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StogeI TheQuestion
L Understonding
the Question ....3
1.1 The Instructions ......3
1.2Kev Terms
2. AnolysingtheQuestion... ......7
2.1FindingtheFocus ..... '7
2.2 Understanding
the Context ' . . .8
2.3DefiningtheTerms . .....10
Stoge2 Selecting
ond Presenting
3, Findingldeos ....r3
3.1Brainstorming ...14
3.2 FindingMore Ideas . . . .15
3.3UsingExamples ' '.... '17
3.4The "'s7hatifNot"Situation '. '.. 'I7
3.5 Lookingat the Other Side . . . .18
4, Selecting
ldeos ......1e
4.1SolutionstoProblems. ......19
.2Evaluation. . . . ' .20
4.3 Classificationof Ideas . . . . . ' '21
4.4Typesof Classification ".... "23
4.5 SelectingRelevantldeas .....25
4.6Levelof Generalisation ... "..26
4.7 OvergeneralisationsandExaggeration .....28
5, Orgonisingldeos... ......3r
5.1RankingIdeas . . .31
5.2Consequences ...3I
5.3Comparisons ....33
5.4$ternatives.. ...34
5.5Speculation.. ...34
Stoge3 Writing
6, Using
the Right
ond Style
6.1Grammar ......37
6.2Vocabulary .....39
7, TheSections
of the Essoy . .. .. .40
7.lThe Introduction .....40
7.1.1GrammarandVocabularyin the Introduction . . . . . . . . .43
7.2TheBody. ....: .....45
T.2.lYocabularyintheBody ......47
7.3TheConclusion ......48
7.3.1GrammarandVocabularyin the Conclusion . . . . .49
8, Style
8.1Modifiers ......50
S.2Overgeneralisation ....51
8.3Overemphasis ...5I
8.4UnderstatementandConfusion. ....52
8.5Waffle ....53
8.6FormulaicandThoughtlessVriting ......53
8.7Immature'Writing .....58
8.8CulturalDifferencesinSwle .......55
9. Proof-reoding .......57
10,Appeoronce ...58
AppendixA ...64
AppendixB ...66
This coursedescribesa step-by-stepapproachto writing essays
for the IELIS
AcademicWriting Module Task 2 and for other similar essaytasks.It provides
to practisethe stagesindividually (Appendix A) aswell asgiving a list
of rypical essaytopics, and there are model essays
given in Appendix B. The
Answer Key providesexplanationsaswell asanswers.
In order to be able to write good essays
it is first of all essentialto make surethat
you understandthe purposeof the task. It may seemobvious: the purpose is to
testyour abiliry to write essays
for university or collegein English. However, a
momenr's reflection will make it clear that the test task is quite unlike a university
sinceit is typically 1 to 2 pages
long and is written on an unprepared topic
in about 40 minutes. No university essayis like that. Even in universiry
examinations,where you may haveto write about two pagesin half an hour, you
areexpectedto havestudied the subjectin advance.
So let us considersomepossiblepurposesfor the English test essay.
These can be
saidto be:
a) to show that you are able to selectrelevantideasand information to
answera question
b) to show your knowledge and understandingof the topic
c) to show your abiliry in presentinga logical argument
d) to show your skills in organisingyour ideassystematically
e) to show your abiliry to usesophisticatedEnglish
f) to show your basicgraspof English grammar and vocabulary.
2 Essoy
Writingfor English
These questionscan be grouped into 4 categories,
which reflect the 4 aspectsof
an essay:
Understanding the question (")
2. Knowing the subject (b)
3. Thinking skills (a & d)
4.Langaage skills (. & 0
How should thesebe ranked in importance?Here is what the IELIS Handbook
saysfor the AcademicWriting Thsk2:
In Task 2 candidates are presented with a point of view or argument or
Candidates are assessed
on their ability to:
. presentthe solution to a problem
. present and justifr an opinion
. compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications
. evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or an argument
The topics are of general interest and it makes no difference what subjects
candidates study. The issuesraised are interesting, suitable for and easily
understood by candidates entering postgraduate or undergraduate studies.
This showsthat your knowledge of the topic is not the main emphasisin this
test.That is not surprising--*fter all, you arebeing examined for your writing
abiliry in English, not for your knowledge.The main emphasisis in fact on your
abiliry to think and argue appropriately about a common issue.This is because
university studentsneed to be ableto to analyseand discussproblems and
solutions, and evaluateand express
opinions. University study is not simply
about presentingfacts.
In order to argueappropriately there are two stages
involved: a) understanding
the question clearly,and b) being ableto selectthe right method to presentan
opinion in a suitableway.This meansorganisingyour ideasand your language.
This book thereforedealswith thesethree stages:
I. Understanding the question
II. Selecting and Presenting IdeasAppropriately
III. Appropriate Language Use
L Understonding
the Question
The first step in essay
writing is to analysethe essaytask which tellsyou what the
topic is, and alsogivesan indication of what kind of things you are expectedto
sayabout the topic.
Essaytopics have 3 components:
1) the instruction words, telling you what to do
2) the key words indicating the topic
3) the words restricting the topic, indicating what aspectof the topic you
are askedto focus on.
Wewill considertheseone by one.
L l TheInstructions
Look at thesetasks:
a) Describe the role of the fnternet in modern society.
b) Tbe enaironment is the m.ostimportant issttcin the utorld today. Discuss.
What are the instruction words?
4 Essoy
for English
In a) it is describeand in b) it is discuss.Theserwo words indicate the two most
common rypesof essaythat one can write.
If you are askedto describesomething, then your essay
will mosdy present
and not opinions. However, if you areaskedto discusssomething, then your
opinion is being askedfor, and you areusually expectedto eaaluate
something, or
to arguefor or againstsomething.At universiryor collegeyou areexpectedto be
able to discussproblems and ideas,rather than simply to report on facts,and so
the IELTS essay
a common situation or a present-dayissueabout
which people have different opinions, and asksyou to give your own views on
this topic.
Here is the rypical wording of an IELIS essay
Present a written argument or caseto an educated reader with no
specialist knowledge of the following topic:
liue in a technohgical age. Hotueuer, tecltnology cnnnot solueall the
utorldi problems. Thereforesornepeople argue that ue need to phce less
emphasison technologicalsolutions and more on other aalues.
To what extent do you agree or disagreewith this opinion?
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support
your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
The first part of the instruction makesit clearthat
a) you need to presenta seriousargument in a formai sryle (for an
b) you are not being testedon your deepknowledge or understandingof
the subject ('with no specialistknowledge').
The last part of the instruction offersa suggestionabout what to include. ('You
should useyour own ideas,knowledgeand experience
to support your arguments
with examplesand relevantevidence.')
will deaiwith this more in the next section.
Now let us look at the ouestion itself.This alsohastwo components:
a) the description of the topic, which is usually expressed
asa point of
view on a curfent situation and
b) a question askingyou what your opinion is.
Writingfor EnglishTests 5
Part a) is generallyexpressed
in 1 to 3 sentences.
One or two sentences
may present
a statementor a question about a situation: ('7e live in a technologicalage,but
technology cannot solveall our problems').The secondpart will probably present
a conclusionthat somepeopledraw from this situation ('therefore
we should place
lessemphasison technology and more on other values').This is designedto help
you to think about the contents. (More about this in the next section')
Part b) asksthe question. This may be phrased as to utltat extentdoyou agree?
what isyour opinion?or doyou agreewith this?or words to that effect.
Now what is your task?
a) to presentboth sidesof the argument?
b) to either strongly support or strongly opposethe argument,
depending on your own personalopinion?
c) to partly support or partly opposethe lrgument, dependingon your
own personalopinion?
The correct answeris either b) or c).
The words to uthat extentmean the sameasltout murh. That is,your answerwill
one of theseattitudes:
a) I agreecompletely
b) I agreepartly and disagreepardy
c) I disagreecompletely.
Many studentsfeel that they need to presenta strong argument for or againstan
idea or proposition. This is not true. Even if the words to uthat extentdo not appear
in the quesrion,it is alwaysacceptableto agreeor disagreepartly with a proposition.
There is another point to remember here.Although it is usuallyeasierto write
what you actually believe,it is not absolutely necessary.
If you do not haveenough
ideasor examplesto support the sideof an argument that you want to suPPort,
you can alwayssaysomething like: on the one hand.,..., but on the other hand
and presentargumentsfor both sides.However,you should not simply contradict
yourself.That is, you should not sayI agreein one sectionand then I disagreein
the next paragraphs.That soundsasif you aresimply confusedor arenot expressing
what you think at all. Vhat you can sayis: Theseare someargumentsfor and
tlteseare someargarnenE agairrt, and soI only partly agree/ disagree,Or you can
say: Tbere are good arguments on both sides, but on tlte tahole I prefer the
6 Essoy
for English
argumentsfor / against. (Of courseyou would not usetheseactual words. They
only summarisethe possibleunderlying meaningsin your essay.)
Remember,you are not being examinedon your opinions, but only on how well
you can expressand support someintelligent ideas,whether they areyour own
or not.
1,2 Keyterms
This is usually the easiest
part of the essayto dealwith. Normally the key words
deal with a familiar topic, such asthe Internet, or television,or technology in
general.This is becausethe examinersarenot testing you for your knowledge, but
rather for your abiliry to write well. Therefore the topics chosenwill be about
conceptsand issuesthat they expecteveryeducatedpersonto know something
about. Common topicsinclude:
The environment
Information Technology
The media
Advertising / consumer issues
Social problems
Lifestyles (including life in cities, traffic problems, quality of life)
Culture and society (music, art, literature, television etc.)
Foreign languages and travel
Scientific research (including genetic engineering, sPacetravel)
Ethical issues(right and wrong behaviour such as the treatment of
animals, law enforcement etc.)
Try to thinh of other topics that you hnow ltaue beenusedin preuious examina-
tions, or that you thinh might occur.
You can find sample questions on all of these topics in Appendix A.
In order to be preparedwith ideason such key concepts,it is necessary
to keep
up to datewith the major issues
being discussed
in the world. The editorial pages
of newspapersand newsmagazinesare important sourcesof such information, as
are current affairsradio and televisionprograms.
for English
Tests 7
the Question
Understanding the question meansmore than understanding the instructions or
the words of the question.It meansrecognisingthe focus of the question, and
knowing what approach you should take to the topic.
This is, in someways,the most important aspectof writing the essay,
and requires
the most thought. You should thereforebe preparedto spend at least3 minutes
thinking about what approachto take to the question.
The handbook, you remember,explainsthat
Candidates are assessed
on their ability to:
. present the solution to a problem
. present and justifr an opinion
. compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications
e evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or an argument.
You will thereforeneed to decidewhich of theseapproachesis the one required
for any particular question.You will alsoneed to know when and how much to
usedefinitions and examples.
In this sectionwe will dealwith the following featuresof a discussionor
argument essay:
The Focus
The Context
the Focus
It is very important to look at the actual question words very closely.Students
sometimesjump to conclusionsabout what they should write by just looking at
the topic, and not at the focus of the topic. Consider the following questions:
a) Many people belieaethat the Internet is tlte most reaolutionary
new inaention of the last century. Do you agree?
b) The Internet has reuolutionised the modcrn uorld, but many
people argae that it has ako created neu problems and inequalities.
rl{hat isyour opinion?
c) The Internet could reuolutionise the tporld in future, if eueryone
could haue easyAccess
to all the inforrnation that is aaaikble on
the W'orld rYidz Veb.Do you agree or disagreeuitb this statetnent?
for English
In eachof the abovethe topic is the Internet and its revolutionary role in the
world. Soyou must havea basicidea about what the Internet involvesand think
about what reuolutionise
means,i.e. makefandamental changes.
Howeveq eachone
alsoraisesa different questionand must be answereddifferently. It is necessary
to look at the remaining words carefully to seewhat is required:
a) is the most revolutionary new invention of the last century.
b) hasrevolutionisedthe modern world, but it hasalso creatednew
problems and inequalities.
c) could revolutionisethe world in future, if everyonecould haveeasy
to all the information that is availableon the'World Vide'Web.
You can seethat a) involvescomparing the Internet with other inventions, and
arguingthat it is, or is not, the most revolutionary.On the other hand b) expects
you ro acceptthat it is revolutionary,and to considerboth its benefitsand the
problemsit hascreated.Finally c) wants you to speculateabout the future, and to
considerhow much you believethe future benefitswill changethe world.
the Context
Remember that the IELIS Handbook saysthat the topics are of general interest
and it mahesno difference tahat subjectscandidates study,It goeson to saythat
The issues
raised are interesting, saitable for and easily understood by candidates
entering ltostgraduate or undergraduate studies.
The question is alwaysbasedon an issue,or a problem.which you areaskedto
analyseand presentan opinion on. If something is considereda probiem or an
issue,it meansthar reasonable
peoplemust haveconflicting opinions on the topic.
You would not, for example,expecta question like this: Somelteoph considerthat
murder is urong, Tb rahat extent do you agree?since there is not much to be said
in favour of murder. In other words, it is not just some people who think that
murder is wrong, but basicallyeverybody.It is not an issue.However,look at this
question: Somepeoph think that murderers should be executed.To uthat extent do
you agree?Here the question is about what to do about murder, and that is very
controversial!Therearevery strong opinions about this on both sidesand you
needto be awareof theseto dealwith such a topic. (In fact it is unlikely that IELIS
will presentyou with very political or emotional issueslike this')
You therefore need to think, before you plan your own answe! why the question
is consideredto be an issueor a problem by the examiners.
arethe different
EssoyWritingfor English
opinions that might existon the topic?*Vhat is the context in which this topic is
That is to say,who arefie peoplewho areconcernedabout it and why?
It is alsonecessary
to interpret the underlying meaning of a question.Sometimes
the wording can be quite different berweentwo questions,but the underlying
conceptsare the samebecause
of the context.
In the following questions the wording is different but the underlying
meaning is sometimes the same. Test your ability to interpret topics by
identifring which of the following basically ask the same question. (In each
casethe statement would be followed by a question asking for your opinion.)
a) Tbrtiary education is of greater benefit to tlte indiaidual receiuingit
tban to the societltas a ultol.e. h is therefore not dzsirabl"e
for goaert rnents
to spend the ttucPalers'money on supPorting studentsjust so that tbey
cAn earn rnore mone! in future.
b) Parents haue a greater influence on their childreni future success
schoobdo. Goaernmentssltould.thereforeprouide parent naining courses'
ratlter than
training courses'.
) Free tertiary education is essentialfor eaer! countr! since tertiary
graduates are tlte only quaffied and educated peoPle that can help
countries to ?rogress in the modern utorld.
d) Education is the most important sourceof children deuelopment,No
matter uhat their bacbground, if children ltaue good schookand
teacltersthey can progress,Gouernmentssltould thereforeput their
major resources
into scltool education.
e) Modern scienceand technologjtcan solaeeuironmental problems, suclt
aspollation and ghbal uarming, tf *t
mough resources
to researclt,
f) People tltrougltout the uorld are ignoring the dangers of enuironmental
pollution and of global utarming in the ltope that scimce and technology
canf.nd solutions. Tbis is not true. W'eall need to tahe responsibility for
the damage u)eAre causing and rnust change our life-styles.
a Answer Key
l0 Essoy
for English
Choose 3 questions &om Appendix A and consider what dre context might
be for them: what kind of people might be most concerned about the issue,
and for what reasonscould these topics be considered problematic?
(Discussin groups if you are in a class.)
Some books and teacherstell you that you must define the terms that you useso
that the readerwill understandyou. This is sometimestrue, but it is necessary
be sensibleabout it. For example,look againat two of the examplesgiven in2.1:
a) Many peoph belieuethat the Internet is the most reuolutionary neu
inuention of the last century. To uhat extent do you agree?
b) The Internet ltas reaolutionised the modern uorld, but it bas ako
created netaprobhms and inequalities, Do you agree?
Vhich of the following terms do you think need defining?
Internet; reuolutionary / reuolutionise; neut inaention; nlodern uorld;
dangers; inequalities; eas! access;
Vide Yeb.
The "educatedreader"that the IELTS test asksyou to write for can be assumed
to understand these: Interneti neut inuention; modern urorld; easyaccess;
Vide W'eb.
However, the term reaolutionary or reaolutionise can be interpreted differently,
and in fact you need to explain what you mean by it in question a) otherwise you
cannot answerthe question. However, that doesnot mean that you need to define
the terms directly.You will need to give an indirect definition of the degreeof
changeimplied, by showing how important you think the changesarethat have
been produced by the Internet, and whether thesechangesaremore important and
dramatic than other changes.
Writingfor English
Tests 11
For question b) it is probably not necessary
to concernyourselfwith this term,
becauseyou need to focus on the problems and inequalities, rather than on the
degreeof change
. In this caseyou would be dealingwith indirect definitions of
thesetwo concepts.(See4.2 on p.20, for a discussionon evaluation in definitions.)
Now consideragainthe first sampletopic given in this book, and comPareit with
the samplegiven in the IELfS Handbook:
Y'eliae in a technological age. Houteuer, technology cAnnot solaeall the
world problems. ThereforesomepeoPle argue tltat we need tophce less
empharis on tecltnological solutions and more on other aalue*
Now look at the sampletopic given in the IELIS Handbook:
Presenta written argument or caseto an educatedreaderwith no
specialistknowledge of the following topic:
It is ineuitable that as tecltnologjt deuelopstraditional cuhures must be
lost. Tbchnologyand tradition are incompatible -
lou cnnnot haue both
You should useyour own ideas,knowledge and experienceto suPPort
your argumentswith examplesand relevantevidence.
Do the rwo topics askthe samequestion or not? Both areabout technology,and
in both cases
technology is contrastedwith something else.The focus in the first
question is on contrasting technology with otherualues
while in the secondquestion
it is contrastedwith taditional cubure.
you treat thesequestionsas
basicallythe sameor not dependson your definition of *adition end of other
aalues.Both arevery broad terms) and can be interpreted in different ways,and
here it is important to take time to considerwhat they mean to the average
educatedreader,and what they mean to you. If you think of traditional cuhure as
dealing only with material objects, such asfood and clothing, then you will discuss
this in one way. If you also include socialactivitiessuch asmusic and danceand
theatre,then you may give a different answer.And if you include conceptssuch
asreligion and socialbehaviour, then you will be ableto considerboth questions
asbasicallydealingwith the sameconcepts,sinceother valuesin this casewould
be included tn traditional cuhure.
12 Essoy
for English
It is up to you to decidehow broadly you want to considerthe definition of
traditional culture,but you must make your concept clearto your the
sameway,if you havethe first question to dealwith, you must indicatewhat you
mean by otlter ualues.
It is not necessary
to give a formal definition, which is very difficult to do. In other
words, you do not need to write: Tiaditional culture can be dfined as.....
Instead you can wrire something like: By *aditional cuhure I mean not only the
things that peoph mahe, lihe hand-wouen clntlt or ltouses,but abo their ceremonies
and performances,suchas mu.sicand dance.ln other words, you can give examples
to help you to define.
about the terms technology and technological age?Do they need defining?
Not really- again it would be enough to give examples'
Look at the above two questions again and think about their foculIf you
decide to define traditional cuhure more or less in the same way as other
ualuescould you write basically the same essayfor both?
Time: It is worfi spending enough dme on stage1 to €nsurethat your essay
the question asit was intended by the examiners.If you spend2 or 3
minutes thinking about the topic, it may seemlike a iong time during an
exam, but it is time well spent if it helps you to write confidently and
ond Presenting
In an essay
of 250 words, to be written in 40 minutes,you cannotbe too ambitious
about what you write. Some studentsmake the mistake of trying to express
deepideasand they never get pastwriting an introducdon to what would be a
long essay
if there was time. On the other hand, if you do not haveany specific
ideasat all you may find yourself sayingonly one thing over and over again in
severaldifferent ways.This is not the way to get a good score.Look at the
following example:
TheInternet hasprouided great benef.tsto modernsocietybecause
it hashelped
in their work. It mahes
It hashelpedall sectors
is rnuchmoredfficuh and tahes
a long
time.But sinceweltauetlteInterneteuery
hind of uork is muclteasier
to do.
tlte Internet hasprouided great benefts to eaerlone.
This little
almost nothing. There is virtually no information and there
are no ideas.If someonewhose English is not very accuratewrites like this, the
readerhasno ideasto think about and will only notice the grammatical and
Generallywhat you need is to havea basicproposition statement( that
answersthe question to urhat extentby indicating a great deal, a linle, partly
(seeabove)plus about three points or examplesto support your argument.
V Essoy
for English
Three is a good number (although it can be lessor more), sincethat givesyou a
5 paragraphessay,
which is about the right length:
Paragraph1 Introduction
2 Supportingpoint
3 Supportingpoint
4 Supportingpoint
5 Conclusion
The easiest
wayto find andorganise
ideasis to brainstorm.
3,I Broinstorming
In order to organiseyour ideasfor a topic, it is first of all necessary
to pin them
down. Most studentsfind that the bestway to dealwith this is to brainstorm
their ideasfirst. This simply meansjotting down any concePtsthat come into
your headassociated
with the given topic, in note form, and in random order
(i.e. in any order in which they occur to you).
