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6 peer responses due in 18 hours
Each set of 2 responses will have its own instructions..
Guided Response:
Respond to one peer in this Discussion Forum. Read the
challenging behavior scenario they have created and use the
Developmental Discipline guidance strategy to problem solve.
You must include the following in your response: child’s name,
how you will approach the child, possible reminder or private
sign, describe how you provide time and space, an example of
self-talk that can help the child problem solve, and a choice you
can offer the child. Additionally, can you use humor to defuse
the situation? If so, how? If not, why?
My post:
Collaborative problem solving is one of the guidance strategies
to address challenging behaviors. This strategy is based on the
notion that a child does not just behave undesirably. There must
be a reason for such behavior. Thus, understanding why the
child is having a challenging behavior is the start towards
addressing this behavior (Schaubman, Stetson, & Plog, 2011).
The focus is on building skills like problem-solving, flexibility,
and frustration tolerance rather than motivation the child to
behave better. Surprisingly, children with challenging behaviors
do not lack the will to behave in a desired manner. Simply, they
do not have the skills necessary to behave in a desired manner.
This information is vital to addressing challenging behaviors
among children in the future. This would be achieved through
identifying the challenging behaviors, skills needed to address
the behaviors, and partnering with the child to build these
needed skills (
Kaiser & Sklar Rasminsky, 2017
). This strategy would help address Olivia’s disruptive behavior,
impulsivity and addressing peers negatively. Reward and
punishment may not work on Olivia. Thus, Olivia needs to
develop skills to address her behaviors (Schaubman et al.,
2011). One of the skills to develop is social skills to enable her
to control her impulsivity, connect with others, and relate with
her peers positively. Apart from this strategy, time-out or time-
away would address Olivia’s challenging behaviors. A scenario
portraying Olivia’s challenging behavior is her inability to wait
for her turn during a group activity. She is always blurting out
answers before her turn arrives. How can this be solved?
Kaiser, B., & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017). Chapter 9: Guidance.
Challenging behavior in young children: Understanding,
preventing, and responding effectively
(4th ed.). Pearson Education.
Schaubman, A., Stetson, E., & Plog, A. (2011). Reducing
teacher stress by implementing collaborative problem solving in
a school setting.
School Social Work Journal
(2), 72-93.
What did you learn about your chosen strategy and what
information surprised you?
After reading Time Out or Time Away I have learned a
couple of things, such as, not every teacher uses the timeout
method and I also learned about the time away method. I
thought it was a little odd that most teachers do not utilize the
time out method because my teachers always did growing up,
But I also know that it was a different time and we know more
about discipline now than we did back then. The time away
method is a new term to me. I understand that it is similar to the
time out method, but it also teaches self-control and how to
calm down. I think I may start using this method from now on. I
am however surprised with the fact the article claims that “Time
away IS a successful strategy for children,” (Hannah, 2015)
because every child is different, and I just do not see one
method working perfect for every child.
How will you use this information in the future?
I will use the information about both the time out and
time away method in my in-home daycare because I
acknowledge that every child is different. I do agree that the
time out method is usually more of an at home thing done by the
parents rather than by the teacher. However, I do believe that it
should be different in a daycare setting as long as the parent of
the child is okay with the time out method. But I will use the
time out method or the time away method where it is
appropriate. For example, if a child screams at the top of his
lungs, I am not going to put him in time out. Instead, I will pull
him aside and ask him what was wrong because maybe he is
frustrated or just upset. Children have not mastered the art of
self-control; it is our responsibility to help them with it and I
believe the time away method can help greatly.
Will your chosen guidance strategy work for the child you chose
in Week 2? Why or why not?
I believe that time out or time away could work for
Olivia depending on the situation. I say depending on the
situation because there is a chance that Olivia is acting the way
she is because just feels like it or she thinks it is cool to be
mean to someone. Olivia could also be acting out because of
problems at home or maybe even problems at school that they
are not seeing. For example, if Olivia is bullying because she
just feels like it or think it makes her cool than I would most
definitely put her time out. But if Olivia is acting the way she is
due to stress or potential problems at home than I would talk to
her and use the time away method. Because again, young
children do not always know better or even always know why
they are doing the things they are doing.
Create a challenging behavior scenario for your chosen student
(Jose or Olivia) for your peers to solve (e.g., a problem on the
playground, walking to lunch, center time or circle time,
Olivia has been acting out quite a bit in class. Today
alone I had to speak to her about calling another child some not
so nice names while we were walking to the playground for
recess time, during recess she pushed the same child off the
slide, and then on our way back to the classroom she was caught
making fun of the same child. How would you handle the
situation? Would you use the time out or time away method?
Would you call both children’s parents right away or let them
know of the incident that occurred at recess at pick up? (This is
assuming the other child is completely fine).
Hannah (2015) Time Out or Time Away? Consequences
for Children Retrieved from (Links to an
external site.)
Kaiser, B., & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017). Challenging
behavior in young children: Understanding, preventing, and
responding effectively (4th ed.). Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
The guidance strategies I choose to elaborate on was the Natural
and Logical Consequences. I learned that logical and logical
consequences is what happens with out any input or interference
as a result of an action or decision. Logical consequences is
what is given to a child by a parent or caregiver when the child
misbehaves or breaks a rule and linked to the bad behavior. The
information that surprised me was the smart way to use
consequence and logical consequences. I use a lot of them for
example to tell the child to sit down and calm down and think
about her actions. I am consistent with my children and let the
consequences fit the mistake.
