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China Japan Philippines
Winter Solstice Festival
The Winter Solsticebecamea festivalduring the
Han Dynasty(206BC-220 AD) and thrivedin the
Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279). The Han
people regarded WinterSolstice as a "Winter
Festival", so officials would organizecelebrating
activities. On this day, both officials andcommon
people wouldhave a rest
Japanese Festivals
Are traditional festiveoccasions. Somefestivals
have their roots in Chinesefestivals but have
undergonedramaticchanges as they mixed with
local customs.
Dinagyang Festival
With more than onehundredfestivals in the
Philippines, Dinagyang festivalis themost
famous becauseofit's excellencein folk
choreography and a perfectshowcaseof
Ilonggo's culture and heritage. Mainly,the
festivalis a thanksgiving anda celebrationin
honor ofSr. SantoNiño; it is celebrated every
fourth week ofJanuary. Peoplefromdifferent
places all overtheworld go to thePhilippines
during the festivalto winess the colorful, loud-
drumbeat and street party in IloiloCity
Welcoming the Bride
The Chinese wedding ritual begins with the groom
going to the bride’s home.Younger brides often
have a few girlfriends atthehome who willtease
the groom before handing over thebride. Thegirls
will barterwith thegroom whomust beg and
bribe the girls withsmall gifts orredenvelopes
stuffed withmoney arehanded overin exchange
for the bride.
Wedding traditionsin Japan
Japan has this endless attraction for romantic
stuff. WhileJapanesepeople celebrate
Valentine’s day almostas a socialobligation, it’s
Christmas Eve which plays theroleofparty night
for lovers. In this questfor romance, western
marriage’s popularity has increaseddrastically
since theend ofthe1990s. The Japanese
gradually swap the kimono for a whitewedding
dress and a western smoking.They evenbuild
churches or chapels to host weddings for
Japanese who know absolutely nothing about
Philippine Wedding TraditionsAre
a combinationofpre-colonial andwestern
wedding practices.Wedding traditions have
been adopted by Filipinos fromtheirSpanish
and Americancolonizers and combined with
early Filipinopractices through thecenturies.
While many oftheolder traditions are
predominantly associated with Roman Catholic
weddings, someofthese traditions are applied
in weddings ofthosewith other beliefs as well.
Cuisines /
Includes styles originating fromthediverseregions
ofChina, as wellas from Chinesepeoplein other
parts oftheworld. ThehistoryofChinesecuisine
in China stretches back for thousands ofyears and
has changed from periodto period andin each
region according to climate, imperialfashions, and
local preferences. Overtime,techniques and
ingredients fromthecuisines ofother cultures
were integrated intothecuisine oftheChinese
people dueboth toimperialexpansion and from
the tradewith nearbyregions inpre-modern
times, andfrom EuropeandtheNewWorld inthe
modern period.
Is the food—ingredients,preparationand way of
eating—ofJapan. Thetraditional foodof Japan is
based onricewith miso soupand other dishes,
each in its own utensil, with an emphasis on
seasonal ingredients. The sidedishes often
consistoffish, pickledvegetables, and
vegetables cooked inbroth.Fish is common in
the traditionalcuisine.It is often grilled, butit
may alsobe served raw as sashimior in sushi.
Seafood andvegetables arealso deep-friedin a
light batteras tempura.
Consists ofthe food, preparation methods and
eating customs found inthePhilippines. The
style ofcooking andthefood associated with it
have evolvedover many centuries from its
Austronesianorigins toa mixed cuisineof
Malay, Spanish, Chinese, and American,as well
as other AsianandLatin influences adapted to
indigenous ingredients andthelocal palate.
Dishes rangefrom thevery simple, likea meal
offried saltedfishand rice, to the elaborate
paellas and cocidos createdfor fiestas, also
spaghettiandlasagna ofItalian origin. Popular
dishes include: lechón (wholeroastedpig),
longganisa (Philippinesausage), tapa (cured
beef), torta (omelette), adobo (chickenand/or
pork braisedin garlic, vinegar, oiland soy
sauce,or cooked untildry), kaldereta .
Chinese Family Values JapaneseValues Filipino Value
Westerners oftenromanticize Chineseand Asian
cultures, imagining them tobe noblerandmore
spirituallyaccomplishedthan their own societies.
But with Chinesepeople forming suchan
important worldcultural group,it is essentialto
understand thereality oftheir traditions and
beliefs,whichmay not always fit other people's
fantasies.For example, emphasis onthefamily isa
key aspect ofChinese culture,but family values
can be muchdifferent than Western ones.
