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204 Indian Economy in New Perspectives
Technology Enabled
Communication: Language as
Emerging Tool for Economy
—Harmik Vaishnav1
Communication, verbal and non-verbal, is as old as human
signs etc. Homo sapiens evolved into what we are today and there
was a clear demarcation between rest of the animal kingdom and
humans. The demarcation is getting wider as humans continue
evolving intellectually and technically.
The History of communication dates back to prehistoric times,
appropriate inscription tools) evolving in tandem with shifts in
political and economic systems, and by extension, systems of power.
Communication can range from very subtle processes of exchange,
Assistant Professor of English, School of Liberal Studies, PDPU,
Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
205Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . .
to full conversations and mass communication. Human
communication was revolutionized with Origin of language speech
approximately 500,000 years ago. Symbols were developed about
30,000 years ago. The imperfection of speech, which nonetheless
allowed easier dissemination of ideas and stimulated inventions,
eventually resulted in the creation of new forms of communications.
In the process improve both the range at which people could
communicate and the longevity of the information. All of those
inventions were based on the key concept of the symbol. [1] Cave
paintings are the oldest known form of communication followed by
Petrolyphys, pictograms, ideograms and finally writing of Alphabets
respectively. Communication was a process of human interaction
and expression and still is, but the method has undergone lot of
change owing to the inventions of gadgets like computers, phones
and mobile phones, visual aids etc. The said gadgets might not have
changed the art of skill of communication but they have affected in
facets like speed, ease and perfection. It is also interesting that these
devices have changed language. "The presence of internet itself has
revolutionized the process through we access and disseminate
information. From laptops, educational apps to online courses,
technology has changed the face of education today." [2] Whether it
is so or not is a matter of debate but they have certainly added a new
range of vocabulary and style of communication in language and
this vocabulary is not language specific but universal. This
communication has brought the people nearer and many a times on
common platform. The languages of the world could not draw level
among various races and countries, on the contrary, language made
the rift wider. There have always been elite people using so and so
language and rest of them using some other. At the time of
renaissance, Latin was the language of elite in England and a couple
of centuries later English became the elite language in Asia and Africa
thus making a clear class of the rulers and elite and the ruled and
The chart below gives us the evolution of mediums of
206 Indian Economy in New Perspectives
207Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . .
The chart also shows the development of commerce and
amalgamation of cultures and spread of commerce and industry at
global level with the improvement and speed in the mediums of
communication. People started to cross the borders of their villages
of new lands and markets and products facilitated by mediums of
communication. The 20th century devices of communication like
phones and internet made it much easier for business to reach out to
anyone in the world for development of commerce; it was no longer
necessary to visit countries, have liaison departments and agents to
search for prospective customers and suppliers for business. Anyone
can reach out to the world with internet and internet enable tools
and sites and this gave birth to healthy competition, new generation
of entrepreneurs, genuine information and quick contacts. The
period for return on investment.
It is also noteworthy that communication itself has become a
business adding one more vertical to the industry right from teachers
of communication and language, consultants, media consultants
and advertising agencies to technical teams who work on the
hardware and software of communication gadgets and platforms,
websites and portals.
Levelling the Classes and Masses
It seems that the gadgets are levelling the classes and races what
otherwise language could have done. Any person can use a computer
or mobile, it is no longer the privilege of a selected few, here of course
we are not bringing in the matter of high-end gadgets and simple
gadgets that are not so costly. But this difference is negligible as far as
communication and function for communication is concerned. It
has also narrowed down the urban-rural gap especially in country
like India where the amenities were easily available in urban areas
and to post a letter one had to visit a neighbouring village in rural
areas. Today anyone can communicate in any part of the world from
a remote rural area as easily as sitting in an urban area. The Web is at
the heart of many ways in which technology has affected
208 Indian Economy in New Perspectives
As per the Avendus Report, there are over 36 million
Smartphones in India11. The report said that over 40 percent of the
Google searches and 9 percent of the overall webpage view in India
comes from mobile devices. Also it said that 30% of India's facebook
had a dramatic impact on how we can keep in touch with family or
do business with colleagues working remotely. [4] The user-
friendliness of technology has reached at a level in last few years that
even the knowledge of English is not mandatory for simple day to
regional language.
