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Module 0
Make the most of it
Table of specifications
Module 0 (Tests 1, 2)
Types of
of items
Topics Language
comprehension Holidays
Verbs and
Passive voice
• lexical
• grammatical
• semantic
• orthographic
• functional
• discourse
• Multiple choice
• True / false
• Matching
• Sequencing
• Short answer
(blank filling;
• Short answer
3 40
4 60
4 50
• Essay
(120-160 words)
1 50
Upgrade 10
a. World War II was over.
b. Birdie Mathews was an American teacher.
c. American students were trying to correspond with European students.
d. Anne Frank wrote a diary about her life as a Nazi.
e. Anne Frank was considered a heroine of war.
f. Anne Frank believed that people were basically good.
Progress Test - Module 0
Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________
Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________
A – Listening comprehension 40 marks
1. Listen to the text twice to complete the exercises.
1.1 Which statements about the text are correct? 12 marks (4x3 marks)
Progress Test - Module 0
1.2 Complete the following sentences about the text. 12 marks (3x4 marks)
a. Birdie Mathews offered her students the chance ________________________________________
b. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank was published _________________________________
c. Her diary is the story of ________________________________________________________________
2. Listen to the text again to complete the following exercise.
2.1 Organise the following statements in sequence, according to the text.
16 marks (8x2 marks)
a. One student picked out the name of a girl in the Netherlands.
b. Anne Frank details in her diary the usual adolescent fears about growing up,
falling in love and being misunderstood by her parents.
c. One spring day Birdie Mathews offered her students the chance to correspond
with pen pals overseas.
d. World War II spread over Europe.
e. This brief connection between Amsterdam and Danville
was because of the work of this teacher, Birdie Mathews,
to bring those worlds together.
f. The name “Anne Frank” is familiar to us today because
of the diary of the young Jewish girl kept while in hiding
from the Nazis during World War II.
g. Long before The Diary of a Young Girl became legendary,
a few pages of Anne Frank’s thoughts arrived in Danville,
Iowa, in the spring of 1940.
h. Birdie Mathews regularly updated her students
in the USA on the situation.
Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________
Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________
B – Written comprehension 60 marks
1. Have you ever had a pen pal, someone you wrote to regularly? Why?/Why not?
Write 30-40 words. 10 marks
Progress Test - Module 0
Anne Frank and her Iowa pen pal
As World War II spread over Europe, an innovative Iowa educator, Birdie Mathews, regularly
updated her students in the USA on the situation. One spring day in 1940 the seventh and
eighth grade teacher at the Danville Community School in Des Moines County offered her
students the chance to correspond with pen pals overseas. One of her students, Juanita
Wagner, picked out the name of a ten year-old girl in the Netherlands – Anne Frank.
Because pen-pal writing as a classroom practice was still fairly rare at this time, only
creative teachers such as Birdie Mathews would have set up situations in which their students
could learn firsthand about the world. Some Danville students wrote to other children in the
United States, but many, including Juanita Wagner, chose to write to overseas pen pals.
In her introductory letter in the spring of 1940, Juanita, aged ten, wrote about Iowa, her
mother (a teacher), her sister Betty Ann, and life on their farm and in nearby Danville. She
sealed the letter and sent it to Anne Frank’s address in Amsterdam.
In a few weeks Juanita received not one, but two overseas letters. Anne had written back to
Juanita, and Anne’s sister Margot, aged fourteen had written a letter to Betty Ann, Juanita’s
fourteen-year old sister. “It was such a special joy as a child to have the experience of
receiving a letter from overseas from a foreign country and a new pen pal,” Betty Ann
Wagner later recalled. “In those days we had no TV, little radio, and maybe a newspaper once
or twice a week. Living on a farm with so little communication could be very dull except for all
the good books from the library.”
Anne and Margot had enclosed their school pictures. The letters were in English, but experts
believe that the Frank sisters probably first composed their letters in Dutch and then copied
them in English after their father, Otto Frank, had translated them.
Shelby Meyers-Verhage, in (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
Read the following text.
2. Quote from the text to support these statements. 10 marks (4x2,5 marks)
a. A teacher from Danville Community School
motivated her students to write to other
students from different countries.
b. This teacher was using classroom strategies that were not common in those days.
c. Juanita Walker wrote a letter to a European girl.
d. Juanita wrote her first letter to Anne in 1940.
3. Find in the text opposite words for the following words. 10 marks (5x2 marks)
a. night __________________________________________________________
b. frequent ______________________________________________________
c. unimaginative _________________________________________________
d. adults _________________________________________________________
e. closing ________________________________________________________
Progress Test - Module 0
4. Answer the following questions on the text using your own words. 30 marks (3x10 marks)
4.1 Birdie Mathews offered her students the chance to correspond with pen pals overseas.
Why did she do this?
4.2 Why was Betty Ann, Juanita’s sister, so happy to receive a letter from Margot, Anne’s sister?
4.3 What does the text say about the language the Dutch sisters used to write their letters?
C – Language 50 marks
1. Match the two halves of the sentences in order to write correct statements. 8 marks (4x2 marks)
a. The student was offered 1. a possible trip to Europe.
b. The teacher was being rewarded 2. by the teenager.
c. The student has been motivated 3. for her work.
d. The diary was written 4. by his teacher to write to a pen pal.
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. 15 marks (5x3 marks)
Anne and Margot Frank, two sisters who a. ________________________ (live) in the Netherlands in 1940,
b. ________________________ (experience) World War II as they c. ______________________ (belong) to
a Jewish family. For several months, they d. _________________________ (hide) in order to escape but in
the end the Nazis e. _________________________ (catch) the entire family.
Progress Test - Module 0
3. Complete the text with: who, which, whose. 15 marks (5x3 marks)
Many teenage students a. ______________________________ wrote to foreign pen pals discovered lots
of important information about life overseas. Even with World War II taking place, some
teenagers, b. ________________________ families weren’t Jewish, were able to live an almost normal
life, c. _______________________________ made them feel part of a teenage world. Jewish teenagers,
d. ______________________ had a difficult time during the war, appreciated the letters they received
from pen pals overseas, e. ___________________________________ dreams were similar to their own.
4. Complete the sentences in an appropriate way. 12 marks (3x4 marks)
a. If the teacher hadn’t been so creative, ________________________________________________________
b. If Juanita hadn’t written to Anne about her sister Betty Ann, __________________________________
c. If I had been in Juanita’s situation, ___________________________________________________________
D - Written production 50 marks
Imagine you were Anne’s sister, Margot, aged 14. Write a page of your diary, in 120-160
Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________
Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________
B – Written comprehension 60 marks
1. Would you consider the possibility of studying abroad? Why?/Why not? Write
30-40 words.
Read the following text. 10 marks
Progress Test - Module 0
Pros and cons of studying abroad
For most students, studying abroad is a rewarding experience that they are happy to have
undertaken. However, for others, the experience is one that they wish had been different in
some way or even regret completely. Understanding the implication of studying abroad is an
important part of making the best choice of where and how to study in another country – or
even whether to leave one’s own country.
Students who earn a degree overseas need to be aware of potential differences in how their
degree will be valued in their home country and elsewhere. Unfortunately, there is no
worldwide standard for higher education degrees and so their evaluation is not easy.
European degrees have recently been standardized but elsewhere around the world degrees
can vary in length, content and quality.
In general, studying abroad is highly valued by employers. Experience studying abroad is
assumed to have benefitted the student in ways that will make them a more valuable
employee than someone who hasn’t. Such students are assumed to have qualities such as
self-motivation, maturity, confidence and open-mindedness as well as language skills, cultural
awareness or experience working with people from different parts of the world.
Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience that impacts on a student’s life in many
positive ways. Increased maturity, independence, self-reliance and openness to new
experiences are some of the positive outcomes many students experience. Students often
make long-lasting friendships and become more aware of their own values and culture and
accept better those people whose values and lifestyles differ from their own. For some
students however, studying abroad can be a challenging experience. Some students have
great difficulty adapting to a new environment where everything, from the food to the
language and the style of instruction may be different from what they are used to. Students
who choose to study abroad independently, especially at a school with few pupils from their
home country, may have the most difficulty. (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
Progress Test - Module 0
2. Say what the following words refer to in the text. 10 marks (5x2 marks)
a. they (l. 1) __________________________________________
b. one (l. 2) __________________________________________
c. their (l. 7) __________________________________________
d. whose (l. 21) ______________________________________
e. who (l. 25) _________________________________________
3. Choose the best option to complete the sentences about the text. 10 marks (5x2 marks)
3.1 For most students studying abroad is a ____________________________________ experience.
a. rewarding b. rewarded c. reward
3.2 However, for some students it is a ____________________________________ experience.
a. regret b. regrettable c. regrets
3.3 It is important for students to decide __________________________ they really want to go abroad.
a. however b. nevertheless c. whether
3.4 The degree ___________________________ abroad might not be valued the same way everywhere.
a. bought b. paid c. obtained
3.5 Accepting people’s differences ______________________ one of the most important skills acquired
as a foreign student.
a. can’t be b. can be c. are
Progress Test - Module 0
4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words. 30 marks (3x10 marks)
4.1 What is the difference between European degrees and degrees taken in other parts of the world?
4.2 Why is studying abroad generally highly valued by employers?
4.3 Refer 3 positive and 3 negative aspects of studying abroad.
C – Language 50 marks
1. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. 15 marks (3x5 marks)
a. European Union has standardised European degrees.
European degrees ___________________________________________________________________________
b. Degrees will be valued differently by people in different countries.
c. Studying abroad is highly valued by employers.
Employers ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. Find the incorrect relative pronouns/determiners in the following text and correct them.
12 marks (4x3 marks)
Studying abroad is a challenging experience who many students are eager to embrace. Those
whose friends have decided to join them are more likely to be successful in this adventure than
those which thought that going alone could be an interesting perspective. Statistically, students
whose decide to go without their peers find the experience more frustrating than those who peers
go with them.
Progress Test - Module 0
3. Complete the missing parts of the reported speech. 15 marks (5x3 marks)
“My experience as a foreign student was quite enriching. I felt I was part of a
multicultural reality as most of my classmates were from different nations.”
John a. _____________________ Mary that b. _______________________ experience as a foreign
student c. ______________________ quite enriching. d. ____________________ felt he had been
part of a multicultural reality as most of d. ________________________classmates were from
different nations.
4. Write the appropriate verb forms of the verbs in brackets. 8 marks (4x2 marks)
Next school year, I think my brother a. _____________________ (apply) for a scholarship in
a foreign university. He b. ___________________________ (never/live) away from home and
my mother c. _____________________________ (be) really concerned about this as he always
d. ________________________ (arrive) late for school.
D - Written production 50 marks
There are many teenagers who go to a foreign country to study, either for a short
period of time or for a longer one. In 120-160 words, write a text presenting the
advantages and the disadvantages of studying abroad.
Audio script
Tests - 1-2
A - Listening comprehension
As World War II spread over Europe, an
innovative Iowa educator, Birdie Mathews,
regularly updated her students in the USA on
the situation. One spring day in 1940 the
seventh and eighth grade teacher at the
Danville Community School in Des Moines
County offered her students the chance to
correspond with pen pals overseas. One of
her students, Juanita Wagner, picked out the
name of a ten year-old girl in the Netherlands
– Anne Frank.
The name “Anne Frank” is familiar to us
todaybecause of the diary of the young Jewish
girl kept while in hiding from the Nazis during
World War II. First published nearly fifty years
ago, the diary is the story of an ordinary
teenage girl facing extraordinary circumstan-
ces. She details in her diary the usual
adolescent fears about growing up, falling in
love and being misunderstood by her parents.
But she also writes as a Jew hiding from the
Nazis as the war took its course outside.
Readers of the diary all over the world have
come to see her as a heroine of the war
because, in spite of all she suffered, she still
felt that people were basically “good at
heart”. Her words have touched generations
of people who continue to struggle to
understand the complexities of a world war in
human terms.
Few realize, however, that long before The
Diary of a Young Girl became legendary, a
few pages of Anne Frank’s thoughts arrived in
Danville, Iowa, in the spring of 1940. This
brief connection between Amsterdam and
Danville was because of the work of this
teacher, Birdie Mathews, to bring those
worlds together.
(abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
1.1 b. Birdie Mathews was an American
c. American students were trying to
correspond with European students.
e. Anne Frank was considered a heroine
of war.
f. Anne Frank believed that people were
basically good.
1.2 a. to correspond with pen pals overseas.
b. nearly fifty years ago.
c. an ordinary teenage girl facing
extraordinary circumstances.
3. a. 4; b. 6; c. 3; d. 1; e. 8; f. 5; g. 7; h. 2.
Test 1
B - Written comprehension
Answer keys
Test 1
B - Written comprehension
1. Open answer.
2. a. “… the seventh and eighth grade
teacher at the Danville Community
School in Des Moines County offered
her students the chance to correspond
with pen pals overseas.”
b. “… pen-pal writing as a classroom
practice was still fairly rare at this
c. “… but many, including Juanita
Wagner, chose to write to overseas
pen pals.”
d. “In her introductory letter in the
spring of 1940, Juanita …”
3. a. day (l. 2); b. rare (l. 7); c. creative (l. 8);
d. children (l. 10); e. introductory (l. 12).
4. 4.1 She wanted her students to learn
from the world firsthand, through
foreign teenagers, living different
problems and situations, but still
4.2 Betty Ann was so happy about it
because they lived on a farm and
they had limited access to news and
communication (no TV, little radio,
few newspapers and books from the
library), so getting in touch with a
foreign teenager was a really
wonderful experience.
4.3 According to the text, the letters
were written in Dutch first, and it was
probably the sisters’ father who
translated their letters from Dutch
into English and vice-versa.
C – Language
1. a. 1; b. 3; c. 4; d. 2.
2. a. lived; b. experienced; c. belonged;
d. hid; e. caught.
3. a. who; b. whose; c. which; d. who;
e. whose.
4. a. her students wouldn’t have had pen
pals. b. she wouldn’t have received
two letters instead of one.
c. I would have done the same thing.
D - Written production
Open answer.
Answer keys
Test 2
B - Written comprehension
1. Open answer.
2. a. most students; b.
experience/studying abroad;
c. students’; d. people’s;
e. students.
3.1 a; 3.2 b; 3.3 c; 3.4 c; 3.5 b.
4.1 There is no worldwide scale to
evaluate higher education degrees. In
Europe, degrees have been
standardized but elsewhere around
the world, degrees can vary in length,
content and quality.
4.2 It is valued by employers because
this type of experience usually
develops qualities such as self-
motivation, maturity, confidence,
open-mindedness. It develops
language and cultural skills and the
capacity to work with people of
different origins.
4.3 Positive – maturity, independence,
openness to new experiences, lasting
friendships, tolerance, understanding.
Negative – difficulty in adapting to a
new environment, different food,
different language, different teaching
methods, few compatriots.
