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A review on Digital Image Processing
Mr.Bhuvan Jain.A Mr.Aman Jain Ms.Yashika Saini
Student Student Professor
Department of CSE Department of IT Department of CSE
AIET, Jaipur AIET, Jaipur AIET, Jaipur
Information on the manuscript:-
Image Processing, DIP, Image
Restoration, Image Segmentation,
Image Enhancement, Image
Processing Algorithms SIFT, SURF,
Image processing is a multi-step process
that uses a variety of techniques and
algorithms. Because there is no set pattern,
there are limitations to using image
processing in any process. The current
study is a comprehensive examination of
the many uses of image processing
techniques in several sectors of modern
engineering. Digital image processing
(DIP) is utilized in a variety of
applications, including video editing,
office biometric systems, endoscopy,
quality control in the textile and other
manufacturing industries, digital
photograph enhancement, signature
verification, and so on. It also covers a
wide range of image processing techniques
such as picture acquisition, image
segmentation, image modification, image
restoration, and image compression. The
benefits and drawbacks of image
processing techniques and algorithms such
as SIFT; SURF, BRIEF, and ORB are
thoroughly explored.
Figure 1:- Digital Image Processing
Analog image processing (AIP) and digital
image processing (DIP) are the two forms
of image processing (DIP). Hard copies,
such as printouts and pictures, may be
scanned using AIP. When utilizing these
visual approaches, image analysts employ
a variety of interpretive foundations.
Image processing is done using computer
algorithms in DIP. AIP is favored over
digital image processing.
There are a variety of algorithms that may
be applied with the input data.
 Signal problems like as noise and
distortion are avoided. DIP has
become an indispensable element
of modern engineering and is
favored over AIP [1]. It is quick,
efficient, and adaptable.
 The focus of image processing is
on the target region to be
investigated as well as the analyst's
knowledge. Another significant
element in image processing via
visual approaches is association.
 As a result, human knowledge and
collateral data must be used to
image processing throughout the
study. Because image processing is
closely connected to artificial
vision or simulated vision, it is
likely to achieve at least one of the
 Hallucination Means keeping track
of and characterizing objects that
do not exist in reality but whose
characteristics are stated.
 Image restoration and/or
sharpening to increase image
quality (contrast, brightness,
colour, hue, sharpness, and so on).
 3. Image repossession here we look
for the image that we're looking
for. The characteristics of the
intended picture, such as form,
colures, and pattern, are specified,
and we search for the required
image among the photos supplied.
 Pattern measurement this is done to
determine the number of items in a
specific picture or region.
 Acknowledgment of the wizard
this is a technique for
distinguishing particular items in a
 We must examine all conceivable
approaches, their pros and
downsides, because there are no set
techniques for all applications.
Each approach has its own set of
benefits and drawbacks. The
evaluation includes a discussion of
a variety of applications.
Application of Image
Image processing has a variety of
applications, as listed below.
 Image sharpening and
restoration is the process of
improving an image's aesthetic
impact in order to increase its
information content. This entails
contrasting and/or sharpening of
edges/boundaries. Contrast
enhancement techniques have been
created and used to a variety of
image processing issues. A few are
listed below.
1. Enhancement of contrast
2. Changes in intensity, colour, and
3. Slicing of density
4. Enhancement of the edges
5. Making digital mosaics
6. Producing synthetic stereo images
7. Noise removal using a Wiener filter
8. Linear contrast adjustment
9. Median filtering
10.Unsharp mask filtering
 Character Recognized:
Character recognition can help speed up
the processing of scanned pictures. It
recognizes and extracts text content from a
variety of data fields. When we scan a
form and process it with document
imaging software, for example, OCR
(Optical Character Recognition) allows us
to transmit data from the document
straight to an electronic database. OCR
transforms typewritten or printed text into
binary data from scanned or picture
images. It is a method of digitizing printed
manuscripts in order to do tasks like
editing, searching, text-to-speech
conversion, key data extraction, and text
mining. Previously, these automations
were carried out using pictures of each
character. This limited the number of
typefaces that may be used at once. The
modern age has given typefaces a lot of
flexibility in terms of size, type, and
orientation. Some commercial techniques
may duplicate formatted output that
closely resembles the original scanned
window, including columns, pictures, and
other non-textual components.