These will help Jose because he will have smart consequences
for his actions. Reminding him of that his choices have
consequences. For example when he went to the back of the
class room and played with the aquarium. He should of been
told the classroom rules and routines. Then after knowing the
rules and the their are consequences to his actions.
If my consequences and actions did not work. I would try to
make a list of consequences and let Jose see the results when
when he makes bad choices. Maybe if he see's something visual
it may help instead of just verbally telling him the rules.
My Challenging behavior scenario is Jose. A two year old
toddler. He is indoors playing in the block area with 3 other
children. I see one of the children getting ready to bite Jose on
the arm. I quickly go to the block area and stop the bite from
happening. I check Jose arm and washed it. I then get the
child who tried to bite and Jose together. We go over classroom
rules about biting our friends. I tell them that we bite food not
friends. I spoke about using words instead of biting. He could
of said no when he saw that the child was going to bite him. I
see that it was a toy truck that they were fighting about. I
pulled out another truck from the shelves and showed them that
we have more than one truck.
References :
Developmental Discipline: guiding principles
Jose and Olivia interactivity
Natural and Logical consequence
Guided Response:
Choose two peers to respond to. You will respond as if you
were Jazmine’s parent. Writing a short letter to the teacher
(peer) explain if you agree or disagree with the findings.
Provide your thoughts about using her preferences to change her
behavior. Do you agree or disagree with the goals? Why or why
not? Share two ideas you will incorporate at home to help
change Jazmine’s behavior.
The best data methods to identify problem behavior and
functions of behavior include conducting interviews and
observing the child and the environment. Interviewing the child,
family members, and the child’s present and past teachers would
be valuable in collecting data that would give insight into the
problem behavior and functions of the behavior (
Kaiser & Sklar Rasminsky, 2017
). Observing the child and the environment is another important
approach. The best way to learn about Jazmine’s behavior is by
observing and collecting data about what is observable. By
observing the child, data is recorded on the child’s behavior,
and it helps establish the relationship between the child’s
challenging behavior and the environment. It helps pinpoint the
triggers of the child’s behavior, consequences, and the functions
of the behavior (
Kaiser & Sklar Rasminsky, 2017
). Based on Jazmine’s data, her behavior team should comprise
of every person involved in Jazmine’s life, including her family,
teachers, the school principal, psychologist, and a
paraprofessional. Jazmine’s problem behavior is disruptive
behavior manifested by throwing things. Her behavior serves
the function of “getting something.” Jazmine’s behavior serves
to get her attention from her teacher and the direction of an
activity (DiNovi, & Ward, 2018). Using Jazmine’s preferences
and strengths, the teacher can create acceptable behavior based
on Jazmine’s preferences and strong as they will serve as a
reinforcer of the behavior. A short-term goal for Jazmine is to
encourage her to participate in clean-ups. The long-term goal is
to reduce her disruptive behavior to enable her to learn and
function in a class.
DiNovi, B., & Ward, T. A. (2018, January 22).
The four functions of behavior made simple.
Retrieved from
simple/ (Links to an external site.)
Kaiser, B., & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017).
Challenging behavior in young children: Understanding,
preventing, and responding effectively
(4th ed.). Pearson Education.
Which two methods of data described in Jazmine’s scenario do
you think will best identify the problem behavior and determine
the functions of a behavior? Explain why.
Kaiser & Rasminsky (2017), “An informal observation will
provide a reality check by helping you figure out exactly how
frequently the behavior takes place—how many times a day,
how many times a week—and whether it appears at specific
times—for example, only during free play, only during teacher-
directed activities, or only at the end of the day when she is
tired” (sec. 10.1). Observing children’s behavior allows
teachers to see what is causing certain behaviors. I believe this
information is vital for teachers to be able to put a plan in
motion to redirect negative behaviors. Conducting an interview
is another method that would help identify Jazmine’s behavior.
Things occur in other settings that may cause certain behaviors
to occur. It is vital that teachers get as much information from
other sources like family, doctors, therapists, and other people
who have dealt with the child before.
Based on Jazmine’s data, who would you bring in to be a part of
her behavior team?
I would bring In Jazmine's parents. As stated in the text Kaiser
& Rasminsky (2017), “it takes a team to make functional
assessment and a positive behavior support plan, everyone
who’s directly involved in the child’s life—family, teachers,
directors or principals, psychologists, social workers,
paraprofessionals, bus drivers—has something to contribute,
and when you pool information and ideas, you are more likely
to see patterns and come up with an effective plan that everyone
can implement (Fox & Duda, n.d.)” (sec.10.1). We have all
heard the quote “It takes a village to raise a child”, I believe the
support of everyone around Jazmine will help benefit her by
providing different forms of support to her. There is only so
much a teacher can do but with the help of the village, the
outcome will be better.
Name her problem behavior and identify the functions of the
Jazmine’s problem behavior is throwing things. When Jazmine
throws things she gets the attention of her peers and the teacher.
