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Sex in Advertising
Sex in Advertising I chose sex in advertising for my research topic because I do not know about it well, even though a lot of sexual images and texts
in advertisements. When I was a little kid, I often surprised by ads with sexy woman. Even now, I sometimes have my eyes glued to such kinds of
advertising. I wonder that there are some physiological reasons why people pay attention to sex images. Also, learning about sex in advertising is useful
for my career because I want to work for an advertising company in the future. I infer that sex sells has both good and bad aspects and I can use it
effectively by learning it accurately. If I use it effectively, we can make much money. However, we also take a risk by using sex in ads because
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However, sex appealing is effective to give an romantic image on something that people cannot be see, too. For the fragrance companies, it is not
easy to identify themselves, and also customers may become confuse which fragrance they want. This is because people cannot smell odor of
perfume unless they test in the store. However, sex in advertisement give customers an idea that using the fragrance makes them sexy. For example,
the fragrance company Jovan in Britain has used sexual appealing advertisement since the company launched their musk cologne. Since their sales
of first year was 1.5 million dollars, it turned into 75 million dollars in 1978. After 11 years, their sales became 85 million dollars (Reichert, p. 260).
Lastly, I want to know that how people react to sexual images in advertising. I infer that there are some similarities and differences between how men
react and women do. In the most case, I think that boys are more likely to have their eyes gotten by sexy images but girls are more likely to be
convinced by sexual appeal in the advertisement. Hultin and Lundh surveyed the response to the sexual advertisement. In the survey, they had
interview with Swedish high school students includes both boys and girls. Most boys answered that they would not change their brands that purchase
because of sexual images but they agree that sexual images have an
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Negative Effects of Sex in Advertising
Advertisers around the world face one of their biggest challenges today which is to be able to break through the massive amount of commercials and
advertisements that people see each day. The average person is opportuned to see about 2,500 advertisements each day. These advertisements can be
from a commercial about a detergent that makes your cloth smell really good after washing it to another commercial that is about people seeing you
as a celebrity because you are driving a certain brand of vehicle. So how can these advertisers differentiate themselves from the other commercials that
you see everyday? They simply use sex. Sex in advertising can be defined as the use of any type of sexual imagery to draw the interest of the consumer
to buying a particular product or service.
The use of sex in advertising as mentioned earlier is said to have boasted a lot company's revenues, but it also has its negative side which has caused a
lot of problems in societies around the world. The idea of using sex in advertising is a very smart way that advertisers use to gain attention of
consumers, but it has it's negative effects like depicting women as sex objects, forcing sexual innuendos on children, causing body dissatisfaction
among youths even adults and it also attracts negative backlash on the companies that use it. It can attract the wrong kind of attention and sometimes it
won't lead to the company becoming a bigger and better brand.
First, sex in advertising has been proven to
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Sexuality In The Media Essay
Sexuality in the media has been a topic of debate and discussion over recent years. It has become increasingly controversial as many people believe
that there has been an increase in sexualized media over recent years. They believe this is to blame for the increased sexuality exhibited by
adolescents. Some may argue that as society and adolescents begin to become more sexualized, the media responds to this by producing more
sexualized media be relevant and popular. The media argues that they need to continue to be sexualized to effectively promote their ideas and sell
products to a society that has become sexualized over time. Advertisers are getting closer and closer to reaching the extent of what is designated by
the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to be acceptable. The use of sexuality to sell products to consumers has negative consequences.
Research has found that to be true in adolescents who are highly susceptible to the influential nature of overtly sexualized advertisements. Magazines,
such as Teen Vouge, Seventeen, and Cosmo Girl that are marketed to teenage girls, have more articles about sex. Magazines marketed to men and
women also have increased sexuality. Men's magazines frequently picture women in hardly any clothes on their covers. Women's magazines have
numerous articles about sexuality and the optimal ways to gain pleasure. These magazines do not have to be bought to be read, they are in check–out
lanes with huge headlines that will be picked up a
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Does Sex Sell?
When you go to Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA), we are bombarded with huge billboards in hope to catch the attention of passengers, which
include pictures of people in lingerie or underwear. A few months ago, there was a controversy surrounding the Philippine Volcanoes, a Philippine
rugby team, for posing too provocatively for an underwear company in EDSA. It was deemed "inappropriate" by the mayor of Mandaluyong, Benhur
Abalos and Valenzuela mayor, Sherwin Gatchalian (Naredo & Pedrasa, 2011). Many were offended by how many innocent children can perceive those
titillating images. These scantily clad models that are in the billboards are made to sell and appeal for our sexuality to our human instincts. Sexuality is
both an more content...
This shows how much people are offended with putting vulgar images in advertisements. However, There is a slight problem with her research
since the survey did not connect with how much demand for products that are advertised vulgarly. This research paper will answer the question if
sex does sell among college students, both male and female gender. However, this research could be biased since not all are comfortable about the
topic of sex. Even though sex is supposedly normal, it is a social taboo in different families, religion, sexual orientation and region. The world has a
diverse definition about what sex should be, some can be liberal and others can be conservative, hence some college students might not be
comfortable or may lie while answering many of the questions in the survey. This may cause some errors with the study nonetheless this research still
might help to answer the question, "Does sex sells?" and what are these images gives and influence to society. Carlos' hopes that this paper can
answer the question, "If sex does sells?" I hope to determine whether putting sexual innuendoes in advertisements help people to remember and buy the
product that are being advertised? Does putting too much sexual images change our view towards sex? What are the positive and negative effects it
can have to the people looking at it? Should marketers stop putting sexual images on
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Sex Sells : Our World Revolves Around Sex
Nickolas Tsokas Mr Strauss E.L.A. 5–07 October 28th 2014 Sex Sells Our world revolves around sex. Sex is used to entice the general public to buy
products and invest in the brand not because of the product itself but because of the giant sexual campaign backing the company up. We see sex in
movies, which influences teenagers to watch those movies. The media also does a horrendous job falsifying what an average man or women should
look like which then creates self–esteem and confidence problems in many people. The multimillion–dollar companies use that approach in advertising
their products and brand because they are saying, "if you would like to look and have the body of this man or woman, you must buy our makeup
which will make you feel younger or buy our cologne to attract the opposite sex guaranteed" sure enough people are influenced and are made to
believe the unreal, falsified perception of what a man or woman should look like. Not only does it degrade the average person it also influences the
way children perceive sex and all that has shown an increase in the number or children in high school who are having sex. Sex, is seen almost
everywhere, from commercials, to movies and there is one reason for this; sex sells. Major corporations hire advertising firms who's main objective is
to acquire a larger consumer database. For them to accomplish that they use erotic and provocative images that are added unnecessarily to
advertisements, which then arouses interest from
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Sex And Advertising In Advertising
Sex has a distinguished place in culture. It is a constant theme and continues to increase as time goes on. Not only that, but sex has made its mark as
an advertising tactic. However, this is not a new proposition. Sex in advertising emerged many decades ago and continues to claim its place. This
presents a critical question. Does sex as an advertising tool sell? Research show that sexual appeals in advertising leaves a negative impression. Sex
does not seem to be the optimal selling tactic. On the other hand, research has also found that sex does, in fact, sell by its stimulating and arousing
effect. There are important factors to examine such as audience, where sex is implemented, how it affects brand recall, how advertising works, it's
relevancy, and how it is used. Regardless if sex sells or not, it continues to remain a highlighted concept in advertising and culture.