Let us look at a simple example.The question may be:
Tlte Internet ltas reuolutionised tlte rnodern uorld, but it has ako created
netuproblems and inequalities. Do you agree?
7e need to find ideasfor both parts of the question -+he revolutionising effect
of the Internet, and alsoits problems. Wemight come up with the following:
banking online
shopping enrail chet-rooms
educetion hacking informaiion
for reseetch
bookings concert
/ lheelrc
bookings PornograPhy
fot research business
for policeetc./ and
for terrorists viruses
no access
/ lefi out
for English
Tests 1 5
a brainstormed list of ideas relating to the topic:
Children gend far too much time in front of teleuisionand computer
screens.Their time should be strictly controlled.
Discuss your ideaswith someone else.You can also practise brainstorming
with other topics from the list provided in the appendix. The more you
practise, the easierit will be for you to think of ideas quickly during the
ut Answer Key
If you arehaving difficulties thinking up ideasat the right level of generalisation
(seep.26 for a discussionabout this), then a good technique is to think of very
specific,concreteexamples,and then try to find a higher level of abstractionthat
the examplesbelong to. Let me explain this with a simple illustration. Imagine
that you are askedto write about this: The importanceof animak topeopleis not
Weshouldpa! rnoredttention to how we look afier and protect
animals.First you needto think about how important animals are to people.
Begin by thinking of specificanimals --+nyanimals,inciuding insects:
mosquito sheep
roo butterfly
Now organisetheseunder a higher level of classification,e.g.
cow cat
dog sheep
16 Essoy
for English
Think again,and come up with a sub-division of domestic animals:
Under insectswe haveharmful ones-srosquitoes, and useful ones-
butterflies,which help to pollinate plants.
Now we can go back to our topic, the importance of animals to people, and we
can say:
1) someanimals areimportant to us directly because
we usetheir products
2) someanimals give us pleasureaspets (dogs,cats,birds etc.)
3) someanimalshelp usindirecdy pollinating plants (bumerflies,bees etc.)
4) someanimalsarejust interestingand amracttourists (lions,kangaroosetc.)
And i[ after thinking all that in our brainstorming and classifying,we suddenly
think of horses,we may add the categoryof animab that uorh for zs (and then
rememberwater buffaloes,donkeys,camelsetc.). In your essayyou will then
write about thesecategoriesof animals,rather than about individual species.
This is a simple example,but the sameprinciple can be appiied to many topics
and it should help to provide ideasfor you to write about.
Practise brainstorming concrete ideas and then classifring them under
absffact headings as in the above example with the following topics:
a) Peopleshould not utorh too hard - th"y should remember the
importance of leisure actiaities.
b) Education is the ntost irnPortant possession
a lterson can ltaae.
,) Cirylife istoostessful.
a Ansuter Key
for English
Tests r7
In all essays
you must give specificpoints to support your argument. Sometimes
a topic will be quite abstractand it is important to realisethat you need to use
examplesto support your point of view - and to make surethat you have
enough to say!The IELfS examination question itself specifiesthat You should
use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to suPPort your arguments
with examples and relevant evidence.
Look at this topic:
Youngpeoph are said to baue hst ntan! of the traditional aalues of the
older generation. This doesnot ntatter, becausethe old aalueshaue no
rebuance in the modern utorld. Wb need to deuelop a urhoh neut set of
ualues.Do you suPPort this statement?
M*y studentsmake the mistake of trying to write only in generalstatementsabout
a topic like rhis.That is difficult to do, because
you needvery abstract,philosophical
languageto do it well. It is much better to think of specificexamplesof valuesand
to usetwo or three of theseto illustrate and support your point of view.
3,4The"Whotif Not"Situotion
It can happen that you arefacedwith a question tiat you haveneverthought about
at all, and where it is difficult to think of concreteexamples.Remember,however,
that the examinersselecttopics which have been consideredcontroversialby many
people and that there is alwaysa socialcontext for thesequestions.Imagine, for
example,that you get a question about whether you think the governmentshould
fund more researchinto the causes
of cancer.All you know is that canceris
dangerousand kills many people. How areyou going to write at least250 words
on this question?
The first step is to think about why anyonewould suggestthis question.There
aretwo componenrsto the question:a) the problem of cancerand b) the question
of funding for research- who should do it? It may be very difficult for you to
sayanything sensiblein answerto the first question if you do not know any facts
about cancer.
However, the secondquestion should give you someideasto work with. Even if
you know nothing about cancerresearchyou can think about the uthat if not?'
situation. That is to say: rYbat if thegounnment doesnotfund this research?
Who should fund it? Should medical researchbe conducted by governmentsor
by private institutions? If it is funded by private institutions, who paysand why?
18 Essoy
for English
Or perhapsno one will pay, and the researchwill not be done. On the other
hand, if the government doesfund this research,from what budget is it to come?
(Do not assumethat governmentshavean endlesssupply of money, asstudents
often do in their essays!)
If the government doesnot fund this research,can it
usethe samemoney for more useful medical work, such ashealth education to
prevent common diseases?
If you follow this line of thinking you will be able to write a greatdeal,without
having to know very much about canceror cancerresearch,
question is about money: government asagainstprivate spending on health, or
the priorities in health spending in cases
where funds arelimited.
These kinds of ideascan alsobe brainstormed by jotting down notes on the
question part of your paper.The examinerwill not look at any notesyou make.
of the OtherSide
Remember that if you are presentingan argument it is not necessary
to present
only the points that support your side of the argument. In fact, if you want to
be convincing and to give a balancedstatement,you need to look at what the
supportersof the other sidearelikely to say,and to give a responseto that. This
will alsogive you many more ideasto write about.
For example,look at this topic:
In euery city the car is hing of the road. Cars causedeath and injury and
air pollution and they mahe life dangerousfo, otlters. It is time to reduce
tlte number of cars in our cities and to encourageotlter mearu of transport.
There are alreadyfour argumentsgiven to support the statement.To theseyou
could add traffic congestion,roadsdestroyingthe landscapeand making it
unsafefor children to play outside their housesetc. Now what arethe counter-
arguments?You could suggestthat strict speedlimits can be implemented, that
car enginesare alreadycausinglesspollution than beforeand that researchis
likely to produce clean fuels in the near future, and that specialwalking paths
and bicycle paths are alreadyin usein some countries.
for English
Tests 19
Make up a list of arguments that supPort tlte useof the car, and then try to
frnd counter-arguments against these. Be carefi.rlto make sure that the
counrer-argurnents do not introduce different arguments - they must
present directly opposing arguments to the ones given.
a Answer Ke!
There area number of conceptsthat you must be clearabout because
they are
involved in everykind of writing that you will do. You must be awareof the fact
that you will nearly alwaysbe dealing with problems and solutions, that above
all you areevaluating ideasand solutions asyou write, and that you must select
ideasthat are relevant, that are at the right level ofgeneralisation, and that are
ranked logically for the topic that you arewriting about. Wewill look at all
theseissuesnow, and then go on to discusstypical organisation Patternsin the
next section.
to Problems
Candidates are assessed
on their ability to present the solution to a problem,
the IELTS Handbook states.In fact, everytopic is really a problem. If it were
not a problem, it would not be worth talking about' So, for example,you might
be askedto considerthis topic:
Most cities sufferfrom nffic congestion.Wat do you thinh should be
done about it?
To dealwith a question that asksyou directly to think of a solution, you should
usethe brainstorming processGee3.1). Mostly, however,you will be offered
solutions,and will be askedto considerthem'
There are a number of waysof consideringpossiblesolutions to problems. In
every case,you will need to useevaluation. That is, you will need to evaluate
how good the possiblesolutionsarelikely to be. In the next section (Organising
Ideas)we will look at rypical organisationpatterns for dealing with solutions to
problem, but first we must discussthe most important aspectof all your writing:
20 Essoy
for English
Thatever the task,whether it is problem-solving, looking at effectsor
defending an opinion, comparing and contrastingevidenceor
ideas,you will need to evaluate.
Every essay
will involve an evaluation of ideas.That simply meansthat you need
to saywhether an idea or concept is good or bad, or better or worse than
another one. (SeeStage3 for the languagerequired.)
In somecases
the question involvesa definition which is an evaluation. In other
words, the key terms of the question involve an evaluation. For example,look at
this topic:
Modern technology ltas increased our mater;al taeahh but has decreased
our personal happiness.To uhat extent do you agree?
To be ableto discussthis you need to give at leastan indirect definition of what
you mean by happiness.
This cannot be defined in any objectiveway jt is a
concept that involvesvalues.
[Seealso 5.3 Comparisons]
Look at the following topics and decide which terms require an evaluation:
a) Tblnision doesmore harm tltan good, according to many nitics. Do
lou agree uith this?
b) h is orten ckimed that teleuision andfi.lrns encourageaiobnce.
isyour opinion?
c) Computers haue imltroued the quality of our liues. Do you agree?
d) Peoplein modern cities liue under too much stressand something
should be done about it, Do you agree?
e) Tbornuch monEt is spent on sPort and not enough on serious cuhure
sucb as rnusic and art. This is mahing our societjtshallou',.
a AnsuterKey
Writingfor English
Studentsoften make the mistake of overstatingtheir argument. An evaluation
should be realistic and reasonable,not exaggerated,
or over-idealistic,or based
on over'generalisations.
(See4.7 below.)
Selectingideasinvolvesensuringthat your points are relevant and at the right
level of generalisation.Beforewe can selectthe most relevantand appropriate
points, we need to do a preliminary organisationof ideas,asshown below.
of ldeos
After brainstorming, and having looked at the topic again,your next step is to
organisethe ideasthat you havejotted down. This involves classi$'ingyour ideas
into logical categories,
so that you can produce well-organisedparagraphs'
Generally,more than one systemof classificationis possiblebut there is usually
one very obvious pattern. Let us iook at the exampleswe usedbeforeand find a
simple pattern. What follows is just an exampleof how you might think about
classifyingyour ideas.It is there asa generalguideline, not asa model to be
copied directly in any way.
in 3.1 we looked at this question:
Tlte Internet ltas reuolutionised tlte modern tuorld, but it has ako created
neu problems and inequalities. Do you agree?
tVe then brainstormed the followine ideas:
banking online
shopping email chat-rooms
education hacking infornetion
bookings concert
/ theelrc
bookings Pofnog
forresearch business
fortertorists uiruses
/ lefiout
22 Essoy
for English
Theseideascan be classified
under the two categories
of positive and negativeeffects:
/ lheetrc
forresearch; chat-rooms;
/ leftout
thisis still not a satisfactory
to work with.
to 3 differenttypes:business
educational / research
activities;communication, and then we canend up with
thiskind of organisation:
itive: Pos
alive: Negative:
people terrorisfs
Once you havegot this level of classification,it is easyto write your essay
You may not useall of the ideas,but you have a clearparagraph
structure for your essayto follow, and you can decidenext how much detail to
put into in eachcategory.
banking distonce
shopping info.
for English
Tests 23
4,4lypesof clossificotion
As we said before (4.2),becausethe essay
topic requiresyou to expressan
opinion, you will need to evaluatesomething.In order to do that you will
frequently find yourselfwith a classificationasabove,into positive and negative
Another way of thinking about such topics is that you have to make a comparison.
You are comparing the positive features with the negative ones.
For example:
cunnot buy happiness'it is often ckimed. But uitlt monry you can
buy most of the things tltat are necessary
for happiness:goodfood;
accomrnodation etc. No urondzr rnostpeople uant to mahe as much monry
aspossible. Do you agree or disagree?
Sometimesyou may be askedto speculateor suggestalternativesto an existing
situation. In that caseyou will be comparing the situation that existsin the
world with what some people think should exist. [See5.3 Comparisons]
For example:
are surrounded by aduertising. Somepeople thinh that this isgood
becauseit giues us a choiceas consurners,but otlters argue that it rnahes
people selfishand greedyfor more and more goods.Do you thinh thne
should be lessaduertising?
Sometopics only require you to considerthe consequences
of something, i.e' a
cause-effectrelationship,aswell asgiving an evaluationof the effbcts.[See5.2
Consequences]In eachof thesecases
you still need to classifr the ideasthat you
have according to the type of features involved, aswe did above.
Wewill deal with eachof thesetypesof questionsmore later.Now try your skill
at classifyingfeatures.
24 Essoy
for English
Consider the following topic and then look at the brainstormed ideas which
follow and organise them according to both causeand effect and the type of
features involved:
Indurtrialisation is leading to tlte destuction of the earth as a homefor
humans and anirnab. Tb uthat extent do you agreetltat this is true?
factories air pollution weste
disposal cats
- plaslic
etc. water
pollution fishdying
deforestation sninals
endangered lackof fresh
a AnsuterKey
Do the samewith the following, but usean evaluationclassificationscheme,
aswell asappropriatecategories
of features(asin the examplen 4.3):
Many modernchildren spenda great deal of time sining in /iont of a
teleuisionor compaterscreen.This is extremelyharmful for their
snictly lirnit the time that children
spendthis utay.Do you agree?
entertainneni educational
informetion netvs films
knowledge music sport rvestes
comPuter homework
bodies hetms
eyes nosocielising
/ friends
a AnsuterKe!
for English
Tests 25
After brainstorming and while classifring your ideas,it is necessary
to eliminate
any points that arenor relevant.At this point it is useful to look at the question
again,to make surethat the ideasthat you choosearenot only on the topic, but
alsorelevantto the question.
Imaginethat for the abovequestionthe following list of points havebeen
brainstormedfor the negativeasPectof TV and computer use:
fortheeyes children
toeal don't
time nophysical
exetcise notenough
oreexpensive children
to becreative
Which of the abovepoints would you sayareirrelevantto answeringthe
a AnsuterKey
26 Essoy
for English
4,6Levelof Generolisotion
One basison which to selectrelevantideasis to ensurethat you choosepoints at
the right level of generalisation.In other words, it is necessary
to eliminate small,
trivial points or examples,and at the sametime not to try to tackle conceptsthat
aretoo broad for such a short essay.
For example,if you were askedto write on the topic:
Tlte enuirownent is one of the most imltortant issuesin the uorld today,
but gouernments Are not doing enough about it. Tb u.,hatextent do you
thinh that indiuiduab can help to protect the enaironment?
you might think of the following ideas:
nateriel nol
electricity ed
ofwater using
If you look at the question again you will seethat, on the one hand educational
campaignsfor thepublic is too broad a concept jt is not something that
individuals can normally undertake, while on the other hand heEing theyard of
cleanis too trivial. That is to say,it is not something that is going to
help to protect the environment in general,it is simply something that everyone
should do anyway.The other points are at the right level of generalisation,and
you would need to work with these,by classifringand ranking them. (See4.3
and 5.1.)
Now testyourself on the following:
for English
Tests 27
Consider this topic:
cannot buy happiness'it is often claimed. But urith moneyyou can
buy most of the things tltat are necessary
for ltapltiness: good food,
accornrnodation etc, No tuonder tltat ntostpeoPle raant to mahe as much
rnone! aspossibh. Do you agreeor disagree?
Here are some brainstormed ideas for this topic:
isexpensive good
doctors cen
to PooI
cer otYn
aeroPlone ttevel
ewey high
inheritance can't
sPiritualily cen't
of the above points would you eliminate becausethey are too broad
or too specific or too far off the main idea to be relevant?
a Answer Key
28 Essoy
for English
ond Exoggerotion
Generalisationsare necessary.
fle cannot make any sensibleconclusionsabout
anything without generalisingfrom specificexamples.Especiallyin your
introduction, topic sentences
and conclusion (SeeStage3) you will need to
. However, there is a danger of over-generalisation. Over-generalisations
(or sueepinggerueralisations
as they are also called) do not help your argument,
becausethey give the impressionthat you arenot very thoughtful. Consider
i) Euerybodyuses
the Internet nowadays.
ii) No-one cAnrun a business
witltout information tecltnology.
iii) Any business
can besuccessfulifit uses
modern information tecltnologt.
These are clearlyover-generalisations
or exaggerations,
and would not help your
argument. An essayis not a political speechor a form of advertising!
of the following are reasonableevaluations and which are over-
generalisations or exaggerations?Put a mark against any of the following
which are not reasonablestatements. You may find it easier to discuss this
with someone.
1. Tbleuision
hasa teniblt tfrn onloung minds.
2. Thedestructionof our enuironmentis the mostseriousissueuteface, because
uithout enoughcleanair and water ue cannot liue.
3. Unhssgoaernments
sfiictly controltlte useof the Internet uorA terrorism
will desnoyusall.
4. Examinations can lead to high leuelsof sness
and euensuicide in students.
5. Indusny causes
mostpollution and thereforeneedsto be made responsible
preaenting it.
6. Improuedpublic transport is a muclt bettersolution to trffic problems than
building rnoreroads.
7. If thegouernrnent
prouidesbetterpublic transport thereutill be no rnore
nofrt congestion
in our cities.
8. Peoplewho clairn that nuclearenergJ/
is cleanare ignoring the dangersof
nuclearaccidents.Radiation is not'clean'.
for English
Tests 29
9. Nuclearenerglis theonlypossible
solutionto ourenergJ/
in thefuture.
10.If eueryone
Englishthenall thepeople
in theworlduill be
ableto understand
otherandthenu)ecAnliuein peace
uith each
a Ansuer Kel
Read the following essaysand think about which one is more satisfactory.
Pay special attention to generalisations and exaggeration'
Modern technologlthasimprouedthe utorld in tltree ueryimportant uals. It has
giuenpeoplemoretime, it hassauedenormousAmountsof human energ)/,
and it has
made it possible
for eueryone
to communicateuith eachother easi$t.
Time and ffirt hauebeensaued
in the utorhplnce
and in theltorne.In manufacturing
for example,it is no longernecessar!
to spendhourspknning and designingproducts
computerscan do this quickly. Farmersdo not needtoplant their ltaruest
slorulyby hand; theycan useequipment lihe light aircrafi for souing seeds
and large
haruestingmachinesto do the worh quichly.Houseutiaes
canspendmoretime u)ith
theirfriends, while the utashingmachineand the dishwashertaashthe clotltesand
the dishes
for them.
In the sametpa! energ!is saued.Thereis no need
for hardphysical u.,orkAn! more,
rnodernrnachinescan do it all. Because
of modern technologlt
rekx, tultere beforethey had to uork uery ltard.
Another great improuementhasbeenin cornmunications.Because
of communication
fax machines,mobilepltones,teleuisionetc.,and the useof
satellites,xaecdn hnotanthat is happeningdt an! time in all parts of the utorld. This
leadsto better understanding,sothereis no need
for u)drs,and countriescan help
eachother.For example,if thereis an earthquakein onecountry,PeoPlein otlter
countriescanfnd out about it immediately and sendhelp to tlte uictims.
For all thesereasons
the raorld is nout a much betterplace than in earlier times,
of the aduantagesbrought b1'modern technology.
30 Essoy
for English
thinks that the uorld ltasbeenimproued through modern technology,but
this is not true because
nouadaystltereare no morenaditional shillsand euerybody
becomingtlte same,no mltter uthat country theyliue in, and aboueall thereAreno
morespiritual ualueslefi.
In the oldendays,uhen peoplehad to rnahetlteir oun buildings, and tlteir outn
clothes,and their own entertdinment, theyhad many naditional skills and ualues.
Eaclt areahad ix own styleof architecture,for exdmple,and peopleutereproud of
their crafismanship.Nout all houses
are made of concrete
and glassand steeland thel
all look tlte same,no matter wltereyou are.All ouertlte utorldpeoplewear the same
clothesand theyeuenwatclt tlte samemass-produced
entertainment on
their teleuisions
sets.Youcan hear the samepop songsin euer! countr! in the utorld,
and localpeopleno longerproduce their outn taditional cuhuralforms of musicand
doeswhateuerthe ldtestdancefashion is.
Tltis meansthat peopleall ouerthe world are becomingtlte same.Euerybodysees
films and ltearsthe samemusicand sotheyall start to think tlte same.AII thEt
taant is moreof the sAmeconsumer
goods,no mdtter utherethry liue. Tltis meansthat
tlte utorld is losingits spiritualualues as utellas its diuersityof cubure. In tlte end,
no-onewill hauean! neu or indiuidual ideasbecause
modern communication
sucltassatelliteteleuisionand the Internet, mean tltat uteare all
brainwashedin the sameud! by the big mubi-national ou)nersof the massmedia. In
otlter words,tltqt can control us.
Modern technologymakes
peoplelazy and greedlt
for moreconsumergoods,and so
theylosetheir spiritual ualues.Theybecome
selfsh and losetheir religion and do not
euencareabout the membersof their outnfamilies. Thq, put their small children into
nurseries,their sichpeopleinto hospitalsand their oldpeopleinto oldpeople'shomes
and tlten thryforget about them. Modern technologlcan look afier tltem, thqt think.
It is time westoppeduanting moremodern technologjt
and taent bachto traditional
a AnsuterKe!
for English
Tests 31
5,I Ronking
Once you haveselectedyour points, you need to decidein what order to present
them. This is important to show that you are in control of your material, and
that you understand the relativeimportance of eachof the points you are
making. In this secrionwe will dealwith different patternsof organisation,but
first of all you need to be awareof the need to rank ideasaccordingto one of the
foliowing methods:
a) from the most important to the leastimportant
b) from the most common to the leastcommon
c) from the most generalto the leastgeneral
d) from the earlier to the later (chronologicalorder)'
There are other systemspossible,but theseare the most obvious ones.
