouldhave,sehinggamenjadi ‘would have been’.
• Active : He wouldhave metthem.
• Passive :They wouldhave beenmetbyhim.
• Active : She wouldhave wateredthisplant.
• Passive :This plantwouldhave beenwateredbyher.
h. Jikaactive voice dalampresentcontinuoustense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalah(is,amatauare)
+ being.
• Active : He is meetingthemnow.
• Passive :They are beingmetby himnow.
• Active : She iswateringthisplant now.
• Passive :This plantisbeingwateredbyhernow.
i.Jikaactive voice dalampast continuoustense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalah(wasatauwere) +
• Active : He was meetingthem.
• Passive :They were beingmetbyhim.
• Active : She waswateringthisplant.
• Passive :This plantwasbeingwateredbyher.
j. Jikaactive voice dalamperfectcontinuoustense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalah(has/have) been
+ being.
• Active : He has beenmeetingthem.
• Passive :They have beenbeingmetbyhim.
• Active : She hasbeenwateringthisplant.
• Passive :This planthas beenbeingwateredbyher.
k. Jikaactive voice dalampastperfectcontinuoustense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahhadbeen+
• Active : He had beenmeetingthem.
• Passive :They hadbeenbeingmetbyhim.
• Active : She hadbeenwateringthisplant.
• Passive :This planthad beenbeingwateredbyher.
l.Jikaactive voice dalamfuture continuoustense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalahwill be +being.
• Active : He will be meetingthem.
• Passive :They will be beingmetbyhim.
• Active : She will be wateringthisplant.
• Passive :This plantwill be beingwateredbyher.
m. Jikaactive voice dalampastfuture continuoustense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalahwouldbe +
• Active : He wouldbe meetingthem.
• Passive :They wouldbe beingmetbyhim.
• Active : She wouldbe wateringthisplant.
• Passive : Thisplantwouldbe beingwateredbyher.
n. Jikaactive voice dalamfuture perfectcontinuoustense, maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahwill have
been+ being.
• Active : He will have beenmeetingthem.
• Passive :They will have beenbeingmetbyhim.
• Active : She will have beenwateringthisplant.
• Passive :This plantwill have beenbeingwateredbyher.
o. Jikaactive voice dalampastfuture perfectcontinuoustense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalah
wouldhave been+being.
• Active : He wouldbe meetingthem.
• Passive :They wouldbe beingmetbyhim.
• Active : She wouldbe wateringthisplant.
• Passive :This plantwouldbe beingwateredbyher.
F Clause Type 1
if + Simple Present,will-Future
Example:If Ifindheraddress,I will send heraninvitation.
The main clause can alsobe at the beginningof the sentence.Inthiscase,don'tuse a comma.
Example:Iwill sendheraninvitationif Ifindheraddress.
Note:Main clause and/ or if clause mightbe negative.See Simple Presentund will-Future onhowto
formnegative sentences.
Example:If Idon’tsee himthisafternoon,Iwill phone himinthe evening.
F Clause Type 2
if + Simple Past,mainclause withConditional I(=would+ Infinitive)
Example:If Ifoundher address,Iwouldsendheraninvitation.
The main clause can alsobe at the beginningof the sentence.Inthiscase,don'tuse a comma.
Example:Iwouldsendheran invitationif Ifoundheraddress.
Note:Main clause and/ or if clause mightbe negative.See Simple Past undConditional Ionhow to form
negative sentences.
Example:If Ihad a lotof money,Iwouldn’tstayhere.
Were insteadof Was
In IFClausesType II,we usuallyuse ‚were‘ –evenif the pronounisI,he,she or it –.
Example:If Iwere you,I wouldnot do this.
IF Clause Type 3
if + PastPerfect,mainclause withConditional II
Example:If Ihad foundheraddress,I wouldhave sentheraninvitation.
The main clause can alsobe at the beginningof the sentence.Inthiscase,don'tuse a comma.
Example:Iwouldhave sentheran invitationif Ihadfoundheraddress.
Note:Main clause and/ or if clause mightbe negative.See PastPerfectandConditional IIonhow to
formnegative sentences.
Example:If Ihadn’tstudied,Iwouldn’thave passedmyexams.
KalimatPasif dalambentukKalimatNegatif danKalimatTandatanya
06:18 Bahasa InggrisBisnis1(Tugas9) No comments
1) Negative PassiveImperativeSentence
Subjek+ be + KatakerjaIII + not to + infinitive
(katakerjaIII yangseringdigunakanadalah:advised,asked,begged,commanded,requested)
Don’t waitforme (active)
You are advisednottowait forme (passive)
I wasn’tsad lastnight
Theyweren’tthere lastTuesday
He didn’t go to the movie lastnight
I didn’tsleepwelllastnight
Theydidn’tcome yesterday
We didn’tsee actionmovie lastnight
I don’t go to the office lastweek
I wasn’tbusyyesterday
ContohkalimatPasif dalambentukkalimat Tanya:
1. Were his friendssentanynewsbyJacky?
2. Was anynewssentto hisfriends?
3. Are we goingto be givena bookbyher ?
4. Is a book goingto be giventous ?
5. Did the rat frightenyou?
6. Were you frighrenedbythe rat?
7. The bill includesservice,doesn’tit?
8. Do they wash theirhands before everymeal?
S P O (Simple PresentTense)
9. Did he go to the bus station?
10. Where didyouwatch the movie ?
11. Didyousee alex yesterday?
12. Was he busylastnight?
* Kata kerjapadapredikatdo+ washmenjadi wash.Katawashdioasifkanmenjadi be +washed(VÉŞÉŞÉŞ);
be untuksubjektheidhands(dalam Simple PresentTense) adalahare.
1. * Karenakalimatnyaadalahkalimattanya(yes/NoQuestion),kalimatpasifnyajugsmenjadi
kalimattanya,yakni denganmemindahkankatakerjabantu(auxiliaryverb) ke awal kalimat:Are their
handswashedbefore everymeal?
1) Simple present
Johndoesn’tbite Mary
DoesJohnbite Mary?
What doesJohndo?
Who bitesMary?
Who doesJohnbite?
Mary isbittenbyJohn
Mary isn’tbittenbyJohn
Is Mary bittenbyJohn?
What isdone by John?
Who isMary bittenby?
Who isbittenbyJohn?
2) Simple continuous
Johnis bitingMary
Is JohnbitingMary?
What isJohn doing?
Who isbitingMary?
Who isJohnbiting?
Mary isbeingbittenbyJohn
Mary isn’tbeingbittenbyJohn
Is Mary beingbittenbyJohn?
What isbeingdone byJohn?
Who isMary beingbittenby?
Who isbeingbittenbyJohn?
3) Presentperfect
Aktif JohnhasbittenMary
Has JohnbittenMary?
What has Johndone?
Who has bittenMary?
Who has Johnbitten?
Mary hasbeenbittenbyJohn
Mary hasn’tbeenbittenbyJohn
Has Mary beenbittenbyJohn?
What has beendone byJohn?
Who has Mary beenbittenby?
Who has beenbittenbyJohn?
4) Presentperfectcontinuous
Johnhas beenbitingMary
Has JohnbeenbitingMary?
What has Johnbeendoing?
Who has beenbitingMary?
Who has Johnbeenbiting?
Mary hasbeenbeingbittenbyJohn
Mary hasn’tbeenbeingbittenbyJohn
Has Mary beenbeingbittenbyJohn?
What has beenbeingdone byJohn?
Who has Mary beenbeingbittenby?
Who has beenbeingbittenbyJohn?
5) Simple past
Johndidn’tbite Mary
DidJohn bite Mary?
What didJohndo?
Who bitMary?
Who didJohnbite?
Mary wasbittenbyJohn
Mary wasn’tbittenbyJohn
Was Mary bittenbyJohn?
What was done byJohn?
Who wasMary bittenby?
Who wasbittenbyJohn?
6) Past continuous
Johnwas bitingMary
Was JohnbitingMary?
What was Johndoing?
Who wasbitingMary?
Who wasJohn biting?
Mary wasbeingbittenbyJohn
Mary wasn’tbeingbittenbyJohn
Was Mary beingbittenbyJohn?