 Target Recognition:
ATDR identifies, classifies, and tracks
target objects contained in a picture
produced by laser radar (LR), synthetic-
aperture radar (SAR), or an infrared or
video camera. ATDR transforms the
sensor's signal into a digital picture, and
then extracts a coarse contour or outline of
the target item to distinguish it from the
backdrop or surrounding region.
Finally, it matches the characteristics
characterizing the target item to identify
the object. For picture segmentation, a
variety of approaches and algorithms have
been developed, including I edge detection
methods, (ii) region splitting and (iii)
region growing methods, and (IV)
clustering methods. The ATR process
employs a variety of algorithms and
approaches, but no one approach has yet
shown to be adequate. By combining
multiple techniques, we can create a high-
performance ATR system.
 Pattern recognition:
Objects or pictures are recognized in this
kind by matching them to different
patterns supplied. The matching is based
on similarities in shape, colour, and other
factors. The 'finding Wolds issue' is the
best illustration.
 Biometric Identification:
Biometrics include measurements of
human features such as fingerprints, hand
geometry, signatures, retina and iris
patterns, voice waves, DNA, and so on.
The following are examples of new and
developing biometric techniques:
1. Smell recognition in humans
2. Biometrics of the EEG
3. Spectroscopy of the skin
4. Texture of the knuckles
5. Recognition of fingernails
Table 1 shows the results of a comparison
of several biometric methods. Fingerprint
identification is the most prevalent
biometric recognition method. Every
person has their own fingerprints. Gray
scale image, phase image, skeleton image,
and minutiae are the four forms of
fingerprint representation techniques used
by most fingerprint matching systems. The
minutiae-based representation scheme has
become the most frequently used
fingerprint representation scheme because
to its distinctness, compactness, and
consistency with characteristics utilized by
human fingerprint specialists.
Table of Biometric Identification:-
Low Hig
Low Medi
Cost High Hig
Size of
Large Sm
Small Small
Long term
Low Me
Low Medi
Low me
Low High
 Feature Extractor:
The basis of fingerprint technology is
feature extraction. The recorded image's
quality is improved by eliminating noise
using a noise reduction algorithm that
analyses the image and detects minutiae.
Points of bifurcation and ridge ends are the
most commonly utilized minutiae in
 Matcher:
For identification or matching, the
fingerprint pictures are compared to those
in the database (one-to-many or one-to-one
matching).Remote sensing, transmission
encoding, machine vision, colour
processing, video processing, and
microscopy are some of the additional
Techniques of image
Figure 2 represents different techniques of
image processing.
Figure 2:- Techniques of Image
 Image Segmentation:
To aid in the annotation of the object
scene, segmentation is the act of separating
the picture into component areas or
objects. Image segmentation is used to
precisely determine the image's content.
Edge detection is a crucial technique for
picture segmentation in this scenario.
 Region based segmentation:
The division of a picture into regions is a
process (small groups of connected pixels
having similar properties). Images are
interpreted using regions. A region might
be associated with a specific object or
different sections of an entity. In noisy
pictures with difficult-to-detect
boundaries, region-based methods are
typically superior. In region-based
techniques, reasonable accuracy levels are
 Edge based segmentation:
It concentrates on intensity values that are
both discontinuous and comparable. The split
of a picture based on sudden changes in
intensity, such as edges or borders, in the
situation of discontinuous intensity values. In
image analysis, edge detection is a critical
problem. The acquired boundary markings
correspond to the object's edges. As a result,
the item may be separated from the picture
by detecting its edges. When the edge
detection technique is used, the result is a
binary image. The essence of edge-based
techniques is that they are interactive.
There are three fundamental steps in edge
1. Filtering &Enhancement
2. Detection of edge points
3. Edge localization
 Thresholding:
Figure 3 represents Thresholding
of an image.