There are a number of common organisationalpatternsthat you will find: cause
and effect (consequences),comparisons, alternatives, and speculation, in
addition to the problem-solution and evaluation schemasthat we have already
The most obvious way of discussinga problem, in any situation, not just essays,
is to look at the causesof (or reasonsfor) the existenceof the problem, and then
to considerwhat consequences
or results (or effects)theremight be if certain
solutions are tried. For example,look at this statement:
Parents should contol the amount of time that children spend in front of
teleuision or cornputer screens,
This is a suggested
solution to a problem and you would be expectedto give
your opinion on it. To do so you would need to a) discussthe consequences
too much time being spent in this way by children and b) discussthe consequences
of parentstrying to control it.
32 Essoy
for English
In many cases
a term meaning causeor effect or result is given in the topic
itself For example there might be this statement: Modzrnisation is leading to tlte
destruction of the natural enaironmenr. In this caseyou will need to think of
Often you will be given more detailsin the question itself. Here is an example:
At present uterely on oil for most of our energ! needs.Houteuer,oil is a
fossil fuel and causesair pollution, and it uill eaentualfu run out. Nuclear
energ! is the only practical and clean source of enngy for the utorld. Do
you agree?
Here you aregiven two causes
and two effbctsfor oil: a) burning a fossilfuel
air pollution, and b) fossilfuelsare finite and asa result there will be
none left one day.So you alreadyhavetwo negativeeffectsto think about:
pollution and lack of energy.Now you must considerthe consequences
of using
nuclear energy.The positive consequences
are alreadyimplied: it doesnot cause
air pollution and it will not run out. But are there other negativeconsequences?
Obviously, or we would all be using it. So, what arethey?Once you have
thought of theseyou will haveplenry to write about. That doesnot mean that
you have to opposethe question.You can list the benefitsof nuclear energyjust
mentioned, and you can then identify the negativeconsequences
and expiain
that thesecan be solved,or that they arenot asseriousasthe negativeconsequences
of using oil. Remember,it is your choice,whether you support or opposethe
statement,totally or pardy, but evenif you support it you should not ignore the
problems.Apart from anything else,you would not havevery much to write
about if you ignorethe problemson both sides.[See3.5]
Remember that whatevereffectsor consequences
you decideto write about, they
must be relevant,of the right level of generalisation,and ranked accordingto
how significant they are.
Think of as many negative consequencesof using nuclear energy asyou
a AnswerKel
for English
Tests 33
The IELIS Handbook asksyou to be able to compare and contrast evidence,
opinions and implications.
In fact, if you think about it you will seethat evaluation is a kind of comparison,
or that comparisonand contrast is a kind of evaluation.
you evaluate
something, aswe saidbefore,you arecomparing the situation as it is with an
ideal situation. At the sametime, when you are comparing or contrasting rwo
things you areevaluatingthem againstsomeother setof criteria. For example, in
the abovetopic we areaskedto compareoil and atomic energyassourcesof
energyfor our use.To do that we must havea setof standardsor criteria to
evaluatethem against.What could thesebe?Look at this analysis:
A perfect sourceof energywould fulfil the following criteria:
a) be cheapto produce
b) be plentiful
c) be easyto use
d) be cleanto use
e) be safeto use
f) never run out
Now if we want to compareoil and nuclearenergywe simply match eachof
theseagainstthe criteria, and we find that oil is better than nuclear energyin a),
c), e), while nuclearenergyis better in the other criteria. However, that is not
enough. 7e alsoneed to rank the criteria accordingto importance. In other
words, we may agreethat nuclear energyis cleanerto usethan oil, but it is much
lesssafe,and for many people the safetyfactor is far more important than the
problem of air pollution. Besides,aswe sawabove,it is possibleto provide
counter-arguments,such asthat technology can make oil cleaner,but it can
never make radio-activity safer.So, at eachstepof the way you can consider
additional criteria for evaluation.Of coursethere is no time to go into a subject
asdeeply asthis in a test essay,
and there is no need to, but it is important to be
aware of how any kind of analytical thinking will always involve some form of
evaluationand comparison.The more carefullyand clearlyyou can identify the
criteria by which you judge or evaluateor comparesomething, the better your
thinking and your judgementswill be.
34 Essoy
for English
Sometimesyou haveto think of alternativesto an existing situation. Look at
this topic againfor example:
In euery city the car is hing of the road. Cars causedeath and injury and
air pollution, and mahe life dfficuh and dangero^ fo, others.It is time to
reducethe nurnber of cars in our cities and to encourageotlter meansof
trans?ort. Do you agreeuith this opinion?
Here you need to look at alternativemeansof transport, and evaluatethese.Be
carefulto be realisticin your discussionof the alternatives.Considering other
forms of transport is very like looking at the consequences
of a poliry and, aswe
said above,it is necessary
to look at the situation honestly,and to acknowledge
the problems that exist on both sidesof the argument. Studentswho make
claimsarenot writing good essays.
Vhich of the following alternativemeansof transport would be worth writing
about in an essay
that answersthe abovequestion?
footpaths irams
/ monorails
In some cases
you may be askedto think about an alternativethat doesnot exist,
i.e. to speculateabout what might be. Here is an exampleof a topic like that:
As tltere is increasing unemployment in tlte utorld, uthile at the same time
those utlto haaejobs are tuorhing harder and ltarder, it uould be better to
haae afour-day uorhing weehfor eaerlone, and so to createmorejobs.
Yhat isyour opinion about this suggestion?
Again, you must think about the possibleconsequences
of this suggestion,and
you must evaluatetheseagainstthe criteria that you think aPply when talking
about work and leisure.Once again,you should try to be realistic,and not
with your suggestions.
for English
Tests 35
Study the following list of points that have been brainstormed in relation to
the topic given above. First, decide which points should be eliminated
becausethey are irrelevant, or exaggerated, and then classifr the remaining
points under suitable headings. Finally' rank the points in order of
I. Eueryone uould earn hss rnonEt - taould not haue enough to liae on.
2. Peopleearning hss monqt taould Eend less,and this uould reduce
dernandfor goodsand seraicesand mahe tlte economyshrinh.
3. More time auay from utorh rneansmore time for thefamily and friends.
4. More free time means lnore opportunity to do things lihe sport, art, music.
5. More free time meanspeople a.rernore bored drinhing and
6. Employers uould haueproblems naining and managing and paying
about teachers?Vl'ould scltoob only operate on 4 days too, or uould
some teachers only u.,orh I d"y a uteek?
8. If someoneou)nstlteir oun small businessand has to utorh 6 or 7 daysit
is not fair for otlters to be uorhing only 4 days.
9. The unemployed are usually not qualified people, so the! could notrtil
thejobs anyuay tltat uould be created.
10. Imagine tltat you do a job for 4 daysand then someoneebe comesand
doesit after you and they do not hnou, u,hatyou ltauein mind and they
spoil it all.
a Ansuer Ke!
36 Essoy
for English
Finally, look at the following topics and decide which type of organisation
pattern is mainly required in each caseicomParison;consequences;
eualuation; examples;specuktion.
1 .The enuironrnent is one of the most imPortant issuesin the uorld today,
but gouernmentsare not doing enough about it. Tb uthat extent do you
thinh that indiuiduals can help to protect the enaironment
2. Most pollution, especiallyair and ruaterTtollution, is caused by industry.
If raeutant to protect tlte enuironrnent ue should mahefactories and
other forms of industry pal for all thepollution that tltey cause. That is
the only uay to mahe sure that the oranersutill mahe a seriousffirt to
reduce thepollution that tbry cause.
To uhat extent do you agreeuitb this opinion?
3. Tb besuccessful
in education it is more important to be a good student
tltan to haue good teachers.
W'ouldyou suPPort this staternent?
4. The increasing role of English in the taorld today means that the
learning of othn knguages is being neglected. This utill ltaue serious
resuhsfor tlte continued useof theseknguages and their cuhures.
isyour opinion on this staternent?
5. Tbbaccoand alcohol are d.rugstltat causead.diction and heabh probbms
Should they be made ilhgal, l;he otlter drugs? Or should all drugs be
rYhat do you thinh about theseideas?
6 .'Ve hnou, tltat many hinds of animals feel pain and emotional sffiring
jrct as ltumans do. h is therefore necessar!to suPport animal rights as
raell as ltuman rights,
Do you agree?
a Answer Key
Now that you haveselectedand organisedyour content you can focus on the
actualwriting. This involves using the right grammar and vocabulary for eachof
the sectionsof the essay
-that is, the introduction, body and conclusion --+s
well asmaking surethat the overall style is appropriate.
6,I Grommor
No matter how good your ideasor your outlining skills are,if you do not have
sufficient control of correct English you cannot communicate your brilliance.As
we saidat the beginning, the basiccriterion for assessment
is your command of
English, not the contents. Grammar is the infrastructure of your writing, and if
that is weak,then a cleversuperstructureof ideaswill simply make the whole
The most important preparation you can make for your test essay,
to ensurethat you have a good graspofthe essentials:
the tenses
the use of the passive
correct use ofparts ofspeech
correct clause structure (with subjects and finite verbs)
38 Essoy
for English
Although many peopleworry about the correctuseof the articleand of prepositions,
thesearelessimportant than the aspectsmentioned above.They are more difficult
to masterand errorsarelessdisturbing becausethey usually do not interferewith
understandingof meaning.That doesnot mean that you should ignore them, but
make sureyou haveyour priorities right!
A sentencelike this:
# Thedruebp of cheapabernatiueenerg sources
uill probably besurcessed
in fuare
is much worsethan:
# Druebpment of cheapabernatiaeenerg sourceu.,illprobably succeedforthefunre.
(The correcr senrencewould of course be: The deuelopmentof a cheapabernatiue
energ)lsourcewill probably succeed
in future.)
Try to identifi' the errorsin the following text. The Answer Key will let
you know which aspects
of grammaryou may needto study more.
ComputersAreAn essential
part of our liues.Because
allaspectsof modern
societyare fficted by them. Beforewe had coTnputers
all transactionsinuolued
storing and renieuing information u)ereuerytime-consurningand hbour'
The dzuelopofpersonalcomPuters
in particular ffict onPeoPle's
small businesses
can eds!offird them and this makestheir tuorh morefficienry,
Now anyonewlto studyat uniuersi4tneedto learn ltou to usecomPuter.Most
lecturerexpecttltat essay
are ltped and in many subjectcalculation and other
task must alsobedone by computer.
In recentyearssofiwarepackagesbecarne
easierto useand soman! Peoplewho
think beforethat theyare too old to learn had actually beenable to learn to do
simple uord processing.
as utellascolleges
areprouided computercou.rses
in deueloped
but it is neededa big iruuestment
for suchequipment to maheauaikble to
many studentsand mostscltookin deuelopingcountriescannot ffird this.
6. Wecould not knou whatfuture deuelopments
therewould bein this area but
mostpeoPlethinh that comPuterstaould be euenmore wide-spreadin tlte
a Answer Ke!
for English
Tests 39
While grammar is one leg, vocabularyis the secondleg for your writing to stand
on. But note that simple, correct English is better than experimentingwith
sophisticatedvocabulary and getting it wrong! You may try out unfamiliar
vocabulary if you havea helpful teacher,but not during a testlThere are certain
words and phrasesthat you can make a specialpoint of learning carefullybecause
they arelikely to be usedin most, if not all essays.
Make surethat you haveenough
vocabularv for eachof the common catesories:
Evaluation (e.g.benefit, unsatisfactory)
Consequence, cause,reason (e.g.outcome,produce,explanation)
modifiers (e.g.significant, majority)
connectors (under thesecircumstances,moreover)
grouping nouns (aspect,factor, feature)
The bestway to learn theseis to look for examplesin your readingand then copy
them into your own personalvocabularybook under the appropriateheadings.
Be carefulto copy whole phrases,not just singlewords, so that you learn the
correct use of the expressions.
The correct useof a word involvesknowing:
the exact meaning
the words that go with it
the grammatical features
For example:
causeand reasondo not mean the same
reasonis followed by for whTlecauseis followed by of
you giuea reason,and you generallysltoua cause.
due to is a preposition, and is followed by a noun or gerund, not
a noun clause.
In other words, vocabularyand grammar go together.It is not enough to understand
the meaning of a word, approximately,when you arewriting. It is essentialto
learn the accurateusageaswell.
40 Essoy
for English
of the Essoy
The pulpose of the introduction is to let the readerknow
a) the topic
b) the aspectof the topic being dealt with
c) the stand (attitude) taken by the writer to the topic.
In other words, the introduction actually containsthe conclusion!
For example,if the topic is:
Many rnodern children spend too rnuch time sining in front of a teleuision
screen.This is extrerneb harmful to their deuelopment. ThereforeParents
sltould strictly limit the time that children spend in this uay. Do you
you should let your readerknow in the introduction whether your answeris yes,
I agree,or no, I disagree.
The restof the essay
then providessupport for your argument.
The structure of the introduction usually follows a common pattern.
the topic and explain why it is worthwhile talking about, you will normally need
a statementsomething like this:
is socommonnolu that it is hard to imagine life without it.
That is, the first sentencetypically makesa generalstatementabout a situation.
The next statementthen narrowsthe topic down to a specificaspectthat he
writer will dealwith. For example:
Howeuer,as rnan! peoPlehauepointed out, mostchildren spendtoo muclt
time infont of the sueen,and this is harmful.
Note that the secondstatementoften containsthe word but or houteuer,
to show
that the writer hassomething new or different to say.For example,if the first
Many peoplecornphin that children spenda greatproPortion of their liues
EssoyWritingfor English
then the secondstatementwould be more likely to presentthe opposite view,
This may betrue in somecases,
but it is certainly not commonenoughto bea
It is, however,not alwaysthe casethat the secondstatementcontains a but or
It may alsosupport and strengthenthe first statement.
Here aresome examples:
somuclt a Part of our liuesthat man! PeoPledo not
realisehout many hoursthqt actually spendu.,atchingit, In fact, it has been
pointed out tltat mostchildren utatchfar more teleuisionthan isgoodfor them.
Here is another topic:
The enaironment is one of the most important issuesin the uorld today,
but gouernmentsare not doing enouglt about it. To uhat extent do you
thinh that indiaiduak can help to Protect the enuironment?
Peoplearegradually becomingAtaAreof thefact that uteare desnoyingour
natural enaironment.Weshould realiset/tat none of the otherproblemsthat
uteface Aremoreimportant than this one, but clearlygouernrnents
are not
tahing a lead in dealing utith the issue.It is thereforeup to indiuidual citizens
to do sometltingabout it.
Note: In the aboveexamplethe writer's conclusion is presentedin the third
A statement,in this context, is not the sameasa sentence.
That is to
say,the writer's opinion is presentedasthe secondstatement,but not necessarily
the secondsentence.Seethe model essays
in Appendix B for more examples.
WARNING: Youmust avoid repeatingthe exactwords of the topic. If
you repeatthe words,you cangain no marks,sincethey arenot your
words. The examinerwill simply ignore them. If you paraphrase,
/ou :rre
displayingyour languageskills.
Look againat the examplesgivenabove,and seehow the first sentencein
eachcaseis a paraphrase
of the topic asit is given.
42 Essoy
for English
The following are five introductions to the essaytopic:
Modern technologltltas increasedour material weahlt, but not our
happiness. To tahat extent do you agree uitlt tltis statement?
However, the sentenceshave been jumbled. Find the first and second sentences
which belong together in each case,to make five different introductions.
1. Euerycountr! in the world is aimingfor technologicaldeuelopment.
2. The mostimportant thingfor happiness,
is notltossessions,
3. For mostpeople,tecltnologicaldeuelopmentrneansan improuementin their
4. Their gouernments
are not mahing their peoplemorecontented,ltoweuer,as
inequalitiesin societycontinue to grow.
5. Modern technologtcanprouide enormousbenefts in termsof materialgoods.
6. It seems
clear ltoweuer,that this is an old-fashioneduieu, and that
technologicalinuentionsactually allow peopleto hauemoretime and leisure
to satisfiitheir spiritual needs.
7. Tbchnology
hasbrought many cltanges
topeoplesliues,not all of uthich are
8. Some
peopleclaim that modern technologltis harrning societyspiritual and
naditional ualues.
9. Infact, in many cases
peo?lehauesffired enormouslybecause
of thesechanges.
10. Howeuer uthile somePeoPleenjoyan easierlife, othersare ofien made
unemploledasa resuhof neuttecltnologlt,
and mostpeoplenowfeel insecure
and unhappyasa resub.
a Ansuer Ke!
for English
Tests 43
Select the best pair of sentencesfrom the following to introduce the topic:
The Internet hasprouided great benefits, but at the same time it has also
created neraproblems and inequalities. Is it possible to control someof
a) Most peoplewould like to ltaueaccess
to the Internet.
b) The Internet haschangedour liuesmoretltan an! other modrrn technologlt.
t) Tlte Internet hasgiuen both aduantages
and disaduantages
to our society.
d) The Internet is a relatiuelyneu phenolnenon.
t) In fact, uith the Internet it ispossibleto do many things.
f) Howeuer,the Internet can help terroriststo communicatewith eachother.
d At the sametime it hasreated An enormousgap betuteen
tltosewho haue
to it and tltosetahodo not.
h) On the other hand it ltasneated some
a Answer Ke!
The introduction will normally be in the present tense(e.g.peoplecompkin), or
the present continuous (peopleare gradually becoming aware),or in the present
perfect tense (peoplehauepointed out),
After your introductory statementyou need to connect the secondstatement (i.e.
secondor third etc. sentence)either by showing contrast,or by adding emphasis:
Contrast Connectors: but, houeuex neaertlteless,
by / in contrast, on the
otlter hand, in spite of this, uhile, uhereas, ahhough.
44 Essoy
for English
Note: It is best to avoid starting a sentencewith But, sinceit is rather informal
to do so. Houeaer is the most common and the most usefulword. It can be used
for almost everysituation. Note, however, that it is often better to useit in the
secondposition in the sentence.
Avoid using on the contrary and take greatcare
with other connectors.
Supply a suitable connector in the gaps in the following introductory
a) Many peoplebelieuetltat nuclearenerg!is clean.
it ispotentially rnoredangerous
than any otlter technolog that we use.
b) TheInternet hasbrought manl oPportunitiestopeople.
it hasako increasedthegap benreenrich and poor peopleand societies.
c) Wehaueclearlygained many beneftsfom modern technologlt.
it can bearguedthat happiness
doesnot dependon material comforts.
a AnsuterKel
introductions for the following topics, remembering tor
a) write a generd statement in your first sentence
b) indicate your qwn position or stand on the topic in the second or
third sentence.
c) paraphrase the words of the topic.
I. h isgenrally agreedthat the utorld.isfaring seriousmaironrnmul probhnx of
pollution, global uartning and the hss of resourcessucb asfresh utater. Some
people beline that these
problems can be solaedby technologicalinuentions
and dnelopments, u,hile othersfeel strongly tltat ue can only solaethese
probbms by consuminghss,and liuingsimpbr W-tryl"t..Vhat isyour opinion?
2. Many people feel strongly that heahh seraicesshould beproaid.ed by the
goaernment and should befreely auaikble. Others argue that only
priuatised heabh care canprouide good quality heabh seruices.Tb uhat
extent do you belieuethat heahh and medical seruices
should bepriuatised?
Wriiingfor English
Tests 4>
7,2Ihe Body
The body will rypically consistof about three paragraphs,presentingpoints to
support your argument. You will haveworked out your ideasin the planning
stage,when organisingyour brainstormed ideas.Now it is simply a matter of
presentingone main point in eachparagraph.
A paragraphis like a mini-essay,sinceit is alsoa unit of writing. That means
that, like in an essay,
you must let the readerknow assoon aspossiblewhat your
proposition or statementis, and then support it. This is usually done with a
topic sentence.Let us look againat the classificationin 4.3 of brainstormed
ideason the question about the Internet.
The Internet has reaolutionised tlte modern utorld, but it has abo created
neu problems and inequnlities. Do you agree?
Our brainstorming produced the following ideas:
First of all, we will look at which of the points we may want to delete.Wewill
want to keep the main categories:
businessactivities,information / research
(include education here,perhaps),and communication. Not all the detailsare
going to be worth keeping, but at presentwe areonly consideringthe topic
so we can ignore that for now.
46 Essoy
for English
Next we need to ranl<the ideasin order of importance. Perhapswe can start
with businessactivities,because
they arethe most widespreaduseof the Internet
at present,and then go on to talk about education,which is very important, and
finally discusspersonalcommunication.
However,we alsoneed to discussthe positiveand negativeaspects.
At this stage
we need to decidewhether to start with our three categories,
and list the positive
and negativeaspects
within each,or to start with the positive aspects,
listing all
three categoriesin a row and then to move on to the negativeones.Either
organisationsystemis possible.Here is a suggestionabout how to construct
topic sentences
for the first system:
Thereis no doubt that theInternet hasbrought about an almost unbelieuable
cltangein the utaybusiness
and banking is conducted.