What was beingdone byJohn?
Who wasMary beingbittenby?
Who wasbeingbitten byJohn?
7.) Pastperfect
Johnhad bittenMary
Had JohnbittenMary?
What had Johndone?
Who had bittenMary?
Who had Johnbitten?
Mary hadbeenbittenbyJohn
Mary hadn’tbeenbittenbyJohn
Had Mary beenbittenbyJohn?
What had beendone byJohn?
Who had Mary beenbittenby?
Who had beenbittenbyJohn?
8.) Pastperfectcontinuous
Johnhad beenbitingMary
Had JohnbeenbitingMary?
What had Johnbeendoing?
Who had beenbitingMary?
Who had Johnbeenbiting?
Mary hadbeenbeingbittenbyJohn
Mary hadn’tbeenbeingbittenbyJohn
Had Mary beenbeingbittenbyJohn?
What had beenbeingdone byJohn?
Who had Mary beenbeingbittenby?
Who had beenbeingbittenbyJohn?
9) Future
Johnwill bite Mary
Johnwon’tbite Mary
Will Johnbite Mary?
What will Johndo?
Who will bite Mary?
Who will Johnbite?
Mary will be bittenbyJohn
Mary won’tbe bittenbyJohn
Will Mary be bittenbyJohn?
What will be done byJohn?
Who will Marybe bittenby?
Who will be bittenbyJohn?
10) Future continuous
Johnwill be bitingMary
Johnwon’tbe bitingMary
Will Johnbe bitingMary?
What will Johnbe doing?
Who will be bitingMary?
Who will Johnbe biting?
Mary will be beingbittenbyJohn
Mary won’tbe beingbittenbyJohn
Will Mary be beingbittenbyJohn?
What will be beingdone byJohn?
Who will Marybe beingbittenby?
Who will be beingbittenbyJohn?
11) Future perfect
Johnwill have bittenMary
Johnwon’thave bittenMary
Will Johnhave bittenMary?
What will Johnhave done?
Who will have bittenMary?
Who will Johnhave bitten?
Mary will have beenbittenbyJohn
Mary won’thave beenbittenbyJohn
Will Mary have beenbittenbyJohn?
What will have beendone byJohn?
Who will Maryhave beenbittenby?
Who will have beenbittenbyJohn?
12) Future perfectcontinuous
Johnwill have beenbitingMary
Johnwon’thave beenbitingMary
Will Johnhave beenbitingMary?
What will Johnhave beendoing?
Who will have beenbitingMary?
Who will Johnhave beenbiting?
Mary will have beenbeingbittenbyJohn
Mary won’thave beenbeingbittenbyJohn
Will Mary have beenbeingbittenbyJohn?
What will have beenbeingdone byJohn?
Who will Maryhave beenbeingbittenby?
Who will have beenbeingbittenbyJohn?
Passive voice for Present/Future Modals
 The placesof subjectandobjectinsentence are inter-changedinpassivevoice.
 3rd formof verb (pastparticiple) willbe usedonly(asmainverb) inpassive voice.
 To change sentenceshavingpresent/futuremodal intopassive voice,auxiliaryverb“be”is
addedaftermodal insentence.
Passive voice for Present/Future Modals
Auxiliary verb in passive voice: be
Active voice: CAN
She can play a violin.
She cannot play a violin.
Can she play a violin?
Passive voice: CAN BE
A violin can be played by her.
A violin cannot be played by her.
Can a violin be played by her?
Active voice: MAY
I may buy the computer.
I may not buy the computer.
May I buy the computer?
Active voice: MAY BE
The computer may be bought by me.
The computer may not be bought by me.
May the computer be bought by me?
Active voice: MIGHT
Guests might play chess.
Guests might not play chess.
Active voice: MIGHT BE
Chess might be played by guests.
Chess might not be played guests.
Active voice: SHOULD
Students should study all lessons.
Students should not study all lessons.
Should students study all lessons?
Active voice: SHOULD BE
All lessons should be studied by students.
All lessons should not be studied by students.
Should all lessons be studied by students?
Active voice: MUST
You must learn the test-taking strategies.
You must not learn the test-taking strategies.
Active voice: MUST BE
Test-taking strategies must be learnt by you.
Test-taking strategies must not be learned by
Active voice: OUGHT TO
They ought to take the examination.
Active voice: OUGHT TO BE
The examination ought to be taken by them.
Passive voice for Past Modals
 The placesof subjectandobjectinsentence are inter-changedinpassivevoice.
 3rd formof verb (pastparticiple) willbe usedonly(asmainverb) inpassive voice.
 To change sentenceshavingpastmodal intopassive voice,auxiliaryverb“been”isaddedafter
modal insentence.
Passive voice for Present/Future Modals
Auxiliary verb in passive voice: been
Active voice: MAY HAVE Active voice: MAY HAVE BEEN
You may have availed the opportunity.
You may not have availed the opportunity.
The opportunity may have been availed by
The opportunity may not have been availed
by you.
Active voice: MIGHT HAVE
He might have eaten meal.
He might not have eaten meal.
Active voice: MIGHT HAVE BEEN
Meal might have been eaten by him.
Meal might not have been eaten by him.
Active voice: SHOULD HAVE
You should have studied the book.
You should not have studied the book.
Active voice: SHOULD HAVE BEEN
The book should have been studied by you.
The book should have not been studied by you.
Active voice: MUST HAVE
He must have started job.
He must not have started job.
Active voice: MUST HAVE BEEN
Job must have been started by you.
Job must not have been started by you.
Active voice: OUGHT TO HAVE
You ought to have helped him.
Active voice: OUGHT TO HAVE BEEN
He ought to have been helped by you
Click on the following links to study each aspect of active and passive voice.
Active and Passive Voice
Passive voice for all TENSES - Rules, use of auxiliary verbs and examples.
Passive voice for Present Modals like “CAN, MAY, MIGHT, SHOULD, MUST, OUGHT
Passive voice of imperative sentences (command and request)
Sentences which cannot be changed into passive voice – Intransitive verbs.
The active object becomes the passive subject.
am/is/are + past participle
was/were + past participle
Active: Simple Present
The movie fascinates me.
The movie bores Jack.
Passive: Simple Present
I am fascinated by the movie.
Jack is bored by the movie.
The movie surprises them. They are surprised by the movie.
Active: Simple Past
The movie bored me.
The movie fascinated Jack.
The movie surprised them.
Passive: Simple Past
I was bored by the movie.
Jack was fascinated by the movie.
They were surprisedby the movie.
Passive form:
am/is/are + being + past participle
was/were + being + past participle
Active: Present Continuous
I am helping Shannon.
June is helping Su and Ling.
Passive: Present Continuous
Shannon is being helped by me.
Su and Ling are being helped by
Active: Past Continuous
I was cleaning the bathroom.
They were cleaning the bedroom.
Susan was cleaning the kitchen and
Passive: Past Continuous
The bathroom was being cleaned by
The bedroom was being cleaned by
The kitchen and patio were being
cleaned by Susan.
Passive form:
have/has been + past participle
had been + past participle
Active: Present Perfect
I have mailed the gift.
Jack has mailed the gifts.
Passive: Present Perfect
The gift has been mailed by me.
The gifts have been mailed by Jack.
Active: Past Perfect
Steven Spielberg had directed the
Penny Marshall had directed those
Passive: Past Perfect
The movie had been directed by
Steven Spielberg.
The movies had been directed by
Penny Marshall.
Active: Future Perfect
John will have finished the project
next month.
Passive: Future Perfect
The project will have been finished
by next month.
They will have finished the projects
before then.
The projects will have been finished
before then.
Passive forms: will + be + past participle
is/are going to be + past participle
Active: Future with WILL
I will mail the gift.
Jack will mail the gifts.
Passive: Future with WILL
The gift will be mailed by me.
The gifts will be mailed by Jack.
Active: Future with GOING TO
I am going to make the cake.
Sue is going to make two cakes.
Passive: Future with GOING TO
The cake is going to be made by me.
Two cakes are going to be made by
The passive form follows this pattern:
modal + be + past participle
Active: WILL / WON'T (WILL
Sharon will invite Tom to the party.
