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The Department of Education wishes to thank all DepEd Officials and personnel who gave their
valuable feedback on this enhanced SIP Guidebook. Their comments made the enhanced SIP more
responsive to schools and aligned to the thrusts of the Department. Also worth recognizing are the
efforts of the previous SBM Technical Working Group under the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda
(BESRA) who led the development of the 2009 SIP Manual and the Office of Planning Service (OPS)
who worked on its initial enhancements in 2013, including all the schools that participated in field
testing. Truly, the enhancements were made possible because of the hard work and dedication of
these groups and individuals.
This Department would also like to thank the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the
Philippines for extending its expertise and resources during the development of this Guidebook and its
initial roll out. Schools that implemented the Continuous Improvement (CI) Program also deserve
special mention because their experiences of success provided the tools necessary to improve the
school planning process.
Finally credit should be extended to school heads, various education supervisors, teachers,
parents, community stakeholders, local government units (LGUs), and the students themselves who
are the real force in changing our nation through education.
Table of Contents
Definition of Terms 2
Glossary of Acronyms 3
About this Guide 4
The SIP Process Flowchart 5
Introduction 6
What is a School Improvement Plan 6
The SIP Development and Implementation Process 6
Step 1. Prepare for SIP Development 8
1.1 Gather and organize the necessary data
1.2 Form the SPT
1.3 Convene the SPT for orientation, vision sharing, and scheduling
Step 2. Identify/Review Priority Improvement Areas 14
2.1 Present and discuss the information gathered during the preparatory activities
2.2 Identify/Review the Priority Improvement Areas
Step 3. Analyze the Priority Improvement Areas 16
3.1 Set General Objectives
3.2 Organize the Project Teams
3.3 Listen to the voice of the learners and other stakeholders
3.4 Analyze the school process
3.5 Select Area of Focus
3.6 Do Root Cause Analysis
3.7 Present Root Cause to SPT
Step 4. Review General Objectives and Targets 22
Step 5. Formulate Solutions 22
Step 6. Develop Project Designs 23
Step 7. Write the School Improvement Plan 24
Step 8. Prepare the Annual Implementation Plan 24
Step 9. Test the Solutions 26
Step 10. Roll out the Solutions 27
Step 11. Check Progress of AIP 28
Annexes Policy References
1A School-Community Data Template DepEd Child Protection Policy DO. No. 40 s. 2012
1B Child Mapping Tool SBM Assessment DO. No. 83 s. 2012
2A Child-Friendly School Survey Early Registration DO. No. 1 s. 2015
2B Child Protection Policy Implementation Checklist Results-Based Performance
Management System
DO. No. 2 s. 2015
2C Student-led School Watching and Hazard Mapping Student-Led School Watching
and Hazard Mapping
DO. No. 23 s. 2015
3 Gap Analysis Template
4 Identifying Priority Improvement Areas Figures
5 Planning Worksheet The SIP Process Flowchart p. 5
6 Guidelines in Listening to the Voice of the Learners and
Other Stakeholders
Summary of the SIP Cycle p. 7
7 Walk the Process Guidelines
8 Root Cause Analysis Overview
9 Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix
10 Annual Implementation Plan Template
11 SRC Summary of Information
12A Basic SRC Template
12B Advanced SRC Template
Definition of Terms
The following are the key concepts/terms found in this SIP Guide. In applying these concepts/terms,
the user should bear in mind the following corresponding definitions:
Child labor Employment of children in any work that (a) is mentally, physically, socially or
morally dangerous and harmful to children, and (b) interferes with their
schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school, obliging them
to leave school prematurely, or requiring them to attempt to combine school
attendance with excessively long and heavy work.1
Children Persons below 18 years old. In line with DO No. 40, s. 2012, the term also refers
to those over 18 years old but unable to fully take care of themselves from
abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation, or discrimination because of a physical or
mental disability or condition.
(CI) Process
A methodology to continually assess, analyze, and act on the performance
improvement of key processes and service delivery, focusing on both
stakeholder needs and the desired performance.2
(CI) Projects
Projects that revolve around the continuous improvement of an identified school
process and service delivery related to access, quality or governance, with the
end view of improving learning outcomes.
Community Barangay where the school is located. However, it may also be expanded to
refer to the following:
• Adjacent barangays where a significant number of children enrolled in the
school come from
• Municipality
• City
• Ancestral domain
Disaster Risk
Reduction and
The concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to
analyze and reduce the causal factors of disasters. Reducing exposure to
hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and property, wise management of
land and the environment, and improving preparedness and early warning for
adverse events are all examples of disaster risk reduction and management.3
Hazard map A map illustrating the areas at risk of natural disasters such as sediment-related
disasters, floods, tsunamis, storm surges, and volcanic eruptions. Hazard maps
produced by municipal governments usually contain the following information in
addition to the areas at risk of disasters: sketches of evacuation routes and
shelters, evaluation of disaster possibility and frequency, a warning and
evacuation system, and disaster-related basic information.4
Learner An individual who attends classes in any level of the basic education system,
under the supervision and tutelage of a teacher or facilitator.
Areas (PIA)
Selected areas in school management, operations, and service delivery that
need to be changed to improve the three key result areas in basic education:
access, quality, and governance. A PIA is prioritized based on disparity with
Division goals, strategic importance, urgency, magnitude, and feasibility.
1International Labour Organization. Note: For indigenous people, child-related activities that are part of their cultural and historical
education-cum-learning are not considered as “child labor”. For example, supporting/joining on-farm agricultural activities and
related activities within their ancestral domain are considered as life-long education and learning. For the indigenous peoples and
their children, their “real classroom” is their ancestral domain, since they considered an education continuum not just confined to
the formal four-wall corners of a classroom.
2 School Improvement Project Learning Guide
3 United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
4 International Sabo Network
Process Owner/s The concerned stakeholder/s – a person or group of people responsible for
ensuring the efficiency of the process, who has the ability to make changes in
the process and is/are highly involved in the project.5
Project Team A school team that implements improvement projects, reports on project status,
outputs and outcomes, and prepares and maintains project documentation and
The members of the Project Team are drawn from the community,
teachers, and learners with at least one member coming from the SPT.
Planning Team
School Report
Card (SRC)
A team composed of internal and external stakeholders organized for the
purpose of identifying school concerns and issues, and strategically coming up
with appropriate interventions through a collaborative process.
A report that provides stakeholders a snapshot of the school’s current condition
and performance. It is a tool for advocating and communicating the school
situation, context, and performance to internal and external stakeholders to
involve them in making the school a better learning place for the learners.
5 Basic Continuous Improvement Trainer’s Guide
6 Continuous Improvement Policies and Procedures Guide
Glossary of Acronyms
ADM Alternative Delivery Mode
AIP Annual Implementation Plan
ALIVE Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education
ALS Alternative Learning System
BC Barangay Council
BDP Barangay Development Plan
BDRRMC Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
CBMS Community-Based Monitoring System
CCA Climate Change Adaptation
CFSS Child-Friendly School Survey
CI Continuous Improvement
DEDP Division Educational Development Plan
DepEd Department of Education
DRRM Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
EBEIS Enhanced Basic Education Information System
FGD Focus Group Discussion
IP Indigenous People
LGU Local Government Unit
MOOE Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
NAT National Achievement Test
NCBTS National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
NGO Non-Government Organization
OSC Out-of-School Children
PAP Programs, Activities, Projects
PHIL-IRI Philippine Informal Reading Inventory
PI Performance Indicator
PIA Priority Improvement Area
PTA Parents-Teachers Association
RPMS Results-based Performance Management System
SBM School-Based Management
SGC School Governing Council
SIP School Improvement Plan
SPT School-Community Planning Team
SRA Student-Led Risk Assessment
SRC School Report Card
SWM Solid Waste Management
SY School Year
WASH Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
This gui
school s
ensure t
We hope
will also
and sta
data you
your sch
come fro
from pla
In follow
teams. W
will be n
For thos
the tools
We crea
• A
• G
• A
• A
• A
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also imp
we shall
Please d
All the b
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do our be
do not hes
best in you
P Team
de with yo
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ol improve
. In this g
and seco
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s importan
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guide, you
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and comm
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the CI pro
features t
of this guid
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ir delivera
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est to prov
itate to let
ur efforts t
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mind. In c
the field
ment plan
our plann
guide we e
ond, to ba
d qualitati
ge you no
nt as the
better. Th
es well.
will find t
y building
munity spir
cess are in
to help you
is made
de (p.7)
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heets, and
hted by pla
placed at
your scho
ne thing th
vide you w
t us know
toward con
this G
school hea
rafting thi
– princip
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ning and im
ase your
ve data fr
ot to rush
plan. We
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that the S
these tea
rit will be s
u follow th
for your
d under e
d other gui
acing it in
the end o
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hat a scho
with tools t
how we c
ads, teach
is guide, w
pals, supe
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plans on
rom interv
h to the s
believe th
we trust
ot causes
IP cannot
ams, relat
ment (CI)
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he steps a
easy ref
ach step
ides are w
of each ac
mprove so
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to make th
can make t
y improvin
ers, schoo
we consul
ervisors, a
er and effe
ation proc
first, listen
views with
hat you kn
that the b
of your o
be done w
tionships w
nd activiti
ference. It
or activity
written in b
ctivity for
that learn
e for, it is
his happen
this guide
g your sch
ol staff, a
lted with
and teache
ective for y
esses, our
n to your
– on qua
your learn
As they
now the co
best solut
own proble
without wo
within you
you will f
t is found
y for you
bold and it
the team
ning outco
s for learn
n for our le
book bette
nd other
ers – to
r schools
ners and
say, the
ontext of
tions will
ems and
orking in
ur school
find that
d at the
to know
m to take
omes will
ing. And
The year-by-year plan for the Priority Improvement Areas (PIAs) is the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP).
It contains the specific activities, outputs, required resources, schedule, and individual/s who will be
accountable for the said PIA. You will find the timeline for the preparation of the SIP and AIP in the attached
flowchart (p.7).
What is a School Improvement Plan (SIP)?
A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a roadmap that lays down specific interventions that a school,
with the help of the community and other stakeholders, undertakes within a period of three (3)
consecutive school years. It aims to improve the three key result areas in basic education: access,
quality, and governance. It is evidence-based, results-based, and child or learner-centered. The SIP is
central in School-Based Management (SBM) and is prepared by the School-Community Planning Team
(SPT). It is the basis for the school’s Annual Implementation Plan.
The SIP Development and Implementation Process
In accordance to the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 (Republic Act 9155)7
, the Department
of Education (DepEd) promotes shared governance through SBM. Under this mandate, school heads
are tasked to develop the SIP.
The development and implementation of the SIP shall be guided by the following principles:
1. The SIP shall be anchored on the DepEd vision, mission, core values, strategies, and on
Central, Regional, Division, and school goals.
2. The SIP shall be evidence and results-based, child and learner-centered.
3. The development of SIP requires innovative and systems thinking, and a mindset of
continuous improvement
4. The formulation and implementation of the SIP shall involve the active participation of all
education stakeholders in the school and community such as the school heads, teachers,
parents, community leaders, and the learners themselves, among others.
SIP development and implementation cover a period of three years and follow three phases: Assess,
Plan, and Act. The AIP, which is the year-by-year plan, likewise undergoes these three phases with
each year’s implementation being checked for its progress to ensure continuous improvement.
The SPT, with the help of school stakeholders, shall ensure that the improvements done during
implementation will be further developed and enhanced. Thus, it is a “continuous improvement cycle”.
The figure below shows the summary of the SIP-AIP cycle. Specific details for the activities in each
phase will be further explained in the subsequent sections of this guidebook.
7 RA 9155, Chapter 1, Section 7.D.4, Governance of Basic Education, 2001
The cycle
and other
each PIA.
The Plan p
solutions a
The Act p
the progre
As your sc
SPT analy
reviews th
address e
next year
Report Ca
begins with
s of the scho
r stakeholde
phase involv
and develop
hase involve
ess of implem
chool procee
yzes the imp
heir AIP – re
xisting need
r of impleme
the progres
ard (SRC) an
h the Assess
ool for the S
rs and analy
ves the prep
pment of proj
es small-sca
mentation is
eds to plan t
pact of solu
e-analyzing d
ds and will c
entation sho
ss of implem
nd other repo
s phase whe
SIP are set.
yzing the sc
paration and
ject designs
le testing th
s done in this
their AIP for
utions that w
data and rev
ontribute to
ould contain
mentation to
orting forms
The SIP Cycl
ere the ident
This phase
chool data a
writing of t
are done.
hen impleme
s phase as w
r year 2 or 3
were implem
visiting the r
the genera
the adjustm
o stakeholde
tification of
includes list
and processe
he SIP and
ntation of th
3, the proce
mented to c
root cause to
l objectives
ments and le
ers is import
the PIAs is
ening to the
es to determ
AIP. It is wh
he solutions.
ss goes bac
heck for pro
o ensure tha
stated in th
essons learn
tant and is d
done and th
e voice of th
mine the roo
hen the form
. Constant c
k to Assess
ogress. The
at projects c
e SIP. The A
ned from the
done using t
he general
he learners
ot cause of
mulation of
checking of
where the
SPT then
continue to
AIP for the
e previous
the School
1. To ga
2. To beg
Step 1
Before the
conduct o
The schoo
As a quic
existing d
In prepara
found in t
the SRC a
into graph
the SRC
found in p
Some Tips
• Or
• Gr
• To
• Sc
• Fo
• To
• Th
The numb
School Ye
ther informa
education an
gin the SIP p
1. Prep
y 1.1: Ga
e start of th
of preparato
on of the pr
ol head shal
with other s
ck guide, yo
ata you hav
ation for you
the SRC Sum
are already
hs or charts
according t
ns in makin
page 29 of th
s on Data Ga
rient your te
emplate in A
roup the dat
o save time
ystem (EBEI
chool and c
econdary dat
or specific c
onsulting the
formation on
o be able to
ou have gath
he data you
onsolidate al
his template
o use whate
ready have
ber of 4-17 y
t basic inform
ears, to deve
ation on the
nd the situat
process by m
are for
ather an
e planning s
ory activities
rofile of the
l lead in pro
our school t
Data Temp
e. This temp
ur meeting w
mmary of I
found in the
(see SRC Te
to what els
g the SRC c
his guideboo
eam on wha
Annex 1A f
ta that will c
e, check wh
S), and in o
ta for school
concerns, th
e Barangay
n disasters,
have a solu
u will gathe
l the gather
is created s
ever tool or
an efficient s
year old chil
mation used
elop mechan
ory A
situation of
tion of the s
mobilizing th
d organiz
session, the
s like gathe
school and
ofiling, data
when neces
team should
plate found
plate will also
with the SPT
e School-Co
emplates in
e you think
can be foun
at data shou
for this.
ome from si
at you alrea
ther forms a
based meet
l planning.
e school m
Disaster R
risks, and h
ution that is
er and orga
red data into
so you can h
system is a
system of or
dren enrolle
in planning
nisms for ac
f children an
chool in term
e School-Co
ze the ne
school head
ering and c
its environm
gathering a
d gather da
in Annex 1
o give you a
T, create the
n in Annex
ommunity D
n Annex 12A
k are neces
nd in the ch
uld be gathe
milar source
ady have in
and documen
tings should
ay also eng
Risk Reducti
azards in th
nize will be
o the Schoo
have a single
available to
rganizing da
ed and the n
g. These are
ctively seek
nd learners i
ms of govern
ommunity Pla
d and a sele
ment. The e
and, depend
ta on acces
A should be
an idea of wh
e SRC accor
11. Most of
Data Temp
A and 12B)
ssary to rep
apter on Co
ered. Refer t
es and assig
n the Enhan
d be maxim
gage experts
on and Man
e community
ased, always
e immense
l Communi
e ‘container’
help you b
ta, you can
number of ou
used to ant
ing children
in terms of t
anning Team
y data
ected team a
g data and
estimated du
ding on data
ss, quality,
e able to hel
hat data are
rding to the
f the informa
plate. You ju
. You can ad
port to you
to the Scho
n teams for
nced Basic E
mized in ga
s to provide
nagement C
s ensure the
and varied.
ity Data Tem
’ to put all y
better organ
use that ins
ut of school
ticipate enro
not in scho
their access
m (SPT)
are responsi
uration for t
a needs, sha
and govern
p you organ
important t
minimum in
ation needed
ust have to
dd more info
r SPT. Mor
ing to Stak
ool Commu
each data so
Education In
athering pri
e sufficient
Council (BDR
e accuracy o
Devise a
mplate in A
our data, bu
nize your da
are some o
ollment for t
ool, and to
to quality
ble for the
, and the
this is two
all conduct
nance. The
nize all the
o have.
d to create
turn them
ormation in
re detailed
nity Data
mary and
data, e.g.
RRMC) for
of the data
system to
Annex 1A.
ut feel free
ata (if you
f the most
he coming
give them
access to
Since you
that will h
for plannin
You shou
of your co
child map
Other too
to help yo
Child Pro
your scho
In relation
and disas
stated in
Data gath
If your da
needs of y
Invite at
balance an
If you are
your bara
with othe
be easier
children w
If you hav
on, which als
u are already
ons to prom
ty using the
help you gat
ld do child
y at the sta
ommunity. A
ping should
ls provided
ou check ho
otection Pol
ol reflect on
n to school
sters, follow
DepEd Ord
nying checkli
ering may s
ta is not acc
your learners
y 1.2: Fo
least 7 stak
nd should be
e planning to
angay, it is be
er schools. Jus
r to consolida
who go or plan
ve questions o
Your team
You are us
so happens i
y going aro
mote early re
Child Mapp
her essentia
mapping t
rt of the SIP
After events
be conducte
for you in th
w child-frien
licy Implem
and improv
ing the pol
der No. 23
ist as Annex
seem like a l
curate, it can
s and your s
orm the S
keholders to
e composed
do child map
est to coordina
st make sure t
te and share
n to go to sch
on early regis
ut check
m should be a
F School-Co
F Child Map
F School Re
F Child-Frie
F Child Prot
F School W
ually expose
n January.
und your co
egistration, y
ping Tool fo
al data durin
together wi
P cycle), ass
s causing m
ed to accoun
his Guideboo
ndly your sc
mentation C
ve your statu
, you should
icy on Stud
series of 2
x 2C.
ot of work b
n result to o
o become m
of the follow
ping during y
ate with your
to set clear ex
the informat
hools in anothe
stration you ca
ble to accomp
ommunity Dat
pping Tool [An
eport Card
endly School S
tection Policy
atching Check
ed to these
you can alre
ound in Ann
ng your early
th early re
suming that
major popula
nt for the chi
ok are the C
chool is (this
Checklist in
us as a learn
d also gathe
dent-led Sc
2015. We h
but it is a fun
bjectives an
members of
your early reg
District or Di
xpectations an
ion between
er barangay).
an refer to De
plish the follow
ta Template [
nnex 1B]
Survey [Annex
klist and Haza
data when
with volunte
ady harness
ex 1B. The
y registratio
gistration a
there are no
tion change
ldren in you
s is required
Annex 2B.
er data on y
chool Watc
have attache
ndamental st
d solutions t
the SPT. Th
istration activ
vision so you
nd delegate ta
schools and b
epEd Order N
Annex 1A]
x 2A]
ion Checklist [
ard Map [Anne
your schoo
eers from th
s the data th
tool provide
n campaign
activities at
o major chan
es (e.g. disa
r community
dly School
d information
These are i
your school’s
ching and
ed the proc
tep in schoo
that are not
he SPT shou
vities and ther
can cover mo
asks fairly. If y
between comm
No. 1 series o
[Annex 2B]
ex 2C]
ol campaigns
he barangay
hat is availab
es you with a
that you ca
least every
nges in the
asters or dem
Survey in A
n in the SRC
mportant to
s vulnerabili
Hazard Ma
edure for th
ol planning. B
uld have go
re are other s
ore ground by
you do this, it
munities (if y
of 2015.
s for early
y and civic
ble in your
a template
n also use
y 3 years
Annex 2A
C) and the
ols to help
ty to risks
apping as
his and its
Be patient.
to the real
od gender
schools in
y working
t will also
ou found
Please not
(SGC). Th
not limite
In multi-c
the above
Muslim re
as membe
these com
If more m
official bu
can speak
Here is th
Morning S
In cases
may be g
Before th
Division g
aligned w
chool head a
tudent repre
eacher repre
arent represe
ember of BD
ember of Sc
te that at le
he school he
ed to, the
us People (
and school a
cultural setti
tatives from
ers, especia
members are
s. More than
siness. Whe
k for him/her
y 1.3: Co
e suggested
1. Orient
2. Vision
3. Sched
where the tea
given to paren
he meeting, m
goals. You ma
with the Divisio
Your team
as the Team
U representa
chool Child P
east one of y
ad may opt
following: N
IP) represe
ngs, IP and
members, e
ally if there
added, mak
n 50% of ex
n a member
r as long as
onvene t
agenda for
tation of the
n sharing
acher represe
nt representat
make sure th
ay also use yo
on goals.
ut check
m should be a
F List of me
rotection Co
your membe
to add mor
ntatives, Ar
Muslim rep
e.g. a paren
es adjacent
is a signific
ke sure that
xisting SPT m
r needs to be
the substitu
the SPT f
a one-day a
e SIP Process
ntative is also
hat you have
our school’s st
ble to accomp
embers for the
ers should b
re members
ment Organ
rabic Langu
nt who is an
to the one w
cant number
the total nu
members mu
e absent fro
te has the s
for orient
activity when
o the School H
a copy of th
trategic goals
plish the follow
e SPT with the
e a member
to its SPT a
nization (NG
age and Is
should be c
n IP or Mus
where your
r of existing
umber is still
ust be prese
m a meeting
ame represe
tation, v
n you conven
Head (such as
he DepEd Vis
if it is availab
eir representa
r of the Sch
as deemed n
GO) represe
slamic Value
slim may als
school is loc
g/potential e
an odd num
ent to reach
g, s/he may
entation as t
ision sha
ne the SPT:
in small scho
ble but please
ool Governi
necessary su
ntatives, Al
es Educatio
In this rega
so serve as
cated may b
enrollees com
mber to prev
h quorum an
send a subs
the member
aring, an
ools), addition
Core Values,
ensure that t
ng Council
uch as, but
ard, any of
the IP or
be included
ming from
vent voting
nd conduct
stitute who
al seat
and the
his is still
Activities can engage your SPT more and can help foster camaraderie. We encourage you to think of
activities for this step aside from what is listed in this guidebook. We are sure that the SPT will
appreciate that you have planned for activities rather than just having a discussion with them. Feel
free to include some teambuilding activities on top of vision sharing activities if that will help
strengthen your working relationship with your SPT.