When she behaves in this manner she gets the attention of
everyone around her.
How can you use her preferences and strengths (i.e., her energy,
her persistence, her intelligence, her love of drawing) to change
her challenging behavior into an acceptable behavior?
A short-term goal for Jazmine would be to redirect her in a
positive way when she misbehaves. I would use physical
activities to allow Jazmine to blow off some steam. According
to the text Kaiser & Rasminsky (2017), “Give the child plenty
of opportunities to use the new skill and give yourself plenty of
opportunities to reinforce it with words, body language, and
activities she enjoys” (sec. 10.2). Since Jazmine loves to throw
things, I would have one on one with her outside playing a game
bean bag toss. The goal here is to give her some one on one
time and remind her of classroom rules and the behavior that is
expected from her. I would also use this time she gives her
words to use to express herself.
A long-term goal for Jazmine would be to continue giving
Jazmine the support she needs to change her behavior. This
would be accomplished by pointing out some positive things she
is doing. Modeling positive behavior, and spending more time
talking to Jazmine.
Kaiser, B., & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017). Challenging behavior
in young children: Understanding, preventing, and responding
effectively (4th ed.). Retrieved from
Jazmine appears to lack the skills needed to do better and by
conducting interviews and through observations, this lack of
skills can be identified and taught in a manner that will help
her. Begin your interviews with her family, past and present
teachers and almost anyone that interacts with Jazmine, and do
not forget to actually interview the child her self, ( Kaiser &
Sklar Rasminsky 2017, section 10.1). Build a relationship with
Jazmine and get to know her. Through observation, you can
gather information regarding her actions and behavior. Keep
data on her actions through out the day, the week, and then buld
on it to help you in determinig the triggers that lead to her
Because Jazmine acts out when she has to do things, I would
bring in her parents , or mother . Her immedicate family will
have valuable information that will help in determining her
behaviors and what may trigger them.
Jazmine likes to throw things to get the attention of the teacher
and her peers. Through observations, you know that she does
this when its time to clean up . It appears to be that Jazmine
wants attention and she demands attention by throwing things
which cause everyone to focus on her and her alone.
Jazmine likes to draw , so allow her to use drawing to help her
refocuse her behavior. Play some one on one games with
Jazmine especially since she likes to play in the gym.
Short term goal---Use music to help Jazmine ease into cleaning
up time. Share with all the children that when they hear the
music , its time to clean up and this will eventually help
Jazmine learn a transitional skill and work with others.
Long term goal---- to teach Jazmine social cues. Help her
connect with other children. I would partner her with a studnets
that she likes and can learn social skills from and with.
Kaiser, B. & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017). Challenging behavior
in young children: Understanding, preventing and responding
effectively. (4th ed.). Retrieved from
In your responses to no fewer than two of your classmates,
compare and contrast your respective choices and descriptions
of grief-related issues and your recommendations to the
individual under examination. Additionally, identify any
insights you have gained as a result of reading the responses of
Little data is provided based on adolescents' bereavement that
follows the terminal disease of a loved one. Teenagers tend to
exhibit more symptoms of grief just like any other emotion after
the death of a loved one or even during the period of the
terminal illness of the loved one. Many are times that
adolescents cannot go through the grief alone, therapists, and
other related parties including close family members usually
help them to handle their emotions.
Grief and sorrow may be frequently confused even though the
two words can be used to mean the same thing. Grief is majorly
associated with the loss of a person. It is the subjective
response of an individual following the loss of a loved one
(Breen, 2019). A case example is when an individual loses
one of her parents, in our case, an adolescent loses one of
his/her parents. The emotional moment of the bereavement
process that the adolescent goes through is the grief which may
include, the yearning, loneliness as well as the specific
emotions concerning the departed loved one. To enable the
individual to deal with the grief, therapy and counseling may be
necessary. The individual might change his/her behavioral mode
and act in a different way that is not his/her normal.
Counseling such a person may not be easy. The therapist has to
be open-minded and also patient for the healing progress takes
time. The presence of the individual who is grieving has to be
acknowledged as well as their importance. This will help them
raise their mood and feel better. It is also essential to validate
their feelings during counseling and try not to minimize them.
Breen, L. J., Szylit, R., Gilbert, K. R., Macpherson, C.,
Murphy, I., Nadeau, J. W., ... & International Work Group on
Death, Dying, and Bereavement. (2019). Invitation to grief in
the family context. Death Studies, 43(3), 173-182.
Sidaway, J. D. (2016). Deathscapes: Spaces for death, dying,
mourning, and remembrance. Routledge.
An issue associated with grief at one developmental stage:
childhood, adolescence, emerging adulthood, adulthood, or later
Having recently lost my mother this week last year, I selected
the loss of a loved one. My mother and I had a very tumultuous
relationship until just a few years before she passed away. In
chapter 15, section 4, grief and bereavement are a part of death
that pose an ending without closure (Mossler & Zeigler, 2016).
The closure is an issue. My mother was in Hospice but still after
so many good days…she was just gone. The unanswered
questions and memories not made are tormenting.