Sharon won't invite Jeff to the party.
(Sharon will not invite Jeff to the
Passive: WILL / WON'T (WILL
Tom will be invited to the party by
Jeff won't be invited to the party by
(Jeff will not be invited to the party
by Sharon.)
Active: CAN / CAN'T (CAN NOT)
Mai can foretell the future.
Terry can't foretell the future.
(Terry can not foretell the future.)
Passive: CAN / CAN'T (CAN
The future can be foretold by Mai.
The future can't be foretold by Terry.
(The future can not be foretold by
Active: MAY / MAY NOT
Her company may give Katya a new
The lazy students may not do the
Her company might give Katya a
Passive: MAY / MAY NOT
Katya may be given a new office by
her company.
The homework may not be done by
the lazy students.
Katya might be given a new office
new office.
The lazy students might not do the
by her company.
The homework might not be done by
the lazy students.
Students should memorize English
Children shouldn't smoke cigarettes.
English verbs should be memorized
by students.
Cigarettes shouldn't be smoked by
Active: OUGHT TO
Students ought to learn English
(negative ought to is rarely used)
Passive: OUGHT TO
English verbs ought to be
memorized by students.
Students had better practice English
every day.
Children had better not drink
English had better be practiced every
day by students.
Whiskey had better not be drunk by
Tourists must apply for a passport to
travel abroad.
Customers must not use that door.
Passive: MUST / MUST NOT
A passport to travel abroad must be
applied for.
That door must not be used by
Active: HAS TO / HAVE TO
She has to practice English every
Sara and Miho have to wash the
dishes every day.
Maria doesn't have to clean her
bedroom every day.
The children don't have to clean their
bedrooms every day.
Passive: HAS TO / HAVE TO
English has to be practiced every
The dishes have to be washed by
them every day.
Her bedroom doesn't have to be
cleaned every day.
Their bedrooms don't have to be
cleaned every day.
I am supposed to type the
I am not supposed to copy the stories
in the book.
Janet is supposed to clean the living
The composition is supposed to be
typed by me.
The stories in the book are not
supposed to be copied.
The living room is supposed to be
She isn't supposed to eat candy and
They are supposed to make dinner
for the family.
They aren't supposed to make
cleaned by Janet.
Candy and gum aren't supposed to
be eaten by her.
Dinner for the family is supposed to
be made by them.
Dessert isn't supposed to be made by
The past passive form follows this pattern:
modal + have been + past participle
The students should have learned
the verbs.
The children shouldn't have broken
the window.
Passive: SHOULD HAVE /
The verbs should have been learned
by the students.
The window shouldn't have been
broken by the children.
Active: OUGHT TO
Students ought to have learned the
(negative ought to is rarely used)
Passive: OUGHT TO
The verbs ought to have been
learned by the students.
Active: BE SUPPOSED TO (past
I was supposed to type the
I wasn't supposed to copy the story
in the book.
Janet was supposed to clean the
living room.
She wasn't supposed to eat candy
and gum.
Frank and Jane were supposed to
make dinner.
They weren't supposed to make
(past time)
The composition was supposed to
be typed by me.
The story in the book wasn't
supposed to be copied.
The living room was supposed to
be cleaned by Janet.
Candy and gum weren't supposed
to be eaten by her.
Dinner was supposed to be made
by them.
Dessert wasn't supposed to be made
by them.
Active: MAY / MAY NOT
That firm may have offered Katya a
new job.
The students may not have written
the paper.
Passive: MAY / MAY NOT
Katya may have been offered a new
job by that firm.
The paper may not have been
written by the students.
That firm might have offered Katya
a new job.
The students might not have written
the paper.
Katya might have been offered a
new job by that firm.
The paper might not have been
written by the students.
Active and Passive Voice
Kalimat Aktif dan Kalimat Pasif
Kata kerja transitif mempunyai dua voice (ragam gramatikal), aktif dan pasif.
1) Bentuk aktif adalah orang, binatang, atau benda yang ditunjukkan oleh subjek dikatakan
melakukan sesuatu pada yang lain.
Contoh: Karim killed a tiger. Karim membunuh seekor harimau
2) Bentuk pasif adalah orang, binatang atau benda dikatakan menderita sesuatu dari sesuatu yang
Contoh: A tiger was killed by Karim. Seekor harimau dibunuh oleh Karim
Bentuk pasif :
To Be + Past Participle
Aturan-aturan :
a) Kata kerja transitif tidak digunakan dalam bentuk pasif, kecuali kalau kata kerja itu
menggunakan cognate object dalam bentuk aktif.
Aktif : She sang a fine song. Ia menyanyikan sebuah nyanyian yang merdu
Pasif : A fine song was sung by her. Sebuah nyanyian yang merdu dinyanyikan olehnya
b) Bilamana kalimat diubah dari bentuk aktif ke pasif, objek untuk kata kerja aktif
menjadi subjek untuk kalimat kerja pasif.
objek untuk kata kerja aktif :
Aktif: Linda can make tarts. Linda dapat membuat kue tart
Subjek untuk kata kerja pasif :
Pasif: Tarts can be made by Linda
c) Retained object (objek yang tetap dipakai/dipertahankan dalam pasif)
Dua buah objek dalam kalimat aktif, ketika diubah menjadi kalimat pasif, masih tetap ada sebuah
objek dipertahankan, objek ini dinamakan retained object. Objek ini mungkin objek tak langsung
dari kata kerja aktif atau objek langsung dari kata kerja aktif.
Objek tak langsung dari kata kerja aktif
Kata Kerja aktif Kata kerja pasif
We gave him a prize A prize was given him by us
Objek langsung dari kata kerja aktif
Kata Kerja aktif Kata kerja pasif
We gave him a prize He was given a prize by us
Berikut contoh-contoh kalimat aktif yang dirubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bentuk tenses :
1) Simple present
John bites Mary
John doesn’t bite Mary
Does John bite Mary?
What does John do?
Who bites Mary?
Who does John bite?
Mary is bitten by John
Mary isn’t bitten by John
Is Mary bitten by John?
What is done by John?
Who is Mary bitten by?
Who is bitten by John?
2) Simple continuous
John is biting Mary
John isn’t biting Mary
Is John biting Mary?
What is John doing?
Who is biting Mary?
Who is John biting?
Mary is being bitten by John
Mary isn’t being bitten by John
Is Mary being bitten by John?
What is being done by John?
Who is Mary being bitten by?
Who is being bitten by John?
3) Present perfect
John has bitten Mary
John hasn’t bitten Mary
Has John bitten Mary?
What has John done?
Who has bitten Mary?
Who has John bitten?
Mary has been bitten by John
Mary hasn’t been bitten by John
Has Mary been bitten by John?
What has been done by John?
Who has Mary been bitten by?
Who has been bitten by John?
4) Present perfect continuous
John has been biting Mary
John hasn’t been biting Mary
Has John been biting Mary?
What has John been doing?
Who has been biting Mary?
Who has John been biting?
Mary has been being bitten by John
Mary hasn’t been being bitten by John
Has Mary been being bitten by John?
What has been being done by John?
Who has Mary been being bitten by?
Who has been being bitten by John?
5) Simple past
John bit Mary
John didn’t bite Mary
Did John bite Mary?
What did John do?
Who bit Mary?
Who did John bite?
Mary was bitten by John
Mary wasn’t bitten by John
Was Mary bitten by John?
What was done by John?
Who was Mary bitten by?
Who was bitten by John?
6) Past continuous
John was biting Mary
John wasn’t biting Mary
Was John biting Mary?
What was John doing?
Who was biting Mary?
Who was John biting?
Mary was being bitten by John
Mary wasn’t being bitten by John
Was Mary being bitten by John?
What was being done by John?
Who was Mary being bitten by?
Who was being bitten by John?
7) Past perfect
John had bitten Mary
John hadn’t bitten Mary
Had John bitten Mary?
What had John done?
Who had bitten Mary?
Mary had been bitten by John
Mary hadn’t been bitten by John
Had Mary been bitten by John?
What had been done by John?
Who had Mary been bitten by?
Who had John bitten? Who had been bitten by John?