Sex has been implemented as an advertising tactic for a long time. For example, in the 1910s an ad from Ivory Soap displayed naked sailors soaped
up, waiting for a friend to hose them down (Smith, 2017.) Sexual themes have not let up since then. Sorrow (2012) notes a study constructed by Tom
Reichert where he found that from 1983 to 2003, the rate of sexual ads increased from 15 percent to 27 percent. Smith (2017) examines a recent ad by
Calvin Klein that depicts an orgy. However, regarding this ad, outrage broke out. This brings up the idea that sex does not sell. If sexual ads are
creating a negative
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Sex Is A And A Primary Form Of Marketing
Based on recent studies, in today's society, sex is overrated and a primary form of marketing. Most pre–teens and teenagers learn about sex and sexual
activities on social media, beating the classrooms and parents to the "the birds and the bees" talk. The health and family life education course in most
secondary schools, just give sample of sex education and not the raw truth. Sex is natural and it is an aspect of life. Everyone must engage in some
form of sexual activity at least once or more, in their lifetime. However, educating youths about the sex is required. Sex has many pros as well as cons
and students are entitled to learn about it before they engage in sexual acts; which often leads to dishonorable situations.
My proposal is issued to the Government of Grenada. This is a solicited proposal. This proposal is for the implementation of sexual education
programs and disregard the "HFLE" subject in secondary schools. This sexuality education program would be called "Get Real." The "Get Real"
program setting would be in every secondary and tertiary level schools within the island of Grenada. It will be a one–period (thirty–five minutes)
course. Students' ages will range from 12–19. Get real, should be offered every first term of the school year and should be a mandatory subject for all
entering students. At this time, students' minds would be open, fresh and ready to absorb knowledge. Also, the earlier the better. This will allow them
to refrain
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Rackley's Sexual Attractions
On the Personal History Questionnaire Sexual Attraction Scale using a 10 point ranking system (0= no sexual interest to that age/gender and 10=
as much interest as possible to that age/gender) RACKLEY ranked his sexual attraction to males in every age bracket as 0 in the past and 0 now.
RACKLEY ranked his sexual attraction to females in the age groups of 5 through 13 as 0 in the past and 0 now. RACKLEY ranked his sexual
attraction to females 14 through 16 as 5 in the past and 0 now. He ranked his sexual attraction to females 17 and older as 10 in the past and as 10 now.
RACKLEY states that he engaged in his first sexual act at age 18 with a 16 year–old girlfriend. He disclosed that he has had 6 female sexual partners.
He believes that more content...
RACKLEY said these sexual acts were mutually agreed upon by all the participants. He stated the events were planned and he enjoyed these sex acts.
He stated that he masturbates once a week. His masturbatory fantasies are of a threesome with his wife and a Black man. RACKLEY said he would
like to watch his wife have sex with a Black male, who has a large penis. RACKLEY stated that his favorite porn web site is He
reported on he watch females with panties on masturbating. He advised this was the only web site he could remember. He advised that
he does not currently watch porn, whenever in 2004 he watched porn daily.
RACKLEY advised that he has had sex with a prostitute one time, in Germany. He disclosed this occurred when he was 19 and in the Army. He
said his requirement in a prostitute is that they are pretty and female. When asked if he has thought about having sex with a prostitute again
RACKLEY said "it seems like it would be easier to just pay for it". RACKLEY advised that he has seen pictures of nude teenagers while searching for
pornography. He reported he has seen 2 or 3 pictures of child pornography. He advised he had a porn collection of 2
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Advertising: Sex Sells Essay examples
Advertising is a billion dollar market with a sole purpose to persuade the consumer to purchase some type of product or service. Companies use
many different methods to convince the public to spend money on their products with most of their advertising focused around the idea of "sex
sells". This idea promotes a hunger in the consumer for gaining personal pleasure or acceptance of sexuality by the eye catching effects of publicly
baring flesh. These ideas are promoted through TV commercials, billboards, magazines, radio ads, or any type of media targeted at the mass majority
of people. Every where a person looks there seems to be some type of advertising based on sex. The illusion of making one feel they want, need, or cant
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An average person would look at this and attach the idea of sex appeal and the view of being complete to a Nissan Altima. The Marxists would
claim that this is just a fantasy that the corporate economy uses to sell goods and services. This type of advertising works because people are no
longer seeing sex only as a way of reproduction, but as a way of acquiring pleasure. Another ad that sticks out is the Calvin Klein ad for perfume
which has a lady wrapped in what looks like a sheet that is barley covering her breast leaving one to only imagine them selves creating this same
image by buying the product. From a Marxist view the argument would be that corporations are only using sex for one thing and that is to create
a desire in the consumer to buy products. They feel that the consumers, "style, grooming, or body piercing can communicate who we are or how
we want others to think of us" (Seidman 17) so why not use this to their advantage to create an ideal self that people will buy. In many of the ads in
this magazine there is an idea of creating attractiveness, desire, love, and a sense social acceptance that can be brought. One would argue that there
is no way to buy perfection, but the way advertising is done it makes it hard to believe. As in most advertising this issue of Essence magazine only
appears to be focused on women in sexual acts or positions to sell goods creating a concern of what is really being sold. When looking at a
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Eating Disorders: Sex In Advertising
Sex in Advertisements Sex sells is what companies tell themselves. They put a young female model wearing shorts that are too short and a top that
doesn't fully cover her breasts as their selling technology. They do this to attract the viewer's attention. By adding sex in advertisements it is creating
an increase in eating disorders, encourages a common view of beauty and deceives viewers. Having sex in advertisement is not doing anything good for
women, so it shouldn't be needed. Eating disorders have become a huge problem since companies have been using sexual content in their
advertisements. A number of studies were done by Playboy centerfolds, Miss America Contestants, and fashion models have documented the trend of
increasing more content...
Women and young girls should not have to be in diets because they want to be accepted in society. They should not have to see women be ridicule in
advertisements like they are put out just for entertainment. Also companies should not have to use thin models to attract attention, they are supporting
the common view of beauty each time they do that. Moreover there should not be any dishonesty when they sell their products to the public, people
will lose trust in the company and not be willing to give them another shot. Overall there should be no need to companies to use sex in advertisements
as a way to attract viewers, there are other ways for them to attract viewers without causing so many
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Selling bodies for sex. As simple as that. Is it right or wrong? To some, the legalization of prostitution in the United States is a completely preposterous
notion. Essentially, those who are opposed to the authorization of prostitution are against it because of moral or religious beliefs. Religiously, things
like sanctity of the body, or abstinence before marriage, are large reasons why some believe thatprostitution is an unacceptable thing. Even those who
are not religious, have the morals that withhold them from believing that someone selling their body for sex is an admissible thing. Although
prostitution is illegal in the vast majority of the United States (U.S.), the laws are always changing or proposed increasingly more in the favor of
legalized prostitution, which is a genuine issue for many. The current pope of the Catholic church, Pope Francis, has been a large advocate for the end
of prostitution and human trafficking, in one instance calling it a "crime against humanity"(Caleb, 2014). He is just one example of a religious leader
taking a stand against prostitution and sex slavery. A large controversy surrounding the legalization of prostitution is the separation of church and
state. Should religious concerns be a part of whether or not laws are made and passed? A major defense for this is that if the United States claims to
be a Christian nation, than it's laws should follow those same beliefs. The legalization of prostitution also goes
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They say sex sells. By looking at Tom Ford's 2007 advertisements for his menswear collection, sex is not only in the forefront but represents the
message in this campaign. The advertisement chosen for this essay depicts a naked woman ironing the pants of a man whom, stylishly dressed,
seems to pay no attention to her. She, on the other hand, appears to be relentlessly hoping for just a nod of his approval as she glares at him. The
inequality within their stance, and within the very obvious observation that he is dressed and she is fully nude, demonstrates sexism at its finest. What
may or may not be obvious is the fact that this ad is supposed to be selling menswear, but instead sells very apparent, yet harmful gender stereotypes. In
this essay, I will argue that women are depicted as objects for the male gaze, and are over sexualized as a degradation of their value. Their value is
depicted by stereotypical femininity, impossible beauty ideals, and an apparent desire to constantly please their master: the man.
According to John Berger, men and women have different social presences (271). Unlike awoman, a man depends "upon the promise of power which
he embodies", and this power is always employed on others (271). A woman's presence, on the other hand, reveals itself within her voice, clothes,
expressions, and gestures, and she must constantly survey her image (Berger 271).
In the Tom Ford ad, the woman's presence is within her blank, but almost persistent expression for
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Example Of Advertising In Advertising
Most have heard the term, "Sex Sells" I decided to gain a deeper understanding of the whys and how's behind that concept. I asked a few people to
tell me what the first thing that comes to mind is when asked for examples of advertisements using sex to sell a product. Immediately, I got
answers like Carl's Jr., Burger King, Victoria Secret and Calvin Klein. There are many brands and companies that sexualize men and women to sell
their products. Our society has become complacent, and these advertisements don't come as a big surprise or shock anymore. I found myself
realizing through my research that I had been exposed to the same advertisements as the examples shown in various articles I've read. I simply
overlooked them. The response to erotic images triggers a biological reaction, a sexual impulse for many people. Brands have used this method for
several decades. However, it started out being subtle. In the 1880s many tobacco companies included trading cards of what they considered sexual
imagery. That later led to soap companies in the 1920s using suggestive language to lure customers. A decade later, the ideas continued to spread
especially regarding products that have nothing to do with sex. By the 1950s, the advertisements still used sex to sell but did so in more subtle ways,
still using suggestive language but without partial nudity or otherwise scandalous images. During the 1980s, advertisements were upfront regarding
sex, and continued to increase in frequency.
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Outline :
Sexual appeals in advertisment
Why sex sells?
What to be careful of when using sexual appeals in marketing.
Effectivness of sex appeal.
Positive roles of sexual appeals in advertising.
Negative roles of sexual appeals in advertising.
Sex Appeal is one such method of differentiation that suppliers have found and proven to be successful. By targeting our basic animalistic behaviour,
namely the drive for sexual reproduction, firms have found that through a cleverly designed message containing sex appeal, they can attract and hold
on to consumers' attention, thus making it more content...
Sure, this attention–getting strategy is popular.
Is sex appeal effective?
Sex appeal can increase the effectiveness of an ad or commercial because it attracts the customer's attention. It's human nature to be curious about sex.
A pair of long legs on a billboard is more likely to catch (and hold) a guy's attention than a puppy, regardless of how cute it may be. Even women are
drawn to them, perhaps with the desire of having goddess–like legs.
However, misuse of sex appeal can be costly. Many campaigns deemed offensive have started brand boycotts that affect sales and damage brand
reputation. Abercrombie & Fitch has been involved in several scandals, the latest from their most recent catalog entitled "XXX Wet, Hot Summer Fun."
On April 18, 2002, only a week after the catalog hit the stores, the Illinois State Senate passed a resolution condemning A&F's advertising tactics. This
resolution, backed by several nonprofit organizations, suggests citizens and shareholders boycott Abercrombie's products and to take a stand against
the company's marketing strategies. Although sexy images in catalogs are not at all uncommon, "XXX Wet, Hot Summer Fun" featured naked boys and
girls frolicking in natural settings. Not quite appropriate for an apparel catalog targeted at teenagers.
Sex in advertising has stirred controversy
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Sex Sells, so Why Not Be Sold? Essay
It is said that Prostitution is wrong because the prostitute sells his or her body. This is no different from professional athletes, they are selling their
bodies. Models, sperm donors, and actors all legally & consensually sell their bodies in return for a profit. Every year a prostitute is raped 19 times,
kidnapped 10 times, and beaten repeatedly; yet, the prostitute is still considered the criminal. Prostitution should be decriminalized because the labor
chore of prostitution is a form of work, Regulated prostitution is safer for the prostitute and their client, and people have the right of personal choice of
selling their body.
Sex work is not a problem; abuse, non–reportable violence, and denial of recognition as a worker more content...
Nor is there any doubt that serial killers know sex workers are afraid to seek protection from police; or that the public believe violence is part of a
prostitute's job description. Until prostitution is legalized, these women will continue to toil down on the ocean floor, miles away from the light, in
constant fear of predators." (Mariano 3) The violence and crimes committed against prostitutes will continue and increase until there are set laws that
will make prostitution a legal profession.
Not only are the prostitutes getting abused, but they are afraid to contact police for help. "Prostitutes avoid reporting serious crimes committed
against them to the police for fear of being prosecuted themselves. This makes them easy prey for predators looking for vulnerable targets whose
absences are less likely to be noticed or investigated." (Mann 6). These victims of abuse are not able to reach out to police for help because they
are performing an illegal act themselves. What if we considered "sex workers" and "the community" one and the same? Sex workers are our
neighbors, friends, family, service providers and customers, after all. Much more than a possible nuisance, the murder of women in our community
seems like harm to our community. Sex workers are a part of our everyday society and because of society's viewing of prostitutes as "lesser" or
"beneath" the general population; crimes committed against them appear to not be as serious.
The Regulation of prostitution
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Analysis Of The Article 'Sex Sells' Out Of Focus
Dickey, J. (2006) in "Out of Focus" says that advertisement portray women as sex object.
Her body is arranged the way it is, to display it to the man looking at the picture. The picture is made to appeal to his sexuality. Although the models
are beautiful, the images produced are distortions of reality. Her function is to sell a product. Her humanness is irrelevant–only look is important. She
is a woman made "perfect" in the eyes of man. In his article "Sex Sells", Steven Heller argues that the advertisement stimulates human libido. The
industries use women as a symbol of sex to portray false images in order to sell their products. Similarly another study by Dodd et al (1989) explores
that the photos of women tend to focus more on their bodies
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Advertising: Sex Sells Essay example
Glamour, Life & Style, Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan, and People; what do you see when you open these magazines? Women who are beautiful, young,
flawless, sexy, flirty, provocative, fashionable, seductive, innocent, and happy. What do you think as you look at the pages in the magazine? I would
like to look like her. What do you say to your self when you see the product? Will this product help me look like her?
Magazines play a part in creating the image of sex sells. Advertisers use an image to create an advertisement to sell a product. The Purpose of
advertising is not to sell sex, but to attract the consumer. Their talent is the ability to transform seemingly neutral object to create a desirable product.
It's no wonder that we are more content...
Anyone who is anyone may be used to get the celebrity look. Magazine advertising share a common message theme: SEX SELLS. Advertising
uses sexual content such as sexual or erotic images, and words or phases to attract the attention of the consumer who then notice the product. This
form of advertising has been used for centuries dating back to the 1800s. The famous tobacco company W. Dukes & Sons Tobacco, used a
strategy to sell tobacco in 1885, by inserting trading cards of sexually provocative actresses into their tobacco packages 3 ( see image #1 4). W.
Dukes & Sons became the leading tobacco companies by 1890. How about this slogan "To make your skin flawless" from Woodbury's Facial Soap
company. The soap company was near its end in the early 1900s. To boost their sales, they changed their advertising. They had previously used
images of a doctor's face on their soap wrappers and advertising. Instead, they incorporated images of romantic couples showing attractive, young
beautiful women along with slogans as "A Skin You Love to Touch" 5 to increase their sales. This strategy was very effective. The advertisement
contained a couple; a young beautiful woman looking straight ahead and a handsome man looking at her. The male model is holding her right hand
with his left arm is wrapped around her, holding her close to him. This gives the viewer the idea that the two models are a couple. The slogan in the
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Essay on Sex Sells in Advertising
A Great Moment In Creativity
In 2010 Diesel released their spring campaign tagged, "Sex Sells, Unfortunately We Sell Jeans." This was a follow up on their "Be Stupid" campaign,
which helped re–establish the brand amongst consumers. The brands image was able to portray a sexy idea while still having enough humour to be
appreciated by a large audience. Although the idea of using sex appeal inadvertising is not new, Diesel ran into trouble with this campaign as a large
number of the public stated that it was demeaning and inappropriate. Yet others found them to be humorous, with the understanding that Diesel chose
to use amateur photography and young models to appeal to the target audience of teenagers and young adults. Yet, many more content...
Considering the belief that advertising has a strong influence over children and adolescence, companies need to be aware of where advertisements
with sexual content are being displayed, as to not expose children to the negative effects these types of commercials can have. Numerous people feel
very strongly about sex in advertising and the repercussions these types of advertisement have on society.
Every consumer perceives advertising differently, depending on the individuals' morals, values and if they agree with the discourses of the current
era. It is hard to appeal to all of societies ideals, especially when using sex to sell. As some may believe that a topless women is demoralising and "a
failure to be creative" whereas, others may enjoy this advertisments and go on to look into the product being sold.
Yet as much as "sex sells" to some consumers is also turns customers away. Both members of the public and academic critics of advertising sometimes
consider that advertising steps over the line of decency and appropriateness in its representations. A survey in the United Kingdom found that two thirds
of women thought that advertisers were taking the sexual approach to selling products too far. Especially when companies, like Diesel, use this
approach even though their product has nothing to do with sex itself.
Ever since advertisers have used sex to sell, members of society have not always agreed
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Does Sex Actually Sell?
Does Sex Actually Sell? In advertising, sex is the use of provocative imagery and erotic messages that are specifically designed to gain interest in a
particular product. Typically, in ads beautiful women or handsome men are used to lure in the viewer or consumer. A McDonald's ad from 1977
focuses on selling their product using a family oriented scene. Forty years later, Burger King releases an ad that focuses more on oral sex and degrading
women. This illustrates that women have gone from being nurturing figures to sex symbols in advertisements. In 1977, Jet and Ebony featured a
McDonald's advertisement in their magazines. Ebony is monthly magazine, while Jet is a weekly magazine, but they both focus on the black
community. Ebony is one of the oldest and most successful African American magazines. Typically, women from the middle class to the wealthy
read the magazines. The magazines feature trends, advice, entertainment and news on black life in America. In 1977, McDonald's released an ad that
features an African American family of four all sitting together in a booth. The family includes a mother, father, daughter and son. They are all
wearing casual clothing and eating a dinner that consists of French fries and cheeseburgers. Each of them are all holding a different item off of the
menu. Certain colors are used such as, dark purple, blue, black, red, and yellow. They all seem to be very happy because they are smiling and
laughing with each other. The ad says,
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Sex In Advertising

  • 1. Sex in Advertising Sex in Advertising I chose sex in advertising for my research topic because I do not know about it well, even though a lot of sexual images and texts in advertisements. When I was a little kid, I often surprised by ads with sexy woman. Even now, I sometimes have my eyes glued to such kinds of advertising. I wonder that there are some physiological reasons why people pay attention to sex images. Also, learning about sex in advertising is useful for my career because I want to work for an advertising company in the future. I infer that sex sells has both good and bad aspects and I can use it effectively by learning it accurately. If I use it effectively, we can make much money. However, we also take a risk by using sex in ads because more content... However, sex appealing is effective to give an romantic image on something that people cannot be see, too. For the fragrance companies, it is not easy to identify themselves, and also customers may become confuse which fragrance they want. This is because people cannot smell odor of perfume unless they test in the store. However, sex in advertisement give customers an idea that using the fragrance makes them sexy. For example, the fragrance company Jovan in Britain has used sexual appealing advertisement since the company launched their musk cologne. Since their sales of first year was 1.5 million dollars, it turned into 75 million dollars in 1978. After 11 years, their sales became 85 million dollars (Reichert, p. 260). Lastly, I want to know that how people react to sexual images in advertising. I infer that there are some similarities and differences between how men react and women do. In the most case, I think that boys are more likely to have their eyes gotten by sexy images but girls are more likely to be convinced by sexual appeal in the advertisement. Hultin and Lundh surveyed the response to the sexual advertisement. In the survey, they had interview with Swedish high school students includes both boys and girls. Most boys answered that they would not change their brands that purchase because of sexual images but they agree that sexual images have an Get more content on
  • 2. Negative Effects of Sex in Advertising Advertisers around the world face one of their biggest challenges today which is to be able to break through the massive amount of commercials and advertisements that people see each day. The average person is opportuned to see about 2,500 advertisements each day. These advertisements can be from a commercial about a detergent that makes your cloth smell really good after washing it to another commercial that is about people seeing you as a celebrity because you are driving a certain brand of vehicle. So how can these advertisers differentiate themselves from the other commercials that you see everyday? They simply use sex. Sex in advertising can be defined as the use of any type of sexual imagery to draw the interest of the consumer to buying a particular product or service. The use of sex in advertising as mentioned earlier is said to have boasted a lot company's revenues, but it also has its negative side which has caused a lot of problems in societies around the world. The idea of using sex in advertising is a very smart way that advertisers use to gain attention of consumers, but it has it's negative effects like depicting women as sex objects, forcing sexual innuendos on children, causing body dissatisfaction among youths even adults and it also attracts negative backlash on the companies that use it. It can attract the wrong kind of attention and sometimes it won't lead to the company becoming a bigger and better brand. First, sex in advertising has been proven to Get more content on
  • 3. Sexuality In The Media Essay Sexuality in the media has been a topic of debate and discussion over recent years. It has become increasingly controversial as many people believe that there has been an increase in sexualized media over recent years. They believe this is to blame for the increased sexuality exhibited by adolescents. Some may argue that as society and adolescents begin to become more sexualized, the media responds to this by producing more sexualized media be relevant and popular. The media argues that they need to continue to be sexualized to effectively promote their ideas and sell products to a society that has become sexualized over time. Advertisers are getting closer and closer to reaching the extent of what is designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to be acceptable. The use of sexuality to sell products to consumers has negative consequences. Research has found that to be true in adolescents who are highly susceptible to the influential nature of overtly sexualized advertisements. Magazines, such as Teen Vouge, Seventeen, and Cosmo Girl that are marketed to teenage girls, have more articles about sex. Magazines marketed to men and women also have increased sexuality. Men's magazines frequently picture women in hardly any clothes on their covers. Women's magazines have numerous articles about sexuality and the optimal ways to gain pleasure. These magazines do not have to be bought to be read, they are in check–out lanes with huge headlines that will be picked up a Get more content on
  • 4. Does Sex Sell? When you go to Epifanio de los Santos Avenue (EDSA), we are bombarded with huge billboards in hope to catch the attention of passengers, which include pictures of people in lingerie or underwear. A few months ago, there was a controversy surrounding the Philippine Volcanoes, a Philippine rugby team, for posing too provocatively for an underwear company in EDSA. It was deemed "inappropriate" by the mayor of Mandaluyong, Benhur Abalos and Valenzuela mayor, Sherwin Gatchalian (Naredo & Pedrasa, 2011). Many were offended by how many innocent children can perceive those titillating images. These scantily clad models that are in the billboards are made to sell and appeal for our sexuality to our human instincts. Sexuality is both an more content... This shows how much people are offended with putting vulgar images in advertisements. However, There is a slight problem with her research since the survey did not connect with how much demand for products that are advertised vulgarly. This research paper will answer the question if sex does sell among college students, both male and female gender. However, this research could be biased since not all are comfortable about the topic of sex. Even though sex is supposedly normal, it is a social taboo in different families, religion, sexual orientation and region. The world has a diverse definition about what sex should be, some can be liberal and others can be conservative, hence some college students might not be comfortable or may lie while answering many of the questions in the survey. This may cause some errors with the study nonetheless this research still might help to answer the question, "Does sex sells?" and what are these images gives and influence to society. Carlos' hopes that this paper can answer the question, "If sex does sells?" I hope to determine whether putting sexual innuendoes in advertisements help people to remember and buy the product that are being advertised? Does putting too much sexual images change our view towards sex? What are the positive and negative effects it can have to the people looking at it? Should marketers stop putting sexual images on Get more content on
  • 5. Sex Sells : Our World Revolves Around Sex Nickolas Tsokas Mr Strauss E.L.A. 5–07 October 28th 2014 Sex Sells Our world revolves around sex. Sex is used to entice the general public to buy products and invest in the brand not because of the product itself but because of the giant sexual campaign backing the company up. We see sex in movies, which influences teenagers to watch those movies. The media also does a horrendous job falsifying what an average man or women should look like which then creates self–esteem and confidence problems in many people. The multimillion–dollar companies use that approach in advertising their products and brand because they are saying, "if you would like to look and have the body of this man or woman, you must buy our makeup which will make you feel younger or buy our cologne to attract the opposite sex guaranteed" sure enough people are influenced and are made to believe the unreal, falsified perception of what a man or woman should look like. Not only does it degrade the average person it also influences the way children perceive sex and all that has shown an increase in the number or children in high school who are having sex. Sex, is seen almost everywhere, from commercials, to movies and there is one reason for this; sex sells. Major corporations hire advertising firms who's main objective is to acquire a larger consumer database. For them to accomplish that they use erotic and provocative images that are added unnecessarily to advertisements, which then arouses interest from Get more content on
  • 6. Sex And Advertising In Advertising Sex has a distinguished place in culture. It is a constant theme and continues to increase as time goes on. Not only that, but sex has made its mark as an advertising tactic. However, this is not a new proposition. Sex in advertising emerged many decades ago and continues to claim its place. This presents a critical question. Does sex as an advertising tool sell? Research show that sexual appeals in advertising leaves a negative impression. Sex does not seem to be the optimal selling tactic. On the other hand, research has also found that sex does, in fact, sell by its stimulating and arousing effect. There are important factors to examine such as audience, where sex is implemented, how it affects brand recall, how advertising works, it's relevancy, and how it is used. Regardless if sex sells or not, it continues to remain a highlighted concept in advertising and culture. Sex has been implemented as an advertising tactic for a long time. For example, in the 1910s an ad from Ivory Soap displayed naked sailors soaped up, waiting for a friend to hose them down (Smith, 2017.) Sexual themes have not let up since then. Sorrow (2012) notes a study constructed by Tom Reichert where he found that from 1983 to 2003, the rate of sexual ads increased from 15 percent to 27 percent. Smith (2017) examines a recent ad by Calvin Klein that depicts an orgy. However, regarding this ad, outrage broke out. This brings up the idea that sex does not sell. If sexual ads are creating a negative Get more content on
  • 7. Sex Is A And A Primary Form Of Marketing Based on recent studies, in today's society, sex is overrated and a primary form of marketing. Most pre–teens and teenagers learn about sex and sexual activities on social media, beating the classrooms and parents to the "the birds and the bees" talk. The health and family life education course in most secondary schools, just give sample of sex education and not the raw truth. Sex is natural and it is an aspect of life. Everyone must engage in some form of sexual activity at least once or more, in their lifetime. However, educating youths about the sex is required. Sex has many pros as well as cons and students are entitled to learn about it before they engage in sexual acts; which often leads to dishonorable situations. My proposal is issued to the Government of Grenada. This is a solicited proposal. This proposal is for the implementation of sexual education programs and disregard the "HFLE" subject in secondary schools. This sexuality education program would be called "Get Real." The "Get Real" program setting would be in every secondary and tertiary level schools within the island of Grenada. It will be a one–period (thirty–five minutes) course. Students' ages will range from 12–19. Get real, should be offered every first term of the school year and should be a mandatory subject for all entering students. At this time, students' minds would be open, fresh and ready to absorb knowledge. Also, the earlier the better. This will allow them to refrain Get more content on
  • 8. Rackley's Sexual Attractions On the Personal History Questionnaire Sexual Attraction Scale using a 10 point ranking system (0= no sexual interest to that age/gender and 10= as much interest as possible to that age/gender) RACKLEY ranked his sexual attraction to males in every age bracket as 0 in the past and 0 now. RACKLEY ranked his sexual attraction to females in the age groups of 5 through 13 as 0 in the past and 0 now. RACKLEY ranked his sexual attraction to females 14 through 16 as 5 in the past and 0 now. He ranked his sexual attraction to females 17 and older as 10 in the past and as 10 now. RACKLEY states that he engaged in his first sexual act at age 18 with a 16 year–old girlfriend. He disclosed that he has had 6 female sexual partners. He believes that more content... RACKLEY said these sexual acts were mutually agreed upon by all the participants. He stated the events were planned and he enjoyed these sex acts. He stated that he masturbates once a week. His masturbatory fantasies are of a threesome with his wife and a Black man. RACKLEY said he would like to watch his wife have sex with a Black male, who has a large penis. RACKLEY stated that his favorite porn web site is He reported on he watch females with panties on masturbating. He advised this was the only web site he could remember. He advised that he does not currently watch porn, whenever in 2004 he watched porn daily. RACKLEY advised that he has had sex with a prostitute one time, in Germany. He disclosed this occurred when he was 19 and in the Army. He said his requirement in a prostitute is that they are pretty and female. When asked if he has thought about having sex with a prostitute again RACKLEY said "it seems like it would be easier to just pay for it". RACKLEY advised that he has seen pictures of nude teenagers while searching for pornography. He reported he has seen 2 or 3 pictures of child pornography. He advised he had a porn collection of 2 Get more content on
  • 9. Advertising: Sex Sells Essay examples Advertising is a billion dollar market with a sole purpose to persuade the consumer to purchase some type of product or service. Companies use many different methods to convince the public to spend money on their products with most of their advertising focused around the idea of "sex sells". This idea promotes a hunger in the consumer for gaining personal pleasure or acceptance of sexuality by the eye catching effects of publicly baring flesh. These ideas are promoted through TV commercials, billboards, magazines, radio ads, or any type of media targeted at the mass majority of people. Every where a person looks there seems to be some type of advertising based on sex. The illusion of making one feel they want, need, or cant live more content... An average person would look at this and attach the idea of sex appeal and the view of being complete to a Nissan Altima. The Marxists would claim that this is just a fantasy that the corporate economy uses to sell goods and services. This type of advertising works because people are no longer seeing sex only as a way of reproduction, but as a way of acquiring pleasure. Another ad that sticks out is the Calvin Klein ad for perfume which has a lady wrapped in what looks like a sheet that is barley covering her breast leaving one to only imagine them selves creating this same image by buying the product. From a Marxist view the argument would be that corporations are only using sex for one thing and that is to create a desire in the consumer to buy products. They feel that the consumers, "style, grooming, or body piercing can communicate who we are or how we want others to think of us" (Seidman 17) so why not use this to their advantage to create an ideal self that people will buy. In many of the ads in this magazine there is an idea of creating attractiveness, desire, love, and a sense social acceptance that can be brought. One would argue that there is no way to buy perfection, but the way advertising is done it makes it hard to believe. As in most advertising this issue of Essence magazine only appears to be focused on women in sexual acts or positions to sell goods creating a concern of what is really being sold. When looking at a Get more content on
  • 10. Eating Disorders: Sex In Advertising Sex in Advertisements Sex sells is what companies tell themselves. They put a young female model wearing shorts that are too short and a top that doesn't fully cover her breasts as their selling technology. They do this to attract the viewer's attention. By adding sex in advertisements it is creating an increase in eating disorders, encourages a common view of beauty and deceives viewers. Having sex in advertisement is not doing anything good for women, so it shouldn't be needed. Eating disorders have become a huge problem since companies have been using sexual content in their advertisements. A number of studies were done by Playboy centerfolds, Miss America Contestants, and fashion models have documented the trend of increasing more content... Women and young girls should not have to be in diets because they want to be accepted in society. They should not have to see women be ridicule in advertisements like they are put out just for entertainment. Also companies should not have to use thin models to attract attention, they are supporting the common view of beauty each time they do that. Moreover there should not be any dishonesty when they sell their products to the public, people will lose trust in the company and not be willing to give them another shot. Overall there should be no need to companies to use sex in advertisements as a way to attract viewers, there are other ways for them to attract viewers without causing so many Get more content on
  • 11. Selling bodies for sex. As simple as that. Is it right or wrong? To some, the legalization of prostitution in the United States is a completely preposterous notion. Essentially, those who are opposed to the authorization of prostitution are against it because of moral or religious beliefs. Religiously, things like sanctity of the body, or abstinence before marriage, are large reasons why some believe thatprostitution is an unacceptable thing. Even those who are not religious, have the morals that withhold them from believing that someone selling their body for sex is an admissible thing. Although prostitution is illegal in the vast majority of the United States (U.S.), the laws are always changing or proposed increasingly more in the favor of legalized prostitution, which is a genuine issue for many. The current pope of the Catholic church, Pope Francis, has been a large advocate for the end of prostitution and human trafficking, in one instance calling it a "crime against humanity"(Caleb, 2014). He is just one example of a religious leader taking a stand against prostitution and sex slavery. A large controversy surrounding the legalization of prostitution is the separation of church and state. Should religious concerns be a part of whether or not laws are made and passed? A major defense for this is that if the United States claims to be a Christian nation, than it's laws should follow those same beliefs. The legalization of prostitution also goes Get more content on
  • 12. They say sex sells. By looking at Tom Ford's 2007 advertisements for his menswear collection, sex is not only in the forefront but represents the message in this campaign. The advertisement chosen for this essay depicts a naked woman ironing the pants of a man whom, stylishly dressed, seems to pay no attention to her. She, on the other hand, appears to be relentlessly hoping for just a nod of his approval as she glares at him. The inequality within their stance, and within the very obvious observation that he is dressed and she is fully nude, demonstrates sexism at its finest. What may or may not be obvious is the fact that this ad is supposed to be selling menswear, but instead sells very apparent, yet harmful gender stereotypes. In this essay, I will argue that women are depicted as objects for the male gaze, and are over sexualized as a degradation of their value. Their value is depicted by stereotypical femininity, impossible beauty ideals, and an apparent desire to constantly please their master: the man. According to John Berger, men and women have different social presences (271). Unlike awoman, a man depends "upon the promise of power which he embodies", and this power is always employed on others (271). A woman's presence, on the other hand, reveals itself within her voice, clothes, expressions, and gestures, and she must constantly survey her image (Berger 271). In the Tom Ford ad, the woman's presence is within her blank, but almost persistent expression for Get more content on
  • 13. Example Of Advertising In Advertising Most have heard the term, "Sex Sells" I decided to gain a deeper understanding of the whys and how's behind that concept. I asked a few people to tell me what the first thing that comes to mind is when asked for examples of advertisements using sex to sell a product. Immediately, I got answers like Carl's Jr., Burger King, Victoria Secret and Calvin Klein. There are many brands and companies that sexualize men and women to sell their products. Our society has become complacent, and these advertisements don't come as a big surprise or shock anymore. I found myself realizing through my research that I had been exposed to the same advertisements as the examples shown in various articles I've read. I simply overlooked them. The response to erotic images triggers a biological reaction, a sexual impulse for many people. Brands have used this method for several decades. However, it started out being subtle. In the 1880s many tobacco companies included trading cards of what they considered sexual imagery. That later led to soap companies in the 1920s using suggestive language to lure customers. A decade later, the ideas continued to spread especially regarding products that have nothing to do with sex. By the 1950s, the advertisements still used sex to sell but did so in more subtle ways, still using suggestive language but without partial nudity or otherwise scandalous images. During the 1980s, advertisements were upfront regarding sex, and continued to increase in frequency. Get more content on
  • 14. Outline : Introduction Sexual appeals in advertisment Why sex sells? What to be careful of when using sexual appeals in marketing. Effectivness of sex appeal. Positive roles of sexual appeals in advertising. Negative roles of sexual appeals in advertising. Conclusion Pictures References Introduction: Sex Appeal is one such method of differentiation that suppliers have found and proven to be successful. By targeting our basic animalistic behaviour, namely the drive for sexual reproduction, firms have found that through a cleverly designed message containing sex appeal, they can attract and hold on to consumers' attention, thus making it more content...
  • 15. Sure, this attention–getting strategy is popular. Is sex appeal effective? Sex appeal can increase the effectiveness of an ad or commercial because it attracts the customer's attention. It's human nature to be curious about sex. A pair of long legs on a billboard is more likely to catch (and hold) a guy's attention than a puppy, regardless of how cute it may be. Even women are drawn to them, perhaps with the desire of having goddess–like legs. However, misuse of sex appeal can be costly. Many campaigns deemed offensive have started brand boycotts that affect sales and damage brand reputation. Abercrombie & Fitch has been involved in several scandals, the latest from their most recent catalog entitled "XXX Wet, Hot Summer Fun." On April 18, 2002, only a week after the catalog hit the stores, the Illinois State Senate passed a resolution condemning A&F's advertising tactics. This resolution, backed by several nonprofit organizations, suggests citizens and shareholders boycott Abercrombie's products and to take a stand against the company's marketing strategies. Although sexy images in catalogs are not at all uncommon, "XXX Wet, Hot Summer Fun" featured naked boys and girls frolicking in natural settings. Not quite appropriate for an apparel catalog targeted at teenagers. Sex in advertising has stirred controversy Get more content on
  • 16. Sex Sells, so Why Not Be Sold? Essay It is said that Prostitution is wrong because the prostitute sells his or her body. This is no different from professional athletes, they are selling their bodies. Models, sperm donors, and actors all legally & consensually sell their bodies in return for a profit. Every year a prostitute is raped 19 times, kidnapped 10 times, and beaten repeatedly; yet, the prostitute is still considered the criminal. Prostitution should be decriminalized because the labor chore of prostitution is a form of work, Regulated prostitution is safer for the prostitute and their client, and people have the right of personal choice of selling their body. Sex work is not a problem; abuse, non–reportable violence, and denial of recognition as a worker more content... Nor is there any doubt that serial killers know sex workers are afraid to seek protection from police; or that the public believe violence is part of a prostitute's job description. Until prostitution is legalized, these women will continue to toil down on the ocean floor, miles away from the light, in constant fear of predators." (Mariano 3) The violence and crimes committed against prostitutes will continue and increase until there are set laws that will make prostitution a legal profession. Not only are the prostitutes getting abused, but they are afraid to contact police for help. "Prostitutes avoid reporting serious crimes committed against them to the police for fear of being prosecuted themselves. This makes them easy prey for predators looking for vulnerable targets whose absences are less likely to be noticed or investigated." (Mann 6). These victims of abuse are not able to reach out to police for help because they are performing an illegal act themselves. What if we considered "sex workers" and "the community" one and the same? Sex workers are our neighbors, friends, family, service providers and customers, after all. Much more than a possible nuisance, the murder of women in our community seems like harm to our community. Sex workers are a part of our everyday society and because of society's viewing of prostitutes as "lesser" or "beneath" the general population; crimes committed against them appear to not be as serious. The Regulation of prostitution Get more content on
  • 17. Analysis Of The Article 'Sex Sells' Out Of Focus Dickey, J. (2006) in "Out of Focus" says that advertisement portray women as sex object. Her body is arranged the way it is, to display it to the man looking at the picture. The picture is made to appeal to his sexuality. Although the models are beautiful, the images produced are distortions of reality. Her function is to sell a product. Her humanness is irrelevant–only look is important. She is a woman made "perfect" in the eyes of man. In his article "Sex Sells", Steven Heller argues that the advertisement stimulates human libido. The industries use women as a symbol of sex to portray false images in order to sell their products. Similarly another study by Dodd et al (1989) explores that the photos of women tend to focus more on their bodies Get more content on
  • 18. Advertising: Sex Sells Essay example Glamour, Life & Style, Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan, and People; what do you see when you open these magazines? Women who are beautiful, young, flawless, sexy, flirty, provocative, fashionable, seductive, innocent, and happy. What do you think as you look at the pages in the magazine? I would like to look like her. What do you say to your self when you see the product? Will this product help me look like her? Magazines play a part in creating the image of sex sells. Advertisers use an image to create an advertisement to sell a product. The Purpose of advertising is not to sell sex, but to attract the consumer. Their talent is the ability to transform seemingly neutral object to create a desirable product. It's no wonder that we are more content... Anyone who is anyone may be used to get the celebrity look. Magazine advertising share a common message theme: SEX SELLS. Advertising uses sexual content such as sexual or erotic images, and words or phases to attract the attention of the consumer who then notice the product. This form of advertising has been used for centuries dating back to the 1800s. The famous tobacco company W. Dukes & Sons Tobacco, used a strategy to sell tobacco in 1885, by inserting trading cards of sexually provocative actresses into their tobacco packages 3 ( see image #1 4). W. Dukes & Sons became the leading tobacco companies by 1890. How about this slogan "To make your skin flawless" from Woodbury's Facial Soap company. The soap company was near its end in the early 1900s. To boost their sales, they changed their advertising. They had previously used images of a doctor's face on their soap wrappers and advertising. Instead, they incorporated images of romantic couples showing attractive, young beautiful women along with slogans as "A Skin You Love to Touch" 5 to increase their sales. This strategy was very effective. The advertisement contained a couple; a young beautiful woman looking straight ahead and a handsome man looking at her. The male model is holding her right hand with his left arm is wrapped around her, holding her close to him. This gives the viewer the idea that the two models are a couple. The slogan in the Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Sex Sells in Advertising A Great Moment In Creativity In 2010 Diesel released their spring campaign tagged, "Sex Sells, Unfortunately We Sell Jeans." This was a follow up on their "Be Stupid" campaign, which helped re–establish the brand amongst consumers. The brands image was able to portray a sexy idea while still having enough humour to be appreciated by a large audience. Although the idea of using sex appeal inadvertising is not new, Diesel ran into trouble with this campaign as a large number of the public stated that it was demeaning and inappropriate. Yet others found them to be humorous, with the understanding that Diesel chose to use amateur photography and young models to appeal to the target audience of teenagers and young adults. Yet, many more content... Considering the belief that advertising has a strong influence over children and adolescence, companies need to be aware of where advertisements with sexual content are being displayed, as to not expose children to the negative effects these types of commercials can have. Numerous people feel very strongly about sex in advertising and the repercussions these types of advertisement have on society. Every consumer perceives advertising differently, depending on the individuals' morals, values and if they agree with the discourses of the current era. It is hard to appeal to all of societies ideals, especially when using sex to sell. As some may believe that a topless women is demoralising and "a failure to be creative" whereas, others may enjoy this advertisments and go on to look into the product being sold. Yet as much as "sex sells" to some consumers is also turns customers away. Both members of the public and academic critics of advertising sometimes consider that advertising steps over the line of decency and appropriateness in its representations. A survey in the United Kingdom found that two thirds of women thought that advertisers were taking the sexual approach to selling products too far. Especially when companies, like Diesel, use this approach even though their product has nothing to do with sex itself. Ever since advertisers have used sex to sell, members of society have not always agreed Get more content on
  • 20. Does Sex Actually Sell? Does Sex Actually Sell? In advertising, sex is the use of provocative imagery and erotic messages that are specifically designed to gain interest in a particular product. Typically, in ads beautiful women or handsome men are used to lure in the viewer or consumer. A McDonald's ad from 1977 focuses on selling their product using a family oriented scene. Forty years later, Burger King releases an ad that focuses more on oral sex and degrading women. This illustrates that women have gone from being nurturing figures to sex symbols in advertisements. In 1977, Jet and Ebony featured a McDonald's advertisement in their magazines. Ebony is monthly magazine, while Jet is a weekly magazine, but they both focus on the black community. Ebony is one of the oldest and most successful African American magazines. Typically, women from the middle class to the wealthy read the magazines. The magazines feature trends, advice, entertainment and news on black life in America. In 1977, McDonald's released an ad that features an African American family of four all sitting together in a booth. The family includes a mother, father, daughter and son. They are all wearing casual clothing and eating a dinner that consists of French fries and cheeseburgers. Each of them are all holding a different item off of the menu. Certain colors are used such as, dark purple, blue, black, red, and yellow. They all seem to be very happy because they are smiling and laughing with each other. The ad says, Get more content on