Figure 3:-Thresholding of an Image
Thresholding is a basic but effective
method for segmenting pictures with
bright objects against a dark backdrop. It
transforms a multi-level image into a
binary image, divides image pixels into
multiple areas, and separates objects from
background by selecting an appropriate
threshold T. There are two techniques
depending on T: local thresholding (when
T is constant) and global thresholding
(when T is variable) (T have multiple
values). The global thresholding fails if the
backdrop lighting is uneven. If the
intensity of any pixel (x, y) is greater than
or equal to the threshold value, it is
considered to be part of the object;
otherwise, it is regarded to be background.
When we use this approach, we have
reduced noise resistance.
 Feature Based segmentation:
Clustering is the act of grouping things
together based on their qualities, so that
each cluster comprises objects that are
similar but not identical to those in other
clusters. Clustering is done utilizing a
variety of techniques and methods for
computing or identifying the cluster. Good
clustering algorithms create high intra-
cluster similarity and low inter-cluster
The Clustering methods are classified into
2 types.
K mean clustering:
K-mean is an unsupervised learning
method that solves the well-known
clustering issue. It is quick, resilient, and
simple. The approach involves classifying
a given data set using a predetermined
number of k clusters. When data sets are
different, K-mean clustering methods get
the best results.
Fuzzy C-Mean [FCM] Algorithm:
Fuzzy Clustering is a technique that allows
items to belong to many clusters, each
with its own membership. This is one of
the most successful pattern recognition
methods. The Fuzzy C-Mean is one of the
most often used fuzzy clustering methods.
We may keep the data set's information by
utilizing FCM. In FCM, each cluster
center assigns membership to a data point,
which means that a data point might
belong to more than one cluster center.
 Model based segmentation:
The Markov random field is used in this
approach. Inbuilt region constraints are
utilized for colour segmentation. MRF is
combined with edge detection to determine
edge accuracy. The relationships between
colour components are included in this
 Image compression:
Compression of picture refers to the
process of reducing the size of digital
image recordings in order to eliminate
duplication and store and transmit data
more effectively. There are two forms of
picture compression: lossy and lossless.
 Lossless compression:
Figure 4:- Lossless compression of
Figure 4 represents different Lossless
compression of Image.It is lossless if the
image quality stays unchanged after
compression. It is mostly used for medical
imaging, technical drawing content, and
archiving reasons, among other things.
 Lossy compression:
When using lossy compression, the data
quality degrades after compression. Lossy
methods are employed in situations when a
small compromise of quality is acceptable
in exchange for fast speed. JPEG is the
most prevalent, as it compresses full
colour or gray scale pictures. In this case,
the image is split into eight by eight
chunks with no overlap between them.
JPEG compresses data using discrete
cosine transformations. Wavelet transform
is a different type of compression method.
Wavelet data is split into distinct
frequency components, each of which is
investigated independently. When it comes
to analyzing physical situations, Wavelets
outperform standard Fourier methods.
Classification of Digital Image
Classification is used to extract
information from pictures, name them, and
extract pixels from them. There will be a
lot of photos of the same thing. A suitable
scheme and sufficient training samples are
necessary for efficient categorization. The
classification is done based on the needs of
the user. Artificial neural networks, expert
systems, and fuzzy logic are just a few of
the categorization methods available.
There are several different types of
categorization methods, such as per pixel,
sub pixel, and per field. The approach of
'per-pixel categorization' is the most often
utilized. Sub pixel algorithms, which are
made up of a variety of pixel problems,
give a better degree of precision. Data per
field categorization is the best method for
precise 3D resolution.
There are two types of classification
techniques: supervised and unsupervised.
Spectral signatures acquired from training
samples are used to categories’ a picture in
supervised classification. The picture is
classified using multivariate classification
techniques. Unsupervised categorization
relies on the machine's output without any
user input. Pixels from the same category
are clustered together in this approach.
 Image Restoration:
Figure 5 represents different
techniques of Reducing Noisy
Image of an image.
Figure 5:-Reducing Noisy Image
Image restoration is the process of
obtaining a flawless image from a
damaged and noisy image.There are
various processes involved in restoration
of image.