Past perfect continuous
John had been biting Mary
John hadn’t been biting Mary
Had John been biting Mary?
What had John been doing?
Who had been biting Mary?
Who had John been biting?
Mary had been being bitten by John
Mary hadn’t been being bitten by John
Had Mary been being bitten by John?
What had been being done by John?
Who had Mary been being bitten by?
Who had been being bitten by John?
9) Future
John will bite Mary
John won’t bite Mary
Will John bite Mary?
What will John do?
Who will bite Mary?
Who will John bite?
Mary will be bitten by John
Mary won’t be bitten by John
Will Mary be bitten by John?
What will be done by John?
Who will Mary be bitten by?
Who will be bitten by John?
10) Future continuous
John will be biting Mary
John won’t be biting Mary
Will John be biting Mary?
What will John be doing?
Mary will be being bitten by John
Mary won’t be being bitten by John
Will Mary be being bitten by John?
What will be being done by John?
Who will be biting Mary?
Who will John be biting?
Who will Mary be being bitten by?
Who will be being bitten by John?
11) Future perfect
John will have bitten Mary
John won’t have bitten Mary
Will John have bitten Mary?
What will John have done?
Who will have bitten Mary?
Who will John have bitten?
Mary will have been bitten by John
Mary won’t have been bitten by John
Will Mary have been bitten by John?
What will have been done by John?
Who will Mary have been bitten by?
Who will have been bitten by John?
12) Future perfect continuous
John will have been biting Mary
John won’t have been biting Mary
Will John have been biting Mary?
What will John have been doing?
Who will have been biting Mary?
Who will John have been biting?
Mary will have been being bitten by John
Mary won’t have been being bitten by John
Will Mary have been being bitten by John?
What will have been being done by John?
Who will Mary have been being bitten by?
Who will have been being bitten by John?
Kata-kata kerja transitif kadang-kadang mempunyai arti pasif walaupun bentuk kalimatnya
adalah aktif :
a) Dengan komplemen
Sugar tastes sweet (pasif: sugar is sweet when it is tasted). Gula manis rasanya (gula manis bila
b) Tanpa komplemen
The books is printing (pasif: the book is being printed). Buku itu sedang dicetak
The cows are milking (pasif: the cows are being milked). Sapi-sapi itu sedang diperah
Kesimpulan :
Simple Present
Present Perfect
Past Tense
Past Continuous
Simple Future
Be going to
Past perfect
Future perfect
is helping
has helped
was helping
will help
is going to help
had helped
will have
is helped
is being helped
has been helped
was helped
was being helped
will be helped
is going to be
had been helped
will have been
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary
by Mary

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History Class XII Ch. 3 Kinship, Caste and Class (1).pptx
History Class XII Ch. 3 Kinship, Caste and Class (1).pptxHistory Class XII Ch. 3 Kinship, Caste and Class (1).pptx
History Class XII Ch. 3 Kinship, Caste and Class (1).pptx

Passive voice

  • 1. PASSIVEVOICE 3 comments PASSIVEVOICE P assive voice ataukalimatpasif,maksudnyakalimatyangsubjeknyadikenai pekerjaan( bukanmelakukan pekerjaan).BiasaditerjemahkandalambahasaIndonesiadenganpenambahanimbuhandi/ter…. Dapat dirumuskan : Be + Past participle ( V3) + By…. Keterangan : Be : kata kerjabantu yangdisesuakandengan bentukpola kalimatnya( Simple present, Past,Future,dll ) Past participle : Bentukkata kerjake-3 l PenggunaanPassivevoice bentuksimple present D apat dirumuskan : S ubyek+ Be + Past participle +By… Be yangdigunakandalambentuksimplepresent,yaitu: • am • are
  • 2. • is contohkalimatpositif : 1) Faisal helpsulfi (aktif)→artinya”Faisal menolongulfi” Ulfi ishelpedbyfaisal (pasif)→artinya”Ulfi ditolongolehfaisal” 2) Mazsis eatsdonat (aktif)→artinya”Mazsismakandonat” Donat iseatenbymazsis(pasif)→artinya”Donatdimakanolehmazsis” c ontohkalimatnegatif : 1) Faisal doesn’tulfi (aktif)→artinya”Faisal tidakmenolongulfi” Ulfi isn’thelpedbyfaisal (pasif)→artinya”Ulfitidakditolongolehfaisal” 2) Mazsis doesn’teatdonat(aktif)→artinya”Mazsistidakmakandonat” The donat isn’teatenbymazsis(pasif)→artinya”Donattidak dimakanolehmazsis” c ontohkalimattanya : 1) Does faisal helpulfi?(aktif)→artinya”Apakahfaisalmenolongulfi?” Is ulfi helpedbyfaisal? (pasif)→artinya”Apakahulfi ditolongolehfaisal?” 2) Does mazsiseatdonat?(aktif)→artinya”Apakahmazsismakandonat?” Is donateatenbymazsis?(pasif)→artinya”apakahdonatdimakan olehmazsis?” l PenggunaanPassivevoice bentuksimple past D apat dirumuskan : S ubyek+ Be + Past participle +By…
  • 3. Be yangdigunakandalambentuksimplepresent,yaitu: • was • were contohkalimatpositif : 1) Asri made a cake this morning(aktif)→artinya”Asri membuatsebuahkue tadi pagi” Cake was made byasri thismorning(pasif)→artinya”Kue dibuatolehasri tadi pagi” 2) They watchedtom&jerrymovieslastsunday(aktif)→artinya”merekamenontonfilm-filmtom&jerry minggulalu” Tom&jerrymovieswere watchedbythemlastsunday(pasif)→artinya”Film-filmtom&jerryditonton merekaminggulalu” c ontohkalimatnegatif : 1) Asri didn’tmake acake thismorning(aktif)→artinya”Asri tidakmembuatsebuahkue tadi pagi” The cake wasn’tmade by asri thismorning(pasif)→artinya”Sebuahkue tidakdibuatolehasri tadi pagi” 2) They didn’twatchtom&jerrymovieslastsunday(aktif)→artinya”Merakatidakmenontonfilm-film tom&jerryminggulalu” Tom&jerrymoviesweren’twatchedbythemlastsunday(pasif)→artinya”Film-filmtom&jerrytidak ditontonolehmerekaminggulalu” c ontohkalimattanya : 1) Did asri make a cake thismorning?(aktif)→artinnya”apakahasri membuatsebuahkue tadi pagi?” Was a cake made by asri thismorning?(pasif)→artinya”apakahsebuahkue itudibuat olehasri tadi pagi?” 2) Did theywatchtom&jerrymovieslastsunday?(aktif)→artinya”Apakahmerekamenontonfilm-film tom&jerryminggulalu?”
  • 4. Were tom&jerrymovieswacthedbythemlastsunday? (pasif)→artinya”apakahfilm-filmtom&jerry ditontonolehmerekaminggulalu?” Contohkalimatpassive berbentuknegatif dankalimattanya 1) Passive voice negatif - Ray isn’thelpedbyAde - The paperisn’tcut by Merry - A ceremonyisnotheldbysomebody - The movieswere notwatchedbythemyesterday - You were notshownthe sights. - The house wasnot builtbyme. - He will nothave beenshownthe sights. - We shouldnotbe shownthe sights. - The cat wasnot kickedbyme - The motorcycle isnot drivenbyhim 2)Kalimattanya - Is The Kingof Majapahitbuiltthe castle? - Is thatgirl whokickingme? - Is cake eatenbyher? - Were theywatchedthe movieslastsunday? - Were youshownthe sights? - Were the projectworkedbythemthismonth? - Is the car drivenbyhim? - Is Andyridingthe bicycle? - Were the concert successedlastnigh? - were theyfinishedthe papersthismonth? Hopefullythisblogbe of benefittoall of usand me...