The last time my mother called me, I was dealing with
disturbing behavior from a stepdaughter and rushing to
complete a Final for my ungraduate studies. I cannot recall our
last words other than I told her I was fed up with being
disturbed. I was told she knew she was about to pass away. She
kept seeing my grandparents and hearing them calling to her. As
I saw her on video open her eyes as she fought lucidly for her
life, she screamed my daughter-in-law's name. Alexandrea, my
daughter-in-law, was approaching her due date for my mother's
first great-grandchild. Her screams of terror and pain still echo
vividly. The song, Wake Me Up When September Ends still
makes me cry. September 17th will never be the same.
Counseling the individual in the scenario described
Honestly, I cannot advise what I have yet to overcome. I battle
with many emotions from losing my mother. To give advice that
I have yet to implement would make me a hypocrite. I guess I
am at a point of void-empty. I remind myself of how proud she
was I am the first in my family to earn a college degree and
continue on into graduate school. I know my mother spent
several years in a terminal state. I did not recall her having
stage one of Kubler-Russ's theory of denial. I do, however,
recall her stage two of rage, which I battle now in not having
closure. I can see where the extremes I suffered from childhood
abuse would lead to this state. My mother did not bargain, nor
did she fall into depression. She did become accepting (Mossler
& Zeigler, 2016). She was rushing to complete quilts for
Alexandrea and to ensure my daughter, Sierra, who had just
suffered a miscarriage, would have a gift for a child should she
later have a child. Sierra is expecting next month. Bittersweet.
The quilts were unfinished. The memory is raw.
Internet resource
I used the phrase "grieving the death of a parent" for an internet
search. The first result is SAMHSA. The agency is one that is
never closing 24/7/365 availability for national resources to
assist in help for those in need. The hotline receives over
800,000 calls annually and is free of charges. Also, the services
offered are in confidence. I can see where a voice outside those
also grieving could be of great benefit. Moreover, the
professional aspect of therapy is ideal, especially in severe
cases of depression from death, as the services are broad in how
a person was or is affected (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, n.d.). The service, however, is geared more
towards addiction, which is not fitting to every person grieving
a loss, such as me.
Mossler, R. A., & Ziegler, M. (2016).
Understanding Development: A Lifespan Perspective
. Bridgepoint Education, Inc
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.).
SAMSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Death, Dying, and Grief
I can speak from experience when it comes to death, dying, and
grief as an adolescent. Mossler & Ziegler, 2016 stated that
adolescents can understand death, they know what it is.
However, they cannot relate to death unless it has happened to
someone close like a family member. Mossler & Ziegler went
on to say that when adolescents are faced with their death, they
may experience anger, and they can become defiant, I cannot
speak for someone an adolescent facing their death. However,
as I mentioned earlier, I can speak of experience when it comes
to death, dying, and grief. When I was 15 my mom passed away
from esophageal cancer, and as Mossler & Ziegler stated at that
age I knew what death was but I did not know that it could
happen to me, when my mom passed I was in denial I thought
that she was just sleeping, and for an instant, I thought I saw
her breathing, I could not come to terms with her death.
After my mom’s burial, I returned to school and many of my
classmates asked me where I was? Why was I gone for so long?
For a while I did not know how to explain what had happened,
it was as if I was embarrassed to say that my mom had passed
away, when I finally told my friends, they could not believe
what I was telling them, many told me they could not see their
mom passing away or that they would not know what to do if
their mom passed away. For a long time, I thought ai was okay
but I became defiant, my sister had custody of me and my
brother because she was the oldest of five and we were the
youngest. For months I could not sleep, every time I closed my
eyes, I saw my mom in her casket. I could not understand what
was happening, before my mom passing away I did not know
what the reality of death was, no one had ever explained it to
me and I did not think it could happen to me until it did Mossler
& Ziegler, 2016 stated that “Most psychologists recommend that
honesty is the best when talking about death with children and
adolescents so that they are not confused about what has
happened (Section, 15.2 para.7).
When my mom was sick no one in my family ever explained to
me what was going on, the adults would talk amongst
themselves but would never tell me what was happening. After
my mom passed away my siblings told me I was too young and
they did not want to scare me. However, I believe if I would
have known beforehand, I would have had more time to process,
I believe I would not have become as defiant as I did, no one
spoke to me about what I was feeling. Being from a strong
Christian background people would say things like, she doesn’t
have to cry because she will see her mom again, whether or not
that was true, it was my mom and I was and did miss her.
The best way I would counsel someone going through the same
situation is letting them know that it is okay to feel the way
they are letting them know I understand what they are going
through and that it is normal to feel anger, sadness, and
confusion, and talking about the feelings is the best way to
come to terms with what has happened, I would advise someone
going through the same situation to talk to an expert that can
help them cope with grief.
The internet resource I found is called Full Circle. Full circle
has created a circle of people that can help children, adults,
families, and communities deal with grief. Full Circle was
designed by a bereavement expert Allyson Drake, M. Ed., CT,
in September 2008. She uses a model from the National Child
Traumatic Stress Network. They help families grieve and they
are taught skills that help them through the grieving process,
they also teach people to help others going through the same
process so that they may “learn to grieve together rather than in
isolation” (Full Circle, 2020). Using this method can help
people process death more healthily, the impact of grieve can be
easier to handle. Death of a loved one is never easy but knowing
you can speak to someone that is going through the same thing
can help one process death a little easier.
