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O N E W O R L D , O N E C U R R E N C Y
Coinspace Ltd.
Product, Service and Business Plan Overview
Coinspace Ltd. //
Coinspace has its headquarters in Europe with worldwide operations. We focus on core markets such as South
East Asia, Europe, India, Africa and South America. Seeing as our company is committed to growth, we
are opening new regional offices worldwide.
Your demand is a Coinspace command. To us, the success of our members is everything. We consider
our members true partners in the business. We understand the unwavering c o m m i t m e n t required to build a
solid organization. We believe in making things simple. This is why we focus on eliminating as many speed bumps
as possible on your road to success.
Our mission is to build real cryptocurrency value. This is achieved by creating three things:
a buyer-driven trading volume with an exclusive commerce benefit, a highly usable coin,
and an intelligent merchant program.
Our goal is to provide you with a system that will help you establish the most useful and profitable coin possible:
T h e S - C O I N
Coinspace is a unique business opportunity and it is the only one of its kind. The c o n c e p t behind Coinspace is
the result of the cryptocurrency boom. We offer amazing benefits for people who are looking for financial success
and independence. This is why our services hold massive worldwide appeal. O u r m i s s i o n is to provide you
with a mining service you can use for mining cryptocurrencies. We have taken great care in order to de-mystify the
process of mining. This enables you to quickly master the skills required to start mining and making profit off of it
without any prior experience.
O u r v i s o n i s
“ O n e W o r l d , O n e C u r r e n c y ”
Coinspace Ltd. //
Coinspace provides you with a once in a lifetime opportunity. It revolutionizes the business world of today’s digital
economy. We offer a h i g h - i n c o m e opportunity with an extensive b o n u s program connected to the best
lifestyle awards.
For the first time we offer the opportunity for y o u to become the owner of your own mining system. Thus far
this system was only available to large enterprises and big investors.
Our system for maximal contribution is only available to our members. This way, you can become the owner of
several existing cryptocurrencies. Better yet, you can be one of the first users and supporters of the new currency
S-coin. By becoming a member of our amazing business community, you will be able to learn about the S-coin
b e f o r e i t s l a u n c h . This will give you the a d v a n t a g e of introducing it to your business partners as the
new cryptocurrency of the future. It is an amazing opportunity to build your financial success and become one of
the select few to achieve the greatest advantage of them all: o w n i n g t h e S - c o i n b e f o r e a n y b o d y
e l s e !
We guarantee a minimal risk and maximum security due to the exclusivity of the S-coin in its pre-launch form. We
guarantee you its value by mining several cryptocurrencies already on the market. We also took the precaution of
making sure the S-coin w i l l n o t d r o p under a certain coin value. We will be able to do that by having a
backup of the coin. H o w ? We will let that piece of information remain our confidential business secret until the
S-coin’s official launch.
While our unique system enables you to produce the cryptocurrency S-coin we secure your investment by mining
other profitable cryptocurrencies in the background.
We offer you the opportunity to start your own career with us. It is easy and simple. Tell the world about us and
earn additional money easily and constantly. M a k e m o n e y n o w . We provide you with a personal
customized money making program.
New members gain access to several benefits. These benegits include cash rewards, a one-year contract, instant
profits, no electricity costs, no hardware setup costs, and no maintenance costs.
Moreover, we offer d i r e c t p a y m e n t s to your prepaid debit card.
T h e f u t u r e i s i n y o u r h a n d s . W i t h u s ,
y o u a r e t h e c r e a t o r o f y o u r o w n S - c o i n
m o n e y f o r y o u r f u t u r e .
Coinspace Ltd. //
On-site technicians ensure continuous monitoring and servicing of individual elements of the mining structure.
We offer constant paybacks and professional support. The IT staff will carry out the mining for you.
This way you can simply lay back and enjoy watching your investment increase.
The process power and coins are sold on demand, typically by the minute or by the hour.
We have a system that uses liquid cryptocurrencies for your fixed income. It is also able to get a large group of
users supporting the same coin – S-coin. The S-coin will be launched when we achieve approximately 50.000
A large and stable group of users will make the new upcoming currency more secure, profitable, and valuable.
We offer a unique mining system that will carry out the mining process on the most advanced and up-to-date
devices, while you run errands or even while you sleep.
D A I L Y M I N I N G , D A I L Y P R O F I T
W h a t i s t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t f e a t u r e o f C o i n s p a c e ?
This powerful, unique, and modern mining equipment is available to you at once. It is specialized for all
cryptocurrencies with the highest value at that time. This way we minimise risks and increase security to the highest
possible level for you.
W e t a k e c a r e o f a l l t h e r e s t .
T h e s y s t e m i s e l a s t i c : y o u c a n h a v e a s m u c h o r a s l i t t l e h a s h
p o w e r ( a n d c o i n s a s a r e s u l t ) a s y o u w a n t a t a n y g i v e n t i m e .
We provide you with the highest quality p e r s o n a l mining service. We are developing the best software and
hardware so that we can offer you the most profitable mining.
We combine cutting-edge hardware with s i m p l e and easy-to-understand mining contracts to bring you the
most advanced mining solution available on the market.
All pool, electricity and maintenance fees are included in the price. Y o u c h o o s e how much mining (hash)
power you want and with it how big your daily money production will be. We supply the hardware, hosting and
maintenance for you to start e a r n i n g i m m e d i a t e l y .
Coinspace Ltd. //
Cryptocurrencies are based on trust and transparency. The block-chain transparency system enables you
an oversight of where your S-coin came from, as well as the possibility to track its every single move along
the chain, all the way back to the moment of its creation. However, since the transactions are completely
anonymous, all your personal information remains hidden
L o w o r n o f e e s : Very low or non-existent fees in comparison to FIAT for worldwide transactions.
Transactions in cryptocurrencies are cheaper than any other type of transaction known to us
R i s k f r e e : Users need only secure their private keys. This can be done digitally, physically or even
both. Cryptocurrencies are the currencies of the future technological era
H i g h e r l i q u i d i t y : Funds are transferred with a single click, which means that your money is
immediately accessible on your account.
E a s y p a y : Fast and instant payments granting you the ultimate power of choice
S e c u r e p a y : Risk free for users, secure and anonymous transactions
F a s t p a y : Instant payment around the world. Much faster than standard means of payment
T r a n s p a r e n c y : You can see every single transaction in a block-chain application
F E A T U R E S a n d A D V A N T A G E S
Stage 1
Up to 50.000 members
Stage 2
releasing S-coin,
merchant program,
Stage 3
The S-coin as a
widespread method of
F e w e r r i s k s f o r m e r c h a n t s : Merchants are protected from potential losses that might
occur due to fraud. No chargebacks!
F r e e d o m i n p a y m e n t : Cryptocurrencies behave a lot like cash. Transfers are simple and fast
worldwide. Classifications can differ, but at the end of the day, you can buy anything, from a cup of coffee
to a car
C o n t r o l a n d S e c u r i t y : Users are in control of their transactions. This provides security for
both the cryptocurrency and its network of users
Coinspace Ltd. //
We provide everybody with both access to the industry of virtual currency as well as the understanding of it.
This is how we use our unique system to make profit. Learn the secrets of trading, investing and profiting from
cryptocurrency with our help.
We strive to bring you the ultimate system of cryptocurrency and the best part is: our company takes care of
everything. We provide you with state of the art software and hardware to make production most profitable.
We hire people to service and manage your moneymaking machine and pay for all the expenses.
All this just for a one-time payment of your package.
The value of cryptocurrencies depends on the supply and demand.
T h i s t y p e o f c u r r e n c y t e n d s t o g a i n v a l u e d u e t o t h e
f i n i t e n u m b e r o f c o i n s t h a t w i l l b e p r o d u c e d i n t o t a l .
This means that there is a limited number of coins available while the number of users increases.
Whether your investment is as small as 150€ or as big as 120.000€ is irrelevant. Our unique formula will give all
our members the same options and the same amazing results.
Our company is not looking for short-term profit. We spent one and a half years, learning, researching and
developing. It was not until the last couple of months that we have begun marketing our idea. Instead of a
short-term profit, we are interested in l o n g - t e r m s u s t a i n a b i l i t y . We look for the best and simplest way of
delivering a new overall usable payment method and profit in the long run.
S - C O I N
W e d e v e l o p e d S - c o i n e x c l u s i v e l y b e c a u s e w e w a n t
a b e t t e r w o r l d f o r u s a l l .
Coinspace Ltd. //
We offer completely automatic Coinspace b e g i n n e r p a c k a g e s so that you can get started even without
any prior experiences or technical abilities. Join our dedicated team of distributors by choosing a package below
and start mining your own coins within minutes! We offer o n e - c l i c k cryptocurrency mining packages with our
mining service. Regardless of your technical abilities, you can enter this amazing booming market and build your
very own home business.
Coinspace offers you a complete “ t u r n - k e y ” s o l u t i o n to capitalize on the incredible income producing
opportunity that cryptocurrency provides.
Each of our packages has an assigned volume value. Members earn volume through their business group sales.
All volume, no matter how it was generated, is referred to as L i f e t i m e T o t a l V o l u m e .
Commissions are paid weekly. Money is deposited directly into your e-Wallet account. All monetary value is in EUR.
For more details, please contact our Coinspace Support Team at .
W h a t i s t h e S - c o i n ?
The future S-coin is a digital internet currency that uses peer-to-peer technology. The network is decentralized and
free from any central authorities. Individuals can securely transfer payments to friends and family quickly all around
the world with little to no cost. S-coin uses the latest technologies to process transactions quickly and efficiently
with a new blend of CPU / GPU and POW / POS logic at the right time.
There will be a limited supply of coins, no inflation, a higher and higher demand every day, a constant growth in
value, a decentralized system independent from central authority, peer to peer technology supporting the network
of computers – a highly encrypted, secure, and transparent protocol with blockchain technology! This is the revo-
lution in payment systems. It is the next big step for mankind and the most important invention since the internet.
Not only will it provide easy and fast worldwide transactions with next to zero fees, but it will also allow more than
2,5 billion under-banked people to download their digital wallet and start using it as a bank account on their mobile
phones. It is like having a personal bank account. It is free and can be used to start making transactions worldwide
using cryptocurrency - the future is your decision.
The mission is building a real cryptocurrency value by creating a b u y e r - d r i v e n t r a d i n g volume with an
exclusive commerce benefit. The S-coin has t w o k e y d i s t i n c t i o n s from all other crypto currencies.
First is an exclusive commerce benefit for people to buy and use the S-coin to make purchases.
The second is a leveraged marketing force to promote the S-coin and establish the commerce network.
A n y o n e can use our mining service and support us while earning in the biggest world story.
PRICE 700€
TOTAL 144€
PRICE 6.000€
POINTS 1.000
COMMISSION 720€/1.200€
TOTAL 1.220€
PRICE 1.500€
COMMISSION 180€/300€
TOTAL 305€
PRICE 3.000€
COMMISSION 360€/600€
TOTAL 610€
PRICE 300€
30 coins / 2,4 per day15 coins / 1 per day
100 coins / 5,5 per day 250 coins / 12 per day 500 coins / 24 per day
1.000 coins / 48 per day 2.000 coins / 100 per day 8.000 coins / 200 per day
PRICE 150€
Coinspace Ltd. //
More details:
D I R E C T C O M M I S S I O N S a r e O P E N 1 2 %
the 45 day challenge (20% direct commission) begins on the day of your enrollment into the system
if upgraded to any Business package (minimum mine or higher) you start earning 20% direct commission till your
initial 45 day period expires
This bonus rewards you for sponsoring leaders
B I N A R Y C O M M I S S I O N S a r e L O C K E D
Binary commissions are locked until you upgrade to any of the Coinspace Business Packages.
Binary volume is accumulated for a period of 60 days and it will remain there after the 60 day period if a member
purchases a package of MICRO MINE or greater within that period. It can also be paid out before or after the
period when a member becomes FULLY QUALIFIED ACTIVE MEMBER
I N A C T I V E P O S I T I O N :
Once the position goes INACTIVE a member can activate it by purchasing a package of minimum
6000 € (Full Mine Package)
6 0 D A Y S A C T I V A T I O N P E R I O D R U L E
Members with the FREE POSITION package must upgrade their package within 60 days after the date of their enrollment.
Members have the option to buy any Coinspace business package (Minimum Mine or higher), otherwise all the accumulated points in
binary within their first 60 days will be erased!
Member status is changed to inactive after 60 days if the FREE POSITION has not been upgraded to any of Coinspace’s business
Access to the online backoffice is allowed for a 60 day period.
After 60 days the backoffice will be closed down unless the FREE POSITION is upgraded to any of Coinspace’s business packages
(Minimum Mine or higher).
The FREE POSITION Package does not include the Coinspace Mining Service.
By starting with the FREE POSITION Package, members do not have any monthly fixed income.
Upgrade to any of Coinspace’s business packages. There is a possibility for members to upgrade the FREE POSITION
Package by buying any of Coinspace’s business packages (Minimum Mine or higher) in their Backoffice Shop.
0 EUR (0 BV)
Includes 60 days access to the distributor’s Backoffice
Single bonus: *Direct commission on all your personally sponsored members
Possibility to *Upgrade option (buy business package)
NO binary commissions
Coinspace mining service is not included /NO fixed monthly income
Coinspace mining contract is not included
Coinspace Ltd. //
• Includes access to the distributor’s Backoffice
• 365 days active-status
• Includes Coinspace mining service
• One year mining contract
• Mining operations
• Project Shares (quarter mine or higher)
• »Crypto money maker« device : Software that allows you to
mine multiple digital currencies and enables you to obtain the
new cryptocurrency S-coin before its launch
• Full access to trading opportunities
• Includes all bonuses
• A system to improve your financial wellbeing
M I N I M U M M I N E : 300 € (50 points)
Bronze Series
Held Coins: 30
Mining: 2,4 coins/day
M I C R O M I N E : 150 € (20 points)
Bronze Series
Held Coins: 15
Mining: 1,0 coins/day
B A S I C M I N E : 700 € (120 points)
Bronze Series
Held Coins: 100
Mining: 5,5 coins/day
Q U A R T E R M I N E : 1.500 € (250 points)
Silver Series
Held Coins: 250
Mining: 12 coins/day
Project Share: +1
F U L L M I N E : 6.000 € (1.000 points)
Gold Series
Held Coins: 1.000
Mining: 48 coins/day
Project Share: +5
H A L F M I N E : 3.000 € (500 poins)
Silver Series
- Held Coins: 500
- Mining: 24 coins/day
- Project Share: +3
U L T I M A T E M I N E : 24.000 € (4.000 points)
Black Series
Held Coins: 8.000
Mining: 200 coins/day
Project Share: +30
D O U B L E M I N E : 12.000 € (2.000 points)
Gold Series
Held Coins: 2.000
Mining: 100 coins/day
Project Share: +12
Package for the largest volume investment opportunity
Coinspace Co-Founders Club Members Exclusive
Benefits and Rewards!
Double mine(3%) and Ultimate mine(2x3%)
E x c l u s i v e
O N L Y 1 5 0 C O - F O U N D E R
p a c k a g e s a v a i l a b l e f o r
e v e r y c o n t i n e n t
Why is it good to start with either the
Minimum Mine (300€) or a greater
package to become a
0eur - 12% / no mining
150eur - 12% / mining
300eur - 20% / mining
Coinspace Ltd. //
O N L Y 1 5 0 C O - F O U N D E R P A C K A G E S A V A I L A B L E
F O R E V E R Y C O N T I N E N T !
If you buy the Double Mine Package or the Ultimate Mine Package, you are entitled to an a d d i t i o n a l a n n u a l
p r o f i t .
The additional profit for the Double Mine gives you one share out of the 30% from 3% of overall annual turnover
volume in EUR
The additional profit for the Ultimate Mine gives you two shares out of the 35% from 3% of overall annual turnover
volume in EUR
The first 150 Co-Founders from each continent will receive a share out of the 3 % o f t h e c o m p a n y ’ s a n -
n u a l p r o f i t .
Co-Founders are people who will buy Double or Ultimate Mine. Each year we will divide that additional profit to the
same 150 Co-founders from each continent.
Each Co-Founder can buy more than 1 package for one position/account. If one Co-Founder has more than one
Double or Ultimate Mine, the total number of Co-Founders will not change, but we will simply give that person more
1 5 0 a c c o u n t s / p o s i t i o n s p e r c o n t i n e n t = 1 5 0 C o - F o u n d e r s p e r C o n t i n e n t
65% from 3% of the company’s annual profit will be divided between 150 Co-Founders from each continent
e v e r y J a n u a r y for the past year.
150 Co-Founders on your continent
All together they have 160 Double Mines and 20 Ultimate Mines, which means 160 shares + 40 shares equals
200 shares. These 200 shares are property of 150 Co-Founders.
Assuming that 65% from 3% of the company’s annual profit is 1,000,000 €, which is then divided between 150
people. This amount will be divided among 200 shares, 160 Double Mine shares and 40 Ultimate Mine shares.
If you purchased the Double Mine, your additional annual profit would be 1,875 €.
If you purchased the Ultimate Mine, your additional annual profit would be 8,750 €.
C O - F O U N D E R P O S I T I O N
Any earnings or success you achieve will vary according to the geographical location, time, and effort applied to your particular business
and is not guaranteed by COINSPACE, management, staff or member.
Coinspace Ltd. //
C O I N S P A C E - e x t r a s
• No monthly quality rank volume is required to achieve any Coinspace rank
• Binary points are accumulating lifetime, weaker and power side
• No recruiting necessary (optionally for investors)
• Every 14th and 28th day of the month members will be paid out with a fixed income (if members decide to sell
coins back to the company per fixed guaranteed price of 0.50€/coin)
• Selling coins back to the company is available until the launch of the S-coin (50,000 members in Coinspace).
• Earn 50% of the profit by selling coins back to the company within the one year mining contract (Coinspace
Mining Service)
• The possibility of earning 200% or more by waiting for the S-coin to launch (upon reaching 50,000 members in
Coinspace). The value of the S-coin at the moment of its launch will be a minimum of 1€/coin.
• A fixed amount of coins obtained daily through the mining production will only be available until the S-coin is
publicly released into the network. So, start now and make the most out of mining. The sooner you start the more
coins you will be able to obtain. And the greater amount of coins you have in your possession the more assets you
will have at your disposal. Therefore it is important that you start immediately.
The moment the s-coin is released into the network, the open exchange on the market will begin, which means
an open supply and demand. Mining will become increasingly difficult, because the daily reward (consisting of an
unchanged number of coins) will be divided between more and more users every day. As a result, daily production
will start decreasing but the price of the coin will sky-rocket. Once you grasp this concept, you can understand
why it is so important to start sooner rather than later.
C O - F O U N D E R P O O L
(3% of the World Pool of the company’s entire turnover volume will be paid out every year (in January) to a maximum of 150
Coinspace Co-Founder members per continent. The first World Pool share will be paid out on January 2017)
H O N O R E D W I T H T H E E X P L U S I V E C O I N S P A C E C O - F O U N D E R P R O G R A M
Any earnings or success you achieve will vary according to the geographical location, time, and effort applied to your particular business
and is not guaranteed by COINSPACE, management, staff or member.
365 days
0.5 €
1 €
3 €
10 €
100 €
150 € 375 € 187.5 € 375 € 1,125 € 3,750 € 37,500 €
300 € 906 € 453 € 906 € 2,718 € 9,060 € 90,600 €
700 € 2,107.5 € 1,053.75 € 2,107.5 € 6,322.5 € 21,075 € 210,750 €
HELD 100
1,500 € 4,630 € 2,315 € 4,630 € 13,890 € 46,300 € 463,000 €
HELD 250
3,000 € 9,260 € 4,630 € 9,260 € 27,780 € 92,600 € 926,000 €
HELD 500
6,000 € 18,520 € 9,260 € 18,520 € 55,560 € 185,200 € 1,852.000 €
HELD 1,000
12,000 € 38,500 € 19,250 € 38,500 € 115,500 € 385,000 € 3,850.000 €
HELD 2,000
24,000 € 83,000 € 41,500 € 83,000 € 249,000 € 830,000 € 8,300.000 €
HELD 8,000
Coinspace Ltd. //
The fixed daily production of coins is only valid until S-coin is officially launched. After the launch daily mining - daily coin production - will vary according to the S-coin network and hash
power on the S-coin (members mining). At its launch the value of the S-coin is minimum doubled which means that the profit per licence is maintained at a minimum of 50% or more.
M a t c h i n g b o n u s : You can earn up to 10% of
the binary commissions of your personally sponsored
members and up to 20% on up to 2 generations in
your downline.
Purchase the Silver Series or the Gold Series and start
earning 10% or more from day 1.
D i r e c t c o m m i s s i o n ( f a s t s t a r t b o n u s )
( 1 2 % / 2 0 % ) :
You can earn a Direct Commission every time you
personally sponsor a member with a business
package. You must be active with your starter kit or be
in the system with your Coinspace Business Package.
Your commissions are daily, but paid weekly
immediately into your e-Wallet.
B i n a r y c o m m i s s i o n ( 5 0 % ) : Earn up to
1 200 000 € a month by receiving up to 50% on the
volume in your weaker leg to unlimited depth.
Everyone in your binary structure counts towards your
commissionable volume, even people placed under
you. You must personally enroll and maintain 2 active
members with business packages, 1 on your left side
and 1 on your right side, to qualify for an Active Member
and all your binary commissions. The commissions are
based on the package points, which are accumulated
over a lifetime and are shown daily.
Like before, they are paid weekly. We have a Cap Rule,
which is the highest payout of binary per day and it
depends on your career rank.
€ 1. generation 2. generation 3. generation
150 € x x x Bronze series
300 € x x x Bronze series
700 € x x x Bronze series
1,500 € 10 % x x Silver series
3,000 € 10 % 10 % x Silver series
6,000 € 10 % 10 % 10 % Gold series
12,000 € 10 % 20 % 20 % Gold series
24,000 € 10 % 20 % 20 % Black series
Coinspace Ltd. //
Coinspace Ltd. //
4 5 d a y c h a l l e n g e : Every time you personally sponsor a member with a Business Package within your first 45
days from he day of your enrollment on. You must be a member and must have purchased a Coinspace Business
Package (Minimum Mine or higher) to do so.
M i n i n g c o m m i s s i o n s : Are proof of service from your computer’s power in mining operations on a daily basis
(which depends on the Business Package). Mining commissions are paid every 14th and 28th day in every calendar
month for the duration of one year, if a member decides to sell the coins he produced in that period.
You can decide on your own whether you want to sell the coins back to the company every month (50% yearly profit)
or decide to wait with your coins until the launch of the S-coin before selling or using them at a much higher price
on the market.
P a s s i v e i n c o m e 3 6 5 R e n e w a l :
is a renewal of your computer’s mining power, mining technology, hardware and software upgrade. All Coinspace Business
packages have to be renewed every year if members want to receive monthly commissions (daily production of coins) from
Coinspace’s mining service in their second year as well.
365 Renewal generates new business volume points into the binary system.
Coinspace Ltd. //
Coinspace Ltd. //
An automatic, weekly purchase of coins helps support both the network as well as the value of the coin by
maintaining a constant demand for more coins from already-existing members.
25% of all commissions earned through network building are invested directly into the mandatory automatic
purchase (mandatory purchase) of coins. Until the S-coin is officially launched the Coins are bought
automatically at a fixed price of 0.5 € per Coin and assigned to your Held Account. After the S-coin is officially
launched you can use the money intended for the Mandatory buy to buy coins at market value at any given time.
E x a m p l e
You earn 1000€ in a week: 75% of the money is transferred to your Cash Account while 25% of the money is
invested into your Mandatory buy. In other words you receive 750 € directly onto your Cash Account and the
remaining 250€ is used to buy 500 Coins (worth 0.5 € each).
The purchased coins are transferred to your Held Account.
After the official launch of the S-Coin the coins in your Held Account will be released
E a r n 1 . 0 0 0 € b u t g e t v a l u e o f 1 . 2 5 0 € n o w !
T h i s m e a n s t h a t :
by earning 1000 € you immediately receive 750 € as well as 500 coins. These coins can later be cashed in
for 1€ or more per coin. This means that you can earn an additional 500 € or more (depending on the market
value of the coins at the time they are sold). Your weekly income thus amounts to even more than 1000 €: more
specifically your weekly income is at the very least 25% higher. This means that you actually earn 1250 €
or more.
5 0 % / 5 0 %
With our project share opportunity, users profit every single day, outside of mining. Members are eligible for
ownership and profits of all our crypto projects, including and not limited to mining and development projects.
Shares were included in addition to Coinspace’s mining product so that we can guarantee a constant monthly
income and pay monthly income back to our members out from Coinspace services.
Every single new Coinspace member will receive project shares in proportion to the Coinspace Business
Package, which was bought upon enrollment day (Quarter Mine or higher).
First project shares are estimated to go live after the launch of Scoin
Coinspace Ltd. //
Coinspace Ltd. //
E x a m p l e :
If we assume that Coinspace made 100,000 € of profit from transaction fees this month:
50% goes to Coinspace, the other 50% (50,000 €) goes to the users with project shares.
Let’s say that 70 users have business packages with project shares included and they have all together 140 project shares. When
50,000 € is divided by 140 shares this equals 357€/share, and this is the value of one share in that particular month.
So if you have a package of 1,500 € with + 1 project share you will receive additional 35.7 € in earnings at the end of your license. If you
have a package of Double Mine 12,000 € with 12 + project shares, you earn 12 x 357 € = 4,284 € this month
T H A T ’ S J U S T A M O N T H ’ S W O R T H O F E A R N I N G S !
Buying bigger packages is absolutely W O R T H I T ! Every year, there will be more and more transactions inside the S-coin community,
so project shares will go up!
The best part of this system is that we are all aiming towards t h e s a m e g o a l : both the Company and the users all want to have
more users and more transactions in the network. This makes this system and your investment safe and profitable!
F i r s t s h a r e s : Everyone who is registered as a Coinspace member with the Coinspace Business package (Quarter Mine or high-
er) has a project share option included. This is calculated in your monthly income from Coinspace Service. First shares will come from
Coinspace Exchange Free during the first phase where Coinspace members decide to sell their monthly production of coins back to the
company at a fixed price with a approx. 5% fee for every transaction. Those shares are not specifically marked on the platform but are
calculated in addition to your monthly income.
N e x t s h a r e s : members receive next shares from all new following projects. The percentage will depend upon their Coinspace Busi-
ness Package.
E x a m p l e : John has been enrolled on 1st of January, 2016. The new project ends on 2nd January, 2016, so John is entitled to the
division of shares in his platform. Another project was completed 30th of December, 2015. Because John was not enrolled in the system
up to that date, he is not entitled to the shares.
As we grow and develop we will gladly invite you to work with us on more projects and to contribute to developing
more ways of achieving financial success. Right now we are working on many great ideas and concepts that will
be revealed in time.
Coinspace will have several different applications such as lottery, casino, online shopping and other gaming
platform portals, plus a merchant program, where users can spend their coins. Every single usage of coin will have
a very small fee.
We will sum all the fees from all the applications and the whole turnover in € will be divided between the company
and the users, where the company will take 50% of the profit of all transaction fees and the other 50% will be
divided between all the users who have profit shares in their business packages.
Any earnings or success you achieve will vary according to the geographical location, time, and effort applied to your particular business
and is not guaranteed by COINSPACE, management, staff or member.
Coinspace Ltd. //
You begin at rank of associate member after purchasing a C o i n s p a c e B u s i n e s s P a c k a g e . You will be able to
advance to a higher rank later on after you reach it with the help of your team. This is called the “ L i f e t i m e ” Rank.
Commissions and awards are determined by the level of qualifications you meet. This is called the
“ P a i d A s ” Rank.
R e q u i r e m e n t s i f M e m b e r w a n t s t o a c h i e v e a n y o f t h e C o i n s p a c e r a n k s :
• Enough points in weaker side
• 1 or 2 personally sponsored members who have reached the required qualification rank in your sponsor or power leg
• Recognitions will be given away at Coinspace events
• Prize awards as S-coins will be loaded into the e-Wallet after achieving the required rank
• Awards connected to the Apple Program will be given away at Coinspace events
• Awards connected to the Car Program and Incentive trips will be presented at Coinspace events, where Members have to
fill up required documentation after the Event for them to receive their award by formal steps
• Awards for all achievers will be given away on Coinspace convention or event
(lifetime volume in
lesser side)
(power leg)
ASSOCIATE MEMBER bought a Coinspace
business package
bought a Coinspace busi-
ness package
Direct Commission
ACTIVE MEMBER active binary
50 / 50
1 left / 1 right Recognition – Future leader 1,000 € / day
ACHIEVER 500 1 left / 1 right Recognition - Pin 1,000 € / day
BUILDER 1,000 1 left / 1 right Recognition - Pin 1,000 € / day
MASTER 3,000 1 left / 1 right Recognition - Pin 1,000 € / day
COORDINATOR 6,000 1 left / 1 right (300 career coins) 1,000 € / day
(600 career coins)
2,000 € / day
Car BMW 1 (6 months)
(1,800 career coins)
3,000 € / day
Car BMW 3 / BMW 4
(6 months)
(6,000 career coins)
5,000 € / day
Luxury Diamond trip + Rolex
watch +
Car BMW 5 / X5 (12 months)
(15,000 career coins)
8,000 € / day
BLUE DIAMOND 500,000 2x SUPERVISOR Blue Diamond luxury trip +
Car BMW 6 / 7 / X6
(12 months)
(25,000 career coins)
10,000 € / day
Black Diamond luxury trip +
Car BMW i8 / Tesla / Maserati
/ Porsche (12 months)
(50,000 career coins)
15,000 € / day
ROYAL DIAMOND 2,500,000 2X EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Royal Diamond luxury trip +
ITS YOUR CAR (i8 / Tesla /
Maserati / Porsche)
(125,000 career coins)
20,000 € / day
CROWN D. 5,000,000 1X DIAMOND
Royal Diamond luxury trip +
ITS YOUR CAR (i8 / Tesla /
Maserati / Porsche)
(125,000 career coins)
25,000 € / day
(500,000 career coins)
40,000 € / day
Any earnings or success you achieve will vary according to the geographical location, time, and effort applied to your particular business
and is not guaranteed by COINSPACE, management, staff or member.
Coinspace Ltd. //
We believe that the best company promotion and excitement
for our members is the Car Program. BMW is the car we
believe our Members deserve upon hitting the required rank.
The program is completely free, as we know that hard work
and dedication must result in the greatest of pleasures.
• 6 and 12 months BMW or similar contract for the
Car Program
• The member must achieve the next higher rank within 6
months to receive a better car, otherwise the member is
required to return the car.
• Optional: The Member can keep the car for more than 6 months without achieving the next higher rank, if they
pay the company a monthly fee for the Car Program on their own until they achieve the next required rank and thus
qualify for a new 6 or 12-month contract.
• Upon achieving the next required rank, the Member will receive
the new car.
• 6 month contract: Supervisor, Executive director	
• 12 month contract: Diamond, Blue Diamond, Black Diamond
• BMW, Maserati, Porsche, Tesla: Royal Diamond
• Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley: Crown Diamond
T r i p s a n d i n c e n t i v e s :
As you achieve success in our Coinspace program, you become eligible for special recognition and awards such as
all-expences-paid-for reward trips to some of the world’s most exciting and exotic destinations.
We believe that rewarding peple for their success results in them continuously achieving the same excellent
(if not even better) results, so get ready to be spoiled!
Car program is subject to geographical availability
Coinspace Ltd. //
3 % G L O B A L B O N U S P O O L
Coinspace will give away 3% of its turnover volume in EUR to those Members who achieve a certain Black Dia-
mond rule, Crown Ambassador rank, and to the members who purchase the CoFounder package
• All Members who achieve a 5% World Pool (5 Black Diamond lines in their small team) will receive a share out of
the 5% of the overall turnover in EUR. The total turnover of the 5% of the World Pool is shared betwen all members
who reach the goal of 5 Diamond lines.
• All Members who achieve 5 Black Diamond lines in each team will receive a share out of the 3% of the World
Pool. The total turnover of 10% out of all 3% of the World Pool is shared between these members in EUR.
• Black Diamond members do not need to be your personally sponsored members, they just have to be in your
• All members who achieve the rank of Crown Ambassador will receive a share out of the 3% of the World Pool.
The total turnover of 20% of all 3% of the World Pool is shared between these members in EUR.
• All members who purchase the 12,000 € Double Mine CoFounder package will receive a share out of the 3% of
the World Pol. The total turnover of 30% out of all 3% of the World Pool is shared between these members in EUR.
• All members who purchase the 24.000 € Ultimate Mine CoFounder package will receive a share out of the 3%
of the World Pool. The total turnover of 30% out of all 3% of the World Pool is shared between these members in
PAID AS Ultimate Mine Double Mine 5 Black lines in
small team
5 Black lines in
each team
3% of total World
35% 30% 5% 10% 20%
We developed this compensation plan to be one of the most lucrative and fair plans ever created. With the help of
l e a d i n g e x p e r t s with decades of ownership and worldwide distributer experience, every single component
of this plan has been precisely engineered to work s m o o t h l y . This c o l l e c t i v e effort helps create something
much more powerful than would be possible if attempted by a single individual. We achieve this by always doing
the right thing and treating our people with r e s p e c t at all times.
Compensation plan encourages and rewards specific behavior:
• Personally purchasing products or services
• Selling to new distributors
• Introducing the income opportunity to others (sponsoring, enrolling)
• Building a team
• Training, supporting others
C r e a t i n g t h e l i f e y o u w a n t a n d d e s e r v e i s n ’ t j u s t a b o u t b u i l d i n g a b u s i n e s s o f
y o u r o w n , b u t t h e f r e e d o m t h a t c o m e s w i t h i t .
T h i s m e a n s t h a t y o u s h o u l d e x p e r i e n c e b o t h f i n a n c i a l f r e e d o m a s w e l l a s t h e
f r e e d o m t o d o w h a t y o u a r e p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t
TOP 1%
Coinspace can not be held liable for typographical errors. Information provided in this document is intended
for informational purposes only and is subject to change without prior notice.
Coinspace Ltd. //
December 15th 2015

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  • 1. C O I N S P A C E O N E W O R L D , O N E C U R R E N C Y Coinspace Ltd. Product, Service and Business Plan Overview
  • 2. Coinspace Ltd. // Coinspace has its headquarters in Europe with worldwide operations. We focus on core markets such as South East Asia, Europe, India, Africa and South America. Seeing as our company is committed to growth, we are opening new regional offices worldwide. Your demand is a Coinspace command. To us, the success of our members is everything. We consider our members true partners in the business. We understand the unwavering c o m m i t m e n t required to build a solid organization. We believe in making things simple. This is why we focus on eliminating as many speed bumps as possible on your road to success. Our mission is to build real cryptocurrency value. This is achieved by creating three things: a buyer-driven trading volume with an exclusive commerce benefit, a highly usable coin, and an intelligent merchant program. Our goal is to provide you with a system that will help you establish the most useful and profitable coin possible: T h e S - C O I N Coinspace is a unique business opportunity and it is the only one of its kind. The c o n c e p t behind Coinspace is the result of the cryptocurrency boom. We offer amazing benefits for people who are looking for financial success and independence. This is why our services hold massive worldwide appeal. O u r m i s s i o n is to provide you with a mining service you can use for mining cryptocurrencies. We have taken great care in order to de-mystify the process of mining. This enables you to quickly master the skills required to start mining and making profit off of it without any prior experience. A B O U T C O I N S P A C E T H E C O I N S P A C E P H I L O S O P H Y O u r v i s o n i s “ O n e W o r l d , O n e C u r r e n c y ”
  • 3. Coinspace Ltd. // Coinspace provides you with a once in a lifetime opportunity. It revolutionizes the business world of today’s digital economy. We offer a h i g h - i n c o m e opportunity with an extensive b o n u s program connected to the best lifestyle awards. For the first time we offer the opportunity for y o u to become the owner of your own mining system. Thus far this system was only available to large enterprises and big investors. Our system for maximal contribution is only available to our members. This way, you can become the owner of several existing cryptocurrencies. Better yet, you can be one of the first users and supporters of the new currency S-coin. By becoming a member of our amazing business community, you will be able to learn about the S-coin b e f o r e i t s l a u n c h . This will give you the a d v a n t a g e of introducing it to your business partners as the new cryptocurrency of the future. It is an amazing opportunity to build your financial success and become one of the select few to achieve the greatest advantage of them all: o w n i n g t h e S - c o i n b e f o r e a n y b o d y e l s e ! O P P O R T U N I T Y We guarantee a minimal risk and maximum security due to the exclusivity of the S-coin in its pre-launch form. We guarantee you its value by mining several cryptocurrencies already on the market. We also took the precaution of making sure the S-coin w i l l n o t d r o p under a certain coin value. We will be able to do that by having a backup of the coin. H o w ? We will let that piece of information remain our confidential business secret until the S-coin’s official launch. While our unique system enables you to produce the cryptocurrency S-coin we secure your investment by mining other profitable cryptocurrencies in the background. We offer you the opportunity to start your own career with us. It is easy and simple. Tell the world about us and earn additional money easily and constantly. M a k e m o n e y n o w . We provide you with a personal customized money making program. New members gain access to several benefits. These benegits include cash rewards, a one-year contract, instant profits, no electricity costs, no hardware setup costs, and no maintenance costs. Moreover, we offer d i r e c t p a y m e n t s to your prepaid debit card. T h e f u t u r e i s i n y o u r h a n d s . W i t h u s , y o u a r e t h e c r e a t o r o f y o u r o w n S - c o i n m o n e y f o r y o u r f u t u r e .
  • 4. Coinspace Ltd. // On-site technicians ensure continuous monitoring and servicing of individual elements of the mining structure. We offer constant paybacks and professional support. The IT staff will carry out the mining for you. This way you can simply lay back and enjoy watching your investment increase. The process power and coins are sold on demand, typically by the minute or by the hour. We have a system that uses liquid cryptocurrencies for your fixed income. It is also able to get a large group of users supporting the same coin – S-coin. The S-coin will be launched when we achieve approximately 50.000 members. A large and stable group of users will make the new upcoming currency more secure, profitable, and valuable. We offer a unique mining system that will carry out the mining process on the most advanced and up-to-date devices, while you run errands or even while you sleep. D A I L Y M I N I N G , D A I L Y P R O F I T W h a t i s t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t f e a t u r e o f C o i n s p a c e ? This powerful, unique, and modern mining equipment is available to you at once. It is specialized for all cryptocurrencies with the highest value at that time. This way we minimise risks and increase security to the highest possible level for you. W e t a k e c a r e o f a l l t h e r e s t . T h e s y s t e m i s e l a s t i c : y o u c a n h a v e a s m u c h o r a s l i t t l e h a s h p o w e r ( a n d c o i n s a s a r e s u l t ) a s y o u w a n t a t a n y g i v e n t i m e . We provide you with the highest quality p e r s o n a l mining service. We are developing the best software and hardware so that we can offer you the most profitable mining. We combine cutting-edge hardware with s i m p l e and easy-to-understand mining contracts to bring you the most advanced mining solution available on the market. All pool, electricity and maintenance fees are included in the price. Y o u c h o o s e how much mining (hash) power you want and with it how big your daily money production will be. We supply the hardware, hosting and maintenance for you to start e a r n i n g i m m e d i a t e l y . M I N I N G
  • 5. Coinspace Ltd. // Cryptocurrencies are based on trust and transparency. The block-chain transparency system enables you an oversight of where your S-coin came from, as well as the possibility to track its every single move along the chain, all the way back to the moment of its creation. However, since the transactions are completely anonymous, all your personal information remains hidden L o w o r n o f e e s : Very low or non-existent fees in comparison to FIAT for worldwide transactions. Transactions in cryptocurrencies are cheaper than any other type of transaction known to us R i s k f r e e : Users need only secure their private keys. This can be done digitally, physically or even both. Cryptocurrencies are the currencies of the future technological era H i g h e r l i q u i d i t y : Funds are transferred with a single click, which means that your money is immediately accessible on your account. E a s y p a y : Fast and instant payments granting you the ultimate power of choice S e c u r e p a y : Risk free for users, secure and anonymous transactions F a s t p a y : Instant payment around the world. Much faster than standard means of payment T r a n s p a r e n c y : You can see every single transaction in a block-chain application F E A T U R E S a n d A D V A N T A G E S COINSPACE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Stage 1 Up to 50.000 members Stage 2 releasing S-coin, merchant program, exchange Stage 3 The S-coin as a widespread method of payment COINSPACE F e w e r r i s k s f o r m e r c h a n t s : Merchants are protected from potential losses that might occur due to fraud. No chargebacks! F r e e d o m i n p a y m e n t : Cryptocurrencies behave a lot like cash. Transfers are simple and fast worldwide. Classifications can differ, but at the end of the day, you can buy anything, from a cup of coffee to a car C o n t r o l a n d S e c u r i t y : Users are in control of their transactions. This provides security for both the cryptocurrency and its network of users
  • 6. Coinspace Ltd. // We provide everybody with both access to the industry of virtual currency as well as the understanding of it. This is how we use our unique system to make profit. Learn the secrets of trading, investing and profiting from cryptocurrency with our help. We strive to bring you the ultimate system of cryptocurrency and the best part is: our company takes care of everything. We provide you with state of the art software and hardware to make production most profitable. We hire people to service and manage your moneymaking machine and pay for all the expenses. All this just for a one-time payment of your package. The value of cryptocurrencies depends on the supply and demand. T h i s t y p e o f c u r r e n c y t e n d s t o g a i n v a l u e d u e t o t h e f i n i t e n u m b e r o f c o i n s t h a t w i l l b e p r o d u c e d i n t o t a l . This means that there is a limited number of coins available while the number of users increases. Whether your investment is as small as 150€ or as big as 120.000€ is irrelevant. Our unique formula will give all our members the same options and the same amazing results. Our company is not looking for short-term profit. We spent one and a half years, learning, researching and developing. It was not until the last couple of months that we have begun marketing our idea. Instead of a short-term profit, we are interested in l o n g - t e r m s u s t a i n a b i l i t y . We look for the best and simplest way of delivering a new overall usable payment method and profit in the long run. S - C O I N W e d e v e l o p e d S - c o i n e x c l u s i v e l y b e c a u s e w e w a n t a b e t t e r w o r l d f o r u s a l l .
  • 7. Coinspace Ltd. // P A C K A G E S We offer completely automatic Coinspace b e g i n n e r p a c k a g e s so that you can get started even without any prior experiences or technical abilities. Join our dedicated team of distributors by choosing a package below and start mining your own coins within minutes! We offer o n e - c l i c k cryptocurrency mining packages with our mining service. Regardless of your technical abilities, you can enter this amazing booming market and build your very own home business. Coinspace offers you a complete “ t u r n - k e y ” s o l u t i o n to capitalize on the incredible income producing opportunity that cryptocurrency provides. Each of our packages has an assigned volume value. Members earn volume through their business group sales. All volume, no matter how it was generated, is referred to as L i f e t i m e T o t a l V o l u m e . Commissions are paid weekly. Money is deposited directly into your e-Wallet account. All monetary value is in EUR. For more details, please contact our Coinspace Support Team at . B U S I N E S S P L A N W h a t i s t h e S - c o i n ? The future S-coin is a digital internet currency that uses peer-to-peer technology. The network is decentralized and free from any central authorities. Individuals can securely transfer payments to friends and family quickly all around the world with little to no cost. S-coin uses the latest technologies to process transactions quickly and efficiently with a new blend of CPU / GPU and POW / POS logic at the right time. There will be a limited supply of coins, no inflation, a higher and higher demand every day, a constant growth in value, a decentralized system independent from central authority, peer to peer technology supporting the network of computers – a highly encrypted, secure, and transparent protocol with blockchain technology! This is the revo- lution in payment systems. It is the next big step for mankind and the most important invention since the internet. Not only will it provide easy and fast worldwide transactions with next to zero fees, but it will also allow more than 2,5 billion under-banked people to download their digital wallet and start using it as a bank account on their mobile phones. It is like having a personal bank account. It is free and can be used to start making transactions worldwide using cryptocurrency - the future is your decision. The mission is building a real cryptocurrency value by creating a b u y e r - d r i v e n t r a d i n g volume with an exclusive commerce benefit. The S-coin has t w o k e y d i s t i n c t i o n s from all other crypto currencies. First is an exclusive commerce benefit for people to buy and use the S-coin to make purchases. The second is a leveraged marketing force to promote the S-coin and establish the commerce network. A n y o n e can use our mining service and support us while earning in the biggest world story.
  • 8. STARTER KIT POSITION PACKAGE PRICE 0€ POINTS 0 BINARY 0€ DIRECT COMMISSION 0€ (12%)/(20%) TOTAL 0€ BASIC MINE PRICE 700€ POINTS 120 BINARY 60€ DIRECT COMMISSION 84€/140€ (12%)/(20%) TOTAL 144€ FULL MINE PRICE 6.000€ POINTS 1.000 BINARY 500€ DIRECT COMMISSION 720€/1.200€ (12%)/(20%) TOTAL 1.220€ DOUBLE MINE PRICE POINTS BINARY DIRECT COMMISSION (12%)/(20%) TOTAL 12.000€ 2.000 1.000€ 1.440€/2.400€ 2.440€ 24.000€ 4.000 2.000€ 2.880€/4.800€ 4.880€ ULTIMATE MINE PRICE POINTS BINARY DIRECT COMMISSION (12%)/(20%) TOTAL QUARTER MINE PRICE 1.500€ POINTS 250 BINARY 125€ DIRECT COMMISSION 180€/300€ (12%)/(20%) TOTAL 305€ HALF MINE PRICE 3.000€ POINTS 500 BINARY 250€ DIRECT COMMISSION 360€/600€ (12%)/(20%) TOTAL 610€ MINIMUM MINE PRICE 300€ POINTS 50 BINARY 25€ DIRECT COMMISSION 36€/60€ (12%)/(20%) TOTAL 61€ 30 coins / 2,4 per day15 coins / 1 per day 100 coins / 5,5 per day 250 coins / 12 per day 500 coins / 24 per day 1.000 coins / 48 per day 2.000 coins / 100 per day 8.000 coins / 200 per day MICRO MINE PRICE 150€ POINTS 20 BINARY 10€ DIRECT COMMISSION 18€/30€ (12%)/(20%) TOTAL 28€ C O I N S P A C E P A C K A G E S
  • 9. Coinspace Ltd. // More details: D I R E C T C O M M I S S I O N S a r e O P E N 1 2 % the 45 day challenge (20% direct commission) begins on the day of your enrollment into the system if upgraded to any Business package (minimum mine or higher) you start earning 20% direct commission till your initial 45 day period expires This bonus rewards you for sponsoring leaders B I N A R Y C O M M I S S I O N S a r e L O C K E D Binary commissions are locked until you upgrade to any of the Coinspace Business Packages. Binary volume is accumulated for a period of 60 days and it will remain there after the 60 day period if a member purchases a package of MICRO MINE or greater within that period. It can also be paid out before or after the period when a member becomes FULLY QUALIFIED ACTIVE MEMBER I N A C T I V E P O S I T I O N : Once the position goes INACTIVE a member can activate it by purchasing a package of minimum 6000 € (Full Mine Package) 6 0 D A Y S A C T I V A T I O N P E R I O D R U L E Members with the FREE POSITION package must upgrade their package within 60 days after the date of their enrollment. Members have the option to buy any Coinspace business package (Minimum Mine or higher), otherwise all the accumulated points in binary within their first 60 days will be erased! Member status is changed to inactive after 60 days if the FREE POSITION has not been upgraded to any of Coinspace’s business packages. Access to the online backoffice is allowed for a 60 day period. After 60 days the backoffice will be closed down unless the FREE POSITION is upgraded to any of Coinspace’s business packages (Minimum Mine or higher). The FREE POSITION Package does not include the Coinspace Mining Service. By starting with the FREE POSITION Package, members do not have any monthly fixed income. * UPGRADE Upgrade to any of Coinspace’s business packages. There is a possibility for members to upgrade the FREE POSITION Package by buying any of Coinspace’s business packages (Minimum Mine or higher) in their Backoffice Shop. 0 EUR (0 BV) Includes 60 days access to the distributor’s Backoffice Single bonus: *Direct commission on all your personally sponsored members Possibility to *Upgrade option (buy business package) NO binary commissions Coinspace mining service is not included /NO fixed monthly income Coinspace mining contract is not included POSITION PACKAGE U P G R A D E F R E E P O S I T I O N P A C K A G E
  • 10. Coinspace Ltd. // • Includes access to the distributor’s Backoffice • 365 days active-status • Includes Coinspace mining service • One year mining contract • Mining operations • Project Shares (quarter mine or higher) • »Crypto money maker« device : Software that allows you to mine multiple digital currencies and enables you to obtain the new cryptocurrency S-coin before its launch • Full access to trading opportunities • Includes all bonuses • A system to improve your financial wellbeing M I N I M U M M I N E : 300 € (50 points) Bronze Series Held Coins: 30 Mining: 2,4 coins/day M I C R O M I N E : 150 € (20 points) Bronze Series Held Coins: 15 Mining: 1,0 coins/day B A S I C M I N E : 700 € (120 points) Bronze Series Held Coins: 100 Mining: 5,5 coins/day Q U A R T E R M I N E : 1.500 € (250 points) Silver Series Held Coins: 250 Mining: 12 coins/day Project Share: +1 F U L L M I N E : 6.000 € (1.000 points) Gold Series Held Coins: 1.000 Mining: 48 coins/day Project Share: +5 H A L F M I N E : 3.000 € (500 poins) Silver Series - Held Coins: 500 - Mining: 24 coins/day - Project Share: +3 U L T I M A T E M I N E : 24.000 € (4.000 points) Black Series Held Coins: 8.000 Mining: 200 coins/day Project Share: +30 MERCHANT PRIORITY D O U B L E M I N E : 12.000 € (2.000 points) Gold Series Held Coins: 2.000 Mining: 100 coins/day Project Share: +12 CO-FOUNDER PACKAGE Package for the largest volume investment opportunity Coinspace Co-Founders Club Members Exclusive Benefits and Rewards! Double mine(3%) and Ultimate mine(2x3%) E x c l u s i v e O N L Y 1 5 0 C O - F O U N D E R p a c k a g e s a v a i l a b l e f o r e v e r y c o n t i n e n t GOOD TO KNOW Why is it good to start with either the Minimum Mine (300€) or a greater package to become a FULLY QUALIFIED MEMBER IMMEDIATELY Packages 0eur - 12% / no mining 150eur - 12% / mining 300eur - 20% / mining B U S I N E S S P A C K A G E S HALF MINE FULL MINE DOUBLE MINE ULTIMATE MINE MICRO MINE BASIC MINE MINIMUM MINE QUARTER MINE
  • 11. Coinspace Ltd. // O N L Y 1 5 0 C O - F O U N D E R P A C K A G E S A V A I L A B L E F O R E V E R Y C O N T I N E N T ! If you buy the Double Mine Package or the Ultimate Mine Package, you are entitled to an a d d i t i o n a l a n n u a l p r o f i t . The additional profit for the Double Mine gives you one share out of the 30% from 3% of overall annual turnover volume in EUR The additional profit for the Ultimate Mine gives you two shares out of the 35% from 3% of overall annual turnover volume in EUR The first 150 Co-Founders from each continent will receive a share out of the 3 % o f t h e c o m p a n y ’ s a n - n u a l p r o f i t . Co-Founders are people who will buy Double or Ultimate Mine. Each year we will divide that additional profit to the same 150 Co-founders from each continent. Each Co-Founder can buy more than 1 package for one position/account. If one Co-Founder has more than one Double or Ultimate Mine, the total number of Co-Founders will not change, but we will simply give that person more shares. 1 5 0 a c c o u n t s / p o s i t i o n s p e r c o n t i n e n t = 1 5 0 C o - F o u n d e r s p e r C o n t i n e n t 65% from 3% of the company’s annual profit will be divided between 150 Co-Founders from each continent e v e r y J a n u a r y for the past year. Example: 150 Co-Founders on your continent All together they have 160 Double Mines and 20 Ultimate Mines, which means 160 shares + 40 shares equals 200 shares. These 200 shares are property of 150 Co-Founders. Assuming that 65% from 3% of the company’s annual profit is 1,000,000 €, which is then divided between 150 people. This amount will be divided among 200 shares, 160 Double Mine shares and 40 Ultimate Mine shares. If you purchased the Double Mine, your additional annual profit would be 1,875 €. If you purchased the Ultimate Mine, your additional annual profit would be 8,750 €. C O - F O U N D E R P O S I T I O N Any earnings or success you achieve will vary according to the geographical location, time, and effort applied to your particular business and is not guaranteed by COINSPACE, management, staff or member.
  • 12. Coinspace Ltd. // C O I N S P A C E - e x t r a s • WITHOUT MONTHLY ACTIVATION • No monthly quality rank volume is required to achieve any Coinspace rank • Binary points are accumulating lifetime, weaker and power side • No recruiting necessary (optionally for investors) • Every 14th and 28th day of the month members will be paid out with a fixed income (if members decide to sell coins back to the company per fixed guaranteed price of 0.50€/coin) • Selling coins back to the company is available until the launch of the S-coin (50,000 members in Coinspace). • Earn 50% of the profit by selling coins back to the company within the one year mining contract (Coinspace Mining Service) • The possibility of earning 200% or more by waiting for the S-coin to launch (upon reaching 50,000 members in Coinspace). The value of the S-coin at the moment of its launch will be a minimum of 1€/coin. • A fixed amount of coins obtained daily through the mining production will only be available until the S-coin is publicly released into the network. So, start now and make the most out of mining. The sooner you start the more coins you will be able to obtain. And the greater amount of coins you have in your possession the more assets you will have at your disposal. Therefore it is important that you start immediately. The moment the s-coin is released into the network, the open exchange on the market will begin, which means an open supply and demand. Mining will become increasingly difficult, because the daily reward (consisting of an unchanged number of coins) will be divided between more and more users every day. As a result, daily production will start decreasing but the price of the coin will sky-rocket. Once you grasp this concept, you can understand why it is so important to start sooner rather than later. L I F E T I M E E L I G I B I L I T Y I N T H E E X C L U S I V E W O R L D R E V E N U E C O I N S P A C E C O - F O U N D E R P O O L (3% of the World Pool of the company’s entire turnover volume will be paid out every year (in January) to a maximum of 150 Coinspace Co-Founder members per continent. The first World Pool share will be paid out on January 2017) T H E R E C O G N I T I O N A S A V I S I O N A R Y A N D F O U N D I N G M E M B E R O F C O I N S P A C E H O N O R E D W I T H T H E E X P L U S I V E C O I N S P A C E C O - F O U N D E R P R O G R A M C O I N S P A C E E X T R A S C O I N S P A C E M I N I N G S E R V I C E Any earnings or success you achieve will vary according to the geographical location, time, and effort applied to your particular business and is not guaranteed by COINSPACE, management, staff or member.
  • 13. C O I N S P A C E TOTAL COINS 365 days START VALUE 0.5 € LAUNCH VALUE 1 € MARKET VALUE 3 € MARKET VALUE 10 € MARKET VALUE 100 € 150 € 375 € 187.5 € 375 € 1,125 € 3,750 € 37,500 € HELD 15 PER DAY 1 300 € 906 € 453 € 906 € 2,718 € 9,060 € 90,600 € HELD 30 PER DAY 2.4 700 € 2,107.5 € 1,053.75 € 2,107.5 € 6,322.5 € 21,075 € 210,750 € HELD 100 PER DAY 5.5 1,500 € 4,630 € 2,315 € 4,630 € 13,890 € 46,300 € 463,000 € HELD 250 PER DAY 12 3,000 € 9,260 € 4,630 € 9,260 € 27,780 € 92,600 € 926,000 € HELD 500 PER DAY 24 6,000 € 18,520 € 9,260 € 18,520 € 55,560 € 185,200 € 1,852.000 € HELD 1,000 PER DAY 48 12,000 € 38,500 € 19,250 € 38,500 € 115,500 € 385,000 € 3,850.000 € HELD 2,000 PER DAY 100 24,000 € 83,000 € 41,500 € 83,000 € 249,000 € 830,000 € 8,300.000 € HELD 8,000 PER DAY 200 E S T I M A T E D A S S E T G R O W T H Coinspace Ltd. // The fixed daily production of coins is only valid until S-coin is officially launched. After the launch daily mining - daily coin production - will vary according to the S-coin network and hash power on the S-coin (members mining). At its launch the value of the S-coin is minimum doubled which means that the profit per licence is maintained at a minimum of 50% or more.
  • 14. M a t c h i n g b o n u s : You can earn up to 10% of the binary commissions of your personally sponsored members and up to 20% on up to 2 generations in your downline. Purchase the Silver Series or the Gold Series and start earning 10% or more from day 1. D i r e c t c o m m i s s i o n ( f a s t s t a r t b o n u s ) ( 1 2 % / 2 0 % ) : You can earn a Direct Commission every time you personally sponsor a member with a business package. You must be active with your starter kit or be in the system with your Coinspace Business Package. Your commissions are daily, but paid weekly immediately into your e-Wallet. B i n a r y c o m m i s s i o n ( 5 0 % ) : Earn up to 1 200 000 € a month by receiving up to 50% on the volume in your weaker leg to unlimited depth. Everyone in your binary structure counts towards your commissionable volume, even people placed under you. You must personally enroll and maintain 2 active members with business packages, 1 on your left side and 1 on your right side, to qualify for an Active Member and all your binary commissions. The commissions are based on the package points, which are accumulated over a lifetime and are shown daily. Like before, they are paid weekly. We have a Cap Rule, which is the highest payout of binary per day and it depends on your career rank. € 1. generation 2. generation 3. generation 150 € x x x Bronze series 300 € x x x Bronze series 700 € x x x Bronze series 1,500 € 10 % x x Silver series 3,000 € 10 % 10 % x Silver series 6,000 € 10 % 10 % 10 % Gold series 12,000 € 10 % 20 % 20 % Gold series 24,000 € 10 % 20 % 20 % Black series R E C O G N I T I O N A N D P R I Z E A W A R D S Coinspace Ltd. //
  • 15. Coinspace Ltd. // 4 5 d a y c h a l l e n g e : Every time you personally sponsor a member with a Business Package within your first 45 days from he day of your enrollment on. You must be a member and must have purchased a Coinspace Business Package (Minimum Mine or higher) to do so. M i n i n g c o m m i s s i o n s : Are proof of service from your computer’s power in mining operations on a daily basis (which depends on the Business Package). Mining commissions are paid every 14th and 28th day in every calendar month for the duration of one year, if a member decides to sell the coins he produced in that period. You can decide on your own whether you want to sell the coins back to the company every month (50% yearly profit) or decide to wait with your coins until the launch of the S-coin before selling or using them at a much higher price on the market. P a s s i v e i n c o m e 3 6 5 R e n e w a l : is a renewal of your computer’s mining power, mining technology, hardware and software upgrade. All Coinspace Business packages have to be renewed every year if members want to receive monthly commissions (daily production of coins) from Coinspace’s mining service in their second year as well. 365 Renewal generates new business volume points into the binary system. Coinspace Ltd. //
  • 16. Coinspace Ltd. // An automatic, weekly purchase of coins helps support both the network as well as the value of the coin by maintaining a constant demand for more coins from already-existing members. 25% of all commissions earned through network building are invested directly into the mandatory automatic purchase (mandatory purchase) of coins. Until the S-coin is officially launched the Coins are bought automatically at a fixed price of 0.5 € per Coin and assigned to your Held Account. After the S-coin is officially launched you can use the money intended for the Mandatory buy to buy coins at market value at any given time. E x a m p l e You earn 1000€ in a week: 75% of the money is transferred to your Cash Account while 25% of the money is invested into your Mandatory buy. In other words you receive 750 € directly onto your Cash Account and the remaining 250€ is used to buy 500 Coins (worth 0.5 € each). The purchased coins are transferred to your Held Account. After the official launch of the S-Coin the coins in your Held Account will be released E a r n 1 . 0 0 0 € b u t g e t v a l u e o f 1 . 2 5 0 € n o w ! T h i s m e a n s t h a t : by earning 1000 € you immediately receive 750 € as well as 500 coins. These coins can later be cashed in for 1€ or more per coin. This means that you can earn an additional 500 € or more (depending on the market value of the coins at the time they are sold). Your weekly income thus amounts to even more than 1000 €: more specifically your weekly income is at the very least 25% higher. This means that you actually earn 1250 € or more. M A N D A T O R Y B U Y
  • 17. P R O J E C T S H A R E 5 0 % / 5 0 % C O M P A N Y M E M B E R S P R O J E C T S H A R E S PROJECT SHARE With our project share opportunity, users profit every single day, outside of mining. Members are eligible for ownership and profits of all our crypto projects, including and not limited to mining and development projects. Shares were included in addition to Coinspace’s mining product so that we can guarantee a constant monthly income and pay monthly income back to our members out from Coinspace services. Every single new Coinspace member will receive project shares in proportion to the Coinspace Business Package, which was bought upon enrollment day (Quarter Mine or higher). First project shares are estimated to go live after the launch of Scoin Coinspace Ltd. //
  • 18. Coinspace Ltd. // C O I N S P A C E E x a m p l e : If we assume that Coinspace made 100,000 € of profit from transaction fees this month: 50% goes to Coinspace, the other 50% (50,000 €) goes to the users with project shares. Let’s say that 70 users have business packages with project shares included and they have all together 140 project shares. When 50,000 € is divided by 140 shares this equals 357€/share, and this is the value of one share in that particular month. So if you have a package of 1,500 € with + 1 project share you will receive additional 35.7 € in earnings at the end of your license. If you have a package of Double Mine 12,000 € with 12 + project shares, you earn 12 x 357 € = 4,284 € this month T H A T ’ S J U S T A M O N T H ’ S W O R T H O F E A R N I N G S ! Buying bigger packages is absolutely W O R T H I T ! Every year, there will be more and more transactions inside the S-coin community, so project shares will go up! The best part of this system is that we are all aiming towards t h e s a m e g o a l : both the Company and the users all want to have more users and more transactions in the network. This makes this system and your investment safe and profitable! F i r s t s h a r e s : Everyone who is registered as a Coinspace member with the Coinspace Business package (Quarter Mine or high- er) has a project share option included. This is calculated in your monthly income from Coinspace Service. First shares will come from Coinspace Exchange Free during the first phase where Coinspace members decide to sell their monthly production of coins back to the company at a fixed price with a approx. 5% fee for every transaction. Those shares are not specifically marked on the platform but are calculated in addition to your monthly income. N e x t s h a r e s : members receive next shares from all new following projects. The percentage will depend upon their Coinspace Busi- ness Package. E x a m p l e : John has been enrolled on 1st of January, 2016. The new project ends on 2nd January, 2016, so John is entitled to the division of shares in his platform. Another project was completed 30th of December, 2015. Because John was not enrolled in the system up to that date, he is not entitled to the shares. As we grow and develop we will gladly invite you to work with us on more projects and to contribute to developing more ways of achieving financial success. Right now we are working on many great ideas and concepts that will be revealed in time. Coinspace will have several different applications such as lottery, casino, online shopping and other gaming platform portals, plus a merchant program, where users can spend their coins. Every single usage of coin will have a very small fee. We will sum all the fees from all the applications and the whole turnover in € will be divided between the company and the users, where the company will take 50% of the profit of all transaction fees and the other 50% will be divided between all the users who have profit shares in their business packages. O T H E R P R O J E C T S Any earnings or success you achieve will vary according to the geographical location, time, and effort applied to your particular business and is not guaranteed by COINSPACE, management, staff or member.