  • 5. Kamis,31 Maret 2011 Active AndPassive Voice Active andPassive Voice Kalimataktif (active voice)adalahkalimatdimanasubject-nyamelakukanpekerjaan,sebaliknya,kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalahkalimatdimanasubject-nyadikenai pekerjaanolehobjectkalimat.Active voice lebihseringdigunakandalamkehidupansehari-hari dibandingkandenganpassive voice. Namun demikian,seringkitatemukanpassive voicedi surat-suratkabar,artikel-artikeldi majalah-majalahdan tulisan-tulisanilmiah.Passive voicedigunakankarenaobjectdari active voice merupakaninformasi yang lebihpentingdibandingkandengansubject-nya. Contoh: • Active : We fertilize the soilevery6months • Passive:The soil isfertilizedbyusevery6 months Dari contohini dapat kitalihatbahwa: 1. Objectdari active voice (the soil) menjadisubjectdari passive voice 2. Subjectdari active voice (we) menjadi objectdari passive voice.Perhatikanpulabahwaterjadi perubahandari subjectpronoun‘we’menjadi objectpronoun‘us’. 3. Verb1(fertilize)padaactive voice menjadiverb3(fertilized) padapassivevoice. 4. Ditambahkannyabe ‘is’di depanverb3.Be yangdigunakanadalahtergantungpadasubjectpassive voice dantensesyangdigunakan.(Perhatikanpola-polapassivevoice di bawah). 5. Ditambahkannyakata‘by’di belakangverb3.Namun,jikaobjectdari passive voicedianggaptidak pentingatautidakdiketahui,makaobjectbiasanyatidakdikemukakandanbegitupulakata‘by’. 6. Khususuntukkalimat-kalimatprogressive (present,past,pastperfect,future,pastfuture,danpast future perfectcontinuous,perlumenambahkan‘being’di depanverb3).Kalautidakditambahkan “being”,tensisnyaakanberubah,bukanprogressive/continuouslagi.Perhatikancontoh-contohpada poinh – o di bawah. Berdasarkankeenampoindi atasmaka passive voice mengikutipolasebagai berikut: Subject+ Be + Verb3+ By + Object+ Modifier Polaactive dan passive voice padatiaptensis
  • 6. a. Jikaactive voice dalamsimple presenttense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahis,amatauare. Contoh: • Active : He meetsthemeveryday. • Passive :They are met byhimeveryday. • Active : She watersthisplanteverytwodays. • Passive :This plantiswateredbyhereverytwodays. b. Jikaactive voice dalamsimple pasttense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalahwasatauwere Contoh: • Active : He met themyesterday • Passive :They were metbyhimyesterday • Active : She wateredthisplantthismorning • Passive :This plantwaswateredbyher thismorning c. Jikaactive voice dalampresentperfecttense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahbeenyangdiletakkan setelahauxiliaryhasatauhave,sehinggamenjadi ‘hasbeen’atau‘have been’ Contoh: • Active : He has metthem • Passive :They have beenmetbyhim • Active : She haswateredthisplantfor5 minutes. • Passive :This planthas beenwateredbyherfor5 minutes. d. Jikaactive voice dalampastperfecttense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalahbeenyangdiletakkan setelahauxiliaryhad,sehinggamenjadi hadbeen Contoh: • Active : He had metthembefore Icame. • Passive :They hadbeenmetby himbefore Icame. • Active : She hadwateredthisplantfor 5 minuteswhenIgothere
  • 7. • Passive :This planthad beenwateredbyherfor5 minuteswhenIgothere e.Jikaactive voice dalamsimple future tense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahbe Contoh: • Active : He will meetthemtomorrow. • Passive :They will be metbyhimtomorrow. • Active : She will waterthisplantthisafternoon. • Passive :This plantwill be wateredbyherthisafternoon. • Active : The farmersare goingto harvestthe crops nextweek • Passive :The crops are goingto be harvestedbythe farmersnextweek. f.Jika active voice dalamfuture perfecttense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahbeenyangdiletakkan setelahauxiliarywill have,sehinggamenjadi‘will have been’ Contoh: • Active : He will have metthembefore Igetthere tomorrow. • Passive :They will have beenmetbyhimbefore Igetthere tomorrow. • Active : She will have wateredthisplantbeforeIgethere thisafternoon. • Passive :This plantwill have beenwateredbyherbefore Igethere thisafternoon. g. Jikaactive voice dalampastfuture perfecttense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahbeenyang diletakkansetelahauxiliarywouldhave,sehinggamenjadi ‘would have been’. Contoh: • Active : He wouldhave metthem. • Passive :They wouldhave beenmetbyhim. • Active : She wouldhave wateredthisplant. • Passive :This plantwouldhave beenwateredbyher. h. Jikaactive voice dalampresentcontinuoustense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalah(is,amatauare) + being. Contoh: • Active : He is meetingthemnow.
  • 8. • Passive :They are beingmetby himnow. • Active : She iswateringthisplant now. • Passive :This plantisbeingwateredbyhernow. i.Jikaactive voice dalampast continuoustense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalah(wasatauwere) + being. Contoh: • Active : He was meetingthem. • Passive :They were beingmetbyhim. • Active : She waswateringthisplant. • Passive :This plantwasbeingwateredbyher. j. Jikaactive voice dalamperfectcontinuoustense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalah(has/have) been + being. Contoh: • Active : He has beenmeetingthem. • Passive :They have beenbeingmetbyhim. • Active : She hasbeenwateringthisplant. • Passive :This planthas beenbeingwateredbyher. k. Jikaactive voice dalampastperfectcontinuoustense,maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahhadbeen+ being. Contoh: • Active : He had beenmeetingthem. • Passive :They hadbeenbeingmetbyhim. • Active : She hadbeenwateringthisplant. • Passive :This planthad beenbeingwateredbyher. l.Jikaactive voice dalamfuture continuoustense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalahwill be +being. Contoh:
  • 9. • Active : He will be meetingthem. • Passive :They will be beingmetbyhim. • Active : She will be wateringthisplant. • Passive :This plantwill be beingwateredbyher. m. Jikaactive voice dalampastfuture continuoustense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalahwouldbe + being. Contoh: • Active : He wouldbe meetingthem. • Passive :They wouldbe beingmetbyhim. • Active : She wouldbe wateringthisplant. • Passive : Thisplantwouldbe beingwateredbyher. n. Jikaactive voice dalamfuture perfectcontinuoustense, maka‘be’passivevoice-nyaadalahwill have been+ being. Contoh: • Active : He will have beenmeetingthem. • Passive :They will have beenbeingmetbyhim. • Active : She will have beenwateringthisplant. • Passive :This plantwill have beenbeingwateredbyher. o. Jikaactive voice dalampastfuture perfectcontinuoustense,maka‘be’passive voice-nyaadalah wouldhave been+being. Contoh: • Active : He wouldbe meetingthem. • Passive :They wouldbe beingmetbyhim. • Active : She wouldbe wateringthisplant. • Passive :This plantwouldbe beingwateredbyher.
  • 10. F Clause Type 1 Form if + Simple Present,will-Future Example:If Ifindheraddress,I will send heraninvitation. The main clause can alsobe at the beginningof the sentence.Inthiscase,don'tuse a comma. Example:Iwill sendheraninvitationif Ifindheraddress. Note:Main clause and/ or if clause mightbe negative.See Simple Presentund will-Future onhowto formnegative sentences. Example:If Idon’tsee himthisafternoon,Iwill phone himinthe evening. F Clause Type 2 Form if + Simple Past,mainclause withConditional I(=would+ Infinitive) Example:If Ifoundher address,Iwouldsendheraninvitation. The main clause can alsobe at the beginningof the sentence.Inthiscase,don'tuse a comma. Example:Iwouldsendheran invitationif Ifoundheraddress. Note:Main clause and/ or if clause mightbe negative.See Simple Past undConditional Ionhow to form negative sentences. Example:If Ihad a lotof money,Iwouldn’tstayhere. Were insteadof Was In IFClausesType II,we usuallyuse ‚were‘ –evenif the pronounisI,he,she or it –. Example:If Iwere you,I wouldnot do this.