A central concept in Chinesefamily values is the
idea of"filial piety,"or respecting parents and
grandparents. Children aretraditionally expected
to be obedient to their father andmotherfor their
whole lives, evenallowing parents todecidewhich
college theyattend orwhat career they choose.
Are cultural assumptions andideals particularto
Japanese culture. Thehonne/tatemaedivide
betweenpublic expression and private
thoughts/feelings is considered tobe of
The population an identity andpride tohold on
during thesetimes oftroubles.In fact, these
values andtraditions werechannelled tothe
populationby twomaininstitutions: family and
education. Morespecifically,family played a big
part in forming the foundations for Japanese
individuals’ moral.
System or Filipino values refers totheset of
values or thevaluesystem thata majorityof
the Filipinohave historically heldimportant in
their lives. This Philippinevaluesystem
includes their own unique assemblageof
consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical
practices, etiquette, and culturaland personal
values that arepromotedby theirsociety. As
with any society though,thevalues thatan
individualholds sacred can differ onthebasis
ofreligion, upbringing andother factors.
As a general description, thedistinct value
system ofFilipinos is rooted primarily in
personal alliancesystems, especiallythose
based inkinship, obligation, friendship, religion
(particularlyChristianity), and commercial
Theatre Arts
Theatreof China
Has a long andcomplexhistory.Today it is often
calledChineseopera although this normally refers
specifically to the morewell-known forms such as
Beijing Opera andCantonese Opera,therehave
been many other forms oftheatrein China.
There are references to theatrical entertainments
in China as earlyas theShang Dynasty; theyoften
involved happiness,mimes,andacrobatic displays.
The Tang Dynasty is sometimes knownas "The Age
of1000 Entertainments". During this era,Ming
Huang formedan acting school knownas The Pear
Garden to producea formofdrama thatwas
primarily musical. That is why actors are
commonly called "Children ofthePear Garden."
Theatreof Japan
There are fourmajorforms oftraditional
Japanese theaterthat arefamous aroundthe
world. These areNoh,Kyogen, Kabuki, and
Bunraku, or puppettheater.
Japanese moderndrama intheearly 20th
century, the 1900s, consisted ofShingeki
(experimental Western-styletheater), which
employednaturalisticacting andcontemporary
themes in contrastto the stylized conventions of
Kabuki and Noh. Hōgetsu Shimamura andKaoru
Osanai weretwofigures influentialin the
development ofshingeki.
Theatre comes from a Greek word“theatron”
and it is a branch ofperforming arts that deals
with acting, singing and dancing on stage to
presenta story dramatically. InthePhilippines,
many talents arefirstexposed in thefield of
theatrearts. In fact, theatre arts havelong
been existing as a partoftheFilipinotradition
and serveeffectively as a mediumofsocial
awareness and entertainment.It is also a
means ofliberal andartfulwayofexpressing
opinions and talents.
Chinese Literature
Extends thousands ofyears, from the earliest
recordeddynastic courtarchives to the mature
vernacular fiction novels that aroseduring the
Ming Dynasty to entertain the masses ofliterate
Chinese. Theintroduction ofwidespread
woodblock printing during theTang Dynasty (618–
907) and theinvention ofmovable typeprinting by
Bi Sheng (990–1051) during the Song Dynasty
(960–1279) rapidly spread written knowledge
throughout China. In moremoderntimes,the
author Lu Xun (1881–1936) is considered the
founder ofbaihua literaturein China.
Were heavily influenced by culturalcontactwith
China andChinese literature, oftenwritten in
ClassicalChinese.Indian literaturealso had an
influencethroughthediffusion ofBuddhism in
Japan. Eventually, Japanese literaturedeveloped
into a separatestyleinits ownright as Japanese
writers began writing their own works about
Japan, although theinfluenceofChinese
literatureand ClassicalChinese remained until
the end ofthe Edoperiod. SinceJapanreopened
its ports to Western trading and diplomacy inthe
19th century,Western and Eastern literature
have strongly affected each other and continue
to do so.
Is the literatureassociated with the Philippines
and includes thelegends ofprehistory,and the
colonial legacyofthe Philippines. Pre-Hispanic
Philippineliteraturewere actually epics passed
on from generation togeneration originally
through oraltradition. However, wealthy
families,especially inMindanaowere ableto
keep transcribed copies ofthese epics as
family heirloom. Onesuch epicwas the
Darangen, epic oftheMaranaos ofLake Lanao.