Full Circle (2020). Remember, Create, Heal. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
Mossler, R. A., & Ziegler, M. (2016).
Understanding Development: A Lifespan Perspective
. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc

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6 peer responses due in 18 hours Each set of 2 responses will ha.docx

  • 1. 6 peer responses due in 18 hours Each set of 2 responses will have its own instructions.. Guided Response: Respond to one peer in this Discussion Forum. Read the challenging behavior scenario they have created and use the Developmental Discipline guidance strategy to problem solve. You must include the following in your response: child’s name, how you will approach the child, possible reminder or private sign, describe how you provide time and space, an example of self-talk that can help the child problem solve, and a choice you can offer the child. Additionally, can you use humor to defuse the situation? If so, how? If not, why? My post: Collaborative problem solving is one of the guidance strategies to address challenging behaviors. This strategy is based on the notion that a child does not just behave undesirably. There must be a reason for such behavior. Thus, understanding why the child is having a challenging behavior is the start towards addressing this behavior (Schaubman, Stetson, & Plog, 2011). The focus is on building skills like problem-solving, flexibility, and frustration tolerance rather than motivation the child to behave better. Surprisingly, children with challenging behaviors do not lack the will to behave in a desired manner. Simply, they do not have the skills necessary to behave in a desired manner. This information is vital to addressing challenging behaviors among children in the future. This would be achieved through identifying the challenging behaviors, skills needed to address
  • 2. the behaviors, and partnering with the child to build these needed skills ( Kaiser & Sklar Rasminsky, 2017 ). This strategy would help address Olivia’s disruptive behavior, impulsivity and addressing peers negatively. Reward and punishment may not work on Olivia. Thus, Olivia needs to develop skills to address her behaviors (Schaubman et al., 2011). One of the skills to develop is social skills to enable her to control her impulsivity, connect with others, and relate with her peers positively. Apart from this strategy, time-out or time- away would address Olivia’s challenging behaviors. A scenario portraying Olivia’s challenging behavior is her inability to wait for her turn during a group activity. She is always blurting out answers before her turn arrives. How can this be solved? References Kaiser, B., & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017). Chapter 9: Guidance. In Challenging behavior in young children: Understanding, preventing, and responding effectively (4th ed.). Pearson Education. Schaubman, A., Stetson, E., & Plog, A. (2011). Reducing teacher stress by implementing collaborative problem solving in a school setting. School Social Work Journal , 35 (2), 72-93. BRITTNEY'S POST:
  • 3. What did you learn about your chosen strategy and what information surprised you? After reading Time Out or Time Away I have learned a couple of things, such as, not every teacher uses the timeout method and I also learned about the time away method. I thought it was a little odd that most teachers do not utilize the time out method because my teachers always did growing up, But I also know that it was a different time and we know more about discipline now than we did back then. The time away method is a new term to me. I understand that it is similar to the time out method, but it also teaches self-control and how to calm down. I think I may start using this method from now on. I am however surprised with the fact the article claims that “Time away IS a successful strategy for children,” (Hannah, 2015) because every child is different, and I just do not see one method working perfect for every child. How will you use this information in the future? I will use the information about both the time out and time away method in my in-home daycare because I acknowledge that every child is different. I do agree that the time out method is usually more of an at home thing done by the parents rather than by the teacher. However, I do believe that it should be different in a daycare setting as long as the parent of the child is okay with the time out method. But I will use the time out method or the time away method where it is appropriate. For example, if a child screams at the top of his lungs, I am not going to put him in time out. Instead, I will pull him aside and ask him what was wrong because maybe he is frustrated or just upset. Children have not mastered the art of self-control; it is our responsibility to help them with it and I believe the time away method can help greatly.