  • 19. Coinspace Ltd. // You begin at rank of associate member after purchasing a C o i n s p a c e B u s i n e s s P a c k a g e . You will be able to advance to a higher rank later on after you reach it with the help of your team. This is called the “ L i f e t i m e ” Rank. Commissions and awards are determined by the level of qualifications you meet. This is called the “ P a i d A s ” Rank. R e q u i r e m e n t s i f M e m b e r w a n t s t o a c h i e v e a n y o f t h e C o i n s p a c e r a n k s : • Enough points in weaker side • 1 or 2 personally sponsored members who have reached the required qualification rank in your sponsor or power leg • Recognitions will be given away at Coinspace events • Prize awards as S-coins will be loaded into the e-Wallet after achieving the required rank • Awards connected to the Apple Program will be given away at Coinspace events • Awards connected to the Car Program and Incentive trips will be presented at Coinspace events, where Members have to fill up required documentation after the Event for them to receive their award by formal steps • Awards for all achievers will be given away on Coinspace convention or event R A N K Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S RANK POINTS (lifetime volume in lesser side) QUALIFICATIONS (power leg) AWARD PROGRAM CAP RULE (binary) ASSOCIATE MEMBER bought a Coinspace business package bought a Coinspace busi- ness package Direct Commission ACTIVE MEMBER active binary 50 / 50 1 left / 1 right Recognition – Future leader 1,000 € / day ACHIEVER 500 1 left / 1 right Recognition - Pin 1,000 € / day BUILDER 1,000 1 left / 1 right Recognition - Pin 1,000 € / day MASTER 3,000 1 left / 1 right Recognition - Pin 1,000 € / day COORDINATOR 6,000 1 left / 1 right (300 career coins) 1,000 € / day TEAM LEADER 12,000 1x ACTIVE MEMBER iPad mini (600 career coins) 2,000 € / day SUPERVISOR 36,000 2x ACTIVE MEMBER iPhone + Car BMW 1 (6 months) (1,800 career coins) 3,000 € / day EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 120,000 2x COORDINATOR MacBook air Car BMW 3 / BMW 4 (6 months) (6,000 career coins) 5,000 € / day DIAMOND 300,000 1x TEAM LEADER 1x SUPERVISOR Luxury Diamond trip + Rolex watch + Car BMW 5 / X5 (12 months) (15,000 career coins) 8,000 € / day BLUE DIAMOND 500,000 2x SUPERVISOR Blue Diamond luxury trip + Car BMW 6 / 7 / X6 (12 months) (25,000 career coins) 10,000 € / day BLACK DIAMOND 1,000,000 1x SUPERVISOR 1x EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Black Diamond luxury trip + Car BMW i8 / Tesla / Maserati / Porsche (12 months) (50,000 career coins) 15,000 € / day ROYAL DIAMOND 2,500,000 2X EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Royal Diamond luxury trip + ITS YOUR CAR (i8 / Tesla / Maserati / Porsche) (125,000 career coins) 20,000 € / day CROWN D. 5,000,000 1X DIAMOND 1X BLUE DIAMOND Royal Diamond luxury trip + ITS YOUR CAR (i8 / Tesla / Maserati / Porsche) (125,000 career coins) 25,000 € / day CROWN AMBASSADOR 10,000,000 2X BLACK DIAMOND LUXURY TROPICAL VILLA WITH LIMITLESS POOL OCEAN VIEW AND PRIVATE BEACH (500,000 career coins) 40,000 € / day Any earnings or success you achieve will vary according to the geographical location, time, and effort applied to your particular business and is not guaranteed by COINSPACE, management, staff or member.
  • 20. Coinspace Ltd. // We believe that the best company promotion and excitement for our members is the Car Program. BMW is the car we believe our Members deserve upon hitting the required rank. The program is completely free, as we know that hard work and dedication must result in the greatest of pleasures. • 6 and 12 months BMW or similar contract for the Car Program • The member must achieve the next higher rank within 6 months to receive a better car, otherwise the member is required to return the car. • Optional: The Member can keep the car for more than 6 months without achieving the next higher rank, if they pay the company a monthly fee for the Car Program on their own until they achieve the next required rank and thus qualify for a new 6 or 12-month contract. • Upon achieving the next required rank, the Member will receive the new car. • 6 month contract: Supervisor, Executive director • 12 month contract: Diamond, Blue Diamond, Black Diamond • BMW, Maserati, Porsche, Tesla: Royal Diamond • Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley: Crown Diamond T r i p s a n d i n c e n t i v e s : As you achieve success in our Coinspace program, you become eligible for special recognition and awards such as all-expences-paid-for reward trips to some of the world’s most exciting and exotic destinations. We believe that rewarding peple for their success results in them continuously achieving the same excellent (if not even better) results, so get ready to be spoiled! C A R P R O G R A M Car program is subject to geographical availability
  • 21. Coinspace Ltd. // C O I N S P A C E 3 % G L O B A L B O N U S P O O L Coinspace will give away 3% of its turnover volume in EUR to those Members who achieve a certain Black Dia- mond rule, Crown Ambassador rank, and to the members who purchase the CoFounder package • All Members who achieve a 5% World Pool (5 Black Diamond lines in their small team) will receive a share out of the 5% of the overall turnover in EUR. The total turnover of the 5% of the World Pool is shared betwen all members who reach the goal of 5 Diamond lines. • All Members who achieve 5 Black Diamond lines in each team will receive a share out of the 3% of the World Pool. The total turnover of 10% out of all 3% of the World Pool is shared between these members in EUR. • Black Diamond members do not need to be your personally sponsored members, they just have to be in your downline. • All members who achieve the rank of Crown Ambassador will receive a share out of the 3% of the World Pool. The total turnover of 20% of all 3% of the World Pool is shared between these members in EUR. • All members who purchase the 12,000 € Double Mine CoFounder package will receive a share out of the 3% of the World Pol. The total turnover of 30% out of all 3% of the World Pool is shared between these members in EUR. • All members who purchase the 24.000 € Ultimate Mine CoFounder package will receive a share out of the 3% of the World Pool. The total turnover of 30% out of all 3% of the World Pool is shared between these members in EUR. GLOBAL BONUS POOL PAID AS Ultimate Mine Double Mine 5 Black lines in small team 5 Black lines in each team Crown Ambassador 3% of total World Pool 35% 30% 5% 10% 20%
  • 22. We developed this compensation plan to be one of the most lucrative and fair plans ever created. With the help of l e a d i n g e x p e r t s with decades of ownership and worldwide distributer experience, every single component of this plan has been precisely engineered to work s m o o t h l y . This c o l l e c t i v e effort helps create something much more powerful than would be possible if attempted by a single individual. We achieve this by always doing the right thing and treating our people with r e s p e c t at all times. Compensation plan encourages and rewards specific behavior: • Personally purchasing products or services • Selling to new distributors • Introducing the income opportunity to others (sponsoring, enrolling) • Building a team • Training, supporting others C r e a t i n g t h e l i f e y o u w a n t a n d d e s e r v e i s n ’ t j u s t a b o u t b u i l d i n g a b u s i n e s s o f y o u r o w n , b u t t h e f r e e d o m t h a t c o m e s w i t h i t . T h i s m e a n s t h a t y o u s h o u l d e x p e r i e n c e b o t h f i n a n c i a l f r e e d o m a s w e l l a s t h e f r e e d o m t o d o w h a t y o u a r e p a s s i o n a t e a b o u t C A R E E R P A T H 50.000 members COINSPACE FORMULATION CONCENTRATION 90% SUCCESS IS TIMING AND POSITIONING MOMENTUM STABILIZATION JOIN IN THE TOP 1% LAUNCH S-COIN 0.5€ 1€ 3€ 10€ 50€ 100€ 400€ Coinspace can not be held liable for typographical errors. Information provided in this document is intended for informational purposes only and is subject to change without prior notice. Coinspace Ltd. // December 15th 2015