Most ofthe notableliterature ofthe
Philippines was written during theSpanish
period and thefirst halfofthe 20th century in
the Spanishlanguage. Philippineliteratureis
written inSpanish, English,Tagalog, or other
Chinese MartialArts
Colloquiallyreferred toas kung fu or gung fu
(Chinese: 功夫; pinyin: gōngfu) andwushu
(simplified Chinese: 武术; traditionalChinese: 武
術; pinyin: wǔshù), area number offighting styles
that havedevelopedover thecenturies inChina.
These fighting styles areoftenclassifiedaccording
to common traits, identified as "families"(家; jiā),
"sects"(派;pài) or "schools"(門,mén) ofmartial
arts. Examples ofsuchtraits includephysical
exercises involving animal mimicry, ortraining
methods inspired by Chinesephilosophies,
religions and legends. Styles that focus onqi
manipulation arecalledinternal(内家拳;
nèijiāquán), whileothers that concentrate on
improving muscleand cardiovascular fitness are
called"external"(外家拳; wàijiāquán).
Geographicalassociation, as in northern(北拳;
běiquán) and"southern"(南拳; nánquán), is
another popular classification method.
Refer to the varietyofmartialarts nativeto the
country ofJapan. At least threeJapaneseterms
are usedinterchangeablywiththeEnglish phrase
The usage ofterm "budō"to mean martialarts is
a modern one, andhistorically the termmeant a
way oflife encompassing physical, spiritual, and
moral dimensions with a focus ofself-
improvement, fulfillment, or personal growth.
The terms bujutsu and bugeihavemorediscrete
definitions, at least historically speaking. Bujutsu
refers specifically to the practicalapplication of
martial tactics and techniques in actualcombat.
Bugei refers to the adaptationor refinementof
those tactics andtechniques tofacilitate
systematicinstruction anddisseminationwithin
a formal learning environment.
Filipino Martial Arts
Refer to ancientandnewerfighting methods
devisedin the Philippines. It incorporates
elements from both Westernand Eastern
Martial Arts.The mostpopularforms ofwhich
are known as Arnis/Eskrima/Kali. Theintrinsic
need for self-preservation was thegenesis of
these systems. Throughouttheages, invaders
and evolving localconflict imposed new
dynamics for combatin the islands now
making up thePhilippines.The Filipino people
developed battle skills as a directresult ofan
appreciation oftheir ever-changing
circumstances.They learnedoftenoutof
necessity howto prioritize, allocate anduse
common resources incombativesituations.
Filipinos havebeenheavily influencedby a
phenomenonofculturaland linguistic mixture.
Some ofthe specificmechanisms responsible
for culturaland martialchange extended from
phenomena such as war, political andsocial
systems,technology, tradeandofcourse,
simple practicality.
Filipino martial arts haveseen an increase in
prominencedueto severalHollywood movies
and the teachings ofmodernmasters suchas
Venancio"Anciong"Bacon, Dan Inosanto,
Cacoy Canete,Mike Inay, Remy Presas and
Ernesto Presas.
Chinese Social Values
This course traces the evolution ofChinesesocial
and politicalvalues intheclassical periodof
Chinesethought. Their discussions about, society,
human nature,culture andcoercionled to the
great Legalist experimentoftheQin Dynasty (221–
206 BC) and its aftermath whichproducedtheHan
conceptionofwhat wenow know as Chinese
politicalvalues. Westart withthetheory ofthe
“mandateofheaven,” whichleads us to
Confucius’s appealto ritual practices grounding a
culturalaccount ofsocialrole ethics.We lookat
Confucius’s arguments for his educational
methods including his rejection ofpunishment and
coercion. Next weturnto the rival Mohists’
critiqueofConfuciansocialvalues. Mohist
innovations launched a greater focus on political
SocialValues Japan
Traditionally, Japanesecultureis organized
around groups. Adults view childrenthat have
problems with group behaviorand interpersonal
relationships as thedeviantones. Adults most
highly value socialcooperativeness inchildren
because theyhold this traitto bemore
important thanindividual interests. The"bad"
childrenarethose who rejectthelife ofthe
group in favor ofanegocentric, individualistic
existence. Littleemphasis is placedon teaching
childrento thinkofthemselves as individuals
within society. Japanesechildren that are
extremely group orientedmay haveacquired
those values ofobedienceand conformity atthe
price ofautonomy and socialunderstanding.