  • 11. IF Clause Type 3 Form if + PastPerfect,mainclause withConditional II Example:If Ihad foundheraddress,I wouldhave sentheraninvitation. The main clause can alsobe at the beginningof the sentence.Inthiscase,don'tuse a comma. Example:Iwouldhave sentheran invitationif Ihadfoundheraddress. Note:Main clause and/ or if clause mightbe negative.See PastPerfectandConditional IIonhow to formnegative sentences. Example:If Ihadn’tstudied,Iwouldn’thave passedmyexams. KalimatPasif dalambentukKalimatNegatif danKalimatTandatanya 06:18 Bahasa InggrisBisnis1(Tugas9) No comments 1) Negative PassiveImperativeSentence Rumus: Subjek+ be + KatakerjaIII + not to + infinitive (katakerjaIII yangseringdigunakanadalah:advised,asked,begged,commanded,requested) Don’t waitforme (active) You are advisednottowait forme (passive) I wasn’tsad lastnight Theyweren’tthere lastTuesday
  • 12. He didn’t go to the movie lastnight I didn’tsleepwelllastnight Theydidn’tcome yesterday We didn’tsee actionmovie lastnight I don’t go to the office lastweek I wasn’tbusyyesterday ContohkalimatPasif dalambentukkalimat Tanya: 1. Were his friendssentanynewsbyJacky? 2. Was anynewssentto hisfriends? 3. Are we goingto be givena bookbyher ? 4. Is a book goingto be giventous ? 5. Did the rat frightenyou? 6. Were you frighrenedbythe rat? 7. The bill includesservice,doesn’tit? 8. Do they wash theirhands before everymeal? S P O (Simple PresentTense) 9. Did he go to the bus station? 10. Where didyouwatch the movie ? 11. Didyousee alex yesterday? 12. Was he busylastnight? * Kata kerjapadapredikatdo+ washmenjadi wash.Katawashdioasifkanmenjadi be +washed(VÉŞÉŞÉŞ); be untuksubjektheidhands(dalam Simple PresentTense) adalahare.
  • 13. 1. * Karenakalimatnyaadalahkalimattanya(yes/NoQuestion),kalimatpasifnyajugsmenjadi kalimattanya,yakni denganmemindahkankatakerjabantu(auxiliaryverb) ke awal kalimat:Are their handswashedbefore everymeal? contohlain: 1) Simple present Aktif JohnbitesMary Johndoesn’tbite Mary DoesJohnbite Mary? What doesJohndo? Who bitesMary? Who doesJohnbite? Pasif Mary isbittenbyJohn Mary isn’tbittenbyJohn Is Mary bittenbyJohn? What isdone by John? Who isMary bittenby? Who isbittenbyJohn? 2) Simple continuous Aktif Johnis bitingMary Johnisn’tbitingMary Is JohnbitingMary?
  • 14. What isJohn doing? Who isbitingMary? Who isJohnbiting? Pasif Mary isbeingbittenbyJohn Mary isn’tbeingbittenbyJohn Is Mary beingbittenbyJohn? What isbeingdone byJohn? Who isMary beingbittenby? Who isbeingbittenbyJohn? 3) Presentperfect Aktif JohnhasbittenMary Johnhasn’tbittenMary Has JohnbittenMary? What has Johndone? Who has bittenMary? Who has Johnbitten? Pasif Mary hasbeenbittenbyJohn Mary hasn’tbeenbittenbyJohn Has Mary beenbittenbyJohn? What has beendone byJohn? Who has Mary beenbittenby? Who has beenbittenbyJohn?
  • 15. 4) Presentperfectcontinuous Aktif Johnhas beenbitingMary Johnhasn’tbeenbitingMary Has JohnbeenbitingMary? What has Johnbeendoing? Who has beenbitingMary? Who has Johnbeenbiting? Pasif Mary hasbeenbeingbittenbyJohn Mary hasn’tbeenbeingbittenbyJohn Has Mary beenbeingbittenbyJohn? What has beenbeingdone byJohn? Who has Mary beenbeingbittenby? Who has beenbeingbittenbyJohn? 5) Simple past Aktif JohnbitMary Johndidn’tbite Mary DidJohn bite Mary? What didJohndo? Who bitMary? Who didJohnbite? Pasif
  • 16. Mary wasbittenbyJohn Mary wasn’tbittenbyJohn Was Mary bittenbyJohn? What was done byJohn? Who wasMary bittenby? Who wasbittenbyJohn? 6) Past continuous Aktif Johnwas bitingMary Johnwasn’tbitingMary Was JohnbitingMary? What was Johndoing? Who wasbitingMary? Who wasJohn biting? Pasif Mary wasbeingbittenbyJohn Mary wasn’tbeingbittenbyJohn Was Mary beingbittenbyJohn? What was beingdone byJohn? Who wasMary beingbittenby? Who wasbeingbitten byJohn? 7.) Pastperfect Aktif Johnhad bittenMary
  • 17. Johnhadn’tbittenMary Had JohnbittenMary? What had Johndone? Who had bittenMary? Who had Johnbitten? Pasif Mary hadbeenbittenbyJohn Mary hadn’tbeenbittenbyJohn Had Mary beenbittenbyJohn? What had beendone byJohn? Who had Mary beenbittenby? Who had beenbittenbyJohn? 8.) Pastperfectcontinuous Aktif Johnhad beenbitingMary Johnhadn’tbeenbitingMary Had JohnbeenbitingMary? What had Johnbeendoing? Who had beenbitingMary? Who had Johnbeenbiting? Pasif Mary hadbeenbeingbittenbyJohn Mary hadn’tbeenbeingbittenbyJohn Had Mary beenbeingbittenbyJohn?
  • 18. What had beenbeingdone byJohn? Who had Mary beenbeingbittenby? Who had beenbeingbittenbyJohn? 9) Future Aktif Johnwill bite Mary Johnwon’tbite Mary Will Johnbite Mary? What will Johndo? Who will bite Mary? Who will Johnbite? Pasif Mary will be bittenbyJohn Mary won’tbe bittenbyJohn Will Mary be bittenbyJohn? What will be done byJohn? Who will Marybe bittenby? Who will be bittenbyJohn? 10) Future continuous Aktif Johnwill be bitingMary Johnwon’tbe bitingMary Will Johnbe bitingMary?
  • 19. What will Johnbe doing? Who will be bitingMary? Who will Johnbe biting? Pasif Mary will be beingbittenbyJohn Mary won’tbe beingbittenbyJohn Will Mary be beingbittenbyJohn? What will be beingdone byJohn? Who will Marybe beingbittenby? Who will be beingbittenbyJohn? 11) Future perfect Aktif Johnwill have bittenMary Johnwon’thave bittenMary Will Johnhave bittenMary? What will Johnhave done? Who will have bittenMary? Who will Johnhave bitten? Pasif Mary will have beenbittenbyJohn Mary won’thave beenbittenbyJohn Will Mary have beenbittenbyJohn? What will have beendone byJohn? Who will Maryhave beenbittenby?