1 Inverse filtering
2 Weiner Filtering
3 Wavelet Restoration
4 Blind De-convolution
 Image enhancement:
It improves the image quality by using
several filters. The restoration of pictures
may be accomplished using two sorts of
models: deterioration and restoration.
Image enhancement is used to improve an
image's suitability for a certain purpose,
such as graphic display.
 Spatial domain enhancement
In which pixel value varies as a function of
intensity of the surrounding.
 Frequency domain enhancement
It may involve the point processing this
involves following steps
1. Intensity transformation
2. Image negative
3. Contrast stretching
4. Grey level slicing
5. Histogram processing
6. Image subtraction
7. Image averaging
Figure 6 represents Histogram Images
Conversation of an image
Figure 6:- Histogram Images
 Acquisition of image:
Any visualization scheme begins with this
stage. After the image is captured, it is
subjected to a number of procedures.
Essentially, image acquisition is the
process of retrieving pictures from
multiple sources.
 Image Representation:
The term "image representation" refers to
the act of transforming raw data into a
form that can be processed by a computer.
To depict the photos, two sorts of methods
are employed.
 Boundary representation:
It shows the picture's intrinsic form. As a
result, it concentrates on the object's form,
whether it's a corner, rounded, or any other
 Region representation:
It's used to investigate the internal
characteristics of a picture. There are four
types of image representation depending
on the amount of image processing
through machine: pixel based, block based,
region based, and hierarchical based.
 Image transformation:
Pictures are subjected to arithmetic
operations or sophisticated mathematical
procedures that transform images from one
representation to another. Simple image
arithmetic, Fourier, rapid Hartley
transform, Hough transform, and Radon
transform are examples of mathematical
operations. Fourier Transform is the most
popular (FT).
 Image matching and different
In machine vision and robotics,
feature detection and picture
matching are still significant topics
to concentrate on. With picture
changes such as rotation, scale,
lighting, noise, and affine
transformations, an ideal feature
identification approach should be
Image matching in DIP is a complex
process and it uses several
algorithms. Given below are 3 most
popular approaches:
 Scale Invariant Feature Transform
 Speed up Robust Feature (SURF)
 Binary Robust Independent
Elementary Features (BRIEF)
 Oriented FAST and Rotated
Picture processing has become an
indispensable component of contemporary
engineering, with applications in biometry,
signature recognition, image enhancement,
quality control in different manufacturing
industries, and machine vision methods,
among others. AIP and DIP are the two
most common forms of image processing.
DIP offers its own set of benefits. Image
sharpening and restoration, character
recognition, signature or pattern
identification, target recognition, and
image enhancement are just a few of the
uses for DIP. Each application employs a
single or a mix of techniques such as
picture acquisition, segmentation,
transformation, and enhancement, among
others. For image matching and DIP,
several algorithms like as SIFT, SURF,
BRIEF, and ORB are used. As a result,
this study discusses different elements of
DIP and provides in-depth information on
the applications, methods, and algorithms
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A review on digital image processing paper

  • 1. A review on Digital Image Processing Mr.Bhuvan Jain.A Mr.Aman Jain Ms.Yashika Saini Student Student Professor Department of CSE Department of IT Department of CSE AIET, Jaipur AIET, Jaipur AIET, Jaipur Information on the manuscript:- Image Processing, DIP, Image Restoration, Image Segmentation, Image Enhancement, Image Processing Algorithms SIFT, SURF, BRIEF ORB. Abstract: Image processing is a multi-step process that uses a variety of techniques and algorithms. Because there is no set pattern, there are limitations to using image processing in any process. The current study is a comprehensive examination of the many uses of image processing techniques in several sectors of modern engineering. Digital image processing (DIP) is utilized in a variety of applications, including video editing, office biometric systems, endoscopy, quality control in the textile and other manufacturing industries, digital photograph enhancement, signature verification, and so on. It also covers a wide range of image processing techniques such as picture acquisition, image segmentation, image modification, image restoration, and image compression. The benefits and drawbacks of image processing techniques and algorithms such as SIFT; SURF, BRIEF, and ORB are thoroughly explored. Introduction: Figure 1:- Digital Image Processing Analog image processing (AIP) and digital image processing (DIP) are the two forms of image processing (DIP). Hard copies, such as printouts and pictures, may be scanned using AIP. When utilizing these visual approaches, image analysts employ a variety of interpretive foundations. Image processing is done using computer algorithms in DIP. AIP is favored over digital image processing. There are a variety of algorithms that may be applied with the input data.  Signal problems like as noise and distortion are avoided. DIP has become an indispensable element of modern engineering and is favored over AIP [1]. It is quick, efficient, and adaptable.  The focus of image processing is on the target region to be investigated as well as the analyst's knowledge. Another significant element in image processing via visual approaches is association.  As a result, human knowledge and collateral data must be used to
  • 2. image processing throughout the study. Because image processing is closely connected to artificial vision or simulated vision, it is likely to achieve at least one of the aims.  Hallucination Means keeping track of and characterizing objects that do not exist in reality but whose characteristics are stated.  Image restoration and/or sharpening to increase image quality (contrast, brightness, colour, hue, sharpness, and so on).  3. Image repossession here we look for the image that we're looking for. The characteristics of the intended picture, such as form, colures, and pattern, are specified, and we search for the required image among the photos supplied.  Pattern measurement this is done to determine the number of items in a specific picture or region.  Acknowledgment of the wizard this is a technique for distinguishing particular items in a picture.  We must examine all conceivable approaches, their pros and downsides, because there are no set techniques for all applications. Each approach has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. The evaluation includes a discussion of a variety of applications. Application of Image Processing: Image processing has a variety of applications, as listed below.  Image sharpening and restoration is the process of improving an image's aesthetic impact in order to increase its information content. This entails contrasting and/or sharpening of edges/boundaries. Contrast enhancement techniques have been created and used to a variety of image processing issues. A few are listed below. 1. Enhancement of contrast 2. Changes in intensity, colour, and saturation 3. Slicing of density 4. Enhancement of the edges 5. Making digital mosaics 6. Producing synthetic stereo images 7. Noise removal using a Wiener filter 8. Linear contrast adjustment 9. Median filtering 10.Unsharp mask filtering  Character Recognized: Character recognition can help speed up the processing of scanned pictures. It recognizes and extracts text content from a variety of data fields. When we scan a form and process it with document imaging software, for example, OCR (Optical Character Recognition) allows us to transmit data from the document straight to an electronic database. OCR transforms typewritten or printed text into binary data from scanned or picture images. It is a method of digitizing printed manuscripts in order to do tasks like editing, searching, text-to-speech conversion, key data extraction, and text mining. Previously, these automations were carried out using pictures of each character. This limited the number of typefaces that may be used at once. The modern age has given typefaces a lot of flexibility in terms of size, type, and orientation. Some commercial techniques may duplicate formatted output that closely resembles the original scanned window, including columns, pictures, and other non-textual components.  Target Recognition: ATDR identifies, classifies, and tracks target objects contained in a picture produced by laser radar (LR), synthetic-
  • 3. aperture radar (SAR), or an infrared or video camera. ATDR transforms the sensor's signal into a digital picture, and then extracts a coarse contour or outline of the target item to distinguish it from the backdrop or surrounding region. Finally, it matches the characteristics characterizing the target item to identify the object. For picture segmentation, a variety of approaches and algorithms have been developed, including I edge detection methods, (ii) region splitting and (iii) region growing methods, and (IV) clustering methods. The ATR process employs a variety of algorithms and approaches, but no one approach has yet shown to be adequate. By combining multiple techniques, we can create a high- performance ATR system.  Pattern recognition: Objects or pictures are recognized in this kind by matching them to different patterns supplied. The matching is based on similarities in shape, colour, and other factors. The 'finding Wolds issue' is the best illustration.  Biometric Identification: Biometrics include measurements of human features such as fingerprints, hand geometry, signatures, retina and iris patterns, voice waves, DNA, and so on. The following are examples of new and developing biometric techniques: 1. Smell recognition in humans 2. Biometrics of the EEG 3. Spectroscopy of the skin 4. Texture of the knuckles 5. Recognition of fingernails Table 1 shows the results of a comparison of several biometric methods. Fingerprint identification is the most prevalent biometric recognition method. Every person has their own fingerprints. Gray scale image, phase image, skeleton image, and minutiae are the four forms of fingerprint representation techniques used by most fingerprint matching systems. The minutiae-based representation scheme has become the most frequently used fingerprint representation scheme because to its distinctness, compactness, and consistency with characteristics utilized by human fingerprint specialists. Table of Biometric Identification:- Biome trics Facia l Reco gnitio n Iris sca n Fin ger pri nt Fin ger vei n Voic e Reco gniti on Lips reco gniti on Accur acy Low Hig h Me diu m Hig h Low Medi um Cost High Hig h Lo w Me diu m Medi um Medi um Size of Temp late Large Sm all Sm all me diu m Small Small Long term Stabil ity Low Me diu m Lo w Hig h Low Medi um Securi ty level Low me diu m Lo w Hig h Low High  Feature Extractor: The basis of fingerprint technology is feature extraction. The recorded image's quality is improved by eliminating noise using a noise reduction algorithm that analyses the image and detects minutiae. Points of bifurcation and ridge ends are the most commonly utilized minutiae in applications.  Matcher: For identification or matching, the fingerprint pictures are compared to those in the database (one-to-many or one-to-one matching).Remote sensing, transmission encoding, machine vision, colour
  • 4. processing, video processing, and microscopy are some of the additional uses. Techniques of image processing: Figure 2 represents different techniques of image processing. Figure 2:- Techniques of Image Processing.  Image Segmentation: To aid in the annotation of the object scene, segmentation is the act of separating the picture into component areas or objects. Image segmentation is used to precisely determine the image's content. Edge detection is a crucial technique for picture segmentation in this scenario.  Region based segmentation: The division of a picture into regions is a process (small groups of connected pixels having similar properties). Images are interpreted using regions. A region might be associated with a specific object or different sections of an entity. In noisy pictures with difficult-to-detect boundaries, region-based methods are typically superior. In region-based techniques, reasonable accuracy levels are available.  Edge based segmentation: It concentrates on intensity values that are both discontinuous and comparable. The split of a picture based on sudden changes in intensity, such as edges or borders, in the situation of discontinuous intensity values. In image analysis, edge detection is a critical problem. The acquired boundary markings correspond to the object's edges. As a result, the item may be separated from the picture by detecting its edges. When the edge detection technique is used, the result is a binary image. The essence of edge-based techniques is that they are interactive. There are three fundamental steps in edge detection: 1. Filtering &Enhancement 2. Detection of edge points 3. Edge localization  Thresholding: Figure 3 represents Thresholding of an image. Figure 3:-Thresholding of an Image Thresholding is a basic but effective method for segmenting pictures with bright objects against a dark backdrop. It transforms a multi-level image into a binary image, divides image pixels into multiple areas, and separates objects from background by selecting an appropriate threshold T. There are two techniques depending on T: local thresholding (when T is constant) and global thresholding (when T is variable) (T have multiple values). The global thresholding fails if the
  • 5. backdrop lighting is uneven. If the intensity of any pixel (x, y) is greater than or equal to the threshold value, it is considered to be part of the object; otherwise, it is regarded to be background. When we use this approach, we have reduced noise resistance.  