The great majority ofthe Philippine population
is bound togetherby common values and a
common religion. Philippine society is
characterized by many positive traits.Among
these are strong religious faith, respect for
authority, and high regard for amor proprio
(self-esteem) and smoothinterpersonal
relationships. Philippinerespect for authority is
based onthespecialhonor paidto elder
members ofthefamilyand, by extension, to
anyone in a position ofpower. This
characteristicis generally conduciveto the
smooth running ofsociety, although, when
taken to extreme, it can develop intoan
authoritarianismthat discourages independent
judgment and individualresponsibility and
initiative.Filipinos aresensitiveto attacks on
their own self-esteem and cultivate a
sensitivityto theself-esteem ofothers as well.
China Popular Culture
While theOlympics are always good fuel for
national pride,ambivalentemotions stir up the
Chinesehearts when looking back attheLondon
Olympics:Greatmedal achievements, yetinferior
to the US; completedominancein severalsports,
but uncertainty whetheror notthey remain
Olympic events inthefuture;glorious moments
but some extraordinary failures (Liu Xiang?).
Above all a bitter tasteofvictimhood seems tofill
to mouths ofpoliticians, athletes andnetizens,
particularly when discussing the refereeing in
London 2012.
China's mostpopularathlete,LiuXiang,is
acclaiming the unflattering titleof'Liu Shuaishaui'
('falling Liu'), after a dramatictumble onthe110m
hurdles race at the London Olympics.Whilethe
popularity ofLiu was neverin question, some
popular reactions in China express littlesupport
and question the problematic morality behind his
JapanesePopular Culture
Not only reflects the attitudes and concerns of
the presentbutalsoprovides a link to the past.
Japanese cinema,cuisine,television programs,
anime, manga, and music alldeveloped from
older artistic andliterary traditions, and many of
their themes andstyles ofpresentation canbe
traced totraditionalart forms.Contemporary
forms ofpopular culture, muchlike the
traditionalforms, providenotonlyentertainment
but also an escapefor thecontemporary
Japanese fromtheproblems ofan industrial
world. Whenasked how they spenttheirleisure
time, 80 percent ofa sampleofmenand women
surveyedby thegovernment in1986said they
averaged about twoand one-halfhours per
weekday watching television,listening to the
radio, and reading Japanesenewspapers or
magazines.Some16percentspent an averageof
two and one-quarterhours a day engagedin
hobbies or amusements. Others spent leisure
time participating in sports,socializing, and
personal study. Teenagers andretired people
reportedspending moretimeon allofthese
activities than did other groups.
Culture of the Philippines
The cultureofthe Philippines reflects the
country's complex history. It is a Malayo-
Polynesian culture.
The Philippines was first settled by
Melanesians; today, althoughfew innumbers,
they preserve a very traditionalway oflifeand
culture.After them, theAustronesians ormore
specifically, Malayo-Polynesians,arrivedon the
islands.Today theAustronesian culture is very
evident intheethnicity, language,food, dance
and almostevery aspectofthe culture.These
Austronesians engaged intrading withChina,
India, Japan, theRyukyu Islands, the Middle
East, Borneo, andotherplaces. As a result,
those cultures havealso left a mark onFilipino
China Unique Belifs
China has been a multi-religioncountrysincethe
ancienttimes.It is wellknown thatConfucianismis
an indigenous religion andis thesoul ofChinese
culture,which enjoyed popular supportamong
people and evenbecamethe guiding ideology for
feudalismsociety, butit did not developinto a
national belief. It makes theculturemore tolerant
to others,thus,many other religions have been
brought intothecountry in differentdynasties, but
none ofthem developed powerful enough inthe
history and theyonlyprovidediverse peoplemore
Japan Unique Belifs
Most, ifnot all, countries havecustoms and
beliefs that makethemdistinct as a people.
These include superstitions, ofwhichthe
Japanese havemany. Alot ofthesesuperstitions
may sound familiar and could bevariations ofour
own, whileothers may vergeon thebizarre.
You might comeacross someoftheseof
common Japanesesuperstitions during your stay
in Japanfor theKCPprogram.
Superstition havegrown innumber throughout
the various regions andprovinces inthe
country. Thesebeliefs havecome fromthe
different saying andsuperstitions ofour
ancestors thataim toprevent dangerfrom
happening or tomake a personrefrain from
doing something in particular. Thesebeliefs
are part ofourculture, for onederives their
beliefs fromtheinfluences ofwhattheir
customs, traditions and culturehavedictated
to explain certainphenomena or to put a scare
in people. Somearepracticedprimarily
because Filipinos believethat there is nothing
to lose ifthey willcomplywith thesebeliefs.
The following aresomeofthedifferent
superstitions in thePhilippines.

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Winter Solstice Festival, Dinagyang Festival, and Wedding Traditions in China, Japan, and the Philippines

  • 1. LordGeezShyrelmL.Apat. 8-Sampaguita China Japan Philippines Famous Festival Winter Solstice Festival The Winter Solsticebecamea festivalduring the Han Dynasty(206BC-220 AD) and thrivedin the Tang and Song dynasties (618-1279). The Han people regarded WinterSolstice as a "Winter Festival", so officials would organizecelebrating activities. On this day, both officials andcommon people wouldhave a rest Japanese Festivals Are traditional festiveoccasions. Somefestivals have their roots in Chinesefestivals but have undergonedramaticchanges as they mixed with local customs. Dinagyang Festival With more than onehundredfestivals in the Philippines, Dinagyang festivalis themost famous becauseofit's excellencein folk choreography and a perfectshowcaseof Ilonggo's culture and heritage. Mainly,the festivalis a thanksgiving anda celebrationin honor ofSr. SantoNiño; it is celebrated every fourth week ofJanuary. Peoplefromdifferent places all overtheworld go to thePhilippines during the festivalto winess the colorful, loud- drumbeat and street party in IloiloCity
  • 2. Wedding Traditions Welcoming the Bride The Chinese wedding ritual begins with the groom going to the bride’s home.Younger brides often have a few girlfriends atthehome who willtease the groom before handing over thebride. Thegirls will barterwith thegroom whomust beg and bribe the girls withsmall gifts orredenvelopes stuffed withmoney arehanded overin exchange for the bride. Wedding traditionsin Japan Japan has this endless attraction for romantic stuff. WhileJapanesepeople celebrate Valentine’s day almostas a socialobligation, it’s Christmas Eve which plays theroleofparty night for lovers. In this questfor romance, western marriage’s popularity has increaseddrastically since theend ofthe1990s. The Japanese gradually swap the kimono for a whitewedding dress and a western smoking.They evenbuild churches or chapels to host weddings for Japanese who know absolutely nothing about Christianity. Philippine Wedding TraditionsAre a combinationofpre-colonial andwestern wedding practices.Wedding traditions have been adopted by Filipinos fromtheirSpanish and Americancolonizers and combined with early Filipinopractices through thecenturies. While many oftheolder traditions are predominantly associated with Roman Catholic weddings, someofthese traditions are applied in weddings ofthosewith other beliefs as well. Unique Cuisines / Dishes ChineseCcuisine Includes styles originating fromthediverseregions ofChina, as wellas from Chinesepeoplein other parts oftheworld. ThehistoryofChinesecuisine in China stretches back for thousands ofyears and has changed from periodto period andin each region according to climate, imperialfashions, and local preferences. Overtime,techniques and ingredients fromthecuisines ofother cultures were integrated intothecuisine oftheChinese people dueboth toimperialexpansion and from the tradewith nearbyregions inpre-modern times, andfrom EuropeandtheNewWorld inthe modern period. JapaneseCuisine Is the food—ingredients,preparationand way of eating—ofJapan. Thetraditional foodof Japan is based onricewith miso soupand other dishes, each in its own utensil, with an emphasis on seasonal ingredients. The sidedishes often consistoffish, pickledvegetables, and vegetables cooked inbroth.Fish is common in the traditionalcuisine.It is often grilled, butit may alsobe served raw as sashimior in sushi. Seafood andvegetables arealso deep-friedin a light batteras tempura. PhilippineCuisine Consists ofthe food, preparation methods and eating customs found inthePhilippines. The style ofcooking andthefood associated with it have evolvedover many centuries from its Austronesianorigins toa mixed cuisineof Malay, Spanish, Chinese, and American,as well as other AsianandLatin influences adapted to indigenous ingredients andthelocal palate. Dishes rangefrom thevery simple, likea meal offried saltedfishand rice, to the elaborate paellas and cocidos createdfor fiestas, also spaghettiandlasagna ofItalian origin. Popular dishes include: lechón (wholeroastedpig), longganisa (Philippinesausage), tapa (cured beef), torta (omelette), adobo (chickenand/or pork braisedin garlic, vinegar, oiland soy sauce,or cooked untildry), kaldereta . Chinese Family Values JapaneseValues Filipino Value
  • 3. Family Values Westerners oftenromanticize Chineseand Asian cultures, imagining them tobe noblerandmore spirituallyaccomplishedthan their own societies. But with Chinesepeople forming suchan important worldcultural group,it is essentialto understand thereality oftheir traditions and beliefs,whichmay not always fit other people's fantasies.For example, emphasis onthefamily isa key aspect ofChinese culture,but family values can be muchdifferent than Western ones. A central concept in Chinesefamily values is the idea of"filial piety,"or respecting parents and grandparents. Children aretraditionally expected to be obedient to their father andmotherfor their whole lives, evenallowing parents todecidewhich college theyattend orwhat career they choose. Are cultural assumptions andideals particularto Japanese culture. Thehonne/tatemaedivide betweenpublic expression and private thoughts/feelings is considered tobe of paramountimportanceinJapaneseculture. The population an identity andpride tohold on during thesetimes oftroubles.In fact, these values andtraditions werechannelled tothe populationby twomaininstitutions: family and education. Morespecifically,family played a big part in forming the foundations for Japanese individuals’ moral. System or Filipino values refers totheset of values or thevaluesystem thata majorityof the Filipinohave historically heldimportant in their lives. This Philippinevaluesystem includes their own unique assemblageof consistent ideologies, moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette, and culturaland personal values that arepromotedby theirsociety. As with any society though,thevalues thatan individualholds sacred can differ onthebasis ofreligion, upbringing andother factors. As a general description, thedistinct value system ofFilipinos is rooted primarily in personal alliancesystems, especiallythose based inkinship, obligation, friendship, religion (particularlyChristianity), and commercial relationships. Music Theatre Arts Theatreof China Has a long andcomplexhistory.Today it is often calledChineseopera although this normally refers specifically to the morewell-known forms such as Beijing Opera andCantonese Opera,therehave been many other forms oftheatrein China. There are references to theatrical entertainments in China as earlyas theShang Dynasty; theyoften involved happiness,mimes,andacrobatic displays. The Tang Dynasty is sometimes knownas "The Age of1000 Entertainments". During this era,Ming Huang formedan acting school knownas The Pear Garden to producea formofdrama thatwas primarily musical. That is why actors are commonly called "Children ofthePear Garden." Theatreof Japan There are fourmajorforms oftraditional Japanese theaterthat arefamous aroundthe world. These areNoh,Kyogen, Kabuki, and Bunraku, or puppettheater. Japanese moderndrama intheearly 20th century, the 1900s, consisted ofShingeki (experimental Western-styletheater), which employednaturalisticacting andcontemporary themes in contrastto the stylized conventions of Kabuki and Noh. Hōgetsu Shimamura andKaoru Osanai weretwofigures influentialin the development ofshingeki. PhilippineTheatreArts Theatre comes from a Greek word“theatron” and it is a branch ofperforming arts that deals with acting, singing and dancing on stage to presenta story dramatically. InthePhilippines, many talents arefirstexposed in thefield of theatrearts. In fact, theatre arts havelong been existing as a partoftheFilipinotradition and serveeffectively as a mediumofsocial awareness and entertainment.It is also a means ofliberal andartfulwayofexpressing opinions and talents.
  • 4. Literature Chinese Literature Extends thousands ofyears, from the earliest recordeddynastic courtarchives to the mature vernacular fiction novels that aroseduring the Ming Dynasty to entertain the masses ofliterate Chinese. Theintroduction ofwidespread woodblock printing during theTang Dynasty (618– 907) and theinvention ofmovable typeprinting by Bi Sheng (990–1051) during the Song Dynasty (960–1279) rapidly spread written knowledge throughout China. In moremoderntimes,the author Lu Xun (1881–1936) is considered the founder ofbaihua literaturein China. JapaneseLiterature Were heavily influenced by culturalcontactwith China andChinese literature, oftenwritten in ClassicalChinese.Indian literaturealso had an influencethroughthediffusion ofBuddhism in Japan. Eventually, Japanese literaturedeveloped into a separatestyleinits ownright as Japanese writers began writing their own works about Japan, although theinfluenceofChinese literatureand ClassicalChinese remained until the end ofthe Edoperiod. SinceJapanreopened its ports to Western trading and diplomacy inthe 19th century,Western and Eastern literature have strongly affected each other and continue to do so. PhilippineLiterature Is the literatureassociated with the Philippines and includes thelegends ofprehistory,and the colonial legacyofthe Philippines. Pre-Hispanic Philippineliteraturewere actually epics passed on from generation togeneration originally through oraltradition. However, wealthy families,especially inMindanaowere ableto keep transcribed copies ofthese epics as family heirloom. Onesuch epicwas the Darangen, epic oftheMaranaos ofLake Lanao. Most ofthe notableliterature ofthe Philippines was written during theSpanish period and thefirst halfofthe 20th century in the Spanishlanguage. Philippineliteratureis written inSpanish, English,Tagalog, or other native. Martial Arts Chinese MartialArts Colloquiallyreferred toas kung fu or gung fu (Chinese: 功夫; pinyin: gōngfu) andwushu (simplified Chinese: 武术; traditionalChinese: 武 術; pinyin: wǔshù), area number offighting styles that havedevelopedover thecenturies inChina. These fighting styles areoftenclassifiedaccording to common traits, identified as "families"(家; jiā), "sects"(派;pài) or "schools"(門,mén) ofmartial arts. Examples ofsuchtraits includephysical exercises involving animal mimicry, ortraining methods inspired by Chinesephilosophies, religions and legends. Styles that focus onqi manipulation arecalledinternal(内家拳; nèijiāquán), whileothers that concentrate on improving muscleand cardiovascular fitness are called"external"(外家拳; wàijiāquán). Geographicalassociation, as in northern(北拳; běiquán) and"southern"(南拳; nánquán), is another popular classification method. JapaneseMartialArts Refer to the varietyofmartialarts nativeto the country ofJapan. At least threeJapaneseterms are usedinterchangeablywiththeEnglish phrase "Japanesemartialarts" The usage ofterm "budō"to mean martialarts is a modern one, andhistorically the termmeant a way oflife encompassing physical, spiritual, and moral dimensions with a focus ofself- improvement, fulfillment, or personal growth. The terms bujutsu and bugeihavemorediscrete definitions, at least historically speaking. Bujutsu refers specifically to the practicalapplication of martial tactics and techniques in actualcombat. Bugei refers to the adaptationor refinementof those tactics andtechniques tofacilitate systematicinstruction anddisseminationwithin a formal learning environment. Filipino Martial Arts Refer to ancientandnewerfighting methods devisedin the Philippines. It incorporates elements from both Westernand Eastern Martial Arts.The mostpopularforms ofwhich are known as Arnis/Eskrima/Kali. Theintrinsic need for self-preservation was thegenesis of these systems. Throughouttheages, invaders and evolving localconflict imposed new dynamics for combatin the islands now making up thePhilippines.The Filipino people developed battle skills as a directresult ofan appreciation oftheir ever-changing circumstances.They learnedoftenoutof necessity howto prioritize, allocate anduse common resources incombativesituations. Filipinos havebeenheavily influencedby a phenomenonofculturaland linguistic mixture. Some ofthe specificmechanisms responsible for culturaland martialchange extended from phenomena such as war, political andsocial systems,technology, tradeandofcourse, simple practicality. Filipino martial arts haveseen an increase in prominencedueto severalHollywood movies and the teachings ofmodernmasters suchas Venancio"Anciong"Bacon, Dan Inosanto,
  • 5. Cacoy Canete,Mike Inay, Remy Presas and Ernesto Presas. Social Values Chinese Social Values This course traces the evolution ofChinesesocial and politicalvalues intheclassical periodof Chinesethought. Their discussions about, society, human nature,culture andcoercionled to the great Legalist experimentoftheQin Dynasty (221– 206 BC) and its aftermath whichproducedtheHan conceptionofwhat wenow know as Chinese politicalvalues. Westart withthetheory ofthe “mandateofheaven,” whichleads us to Confucius’s appealto ritual practices grounding a culturalaccount ofsocialrole ethics.We lookat Confucius’s arguments for his educational methods including his rejection ofpunishment and coercion. Next weturnto the rival Mohists’ critiqueofConfuciansocialvalues. Mohist innovations launched a greater focus on political theory. SocialValues Japan Traditionally, Japanesecultureis organized around groups. Adults view childrenthat have problems with group behaviorand interpersonal relationships as thedeviantones. Adults most highly value socialcooperativeness inchildren because theyhold this traitto bemore important thanindividual interests. The"bad" childrenarethose who rejectthelife ofthe group in favor ofanegocentric, individualistic existence. Littleemphasis is placedon teaching childrento thinkofthemselves as individuals within society. Japanesechildren that are extremely group orientedmay haveacquired those values ofobedienceand conformity atthe price ofautonomy and socialunderstanding. PhilippinesSocialValues The great majority ofthe Philippine population is bound togetherby common values and a common religion. Philippine society is characterized by many positive traits.Among these are strong religious faith, respect for authority, and high regard for amor proprio (self-esteem) and smoothinterpersonal relationships. Philippinerespect for authority is based onthespecialhonor paidto elder members ofthefamilyand, by extension, to anyone in a position ofpower. This characteristicis generally conduciveto the smooth running ofsociety, although, when taken to extreme, it can develop intoan authoritarianismthat discourages independent judgment and individualresponsibility and initiative.Filipinos aresensitiveto attacks on their own self-esteem and cultivate a sensitivityto theself-esteem ofothers as well.
