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Dr Chan Joe Mee
O&G Department, SGH
Postpartum Hypertension –
a challenge even after childbirth
Postpartum Hypertension ??
Preeclampsia Gestational HPT
de novo HPT
CEMD in Malaysia 2006-2008
 HDP represented 15.4% of total numbers of
maternal death- the 4th main cause after
obstetric embolism, PPH and other medical non
HDP conditions
 396 maternal deaths ;
 61 cases (15.4%) were DIRECTLY related to
complications of Hypertensive Disorders in
Pregnancy (HDP)
 Average incidence of HDP deaths /year - 20
 Inadequate treatment of systolic
hypertension was a recurring theme
 The majority of these deaths were seen
among mothers whose age was >30; with
the minority groups Iban and Orang Asli
being the commonest ethnic groups
For the purposes of this presentation, the following definitions apply (ISSHP
 Chronic hypertension is hypertension that is
present at booking / < 20 weeks or if the
woman is already taking antihypertensive
medication when referred to maternity services.
It can be primary / secondary in aetiology
 Eclampsia is a convulsive condition associated
with pre-eclampsia
 HELLP syndrome is haemolysis, elevated liver
enzymes and low platelet count
 Gestational hypertension is new hypertension
presenting >20 weeks without significant
 Significant proteinuria - if the urinary
protein:creatinine ratio (uPCR) is >30 mg/mmol
or a validated 24-hour urine collection result
shows >300 mg protein. ( Test done following a
result of urine albumin >/= 1+)
 Pre-eclampsia is new hypertension presenting
after 20 weeks with significant proteinuria
 Severe pre-eclampsia is pre-eclampsia with
severe hypertension &/ with symptoms, &/
biochemical &/ haematological impairment
Classification of Hypertension
NICE Guideline - Guideline Development Group (GDG)
 Mild hypertension
– SBP140–149 mmHg, DBP 90–99 mmHg.
 Moderate hypertension
– SBP150–159 mmHg, DBP100–109 mmHg.
 Severe hypertension
– SBP>/= 160 mmHg, DBP >/=110 mmHg.
* Treatment of moderate HPT prevents severe HPT and its complications
International Society for the Study of
Hypertension in Pregnancy / ISSHP 2014-
Revised Classification
 The revised classification for hypertensive
disorders in pregnancy is as follows:
1. Chronic hypertension.
2. Gestational hypertension.
3. Pre-eclampsia – de novo or superimposed on
4. White coat hypertension.
White Coat
Postpartum Hypertension
 Hypertension should be recognised & effectively
treated to :
 prevent severe hypertension
 avoid unnecessary delays in discharge
 Poorly managed postpartum hypertension place
women at risk of significant complications
 Appropriate treatment of
postnatal hypertension is
essential to prevent maternal
morbidity and mortality from
cerebral haemorrhage
This presentation seeks to…
• Describe the normal postpartum changes
in BP
• Consider which patients should be >
closely monitored & treated
• Consider the evidence for different
antihypertensive agents & the ass.
implications for the mother & baby
Normal Physiology
 Following uncomplicated pregnancy over the first
4 days in the postpartum period
 SBP ↑ average 6 mmHg
 DBP ↑ average 4 mmHg
 Up to 12% of patients will have a recorded DBP >
100 mmHg
 This is dt the resolution of the CVS adaptations to
pregnancy, ie.