C - Language
1. a. “… been standardised by the
European Union.” b. “… in
different countries will value
degrees differently.”
c. “… value studying abroad
2. who-which; which-who;
whose-who; who-whose.
3. a. told; b. his; c. had been; d.
He; e. his.
4. a. will apply; b. has never lived;
c. is; d. arrives.
D - Written production
Open answer.
Upgrade 10
A - Listening
B - Written
C - Language D – Written Prod.
Total Mark
1 2 3 Total 1 2 3 4 Total 1 2 3 4 Total 1 Total
No. Name 40 60 60 60 200
UNIT ________________________________ CLASS _________ DATE ___ / ___ / ___ TERM _________
Type of items Criteria
• Multiple choice
• True / false
• Matching
• Sequencing
• Short answer (blank filling)
• Correct / incorrect
- Sequencing items will only be given marks if the
whole sequence is correct
- One mark off in true / false items for each
incorrect quotation from the text, when
- One mark off in true / false items for each
incorrect answer, if quotation from the text is
correct, when applicable
• Short answer (sentence completion;
• One mark less for each language mistake, up to
a maximum of 3 marks
• Incomprehensible or decontextualized answers
will be marked wrong
• Short answer (text comprehension) • One mark less for language mistakes, up to a
maximum of 3 marks
• The answer should demonstrate the
comprehension of the text, using student’s
• Incomprehensible or decontextualized answers
will be marked wrong
• Essay
41 to 50: The student shows excellent writing
skills; totally respects the topic or text type;
presents his own ideas about the topic,
contextualizes and develops them; uses
appropriate and varied cohesion devices;
organizes the text in a coherent manner;
mistakes (structure or spelling) are irrelevant
for the comprehension of message.
31 to 40: The student shows good writing skills;
respects the topic or the text type; presents
some ideas about the topic and contextualizes
them; uses cohesion devices and the text is
organized; choice of words is good; makes few
mistakes (structure or spelling) which hardly
affects message.
21 to 30: The student shows some writing skills;
respects the topic or the text type; presents
some ideas about the topic and tries to
contextualize them; uses some cohesion devices
but the text is slightly disorganized; choice of
words is reasonable; makes some mistakes
(structure or spelling) which sometimes makes
message slightly confusing.
11 to 20: The student shows poor writing skills;
mostly respects the topic or the text type;
presents some ideas about the topic but slightly
confused; uses some cohesion devices but the
text is not completely organized; choice of words
is poor; makes some mistakes (structure or
spelling) which sometimes makes message not
totally clear.
0 to 10: The student shows very poor writing
skills; doesn’t fully respect the topic or the text
type; ideas are scarce and mostly
decontextualized; uses little cohesion devices
and the text is disorganized; choice of words is
very poor; makes many mistakes (structure or
spelling) which sometimes makes message
incomprehensible or illegible.
Note: the student will get 0 marks if the topic or
type of text is not respected, or if the whole text
is incomprehensible or illegible.
Type of items Criteria
• Multiple choice
• True / false
• Matching
• Sequencing
• Short answer (blank filling)
• Correct / incorrect
- Sequencing items will only be given marks if the whole
sequence is correct
- One mark off in true / false items for each incorrect
quotation from the text, when applicable
- One mark off in true / false items for each incorrect
answer, if quotation from the text is correct, when
• Short answer (sentence completion;
• One mark less for each language mistake, up to a
maximum of 3 marks
• Incomprehensible or decontextualised answers will be
marked wrong
• Short answer (text comprehension)
• One mark less for each language mistake, up to a
maximum of 3 marks
• The answer should demonstrate the comprehension of the
text, using student’s words
• Incomprehensible or decontextualised answers will be
marked wrong
• Essay
41 to 50: The student shows excellent writing skills; totally
respects the topic or the text type; presents his own ideas
about the topic, contextualises and develops them; uses
appropriate and varied cohesive devices; organises the text in
a coherent manner; mistakes (structure or spelling) are
irrelevant for the comprehension of message.
31 to 40: The student shows reasonable writing skills;
respects the topic or the text type; presents some ideas about
the topic and contextualises them; uses simple cohesive
devices to organise the text, but not always successfully;
choice of words is good; makes few mistakes (structure or
spelling) which hardly affect message.
21 to 30: The student shows some writing skills; respects the
topic or the text type; presents some ideas about the topic
and tries to contextualise them; uses some cohesive devices
but the text is slightly disorganised; choice of words is
reasonable; makes some mistakes (structure or spelling)
which sometimes make message slightly confusing.
11 to 20: The student shows poor writing skills; mostly
respects the topic or the text type; presents some ideas about
the topic but the text is slightly confused; uses few cohesive
devices but the text is not well organised; choice of words is
poor; makes many mistakes (structure or spelling) which
sometimes impede meaning.
0 to 10: The student shows very poor writing skills; doesn’t
fully respect the topic or the text type; ideas are scarce and
mostly decontextualised; uses few cohesive devices and the
text is disorganised; choice of words is very poor; makes
many mistakes (structure or spelling) which sometimes make
message incomprehensible.
Note: the student will get 0 marks if the topic or the text type
is not respected, or if the whole text is incomprehensible or
Test Correction Criteria
Upgrade 10
Module 1
A language of many
Upgrade 10
Table of specifications
Module 1 (Tests 1-5)
Types of Items
of items
Topics Language
comprehension Learning a
English all
Fitting in
British and
Past simple
and Past
Past simple
and past
• lexical
• grammatical
• semantic
• orthographic
• functional
• discourse
• Multiple choice
• True / false
• Matching
• Sequencing
• Short answer
(blank filling;
• Short answer
3 40
4 60
4 50
• Essay
(120-160 words)
1 50
Progress Test - Module 1
Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________
Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________
A – Listening comprehension 40 marks
1. Listen to the text and complete the table with information from it. 24 marks (8x3 marks)
a. Number of languages spoken in the world
b. Number of languages with just one single speaker
c. Three languages from the Indo-European family
d. Three of the world’s most spoken languages
Progress Test - Module 1
2. Listen to the text again and answer the following question. 4 marks
2.1 In which continent do we find the largest number of languages?
3. Listen to the text once again. 12 marks (2x6 marks)
3.1 Which is the easiest language for a native English speaker to learn?
3.2 And the hardest?
Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________
Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________
B – Written comprehension 60 marks
10 marks
1. How many foreign languages can you speak? Do you find it/them useful? Why?/Why not?
Write 30-40 words. 10 marks
Read the following text.
Progress Test - Module 0
Why should I learn a language?
Learning a foreign language takes time and dedication. The reasons below may help to
convince you to take the plunge, if such persuasion is needed. Some reasons are practical,
some aspirational, some intellectual and others sentimental, but whatever your reasons,
having a clear idea of why you’re learning a language can help to motivate you in your
When you move to a different country or region, learning the local language will help you
to communicate and integrate with the local community. Even if many of the locals speak
your language, for example if your mother tongue is English and you move to the
Netherlands, it’s still worth learning the local language. Doing so will demonstrate your
interest in and commitment to the new country.
Family and friends
If your partner, in-laws, relatives or friends speak a different language, learning that
language will help you to communicate with them. It will also give you a better understanding
of their culture and way of thinking.
If your work involves regular contact with speakers of foreign languages, being able to talk
to them in their own languages will help you to communicate with them. It may also help you
to make sales and to negotiate and secure contracts. Knowledge of foreign languages may
also increase your chances of finding a new job, getting a promotion or a transfer overseas,
or of going on foreign business trips.
Many English-speaking business people don’t bother to learn other languages because they
believe that most of the people they do business with in foreign countries can speak English,
and if they don’t speak English, interpreters can be used. The lack of foreign language
knowledge puts the English speakers at a disadvantage. In meetings, for example, the people
on the other side can discuss things amongst themselves in their own language without the
English speakers understanding, and using interpreters slows everything down. In any
socialising after the meetings, the locals will probably feel more comfortable using their own
language rather than English. (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
Progress Test - Module 1
2. Find evidence in the text for the following statements. 10 marks (5x2 marks)
a. Learning a language demands patience and it is a slow process.
b. It is helpful when you know the reason why you are learning a language.
c. Knowing their language makes your work easier when contacting foreign people.
d. English speakers are usually in disadvantage as they hardly ever know another
e. Interpreters are useful but it takes longer to conclude business.
3. Find the synonyms in the text. 10 marks (5x2 marks)
a. dive ___________________ d. distinct ___________________
b. incorporate ___________________ e. improve ___________________
c. valuable___________________
4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words.
30 marks (3x10 marks)
4.1 Why should people learn the language of the country they are moving to?
4.2 What is the purpose of learning the first language of family members or friends?
4.3 What are the disadvantages of not speaking the local language of people you are
doing business with?
C – Language 50 marks
1. Complete the following text with an appropriate past tense form of the
verbs in brackets. 18 marks (6x3 marks)
Two years ago Peter a. __________________________ (start) learning a new language.
(decide) to learn Spanish. He b. _______________________________ (decide) to learn
Spanish. He c. ___________________________ (already/study) in Spain for two weeks
before he d. _____________ (meet) Elena, his girlfriend. He e. _____________ (have) a
great time in Spain but he f. ___________________________ (not learn) much Spanish
during those days.
2. We can find compound words in the text such as overseas. Match the
words on the left with the words on the right to build compound words.
12 marks (6x2 marks)
a. house 1. board
b. police 2. room
c. shop 3. wife
d. black 4. man
e. bed 5. keeper
f. skate 6. berry
3. Choose the correct option to transform the sentences into reported
statements. 12 marks (4x3 marks)
a. “Many people find foreign languages too difficult to learn”.
The teacher reported that many people found/finds/had found foreign
languages too difficult to learn.
b. “John doesn’t speak any foreign language”.
He confirmed that John don’t speak/hadn’t spoken/didn’t speak any foreign
c. “Can we conduct the business in English?”
The chairman told/informed/asked if they could conduct the business in
d. “Why are you learning French?”
The girl wanted to know why are they learning French/they were learning
French/they learn French.
Progress Test - Module 1
4. Rewrite the following statements in reported speech. 8 marks (2x4 marks)
a. “Now, I’m speaking in German with my relatives from Germany,” said Parker.
b. “I had a wonderful time chatting with all these French people in their own language
yesterday evening,” I added.
D - Written production 50 marks
“To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.”
(Chinese proverb)
In 120-160 words, write a text about your opinion on this proverb.
Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________
Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________
B – Written comprehension 60 marks
1. Have you ever helped anyone in need? How?/When? Write 30-40 words. 10 marks
Read the following text.
Progress Test - Module 0
Meet Debora Ahlikpokou
In the fall of 2009, the Ryan’s Well Foundation began its first School
Challenge project to bring safe water and sanitation to Adakpamé school
and community, located 15 km east of Togo’s capital city of Lomé. The
community of Adakpamé has approximately 1,665 people, including
765 students at the school. Before the project began, the school lacked
adequate toilets, hand washing stations and was in desperate need of a
safe water source. The pre-existing well was completely unusable which
meant students had to bring water from limited supplies at home or
buy water from nearby street vendors – a costly and unsustainable supply of water.
This much-needed project, completed in the spring of 2010, has provided the school and
community with a new well and piped water for the school and the surrounding community as
well as latrines and a hand washing station with 5 taps for washing.
Chosen by her school headmaster to be interviewed, 13 year-old Debora, a bright young
student from grade 8, remembers having to leave school and go home to use the toilet, and
also bringing dirty water from home – her only source. During the interview, Debora
explained how she is now able to carry clean water home from school for her family – which
includes her 11 brothers and 1 sister. Equally as important, Debora says that she has also
been trained by her teachers to wash her hands after using the toilet and before eating. She
has passed these lessons on to her family thereby helping spread knowledge and awareness
of good hygiene practices throughout the community. Since the completion of this project,
Debora has been able to focus more of her time on school where she says her favourite class
is literature because she is able to read and write, “like a journalist.” She also plays for her
school girls soccer team (they call it “football” in Togo!). Access to safe water, sanitation and
hygiene education has helped Debora – and her schoolmates – focus on their education,
health and future! (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
Progress Test - Module 1
Progress Test - Module 1
2. Say what the following words in bold in the text refer to: 8 marks (2x4 marks)
a. This (l. 10) _________________________________
b. her (l. 13) _________________________________
c. they (l. 23) _________________________________
d. their (l. 25) _________________________________
3. Find evidence in the text for the statements below. 12 marks (4x3 marks)
a. Adakpamé school is located not far from the capital of Togo.
b. Before this project Adakpamé didn’t have adequate water supplies.
c. It was too expensive to buy water.
d. This School Challenge project was finished in 2010.
4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words.
30 marks (3x10 marks)
4.1 What was the purpose of the Ryan’s Well Foundation in Togo?
4.2 Who is Debora?
4.3 Why has access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education helped Debora and
her classmates?
C – Language 50 marks
1. Find in the text the British equivalent of the following American words.
4 marks (2x2 marks)
a. soccer_____________________ b. favorite_____________________
2. Order the words to build correct sentences using the past perfect and the past
simple. 18 marks (3x6 marks)
a. the/bell/exercise/had/when/rang/finished/the/students/the/.
b. when/started/to/already/Debora/had/got/school/classes/.
c. all/when/interview/Debora/had/the/gave/students/the/arrived/.
3. Rewrite the following text in direct speech. 20 marks
Debora said that she remembered having to
leave school and go home to use the toilet.
She explained that she was able at that
moment to bring clean water home from
school for her family. She had also been
trained by her teachers to wash her hands
after using the toilet and before eating. At
that moment she was able to focus on school
work and her own future. She said she
wanted to be a journalist.
Progress Test - Module 1
4. Find the odd word out (word formation). 8 marks (4x2 marks)
a. blackmail – toothpaste – shopkeeper – teacher
b. airplane – student – chairman – blackberry
c. downstairs – fireman – computer – housewife
d. school – hypertext – bedroom – sidewalk
D - Written production 50 marks
Debora’s life seems quite different from the lives of many students of her age in
many countries in Europe and in the USA. What are the main differences? What are
the similarities?
In 120-160 words, write a text answering these questions and giving your opinion
on the matter.
Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________
Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________
B – Written comprehension 60 marks
1. Do you usually watch films or listen to songs in English? Why?/Why not? 10 marks
Write 30-40 words.
Read the following text.
English is part of the Germanic branch of the
Indo-European family of languages. A great
number of words found in the English
vocabulary were borrowed from Latin, French,
Low German, and the Scandinavian languages.
We also know that some periods were more
fertile than others: invasions, contact with
other cultures, inventions, technological
progress, music and fashion are some of the
factors which have helped to enrich the
language. British colonialism in the 19th
and American capitalism and technological
progress in the 20th
century have undoubtedly
been the main causes for the spread of English
throughout the world.
From around 1750 to 1950 the British Empire
covered about a quarter of the globe. It was
one of the most powerful empires the world has
ever known. The colonies gradually became
independent but about fifty countries chose to
keep a connection with Britain by belonging to
the British Commonwealth. English is spoken all
over the Commonwealth either as a native or
an official language, and the British monarch is
the symbolic head of this association.