Next, we must go on to the negativeaspects,
so our next paragraphcould begin
something like this:
Houteuer,sincethe Internet is not auailable to mostpeoplein deueloping
countries,it is clear that thegap betueenthe rich and thepoor countrieshas
actually u.,idened
enormouslysinceonline business
and banhing hauebeen
If we continue like this, we would end up with 6 paragraphsin the body (3
x positive and negative),which is too long for the test essay.
So, to
keep it shorter,and to havea little variery you could introduce the positive and
negativeideastogether in the next paragraph's
topic sentence,like this:
In educationand researclt
thesituation is similar: the Internet ltasmade
in these
felds, but thekch ofaccess
for poorpeople
poor societies
is creatingseriousinequalities.
Notice how if you havea point that appearstwice in your lists,you can useit to
link one paragraphto the next, asabove(widened
gap-+irnikr --seriotu
Finally, we need to mention communication in general,which is alreadycovered
by someof the abovepoints, aswell aspersonalcommunication. Again, we can
link the concepts:
TheInternet basicallyinuoluescommunication, not only in business
education,as mentionedaboue,but alsofor personalinformation excltange.
Writingfor English
Tests 47
Thereis, of course,
an almostendless
numberof waysof introducingthe same
conceptsat the beginning of eachparagraph.The main points to remember are:
a) the introductory paragraphintroducesthe main idea of the essay,
the topic sentences
introduce the main supporting ideas
b) the topic sentenceintroduces the main idea of the paragraph,and the
following sentences
provide supporting ideasfor it.
inthe Body
Connectorswill occur throughout the body of your essay.
The most common
onesarethosethat areusedfor listing, and for addition, for consequencesand for
emphasis.The basiclisting connectorsare:
firstly; secondly; the thirdfeature etc.; finally; in conclusion.
These arethe most boring ones.Rather better arethe onesthat show addition:
both..,and.;aho; not only....but abo....; furthennore; rnoreoaer;in add.ition.
Note: Do not overusetheseconnectors.It is very boring to read one of theseat
the beginning of eachsentence
! Note alsothat it is better to put alsoin the second
position in the sentence,
not at the beginning.
The most common connectorsshowing effects,results or consequencesare:
therefore; consequently; for this retnon; as a resuh; becauseof this.
Note also:All of the abovemust start a new sentence-+hey cannot be used to
join clauses.
For example
#Not eueryone
to tlte Internet thereforeit diuides communities
is wrong. You can either usea semi-colon (;) or useand therefore.
Connectors for emphasisare useful and include:
in fact; tabat is rnore; in particukr.
When giving examples you can use:
for examph; for instance; suclt as.
Be carefulwith the latter: sucltascan NOT begin a clause.It is a preposition,
followed by a noun (or gerund). (A"d pleaseneveruse #suchlike, which is not
correct English!)
There areof coursemany other connectors.Make yourselffamiliar with the most
usefulonesand be carefulto usethem accuratelyor your logic will appearfaulty.
48 Essoy
for English
The conclusion neednot be long. In fact, it can be asshort asone sentence.
good conclusionwill not be merelya repetition of the main topic statementof the
or of your proposition statementin the introduction, sincethat is rather
boring to readand doesnot showyour English skills.Nevertheless,
it should contain
somekind of a summary of the main argument or proposition of the essay.
It is
alsoa good idea to include a comment on the implications of your conclusion.
Il for instance,you make a recommendation, you can comment on what may
happen if your recommendationis followed. For example,(for the topic that
childrent viewing of television should be controlled):
Thereforeit is important to lirnit tlte amount of teleuisionthat children watclt,
otlteruise theywillsuffer educationallyand sociallyastheygrou uP.
Or: Therefore,if childreni teleuisionuieu.,ingis sensiblysuperuised
it uill albw
tltem to enjoycmain programsasu.,ellasto deuebptheskillsthat thry need.
Note the paraphrasesfor the word contro/.As with the introduction, if you want
to stay closeto the topic statementit is desirableto attempt to paraphraseit. In
you can evenavoid a paraphrasecompletely by summarising in a new
way. For example:
Children do not alwaysknout uhat is best
for them, and in this cAse,
many other cases,
tlteguidanceofparents is essentialf theydre to grou uP as
In some cases
a conclusionmay considerpossiblefuture outcomes. For example:
T/teInternet hasalreadybecomeutidespread
and almost indispensable,
and it
can beexpected
that in future Access
utill become
and easier
for eaerlone
in theuorld.
Or: Althoughatomicenerg!cAnneuerrt4nout, unlihefossilfuels, it is clearthat
other, less
of energtwill needto bedeueloped
for future
for English
Tests 49
Grommqrond Vocobulory
inthe Conclusion
Make surethat you know how to usevarious terms expressing
otheruise; in this case; under thesecircumstances
followed by the future tense"
You will alsoneed the languageof speculation (seebelow).
For predictions you will need the future tense,of course,and it is important to
usemodifiers in this case,such as it is lihely that, in allprobability. (See8.1
There are,of course,connectorsthat are typically usedfor conclusions.The first
one on the list is the most unimaginative, and it is better to think of a more
interestingone if you can.
In conclusion,finally, therefore, consequently,clearly, it is clear on the
uiltole, in otlter utords,generally speahing
Rememberthat you can combine thnefore with other connectors:e.g.It is clear
therefore,that..; Genera
lly speaking therefore.
Note: Bewareof the common error of using mare for emphasis.More is z
comParatlve term.
For example:
Peopleare moreinterestedin making Tnone!
doesnot mean
dre ueryinterested
in mahingmone!.
If you saytlrey ar:-mor€interested"
it should meanthat theyaremoreinterested
than before,
or rnoreinterested
in mahingrnonr!than somethingelse,but if
thereis no compatisonexpressed
or clearlyimplied, then rnore
50 Essoy
for English
There are two types of problems relatedto sryle:one is the effectof personal
writing habits, the secondis the result of cultural differencesbetweenyour
mother tongue or your educationalbackground on the one hand, and English
for academicpurposeson the other.
B.l Modifiers
One of the most important aspects
of languageuseis the appropriate useof
modifiers. This is because
it is in this way that you showyour understandingof
the value of the points you are making - in other words, you areshowing your
own reai understanding of the issues.
Look at thesestatements:
1. TheInternet hasmade life moreconuenient
for eaerlone.
2. Computersare theperfect toolfor education.
3. In somecases
rnone! ma! not increaseour happiness
all the time.
4. Oil is the bestsourceof energybut nuclear energl is much better.
5. 7iffic congestion
is an absolutedisasterin all cities.
6. Alternatiue energ)t
Probably seems
to bea possibleanswerto ourfuture
energl needs.
Can you seehow eachone is inappropriate?
The most common errorsin the useof modifiers are:
overemphasis or exaggeration
Modifiers should be usedto make your writing accurateand thoughtful. They
include adiectives,adverbs,modal verbs, phrasesand other parts of speech
showing degree,emphasisetc.
for English
Tests 51
2 Overgenerolisotion
As we sawin secrion4.7, overgeneralisation
isvery colrunon. To modify overgeneralised
statements,it is generallynecessary
to reducethe scopeof the statement,by
limiting the quantity or frequency or areainvolved.
Here are iust a few common modifiers for this:
feu.' Tnany rnost
sometintes ofrrn frequently
generally corwnon ruidcspread
Here the problem is not to exaggerate
the intensity of a statement.The writer's
attitude should show a suitable degreeof certainty.
Degreesof intensity areexpressed
by terms such as:
ratlter quite significant
considerable aer! dramatic
Degreesof certainty can be shown by expressions
such as:
maybe perhaps possible
definitely undoubtedly generally speahing
it is clear that
and all the modal verbs:
ma! might can
could should would
nast ought to
You can alsouseexpressions
that distanceyourself from the statement,such as:
somepeople beline it is generally agreed
according to most scientists it is said that
And in conclusions
it is usefulto modifi your statementswith tlteseexpressions:
Thereforeit seemsthat... h can be conclud.edthat
This indicates tltat
Certain verbs, for example, can also show varying degreesof strength or certainty:
people are / tend to be tltis suggests/ indicates / proues
x causes
! / x is a contributingfactor to y
52 Essoy
for English
ond Confusion
7hile overstatementand exaggerationare more common, some studentsgo the
other way, and understatetheir case,or produce mixed and confusedsignals.
This usuallyoccurswhen studentsmix someof the modifiers inappropriately.
Otherwise you can sound confusedand unintelligent. Look at theseexamples:
It is clearthat nurlear energ)/is lihely to beaposibb solution to our enngy needs.
peoplehauedied of staruation because
of tlte seuere
Pnplc dependsignificantly on tlte oceans
for food.
Abernatiue energlt
probably seems
to be tbeAnstuerto our energyneeds.
The majorproblem in modern citiesmight beair pollution.
Go back to the examplesin 8.1 above,and those in 8.4, and modifr them
a AnsuerKe!
Consider ways of increasing or reducing the strength of the following
statements so that they become acceptable.
a) Tbleuision
b) Ouerpopuktion utill possiblycauseman! ?roblemsin thefuture.
c) Our enuironmentis beingtotally destroyed.
d) Peopleare only interestedin moneythesedays.
e) Maybe the continuing destructionof the rainforestuill inueasetlte
f) Students
f.nd thattheymayltaue
for English
Lack of ideasis likely to result in a badly written essay.
tVhat commonly
happensis that the writer either needsto fill up the paper with empty,
meaninglessexpressions(often referredto aswaffle), or there is a good deal of
repetition of the sameidea,or both. Here is an exampleof sucha pieceof writing:
Usuallypeoplein the world hauetheir outn ltabits of eating and eacltand
eueryculture hasits own custorns
aboutfood. Houteuer,because
of a new
international, world-widr comrnunicationsystetn,
PeoPlecan ltauecontactuith
eacltotlter arudsomanypeopleare learning about otherpeople customs
habits aboutfood. Generallyspeaking some
peoPleare becomingaccustomed
foodfom otherplacesasthe! get in touch with other cubures.
down the ideas expressedin the above paragraph in one short
ond Thoughtless
Many studentsappearto learn a basicstructure and a few basicexpressions
then attempt to apply theseto everyessay,
no matter what the topic or the
meaning. This can produce somestrangeresults.Look at the following examples
of mindlesswriting:
Noutadayssportsare likely to becommonthroughout the world.
Education hasbecome
an imltortant thing in the lastfeut decades.
A student who writes like this is not showing much intelligence!
There arealsoconnectorswhich are usedwithout thought, or overused.The
Firstly.... Secondly....Thirdb.... Finally.... In conclusion
at the beginning of consecutiveparagraphsreflectsalazy mind, writing to a
54 Essoy
for English
Then thereareclich6s,which are more commonly misusedby native speakers
English, but somelearnersalsothink that they arewriting good, idiomatic
English by using them. Clich6 are expressions
which havebeen overusedin the
language,and are generallya sign of Iazythinking.
eachand eaer! one, foodfor thougltt, at tlte end ofthe day,
last but not least, uithout a doubt, aswe know
It is better to avoid such exoressions.
Another word which irritates many English teachers(and examination markers)
is notaaday. It is seriouslyoverusedand is not at all necessary.
It is very easyto
simply leaveit out in most cases:
(Nowadays)Tlte Internet is utidelyused
for educationalPurPosel
Lack of vocabulary and limited knowledge of grammar are other causesof bad
writing style.
Many studentshaveexceilentideasbut do not havesufficient vocabulary in
English to express
them. In such cases,
somestudentssimply usevocabulary
incorrectly,and becomeincomprehensible,but more commonly studentsin this
situation arelikely to write in a much simpler style than is suitablefor English
for academicpurposes.It is better to write simple, correct English than to try to
write sophisticatedEnglish and do it badly,but of coursea universiry or college
entry test essay
should not sound asif it waswritten by someonein primary
school!The sryleyou should aim for should be at leastthat of a good year9 or
year 10 student writing in their mother tongue.
Consider the following example:
Many peopleare utorried about the enuironment.And theythink ue shoulddo
somethingto makeit bener.For example,insteadof usingfossilfuels we can
usethesun'slteat to make electricity.Or we can usethe uind to make
elecnicity.And we can also usewater to rnake elecnicity.
There are no mistakesin the grammar of the aboveexample,but it is clearlynot
the way a university student would be expectedto write!
for English
Tests 55
Rewrite the above example into one or two sentences,using more
sophisticated vocabulary and sentence structures.
One of the major problems that somestudentsfaceis that their previous experience
in writing hasbeen in a srylewhich is not similar to that expectedin their test
This mav be because
a) the type of writing they have done before is different, or
b) the sryleof writing valuedby the mother tongue culture differs from
the sryleexpectedin English.
of Writing
An essay
is not like a letter,or a debateor political speech,or a text-book. You
needto be awareof the differencesin srylethat eachrequires"
Consider the folowing statements and decide which are suitable in style for
an essay:
a) Dear lecturer,I want to tellyou rnlt uieus on theproblernswith the
b) Youmight think there noproblem in hauingyour hids utatclt W for afeu
ltours eachday, but looh out! Theycould be watching rubbish!
c) The air u.,e
dependon consists
of oxygen,nitrogen, carbon dioxide and
otlter gases.
d) Is teleuision(t curseor a blessing?
Should tueualue it or banish it fom our
Tlte ansuteris not easyto deterrnine!
56 Essoy
for English
t) If *t allow the air to continue to bepolluted by car andfactory emissions,
are lihely tofind moreand more of thepopulation sufferingfom ill heabh.
f) Thereare teleuision
Programsuthich are clearlyunsuitablefor children to
taatchand it is important to ensurethat youngpeopleareprotectedfom them.
c AnsuerKry
More difficult to dealwith arethe differencesbetweenwriting
it different cultures'
From my experience it seemsto me, for example,that Japanese
short, simple sentences,
often beginning with And, But or So.Iranians,on the
other hand, seemto havea tradition of valuing quite complex sentencestructures,
with very long subjecs.The following is an adaptationof an iranian student'swriting:
Encouragingand prouiding suitable conditionsfor public nansPortby the use
ofpublic uehicles
instead ofpriuate uehicles
is anotlter way of soluingthe
In Asian languagessuch asChinese, Korean and Thai it is alsooften preferable
to havethe main idea expressed
in noun phrasesat the beginning of a sentence,
rather like in the aboveexample.Unfortunately, this not only soundsawhvard
in English, but it is alsoextremely difficult to write such complex sentences
correct English.The original sentencewas, in fact, full of grammatical errors.
The way to avoid this is to turn the sentenceback to front:
Another ruayof soluingtheProbhm is to encourage
and prouide suitable
conditionsfor tlte useofpublic uelticlesinsteadofpriuate ones.
It is not possibleto give one kind of adviceabout style to all students.Many
textbookson essay
writing for native speakers
encouragestudentsto make their
lesscomplex.This is becausethere is a tendency for rypical English-
speakingschoolleaversto t{F to Put too much into one sentence.
However,if you
arenot a native speakerthis advice may not be appropriate for you unlessyou too
aretrying to put too much into one sentence.
Repetition of words and phrasesis another issueto consider.fhile in some
languagesrepetidon is used a greatdeal and quite acceptably,(such asIndonesian,
for example),in English repetition is not highly valued, and writers make great
efforts to avoid it.
for English
Tests 57
Read the following two introducdons to a simple essaytopic and decide
what differences there are in style, and which, if either, is preferable.
Identifr as many stylistic details aspossible"
rYhat Are sotne of the dfficubies that peopleface uthen liuing in a neu
Vhen someone
goesto liae in another countr! he or shewillf'nd man! new
things that are notfamiliar. Someof thesenew tltings may bedfficub for him or
her to get usedto. I want to talh about threedffirent wals in which it may be
dfficuh for a Personto get usedto liuing in a neu.,
counff!. Thef.rst ua! that it h
dfficult is what ue ma! call physical, tlte secondutay is wltat we may call social,
and the third raayis uthat ue ma! call mental.
Without a doubt the transferof an indiuidualforn oneenuironment to
anotlter must beaccompaniedby a certain dzgreeof dfficuhy, no matter utho that
indiuidual may be, nor utlteresheor he may hauecome
from or transfenedto. In
all human endeauours
it ispossible,and indeedofien desirable,to classifit
phenomenaaccordingto certain logicalcategories.
Sucha ckssif.cationfrequently
in a betterperception of the ndture of thephenornenatltus obserued.
In this
Abo, it is intended to categorise
common[t experienced
dfficuhies in migration
accordingto whether theyfall into thephysical,socialorpsychological
a Answer Ke!
9, Proof-reoding
There is usually not much time left during a test to go overyour essay
correct any mistakes.In any case,you are probably under too much tension to
seemosr of them. However, there aretwo typesof error that it is relativelyeasy
to check for and both involve the final letter S.This is frequently omitted. If you
havetime, skim through your essayand checkwhether
a) your plural noruls end in
b) all verbs in the third person singular, prresenttense' also end in
58 Essoy
for English
Correct the following as quickly as possible:
Tltereare many kind ofpollution in our enuironment.Indusny cause
pollutionfom smohe.It alro createuAter pollution because
of the dumping of
toxic utaste.Car alsopollute the atmosphere
utith gasemission.Euen ordinary
citizen are responsible
for polluting the enuironment by throuing rubbish onto
road, beacltand otherpublic place.
Theoretically,your handwriting and the layout and generaiappearance
of your
essayshould not influence the examiner.Perhapsthey dont. But in practicean
which is neatly written and presenteddoesmake a better impression.Some
small points to remember:
a) Leavea good margin. Then you havespacefor correctionsif you want
to make them.
b) Start eachnew paragraphon a new line and indent it.
c) If you want to crossout something, do it with one neat line, not a hard
scribble.Do not usebracketsto enclosecrossedout words"
d) If you do not useRoman script in your mother tongue and have
difficulry with it -fractise. If you areliving in an English-speaking
country, the childrens sectionin your local library may havesome
books usedto teachchildren to write, which could help you.
Finally, now that you havestudied and understood everythingin this book, there
is no need to get nervousabout the test!
for English
Tests 59
a) andc) askthe samequestion,
but from opposingends;b) andd) both compare
roleof the homeandtheschoolin education;
e)and0 dealwith the samequestion
from opposingends.
SeeThsk 10 on p.25 for an example
a) Leisure activities: Physical: sport, exercise Social:friends, relations
Creative / Cultural: art, music, dance
b) Education: Better understanding:knowledg. - better decisions,better
jobs: satisfaction;pay pleasure:culture - books, music
c) City life: Environment: crowded, no nature, space;
Expectations: too much - time Pressure;
work pressure,transPort problems.
Cars: convenisnl - door-to-door but: no exercise,
lower life exPectancy
fast: but: not in traffic jams
but dependson costofpublic ffansport.Costhigh for socieqrair pollution!
a) harmand good
b) This topic should ideally be discussed
without evaluation.Socialscientistshave
tried to find factual evidencefor or againstthis. In practice,you can only draw
conclusionsfrom what you assumeto be the case.
c) quality of life
d) too much. Stressis
a term most peoplewould understandthe sameway. But how
much is too muclt?
factoriesand carslead to air pollution;
rubbish and wastedisposallead to water pollution;
water pollution and lack of freshwater lead to fish dying;
deforestationleadsto animalsbeing endangered.

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  • 1.