Redesigning Local and English Language
The technology enabled communication has also seen a major
shift and changes in the use of language especially English language.
The English language which was once rigid in the use of spellings
and grammar and also in the privileged use of a few elite people has
been in the state of flux. Academically speaking, it is not a welcome
change as any language without rules of grammar or spellings
becomes chaotic and deplorable for the use of formal and informal
communication. The rules are there to avoid chaos. However, the
English Language itself evolved and spread outside the islands of
United Kingdom owing to its heterogeneity. Today, technology has
mixed English with other regional languages of India, the long-term
impact of which on either of the language is a matter of debate.
Scholars believe that amalgamation of two languages destroys both
the languages and of course the flavour is already lost with immediate
effect. Scholars also believe that it creates interest in learning of
anywhere, shows that technological gadgets enable in learning
English faster like improving spellings, grammar and syntax. The
does while writing and in case of doubt consult the teacher. This is
They can just type the assignment of language learning in word
document and check the spellings and grammar. Here the teacher
209Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . .
acts as a consultant and trouble shooter. English teachers can
introduce tasks related to writing skills through which students can
use the mobile keyboard to compose and edit short written messages
for the purpose of communication. Most of the students who use
mobile phones have only limited knowledge about the features of
mobile technology. During the undergraduate education, students
at all levels and branches should take the imitative to learn the basics
of mobile technology. English teachers' and undergraduates'
awareness of navigational issues, file formats, the size of files, types of
files, memory cards and the effectiveness of operating systems can
lead to successful outcomes. [5]
Multiple Communication Strategy
The biggest boon that this technology of communication has
order i.e. from decision makers and authorities to the last person in
any region and vice-versa. Today any labourer or farmer can connect
directly with the proceedings of the Parliament, send message to the
top-most authorities, see online on what is going on and till the
limit share pictures, documents etc. Let me refer to a T.V.
in distant villages can click photo of a broken road and upload it for
repair and the authorities sitting in cosy offices in the state or state
capital can see and give direction. This could be easily termed
as miracle in bridging the gap of class and approachable
communication. The authorities can be directly connected without
rubbing your feet in power corridors and authorities can directly talk
to people in remote places through apps or video conferencing
without travelling for long. It has reduced constraint of time in
approaching considerably.
More Options for Getting Clarity
views or making statement is no longer the privilege of a select few
officer can no longer say that the roads are constructed in so and so
region or the crop has failed sitting anywhere as visual evidence can
210 Indian Economy in New Perspectives
be uploaded by any poor man passing on a cycle and contradict the
hollow claim. One can also give views and comments online without
being invited for a talk-show or deliver a lecture in a conference.
A discussion can initiated and led to some constructive action by
common people. The new method of communication has not only
affected administration and social life but economic life as well. It
has created opportunities of earning by setting up of new business
and allied industries, the economic activities ranging from
manufacturing, logistics, trade and employment by saving time and
money and controlling wastage of resources. Processes have become
faster and transparent giving opportunities to everyone and also
bridling mal-practices and corruption till some extent.
Online Education and Shift in Academic Education
The academic world has not lagged behind in the technological
revolution in communication. The field sees increasing usage of
of academicians who have seen the mega shift from the last couple of
decades of twentieth century till date.
In a technologically advanced countries, the third and fourth
generation (3G, 4G) mobile devices are available at affordable prices,
and people of all streams find it necessary to own a mobile phone for
connecting with their friends and relatives. Moreover, it has become
a common trend among undergraduates to carry a mobile phone to
the classroom as well.
Mobile phones with internet connectivity can search thousands
of web pages and provide details of a high degree of accuracy to the
reader. They almost replace reference books and avoid the physical
labor of visiting the university library. [6]
Knowledge and exposure to education has spread widely and
anyone can study using internet, online resources, e-books, videos of
scholars etc. Let us cite some examples which show that mega-shift
in just two decades. Formerly getting hold a book was a privilege or
matter of luck but now anyone can read any book in any part of the
world, formerly one only heard the names of great scholars and gurus
in different fields but now any student can click and listen to the
in renowned universities and studying courses was a dream now
211Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . .
there are innumerable courses offered by these universities wherein
famous professors teach online and many a times interact via email
etc. The academic sector is witnessing a big shift that and getting
education or learning will not be only to a particular class or area. A
student from Africa can attend online course on management from
is levelling people in same academic or professional stream
irrespective of their region or birth.
