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Strategies for imbalanced data training
蔡篤銘 教授
2018 Taiwan AOI Forum and show
物體表面特徵(surface texture)
Uniform Low contrast Patterned Homogeneous
•Web material
•Steel surface
•Backlight panel
•Assembled PCB
•IC die
•IC wafer
•Color filter
•Solar cell/wafer
Uniform Low contrast Patterned Homogeneous
Inspection in manufacturing
Product & process properties in manufacturing:
• Small , subtle local defect in
− Size
− Shape
− Deformation
− Gray scale/color unevenness
• Imbalanced data
– Many positive (defect-free) samples
– Only a few or No negative (defect) samples
• High precision/accuracy
– Location
– Detection rate
• Computationally fast
(Real-time computation to meet the cycle time)
Implement the deep learning models for
• CNN regression for image positioning
• GAN-based techniques to generate synthesized defects for
the data-imbalance problem
• Autoencoding models
– Convolutional Autoencoders (CAE) with one-class SVM classification
for unsupervised anomaly detection
– Variational Autoencoders (VAE) image reconstruction for unsupervised
defect detection
Deep learning for PCB positioning
6PCB assembly PCB inspection
Deep learning for PCB positioning
A precise positioning system can be used for
 Automated assembly
 Automated visual defect detection
Bare PCB Assembled PCB
 Problem
Predict Angle (θ)、Horizontal displacement (x) and Vertical displacement (y)
of a PCB w.r.t. the template.
(θ, x, y)=(-20°, -20, -20) (θ, x, y)=(4°, 0, 12) (θ, x, y)=(20°, 20, 20)
(θ, x, y)=(0°, 0, 0)PCB board
Deep learning for PCB positioning
Traditional machine learning for regression
Deep learning for regression
Deep learning regression v.s. traditional ML
CNN for regression:
CNN as feature extractor
for SVR regression:
DNN for regression:
CNN + SVR for regression:
Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
and Support Vector Regression (SVR) models
to predict θ, x and y.
Linear SVR
Nonlinear SVR (with Kernel transformation)
Radial Basis Function(RBF):
Support Vector Regression (SVR)
x = input feature(s)
y = output response(s)
• Input PCB image into DNN model to predict (θ, x, y)
• Number of hidden layers: 3
Deep Neural Network (DNN) model
• Input PCB image into CNN model to predict (θ, x, y)
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model
1. Kernel function “Radial Basis Function” is used
2. CNN model is the same as the previous one,
the number of features to SVR is 3.
3. Training time: 2.2 hours (for 9,261 samples)
CNN+SVR model for regression
CNN as feature extractor for regression
1. Kernel function “Radial Basis Function” is used
2. CNN model is the same as the previous one; the last layer of CNN
contains 128 nodes (i.e., number of features to SVR is 128)
3. Training time: 2.2 hours (for 9,261 samples)
The good thing about Deep learning for Regression:
The user needs only provide ONE SINGLE template image
It creates the input image (x) and the corresponding output (θ, x, y) for DL training
Reference PCB image
provided by users:
Augmented image:
Corresponding output: (θ, x, y)=(-20°, -20, -20) (θ, x, y)=(0°, 0, 0) (θ, x, y)=(20°, 20, 20)
180 pixel
180 pixel
The training samples are automatically generated
by Image Augmentation from the template
Range of
Training samples
• Image size: 180 × 180 (pixels)
• Angles: 0°、±2°、±4°、 …、± 20° (every two angles for θ)
• Horizontal displacement: 0、±2、±4、…、 ± 20 (pixel) (every two pixels for x)
• Vertical displacement : 0、±2、±4、…、 ± 20 (pixel) (every two pixels for y)
• Number of training samples: 9,261 (21 × 21 × 21)
Testing samples
• Image size :180 × 180 (pixels)
• Angles : 0°、±1°、±2°、…、± 20°
• Horizontal displacement : 0、±1、±2、…、±20 (pixel)
• Vertical displacement : 0、±1、±2、…、±20 (pixel)
• Number of testing samples :68,921 (41 × 41 × 41)
Note: The images with odd θ, x and y are unseen to the training model
Evaluate positioning accuracy by mean error, variance and maximum error.