The USA has played a leading role in most
domains for the last hundred years. At the end
of the 19th
century and first quarter of the 20th
it welcomed millions of European immigrants
who had left their countries devastated by war,
poverty or famine. This labour force
strengthened American industries and
Progress Test - Module 1
The growth and expansion of English
development. The Hollywood film industry
also attracted many foreign artists in quest
of fame and fortune and the many American
films produced every year soon invaded the
market. Before the Treaty of Versailles
(1919), which ended the First World War
between Germany and the Allies, diplomacy
was conducted in French. However,
President Wilson succeeded in having the
treaty in English as well. From then, English
started being used in diplomacy and
gradually in economic relations and the
media. During the II World War, America
intervened both militarily and economically
to save Europe from chaos. From then
onwards, the United States has consolidated
its cultural, economical and technological
power: inventions, rock and roll, the first
man on the moon, the revolution of the
Internet, the country’s growing prosperity
and commercial aggressiveness have
contributed to the further expansion and
importance of English in the world today. (abridged and
adapted, accessed in December 2012)
Progress Test - Module 1
2. Say whether the following statements are True or False. Quote from the text to
support your choice. 10 marks (4x2,5 marks)
a. English is of German origin.
b. The English language has been influenced by many languages and situations.
c. The British Empire occupied 25% of the world from the 18th to the 20th century.
d. Millions of European citizens moved to South Africa.
3. Find antonyms for the following words in the text. 10 marks (5x2 marks)
a. lost ___________________________________
b. impoverish ___________________________
c. regress _______________________________
d. weak _________________________________
e. repelled ______________________________
4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words.
30 marks (3x10 marks)
4.1 What factors helped to enrich the English language?
4.2 How did the British Empire influence the spread of English?
4.3 Refer to three aspects from American culture that have helped to consolidate English
as a world language.
C – Language 50 marks
1. Say whether the following words are British English (BrE) or American English
(AmE). 10 marks (5x2 marks)
a. neighbour ___________________________ neighbor ___________________________
b. eraser ______________________________ rubber _____________________________
c. lift __________________________________ elevator ___________________________
d. theatre _____________________________ theater ____________________________
e. pants _______________________________ trousers ___________________________
2. Join the two halves of the sentences to make correct sentences in the past.
15 marks (5x3 marks)
a. The British Commonwealth is
b. Immigrants reached America
full of hope
c. When Hollywood film industry
started to develop
d. When the Treaty of Versailles was signed
e. The United States had saved Europe
3. Find and correct 5 tense mistakes in the text. 10 marks (5x2 marks)
The history of the English language can be traced back to the arrival of thre e Germanic
tribes to the British Isles during the 5th Century AD. Angles, Saxons and Jutes are
crossing the North Sea from what is the present day Denmark and northern
Germany. The inhabitants of Britain previously speak a Celtic language which
was quickly displaced. Most of the Celtic speakers are pushed into Wales, Cornwall
and Scotland. One group is migrating to Brittany in France where their descendants
still speak the Celtic Language of Breton today. The Angles were named after
Engle, their land of origin. Their language is being called Englisc from which the
word English derives. (accessed in December 2012)
_________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________
1. many producers had already invested
lots of money.
2. President Wilson had already arranged to
have it in English as well.
3. but the British Empire was bigger and
more powerful.
4. when the World War finally came to an
5. but they had left their countries full
of sadness.
Progress Test - Module 1
4. Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given. 15 marks (3x5 marks)
a. “The United States has consolidated its cultural, economical and technological power.”
The journalist confirmed that ________________________________________________________
b. “The USA has played a leading role in most domains for the last hundred years.”
The journalist added that ____________________________________________________________
c. “The English language is surviving in this competitive world due to the influence of
American discoveries and developments.”
The journalist concluded that ________________________________________________________
D - Written production 50 marks
English has been expanding as a language in the last centuries and this is
particularly true in the 20th
century. Do you consider English to be the language of
communication in today’s world? In 120-160 words, write a text giving your
opinion on the topic and using specific examples to justify it.
Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________
Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________
B – Written comprehension 60 marks
1. 1. Would you like to move to a different country to study? Why?/Why not?
Write 30-40 words. 10 marks
Read the following text.
Progress Test - Module 1
Erasmus is the EU’s flagship education and
training programme, enabling round 180,000
students to study and do work placements
abroad each year.
23-year old medicine student Mariana
Carneiro de Sousa Pinto da Costa from the
University of Porto worked eight months at
the Medical University of Warsaw.
“I left for an Erasmus year because I
wanted to practise a foreign language and
improve my career prospects. Few
Portuguese students choose Poland as a
destination, but it appealed to me. I thought,
since I was going somewhere outside
Portugal, I might as well get to know a truly
different culture. With hindsight I’m delighted
with my choice.
I left the University of Porto to spend eight
months in the English Division of the Medical
University of Warsaw. The first thing that
struck me when I arrived was the colossal
scale of the faculty. Its library had over
250,000 volumes. Its medical facilities included
141 clinics, each equipped with truly modern
equipment. Within this gigantic structure, I
went everywhere, practising surgery, internal
Erasmus programme:
medicine for body and soul
Read the following text.
medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics and
family medicine. My tasks were quite thrilling.
I worked on the night rounds, communicated
with patients and took part in several life
threatening operations.
Although everyone spoke English in our
clinic, I took Polish classes at the university in
my free time. This proved handy, as I got to
know the cultural and social life of Warsaw.
Life is not very expensive in Poland, even for
a Portuguese student. I used to take my
friends to museums, restaurants, theatres,
even to the opera (something I couldn’t
afford back home). My year in Warsaw gave
me skills I will value throughout my medical
career. It also enriched me on a personal and
cultural level. I really recommend studying
abroad to any student who has the
(abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
Progress Test - Module 1
2. Say what the following words in bold in the text refer to. 8 marks (4x2 marks)
a. it (l. 13) __________________________________
b. its (l. 22) _________________________________
c. This (l. 35) _______________________________
d. who (l. 46) _______________________________
3. Complete the following sentences according to the text. 12 marks (3x4 marks)
a. Mariana left the University of Porto in order to ________________________________________
b. While at the faculty she had the opportunity to _______________________________________
c. She was really excited with all her tasks that involved ________________________________
4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words.
30 marks (3x10 marks)
4.1 What is the Erasmus programme?
4.2 Why did Mariana choose Poland for her Erasmus programme?
4.3 Refer to the reasons why Mariana decided to take Polish lessons.
C – Language 50 marks
1. Build sentences with the given words using the past simple and the past continuous.
Make the necessary changes. 10 marks (2x5 marks)
a. While/Mariana/make/her/night rounds/she/find/an/intruder.
b. When/Mariana/arrive/at/the/clinic/her/friends/operate/on/a/patient.
2. Use the following words to form five compound words.
10 marks (2x5 marks)
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
c. _____________________________
d. _____________________________
e. _____________________________
3. Choose an appropriate verb for each statement. Use each verb only once.
10 marks (5x2 marks)
a. The doctor __________________________ Mariana where she had left her books.
b. Mariana __________________________ to her parents that she was feeling very well.
c. The EU commissioner __________________________ that all the interviews be conducted in
d. The reporter __________________________ his attitude quite exaggerated.
e. Mariana _________________________ all her friends that she was expecting them in Warsaw
to celebrate her birthday.
flag some hind through black
board where ship sight out
asked told considered demanded explained
Progress Test - Module 1
4. Report the following text. 20 marks
“I left for an Erasmus year because I wanted to practise a foreign language and
improve my career prospects. Few Portuguese students choose Poland as a
destination, but it appealed to me. I thought, since I was going somewhere outside
Portugal, I might as well get to know a truly different culture. With hindsight I’m
delighted with my choice.”
Mariana told the journalist that ______________________________________________________
D - Written production 50 marks
Imagine you are a student in the Erasmus programme.
In 120-160 words, write a text about your experience in the country you went to,
referring to positive and negative aspects, main difficulties, interesting discoveries,
future prospects, etc.
Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________
Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________
B – Written comprehension 60 marks
1. When did you start learning a second language? Was it easy? Why?/Why not?
Write 30-40 words. 10 marks
Read the following text.
Progress Test - Module 1
How to learn a second language
Italian cardinal Joseph Caspar Mezzofanti was said to have spoken more
than 38 languages fluently at the time of his death in 1849, a skill that
would have been extremely useful in today’s globalized economy.
Some advertisements offer a 15-minute audio program to become a United
Nations interpreter, but experts say these get-fluent-fast programs are
totally deceiving. “There is no method that can do that,” says Robert DeKeyser,
a professor of second language acquisition at the University of Maryland. “The only way to
learn a language is to make quite a bit of effort on a daily basis.”
Programs designed to imitate the learning methods of children are also a waste of time
and money, says DeKeyser. “You cannot expect to just absorb language the way that a child
does,” he says. “Children are good at learning the underlining system of all the language
input they get because they can infer the underlying patterns without understanding the
rules. Adults must be conscientious of the rules of the language. Implicit learning doesn’t
work all that well with them.”
Lisa Davidson, an associate professor of linguistics at New York University, says one major
difference in the language learning process between adults and children involves interference
from a native tongue. “When you’re a kid all you’re working at is acquiring a language, and
you don’t have anything to get in the way of that,” she says. “When you’re an adult and you
already have a language, the one you already know filters sounds and you get substantial
interference from it.”
Many experts agree that the ideal learning method for adults really depends on the
individual. “Find the method that works for you and stick with it,” says Richard Simcott, a
polyglot who has professionally worked in over 14 languages at once for the British Foreign
Service. “The main thing is to do a bit every day and not to get discouraged if you miss a
day. If audio works for you, do audio. If it’s classes, do classes. But find whatever it is and be
(abridged and adapted, accessed December 2012)
Progress Test - Module 1
2. Find in the first two paragraphs examples of American English words that have a
different spelling in British English.
8 marks (4x2 marks)
_______________________________ _______________________________
3. Complete the following sentences by choosing the best option.
12 marks (4x3 marks)
3.1 Cardinal Mezzofanti could speak…
a. 38 languages. b. 100 languages. c. 3 languages.
3.2 Some advertisements claim people…
a. need to make an effort to b. learn to be interpreters c. can be interpreters
become UN interpreters. in 15 minutes. for 15 minutes.
3.3 According to experts, get-fluent-fast programmes are…
a. good. b. important. c. a fake.
3.4 Robert DeKeyser is a…
a. school teacher. b. university teacher. c. university student.
4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words.
30 marks (3x10 marks)
4.1 According to Robert DeKeyser, programmes designed to imitate the learning methods of
children are also a waste of time and money. Why?
4.2 Lisa Davidson talks about interference of the native tongue in the learning process. What
does she mean by that?
4.3 What is Richard Simcott’s advice?
Progress Test - Module
C – Language 50 marks
1. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. 15 marks (5x3 marks)
In the past people only a. ______________________ the languages they
b. ______________________. Educated people c. ______________________ to learn as many
languages as possible. On the contrary, ordinary people d. ______________________
the language they e. ______________________ when they f. ______________________children.
2. Rewrite the following text accordingly. 15 marks (5x3 marks)
Maria’s father is learning a new language. As an
adult he needs to invest extra time and effort in
learning the new language. Maria said that her
father was too attached to his own language and
that he didn’t use the new language often enough.
Last year, Maria’s father a. ______________________ a new language. As an adult he
b. ______________________ to invest extra time and effort in learning the new language.
Maria c. ______________________ that her father d. ______________________ too attached to
his own language and that he e. ______________________ the new language often enough.
3. Match the words from the two columns to form compound words. 8 marks (4x2 marks)
a. friend 1. work
b. foot 2. ship
c. net 3. light
d. sun 4. ball
acquire learn be use need try
Progress Test - Module 1
4. Rewrite the following text in direct speech. 12 marks
Robert DeKeyser said that those get-fluent-fast programs were totally
deceiving. There was no method that could do that. The only way to
learn a language was to make quite a bit of effort on a daily basis. …
Adults had to be conscientious of the rules of the language. Implicit
learning didn’t work all that well with them.
Robert DeKeyser said, “These get-fluent-fast programs ____________________________
D - Written production 50 marks
Those who know no foreign language know nothing of their mother tongue.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In 120-160 words, write a comment on this statement, giving your opinion and
referring to your own experience.
Answer key
Tests 1-5
A - Listening comprehension
Interesting facts about languages
How many languages are there?
It’s estimated that up to 7,000 different languages are
spoken around the world. 90% of these languages are
used by less than 100,000 people. Over a million people
converse in 150-200 languages and 46 languages have
just a single speaker!
Languages are grouped into families that share a
common ancestry. For example, English is related to
German and Dutch, and they are all part of the Indo-
European family of languages. This also includes
Romance languages, such as French, Spanish and Italian,
which come from Latin. 2,200 of the world’s languages
can be found in Asia, while Europe has a mere 260.
Nearly every language uses a similar grammatical
structure, even though they may be different in
vocabulary or origin. Communities which are isolated
from each other because of mountainous geography may
have developed multiple languages. Papua New Guinea
for instance, boasts no less than 832 different languages!
What are the world’s most spoken languages?
The world’s most widely spoken languages by number
of native speakers and as a second language, according
to figures from UNESCO (The United Nations’ Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization), are: Mandarin
Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, Russian,
Portuguese, Japanese, German and French.
Which are the hardest languages to learn?
The ease or difficulty of learning another language can
depend on your mother tongue. In general, the closer the
second language is to the learner’s native tongue and
culture in terms of vocabulary, sounds or sentence
structure, the easier acquisition will be.
So, a Polish speaker will find it easier to learn another
Slavic language like Czech than an Asian language such
as Japanese, while linguistic similarities mean that a
Japanese speaker would find it easier to learn Mandarin
Chinese than Polish.
Dutch is said to be the easiest language for native
English speakers to pick up, while research shows that for
those native English speakers who already know another
language, the five most difficult languages to get your
head around are Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin
Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
(abridged and adapted, accessed December 2012)
1. a. 7,000; b. 46; c. English, German, Dutch or
French, Spanish, Italian; d. Mandarin Chinese,
English, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, Russian,
Portuguese, Japanese, German, French.
2. Asia.
3. Easiest: Dutch; hardest: Arabic, Cantonese,
Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
Answer key
Test 1
B - Written comprehension
1. Open answer.
2. a. “Learning a foreign language takes time and
b. “… having a clear idea of why you’re learning a
language can help to motivate you in your
c. “If your work involves regular contact with
speakers of foreign languages, being able to talk
to them in their own languages will help you to
communicate with them”;
d. “The lack of foreign language knowledge puts
the English speakers at a disadvantage”; e. “…
using interpreters slows everything down”
3. a. plunge (l. 2); b. integrate (l. 7); c. worth (l. 9);
d. different (l. 12); e. increase (l. 19).