  • 3. @ GabiDuigu 2002 All rightsreserved Revised andreprinted2003 Published by AcademicEnglishPress 9/13ArmstrongStreet Cammeray NSf 2062 Australia Ph:0294376330 email: g.duigu@unsw. Distributed by: Melting PotPress 10 GraftonStreet Chippendale NSW2008 Australia Ph: (61)29212 1882 Fax:02 9211 1868 email:books@elt. ISBN:0-9578996-1-0
  • 4. lntroduction StogeI TheQuestion L Understonding the Question ....3 1.1 The Instructions ......3 1.2Kev Terms 2. AnolysingtheQuestion... ......7 2.1FindingtheFocus ..... '7 2.2 Understanding the Context ' . . .8 2.3DefiningtheTerms . .....10 Stoge2 Selecting ond Presenting ldeos 3, Findingldeos ....r3 3.1Brainstorming ...14 3.2 FindingMore Ideas . . . .15 3.3UsingExamples ' '.... '17 3.4The "'s7hatifNot"Situation '. '.. 'I7 3.5 Lookingat the Other Side . . . .18 4, Selecting ldeos ......1e 4.1SolutionstoProblems. ......19 .2Evaluation. . . . ' .20 4.3 Classificationof Ideas . . . . . ' '21
  • 5. 4.4Typesof Classification ".... "23 4.5 SelectingRelevantldeas .....25 4.6Levelof Generalisation ... "..26 4.7 OvergeneralisationsandExaggeration .....28 5, Orgonisingldeos... ......3r 5.1RankingIdeas . . .31 5.2Consequences ...3I 5.3Comparisons ....33 5.4$ternatives.. ...34 5.5Speculation.. ...34 Stoge3 Writing 6, Using the Right Grommor,Vocobulory ond Style 6.1Grammar ......37 6.2Vocabulary .....39 7, TheSections of the Essoy . .. .. .40 7.lThe Introduction .....40 7.1.1GrammarandVocabularyin the Introduction . . . . . . . . .43 7.2TheBody. ....: .....45 T.2.lYocabularyintheBody ......47 7.3TheConclusion ......48 7.3.1GrammarandVocabularyin the Conclusion . . . . .49 8, Style 8.1Modifiers ......50 S.2Overgeneralisation ....51 8.3Overemphasis ...5I 8.4UnderstatementandConfusion. ....52 8.5Waffle ....53 8.6FormulaicandThoughtlessVriting ......53 8.7Immature'Writing .....58 8.8CulturalDifferencesinSwle .......55 9. Proof-reoding .......57 10,Appeoronce ...58 AnswerKey AppendixA ...64 AppendixB ...66 50 59
  • 6. This coursedescribesa step-by-stepapproachto writing essays for the IELIS AcademicWriting Module Task 2 and for other similar essaytasks.It provides exercises to practisethe stagesindividually (Appendix A) aswell asgiving a list of rypical essaytopics, and there are model essays given in Appendix B. The Answer Key providesexplanationsaswell asanswers. ThePurpose In order to be able to write good essays it is first of all essentialto make surethat you understandthe purposeof the task. It may seemobvious: the purpose is to testyour abiliry to write essays for university or collegein English. However, a momenr's reflection will make it clear that the test task is quite unlike a university essay, sinceit is typically 1 to 2 pages long and is written on an unprepared topic in about 40 minutes. No university essayis like that. Even in universiry examinations,where you may haveto write about two pagesin half an hour, you areexpectedto havestudied the subjectin advance. So let us considersomepossiblepurposesfor the English test essay. These can be saidto be: a) to show that you are able to selectrelevantideasand information to answera question b) to show your knowledge and understandingof the topic c) to show your abiliry in presentinga logical argument d) to show your skills in organisingyour ideassystematically e) to show your abiliry to usesophisticatedEnglish f) to show your basicgraspof English grammar and vocabulary.
  • 7. 2 Essoy Writingfor English Tests These questionscan be grouped into 4 categories, which reflect the 4 aspectsof an essay: 'I. Understanding the question (") 2. Knowing the subject (b) 3. Thinking skills (a & d) 4.Langaage skills (. & 0 How should thesebe ranked in importance?Here is what the IELIS Handbook saysfor the AcademicWriting Thsk2: In Task 2 candidates are presented with a point of view or argument or problem. Candidates are assessed on their ability to: . presentthe solution to a problem . present and justifr an opinion . compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications . evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or an argument The topics are of general interest and it makes no difference what subjects candidates study. The issuesraised are interesting, suitable for and easily understood by candidates entering postgraduate or undergraduate studies. This showsthat your knowledge of the topic is not the main emphasisin this test.That is not surprising--*fter all, you arebeing examined for your writing abiliry in English, not for your knowledge.The main emphasisis in fact on your abiliry to think and argue appropriately about a common issue.This is because university studentsneed to be ableto to analyseand discussproblems and solutions, and evaluateand express opinions. University study is not simply about presentingfacts. In order to argueappropriately there are two stages involved: a) understanding the question clearly,and b) being ableto selectthe right method to presentan opinion in a suitableway.This meansorganisingyour ideasand your language. This book thereforedealswith thesethree stages: I. Understanding the question II. Selecting and Presenting IdeasAppropriately III. Appropriate Language Use
  • 8. TheQuestion L Understonding the Question The first step in essay writing is to analysethe essaytask which tellsyou what the topic is, and alsogivesan indication of what kind of things you are expectedto sayabout the topic. Essaytopics have 3 components: 1) the instruction words, telling you what to do 2) the key words indicating the topic 3) the words restricting the topic, indicating what aspectof the topic you are askedto focus on. Wewill considertheseone by one. L l TheInstructions Look at thesetasks: a) Describe the role of the fnternet in modern society. b) Tbe enaironment is the m.ostimportant issttcin the utorld today. Discuss. What are the instruction words?
  • 9. 4 Essoy Writing for English Tests In a) it is describeand in b) it is discuss.Theserwo words indicate the two most common rypesof essaythat one can write. If you are askedto describesomething, then your essay will mosdy present facts and not opinions. However, if you areaskedto discusssomething, then your opinion is being askedfor, and you areusually expectedto eaaluate something, or to arguefor or againstsomething.At universiryor collegeyou areexpectedto be able to discussproblems and ideas,rather than simply to report on facts,and so the IELTS essay questionpresents a common situation or a present-dayissueabout which people have different opinions, and asksyou to give your own views on this topic. Here is the rypical wording of an IELIS essay task: Present a written argument or caseto an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic: 'Wb liue in a technohgical age. Hotueuer, tecltnology cnnnot solueall the utorldi problems. Thereforesornepeople argue that ue need to phce less emphasison technologicalsolutions and more on other aalues. To what extent do you agree or disagreewith this opinion? You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. The first part of the instruction makesit clearthat a) you need to presenta seriousargument in a formai sryle (for an 'educated reader') b) you are not being testedon your deepknowledge or understandingof the subject ('with no specialistknowledge'). The last part of the instruction offersa suggestionabout what to include. ('You should useyour own ideas,knowledgeand experience to support your arguments with examplesand relevantevidence.') 'We will deaiwith this more in the next section. Now let us look at the ouestion itself.This alsohastwo components: a) the description of the topic, which is usually expressed asa point of view on a curfent situation and b) a question askingyou what your opinion is.
  • 10. Essoy Writingfor EnglishTests 5 Part a) is generallyexpressed in 1 to 3 sentences. One or two sentences may present a statementor a question about a situation: ('7e live in a technologicalage,but technology cannot solveall our problems').The secondpart will probably present a conclusionthat somepeopledraw from this situation ('therefore we should place lessemphasison technology and more on other values').This is designedto help you to think about the contents. (More about this in the next section') Part b) asksthe question. This may be phrased as to utltat extentdoyou agree? or what isyour opinion?or doyou agreewith this?or words to that effect. Now what is your task? a) to presentboth sidesof the argument? b) to either strongly support or strongly opposethe argument, depending on your own personalopinion? c) to partly support or partly opposethe lrgument, dependingon your own personalopinion? The correct answeris either b) or c). The words to uthat extentmean the sameasltout murh. That is,your answerwill express one of theseattitudes: a) I agreecompletely b) I agreepartly and disagreepardy c) I disagreecompletely. Many studentsfeel that they need to presenta strong argument for or againstan idea or proposition. This is not true. Even if the words to uthat extentdo not appear in the quesrion,it is alwaysacceptableto agreeor disagreepartly with a proposition. There is another point to remember here.Although it is usuallyeasierto write what you actually believe,it is not absolutely necessary. If you do not haveenough ideasor examplesto support the sideof an argument that you want to suPPort, you can alwayssaysomething like: on the one hand.,..., but on the other hand and presentargumentsfor both sides.However,you should not simply contradict yourself.That is, you should not sayI agreein one sectionand then I disagreein the next paragraphs.That soundsasif you aresimply confusedor arenot expressing what you think at all. Vhat you can sayis: Theseare someargumentsfor and tlteseare someargarnenE agairrt, and soI only partly agree/ disagree,Or you can say: Tbere are good arguments on both sides, but on tlte tahole I prefer the
  • 11. 6 Essoy Writing for English Tests argumentsfor / against. (Of courseyou would not usetheseactual words. They only summarisethe possibleunderlying meaningsin your essay.) Remember,you are not being examinedon your opinions, but only on how well you can expressand support someintelligent ideas,whether they areyour own or not. 1,2 Keyterms This is usually the easiest part of the essayto dealwith. Normally the key words deal with a familiar topic, such asthe Internet, or television,or technology in general.This is becausethe examinersarenot testing you for your knowledge, but rather for your abiliry to write well. Therefore the topics chosenwill be about conceptsand issuesthat they expecteveryeducatedpersonto know something about. Common topicsinclude: Edtr..tiori The environment Information Technology The media Advertising / consumer issues Social problems Health Lifestyles (including life in cities, traffic problems, quality of life) Culture and society (music, art, literature, television etc.) Foreign languages and travel Sport Scientific research (including genetic engineering, sPacetravel) Ethical issues(right and wrong behaviour such as the treatment of animals, law enforcement etc.) Try to thinh of other topics that you hnow ltaue beenusedin preuious examina- tions, or that you thinh might occur. You can find sample questions on all of these topics in Appendix A. In order to be preparedwith ideason such key concepts,it is necessary to keep up to datewith the major issues being discussed in the world. The editorial pages of newspapersand newsmagazinesare important sourcesof such information, as are current affairsradio and televisionprograms.
  • 12. Essoy Writing for English Tests 7 2,Anolysing the Question Understanding the question meansmore than understanding the instructions or the words of the question.It meansrecognisingthe focus of the question, and knowing what approach you should take to the topic. This is, in someways,the most important aspectof writing the essay, and requires the most thought. You should thereforebe preparedto spend at least3 minutes thinking about what approachto take to the question. The handbook, you remember,explainsthat Candidates are assessed on their ability to: . present the solution to a problem . present and justifr an opinion . compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications e evaluate and challenge ideas, evidence or an argument. You will thereforeneed to decidewhich of theseapproachesis the one required for any particular question.You will alsoneed to know when and how much to usedefinitions and examples. In this sectionwe will dealwith the following featuresof a discussionor argument essay: The Focus The Context Definitions Examples 2,1Finding the Focus It is very important to look at the actual question words very closely.Students sometimesjump to conclusionsabout what they should write by just looking at the topic, and not at the focus of the topic. Consider the following questions: a) Many people belieaethat the Internet is tlte most reaolutionary new inaention of the last century. Do you agree? b) The Internet has reuolutionised the modcrn uorld, but many people argae that it has ako created neu problems and inequalities. rl{hat isyour opinion? c) The Internet could reuolutionise the tporld in future, if eueryone could haue easyAccess to all the inforrnation that is aaaikble on the W'orld rYidz Veb.Do you agree or disagreeuitb this statetnent?
  • 13. Essoy Writing for English Tests In eachof the abovethe topic is the Internet and its revolutionary role in the world. Soyou must havea basicidea about what the Internet involvesand think about what reuolutionise means,i.e. makefandamental changes. Howeveq eachone alsoraisesa different questionand must be answereddifferently. It is necessary to look at the remaining words carefully to seewhat is required: a) is the most revolutionary new invention of the last century. b) hasrevolutionisedthe modern world, but it hasalso creatednew problems and inequalities. c) could revolutionisethe world in future, if everyonecould haveeasy access to all the information that is availableon the'World Vide'Web. You can seethat a) involvescomparing the Internet with other inventions, and arguingthat it is, or is not, the most revolutionary.On the other hand b) expects you ro acceptthat it is revolutionary,and to considerboth its benefitsand the problemsit hascreated.Finally c) wants you to speculateabout the future, and to considerhow much you believethe future benefitswill changethe world. 2,2Understonding the Context Remember that the IELIS Handbook saysthat the topics are of general interest and it mahesno difference tahat subjectscandidates study,It goeson to saythat The issues raised are interesting, saitable for and easily understood by candidates entering ltostgraduate or undergraduate studies. The question is alwaysbasedon an issue,or a problem.which you areaskedto analyseand presentan opinion on. If something is considereda probiem or an issue,it meansthar reasonable peoplemust haveconflicting opinions on the topic. You would not, for example,expecta question like this: Somelteoph considerthat murder is urong, Tb rahat extent do you agree?since there is not much to be said in favour of murder. In other words, it is not just some people who think that murder is wrong, but basicallyeverybody.It is not an issue.However,look at this question: Somepeoph think that murderers should be executed.To uthat extent do you agree?Here the question is about what to do about murder, and that is very controversial!Therearevery strong opinions about this on both sidesand you needto be awareof theseto dealwith such a topic. (In fact it is unlikely that IELIS will presentyou with very political or emotional issueslike this') You therefore need to think, before you plan your own answe! why the question is consideredto be an issueor a problem by the examiners. '!?'hat arethe different
  • 14. EssoyWritingfor English Tests opinions that might existon the topic?*Vhat is the context in which this topic is controversial? That is to say,who arefie peoplewho areconcernedabout it and why? It is alsonecessary to interpret the underlying meaning of a question.Sometimes the wording can be quite different berweentwo questions,but the underlying conceptsare the samebecause of the context. IASKI In the following questions the wording is different but the underlying meaning is sometimes the same. Test your ability to interpret topics by identifring which of the following basically ask the same question. (In each casethe statement would be followed by a question asking for your opinion.) a) Tbrtiary education is of greater benefit to tlte indiaidual receiuingit tban to the societltas a ultol.e. h is therefore not dzsirabl"e for goaert rnents to spend the ttucPalers'money on supPorting studentsjust so that tbey cAn earn rnore mone! in future. b) Parents haue a greater influence on their childreni future success than schoobdo. Goaernmentssltould.thereforeprouide parent naining courses' ratlter than 'teaclter training courses'. ) Free tertiary education is essentialfor eaer! countr! since tertiary graduates are tlte only quaffied and educated peoPle that can help countries to ?rogress in the modern utorld. d) Education is the most important sourceof children deuelopment,No matter uhat their bacbground, if children ltaue good schookand teacltersthey can progress,Gouernmentssltould thereforeput their major resources into scltool education. e) Modern scienceand technologjtcan solaeeuironmental problems, suclt aspollation and ghbal uarming, tf *t "Ppb mough resources to researclt, f) People tltrougltout the uorld are ignoring the dangers of enuironmental pollution and of global utarming in the ltope that scimce and technology canf.nd solutions. Tbis is not true. W'eall need to tahe responsibility for the damage u)eAre causing and rnust change our life-styles. a Answer Key
  • 15. l0 Essoy Writing for English Tests TASK 2 Choose 3 questions &om Appendix A and consider what dre context might be for them: what kind of people might be most concerned about the issue, and for what reasonscould these topics be considered problematic? (Discussin groups if you are in a class.) 2,3Defining theTerms Some books and teacherstell you that you must define the terms that you useso that the readerwill understandyou. This is sometimestrue, but it is necessary to be sensibleabout it. For example,look againat two of the examplesgiven in2.1: a) Many peoph belieuethat the Internet is the most reuolutionary neu inuention of the last century. To uhat extent do you agree? b) The Internet ltas reaolutionised the modern uorld, but it bas ako created netaprobhms and inequalities, Do you agree? Vhich of the following terms do you think need defining? Internet; reuolutionary / reuolutionise; neut inaention; nlodern uorld; dangers; inequalities; eas! access; 'World Vide Yeb. The "educatedreader"that the IELTS test asksyou to write for can be assumed to understand these: Interneti neut inuention; modern urorld; easyaccess; .World Vide W'eb. However, the term reaolutionary or reaolutionise can be interpreted differently, and in fact you need to explain what you mean by it in question a) otherwise you cannot answerthe question. However, that doesnot mean that you need to define the terms directly.You will need to give an indirect definition of the degreeof changeimplied, by showing how important you think the changesarethat have been produced by the Internet, and whether thesechangesaremore important and dramatic than other changes.
  • 16. Essoy Writingfor English Tests 11 For question b) it is probably not necessary to concernyourselfwith this term, becauseyou need to focus on the problems and inequalities, rather than on the degreeof change . In this caseyou would be dealingwith indirect definitions of thesetwo concepts.(See4.2 on p.20, for a discussionon evaluation in definitions.) Now consideragainthe first sampletopic given in this book, and comPareit with the samplegiven in the IELfS Handbook: Y'eliae in a technological age. Houteuer, technology cAnnot solaeall the world problems. ThereforesomepeoPle argue tltat we need tophce less empharis on tecltnological solutions and more on other aalue* Now look at the sampletopic given in the IELIS Handbook: Presenta written argument or caseto an educatedreaderwith no specialistknowledge of the following topic: It is ineuitable that as tecltnologjt deuelopstraditional cuhures must be lost. Tbchnologyand tradition are incompatible - lou cnnnot haue both togetlter. You should useyour own ideas,knowledge and experienceto suPPort your argumentswith examplesand relevantevidence. Do the rwo topics askthe samequestion or not? Both areabout technology,and in both cases technology is contrastedwith something else.The focus in the first question is on contrasting technology with otherualues while in the secondquestion it is contrastedwith taditional cubure. 'Whether you treat thesequestionsas basicallythe sameor not dependson your definition of *adition end of other aalues.Both arevery broad terms) and can be interpreted in different ways,and here it is important to take time to considerwhat they mean to the average educatedreader,and what they mean to you. If you think of traditional cuhure as dealing only with material objects, such asfood and clothing, then you will discuss this in one way. If you also include socialactivitiessuch asmusic and danceand theatre,then you may give a different answer.And if you include conceptssuch asreligion and socialbehaviour, then you will be ableto considerboth questions asbasicallydealingwith the sameconcepts,sinceother valuesin this casewould be included tn traditional cuhure.
  • 17. 12 Essoy Writing for English Tests It is up to you to decidehow broadly you want to considerthe definition of traditional culture,but you must make your concept clearto your the sameway,if you havethe first question to dealwith, you must indicatewhat you mean by otlter ualues. It is not necessary to give a formal definition, which is very difficult to do. In other words, you do not need to write: Tiaditional culture can be dfined as..... Instead you can wrire something like: By *aditional cuhure I mean not only the things that peoph mahe, lihe hand-wouen clntlt or ltouses,but abo their ceremonies and performances,suchas mu.sicand dance.ln other words, you can give examples to help you to define. 'W'hat about the terms technology and technological age?Do they need defining? Not really- again it would be enough to give examples' TASK 3 Look at the above two questions again and think about their foculIf you decide to define traditional cuhure more or less in the same way as other ualuescould you write basically the same essayfor both? Time: It is worfi spending enough dme on stage1 to €nsurethat your essay answers the question asit was intended by the examiners.If you spend2 or 3 minutes thinking about the topic, it may seemlike a iong time during an exam, but it is time well spent if it helps you to write confidently and appropriately.
  • 18. Selecting ond Presenting ldeos 3,Finding ldeos In an essay of 250 words, to be written in 40 minutes,you cannotbe too ambitious about what you write. Some studentsmake the mistake of trying to express very deepideasand they never get pastwriting an introducdon to what would be a long essay if there was time. On the other hand, if you do not haveany specific ideasat all you may find yourself sayingonly one thing over and over again in severaldifferent ways.This is not the way to get a good score.Look at the following example: TheInternet hasprouided great benef.tsto modernsocietybecause it hashelped euerlone in their work. It mahes euerything easier. It hashelpedall sectors of society. WithouttlteInternet,euerything is rnuchmoredfficuh and tahes a long time.But sinceweltauetlteInterneteuery hind of uork is muclteasier to do. Therefore tlte Internet hasprouided great benefts to eaerlone. This little 'bssay''says almost nothing. There is virtually no information and there are no ideas.If someonewhose English is not very accuratewrites like this, the readerhasno ideasto think about and will only notice the grammatical and vocabularymistakes. Generallywhat you need is to havea basicproposition statement( that answersthe question to urhat extentby indicating a great deal, a linle, partly (seeabove)plus about three points or examplesto support your argument.
  • 19. V Essoy Writing for English Tests Three is a good number (although it can be lessor more), sincethat givesyou a 5 paragraphessay, which is about the right length: Paragraph1 Introduction 2 Supportingpoint 3 Supportingpoint 4 Supportingpoint 5 Conclusion The easiest wayto find andorganise ideasis to brainstorm. 3,I Broinstorming In order to organiseyour ideasfor a topic, it is first of all necessary to pin them down. Most studentsfind that the bestway to dealwith this is to brainstorm their ideasfirst. This simply meansjotting down any concePtsthat come into your headassociated with the given topic, in note form, and in random order (i.e. in any order in which they occur to you). Let us look at a simple example.The question may be: Tlte Internet ltas reuolutionised tlte rnodern uorld, but it has ako created netuproblems and inequalities. Do you agree? 7e need to find ideasfor both parts of the question -+he revolutionising effect of the Internet, and alsoits problems. Wemight come up with the following: banking online shopping enrail chet-rooms distence educetion hacking informaiion for reseetch oirline bookings concert / lheelrc bookings PornograPhy information fot research business comnuniceiion sharing infornration: for policeetc./ and for terrorists viruses P00r PeoPle have no access / lefi out
  • 20. Essoy Writing for English Tests 1 5 TASK 4 'Write a brainstormed list of ideas relating to the topic: Children gend far too much time in front of teleuisionand computer screens.Their time should be strictly controlled. Discuss your ideaswith someone else.You can also practise brainstorming with other topics from the list provided in the appendix. The more you practise, the easierit will be for you to think of ideas quickly during the test. ut Answer Key 3.2Finding Moreldeos If you arehaving difficulties thinking up ideasat the right level of generalisation (seep.26 for a discussionabout this), then a good technique is to think of very specific,concreteexamples,and then try to find a higher level of abstractionthat the examplesbelong to. Let me explain this with a simple illustration. Imagine that you are askedto write about this: The importanceof animak topeopleis not alwaysrecognised. Weshouldpa! rnoredttention to how we look afier and protect animals.First you needto think about how important animals are to people. Begin by thinking of specificanimals --+nyanimals,inciuding insects: c0r{ mosquito sheep kan ga roo butterfly Now organisetheseunder a higher level of classification,e.g. lion cal dog DOMESTIC ANIMATS cow cat dog sheep WILD ANlttlAtS lion ka nga roo INSECTS rnosqu ito butte rfly
  • 21. 16 Essoy Writing for English Tests Think again,and come up with a sub-division of domestic animals: ANIMALS WHOSE PRODUCTS WEUSE c0w sh eep PETS dog cal Under insectswe haveharmful ones-srosquitoes, and useful ones- butterflies,which help to pollinate plants. Now we can go back to our topic, the importance of animals to people, and we can say: 1) someanimals areimportant to us directly because we usetheir products (e.g.cows,sheep,goatsetc.) 2) someanimals give us pleasureaspets (dogs,cats,birds etc.) 3) someanimalshelp usindirecdy pollinating plants (bumerflies,bees etc.) 4) someanimalsarejust interestingand amracttourists (lions,kangaroosetc.) And i[ after thinking all that in our brainstorming and classifying,we suddenly think of horses,we may add the categoryof animab that uorh for zs (and then rememberwater buffaloes,donkeys,camelsetc.). In your essayyou will then write about thesecategoriesof animals,rather than about individual species. This is a simple example,but the sameprinciple can be appiied to many topics and it should help to provide ideasfor you to write about. TASK 5 Practise brainstorming concrete ideas and then classifring them under absffact headings as in the above example with the following topics: a) Peopleshould not utorh too hard - th"y should remember the importance of leisure actiaities. b) Education is the ntost irnPortant possession a lterson can ltaae. ,) Cirylife istoostessful. a Ansuter Key
  • 22. Essoy Writing for English Tests r7 3,3Using Exomples In all essays you must give specificpoints to support your argument. Sometimes a topic will be quite abstractand it is important to realisethat you need to use examplesto support your point of view - and to make surethat you have enough to say!The IELfS examination question itself specifiesthat You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to suPPort your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. Look at this topic: Youngpeoph are said to baue hst ntan! of the traditional aalues of the older generation. This doesnot ntatter, becausethe old aalueshaue no rebuance in the modern utorld. Wb need to deuelop a urhoh neut set of ualues.Do you suPPort this statement? M*y studentsmake the mistake of trying to write only in generalstatementsabout a topic like rhis.That is difficult to do, because you needvery abstract,philosophical languageto do it well. It is much better to think of specificexamplesof valuesand to usetwo or three of theseto illustrate and support your point of view. 3,4The"Whotif Not"Situotion It can happen that you arefacedwith a question tiat you haveneverthought about at all, and where it is difficult to think of concreteexamples.Remember,however, that the examinersselecttopics which have been consideredcontroversialby many people and that there is alwaysa socialcontext for thesequestions.Imagine, for example,that you get a question about whether you think the governmentshould fund more researchinto the causes of cancer.All you know is that canceris dangerousand kills many people. How areyou going to write at least250 words on this question? The first step is to think about why anyonewould suggestthis question.There aretwo componenrsto the question:a) the problem of cancerand b) the question of funding for research- who should do it? It may be very difficult for you to sayanything sensiblein answerto the first question if you do not know any facts about cancer. However, the secondquestion should give you someideasto work with. Even if you know nothing about cancerresearchyou can think about the uthat if not?' situation. That is to say: rYbat if thegounnment doesnotfund this research? Who should fund it? Should medical researchbe conducted by governmentsor by private institutions? If it is funded by private institutions, who paysand why?
  • 23. 18 Essoy Writing for English Tests Or perhapsno one will pay, and the researchwill not be done. On the other hand, if the government doesfund this research,from what budget is it to come? (Do not assumethat governmentshavean endlesssupply of money, asstudents often do in their essays!) If the government doesnot fund this research,can it usethe samemoney for more useful medical work, such ashealth education to prevent common diseases? If you follow this line of thinking you will be able to write a greatdeal,without having to know very much about canceror cancerresearch, becausebasicallythe question is about money: government asagainstprivate spending on health, or the priorities in health spending in cases where funds arelimited. These kinds of ideascan alsobe brainstormed by jotting down notes on the question part of your paper.The examinerwill not look at any notesyou make. 3,5Looking of the OtherSide Remember that if you are presentingan argument it is not necessary to present only the points that support your side of the argument. In fact, if you want to be convincing and to give a balancedstatement,you need to look at what the supportersof the other sidearelikely to say,and to give a responseto that. This will alsogive you many more ideasto write about. For example,look at this topic: In euery city the car is hing of the road. Cars causedeath and injury and air pollution and they mahe life dangerousfo, otlters. It is time to reduce tlte number of cars in our cities and to encourageotlter mearu of transport. There are alreadyfour argumentsgiven to support the statement.To theseyou could add traffic congestion,roadsdestroyingthe landscapeand making it unsafefor children to play outside their housesetc. Now what arethe counter- arguments?You could suggestthat strict speedlimits can be implemented, that car enginesare alreadycausinglesspollution than beforeand that researchis likely to produce clean fuels in the near future, and that specialwalking paths and bicycle paths are alreadyin usein some countries.
  • 24. Essoy Writing for English Tests 19 TASK 6 Make up a list of arguments that supPort tlte useof the car, and then try to frnd counter-arguments against these. Be carefi.rlto make sure that the counrer-argurnents do not introduce different arguments - they must present directly opposing arguments to the ones given. a Answer Ke! 4,Selecting ldeos There area number of conceptsthat you must be clearabout because they are involved in everykind of writing that you will do. You must be awareof the fact that you will nearly alwaysbe dealing with problems and solutions, that above all you areevaluating ideasand solutions asyou write, and that you must select ideasthat are relevant, that are at the right level ofgeneralisation, and that are ranked logically for the topic that you arewriting about. Wewill look at all theseissuesnow, and then go on to discusstypical organisation Patternsin the next section. 4,1Solutions to Problems Candidates are assessed on their ability to present the solution to a problem, the IELTS Handbook states.In fact, everytopic is really a problem. If it were not a problem, it would not be worth talking about' So, for example,you might be askedto considerthis topic: Most cities sufferfrom nffic congestion.Wat do you thinh should be done about it? To dealwith a question that asksyou directly to think of a solution, you should usethe brainstorming processGee3.1). Mostly, however,you will be offered somesuggested solutions,and will be askedto considerthem' There are a number of waysof consideringpossiblesolutions to problems. In every case,you will need to useevaluation. That is, you will need to evaluate how good the possiblesolutionsarelikely to be. In the next section (Organising Ideas)we will look at rypical organisationpatterns for dealing with solutions to problem, but first we must discussthe most important aspectof all your writing:
  • 25. 20 Essoy Writing for English Tests 4.2Evaluotion Thatever the task,whether it is problem-solving, looking at effectsor consequences, defending an opinion, comparing and contrastingevidenceor ideas,you will need to evaluate. Every essay will involve an evaluation of ideas.That simply meansthat you need to saywhether an idea or concept is good or bad, or better or worse than another one. (SeeStage3 for the languagerequired.) In somecases the question involvesa definition which is an evaluation. In other words, the key terms of the question involve an evaluation. For example,look at this topic: Modern technology ltas increased our mater;al taeahh but has decreased our personal happiness.To uhat extent do you agree? To be ableto discussthis you need to give at leastan indirect definition of what you mean by happiness. This cannot be defined in any objectiveway jt is a concept that involvesvalues. [Seealso 5.3 Comparisons] TASK 7 Look at the following topics and decide which terms require an evaluation: a) Tblnision doesmore harm tltan good, according to many nitics. Do lou agree uith this? b) h is orten ckimed that teleuision andfi.lrns encourageaiobnce. 'What isyour opinion? c) Computers haue imltroued the quality of our liues. Do you agree? d) Peoplein modern cities liue under too much stressand something should be done about it, Do you agree? e) Tbornuch monEt is spent on sPort and not enough on serious cuhure sucb as rnusic and art. This is mahing our societjtshallou',. a AnsuterKey
  • 26. Essoy Writingfor English Tests Studentsoften make the mistake of overstatingtheir argument. An evaluation should be realistic and reasonable,not exaggerated, or over-idealistic,or based on over'generalisations. (See4.7 below.) Selectingideasinvolvesensuringthat your points are relevant and at the right level of generalisation.Beforewe can selectthe most relevantand appropriate points, we need to do a preliminary organisationof ideas,asshown below. 4,3Clossificotion of ldeos After brainstorming, and having looked at the topic again,your next step is to organisethe ideasthat you havejotted down. This involves classi$'ingyour ideas into logical categories, so that you can produce well-organisedparagraphs' Generally,more than one systemof classificationis possiblebut there is usually one very obvious pattern. Let us iook at the exampleswe usedbeforeand find a simple pattern. What follows is just an exampleof how you might think about classifyingyour ideas.It is there asa generalguideline, not asa model to be copied directly in any way. in 3.1 we looked at this question: Tlte Internet ltas reuolutionised tlte modern tuorld, but it has ako created neu problems and inequalities. Do you agree? tVe then brainstormed the followine ideas: banking online shopping email chat-rooms distance education hacking infornetion forreseatch airline bookings concert / theelrc bookings Pofnog rsPhy information forresearch business communication sharing information: forpolice elc.ond fortertorists uiruses P00r PeoPle heve noeccess / lefiout 21
  • 27. 22 Essoy Writing for English Tests Theseideascan be classified under the two categories of positive and negativeeffects: P0stTtvE banking;online shopping; distence educetion; eirline bookings; concert / lheetrc bookings; business communicetions; emaih infornretion forresearch; chat-rooms; police etc.sharing information NEEATIVE hacking; pornography; tetrorists sharing inforrnslion; Poor PeoPle have noaccess / leftout However, thisis still not a satisfactory classification to work with. 'We canalso classifrtheactivities according to 3 differenttypes:business activities; educational / research activities;communication, and then we canend up with thiskind of organisation: BUSINESS ACTI/ITIES INFORMATION / RESEARC|{ COMMUNICATION Pos itive: business communication eme il sharing info chat- rooms police shoring info Pos itive: Pos itive: Negaiive: haskers Pornog raphy l'leg alive: Negative: n0access forpoor people terrorisfs sharing info Once you havegot this level of classification,it is easyto write your essay systematically. You may not useall of the ideas,but you have a clearparagraph structure for your essayto follow, and you can decidenext how much detail to put into in eachcategory. online banking distonce educetion online shopping info. forreseerch airline bookings concerl bookings theatre bookings
  • 28. Essoy Writing for English Tests 23 4,4lypesof clossificotion As we said before (4.2),becausethe essay topic requiresyou to expressan opinion, you will need to evaluatesomething.In order to do that you will frequently find yourselfwith a classificationasabove,into positive and negative features. Another way of thinking about such topics is that you have to make a comparison. You are comparing the positive features with the negative ones. For example: 'Monqr cunnot buy happiness'it is often ckimed. But uitlt monry you can buy most of the things tltat are necessary for happiness:goodfood; accomrnodation etc. No urondzr rnostpeople uant to mahe as much monry aspossible. Do you agree or disagree? Sometimesyou may be askedto speculateor suggestalternativesto an existing situation. In that caseyou will be comparing the situation that existsin the world with what some people think should exist. [See5.3 Comparisons] For example: 'W'e are surrounded by aduertising. Somepeople thinh that this isgood becauseit giues us a choiceas consurners,but otlters argue that it rnahes people selfishand greedyfor more and more goods.Do you thinh thne should be lessaduertising? Sometopics only require you to considerthe consequences of something, i.e' a cause-effectrelationship,aswell asgiving an evaluationof the effbcts.[See5.2 Consequences]In eachof thesecases you still need to classifr the ideasthat you have according to the type of features involved, aswe did above. Wewill deal with eachof thesetypesof questionsmore later.Now try your skill at classifyingfeatures.
  • 29. 24 Essoy Writing for English Tests IASK8 Consider the following topic and then look at the brainstormed ideas which follow and organise them according to both causeand effect and the type of features involved: Indurtrialisation is leading to tlte destuction of the earth as a homefor humans and anirnab. Tb uthat extent do you agreetltat this is true? factories air pollution weste disposal cats rubbish - plaslic etc. water pollution fishdying deforestation sninals endangered lackof fresh water a AnsuterKey TASK 9 Do the samewith the following, but usean evaluationclassificationscheme, aswell asappropriatecategories of features(asin the examplen 4.3): Many modernchildren spenda great deal of time sining in /iont of a teleuisionor compaterscreen.This is extremelyharmful for their deuelopment. Therefore parentsshould. snictly lirnit the time that children spendthis utay.Do you agree? entertainneni educational informetion netvs films general knowledge music sport rvestes tine conmunication through comPuter homework notdone notenough erercise: harrns bodies hetms eyes nosocielising / friends advertising rnekes people buy unnecessary things a AnsuterKe!
  • 30. Essoy Writing for English Tests 25 4,5Selecting Relevont ldeos After brainstorming and while classifring your ideas,it is necessary to eliminate any points that arenor relevant.At this point it is useful to look at the question again,to make surethat the ideasthat you choosearenot only on the topic, but alsorelevantto the question. TASK IO Imaginethat for the abovequestionthe following list of points havebeen brainstormedfor the negativeasPectof TV and computer use: bad fortheeyes children rnay forgel toeal don't dohomewotk wasie time nophysical exetcise notenough sleep computer games oreexpensive children don't leatn to becreative argurnenis inlhefamily aboui whaf towetch Which of the abovepoints would you sayareirrelevantto answeringthe question? a AnsuterKey
  • 31. 26 Essoy Writing for English Tests 4,6Levelof Generolisotion One basison which to selectrelevantideasis to ensurethat you choosepoints at the right level of generalisation.In other words, it is necessary to eliminate small, trivial points or examples,and at the sametime not to try to tackle conceptsthat aretoo broad for such a short essay. For example,if you were askedto write on the topic: Tlte enuirownent is one of the most imltortant issuesin the uorld today, but gouernments Are not doing enough about it. Tb u.,hatextent do you thinh that indiuiduab can help to protect the enaironment? you might think of the following ideas: recycling weste nateriel nol seving electricity ed ucalion aI keeping theyard ofyour house clean restriciing use ofwater using more throwing rubbish around campaigns forthepublic reducing use ofpeckaging public transport If you look at the question again you will seethat, on the one hand educational campaignsfor thepublic is too broad a concept jt is not something that individuals can normally undertake, while on the other hand heEing theyard of your cleanis too trivial. That is to say,it is not something that is going to help to protect the environment in general,it is simply something that everyone should do anyway.The other points are at the right level of generalisation,and you would need to work with these,by classifringand ranking them. (See4.3 and 5.1.) Now testyourself on the following:
  • 32. Essoy Writing for English Tests 27 TASK I I Consider this topic: 'Money cannot buy happiness'it is often claimed. But urith moneyyou can buy most of the things tltat are necessary for ltapltiness: good food, accornrnodation etc, No tuonder tltat ntostpeoPle raant to mahe as much rnone! aspossibh. Do you agreeor disagree? Here are some brainstormed ideas for this topic: t0R healthy food isexpensive good house ingood entlironment good entertainmenl good doctors cen give money to PooI PeoPle iransport: ot{n cer otYn aeroPlone ttevel setupbigproject likeartgallery orsports stadium foryour city AEAI NST could garnble money ewey high taxes children could argue ebout inheritance can't buy friends definition of'happiness': sPiritualily cen't buy love 'Which of the above points would you eliminate becausethey are too broad or too specific or too far off the main idea to be relevant? a Answer Key
  • 33. 28 Essoy Writing for English Tests 4,7Overgenerolisotions ond Exoggerotion Generalisationsare necessary. fle cannot make any sensibleconclusionsabout anything without generalisingfrom specificexamples.Especiallyin your introduction, topic sentences and conclusion (SeeStage3) you will need to generalise . However, there is a danger of over-generalisation. Over-generalisations (or sueepinggerueralisations as they are also called) do not help your argument, becausethey give the impressionthat you arenot very thoughtful. Consider theseexamples: i) Euerybodyuses the Internet nowadays. ii) No-one cAnrun a business witltout information tecltnology. iii) Any business can besuccessfulifit uses modern information tecltnologt. These are clearlyover-generalisations or exaggerations, and would not help your argument. An essayis not a political speechor a form of advertising! TASK 12 'Which of the following are reasonableevaluations and which are over- generalisations or exaggerations?Put a mark against any of the following which are not reasonablestatements. You may find it easier to discuss this with someone. 1. Tbleuision hasa teniblt tfrn onloung minds. 2. Thedestructionof our enuironmentis the mostseriousissueuteface, because uithout enoughcleanair and water ue cannot liue. 3. Unhssgoaernments sfiictly controltlte useof the Internet uorA terrorism will desnoyusall. 4. Examinations can lead to high leuelsof sness and euensuicide in students. 5. Indusny causes mostpollution and thereforeneedsto be made responsible for preaenting it. 6. Improuedpublic transport is a muclt bettersolution to trffic problems than building rnoreroads. 7. If thegouernrnent prouidesbetterpublic transport thereutill be no rnore nofrt congestion in our cities. 8. Peoplewho clairn that nuclearenergJ/ is cleanare ignoring the dangersof nuclearaccidents.Radiation is not'clean'.
  • 34. Essoy Writing for English Tests 29 9. Nuclearenerglis theonlypossible solutionto ourenergJ/ needs in thefuture. 10.If eueryone learnstospeak Englishthenall thepeople in theworlduill be ableto understand each otherandthenu)ecAnliuein peace uith each otlter. a Ansuer Kel TASK 13 Read the following essaysand think about which one is more satisfactory. Pay special attention to generalisations and exaggeration' t 17. Modern technologlthasimprouedthe utorld in tltree ueryimportant uals. It has giuenpeoplemoretime, it hassauedenormousAmountsof human energ)/, and it has made it possible for eueryone to communicateuith eachother easi$t. Time and ffirt hauebeensaued in the utorhplnce and in theltorne.In manufacturing for example,it is no longernecessar! to spendhourspknning and designingproducts because computerscan do this quickly. Farmersdo not needtoplant their ltaruest slorulyby hand; theycan useequipment lihe light aircrafi for souing seeds and large haruestingmachinesto do the worh quichly.Houseutiaes canspendmoretime u)ith theirfriends, while the utashingmachineand the dishwashertaashthe clotltesand the dishes for them. In the sametpa! energ!is saued.Thereis no need for hardphysical u.,orkAn! more, because rnodernrnachinescan do it all. Because of modern technologlt peoPlecan rekx, tultere beforethey had to uork uery ltard. Another great improuementhasbeenin cornmunications.Because of communication slstemssuchastelephones, fax machines,mobilepltones,teleuisionetc.,and the useof satellites,xaecdn hnotanthat is happeningdt an! time in all parts of the utorld. This leadsto better understanding,sothereis no need for u)drs,and countriescan help eachother.For example,if thereis an earthquakein onecountry,PeoPlein otlter countriescanfnd out about it immediately and sendhelp to tlte uictims. For all thesereasons the raorld is nout a much betterplace than in earlier times, because of the aduantagesbrought b1'modern technology.
  • 35. 30 Essoy Writing for English Tests B, Euerytone thinks that the uorld ltasbeenimproued through modern technology,but this is not true because nouadaystltereare no morenaditional shillsand euerybody is becomingtlte same,no mltter uthat country theyliue in, and aboueall thereAreno morespiritual ualueslefi. In the oldendays,uhen peoplehad to rnahetlteir oun buildings, and tlteir outn clothes,and their own entertdinment, theyhad many naditional skills and ualues. Eaclt areahad ix own styleof architecture,for exdmple,and peopleutereproud of their crafismanship.Nout all houses are made of concrete and glassand steeland thel all look tlte same,no matter wltereyou are.All ouertlte utorldpeoplewear the same mass-produced clothesand theyeuenwatclt tlte samemass-produced entertainment on their teleuisions sets.Youcan hear the samepop songsin euer! countr! in the utorld, and localpeopleno longerproduce their outn taditional cuhuralforms of musicand dance.Eueryorue doeswhateuerthe ldtestdancefashion is. Tltis meansthat peopleall ouerthe world are becomingtlte same.Euerybodysees tlte same films and ltearsthe samemusicand sotheyall start to think tlte same.AII thEt taant is moreof the sAmeconsumer goods,no mdtter utherethry liue. Tltis meansthat tlte utorld is losingits spiritualualues as utellas its diuersityof cubure. In tlte end, no-onewill hauean! neu or indiuidual ideasbecause modern communication tecltniques, sucltassatelliteteleuisionand the Internet, mean tltat uteare all brainwashedin the sameud! by the big mubi-national ou)nersof the massmedia. In otlter words,tltqt can control us. Modern technologymakes peoplelazy and greedlt for moreconsumergoods,and so theylosetheir spiritual ualues.Theybecome selfsh and losetheir religion and do not euencareabout the membersof their outnfamilies. Thq, put their small children into nurseries,their sichpeopleinto hospitalsand their oldpeopleinto oldpeople'shomes and tlten thryforget about them. Modern technologlcan look afier tltem, thqt think. It is time westoppeduanting moremodern technologjt and taent bachto traditional ualues. a AnsuterKe!
  • 36. Essoy Writing for English Tests 31 5.Orgonising ldeos 5,I Ronking ldeos Once you haveselectedyour points, you need to decidein what order to present them. This is important to show that you are in control of your material, and that you understand the relativeimportance of eachof the points you are making. In this secrionwe will dealwith different patternsof organisation,but first of all you need to be awareof the need to rank ideasaccordingto one of the foliowing methods: a) from the most important to the leastimportant b) from the most common to the leastcommon c) from the most generalto the leastgeneral d) from the earlier to the later (chronologicalorder)' There are other systemspossible,but theseare the most obvious ones. There are a number of common organisationalpatternsthat you will find: cause and effect (consequences),comparisons, alternatives, and speculation, in addition to the problem-solution and evaluation schemasthat we have already discussed. 5,2Consequences The most obvious way of discussinga problem, in any situation, not just essays, is to look at the causesof (or reasonsfor) the existenceof the problem, and then to considerwhat consequences or results (or effects)theremight be if certain solutions are tried. For example,look at this statement: Parents should contol the amount of time that children spend in front of teleuision or cornputer screens, This is a suggested solution to a problem and you would be expectedto give your opinion on it. To do so you would need to a) discussthe consequences of too much time being spent in this way by children and b) discussthe consequences of parentstrying to control it.
  • 37. 32 Essoy Writing for English Tests In many cases a term meaning causeor effect or result is given in the topic itself For example there might be this statement: Modzrnisation is leading to tlte destruction of the natural enaironmenr. In this caseyou will need to think of examples,asdiscussed above. Often you will be given more detailsin the question itself. Here is an example: At present uterely on oil for most of our energ! needs.Houteuer,oil is a fossil fuel and causesair pollution, and it uill eaentualfu run out. Nuclear energ! is the only practical and clean source of enngy for the utorld. Do you agree? Here you aregiven two causes and two effbctsfor oil: a) burning a fossilfuel causes air pollution, and b) fossilfuelsare finite and asa result there will be none left one day.So you alreadyhavetwo negativeeffectsto think about: pollution and lack of energy.Now you must considerthe consequences of using nuclear energy.The positive consequences are alreadyimplied: it doesnot cause air pollution and it will not run out. But are there other negativeconsequences? Obviously, or we would all be using it. So, what arethey?Once you have thought of theseyou will haveplenry to write about. That doesnot mean that you have to opposethe question.You can list the benefitsof nuclear energyjust mentioned, and you can then identify the negativeconsequences and expiain that thesecan be solved,or that they arenot asseriousasthe negativeconsequences of using oil. Remember,it is your choice,whether you support or opposethe statement,totally or pardy, but evenif you support it you should not ignore the problems.Apart from anything else,you would not havevery much to write about if you ignorethe problemson both sides.[See3.5] Remember that whatevereffectsor consequences you decideto write about, they must be relevant,of the right level of generalisation,and ranked accordingto how significant they are. TASK 14 Think of as many negative consequencesof using nuclear energy asyou can. a AnswerKel
  • 38. Essoy Writing for English Tests 33 5,3Comporisons The IELIS Handbook asksyou to be able to compare and contrast evidence, opinions and implications. In fact, if you think about it you will seethat evaluation is a kind of comparison, or that comparisonand contrast is a kind of evaluation. 'When you evaluate something, aswe saidbefore,you arecomparing the situation as it is with an ideal situation. At the sametime, when you are comparing or contrasting rwo things you areevaluatingthem againstsomeother setof criteria. For example, in the abovetopic we areaskedto compareoil and atomic energyassourcesof energyfor our use.To do that we must havea setof standardsor criteria to evaluatethem against.What could thesebe?Look at this analysis: A perfect sourceof energywould fulfil the following criteria: a) be cheapto produce b) be plentiful c) be easyto use d) be cleanto use e) be safeto use f) never run out Now if we want to compareoil and nuclearenergywe simply match eachof theseagainstthe criteria, and we find that oil is better than nuclear energyin a), c), e), while nuclearenergyis better in the other criteria. However, that is not enough. 7e alsoneed to rank the criteria accordingto importance. In other words, we may agreethat nuclear energyis cleanerto usethan oil, but it is much lesssafe,and for many people the safetyfactor is far more important than the problem of air pollution. Besides,aswe sawabove,it is possibleto provide counter-arguments,such asthat technology can make oil cleaner,but it can never make radio-activity safer.So, at eachstepof the way you can consider additional criteria for evaluation.Of coursethere is no time to go into a subject asdeeply asthis in a test essay, and there is no need to, but it is important to be aware of how any kind of analytical thinking will always involve some form of evaluationand comparison.The more carefullyand clearlyyou can identify the criteria by which you judge or evaluateor comparesomething, the better your thinking and your judgementswill be.
  • 39. 34 Essoy Writing for English Tests 5,4Alternotives Sometimesyou haveto think of alternativesto an existing situation. Look at this topic againfor example: In euery city the car is hing of the road. Cars causedeath and injury and air pollution, and mahe life dfficuh and dangero^ fo, others.It is time to reducethe nurnber of cars in our cities and to encourageotlter meansof trans?ort. Do you agreeuith this opinion? Here you need to look at alternativemeansof transport, and evaluatethese.Be carefulto be realisticin your discussionof the alternatives.Considering other forms of transport is very like looking at the consequences of a poliry and, aswe said above,it is necessary to look at the situation honestly,and to acknowledge the problems that exist on both sidesof the argument. Studentswho make exaggerated claimsarenot writing good essays. TASK 15 Vhich of the following alternativemeansof transport would be worth writing about in an essay that answersthe abovequestion? buses helicopters motorised three-wheelers bicycles underground trains motorbi kes moving footpaths irams elevated trains / monorails 5,5Speculotion In some cases you may be askedto think about an alternativethat doesnot exist, i.e. to speculateabout what might be. Here is an exampleof a topic like that: As tltere is increasing unemployment in tlte utorld, uthile at the same time those utlto haaejobs are tuorhing harder and ltarder, it uould be better to haae afour-day uorhing weehfor eaerlone, and so to createmorejobs. Yhat isyour opinion about this suggestion? Again, you must think about the possibleconsequences of this suggestion,and you must evaluatetheseagainstthe criteria that you think aPply when talking about work and leisure.Once again,you should try to be realistic,and not exaggerate with your suggestions.
  • 40. Essoy Writing for English Tests 35 TASK 16 Study the following list of points that have been brainstormed in relation to the topic given above. First, decide which points should be eliminated becausethey are irrelevant, or exaggerated, and then classifr the remaining points under suitable headings. Finally' rank the points in order of importance. I. Eueryone uould earn hss rnonEt - taould not haue enough to liae on. 2. Peopleearning hss monqt taould Eend less,and this uould reduce dernandfor goodsand seraicesand mahe tlte economyshrinh. 3. More time auay from utorh rneansmore time for thefamily and friends. 4. More free time means lnore opportunity to do things lihe sport, art, music. 5. More free time meanspeople a.rernore bored drinhing and gambling. 6. Employers uould haueproblems naining and managing and paying rnorepeolrle. 7. 'Vhat about teachers?Vl'ould scltoob only operate on 4 days too, or uould some teachers only u.,orh I d"y a uteek? 8. If someoneou)nstlteir oun small businessand has to utorh 6 or 7 daysit is not fair for otlters to be uorhing only 4 days. 9. The unemployed are usually not qualified people, so the! could notrtil thejobs anyuay tltat uould be created. 10. Imagine tltat you do a job for 4 daysand then someoneebe comesand doesit after you and they do not hnou, u,hatyou ltauein mind and they spoil it all. a Ansuer Ke!
  • 41. 36 Essoy Writing for English Tests TASK 17 Finally, look at the following topics and decide which type of organisation pattern is mainly required in each caseicomParison;consequences; eualuation; examples;specuktion. 1 .The enuironrnent is one of the most imPortant issuesin the uorld today, but gouernmentsare not doing enough about it. Tb uthat extent do you thinh that indiuiduals can help to protect the enaironment 2. Most pollution, especiallyair and ruaterTtollution, is caused by industry. If raeutant to protect tlte enuironrnent ue should mahefactories and other forms of industry pal for all thepollution that tltey cause. That is the only uay to mahe sure that the oranersutill mahe a seriousffirt to reduce thepollution that tbry cause. To uhat extent do you agreeuitb this opinion? 3. Tb besuccessful in education it is more important to be a good student tltan to haue good teachers. W'ouldyou suPPort this staternent? 4. The increasing role of English in the taorld today means that the learning of othn knguages is being neglected. This utill ltaue serious resuhsfor tlte continued useof theseknguages and their cuhures. 'lVhat isyour opinion on this staternent? 5. Tbbaccoand alcohol are d.rugstltat causead.diction and heabh probbms Should they be made ilhgal, l;he otlter drugs? Or should all drugs be hgalised? rYhat do you thinh about theseideas? 6 .'Ve hnou, tltat many hinds of animals feel pain and emotional sffiring jrct as ltumans do. h is therefore necessar!to suPport animal rights as raell as ltuman rights, Do you agree? a Answer Key
  • 42. Writing 6,Using theRight Grommor Vocobulory ondSVle Now that you haveselectedand organisedyour content you can focus on the actualwriting. This involves using the right grammar and vocabulary for eachof the sectionsof the essay -that is, the introduction, body and conclusion --+s well asmaking surethat the overall style is appropriate. 6,I Grommor No matter how good your ideasor your outlining skills are,if you do not have sufficient control of correct English you cannot communicate your brilliance.As we saidat the beginning, the basiccriterion for assessment is your command of English, not the contents. Grammar is the infrastructure of your writing, and if that is weak,then a cleversuperstructureof ideaswill simply make the whole essay collaDse. The most important preparation you can make for your test essay, therefore,is to ensurethat you have a good graspofthe essentials: the tenses the use of the passive correct use ofparts ofspeech correct clause structure (with subjects and finite verbs)
  • 43. 38 Essoy Writing for English Tests Although many peopleworry about the correctuseof the articleand of prepositions, thesearelessimportant than the aspectsmentioned above.They are more difficult to masterand errorsarelessdisturbing becausethey usually do not interferewith understandingof meaning.That doesnot mean that you should ignore them, but make sureyou haveyour priorities right! A sentencelike this: # Thedruebp of cheapabernatiueenerg sources uill probably besurcessed in fuare is much worsethan: # Druebpment of cheapabernatiaeenerg sourceu.,illprobably succeedforthefunre. (The correcr senrencewould of course be: The deuelopmentof a cheapabernatiue energ)lsourcewill probably succeed in future.) TASK I8 DIAGNOSTIC GRAMMAR TEST Try to identifi' the errorsin the following text. The Answer Key will let you know which aspects of grammaryou may needto study more. ComputersAreAn essential part of our liues.Because allaspectsof modern societyare fficted by them. Beforewe had coTnputers all transactionsinuolued storing and renieuing information u)ereuerytime-consurningand hbour' intensiue. The dzuelopofpersonalcomPuters in particular ffict onPeoPle's liuesbecause small businesses can eds!offird them and this makestheir tuorh morefficienry, Now anyonewlto studyat uniuersi4tneedto learn ltou to usecomPuter.Most lecturerexpecttltat essay are ltped and in many subjectcalculation and other task must alsobedone by computer. In recentyearssofiwarepackagesbecarne easierto useand soman! Peoplewho think beforethat theyare too old to learn had actually beenable to learn to do simple uord processing. Schools as utellascolleges areprouided computercou.rses in deueloped countries, but it is neededa big iruuestment for suchequipment to maheauaikble to many studentsand mostscltookin deuelopingcountriescannot ffird this. 6. Wecould not knou whatfuture deuelopments therewould bein this area but mostpeoPlethinh that comPuterstaould be euenmore wide-spreadin tlte comingyears. a Answer Ke! 2. 3.
  • 44. Essoy Writing for English Tests 39 6,2Vocobulory While grammar is one leg, vocabularyis the secondleg for your writing to stand on. But note that simple, correct English is better than experimentingwith sophisticatedvocabulary and getting it wrong! You may try out unfamiliar vocabulary if you havea helpful teacher,but not during a testlThere are certain words and phrasesthat you can make a specialpoint of learning carefullybecause they arelikely to be usedin most, if not all essays. Make surethat you haveenough vocabularv for eachof the common catesories: Evaluation (e.g.benefit, unsatisfactory) Consequence, cause,reason (e.g.outcome,produce,explanation) modifiers (e.g.significant, majority) connectors (under thesecircumstances,moreover) grouping nouns (aspect,factor, feature) The bestway to learn theseis to look for examplesin your readingand then copy them into your own personalvocabularybook under the appropriateheadings. Be carefulto copy whole phrases,not just singlewords, so that you learn the correct use of the expressions. The correct useof a word involvesknowing: the exact meaning the words that go with it the grammatical features For example: causeand reasondo not mean the same reasonis followed by for whTlecauseis followed by of you giuea reason,and you generallysltoua cause. due to is a preposition, and is followed by a noun or gerund, not a noun clause. In other words, vocabularyand grammar go together.It is not enough to understand the meaning of a word, approximately,when you arewriting. It is essentialto learn the accurateusageaswell.
  • 45. 40 Essoy Writing for English Tests 7,TheSections of the Essoy 7,.lTheintroduction The pulpose of the introduction is to let the readerknow a) the topic b) the aspectof the topic being dealt with c) the stand (attitude) taken by the writer to the topic. In other words, the introduction actually containsthe conclusion! For example,if the topic is: Many rnodern children spend too rnuch time sining in front of a teleuision screen.This is extrerneb harmful to their deuelopment. ThereforeParents sltould strictly limit the time that children spend in this uay. Do you agree? you should let your readerknow in the introduction whether your answeris yes, I agree,or no, I disagree. The restof the essay then providessupport for your argument. The structure of the introduction usually follows a common pattern. 'Io introduce the topic and explain why it is worthwhile talking about, you will normally need a statementsomething like this: Tbleuision is socommonnolu that it is hard to imagine life without it. That is, the first sentencetypically makesa generalstatementabout a situation. The next statementthen narrowsthe topic down to a specificaspectthat he writer will dealwith. For example: Howeuer,as rnan! peoPlehauepointed out, mostchildren spendtoo muclt time infont of the sueen,and this is harmful. Note that the secondstatementoften containsthe word but or houteuer, to show that the writer hassomething new or different to say.For example,if the first sentence is: Many peoplecornphin that children spenda greatproPortion of their liues utatchingteleuision.
  • 46. EssoyWritingfor English Tests then the secondstatementwould be more likely to presentthe opposite view, suchas: This may betrue in somecases, but it is certainly not commonenoughto bea serious problem. It is, however,not alwaysthe casethat the secondstatementcontains a but or ltotueuer. It may alsosupport and strengthenthe first statement. Here aresome examples: Tbleuision hasbecome somuclt a Part of our liuesthat man! PeoPledo not realisehout many hoursthqt actually spendu.,atchingit, In fact, it has been pointed out tltat mostchildren utatchfar more teleuisionthan isgoodfor them. Here is another topic: The enaironment is one of the most important issuesin the uorld today, but gouernmentsare not doing enouglt about it. To uhat extent do you thinh that indiaiduak can help to Protect the enuironment? Peoplearegradually becomingAtaAreof thefact that uteare desnoyingour natural enaironment.Weshould realiset/tat none of the otherproblemsthat uteface Aremoreimportant than this one, but clearlygouernrnents are not tahing a lead in dealing utith the issue.It is thereforeup to indiuidual citizens to do sometltingabout it. Note: In the aboveexamplethe writer's conclusion is presentedin the third sentence. A statement,in this context, is not the sameasa sentence. That is to say,the writer's opinion is presentedasthe secondstatement,but not necessarily the secondsentence.Seethe model essays in Appendix B for more examples. 41 WARNING: Youmust avoid repeatingthe exactwords of the topic. If you repeatthe words,you cangain no marks,sincethey arenot your words. The examinerwill simply ignore them. If you paraphrase, /ou :rre displayingyour languageskills. Look againat the examplesgivenabove,and seehow the first sentencein eachcaseis a paraphrase of the topic asit is given.
  • 47. 42 Essoy Writing for English Tests TASK 19 The following are five introductions to the essaytopic: Modern technologltltas increasedour material weahlt, but not our happiness. To tahat extent do you agree uitlt tltis statement? However, the sentenceshave been jumbled. Find the first and second sentences which belong together in each case,to make five different introductions. 1. Euerycountr! in the world is aimingfor technologicaldeuelopment. 2. The mostimportant thingfor happiness, houteuer, is notltossessions, but relationships. 3. For mostpeople,tecltnologicaldeuelopmentrneansan improuementin their life-style. 4. Their gouernments are not mahing their peoplemorecontented,ltoweuer,as inequalitiesin societycontinue to grow. 5. Modern technologtcanprouide enormousbenefts in termsof materialgoods. 6. It seems clear ltoweuer,that this is an old-fashioneduieu, and that technologicalinuentionsactually allow peopleto hauemoretime and leisure to satisfiitheir spiritual needs. 7. Tbchnology hasbrought many cltanges topeoplesliues,not all of uthich are beneficial. 8. Some peopleclaim that modern technologltis harrning societyspiritual and naditional ualues. 9. Infact, in many cases peo?lehauesffired enormouslybecause of thesechanges. 10. Howeuer uthile somePeoPleenjoyan easierlife, othersare ofien made unemploledasa resuhof neuttecltnologlt, and mostpeoplenowfeel insecure and unhappyasa resub. a Ansuer Ke!
  • 48. Essoy Writing for English Tests 43 TASK 20 Select the best pair of sentencesfrom the following to introduce the topic: The Internet hasprouided great benefits, but at the same time it has also created neraproblems and inequalities. Is it possible to control someof theseproblems? a) Most peoplewould like to ltaueaccess to the Internet. b) The Internet haschangedour liuesmoretltan an! other modrrn technologlt. t) Tlte Internet hasgiuen both aduantages and disaduantages to our society. d) The Internet is a relatiuelyneu phenolnenon. t) In fact, uith the Internet it ispossibleto do many things. f) Howeuer,the Internet can help terroriststo communicatewith eachother. d At the sametime it hasreated An enormousgap betuteen tltosewho haue Access to it and tltosetahodo not. h) On the other hand it ltasneated some problems. a Answer Ke! 7,1,1 Grommor ondVocobulory intheIntroduction The introduction will normally be in the present tense(e.g.peoplecompkin), or the present continuous (peopleare gradually becoming aware),or in the present perfect tense (peoplehauepointed out), After your introductory statementyou need to connect the secondstatement (i.e. secondor third etc. sentence)either by showing contrast,or by adding emphasis: Contrast Connectors: but, houeuex neaertlteless, by / in contrast, on the otlter hand, in spite of this, uhile, uhereas, ahhough. NOTE: IT ISVERYIMPORTANT TO USETHESECORRECTLY.
  • 49. 44 Essoy Writing for English Tests Note: It is best to avoid starting a sentencewith But, sinceit is rather informal to do so. Houeaer is the most common and the most usefulword. It can be used for almost everysituation. Note, however, that it is often better to useit in the secondposition in the sentence. Avoid using on the contrary and take greatcare with other connectors. TASK 2I Supply a suitable connector in the gaps in the following introductory sentences: a) Many peoplebelieuetltat nuclearenerg!is clean. it ispotentially rnoredangerous than any otlter technolog that we use. b) TheInternet hasbrought manl oPportunitiestopeople. it hasako increasedthegap benreenrich and poor peopleand societies. c) Wehaueclearlygained many beneftsfom modern technologlt. it can bearguedthat happiness doesnot dependon material comforts. a AnsuterKel IASK22 'Write introductions for the following topics, remembering tor a) write a generd statement in your first sentence b) indicate your qwn position or stand on the topic in the second or third sentence. c) paraphrase the words of the topic. I. h isgenrally agreedthat the utorld.isfaring seriousmaironrnmul probhnx of pollution, global uartning and the hss of resourcessucb asfresh utater. Some people beline that these problems can be solaedby technologicalinuentions and dnelopments, u,hile othersfeel strongly tltat ue can only solaethese probbms by consuminghss,and liuingsimpbr W-tryl"t..Vhat isyour opinion? 2. Many people feel strongly that heahh seraicesshould beproaid.ed by the goaernment and should befreely auaikble. Others argue that only priuatised heabh care canprouide good quality heabh seruices.Tb uhat extent do you belieuethat heahh and medical seruices should bepriuatised?