  • 6. Popular Culture China Popular Culture While theOlympics are always good fuel for national pride,ambivalentemotions stir up the Chinesehearts when looking back attheLondon Olympics:Greatmedal achievements, yetinferior to the US; completedominancein severalsports, but uncertainty whetheror notthey remain Olympic events inthefuture;glorious moments but some extraordinary failures (Liu Xiang?). Above all a bitter tasteofvictimhood seems tofill to mouths ofpoliticians, athletes andnetizens, particularly when discussing the refereeing in London 2012. China's mostpopularathlete,LiuXiang,is acclaiming the unflattering titleof'Liu Shuaishaui' ('falling Liu'), after a dramatictumble onthe110m hurdles race at the London Olympics.Whilethe popularity ofLiu was neverin question, some popular reactions in China express littlesupport and question the problematic morality behind his failure. JapanesePopular Culture Not only reflects the attitudes and concerns of the presentbutalsoprovides a link to the past. Japanese cinema,cuisine,television programs, anime, manga, and music alldeveloped from older artistic andliterary traditions, and many of their themes andstyles ofpresentation canbe traced totraditionalart forms.Contemporary forms ofpopular culture, muchlike the traditionalforms, providenotonlyentertainment but also an escapefor thecontemporary Japanese fromtheproblems ofan industrial world. Whenasked how they spenttheirleisure time, 80 percent ofa sampleofmenand women surveyedby thegovernment in1986said they averaged about twoand one-halfhours per weekday watching television,listening to the radio, and reading Japanesenewspapers or magazines.Some16percentspent an averageof two and one-quarterhours a day engagedin hobbies or amusements. Others spent leisure time participating in sports,socializing, and personal study. Teenagers andretired people reportedspending moretimeon allofthese activities than did other groups. Culture of the Philippines The cultureofthe Philippines reflects the country's complex history. It is a Malayo- Polynesian culture. The Philippines was first settled by Melanesians; today, althoughfew innumbers, they preserve a very traditionalway oflifeand culture.After them, theAustronesians ormore specifically, Malayo-Polynesians,arrivedon the islands.Today theAustronesian culture is very evident intheethnicity, language,food, dance and almostevery aspectofthe culture.These Austronesians engaged intrading withChina, India, Japan, theRyukyu Islands, the Middle East, Borneo, andotherplaces. As a result, those cultures havealso left a mark onFilipino culture. Unique Beliefs China Unique Belifs China has been a multi-religioncountrysincethe ancienttimes.It is wellknown thatConfucianismis an indigenous religion andis thesoul ofChinese culture,which enjoyed popular supportamong people and evenbecamethe guiding ideology for feudalismsociety, butit did not developinto a national belief. It makes theculturemore tolerant to others,thus,many other religions have been brought intothecountry in differentdynasties, but none ofthem developed powerful enough inthe history and theyonlyprovidediverse peoplemore spiritualsupport. Japan Unique Belifs Most, ifnot all, countries havecustoms and beliefs that makethemdistinct as a people. These include superstitions, ofwhichthe Japanese havemany. Alot ofthesesuperstitions may sound familiar and could bevariations ofour own, whileothers may vergeon thebizarre. You might comeacross someoftheseof common Japanesesuperstitions during your stay in Japanfor theKCPprogram. PhilippineBeliefs Superstition havegrown innumber throughout the various regions andprovinces inthe country. Thesebeliefs havecome fromthe different saying andsuperstitions ofour ancestors thataim toprevent dangerfrom happening or tomake a personrefrain from doing something in particular. Thesebeliefs are part ofourculture, for onederives their beliefs fromtheinfluences ofwhattheir customs, traditions and culturehavedictated to explain certainphenomena or to put a scare in people. Somearepracticedprimarily because Filipinos believethat there is nothing to lose ifthey willcomplywith thesebeliefs. The following aresomeofthedifferent superstitions in thePhilippines.