Angle error (degree) Horizontal error (pixel) Vertical error (pixel)
Mean Variance Max Mean Variance Max Mean Variance Max
DNN 0.111 0.008 0.689 0.119 0.009 1.009 0.120 0.008 0.876
CNN 0.124 0.008 0.634 0.162 0.008 0.657 0.133 0.007 0.563
CNN+SVR 0.049 0.001 0.464 0.049 0.001 0.344 0.055 0.002 0.506
CNN as
0.068 0.003 0.499 0.066 0.003 0.484 0.069 0.003 0.515
Positioning accuracy
Model Time (seconds)
DNN 0.00123
CNN 0.00166
CNN+SVR 0.00230
CNN as feature extractor 0.00541
Note: Equipment
1. CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz × 8
2. GPU: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Computation time of each model
It achieves 2-milliseconds efficiency.
Defect inspection by image subtraction
Template fT ,
(a) Normal (b) Scratch (c) Extrusion
Test image
from ,
∆ ,
(d) Intrusion
∆ , fT , ,
Template Aligned
Saw-mark defect detection
in heterogeneous solar wafer images using
- GAN-based training samples generation
- CNN classification
Multicrystalline solar wafer inspection
• Multicrystalline silicon wafers
 A multicrystalline solar wafer presents random shapes, sizes and directions of
crystal grains in the surface and results in a heterogeneous texture.
 A saw-mark defect is a severe flaw of wafers when cutting the silicon ingot into
thin wafers using the multi-wire saws.
Defect-free solar wafer image
White saw-mark defect Saw-mark defect caused
by impurity
Solar wafer image
with a black saw-mark defect
The proposed deep learning scheme is
composed of two phases:
Defect samples generation using the CycleGAN (Cycle-consistent Generative Adversarial Networks), and then
Defect detection using the CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) based on
the true defect-free samples and the synthesized defective samples.
• The CycleGAN model combines both the adversarial loss (i.e. GAN) and the cycle consistency loss .
• GAN measures the adversarial lose between the generated images and the target image.
• The consistency lose prevents the learned forward and backward mappings from contradiction.
• It uses unpaired datasets (not specific paired samples in GAN) for the training, and is suited for our
CycleGAN model used for defect patches generation
Real solar wafer surfaces
For training the CycleGAN:
• Use a small set of true defect patches (60 for black, 90 for white defects) as the target dataset,
and then randomly collect a small set of defect-free patches (60 & 90) as the input dataset to
the CycleGANs.
Real defect-free samples
Real black saw-mark samples
Real white saw-mark samples
Using the CycleGAN model to generate
the defective samples
Synthesized defects:
• Whenever we change the input set with different defect-free patches to the trained
CycleGAN, a new defective set is created.
Real defect-free samples input to the trained CycleGAN
Generated black saw-mark patches
Generated white saw-mark patches
The CNN model for classification
• A simple CNN with 3 convolutional layers is used for the training.
• A lean CNN model gives better computational efficiency in the inspection process.
• Training information:
– For the CycleGAN models, 150 (60 & 90 Black and White sawmarks) real defective
patches and 150 (60&90) real defect-free patches are used as the training samples.
– For the CNN model, a total of 4000 real defect-free patches and 4000 synthesized
sawmark patches are used as the training samples.
– Patch size 50 50 pixels
– Training time : 3 hours for CycleGAN , and 1 hour for CNN
CNN model used for defect detection
Postprocessing with conventional machine
vision techniques
• The saw-mark in a small windowed patch contains only subtle changes and, thus,
the entire saw-mark region may not be completely detected in the full-sized solar
wafer image.
• Apply the horizontal projection line by line in the resulting binary image B , to
intensify the horizontal saw-mark in the image . That is
P ∑ , , ∀
• The maximum projection value is used as the discriminant measure for saw-mark
detection, i.e. P ∗
P , ∀ . If the horizontal projection P ∗
is large
enough, a saw-mark at line ∗
is declared.
Note: The mean computation time is 0.004 seconds for an image patch of size 50×50
pixels on a PC with an Intel Core 2, 3.6GHz CPU and an NVIDIA GTX 1070 GPU .