Source- Google Pics
Corner Plays the Centre Stage
The future cannot be predicted exactly but one can predict a few
things. Perhaps, there will be virtual classes in future wherein a
professor from Japan will explain about application of Six Sigma in
automobile engineering and the class will consist of students from
twenty different countries connected interacting with each one's 3D
image. It would feel like a regular class, you can see others and the
professor; the only thing missing would be the sense of touch which
212 Indian Economy in New Perspectives
is anyways not important in a class. The same thing may be applicable
to conferences and seminars. One can present a paper or sit in a
presentation with virtual effect with 3D. The only thing would be
you cannot join the speaker for a cup of coffee or lunch later on.
However, this predictions do not meant that other industries like
travel would be affected or people would not like to go to places and
meet others. So far, it is still believed that meeting and interacting in
a place like conferences with physical proximity is the best way for
or classrooms. The virtual world will take care of the sense of sight as
one would see everyone and everything in 3D to give you almost the
same effect. The advantage of this would be a student can attend
three classes in a day in three different universities like Cambridge in
UK, Yale in US and of course PDPU in India. This, if it happens, will
be a miracle in the field of education. There can be free choice in
from a university in US, English Literature from a university in UK
and so on. The student will also be able to choose the permutation of
courses and he/she will no longer be bound by the regimentation
and compartments in courses offered. This also means that the
pattern of examination will change, students' ownership and
responsibility will increase and mentoring from various aspects and
various experts will be sorted after.
(Google Images)
Future Economic Effects
The future of academics as envisaged has its economic effects. A
student need not pay entire fee but of whatever he/she wants to
213Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . .
study, the expense of travelling, lodging-boarding will be saved and
can be put to some other purposeful use and of course lot of time
saving. The academic institutes will no more be the hub of education
or learning or even awarding degrees. They will have to invest in
cognitive skills, research, experiential learning and act as mentors.
The accumulated evidence from analyses of economic outcomes is
that the quality of education - measured on an outcome basis of
cognitive skills - has powerful economic effects. Economic growth is
strongly affected by the skills of workers. What people know matters.
Because of the reported findings - that knowledge rather than just
time in school is what counts for economic growth - policies must
pay more attention to the quality of schools. [7]
Teachers are Facilitators and Tech Users
Knowledge, since long, walked out of the domain of the elite
class and teachers. What a teacher told in the class was knowledge
now it is not so. Anyone can get the facts and formulas sitting on a
gadget of communication. Even the role of teachers and universities
at large has changed and will change drastically. The teacher will
based process wherein problem solving, intellectual capacity and
words of wisdom will matter more. Formerly anyone with bookish
knowledge could go to the class and repeat what one had studied
but now with the support of universal communication and internet
the student already knows what Shakespeare wrote in Julius Caesar
or what metal is used in manufacturing of Audi and the complex
chemical formula in pesticides or in which year was The Great Trial
of Mahatma Gandhi held. Learning historical dates and quoting
freely is no more a miracle or sign of a great erudition.
the interpretation of Julius Caesar's thematic aspect or why so and so
metal used or interpreting Gandhi's doings and undoing and their
application in day to day life as well as today's world. A teacher will
have to be a research guide, provocateur of thoughts, motivator and
facilitator of actions and applications. The technology will also
provide ample of simulation with visuals and games for better
learning and feeling of the first hand experience. Student of
214 Indian Economy in New Perspectives
engineering can have the simulated experience of working on
machines or student learning medicine can see the human body in
3D and so on. "A child learns by doing, living, trying and imitating.