  • 20. Who will have beenbittenbyJohn? 12) Future perfectcontinuous Aktif Johnwill have beenbitingMary Johnwon’thave beenbitingMary Will Johnhave beenbitingMary? What will Johnhave beendoing? Who will have beenbitingMary? Who will Johnhave beenbiting? Pasif Mary will have beenbeingbittenbyJohn Mary won’thave beenbeingbittenbyJohn Will Mary have beenbeingbittenbyJohn? What will have beenbeingdone byJohn? Who will Maryhave beenbeingbittenby? Who will have beenbeingbittenbyJohn? Passive voice for Present/Future Modals “CAN,MAY, MIGHT,SHOULD, MUST,OUGHT TO”  The placesof subjectandobjectinsentence are inter-changedinpassivevoice.  3rd formof verb (pastparticiple) willbe usedonly(asmainverb) inpassive voice.  To change sentenceshavingpresent/futuremodal intopassive voice,auxiliaryverb“be”is addedaftermodal insentence. Passive voice for Present/Future Modals
  • 21. “CAN, MAY, MIGHT, SHOULD, MUST, OUGHT TO” Auxiliary verb in passive voice: be Active voice: CAN She can play a violin. She cannot play a violin. Can she play a violin? Passive voice: CAN BE A violin can be played by her. A violin cannot be played by her. Can a violin be played by her? Active voice: MAY I may buy the computer. I may not buy the computer. May I buy the computer? Active voice: MAY BE The computer may be bought by me. The computer may not be bought by me. May the computer be bought by me? Active voice: MIGHT Guests might play chess. Guests might not play chess. Active voice: MIGHT BE Chess might be played by guests. Chess might not be played guests. Active voice: SHOULD Students should study all lessons. Students should not study all lessons. Should students study all lessons? Active voice: SHOULD BE All lessons should be studied by students. All lessons should not be studied by students. Should all lessons be studied by students? Active voice: MUST You must learn the test-taking strategies. You must not learn the test-taking strategies. Active voice: MUST BE Test-taking strategies must be learnt by you. Test-taking strategies must not be learned by you. Active voice: OUGHT TO They ought to take the examination. Active voice: OUGHT TO BE The examination ought to be taken by them. Passive voice for Past Modals “MAY HAVE, MIGHTHAVE,SHOULDHAVE, MUSTHAVE, OUGHTTO HAVE”  The placesof subjectandobjectinsentence are inter-changedinpassivevoice.  3rd formof verb (pastparticiple) willbe usedonly(asmainverb) inpassive voice.  To change sentenceshavingpastmodal intopassive voice,auxiliaryverb“been”isaddedafter modal insentence. Passive voice for Present/Future Modals “MAY HAVE, MIGHT HAVE, SHOULD HAVE, MUST HAVE, OUGHT HAVE TO” Auxiliary verb in passive voice: been Active voice: MAY HAVE Active voice: MAY HAVE BEEN
  • 22. You may have availed the opportunity. You may not have availed the opportunity. The opportunity may have been availed by you. The opportunity may not have been availed by you. Active voice: MIGHT HAVE He might have eaten meal. He might not have eaten meal. Active voice: MIGHT HAVE BEEN Meal might have been eaten by him. Meal might not have been eaten by him. Active voice: SHOULD HAVE You should have studied the book. You should not have studied the book. Active voice: SHOULD HAVE BEEN The book should have been studied by you. The book should have not been studied by you. Active voice: MUST HAVE He must have started job. He must not have started job. Active voice: MUST HAVE BEEN Job must have been started by you. Job must not have been started by you. Active voice: OUGHT TO HAVE You ought to have helped him. Active voice: OUGHT TO HAVE BEEN He ought to have been helped by you Click on the following links to study each aspect of active and passive voice. Active and Passive Voice Passive voice for all TENSES - Rules, use of auxiliary verbs and examples. Passive voice for Present Modals like “CAN, MAY, MIGHT, SHOULD, MUST, OUGHT TO” and Past Modals like “MAY HAVE, MIGHT HAVE, SHOULD HAVE, MUST HAVE, OUGHT TO HAVE” Passive voice of imperative sentences (command and request) Sentences which cannot be changed into passive voice – Intransitive verbs. ACTIVE AND PASSIVE TENSES CHART SIMPLE PRESENT and SIMPLE PAST The active object becomes the passive subject. am/is/are + past participle was/were + past participle Active: Simple Present The movie fascinates me. The movie bores Jack. Passive: Simple Present I am fascinated by the movie. Jack is bored by the movie.
  • 23. The movie surprises them. They are surprised by the movie. Active: Simple Past The movie bored me. The movie fascinated Jack. The movie surprised them. Passive: Simple Past I was bored by the movie. Jack was fascinated by the movie. They were surprisedby the movie. PRESENT and PAST CONTINUOUS (PROGRESSIVE) Passive form: am/is/are + being + past participle was/were + being + past participle Active: Present Continuous I am helping Shannon. June is helping Su and Ling. Passive: Present Continuous Shannon is being helped by me. Su and Ling are being helped by June. Active: Past Continuous I was cleaning the bathroom. They were cleaning the bedroom. Susan was cleaning the kitchen and patio. Passive: Past Continuous The bathroom was being cleaned by me. The bedroom was being cleaned by them. The kitchen and patio were being cleaned by Susan. PRESENT PERFECT, PAST PERFECT and FUTURE PERFECT Passive form: have/has been + past participle had been + past participle Active: Present Perfect I have mailed the gift. Jack has mailed the gifts. Passive: Present Perfect The gift has been mailed by me. The gifts have been mailed by Jack. Active: Past Perfect Steven Spielberg had directed the movie. Penny Marshall had directed those movies. Passive: Past Perfect The movie had been directed by Steven Spielberg. The movies had been directed by Penny Marshall. Active: Future Perfect John will have finished the project next month. Passive: Future Perfect The project will have been finished by next month.
  • 24. They will have finished the projects before then. The projects will have been finished before then. FUTURE TENSES Passive forms: will + be + past participle is/are going to be + past participle Active: Future with WILL I will mail the gift. Jack will mail the gifts. Passive: Future with WILL The gift will be mailed by me. The gifts will be mailed by Jack. Active: Future with GOING TO I am going to make the cake. Sue is going to make two cakes. Passive: Future with GOING TO The cake is going to be made by me. Two cakes are going to be made by Sue. PRESENT / FUTURE MODALS The passive form follows this pattern: modal + be + past participle Active: WILL / WON'T (WILL NOT) Sharon will invite Tom to the party. Sharon won't invite Jeff to the party. (Sharon will not invite Jeff to the party.) Passive: WILL / WON'T (WILL NOT) Tom will be invited to the party by Sharon. Jeff won't be invited to the party by Sharon. (Jeff will not be invited to the party by Sharon.) Active: CAN / CAN'T (CAN NOT) Mai can foretell the future. Terry can't foretell the future. (Terry can not foretell the future.) Passive: CAN / CAN'T (CAN NOT) The future can be foretold by Mai. The future can't be foretold by Terry. (The future can not be foretold by Terry.) Active: MAY / MAY NOT Her company may give Katya a new office. The lazy students may not do the homework. MIGHT / MIGHT NOT Her company might give Katya a Passive: MAY / MAY NOT Katya may be given a new office by her company. The homework may not be done by the lazy students. MIGHT / MIGHT NOT Katya might be given a new office
  • 25. new office. The lazy students might not do the homework. by her company. The homework might not be done by the lazy students. Active: SHOULD / SHOULDN'T Students should memorize English verbs. Children shouldn't smoke cigarettes. Passive: SHOULD / SHOULDN'T English verbs should be memorized by students. Cigarettes shouldn't be smoked by children. Active: OUGHT TO Students ought to learn English verbs. (negative ought to is rarely used) Passive: OUGHT TO English verbs ought to be memorized by students. Active: HAD BETTER / HAD BETTER NOT Students had better practice English every day. Children had better not drink whiskey. Passive: HAD BETTER / HAD BETTER NOT English had better be practiced every day by students. Whiskey had better not be drunk by children. Active: MUST / MUST NOT Tourists must apply for a passport to travel abroad. Customers must not use that door. Passive: MUST / MUST NOT A passport to travel abroad must be applied for. That door must not be used by customers. Active: HAS TO / HAVE TO She has to practice English every day. Sara and Miho have to wash the dishes every day. DOESN'T HAVE TO/ DON'T HAVE TO Maria doesn't have to clean her bedroom every day. The children don't have to clean their bedrooms every day. Passive: HAS TO / HAVE TO English has to be practiced every day. The dishes have to be washed by them every day. DOESN'T HAVE TO/ DON'T HAVE TO Her bedroom doesn't have to be cleaned every day. Their bedrooms don't have to be cleaned every day. Active: BE SUPPOSED TO I am supposed to type the composition. I am not supposed to copy the stories in the book. Janet is supposed to clean the living Passive: BE SUPPOSED TO The composition is supposed to be typed by me. The stories in the book are not supposed to be copied. The living room is supposed to be
  • 26. room. She isn't supposed to eat candy and gum. They are supposed to make dinner for the family. They aren't supposed to make dessert. cleaned by Janet. Candy and gum aren't supposed to be eaten by her. Dinner for the family is supposed to be made by them. Dessert isn't supposed to be made by them. PAST MODALS The past passive form follows this pattern: modal + have been + past participle Active: SHOULD HAVE / SHOULDN'T HAVE The students should have learned the verbs. The children shouldn't have broken the window. Passive: SHOULD HAVE / SHOULDN'T HAVE The verbs should have been learned by the students. The window shouldn't have been broken by the children. Active: OUGHT TO Students ought to have learned the verbs. (negative ought to is rarely used) Passive: OUGHT TO The verbs ought to have been learned by the students. Active: BE SUPPOSED TO (past time) I was supposed to type the composition. I wasn't supposed to copy the story in the book. Janet was supposed to clean the living room. She wasn't supposed to eat candy and gum. Frank and Jane were supposed to make dinner. They weren't supposed to make dessert. Passive: BE SUPPOSED TO (past time) The composition was supposed to be typed by me. The story in the book wasn't supposed to be copied. The living room was supposed to be cleaned by Janet. Candy and gum weren't supposed to be eaten by her. Dinner was supposed to be made by them. Dessert wasn't supposed to be made by them. Active: MAY / MAY NOT That firm may have offered Katya a new job. The students may not have written the paper. Passive: MAY / MAY NOT Katya may have been offered a new job by that firm. The paper may not have been written by the students.