1. SPT members should be informed about the following:
● Mandate of DepEd on the SIP
● SIP key features and principles
● SIP development and implementation cycle and phases
With these, discuss why the SIP and AIP are important for the school and the learners.
2. Discuss and agree on the roles and responsibilities of the SPT chair and members
● During this part of the orientation, ask a member of the SPT to facilitate the
brainstorming of roles and responsibilities of each member.
● Give everyone a chance to share their ideas.
● Have the facilitator synthesize the ideas and let the SPT comment on or approve what
has been discussed.
Vision sharing
Help the SPT internalize the DepEd Vision-Mission and Core Values. They should also be informed of
the Division goals and, if available, the school’s strategic goals. You can turn this into a reflective
activity for your SPT if it will help you draw out their insights more.
● Lift the first paragraph of the DepEd Vision and ask,
“What does this mean for us? What are our own dreams for the children of our school?
How do our dreams relate to DepEd’s Vision?”
● Read the second paragraph of the DepEd Vision and ask,
“What does being ‘learner-centered’ and ‘continuously improving’ mean for us?”
● Do the same for the DepEd Mission. At the end of the discussion ask,
“How can we contribute to this? What is the role of each one?”
● For the DepEd Core Values ask,
“What values do we possess that support the core values? How should we be (what
should our thoughts and actions be) so we can demonstrate these core values? How
will these values help us fulfill the vision and mission?”
Based on
the SIP Pro
that the SPT
s are not exh
cure the CBM
anize data u
a Template
nduct Dyad,
cuss the roo
te the SIP
cess Flowch
T will follow
haustive and
MS from the
using the Sc
Triad, FGD,
t cause
art found at
in preparing
d are used fo
or survey
t the beginn
g the SIP as
or illustration
ing of this g
well as the
n purposes o
gested time
nth. Pls. spec
uary 12
uary 28-30
gested time
nths. Pls. spe
ruary 9
ch 11-13
gested time
il 4-8
guide, discus
AIP. See su
frame for th
cify the date
frame for th
ecify the dat
frame for th
ss and creat
uggested for
his phase is
his phase is
his phase is
e a simple
rmat below
instorm solu
rt pilot test
cuss prepara
Your tea
ations for rol
put check
am should be
F Docume
F List of S
ll out
able to accom
entation of vis
SPT Roles and
mplish the foll
sion sharing
d Responsibilit
y 4
e frame for t
projects to b
ead out with
e-August (1s
tember 3
this phase w
be implemen
in the SY
will depend o
nted and is
1. To ide
2. To set
3. To list
4. To an
5. To det
Step 2
As a sum
the SRC t
should als
you shoul
between y
and Divisi
After pres
For in
Gather an
included i
each othe
After you
Present t
SPT asses
found in A
It is impo
books, et
entify and an
t general obj
ten to the vo
alyze school
termine the
2. Ident
y 2.1: Pr
atory act
mary of the
to your SPT
so look into
ld have a co
your school
e found in A
on targets s
senting the s
ndicators wit
nd write dow
nying Divisio
n your list o
r first year
to the SPT
ntation. You
ss remaining
Annex 3 an
ment areas in
ortant for you
tc. This is to m
which will info
Your tea
: AS
nalyze the Pr
oice of the le
root cause/s
resent an
e data you h
T to initiate
how the sch
opy of the D
data and th
Annex 3 of t
should be inc
school data a
th three-yea
wn the results
n targets bu
f improveme
of AIP impl
the data
can show th
g gaps and
nd the guide
n the SIP.
u to document
make reportin
orm your succ
ut check
am should be a
F Docume
F Gap Ana
riority Impro
earners and
s of the PIAs
view Pri
nd discu
have gathere
a discussion
hool contribu
Division targe
he Division t
his guideboo
cluded in you
and status, y
surfaced as
r data, what
d your schoo
What is
What ne
s of the disc
ut are pressi
ent areas. Fr
you have c
hem the mo
needs. For
e questions
t all the meet
ng easier and
ceeding proje
able to accom
ntation of the
alysis Templat
ovement Are
other stakeh
iority Im
ss the in
ed in the Sc
n about the
utes to the o
ets which w
targets for t
ok. Areas wh
ur initial list
you may ask
the most pr
t trends surf
ol improve? S
alarming fro
eeds most im
ussion and a
ng, alarming
rom your list
, begin with
collected fro
st recent SR
this, you m
provided ab
tings and activ
to also have
cts and activit
mplish the follo
e discussion an
te [Annex 3]
e status of y
overall perfo
will help you
the next 3 y
here there a
of improvem
k the followin
ressing need/
faced from y
Stagnate? W
om the data?
add to your
g, stagnating
t, group the
h this step i
om monitor
RC and othe
may again u
bove. From t
vities through
a record of th
nd initial list o
ment Ar
on gathe
munity Dat
your school.
ormance of y
do this). Yo
years by usi
re gaps betw
ment areas.
ng questions
your data for
initial list. A
g, or worsen
problems w
n planning
ring the pr
r relevant in
use the Gap
the discussio
h minutes of m
he processes
of improvemen
red durin
ta Templat
Aside from
your Division
ou can asses
ing the Gap
ween the sch
s to the SPT:
r the last thr
reas with no
ing should a
which are rela
for year 2
rogress of y
nformation t
p Analysis
ons, review
meetings, pict
you have don
nt areas
ng the
te, present
m this, you
n (by now,
ss the gap
p Analysis
hool status
ree years?
also be
ated to
or year 3.
your prior
to help the
the list of
tures, log
ne during
Based on
these will
The PIAs
changed t
To help yo
rubrics be
Priority I
Sample M
High absen
Lack of Pro
High dropo
Low intake
old children
Indicate the
Please note
span for th
that this co
to resolve.
In planning
where the
y 2.2: Ide
the results
be your PIA
are selected
to improve t
PIAs are no
the school
ers such as
ou determin
elow. A temp
The nu
The ur
e The n
y The de
and co
as I
of 5 year
n in
ese PIAs in t
e that PIAs
ree years. I
ould be addr
g for your ye
PIA has alre
of the discu
d areas in sc
the three ke
ot just limite
and learne
flooding and
e which amo
plate that yo
ent Areas. F
umber of othe
rgency or nee
umber of lea
egree to whic
4.5 – 5.0
3.5 – 4.49
2.5 – 3.49
1.5 – 2.49
1.0 – 1.49
the first colu
have varyin
If a school,
essed in a y
ear 2 or yea
eady been a
eview the
ussions done
chool manag
ey result are
ed to issues
rs which ne
d unsafe sch
ong the impr
ou can use w
For an illust
er areas that
d to improve
arners that w
ch the improv
Very H
9 High P
9 Moder
9 Low P
9 Very L
umn of the P
g difficulties
for example
year’s time.
ar 3 AIP, rev
addressed, c
e Priority
e in the prev
gement, ope
eas in basic
s within the
eeds to be
ool water so
rovement ar
with these ru
ration of how
will benefit w
the area as so
will benefit wh
ement area is
High Priority
rate Priority
Low Priority
Planning Wo
s – some ca
e, determine
High dropou
view the PIA
choose anot
y Improve
vious activity
erations, and
school. It ca
reas you sho
ubrics can b
w this is use
when the impr
oon as possib
hen the impro
s within the s
e Feasibili
orksheet in
an be addres
ed flooding a
ut, on the ot
As listed in t
ther PIA to
ement A
y, prioritize t
d service de
access, qua
an also be a
and brough
ould prioritize
e found in A
ed, a sample
rovement area
ovement area
school’s mand
ity Averag
Annex 5.
ssed within
as one of th
ther hand, m
the Planning
take on fro
reas (PIA
the improve
elivery that n
ality, and go
a community
ht to the at
e, you can r
Annex 4: Id
e matrix is a
a is
5 – Ve
4 – Hig
3 – Mo
2 – Lo
1 – Ve
a is
e Interp
Very Hig
Very Hig
a year and
eir PIAs, it
may take a lo
g Worksheet
m the ones
ement areas
need to be
y situation
ttention of
efer to the
also shown
ery High
ery Low
gh Priority
te Priority
gh Priority
some can
is possible
onger time
t. In cases
you have
already ide
has change
are the sam
Step 3
From you
the appro
Revisit the
of the sch
PIA. The
with at lea
For priorit
Project Te
from the a
ntified. In th
ed. You can a
me areas you
3. Analy
y 3.1: Se
ur identified
ts are what
, the genera
g Workshee
priate box to
e objectives
s have been
y 3.2: Or
a Project Te
hool and num
members of
ast one mem
ty improvem
eam from me
activities the
shall turn o
to the assig
Your team
Your team
he process o
again use th
u will prioriti
yze the
et Genera
PIAs, form
you want
al objective
et in Annex
o note when
set in the P
met and if t
rganize th
am for each
mber of PIAs
f the Project
mber coming
ment areas
embers of th
ey do in the
over relevan
gned Project
t check
should be abl
F PIA Templ
F First colum
ut check
m should be ab
F Objectives
of selecting a
he template
ze for the 2n
al Object
mulate gene
to achieve.
can be ‘to
x 5 is where
n they should
Planning Wo
there are obj
he Projec
PIA that yo
s identified, a
t Team may
g from the SP
related to t
he Learning A
t data, whic
Teams for e
le to accompli
late [Annex 4
mn of the Plan
ble to accomp
s and Year co
another PIA,
in Identify
or 3rd
y Improv
eral objectiv
If, for exam
o reduce stu
you write y
d be done.
orksheet if
jectives that
ct Teams
ou will addre
a Project Te
y be drawn f
the teaching
Action Cells
ch were gat
each PIA.
ish the followi
nning Workshe
plish the follow
lumns in the P
, you may fi
ying PIAs fo
r of impleme
ves for your
mple, your
udent tardin
your genera
you are in y
t need to be
ss for the cu
am may be
from the co
g-learning pr
(LACs) so th
thered and
eet [Annex 5]
Planning Work
nd that the
ound in Ann
t Areas
r 3-year pla
school has
ness.’ The s
l objectives
your year 2 o
urrent year.
formed to w
mmunity, te
rocess, it is
hat their tas
discussed d
ksheet [Annex
context of y
ex 4 to che
an. General
a problem
second colum
and where
or year 3 AI
Depending o
work on more
eachers, and
best to org
ks will not b
uring the p
x 5]
your school
ck if these
in student
mn of the
you check
P. Check if
on the size
e than one
d learners,
ganize the
be different
The Proje
Leader, Sc
Each Proje
PIA. Facto
For year 2
to continu
be tapped
year of th
While we
talking to
the learne
Aside from
school ha
the succee
We want t
and shoul
Voice of
This step
views of le
The Proje
In some
come to
ect Team sh
cribe, etc.).
Project Mem
ect Team sh
ors are diffe
2 or year 3 A
ue managing
d to work on
e SIP. In the
y 3.3: Lis
may have th
o the faces
ers who are
ers and stake
m digging d
ty to ask th
s existing in
ons. With th
eding activit
to emphasiz
d not be ski
’ can be do
ns (FGD) wit
ncerns on th
the Learne
should still b
earners and
ct Team can g
Your tea
instances whe
school (e.g. s
hall agree o
For docume
ould discuss
rent from so
AIP, the Proj
g the project
n other PIAs
ese cases, th
sten to th
he school da
behind the
e relevant to
eholders can
deeper into
he learners
his, you will
ze that listen
one through
th learners,
e identified
ers and Othe
be done whe
gather more d
ut check
m should be a
F Project T
F List of po
en the learner
students who
n the role o
entation purp
s their assign
olutions. The
ject Teams a
ts they have
s for year 2
he SPT can a
he voice
ata, it is still
numbers. T
o your assig
n be identifie
your learne
or stakehol
, you can a
get an insig
ning to the v
h one-on-on
parents, and
PIA. It mig
er Stakeho
en analyzing
rs might hav
data related to
able to accom
Team member
ossible factors
rs or other sta
are habitually
of its memb
poses, you m
ned PIA and
ey will then
assigned to
e started in
or 3 if they
also form ne
of the le
important t
hus, your P
ned PIAs. B
ers’ or stake
ders on how
lso check ho
ht on what c
voice of the
ne or dyads
d other stak
ht be good
lders in An
g the PIAs fo
ve changed o
o their PIAs if
mplish the follo
r list with role
s affecting yo
akeholders wh
y absent), hom
bers (e.g. P
may use the
list down th
validate the
PIAs that sp
the first yea
have alread
ew Project Te
earners a
to validate th
Project Team
By doing this
eholders’ pr
w they were
ow they fee
current scho
learners and
/triads inter
keholders. Th
to read the
nex 6.
r year 2 or 3
over time.
es and respons
ur assigned P
ho are importa
me visits are n
Project Team
following te
he possible f
se factors th
pan for more
ar. Project T
dy addressed
and othe
hese and ge
m should tal
s, the real n
oblems, this
e helped by
el about and
ool process y
d stakeholde
rviews, surv
hese are nec
3 because th
sibilities or Te
ant to your as
m Leader, A
factors that a
hrough the s
e than a yea
eams from y
d their PIA
er stakeh
et more infor
k to the lea
needs and pr
s step is al
y your schoo
how they v
you need to
ers is crucial
veys, or Foc
cessary to g
s in Listeni
he context, n
eam Charter
ssigned PIA ca
Asst. Team
affect their
r will have
year 1 can
in the first
rmation by
arners and
roblems of
so a good
ol. If your
view these
analyze in
in the SIP
cus Group
ather their
ing to the
needs, and
From the
what spec
needs and
A school p
how a sta
The use o
the detaile
Your Proje
of what is
process b
direct obs
We sugge
you with
that brain
a must if y
When you
process. T
clouds are
As an exa
that 10 ou
which you
test score
three stor
Your team
y 3.4: An
concerns, ne
cific critical
d problems e
process is a
Test Proces
e and replic
and should
f a process m
t and reliabl
ed flow of in
ect Team sh
s currently h
mistake is c
y brainstorm
servations to
est that you
more detail
nstorming an
you want to
u do direct o
These are w
e specific, m
ample, when
ut of 30 stud
u will write o
es. Note that
rm clouds du
t check
should be abl
F Documenta
nalyze th
eeds, and pr
school proce
set of activi
ss or Enrollm
needs or w
cable. This
not rely on j
map can be
e performan
nputs, activit
ould map ou
happening in
combining th
ming with th
o understand
read the W
ed instructio
nd interviews
validate how
what we call
easurable, a
n you walke
dents’ test p
on the activit
t more than
uring the tes
le to accompli
ation from FG
e school
roblems that
esses are re
ties arrange
ment Proces
wants are be
means that
just one per
a tool to he
nce. Process
ties, and out
ut the proces
n each step o
he present s
he people w
d what is cur
Walk the Pr
ons in walki
s alone are n
w the proces
s, you will n
‘storm clou
and observab
ed through t
apers had it
ty where yo
n one storm
st proper).
ish the followi
Ds, interviews
l process
t were raised
elated to the
ed together i
ss). We nee
eing met. A
t how a ce
rson to work
lp communic
mapping is
tputs to iden
sses involved
of the proce
state with t
ho are invol
rrently happe
rocess Guid
ng the proc
not enough
ss works.
otice proble
ds’ – it help
the Mathem
tems that we
u discovered
cloud may
s, or home vis
d by your le
ese to under
n order to d
ed to unders
process mu
ertain proces
k. This is why
cate how the
the techniq
tify opportu
d in your as
ess and NOT
he desired o
lved in the
ening in eac
delines foun
cess with yo
to map out
ms arising i
ps you locat
atics Period
ere erroneou
d it – in this
be observed
arners and s
rstand furthe
deliver a serv
stand proces
ust also be
ss is done
y it is impor
e process wo
ue of using
nities for im
signed PIA b
T what the p
outcome. Yo
process or b
h step.
nd in Annex
our team. It
a process. D
n specific ac
te where the
ical Test Pr
usly checked
s case, durin
d in an activ
er why and
vice (e.g. Ma
sses in orde
simple eno
should be
rtant for us t
orks in order
flowcharts to
by creating a
process shou
ou “walk thr
by doing int
x 7 which w
is importan
Direct observ
ctivities in t
e issues resi
ocess, you
. This is a st
ng the record
vity (e.g. the
s, look into
where the
er to know
ough to be
known by
to map the
r to have a
o illustrate
a flowchart
uld be. The
rough” the
erviews or
will provide
nt to know
vations are
he current
ide. Storm
might find
torm cloud
ding of the
ere can be
The carefu
focus for y
The same
next years
You have
you can a
analyze. T
area of fo
school pe
ul identificat
and more fo
your root ca
e thing shoul
s, you can k
y 3.5: Se
to select a
aim your imp
at once. Fo
This, in turn
ocus may co
ed, will clea
Your team
tion of critica
ocused prob
use analysis
d be done fo
keep doing th
elect Are
specific stor
provement e
cusing on a
n, makes it e
ntribute in a
in time. In
arly affect t
ut check
m should be a
F Flowchar
F Documen
al storm clou
lem that con
s will be disc
or the PIAs
his activity t
a of Focu
rm cloud, ca
efforts on a p
problem all
easier to thi
addressing t
n selecting
the PIA.
able to accom
rt of the schoo
ntation of inte
uds in the p
ntributes to
cussed in the
of year 2 or
o review the
alled an area
particular pr
lows you to
ink of soluti
the bigger is
your area
plish the follo
ol processes re
erviews or obs
rocess enab
the broader
e next activit
year 3. For
e process tha
a of focus, f
roblem rathe
deal with fe
ons or impr
ssues in scho
of focus, c
elevant to eac
les you to lo
school issue
projects tha
at you have
from among
er than attem
ewer issues
rovements. I
ool and cons
choose the
ch PIA with st
ook at a sma
e. Selecting
at will contin
your storm
mpting to so
which you c
sequently w
e one whic
orm clouds
aller, more
an area of
nue for the
m clouds so
olve all the
can deeply
nts in your
ill improve
ch, when
Having ide
Going ba
During the
items that
From you
Repeat th
year, you
The root
focused p
using pro
The root
A focused
cause or
guide on p
For year 2
is address
8 Based from
entified your
t includes inf
ck to our e
t can be:
e first quart
t were erron
r focused pr
his activity w
u can review
d. This can b
y 3.6: Do
cause is th
y that your
roblem. This
oblem analys
cause is no
te, relevant
e, creating
d problem ca
root causes
prioritizing r
2 or year 3 A
ed in the Pla
sing a new P
m Continuous
Your tea
r area of foc
formation on
example on
ter, ten out o
neously chec
oblem state
when analyz
w the storm
be your area
o Root Ca
he deepest
Project Tea
s root cause
sis tools like
ot the solut
t, and worka
solutions m
an have seve
to address.
root causes a
AIP, the Pro
anning Wor
PIA or if you
s Improvemen
put check
am should be
F Problem
us from the
n the followi
What is the m
How of
n the Mathe
of thirty Mat
ment, you s
zing a new P
clouds you
of focus for
ause Ana
m conducts
should be o
e the Fishbo
tion – but o
able solutio
may only ad
eral root cau
See the Ro
and for cond
oject Team s
rksheet [An
have selecte
nt Guide
able to accom
m statement b
storm cloud
ng questions
magnitude of
ften is it hap
re is it happe
n does it hap
ematics Per
thematics Pe
hould now d
PIA for year
have ident
r the next ye
cause of th
root cause
observable a
one diagram
only after t
ns be deve
ddress the
uses. In cas
oot Cause A
ucting root c
should revisi
nnex 5]. Co
ed a new are
mplish the follo
ased on your
ds, formulate
f the problem
iodical Test
eriodical Tes
determine th
r 2 or 3. For
ified and lo
he problems
analysis to
nd measura
the identifica
loped to he
ses like this,
Analysis Ov
cause analys
t and review
onduct root
ea of focus.
area of focus
e it into a pr
Process, y
st papers of
e root cause
r PIAs that
ok at what
s within any
uncover th
ble. Analyze
Why-why d
ation of the
elp address
and the pro
you have t
w the root ca
cause analy
oblem state
your focused
Grade 7 stu
e of this prob
span for mo
other areas
y process. T
he real sourc
e your area o
diagram, an
e real root
the focused
oblems will
to prioritize w
ound in Ann
ause they h
ysis again if
ment. This
d problem
udents had
ore than a
s were not
Thus, it is
ce of your
of focus by
d Problem
cause can
d problem.
which root
ex 8 for a
ad already
your team
After you
not just sh
y 3.7: Pre
have determ
how the diag
Results o
relevant q
The flowc
Area of fo
Your team
Your team
esent Ro
mined the ro
gram of you
of your FGD
hart of the p
ocus (focused
ut check
m should be ab
F Diagrams
ut check
m should be ab
F Presentat
data, proc
oot Caus
oot cause, yo
r root cause
Ds and inte
particular sch
d problem st
ble to accomp
showing the
ble to accomp
ion (in Power
cess flowchart
e to SPT
our Project T
analysis bu
rviews with
hool process
plish the follow
root cause
plish the follow
rPoint or hard
t, and area of
Team should
t you should
the learne
s you observ
d copy) of th
d present it t
d also presen
ers and sta
ved, including
he root cause
to the SPT. Y
nt the follow
keholders (
g the storm
e, with the su
You should
(and other
1. To rev
2. To for
3. To dev
Step 4
Now that
have set a
are any)
to your ge
If you are
taking not
Step 5
The assig
cause. Se
more than
Keep in m
Output c
Your team sh
view the gen
rmulate solu
velop and w
4. Revie
you know t
at the begin
in the Plan
s are aligned
eneral object
e planning fo
te of the roo
5. Form
ned Project
everal soluti
n one root ca
mind five con
Should ad
Should be
Should be
Should be
Should ha
Your team
hould be able
F List of po
: PL
neral objectiv
rite the proj
ew Gene
the root cau
ning. Encod
ning Works
d with your
tives so you
or your year
ot cause that
ulate S
Team/s for
ons can be
ause, severa
ddress the ro
e within the c
e economical
e sustainable
ave the supp
ut check
m should be ab
F Root Cau
to accomplish
ossible solutio
ves and targ
ect designs,
eral Obj
use for each
e the root c
ksheet found
root cause,
will never lo
r 2 or year 3
t was review
the identifie
al solutions c
in formulatin
oot cause/s
control of th
port of the co
ble to accomp
se column in
h the following
, SIP, and AI
h area of foc
ause and th
d in Annex
this step hig
ose sight of
3 AIP, revisi
wed by the Pr
ed PIAs will
for a single
can be formu
ng solutions
he school
oncerned sta
plish the follow
the Planning W
s and T
cus, review
e changes in
5. Aside fro
ghlights the
your targets
t the object
roject Team
then brains
e root cause
ulated for ea
Worksheet [A
the initial g
n your gene
om making
tives in the P
storm solutio
e. If the Pro
ach one of th
process owne
Annex 5]
general obje
ral objective
sure that th
e of always g
Planning W
ons based o
oject Team
hese as well.
ectives you
es (if there
he general
going back
on the root
Step 6
Your Proje
Project W
To help yo
• Pr
• Pr
• Ac
• O
For PIAs t
PIA is on
of indepen
How long
can celeb
there are
this into s
Each proj
end of the
set the da
and Budg
After prep
to write th
Your con
sure it is
Your team
6. Devel
ect Team wi
Work Plan a
ou in filling u
roblem Sta
ctivity 3.5:
e.g. During th
ems that were
roject Obje
e.g. To reduce
udents by 100
Reminder: Ob
ound. Targets
ctivities: Th
e.g. meet with
utput: The
e.g. teacher at
that span fo
literacy, you
ndent reader
a project w
t to make th
rate (if thes
major proje
smaller, mor
ect will have
e implement
ates when th
get Matrix.
paring the Pr
he SIP and A
for Scho
ntribution in p
ance Managem
nding Key Re
aligned with
t check
should be abl
F Project W
lop proj
ill now deve
and Budget
up this temp
atement: T
Select Are
e first quarte
e erroneously
ective State
e the inciden
bjective state
to be set sho
he activities
h teachers to d
concrete, ta
ttendance dur
or more than
ur project ob
rs by 5%’ th
will take can
he projects
se are succe
ects that wou
re manageab
e to be mon
ation period
he SPT will m
roject Work
ool Heads
planning and
ment System
sult Areas in
the objectives
le to accompli
Work Plan and
ject des
lop project d
t Matrix. On
plate, remem
The selected
a of Focus)
r, 10 out of 3
ement: Wha
nce of erroneo
ments should
ould be discuss
you need to
discuss the ne
ngible produ
ring discussion
n a year, set
bjective stat
hen you can
vary depend
essful) or im
uld need a lo
ble projects.
nitored at lea
(longer pro
monitor you
k Plan and
s, teache
m (RPMS). Yo
your Individu
s and targets
ish the followi
d Budget Matr
designs for y
ne project de
mber the follo
d area of fo
30 Mathemati
t you want t
ously checked
d be SMART
sed and agree
o do to imple
ew process of
ucts that res
n of the new p
t incrementa
tement on y
increase you
ding on the
e to provide
mprove (if th
ong time to i
ast twice by
ojects will be
r project. In
Budget Ma
ers, and
g the SIP an
ou can write
al Performanc
of the project
your solutio
esign should
owing definit
ocus phrase
cal Periodical
to achieve a
d Mathematic
– specific, m
ed upon by th
ement your s
checking Peri
sults from un
process on che
al targets fo
your first yea
ur targets fo
timelines se
the team w
ese do not
mplement, t
y the SPT –
monitored m
nclude these
atrix, submit
nd AIP should
e these as P
ce Commitme
ts in the SIP a
ns, using th
contain only
ed as a pro
Test papers
nd by how m
cal Periodical
measurable, at
e SPT based o
odical Test pa
ndertaking a
ecking Periodi
r each year.
ar can be ‘to
or year 2 and
et for each i
with immedia
meet the ta
the Project T
during the m
more than tw
dates in th
t this to the
d be included
ent and Review
and AIP.
e format in
y one solutio
oblem (the
of Grade 7 st
Test papers
ttainable, rea
on the school
n activity
ical Test pape
. If, for exam
o increase th
d year 3.
dentified PIA
ate results w
arget). In ca
Team should
middle and
wice). You w
e Project W
SPT so they
in the Resu
Objectives u
w Form (IPCR
Annex 9:
output of
tudents had
of Grade 7
listic, time-
mple, your
he number
A. But it is
which they
ases where
d subdivide
during the
will have to
Work Plan
y can use it
nder the
RF). Make
Step 7
Write the
All the SP
(SDO). Yo
Step 8
From the
7: Write
SIP docume
PT members
ou only need
8. Prepa
general obj
ntation, you
e found in A
Your team
e the Sc
ent using the
shall sign t
d to submit t
are the
ectives set i
just have
nnex 10 sh
ut check
m should be a
F SIP with
Prepared b
chool Im
e structure b
the SIP then
this at the be
in the SIP, t
to make th
ould be able
ble to accomp
signatures of
DepEd Visio
School’s Cur
(a narrative
Template [A
[p. 23-24])
Planning Wo
Monitoring a
(include a b
Evaluation a
the SIP. Ref
SIP guide)
y the School-Co
PT Member Nam
n the school
eginning of t
the SPT sha
e AIP for y
e to help you
plish the follow
f SPT member
ame of School)
___ to SY ___
n, Mission, and
rrent Situation
based on the S
Annex 1A] and t
and Evaluation
rief description
arrangements in
fer to the Check
ommunity Plann
he following:
me S
___ __
___ __
___ __
ment Pla
shall submi
the three-ye
ll prepare th
year 1. The
u craft your A
Core Values St
the School Repo
of the Monitorin
n the implement
k Progress part o
ning Team comp
it it to the S
ar SIP cycle
on Plan
he AIP. If th
Annual Im
nity Data
ort Card
ng and
tation of
of this
posed of
Schools Divi
his is your fi
sion Office
rst year of
tion Plan
Please attach a copy of the project designs to the AIP so you can easily go back to it when you review
the implementation of your AIP for years 2 and 3.
Output check
Your team should be able to accomplish the following:
F AIP Template
Notice that your AIP for years 1 to 3 are based on the general objectives and targets set in the SIP, while the
SIP is aligned to the objectives and targets of the Division goals, which in turn tries to actualize the DepEd
Vision-Mission. Check this alignment before you proceed to the next steps.
Because e
case, you
1. To test
2. To roll
Step 9
Before yo
to reduce
can choos
the identif
If success
process, t
they are
project pe
For solutio
may comm
that your
Your team
each school w
which you ca
u may skip thi
and review
out the solu
9. Test
u implement
the risk of
se, for exam
fied solution
your data b
ntation proce
sful, commu
For example
the concerne
the ones w
ce, and sup
nting the sol
eriod is done
ons that add
municate the
LAC action p
ut check
m should be ab
F Data f
F Comm
will have differ
annot test esp
s step.
: AC
the propose
the Sol
t the solutio
failure and
ple, a sectio
s and then c
before and a
ess to see wh
nicate the in
e, if the pro
ed stakehold
who check
pport of the
ution. This e
dress proble
e improved
plans are ali
ble to accompl
from testing t
munication pla
rent needs an
pecially if you
ed solutions
ons (written
so you can
on out of an
choose the m
after testing
here improve
nitial implem
oject team m
ders or proce
the attenda
e concerned
ensures tha
ems or issue
process thro
gned to you
lish the follow
he solutions
n to concerne
d problems, it
r project dea
as projects)
make neces
entire grade
most effectiv
g the solutio
ements shou
mentation re
made improv
ess owners
ance of stud
d stakehold
t solutions w
es in the tea
ough the sch
r implement
ed stakeholder
t follows that
ls with faciliti
in your AIP
ssary adjustm
e level). You
ve one to rol
on. If the so
uld be done.
esults to the
vements to
would be th
dents. It is
ers so they
will continue
ching and le
hool’s Learni
tation plans
rs (process ow
solutions will
es and infrast
, test it first
ments in the
ur Project Te
l out.
olution is no
e concerned
the Grade 6
he Grade 6 c
y can beco
e to be carri
earning proc
ng Action Ce
as well.
vary. There a
tructure. If th
t on a small
e implement
am may opt
t effective,
6 attendance
class adviser
to get the
ome fully e
ied out even
cess, the pro
ells (LACs).
are some
his is the
tation (you
t to test all
revisit the
rs (process
e checking
rs because
ngaged in
n after the
oject team
Make sure
For sma
Step 1
After succ
not by th
In our pre
who went
they are
Project Te
Do not fo
you feedb
Your tea
ll schools, the
10. Roll
cessful testin
e Project Te
d stakeholde
evious exam
t through th
the best pe
eam, howev
You may p
ntation of the
orget to crea
back and to w
ut check
am should be
F Trai
F Plan
e Project Team
out the
ng, the proje
eam, but by
ers are the o
mple of impr
e pilot test
eople to sha
ver, will con
provide trai
e solution.
ate a venue
work with th
able to accom
ning plan and
n to gather fee
m may also be
e Soluti
ect can now
y the concer
nes who will
roving the a
are the conc
are the proc
ntinue to gu
ning and o
for the con
hem so the p
mplish the follo
d other interve
edback from c
e the process o
be impleme
rned stakeho
l actually us
attendance c
cerned stake
cess to class
uide the con
other interv
cerned stak
process will c
entions to roll
concerned sta
ented and ro
olders (proc
e the solutio
checking pro
eholders. Ex
s advisers i
ncerned stak
ventions to
keholders (pr
out your solu
olled out to t
cess owners)
ocess, the G
xperiencing t
n other gra
keholders as
aid the pr
rocess owne
the rest of t
). This is be
Grade 6 clas
the improve
de levels. Y
s they imple
rocess owne
ers) to const
the school,
ecause the
ss advisers
ed process,
You as the
ement the
ers in the
tantly give
At the en
Step 1
progress a
monitor m
this, the
early stag
To help in
using the
Name of
Project O
The progr
the stake
from proj
only once
The Proje
your proje
now adjus
Team ass
PIAs to be
The cycle
After year
conduct a
Your team
k to A
d of ACT fo
of progress
n system ta
ntation is pro
11. Che
g on the tim
at the middl
more than tw
SPT should
ge of the pro
nform the SP
e suggested
d Dates of M
Objectives an
ress reports
holders dur
ect and ann
y of Inform
ect Monitor
ects in scho
st, modify,
signed may
e tackled in t
for the next
r 3, the SPT
visit to you
ut check
m should be ab
F Projec
F Updat
r both SIP a
s will be us
akes note
operly review
ck Prog
melines set
e and end o
wice. Indicat
guide and
ject implem
PT of the sta
d template
ction Points b
Date of
shall be con
ing midyear
nual progres
mation foun
ring Report
ol. Based on
and write t
begin by co
the next AIP
t AIP begins
T can now p
r school to d
To be filled
ble to accomp
ct Monitoring
ted SRC based
and AIP, the
ed as input
of the perf
wed for conti
gress of
by the Proj
f the implem
e the schedu
help the Pro
atus of their
below. Bo
based on the
roject Mon
Status to
nsolidated to
r and yeare
s reports an
d in Annex
t is submitte
n the recom
he AIP for t
ollecting, org
with Step 2
prepare the
do a summat
by Project T
plish the follow
Report Form
d on results a
e cycle goes
t in succeed
formance in
inuous impro
ect Team in
mentation pe
uled dates o
oject Teams
r projects, th
oth the SPT
e results of t
itoring Rep
o serve as in
nd. Update
nd other rele
11, the pe
ed to the SD
the following
ganizing, an
2: Identify/
SIP for the
tive evaluati
nd reports
back to AS
ding plannin
ndicators se
n their proje
eriod. For lon
on the Proje
s in resolvin
he Project Te
T and the
the monitorin
port Form
ear-end: ___
nputs to the
the previou
evant data s
riod of repo
DO to help th
/action point
g year. In s
d analyzing
/Review PIA
e next cycle
ion of your S
SSESS where
ng. The sch
et for each
ect designs,
nger project
ect Monitor
ng problems
eam will sub
Project Te
ng done by t
Action Po
SRC, which
usly reported
sources. As
rting of som
hem in moni
ts, the Proje
starting the
the require
. During thi
To be discu
by SPT and
Project Tea
e data collec
hool’s monit
PIA to en
the SPT w
s, the SPT w
ring Form. A
especially d
bmit a progr
eam will di
the SPT.
h shall be pr
d SRC using
s indicated i
me informatio
itoring the p
ect Team an
next AIP, t
ed school da
s time, you
cted in the
toring and
nsure that
ill monitor
will have to
Aside from
during the
ress report
scuss the
nature of
T and
ject Team
esented to
g the data
n the SRC
on is done
progress of
nd SPT can
the Project
ata for the
r SDO will
and partic
& Patrino
context, a
One of th
the Scho
is for com
The objec
and activi
areas that
should be
What are
quality, a
is reporte
To help yo
in the Sch
the templ
Other dat
from your
The list of
for these
those indi
to share t
1. En
2. He
3. Le
4. Te
5. Fu
6. Sc
7. Nu
8. Pe
9. Na
10. Li
11. Sc
9 Bruns, B.,
World Bank
der participa
cipation of m
s, 20119
and performa
e tools to d
bility (it is no
ctive of the S
ties by prov
t need their
done at lea
e the data i
has three p
nd governan
d to provide
ou in making
late so you
nds to the ite
ta and inform
r Project Te
Club, and S
f information
icated in the
to your stake
ealth and nu
earners mate
eachers’ prof
unding sourc
chool awards
umber and r
ercentage of
ational Achie
teracy level
, Filmer, D., &
k Publications
tion is one
multiple stak
Hence, it
ance of our s
o this is the
unity Data
ot used for t
and advocac
SRC is to inc
viding your s
r involvemen
st twice in a
ncluded in
parts: 1) sch
nce; and 3)
e the stakeh
g your SRC,
munity Data
will know w
em found in
mation can
ams and ot
Student Gove
n covered by
n, please re
ese guideline
utritional sta
fessional dev
s and recogn
rate of dropo
f learners wh
evement Tes
& Patrinos, H.A
ting t
of the impo
keholders con
is important
e School Rep
the Performa
crease comm
nt. It is reco
a school year
the SRC?
hool profile;
status of sc
holders a sna
you should
a Template
which data s
the SRC Su
be gathered
her stakeho
y the SRC is
fer to Anne
es may be in
outs by caus
ho completed
st (NAT) – by
nt Assessme
A. (2011). Ma
to St
ortant featur
ntribute to b
t to advoca
port Card (S
[Annex 1
munity partic
a snapshot
ommended t
r: during mid
2) performa
chool project
apshot of th
note that m
e [Annex 1A
sets you can
mmary of I
d from the E
olders like th
s shown belo
exes 11, 1
ncluded acco
d the Schoo
y Mean Perc
ent Level
aking Schools
res of SBM.
better mana
te and com
SRC). The S
1A] to help
Bonus) – we
cipation and
of the statu
that the rep
dyear and ye
ance indicat
ts. A mix of
e school situ
majority of th
A]. We have
n use for th
EBEIS, form
he LACs, Pa
ow. For a c
2A, and 12
ording to wh
l Year (Prom
centage Scor
Work: New Ev
Studies con
gement of s
mmunicate to
SRC is not fo
p you plan
e have the R
s of the sch
orting of the
tors measuri
f quantitativ
uation, conte
he SRC data
e included co
he SRC. In t
n in Annex
s, and proje
complete des
2B. Other in
at your scho
motion Rate)
re (MPS)
vidence on Ac
nfirm that in
schools (Brun
o them the
or planning
; it is als
RPMS for this
nt in school
ool and advo
e SRC to sta
ing aspects
ve and qualit
ext, and per
are already
odes (ex. [S
the code, th
ect monitori
ers Associat
scription and
nformation a
ool thinks is
ccountability R
ns, Filmer,
– we have
o not for
s. The SRC
ocating for
of access,
tative data
y contained
SRC.1.]) in
he number
ng reports
tion (PTA),
d template
aside from
Output check
Your team should be able to accomplish the following:
If you want to include other information which you think are necessary, please make sure that it falls on the
appropriate SRC section:
• Profiles – information that describes your school (e.g. enrollment – just describes how many
learners you have)
• Performance Indicators – reports your school performance in terms of access, quality, and
governance (e.g. promotion rate – tells you the percentage of learners who successfully completed
the school year, which is a good indicator of school quality)
• Status of School Projects – captures the progress of implementation of various school projects
(e.g. AIP project on raising the literacy rate of the learners)
12. Child-Friendly School Survey result
13. Stakeholders’ participation
14. Learner-Teacher ratio
15. Learner-Classroom ratio
16. Learner-Toilet ratio
17. Learner-Seat ratio
18. Status of Annual Improvement Plan (AIP)/Continuous Improvement (CI) projects
19. Other stakeholders’ accomplishments
To check how child-friendly your school is, we have included a copy of the Child-Friendly School
Survey in Annex 2A. This is included in the SRC under ‘Performance Indicators: Governance’ and
should be accomplished during the preparatory phase of the SIP process.
What are the steps in preparing the SRC?
The development of the SRC has three steps:
It is important that the SRC be disseminated to stakeholders. The dissemination of SRC could be
done through the following:
• Presentation to stakeholders during School Meetings and Assemblies (October and March).
• Posting of SRC in school or Division websites, bulletin boards, and in other public areas.
• Allocating space in the School Journal or Newsletter for SRC Updates.
• Reproduction of enough copies for distribution to the general public.
Using the SRC Summary of Information as reference, the SPT extracts
the data from the School Community Planning Template, Child-
Friendly School Survey, EBEIS, and reports from the Project Teams
and other stakeholders.
The SPT analyzes the data and writes the interpretation below the graph
or chart using the language most easily understood by stakeholders. The
mother-tongue may be used.
Lay out the graphs, charts, and interpretation using the suggested SRC
Template. You have the option to create an SRC with a basic layout
(Annex 12A) or a more advanced one (Annex 12B) depending on your
resources and skills. Once the SRC is finalized, the School Head, PTA
President, Student Body President, and Teacher Representative will sign
the SRC to certify its accuracy.
School ID: ____________________________________ Name of School: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Barangay: ___________________________________________
A.1 Location of the School. Check the appropriate description.
A.2 Relative Distance of the School
A.3 Incidence of crimes and other human‐induced hazards
A 3 1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years
Instruction: Please input required data/information in unshaded cells. Fill‐in only the grade levels that are applicable to your school. This template
aims to organize existing school and community data from different sources. If you find it useful to lift data from other templates and transfer it here,
you may do so. Otherwise, you can just attach the other data templates to this form.
f. From the District Office
g. From the Division Office
District: _____________________________________ Municipality: ________________________________________
Division: ____________________________________ Region: ____________________________________________
Mode of Transportation
Distance in km
a. From the poblacion
b. From the nearest public elementary school
c. From the nearest private elementary school
d. From the nearest public secondary school
e. From the nearest private secondary school
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
Along the highway
Near the coastline
Near a river or waterway
By the hillside
On top of a mountain
A.3.1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years.
A.3.2 What are the 3 most frequent crimes/human‐induced hazards?
1st most frequent: _________________________________
2nd most frequent: _________________________________
3rd most frequent: _________________________________
A.4 Incidence of natural hazards
A.4.1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years.
A.4.2 What are the 3 most frequent natural hazards?
Armed conflict as a result of organized crime (terrorism, siege, etc.)
Crime against school head/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.)
Crime against school property (theft, robbery, arson)
Crime against student/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.)
Crime against teacher/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.)
Fire (Electrical wiring failure, etc.)
Health Threat (i.e. Dengue, Malaria, Measles, food poisoning, disease outbreak)
Oil Spill
Security threat as a result of civilian violence (bomb threats, kidnapping threats, hostage taking, shooting, etc.)
Structural collapse (as a result of engineering failures)
Others. Pls. Specify: ______________
Storm surge
Tropical Cyclones (Storm, Typhoon, Tropical Depression, etc.)
Oil Spill
Volcanic eruption
Others. Pls. specify: ______________
Fire (includes forest fires and fires due to natural disasters)
School ID: ____________________________________ Name of School: ______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ Barangay: ___________________________________________
A.1 Location of the School. Check the appropriate description.
A.2 Relative Distance of the School
A.3 Incidence of crimes and other human‐induced hazards
A.3.1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years.
Instruction: Please input required data/information in unshaded cells. Fill‐in only the grade levels that are applicable to your school. This template
aims to organize existing school and community data from different sources. If you find it useful to lift data from other templates and transfer it here,
you may do so. Otherwise, you can just attach the other data templates to this form.
f. From the District Office
g. From the Division Office
District: _____________________________________ Municipality: ________________________________________
Division: ____________________________________ Region: ____________________________________________
Mode of Transportation
Distance in km
a. From the poblacion
b. From the nearest public elementary school
c. From the nearest private elementary school
d. From the nearest public secondary school
e. From the nearest private secondary school
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
Along the highway
Near the coastline
Near a river or waterway
By the hillside
On top of a mountain
Armed conflict as a result of organized crime (terrorism, siege, etc.)
A.3.2 What are the 3 most frequent crimes/human‐induced hazards?
1st most frequent: _________________________________
2nd most frequent: _________________________________
3rd most frequent: _________________________________
A.4 Incidence of natural hazards
A.4.1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years.
Crime against school head/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.)
Crime against school property (theft, robbery, arson)
Crime against student/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.)
Crime against teacher/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.)
Fire (Electrical wiring failure, etc.)
Health Threat (i.e. Dengue, Malaria, Measles, food poisoning, disease outbreak)
Oil Spill
Security threat as a result of civilian violence (bomb threats, kidnapping threats, hostage taking, shooting, etc.)
Structural collapse (as a result of engineering failures)
Others. Pls. Specify: ______________
Storm surge
Tropical Cyclones (Storm, Typhoon, Tropical Depression, etc.)
Oil Spill
Volcanic eruption
Others. Pls. specify: ______________
Fire (includes forest fires and fires due to natural disasters)
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
A.4.2 What are the 3 most frequent natural hazards?
1st most frequent: _________________________________
2nd most frequent: _________________________________
3rd most frequent: _________________________________
A.5 Result of disaster incidents
B.1 Classrooms and seats
B.1.1 Classroom quantity [SRC.15.]
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Learner:classroom ratio = Total enrollment divided by the total number of classrooms
Total Enrollment,
Current SY For Repair/
No. of Classrooms
Learner:classroom ratio 1
In Good Condition
School used as an evacuation center in the last 3 years
B.1.2 Classroom seat quantity [SRC.17.] Indicate the total number of seats in all classrooms.
Learner:seat ratio = Total enrollment divided by the total number of seats
B.2 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities
B.2.1 Water supply/source. Check as appropriate.
Is the main source of water functional at present?
Pls. cite reasons why: ______________________________________________
B.2.2 Handwashing. Is there space for handwashing?
B.2.3 Functional toilets [SRC.16.] B.2.4 Toilet bowls
Number Ratio 3
Number Ratio 3
Number Ratio 4
Number Ratio 4
Learner:toilet ratio = Total enrollment divided by number of toilets
Learner:toilet bowl ratio = Total enrollment divided by number of toilet bowls
Male Female Female
Learner:seat ratio
Local piped water
Water well/deep well
Rainwater catchments
Natural source
Without available water supply
with soap without soap
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
B.3 Textbooks. Indicate number of textbooks per grade level and subject [SRC.3.]
Number Ratio Number Ratio Number Ratio Number Ratio Number Ratio
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
B.4 Library:
No. of books: _________
No. of tables: _________
No. of chairs: _________
Give additional information and qualitative descriptions of the library (on the lighting, space, other fixtures present, etc.)
B.5 Other learning facilities/materials (Example: computers, science equipment. Insert new rows if necessary.)
Subject: ___________ Subject: ___________ Subject: ___________ Subject: ___________
Qualitative description/condition
Subject: ___________
B.6 Availability of electrical supply. What is the school's source of electricity?
B.7 Internet connectivity
B.7.1 Are there Internet service providers in the area?
If YES, check the appropriate Internet service provider/s servicing the area:
B.7.2 Does the school subscribe to any of the Internet service provider/s listed above?
B.7.3 Are there Internet café/shops/WiFi‐enabled stations in the area?
Pls. specify: __________________________________________
Grid supply
Off-grid supply
Solar power
Others. Pls. specify: ___________
No source of electricity
WIT Global (Satellite)
Others. Pls. specify: _____________
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
C.1 Number of teachers [SRC.14.]
C.1.1 Number of nationally‐funded teachers (current SY)
Male Female TOTAL
Learner:teacher ratio = Total enrollment divided by number of nationally‐funded teachers
C.1.2 Number of locally‐funded teachers and subsidized/volunteer teachers (current SY):
No. of Locally‐funded Teachers: _________
No. of Subsidized/ Volunteer Teachers: _________
C.2 Quality of teachers
C.2.1 Number of master teachers
C.2.2 Number of teachers meeting the desired competencies based on NCBTS
C 2 3 Projects/interventions implemented to improve basic competencies of teachers
Assigned Part‐Time to
Class Teaching
No. of Teachers meeting the standards
Carries Full‐Time Class
Teaching Load
% meeting the standards
Total No. of Teachers
Master Teacher II
Master Teacher I
Learner:teacher ratio 5
Assigned Full‐Time to
Ancillary Services
Master Teacher IV
Master Teacher III
Current SY:
SY Before Previous SY:
Previous SY:
C.2.3 Projects/interventions implemented to improve basic competencies of teachers
C.2.4 If the response to C.2.3.b is YES, list down the top 3 training needs mentioned and indicate the number of teachers
trained on these [SRC.4.]
If YES, please describe
a. Does the school have mechanisms for sustained
school‐based training?
b. Does the school use the result of the NCBTS‐
Teacher's Strength and Needs Assessment as basis
for planning?
% of
No. of
% of
No. of
SY Before Previous SY:
Top 1: _______________________________
Top 2: _______________________________
Top 3: _______________________________
No. of
% of
Training Needs
c. Are there other interventions implemented to
improve competencies of teachers?
Current SY:
Previous SY:
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
C.2.5 If teachers weren't trained based on identified needs (as seen in C.2.4), cite reasons for the lack of training.
D.1 Nutritional status [SRC.2.]
D.1.1 Number of malnourished children for the current SY
Total Male Female Total Male Female
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Percent of Total
D.1.2 Projects/interventions implemented in the previous SY addressing malnourished children (insert new rows if necessary)
Wasted Severely Wasted
Project/intervention Number of Children Covered
D.2 Health status [SRC.2.]
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Types of Ailments (Current SY)
D.2.1 Number of children who have other health problems for the current SY. Indicate common ailments and corresponding number
of children per type of ailment based on results of physical and dental examinations. Insert new columns if necessary.
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
D.3 Children reported as victims of abuse and violence
Total Male Female Total Male Female
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
D.3.2 Projects/interventions implemented for children that were victims or suspected victims of abuse
D.3.1 Number of children who were recorded victims of abuse and violence (physical, verbal, and sexual). Should be supported by
data from the Guidance Office/teachers.
Previous SY ___ Current SY ___
YES NO If YES, please describe the mechanisms
Number of Children
Percent of Total
Project/intervention Number of Children Covered
D.2.2 Projects/interventions implemented in the previous SY addressing needs of children with other health problems (insert new
rows if necessary)
Start End
a. Does the school have
mechanisms to promote
safe and protective
practices based on DepED's
Policy on Child Protection
in School?
b. Other interventions
implemented for children
that were victims or
suspected victims of abuse
(insert new rows if
These projects include those implemented by the school and other stakeholders. Insert new rows if necessary.
Indicate progress of the program/ project, and its
effect/impact on children's access to quality education.
Program/Project Title
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
Indicate the amount of contributions made by parents/guardians and other stakeholders for co‐curricular activities, extra‐curricular
activities, and other major activities (such as meetings and assemblies), as well as stakeholder attendance during these activities.
Cash In Kind
No. of
No. invited
Co‐Curricular Activities
Extra‐curricular Activities
Other Major Activities
General Appropriations Act (School MOOE)
G l A i ti A t (S b id f S i l P )
Fund Source
General Appropriations Act (Subsidy for Special Programs)
Canteen funds
Local Government Unit funds
1.1 Population of children in the barangay where school is located (current SY)
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1.2 Reasons for not attending school in the current SY 6
Health and
Child Labor
Distance of
School from
Affected by
Affected by
Percent of Total
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
Total Population No. of children NOT in School % of children NOT in School
School Project Teams are encouraged to conduct interviews or focus group discussions with parents/guardians/community members to probe
deeper on reasons cited
No. of school‐
aged children
not in school
No. of children NOT in school according to reasons
Instruction: Please input required data/information in unshaded cells. Fill‐in only the age groups/grade levels that are applicable to your
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
1.3 Number of children in the barangay NOT in school the last two SYs, depending on data availability
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
1.4 Projects/interventions implemented to ensure that out‐of‐school children are reached or mainstreamed in school
2.1 Enrollment for the last 3 SYs
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Percent of Total
SY Before Previous SY: _____ Previous SY: _____ Current SY: _____
b. Did the school use interventions in the previous SYs to
ensure that out‐of‐school children have access to education?
a. Does the school‐community have a mechanism to actively
seek out children not in school and give them access to
education (e.g., family mapping, Community‐Based
Management System, etc)?
If YES, please describe the mechanism/
intervention used by the school‐community
No. of Out‐of‐school Children
Attending Other Forms of Learning in
Previous SY
SY Before Previous SY ______ Previous SY ______
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Percent of Total
2.3 Other data
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
2.2 Number of children with disabilities by type of disability (insert new columns if necessary)
No. of
Type of Disability (Current SY)
No. of 4Ps Learner‐
No. of Over‐aged
No. of IP Learners No. of Muslim Learners
Instruction: Please input required data/information in unshaded cells. Fill‐in only the grade levels that are applicable to your school.
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Percent of Total
3.2 Percentage of children regularly attending classes (at least 90% attendance) for the last three SYs
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
SY Before Previous SY: _____ Previous SY: _____ Current SY: _____
3.1 Number of children regularly attending classes (at least 90% attendance) for the last three SYs
Previous SY ___
SY Before Previous SY ___ Current SY ___
no. of children regularly attending classes divided by the total enrollment x 100
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
Total Male Female Male Female
Health and
Child Labor
Distance of
School from
Affected by
Affected by
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
3.5 Projects/interventions implemented to address needs of children who are frequently absent (insert new rows if necessary)
Percent of Total
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Number of children who are frequently absent according to reasons
(Previous SY)
Total No. of
Children who
were Frequently
Absent in
Previous SY
Number of Children Covered
3.3 In the previous SY, how many children were frequently absent (below 90% attendance) and how many of them were recipients of the Conditional Cash Transfer Program
(Pantawid Pamilya) of DSWD?
Total Enrollment
in Previous SY
Number of children who were frequently absent
Grade 1
Grade 2
3.4 What were the reasons why children were frequently absent in the previous SY? Please indicate number of children who are frequently absent according to reasons.
Number of frequently absent students that were recipients of Pantawid
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
School Project Teams are encouraged to conduct interviews or focus group discussions with parents/guardians/community members to probe deeper on reasons cited
Other Reasons
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
4.1 Number of dropouts for the last three SYs
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
4.2 Dropout rates for the last three SYs
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
4.3 Number of dropouts by cause (insert new columns if necessary)
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Total No. of
Dropouts (Current
Number of Dropouts by Cause (Current SY)
Percent of Total
SY Before Previous SY: _____ Previous SY: _____ Current SY: _____
SY Before Previous SY: _____ Previous SY: _____ Current SY: _____
ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template
4.4 Projects/interventions implemented for children at risk of dropping out
‐ track teachers' attendance and ways of ensuring their regular presence
based on CSC policy?
4.4.b What are the interventions implemented for children at risk of dropping out? Insert new rows if necessary. Number of Children Covered
If YES, please describe the mechanisms used by the school
‐ track attendance and identify children at risk of dropping out and
failing and design remedies to keep them in school?
‐ anticipate and minimize disruptions of classes especially with respect to
emergencies (disaster and conflict)?
4.4.a Does the school have mechanisms to:
Instruction: Please input required data/information in unshaded cells. Fill-in only the grade levels that are applicable to your school.
5.1 Number of promoted learners/graduates by grade level, for the last three SYs
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
5.2 Promotion/graduation rates for the last three SYs 9
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
6. MEAN PERCENTAGE SCORES (based on National Achievement Tests) [SRC.9.]
English Filipino Math Science HEKASI
English Filipino Math Science HEKASI
English Filipino Math Science HEKASI
Current SY: ____
Grade 8
Grade 3
Grade 6
Previous SY: ____
Grade 3
Grade 10
Previous SY: _____
Previous SY: _____
SY Before Previous SY: ____
ANNEX 1A School-Community Data Template
Promotion rate: no. of promoted learners divided by the total enrollment x 100;
Graduation rate: no. of graduates divided by the total enrollment x 100
Current SY: _____
Grade 10
Grade 10
SY Before Previous SY: _____
Grade 6
Grade 6
Grade 3
SY Before Previous SY: _____ Current SY: _____
Grade 8
6.1 Mean Percentage Scores of NAT Grade 3 and 6 (or Grade 8 and Grade 10 for the Secondary Level), per subject for the last three SYs
Grade 8
ANNEX 1A School-Community Data Template
6.2 Projects/interventions implemented to improve basic competencies of learners (insert new rows if necessary)
7.1 Number of learners who are in the frustration, instructional, and independent levels for the current SY (ENGLISH) 10
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Based on Phil-IRI pre-test results
7.2 Number of learners who are in the frustration, instructional, and independent levels for the current SY (FILIPINO) 10
Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Grade 9
Grade 10
Grade 11
Grade 12
7.3 Projects/interventions implemented to improve reading skills of children (insert new rows if necessary)
Frustration Level Instructional Level
Independent Level
Pre-Test Results
Instructional Level
Post-Test Results
Pre-Test Results
Frustration Level
Independent Level
Post-Test Results
ANNEX 1A School-Community Data Template
List down the awards/recognitions received by the school, the school head, teachers, and students. Insert new rows if necessary.
District Division Regional National
Category of
Title Year
Award-giving Body (Please identify)
School Head
ANNEX 1B Child Mapping Tool
Barangay: ______________________________ Division: ______________________________
Municipality: ______________________________ Region: ______________________________
ASK: "Is the child a permanent resident?" (YES/NO) If YES, follow up "do the residents plan on moving out?"
TYPES OF DISABILITIES: (see DepED Order No. 2, s 2014 for detailed descriptions)
1- Visual Impairment 6- Serious emotional disturbance
2- Hearing Impairment 7- Autism
3- Intellectual Disability 8- Orthopedic impairment
4- Learning Disability 9- Special health problems
5- Speech/language impairment 10- Multiple disabilities
CK- Completed Kindergarten C7- Completed Grade 7 SK- Some Kindergarten S7- Some Grade 7
C1- Completed Grade 1 C8- Completed Grade 8 S1- Some Grade 1 S8- Some Grade 8
C2- Completed Grade 2 C9- Completed Grade 9 S2- Some Grade 2 S9- Some Grade 9
C3- Completed Grade 3 C10- Completed Grade 10 S3- Some Grade 3 S10- Some Grade 10
C4- Completed Grade 4 C11- Completed Grade 11 S4- Some Grade 4 S11- Some Grade 11
C5- Completed Grade 5 C12- Completed Grade 12 S5- Some Grade 5 S12- Some Grade 12
C6- Completed Grade 6 S6- Some Grade 6
Before you go around your community to conduct your early registration activities, coordinate with the District or Division office and your barangay. If there are other schools in your barangay, coordinate with them as well.
Distribute this child mapping tool to your team of teachers and volunteers. They should fill this up as they move from house to house in the barangay. This will help you get important basic information on the status of 4-17 year old children in your community which you can use in school planning. You only need to
cover your barangay unless majority of your students come from nearby communities, in which case, you need to conduct child mapping in those barangays as well. If there are no schools in a barangay, the District or Division office will initiate the child mapping in that area (following DO. No. 1 s. 2015).
Child mapping should be done at least every 3 years (preferably at the start of the SIP cycle), assuming that there are no major changes in the population of your community. After events causing major population changes (e.g. disasters), child mapping should be conducted to account for the children in your
After mapping, consolidate the data. You can encode it in the School-Community Data Template for easy reference. Share the data with your District and Division offices, barangay, and with nearby schools and communities.
Planning to
study next
Number of
years in
Is residence
Date of birth
With Birth
Present address
If YES, specify the name of
prospective school
Last First Middle
If NO, state reason for not
planning to study next
school year
type of
If YES, specify name of
If NO, state reason for not
Has a
with ECCD
If YES, specify ECCD facility
If studying through ADM,
specify type of ADM

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  • 13. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GUIDEBOOK 2 Acknowledgement The Department of Education wishes to thank all DepEd Officials and personnel who gave their valuable feedback on this enhanced SIP Guidebook. Their comments made the enhanced SIP more responsive to schools and aligned to the thrusts of the Department. Also worth recognizing are the efforts of the previous SBM Technical Working Group under the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) who led the development of the 2009 SIP Manual and the Office of Planning Service (OPS) who worked on its initial enhancements in 2013, including all the schools that participated in field testing. Truly, the enhancements were made possible because of the hard work and dedication of these groups and individuals. This Department would also like to thank the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the Philippines for extending its expertise and resources during the development of this Guidebook and its initial roll out. Schools that implemented the Continuous Improvement (CI) Program also deserve special mention because their experiences of success provided the tools necessary to improve the school planning process. Finally credit should be extended to school heads, various education supervisors, teachers, parents, community stakeholders, local government units (LGUs), and the students themselves who are the real force in changing our nation through education.
  • 14. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GUIDEBOOK 3 Table of Contents Definition of Terms 2 Glossary of Acronyms 3 About this Guide 4 The SIP Process Flowchart 5 Introduction 6 What is a School Improvement Plan 6 The SIP Development and Implementation Process 6 PREPARATORY ACTIVITIES 8 Step 1. Prepare for SIP Development 8 1.1 Gather and organize the necessary data 1.2 Form the SPT 1.3 Convene the SPT for orientation, vision sharing, and scheduling 8 9 10 PHASE 1: ASSESS 14 Step 2. Identify/Review Priority Improvement Areas 14 2.1 Present and discuss the information gathered during the preparatory activities 2.2 Identify/Review the Priority Improvement Areas 14 15 Step 3. Analyze the Priority Improvement Areas 16 3.1 Set General Objectives 3.2 Organize the Project Teams 3.3 Listen to the voice of the learners and other stakeholders 3.4 Analyze the school process 3.5 Select Area of Focus 3.6 Do Root Cause Analysis 3.7 Present Root Cause to SPT 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 PHASE 2: PLAN 22 Step 4. Review General Objectives and Targets 22 Step 5. Formulate Solutions 22 Step 6. Develop Project Designs 23 Step 7. Write the School Improvement Plan 24 Step 8. Prepare the Annual Implementation Plan 24 PHASE 3: ACT 26 Step 9. Test the Solutions 26 Step 10. Roll out the Solutions 27 BACK TO ASSESS 28 Step 11. Check Progress of AIP 28 COMMUNICATING TO STAKEHOLDERS 29 Annexes Policy References 1A School-Community Data Template DepEd Child Protection Policy DO. No. 40 s. 2012 1B Child Mapping Tool SBM Assessment DO. No. 83 s. 2012 2A Child-Friendly School Survey Early Registration DO. No. 1 s. 2015 2B Child Protection Policy Implementation Checklist Results-Based Performance Management System DO. No. 2 s. 2015 2C Student-led School Watching and Hazard Mapping Student-Led School Watching and Hazard Mapping DO. No. 23 s. 2015 3 Gap Analysis Template 4 Identifying Priority Improvement Areas Figures 5 Planning Worksheet The SIP Process Flowchart p. 5 6 Guidelines in Listening to the Voice of the Learners and Other Stakeholders Summary of the SIP Cycle p. 7 7 Walk the Process Guidelines 8 Root Cause Analysis Overview 9 Project Work Plan and Budget Matrix 10 Annual Implementation Plan Template 11 SRC Summary of Information 12A Basic SRC Template 12B Advanced SRC Template
  • 15. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GUIDEBOOK Definition of Terms The following are the key concepts/terms found in this SIP Guide. In applying these concepts/terms, the user should bear in mind the following corresponding definitions: Child labor Employment of children in any work that (a) is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children, and (b) interferes with their schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school, obliging them to leave school prematurely, or requiring them to attempt to combine school attendance with excessively long and heavy work.1 Children Persons below 18 years old. In line with DO No. 40, s. 2012, the term also refers to those over 18 years old but unable to fully take care of themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty, exploitation, or discrimination because of a physical or mental disability or condition. Continuous Improvement (CI) Process A methodology to continually assess, analyze, and act on the performance improvement of key processes and service delivery, focusing on both stakeholder needs and the desired performance.2 Continuous Improvement (CI) Projects Projects that revolve around the continuous improvement of an identified school process and service delivery related to access, quality or governance, with the end view of improving learning outcomes. Community Barangay where the school is located. However, it may also be expanded to refer to the following: • Adjacent barangays where a significant number of children enrolled in the school come from • Municipality • City • Ancestral domain Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) The concept and practice of reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to analyze and reduce the causal factors of disasters. Reducing exposure to hazards, lessening vulnerability of people and property, wise management of land and the environment, and improving preparedness and early warning for adverse events are all examples of disaster risk reduction and management.3 Hazard map A map illustrating the areas at risk of natural disasters such as sediment-related disasters, floods, tsunamis, storm surges, and volcanic eruptions. Hazard maps produced by municipal governments usually contain the following information in addition to the areas at risk of disasters: sketches of evacuation routes and shelters, evaluation of disaster possibility and frequency, a warning and evacuation system, and disaster-related basic information.4 Learner An individual who attends classes in any level of the basic education system, under the supervision and tutelage of a teacher or facilitator. Priority Improvement Areas (PIA) Selected areas in school management, operations, and service delivery that need to be changed to improve the three key result areas in basic education: access, quality, and governance. A PIA is prioritized based on disparity with Division goals, strategic importance, urgency, magnitude, and feasibility. 1International Labour Organization. Note: For indigenous people, child-related activities that are part of their cultural and historical education-cum-learning are not considered as “child labor”. For example, supporting/joining on-farm agricultural activities and related activities within their ancestral domain are considered as life-long education and learning. For the indigenous peoples and their children, their “real classroom” is their ancestral domain, since they considered an education continuum not just confined to the formal four-wall corners of a classroom. 2 School Improvement Project Learning Guide 3 United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) 4 International Sabo Network
  • 16. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GUIDEBOOK 2 Process Owner/s The concerned stakeholder/s – a person or group of people responsible for ensuring the efficiency of the process, who has the ability to make changes in the process and is/are highly involved in the project.5 Project Team A school team that implements improvement projects, reports on project status, outputs and outcomes, and prepares and maintains project documentation and records.6 The members of the Project Team are drawn from the community, teachers, and learners with at least one member coming from the SPT. School- Community Planning Team (SPT) School Report Card (SRC) A team composed of internal and external stakeholders organized for the purpose of identifying school concerns and issues, and strategically coming up with appropriate interventions through a collaborative process. A report that provides stakeholders a snapshot of the school’s current condition and performance. It is a tool for advocating and communicating the school situation, context, and performance to internal and external stakeholders to involve them in making the school a better learning place for the learners. 5 Basic Continuous Improvement Trainer’s Guide 6 Continuous Improvement Policies and Procedures Guide
  • 17. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GUIDEBOOK 3 Glossary of Acronyms ADM Alternative Delivery Mode AIP Annual Implementation Plan ALIVE Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education ALS Alternative Learning System BC Barangay Council BDP Barangay Development Plan BDRRMC Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council CBMS Community-Based Monitoring System CCA Climate Change Adaptation CFSS Child-Friendly School Survey CI Continuous Improvement DEDP Division Educational Development Plan DepEd Department of Education DRRM Disaster Risk Reduction and Management EBEIS Enhanced Basic Education Information System FGD Focus Group Discussion IP Indigenous People LGU Local Government Unit MOOE Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses NAT National Achievement Test NCBTS National Competency-Based Teacher Standards NGO Non-Government Organization OSC Out-of-School Children PAP Programs, Activities, Projects PHIL-IRI Philippine Informal Reading Inventory PI Performance Indicator PIA Priority Improvement Area PTA Parents-Teachers Association RPMS Results-based Performance Management System SBM School-Based Management SGC School Governing Council SIP School Improvement Plan SPT School-Community Planning Team SRA Student-Led Risk Assessment SRC School Report Card SWM Solid Waste Management SY School Year WASH Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene
  • 18. SCHOOL IM This gui school s experts ensure t We hope will also and sta data you stakeho planning your sch come fro from pla In follow teams. W will be n For thos the tools We crea • A be • G w • A • A • A no Our grea also imp we shall Please d All the b The SIP PROVEMENT P de is mad stakeholde and expe that schoo e that by i o improve. keholders u have col lders. We g is just as hools and om your e anning you wing this g We imagin nourished se practici s used in t ted some process eginning o roup icon who is the t ll template ll notes ar n output ote of thei atest desi prove. If t do our be do not hes best in you P Team PLAN GUIDEBO A de with yo ers – in m erts from ol improve mproving . In this g and seco llected and encourag s importan learners efforts in ur activitie guide, you ne that by and comm ng the Co the CI pro features t flowchart of this guid s have be team in-ch es, worksh re highligh check is p ir delivera re is that here is on est to prov itate to let ur efforts t OOK About ou – our s mind. In c the field ment plan our plann guide we e ond, to ba d qualitati ge you no nt as the better. Th determini es well. will find t y building munity spir ontinuous cess are in to help you is made de (p.7) een placed harge: heets, and hted by pla placed at bles your scho ne thing th vide you w t us know toward con this G school hea rafting thi – princip nning beco ning and im encourage ase your ve data fr ot to rush plan. We herefore, ng the roo that the S these tea rit will be s Improvem ncorporate u follow th for your d under e d other gui acing it in the end o ools will im hat a scho with tools t how we c ntinuously Guide ads, teach is guide, w pals, supe omes easie mplementa e you to f plans on rom interv h to the s believe th we trust ot causes IP cannot ams, relat strengthen ment (CI) ed in this he steps a easy ref ach step ides are w boxes of each ac mprove so ool is mad to make th can make t y improvin ers, schoo we consul ervisors, a er and effe ation proc first, listen evidence views with solutions. hat you kn that the b of your o be done w tionships w ned. program, guide. nd activiti ference. It or activity written in b ctivity for that learn e for, it is his happen this guide g your sch ol staff, a lted with and teache ective for y esses, our n to your – on qua your learn As they now the co best solut own proble without wo within you you will f es: t is found y for you bold and it the team ning outco s for learn n for our le book bette hool! 4 nd other planning ers – to you. r schools learners antitative ners and say, the ontext of tions will ems and orking in ur school find that d at the to know talics m to take omes will ing. And earners. er.
  • 20. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GUIDEBOOK 6 The year-by-year plan for the Priority Improvement Areas (PIAs) is the Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). It contains the specific activities, outputs, required resources, schedule, and individual/s who will be accountable for the said PIA. You will find the timeline for the preparation of the SIP and AIP in the attached flowchart (p.7). Introduction What is a School Improvement Plan (SIP)? A School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a roadmap that lays down specific interventions that a school, with the help of the community and other stakeholders, undertakes within a period of three (3) consecutive school years. It aims to improve the three key result areas in basic education: access, quality, and governance. It is evidence-based, results-based, and child or learner-centered. The SIP is central in School-Based Management (SBM) and is prepared by the School-Community Planning Team (SPT). It is the basis for the school’s Annual Implementation Plan. The SIP Development and Implementation Process MANDATE In accordance to the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 (Republic Act 9155)7 , the Department of Education (DepEd) promotes shared governance through SBM. Under this mandate, school heads are tasked to develop the SIP. GUIDING PRINCIPLES The development and implementation of the SIP shall be guided by the following principles: 1. The SIP shall be anchored on the DepEd vision, mission, core values, strategies, and on Central, Regional, Division, and school goals. 2. The SIP shall be evidence and results-based, child and learner-centered. 3. The development of SIP requires innovative and systems thinking, and a mindset of continuous improvement 4. The formulation and implementation of the SIP shall involve the active participation of all education stakeholders in the school and community such as the school heads, teachers, parents, community leaders, and the learners themselves, among others. OVERVIEW OF THE SIP CYCLE SIP development and implementation cover a period of three years and follow three phases: Assess, Plan, and Act. The AIP, which is the year-by-year plan, likewise undergoes these three phases with each year’s implementation being checked for its progress to ensure continuous improvement. The SPT, with the help of school stakeholders, shall ensure that the improvements done during implementation will be further developed and enhanced. Thus, it is a “continuous improvement cycle”. The figure below shows the summary of the SIP-AIP cycle. Specific details for the activities in each phase will be further explained in the subsequent sections of this guidebook. 7 RA 9155, Chapter 1, Section 7.D.4, Governance of Basic Education, 2001
  • 21. SCHOOL IM The cycle objectives and other each PIA. The Plan p solutions a The Act p the progre As your sc SPT analy reviews th address e next year implemen Reporting Report Ca PROVEMENT P begins with s of the scho r stakeholde phase involv and develop hase involve ess of implem chool procee yzes the imp heir AIP – re xisting need r of impleme tation. the progres ard (SRC) an PLAN GUIDEBO h the Assess ool for the S rs and analy ves the prep pment of proj es small-sca mentation is eds to plan t pact of solu e-analyzing d ds and will c entation sho ss of implem nd other repo OOK T s phase whe SIP are set. yzing the sc paration and ject designs le testing th s done in this their AIP for utions that w data and rev ontribute to ould contain mentation to orting forms The SIP Cycl ere the ident This phase chool data a writing of t are done. hen impleme s phase as w r year 2 or 3 were implem visiting the r the genera the adjustm o stakeholde . e tification of includes list and processe he SIP and ntation of th well. 3, the proce mented to c root cause to l objectives ments and le ers is import the PIAs is ening to the es to determ AIP. It is wh he solutions. ss goes bac heck for pro o ensure tha stated in th essons learn tant and is d done and th e voice of th mine the roo hen the form . Constant c k to Assess ogress. The at projects c e SIP. The A ned from the done using t 7 he general he learners ot cause of mulation of checking of where the SPT then continue to AIP for the e previous the School
  • 22. SCHOOL IM Pre Objec 1. To ga basic 2. To beg Step 1 Activity Before the conduct o preparatio weeks. The schoo meetings As a quic School-C existing d In prepara found in t the SRC a into graph the SRC instruction found in p Some Tips • Or Te • Gr • To Sy • Sc se • Fo co in • To yo • Th co Th to al The numb important School Ye PROVEMENT P epar ctives: ther informa education an gin the SIP p 1. Prep y 1.1: Ga e start of th of preparato on of the pr ol head shal with other s ck guide, yo Community ata you hav ation for you the SRC Sum are already hs or charts according t ns in makin page 29 of th s on Data Ga rient your te emplate in A roup the dat o save time ystem (EBEI chool and c econdary dat or specific c onsulting the formation on o be able to ou have gath he data you onsolidate al his template o use whate ready have ber of 4-17 y t basic inform ears, to deve PLAN GUIDEBO rato ation on the nd the situat process by m are for ather an e planning s ory activities rofile of the l lead in pro stakeholders our school t Data Temp e. This temp ur meeting w mmary of I found in the (see SRC Te to what els g the SRC c his guideboo athering: eam on wha Annex 1A f ta that will c e, check wh S), and in o community- ta for school concerns, th e Barangay n disasters, have a solu hered. u will gathe l the gather is created s ever tool or an efficient s year old chil mation used elop mechan OOK ory A situation of tion of the s mobilizing th SIP Dev d organiz session, the s like gathe school and ofiling, data when neces team should plate found plate will also with the SPT Information e School-Co emplates in e you think can be foun ok. at data shou for this. ome from si at you alrea ther forms a based meet l planning. e school m Disaster R risks, and h ution that is er and orga red data into so you can h system is a system of or dren enrolle in planning nisms for ac Activ f children an chool in term e School-Co velopm ze the ne school head ering and c its environm gathering a ssary. d gather da in Annex 1 o give you a T, create the n in Annex ommunity D n Annex 12A k are neces nd in the ch uld be gathe milar source ady have in and documen tings should ay also eng Risk Reducti azards in th evidence-ba nize will be o the Schoo have a single available to rganizing da ed and the n g. These are ctively seek vitie nd learners i ms of govern ommunity Pla ent ecessary d and a sele consolidating ment. The e and, depend ta on acces A should be an idea of wh e SRC accor 11. Most of Data Temp A and 12B) ssary to rep apter on Co ered. Refer t es and assig n the Enhan nts. d be maxim gage experts on and Man e community ased, always e immense l Communi e ‘container’ help you b ta, you can number of ou used to ant ing children es in terms of t nance anning Team y data ected team a g data and estimated du ding on data ss, quality, e able to hel hat data are rding to the f the informa plate. You ju . You can ad port to you ommunicat to the Scho n teams for nced Basic E mized in ga s to provide nagement C y. s ensure the and varied. ity Data Tem ’ to put all y better organ use that ins ut of school ticipate enro not in scho their access m (SPT) are responsi information uration for t a needs, sha and govern p you organ important t minimum in ation needed ust have to dd more info r SPT. Mor ing to Stak ool Commu each data so Education In athering pri e sufficient Council (BDR e accuracy o Devise a mplate in A our data, bu nize your da tead). are some o ollment for t ool, and to 8 to quality ble for the , and the this is two all conduct nance. The nize all the o have. nformation d to create turn them ormation in re detailed keholders nity Data ource. nformation mary and data, e.g. RRMC) for of the data system to Annex 1A. ut feel free ata (if you f the most he coming give them
  • 23. SCHOOL IM access to registratio Since you organizati communit that will h for plannin You shou (preferabl of your co child map Other too to help yo Child Pro your scho In relation and disas stated in accompan Data gath If your da needs of y Activity Invite at balance an Note: If you are your bara with othe be easier children w If you hav PROVEMENT P education. on, which als u are already ons to prom ty using the help you gat ng. ld do child y at the sta ommunity. A ping should ls provided ou check ho otection Pol ol reflect on n to school sters, follow DepEd Ord nying checkli ering may s ta is not acc your learners y 1.2: Fo least 7 stak nd should be e planning to angay, it is be er schools. Jus r to consolida who go or plan ve questions o Outpu Your team F F F F F F PLAN GUIDEBO You are us so happens i y going aro mote early re Child Mapp her essentia mapping t rt of the SIP After events be conducte for you in th w child-frien licy Implem and improv governance, ing the pol der No. 23 ist as Annex seem like a l curate, it can s and your s orm the S keholders to e composed do child map est to coordina st make sure t te and share n to go to sch on early regis ut check m should be a F School-Co F Child Map F School Re F Child-Frie F Child Prot F School W OOK ually expose n January. und your co egistration, y ping Tool fo al data durin together wi P cycle), ass s causing m ed to accoun his Guideboo ndly your sc mentation C ve your statu , you should icy on Stud series of 2 x 2C. ot of work b n result to o school. SPT o become m of the follow ping during y ate with your to set clear ex the informat hools in anothe stration you ca ble to accomp ommunity Dat pping Tool [An eport Card endly School S tection Policy atching Check ed to these ommunities you can alre ound in Ann ng your early th early re suming that major popula nt for the chi ok are the C chool is (this Checklist in us as a learn d also gathe dent-led Sc 2015. We h but it is a fun bjectives an members of wing: your early reg District or Di xpectations an ion between er barangay). an refer to De plish the follow ta Template [ nnex 1B] Survey [Annex Implementati klist and Haza data when with volunte ady harness ex 1B. The y registratio gistration a there are no tion change ldren in you Child-Friend s is required Annex 2B. er-centered er data on y chool Watc have attache ndamental st d solutions t the SPT. Th istration activ vision so you nd delegate ta schools and b epEd Order N wing: Annex 1A] x 2A] ion Checklist [ ard Map [Anne your schoo eers from th s the data th tool provide n campaign activities at o major chan es (e.g. disa r community dly School d information These are i institution. your school’s ching and ed the proc tep in schoo that are not he SPT shou vities and ther can cover mo asks fairly. If y between comm No. 1 series o [Annex 2B] ex 2C] ol campaigns he barangay hat is availab es you with a that you ca least every nges in the asters or dem y. Survey in A n in the SRC mportant to s vulnerabili Hazard Ma edure for th ol planning. B responsive uld have go re are other s ore ground by you do this, it munities (if y of 2015. 9 s for early y and civic ble in your a template n also use y 3 years population molitions), Annex 2A C) and the ols to help ty to risks apping as his and its Be patient. to the real od gender schools in y working t will also ou found
  • 24. SCHOOL IM Sc St Te Pa Ba Me Me Please not (SGC). Th not limite Indigenou teachers, In multi-c the above Muslim re Represent as membe these com If more m deadlocks official bu can speak Activity schedu Here is th Morning S Afternoon Note: In cases may be g Note: Before th Division g aligned w PROVEMENT P chool head a tudent repre eacher repre arent represe arangay/LGU ember of BD ember of Sc te that at le he school he ed to, the us People ( and school a cultural setti ementioned presentative tatives from ers, especia mmunities. members are s. More than siness. Whe k for him/her y 1.3: Co uling e suggested Session 1. Orient 2. Vision Session 3. Sched : where the tea given to paren : he meeting, m goals. You ma with the Divisio Outpu Your team F PLAN GUIDEBO as the Team esentative esentative entative U representa DRRMC chool Child P east one of y ad may opt following: N IP) represe alumni. ngs, IP and members, e e. communitie ally if there added, mak n 50% of ex n a member r as long as onvene t agenda for tation of the n sharing duling acher represe nt representat make sure th ay also use yo on goals. ut check m should be a F List of me OOK leader ative rotection Co your membe to add mor Non-Governm ntatives, Ar Muslim rep e.g. a paren es adjacent is a signific ke sure that xisting SPT m r needs to be the substitu the SPT f a one-day a e SIP Process ntative is also tives. hat you have our school’s st ble to accomp embers for the ommittee ers should b re members ment Organ rabic Langu presentation nt who is an to the one w cant number the total nu members mu e absent fro te has the s for orient activity when s o the School H a copy of th trategic goals plish the follow e SPT with the e a member to its SPT a nization (NG age and Is should be c n IP or Mus where your r of existing umber is still ust be prese m a meeting ame represe tation, v n you conven Head (such as he DepEd Vis if it is availab wing: eir representa r of the Sch as deemed n GO) represe slamic Value considered. slim may als school is loc g/potential e an odd num ent to reach g, s/he may entation as t ision sha ne the SPT: in small scho sion-Mission, ble but please ations ool Governi necessary su ntatives, Al es Educatio In this rega so serve as cated may b enrollees com mber to prev h quorum an send a subs the member aring, an ools), addition Core Values, ensure that t 10 ng Council uch as, but im/Ulama, n (ALIVE) ard, any of the IP or be included ming from vent voting nd conduct stitute who . d al seat and the his is still
  • 25. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLAN GUIDEBOOK 11 Activities can engage your SPT more and can help foster camaraderie. We encourage you to think of activities for this step aside from what is listed in this guidebook. We are sure that the SPT will appreciate that you have planned for activities rather than just having a discussion with them. Feel free to include some teambuilding activities on top of vision sharing activities if that will help strengthen your working relationship with your SPT. Orientation 1. SPT members should be informed about the following: ● Mandate of DepEd on the SIP ● SIP key features and principles ● SIP development and implementation cycle and phases With these, discuss why the SIP and AIP are important for the school and the learners. 2. Discuss and agree on the roles and responsibilities of the SPT chair and members ● During this part of the orientation, ask a member of the SPT to facilitate the brainstorming of roles and responsibilities of each member. ● Give everyone a chance to share their ideas. ● Have the facilitator synthesize the ideas and let the SPT comment on or approve what has been discussed. Vision sharing Help the SPT internalize the DepEd Vision-Mission and Core Values. They should also be informed of the Division goals and, if available, the school’s strategic goals. You can turn this into a reflective activity for your SPT if it will help you draw out their insights more. ● Lift the first paragraph of the DepEd Vision and ask, “What does this mean for us? What are our own dreams for the children of our school? How do our dreams relate to DepEd’s Vision?” ● Read the second paragraph of the DepEd Vision and ask, “What does being ‘learner-centered’ and ‘continuously improving’ mean for us?” ● Do the same for the DepEd Mission. At the end of the discussion ask, “How can we contribute to this? What is the role of each one?” ● For the DepEd Core Values ask, “What values do we possess that support the core values? How should we be (what should our thoughts and actions be) so we can demonstrate these core values? How will these values help us fulfill the vision and mission?”
  • 26. SCHOOL IM Schedulin Based on timetable (examples PRE Exa Sec Org Dat PHA Exa Con Disc PHA Exa Writ PROVEMENT P ng the SIP Pro that the SPT s are not exh EPARATORY amples: cure the CBM anize data u a Template ASE 1: ASS amples: nduct Dyad, cuss the roo ASE 2: PLA amples: te the SIP PLAN GUIDEBO cess Flowch T will follow haustive and ACTIVITIE Y ACTIVITI MS from the using the Sc ESS Triad, FGD, t cause N OOK art found at in preparing d are used fo SP ES IES LGU chool-Comm or survey t the beginn g the SIP as or illustration PT TIMETAB Sug mon munity Janu Janu Sug mon Febr Mar Sug mon Apri ing of this g well as the n purposes o BLE gested time nth. Pls. spec uary 12 uary 28-30 gested time nths. Pls. spe ruary 9 ch 11-13 gested time nth. il 4-8 guide, discus AIP. See su only): SCHEDULE frame for th cify the date frame for th ecify the dat frame for th ss and creat uggested for E his phase is es. his phase is tes. his phase is 12 e a simple rmat below 1 2 1
  • 27. SCHOOL IM Bra PHA Exa Sta Disc PROVEMENT P instorm solu ASE 3: ACT amples: rt pilot test cuss prepara Outp Your tea PLAN GUIDEBO utions ations for rol put check am should be F Docume F List of S F SPT Tim OOK ll out k able to accom entation of vis SPT Roles and metable May Tim the spre June Sep mplish the foll sion sharing d Responsibilit y 4 e frame for t projects to b ead out with e-August (1s tember 3 lowing: ties this phase w be implemen in the SY st quarter) will depend o nted and is 13 on
  • 28. SCHOOL IM PHA Objec 1. To ide 2. To set 3. To list 4. To an 5. To det Step 2 Activity prepara As a sum the SRC t should als you shoul between y Template and Divisi After pres For in Gather an accompan included i each othe After you Present t implemen SPT asses found in A improvem Note: It is impo books, et planning PROVEMENT P ASE 1 ctives entify and an t general obj ten to the vo alyze school termine the 2. Ident y 2.1: Pr atory act mary of the to your SPT so look into ld have a co your school e found in A on targets s senting the s ndicators wit nd write dow nying Divisio n your list o er. r first year to the SPT ntation. You ss remaining Annex 3 an ment areas in : ortant for you tc. This is to m which will info Outp Your tea PLANNING GUI : AS nalyze the Pr jectives oice of the le processes root cause/s tify/Rev resent an tivities e data you h T to initiate how the sch opy of the D data and th Annex 3 of t should be inc school data a What th three-yea Did wn the results n targets bu f improveme of AIP impl the data can show th g gaps and nd the guide n the SIP. u to document make reportin orm your succ ut check am should be a F Docume F Gap Ana IDE SSE riority Impro earners and s of the PIAs view Pri nd discu have gathere a discussion hool contribu Division targe he Division t his guideboo cluded in you and status, y surfaced as r data, what d your schoo What is What ne s of the disc ut are pressi ent areas. Fr lementation, you have c hem the mo needs. For e questions t all the meet ng easier and ceeding proje k able to accom ntation of the alysis Templat ESS ovement Are other stakeh s iority Im ss the in ed in the Sc n about the utes to the o ets which w targets for t ok. Areas wh ur initial list you may ask the most pr t trends surf ol improve? S alarming fro eeds most im ussion and a ng, alarming rom your list , begin with collected fro st recent SR this, you m provided ab tings and activ to also have cts and activit mplish the follo e discussion an te [Annex 3] S eas holders mprovem nformatio chool-Comm e status of y overall perfo will help you the next 3 y here there a of improvem k the followin ressing need/ faced from y Stagnate? W om the data? mprovement? add to your g, stagnating t, group the h this step i om monitor RC and othe may again u bove. From t vities through a record of th ties. owing: nd initial list o ment Ar on gathe munity Dat your school. ormance of y do this). Yo years by usi re gaps betw ment areas. ng questions d/problem? your data for Worsen? ? ? initial list. A g, or worsen problems w n planning ring the pr r relevant in use the Gap the discussio h minutes of m he processes of improvemen reas red durin ta Templat Aside from your Division ou can asses ing the Gap ween the sch s to the SPT: r the last thr reas with no ing should a which are rela for year 2 rogress of y nformation t p Analysis ons, review meetings, pict you have don nt areas 14 ng the te, present m this, you n (by now, ss the gap p Analysis hool status : ree years? o also be ated to or year 3. your prior to help the Template the list of tures, log ne during
  • 29. SCHOOL IM Activity Based on these will The PIAs changed t However, affecting stakehold To help yo rubrics be Priority I below. Rubrics Criteri Strategic Importanc Urgency Magnitude Feasibility Sample M Improv Are High absen Lack of Pro Developme High dropo Low intake old children Kindergarte Flooding Interpr Indicate the Please note span for th that this co to resolve. In planning where the PROVEMENT P y 2.2: Ide the results be your PIA are selected to improve t PIAs are no the school ers such as ou determin elow. A temp Improveme a ce The nu addres The ur e The n addres y The de and co Matrix ement as I nteeism ofessional ent ut of 5 year n in en retation: ese PIAs in t e that PIAs ree years. I ould be addr g for your ye PIA has alre PLANNING GUI entify/Re of the discu As. d areas in sc the three ke ot just limite and learne flooding and e which amo plate that yo ent Areas. F umber of othe ssed rgency or nee umber of lea ssed egree to whic ontrol Strategic mportance 5 2 2 3 3 4.5 – 5.0 3.5 – 4.49 2.5 – 3.49 1.5 – 2.49 1.0 – 1.49 the first colu have varyin If a school, essed in a y ear 2 or yea eady been a IDE eview the ussions done chool manag ey result are ed to issues rs which ne d unsafe sch ong the impr ou can use w For an illust D er areas that d to improve arners that w ch the improv Urgency 5 3 5 3 5 Very H 9 High P 9 Moder 9 Low P 9 Very L umn of the P g difficulties for example year’s time. ar 3 AIP, rev addressed, c e Priority e in the prev gement, ope eas in basic s within the eeds to be ool water so rovement ar with these ru ration of how Description will benefit w the area as so will benefit wh ement area is Magnitude 3 3 4 4 5 High Priority Priority rate Priority Priority Low Priority Planning Wo s – some ca e, determine High dropou view the PIA choose anot y Improve vious activity erations, and education: school. It ca addressed ource. reas you sho ubrics can b w this is use when the impr oon as possib hen the impro s within the s e Feasibili 5 5 4 4 5 y orksheet in an be addres ed flooding a ut, on the ot As listed in t ther PIA to ement A y, prioritize t d service de access, qua an also be a and brough ould prioritize e found in A ed, a sample rovement area le ovement area school’s mand ity Averag 4.5 3.25 3.75 3.5 4.5 Annex 5. ssed within as one of th ther hand, m the Planning take on fro reas (PIA the improve elivery that n ality, and go a community ht to the at e, you can r Annex 4: Id e matrix is a S a is 5 – Ve 4 – Hig 3 – Mo 2 – Lo 1 – Ve a is date e Interp Very Hig Modera High High Very Hig a year and eir PIAs, it may take a lo g Worksheet m the ones 15 As) ement areas need to be overnance. y situation ttention of efer to the dentifying also shown Scale ery High gh oderate w ery Low pretation gh Priority te Priority Priority Priority gh Priority some can is possible onger time t. In cases you have :
  • 30. SCHOOL IM already ide has change are the sam Step 3 Activity From you statement tardiness, Planning the appro Revisit the objectives Activity Organize of the sch PIA. The with at lea For priorit Project Te from the a The SPT activities, PROVEMENT P ntified. In th ed. You can a me areas you 3. Analy y 3.1: Se ur identified ts are what , the genera g Workshee priate box to e objectives s have been y 3.2: Or a Project Te hool and num members of ast one mem ty improvem eam from me activities the shall turn o to the assig Output Your team F F Outpu Your team F PLANNING GUI he process o again use th u will prioriti yze the et Genera PIAs, form you want al objective et in Annex o note when set in the P met and if t rganize th am for each mber of PIAs f the Project mber coming ment areas embers of th ey do in the over relevan gned Project t check should be abl F PIA Templ F First colum ut check m should be ab F Objectives IDE of selecting a he template ze for the 2n Priority al Object mulate gene to achieve. can be ‘to x 5 is where n they should Planning Wo there are obj he Projec PIA that yo s identified, a t Team may g from the SP related to t he Learning A LACs. t data, whic Teams for e le to accompli late [Annex 4 mn of the Plan ble to accomp s and Year co another PIA, in Identify nd or 3rd year y Improv tives eral objectiv If, for exam o reduce stu you write y d be done. orksheet if jectives that ct Teams ou will addre a Project Te y be drawn f PT. the teaching Action Cells ch were gat each PIA. ish the followi ] nning Workshe plish the follow lumns in the P , you may fi ying PIAs fo r of impleme vement ves for your mple, your udent tardin your genera you are in y t need to be s ss for the cu am may be from the co g-learning pr (LACs) so th thered and ing: eet [Annex 5] wing: Planning Work nd that the ound in Ann entation. t Areas r 3-year pla school has ness.’ The s l objectives your year 2 o revised. urrent year. formed to w mmunity, te rocess, it is hat their tas discussed d ksheet [Annex context of y ex 4 to che an. General a problem second colum and where or year 3 AI Depending o work on more eachers, and best to org ks will not b uring the p x 5] 16 your school ck if these objective in student mn of the you check P. Check if on the size e than one d learners, ganize the be different reparatory
  • 31. SCHOOL IM The Proje Leader, Sc P Each Proje PIA. Facto activities. For year 2 to continu be tapped year of th Activity While we talking to stakehold the learne Aside from opportunit school ha interventi the succee We want t and shoul ‘Listening’ Discussion views/con Voice of This step views of le Note: The Proje Note: In some come to PROVEMENT P ect Team sh cribe, etc.). Project Mem ect Team sh ors are diffe 2 or year 3 A ue managing d to work on e SIP. In the y 3.3: Lis may have th o the faces ers who are ers and stake m digging d ty to ask th s existing in ons. With th eding activit to emphasiz d not be ski ’ can be do ns (FGD) wit ncerns on th the Learne should still b earners and ct Team can g Outp Your tea : instances whe school (e.g. s PLANNING GUI hall agree o For docume mber ould discuss rent from so AIP, the Proj g the project n other PIAs ese cases, th sten to th he school da behind the e relevant to eholders can deeper into he learners nterventions his, you will ty. ze that listen pped. one through th learners, e identified ers and Othe be done whe stakeholder gather more d ut check m should be a F Project T F List of po en the learner students who IDE n the role o entation purp s their assign olutions. The ject Teams a ts they have s for year 2 he SPT can a he voice ata, it is still numbers. T o your assig n be identifie your learne or stakehol , you can a get an insig ning to the v h one-on-on parents, and PIA. It mig er Stakeho en analyzing rs might hav data related to k able to accom Team member ossible factors rs or other sta are habitually of its memb poses, you m Role ned PIA and ey will then assigned to e started in or 3 if they also form ne of the le important t hus, your P ned PIAs. B ed. ers’ or stake ders on how lso check ho ht on what c voice of the ne or dyads d other stak ht be good lders in An g the PIAs fo ve changed o o their PIAs if mplish the follo r list with role s affecting yo akeholders wh y absent), hom bers (e.g. P may use the list down th validate the PIAs that sp the first yea have alread ew Project Te earners a to validate th Project Team By doing this eholders’ pr w they were ow they fee current scho learners and /triads inter keholders. Th to read the nex 6. r year 2 or 3 over time. necessary. owing: es and respons ur assigned P ho are importa me visits are n Project Team following te Re he possible f se factors th pan for more ar. Project T dy addressed eams. and othe hese and ge m should tal s, the real n oblems, this e helped by el about and ool process y d stakeholde rviews, surv hese are nec Guidelines 3 because th sibilities or Te IA ant to your as necessary. m Leader, A mplate: esponsibiliti factors that a hrough the s e than a yea eams from y d their PIA er stakeh et more infor k to the lea needs and pr s step is al y your schoo how they v you need to ers is crucial veys, or Foc cessary to g s in Listeni he context, n eam Charter ssigned PIA ca 17 Asst. Team ies affect their succeeding r will have year 1 can in the first olders rmation by arners and roblems of so a good ol. If your view these analyze in in the SIP cus Group ather their ing to the needs, and annot
  • 32. SCHOOL IM Activity From the what spec needs and A school p Periodical how a sta repeatable everyone process. The use o consistent the detaile Your Proje of what is common process b direct obs We sugge you with that brain a must if y When you process. T clouds are As an exa that 10 ou which you test score three stor PROVEMENT P Output Your team F y 3.4: An concerns, ne cific critical d problems e process is a Test Proces akeholder’s e and replic and should f a process m t and reliabl ed flow of in ect Team sh s currently h mistake is c y brainstorm servations to est that you more detail nstorming an you want to u do direct o These are w e specific, m ample, when ut of 30 stud u will write o es. Note that rm clouds du PLANNING GUI t check should be abl F Documenta nalyze th eeds, and pr school proce exist. set of activi ss or Enrollm needs or w cable. This not rely on j map can be e performan nputs, activit ould map ou happening in combining th ming with th o understand read the W ed instructio nd interviews validate how observations what we call easurable, a n you walke dents’ test p on the activit t more than uring the tes IDE le to accompli ation from FG e school roblems that esses are re ties arrange ment Proces wants are be means that just one per a tool to he nce. Process ties, and out ut the proces n each step o he present s he people w d what is cur Walk the Pr ons in walki s alone are n w the proces s, you will n ‘storm clou and observab ed through t apers had it ty where yo n one storm st proper). ish the followi Ds, interviews l process t were raised elated to the ed together i ss). We nee eing met. A t how a ce rson to work lp communic mapping is tputs to iden sses involved of the proce state with t ho are invol rrently happe rocess Guid ng the proc not enough ss works. otice proble ds’ – it help ble. the Mathem tems that we u discovered cloud may ing: s, or home vis ses d by your le ese to under n order to d ed to unders process mu ertain proces k. This is why cate how the the techniq tify opportu d in your as ess and NOT he desired o lved in the ening in eac delines foun cess with yo to map out ms arising i ps you locat atics Period ere erroneou d it – in this be observed sits arners and s rstand furthe deliver a serv stand proces ust also be ss is done y it is impor e process wo ue of using nities for im signed PIA b T what the p outcome. Yo process or b h step. nd in Annex our team. It a process. D n specific ac te where the ical Test Pr usly checked s case, durin d in an activ stakeholders er why and vice (e.g. Ma sses in orde simple eno should be rtant for us t orks in order flowcharts to provement. by creating a process shou ou “walk thr by doing int x 7 which w is importan Direct observ ctivities in t e issues resi ocess, you . This is a st ng the record vity (e.g. the 18 s, look into where the athematics er to know ough to be known by to map the r to have a o illustrate a flowchart uld be. The rough” the erviews or will provide nt to know vations are he current ide. Storm might find torm cloud ding of the ere can be
  • 33. SCHOOL IM The carefu targeted, focus for y The same next years Activity You have you can a problems analyze. T area of fo school pe addresse PROVEMENT P ul identificat and more fo your root ca e thing shoul s, you can k y 3.5: Se to select a aim your imp at once. Fo This, in turn ocus may co erformance ed, will clea Outpu Your team PLANNING GUI tion of critica ocused prob use analysis d be done fo keep doing th elect Are specific stor provement e cusing on a n, makes it e ntribute in a in time. In arly affect t ut check m should be a F Flowchar F Documen IDE al storm clou lem that con s will be disc or the PIAs his activity t a of Focu rm cloud, ca efforts on a p problem all easier to thi addressing t n selecting the PIA. k able to accom rt of the schoo ntation of inte uds in the p ntributes to cussed in the of year 2 or o review the us alled an area particular pr lows you to ink of soluti the bigger is your area plish the follo ol processes re erviews or obs rocess enab the broader e next activit year 3. For e process tha a of focus, f roblem rathe deal with fe ons or impr ssues in scho of focus, c wing: elevant to eac servations les you to lo school issue ties. projects tha at you have from among er than attem ewer issues rovements. I ool and cons choose the ch PIA with st ook at a sma e. Selecting at will contin improved. your storm mpting to so which you c Improvemen sequently w e one whic orm clouds 19 aller, more an area of nue for the m clouds so olve all the can deeply nts in your ill improve ch, when
  • 34. SCHOOL IM Having ide statement Going ba statement During the items that From you Repeat th year, you addressed Activity The root necessary focused p using pro Tree. The root appropriat Otherwise eventually A focused cause or guide on p For year 2 determine is address 8 Based from PROVEMENT P entified your t includes inf ck to our e t can be: e first quart t were erron r focused pr his activity w u can review d. This can b y 3.6: Do cause is th y that your roblem. This oblem analys cause is no te, relevant e, creating y. d problem ca root causes prioritizing r 2 or year 3 A ed in the Pla sing a new P m Continuous Outp Your tea PLANNING GUI r area of foc formation on W example on ter, ten out o neously chec oblem state when analyz w the storm be your area o Root Ca he deepest Project Tea s root cause sis tools like ot the solut t, and worka solutions m an have seve to address. root causes a AIP, the Pro anning Wor PIA or if you s Improvemen put check am should be F Problem IDE us from the n the followi What is the m How of Wher When n the Mathe of thirty Mat cked. ment, you s zing a new P clouds you of focus for ause Ana underlying m conducts should be o e the Fishbo tion – but o able solutio may only ad eral root cau See the Ro and for cond oject Team s rksheet [An have selecte nt Guide k able to accom m statement b storm cloud ng questions magnitude of ften is it hap re is it happe n does it hap ematics Per thematics Pe hould now d PIA for year have ident r the next ye alysis cause of th root cause observable a one diagram only after t ns be deve ddress the uses. In cas oot Cause A ucting root c should revisi nnex 5]. Co ed a new are mplish the follo ased on your ds, formulate s: f the problem pening? ening? ppen? iodical Test eriodical Tes determine th r 2 or 3. For ified and lo ears. he problems analysis to nd measura m/Ishikawa, the identifica loped to he symptoms ses like this, Analysis Ov cause analys t and review onduct root ea of focus. owing: area of focus e it into a pr m? Process, y st papers of e root cause r PIAs that ok at what s within any uncover th ble. Analyze Why-why d ation of the elp address and the pro you have t verview8 fo sis. w the root ca cause analy oblem state your focused Grade 7 stu e of this prob span for mo other areas y process. T he real sourc e your area o diagram, an e real root the focused oblems will to prioritize w ound in Ann ause they h ysis again if 20 ment. This d problem udents had blem. ore than a s were not Thus, it is ce of your of focus by d Problem cause can d problem. resurface which root ex 8 for a ad already your team
  • 35. SCHOOL IM Activity After you not just sh • • • PROVEMENT P y 3.7: Pre have determ how the diag Results o relevant q The flowc Area of fo Outpu Your team F Outpu Your team F PLANNING GUI esent Ro mined the ro gram of you of your FGD quantitative hart of the p ocus (focused ut check m should be ab F Diagrams ut check m should be ab F Presentat data, proc IDE oot Caus oot cause, yo r root cause Ds and inte data) particular sch d problem st ble to accomp showing the ble to accomp ion (in Power cess flowchart e to SPT our Project T analysis bu rviews with hool process tatement) plish the follow root cause plish the follow rPoint or hard t, and area of T Team should t you should the learne s you observ wing: wing: d copy) of th focus d present it t d also presen ers and sta ved, including he root cause to the SPT. Y nt the follow keholders ( g the storm e, with the su 21 You should wing: (and other clouds upporting
  • 36. SCHOOL IM PHA Objec 1. To rev 2. To for 3. To dev Step 4 Now that have set a are any) objectives to your ge If you are taking not Step 5 The assig cause. Se more than Keep in m • • • • • PROVEMENT P Output c Your team sh ASE 2 ctives view the gen rmulate solu velop and w 4. Revie you know t at the begin in the Plan s are aligned eneral object e planning fo te of the roo 5. Form ned Project everal soluti n one root ca mind five con Should ad Should be Should be Should be Should ha Outpu Your team F PLANNING GUI check hould be able F List of po : PL neral objectiv tions rite the proj ew Gene the root cau ning. Encod ning Works d with your tives so you or your year ot cause that ulate S Team/s for ons can be ause, severa siderations ddress the ro e within the c e economical e sustainable ave the supp ut check m should be ab F Root Cau IDE to accomplish ossible solutio LAN ves and targ ect designs, eral Obj use for each e the root c ksheet found root cause, will never lo r 2 or year 3 t was review olutions the identifie formulated al solutions c in formulatin oot cause/s control of th l e port of the co ble to accomp se column in h the following ns N gets , SIP, and AI jectives h area of foc ause and th d in Annex this step hig ose sight of 3 AIP, revisi wed by the Pr s ed PIAs will for a single can be formu ng solutions he school oncerned sta plish the follow the Planning W g: IP s and T cus, review e changes in 5. Aside fro ghlights the your targets t the object roject Team then brains e root cause ulated for ea : akeholders/p wing: Worksheet [A argets the initial g n your gene om making importance s. tives in the P . storm solutio e. If the Pro ach one of th process owne Annex 5] general obje ral objective sure that th e of always g Planning W ons based o oject Team hese as well. ers 22 ectives you es (if there he general going back Worksheet on the root prioritized .
  • 37. SCHOOL IM Step 6 Your Proje Project W To help yo • Pr Ac (e ite • Pr (e st *R bo • Ac (e • O (e For PIAs t PIA is on of indepen How long important can celeb there are this into s Each proj end of the set the da and Budg After prep to write th Note Your con Performa correspon sure it is PROVEMENT P Output Your team 6. Devel ect Team wi Work Plan a ou in filling u roblem Sta ctivity 3.5: e.g. During th ems that were roject Obje e.g. To reduce udents by 100 Reminder: Ob ound. Targets ctivities: Th e.g. meet with utput: The e.g. teacher at that span fo literacy, you ndent reader a project w t to make th rate (if thes major proje smaller, mor ect will have e implement ates when th get Matrix. paring the Pr he SIP and A for Scho ntribution in p ance Managem nding Key Re aligned with PLANNING GUI t check should be abl F Project W lop proj ill now deve and Budget up this temp atement: T Select Are e first quarte e erroneously ective State e the inciden 0%) bjective state to be set sho he activities h teachers to d concrete, ta ttendance dur or more than ur project ob rs by 5%’ th will take can he projects se are succe ects that wou re manageab e to be mon ation period he SPT will m roject Work AIP. ool Heads planning and ment System sult Areas in the objectives IDE le to accompli Work Plan and ject des lop project d t Matrix. On plate, remem The selected a of Focus) r, 10 out of 3 checked) ement: Wha nce of erroneo ments should ould be discuss you need to discuss the ne ngible produ ring discussion n a year, set bjective stat hen you can vary depend manageable essful) or im uld need a lo ble projects. nitored at lea (longer pro monitor you k Plan and s, teache implementing m (RPMS). Yo your Individu s and targets ish the followi d Budget Matr signs designs for y ne project de mber the follo d area of fo ) 30 Mathemati t you want t ously checked d be SMART sed and agree o do to imple ew process of ucts that res n of the new p t incrementa tement on y increase you ding on the e to provide mprove (if th ong time to i ast twice by ojects will be r project. In Budget Ma ers, and g the SIP an ou can write al Performanc of the project ng: rix your solutio esign should owing definit ocus phrase cal Periodical to achieve a d Mathematic – specific, m ed upon by th ement your s checking Peri sults from un process on che al targets fo your first yea ur targets fo timelines se the team w ese do not mplement, t y the SPT – monitored m nclude these atrix, submit staff: nd AIP should e these as P ce Commitme ts in the SIP a ns, using th contain only tions: ed as a pro Test papers nd by how m cal Periodical measurable, at e SPT based o solution odical Test pa ndertaking a ecking Periodi r each year. ar can be ‘to or year 2 and et for each i with immedia meet the ta the Project T during the m more than tw dates in th t this to the d be included Performance ent and Review and AIP. e format in y one solutio oblem (the of Grade 7 st much* Test papers ttainable, rea on the school apers) n activity ical Test pape . If, for exam o increase th d year 3. dentified PIA ate results w arget). In ca Team should middle and wice). You w e Project W SPT so they in the Resu Objectives u w Form (IPCR 23 Annex 9: on. output of tudents had of Grade 7 listic, time- context. ers) mple, your he number A. But it is which they ases where d subdivide during the will have to Work Plan y can use it lts-based nder the RF). Make
  • 38. SCHOOL IM Step 7 Write the All the SP (SDO). Yo Step 8 From the implemen Template PROVEMENT P 7: Write SIP docume PT members ou only need 8. Prepa general obj ntation, you e found in A Outpu Your team PLANNING GUI e the Sc ent using the shall sign t d to submit t are the ectives set i just have nnex 10 sh ut check m should be a F SIP with I. II. III. IV. Prepared b SP __ __ __ IDE chool Im e structure b the SIP then this at the be Annual in the SIP, t to make th ould be able ble to accomp signatures of SCHOOL I (Na SY__ DepEd Visio School’s Cur (a narrative Template [A [p. 23-24]) Planning Wo Monitoring a (include a b Evaluation a the SIP. Ref SIP guide) y the School-Co t PT Member Nam _____________ _____________ _____________ mprovem below: n the school eginning of t Implem the SPT sha e AIP for y e to help you plish the follow f SPT member IMPROVEMENT ame of School) ___ to SY ___ n, Mission, and rrent Situation based on the S Annex 1A] and t orksheet and Evaluation rief description arrangements in fer to the Check ommunity Plann he following: me S ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ment Pla shall submi the three-ye mentatio ll prepare th year 1. The u craft your A wing: rs T PLAN ) __ Core Values St School-Commun the School Repo of the Monitorin n the implement k Progress part o ning Team comp ignature _______ _______ _______ an it it to the S ar SIP cycle on Plan he AIP. If th Annual Im AIP. tatement nity Data ort Card ng and tation of of this posed of Schools Divi . n his is your fi mplementa 24 sion Office rst year of tion Plan
  • 39. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING GUIDE 25 Please attach a copy of the project designs to the AIP so you can easily go back to it when you review the implementation of your AIP for years 2 and 3. Output check Your team should be able to accomplish the following: F AIP Template Note: Notice that your AIP for years 1 to 3 are based on the general objectives and targets set in the SIP, while the SIP is aligned to the objectives and targets of the Division goals, which in turn tries to actualize the DepEd Vision-Mission. Check this alignment before you proceed to the next steps.
  • 40. SCHOOL IM Note: Because e solutions case, you PHA Objec 1. To test 2. To roll Step 9 Before yo to reduce can choos the identif Compare implemen If success owners). process, t they are acceptanc implemen project pe For solutio may comm that your PROVEMENT P Outpu Your team each school w which you ca u may skip thi ASE 3 ctives and review out the solu 9. Test u implement the risk of se, for exam fied solution your data b ntation proce sful, commu For example the concerne the ones w ce, and sup nting the sol eriod is done ons that add municate the LAC action p PLANNING GUI ut check m should be ab F Data f F Comm will have differ annot test esp s step. : AC the propose tions the Sol t the solutio failure and ple, a sectio s and then c before and a ess to see wh nicate the in e, if the pro ed stakehold who check pport of the ution. This e e. dress proble e improved plans are ali IDE ble to accompl from testing t munication pla rent needs an pecially if you CT ed solutions utions ons (written so you can on out of an choose the m after testing here improve nitial implem oject team m ders or proce the attenda e concerned ensures tha ems or issue process thro gned to you lish the follow he solutions n to concerne d problems, it r project dea as projects) make neces entire grade most effectiv g the solutio ements shou mentation re made improv ess owners ance of stud d stakehold t solutions w es in the tea ough the sch r implement wing: ed stakeholder t follows that ls with faciliti in your AIP ssary adjustm e level). You ve one to rol on. If the so uld be done. esults to the vements to would be th dents. It is ers so they will continue ching and le hool’s Learni tation plans rs (process ow solutions will es and infrast , test it first ments in the ur Project Te l out. olution is no e concerned the Grade 6 he Grade 6 c important y can beco e to be carri earning proc ng Action Ce as well. wners) vary. There a tructure. If th t on a small e implement am may opt t effective, stakeholder 6 attendance class adviser to get the ome fully e ied out even cess, the pro ells (LACs). 26 are some his is the population tation (you t to test all revisit the rs (process e checking rs because feedback, ngaged in n after the oject team Make sure
  • 41. SCHOOL IM Note: For sma Step 1 After succ not by th concerned In our pre who went they are Project Te solution. implemen Do not fo you feedb PROVEMENT P Outp Your tea : ll schools, the 10. Roll cessful testin e Project Te d stakeholde evious exam t through th the best pe eam, howev You may p ntation of the orget to crea back and to w PLANNING GUI ut check am should be F Trai F Plan e Project Team out the ng, the proje eam, but by ers are the o mple of impr e pilot test eople to sha ver, will con provide trai e solution. ate a venue work with th IDE k able to accom ning plan and n to gather fee m may also be e Soluti ect can now y the concer nes who will roving the a are the conc are the proc ntinue to gu ning and o for the con hem so the p mplish the follo d other interve edback from c e the process o ons be impleme rned stakeho l actually us attendance c cerned stake cess to class uide the con other interv cerned stak process will c owing: entions to roll concerned sta owner. ented and ro olders (proc e the solutio checking pro eholders. Ex s advisers i ncerned stak ventions to keholders (pr continuously out your solu keholders olled out to t cess owners) on. ocess, the G xperiencing t n other gra keholders as aid the pr rocess owne improve. utions the rest of t ). This is be Grade 6 clas the improve de levels. Y s they imple rocess owne ers) to const 27 the school, ecause the ss advisers ed process, You as the ement the ers in the tantly give
  • 42. SCHOOL IM Back At the en checking evaluation implemen Step 1 Depending progress a monitor m this, the early stag To help in using the Recomme Scheduled Mid-year: (1) Name of Project O The progr the stake from proj Summary only once The Proje your proje now adjus Team ass PIAs to be The cycle After year conduct a ---- PROVEMENT P Outpu Your team k to A d of ACT fo of progress n system ta ntation is pro 11. Che g on the tim at the middl more than tw SPT should ge of the pro nform the SP e suggested endations/Ac d Dates of M _________ (2) Project Objectives an Targets ress reports holders dur ect and ann y of Inform . ect Monitor ects in scho st, modify, signed may e tackled in t for the next r 3, the SPT visit to you -------------- PLANNING GUI ut check m should be ab F Projec F Updat ASS r both SIP a s will be us akes note operly review ck Prog melines set e and end o wice. Indicat guide and ject implem PT of the sta d template ction Points b P onitoring ___________ nd (3) Date of Monitoring shall be con ing midyear nual progres mation foun ring Report ol. Based on and write t begin by co the next AIP t AIP begins T can now p r school to d To be filled IDE ble to accomp ct Monitoring ted SRC based SES and AIP, the ed as input of the perf wed for conti gress of by the Proj f the implem e the schedu help the Pro entation. atus of their below. Bo based on the roject Mon ________ g (4) Accomplishm Status to nsolidated to r and yeare s reports an d in Annex t is submitte n the recom he AIP for t ollecting, org P. with Step 2 prepare the do a summat by Project T plish the follow Report Form d on results a SS e cycle goes t in succeed formance in inuous impro f AIP ect Team in mentation pe uled dates o oject Teams r projects, th oth the SPT e results of t itoring Rep Ye ments/ Date Issue Ch o serve as in nd. Update nd other rele 11, the pe ed to the SD mendations/ the following ganizing, an 2: Identify/ SIP for the tive evaluati Team--------- wing: nd reports back to AS ding plannin ndicators se ovement. n their proje eriod. For lon on the Proje s in resolvin he Project Te T and the the monitorin port Form ear-end: ___ (5) es/Problems/ hallenges nputs to the the previou evant data s riod of repo DO to help th /action point g year. In s d analyzing /Review PIA e next cycle ion of your S --------- SSESS where ng. The sch et for each ect designs, nger project ect Monitor ng problems eam will sub Project Te ng done by t __________ / (6) Recommend Action Po SRC, which usly reported sources. As rting of som hem in moni ts, the Proje starting the the require As. . During thi SIP. To be discu by SPT and Project Tea e data collec hool’s monit PIA to en the SPT w s, the SPT w ring Form. A especially d bmit a progr eam will di the SPT. __________ dations/ oints Sign SPT Proj Lead h shall be pr d SRC using s indicated i me informatio itoring the p ect Team an next AIP, t ed school da s time, you ssed m 28 cted in the toring and nsure that ill monitor will have to Aside from during the ress report scuss the _______ (7) nature of T and ject Team der esented to g the data n the SRC on is done progress of nd SPT can the Project ata for the r SDO will
  • 43. SCHOOL IM Com Stakehold and partic & Patrino context, a One of th the Scho accountab is for com The objec and activi areas that should be What are The SRC quality, a is reporte To help yo in the Sch the templ correspon Other dat from your Teacher’s The list of for these those indi to share t SCHOOL 1. En 2. He 3. Le 4. Te 5. Fu 6. Sc PERFORM ACCESS 7. Nu QUALITY 8. Pe 9. Na 10. Li GOVERNA 11. Sc 9 Bruns, B., World Bank PROVEMENT P mmun der participa cipation of m s, 20119 ). and performa e tools to d ool-Commu bility (it is no mmunication ctive of the S ties by prov t need their done at lea e the data i has three p nd governan d to provide ou in making hool-Comm late so you nds to the ite ta and inform r Project Te Club, and S f information information icated in the to your stake PROFILE nrollment ealth and nu earners mate eachers’ prof unding sourc chool awards MANCE IND umber and r ercentage of ational Achie teracy level ANCE chool-Based , Filmer, D., & k Publications PLANNING GUI nicat tion is one multiple stak Hence, it ance of our s o this is the unity Data ot used for t and advocac SRC is to inc viding your s r involvemen st twice in a ncluded in parts: 1) sch nce; and 3) e the stakeh g your SRC, munity Data will know w em found in mation can ams and ot Student Gove n covered by n, please re ese guideline eholders. utritional sta erials fessional dev ces s and recogn DICATORS rate of dropo f learners wh evement Tes Managemen & Patrinos, H.A . IDE ting t of the impo keholders con is important schools. e School Rep Template the Performa cy. crease comm takeholders nt. It is reco a school year the SRC? hool profile; status of sc holders a sna you should a Template which data s the SRC Su be gathered her stakeho ernment. y the SRC is fer to Anne es may be in tus velopment nitions outs by caus ho completed st (NAT) – by nt Assessme A. (2011). Ma to St ortant featur ntribute to b t to advoca port Card (S [Annex 1 ance-Based munity partic a snapshot ommended t r: during mid 2) performa chool project apshot of th note that m e [Annex 1A sets you can mmary of I d from the E olders like th s shown belo exes 11, 1 ncluded acco se d the Schoo y Mean Perc ent Level aking Schools akeh res of SBM. better mana te and com SRC). The S 1A] to help Bonus) – we cipation and of the statu that the rep dyear and ye ance indicat ts. A mix of e school situ majority of th A]. We have n use for th Information EBEIS, form he LACs, Pa ow. For a c 2A, and 12 ording to wh l Year (Prom centage Scor Work: New Ev holde Studies con gement of s mmunicate to SRC is not fo p you plan e have the R involvemen s of the sch orting of the earend. tors measuri f quantitativ uation, conte he SRC data e included co he SRC. In t n in Annex s, and proje rents-Teache complete des 2B. Other in at your scho motion Rate) re (MPS) vidence on Ac ers nfirm that in schools (Brun o them the or planning ; it is als RPMS for this nt in school ool and advo e SRC to sta ing aspects ve and qualit ext, and per are already odes (ex. [S the code, th 11. ect monitori ers Associat scription and nformation a ool thinks is ccountability R 29 volvement ns, Filmer, situation, – we have o not for s. The SRC operations ocating for akeholders of access, tative data rformance. y contained SRC.1.]) in he number ng reports tion (PTA), d template aside from necessary Reforms.