  • 4. Will your chosen guidance strategy work for the child you chose in Week 2? Why or why not? I believe that time out or time away could work for Olivia depending on the situation. I say depending on the situation because there is a chance that Olivia is acting the way she is because just feels like it or she thinks it is cool to be mean to someone. Olivia could also be acting out because of problems at home or maybe even problems at school that they are not seeing. For example, if Olivia is bullying because she just feels like it or think it makes her cool than I would most definitely put her time out. But if Olivia is acting the way she is due to stress or potential problems at home than I would talk to her and use the time away method. Because again, young children do not always know better or even always know why they are doing the things they are doing. Create a challenging behavior scenario for your chosen student (Jose or Olivia) for your peers to solve (e.g., a problem on the playground, walking to lunch, center time or circle time, etc.). Olivia has been acting out quite a bit in class. Today alone I had to speak to her about calling another child some not so nice names while we were walking to the playground for recess time, during recess she pushed the same child off the slide, and then on our way back to the classroom she was caught making fun of the same child. How would you handle the situation? Would you use the time out or time away method? Would you call both children’s parents right away or let them know of the incident that occurred at recess at pick up? (This is assuming the other child is completely fine). References:
  • 5. Hannah (2015) Time Out or Time Away? Consequences for Children Retrieved from (Links to an external site.) Kaiser, B., & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017). Challenging behavior in young children: Understanding, preventing, and responding effectively (4th ed.). Retrieved from (Links to an external site.) NIKKI'S POST: The guidance strategies I choose to elaborate on was the Natural and Logical Consequences. I learned that logical and logical consequences is what happens with out any input or interference as a result of an action or decision. Logical consequences is what is given to a child by a parent or caregiver when the child misbehaves or breaks a rule and linked to the bad behavior. The information that surprised me was the smart way to use consequence and logical consequences. I use a lot of them for example to tell the child to sit down and calm down and think about her actions. I am consistent with my children and let the consequences fit the mistake. These will help Jose because he will have smart consequences for his actions. Reminding him of that his choices have consequences. For example when he went to the back of the class room and played with the aquarium. He should of been told the classroom rules and routines. Then after knowing the rules and the their are consequences to his actions. If my consequences and actions did not work. I would try to make a list of consequences and let Jose see the results when
  • 6. when he makes bad choices. Maybe if he see's something visual it may help instead of just verbally telling him the rules. My Challenging behavior scenario is Jose. A two year old toddler. He is indoors playing in the block area with 3 other children. I see one of the children getting ready to bite Jose on the arm. I quickly go to the block area and stop the bite from happening. I check Jose arm and washed it. I then get the child who tried to bite and Jose together. We go over classroom rules about biting our friends. I tell them that we bite food not friends. I spoke about using words instead of biting. He could of said no when he saw that the child was going to bite him. I see that it was a toy truck that they were fighting about. I pulled out another truck from the shelves and showed them that we have more than one truck. References : Developmental Discipline: guiding principles Jose and Olivia interactivity Natural and Logical consequence Guided Response: Choose two peers to respond to. You will respond as if you were Jazmine’s parent. Writing a short letter to the teacher (peer) explain if you agree or disagree with the findings. Provide your thoughts about using her preferences to change her behavior. Do you agree or disagree with the goals? Why or why not? Share two ideas you will incorporate at home to help change Jazmine’s behavior. MY POST:
  • 7. The best data methods to identify problem behavior and functions of behavior include conducting interviews and observing the child and the environment. Interviewing the child, family members, and the child’s present and past teachers would be valuable in collecting data that would give insight into the problem behavior and functions of the behavior ( Kaiser & Sklar Rasminsky, 2017 ). Observing the child and the environment is another important approach. The best way to learn about Jazmine’s behavior is by observing and collecting data about what is observable. By observing the child, data is recorded on the child’s behavior, and it helps establish the relationship between the child’s challenging behavior and the environment. It helps pinpoint the triggers of the child’s behavior, consequences, and the functions of the behavior ( Kaiser & Sklar Rasminsky, 2017 ). Based on Jazmine’s data, her behavior team should comprise of every person involved in Jazmine’s life, including her family, teachers, the school principal, psychologist, and a paraprofessional. Jazmine’s problem behavior is disruptive behavior manifested by throwing things. Her behavior serves the function of “getting something.” Jazmine’s behavior serves to get her attention from her teacher and the direction of an activity (DiNovi, & Ward, 2018). Using Jazmine’s preferences and strengths, the teacher can create acceptable behavior based on Jazmine’s preferences and strong as they will serve as a reinforcer of the behavior. A short-term goal for Jazmine is to encourage her to participate in clean-ups. The long-term goal is to reduce her disruptive behavior to enable her to learn and function in a class. References
  • 8. DiNovi, B., & Ward, T. A. (2018, January 22). The four functions of behavior made simple. Retrieved from simple/ (Links to an external site.) Kaiser, B., & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017). Challenging behavior in young children: Understanding, preventing, and responding effectively (4th ed.). Pearson Education. RAILYN'S POST: Which two methods of data described in Jazmine’s scenario do you think will best identify the problem behavior and determine the functions of a behavior? Explain why. Kaiser & Rasminsky (2017), “An informal observation will provide a reality check by helping you figure out exactly how frequently the behavior takes place—how many times a day, how many times a week—and whether it appears at specific times—for example, only during free play, only during teacher- directed activities, or only at the end of the day when she is tired” (sec. 10.1). Observing children’s behavior allows teachers to see what is causing certain behaviors. I believe this information is vital for teachers to be able to put a plan in motion to redirect negative behaviors. Conducting an interview is another method that would help identify Jazmine’s behavior. Things occur in other settings that may cause certain behaviors to occur. It is vital that teachers get as much information from other sources like family, doctors, therapists, and other people
