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Measurement and Statistics
Student Name:
Institution Name:
Instructor Name:
Submission Date:
There is excessive use of internet today both by the old and the
young. It common to see people spending most of their time
behind computers or using their mobile phones browsing the
internet and assessing social media. Internet is beneficial for
various reasons such as entertainment, social interaction,
education and even work. There have been concerns as to
whether this excessive use of internet by individuals has a
negative impact on their psychological health. Some of the
aspects that internet has been seen to affect one’s psychological
health include; anxiety, sleep, stress, depression and even social
life. Some researchers have conducted studies which link
excessive use of internet to extreme cases of low self-esteem
and suicidal thoughts. The focus of this paper is to analyze the
statistics and measurements that will be used in the research
which will be conducted to confirm if excessive internet use has
a negative impact on psychological health.
Type of Research
The research to find out if excessive use of internet affects
psychological health will be quantitative. This is where the
variables will be assigned numerical date in scales and during
data collection. After obtaining results from the date collection
process, the collected data will be analyzed using various
statistical analysis tests. The use of quantitative research in this
case will be important to the test in various ways. Quantitative
research tends to be more objective and reliable compared to
qualitative research (Balnaves, 2001). It is also significant as
statistics can be used to conclude a finding. The complex
problem in a research study can be restructured and reduced to a
smaller number of variables. It also focusses association and
relationship between variables and can describe cause and effect
easily. After results have been analyzed, quantitative research
can easily test hypothesis and theories. It is important through
its assumption that a sample represents the whole population.
There is less recognition of the researcher’s subjectivity and
therefore there is less biasness in this kind of research.
The qualitative study will be relational as it will analyze
the relationship between various variables. There will be
collection of data among university students who will be
selected randomly and they will fill a questionnaire. The
variables in the research study can be generally divided into two
categories; internet use and psychological health. The data on
internet use will be collected using Online Cognition Scale
(OCS) while the psychological state which will comprise
depression, anxiety and stress will be collected using DSSS.
The will be comparison between internet use and each
component of psychological state will be analyzed. The
variables in this case will be more of ordinal, this is because
although they could be categorical, they are ordered in the
respective scales used in the study.
Reliability of the research study will be determined using
parallel forms. In this case there will be clarity on whether there
is consistency in the different forms of measure. This test will
therefore ensure that the correct measure is adopted in
measuring the various variables (Salkind, 2012). If the outcome
of the reliability test will be high then it is will be a clear
indication that the different forms of measures can be used in
measuring the behaviors. The measures for the various variables
will be subjected to this test.
It will be important to conduct a validity test for the measures
that will be used in the research study. This kind of test is
important in establishing whether the test adopted for every
variable is appropriate (Salkind, 2012). The kind of validity
test that will be applicable to the research study is construct
validity test. It will be able to confirm whether the test adopted
measures the underlying variables appropriately. This test will
be conducted by comparing the tests used in the research study
to others that have been proved to be effective measures for the
given variables.
Methods of Measurement
The method of data collection that will be adopted in the
research will be a use of questionnaire that will be presented.
The students will be invited to take part in the study through
emails and then they will be randomly selected with a
consideration of gender, the sample should have 50% of both
males and females. Collection of this data will be done in a
systematic way as follows. The forms will be first developed
and it will contain all the information that will be needed to
collect sufficient data on the variables under study. For easy
analysis of the data, there will be coding, this will be done
before the actual data collection in order to get sufficient
information for the coding itself. Actual collection of data will
done online, however the process will be timed and the
participants will be given a period of two days and they can
complete the questionnaire at their own convenient time so long
as it is within the set period. To ensure that the participants
have almost the same environment as much as possible, they
will be advised to complete the questionnaire early in the
morning when the mind is still fresh. In addition, to ensure that
results have less impact from external factors, participants will
be advised to complete the questionnaire in a place with fewer
interruptions so that they can give accurate responses.
After collection of data, it will be compiled and entered
into SPSS for analysis. This process will be checked and even
have another person to double check it, this is to ensure that
there will be correct data for analysis. Inaccurate data will mean
that the whole process is wrong and therefore invalid. Although
human error can occur in any stage of a research study, the most
sensitive one is on data entry and thus requires a lot of attention
(Salkind, 2012). It would be recommendable to transfer data
electronically from the questionnaire to SPSS if it was possible.
Data Analysis
Various analysis tests will be conducted to confirm whether the
set hypothesis is right or wrong. In our case, the data analysis
done on the collected data will be able to confirm if it is true
that excessive internet use or internet addiction can negatively
affect one’s psychological health in terms of anxiety, depression
and stress. Descriptive statistics will be applied mainly in the
research study. This will be important as it will be able to give
a clear picture on the characteristics of the collected date. For
instance, from our research study, it can be easily established
the average score of each variable such as anxiety and
depression among others. Variability measures can also be used
and this will be important for the research study as it will
explain the way in which data has been dispersed. From the
respective chosen scales for the variables, it will be clear
whether most participants either up or down in the scale.