 mobilisation of fluid accumulated in the extra vascular
space during pregnancy
Immediate postpartum
→ tendency of an increase in BP
 1/3 of women who have had PIH or Pre-
eclampsia (PET) will be sustaining HPT in the
postnatal period
 Commonly they are normotensive in the early
postpartum period, possibly dt depleted
intravascular volumes following labour
 There is also a group who is acknowledged to
hv HPT occuring de novo following delivery
Women particularly at risk of postnatal
hypertension - Table 1
In severe PE/Eclampsia
Delivery ≠ End of the problem
 Severe PE/E can develop during post partum
 44% of eclampsia occur postpartum
(has been reported up to 4 weeks)
 Initial BP may fall following delivery but usually
rise again around 24h post partum
 Incidence of severe PE/E fall after the 4th day
 The potential complications of PE in the
postpartum period are largely similar to those
in the antenatal period (except for fetal
 There is increasing recognition that
 severe systolic HPT (>160 mmHg)
 ↑MAPs
should prompt urgent
treatment to prevent
Incidence of complications among patients with
 Matthys et al. (AJOG 2004)described the
outcomes of 151 women readmitted in the
postnatal period (up to day 24) who received
a diagnosis of PET
 The incidence of complications was high:
 16% eclampsia
 9% pulmonary oedema
 one maternal death
 Similarly, Chames et al. (AJOG 2002) :
 29 women presenting with postpartum
eclampsia, almost all reported ≥ 1 prodromal
 23 (79%) patients had seizures after 48 hours
 Study conducted from March 1996 through Feb
 Lubarsky et al. reported a series of 334 cases
of eclampsia
 16% of seizures - in the postnatal period
( > ½ of these later than 48 hours following
 Emphasis of these data :
 the need for prolonged vigilance in the
postpartum period
 The importance of investigating reported
symptoms in such women
 In the current climate of early postnatal
discharge, both hospital and community
teams need to have referral and
management guidelines in place
Consideration of
antihypertensive agents
 The ideal antihypertensive agent to be used
in the postnatal period should
 reliably and effectively control BP without
diurnal peaks and troughs
 have minimal maternal side effects
 be safe for breastfeeding infants
 be effective with once-daily dosing to maximise
 Due to the paucity of data, it is difficult to recommend
one antihypertensive agent over another9
 In the absence of such data the clinician should be
aware of the pros and cons of available agents
1. β-blockers
 The most common agents used are labetalol
and atenolol
 β 2 receptors- effect on peripheral vasodilation
 β 1 receptors in cardiac tissue modulate the
sympathetic response
 Renal receptors mediate changes in renin
synthesis-This modest decrement in renin
synthesis may contribute to the overall
antihypertensive effect in some patients
 β -blockers may exacerbate & should be
 asthma
 cardiac failure
 Individuals who describe respiratory symptoms
after commencing a β -blocker (symptoms may
not be apparent for several days) should be
changed to an alternative agent
 Advantage – OD dosing (25-100mg OD)
 ↑compliance in women who find multiple
dosing regimens difficult
 The high lipid solubility of the drug means
that it is concentrated in breast milk and
concerns have previously been raised about
transfer to the neonate
 However, only a single case of neonatal β -
blockade has been reported despite extensive
use of the drug in breastfeeding women
 The risks in routine clinical practice are
therefore minimal
2. Calcium channel blockers
 Inhibits Ca2+ influx into vascular myocytes
thereby inhibiting vasoconstriction and
reducing vascular resistance
 Minimal effects on cardiac conduction and HR ;
but may be ass. with > headache than β –blockers
 There is minimal excretion into breast milk10
 Nifedipine - the most commonly prescribed CCB ;
dosage- 10-20mg TDS
 A 2nd-line alternative is Amlodipine 5–10 mg OD
3. Methyldopa
 The most common antihypertensive agent
used in the antenatal period is methyldopa-
because of its well established safety record
with regard to fetal toxicity
 Centrally acting α-adrenergic agonist- brings
about reduced systemic vascular resistance
via ↓ sympathetic vascular tone
 Whilst methyldopa remains a safe option for
treatment of hypertension in the postnatal
period, particularly in women who have had
good antenatal control with the agent, most
authorities advise that it should be
discontinued because of its maternal side-
effects, in particular:
 Sedation
 postural hypotension
 postnatal depression
4. Angiotensin converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
 ACE inhibitors (such as Enalapril) - commonly
used outside of pregnancy to treat hypertension,
particularly that ass. with renal disease and
 Inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE)
→ decrease production of angiotensin II (AII)
reducing AII mediated vasoconstriction
 Ass. with adverse fetal outcomes when used in
the antenatal period ; but there are reassuring
data concerning their safety in breastfeeding
 Enalapril can be prescribed as a BD dose of
5–20 mg
 + :generally well tolerated
 - : can experience profound hypotension.