  • 9. who have dealt with the child before. Based on Jazmine’s data, who would you bring in to be a part of her behavior team? I would bring In Jazmine's parents. As stated in the text Kaiser & Rasminsky (2017), “it takes a team to make functional assessment and a positive behavior support plan, everyone who’s directly involved in the child’s life—family, teachers, directors or principals, psychologists, social workers, paraprofessionals, bus drivers—has something to contribute, and when you pool information and ideas, you are more likely to see patterns and come up with an effective plan that everyone can implement (Fox & Duda, n.d.)” (sec.10.1). We have all heard the quote “It takes a village to raise a child”, I believe the support of everyone around Jazmine will help benefit her by providing different forms of support to her. There is only so much a teacher can do but with the help of the village, the outcome will be better. Name her problem behavior and identify the functions of the behavior. Jazmine’s problem behavior is throwing things. When Jazmine throws things she gets the attention of her peers and the teacher. When she behaves in this manner she gets the attention of everyone around her. How can you use her preferences and strengths (i.e., her energy, her persistence, her intelligence, her love of drawing) to change her challenging behavior into an acceptable behavior? A short-term goal for Jazmine would be to redirect her in a positive way when she misbehaves. I would use physical activities to allow Jazmine to blow off some steam. According to the text Kaiser & Rasminsky (2017), “Give the child plenty
  • 10. of opportunities to use the new skill and give yourself plenty of opportunities to reinforce it with words, body language, and activities she enjoys” (sec. 10.2). Since Jazmine loves to throw things, I would have one on one with her outside playing a game bean bag toss. The goal here is to give her some one on one time and remind her of classroom rules and the behavior that is expected from her. I would also use this time she gives her words to use to express herself. A long-term goal for Jazmine would be to continue giving Jazmine the support she needs to change her behavior. This would be accomplished by pointing out some positive things she is doing. Modeling positive behavior, and spending more time talking to Jazmine. Reference Kaiser, B., & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017). Challenging behavior in young children: Understanding, preventing, and responding effectively (4th ed.). Retrieved from BOBBY'S POST: Jazmine appears to lack the skills needed to do better and by conducting interviews and through observations, this lack of skills can be identified and taught in a manner that will help her. Begin your interviews with her family, past and present teachers and almost anyone that interacts with Jazmine, and do not forget to actually interview the child her self, ( Kaiser & Sklar Rasminsky 2017, section 10.1). Build a relationship with Jazmine and get to know her. Through observation, you can gather information regarding her actions and behavior. Keep data on her actions through out the day, the week, and then buld
  • 11. on it to help you in determinig the triggers that lead to her behavior. Because Jazmine acts out when she has to do things, I would bring in her parents , or mother . Her immedicate family will have valuable information that will help in determining her behaviors and what may trigger them. Jazmine likes to throw things to get the attention of the teacher and her peers. Through observations, you know that she does this when its time to clean up . It appears to be that Jazmine wants attention and she demands attention by throwing things which cause everyone to focus on her and her alone. Jazmine likes to draw , so allow her to use drawing to help her refocuse her behavior. Play some one on one games with Jazmine especially since she likes to play in the gym. Short term goal---Use music to help Jazmine ease into cleaning up time. Share with all the children that when they hear the music , its time to clean up and this will eventually help Jazmine learn a transitional skill and work with others. Long term goal---- to teach Jazmine social cues. Help her connect with other children. I would partner her with a studnets that she likes and can learn social skills from and with. References Kaiser, B. & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2017). Challenging behavior in young children: Understanding, preventing and responding effectively. (4th ed.). Retrieved from
  • 12. In your responses to no fewer than two of your classmates, compare and contrast your respective choices and descriptions of grief-related issues and your recommendations to the individual under examination. Additionally, identify any insights you have gained as a result of reading the responses of others. MY POST: Little data is provided based on adolescents' bereavement that follows the terminal disease of a loved one. Teenagers tend to exhibit more symptoms of grief just like any other emotion after the death of a loved one or even during the period of the terminal illness of the loved one. Many are times that adolescents cannot go through the grief alone, therapists, and other related parties including close family members usually help them to handle their emotions. Grief and sorrow may be frequently confused even though the two words can be used to mean the same thing. Grief is majorly associated with the loss of a person. It is the subjective response of an individual following the loss of a loved one (Breen, 2019). A case example is when an individual loses one of her parents, in our case, an adolescent loses one of his/her parents. The emotional moment of the bereavement process that the adolescent goes through is the grief which may include, the yearning, loneliness as well as the specific emotions concerning the departed loved one. To enable the individual to deal with the grief, therapy and counseling may be necessary. The individual might change his/her behavioral mode and act in a different way that is not his/her normal. Counseling such a person may not be easy. The therapist has to
  • 13. be open-minded and also patient for the healing progress takes time. The presence of the individual who is grieving has to be acknowledged as well as their importance. This will help them raise their mood and feel better. It is also essential to validate their feelings during counseling and try not to minimize them. REFERENCE Breen, L. J., Szylit, R., Gilbert, K. R., Macpherson, C., Murphy, I., Nadeau, J. W., ... & International Work Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement. (2019). Invitation to grief in the family context. Death Studies, 43(3), 173-182. Sidaway, J. D. (2016). Deathscapes: Spaces for death, dying, mourning, and remembrance. Routledge. TAMMY'S POST: An issue associated with grief at one developmental stage: childhood, adolescence, emerging adulthood, adulthood, or later adulthood Having recently lost my mother this week last year, I selected the loss of a loved one. My mother and I had a very tumultuous relationship until just a few years before she passed away. In chapter 15, section 4, grief and bereavement are a part of death that pose an ending without closure (Mossler & Zeigler, 2016). The closure is an issue. My mother was in Hospice but still after so many good days…she was just gone. The unanswered questions and memories not made are tormenting. Scenario