4.1 People should learn the language of the country
they are moving to because it facilitates
communication and integration and at the same
time shows respect and interest towards this
4.2 The purpose of learning it is not only to
communicate but also to understand the culture
and way of thinking of its native speakers.
4.3 Some disadvantages can be slowing the rhythm
of negotiation with interpreters, missing some
comments or discussion in the local language, not
being able to participate actively in social events
after doing business.
C - Language
1. a. started; b. decided; c. had studied; d. met; e.
had; f. didn’t learn.
2. a. 3; b. 4; c. 5; d. 6; e. 2; f. 1.
3. a. found; b. didn’t speak; c. asked; d. they were
learning French.
4. a. Parker said (referred to the fact) that at
thatmoment he was speaking in German with his
relatives from Germany.
b. I added that I had had a wonderful time
chatting with all those French people in their own
language the evening before.
D - Written production
Open answer.
Answer key
Test 2
B - Written comprehension
1. Open answer.
2. a. much-need project; b. Debora’s; c.
people in Togo; d. Debora and her
3. a. “… Adakpamé school and community,
located 15 km east of Togo’s capital city
of Lomé”
b. “Before the project began, the school
lacked adequate latrines, hand washing
stations and was in desperate need of a
safe water source”
c. “… buy water from nearby street
vendors - a costly and unsustainable
supply of water”
d. “This much-needed project,
completed in the spring of 2010…”
4.1 The purpose of this Foundation was to
take safe water and sanitation to a local
school and community in Togo as part of
a project entitled School Challenge.
4.2 Debora is a 13 year old student at
Adakpamé school in Togo who, being
part of a big family (of 12 siblings), has
profited from this initiative, improving
her life, her family’s life and her
4.3 This access to safe water, sanitation
and hygiene education has improved
their lives in the sense that they can
concentrate more on their education, on
their own health and at the same time
they can organise and prepare their own
C – Language
1. a. football; b. favourite.
2. a. The students had finished the
exercise when the bell rang.
b. When Debora got to school, classes
had already started.
c. All the students had arrived when
Debora gave the interview.
3. Debora: “I remember having to leave
school and go home to use the toilet.
Now, I’m able to bring clean water
home from school for my family. I have
also been trained by my teachers to
wash my hands after using the toilet
and before eating. Now I am able to
focus on school work and my own
future. I want to be a journalist.”
4. a. teacher; b. student; c. computer; d.
D - Written production
Open answer.
Answer key
Test 3
B - Written comprehension
1. Open answer.
2. a. True. “English is part of the Germanic
branch of the Indo-European family of
b. True. “A great number of words found in
the English vocabulary were borrowed from
Latin, French, Low German, and the
Scandinavian languages. We also know
that some periods were more fertile than
others: invasions, contact with other
cultures, inventions, technological progress,
music, fashion are some of the factors
which have helped to enrich the language.”
c. True. “From around 1750 to 1950 the
British Empire covered about a quarter of
the globe.”
d. False. “The USA has played a leading
role in most domains for the last hundred
At the end of the 19th century and first
quarter of the 20th, it welcomed millions
of European immigrants who had left their
countries devastated by war, poverty or
3. a. found (l. 3); b. enrich (l. 10); c.
progress (l. 13); d. powerful (l. 18); e.
attracted (l. 34).
4.1 Factors like: invasions, contact with other
cultures, inventions, technological
progress, music and fashion.
4.2 Having been one of the most powerful
empires the world has ever known, it was
quite widespread and even though most
colonies became independent, the English
language remained as native or official
4.3 Inventions, rock and roll, the first man
on the moon, the revolution of the
Internet, the country’s growing prosperity
and commercial aggressiveness.
C – Language
1. a. BrE/AmE; b. AmE/BrE c. BrE/AmE; d.
BrE/AmE; e. AmE/BrE.
2. a. 3; b. 5; c. 1; d. 2; e. 4.
3. are crossing (ll. 2-3) - crossed; speak (l.
4) - spoke; are pushed (l. 5) - were
pushed; is migrating (l. 6) - migrated; is
being (l. 8) - was.
4. a. the United States had consolidated its…
b. the USA had played a leading role in
most domains for the previous hundred
c. the English language was surviving in
this competitive world…
D - Written production
Open answer.
Answer key
Test 4
B - Written comprehension
1. Open answer.
2. a. Poland; b. of the faculty; c. taking
Polish lessons (at the university); d. any
3. a. … spend eight months at the Medical
University of Warsaw.
b. … practise surgery, internal medicine,
gynaecology and obstetrics and
family medicine.
c. … night rounds, communication with
patients and taking part in risky
4.1 Erasmus is a European Union
programme that gives university
students the possibility of spending
some time in a foreign country, studying
or training.
4.2 Mariana chose Poland because she
intended to learn a language that she
didn’t know and a culture that was
completely different from her own.
4.3 So that she could explore the cultural
and social life of Warsaw – going to
museums, restaurants, theatres, the
C – Language
1. a. While Mariana was making her night
rounds, she found an intruder.
b. When Mariana arrived at the clinic, her
friends were operating on a patient.
2. a. flagship; b. somewhere; c. hindsight;
d. throughout; e. blackboard.
3. a. asked; b. explained; c. demanded;
d. considered; e. told.
4. … she had left for an Erasmus year
because she had wanted/wanted to
practise a foreign language and improve
her career prospects. She added that
few Portuguese students chose Poland
as a destination, but it had appealed to
her. She had thought, since she had
been going/was going somewhere
outside Portugal, she might as well get
to know a truly different culture. With
hindsight she was delighted with her
D - Written production
Open answer.
Answer key
Test 5
B - Written comprehension
1. Open answer.
2. Globalized (l. 3) = globalised;
program (l. 4) = programme.
3.1 a.
3.2 b.
3.3 c.
3.4 b.
4.1 Because the way adults learn a
language is different from the way
children learn. Adults need to learn
the rules of the language, contrary to
children, who learn implicitly.
4.2 When an adult is learning a language
he already knows his own language
which will interfere in the acquisition
of the second language.
4.3 He advises people to find the method
works best for them when learning a
foreign language.
C – Language
1. a. learnt; b. needed; c. tried; d. used;
e. had acquired; f. were.
2. a. was learning; b. needed; c. had said;
d. had been; e. hadn’t used.
3. a. 2; b. 4; c. 1; d. 3.
4. “(…) are totally deceiving. There is no
method that can do this. The only way
to learn a language is to make quite a
bit of effort on a daily basis.… Adults
have to be conscientious of the rules of
the language. Implicit learning doesn’t
work all that well with them.”
D - Written production
Open answer.
A - Listening
B - Written
C - Language D – Written Prod.
Total Mark
1 2 3 Total 1 2 3 4 Total 1 2 3 4 Total 1 Total
No. Name 40 60 50 50 200
UNIT ________________________________ CLASS _________ DATE ___ / ___ / ___ TERM
Test Correction Criteria
Type of items Criteria
• Multiple choice
• True / false
• Matching
• Sequencing
• Short answer
(blank filling)
• Correct / incorrect
- Sequencing items will only be given marks if the whole sequence is correct
- One mark off in true / false items for each incorrect quotation from the text, when
- One mark off in true / false items for each incorrect answer, if quotation from the text
is correct, when applicable
• Short answer
• One mark less for each language mistake, up to a maximum of 3 marks
• Incomprehensible or decontextualised answers will be marked wrong
• Short answer
• One mark less for each language mistake, up to a maximum of 3 marks
• The answer should demonstrate the comprehension of the text, using student’s words
• Incomprehensible or decontextualised answers will be marked wrong
• Essay
41 to 50: The student shows excellent writing skills; totally respects the topic or the text
type; presents his own ideas about the topic, contextualises and develops them; uses
appropriate and varied cohesive devices; organises the text in a coherent manner;
mistakes (structure or spelling) are irrelevant for the comprehension of message.
31 to 40: The student shows reasonable writing skills; respects the topic or the text type;
presents some ideas about the topic and contextualises them; uses simple cohesive
devicesto organise the text, but not always successfully; choice of words is good; makes
few mistakes (structure or spelling) which hardly affect message.
21 to 30: The student shows some writing skills; respects the topic or the text type;
presents some ideas about the topic and tries to contextualise them; uses some cohesive
devices but the text is slightly disorganised; choice of words is reasonable; makes some
mistakes (structure or spelling) which sometimes make message slightly confusing.
11 to 20: The student shows poor writing skills; mostly respects the topic or the text type;
presents some ideas about the topic but the text is slightly confused; uses few cohesive
devices but the text is not well organised; choice of words is poor; makes many mistakes
(structure or spelling) which sometimes impede meaning.
0 to 10: The student shows very poor writing skills; doesn’t fully respect the topic or the
text type; ideas are scarce and mostly decontextualised; uses few cohesive devices and
the text is disorganised; choice of words is very poor; makes many mistakes (structure or
spelling) which sometimes make message incomprehensible.
Note: the student will get 0 marks if the topic or the text type is not respected, or if the
whole text is incomprehensible or illegible.
Upgrade 10
Module 2
Around the world in
apps and techs
Upgrade 10
Table of specifications
Module 2 (Tests 1-5)
Contents CEF
Types of Items
of items
Topics Language
comprehension Bright ideas
Go digital
Space quest
• Passive
• Double object
• Future
• Phrasal verbs
• Used to +
• Be used to + -ing
• lexical
• grammatical
• semantic
• orthographic
• functional
• discourse
• Multiple choice
• True / false
• Matching
• Sequencing
• Short answer
(blank filling; sentence
completion; rephrasing)
• Short answer
(text comprehension)
3 40
(300-350 words)
4 60
4 50
• Essay
(120-160 words)
1 50
Progress Test - Module 2
Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________
Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________
A – Listening comprehension 40 marks
1. Listen to the text and choose the correct ending for each sentence. 8 marks (4x2 marks)
1.1 Marc Goodman…
a. is a university student.
b. teaches at a university.
c. wants to go to a university.
1.2 Marc Goodman spoke…
a. at TED Global in June 2012.
b. at TED International in June 2012.
c. at TED National in July 2012.
1.3 Drug traffickers in Latin America…
a. are using robotic submarines to send
drug dealers to the US.
b. are using robotic submarines to send
cocaine to the US.
c. are using robotic submarines to deal
with the US.
1.4 The FBI arrested a man in Boston…
a. who planned to attack the US President.
b. who planned to use a robot to attack the US Senate.
c. who planned to explode the US Pentagon.
Progress Test - Module 2
2. Listen to the text again and fill in the blanks with the missing words. 12 marks (6x2 marks)
Technology has made our world a. _________________________________ open, and for the most part
that has b. __________________________________ benefits for c. __________________________________ .
d. __________________________________, all of this e. ____________________________________may have
f. _________________________________ consequences.
3. Listen to the text once again and answer these questions. 20 marks (2x10 marks)
3.1 Why is Marc Goodman unsure that technology is always a good thing?
3.2 Marc Goodman mentions various technologies being used for negative purposes.
Name three of them.
Progress Test - Module 2
Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________
Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________
B - Written comprehension 60 marks
1. Do you think technology is always used in a positive way? Justify your answer. 10 marks
Read the following text.
Technological advances
The future of science and technology sounds so promising. Unprecedented advances in computing,
robotics, artificial intelligence, genetics, neuroscience and biotechnology hold the potential to radically
transform our world for the better and create mass abundance for all.
Advances in the life sciences means it is now possible to design DNA on a computer screen and send
the DNA code to a “bio printer” for assembly. Our ability to reprogram DNA itself will undoubtedly lead
to great advances in medicine, but the danger is that these same techniques can be used to modify
viruses, like H5N1 influenza, to become more and more lethal, potentially affecting millions around the
globe. To hackers, DNA is just another operating system waiting to be hacked.
We are at the dawn of an exponentially advancing technological arms race between people who are
using technology for good and those who are using it for ill.
Though such battles have been going on since the beginning of time, what has changed is the pace
of innovation. New technologies and capabilities are emerging so quickly, it becomes increasingly likely
they will outpace the capabilities of public safety officials to respond. The threat is serious, and the time
to prepare for it is now. I can assure you that the terrorists and criminals are.
Technology is proliferating at an exponential pace and despite law enforcement’s best efforts,
cybercrime grows unabated. In coming years, we will witness an explosion in the use of robotics,
artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and synthetic biology. There is little to suggest police will be any
more prepared for these emerging threats than they were for basic cybercrimes.
Given the rapid acceleration of technological development, any system that relies on a small, elite
force of highly trained government agents may be doomed to failure.
Good people in the world far outnumber those with ill intentions. But criminals and terrorists have
shown their ability to take up technological arms to harm the general populace. This calls for increased
vigilance on the part of ordinary citizens.
The tools to change the world are in everybody’s hands. How we use them is not just up to me, it’s
up to all of us.
Marc Goodman,
(abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
Progress Test - Module 2
2. Say if the following statements are True or False. Quote from the text to justify your
12 marks (4x3 marks)
a. The future of science and technology seems positive.
b. The terrorists and criminals are unprepared for all the changes in technologies.
c. The police are totally prepared to the emerging threats posed by technological advances.
d. Even highly trained government agents aren’t prepared to deal with technological development.
3. In the first four paragraphs find the words that mean the following: 8 marks (4x2 marks)
a. Never existed in the past. ____________________________________________________________
b. People who get into someone else’s computer illegally. __________________________________
c. The speed at which something changes. _______________________________________________
d. Move or develop faster than something else. ___________________________________________
4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words.
30 marks (3x10 marks)
4.1 Which are the consequences of DNA advances?
4.2 Why is there a race between people who are using technology for good and those who are
using it for ill?
4.3 What is Marc Goodman’s proposal to combat cybercrime, criminals and terrorists?
C – Language 50 marks
1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.
Use will or going to.
12 marks (2x6 marks)
a. I decide not to attend another TED talk this year.
I __________________________________________________ this year.
b. The police predict a victory against cybercrime in the future.
Someday the police __________________________________________________ cybercrime.
2. Put the verb given into a form of will, going to, present simple or present continuous.
8 marks (4x2 marks)
a. Hurry! This TED talk __________________________________________________ in 2 minutes. (begin)
b. The weather is snowy. It ______________________________________________ a chilly evening. (be)
c. I think the police __________________________________________ the terrorists tomorrow. (arrest)
d. They __________________________________________________ a talk next week. (give)
3. Rewrite each sentence beginning with the words given. 15 marks (3x5 marks)
a. Scientists’ discoveries are going to transform our world for the better.
Our world __________________________________________________________________________________.
b. The pace of innovation has considerably changed the technological world.
The technological ___________________________________________________________________________.
c. We will witness an explosion in the use of robotics.
An explosion _______________________________________________________________________________.
4. Rewrite each sentence beginning with the words given. 15 marks (3x5 marks)
a. Great advances will be ensured by our ability to reprogram DNA.
Our ability _________________________________________________________________________________.
b. DNA has been hacked by professional hackers.