So this kind of learning is lasting. This gives to the teacher an idea
about student's character." [8]
Drawbacks of Multiple Communication Channel
There is no coin without two sides or 2D at least as we may say,
and so be it with technology and communication. There are
and some are intangible and hidden. As technology enabled
communication has merits like speed, accuracy, economic benefits,
like availability of power and free flow of connectivity without which
no gadget will work, health problems may occur like strain on eyes
and vision impairment owing to over use of computers and cell
phones, health problems owing to laziness etc. The most worrisome
and debatable problem as foretold by sociologists and psychologists
is the dwindling of human involvement and interaction. The social
life will be marred as people will communicate and interact either
with machine or with fellow humans through gadgets which may
lead to alienation and self-centredness. "While this has made it easier
to make contact with others, it has also made it more difficult to
and more convenient than it ever has been, at the risk of making our
lives ever more hurried and busy." [9]
The development of mental faculties like memory, perception,
calculation, reasoning, imagination, intuition, judgment,
concentration etc. may not develop with over use of technological
gadgets like computers and mobiles from early age. A student would
not like to memorize or store some information in mind or even
would not prefer making simple calculations because of reliance on
the gadgets. It is very important for a human to have control on
mind and emotions and to use them effectively. Reliance on self may
decrease with the over use of gadgets like mobiles.
In spite of their effectiveness in gathering information for
classroom assignments, there are also teachers and parents who may
not encourage their children or students, respectively, to use mobile
215Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . .
across the world which has imposed a ban on using mobile phones
during regular college and class hours. An over-dependence on
mobile devices may hinder students from activating cognitive skills
There are some researchers who are of the opinion that the
information which would actually have to be stored in the students'
minds is rather stored in the memory cards of their mobile
phones. [10]
Language as Emerging Tool
However, it is also difficult to predict these problems accurately,
only time will tell. One glaring problem which has arisen is the use of
language. There is a new set of jargons, words and abbreviations
being used in messages. Since, they do not have any standing and
acceptability like dictionaries, grammar books, and set of rules etc.
confusion arises and communication sometimes fails to deliver the
desired effect. Again, language evolved with the use first and then
came grammar and so it may happen with texting language as well.
Nevertheless, gadgets only facilitate the speed, quantity and cost in
delivering the message, it is the language that does the core work of
proper language with defined vocabulary and accepted rules of
grammar must be fed into the gadget for optimum benefit rather
than just humdrum language and chaotic jargons and abbreviations.
"Be short, be simple, and be human." [11]
The ease of communication and the spread of interactive
communication methods such as instant messengers and video
conferencing have increased the volume of communications but
reduced their average length. People now communicate whatever
communications. Throughout history, developments in technology
and communications have gone hand-in-hand, and the latest
technological developments such as the Internet and mobile devices
have resulted in the advancement of the science of communication
to a new level. [12] The posterity of users must only heed to warning
216 Indian Economy in New Perspectives
bells and negative effects on human life and health in the use of
gadgets, after all human life in all its myriad dimensions cannot be
summed up in the apt use of technology or skill of communication.;
they are just means to a purposeful end and must be used so.
1. MatthewGeorge&HailTalal,TheImpactofMobilePhoneson
Journal of Language Teaching and Research ISSN 1798-4769,
Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 264-272, March 2016
2. Roushan Rakesh, Mehta Mita and Chandani Arti, Indian
(online) 0974-5645, pg-125-131
3. Sir Gowers, Ernest "The Complete Plain Words". Penguin
Books, London. 1987.