  • 14. The last time my mother called me, I was dealing with disturbing behavior from a stepdaughter and rushing to complete a Final for my ungraduate studies. I cannot recall our last words other than I told her I was fed up with being disturbed. I was told she knew she was about to pass away. She kept seeing my grandparents and hearing them calling to her. As I saw her on video open her eyes as she fought lucidly for her life, she screamed my daughter-in-law's name. Alexandrea, my daughter-in-law, was approaching her due date for my mother's first great-grandchild. Her screams of terror and pain still echo vividly. The song, Wake Me Up When September Ends still makes me cry. September 17th will never be the same. Counseling the individual in the scenario described Honestly, I cannot advise what I have yet to overcome. I battle with many emotions from losing my mother. To give advice that I have yet to implement would make me a hypocrite. I guess I am at a point of void-empty. I remind myself of how proud she was I am the first in my family to earn a college degree and continue on into graduate school. I know my mother spent several years in a terminal state. I did not recall her having stage one of Kubler-Russ's theory of denial. I do, however, recall her stage two of rage, which I battle now in not having closure. I can see where the extremes I suffered from childhood abuse would lead to this state. My mother did not bargain, nor did she fall into depression. She did become accepting (Mossler & Zeigler, 2016). She was rushing to complete quilts for Alexandrea and to ensure my daughter, Sierra, who had just suffered a miscarriage, would have a gift for a child should she later have a child. Sierra is expecting next month. Bittersweet. The quilts were unfinished. The memory is raw. Internet resource I used the phrase "grieving the death of a parent" for an internet
  • 15. search. The first result is SAMHSA. The agency is one that is never closing 24/7/365 availability for national resources to assist in help for those in need. The hotline receives over 800,000 calls annually and is free of charges. Also, the services offered are in confidence. I can see where a voice outside those also grieving could be of great benefit. Moreover, the professional aspect of therapy is ideal, especially in severe cases of depression from death, as the services are broad in how a person was or is affected (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.). The service, however, is geared more towards addiction, which is not fitting to every person grieving a loss, such as me. References: Mossler, R. A., & Ziegler, M. (2016). Understanding Development: A Lifespan Perspective . Bridgepoint Education, Inc U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). SAMSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. DENISE'S POST: Death, Dying, and Grief I can speak from experience when it comes to death, dying, and grief as an adolescent. Mossler & Ziegler, 2016 stated that adolescents can understand death, they know what it is. However, they cannot relate to death unless it has happened to someone close like a family member. Mossler & Ziegler went
  • 16. on to say that when adolescents are faced with their death, they may experience anger, and they can become defiant, I cannot speak for someone an adolescent facing their death. However, as I mentioned earlier, I can speak of experience when it comes to death, dying, and grief. When I was 15 my mom passed away from esophageal cancer, and as Mossler & Ziegler stated at that age I knew what death was but I did not know that it could happen to me, when my mom passed I was in denial I thought that she was just sleeping, and for an instant, I thought I saw her breathing, I could not come to terms with her death. After my mom’s burial, I returned to school and many of my classmates asked me where I was? Why was I gone for so long? For a while I did not know how to explain what had happened, it was as if I was embarrassed to say that my mom had passed away, when I finally told my friends, they could not believe what I was telling them, many told me they could not see their mom passing away or that they would not know what to do if their mom passed away. For a long time, I thought ai was okay but I became defiant, my sister had custody of me and my brother because she was the oldest of five and we were the youngest. For months I could not sleep, every time I closed my eyes, I saw my mom in her casket. I could not understand what was happening, before my mom passing away I did not know what the reality of death was, no one had ever explained it to me and I did not think it could happen to me until it did Mossler & Ziegler, 2016 stated that “Most psychologists recommend that honesty is the best when talking about death with children and adolescents so that they are not confused about what has happened (Section, 15.2 para.7). When my mom was sick no one in my family ever explained to me what was going on, the adults would talk amongst themselves but would never tell me what was happening. After my mom passed away my siblings told me I was too young and they did not want to scare me. However, I believe if I would
  • 17. have known beforehand, I would have had more time to process, I believe I would not have become as defiant as I did, no one spoke to me about what I was feeling. Being from a strong Christian background people would say things like, she doesn’t have to cry because she will see her mom again, whether or not that was true, it was my mom and I was and did miss her. The best way I would counsel someone going through the same situation is letting them know that it is okay to feel the way they are letting them know I understand what they are going through and that it is normal to feel anger, sadness, and confusion, and talking about the feelings is the best way to come to terms with what has happened, I would advise someone going through the same situation to talk to an expert that can help them cope with grief. The internet resource I found is called Full Circle. Full circle has created a circle of people that can help children, adults, families, and communities deal with grief. Full Circle was designed by a bereavement expert Allyson Drake, M. Ed., CT, in September 2008. She uses a model from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. They help families grieve and they are taught skills that help them through the grieving process, they also teach people to help others going through the same process so that they may “learn to grieve together rather than in isolation” (Full Circle, 2020). Using this method can help people process death more healthily, the impact of grieve can be easier to handle. Death of a loved one is never easy but knowing you can speak to someone that is going through the same thing can help one process death a little easier. References Full Circle (2020). Remember, Create, Heal. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
  • 18. Mossler, R. A., & Ziegler, M. (2016). Understanding Development: A Lifespan Perspective . San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc