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Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Essay
Science has come a very long way in the past decade. Scientists have created vaccines, medicine, and life changing technology that people use every
day. Many people wonder how these things are created. Animal testing was a major part in the creation of them, but that does not make it alright.
Scientists should not test products on animals because they are put through unnecessary tests, there are alternatives to it, and the animals are put through
physical distress.
The animals being tested on are put through unnecessary tests. Scientists artificially induce them with a disease or condition that they would never
naturally contract ("Animal Testing"). If these animals were in their natural habitat they would most likely be completely healthy. They would not be in
pain or in terrible mental conditions if this were the case. These animals are kept in a distressful environment ("Animal Testing") more content...
The only law in the U.S. that allows animals to be tested on allows them to go through horrible tests. The government has no idea what these scientists
do to the animals. "Lab animals will sometimes suffer more than people would, sometimes physically, sometimes psychologically (Animal
Experimentation 84)." These animals are burned, poisoned, isolated, shocked, restrained, drug addicted, starved, and brainā€“damaged. People fail to
understand how much these tests affect the animals. After these tests, they are left damaged, emotionally, and physically. They suffer through all of
this so people can have beauty products. The laws do not have any restrictions ("Animal Testing"). The tests can be extremely painful. Painkillers are
not required either. They could be put through brutal tests that leave them in extreme pain, and they will not be given painkillers. They are put through
extreme testing, terrible pain, emotional distress, and are not given any painkillers. These animals suffer, some of the time more than humans
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Animal Testing: Pros and Cons Essay
The ethical treatment and testing on animals is a widely controversial subject in the field of zoology. Views on animal testing range from positivity to
full negativity. Animals such as mice and rats have been found to have psychological and genetic similarities that relate to humans which make them
perfect for the experimental trials. Before various products are put out for humans consumption, animals are the most common way for companies to
see if their new inventions work. The benefits and improvements to modern medicine as a result of animal testing should be weighed heavily against the
harmful and toxic ingredients used in such experiments and their detrimental effects on test subjects like rats and mice. Something important
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The three Rs represents a way of keeping to an absolute minimum of usage, purifying experiments down to the basics and using alternatives. These will
benefit the animals and help worried consumers. Changes in modern medicine because of animal experimentation can be seen in many parts of the
field of medicine. Not only in human medicine, but also in veterinary medicine are obvious improvements. There are better vaccines for rabies,
amongst many others, and treatments for feline leukemia. According to Americans for Medical Progress, 2.7 million Americans have an active seizure
disorder (Animal Research). It is reported that because of animal testing, nine new medicines and eight treatments are in the process of being created
from product testing on animals. Also, there is restored hope that there is a chance that diseases like AIDS and heart disease could be cured because of
experimental animal trials (Animal Research). There has also been dramatic improvements for a Parkinson's Disease treatment including stem cell
therapy first done on animals (Animal Research). The improvements are very beneficial to not only humans but also animals alike. On the other hand,
there are many harmful toxins and ingredients in the testing materials that cause harm to animals. Animal advocates believe that all creatures should
have the same rights as humans (The
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Animal Testing Cons
Cynthia O'Neil, conductor of the Nurses Movement for Responsible Medicine (NMRM) has a very strong voice when it comes to animal testing. She
feels that animal testing is useless because animals and humans have such different physiologies and metabolisms (Callahan 1). The results of animal
testing do not directly transfer to humans and are easily manipulated. The United States Federal Drug Administration verifies nine out of ten medicine
victorious in animals fail in humans (Pycroft, Martson 3). Some countries, including the United States, have no laws requiring using alternatives and
very few laws regarding research in general (Using Animals 3). Many people are not aware that the use of only mice, rats, birds, amphibians, and
reptiles more content...
Dr. Richard Klausner, director of the National Cancer Institute, "we have cured mice of cancer for decades, and it simply didn't work in humans"
(Using Animals 2). "Terminally ill patients don't care whether a cancer drug works on a mouse, or that some disease can be cured in another species.
Such claims only taunt them with false hope. These people need real cures based on real scienceā€“not misleading and antiquated animal experiments"
(Pycroft, Martson 3). Often times researchers claim that animal testing is essential to find information about humans regarding medical reasons.
However, scientists linked cholesterol with heart disease through Epidemiology, not animal testing. When researchers thought radio keratotomy was
impeccable through animals, the first humans were blinded (Greek 1). Some of the animals held in research centers are not even being used. Michael
Markarian, officer of the United States Humane Society declares most of the chimpanzees held in the laboratories owned by the United States are not
even being used for current research! They are just suffering in cages for years and years for no reason (Animal Experimentation 1). The Journal of the
American Medical Association, "Patients and physicians should remain cautious about extrapolating the finding of prominent animal research to the
care of human disease... poor replication of even the highā€“quality animal studies should be expected by those who conduct clinical research" (Using
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Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing
Generally speaking, if you were to hear, "It's time for you to test a vaccine that may or may not be dangerous or even possibly fatal, for the sake of a
different species." It's understandable that the notion of this may make you feel uncomfortable. Nevertheless, this exact situation is what happens to
animals across the world. One charged debate that has taken place for a long period, of time, is whether animal testing has a valid position, within, the
field of health and medicine studies. There are two heavily opinionated sides within this conflict. There are those who feel Animal Testing is necessary
for the future of medicine, then there are the people who believe that animal testing ( even though, perhaps once had a reasonable stand) no longer
serves a purpose in health and medicine, believing animal testing to be ( for many people but not all) morally unacceptable and an outdated practice.
Upon reflecting on the arguments brought before both sides of this debate, it can be concluded that animals should no longer be used to test on as it's
ineffective and a waste of time. Pursuing this further Animal Testing should be a discarded practice due to its inaccuracy in treating diseases in a
timely manner. Within the article, stop animal testing more content...
These newer ways are not perfect, but with dedicated time and research, it has a great chance of surpassing the results of Animal
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Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing
The Debate About Animal Testing This book was a really good source for two reasons. I used this source a lot in my paper not just quoting what
the author said, but also using the case studies. The case studies helped me a lot because they usually worked as examples of abuse and
neglect..The case studies helped me a out because, there was a lot of good ones that talked a lot about what exactly is happening in labs. They
talk about a lot of stuff that people don't really know what's going on in the labs. This book also had a few really good quotes that I used. That is
why this book was a really good source to use. Animal Experimentation and Testing In this book they talked about a lot of a ways to help protect
animals that are in a pound. They protect people in pounds because, they aren't aloud to sell them to labs. So that way they aren't able to be tested on
just because they are pound animals.They also talked a lot about anesthetics and how that animals that were tested on had to be in pain because they
didn't use any pain relievers until the 1840s. That is helpful to my paper because, that is considered abuse because that is putting pain in to the animal
that is more content...
They say how that people don't always have a one shot kill. A one shot kill is basically where it takes one bullet and they're dead.They talk about
how some animals can't even get enough food for the winter because they can't go find food due to being watched to be killed. That is important
because most animals need to get food to survive. So if they can't go out and search for food without being shot at thats abuse because they are not
able to eat. That is considered starvation to the
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Essay on Pros and Cons of Animal Testing
Pro Animal Testing Animal testing has become a wide contribution in medical field in order to find new treatment, developing new medicines and
improving the existing ones as well as testing the safety and effectiveness of new medicines. Some medicines development is depending on animal
research, for instances, vaccines and insulin for diabetes and kidney transplants. However, there are many diseases that their cures are still
undiscovered yet and one of them is AIDS (Tanir, 2012). Frankie L. Trull once said in his article of Animal Test Research Has Saved Many Human
Lives, "[...] fight against cancer has seen 24 significant biomedical advances in the past 30 years. None of them could have occurred without animal
research." Therefore, more content...
This is because human body system is incredibly complex.
Toxicity ā€“ Predicting the Potential Harmful Effects
Another importance of animal testing is this testing makes large contribution in toxicity; a study of harmful effects of chemical substance on living
organisms besides finding cure for human diseases (The MSPCAā€“Angell, 2013). In fact, Daston, Procter and Gamble made a clarification in their
article of Alternatives in Reproductive Toxicity: A Way Forward, that animal tests are being relied on for the prediction of potential harm of chemicals
which may affect human reproductive system. This is because, as some animals and human have identical characteristics in complex body system,
animal tests that is conducted for evaluating toxicity of reproductive are designed to apply on the complete reproductive cycle. Those three authors also
added that animal testing become a medium for good prediction of toxicity as animal body systems are as complex as human's. Rather than testing the
chemical substances on human which is used for predicting potential harmful effects on body system, animal testing is the most appropriate and safest
medium to save human lives.
Benefits the Animals for Treatment Diseases
Animal testing is not only beneficial to human but also animals, at least to those who are not used in the experiments, such as pets and endangered
species. Along with researching for new treatments and medicines for
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Cons Of Animal Testing
Like any controversial topic some believe the pros of animal testing outweigh the cons and vice versa. The ethical outlook dominates both of them.
What this essentially means is that emotion is perhaps the fundamental influential element in whether a person deems the advantages of animal testing
overshadow the troubles correlated with the experiment. "If a monkey is very sick it will lie down when people turn their backs." (185). Therefore
due to the experimentation, "the sick monkey was holding its knees and there were star like speckles on its eyelids when Hensley turned her back the
monkey laid down in its cage." (185). These monkeys would not show in front of the scientists that they were suffering, instead they did it quietly and
in secret.
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Animal Testing Pros And Cons
There is many pros and cons when it comes to animal testing in many industries. Animals have been used for testing for many decades in recent history,
and even in the present. There are many types of animal testing, the more popular ones been in used for makeup, scientific experiments, clothing brands
and more. At first, hearing about animal testing is a sad and cruel thing to do or think of. But the number one reason why we do it, is for the safety of
human lives. The reason why it is the number one reason is to save human lives from any defects that can harm the user. One big piece of evidence that
proved that animal testing should be taking into consideration and use is the Thalidomide disaster. The Thalidomide disaster happened
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If we tested these products on humans then we would clearly know how these specific chemicals, ingredients, products, etc would affect the main
user which are Humans. This would make clear sense but the reason why these testing facilities would use animals is because the Human body Is
complex and animals are a better substitute. It is possible to do basic tests on cell lines but this does not replicate the complex interconnected
processes of a live body and can never predict potential side effects on different organs within the body. In the meantime animals make good test
subjects because they are very similar to humans. Mammals share a common ancestry which means that our organs, circulatory system, endocrine
system, nervous system etc and work in very similar ways. The DNA of mice is 98% similar to that of humans. Chimpanzee DNA is 99% similar.
Animals suffer from a lot of the same diseases as humans ā€“ insulin to treat diabetes was developed from research on
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Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing
Should Animal Experimentation Be Allowed? "Three baby mice found sealed alive in a plastic baggie and left unattended on a laboratory counter..."
(Guillermo, Kathy). How is that kind of cruel laziness suppose to determine whether or not our medicine is safe? I believe animal testing is an
unproductive form of experimentation that should not be legal. Animal experimentation is used every day in laboratories like the University of
California at Davis Center for Neuroscience, known for the unattended mice, to observe symptoms that may occur in organisms when exposed to
numerous products. Initially, animal testing brought hope for cures from horrendous and fatal diseases. Now, all animal testing does is waste the lives
of innocent creatures more content...
Animals have many anatomical, metabolic, and cellular differences when compared to humans. Thomas Hartung, a toxicology professor at John
Hopkins University, argued for alternatives to animal experimentation because "We are not 70 kg rats." In the 1950's, an epidemic occurred caused
by the animal tested sleeping pill called thalidomide. Over 10,000 babies were born with severe deformities, yet all mice, rats, guinea pigs, cats, and
hamsters passed it. The arthritis drug Vioxx which had protective effects on the hearts of mice had caused 27,000 sudden cardiac deaths and heart
attacks before being pulled from the market. If this is not enough evidence to prove animals are not like humans anatomically, let us look at some more
evidence ( Based on the National Academy of Sciences, a 2013 study states that nearly 150 human clinical trials for treatments that reduce
inflammation failed, but the trials were successful in animals. According to neurologist Aysha Akhtar, ninety
ā€“four percent of drugs that pass animals
tests fail in human clinical trials. In addition, over oneā€“hundred stroke drugs that were effective when tested on animals have failed in humans. Finally,
approximately 85 HIV vaccines failed in humans after working well in nonā€“human primates. Consequently, thousands of human lives have been ended
or damaged due to the unreliability of animal testing and how the drugs will react in a human body. Animals aren't
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Cons Of Animal Testing Research
Pros and Cons Essay
The pros
A topic that will always be discusses the testing on animals Contributes to many cures and treatments that save many human lives.The majority of the
medical breakthroughs that have happened in the last 100 years were direct results from animal research and experimentation. The Anderson Cancer
Center animal research also associated the vaccine for Hepatitis B with experimentation on chimpanzees. Without these experimentations, thousands, if
not millions, of diabetic patients and those with hepatitis B would have been killed every year. The same facility also said that the chimps serve as
humanity's only hope for finding a Hepatitis C vaccine.
Provides adequate living, whole body system test subject. No other living thing in this planet has the closest anatomical structure as humans than
animals. Ahuman body is extremely complex that cell cultures in a petri dish cannot provide sufficient test results or proof that a cure or product is
effective.Testing a drug for side effects, for example, requires a circulatory system that will carry the more content...
They are forced fed, deprived of food and water, restrained physically for prolonged periods, inflicted with burns, wounds and pain to test for healing
process effects and remedies, and even killed through neckā€“breaking or asphyxiation. Some experimentation also involves using lethal doses of certain
chemicals to determine how much can kill animals. Animals make poor test subjects.This statement is a direct contradiction from what proponents
believe about how closely related animals and humans are anatomically and biologically, because of the many metabolic, cellular, and anatomical
differences between the two species. Using rats for toxicity, for example, must not be accepted as reliable since humans are nowhere close to being
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Animal Testing Cons Essay
1.Lately, animals testing became one of the most controversial topics all over the world. Some people support it and other people want to abolish it
firmly. But what are its pros and cons? 2.First of all, animals testing has its own benefits both for us and our pets. It often helped to find a solutiion
given that there aren't many different options. For instance, rats are widely used to test the reaction of chermicals or the effect of a medicine. It may
be still useful in the future and it almost guarantees a safe decision for us. 3.However, there's a huge minus in this type of testing. The biggest one is
animals cruelty, animals are still being tortured for the sake of science and it's never 100% sure you'll find a proper cure for a disease
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Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing
On the opposite side of the spectrum, supporters strongly argue a multitude of reasons why animal testing has been and will continue to be the best
form of experimentation for upcoming products in the market. The first and most prominent reason is that testing on animals "has contributed to many
lifeā€“saving cures and treatments," including medication for cancer, severe injuries, leukemia, and more ("Should Animals Be Used"). Not only do
these medical advancements bring significant progress into the scientific field, but they are also the only adequate form of testing which fully reveals
all the responses that would be mirrored in human beings. The pro side, as established by, commonly articulates that: living systems like
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Essay On The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing
In this research i will be going to explain the cons of animals testing. Animal testing is cruel and inhumane. Animal testing is wasteful, it is bad science,
92 out of 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans.
Animals are infected with diseases that they would never normally contract. Tiny mice grow tumors as large as their own bodies, kittens are purposely
blinded, rats are made to suffer seizures and primates. Skulls are cut open and electrodes are implanted in them. Experimenters forceā€“feed chemicals to
animals, conduct repeated surgeries on them, implant wires in their brains and crush their spins. Animals are being used for testing at rapid rates and
yet there have not been any major scientific discoveries made to serve as more content...
The animals being tested may be 99% similar to us, but the other 1% could lead to many errors as animals vary to much in anatomy and biology and
are insufficient models for humans. Animals endure chemicals being dropped into their eyes, injected into their bodies forced up their nostrils or
forced down their throats. They are addicted to drugs, forced to inhale/ingest toxic substances, subjected to maternal deprivation, deafened, blinded,
burned, stapled and infected with disease viruses. Animals endure significant amounts of stress and some are even held in confinement for an
uncounted amount of time. Some experiments on animals require animals to die as a part of the test, for example, regulatory tests for botox, vaccines
and some tests for chemical safety are essentially variations of the cruel lethal dose 50 test in which 50% of the animals die or are killed. Were all
familiar with the phrase "putting lipstick on a pig" but some corporations are thoughtless enough to take it literally. Cosmetics companies have promoted
animal testing for years. While some argue it offers insight into human endangerment. The FDA reports that 92% of drugs approved for testing in
humans fail to receive approval for human use. This
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Cons Of Animal Testing Essay
The Cons of Animal Testing
Can you imagine being locked up in a cage with no control over anything? Not even when you eat? That is how life is like for an animal in research
labs. They are abused and the lab researchers don't care. Even though there are a very few benefits to using animals for research, there are many
benefits for not using them. Animal testing is costly, animals are mistreated, and there are many other safe alternatives. To begin with, animal testing is
very costly and more expensive than alternate methods. The US National Institute of Health (NIH) has an animal budget of $31 billion and for animal
research they spend an average of $14 ā€“ $16 billion annually. I think that all this money being used for animal testing could be used for other important more content...
Instead of abusing animals while testing, there are many other methods such as computer modeling, human volunteers, cellā€“based tests and tissue
models. "A variety of cellā€“based tests and tissue models can be used to assess the safety of drugs, chemicals, cosmetics, and consumer products."
("Alternatives to Animal Testing"). Not all tests can be reliable, such as identifying chemicals that cause birth defects or allergic reaction, but scientists
are trying to develop methods (Curren). The quality and humanness of testing will improve if animals are replaced by vitro methods. These tests will
often be cheaper, quicker, and more effective ("Alternatives to Animal Testing"). The study of naturally occurring disease and the health in humans is
called epidemiology. The results of this study has provided researchers and health practitioners with an understanding of causes, treatments, and
preventions of a range of human illnesses and no animals were mistreated as a result ("Animals in Science/Alternatives"). Animals can stop suffering
and dying from these experiments if these alternatives are used more
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The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing
Before a particular medicine or treatment is offered for human use, there are tested by scientist in animals to see their effectiveness. There are positive
sides of animal testing.
Animal testing helps researchers discover new drugs and treatment. Ruggeri, Camp, and Miknyoczki (2013) describe that animal models can help
people to understand the pathology of cancer, identify the therapy method, help the drug research and development of human cancer There are many
tests and medical researches had been done to animals that had led to the discovery of many medicines and treatments to cure and save the lives of
people. According to the California Biomedical Research Association, every discovery in the last century was as a result of animal testing, such as
insulin for the treatment of diabetic and the polio vaccine (, 2014, p 1). Animal testing also had being very important for new treatment of
breath cancer, more content...
McGonigle (2013) studied the development and application of animal models of CNS disorder. The author believed the animal model of CNS
disorder explored pathology and molecular mechanism, and assessed the therapeutic utility. McGonigle (2013) also proposed that animal models are
essential tools to underlying pathology and found out the potential efficacy of therapeutic intervention. Another example is that Chimpanzees and
mice's DNA that is almost 100 % genetically similar to humans. That high percentage in similarity makes sense due we all are mammals descending
from the common ancestors. Humans and animals share the same organs, which they all have the same functions. We also share the same conditions
and illness, so that similarity make animal a reliable resources to conduct researches. It also makes animals become a appropriate tool to test drugs for
new treatment as well as to improve the once that we have on place (, 2014, p
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The Cons of Animal Testing Essay
At this moment, millions of animals know cold cages in laboratories as home, but why? Some of these animals are subjects for medical research
purposes, while others are used out of pure curiosity and to test different products. Majority of these animals are used in painful experiments and are
left in agony. While many of them die, a few animals survive, but these unfortunate ones wish they could be put out of their misery as well. Although
scientists have resources they could use to lower the pain each animal endures and even alternatives of their test subjects, millions of innocent creatures
are still suffering. The fact that animals are still used when animal experimentation is avoidable and not necessary makes animal testing unethical. more content...
That is why people encourage scientists to analyze their entire experiment before they go through with it. Scientists should also be able to justify the
use of a number of animals in a specific experiment. Researchers need to be able to prove animals were absolutely needed for the experiment because
many scientists have become uncertain about the reliability of the results fashioned by tests performed on animals. Results produced by an animal do
not accurately determine how a human will react due to differences between their bodily processes, structure, and digestion. Although there are
similarities between humans and animals, there are also many differences. Animals and humans with the same health problem may not have the same
symptoms. How can an experiment on a rat to test a cancer drug show how a human with cancer will respond to the same treatment when people
themselves react differently to identical cancer treatments? In fact the American Antiā€“Vivisection Society (2013) projects nine out of ten drugs that help
animals in experiments are unsuccessful when tested on humans (Scientific Limitations of Using Animals section, para 1). It is dangerous to apply
these drugs to humans. Not only is money wasted on experiments that fall short of a cure, but people waiting to be healed are dying when that money
could be used on more promising tests. The National Antiā€“Vivisection Society (2012) declares scientists have made it a routine to
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Animal Testing Disadvantages
Animal testing
Recently, there is an increasing number of methods, which are used to test medicine and beauty products, are animal testing. In this case, numerous
animals are tested in the experiment. However, in laboratory testsŠæјŠŠanimal experiments still have defects that need to be solved. Additionally, the
animal testing is a defective method, but it still widely used in normal life, which is utilized to get the result of new medicines and feedback of
cosmetic products. On this basis, a number of people have started to consider whether it is inhumane to test on animal, however other people believe
this is effective for creating new medicine to heal miscellaneous diseases. This essay will discuss some advantages and disadvantages of the animal
testing. Nevertheless, most of new medicines which are created still need testing on animal. Research done by Garattiui and Grigusschi (2017)
displayed that when science and technology has not yet reached a certain level of advanced conditions, animal experiments are still the main approach
to find out the solution of diseases in treatments. There are plenty of benefits about using animal testing to test new medicines and cosmetic products.
The main advantage of animal testing to test medicine is that it can carry out more experiments in shorter time. This is because of most of growing up
period animal is shorter than human. Ostergaard et al. (2010) indicated that when using the animal experiment to design test models, it needs
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The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Products
Animal testing is a cheap way for companies to test products without harming humans. It may seem all fine and dandy, but many defenseless animals
are dying for our selfish purposes. Many beloved companies hide the fact that they harm these innocent animals. A few of those companies are Avon,
Bobbi Brown, Covergirl, EstŠ“Ā©e Lauder, L'OrŠ“Ā©al, M.A.C. Cosmetics and Pantene. At first sight many may think " a few animal lives are ok to
spare", but when they see how many mainstream colossal companies are practicing these methods, they will see just how many animals are impacted
by these terrible ways. Point being, poor animals are suffering so you can have hairspray, makeup, and many other life utilities. Is that fair? Every year
26 million more content...
Our body shares 95% of our genes with a mouse, making them an effective model for the human body. Though many people don't agree with animal
cruelty, for the use of cosmetic testing, it has been a crucial aspect for many companies. Along with this veterinarian's study and useanimal testing as
well. Animals also suffer from similar diseases as humans and many medicines are the same as those used for human patients: examples include
antibiotics, pain killers and tranquillisers.
The Cons for animal testing is poor innocent animals are being harmed, and used to develop countless products. Over 100 million animals are being
murdered each year. In animal testing, countless animals are experimented on and then killed. Others animals are injured and will might live the
remainder of their lives in captivity, just so you can have makeup, hair products, and many other life utilities.
In conclusion, animal testing is atrocious and dangerous. It also harms innocent animals and can even kill them. Just because animals pass a drug test
doesn't necessarily mean they are safe for you and your body. The choice is yours to support our cause for only 60 cents a day. Not only will it help
put a stop to animal testing, but will help hospitalize, and rehabilitate the animals that have been
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Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Essay
We should not be testing animals for human things. Why, well there is so many things that could happen, or in general, it is WRONG. Animals are
just like humans. Just think, animals might think that to them we are animals. How would you feel if your own pet that you have had your whole
life and loved had been in the works of being tested on. I know I would feel horrible. That is what is happening. Innocent animals are being tested on
for our own good. There are so many reasons why we should not be testing on animals.
Every year, a million animals die from animal testing. Several animal, most likely rats, hamsters, mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs suffer from animal
testing. Cosmetic tests happen on these animals. The reaction of this test causes, skin and eye irritation. The researchers shave, or rub on these
chemicals more content...
Well, one reason we test on animals is because, they have a shorter lifespan than humans. Laboratory mice for example only live to 2 to 3 years, and
human's lifespan is 79 years. Another reason is, some animals can benefit from scientists testing on them. If people did not test on them, we would not
have found a medicine for rabies, distemper, feline leukemia, infectious hepatitis virus, tetanus anthrax, and canine parvovirus. Even though we need
animal testing, it does not mean it is right.
We donŠ’Ņ‘t need animal testing as much as we need animals, because animals help shape our environment. If we did not have different types of
animals we could not keep animals in control. Our world might over populate with them. Just think, 100 million animals die each year. That is a 100
million pets that you have loved are dead. There is 17,896 dogs, 3,713 cats, 358,213 rabbits, 6,686 horses, 6,095 monkeys,675,065 birds, 77,280 pigs,
28,892 sheep, 30,914 cattle, 1,000,000 fish, and 8,500,00 rodents being used in experiments. We donŠ’Ņ‘t need animal
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Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Essay

  • 1. Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Essay Science has come a very long way in the past decade. Scientists have created vaccines, medicine, and life changing technology that people use every day. Many people wonder how these things are created. Animal testing was a major part in the creation of them, but that does not make it alright. Scientists should not test products on animals because they are put through unnecessary tests, there are alternatives to it, and the animals are put through physical distress. The animals being tested on are put through unnecessary tests. Scientists artificially induce them with a disease or condition that they would never naturally contract ("Animal Testing"). If these animals were in their natural habitat they would most likely be completely healthy. They would not be in pain or in terrible mental conditions if this were the case. These animals are kept in a distressful environment ("Animal Testing") more content... The only law in the U.S. that allows animals to be tested on allows them to go through horrible tests. The government has no idea what these scientists do to the animals. "Lab animals will sometimes suffer more than people would, sometimes physically, sometimes psychologically (Animal Experimentation 84)." These animals are burned, poisoned, isolated, shocked, restrained, drug addicted, starved, and brainā€“damaged. People fail to understand how much these tests affect the animals. After these tests, they are left damaged, emotionally, and physically. They suffer through all of this so people can have beauty products. The laws do not have any restrictions ("Animal Testing"). The tests can be extremely painful. Painkillers are not required either. They could be put through brutal tests that leave them in extreme pain, and they will not be given painkillers. They are put through extreme testing, terrible pain, emotional distress, and are not given any painkillers. These animals suffer, some of the time more than humans Get more content on
  • 2. Animal Testing: Pros and Cons Essay The ethical treatment and testing on animals is a widely controversial subject in the field of zoology. Views on animal testing range from positivity to full negativity. Animals such as mice and rats have been found to have psychological and genetic similarities that relate to humans which make them perfect for the experimental trials. Before various products are put out for humans consumption, animals are the most common way for companies to see if their new inventions work. The benefits and improvements to modern medicine as a result of animal testing should be weighed heavily against the harmful and toxic ingredients used in such experiments and their detrimental effects on test subjects like rats and mice. Something important more content... The three Rs represents a way of keeping to an absolute minimum of usage, purifying experiments down to the basics and using alternatives. These will benefit the animals and help worried consumers. Changes in modern medicine because of animal experimentation can be seen in many parts of the field of medicine. Not only in human medicine, but also in veterinary medicine are obvious improvements. There are better vaccines for rabies, amongst many others, and treatments for feline leukemia. According to Americans for Medical Progress, 2.7 million Americans have an active seizure disorder (Animal Research). It is reported that because of animal testing, nine new medicines and eight treatments are in the process of being created from product testing on animals. Also, there is restored hope that there is a chance that diseases like AIDS and heart disease could be cured because of experimental animal trials (Animal Research). There has also been dramatic improvements for a Parkinson's Disease treatment including stem cell therapy first done on animals (Animal Research). The improvements are very beneficial to not only humans but also animals alike. On the other hand, there are many harmful toxins and ingredients in the testing materials that cause harm to animals. Animal advocates believe that all creatures should have the same rights as humans (The Get more content on
  • 3. Animal Testing Cons Cynthia O'Neil, conductor of the Nurses Movement for Responsible Medicine (NMRM) has a very strong voice when it comes to animal testing. She feels that animal testing is useless because animals and humans have such different physiologies and metabolisms (Callahan 1). The results of animal testing do not directly transfer to humans and are easily manipulated. The United States Federal Drug Administration verifies nine out of ten medicine victorious in animals fail in humans (Pycroft, Martson 3). Some countries, including the United States, have no laws requiring using alternatives and very few laws regarding research in general (Using Animals 3). Many people are not aware that the use of only mice, rats, birds, amphibians, and reptiles more content... Dr. Richard Klausner, director of the National Cancer Institute, "we have cured mice of cancer for decades, and it simply didn't work in humans" (Using Animals 2). "Terminally ill patients don't care whether a cancer drug works on a mouse, or that some disease can be cured in another species. Such claims only taunt them with false hope. These people need real cures based on real scienceā€“not misleading and antiquated animal experiments" (Pycroft, Martson 3). Often times researchers claim that animal testing is essential to find information about humans regarding medical reasons. However, scientists linked cholesterol with heart disease through Epidemiology, not animal testing. When researchers thought radio keratotomy was impeccable through animals, the first humans were blinded (Greek 1). Some of the animals held in research centers are not even being used. Michael Markarian, officer of the United States Humane Society declares most of the chimpanzees held in the laboratories owned by the United States are not even being used for current research! They are just suffering in cages for years and years for no reason (Animal Experimentation 1). The Journal of the American Medical Association, "Patients and physicians should remain cautious about extrapolating the finding of prominent animal research to the care of human disease... poor replication of even the highā€“quality animal studies should be expected by those who conduct clinical research" (Using Animals Get more content on
  • 4. Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Generally speaking, if you were to hear, "It's time for you to test a vaccine that may or may not be dangerous or even possibly fatal, for the sake of a different species." It's understandable that the notion of this may make you feel uncomfortable. Nevertheless, this exact situation is what happens to animals across the world. One charged debate that has taken place for a long period, of time, is whether animal testing has a valid position, within, the field of health and medicine studies. There are two heavily opinionated sides within this conflict. There are those who feel Animal Testing is necessary for the future of medicine, then there are the people who believe that animal testing ( even though, perhaps once had a reasonable stand) no longer serves a purpose in health and medicine, believing animal testing to be ( for many people but not all) morally unacceptable and an outdated practice. Upon reflecting on the arguments brought before both sides of this debate, it can be concluded that animals should no longer be used to test on as it's ineffective and a waste of time. Pursuing this further Animal Testing should be a discarded practice due to its inaccuracy in treating diseases in a timely manner. Within the article, stop animal testing more content... These newer ways are not perfect, but with dedicated time and research, it has a great chance of surpassing the results of Animal Get more content on
  • 5. Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing The Debate About Animal Testing This book was a really good source for two reasons. I used this source a lot in my paper not just quoting what the author said, but also using the case studies. The case studies helped me a lot because they usually worked as examples of abuse and neglect..The case studies helped me a out because, there was a lot of good ones that talked a lot about what exactly is happening in labs. They talk about a lot of stuff that people don't really know what's going on in the labs. This book also had a few really good quotes that I used. That is why this book was a really good source to use. Animal Experimentation and Testing In this book they talked about a lot of a ways to help protect animals that are in a pound. They protect people in pounds because, they aren't aloud to sell them to labs. So that way they aren't able to be tested on just because they are pound animals.They also talked a lot about anesthetics and how that animals that were tested on had to be in pain because they didn't use any pain relievers until the 1840s. That is helpful to my paper because, that is considered abuse because that is putting pain in to the animal that is more content... They say how that people don't always have a one shot kill. A one shot kill is basically where it takes one bullet and they're dead.They talk about how some animals can't even get enough food for the winter because they can't go find food due to being watched to be killed. That is important because most animals need to get food to survive. So if they can't go out and search for food without being shot at thats abuse because they are not able to eat. That is considered starvation to the Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Pros and Cons of Animal Testing Pro Animal Testing Animal testing has become a wide contribution in medical field in order to find new treatment, developing new medicines and improving the existing ones as well as testing the safety and effectiveness of new medicines. Some medicines development is depending on animal research, for instances, vaccines and insulin for diabetes and kidney transplants. However, there are many diseases that their cures are still undiscovered yet and one of them is AIDS (Tanir, 2012). Frankie L. Trull once said in his article of Animal Test Research Has Saved Many Human Lives, "[...] fight against cancer has seen 24 significant biomedical advances in the past 30 years. None of them could have occurred without animal research." Therefore, more content... This is because human body system is incredibly complex. Toxicity ā€“ Predicting the Potential Harmful Effects Another importance of animal testing is this testing makes large contribution in toxicity; a study of harmful effects of chemical substance on living organisms besides finding cure for human diseases (The MSPCAā€“Angell, 2013). In fact, Daston, Procter and Gamble made a clarification in their article of Alternatives in Reproductive Toxicity: A Way Forward, that animal tests are being relied on for the prediction of potential harm of chemicals which may affect human reproductive system. This is because, as some animals and human have identical characteristics in complex body system, animal tests that is conducted for evaluating toxicity of reproductive are designed to apply on the complete reproductive cycle. Those three authors also added that animal testing become a medium for good prediction of toxicity as animal body systems are as complex as human's. Rather than testing the chemical substances on human which is used for predicting potential harmful effects on body system, animal testing is the most appropriate and safest medium to save human lives. Benefits the Animals for Treatment Diseases Animal testing is not only beneficial to human but also animals, at least to those who are not used in the experiments, such as pets and endangered species. Along with researching for new treatments and medicines for Get more content on
  • 7. Cons Of Animal Testing Like any controversial topic some believe the pros of animal testing outweigh the cons and vice versa. The ethical outlook dominates both of them. What this essentially means is that emotion is perhaps the fundamental influential element in whether a person deems the advantages of animal testing overshadow the troubles correlated with the experiment. "If a monkey is very sick it will lie down when people turn their backs." (185). Therefore due to the experimentation, "the sick monkey was holding its knees and there were star like speckles on its eyelids when Hensley turned her back the monkey laid down in its cage." (185). These monkeys would not show in front of the scientists that they were suffering, instead they did it quietly and in secret. Get more content on
  • 8. Animal Testing Pros And Cons There is many pros and cons when it comes to animal testing in many industries. Animals have been used for testing for many decades in recent history, and even in the present. There are many types of animal testing, the more popular ones been in used for makeup, scientific experiments, clothing brands and more. At first, hearing about animal testing is a sad and cruel thing to do or think of. But the number one reason why we do it, is for the safety of human lives. The reason why it is the number one reason is to save human lives from any defects that can harm the user. One big piece of evidence that proved that animal testing should be taking into consideration and use is the Thalidomide disaster. The Thalidomide disaster happened more content... If we tested these products on humans then we would clearly know how these specific chemicals, ingredients, products, etc would affect the main user which are Humans. This would make clear sense but the reason why these testing facilities would use animals is because the Human body Is complex and animals are a better substitute. It is possible to do basic tests on cell lines but this does not replicate the complex interconnected processes of a live body and can never predict potential side effects on different organs within the body. In the meantime animals make good test subjects because they are very similar to humans. Mammals share a common ancestry which means that our organs, circulatory system, endocrine system, nervous system etc and work in very similar ways. The DNA of mice is 98% similar to that of humans. Chimpanzee DNA is 99% similar. Animals suffer from a lot of the same diseases as humans ā€“ insulin to treat diabetes was developed from research on Get more content on
  • 9. Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Should Animal Experimentation Be Allowed? "Three baby mice found sealed alive in a plastic baggie and left unattended on a laboratory counter..." (Guillermo, Kathy). How is that kind of cruel laziness suppose to determine whether or not our medicine is safe? I believe animal testing is an unproductive form of experimentation that should not be legal. Animal experimentation is used every day in laboratories like the University of California at Davis Center for Neuroscience, known for the unattended mice, to observe symptoms that may occur in organisms when exposed to numerous products. Initially, animal testing brought hope for cures from horrendous and fatal diseases. Now, all animal testing does is waste the lives of innocent creatures more content... Animals have many anatomical, metabolic, and cellular differences when compared to humans. Thomas Hartung, a toxicology professor at John Hopkins University, argued for alternatives to animal experimentation because "We are not 70 kg rats." In the 1950's, an epidemic occurred caused by the animal tested sleeping pill called thalidomide. Over 10,000 babies were born with severe deformities, yet all mice, rats, guinea pigs, cats, and hamsters passed it. The arthritis drug Vioxx which had protective effects on the hearts of mice had caused 27,000 sudden cardiac deaths and heart attacks before being pulled from the market. If this is not enough evidence to prove animals are not like humans anatomically, let us look at some more evidence ( Based on the National Academy of Sciences, a 2013 study states that nearly 150 human clinical trials for treatments that reduce inflammation failed, but the trials were successful in animals. According to neurologist Aysha Akhtar, ninety ā€“four percent of drugs that pass animals tests fail in human clinical trials. In addition, over oneā€“hundred stroke drugs that were effective when tested on animals have failed in humans. Finally, approximately 85 HIV vaccines failed in humans after working well in nonā€“human primates. Consequently, thousands of human lives have been ended or damaged due to the unreliability of animal testing and how the drugs will react in a human body. Animals aren't Get more content on
  • 10. Cons Of Animal Testing Research Pros and Cons Essay The pros A topic that will always be discusses the testing on animals Contributes to many cures and treatments that save many human lives.The majority of the medical breakthroughs that have happened in the last 100 years were direct results from animal research and experimentation. The Anderson Cancer Center animal research also associated the vaccine for Hepatitis B with experimentation on chimpanzees. Without these experimentations, thousands, if not millions, of diabetic patients and those with hepatitis B would have been killed every year. The same facility also said that the chimps serve as humanity's only hope for finding a Hepatitis C vaccine. Provides adequate living, whole body system test subject. No other living thing in this planet has the closest anatomical structure as humans than animals. Ahuman body is extremely complex that cell cultures in a petri dish cannot provide sufficient test results or proof that a cure or product is effective.Testing a drug for side effects, for example, requires a circulatory system that will carry the more content... They are forced fed, deprived of food and water, restrained physically for prolonged periods, inflicted with burns, wounds and pain to test for healing process effects and remedies, and even killed through neckā€“breaking or asphyxiation. Some experimentation also involves using lethal doses of certain chemicals to determine how much can kill animals. Animals make poor test subjects.This statement is a direct contradiction from what proponents believe about how closely related animals and humans are anatomically and biologically, because of the many metabolic, cellular, and anatomical differences between the two species. Using rats for toxicity, for example, must not be accepted as reliable since humans are nowhere close to being 70ā€“kilogram Get more content on
  • 11. Animal Testing Cons Essay 1.Lately, animals testing became one of the most controversial topics all over the world. Some people support it and other people want to abolish it firmly. But what are its pros and cons? 2.First of all, animals testing has its own benefits both for us and our pets. It often helped to find a solutiion given that there aren't many different options. For instance, rats are widely used to test the reaction of chermicals or the effect of a medicine. It may be still useful in the future and it almost guarantees a safe decision for us. 3.However, there's a huge minus in this type of testing. The biggest one is animals cruelty, animals are still being tortured for the sake of science and it's never 100% sure you'll find a proper cure for a disease Get more content on
  • 12. Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing On the opposite side of the spectrum, supporters strongly argue a multitude of reasons why animal testing has been and will continue to be the best form of experimentation for upcoming products in the market. The first and most prominent reason is that testing on animals "has contributed to many lifeā€“saving cures and treatments," including medication for cancer, severe injuries, leukemia, and more ("Should Animals Be Used"). Not only do these medical advancements bring significant progress into the scientific field, but they are also the only adequate form of testing which fully reveals all the responses that would be mirrored in human beings. The pro side, as established by, commonly articulates that: living systems like human Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing In this research i will be going to explain the cons of animals testing. Animal testing is cruel and inhumane. Animal testing is wasteful, it is bad science, 92 out of 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans. Animals are infected with diseases that they would never normally contract. Tiny mice grow tumors as large as their own bodies, kittens are purposely blinded, rats are made to suffer seizures and primates. Skulls are cut open and electrodes are implanted in them. Experimenters forceā€“feed chemicals to animals, conduct repeated surgeries on them, implant wires in their brains and crush their spins. Animals are being used for testing at rapid rates and yet there have not been any major scientific discoveries made to serve as more content... The animals being tested may be 99% similar to us, but the other 1% could lead to many errors as animals vary to much in anatomy and biology and are insufficient models for humans. Animals endure chemicals being dropped into their eyes, injected into their bodies forced up their nostrils or forced down their throats. They are addicted to drugs, forced to inhale/ingest toxic substances, subjected to maternal deprivation, deafened, blinded, burned, stapled and infected with disease viruses. Animals endure significant amounts of stress and some are even held in confinement for an uncounted amount of time. Some experiments on animals require animals to die as a part of the test, for example, regulatory tests for botox, vaccines and some tests for chemical safety are essentially variations of the cruel lethal dose 50 test in which 50% of the animals die or are killed. Were all familiar with the phrase "putting lipstick on a pig" but some corporations are thoughtless enough to take it literally. Cosmetics companies have promoted animal testing for years. While some argue it offers insight into human endangerment. The FDA reports that 92% of drugs approved for testing in humans fail to receive approval for human use. This Get more content on
  • 14. Cons Of Animal Testing Essay The Cons of Animal Testing Can you imagine being locked up in a cage with no control over anything? Not even when you eat? That is how life is like for an animal in research labs. They are abused and the lab researchers don't care. Even though there are a very few benefits to using animals for research, there are many benefits for not using them. Animal testing is costly, animals are mistreated, and there are many other safe alternatives. To begin with, animal testing is very costly and more expensive than alternate methods. The US National Institute of Health (NIH) has an animal budget of $31 billion and for animal research they spend an average of $14 ā€“ $16 billion annually. I think that all this money being used for animal testing could be used for other important more content... Instead of abusing animals while testing, there are many other methods such as computer modeling, human volunteers, cellā€“based tests and tissue models. "A variety of cellā€“based tests and tissue models can be used to assess the safety of drugs, chemicals, cosmetics, and consumer products." ("Alternatives to Animal Testing"). Not all tests can be reliable, such as identifying chemicals that cause birth defects or allergic reaction, but scientists are trying to develop methods (Curren). The quality and humanness of testing will improve if animals are replaced by vitro methods. These tests will often be cheaper, quicker, and more effective ("Alternatives to Animal Testing"). The study of naturally occurring disease and the health in humans is called epidemiology. The results of this study has provided researchers and health practitioners with an understanding of causes, treatments, and preventions of a range of human illnesses and no animals were mistreated as a result ("Animals in Science/Alternatives"). Animals can stop suffering and dying from these experiments if these alternatives are used more Get more content on
  • 15. The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Before a particular medicine or treatment is offered for human use, there are tested by scientist in animals to see their effectiveness. There are positive sides of animal testing. Animal testing helps researchers discover new drugs and treatment. Ruggeri, Camp, and Miknyoczki (2013) describe that animal models can help people to understand the pathology of cancer, identify the therapy method, help the drug research and development of human cancer There are many tests and medical researches had been done to animals that had led to the discovery of many medicines and treatments to cure and save the lives of people. According to the California Biomedical Research Association, every discovery in the last century was as a result of animal testing, such as insulin for the treatment of diabetic and the polio vaccine (, 2014, p 1). Animal testing also had being very important for new treatment of breath cancer, more content... McGonigle (2013) studied the development and application of animal models of CNS disorder. The author believed the animal model of CNS disorder explored pathology and molecular mechanism, and assessed the therapeutic utility. McGonigle (2013) also proposed that animal models are essential tools to underlying pathology and found out the potential efficacy of therapeutic intervention. Another example is that Chimpanzees and mice's DNA that is almost 100 % genetically similar to humans. That high percentage in similarity makes sense due we all are mammals descending from the common ancestors. Humans and animals share the same organs, which they all have the same functions. We also share the same conditions and illness, so that similarity make animal a reliable resources to conduct researches. It also makes animals become a appropriate tool to test drugs for new treatment as well as to improve the once that we have on place (, 2014, p Get more content on