Detection results on sawmarks
• Detection results of defect-free solar wafer images
Test images Detection result projection 28
Detection results on sawmarks
)( yP
)( yP
)( yP
• Detection results of defective solar wafer images
Test images Detection result projection 29
Detection results on stains / foreign particles
Real stains defect samples
Synthesized stain defect samples
Detection results on stains / foreign particles
• Detection results of defective solar wafer images
(a) Test images
(b) Detection result
Additional test: Using the CycleGAN model
to generate bump defects
• Bumps defect
Real defect samples
Real defect-free samples
Generated defect samples
Autoencoders for defect detection
-Autoencoders for image reconstruction
- Autoencoders for feature extraction
Unsupervised Autoencoders for
image reconstruction
, ,
Trained model
Autoencoding Model
Self-reference comparison:
∆ , , ,
	∆ , 	 ∆ 	, , 	 	 	
Encoder Decoder
Image Image
Testing image Reconstructed image
Defect detection in TFT-LCD
• Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) comprises vertical
data lines and horizontal gate lines .
• The main types of defects are pinholes, particles and scratches defect.
LCD image
LCD image with
Particle defects
LCD image with
Pinhole defects
LCD image with
Scratch defects 35
VAE (Variational AutoEncoder) model for
image reconstraction
- The Model
• Structure of the VAE model
			 Zp Z p Z 		
Defect-free Defect-free
Latent variables
VAE model for image reconstruction
- Detection results by image subtraction
• Defect-free image
• Defect image (true defects)
Original image Restored image Image subtraction Binarization
, , ∆ ,
Original image Restored image Image subtraction Binarization
, , ∆ ,
Use AE for feature extraction for
anomaly detection (with one-class SVM)
• Testing image is reconstructed from the trained AE model.
• The features are extracted from the last layer of the Encoder , and used as
the input data of the one-class SVM to identify the anomalies.
ZEncoder DecoderEncoder Decoder
Anomaly detection
Feature maps
Trained AE model
Use AE for feature extraction for
anomaly detection (one-class SVM)
• One-class SVM (Support Vector Machine)
 
Positive samples
Support vector
Center point (a)
Radius (R)
	 a 	 	, 	 	 	
Use AE for feature extraction for anomaly
detection (one-class SVM) : The Model
• Structure of the AE model:
ZEncoder DecoderEncoder Decoder
Feature maps
Use AE for feature extraction for anomaly
detection (one-class SVM) : Training samples (LCD)
 Train only positive (defect-free) samples:
− Original 256 256 LCD images are rotated between 	0°
and 35°
with	5°
− 256 random image patches of size 28×28 are used for training.
− Using the AE model to extract the features for the one-class SVM model.
 Testing data:
− 160 positive samples
− 33 negative (true defect) samples
Computation time : training 15 minutes , testing 0.00008 seconds
Use AE for feature extraction for anomaly
detection (one-class SVM) : Detection results (LCD)
• Feature size : 490 (10 feature maps of size 7*7)
• Testing data : 160 positive samples 、 33 negative (true defect) samples
Actual Normal Outlier
Normal 89% 11%
Outlier 0% 100%
Type I error 11%
Type II error 0%
Overall recognition rate 90%
Use AE for feature extraction for anomaly
detection (one-class SVM) : Detection results (LCD)
• Feature size : 49 (use only the best feature map with size 7*7)
Testing data : 160 positive samples , 33 negative (true defect) samples
Actual Normal Outlier
Normal 92% 8%
Outlier 0% 100%
Type I error 8%
Type II error 0%
Overall recognition rate 92%
A thought on Deep Learning:
• Can Deep Learning replace Machine Vision?
• MV as preprocessing , and DL as postprocessing
– MV for defect detection, and DL for defect classification
– Or, vice versa
• MV in DL models?