Feature Based segmentation: Clustering is the act of grouping things together based on their qualities, so that each cluster comprises objects that are similar but not identical to those in other clusters. Clustering is done utilizing a variety of techniques and methods for computing or identifying the cluster. Good clustering algorithms create high intra- cluster similarity and low inter-cluster similarity. The Clustering methods are classified into 2 types. K mean clustering: K-mean is an unsupervised learning method that solves the well-known clustering issue. It is quick, resilient, and simple. The approach involves classifying a given data set using a predetermined number of k clusters. When data sets are different, K-mean clustering methods get the best results. Fuzzy C-Mean [FCM] Algorithm: Fuzzy Clustering is a technique that allows items to belong to many clusters, each with its own membership. This is one of the most successful pattern recognition methods. The Fuzzy C-Mean is one of the most often used fuzzy clustering methods. We may keep the data set's information by utilizing FCM. In FCM, each cluster center assigns membership to a data point, which means that a data point might belong to more than one cluster center.  Model based segmentation: The Markov random field is used in this approach. Inbuilt region constraints are utilized for colour segmentation. MRF is combined with edge detection to determine edge accuracy. The relationships between colour components are included in this technique.  Image compression: Compression of picture refers to the process of reducing the size of digital image recordings in order to eliminate duplication and store and transmit data more effectively. There are two forms of picture compression: lossy and lossless.  Lossless compression: Figure 4:- Lossless compression of Image Figure 4 represents different Lossless compression of Image.It is lossless if the image quality stays unchanged after compression. It is mostly used for medical imaging, technical drawing content, and archiving reasons, among other things.  Lossy compression: When using lossy compression, the data quality degrades after compression. Lossy methods are employed in situations when a small compromise of quality is acceptable in exchange for fast speed. JPEG is the most prevalent, as it compresses full colour or gray scale pictures. In this case, the image is split into eight by eight chunks with no overlap between them. JPEG compresses data using discrete
  • 6. cosine transformations. Wavelet transform is a different type of compression method. Wavelet data is split into distinct frequency components, each of which is investigated independently. When it comes to analyzing physical situations, Wavelets outperform standard Fourier methods. Classification of Digital Image Processing: Classification is used to extract information from pictures, name them, and extract pixels from them. There will be a lot of photos of the same thing. A suitable scheme and sufficient training samples are necessary for efficient categorization. The classification is done based on the needs of the user. Artificial neural networks, expert systems, and fuzzy logic are just a few of the categorization methods available. There are several different types of categorization methods, such as per pixel, sub pixel, and per field. The approach of 'per-pixel categorization' is the most often utilized. Sub pixel algorithms, which are made up of a variety of pixel problems, give a better degree of precision. Data per field categorization is the best method for precise 3D resolution. There are two types of classification techniques: supervised and unsupervised. Spectral signatures acquired from training samples are used to categories’ a picture in supervised classification. The picture is classified using multivariate classification techniques. Unsupervised categorization relies on the machine's output without any user input. Pixels from the same category are clustered together in this approach.  Image Restoration: Figure 5 represents different techniques of Reducing Noisy Image of an image. Figure 5:-Reducing Noisy Image Image restoration is the process of obtaining a flawless image from a damaged and noisy image.There are various processes involved in restoration of image. 1 Inverse filtering 2 Weiner Filtering 3 Wavelet Restoration 4 Blind De-convolution  Image enhancement: It improves the image quality by using several filters. The restoration of pictures may be accomplished using two sorts of models: deterioration and restoration. Image enhancement is used to improve an image's suitability for a certain purpose, such as graphic display.  Spatial domain enhancement (SDE): In which pixel value varies as a function of intensity of the surrounding.  Frequency domain enhancement (FDE): It may involve the point processing this involves following steps 1. Intensity transformation 2. Image negative 3. Contrast stretching 4. Grey level slicing 5. Histogram processing 6. Image subtraction 7. Image averaging
  • 7. Figure 6 represents Histogram Images Conversation of an image Figure 6:- Histogram Images Conversation  Acquisition of image: Any visualization scheme begins with this stage. After the image is captured, it is subjected to a number of procedures. Essentially, image acquisition is the process of retrieving pictures from multiple sources.  Image Representation: The term "image representation" refers to the act of transforming raw data into a form that can be processed by a computer. To depict the photos, two sorts of methods are employed.  Boundary representation: It shows the picture's intrinsic form. As a result, it concentrates on the object's form, whether it's a corner, rounded, or any other shape.  Region representation: It's used to investigate the internal characteristics of a picture. There are four types of image representation depending on the amount of image processing through machine: pixel based, block based, region based, and hierarchical based.  Image transformation: Pictures are subjected to arithmetic operations or sophisticated mathematical procedures that transform images from one representation to another. Simple image arithmetic, Fourier, rapid Hartley transform, Hough transform, and Radon transform are examples of mathematical operations. Fourier Transform is the most popular (FT).  Image matching and different approaches: In machine vision and robotics, feature detection and picture matching are still significant topics to concentrate on. With picture changes such as rotation, scale, lighting, noise, and affine transformations, an ideal feature identification approach should be used. Image matching in DIP is a complex process and it uses several algorithms. Given below are 3 most popular approaches:  Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)  Speed up Robust Feature (SURF)  Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features (BRIEF)  Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF ORB Conclusion:- Picture processing has become an indispensable component of contemporary engineering, with applications in biometry, signature recognition, image enhancement, quality control in different manufacturing industries, and machine vision methods, among others. AIP and DIP are the two most common forms of image processing. DIP offers its own set of benefits. Image sharpening and restoration, character recognition, signature or pattern identification, target recognition, and image enhancement are just a few of the uses for DIP. Each application employs a
  • 8. single or a mix of techniques such as picture acquisition, segmentation, transformation, and enhancement, among others. For image matching and DIP, several algorithms like as SIFT, SURF, BRIEF, and ORB are used. As a result, this study discusses different elements of DIP and provides in-depth information on the applications, methods, and algorithms used. References:- [1].J. Kirkville, D. Sukumaran, A. Sankar, S. P. Joy, A review on image processing and segmentation, international conference on data mining and advanced computing, (SAPIENCE), 198-203, 2016 [2].G.N.Srinivasan,G.Shobha,‖Segmentati on Techniques for Target Recognition‖, International Journal Of Computers And Communication,Issue 3, Volume 1, 2007 [3]. Muller H, Michoux N, Bandon D, Geissbuhler A. A review of content based image retrieval systems in medical applications clinical benefits and future directions. Int J Med Inform 2004;73:1 [4]. Zimmer, C., Labruyre, E., Meas- Yedid, V., Guilln, N., and Olivo-Marin, J. (2002). Segmentation and tracking of migrating cells in videomicroscopy with parametric active contours: a tool for cell based drug testing. IEEE TransMed Imaging, 21(10):1212–21. [5]. H. Coskun, Y. Li, M.A.Mackey, (2007). Ameboid cell motility: A model and inverse problem, with an application to live cell imaging data. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 244(2): 169-179 [6].International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro Edited by: Olivo- Marin JC, Bloch I, Laine A. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ; 2008:185-188. [7]. J. Luo, R. T. Cray, and H.C. Lee, Incorporation of derivative priors in adaptive [8].Bayesian color image segmentation.Proc. ICIP‘97, Vol. 3, pp. 58-61, Oct 26-29, 1997 Santa Barbara, CA. 27372. [9].Ekstrom, Michael P. Digital image processing techniques. Vol. 2. Academic Press, 2012. [10].Boyat AK, Joshi BK. A review paper: noise models in digital image processing. arXiv preprint arXiv:1505.03489. 2015 May 13. [11].Joshi MA. Digital image processing: An algorithmic approach. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.; 2018 Jun 1. [12].Gupta S, Kaur Y. Review of different local and global contrast enhancement techniques for a digital image. International Journal of Computer Applications. 2014 Aug 18;100(18):18-23. [13].Burger W, Burge MJ. Principles of digital image processing: fundamental techniques. Springer Science & Business Media; 2010 Jul 7. [14].Barbedo, J.G.A., 2013. Digital image processing techniques for detecting, quantifying and classifying plant diseases. SpringerPlus, 2(1), pp.1-12. [15].Jensen, John R. Introductory digital image processing: a remote sensing perspective. Univ. of South Carolina, Columbus, 1986. [16].Nakadate S, Yatagai T, Saito H. Electronic speckle pattern interferometry using digital image processing techniques. Applied Optics. 1980 Jun 1;19(11):1879- 83.