 Association with renal impairment:-
 CAUTION: recent deterioration of renal function.
5. Diuretics
 Diuretics - rarely used as antihypertensive agents
in the postnatal period; except- pulmonary
 Postnatal women are > susceptible to postural
 Breastfeeding women may experience excessive
 The associated volume contraction may interfere
Treatment of acute episodes of
 Acute episodes of hypertension in the
postnatal period should be managed in the
same manner as antenatal / intrapartum
 The agents of choice are:
 labetalol (oral or intravenous)
 nifedipine (oral) or
 hydralazine (intravenous)
 Labetalol-
 Advantage - an oral dose can be given before
intravenous access is established
 Further intravenous doses can be given if
 Hydralazine-
 effective ; although its use as a first-line drug has
been questioned
 > commonly causes precipitous drops in BP
and the associated symptoms are unpleasant
for women (;although the concerns about
placental perfusion are no longer relevant)
Management of ongoing
hypertension1. Patients with existing hypertension
 It is advisable to stop methyldopa following delivery and
switch to the prepregnancy dose of her usual agent/s
 Where newer drugs have been prescribed and mothers
are wishing to breastfeed, pharmaceutical advice
should be sought before delivery
 All of the antihypertensive drug groups have
examples of preparations where there is reassuring
experience with breastfeeding
 Women who were previously using diuretics should
consider an alternative while they are breastfeeding
Figure 1. (a) Algorithm for the management of postnatal
hypertension in women with chronic hypertension.
2. Hypertension arising during pregnancy or
in the puerperium
 In patients who were normotensive before
pregnancy, one of the most difficult problems
is deciding which women should have
antihypertensives prescribed following delivery
 Women who are most likely to benefit from
antihypertensisves prescribed following
 required antihypertensives in the antenatal period
 been delivered < 37 weeks of gestation because of
 The perceived advantages of starting treatment in
the early postnatal period are :
 episodes of severe hypertension will be reduced
 discharge to the community will not be delayed
 Balanced against this
 possibility of unnecessary treatment
 SE of medication
 A suggested regimen might be
 labetalol (providing there is no history of asthma) , with
 second and third-line agents of calcium antagonist and
an ACE inhibitor (such as enalapril)
Figure 1.(b) Algorithm for the management of postnatal
hypertension in women without chronic hypertension
3. De novo hypertension
 Not clear what thresholds should be used to
instigate treatment in women with de novo
hypertension in the postnatal period having
previously been normotensive
 Current NICE postnatal guidance recommends
medical review:
 DBP>90 mmHg ,ass. w any symptoms of PET
 Diastolic hypertension sustained >4 hours
 No systolic thresholds are suggested but
extrapolation from the subsequent
hypertension guidelines :
 SBP >150 mmHg → PET should be excluded
 Newly presenting patients should have a
history and examination taken to exclude IE
and have Ix that include:
 BUSE/Creat
Inpatient management of
ongoing postnatal hypertension
 ALL women should be closely monitored with
regular recordings of BP and fluid balance
(regardless whether antihypertensive agents
prescribed immediately following delivery)
 Modified obstetric early warning system
(MOEWS) charts should be used to facilitate
the monitoring of these women in wards
A validation study of the CEMACH recommended modified early obstetric warning
system (MEOWS)*
Volume 67, Issue 1, pages 12-18, 9 NOV 2011 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2011.06896.x
Frequency of PET profile
 The frequency of measuring haematological and
biochemical indices will need to be tailored to
individual patients
(A minimum of OD testing may be required initially in
cases where there is concern about
thrombocytopenia or renal compromise)
 Thereafter frequent sampling - unlikely to change
management in the absence of other clinical triggers
 Furthermore, unnecessary concern may arise if
normal patterns of resolution are not appreciated (for
example, ALT reaches peak serum levels 5 days
postnatally in normal pregnancy15 )
NICE guidance16 recommends :
 platelet count
 transaminases
 serum creatinine
 Up to 44% of eclamptic fits occur in the postnatal
period (usually within the first 48 hours following
delivery,17) women with PET should be encouraged to
delay discharge until day 3
 BP at the time of discharge should be <150/100 mmHg