Standard deviation on the research study will be able to indicate
the variation of every score from the mean (Miles, 2014). This
variation will be important in comparing other score and
particularly for the general student population.
The data will also be subjected to statistical tests in form
of significance tests for analysis. There will be use of a t test
and this will be used to compare difference between males and
females in regards to how they are psychologically affected.
Using the t-test will be able to explain if either males or
females are affected more by internet addiction. Since the
research study involve multiple variables, Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) will be used in analysis of the variables.
Interpretation of Results
Results interpretation will be found in the discussion part of the
research. It is important to interpret the analyzed data for it to
have meaning to any other reader. Presentation of data in the
analyzed form does not have any meaning as it may appear
technical to other people. Interpretation of data should answer
the questions in the research study. Interpretation of results will
therefore make them have meaning. It should be able to explain
how the research will be important. For instance in the research
study, if the results will indicate that excessive internet leads to
depression, at this level it does not make any meaning. It will
be more meaningful if this can be applied to real life. It would
make more sense if the results are interpreted that students
should avoid excessive internet use in order to avoid getting
Protection of Data and Ethics
It is important for any researcher to consider issues on data
protection and ethics. Guidelines on ethics ensure that the
environment, participants and even the general population are
protected from manipulations, any harm and malpractices
(Burgess, 2005). It is important to affirm to the participants that
the data that is being collected is for lawful and specific
reasons. The participants will also be informed that the data
will be safe and that the identity of participant cannot be
revealed. The participants will also be made aware that they
could withdraw from the research if they see it not fit to
proceed with it. In addition, there will be a full disclosure on
ways in which data will be used including whether there will be
a third party involved.
Balnaves, M., & Caputi, P. (2001). Introduction to quantitative
research methods: An investigative approach. London: SAGE.
Burgess, R. (2005). The Ethics Of Educational Research.
Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldaña, J.
(2014). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook.
Thousand Oaks, Califorinia : SAGE Publications
Salkind, N. J. (2012). Exploring research (8th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Literature Review
Student Name:
Institution Name:
Instructor Name:
Submission Date:
There is excessive use of internet today both by the old and the
young. It common to see people spending most of their time
behind computers or using their mobile phones browsing the
internet and assessing social media. Internet is beneficial for
various reasons such as entertainment, social interaction,
education and even work. There have been concerns as to
whether this excessive use of internet by individuals has a
negative impact on their psychological health. Some of the
aspects that internet has been seen to affect one’s psychological
health include; anxiety, sleep, stress, depression and even social
life. Some researchers have conducted studies which link
excessive use of internet to extreme cases of low self-esteem
and suicidal thoughts. The focus of this paper is to analyze four
articles on research studies on the topic under discussion. . Each
of the sources will be placed in the context of how it contributes
in the understanding of the topics discussed. The section will
elaborate relationship among the different sources. In addition,
there will be a look at the gap that exists in the available
In a research by Niemz, the study was conducted to
examine the excessive use of internet by university students and
its relationship to disinhibition, self-esteem and non-psychotic
illnesses. The author first acknowledges that there has been
increased concerns and interest over the internet’s addictive
nature. The main focus of the paper was to give a replication of
the results in previous studies and give more evidence to the
idea that students experience internet addiction and that it is
indeed a vulnerable population. The aim of the study was to
extend the research to include a larger sample of students in
United Kingdom universities. The hypothesis adopted by the
researchers was that those who use the internet excessively
would have self-esteem and high scores in relation to
association with non-psychotic illnesses. The method applied
involved use of an internet survey in which the participants
were sent an email to fill a questionnaire and the total number
of participants was 371 (Niemz, 2005). The measures used in
the research study included; demographics of the participants,
level of internet use, self-esteem, general health and the level of
social confidence. Results were conducted over a period of 4
weeks and were then treated to the following statistical tests;
multiple regression, variance and chi- squares.
The results from the study indicated that there was a
higher chance for males to be addicted internet users than
females. There were more than half of all the participants who
were found to be internet addicts. It was also clear that internet
addicts had their social life concentrated online having more
online friends and even shared their secrets over the internet.