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Technology enabled communication chapter 11

  • 1. 204 Indian Economy in New Perspectives CHAPTER–11 Technology Enabled Communication: Language as Emerging Tool for Economy —Harmik Vaishnav1 Communication, verbal and non-verbal, is as old as human evolution.Itisbecauseoftheaspectsofcommunicationlikelanguage, signs etc. Homo sapiens evolved into what we are today and there was a clear demarcation between rest of the animal kingdom and humans. The demarcation is getting wider as humans continue evolving intellectually and technically. The History of communication dates back to prehistoric times, withsignificantchangesincommunicationtechnologies(mediaand appropriate inscription tools) evolving in tandem with shifts in political and economic systems, and by extension, systems of power. Communication can range from very subtle processes of exchange, 1 Assistant Professor of English, School of Liberal Studies, PDPU, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
  • 2. 205Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . . to full conversations and mass communication. Human communication was revolutionized with Origin of language speech approximately 500,000 years ago. Symbols were developed about 30,000 years ago. The imperfection of speech, which nonetheless allowed easier dissemination of ideas and stimulated inventions, eventually resulted in the creation of new forms of communications. In the process improve both the range at which people could communicate and the longevity of the information. All of those inventions were based on the key concept of the symbol. [1] Cave paintings are the oldest known form of communication followed by Petrolyphys, pictograms, ideograms and finally writing of Alphabets respectively. Communication was a process of human interaction and expression and still is, but the method has undergone lot of change owing to the inventions of gadgets like computers, phones and mobile phones, visual aids etc. The said gadgets might not have changed the art of skill of communication but they have affected in facets like speed, ease and perfection. It is also interesting that these devices have changed language. "The presence of internet itself has revolutionized the process through we access and disseminate information. From laptops, educational apps to online courses, technology has changed the face of education today." [2] Whether it is so or not is a matter of debate but they have certainly added a new range of vocabulary and style of communication in language and this vocabulary is not language specific but universal. This communication has brought the people nearer and many a times on common platform. The languages of the world could not draw level among various races and countries, on the contrary, language made the rift wider. There have always been elite people using so and so language and rest of them using some other. At the time of renaissance, Latin was the language of elite in England and a couple of centuries later English became the elite language in Asia and Africa thus making a clear class of the rulers and elite and the ruled and down-trodden. The chart below gives us the evolution of mediums of communication:
  • 3. 206 Indian Economy in New Perspectives
  • 4. 207Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . . The chart also shows the development of commerce and amalgamation of cultures and spread of commerce and industry at global level with the improvement and speed in the mediums of communication. People started to cross the borders of their villages andhamletsastheyfoundeaseincommunicationandstartedtrading withotherpeople,theyevenstartedcrossingtheoceaninexploration of new lands and markets and products facilitated by mediums of communication. The 20th century devices of communication like phones and internet made it much easier for business to reach out to anyone in the world for development of commerce; it was no longer necessary to visit countries, have liaison departments and agents to search for prospective customers and suppliers for business. Anyone can reach out to the world with internet and internet enable tools and sites and this gave birth to healthy competition, new generation of entrepreneurs, genuine information and quick contacts. The businesswasnolongerbasedonheavycapitalinvestmentandwaiting period for return on investment. It is also noteworthy that communication itself has become a business adding one more vertical to the industry right from teachers of communication and language, consultants, media consultants and advertising agencies to technical teams who work on the hardware and software of communication gadgets and platforms, websites and portals. Levelling the Classes and Masses It seems that the gadgets are levelling the classes and races what otherwise language could have done. Any person can use a computer or mobile, it is no longer the privilege of a selected few, here of course we are not bringing in the matter of high-end gadgets and simple gadgets that are not so costly. But this difference is negligible as far as communication and function for communication is concerned. It has also narrowed down the urban-rural gap especially in country like India where the amenities were easily available in urban areas and to post a letter one had to visit a neighbouring village in rural areas. Today anyone can communicate in any part of the world from a remote rural area as easily as sitting in an urban area. The Web is at the heart of many ways in which technology has affected communication.
  • 5. 208 Indian Economy in New Perspectives As per the Avendus Report, there are over 36 million Smartphones in India11. The report said that over 40 percent of the Google searches and 9 percent of the overall webpage view in India comes from mobile devices. Also it said that 30% of India's facebook usersaremobileonlyusers.[3]Itenablesustoinstantlycommunicate acrosstheworldforthepriceofabroadbandsubscription,whichhas had a dramatic impact on how we can keep in touch with family or do business with colleagues working remotely. [4] The user- friendliness of technology has reached at a level in last few years that even the knowledge of English is not mandatory for simple day to dayconversationandsharingasthemessagecanbedeliveredinyour regional language. Redesigning Local and English Language The technology enabled communication has also seen a major shift and changes in the use of language especially English language. The English language which was once rigid in the use of spellings and grammar and also in the privileged use of a few elite people has been in the state of flux. Academically speaking, it is not a welcome change as any language without rules of grammar or spellings becomes chaotic and deplorable for the use of formal and informal communication. The rules are there to avoid chaos. However, the English Language itself evolved and spread outside the islands of United Kingdom owing to its heterogeneity. Today, technology has mixed English with other regional languages of India, the long-term impact of which on either of the language is a matter of debate. Scholars believe that amalgamation of two languages destroys both the languages and of course the flavour is already lost with immediate effect. Scholars also believe that it creates interest in learning of EnglishLanguageandimprovementofitsuse.Thecurrentscenario, anywhere, shows that technological gadgets enable in learning English faster like improving spellings, grammar and syntax. The teacherscanalsobecomefacilitatorsinthislearningprocess.Astudent caneasilyrefertodictionaryorcorrectionshis/hercomputerormobile does while writing and in case of doubt consult the teacher. This is veryusefulwhenateacherhastodealwithabigclassormanylearners. They can just type the assignment of language learning in word document and check the spellings and grammar. Here the teacher
  • 6. 209Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . . acts as a consultant and trouble shooter. English teachers can introduce tasks related to writing skills through which students can use the mobile keyboard to compose and edit short written messages for the purpose of communication. Most of the students who use mobile phones have only limited knowledge about the features of mobile technology. During the undergraduate education, students at all levels and branches should take the imitative to learn the basics of mobile technology. English teachers' and undergraduates' awareness of navigational issues, file formats, the size of files, types of files, memory cards and the effectiveness of operating systems can lead to successful outcomes. [5] Multiple Communication Strategy The biggest boon that this technology of communication has doneiseaseofcommunicationandclarityfromhigherordertolower order i.e. from decision makers and authorities to the last person in any region and vice-versa. Today any labourer or farmer can connect directly with the proceedings of the Parliament, send message to the top-most authorities, see online on what is going on and till the limit share pictures, documents etc. Let me refer to a T.V. advertisementthatshowsamobileappforroads.Thepeopleresiding in distant villages can click photo of a broken road and upload it for repair and the authorities sitting in cosy offices in the state or state capital can see and give direction. This could be easily termed as miracle in bridging the gap of class and approachable communication. The authorities can be directly connected without rubbing your feet in power corridors and authorities can directly talk to people in remote places through apps or video conferencing without travelling for long. It has reduced constraint of time in approaching considerably. More Options for Getting Clarity Thenews,viewsandvisualscanbecirculatedquicklyandsharing views or making statement is no longer the privilege of a select few whosatintheirchambersorT.V.stationstudios.Thevisualevidence andparticipativecommunicationhasalsoenabledtransparency.The officer can no longer say that the roads are constructed in so and so region or the crop has failed sitting anywhere as visual evidence can
  • 7. 210 Indian Economy in New Perspectives be uploaded by any poor man passing on a cycle and contradict the hollow claim. One can also give views and comments online without being invited for a talk-show or deliver a lecture in a conference. A discussion can initiated and led to some constructive action by common people. The new method of communication has not only affected administration and social life but economic life as well. It has created opportunities of earning by setting up of new business and allied industries, the economic activities ranging from manufacturing, logistics, trade and employment by saving time and money and controlling wastage of resources. Processes have become faster and transparent giving opportunities to everyone and also bridling mal-practices and corruption till some extent. Online Education and Shift in Academic Education The academic world has not lagged behind in the technological revolution in communication. The field sees increasing usage of technologyinteaching-learningprocessandresearch.Thegeneration of academicians who have seen the mega shift from the last couple of decades of twentieth century till date. In a technologically advanced countries, the third and fourth generation (3G, 4G) mobile devices are available at affordable prices, and people of all streams find it necessary to own a mobile phone for connecting with their friends and relatives. Moreover, it has become a common trend among undergraduates to carry a mobile phone to the classroom as well. Mobile phones with internet connectivity can search thousands of web pages and provide details of a high degree of accuracy to the reader. They almost replace reference books and avoid the physical labor of visiting the university library. [6] Knowledge and exposure to education has spread widely and anyone can study using internet, online resources, e-books, videos of scholars etc. Let us cite some examples which show that mega-shift in just two decades. Formerly getting hold a book was a privilege or matter of luck but now anyone can read any book in any part of the world, formerly one only heard the names of great scholars and gurus in different fields but now any student can click and listen to the lecturesofgreatpersonalitiesandscholars,formerlygettingadmission in renowned universities and studying courses was a dream now
  • 8. 211Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . . there are innumerable courses offered by these universities wherein famous professors teach online and many a times interact via email etc. The academic sector is witnessing a big shift that and getting education or learning will not be only to a particular class or area. A student from Africa can attend online course on management from aprofessorofHarvardandinteractwithhim/her.Ithasagainreduced thegapofprivilegesandagaincommunicationenabledbytechnology is levelling people in same academic or professional stream irrespective of their region or birth. Source- Google Pics Corner Plays the Centre Stage The future cannot be predicted exactly but one can predict a few things. Perhaps, there will be virtual classes in future wherein a professor from Japan will explain about application of Six Sigma in automobile engineering and the class will consist of students from twenty different countries connected interacting with each one's 3D image. It would feel like a regular class, you can see others and the professor; the only thing missing would be the sense of touch which
  • 9. 212 Indian Economy in New Perspectives is anyways not important in a class. The same thing may be applicable to conferences and seminars. One can present a paper or sit in a presentation with virtual effect with 3D. The only thing would be you cannot join the speaker for a cup of coffee or lunch later on. However, this predictions do not meant that other industries like travel would be affected or people would not like to go to places and meet others. So far, it is still believed that meeting and interacting in a place like conferences with physical proximity is the best way for humaninteractionitmaybebusinessmeetings,educationalmeetings or classrooms. The virtual world will take care of the sense of sight as one would see everyone and everything in 3D to give you almost the same effect. The advantage of this would be a student can attend three classes in a day in three different universities like Cambridge in UK, Yale in US and of course PDPU in India. This, if it happens, will be a miracle in the field of education. There can be free choice in learninglikeastudentcanattendcoursesofMarketingManagement from a university in US, English Literature from a university in UK and so on. The student will also be able to choose the permutation of courses and he/she will no longer be bound by the regimentation and compartments in courses offered. This also means that the pattern of examination will change, students' ownership and responsibility will increase and mentoring from various aspects and various experts will be sorted after. (Google Images) Future Economic Effects The future of academics as envisaged has its economic effects. A student need not pay entire fee but of whatever he/she wants to
  • 10. 213Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . . study, the expense of travelling, lodging-boarding will be saved and can be put to some other purposeful use and of course lot of time saving. The academic institutes will no more be the hub of education or learning or even awarding degrees. They will have to invest in technologyandvariedfacultieswhocanfacilitatestudentsinlearning cognitive skills, research, experiential learning and act as mentors. The accumulated evidence from analyses of economic outcomes is that the quality of education - measured on an outcome basis of cognitive skills - has powerful economic effects. Economic growth is strongly affected by the skills of workers. What people know matters. Because of the reported findings - that knowledge rather than just time in school is what counts for economic growth - policies must pay more attention to the quality of schools. [7] Teachers are Facilitators and Tech Users Knowledge, since long, walked out of the domain of the elite class and teachers. What a teacher told in the class was knowledge now it is not so. Anyone can get the facts and formulas sitting on a gadget of communication. Even the role of teachers and universities at large has changed and will change drastically. The teacher will havetomovefromtypicalknowledgebasedtoprocesstoapplication based process wherein problem solving, intellectual capacity and words of wisdom will matter more. Formerly anyone with bookish knowledge could go to the class and repeat what one had studied but now with the support of universal communication and internet the student already knows what Shakespeare wrote in Julius Caesar or what metal is used in manufacturing of Audi and the complex chemical formula in pesticides or in which year was The Great Trial of Mahatma Gandhi held. Learning historical dates and quoting freely is no more a miracle or sign of a great erudition. Theroleofateacherwouldbefacilitateandguidestudentsabout the interpretation of Julius Caesar's thematic aspect or why so and so metal used or interpreting Gandhi's doings and undoing and their application in day to day life as well as today's world. A teacher will have to be a research guide, provocateur of thoughts, motivator and facilitator of actions and applications. The technology will also provide ample of simulation with visuals and games for better learning and feeling of the first hand experience. Student of
