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PEPs- ESD 521
 The characteristics of FIR and IIR filters are time invariant
because they have fixed coefficients.
 These filters cannot be applied for time-varying signals
and noises.
 The characteristics of adaptive filters are time varying and
can adapt to an unknown and/or changing environment.
Therefore, coefficients of adaptive filters cannot be
determined by filter design software such as FDATool.
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PEPs- ESD 521
Structures and Algorithms
of Adaptive Filters
 An adaptive filter shown in figure below consists of two functional
 A digital filter to perform the desired filtering and
 An adaptive algorithm to automatically adjust the coefficients (or
weights) of that filter.
 In the figure, d(n) is a desired signal, y(n) is the output of a digital
filter driven by an input signal x(n), and error signal e(n) is the
difference between d(n) and y(n).
 The adaptive algorithm adjusts the filter coefficients to minimize a
predetermined cost function that is related to e(n).
Figure : Block diagram
of adaptive filter
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 3
PEPs- ESD 521
Structures and Algorithms
of Adaptive Filters
 Assuming the adaptive FIR filter used in Figure with L
coefficients, wl(n), l = 0, 1, . . . , L - 1, the filter output
signal is computed as
 where the filter coefficients wl(n) are time varying and
updated by an adaptive algorithm. It is important to note
that the length of filter is L and the order of the filter is L -
1. We define the input vector at time n as
and the weight vector at time n as
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 4
PEPs- ESD 521
Structures and Algorithms
of Adaptive Filters
 The output signal y(n) can be expressed with the vector form as
 where T denotes the transpose operation of the vector. The filter output
y(n) is compared with the desired response d(n), which results in the
error signal
 The objective of the adaptive algorithm is to update the filter
coefficients to minimize some predetermined performance criterion (or
cost function).
 The most commonly used cost function is based on the mean square
error (MSE) defined as
where E denotes the expectation operation.
 The MSE defined above is a function of filter coefficient vector w(n).
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 5
PEPs- ESD 521
Design and Applications of Adaptive Filters
 The MATLAB Filter Design Toolbox provides the function
adaptfilt for implementing adaptive filters.
 The function below returns an adaptive filter h of type
algorithm. h = adaptfilt.algorithm(. . .);
 MATLAB supports many adaptive algorithms.
 For example, the LMS-type adaptive algorithms based on FIR filters
are summarized in table below
 The Filter Design Toolbox also provides many advanced
algorithms such as recursive least squares, affine
projection, and frequency-domain algorithms.
 For example, we can construct an adaptive FIR filter with the LMS
algorithm object as follows:
 h = adaptfilt.lms(l,step,leakage,coeffs,states);
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 6
PEPs- ESD 521
Design and Applications of Adaptive Filters
Table A: Summary of LMS-
Type Adaptive Algorithms for
FIR Filters
Table B: Input
Arguments for
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 7
PEPs- ESD 521
Design and Applications of Adaptive Filters
 Adaptive system identification is illustrated in Figure below, where
P(z) is an unknown system to be identified and W(z) is an adaptive
filter used to model P(z).
 The adaptive filter adjusts itself to cause its output to match that of
the unknown system.
 If the input signal x(n) provides sufficient spectral excitation, the
adaptive filter output y(n) will approximate d(n) in an optimum sense
after convergence.
 When the difference between the physical system response d(n) and
the adaptive model response y(n) has been minimized, the adaptive
model W(z) approximates P(z) from the input/output viewpoint.
 When the plant is time varying, the adaptive algorithm will keep the
modeling error small by continually tracking time variations of the
plant dynamics.
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 8
PEPs- ESD 521
Design and Applications of Adaptive Filters
Figure : Block diagram of adaptive system identification
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 9
PEPs- ESD 521
Case Study Example 4.9
 In the figure, an unknown system P(z) is an FIR filter designed by
the following function:
p = fir1(15,0.5);
 The excitation signal x(n) used for system identification is generated
as follows:
x = randn(1,400);
 Use an adapting filter W(z) with the LMS algorithm to identify P(z).
 The length of the adaptive filter is 16, and the step size is 0.01. The
adaptive filtering is conducted as follows:
ha = adaptfilt.lms(16,mu);
[y,e] = filter(ha,x,d);
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 10
PEPs- ESD 521
Case Study Example 4.9
% Example 4.9
% Description: Adaptive system identification of unknown system P(z), which is an FIR filter
x = randn(1,400); % excitation signal x(n)
p = fir1(15,0.5); % FIR P(z) to be identified
d = filter(p,1,x); % FIR filtering x(n) by P(z)
% to obtain desired signal d(n)
mu = 0.01; % step size mu
ha = adaptfilt.lms(16,mu); % construct adaptive filter object
[y,e] = filter(ha,x,d); % adaptive filtering to get y(n) and e(n)
title('Adaptive System Identification');
xlabel('Time index, n'); ylabel('Amplitude');
title('Adaptive System Identification');
xlabel('Coefficient #'); ylabel('Coefficient Values'); grid on;
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 11
PEPs- ESD 521
Case Study Example 4.9
Figure 4.23 Adaptive system identification results. Top: signals d(n),
y(n), and e(n). Bottom: coefficients of P(z) and W(z)
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 12
PEPs- ESD 521
 Modify example4_9.m for the following simulations:
1. Design P(z) with different orders. Set W(z) with the same, higher, and
lower orders and compare the identification results. Note that the step
size value should be changed according to the filter length.
2. Using a filter length of 16, change the step size value from 0.01 to 0.05,
0.1, 0.005, and 0.001. Evaluate the performance of the adaptive filter.
3. Change the adaptive algorithm from lms to other functions defined in
Table, and evaluate the performance of the system identification results.
4. Table B shows that leakage is the leakage factor. It must be a scalar
between 0 and 1. If it is less than 1, the leaky LMS algorithm is
implemented. It defaults to 1 (no leakage). Try different leaky factors and
compare the performance with Figure 4.23.
5. Plot e2(n) instead of e(n). In addition, use the following equation to
smooth the curve:
6. Try different values of α and initial values of Pˆe(0).
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 13
PEPs- ESD 521
Adaptive prediction
 Linear prediction has been successfully applied to a wide range of
applications such as speech coding and separating signals from
 As illustrated in Figure, the adaptive predictor consists of a digital
filter in which the coefficients wl(n) are updated by the LMS
 For example, consider the adaptive predictor for enhancing multiple
sinusoids embedded in white noise.
 In this application, the structure shown in figure is called the adaptive
line enhancer (ALE), which provides an efficient means for the
adaptive tracking of the sinusoidal components of a received signal
d(n) and separates these narrowband signals from broadband noise.
 In this figure, delay  = 1 is adequate for decorrelating the white noise
component between d(n) and x(n), and longer delay may be required for
other broadband noises.
 This technique has been shown effective in practical applications
when there is insufficient a priori knowledge of the signal and noise
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 14
PEPs- ESD 521
Adaptive prediction
Figure 4.24: Block diagram of adaptive prediction
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 15
PEPs- ESD 521
Case Study Example 4.10
 As shown in Figure 4.24, assume that signal d(n)
consists of a desired sine wave that is corrupted by
white noise. An adaptive filter will form a bandpass filter
to pass the sine wave in y(n).
 As shown in Figure 4.25, adaptive filter output y(n)
gradually approaches a clean sine wave, while the error
signal e(n) is reduced to the noise level.
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 16
PEPs- ESD 521
Case Study Example 4.10
 Example 4.10
 Description: (1) Mixing sinewave with white noise
 (2) Use adaptive filter for enhancing sinewave
f = 400; fs = 4000; % signal parameters
N = 400; n = 0:1:N-1; % length and time index
sn = sin(2*pi*f*n/fs); % generate sinewave
noise=randn(size(sn)); % generate random noise
dn = sn+0.2*noise; % mixing sinewave with white noise
xn = dn; xn(1)=0; % generate x(n) using delay = 1
L = 64; % filter length
mu = 0.0005; % step size mu
ha = adaptfilt.lms(L,mu); % construct adaptive filter object
[y,e] = filter(ha,xn,dn); % adaptive filtering to get y(n) and e(n)
title('Adaptive Line Enhancement');
xlabel('Time index, n'); ylabel('Amplitude');
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 17
PEPs- ESD 521
Case Study Example 4.10
Figure 4.25 Adaptive line enhancement of narrowband signal
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 18
PEPs- ESD 521
 Modify example4_10.m for the following simulations:
1. Add more sine waves into d(n) and redo the simulation with
different values of μ and L. We may need a higher order of
filter when the sinusoidal frequencies are close. Accordingly, it
requires a smaller value of the step size and results in slow
2. Plot the magnitude response of converged filter W(z) and
confirm that it will approximate a bandpass filter. What is the
center frequency of the passband?
3. Redo Exercise 1 with different delay values Δ.
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 19
PEPs- ESD 521
Adaptive noise cancellation
 Adaptive noise cancellation employs an adaptive filter to cancel the noise
components in the primary signal picked up by the primary sensor.
 The primary sensor is placed close to the signal source to pick up the
desired signal. The reference sensor is placed close to the noise source to
sense the noise only.
 The primary input d(n) consists of signal plus noise, which is highly
correlated with x(n) because they are derived from the same noise source.
The reference input consists of noise x(n) alone.
 The adaptive filter uses the reference input x(n) to estimate the noise picked
up by the primary sensor.
 The filter output y(n) is then subtracted from the primary signal d(n),
producing e(n) as the desired signal plus reduced noise.
 To apply the adaptive noise cancellation effectively, it is critical to avoid the
signal components from the signal source being picked up by the reference
sensor. This “cross talk” effect will degrade the performance because the
presence of the signal components in the reference signal will cause the
adaptive filter to cancel the desired signal.
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 20
PEPs- ESD 521
Adaptive noise cancellation
Figure : Block diagram of adaptive
noise cancellation
Figure : Block diagram of adaptive
channel equalizer
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 21
PEPs- ESD 521
Adaptive noise cancellation
 The transmission of high-speed data through a channel is
limited by intersymbol interference caused by distortion in the
transmission channel. This problem can be solved by using an
adaptive equalizer in the receiver that counteracts the channel
 The received signal s(n) is different from the original signal
x(n) because it was distorted by the overall channel transfer
function C(z), which includes the transmit filter, the
transmission medium, and the receive filter.
 To recover the original signal x(n), we need to process s(n)
with the equalizer W(z), which is the inverse of the channel’s
transfer function C(z), to compensate for the channel
distortion. That is, C(z)W(z) = 1 such that xˆ(n) = x(n). Note
that d(n) may not be available during data transmission.
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 22
PEPs- ESD 521
Selection of step size μ
 The optimum step size μ is difficult to determine.
 Improper selection of μ might make the convergence
speed unnecessarily slow or introduce excess MSE.
 If the signal is changing and real-time tracking capability
is crucial, we can use a larger μ. If the signal is
stationary and convergence speed is not important, we
can use a smaller μ to achieve better performance in a
steady state.
 In some practical applications, we can use a larger μ at
the beginning for faster convergence and use a smaller
μ after convergence to achieve better steady-state
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 23
PEPs- ESD 521
Case study Example 4.11
 To examine how step size affects the performance of the
 Similar to Example 4.10, we fix the filter length to L = 64;
however, we set μ values to 0.001, 0.005, and 0.01.
 The simulation results confirm that faster convergence
can be achieved by using a larger step size.
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 24
PEPs- ESD 521
 Example 4.11
 Description: Examine how step size affects performance of
adaptive FIR filter with LMS algorithm
f = 400; fs = 4000; % signal parameters
N = 300; n = 0:1:N-1; % length and time index
sn = sin(2*pi*f*n/fs); % generate sinewave
noise=randn(size(sn)); % generate random noise
dn = sn+0.2*noise; % mixing sinewave with white noise
xn = dn; xn(1)=0; % generate x(n) using delay = 1
L = 64; % filter length
mu1 = 0.001; % step size mu1
mu2 = 0.005; % step size mu2
mu3 = 0.01; % step size mu3
ha1 = adaptfilt.lms(L,mu1); % construct adaptive filter object
[y1,e1] = filter(ha1,xn,dn);% adaptive filtering to get y(n) and e(n)
ha2 = adaptfilt.lms(L,mu2); % construct adaptive filter object
[y2,e2] = filter(ha2,xn,dn);% adaptive filtering to get y(n) and e(n)
ha3 = adaptfilt.lms(L,mu3); % construct adaptive filter object
[y3,e3] = filter(ha3,xn,dn);% adaptive filtering to get y(n) and e(n)
% learning curves
c1 = e1.*e1;
c2 = e2.*e2;
c3 = e3.*e3;
alpha = 0.1; b=alpha; a=[1 -(1-alpha)];
d1 = filter(b, a, c1);
d2 = filter(b, a, c2);
d3 = filter(b, a, c3);
title('Learning curves for different mu values');
xlabel('Time index, n'); ylabel('Amplitude');
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 25
PEPs- ESD 521
Case study Example 4.11
Figure 4.28 Learning curves for different step size values
© M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 26
PEPs- ESD 521
Session Summary
 Digital IIR filters can be designed by beginning with the
design of an analog filter in the s-domain and using
mapping technique to transform it into the z-domain
 The adaptive predictor consists of a digital filter in which
the coefficients wl(n) are updated by the LMS algorithm.
 Adaptive noise cancellation employs an adaptive filter to
cancel the noise components in the primary signal
picked up by the primary sensor.

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Adaptive Filters.ppt

  • 1. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 1 PEPs- ESD 521 ADAPTIVE FILTERS  The characteristics of FIR and IIR filters are time invariant because they have fixed coefficients.  These filters cannot be applied for time-varying signals and noises.  The characteristics of adaptive filters are time varying and can adapt to an unknown and/or changing environment. Therefore, coefficients of adaptive filters cannot be determined by filter design software such as FDATool.
  • 2. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 2 PEPs- ESD 521 Structures and Algorithms of Adaptive Filters  An adaptive filter shown in figure below consists of two functional blocks  A digital filter to perform the desired filtering and  An adaptive algorithm to automatically adjust the coefficients (or weights) of that filter.  In the figure, d(n) is a desired signal, y(n) is the output of a digital filter driven by an input signal x(n), and error signal e(n) is the difference between d(n) and y(n).  The adaptive algorithm adjusts the filter coefficients to minimize a predetermined cost function that is related to e(n). Figure : Block diagram of adaptive filter
  • 3. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 3 PEPs- ESD 521 Structures and Algorithms of Adaptive Filters  Assuming the adaptive FIR filter used in Figure with L coefficients, wl(n), l = 0, 1, . . . , L - 1, the filter output signal is computed as  where the filter coefficients wl(n) are time varying and updated by an adaptive algorithm. It is important to note that the length of filter is L and the order of the filter is L - 1. We define the input vector at time n as and the weight vector at time n as
  • 4. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 4 PEPs- ESD 521 Structures and Algorithms of Adaptive Filters  The output signal y(n) can be expressed with the vector form as follows:  where T denotes the transpose operation of the vector. The filter output y(n) is compared with the desired response d(n), which results in the error signal  The objective of the adaptive algorithm is to update the filter coefficients to minimize some predetermined performance criterion (or cost function).  The most commonly used cost function is based on the mean square error (MSE) defined as where E denotes the expectation operation.  The MSE defined above is a function of filter coefficient vector w(n).
  • 5. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 5 PEPs- ESD 521 Design and Applications of Adaptive Filters  The MATLAB Filter Design Toolbox provides the function adaptfilt for implementing adaptive filters.  The function below returns an adaptive filter h of type algorithm. h = adaptfilt.algorithm(. . .);  MATLAB supports many adaptive algorithms.  For example, the LMS-type adaptive algorithms based on FIR filters are summarized in table below  The Filter Design Toolbox also provides many advanced algorithms such as recursive least squares, affine projection, and frequency-domain algorithms.  For example, we can construct an adaptive FIR filter with the LMS algorithm object as follows:  h = adaptfilt.lms(l,step,leakage,coeffs,states);
  • 6. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 6 PEPs- ESD 521 Design and Applications of Adaptive Filters Table A: Summary of LMS- Type Adaptive Algorithms for FIR Filters Table B: Input Arguments for adaptfilt.lms
  • 7. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 7 PEPs- ESD 521 Design and Applications of Adaptive Filters  Adaptive system identification is illustrated in Figure below, where P(z) is an unknown system to be identified and W(z) is an adaptive filter used to model P(z).  The adaptive filter adjusts itself to cause its output to match that of the unknown system.  If the input signal x(n) provides sufficient spectral excitation, the adaptive filter output y(n) will approximate d(n) in an optimum sense after convergence.  When the difference between the physical system response d(n) and the adaptive model response y(n) has been minimized, the adaptive model W(z) approximates P(z) from the input/output viewpoint.  When the plant is time varying, the adaptive algorithm will keep the modeling error small by continually tracking time variations of the plant dynamics.
  • 8. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 8 PEPs- ESD 521 Design and Applications of Adaptive Filters Figure : Block diagram of adaptive system identification
  • 9. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 9 PEPs- ESD 521 Case Study Example 4.9  In the figure, an unknown system P(z) is an FIR filter designed by the following function: p = fir1(15,0.5);  The excitation signal x(n) used for system identification is generated as follows: x = randn(1,400);  Use an adapting filter W(z) with the LMS algorithm to identify P(z).  The length of the adaptive filter is 16, and the step size is 0.01. The adaptive filtering is conducted as follows: ha = adaptfilt.lms(16,mu); [y,e] = filter(ha,x,d);
  • 10. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 10 PEPs- ESD 521 Case Study Example 4.9 % Example 4.9 % Description: Adaptive system identification of unknown system P(z), which is an FIR filter x = randn(1,400); % excitation signal x(n) p = fir1(15,0.5); % FIR P(z) to be identified d = filter(p,1,x); % FIR filtering x(n) by P(z) % to obtain desired signal d(n) mu = 0.01; % step size mu ha = adaptfilt.lms(16,mu); % construct adaptive filter object [y,e] = filter(ha,x,d); % adaptive filtering to get y(n) and e(n) plot(1:400,[d;y;e]); title('Adaptive System Identification'); legend('d(n)','y(n)','e(n)'); xlabel('Time index, n'); ylabel('Amplitude'); pause; title('Adaptive System Identification'); stem([p.',ha.coefficients.']); legend('Actual','Estimated'); xlabel('Coefficient #'); ylabel('Coefficient Values'); grid on;
  • 11. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 11 PEPs- ESD 521 Case Study Example 4.9 Figure 4.23 Adaptive system identification results. Top: signals d(n), y(n), and e(n). Bottom: coefficients of P(z) and W(z)
  • 12. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 12 PEPs- ESD 521 EXERCISE 4.9  Modify example4_9.m for the following simulations: 1. Design P(z) with different orders. Set W(z) with the same, higher, and lower orders and compare the identification results. Note that the step size value should be changed according to the filter length. 2. Using a filter length of 16, change the step size value from 0.01 to 0.05, 0.1, 0.005, and 0.001. Evaluate the performance of the adaptive filter. 3. Change the adaptive algorithm from lms to other functions defined in Table, and evaluate the performance of the system identification results. 4. Table B shows that leakage is the leakage factor. It must be a scalar between 0 and 1. If it is less than 1, the leaky LMS algorithm is implemented. It defaults to 1 (no leakage). Try different leaky factors and compare the performance with Figure 4.23. 5. Plot e2(n) instead of e(n). In addition, use the following equation to smooth the curve: 6. Try different values of α and initial values of Pˆe(0).
  • 13. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 13 PEPs- ESD 521 Adaptive prediction  Linear prediction has been successfully applied to a wide range of applications such as speech coding and separating signals from noise.  As illustrated in Figure, the adaptive predictor consists of a digital filter in which the coefficients wl(n) are updated by the LMS algorithm.  For example, consider the adaptive predictor for enhancing multiple sinusoids embedded in white noise.  In this application, the structure shown in figure is called the adaptive line enhancer (ALE), which provides an efficient means for the adaptive tracking of the sinusoidal components of a received signal d(n) and separates these narrowband signals from broadband noise.  In this figure, delay  = 1 is adequate for decorrelating the white noise component between d(n) and x(n), and longer delay may be required for other broadband noises.  This technique has been shown effective in practical applications when there is insufficient a priori knowledge of the signal and noise parameters.
  • 14. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 14 PEPs- ESD 521 Adaptive prediction Figure 4.24: Block diagram of adaptive prediction
  • 15. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 15 PEPs- ESD 521 Case Study Example 4.10  As shown in Figure 4.24, assume that signal d(n) consists of a desired sine wave that is corrupted by white noise. An adaptive filter will form a bandpass filter to pass the sine wave in y(n).  As shown in Figure 4.25, adaptive filter output y(n) gradually approaches a clean sine wave, while the error signal e(n) is reduced to the noise level.
  • 16. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 16 PEPs- ESD 521 Case Study Example 4.10  Example 4.10  Description: (1) Mixing sinewave with white noise  (2) Use adaptive filter for enhancing sinewave f = 400; fs = 4000; % signal parameters N = 400; n = 0:1:N-1; % length and time index sn = sin(2*pi*f*n/fs); % generate sinewave noise=randn(size(sn)); % generate random noise dn = sn+0.2*noise; % mixing sinewave with white noise xn = dn; xn(1)=0; % generate x(n) using delay = 1 L = 64; % filter length mu = 0.0005; % step size mu ha = adaptfilt.lms(L,mu); % construct adaptive filter object [y,e] = filter(ha,xn,dn); % adaptive filtering to get y(n) and e(n) plot(n,y,':',n,e,'-'); title('Adaptive Line Enhancement'); xlabel('Time index, n'); ylabel('Amplitude');
  • 17. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 17 PEPs- ESD 521 Case Study Example 4.10 Figure 4.25 Adaptive line enhancement of narrowband signal
  • 18. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 18 PEPs- ESD 521 EXERCISE 4.10  Modify example4_10.m for the following simulations: 1. Add more sine waves into d(n) and redo the simulation with different values of μ and L. We may need a higher order of filter when the sinusoidal frequencies are close. Accordingly, it requires a smaller value of the step size and results in slow convergence. 2. Plot the magnitude response of converged filter W(z) and confirm that it will approximate a bandpass filter. What is the center frequency of the passband? 3. Redo Exercise 1 with different delay values Δ.
  • 19. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 19 PEPs- ESD 521 Adaptive noise cancellation  Adaptive noise cancellation employs an adaptive filter to cancel the noise components in the primary signal picked up by the primary sensor.  The primary sensor is placed close to the signal source to pick up the desired signal. The reference sensor is placed close to the noise source to sense the noise only.  The primary input d(n) consists of signal plus noise, which is highly correlated with x(n) because they are derived from the same noise source. The reference input consists of noise x(n) alone.  The adaptive filter uses the reference input x(n) to estimate the noise picked up by the primary sensor.  The filter output y(n) is then subtracted from the primary signal d(n), producing e(n) as the desired signal plus reduced noise.  To apply the adaptive noise cancellation effectively, it is critical to avoid the signal components from the signal source being picked up by the reference sensor. This “cross talk” effect will degrade the performance because the presence of the signal components in the reference signal will cause the adaptive filter to cancel the desired signal.
  • 20. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 20 PEPs- ESD 521 Adaptive noise cancellation Figure : Block diagram of adaptive noise cancellation Figure : Block diagram of adaptive channel equalizer
  • 21. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 21 PEPs- ESD 521 Adaptive noise cancellation  The transmission of high-speed data through a channel is limited by intersymbol interference caused by distortion in the transmission channel. This problem can be solved by using an adaptive equalizer in the receiver that counteracts the channel distortion.  The received signal s(n) is different from the original signal x(n) because it was distorted by the overall channel transfer function C(z), which includes the transmit filter, the transmission medium, and the receive filter.  To recover the original signal x(n), we need to process s(n) with the equalizer W(z), which is the inverse of the channel’s transfer function C(z), to compensate for the channel distortion. That is, C(z)W(z) = 1 such that xˆ(n) = x(n). Note that d(n) may not be available during data transmission.
  • 22. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 22 PEPs- ESD 521 Selection of step size μ  The optimum step size μ is difficult to determine.  Improper selection of μ might make the convergence speed unnecessarily slow or introduce excess MSE.  If the signal is changing and real-time tracking capability is crucial, we can use a larger μ. If the signal is stationary and convergence speed is not important, we can use a smaller μ to achieve better performance in a steady state.  In some practical applications, we can use a larger μ at the beginning for faster convergence and use a smaller μ after convergence to achieve better steady-state performance.
  • 23. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 23 PEPs- ESD 521 Case study Example 4.11  To examine how step size affects the performance of the algorithm.  Similar to Example 4.10, we fix the filter length to L = 64; however, we set μ values to 0.001, 0.005, and 0.01.  The simulation results confirm that faster convergence can be achieved by using a larger step size.
  • 24. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 24 PEPs- ESD 521  Example 4.11  Description: Examine how step size affects performance of adaptive FIR filter with LMS algorithm f = 400; fs = 4000; % signal parameters N = 300; n = 0:1:N-1; % length and time index sn = sin(2*pi*f*n/fs); % generate sinewave noise=randn(size(sn)); % generate random noise dn = sn+0.2*noise; % mixing sinewave with white noise xn = dn; xn(1)=0; % generate x(n) using delay = 1 L = 64; % filter length mu1 = 0.001; % step size mu1 mu2 = 0.005; % step size mu2 mu3 = 0.01; % step size mu3 ha1 = adaptfilt.lms(L,mu1); % construct adaptive filter object [y1,e1] = filter(ha1,xn,dn);% adaptive filtering to get y(n) and e(n) ha2 = adaptfilt.lms(L,mu2); % construct adaptive filter object [y2,e2] = filter(ha2,xn,dn);% adaptive filtering to get y(n) and e(n) ha3 = adaptfilt.lms(L,mu3); % construct adaptive filter object [y3,e3] = filter(ha3,xn,dn);% adaptive filtering to get y(n) and e(n) % learning curves c1 = e1.*e1; c2 = e2.*e2; c3 = e3.*e3; alpha = 0.1; b=alpha; a=[1 -(1-alpha)]; d1 = filter(b, a, c1); d2 = filter(b, a, c2); d3 = filter(b, a, c3); plot(1:N,[d1;d2;d3]); title('Learning curves for different mu values'); xlabel('Time index, n'); ylabel('Amplitude');
  • 25. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 25 PEPs- ESD 521 Case study Example 4.11 Figure 4.28 Learning curves for different step size values
  • 26. © M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 26 PEPs- ESD 521 Session Summary  Digital IIR filters can be designed by beginning with the design of an analog filter in the s-domain and using mapping technique to transform it into the z-domain  The adaptive predictor consists of a digital filter in which the coefficients wl(n) are updated by the LMS algorithm.  Adaptive noise cancellation employs an adaptive filter to cancel the noise components in the primary signal picked up by the primary sensor.