  • 44. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING GUIDE 30 Output check Your team should be able to accomplish the following: F SRC Note: If you want to include other information which you think are necessary, please make sure that it falls on the appropriate SRC section: • Profiles – information that describes your school (e.g. enrollment – just describes how many learners you have) • Performance Indicators – reports your school performance in terms of access, quality, and governance (e.g. promotion rate – tells you the percentage of learners who successfully completed the school year, which is a good indicator of school quality) • Status of School Projects – captures the progress of implementation of various school projects (e.g. AIP project on raising the literacy rate of the learners) 12. Child-Friendly School Survey result 13. Stakeholders’ participation 14. Learner-Teacher ratio 15. Learner-Classroom ratio 16. Learner-Toilet ratio 17. Learner-Seat ratio STATUS OF SCHOOL PROJECTS 18. Status of Annual Improvement Plan (AIP)/Continuous Improvement (CI) projects 19. Other stakeholders’ accomplishments To check how child-friendly your school is, we have included a copy of the Child-Friendly School Survey in Annex 2A. This is included in the SRC under ‘Performance Indicators: Governance’ and should be accomplished during the preparatory phase of the SIP process. What are the steps in preparing the SRC? The development of the SRC has three steps: It is important that the SRC be disseminated to stakeholders. The dissemination of SRC could be done through the following: • Presentation to stakeholders during School Meetings and Assemblies (October and March). • Posting of SRC in school or Division websites, bulletin boards, and in other public areas. • Allocating space in the School Journal or Newsletter for SRC Updates. • Reproduction of enough copies for distribution to the general public. Using the SRC Summary of Information as reference, the SPT extracts the data from the School Community Planning Template, Child- Friendly School Survey, EBEIS, and reports from the Project Teams and other stakeholders. 1 The SPT analyzes the data and writes the interpretation below the graph or chart using the language most easily understood by stakeholders. The mother-tongue may be used. 2 Lay out the graphs, charts, and interpretation using the suggested SRC Template. You have the option to create an SRC with a basic layout (Annex 12A) or a more advanced one (Annex 12B) depending on your resources and skills. Once the SRC is finalized, the School Head, PTA President, Student Body President, and Teacher Representative will sign the SRC to certify its accuracy. 3
  • 45. School ID: ____________________________________ Name of School: ______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Barangay: ___________________________________________ A.1 Location of the School. Check the appropriate description. A.2 Relative Distance of the School A.3 Incidence of crimes and other human‐induced hazards A 3 1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years Instruction: Please input required data/information in unshaded cells. Fill‐in only the grade levels that are applicable to your school. This template aims to organize existing school and community data from different sources. If you find it useful to lift data from other templates and transfer it here, you may do so. Otherwise, you can just attach the other data templates to this form. f. From the District Office g. From the Division Office I. SCHOOL PROFILE/DATA IDENTIFYING INFORMATION District: _____________________________________ Municipality: ________________________________________ Division: ____________________________________ Region: ____________________________________________ A. GEOGRAPHY Mode of Transportation Distance in km a. From the poblacion b. From the nearest public elementary school c. From the nearest private elementary school d. From the nearest public secondary school e. From the nearest private secondary school ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template Along the highway Near the coastline Near a river or waterway By the hillside On top of a mountain A.3.1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years. A.3.2 What are the 3 most frequent crimes/human‐induced hazards? 1st most frequent: _________________________________ 2nd most frequent: _________________________________ 3rd most frequent: _________________________________ A.4 Incidence of natural hazards A.4.1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years. A.4.2 What are the 3 most frequent natural hazards? Armed conflict as a result of organized crime (terrorism, siege, etc.) Crime against school head/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.) Crime against school property (theft, robbery, arson) Crime against student/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.) Crime against teacher/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.) Fire (Electrical wiring failure, etc.) Health Threat (i.e. Dengue, Malaria, Measles, food poisoning, disease outbreak) Oil Spill Security threat as a result of civilian violence (bomb threats, kidnapping threats, hostage taking, shooting, etc.) Structural collapse (as a result of engineering failures) Others. Pls. Specify: ______________ Drought Earthquake Flood Landslide Storm surge Tropical Cyclones (Storm, Typhoon, Tropical Depression, etc.) Oil Spill Tsunami Volcanic eruption Others. Pls. specify: ______________ Fire (includes forest fires and fires due to natural disasters)
  • 46. School ID: ____________________________________ Name of School: ______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ Barangay: ___________________________________________ A.1 Location of the School. Check the appropriate description. A.2 Relative Distance of the School A.3 Incidence of crimes and other human‐induced hazards A.3.1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years. Instruction: Please input required data/information in unshaded cells. Fill‐in only the grade levels that are applicable to your school. This template aims to organize existing school and community data from different sources. If you find it useful to lift data from other templates and transfer it here, you may do so. Otherwise, you can just attach the other data templates to this form. f. From the District Office g. From the Division Office I. SCHOOL PROFILE/DATA IDENTIFYING INFORMATION District: _____________________________________ Municipality: ________________________________________ Division: ____________________________________ Region: ____________________________________________ A. GEOGRAPHY Mode of Transportation Distance in km a. From the poblacion b. From the nearest public elementary school c. From the nearest private elementary school d. From the nearest public secondary school e. From the nearest private secondary school ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template Along the highway Near the coastline Near a river or waterway By the hillside On top of a mountain Armed conflict as a result of organized crime (terrorism, siege, etc.) A.3.2 What are the 3 most frequent crimes/human‐induced hazards? 1st most frequent: _________________________________ 2nd most frequent: _________________________________ 3rd most frequent: _________________________________ A.4 Incidence of natural hazards A.4.1 Check if there have been incidences of the following in the last 3 years. Crime against school head/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.) Crime against school property (theft, robbery, arson) Crime against student/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.) Crime against teacher/s (murder/homicide, physical injury, rape, sexual harassment, etc.) Fire (Electrical wiring failure, etc.) Health Threat (i.e. Dengue, Malaria, Measles, food poisoning, disease outbreak) Oil Spill Security threat as a result of civilian violence (bomb threats, kidnapping threats, hostage taking, shooting, etc.) Structural collapse (as a result of engineering failures) Others. Pls. Specify: ______________ Drought Earthquake Flood Landslide Storm surge Tropical Cyclones (Storm, Typhoon, Tropical Depression, etc.) Oil Spill Tsunami Volcanic eruption Others. Pls. specify: ______________ Fire (includes forest fires and fires due to natural disasters)
  • 47. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template A.4.2 What are the 3 most frequent natural hazards? 1st most frequent: _________________________________ 2nd most frequent: _________________________________ 3rd most frequent: _________________________________ A.5 Result of disaster incidents B.1 Classrooms and seats B.1.1 Classroom quantity [SRC.15.] Total Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL 1 Learner:classroom ratio = Total enrollment divided by the total number of classrooms B. LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Level Total Enrollment, Current SY For Repair/ Rehabilitation No. of Classrooms Learner:classroom ratio 1 In Good Condition School used as an evacuation center in the last 3 years B.1.2 Classroom seat quantity [SRC.17.] Indicate the total number of seats in all classrooms. Number 2 Learner:seat ratio = Total enrollment divided by the total number of seats B.2 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) facilities B.2.1 Water supply/source. Check as appropriate. Is the main source of water functional at present? Pls. cite reasons why: ______________________________________________ B.2.2 Handwashing. Is there space for handwashing? If YES: B.2.3 Functional toilets [SRC.16.] B.2.4 Toilet bowls Number Ratio 3 Number Ratio 3 Number Ratio 4 Number Ratio 4 3 Learner:toilet ratio = Total enrollment divided by number of toilets 4 Learner:toilet bowl ratio = Total enrollment divided by number of toilet bowls Male Female Female Learner:seat ratio 2 Male Local piped water Water well/deep well Rainwater catchments Natural source Without available water supply YES NO YES NO with soap without soap
  • 48. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template B.3 Textbooks. Indicate number of textbooks per grade level and subject [SRC.3.] Number Ratio Number Ratio Number Ratio Number Ratio Number Ratio Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL B.4 Library: No. of books: _________ No. of tables: _________ No. of chairs: _________ Give additional information and qualitative descriptions of the library (on the lighting, space, other fixtures present, etc.) B.5 Other learning facilities/materials (Example: computers, science equipment. Insert new rows if necessary.) Number Facility/Material Level Subject: ___________ Subject: ___________ Subject: ___________ Subject: ___________ Qualitative description/condition Subject: ___________ B.6 Availability of electrical supply. What is the school's source of electricity? B.7 Internet connectivity B.7.1 Are there Internet service providers in the area? If YES, check the appropriate Internet service provider/s servicing the area: B.7.2 Does the school subscribe to any of the Internet service provider/s listed above? B.7.3 Are there Internet café/shops/WiFi‐enabled stations in the area? Pls. specify: __________________________________________ Grid supply Off-grid supply Solar power Generator Others. Pls. specify: ___________ No source of electricity YES NO NO YES YES NO BAYANTEL DIGITEL GLOBE PLDT SMART SUN WIT Global (Satellite) Others. Pls. specify: _____________
  • 49. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template C. TEACHERS C.1 Number of teachers [SRC.14.] C.1.1 Number of nationally‐funded teachers (current SY) Male Female TOTAL 5 Learner:teacher ratio = Total enrollment divided by number of nationally‐funded teachers C.1.2 Number of locally‐funded teachers and subsidized/volunteer teachers (current SY): No. of Locally‐funded Teachers: _________ No. of Subsidized/ Volunteer Teachers: _________ C.2 Quality of teachers C.2.1 Number of master teachers C.2.2 Number of teachers meeting the desired competencies based on NCBTS C 2 3 Projects/interventions implemented to improve basic competencies of teachers Assigned Part‐Time to Class Teaching (YES/NO) No. of Teachers meeting the standards Carries Full‐Time Class Teaching Load (YES/NO) % meeting the standards Assigned Grade Levels Total No. of Teachers Master Teacher II Master Teacher I Learner:teacher ratio 5 Assigned Full‐Time to Ancillary Services (YES/NO) Number Master Teacher IV Master Teacher III Current SY: __________ Position SY Before Previous SY: __________ Previous SY: __________ C.2.3 Projects/interventions implemented to improve basic competencies of teachers YES NO C.2.4 If the response to C.2.3.b is YES, list down the top 3 training needs mentioned and indicate the number of teachers trained on these [SRC.4.] If YES, please describe a. Does the school have mechanisms for sustained school‐based training? b. Does the school use the result of the NCBTS‐ Teacher's Strength and Needs Assessment as basis for planning? % of teachers trained No. of Teachers trained % of teachers trained No. of Teachers trained SY Before Previous SY: __________ Top 1: _______________________________ Top 2: _______________________________ Top 3: _______________________________ No. of Teachers trained % of teachers trained Training Needs c. Are there other interventions implemented to improve competencies of teachers? Current SY: __________ Previous SY: __________
  • 50. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template C.2.5 If teachers weren't trained based on identified needs (as seen in C.2.4), cite reasons for the lack of training. D. CHILDREN HEALTH AND SAFETY D.1 Nutritional status [SRC.2.] D.1.1 Number of malnourished children for the current SY Total Male Female Total Male Female Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Total Percent of Total D.1.2 Projects/interventions implemented in the previous SY addressing malnourished children (insert new rows if necessary) Level Wasted Severely Wasted Project/intervention Number of Children Covered D.2 Health status [SRC.2.] Ailment: ________ Ailment: ________ Ailment: ________ Ailment: ________ Ailment: ________ Ailment: ________ Ailment: ________ Ailment: ________ Ailment: ________ Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL Level Types of Ailments (Current SY) D.2.1 Number of children who have other health problems for the current SY. Indicate common ailments and corresponding number of children per type of ailment based on results of physical and dental examinations. Insert new columns if necessary.
  • 51. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template D.3 Children reported as victims of abuse and violence Total Male Female Total Male Female Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL D.3.2 Projects/interventions implemented for children that were victims or suspected victims of abuse D.3.1 Number of children who were recorded victims of abuse and violence (physical, verbal, and sexual). Should be supported by data from the Guidance Office/teachers. Level Previous SY ___ Current SY ___ YES NO If YES, please describe the mechanisms Number of Children Covered Percent of Total Project/intervention Number of Children Covered D.2.2 Projects/interventions implemented in the previous SY addressing needs of children with other health problems (insert new rows if necessary) E. STATUS OF PRIORITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS OR CI PROJECTS [SRC.18. & SRC.19.] Start End a. Does the school have mechanisms to promote safe and protective practices based on DepED's Policy on Child Protection in School? b. Other interventions implemented for children that were victims or suspected victims of abuse (insert new rows if necessary) Target Duration These projects include those implemented by the school and other stakeholders. Insert new rows if necessary. Status/Accomplishments Implementer Indicate progress of the program/ project, and its effect/impact on children's access to quality education. Program/Project Title
  • 52. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template F. STAKEHOLDER SUPPORT TO EDUCATION [SRC.13.] Indicate the amount of contributions made by parents/guardians and other stakeholders for co‐curricular activities, extra‐curricular activities, and other major activities (such as meetings and assemblies), as well as stakeholder attendance during these activities. Volunteer hours Cash In Kind No. of attendees No. invited Attendance rate Co‐Curricular Activities Extra‐curricular Activities Other Major Activities G. FUND SOURCES [SRC.5.] Contributions Activity Amount General Appropriations Act (School MOOE) G l A i ti A t (S b id f S i l P ) Attendance Fund Source General Appropriations Act (Subsidy for Special Programs) Canteen funds Donations Local Government Unit funds
  • 53. 1. CHILDREN NOT IN SCHOOL 1.1 Population of children in the barangay where school is located (current SY) Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 GRAND TOTAL 1.2 Reasons for not attending school in the current SY 6 Financial Matters Health and Nutrition Child Labor Distance of School from Home Affected by Disaster Affected by Conflict Disability Other Reasons 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TOTAL Percent of Total ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template Age Total Population No. of children NOT in School % of children NOT in School 6 School Project Teams are encouraged to conduct interviews or focus group discussions with parents/guardians/community members to probe deeper on reasons cited II. SITUATION OF CHILDREN / LEARNERS: ACCESS ‐ IN AND OUT OF SCHOOL No. of school‐ aged children not in school Age No. of children NOT in school according to reasons Instruction: Please input required data/information in unshaded cells. Fill‐in only the age groups/grade levels that are applicable to your school.
  • 54. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template 1.3 Number of children in the barangay NOT in school the last two SYs, depending on data availability Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TOTAL 1.4 Projects/interventions implemented to ensure that out‐of‐school children are reached or mainstreamed in school YES NO 2. CHILDREN ENROLLED IN SCHOOL [SRC.1.] 2.1 Enrollment for the last 3 SYs Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL Percent of Total Level SY Before Previous SY: _____ Previous SY: _____ Current SY: _____ b. Did the school use interventions in the previous SYs to ensure that out‐of‐school children have access to education? a. Does the school‐community have a mechanism to actively seek out children not in school and give them access to education (e.g., family mapping, Community‐Based Management System, etc)? If YES, please describe the mechanism/ intervention used by the school‐community No. of Out‐of‐school Children Attending Other Forms of Learning in Previous SY Age SY Before Previous SY ______ Previous SY ______
  • 55. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template Disability: __________ Disability: __________ Disability: __________ Disability: __________ Disability: __________ Disability: __________ Disability: __________ Disability: __________ Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL Percent of Total 2.3 Other data Level Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL 2.2 Number of children with disabilities by type of disability (insert new columns if necessary) Level No. of Children with Disabilities Type of Disability (Current SY) No. of 4Ps Learner‐ recipients No. of Over‐aged Learners No. of IP Learners No. of Muslim Learners
  • 56. Instruction: Please input required data/information in unshaded cells. Fill‐in only the grade levels that are applicable to your school. 3. ATTENDANCE Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL Percent of Total 3.2 Percentage of children regularly attending classes (at least 90% attendance) for the last three SYs 7 Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 OVERALL ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template SY Before Previous SY: _____ Previous SY: _____ Current SY: _____ Level III. SITUATION OF CHILDREN / LEARNERS: ACCESS ‐ ATTENDANCE AND RETENTION 3.1 Number of children regularly attending classes (at least 90% attendance) for the last three SYs 7 Level Previous SY ___ SY Before Previous SY ___ Current SY ___ 7 no. of children regularly attending classes divided by the total enrollment x 100
  • 57. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template Total Male Female Male Female Financial Matters Health and Nutrition Child Labor Distance of School from Home Affected by Disaster Affected by Conflict Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL 3.5 Projects/interventions implemented to address needs of children who are frequently absent (insert new rows if necessary) Percent of Total Grade 6 TOTAL Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Level Number of children who are frequently absent according to reasons 8 (Previous SY) Total No. of Children who were Frequently Absent in Previous SY Number of Children Covered 3.3 In the previous SY, how many children were frequently absent (below 90% attendance) and how many of them were recipients of the Conditional Cash Transfer Program (Pantawid Pamilya) of DSWD? Total Enrollment in Previous SY Number of children who were frequently absent Grade 1 Grade 2 3.4 What were the reasons why children were frequently absent in the previous SY? Please indicate number of children who are frequently absent according to reasons. Number of frequently absent students that were recipients of Pantawid Pamilya Total Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 8 School Project Teams are encouraged to conduct interviews or focus group discussions with parents/guardians/community members to probe deeper on reasons cited Other Reasons Level Kindergarten
  • 58. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template 4. DROPOUT [SRC.7.] 4.1 Number of dropouts for the last three SYs Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL 4.2 Dropout rates for the last three SYs Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 OVERALL 4.3 Number of dropouts by cause (insert new columns if necessary) Cause: __________ Cause: __________ Cause: __________ Cause: __________ Cause: __________ Cause: __________ Cause: __________ Cause: __________ Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL Level Level Level Total No. of Dropouts (Current SY) Number of Dropouts by Cause (Current SY) Percent of Total SY Before Previous SY: _____ Previous SY: _____ Current SY: _____ SY Before Previous SY: _____ Previous SY: _____ Current SY: _____
  • 59. ANNEX 1A School‐Community Data Template 4.4 Projects/interventions implemented for children at risk of dropping out YES NO ‐ track teachers' attendance and ways of ensuring their regular presence based on CSC policy? 4.4.b What are the interventions implemented for children at risk of dropping out? Insert new rows if necessary. Number of Children Covered If YES, please describe the mechanisms used by the school ‐ track attendance and identify children at risk of dropping out and failing and design remedies to keep them in school? ‐ anticipate and minimize disruptions of classes especially with respect to emergencies (disaster and conflict)? 4.4.a Does the school have mechanisms to:
  • 60. Instruction: Please input required data/information in unshaded cells. Fill-in only the grade levels that are applicable to your school. 5. PROMOTION/GRADUATION RATES [SRC.8.] 5.1 Number of promoted learners/graduates by grade level, for the last three SYs Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 TOTAL 5.2 Promotion/graduation rates for the last three SYs 9 Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 OVERALL 6. MEAN PERCENTAGE SCORES (based on National Achievement Tests) [SRC.9.] English Filipino Math Science HEKASI English Filipino Math Science HEKASI English Filipino Math Science HEKASI Level Current SY: ____ Grade 8 Grade 3 Grade 6 Previous SY: ____ Grade 3 Grade 10 Previous SY: _____ Previous SY: _____ SY Before Previous SY: ____ ANNEX 1A School-Community Data Template Level 9 Promotion rate: no. of promoted learners divided by the total enrollment x 100; Graduation rate: no. of graduates divided by the total enrollment x 100 Current SY: _____ Grade 10 Grade 10 SY Before Previous SY: _____ Grade 6 Grade 6 Level IV. SITUATION OF CHILDREN / LEARNERS: QUALITY Grade 3 Level SY Before Previous SY: _____ Current SY: _____ Grade 8 6.1 Mean Percentage Scores of NAT Grade 3 and 6 (or Grade 8 and Grade 10 for the Secondary Level), per subject for the last three SYs Level Grade 8
  • 61. ANNEX 1A School-Community Data Template 6.2 Projects/interventions implemented to improve basic competencies of learners (insert new rows if necessary) 7. LITERACY LEVEL [SRC.10.] 7.1 Number of learners who are in the frustration, instructional, and independent levels for the current SY (ENGLISH) 10 Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Level Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 10 Based on Phil-IRI pre-test results 7.2 Number of learners who are in the frustration, instructional, and independent levels for the current SY (FILIPINO) 10 Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Level Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 7.3 Projects/interventions implemented to improve reading skills of children (insert new rows if necessary) Frustration Level Instructional Level Independent Level Pre-Test Results Instructional Level Post-Test Results Level Level Pre-Test Results Frustration Level Independent Level Post-Test Results
  • 62. ANNEX 1A School-Community Data Template 8. AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS (TOP 3) [SRC.6.] List down the awards/recognitions received by the school, the school head, teachers, and students. Insert new rows if necessary. District Division Regional National Category of Awardees Title Year Award-giving Body (Please identify) International Teacher School Head School Student
  • 63. ANNEX 1B Child Mapping Tool Barangay: ______________________________ Division: ______________________________ Municipality: ______________________________ Region: ______________________________ 1 ASK: "Is the child a permanent resident?" (YES/NO) If YES, follow up "do the residents plan on moving out?" 2 TYPES OF DISABILITIES: (see DepED Order No. 2, s 2014 for detailed descriptions) 1- Visual Impairment 6- Serious emotional disturbance 2- Hearing Impairment 7- Autism 3- Intellectual Disability 8- Orthopedic impairment 4- Learning Disability 9- Special health problems 5- Speech/language impairment 10- Multiple disabilities 3 EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: CK- Completed Kindergarten C7- Completed Grade 7 SK- Some Kindergarten S7- Some Grade 7 C1- Completed Grade 1 C8- Completed Grade 8 S1- Some Grade 1 S8- Some Grade 8 C2- Completed Grade 2 C9- Completed Grade 9 S2- Some Grade 2 S9- Some Grade 9 C3- Completed Grade 3 C10- Completed Grade 10 S3- Some Grade 3 S10- Some Grade 10 C4- Completed Grade 4 C11- Completed Grade 11 S4- Some Grade 4 S11- Some Grade 11 C5- Completed Grade 5 C12- Completed Grade 12 S5- Some Grade 5 S12- Some Grade 12 C6- Completed Grade 6 S6- Some Grade 6 Before you go around your community to conduct your early registration activities, coordinate with the District or Division office and your barangay. If there are other schools in your barangay, coordinate with them as well. Distribute this child mapping tool to your team of teachers and volunteers. They should fill this up as they move from house to house in the barangay. This will help you get important basic information on the status of 4-17 year old children in your community which you can use in school planning. You only need to cover your barangay unless majority of your students come from nearby communities, in which case, you need to conduct child mapping in those barangays as well. If there are no schools in a barangay, the District or Division office will initiate the child mapping in that area (following DO. No. 1 s. 2015). Child mapping should be done at least every 3 years (preferably at the start of the SIP cycle), assuming that there are no major changes in the population of your community. After events causing major population changes (e.g. disasters), child mapping should be conducted to account for the children in your community. After mapping, consolidate the data. You can encode it in the School-Community Data Template for easy reference. Share the data with your District and Division offices, barangay, and with nearby schools and communities. Gender Educational attainment3 Planning to study next school year? (YES/NO) Number of years in present address Is residence permanent?1 (YES/NO) Date of birth With Birth Certificate? (YES/NO) Present address RESIDENCE INTERVIEWER NAME AND SIGNATURE DATE OF INTERVIEWS DISABILITY ECCD (FOR 4YO CHILDREN) FUTURE ENROLLMENT If YES, specify the name of prospective school Last First Middle If NO, state reason for not planning to study next school year If YES, specify type of disability2 If YES, specify name of school If NO, state reason for not studying TOOL FOR MAPPING OF 4-17 YR. OLD CHILDREN Has a disability? (YES/NO) Provided with ECCD Services? (YES/NO) If YES, specify ECCD facility EDUCATIONAL STATUS Currently studying? (YES/NO) Age DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION If studying through ADM, specify type of ADM NAME