The study also supported its hypothesis that those addicted to
the internet were most likely to display low self-esteem. The
time spent on the internet by the participant was directly
proportional to their levels of self-esteem. This can be
explained in two ways that one may have low self-esteem and
they resort to going online. The other possible explanation is
that internet addiction results in one being socially isolated and
will this socialize less with others physically. One weakness
with research studies on internet addiction is that the term
internet addiction has not been clearly defined and all the
studies are just exploratory (Niemz, 2005). The scales used in
the study are not validated and psychological concepts being
studied are ambiguous. Another limitation in the study is that
only a small percentage of students took part in the study while
emails had been sent to a large number, the sample was thus
A research study by Kim focused on establishing the
relationship between psychological state and the internet use.
There was a study of loneliness as a factor that leads to
problematic Internet Use (PIU) and the effect of the same. The
author acknowledges that ease in accessing internet has had
many benefits. However, internet has been the cause of PIU.
The objective of the research study is therefore to establish if
loneliness can lead to one using the internet excessively which
in turn affects their psychological well-being. According to the
author, lonely individuals tend to prefer having their
interactions online. The study is done among university students
and this is because they are known for internet use either for
their studies or interactions through social media. Research
statistics indicate that 80% of students in the university use the
internet actively (Kim, 2009). Different kinds of experience
from the internet that have been elaborated include social
networking and entertainment. When young adults were asked
their favorite internet sites, 61% of them indicated that they
loved Facebook, 51% preferred Instagram while 55% used
Facebook (Kim, 2009). Social uses of internet have been closely
attributed to PIU.
The methodology used in the study involved use of a
survey among students. The total participants in the study
included 150 students, 42% of the participants were female
while 58% were female (Kim, 2009). The participants were
asked to choose an online activity that they like most when
using the internet. There was an analysis of the relationship
between the psychological state of a participant and PIU.
Examination of PIU was done in relevance to independent
variables which include loneliness levels. Examination of PIU
according to gender indicated that there was a difference
between females and males (Kim, 2009). It is clear from the
study that those who do not have social skills will benefit from
online interaction. However, this will lead to PIU and this has
an impact on one’s psychological well-being and may suffer
from such conditions like low self-esteem and even depression.
Results from the study support the view that online socialization
acts as an intermediary between PIU and psychological state.
One limitation of this study is the sample size which appears to
be very small compared to the total number of students in the
university. In addition, the study does not clearly establish how
different activities done over the internet can have varying
problematic behavior.
In a study by Beranuy, the clinical symptoms of excessive
use of mobile phones are examined among university students.
The aim of the study is to establish whether there is a
relationship between mental disorder and psychological distress.
In addition, the role played by emotional intelligence in the
relationship between the two variables is studied. Previous
studies done by Whang indicated that there is a correlation
between levels of internet addiction and psychological state that
is negative like compulsive behavior and loneliness.
Participants in the study comprised 404 students from Ramon
Llull University (Beranuy, 2009). It was a requirement that the
participants should have mobile phones which they used to
access the internet in their studies. The participants filled a
questionnaire in a classroom setting. Data was subjected to
various statistical tests such as t-test to find out if there was
difference based on gender and hierarchical regression was done
to find out if there was variance in psychological distress
(Beranuy, 2009). The results from the study confirmed the
study’s hypothesis that excessive use of internet has a
relationship to the psychological stress among university
students. This outcome concurs with that of the previous
research done by Niemz and indicated that problematic internet
users who were students in high school and college displayed
low self-esteem.
Another important finding from the research is that those
who use the internet mostly for socialization tend to suffer
psychologically compared to those who use it for entertainment.
The reason for this is that maintaining social relationships
usually involve emotional engagement (Beranuy, 2009). It is
because of this reason that females usually experience more
psychological distress compared to males. Female tend to use
internet more for social interactions whereas males use it more
for entertainment and social aspects (Beranuy, 2009). The study
put into consideration the fact that internet use has changed
compared to previously when it was used mainly for scientific
and technological purpose. In today’s society internet is mainly
used for recreational purposes. One limitation to the research is
that it is only correctional. It would have been more
comprehensive if it should have investigated the nature of the
relationship between excessive use of internet and that of
negative psychological state. A possible research topic that
could be derived from this research is the effect of
psychological distress on problematic internet use.
Panicker conducted a research study with the aim of
establish the relationship between excessive internet use and the
following psychological conditions; stress, loneliness, anxiety
and depression. The study is conducted among adolescents with
an average age of 17 years and the reason being it is the most
active group using the internet. The purpose of the study was to
establish the situation of PIU among adolescents while at the
same time studying relationship with stress, loneliness, anxiety
and depression. According to previous studies, various
emotional factors have been identified to cause addiction among
university students. Research has also revealed that internet
addiction leads to psychological state of stress and anxiety. The
questions that are set to be answered in the study are; the
association between PIU and the variables stress, loneliness,
anxiety and depression. The other question is the way PIU
differs between either males or females. The research design
adopted in the study is a quantitative descriptive one and
explained the correlation between the variables. The sample
comprised a total of 84 students chosen randomly. Collection of
data was done using UCLA scale for loneliness, DASS for
depression, anxiety and stress and Online Cognition Scale
(OCS) for internet use (Panicker, 2014). PIU predictors were
analyzed using multiple correlation and gender differences in
terms of PIU was analyzed using t-Test.