Professional hackers ________________________________________________________________________.
c. Cybercrime must be fought by trained police officers.
rained police _______________________________________________________________________________.
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tests upgrade 10º.doc
tests upgrade 10º.doc
tests upgrade 10º.doc
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tests upgrade 10º.doc

  • 1. Module 0 Make the most of it
  • 2. v Table of specifications Module 0 (Tests 1, 2) Skills Contents CEF competences Types of Items Number of items Marks Topics Language A Listening comprehension Holidays and courses abroad Pen friends and hobbies Tense revision Verbs and prepositions Relative pronouns and determiners Conditional sentences Reported speech Passive voice Linguistic • lexical • grammatical • semantic • orthographic Pragmatic • functional • discourse • Multiple choice • True / false • Matching • Sequencing • Short answer (blank filling; sentence completion; rephrasing) • Short answer (text comprehension 3 40 B Written comprehension (300-350 words) 4 60 C Language 4 50 D Written production • Essay (120-160 words) 1 50 Upgrade 10
  • 3. a. World War II was over. b. Birdie Mathews was an American teacher. c. American students were trying to correspond with European students. d. Anne Frank wrote a diary about her life as a Nazi. e. Anne Frank was considered a heroine of war. f. Anne Frank believed that people were basically good. Progress Test - Module 0 TEST Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________ Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________ A – Listening comprehension 40 marks 1. Listen to the text twice to complete the exercises. 1.1 Which statements about the text are correct? 12 marks (4x3 marks)
  • 4. Progress Test - Module 0 1.2 Complete the following sentences about the text. 12 marks (3x4 marks) a. Birdie Mathews offered her students the chance ________________________________________ b. The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank was published _________________________________ c. Her diary is the story of ________________________________________________________________ 2. Listen to the text again to complete the following exercise. 2.1 Organise the following statements in sequence, according to the text. 16 marks (8x2 marks) a. One student picked out the name of a girl in the Netherlands. b. Anne Frank details in her diary the usual adolescent fears about growing up, falling in love and being misunderstood by her parents. c. One spring day Birdie Mathews offered her students the chance to correspond with pen pals overseas. d. World War II spread over Europe. e. This brief connection between Amsterdam and Danville was because of the work of this teacher, Birdie Mathews, to bring those worlds together. f. The name “Anne Frank” is familiar to us today because of the diary of the young Jewish girl kept while in hiding from the Nazis during World War II. g. Long before The Diary of a Young Girl became legendary, a few pages of Anne Frank’s thoughts arrived in Danville, Iowa, in the spring of 1940. h. Birdie Mathews regularly updated her students in the USA on the situation.
  • 5. TEST 1 Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________ Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________ B – Written comprehension 60 marks 1. Have you ever had a pen pal, someone you wrote to regularly? Why?/Why not? Write 30-40 words. 10 marks __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress Test - Module 0 Anne Frank and her Iowa pen pal As World War II spread over Europe, an innovative Iowa educator, Birdie Mathews, regularly updated her students in the USA on the situation. One spring day in 1940 the seventh and eighth grade teacher at the Danville Community School in Des Moines County offered her students the chance to correspond with pen pals overseas. One of her students, Juanita Wagner, picked out the name of a ten year-old girl in the Netherlands – Anne Frank. Because pen-pal writing as a classroom practice was still fairly rare at this time, only creative teachers such as Birdie Mathews would have set up situations in which their students could learn firsthand about the world. Some Danville students wrote to other children in the United States, but many, including Juanita Wagner, chose to write to overseas pen pals. In her introductory letter in the spring of 1940, Juanita, aged ten, wrote about Iowa, her mother (a teacher), her sister Betty Ann, and life on their farm and in nearby Danville. She sealed the letter and sent it to Anne Frank’s address in Amsterdam. In a few weeks Juanita received not one, but two overseas letters. Anne had written back to Juanita, and Anne’s sister Margot, aged fourteen had written a letter to Betty Ann, Juanita’s fourteen-year old sister. “It was such a special joy as a child to have the experience of receiving a letter from overseas from a foreign country and a new pen pal,” Betty Ann Wagner later recalled. “In those days we had no TV, little radio, and maybe a newspaper once or twice a week. Living on a farm with so little communication could be very dull except for all the good books from the library.” Anne and Margot had enclosed their school pictures. The letters were in English, but experts believe that the Frank sisters probably first composed their letters in Dutch and then copied them in English after their father, Otto Frank, had translated them. Shelby Meyers-Verhage, in (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012) Read the following text.
  • 6. 2. Quote from the text to support these statements. 10 marks (4x2,5 marks) a. A teacher from Danville Community School motivated her students to write to other students from different countries. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ b. This teacher was using classroom strategies that were not common in those days. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ c. Juanita Walker wrote a letter to a European girl. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ d. Juanita wrote her first letter to Anne in 1940. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Find in the text opposite words for the following words. 10 marks (5x2 marks) a. night __________________________________________________________ b. frequent ______________________________________________________ c. unimaginative _________________________________________________ d. adults _________________________________________________________ e. closing ________________________________________________________ Progress Test - Module 0
  • 7. 4. Answer the following questions on the text using your own words. 30 marks (3x10 marks) 4.1 Birdie Mathews offered her students the chance to correspond with pen pals overseas. Why did she do this? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 Why was Betty Ann, Juanita’s sister, so happy to receive a letter from Margot, Anne’s sister? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 What does the text say about the language the Dutch sisters used to write their letters? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ C – Language 50 marks 1. Match the two halves of the sentences in order to write correct statements. 8 marks (4x2 marks) a. The student was offered 1. a possible trip to Europe. b. The teacher was being rewarded 2. by the teenager. c. The student has been motivated 3. for her work. d. The diary was written 4. by his teacher to write to a pen pal. 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense of the verbs in brackets. 15 marks (5x3 marks) Anne and Margot Frank, two sisters who a. ________________________ (live) in the Netherlands in 1940, b. ________________________ (experience) World War II as they c. ______________________ (belong) to a Jewish family. For several months, they d. _________________________ (hide) in order to escape but in the end the Nazis e. _________________________ (catch) the entire family.
  • 8. Progress Test - Module 0 3. Complete the text with: who, which, whose. 15 marks (5x3 marks) Many teenage students a. ______________________________ wrote to foreign pen pals discovered lots of important information about life overseas. Even with World War II taking place, some teenagers, b. ________________________ families weren’t Jewish, were able to live an almost normal life, c. _______________________________ made them feel part of a teenage world. Jewish teenagers, d. ______________________ had a difficult time during the war, appreciated the letters they received from pen pals overseas, e. ___________________________________ dreams were similar to their own. 4. Complete the sentences in an appropriate way. 12 marks (3x4 marks) a. If the teacher hadn’t been so creative, ________________________________________________________ b. If Juanita hadn’t written to Anne about her sister Betty Ann, __________________________________ c. If I had been in Juanita’s situation, ___________________________________________________________ D - Written production 50 marks Imagine you were Anne’s sister, Margot, aged 14. Write a page of your diary, in 120-160 words. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 9. TEST 2 Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________ Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________ B – Written comprehension 60 marks 1. Would you consider the possibility of studying abroad? Why?/Why not? Write 30-40 words. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Read the following text. 10 marks Progress Test - Module 0 Pros and cons of studying abroad For most students, studying abroad is a rewarding experience that they are happy to have undertaken. However, for others, the experience is one that they wish had been different in some way or even regret completely. Understanding the implication of studying abroad is an important part of making the best choice of where and how to study in another country – or even whether to leave one’s own country. Students who earn a degree overseas need to be aware of potential differences in how their degree will be valued in their home country and elsewhere. Unfortunately, there is no worldwide standard for higher education degrees and so their evaluation is not easy. European degrees have recently been standardized but elsewhere around the world degrees can vary in length, content and quality. In general, studying abroad is highly valued by employers. Experience studying abroad is assumed to have benefitted the student in ways that will make them a more valuable employee than someone who hasn’t. Such students are assumed to have qualities such as self-motivation, maturity, confidence and open-mindedness as well as language skills, cultural awareness or experience working with people from different parts of the world. Studying abroad can be a life-changing experience that impacts on a student’s life in many positive ways. Increased maturity, independence, self-reliance and openness to new experiences are some of the positive outcomes many students experience. Students often make long-lasting friendships and become more aware of their own values and culture and accept better those people whose values and lifestyles differ from their own. For some students however, studying abroad can be a challenging experience. Some students have great difficulty adapting to a new environment where everything, from the food to the language and the style of instruction may be different from what they are used to. Students who choose to study abroad independently, especially at a school with few pupils from their home country, may have the most difficulty. (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
  • 10. Progress Test - Module 0 2. Say what the following words refer to in the text. 10 marks (5x2 marks) a. they (l. 1) __________________________________________ b. one (l. 2) __________________________________________ c. their (l. 7) __________________________________________ d. whose (l. 21) ______________________________________ e. who (l. 25) _________________________________________ 3. Choose the best option to complete the sentences about the text. 10 marks (5x2 marks) 3.1 For most students studying abroad is a ____________________________________ experience. a. rewarding b. rewarded c. reward 3.2 However, for some students it is a ____________________________________ experience. a. regret b. regrettable c. regrets 3.3 It is important for students to decide __________________________ they really want to go abroad. a. however b. nevertheless c. whether 3.4 The degree ___________________________ abroad might not be valued the same way everywhere. a. bought b. paid c. obtained 3.5 Accepting people’s differences ______________________ one of the most important skills acquired as a foreign student. a. can’t be b. can be c. are Progress Test - Module 0
  • 11. 4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words. 30 marks (3x10 marks) 4.1 What is the difference between European degrees and degrees taken in other parts of the world? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 Why is studying abroad generally highly valued by employers? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 Refer 3 positive and 3 negative aspects of studying abroad. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ C – Language 50 marks 1. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning. 15 marks (3x5 marks) a. European Union has standardised European degrees. European degrees ___________________________________________________________________________ b. Degrees will be valued differently by people in different countries. People________________________________________________________________________________________ c. Studying abroad is highly valued by employers. Employers ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Find the incorrect relative pronouns/determiners in the following text and correct them. 12 marks (4x3 marks) Studying abroad is a challenging experience who many students are eager to embrace. Those whose friends have decided to join them are more likely to be successful in this adventure than those which thought that going alone could be an interesting perspective. Statistically, students whose decide to go without their peers find the experience more frustrating than those who peers go with them. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 12. Progress Test - Module 0 3. Complete the missing parts of the reported speech. 15 marks (5x3 marks) “My experience as a foreign student was quite enriching. I felt I was part of a multicultural reality as most of my classmates were from different nations.” John a. _____________________ Mary that b. _______________________ experience as a foreign student c. ______________________ quite enriching. d. ____________________ felt he had been part of a multicultural reality as most of d. ________________________classmates were from different nations. 4. Write the appropriate verb forms of the verbs in brackets. 8 marks (4x2 marks) Next school year, I think my brother a. _____________________ (apply) for a scholarship in a foreign university. He b. ___________________________ (never/live) away from home and my mother c. _____________________________ (be) really concerned about this as he always d. ________________________ (arrive) late for school. D - Written production 50 marks There are many teenagers who go to a foreign country to study, either for a short period of time or for a longer one. In 120-160 words, write a text presenting the advantages and the disadvantages of studying abroad. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 13. Audio script Tests - 1-2 A - Listening comprehension As World War II spread over Europe, an innovative Iowa educator, Birdie Mathews, regularly updated her students in the USA on the situation. One spring day in 1940 the seventh and eighth grade teacher at the Danville Community School in Des Moines County offered her students the chance to correspond with pen pals overseas. One of her students, Juanita Wagner, picked out the name of a ten year-old girl in the Netherlands – Anne Frank. The name “Anne Frank” is familiar to us todaybecause of the diary of the young Jewish girl kept while in hiding from the Nazis during World War II. First published nearly fifty years ago, the diary is the story of an ordinary teenage girl facing extraordinary circumstan- ces. She details in her diary the usual adolescent fears about growing up, falling in love and being misunderstood by her parents. But she also writes as a Jew hiding from the Nazis as the war took its course outside. Readers of the diary all over the world have come to see her as a heroine of the war because, in spite of all she suffered, she still felt that people were basically “good at heart”. Her words have touched generations of people who continue to struggle to understand the complexities of a world war in human terms. Few realize, however, that long before The Diary of a Young Girl became legendary, a few pages of Anne Frank’s thoughts arrived in Danville, Iowa, in the spring of 1940. This brief connection between Amsterdam and Danville was because of the work of this teacher, Birdie Mathews, to bring those worlds together. (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012) 1.1 b. Birdie Mathews was an American teacher. c. American students were trying to correspond with European students. e. Anne Frank was considered a heroine of war. f. Anne Frank believed that people were basically good. 1.2 a. to correspond with pen pals overseas. b. nearly fifty years ago. c. an ordinary teenage girl facing extraordinary circumstances. 3. a. 4; b. 6; c. 3; d. 1; e. 8; f. 5; g. 7; h. 2. Test 1 B - Written comprehension Answer keys Test 1 B - Written comprehension 1. Open answer. 2. a. “… the seventh and eighth grade teacher at the Danville Community School in Des Moines County offered her students the chance to correspond with pen pals overseas.” b. “… pen-pal writing as a classroom practice was still fairly rare at this time…” c. “… but many, including Juanita Wagner, chose to write to overseas pen pals.” d. “In her introductory letter in the spring of 1940, Juanita …” 3. a. day (l. 2); b. rare (l. 7); c. creative (l. 8); d. children (l. 10); e. introductory (l. 12). 4. 4.1 She wanted her students to learn from the world firsthand, through foreign teenagers, living different problems and situations, but still teenagers. 4.2 Betty Ann was so happy about it because they lived on a farm and they had limited access to news and communication (no TV, little radio, few newspapers and books from the library), so getting in touch with a foreign teenager was a really wonderful experience. 4.3 According to the text, the letters were written in Dutch first, and it was probably the sisters’ father who translated their letters from Dutch into English and vice-versa. C – Language 1. a. 1; b. 3; c. 4; d. 2. 2. a. lived; b. experienced; c. belonged; d. hid; e. caught. 3. a. who; b. whose; c. which; d. who; e. whose. 4. a. her students wouldn’t have had pen pals. b. she wouldn’t have received two letters instead of one. c. I would have done the same thing. D - Written production Open answer.