 Crucial that the community team receive adequate
and prompt documentation regarding the inpatient
management and the plans for follow-up
Checked 48–72 hours after birth/
Step down from Level 2 care, and
Thereafter only repeated if abnormal or
clinically indicated
Discharge criteria
 De novo HPT (non-proteinuric) – >6 hrs: Discharge if
BP <150/90 (EOD BP- expect going down to
 For mild HDP – no earlier than 24-48 hrs
 Severe PE/E – no earlier than day 3
 DBP has settled <100 mmHg
 On single/no antihypertensive drug
 NO end-organ dysfunction
 Patient:
 understands the disease & its complications
 compliant to medication
 accessible to a health center
Notification of birth
 The importance of continuing post-natal care
either at the hospital or health center cannot
be overemphasized
 To facilitate this, notification of birth to the
nearest peripheral health center is vital
 Phone
 Fax
 Report by family members/next of kin to nearest
Follow-up at the Community
 Local experience and facilities will dictate if this
review should be by the GP / the hospital
maternity assessment unit/ Daycare unit
 Hospital review will be required if patients
report symptoms of PET / if BP >160/100
 Most women who commence postnatal
antihypertensives will require treatment for ≥ 2
 Some women, esp. with early onset /severe
disease may need to continue > 6 weeks18
Management at the
 EOD follow-up either at the health centre /
home visit by the community
midwife/nursing/paramedical staff :
 BP
 urine for albumin
 signs and symptoms of PET
 The patient has to be seen and examined by a
doctor either in the hospital / at health centre
fortnightly until 6 weeks post-natal period
Elements to be monitored Frequency of
review by nurse
Frequency of
review by
•Blood Pressure
•Urine for protein (if B/P >
140/90 mmHg)
•Signs and symptoms of severe
HDP and pre-eclampsia
•Signs and symptoms of Deep
Vein Thrombosis
(Post-natal mothers with history
of HDP have a higher risk of
developing DVT, as a
complication of advocating long
rest during antenatal period)
Two weekly
 Medication should be reduced when BPs
ranged 130–140/80–90 mmHg
 Refer for medical review:
 >150/ 100mmHg - 2x measurements are
obtained >20 minutes apart
 Further medical review
 If medication is required > 6 weeks - to Ix the
possibility of an underlying cause
 It has been reported - up to 13% of women
initially thought to have a diagnosis of PET or
PIH will have underlying disease not
suspected antenatally
6 weeks post partum
 The 6-week postnatal visit –
 establish the diagnosis (PIH/PET/Essential HPT)
 discuss implications for future pregnancies
 Advise to have an early booking (LDA+CaCO3) and
regular antenatal care in the next pregnancy
 Counseling on the importance of
contraception and choice with reference to
WHO medical eligibility criteria (WHO MEC)
 If hypertension and proteinuria persists >6
weeks postpartum, the mother should be referred to
a physician
 It is important to ascertain whether that renal
impairment detected in hypertensive
pregnancies is indeed attributable to PET
 Renal biopsies taken in the postpartum period in 176
women who had been diagnosed in pregnancy as
having renal complications of pre-eclampsia
established →
 an alternative diagnosis in 1/3 of cases overall; and this
was ↑ to almost 2/3 in multiparous patients
Recurrence of Pre-eclampsia
 The risk of pre-eclampsia in a subsequent
pregnancy depends on the presentation in the
index pregnancy
 Severe, early onset pre-eclampsia -
recurrence rate up to 40% in future
 generally the onset of problems is 2–3 weeks
 < severe than in the 1st pregnancy
 Milder disease, nearer to term - risk of
Future pregnancy/ risk
 Women at increased risk should be offered in
a future pregnancy
 low-dose aspirin
 increased BP surveillance
 Finally….CVD
 It is increasingly recognised that PET is a risk
factor for developing cardiovascular disease in
later life
 Patients should be made aware of this -
opportunity to make lifestyle choices to minimise

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Management of Postpartum Hypertesion

  • 1. Dr Chan Joe Mee O&G Department, SGH Postpartum Hypertension – a challenge even after childbirth
  • 3. CEMD in Malaysia 2006-2008  HDP represented 15.4% of total numbers of maternal death- the 4th main cause after obstetric embolism, PPH and other medical non HDP conditions  396 maternal deaths ;  61 cases (15.4%) were DIRECTLY related to complications of Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy (HDP)  Average incidence of HDP deaths /year - 20 cases
  • 4.  Inadequate treatment of systolic hypertension was a recurring theme  The majority of these deaths were seen among mothers whose age was >30; with the minority groups Iban and Orang Asli being the commonest ethnic groups
  • 5. Definitions For the purposes of this presentation, the following definitions apply (ISSHP 2000):  Chronic hypertension is hypertension that is present at booking / < 20 weeks or if the woman is already taking antihypertensive medication when referred to maternity services. It can be primary / secondary in aetiology  Eclampsia is a convulsive condition associated with pre-eclampsia  HELLP syndrome is haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count  Gestational hypertension is new hypertension presenting >20 weeks without significant proteinuria
  • 6.  Significant proteinuria - if the urinary protein:creatinine ratio (uPCR) is >30 mg/mmol or a validated 24-hour urine collection result shows >300 mg protein. ( Test done following a result of urine albumin >/= 1+)  Pre-eclampsia is new hypertension presenting after 20 weeks with significant proteinuria  Severe pre-eclampsia is pre-eclampsia with severe hypertension &/ with symptoms, &/ biochemical &/ haematological impairment
  • 7. Classification of Hypertension NICE Guideline - Guideline Development Group (GDG)  Mild hypertension – SBP140–149 mmHg, DBP 90–99 mmHg.  Moderate hypertension – SBP150–159 mmHg, DBP100–109 mmHg.  Severe hypertension – SBP>/= 160 mmHg, DBP >/=110 mmHg. * Treatment of moderate HPT prevents severe HPT and its complications
  • 8. International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy / ISSHP 2014- Revised Classification  The revised classification for hypertensive disorders in pregnancy is as follows: 1. Chronic hypertension. 2. Gestational hypertension. 3. Pre-eclampsia – de novo or superimposed on chronic hypertension. 4. White coat hypertension.
  • 11. Postpartum Hypertension  Hypertension should be recognised & effectively treated to :  prevent severe hypertension  avoid unnecessary delays in discharge  Poorly managed postpartum hypertension place women at risk of significant complications  Appropriate treatment of postnatal hypertension is essential to prevent maternal morbidity and mortality from cerebral haemorrhage
  • 12. This presentation seeks to… • Describe the normal postpartum changes in BP • Consider which patients should be > closely monitored & treated • Consider the evidence for different antihypertensive agents & the ass. implications for the mother & baby
  • 13. Normal Physiology  Following uncomplicated pregnancy over the first 4 days in the postpartum period  SBP ↑ average 6 mmHg  DBP ↑ average 4 mmHg  Up to 12% of patients will have a recorded DBP > 100 mmHg  This is dt the resolution of the CVS adaptations to pregnancy, ie.  mobilisation of fluid accumulated in the extra vascular space during pregnancy
  • 15. Pathophysiology  1/3 of women who have had PIH or Pre- eclampsia (PET) will be sustaining HPT in the postnatal period  Commonly they are normotensive in the early postpartum period, possibly dt depleted intravascular volumes following labour  There is also a group who is acknowledged to hv HPT occuring de novo following delivery
  • 16. Women particularly at risk of postnatal hypertension - Table 1 _____________ ________________ ________________________ ___________________
  • 17. In severe PE/Eclampsia Delivery ≠ End of the problem  Severe PE/E can develop during post partum period  44% of eclampsia occur postpartum (has been reported up to 4 weeks)  Initial BP may fall following delivery but usually rise again around 24h post partum  Incidence of severe PE/E fall after the 4th day postpartum
  • 18. Pre-eclampsia  The potential complications of PE in the postpartum period are largely similar to those in the antenatal period (except for fetal complications)  There is increasing recognition that  severe systolic HPT (>160 mmHg)  ↑MAPs should prompt urgent treatment to prevent cerebral haemorrhage.7
  • 19. Evidence Incidence of complications among patients with PET:  Matthys et al. (AJOG 2004)described the outcomes of 151 women readmitted in the postnatal period (up to day 24) who received a diagnosis of PET  The incidence of complications was high:  16% eclampsia  9% pulmonary oedema  one maternal death
  • 20.  Similarly, Chames et al. (AJOG 2002) :  29 women presenting with postpartum eclampsia, almost all reported ≥ 1 prodromal symptom  23 (79%) patients had seizures after 48 hours  Study conducted from March 1996 through Feb 2001
  • 21.  Lubarsky et al. reported a series of 334 cases of eclampsia  16% of seizures - in the postnatal period ( > ½ of these later than 48 hours following delivery).