  • 11. 214 Indian Economy in New Perspectives engineering can have the simulated experience of working on machines or student learning medicine can see the human body in 3D and so on. "A child learns by doing, living, trying and imitating. So this kind of learning is lasting. This gives to the teacher an idea about student's character." [8] Drawbacks of Multiple Communication Channel There is no coin without two sides or 2D at least as we may say, and so be it with technology and communication. There are innumerableadvantagesoutofwhichsomearetangibleandapparent and some are intangible and hidden. As technology enabled communication has merits like speed, accuracy, economic benefits, bridgingvariousgapsetc.italsohascertaindrawbacks.Thedrawbacks like availability of power and free flow of connectivity without which no gadget will work, health problems may occur like strain on eyes and vision impairment owing to over use of computers and cell phones, health problems owing to laziness etc. The most worrisome and debatable problem as foretold by sociologists and psychologists is the dwindling of human involvement and interaction. The social life will be marred as people will communicate and interact either with machine or with fellow humans through gadgets which may lead to alienation and self-centredness. "While this has made it easier to make contact with others, it has also made it more difficult to switchoff.Communicatingwiththoseweknowisnowmuchsimpler and more convenient than it ever has been, at the risk of making our lives ever more hurried and busy." [9] The development of mental faculties like memory, perception, calculation, reasoning, imagination, intuition, judgment, concentration etc. may not develop with over use of technological gadgets like computers and mobiles from early age. A student would not like to memorize or store some information in mind or even would not prefer making simple calculations because of reliance on the gadgets. It is very important for a human to have control on mind and emotions and to use them effectively. Reliance on self may decrease with the over use of gadgets like mobiles. In spite of their effectiveness in gathering information for classroom assignments, there are also teachers and parents who may not encourage their children or students, respectively, to use mobile
  • 12. 215Technology Enabled Communication: Language as. . . phonesintheclassroom.Therearealsomanyeducationalinstitutions across the world which has imposed a ban on using mobile phones during regular college and class hours. An over-dependence on mobile devices may hinder students from activating cognitive skills likebrainstormingandrecallingthatarenecessaryforcreativity.Since studentscanhavequickaccesstoinformationontheirmobiledevices, theymaynotfinditnecessarytostoretheinformationintheirminds. There are some researchers who are of the opinion that the information which would actually have to be stored in the students' minds is rather stored in the memory cards of their mobile phones. [10] Language as Emerging Tool However, it is also difficult to predict these problems accurately, only time will tell. One glaring problem which has arisen is the use of language. There is a new set of jargons, words and abbreviations being used in messages. Since, they do not have any standing and acceptability like dictionaries, grammar books, and set of rules etc. confusion arises and communication sometimes fails to deliver the desired effect. Again, language evolved with the use first and then came grammar and so it may happen with texting language as well. Nevertheless, gadgets only facilitate the speed, quantity and cost in delivering the message, it is the language that does the core work of effectslikeclarity,intellectualappeal,emotionalappealetc.andhence proper language with defined vocabulary and accepted rules of grammar must be fed into the gadget for optimum benefit rather than just humdrum language and chaotic jargons and abbreviations. "Be short, be simple, and be human." [11] The ease of communication and the spread of interactive communication methods such as instant messengers and video conferencing have increased the volume of communications but reduced their average length. People now communicate whatever comesupinstantly,andtendtobreakupdifferenttopicsintodifferent communications. Throughout history, developments in technology and communications have gone hand-in-hand, and the latest technological developments such as the Internet and mobile devices have resulted in the advancement of the science of communication to a new level. [12] The posterity of users must only heed to warning
  • 13. 216 Indian Economy in New Perspectives bells and negative effects on human life and health in the use of gadgets, after all human life in all its myriad dimensions cannot be summed up in the apt use of technology or skill of communication.; they are just means to a purposeful end and must be used so. REFERENCES 1. MatthewGeorge&HailTalal,TheImpactofMobilePhoneson EnglishLanguageLearning:PerceptionsofEFLUndergraduates Journal of Language Teaching and Research ISSN 1798-4769, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 264-272, March 2016 2. Roushan Rakesh, Mehta Mita and Chandani Arti, Indian JournalofScienceandTechnology,Vol8(6),March2015,ISSN- (online) 0974-5645, pg-125-131 3. Sir Gowers, Ernest "The Complete Plain Words". Penguin Books, London. 1987. 4. 319291990-10-ways-how-technology-has-changed-the-face-of- education 5. communication-1432.html 6. Hanushek%2BWoessmann%202010%20IntEncEduc%202.pdf 7. games-in-theenglish. Html 8. communication-1432.html 9. exploring-how-technology-has-changed-communication/