  • 14. ß Answer keys Test 2 B - Written comprehension 1. Open answer. 2. a. most students; b. experience/studying abroad; c. students’; d. people’s; e. students. 3.1 a; 3.2 b; 3.3 c; 3.4 c; 3.5 b. 4.1 There is no worldwide scale to evaluate higher education degrees. In Europe, degrees have been standardized but elsewhere around the world, degrees can vary in length, content and quality. 4.2 It is valued by employers because this type of experience usually develops qualities such as self- motivation, maturity, confidence, open-mindedness. It develops language and cultural skills and the capacity to work with people of different origins. 4.3 Positive – maturity, independence, openness to new experiences, lasting friendships, tolerance, understanding. Negative – difficulty in adapting to a new environment, different food, different language, different teaching methods, few compatriots. C - Language 1. a. “… been standardised by the European Union.” b. “… in different countries will value degrees differently.” c. “… value studying abroad highly.” 2. who-which; which-who; whose-who; who-whose. 3. a. told; b. his; c. had been; d. He; e. his. 4. a. will apply; b. has never lived; c. is; d. arrives. D - Written production Open answer. Upgrade 10
  • 15. A - Listening comprehension B - Written comprehension C - Language D – Written Prod. Total Mark 1 2 3 Total 1 2 3 4 Total 1 2 3 4 Total 1 Total No. Name 40 60 60 60 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 UNIT ________________________________ CLASS _________ DATE ___ / ___ / ___ TERM _________ TEST CORRECTION GRID
  • 16. Type of items Criteria • Multiple choice • True / false • Matching • Sequencing • Short answer (blank filling) • Correct / incorrect - Sequencing items will only be given marks if the whole sequence is correct - One mark off in true / false items for each incorrect quotation from the text, when applicable - One mark off in true / false items for each incorrect answer, if quotation from the text is correct, when applicable • Short answer (sentence completion; rephrasing) • One mark less for each language mistake, up to a maximum of 3 marks • Incomprehensible or decontextualized answers will be marked wrong • Short answer (text comprehension) • One mark less for language mistakes, up to a maximum of 3 marks • The answer should demonstrate the comprehension of the text, using student’s words • Incomprehensible or decontextualized answers will be marked wrong • Essay 41 to 50: The student shows excellent writing skills; totally respects the topic or text type; presents his own ideas about the topic, contextualizes and develops them; uses appropriate and varied cohesion devices; organizes the text in a coherent manner; mistakes (structure or spelling) are irrelevant for the comprehension of message. 31 to 40: The student shows good writing skills; respects the topic or the text type; presents some ideas about the topic and contextualizes them; uses cohesion devices and the text is organized; choice of words is good; makes few mistakes (structure or spelling) which hardly affects message. 21 to 30: The student shows some writing skills; respects the topic or the text type; presents some ideas about the topic and tries to contextualize them; uses some cohesion devices but the text is slightly disorganized; choice of words is reasonable; makes some mistakes (structure or spelling) which sometimes makes message slightly confusing. 11 to 20: The student shows poor writing skills; mostly respects the topic or the text type; presents some ideas about the topic but slightly confused; uses some cohesion devices but the text is not completely organized; choice of words is poor; makes some mistakes (structure or spelling) which sometimes makes message not totally clear. 0 to 10: The student shows very poor writing skills; doesn’t fully respect the topic or the text type; ideas are scarce and mostly decontextualized; uses little cohesion devices and the text is disorganized; choice of words is very poor; makes many mistakes (structure or spelling) which sometimes makes message incomprehensible or illegible. Note: the student will get 0 marks if the topic or type of text is not respected, or if the whole text is incomprehensible or illegible. Type of items Criteria • Multiple choice • True / false • Matching • Sequencing • Short answer (blank filling) • Correct / incorrect - Sequencing items will only be given marks if the whole sequence is correct - One mark off in true / false items for each incorrect quotation from the text, when applicable - One mark off in true / false items for each incorrect answer, if quotation from the text is correct, when applicable • Short answer (sentence completion; rephrasing) • One mark less for each language mistake, up to a maximum of 3 marks • Incomprehensible or decontextualised answers will be marked wrong • Short answer (text comprehension) • One mark less for each language mistake, up to a maximum of 3 marks • The answer should demonstrate the comprehension of the text, using student’s words • Incomprehensible or decontextualised answers will be marked wrong • Essay 41 to 50: The student shows excellent writing skills; totally respects the topic or the text type; presents his own ideas about the topic, contextualises and develops them; uses appropriate and varied cohesive devices; organises the text in a coherent manner; mistakes (structure or spelling) are irrelevant for the comprehension of message. 31 to 40: The student shows reasonable writing skills; respects the topic or the text type; presents some ideas about the topic and contextualises them; uses simple cohesive devices to organise the text, but not always successfully; choice of words is good; makes few mistakes (structure or spelling) which hardly affect message. 21 to 30: The student shows some writing skills; respects the topic or the text type; presents some ideas about the topic and tries to contextualise them; uses some cohesive devices but the text is slightly disorganised; choice of words is reasonable; makes some mistakes (structure or spelling) which sometimes make message slightly confusing. 11 to 20: The student shows poor writing skills; mostly respects the topic or the text type; presents some ideas about the topic but the text is slightly confused; uses few cohesive devices but the text is not well organised; choice of words is poor; makes many mistakes (structure or spelling) which sometimes impede meaning. 0 to 10: The student shows very poor writing skills; doesn’t fully respect the topic or the text type; ideas are scarce and mostly decontextualised; uses few cohesive devices and the text is disorganised; choice of words is very poor; makes many mistakes (structure or spelling) which sometimes make message incomprehensible. Note: the student will get 0 marks if the topic or the text type is not respected, or if the whole text is incomprehensible or illegible. Test Correction Criteria Upgrade 10
  • 17. v Module 1 A language of many worlds Upgrade 10
  • 18. Table of specifications Module 1 (Tests 1-5) Skills Contents CEF competences Types of Items Number of items Marks Topics Language A Listening comprehension Learning a second language Changing languages English all around Fitting in British and American English New English words Adjectives Past simple and Past continuous Past simple and past perfect Compound words Reported speech Linguistic • lexical • grammatical • semantic • orthographic Pragmatic • functional • discourse • Multiple choice • True / false • Matching • Sequencing • Short answer (blank filling; sentence completion; rephrasing) • Short answer (text comprehension) 3 40 B Written comprehension (300-350 words) 4 60 C Language 4 50 D Written production • Essay (120-160 words) 1 50
  • 19. Progress Test - Module 1 TEST Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________ Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________ A – Listening comprehension 40 marks 1. Listen to the text and complete the table with information from it. 24 marks (8x3 marks) a. Number of languages spoken in the world b. Number of languages with just one single speaker c. Three languages from the Indo-European family • • • d. Three of the world’s most spoken languages • • •
  • 20. Progress Test - Module 1 2. Listen to the text again and answer the following question. 4 marks 2.1 In which continent do we find the largest number of languages? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Listen to the text once again. 12 marks (2x6 marks) 3.1 Which is the easiest language for a native English speaker to learn? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2 And the hardest? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________
  • 21. TEST 1 Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________ Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________ B – Written comprehension 60 marks 10 marks 1. How many foreign languages can you speak? Do you find it/them useful? Why?/Why not? Write 30-40 words. 10 marks _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Read the following text. Progress Test - Module 0 Why should I learn a language? Learning a foreign language takes time and dedication. The reasons below may help to convince you to take the plunge, if such persuasion is needed. Some reasons are practical, some aspirational, some intellectual and others sentimental, but whatever your reasons, having a clear idea of why you’re learning a language can help to motivate you in your studies. Emigration When you move to a different country or region, learning the local language will help you to communicate and integrate with the local community. Even if many of the locals speak your language, for example if your mother tongue is English and you move to the Netherlands, it’s still worth learning the local language. Doing so will demonstrate your interest in and commitment to the new country. Family and friends If your partner, in-laws, relatives or friends speak a different language, learning that language will help you to communicate with them. It will also give you a better understanding of their culture and way of thinking. Work If your work involves regular contact with speakers of foreign languages, being able to talk to them in their own languages will help you to communicate with them. It may also help you to make sales and to negotiate and secure contracts. Knowledge of foreign languages may also increase your chances of finding a new job, getting a promotion or a transfer overseas, or of going on foreign business trips. Many English-speaking business people don’t bother to learn other languages because they believe that most of the people they do business with in foreign countries can speak English, and if they don’t speak English, interpreters can be used. The lack of foreign language knowledge puts the English speakers at a disadvantage. In meetings, for example, the people on the other side can discuss things amongst themselves in their own language without the English speakers understanding, and using interpreters slows everything down. In any socialising after the meetings, the locals will probably feel more comfortable using their own language rather than English. (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
  • 22. Progress Test - Module 1 2. Find evidence in the text for the following statements. 10 marks (5x2 marks) a. Learning a language demands patience and it is a slow process. ____________________________________________________________________________________ b. It is helpful when you know the reason why you are learning a language. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ c. Knowing their language makes your work easier when contacting foreign people. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. English speakers are usually in disadvantage as they hardly ever know another language. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ e. Interpreters are useful but it takes longer to conclude business. _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Find the synonyms in the text. 10 marks (5x2 marks) a. dive ___________________ d. distinct ___________________ b. incorporate ___________________ e. improve ___________________ c. valuable___________________ 4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words. 30 marks (3x10 marks) 4.1 Why should people learn the language of the country they are moving to? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 What is the purpose of learning the first language of family members or friends? ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 What are the disadvantages of not speaking the local language of people you are doing business with? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
  • 23. C – Language 50 marks 1. Complete the following text with an appropriate past tense form of the verbs in brackets. 18 marks (6x3 marks) Two years ago Peter a. __________________________ (start) learning a new language. (decide) to learn Spanish. He b. _______________________________ (decide) to learn Spanish. He c. ___________________________ (already/study) in Spain for two weeks before he d. _____________ (meet) Elena, his girlfriend. He e. _____________ (have) a great time in Spain but he f. ___________________________ (not learn) much Spanish during those days. 2. We can find compound words in the text such as overseas. Match the words on the left with the words on the right to build compound words. 12 marks (6x2 marks) a. house 1. board b. police 2. room c. shop 3. wife d. black 4. man e. bed 5. keeper f. skate 6. berry 3. Choose the correct option to transform the sentences into reported statements. 12 marks (4x3 marks) a. “Many people find foreign languages too difficult to learn”. The teacher reported that many people found/finds/had found foreign languages too difficult to learn. b. “John doesn’t speak any foreign language”. He confirmed that John don’t speak/hadn’t spoken/didn’t speak any foreign language. c. “Can we conduct the business in English?” The chairman told/informed/asked if they could conduct the business in English. d. “Why are you learning French?” The girl wanted to know why are they learning French/they were learning French/they learn French.
  • 24. Progress Test - Module 1 4. Rewrite the following statements in reported speech. 8 marks (2x4 marks) a. “Now, I’m speaking in German with my relatives from Germany,” said Parker. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ b. “I had a wonderful time chatting with all these French people in their own language yesterday evening,” I added. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ D - Written production 50 marks “To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.” (Chinese proverb) In 120-160 words, write a text about your opinion on this proverb. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 25. TEST 2 Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________ Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________ B – Written comprehension 60 marks 1. Have you ever helped anyone in need? How?/When? Write 30-40 words. 10 marks _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Read the following text. Progress Test - Module 0 Meet Debora Ahlikpokou In the fall of 2009, the Ryan’s Well Foundation began its first School Challenge project to bring safe water and sanitation to Adakpamé school and community, located 15 km east of Togo’s capital city of Lomé. The community of Adakpamé has approximately 1,665 people, including 765 students at the school. Before the project began, the school lacked adequate toilets, hand washing stations and was in desperate need of a safe water source. The pre-existing well was completely unusable which meant students had to bring water from limited supplies at home or buy water from nearby street vendors – a costly and unsustainable supply of water. This much-needed project, completed in the spring of 2010, has provided the school and community with a new well and piped water for the school and the surrounding community as well as latrines and a hand washing station with 5 taps for washing. Chosen by her school headmaster to be interviewed, 13 year-old Debora, a bright young student from grade 8, remembers having to leave school and go home to use the toilet, and also bringing dirty water from home – her only source. During the interview, Debora explained how she is now able to carry clean water home from school for her family – which includes her 11 brothers and 1 sister. Equally as important, Debora says that she has also been trained by her teachers to wash her hands after using the toilet and before eating. She has passed these lessons on to her family thereby helping spread knowledge and awareness of good hygiene practices throughout the community. Since the completion of this project, Debora has been able to focus more of her time on school where she says her favourite class is literature because she is able to read and write, “like a journalist.” She also plays for her school girls soccer team (they call it “football” in Togo!). Access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education has helped Debora – and her schoolmates – focus on their education, health and future! (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012) Progress Test - Module 1
  • 26. Progress Test - Module 1 2. Say what the following words in bold in the text refer to: 8 marks (2x4 marks) a. This (l. 10) _________________________________ b. her (l. 13) _________________________________ c. they (l. 23) _________________________________ d. their (l. 25) _________________________________ 3. Find evidence in the text for the statements below. 12 marks (4x3 marks) a. Adakpamé school is located not far from the capital of Togo. ________________________________________________________________________________________ b. Before this project Adakpamé didn’t have adequate water supplies. ________________________________________________________________________________________ c. It was too expensive to buy water. ________________________________________________________________________________________ d. This School Challenge project was finished in 2010. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words. 30 marks (3x10 marks) 4.1 What was the purpose of the Ryan’s Well Foundation in Togo? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 Who is Debora? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 Why has access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education helped Debora and her classmates? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________
  • 27. C – Language 50 marks 1. Find in the text the British equivalent of the following American words. 4 marks (2x2 marks) a. soccer_____________________ b. favorite_____________________ 2. Order the words to build correct sentences using the past perfect and the past simple. 18 marks (3x6 marks) a. the/bell/exercise/had/when/rang/finished/the/students/the/. ________________________________________________________________________________________ b. when/started/to/already/Debora/had/got/school/classes/. ________________________________________________________________________________________ c. all/when/interview/Debora/had/the/gave/students/the/arrived/. ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Rewrite the following text in direct speech. 20 marks Debora said that she remembered having to leave school and go home to use the toilet. She explained that she was able at that moment to bring clean water home from school for her family. She had also been trained by her teachers to wash her hands after using the toilet and before eating. At that moment she was able to focus on school work and her own future. She said she wanted to be a journalist. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 28. Progress Test - Module 1 4. Find the odd word out (word formation). 8 marks (4x2 marks) a. blackmail – toothpaste – shopkeeper – teacher b. airplane – student – chairman – blackberry c. downstairs – fireman – computer – housewife d. school – hypertext – bedroom – sidewalk D - Written production 50 marks Debora’s life seems quite different from the lives of many students of her age in many countries in Europe and in the USA. What are the main differences? What are the similarities? In 120-160 words, write a text answering these questions and giving your opinion on the matter. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 29. TEST 3 Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________ Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________ B – Written comprehension 60 marks 1. Do you usually watch films or listen to songs in English? Why?/Why not? 10 marks Write 30-40 words. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Read the following text. English is part of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages. A great number of words found in the English vocabulary were borrowed from Latin, French, Low German, and the Scandinavian languages. We also know that some periods were more fertile than others: invasions, contact with other cultures, inventions, technological progress, music and fashion are some of the factors which have helped to enrich the language. British colonialism in the 19th century and American capitalism and technological progress in the 20th century have undoubtedly been the main causes for the spread of English throughout the world. From around 1750 to 1950 the British Empire covered about a quarter of the globe. It was one of the most powerful empires the world has ever known. The colonies gradually became independent but about fifty countries chose to keep a connection with Britain by belonging to the British Commonwealth. English is spoken all over the Commonwealth either as a native or an official language, and the British monarch is the symbolic head of this association. The USA has played a leading role in most domains for the last hundred years. At the end of the 19th century and first quarter of the 20th , it welcomed millions of European immigrants who had left their countries devastated by war, poverty or famine. This labour force strengthened American industries and Progress Test - Module 1 The growth and expansion of English development. The Hollywood film industry also attracted many foreign artists in quest of fame and fortune and the many American films produced every year soon invaded the market. Before the Treaty of Versailles (1919), which ended the First World War between Germany and the Allies, diplomacy was conducted in French. However, President Wilson succeeded in having the treaty in English as well. From then, English started being used in diplomacy and gradually in economic relations and the media. During the II World War, America intervened both militarily and economically to save Europe from chaos. From then onwards, the United States has consolidated its cultural, economical and technological power: inventions, rock and roll, the first man on the moon, the revolution of the Internet, the country’s growing prosperity and commercial aggressiveness have contributed to the further expansion and importance of English in the world today. (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
  • 30. Progress Test - Module 1 2. Say whether the following statements are True or False. Quote from the text to support your choice. 10 marks (4x2,5 marks) a. English is of German origin. _______________________________________________________________________________________ b. The English language has been influenced by many languages and situations. _______________________________________________________________________________________ c. The British Empire occupied 25% of the world from the 18th to the 20th century. _______________________________________________________________________________________ d. Millions of European citizens moved to South Africa. _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Find antonyms for the following words in the text. 10 marks (5x2 marks) a. lost ___________________________________ b. impoverish ___________________________ c. regress _______________________________ d. weak _________________________________ e. repelled ______________________________ 4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words. 30 marks (3x10 marks) 4.1 What factors helped to enrich the English language? _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 How did the British Empire influence the spread of English? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 Refer to three aspects from American culture that have helped to consolidate English as a world language. _____________________________________________________________________________________
  • 31. C – Language 50 marks 1. Say whether the following words are British English (BrE) or American English (AmE). 10 marks (5x2 marks) a. neighbour ___________________________ neighbor ___________________________ b. eraser ______________________________ rubber _____________________________ c. lift __________________________________ elevator ___________________________ d. theatre _____________________________ theater ____________________________ e. pants _______________________________ trousers ___________________________ 2. Join the two halves of the sentences to make correct sentences in the past. 15 marks (5x3 marks) a. The British Commonwealth is important b. Immigrants reached America full of hope c. When Hollywood film industry started to develop d. When the Treaty of Versailles was signed e. The United States had saved Europe 3. Find and correct 5 tense mistakes in the text. 10 marks (5x2 marks) The history of the English language can be traced back to the arrival of thre e Germanic tribes to the British Isles during the 5th Century AD. Angles, Saxons and Jutes are crossing the North Sea from what is the present day Denmark and northern Germany. The inhabitants of Britain previously speak a Celtic language which was quickly displaced. Most of the Celtic speakers are pushed into Wales, Cornwall and Scotland. One group is migrating to Brittany in France where their descendants still speak the Celtic Language of Breton today. The Angles were named after Engle, their land of origin. Their language is being called Englisc from which the word English derives. (accessed in December 2012) _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 1. many producers had already invested lots of money. 2. President Wilson had already arranged to have it in English as well. 3. but the British Empire was bigger and more powerful. 4. when the World War finally came to an end. 5. but they had left their countries full of sadness.
  • 32. Progress Test - Module 1 4. Rewrite the following sentences starting with the words given. 15 marks (3x5 marks) a. “The United States has consolidated its cultural, economical and technological power.” The journalist confirmed that ________________________________________________________ b. “The USA has played a leading role in most domains for the last hundred years.” The journalist added that ____________________________________________________________ c. “The English language is surviving in this competitive world due to the influence of American discoveries and developments.” The journalist concluded that ________________________________________________________ D - Written production 50 marks English has been expanding as a language in the last centuries and this is particularly true in the 20th century. Do you consider English to be the language of communication in today’s world? In 120-160 words, write a text giving your opinion on the topic and using specific examples to justify it. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 33. TEST 4 Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________ Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________ B – Written comprehension 60 marks 1. 1. Would you like to move to a different country to study? Why?/Why not? Write 30-40 words. 10 marks ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Read the following text. Progress Test - Module 1 Erasmus is the EU’s flagship education and training programme, enabling round 180,000 students to study and do work placements abroad each year. 23-year old medicine student Mariana Carneiro de Sousa Pinto da Costa from the University of Porto worked eight months at the Medical University of Warsaw. “I left for an Erasmus year because I wanted to practise a foreign language and improve my career prospects. Few Portuguese students choose Poland as a destination, but it appealed to me. I thought, since I was going somewhere outside Portugal, I might as well get to know a truly different culture. With hindsight I’m delighted with my choice. I left the University of Porto to spend eight months in the English Division of the Medical University of Warsaw. The first thing that struck me when I arrived was the colossal scale of the faculty. Its library had over 250,000 volumes. Its medical facilities included 141 clinics, each equipped with truly modern equipment. Within this gigantic structure, I went everywhere, practising surgery, internal Erasmus programme: medicine for body and soul Read the following text. medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics and family medicine. My tasks were quite thrilling. I worked on the night rounds, communicated with patients and took part in several life threatening operations. Although everyone spoke English in our clinic, I took Polish classes at the university in my free time. This proved handy, as I got to know the cultural and social life of Warsaw. Life is not very expensive in Poland, even for a Portuguese student. I used to take my friends to museums, restaurants, theatres, even to the opera (something I couldn’t afford back home). My year in Warsaw gave me skills I will value throughout my medical career. It also enriched me on a personal and cultural level. I really recommend studying abroad to any student who has the opportunity.” (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
  • 34. Progress Test - Module 1 2. Say what the following words in bold in the text refer to. 8 marks (4x2 marks) a. it (l. 13) __________________________________ b. its (l. 22) _________________________________ c. This (l. 35) _______________________________ d. who (l. 46) _______________________________ 3. Complete the following sentences according to the text. 12 marks (3x4 marks) a. Mariana left the University of Porto in order to ________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ b. While at the faculty she had the opportunity to _______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ c. She was really excited with all her tasks that involved ________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words. 30 marks (3x10 marks) 4.1 What is the Erasmus programme? ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 Why did Mariana choose Poland for her Erasmus programme? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 Refer to the reasons why Mariana decided to take Polish lessons. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
  • 35. C – Language 50 marks 1. Build sentences with the given words using the past simple and the past continuous. Make the necessary changes. 10 marks (2x5 marks) a. While/Mariana/make/her/night rounds/she/find/an/intruder. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ b. When/Mariana/arrive/at/the/clinic/her/friends/operate/on/a/patient. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Use the following words to form five compound words. 10 marks (2x5 marks) a. _____________________________ b. _____________________________ c. _____________________________ d. _____________________________ e. _____________________________ 3. Choose an appropriate verb for each statement. Use each verb only once. 10 marks (5x2 marks) a. The doctor __________________________ Mariana where she had left her books. b. Mariana __________________________ to her parents that she was feeling very well. c. The EU commissioner __________________________ that all the interviews be conducted in English. d. The reporter __________________________ his attitude quite exaggerated. e. Mariana _________________________ all her friends that she was expecting them in Warsaw to celebrate her birthday. flag some hind through black board where ship sight out asked told considered demanded explained
  • 36. Progress Test - Module 1 4. Report the following text. 20 marks “I left for an Erasmus year because I wanted to practise a foreign language and improve my career prospects. Few Portuguese students choose Poland as a destination, but it appealed to me. I thought, since I was going somewhere outside Portugal, I might as well get to know a truly different culture. With hindsight I’m delighted with my choice.” Mariana told the journalist that ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ D - Written production 50 marks Imagine you are a student in the Erasmus programme. In 120-160 words, write a text about your experience in the country you went to, referring to positive and negative aspects, main difficulties, interesting discoveries, future prospects, etc. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 37. TEST 5 Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________ Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________ B – Written comprehension 60 marks 1. When did you start learning a second language? Was it easy? Why?/Why not? Write 30-40 words. 10 marks _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Read the following text. Progress Test - Module 1 How to learn a second language Italian cardinal Joseph Caspar Mezzofanti was said to have spoken more than 38 languages fluently at the time of his death in 1849, a skill that would have been extremely useful in today’s globalized economy. Some advertisements offer a 15-minute audio program to become a United Nations interpreter, but experts say these get-fluent-fast programs are totally deceiving. “There is no method that can do that,” says Robert DeKeyser, a professor of second language acquisition at the University of Maryland. “The only way to learn a language is to make quite a bit of effort on a daily basis.” Programs designed to imitate the learning methods of children are also a waste of time and money, says DeKeyser. “You cannot expect to just absorb language the way that a child does,” he says. “Children are good at learning the underlining system of all the language input they get because they can infer the underlying patterns without understanding the rules. Adults must be conscientious of the rules of the language. Implicit learning doesn’t work all that well with them.” Lisa Davidson, an associate professor of linguistics at New York University, says one major difference in the language learning process between adults and children involves interference from a native tongue. “When you’re a kid all you’re working at is acquiring a language, and you don’t have anything to get in the way of that,” she says. “When you’re an adult and you already have a language, the one you already know filters sounds and you get substantial interference from it.” Many experts agree that the ideal learning method for adults really depends on the individual. “Find the method that works for you and stick with it,” says Richard Simcott, a polyglot who has professionally worked in over 14 languages at once for the British Foreign Service. “The main thing is to do a bit every day and not to get discouraged if you miss a day. If audio works for you, do audio. If it’s classes, do classes. But find whatever it is and be consistent.” (abridged and adapted, accessed December 2012)
  • 38. Progress Test - Module 1 2. Find in the first two paragraphs examples of American English words that have a different spelling in British English. 8 marks (4x2 marks) _______________________________ _______________________________ 3. Complete the following sentences by choosing the best option. 12 marks (4x3 marks) 3.1 Cardinal Mezzofanti could speak… a. 38 languages. b. 100 languages. c. 3 languages. 3.2 Some advertisements claim people… a. need to make an effort to b. learn to be interpreters c. can be interpreters become UN interpreters. in 15 minutes. for 15 minutes. 3.3 According to experts, get-fluent-fast programmes are… a. good. b. important. c. a fake. 3.4 Robert DeKeyser is a… a. school teacher. b. university teacher. c. university student. 4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words. 30 marks (3x10 marks) 4.1 According to Robert DeKeyser, programmes designed to imitate the learning methods of children are also a waste of time and money. Why? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 Lisa Davidson talks about interference of the native tongue in the learning process. What does she mean by that? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 What is Richard Simcott’s advice? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Progress Test - Module
  • 39. C – Language 50 marks 1. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. 15 marks (5x3 marks) In the past people only a. ______________________ the languages they b. ______________________. Educated people c. ______________________ to learn as many languages as possible. On the contrary, ordinary people d. ______________________ the language they e. ______________________ when they f. ______________________children. 2. Rewrite the following text accordingly. 15 marks (5x3 marks) Maria’s father is learning a new language. As an adult he needs to invest extra time and effort in learning the new language. Maria said that her father was too attached to his own language and that he didn’t use the new language often enough. Last year, Maria’s father a. ______________________ a new language. As an adult he b. ______________________ to invest extra time and effort in learning the new language. Maria c. ______________________ that her father d. ______________________ too attached to his own language and that he e. ______________________ the new language often enough. 3. Match the words from the two columns to form compound words. 8 marks (4x2 marks) a. friend 1. work b. foot 2. ship c. net 3. light d. sun 4. ball acquire learn be use need try
  • 40. Progress Test - Module 1 4. Rewrite the following text in direct speech. 12 marks Robert DeKeyser said that those get-fluent-fast programs were totally deceiving. There was no method that could do that. The only way to learn a language was to make quite a bit of effort on a daily basis. … Adults had to be conscientious of the rules of the language. Implicit learning didn’t work all that well with them. Robert DeKeyser said, “These get-fluent-fast programs ____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ D - Written production 50 marks Those who know no foreign language know nothing of their mother tongue. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe In 120-160 words, write a comment on this statement, giving your opinion and referring to your own experience. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________
  • 41. Answer key Tests 1-5 A - Listening comprehension Interesting facts about languages How many languages are there? It’s estimated that up to 7,000 different languages are spoken around the world. 90% of these languages are used by less than 100,000 people. Over a million people converse in 150-200 languages and 46 languages have just a single speaker! Languages are grouped into families that share a common ancestry. For example, English is related to German and Dutch, and they are all part of the Indo- European family of languages. This also includes Romance languages, such as French, Spanish and Italian, which come from Latin. 2,200 of the world’s languages can be found in Asia, while Europe has a mere 260. Nearly every language uses a similar grammatical structure, even though they may be different in vocabulary or origin. Communities which are isolated from each other because of mountainous geography may have developed multiple languages. Papua New Guinea for instance, boasts no less than 832 different languages! What are the world’s most spoken languages? The world’s most widely spoken languages by number of native speakers and as a second language, according to figures from UNESCO (The United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), are: Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, German and French. Which are the hardest languages to learn? The ease or difficulty of learning another language can depend on your mother tongue. In general, the closer the second language is to the learner’s native tongue and culture in terms of vocabulary, sounds or sentence structure, the easier acquisition will be. So, a Polish speaker will find it easier to learn another Slavic language like Czech than an Asian language such as Japanese, while linguistic similarities mean that a Japanese speaker would find it easier to learn Mandarin Chinese than Polish. Dutch is said to be the easiest language for native English speakers to pick up, while research shows that for those native English speakers who already know another language, the five most difficult languages to get your head around are Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Korean. (abridged and adapted, accessed December 2012) 1. a. 7,000; b. 46; c. English, German, Dutch or French, Spanish, Italian; d. Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Bengali, Russian, Portuguese, Japanese, German, French. 2. Asia. 3. Easiest: Dutch; hardest: Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Answer key Test 1 B - Written comprehension 1. Open answer. 2. a. “Learning a foreign language takes time and dedication”; b. “… having a clear idea of why you’re learning a language can help to motivate you in your studies”; c. “If your work involves regular contact with speakers of foreign languages, being able to talk to them in their own languages will help you to communicate with them”; d. “The lack of foreign language knowledge puts the English speakers at a disadvantage”; e. “… using interpreters slows everything down” 3. a. plunge (l. 2); b. integrate (l. 7); c. worth (l. 9); d. different (l. 12); e. increase (l. 19). 4.1 People should learn the language of the country they are moving to because it facilitates communication and integration and at the same time shows respect and interest towards this community. 4.2 The purpose of learning it is not only to communicate but also to understand the culture and way of thinking of its native speakers. 4.3 Some disadvantages can be slowing the rhythm of negotiation with interpreters, missing some comments or discussion in the local language, not being able to participate actively in social events after doing business. C - Language 1. a. started; b. decided; c. had studied; d. met; e. had; f. didn’t learn. 2. a. 3; b. 4; c. 5; d. 6; e. 2; f. 1. 3. a. found; b. didn’t speak; c. asked; d. they were learning French. 4. a. Parker said (referred to the fact) that at thatmoment he was speaking in German with his relatives from Germany. b. I added that I had had a wonderful time chatting with all those French people in their own language the evening before. D - Written production Open answer.