  • 22.  Emphasis of these data :  the need for prolonged vigilance in the postpartum period  The importance of investigating reported symptoms in such women  In the current climate of early postnatal discharge, both hospital and community teams need to have referral and management guidelines in place
  • 23. Consideration of antihypertensive agents  The ideal antihypertensive agent to be used in the postnatal period should  reliably and effectively control BP without diurnal peaks and troughs  have minimal maternal side effects  be safe for breastfeeding infants  be effective with once-daily dosing to maximise compliance
  • 24.  Due to the paucity of data, it is difficult to recommend one antihypertensive agent over another9  In the absence of such data the clinician should be aware of the pros and cons of available agents
  • 25.
  • 26. 1. β-blockers  The most common agents used are labetalol and atenolol  β 2 receptors- effect on peripheral vasodilation  β 1 receptors in cardiac tissue modulate the sympathetic response  Renal receptors mediate changes in renin synthesis-This modest decrement in renin synthesis may contribute to the overall antihypertensive effect in some patients
  • 27.  β -blockers may exacerbate & should be avoided  asthma  cardiac failure  Individuals who describe respiratory symptoms after commencing a β -blocker (symptoms may not be apparent for several days) should be changed to an alternative agent
  • 28. Atenolol  Advantage – OD dosing (25-100mg OD)  ↑compliance in women who find multiple dosing regimens difficult  The high lipid solubility of the drug means that it is concentrated in breast milk and concerns have previously been raised about transfer to the neonate
  • 29.  However, only a single case of neonatal β - blockade has been reported despite extensive use of the drug in breastfeeding women  The risks in routine clinical practice are therefore minimal
  • 30. 2. Calcium channel blockers  Inhibits Ca2+ influx into vascular myocytes thereby inhibiting vasoconstriction and reducing vascular resistance  Minimal effects on cardiac conduction and HR ; but may be ass. with > headache than β –blockers  There is minimal excretion into breast milk10  Nifedipine - the most commonly prescribed CCB ; dosage- 10-20mg TDS  A 2nd-line alternative is Amlodipine 5–10 mg OD
  • 31. 3. Methyldopa  The most common antihypertensive agent used in the antenatal period is methyldopa- because of its well established safety record with regard to fetal toxicity  Centrally acting α-adrenergic agonist- brings about reduced systemic vascular resistance via ↓ sympathetic vascular tone
  • 32.  Whilst methyldopa remains a safe option for treatment of hypertension in the postnatal period, particularly in women who have had good antenatal control with the agent, most authorities advise that it should be discontinued because of its maternal side- effects, in particular:  Sedation  postural hypotension  postnatal depression
  • 33. 4. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors  ACE inhibitors (such as Enalapril) - commonly used outside of pregnancy to treat hypertension, particularly that ass. with renal disease and proteinuria  Inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) → decrease production of angiotensin II (AII) reducing AII mediated vasoconstriction  Ass. with adverse fetal outcomes when used in the antenatal period ; but there are reassuring data concerning their safety in breastfeeding
  • 34.  Enalapril can be prescribed as a BD dose of 5–20 mg  + :generally well tolerated  - : can experience profound hypotension.  Association with renal impairment:-  CAUTION: recent deterioration of renal function.
  • 35. 5. Diuretics  Diuretics - rarely used as antihypertensive agents in the postnatal period; except- pulmonary oedema  Postnatal women are > susceptible to postural hypotension  Breastfeeding women may experience excessive thirst  The associated volume contraction may interfere
  • 36. Treatment of acute episodes of hypertension  Acute episodes of hypertension in the postnatal period should be managed in the same manner as antenatal / intrapartum episodes  The agents of choice are:  labetalol (oral or intravenous)  nifedipine (oral) or  hydralazine (intravenous)
  • 37.  Labetalol-  Advantage - an oral dose can be given before intravenous access is established  Further intravenous doses can be given if required  Hydralazine-  effective ; although its use as a first-line drug has been questioned  > commonly causes precipitous drops in BP and the associated symptoms are unpleasant for women (;although the concerns about placental perfusion are no longer relevant)
  • 38. Management of ongoing postnatal hypertension1. Patients with existing hypertension  It is advisable to stop methyldopa following delivery and switch to the prepregnancy dose of her usual agent/s  Where newer drugs have been prescribed and mothers are wishing to breastfeed, pharmaceutical advice should be sought before delivery  All of the antihypertensive drug groups have examples of preparations where there is reassuring experience with breastfeeding  Women who were previously using diuretics should consider an alternative while they are breastfeeding
  • 39. Figure 1. (a) Algorithm for the management of postnatal hypertension in women with chronic hypertension.
  • 40. 2. Hypertension arising during pregnancy or in the puerperium  In patients who were normotensive before pregnancy, one of the most difficult problems is deciding which women should have antihypertensives prescribed following delivery  Women who are most likely to benefit from antihypertensisves prescribed following delivery:  required antihypertensives in the antenatal period  been delivered < 37 weeks of gestation because of hypertension
  • 41.  The perceived advantages of starting treatment in the early postnatal period are :  episodes of severe hypertension will be reduced  discharge to the community will not be delayed unnecessarily  Balanced against this  possibility of unnecessary treatment  SE of medication  A suggested regimen might be  labetalol (providing there is no history of asthma) , with  second and third-line agents of calcium antagonist and an ACE inhibitor (such as enalapril)
  • 42. Figure 1.(b) Algorithm for the management of postnatal hypertension in women without chronic hypertension
  • 43. 3. De novo hypertension  Not clear what thresholds should be used to instigate treatment in women with de novo hypertension in the postnatal period having previously been normotensive  Current NICE postnatal guidance recommends medical review:  DBP>90 mmHg ,ass. w any symptoms of PET OR  Diastolic hypertension sustained >4 hours
  • 44.  No systolic thresholds are suggested but extrapolation from the subsequent hypertension guidelines :  SBP >150 mmHg → PET should be excluded  Newly presenting patients should have a history and examination taken to exclude IE and have Ix that include:  FBC  BUSE/Creat  LFT
  • 45. Inpatient management of ongoing postnatal hypertension  ALL women should be closely monitored with regular recordings of BP and fluid balance (regardless whether antihypertensive agents prescribed immediately following delivery)  Modified obstetric early warning system (MOEWS) charts should be used to facilitate the monitoring of these women in wards
  • 46. A validation study of the CEMACH recommended modified early obstetric warning system (MEOWS)* Anaesthesia Volume 67, Issue 1, pages 12-18, 9 NOV 2011 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2044.2011.06896.x
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49. Frequency of PET profile  The frequency of measuring haematological and biochemical indices will need to be tailored to individual patients (A minimum of OD testing may be required initially in cases where there is concern about thrombocytopenia or renal compromise)  Thereafter frequent sampling - unlikely to change management in the absence of other clinical triggers  Furthermore, unnecessary concern may arise if normal patterns of resolution are not appreciated (for example, ALT reaches peak serum levels 5 days postnatally in normal pregnancy15 )