  • 27. MIGHT / MIGHT NOT That firm might have offered Katya a new job. The students might not have written the paper. MIGHT / MIGHT NOT Katya might have been offered a new job by that firm. The paper might not have been written by the students. Active and Passive Voice ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE Kalimat Aktif dan Kalimat Pasif Kata kerja transitif mempunyai dua voice (ragam gramatikal), aktif dan pasif. 1) Bentuk aktif adalah orang, binatang, atau benda yang ditunjukkan oleh subjek dikatakan melakukan sesuatu pada yang lain. Contoh: Karim killed a tiger. Karim membunuh seekor harimau 2) Bentuk pasif adalah orang, binatang atau benda dikatakan menderita sesuatu dari sesuatu yang lain. Contoh: A tiger was killed by Karim. Seekor harimau dibunuh oleh Karim Bentuk pasif : To Be + Past Participle Aturan-aturan : a) Kata kerja transitif tidak digunakan dalam bentuk pasif, kecuali kalau kata kerja itu menggunakan cognate object dalam bentuk aktif. Aktif : She sang a fine song. Ia menyanyikan sebuah nyanyian yang merdu Pasif : A fine song was sung by her. Sebuah nyanyian yang merdu dinyanyikan olehnya b) Bilamana kalimat diubah dari bentuk aktif ke pasif, objek untuk kata kerja aktif menjadi subjek untuk kalimat kerja pasif.
  • 28. objek untuk kata kerja aktif : Aktif: Linda can make tarts. Linda dapat membuat kue tart Subjek untuk kata kerja pasif : Pasif: Tarts can be made by Linda c) Retained object (objek yang tetap dipakai/dipertahankan dalam pasif) Dua buah objek dalam kalimat aktif, ketika diubah menjadi kalimat pasif, masih tetap ada sebuah objek dipertahankan, objek ini dinamakan retained object. Objek ini mungkin objek tak langsung dari kata kerja aktif atau objek langsung dari kata kerja aktif. Objek tak langsung dari kata kerja aktif Kata Kerja aktif Kata kerja pasif We gave him a prize A prize was given him by us Objek langsung dari kata kerja aktif Kata Kerja aktif Kata kerja pasif We gave him a prize He was given a prize by us Berikut contoh-contoh kalimat aktif yang dirubah menjadi kalimat pasif dalam bentuk tenses : 1) Simple present Aktif John bites Mary John doesn’t bite Mary Does John bite Mary? What does John do? Who bites Mary? Who does John bite? Pasif Mary is bitten by John Mary isn’t bitten by John Is Mary bitten by John? What is done by John? Who is Mary bitten by? Who is bitten by John? 2) Simple continuous
  • 29. Aktif John is biting Mary John isn’t biting Mary Is John biting Mary? What is John doing? Who is biting Mary? Who is John biting? Pasif Mary is being bitten by John Mary isn’t being bitten by John Is Mary being bitten by John? What is being done by John? Who is Mary being bitten by? Who is being bitten by John? 3) Present perfect Aktif John has bitten Mary John hasn’t bitten Mary Has John bitten Mary? What has John done? Who has bitten Mary? Who has John bitten? Pasif Mary has been bitten by John Mary hasn’t been bitten by John Has Mary been bitten by John? What has been done by John? Who has Mary been bitten by? Who has been bitten by John? 4) Present perfect continuous Aktif John has been biting Mary John hasn’t been biting Mary Has John been biting Mary? What has John been doing? Who has been biting Mary? Who has John been biting? Pasif Mary has been being bitten by John Mary hasn’t been being bitten by John Has Mary been being bitten by John? What has been being done by John? Who has Mary been being bitten by? Who has been being bitten by John?
  • 30. 5) Simple past Aktif John bit Mary John didn’t bite Mary Did John bite Mary? What did John do? Who bit Mary? Who did John bite? Pasif Mary was bitten by John Mary wasn’t bitten by John Was Mary bitten by John? What was done by John? Who was Mary bitten by? Who was bitten by John? 6) Past continuous Aktif John was biting Mary John wasn’t biting Mary Was John biting Mary? What was John doing? Who was biting Mary? Who was John biting? Pasif Mary was being bitten by John Mary wasn’t being bitten by John Was Mary being bitten by John? What was being done by John? Who was Mary being bitten by? Who was being bitten by John? 7) Past perfect Aktif John had bitten Mary John hadn’t bitten Mary Had John bitten Mary? What had John done? Who had bitten Mary? Pasif Mary had been bitten by John Mary hadn’t been bitten by John Had Mary been bitten by John? What had been done by John? Who had Mary been bitten by?
  • 31. Who had John bitten? Who had been bitten by John? Past perfect continuous Aktif John had been biting Mary John hadn’t been biting Mary Had John been biting Mary? What had John been doing? Who had been biting Mary? Who had John been biting? Pasif Mary had been being bitten by John Mary hadn’t been being bitten by John Had Mary been being bitten by John? What had been being done by John? Who had Mary been being bitten by? Who had been being bitten by John? 9) Future Aktif John will bite Mary John won’t bite Mary Will John bite Mary? What will John do? Who will bite Mary? Who will John bite? Pasif Mary will be bitten by John Mary won’t be bitten by John Will Mary be bitten by John? What will be done by John? Who will Mary be bitten by? Who will be bitten by John? 10) Future continuous Aktif John will be biting Mary John won’t be biting Mary Will John be biting Mary? What will John be doing? Pasif Mary will be being bitten by John Mary won’t be being bitten by John Will Mary be being bitten by John? What will be being done by John?
  • 32. Who will be biting Mary? Who will John be biting? Who will Mary be being bitten by? Who will be being bitten by John? 11) Future perfect Aktif John will have bitten Mary John won’t have bitten Mary Will John have bitten Mary? What will John have done? Who will have bitten Mary? Who will John have bitten? Pasif Mary will have been bitten by John Mary won’t have been bitten by John Will Mary have been bitten by John? What will have been done by John? Who will Mary have been bitten by? Who will have been bitten by John? 12) Future perfect continuous Aktif John will have been biting Mary John won’t have been biting Mary Will John have been biting Mary? What will John have been doing? Who will have been biting Mary? Who will John have been biting? Pasif Mary will have been being bitten by John Mary won’t have been being bitten by John Will Mary have been being bitten by John? What will have been being done by John? Who will Mary have been being bitten by? Who will have been being bitten by John? Kata-kata kerja transitif kadang-kadang mempunyai arti pasif walaupun bentuk kalimatnya adalah aktif : a) Dengan komplemen Sugar tastes sweet (pasif: sugar is sweet when it is tasted). Gula manis rasanya (gula manis bila dirasakan) b) Tanpa komplemen
  • 33. The books is printing (pasif: the book is being printed). Buku itu sedang dicetak The cows are milking (pasif: the cows are being milked). Sapi-sapi itu sedang diperah Kesimpulan : TENSES ACTIVE PASSIVE Simple Present Present Continuous Present Perfect Past Tense Past Continuous Simple Future Be going to Past perfect Future perfect Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Mary Helps is helping has helped helped was helping will help is going to help had helped will have helped John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John John is helped is being helped has been helped was helped was being helped will be helped is going to be helped had been helped will have been helped by Mary by Mary by Mary by Mary by Mary by Mary by Mary by Mary by Mary