  • 16. The Cons of Animal Testing Essay At this moment, millions of animals know cold cages in laboratories as home, but why? Some of these animals are subjects for medical research purposes, while others are used out of pure curiosity and to test different products. Majority of these animals are used in painful experiments and are left in agony. While many of them die, a few animals survive, but these unfortunate ones wish they could be put out of their misery as well. Although scientists have resources they could use to lower the pain each animal endures and even alternatives of their test subjects, millions of innocent creatures are still suffering. The fact that animals are still used when animal experimentation is avoidable and not necessary makes animal testing unethical. more content... That is why people encourage scientists to analyze their entire experiment before they go through with it. Scientists should also be able to justify the use of a number of animals in a specific experiment. Researchers need to be able to prove animals were absolutely needed for the experiment because many scientists have become uncertain about the reliability of the results fashioned by tests performed on animals. Results produced by an animal do not accurately determine how a human will react due to differences between their bodily processes, structure, and digestion. Although there are similarities between humans and animals, there are also many differences. Animals and humans with the same health problem may not have the same symptoms. How can an experiment on a rat to test a cancer drug show how a human with cancer will respond to the same treatment when people themselves react differently to identical cancer treatments? In fact the American Antiā€“Vivisection Society (2013) projects nine out of ten drugs that help animals in experiments are unsuccessful when tested on humans (Scientific Limitations of Using Animals section, para 1). It is dangerous to apply these drugs to humans. Not only is money wasted on experiments that fall short of a cure, but people waiting to be healed are dying when that money could be used on more promising tests. The National Antiā€“Vivisection Society (2012) declares scientists have made it a routine to Get more content on
  • 17. Animal Testing Disadvantages Animal testing Recently, there is an increasing number of methods, which are used to test medicine and beauty products, are animal testing. In this case, numerous animals are tested in the experiment. However, in laboratory testsŠæјŠŠanimal experiments still have defects that need to be solved. Additionally, the animal testing is a defective method, but it still widely used in normal life, which is utilized to get the result of new medicines and feedback of cosmetic products. On this basis, a number of people have started to consider whether it is inhumane to test on animal, however other people believe this is effective for creating new medicine to heal miscellaneous diseases. This essay will discuss some advantages and disadvantages of the animal testing. Nevertheless, most of new medicines which are created still need testing on animal. Research done by Garattiui and Grigusschi (2017) displayed that when science and technology has not yet reached a certain level of advanced conditions, animal experiments are still the main approach to find out the solution of diseases in treatments. There are plenty of benefits about using animal testing to test new medicines and cosmetic products. The main advantage of animal testing to test medicine is that it can carry out more experiments in shorter time. This is because of most of growing up period animal is shorter than human. Ostergaard et al. (2010) indicated that when using the animal experiment to design test models, it needs Get more content on
  • 18. The Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Products Animal testing is a cheap way for companies to test products without harming humans. It may seem all fine and dandy, but many defenseless animals are dying for our selfish purposes. Many beloved companies hide the fact that they harm these innocent animals. A few of those companies are Avon, Bobbi Brown, Covergirl, EstŠ“Ā©e Lauder, L'OrŠ“Ā©al, M.A.C. Cosmetics and Pantene. At first sight many may think " a few animal lives are ok to spare", but when they see how many mainstream colossal companies are practicing these methods, they will see just how many animals are impacted by these terrible ways. Point being, poor animals are suffering so you can have hairspray, makeup, and many other life utilities. Is that fair? Every year 26 million more content... Our body shares 95% of our genes with a mouse, making them an effective model for the human body. Though many people don't agree with animal cruelty, for the use of cosmetic testing, it has been a crucial aspect for many companies. Along with this veterinarian's study and useanimal testing as well. Animals also suffer from similar diseases as humans and many medicines are the same as those used for human patients: examples include antibiotics, pain killers and tranquillisers. The Cons for animal testing is poor innocent animals are being harmed, and used to develop countless products. Over 100 million animals are being murdered each year. In animal testing, countless animals are experimented on and then killed. Others animals are injured and will might live the remainder of their lives in captivity, just so you can have makeup, hair products, and many other life utilities. In conclusion, animal testing is atrocious and dangerous. It also harms innocent animals and can even kill them. Just because animals pass a drug test doesn't necessarily mean they are safe for you and your body. The choice is yours to support our cause for only 60 cents a day. Not only will it help put a stop to animal testing, but will help hospitalize, and rehabilitate the animals that have been Get more content on
  • 19. Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing Essay We should not be testing animals for human things. Why, well there is so many things that could happen, or in general, it is WRONG. Animals are just like humans. Just think, animals might think that to them we are animals. How would you feel if your own pet that you have had your whole life and loved had been in the works of being tested on. I know I would feel horrible. That is what is happening. Innocent animals are being tested on for our own good. There are so many reasons why we should not be testing on animals. Every year, a million animals die from animal testing. Several animal, most likely rats, hamsters, mice, rabbits, and guinea pigs suffer from animal testing. Cosmetic tests happen on these animals. The reaction of this test causes, skin and eye irritation. The researchers shave, or rub on these chemicals more content... Well, one reason we test on animals is because, they have a shorter lifespan than humans. Laboratory mice for example only live to 2 to 3 years, and human's lifespan is 79 years. Another reason is, some animals can benefit from scientists testing on them. If people did not test on them, we would not have found a medicine for rabies, distemper, feline leukemia, infectious hepatitis virus, tetanus anthrax, and canine parvovirus. Even though we need animal testing, it does not mean it is right. We donŠ’Ņ‘t need animal testing as much as we need animals, because animals help shape our environment. If we did not have different types of animals we could not keep animals in control. Our world might over populate with them. Just think, 100 million animals die each year. That is a 100 million pets that you have loved are dead. There is 17,896 dogs, 3,713 cats, 358,213 rabbits, 6,686 horses, 6,095 monkeys,675,065 birds, 77,280 pigs, 28,892 sheep, 30,914 cattle, 1,000,000 fish, and 8,500,00 rodents being used in experiments. We donŠ’Ņ‘t need animal Get more content on