  • 50. Essoy Wriiingfor English Tests 4> 7,2Ihe Body The body will rypically consistof about three paragraphs,presentingpoints to support your argument. You will haveworked out your ideasin the planning stage,when organisingyour brainstormed ideas.Now it is simply a matter of presentingone main point in eachparagraph. A paragraphis like a mini-essay,sinceit is alsoa unit of writing. That means that, like in an essay, you must let the readerknow assoon aspossiblewhat your proposition or statementis, and then support it. This is usually done with a topic sentence.Let us look againat the classificationin 4.3 of brainstormed ideason the question about the Internet. The Internet has reaolutionised tlte modern utorld, but it has abo created neu problems and inequnlities. Do you agree? Our brainstorming produced the following ideas: BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Pos itive: online banking online shopping airline bookings concert bookings theetre bookings Negative: hackers PofnogfePhy IN FORIIIATION / RESEARCH Pos itive: distance education info. forresearch Negotive: noeccess forpoor people COMMUNICATION Pos itive: business connunicetion emeil sharing info chat- rooms police sharing info Negative: terrorisis sharing info First of all, we will look at which of the points we may want to delete.Wewill want to keep the main categories: businessactivities,information / research (include education here,perhaps),and communication. Not all the detailsare going to be worth keeping, but at presentwe areonly consideringthe topic sentences, so we can ignore that for now.
  • 51. 46 Essoy Writing for English Tests Next we need to ranl<the ideasin order of importance. Perhapswe can start with businessactivities,because they arethe most widespreaduseof the Internet at present,and then go on to talk about education,which is very important, and finally discusspersonalcommunication. However,we alsoneed to discussthe positiveand negativeaspects. At this stage we need to decidewhether to start with our three categories, and list the positive and negativeaspects within each,or to start with the positive aspects, listing all three categoriesin a row and then to move on to the negativeones.Either organisationsystemis possible.Here is a suggestionabout how to construct topic sentences for the first system: Thereis no doubt that theInternet hasbrought about an almost unbelieuable cltangein the utaybusiness and banking is conducted. Next, we must go on to the negativeaspects, so our next paragraphcould begin something like this: Houteuer,sincethe Internet is not auailable to mostpeoplein deueloping countries,it is clear that thegap betueenthe rich and thepoor countrieshas actually u.,idened enormouslysinceonline business and banhing hauebeen introduced. If we continue like this, we would end up with 6 paragraphsin the body (3 categories x positive and negative),which is too long for the test essay. So, to keep it shorter,and to havea little variery you could introduce the positive and negativeideastogether in the next paragraph's topic sentence,like this: In educationand researclt thesituation is similar: the Internet ltasmade reuolutionary cltanges in these felds, but thekch ofaccess for poorpeople and poor societies is creatingseriousinequalities. Notice how if you havea point that appearstwice in your lists,you can useit to link one paragraphto the next, asabove(widened gap-+irnikr --seriotu ineqrnlities). Finally, we need to mention communication in general,which is alreadycovered by someof the abovepoints, aswell aspersonalcommunication. Again, we can link the concepts: TheInternet basicallyinuoluescommunication, not only in business and education,as mentionedaboue,but alsofor personalinformation excltange.
  • 52. Essoy Writingfor English Tests 47 Thereis, of course, an almostendless numberof waysof introducingthe same conceptsat the beginning of eachparagraph.The main points to remember are: a) the introductory paragraphintroducesthe main idea of the essay, and the topic sentences introduce the main supporting ideas b) the topic sentenceintroduces the main idea of the paragraph,and the following sentences provide supporting ideasfor it. 7.2,1 Vocobulory inthe Body Connectorswill occur throughout the body of your essay. The most common onesarethosethat areusedfor listing, and for addition, for consequencesand for emphasis.The basiclisting connectorsare: firstly; secondly; the thirdfeature etc.; finally; in conclusion. These arethe most boring ones.Rather better arethe onesthat show addition: both..,and.;aho; not only....but abo....; furthennore; rnoreoaer;in add.ition. Note: Do not overusetheseconnectors.It is very boring to read one of theseat the beginning of eachsentence ! Note alsothat it is better to put alsoin the second position in the sentence, not at the beginning. The most common connectorsshowing effects,results or consequencesare: therefore; consequently; for this retnon; as a resuh; becauseof this. Note also:All of the abovemust start a new sentence-+hey cannot be used to join clauses. For example #Not eueryone hasAccess to tlte Internet thereforeit diuides communities is wrong. You can either usea semi-colon (;) or useand therefore. Connectors for emphasisare useful and include: in fact; tabat is rnore; in particukr. When giving examples you can use: for examph; for instance; suclt as. Be carefulwith the latter: sucltascan NOT begin a clause.It is a preposition, followed by a noun (or gerund). (A"d pleaseneveruse #suchlike, which is not correct English!) There areof coursemany other connectors.Make yourselffamiliar with the most usefulonesand be carefulto usethem accuratelyor your logic will appearfaulty.
  • 53. 48 Essoy Writing for English Tests 7,3TheConclusion The conclusion neednot be long. In fact, it can be asshort asone sentence. A good conclusionwill not be merelya repetition of the main topic statementof the essay, or of your proposition statementin the introduction, sincethat is rather boring to readand doesnot showyour English skills.Nevertheless, it should contain somekind of a summary of the main argument or proposition of the essay. It is alsoa good idea to include a comment on the implications of your conclusion. Il for instance,you make a recommendation, you can comment on what may happen if your recommendationis followed. For example,(for the topic that childrent viewing of television should be controlled): Thereforeit is important to lirnit tlte amount of teleuisionthat children watclt, otlteruise theywillsuffer educationallyand sociallyastheygrou uP. Or: Therefore,if childreni teleuisionuieu.,ingis sensiblysuperuised it uill albw tltem to enjoycmain programsasu.,ellasto deuebptheskillsthat thry need. Note the paraphrasesfor the word contro/.As with the introduction, if you want to stay closeto the topic statementit is desirableto attempt to paraphraseit. In somecases you can evenavoid a paraphrasecompletely by summarising in a new way. For example: Children do not alwaysknout uhat is best for them, and in this cAse, Asin many other cases, tlteguidanceofparents is essentialf theydre to grou uP as uell-balancedpeople. In some cases a conclusionmay considerpossiblefuture outcomes. For example: T/teInternet hasalreadybecomeutidespread and almost indispensable, and it can beexpected that in future Access utill become cheaper and easier for eaerlone in theuorld. Or: Althoughatomicenerg!cAnneuerrt4nout, unlihefossilfuels, it is clearthat other, less dangerous sources of energtwill needto bedeueloped for future generations.
  • 54. Essoy Writing for English Tests 49 7,3,.l Grommqrond Vocobulory inthe Conclusion Make surethat you know how to usevarious terms expressing implications correctly.Theseinclude: otheruise; in this case; under thesecircumstances followed by the future tense" You will alsoneed the languageof speculation (seebelow). For predictions you will need the future tense,of course,and it is important to usemodifiers in this case,such as it is lihely that, in allprobability. (See8.1 below). There are,of course,connectorsthat are typically usedfor conclusions.The first one on the list is the most unimaginative, and it is better to think of a more interestingone if you can. In conclusion,finally, therefore, consequently,clearly, it is clear on the uiltole, in otlter utords,generally speahing Rememberthat you can combine thnefore with other connectors:e.g.It is clear therefore,that..; Genera lly speaking therefore. Note: Bewareof the common error of using mare for emphasis.More is z comParatlve term. For example: Peopleare moreinterestedin making Tnone! I doesnot mean People dre ueryinterested in mahingmone!. If you saytlrey ar:-mor€interested" it should meanthat theyaremoreinterested than before, or rnoreinterested in mahingrnonr!than somethingelse,but if thereis no compatisonexpressed or clearlyimplied, then rnore shouldnot beused.
  • 55. 50 Essoy Writing for English Tests B,Style There are two types of problems relatedto sryle:one is the effectof personal writing habits, the secondis the result of cultural differencesbetweenyour mother tongue or your educationalbackground on the one hand, and English for academicpurposeson the other. B.l Modifiers One of the most important aspects of languageuseis the appropriate useof modifiers. This is because it is in this way that you showyour understandingof the value of the points you are making - in other words, you areshowing your own reai understanding of the issues. Look at thesestatements: 1. TheInternet hasmade life moreconuenient for eaerlone. 2. Computersare theperfect toolfor education. 3. In somecases rnone! ma! not increaseour happiness all the time. 4. Oil is the bestsourceof energybut nuclear energl is much better. 5. 7iffic congestion is an absolutedisasterin all cities. 6. Alternatiue energ)t Probably seems to bea possibleanswerto ourfuture energl needs. Can you seehow eachone is inappropriate? The most common errorsin the useof modifiers are: overgeneralisation overemphasis or exaggeration understatement confusion Modifiers should be usedto make your writing accurateand thoughtful. They include adiectives,adverbs,modal verbs, phrasesand other parts of speech showing degree,emphasisetc.
  • 56. Essoy Writing for English Tests 51 B, 2 Overgenerolisotion As we sawin secrion4.7, overgeneralisation isvery colrunon. To modify overgeneralised statements,it is generallynecessary to reducethe scopeof the statement,by limiting the quantity or frequency or areainvolved. Here are iust a few common modifiers for this: feu.' Tnany rnost sometintes ofrrn frequently generally corwnon ruidcspread 8,3Overemphosis Here the problem is not to exaggerate the intensity of a statement.The writer's attitude should show a suitable degreeof certainty. Degreesof intensity areexpressed by terms such as: ratlter quite significant considerable aer! dramatic Degreesof certainty can be shown by expressions such as: maybe perhaps possible definitely undoubtedly generally speahing it is clear that and all the modal verbs: ma! might can could should would nast ought to You can alsouseexpressions that distanceyourself from the statement,such as: somepeople beline it is generally agreed according to most scientists it is said that And in conclusions it is usefulto modifi your statementswith tlteseexpressions: Thereforeit seemsthat... h can be conclud.edthat This indicates tltat Certain verbs, for example, can also show varying degreesof strength or certainty: people are / tend to be tltis suggests/ indicates / proues x causes ! / x is a contributingfactor to y
  • 57. 52 Essoy Writing for English Tests 8,4Understotement ond Confusion 7hile overstatementand exaggerationare more common, some studentsgo the other way, and understatetheir case,or produce mixed and confusedsignals. This usuallyoccurswhen studentsmix someof the modifiers inappropriately. IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE VERY ACCURATE IN USING MODIFIERS. Otherwise you can sound confusedand unintelligent. Look at theseexamples: It is clearthat nurlear energ)/is lihely to beaposibb solution to our enngy needs. Seueral peoplehauedied of staruation because of tlte seuere drought. Pnplc dependsignificantly on tlte oceans for food. Abernatiue energlt probably seems to be tbeAnstuerto our energyneeds. The majorproblem in modern citiesmight beair pollution. TASK 23 Go back to the examplesin 8.1 above,and those in 8.4, and modifr them appropriately. a AnsuerKe! IASK24 Consider ways of increasing or reducing the strength of the following statements so that they become acceptable. a) Tbleuision encourages uiolence. b) Ouerpopuktion utill possiblycauseman! ?roblemsin thefuture. c) Our enuironmentis beingtotally destroyed. d) Peopleare only interestedin moneythesedays. e) Maybe the continuing destructionof the rainforestuill inueasetlte greenhouse ffict. f) Students uhogotostudy abroad could perhaps f.nd thattheymayltaue someunexpected ex^eriences.
  • 58. Essoy Writing for English Tests 8,5Woffle Lack of ideasis likely to result in a badly written essay. tVhat commonly happensis that the writer either needsto fill up the paper with empty, meaninglessexpressions(often referredto aswaffle), or there is a good deal of repetition of the sameidea,or both. Here is an exampleof sucha pieceof writing: Usuallypeoplein the world hauetheir outn ltabits of eating and eacltand eueryculture hasits own custorns aboutfood. Houteuer,because of a new international, world-widr comrnunicationsystetn, PeoPlecan ltauecontactuith eacltotlter arudsomanypeopleare learning about otherpeople customs and habits aboutfood. Generallyspeaking some peoPleare becomingaccustomed to foodfom otherplacesasthe! get in touch with other cubures. 53 TASK 25 'W'rite down the ideas expressedin the above paragraph in one short sentence. 8,6Formuloic ond Thoughtless Writing Many studentsappearto learn a basicstructure and a few basicexpressions and then attempt to apply theseto everyessay, no matter what the topic or the meaning. This can produce somestrangeresults.Look at the following examples of mindlesswriting: Noutadayssportsare likely to becommonthroughout the world. Education hasbecome an imltortant thing in the lastfeut decades. A student who writes like this is not showing much intelligence! There arealsoconnectorswhich are usedwithout thought, or overused.The series: Firstly.... Secondly....Thirdb.... Finally.... In conclusion at the beginning of consecutiveparagraphsreflectsalazy mind, writing to a formula.
  • 59. 54 Essoy Writing for English Tests Then thereareclich6s,which are more commonly misusedby native speakers of English, but somelearnersalsothink that they arewriting good, idiomatic English by using them. Clich6 are expressions which havebeen overusedin the language,and are generallya sign of Iazythinking. Examplesinclude eachand eaer! one, foodfor thougltt, at tlte end ofthe day, last but not least, uithout a doubt, aswe know It is better to avoid such exoressions. Another word which irritates many English teachers(and examination markers) is notaaday. It is seriouslyoverusedand is not at all necessary. It is very easyto simply leaveit out in most cases: (Nowadays)Tlte Internet is utidelyused for educationalPurPosel 8,7lmmoture Writing Lack of vocabulary and limited knowledge of grammar are other causesof bad writing style. Many studentshaveexceilentideasbut do not havesufficient vocabulary in English to express them. In such cases, somestudentssimply usevocabulary incorrectly,and becomeincomprehensible,but more commonly studentsin this situation arelikely to write in a much simpler style than is suitablefor English for academicpurposes.It is better to write simple, correct English than to try to write sophisticatedEnglish and do it badly,but of coursea universiry or college entry test essay should not sound asif it waswritten by someonein primary school!The sryleyou should aim for should be at leastthat of a good year9 or year 10 student writing in their mother tongue. Consider the following example: Many peopleare utorried about the enuironment.And theythink ue shoulddo somethingto makeit bener.For example,insteadof usingfossilfuels we can usethesun'slteat to make electricity.Or we can usethe uind to make elecnicity.And we can also usewater to rnake elecnicity. There are no mistakesin the grammar of the aboveexample,but it is clearlynot the way a university student would be expectedto write!
  • 60. Essoy Writing for English Tests 55 TASK 26 Rewrite the above example into one or two sentences,using more sophisticated vocabulary and sentence structures. 8,8Culturol Differences inStyle One of the major problems that somestudentsfaceis that their previous experience in writing hasbeen in a srylewhich is not similar to that expectedin their test essavs. This mav be because a) the type of writing they have done before is different, or b) the sryleof writing valuedby the mother tongue culture differs from the sryleexpectedin English. Different Types of Writing An essay is not like a letter,or a debateor political speech,or a text-book. You needto be awareof the differencesin srylethat eachrequires" TASK 27 Consider the folowing statements and decide which are suitable in style for an essay: a) Dear lecturer,I want to tellyou rnlt uieus on theproblernswith the enuironment. b) Youmight think there noproblem in hauingyour hids utatclt W for afeu ltours eachday, but looh out! Theycould be watching rubbish! c) The air u.,e dependon consists of oxygen,nitrogen, carbon dioxide and otlter gases. d) Is teleuision(t curseor a blessing? Should tueualue it or banish it fom our ltornes? Tlte ansuteris not easyto deterrnine!
  • 61. 56 Essoy Writing for English Tests t) If *t allow the air to continue to bepolluted by car andfactory emissions, ue are lihely tofind moreand more of thepopulation sufferingfom ill heabh. f) Thereare teleuision Programsuthich are clearlyunsuitablefor children to taatchand it is important to ensurethat youngpeopleareprotectedfom them. c AnsuerKry More difficult to dealwith arethe differencesbetweenwriting "tl'lo it different cultures' From my experience it seemsto me, for example,that Japanese studentsvalue short, simple sentences, often beginning with And, But or So.Iranians,on the other hand, seemto havea tradition of valuing quite complex sentencestructures, with very long subjecs.The following is an adaptationof an iranian student'swriting: Encouragingand prouiding suitable conditionsfor public nansPortby the use ofpublic uehicles instead ofpriuate uehicles is anotlter way of soluingthe problem. In Asian languagessuch asChinese, Korean and Thai it is alsooften preferable to havethe main idea expressed in noun phrasesat the beginning of a sentence, rather like in the aboveexample.Unfortunately, this not only soundsawhvard in English, but it is alsoextremely difficult to write such complex sentences in correct English.The original sentencewas, in fact, full of grammatical errors. The way to avoid this is to turn the sentenceback to front: Another ruayof soluingtheProbhm is to encourage and prouide suitable conditionsfor tlte useofpublic uelticlesinsteadofpriuate ones. It is not possibleto give one kind of adviceabout style to all students.Many textbookson essay writing for native speakers encouragestudentsto make their sentences lesscomplex.This is becausethere is a tendency for rypical English- speakingschoolleaversto t{F to Put too much into one sentence. However,if you arenot a native speakerthis advice may not be appropriate for you unlessyou too aretrying to put too much into one sentence. Repetition of words and phrasesis another issueto consider.fhile in some languagesrepetidon is used a greatdeal and quite acceptably,(such asIndonesian, for example),in English repetition is not highly valued, and writers make great efforts to avoid it.
  • 62. Essoy Writing for English Tests 57 TASK 28 Read the following two introducdons to a simple essaytopic and decide what differences there are in style, and which, if either, is preferable. Identifr as many stylistic details aspossible" rYhat Are sotne of the dfficubies that peopleface uthen liuing in a neu country? A. Vhen someone goesto liae in another countr! he or shewillf'nd man! new things that are notfamiliar. Someof thesenew tltings may bedfficub for him or her to get usedto. I want to talh about threedffirent wals in which it may be dfficuh for a Personto get usedto liuing in a neu., counff!. Thef.rst ua! that it h dfficult is what ue ma! call physical, tlte secondutay is wltat we may call social, and the third raayis uthat ue ma! call mental. B. Without a doubt the transferof an indiuidualforn oneenuironment to anotlter must beaccompaniedby a certain dzgreeof dfficuhy, no matter utho that indiuidual may be, nor utlteresheor he may hauecome from or transfenedto. In all human endeauours it ispossible,and indeedofien desirable,to classifit phenomenaaccordingto certain logicalcategories. Sucha ckssif.cationfrequently assists in a betterperception of the ndture of thephenornenatltus obserued. In this cAse, Abo, it is intended to categorise common[t experienced dfficuhies in migration accordingto whether theyfall into thephysical,socialorpsychological dornain. a Answer Ke! 9, Proof-reoding There is usually not much time left during a test to go overyour essay and correct any mistakes.In any case,you are probably under too much tension to seemosr of them. However, there aretwo typesof error that it is relativelyeasy to check for and both involve the final letter S.This is frequently omitted. If you havetime, skim through your essayand checkwhether a) your plural noruls end in 's' b) all verbs in the third person singular, prresenttense' also end in 's'.
  • 63. 58 Essoy Writing for English Tests TASK 29 Correct the following as quickly as possible: Tltereare many kind ofpollution in our enuironment.Indusny cause air pollutionfom smohe.It alro createuAter pollution because of the dumping of toxic utaste.Car alsopollute the atmosphere utith gasemission.Euen ordinary citizen are responsible for polluting the enuironment by throuing rubbish onto road, beacltand otherpublic place. 10,Appeoronce Theoretically,your handwriting and the layout and generaiappearance of your essayshould not influence the examiner.Perhapsthey dont. But in practicean essay which is neatly written and presenteddoesmake a better impression.Some small points to remember: a) Leavea good margin. Then you havespacefor correctionsif you want to make them. b) Start eachnew paragraphon a new line and indent it. c) If you want to crossout something, do it with one neat line, not a hard scribble.Do not usebracketsto enclosecrossedout words" d) If you do not useRoman script in your mother tongue and have difficulry with it -fractise. If you areliving in an English-speaking country, the childrens sectionin your local library may havesome books usedto teachchildren to write, which could help you. Finally, now that you havestudied and understood everythingin this book, there is no need to get nervousabout the test! GOODLUCKI
  • 64. Essoy Writing for English Tests 59 AnswerKey Stoge1 TASK I: a) andc) askthe samequestion, but from opposingends;b) andd) both compare the roleof the homeandtheschoolin education; e)and0 dealwith the samequestion from opposingends. Stoge2 TASK 4: SeeThsk 10 on p.25 for an example " TASK 5: a) Leisure activities: Physical: sport, exercise Social:friends, relations Creative / Cultural: art, music, dance b) Education: Better understanding:knowledg. - better decisions,better life-sryle,wisdom; jobs: satisfaction;pay pleasure:culture - books, music c) City life: Environment: crowded, no nature, space; Expectations: too much - time Pressure; work pressure,transPort problems. TASK 6: Cars: convenisnl - door-to-door but: no exercise, lower life exPectancy fast: but: not in traffic jams cheapen but dependson costofpublic ffansport.Costhigh for socieqrair pollution! TASK 7: a) harmand good b) This topic should ideally be discussed without evaluation.Socialscientistshave tried to find factual evidencefor or againstthis. In practice,you can only draw conclusionsfrom what you assumeto be the case. c) quality of life d) too much. Stressis a term most peoplewould understandthe sameway. But how much is too muclt? TASK 8 factoriesand carslead to air pollution; rubbish and wastedisposallead to water pollution; water pollution and lack of freshwater lead to fish dying; deforestationleadsto animalsbeing endangered.