– “Convolution” and “pooling” are parts of image processing operations
– Human knowledge in DL models
(e.g. embed the known defect features to the DL model)
Thank you

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Deep Learning for Imbalanced Data Defect Detection

  • 1. 1 AOIEA 深度學習於表面瑕疵檢測: Strategies for imbalanced data training 蔡篤銘 教授 元智大學 工業工程與管理學系 2018 Taiwan AOI Forum and show
  • 2. 物體表面特徵(surface texture) 2 High-resolution Resolution Uniform Low contrast Patterned Homogeneous texture Repeated patterns Heterogeneous texture •Web material •Paper •Steel surface •Mura •Backlight panel •Assembled PCB •IC die •TFT-LCD •IC wafer •TFT-LCD •Color filter •Solar cell/wafer Uniform Low contrast Patterned Homogeneous texture Repeated patterns Heterogeneous texture
  • 3. Inspection in manufacturing Product & process properties in manufacturing: • Small , subtle local defect in − Size − Shape − Deformation − Gray scale/color unevenness • Imbalanced data – Many positive (defect-free) samples – Only a few or No negative (defect) samples Requirements: • High precision/accuracy – Location – Detection rate • Computationally fast (Real-time computation to meet the cycle time) 3
  • 4. Implement the deep learning models for • CNN regression for image positioning • GAN-based techniques to generate synthesized defects for the data-imbalance problem • Autoencoding models – Convolutional Autoencoders (CAE) with one-class SVM classification for unsupervised anomaly detection – Variational Autoencoders (VAE) image reconstruction for unsupervised defect detection 4
  • 5. 5 Deep learning for PCB positioning
  • 6. 6PCB assembly PCB inspection Deep learning for PCB positioning A precise positioning system can be used for  Automated assembly  Automated visual defect detection Bare PCB Assembled PCB
  • 7.  Problem Predict Angle (θ)、Horizontal displacement (x) and Vertical displacement (y) of a PCB w.r.t. the template. 7 (θ, x, y)=(-20°, -20, -20) (θ, x, y)=(4°, 0, 12) (θ, x, y)=(20°, 20, 20) (θ, x, y)=(0°, 0, 0)PCB board Deep learning for PCB positioning Template
  • 8. 8 Traditional machine learning for regression Deep learning for regression Deep learning regression v.s. traditional ML regression
  • 9. 9 CNN for regression: CNN as feature extractor for SVR regression: DNN for regression: CNN + SVR for regression: Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) models to predict θ, x and y.
  • 10. 10 Linear SVR Nonlinear SVR (with Kernel transformation) Polynomial: Radial Basis Function(RBF): Support Vector Regression (SVR) x = input feature(s) y = output response(s)
  • 11. 11 • Input PCB image into DNN model to predict (θ, x, y) • Number of hidden layers: 3 Deep Neural Network (DNN) model
  • 12. 12 • Input PCB image into CNN model to predict (θ, x, y) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model
  • 13. 13 Note: 1. Kernel function “Radial Basis Function” is used 2. CNN model is the same as the previous one, the number of features to SVR is 3. 3. Training time: 2.2 hours (for 9,261 samples) CNN+SVR model for regression
  • 14. 14 CNN as feature extractor for regression Note: 1. Kernel function “Radial Basis Function” is used 2. CNN model is the same as the previous one; the last layer of CNN contains 128 nodes (i.e., number of features to SVR is 128) 3. Training time: 2.2 hours (for 9,261 samples)
  • 15. 15 The good thing about Deep learning for Regression: The user needs only provide ONE SINGLE template image
  • 16. 16 It creates the input image (x) and the corresponding output (θ, x, y) for DL training Reference PCB image provided by users: Augmented image: Corresponding output: (θ, x, y)=(-20°, -20, -20) (θ, x, y)=(0°, 0, 0) (θ, x, y)=(20°, 20, 20) 180 pixel 180 pixel The training samples are automatically generated by Image Augmentation from the template
  • 17. 17 Range of Training samples • Image size: 180 × 180 (pixels) • Angles: 0°、±2°、±4°、 …、± 20° (every two angles for θ) • Horizontal displacement: 0、±2、±4、…、 ± 20 (pixel) (every two pixels for x) • Vertical displacement : 0、±2、±4、…、 ± 20 (pixel) (every two pixels for y) • Number of training samples: 9,261 (21 × 21 × 21) Testing samples • Image size :180 × 180 (pixels) • Angles : 0°、±1°、±2°、…、± 20° • Horizontal displacement : 0、±1、±2、…、±20 (pixel) • Vertical displacement : 0、±1、±2、…、±20 (pixel) • Number of testing samples :68,921 (41 × 41 × 41) Note: The images with odd θ, x and y are unseen to the training model
  • 18. 18 Evaluate positioning accuracy by mean error, variance and maximum error. Angle error (degree) Horizontal error (pixel) Vertical error (pixel) Mean Variance Max Mean Variance Max Mean Variance Max DNN 0.111 0.008 0.689 0.119 0.009 1.009 0.120 0.008 0.876 CNN 0.124 0.008 0.634 0.162 0.008 0.657 0.133 0.007 0.563 CNN+SVR 0.049 0.001 0.464 0.049 0.001 0.344 0.055 0.002 0.506 CNN as feature extractor 0.068 0.003 0.499 0.066 0.003 0.484 0.069 0.003 0.515 Positioning accuracy
  • 19. 19 Model Time (seconds) DNN 0.00123 CNN 0.00166 CNN+SVR 0.00230 CNN as feature extractor 0.00541 Note: Equipment 1. CPU: Intel® Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz × 8 2. GPU: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Computation time of each model It achieves 2-milliseconds efficiency.
  • 20. 20 Defect inspection by image subtraction Template fT , (a) Normal (b) Scratch (c) Extrusion Test image , Image subtraction from , Result ∆ , (d) Intrusion ∆ , fT , , Template Aligned
  • 21. Saw-mark defect detection in heterogeneous solar wafer images using - GAN-based training samples generation - CNN classification 21
  • 22. Multicrystalline solar wafer inspection • Multicrystalline silicon wafers  A multicrystalline solar wafer presents random shapes, sizes and directions of crystal grains in the surface and results in a heterogeneous texture.  A saw-mark defect is a severe flaw of wafers when cutting the silicon ingot into thin wafers using the multi-wire saws. Defect-free solar wafer image White saw-mark defect Saw-mark defect caused by impurity Solar wafer image with a black saw-mark defect 22
  • 23. The proposed deep learning scheme is composed of two phases: Defect samples generation using the CycleGAN (Cycle-consistent Generative Adversarial Networks), and then Defect detection using the CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) based on the true defect-free samples and the synthesized defective samples. • The CycleGAN model combines both the adversarial loss (i.e. GAN) and the cycle consistency loss . • GAN measures the adversarial lose between the generated images and the target image. • The consistency lose prevents the learned forward and backward mappings from contradiction. • It uses unpaired datasets (not specific paired samples in GAN) for the training, and is suited for our application. CycleGAN model used for defect patches generation 23
  • 24. Real solar wafer surfaces For training the CycleGAN: • Use a small set of true defect patches (60 for black, 90 for white defects) as the target dataset, and then randomly collect a small set of defect-free patches (60 & 90) as the input dataset to the CycleGANs. Real defect-free samples Real black saw-mark samples Real white saw-mark samples 24
  • 25. Using the CycleGAN model to generate the defective samples Synthesized defects: • Whenever we change the input set with different defect-free patches to the trained CycleGAN, a new defective set is created. Real defect-free samples input to the trained CycleGAN Generated black saw-mark patches Generated white saw-mark patches 25
  • 26. The CNN model for classification • A simple CNN with 3 convolutional layers is used for the training. • A lean CNN model gives better computational efficiency in the inspection process. • Training information: – For the CycleGAN models, 150 (60 & 90 Black and White sawmarks) real defective patches and 150 (60&90) real defect-free patches are used as the training samples. – For the CNN model, a total of 4000 real defect-free patches and 4000 synthesized sawmark patches are used as the training samples. – Patch size 50 50 pixels – Training time : 3 hours for CycleGAN , and 1 hour for CNN CNN model used for defect detection 26
  • 27. Postprocessing with conventional machine vision techniques • The saw-mark in a small windowed patch contains only subtle changes and, thus, the entire saw-mark region may not be completely detected in the full-sized solar wafer image. • Apply the horizontal projection line by line in the resulting binary image B , to intensify the horizontal saw-mark in the image . That is P ∑ , , ∀ • The maximum projection value is used as the discriminant measure for saw-mark detection, i.e. P ∗ P , ∀ . If the horizontal projection P ∗ is large enough, a saw-mark at line ∗ is declared. Note: The mean computation time is 0.004 seconds for an image patch of size 50×50 pixels on a PC with an Intel Core 2, 3.6GHz CPU and an NVIDIA GTX 1070 GPU . 27
  • 28. Detection results on sawmarks • Detection results of defect-free solar wafer images Test images Detection result projection 28
  • 29. Detection results on sawmarks )( yP y )( yP y )( yP y • Detection results of defective solar wafer images Test images Detection result projection 29
  • 30. Detection results on stains / foreign particles 30 Real stains defect samples Synthesized stain defect samples
  • 31. Detection results on stains / foreign particles • Detection results of defective solar wafer images (a) Test images (b) Detection result 31
  • 32. Additional test: Using the CycleGAN model to generate bump defects • Bumps defect 32 Real defect samples Real defect-free samples Generated defect samples
  • 33. Autoencoders for defect detection -Autoencoders for image reconstruction - Autoencoders for feature extraction 33
  • 34. Unsupervised Autoencoders for image reconstruction , , Trained model Autoencoding Model Self-reference comparison: ∆ , , , ∆ , ∆ , , Encoder Decoder Image Image Testing image Reconstructed image 34
  • 35. Defect detection in TFT-LCD • Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) comprises vertical data lines and horizontal gate lines . • The main types of defects are pinholes, particles and scratches defect. defect-free LCD image LCD image with Particle defects LCD image with Pinhole defects LCD image with Scratch defects 35
  • 36. VAE (Variational AutoEncoder) model for image reconstraction - The Model • Structure of the VAE model Zp Z p Z Defect-free Defect-free Latent variables 36
  • 37. VAE model for image reconstruction - Detection results by image subtraction • Defect-free image • Defect image (true defects) Original image Restored image Image subtraction Binarization , , ∆ , Original image Restored image Image subtraction Binarization , , ∆ , 37
  • 38. Use AE for feature extraction for anomaly detection (with one-class SVM) • Testing image is reconstructed from the trained AE model. • The features are extracted from the last layer of the Encoder , and used as the input data of the one-class SVM to identify the anomalies. ZEncoder DecoderEncoder Decoder Test image Anomaly detection Feature maps One-class SVM Trained AE model 38
  • 39. Use AE for feature extraction for anomaly detection (one-class SVM) • One-class SVM (Support Vector Machine) Ni NiR CR i ii N i i ,,2,1,0 ,,2,1, s.t. Min 22 1 2          ax Ra Positive samples Support vector Outlier Center point (a) Radius (R) a , 39
  • 40. Use AE for feature extraction for anomaly detection (one-class SVM) : The Model • Structure of the AE model: ZEncoder DecoderEncoder Decoder Feature maps
  • 41. Use AE for feature extraction for anomaly detection (one-class SVM) : Training samples (LCD)  Train only positive (defect-free) samples: − Original 256 256 LCD images are rotated between 0° and 35° with 5° increment. − 256 random image patches of size 28×28 are used for training. − Using the AE model to extract the features for the one-class SVM model.  Testing data: − 160 positive samples − 33 negative (true defect) samples Computation time : training 15 minutes , testing 0.00008 seconds 41
  • 42. Use AE for feature extraction for anomaly detection (one-class SVM) : Detection results (LCD) • Feature size : 490 (10 feature maps of size 7*7) • Testing data : 160 positive samples 、 33 negative (true defect) samples Prediction Actual Normal Outlier Normal 89% 11% Outlier 0% 100% Type I error 11% Type II error 0% Overall recognition rate 90% 42
  • 43. Use AE for feature extraction for anomaly detection (one-class SVM) : Detection results (LCD) • Feature size : 49 (use only the best feature map with size 7*7) Testing data : 160 positive samples , 33 negative (true defect) samples Prediction Actual Normal Outlier Normal 92% 8% Outlier 0% 100% Type I error 8% Type II error 0% Overall recognition rate 92% 43
  • 44. A thought on Deep Learning: • Can Deep Learning replace Machine Vision? • MV as preprocessing , and DL as postprocessing – MV for defect detection, and DL for defect classification – Or, vice versa • MV in DL models? – “Convolution” and “pooling” are parts of image processing operations – Human knowledge in DL models (e.g. embed the known defect features to the DL model) 44