  • 42. Answer key Test 2 B - Written comprehension 1. Open answer. 2. a. much-need project; b. Debora’s; c. people in Togo; d. Debora and her schoolmates’. 3. a. “… Adakpamé school and community, located 15 km east of Togo’s capital city of Lomé” b. “Before the project began, the school lacked adequate latrines, hand washing stations and was in desperate need of a safe water source” c. “… buy water from nearby street vendors - a costly and unsustainable supply of water” d. “This much-needed project, completed in the spring of 2010…” 4.1 The purpose of this Foundation was to take safe water and sanitation to a local school and community in Togo as part of a project entitled School Challenge. 4.2 Debora is a 13 year old student at Adakpamé school in Togo who, being part of a big family (of 12 siblings), has profited from this initiative, improving her life, her family’s life and her education. 4.3 This access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education has improved their lives in the sense that they can concentrate more on their education, on their own health and at the same time they can organise and prepare their own future. C – Language 1. a. football; b. favourite. 2. a. The students had finished the exercise when the bell rang. b. When Debora got to school, classes had already started. c. All the students had arrived when Debora gave the interview. 3. Debora: “I remember having to leave school and go home to use the toilet. Now, I’m able to bring clean water home from school for my family. I have also been trained by my teachers to wash my hands after using the toilet and before eating. Now I am able to focus on school work and my own future. I want to be a journalist.” 4. a. teacher; b. student; c. computer; d. school. D - Written production Open answer. Answer key Test 3 B - Written comprehension 1. Open answer. 2. a. True. “English is part of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages”. b. True. “A great number of words found in the English vocabulary were borrowed from Latin, French, Low German, and the Scandinavian languages. We also know that some periods were more fertile than others: invasions, contact with other cultures, inventions, technological progress, music, fashion are some of the factors which have helped to enrich the language.” c. True. “From around 1750 to 1950 the British Empire covered about a quarter of the globe.” d. False. “The USA has played a leading role in most domains for the last hundred years. At the end of the 19th century and first quarter of the 20th, it welcomed millions of European immigrants who had left their countries devastated by war, poverty or famine.” 3. a. found (l. 3); b. enrich (l. 10); c. progress (l. 13); d. powerful (l. 18); e. attracted (l. 34). 4.1 Factors like: invasions, contact with other cultures, inventions, technological progress, music and fashion. 4.2 Having been one of the most powerful empires the world has ever known, it was quite widespread and even though most colonies became independent, the English language remained as native or official language. 4.3 Inventions, rock and roll, the first man on the moon, the revolution of the Internet, the country’s growing prosperity and commercial aggressiveness. C – Language 1. a. BrE/AmE; b. AmE/BrE c. BrE/AmE; d. BrE/AmE; e. AmE/BrE. 2. a. 3; b. 5; c. 1; d. 2; e. 4. 3. are crossing (ll. 2-3) - crossed; speak (l. 4) - spoke; are pushed (l. 5) - were pushed; is migrating (l. 6) - migrated; is being (l. 8) - was. 4. a. the United States had consolidated its… b. the USA had played a leading role in most domains for the previous hundred years. c. the English language was surviving in this competitive world… D - Written production Open answer.
  • 43. Answer key Test 4 B - Written comprehension 1. Open answer. 2. a. Poland; b. of the faculty; c. taking Polish lessons (at the university); d. any student. 3. a. … spend eight months at the Medical University of Warsaw. b. … practise surgery, internal medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics and family medicine. c. … night rounds, communication with patients and taking part in risky operations. 4.1 Erasmus is a European Union programme that gives university students the possibility of spending some time in a foreign country, studying or training. 4.2 Mariana chose Poland because she intended to learn a language that she didn’t know and a culture that was completely different from her own. 4.3 So that she could explore the cultural and social life of Warsaw – going to museums, restaurants, theatres, the opera. C – Language 1. a. While Mariana was making her night rounds, she found an intruder. b. When Mariana arrived at the clinic, her friends were operating on a patient. 2. a. flagship; b. somewhere; c. hindsight; d. throughout; e. blackboard. 3. a. asked; b. explained; c. demanded; d. considered; e. told. 4. … she had left for an Erasmus year because she had wanted/wanted to practise a foreign language and improve her career prospects. She added that few Portuguese students chose Poland as a destination, but it had appealed to her. She had thought, since she had been going/was going somewhere outside Portugal, she might as well get to know a truly different culture. With hindsight she was delighted with her choice. D - Written production Open answer. Answer key Test 5 B - Written comprehension 1. Open answer. 2. Globalized (l. 3) = globalised; program (l. 4) = programme. 3.1 a. 3.2 b. 3.3 c. 3.4 b. 4.1 Because the way adults learn a language is different from the way children learn. Adults need to learn the rules of the language, contrary to children, who learn implicitly. 4.2 When an adult is learning a language he already knows his own language which will interfere in the acquisition of the second language. 4.3 He advises people to find the method that works best for them when learning a foreign language. C – Language 1. a. learnt; b. needed; c. tried; d. used; e. had acquired; f. were. 2. a. was learning; b. needed; c. had said; d. had been; e. hadn’t used. 3. a. 2; b. 4; c. 1; d. 3. 4. “(…) are totally deceiving. There is no method that can do this. The only way to learn a language is to make quite a bit of effort on a daily basis.… Adults have to be conscientious of the rules of the language. Implicit learning doesn’t work all that well with them.” D - Written production Open answer.
  • 44. A - Listening comprehension B - Written comprehension C - Language D – Written Prod. Total Mark 1 2 3 Total 1 2 3 4 Total 1 2 3 4 Total 1 Total No. Name 40 60 50 50 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 UNIT ________________________________ CLASS _________ DATE ___ / ___ / ___ TERM _________ TEST CORRECTION GRID
  • 45. v Test Correction Criteria Type of items Criteria • Multiple choice • True / false • Matching • Sequencing • Short answer (blank filling) • Correct / incorrect - Sequencing items will only be given marks if the whole sequence is correct - One mark off in true / false items for each incorrect quotation from the text, when applicable - One mark off in true / false items for each incorrect answer, if quotation from the text is correct, when applicable • Short answer (sentence completion; rephrasing) • One mark less for each language mistake, up to a maximum of 3 marks • Incomprehensible or decontextualised answers will be marked wrong • Short answer (text comprehension) • One mark less for each language mistake, up to a maximum of 3 marks • The answer should demonstrate the comprehension of the text, using student’s words • Incomprehensible or decontextualised answers will be marked wrong • Essay 41 to 50: The student shows excellent writing skills; totally respects the topic or the text type; presents his own ideas about the topic, contextualises and develops them; uses appropriate and varied cohesive devices; organises the text in a coherent manner; mistakes (structure or spelling) are irrelevant for the comprehension of message. 31 to 40: The student shows reasonable writing skills; respects the topic or the text type; presents some ideas about the topic and contextualises them; uses simple cohesive devicesto organise the text, but not always successfully; choice of words is good; makes few mistakes (structure or spelling) which hardly affect message. 21 to 30: The student shows some writing skills; respects the topic or the text type; presents some ideas about the topic and tries to contextualise them; uses some cohesive devices but the text is slightly disorganised; choice of words is reasonable; makes some mistakes (structure or spelling) which sometimes make message slightly confusing. 11 to 20: The student shows poor writing skills; mostly respects the topic or the text type; presents some ideas about the topic but the text is slightly confused; uses few cohesive devices but the text is not well organised; choice of words is poor; makes many mistakes (structure or spelling) which sometimes impede meaning. 0 to 10: The student shows very poor writing skills; doesn’t fully respect the topic or the text type; ideas are scarce and mostly decontextualised; uses few cohesive devices and the text is disorganised; choice of words is very poor; makes many mistakes (structure or spelling) which sometimes make message incomprehensible. Note: the student will get 0 marks if the topic or the text type is not respected, or if the whole text is incomprehensible or illegible. Upgrade 10
  • 46. Module 2 Around the world in apps and techs
  • 47. Upgrade 10 Table of specifications Module 2 (Tests 1-5) Skills Contents CEF competences Types of Items Number of items Marks Topics Language A Listening comprehension Bright ideas Hi-tech Go digital Space quest • Passive • Double object passive • Future • Phrasal verbs • Used to + infinitive • Be used to + -ing Linguistic • lexical • grammatical • semantic • orthographic Pragmatic • functional • discourse • Multiple choice • True / false • Matching • Sequencing • Short answer (blank filling; sentence completion; rephrasing) • Short answer (text comprehension) 3 40 B Written comprehension (300-350 words) 4 60 C Language 4 50 D Written production • Essay (120-160 words) 1 50
  • 48.
  • 49. Progress Test - Module 2 TEST Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________ Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________ A – Listening comprehension 40 marks 1. Listen to the text and choose the correct ending for each sentence. 8 marks (4x2 marks) 1.1 Marc Goodman… a. is a university student. b. teaches at a university. c. wants to go to a university. 1.2 Marc Goodman spoke… a. at TED Global in June 2012. b. at TED International in June 2012. c. at TED National in July 2012. 1.3 Drug traffickers in Latin America… a. are using robotic submarines to send drug dealers to the US. b. are using robotic submarines to send cocaine to the US. c. are using robotic submarines to deal with the US. 1.4 The FBI arrested a man in Boston… a. who planned to attack the US President. b. who planned to use a robot to attack the US Senate. c. who planned to explode the US Pentagon.
  • 50.
  • 51. Progress Test - Module 2 2. Listen to the text again and fill in the blanks with the missing words. 12 marks (6x2 marks) Technology has made our world a. _________________________________ open, and for the most part that has b. __________________________________ benefits for c. __________________________________ . d. __________________________________, all of this e. ____________________________________may have f. _________________________________ consequences. 3. Listen to the text once again and answer these questions. 20 marks (2x10 marks) 3.1 Why is Marc Goodman unsure that technology is always a good thing? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Marc Goodman mentions various technologies being used for negative purposes. Name three of them. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
  • 52.
  • 53. Progress Test - Module 2 TEST 1 Name _________________________________________ No. ____________ Class ____________ Date ____ /____ /____ Mark _________________________ Teacher ______________________ B - Written comprehension 60 marks 1. Do you think technology is always used in a positive way? Justify your answer. 10 marks _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Read the following text. Technological advances The future of science and technology sounds so promising. Unprecedented advances in computing, robotics, artificial intelligence, genetics, neuroscience and biotechnology hold the potential to radically transform our world for the better and create mass abundance for all. Advances in the life sciences means it is now possible to design DNA on a computer screen and send the DNA code to a “bio printer” for assembly. Our ability to reprogram DNA itself will undoubtedly lead to great advances in medicine, but the danger is that these same techniques can be used to modify viruses, like H5N1 influenza, to become more and more lethal, potentially affecting millions around the globe. To hackers, DNA is just another operating system waiting to be hacked. We are at the dawn of an exponentially advancing technological arms race between people who are using technology for good and those who are using it for ill. Though such battles have been going on since the beginning of time, what has changed is the pace of innovation. New technologies and capabilities are emerging so quickly, it becomes increasingly likely they will outpace the capabilities of public safety officials to respond. The threat is serious, and the time to prepare for it is now. I can assure you that the terrorists and criminals are. Technology is proliferating at an exponential pace and despite law enforcement’s best efforts, cybercrime grows unabated. In coming years, we will witness an explosion in the use of robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and synthetic biology. There is little to suggest police will be any more prepared for these emerging threats than they were for basic cybercrimes. Given the rapid acceleration of technological development, any system that relies on a small, elite force of highly trained government agents may be doomed to failure. Good people in the world far outnumber those with ill intentions. But criminals and terrorists have shown their ability to take up technological arms to harm the general populace. This calls for increased vigilance on the part of ordinary citizens. The tools to change the world are in everybody’s hands. How we use them is not just up to me, it’s up to all of us. Marc Goodman, (abridged and adapted, accessed in December 2012)
  • 54.
  • 55. Progress Test - Module 2 2. Say if the following statements are True or False. Quote from the text to justify your answer. 12 marks (4x3 marks) a. The future of science and technology seems positive. ___________________________________________________________________________________ b. The terrorists and criminals are unprepared for all the changes in technologies. ___________________________________________________________________________________ c. The police are totally prepared to the emerging threats posed by technological advances. ___________________________________________________________________________________ d. Even highly trained government agents aren’t prepared to deal with technological development. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3. In the first four paragraphs find the words that mean the following: 8 marks (4x2 marks) a. Never existed in the past. ____________________________________________________________ b. People who get into someone else’s computer illegally. __________________________________ c. The speed at which something changes. _______________________________________________ d. Move or develop faster than something else. ___________________________________________ 4. Answer the following questions about the text using your own words. 30 marks (3x10 marks) 4.1 Which are the consequences of DNA advances? __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 Why is there a race between people who are using technology for good and those who are using it for ill? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 What is Marc Goodman’s proposal to combat cybercrime, criminals and terrorists? __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
  • 56.
  • 57. C – Language 50 marks 1. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use will or going to. 12 marks (2x6 marks) a. I decide not to attend another TED talk this year. I __________________________________________________ this year. b. The police predict a victory against cybercrime in the future. Someday the police __________________________________________________ cybercrime. 2. Put the verb given into a form of will, going to, present simple or present continuous. 8 marks (4x2 marks) a. Hurry! This TED talk __________________________________________________ in 2 minutes. (begin) b. The weather is snowy. It ______________________________________________ a chilly evening. (be) c. I think the police __________________________________________ the terrorists tomorrow. (arrest) d. They __________________________________________________ a talk next week. (give) 3. Rewrite each sentence beginning with the words given. 15 marks (3x5 marks) a. Scientists’ discoveries are going to transform our world for the better. Our world __________________________________________________________________________________. b. The pace of innovation has considerably changed the technological world. The technological ___________________________________________________________________________. c. We will witness an explosion in the use of robotics. An explosion _______________________________________________________________________________. 4. Rewrite each sentence beginning with the words given. 15 marks (3x5 marks) a. Great advances will be ensured by our ability to reprogram DNA. Our ability _________________________________________________________________________________. b. DNA has been hacked by professional hackers. Professional hackers ________________________________________________________________________. c. Cybercrime must be fought by trained police officers. rained police _______________________________________________________________________________.