  • 50. NICE guidance16 recommends :  platelet count  transaminases  serum creatinine  Up to 44% of eclamptic fits occur in the postnatal period (usually within the first 48 hours following delivery,17) women with PET should be encouraged to delay discharge until day 3  BP at the time of discharge should be <150/100 mmHg  Crucial that the community team receive adequate and prompt documentation regarding the inpatient management and the plans for follow-up Checked 48–72 hours after birth/ Step down from Level 2 care, and Thereafter only repeated if abnormal or clinically indicated
  • 51. Discharge criteria  De novo HPT (non-proteinuric) – >6 hrs: Discharge if BP <150/90 (EOD BP- expect going down to <140/90mmHg)  For mild HDP – no earlier than 24-48 hrs  Severe PE/E – no earlier than day 3  DBP has settled <100 mmHg  On single/no antihypertensive drug  NO end-organ dysfunction  Patient:  understands the disease & its complications  compliant to medication  accessible to a health center
  • 52. Notification of birth  The importance of continuing post-natal care either at the hospital or health center cannot be overemphasized  To facilitate this, notification of birth to the nearest peripheral health center is vital  Phone  Fax  Report by family members/next of kin to nearest clinic
  • 53. Follow-up at the Community  Local experience and facilities will dictate if this review should be by the GP / the hospital maternity assessment unit/ Daycare unit  Hospital review will be required if patients report symptoms of PET / if BP >160/100 mmHg  Most women who commence postnatal antihypertensives will require treatment for ≥ 2 weeks  Some women, esp. with early onset /severe disease may need to continue > 6 weeks18
  • 54. Management at the Community  EOD follow-up either at the health centre / home visit by the community midwife/nursing/paramedical staff :  BP  urine for albumin  signs and symptoms of PET  The patient has to be seen and examined by a doctor either in the hospital / at health centre fortnightly until 6 weeks post-natal period
  • 55. Elements to be monitored Frequency of review by nurse Frequency of review by doctor •Blood Pressure •Urine for protein (if B/P > 140/90 mmHg) •Signs and symptoms of severe HDP and pre-eclampsia •Signs and symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis (Post-natal mothers with history of HDP have a higher risk of developing DVT, as a complication of advocating long rest during antenatal period) Every Other Day (EOD) Two weekly
  • 56.  Medication should be reduced when BPs ranged 130–140/80–90 mmHg  Refer for medical review:  >150/ 100mmHg - 2x measurements are obtained >20 minutes apart  Further medical review  If medication is required > 6 weeks - to Ix the possibility of an underlying cause  It has been reported - up to 13% of women initially thought to have a diagnosis of PET or PIH will have underlying disease not suspected antenatally
  • 57. 6 weeks post partum  The 6-week postnatal visit –  establish the diagnosis (PIH/PET/Essential HPT)  discuss implications for future pregnancies  Advise to have an early booking (LDA+CaCO3) and regular antenatal care in the next pregnancy  Counseling on the importance of contraception and choice with reference to WHO medical eligibility criteria (WHO MEC)
  • 58.  If hypertension and proteinuria persists >6 weeks postpartum, the mother should be referred to a physician  It is important to ascertain whether that renal impairment detected in hypertensive pregnancies is indeed attributable to PET  Renal biopsies taken in the postpartum period in 176 women who had been diagnosed in pregnancy as having renal complications of pre-eclampsia established →  an alternative diagnosis in 1/3 of cases overall; and this was ↑ to almost 2/3 in multiparous patients
  • 59. Recurrence of Pre-eclampsia  The risk of pre-eclampsia in a subsequent pregnancy depends on the presentation in the index pregnancy  Severe, early onset pre-eclampsia - recurrence rate up to 40% in future pregnancies  generally the onset of problems is 2–3 weeks later  < severe than in the 1st pregnancy  Milder disease, nearer to term - risk of
  • 60. Future pregnancy/ risk  Women at increased risk should be offered in a future pregnancy  low-dose aspirin  increased BP surveillance  Finally….CVD  It is increasingly recognised that PET is a risk factor for developing cardiovascular disease in later life  Patients should be made aware of this - opportunity to make lifestyle choices to minimise