Findings from the study indicated that the correlation
between excessive internet use and stress, loneliness, anxiety
together with depression existed. However there was no
significant in relationship between PIU and the rest of
variables. All the elements had a positive effect on PIU. The
results was in accordance to those by other recent studies which
indicated that internet addiction resulted in low-self-esteem,
reduced social interactions, loneliness and even depression. One
of the gaps which still exist in the research of the topic is
evidence which would confirm the relationship between stress
and anxiety with internet addiction. It can however be
concluded that internet addiction results into anxiety and
depression based on its effect on one’s self-esteem and social
life in general (Panicker, 2009). Unlike other studies done
previously, the study did not find any difference based on
gender in relation to internet use. The limitations in the study
include the scope of participants who were selected from only a
stream of science students, it would have been better if the
sample was more heterogeneous and larger, statistics applied in
the study are correlational and therefore the statements on
causality cannot be definitive.
In summary, it is clear from the articles that internet
addiction has an effect on one’s psychological well-being. Most
of the research has been done on college and high school
students because this is a vulnerable group as they undergo a lot
of changed both physically and mentally and thus internet
addiction can affect them so much. Most of the research studies
indicate that there is a difference between males and females in
relation to internet use although some disagree with the idea. It
is recommendable that extensive research is done to reach at a
clear conclusion on the issue. In addition, more studies should
be done among different age groups.
Beranuy, M., Oberst, U., Carbonell, X., & Chamarro, A. (2009).
Problematic Internet and mobile phone use and clinical
symptoms in college students: The role of emotional
intelligence. Computers in human behavior, 25(5), 1182-1187.
Kim, J., LaRose, R., & Peng, W. (2009). Loneliness as the cause
and the effect of problematic Internet use: The relationship
between Internet use and psychological well-
being. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 12(4), 451-455.
Niemz, K., Griffiths, M., & Banyard, P. (2005). Prevalence of
pathological Internet use among university students and
correlations with self-esteem, the General Health Questionnaire
(GHQ), and disinhibition. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 8(6),
Panicker, J. A. Y. A. S. H. R. E. E., & Sachdev, R. (2014).
Relations among loneliness, depression, anxiety, stress and
problematic internet use. International Journal of Research in
Applied, Natural and Social Sciences, 2(9), 1-10.
Note: The running head is an abbreviated title of the paper. The
running head is located at the top of pages of a manuscript or
published article to identify the article for readers. The running
head should be a maximum of 50 characters, counting letters,
punctuation, and spaces between words. The words "Running
head" are on the cover page but not on the rest of the document.
The running-head title is all CAPS. Page 1 begins on the cover
page. The entire document should be double-spaced, have one-
inch margins on all sides, and use 12 pt., Times New Roman
font. DELETE this NOTE from your paper.
Your Full Title of Your Paper
Learner's Full Name
Course Title
Assessment Title
Capella University
Month, Year
An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents
of a paper. It allows readers to quickly review the key elements
of a paper without having to read the entire document. This can
be helpful for readers who are searching for specific
information and may be reviewing many documents. The
abstract may be one of the most important paragraphs in a paper
because readers often decide if they will read the document
based on information in the abstract. An abstract may not be
required in some academic papers, however, it can still be an
effective method of gaining the reader's attention. The
following sentences serve as an example of what could be
composed as an abstract for this paper. The basic elements of
APA Style (6th ed.) will be reviewed, including formatting of
an APA-style paper, in-text citations, and a reference list.
Additional information will address the components of an
introduction, how to write effective paragraphs using the MEAL
plan, and elements of a summary and conclusion section of a
Your Full Title of Your Paper
APA (American Psychological Association) Style (6th ed.)
is most commonly used to cite sources within the social
sciences. APA Style (6th ed.) is used when writing papers in the
psychology programs offered at Capella University. This
document serves as an APA Style (6th ed.) template for learners
to use when writing their own papers, as well as a resource
containing valuable information that can be used when writing
academic papers. For more information on APA Style (6th ed.),
learners can refer to the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (American Psychological
Association, 2010a).
In the first section of this paper, the author demonstrates
how an introduction effectively introduces the reader to the
topic of the paper. In APA Style (6th ed.), an introduction never
gets a heading. For example, this section did not begin with a
heading titled "introduction," similar to the following section,
which is titled "writing an effective introduction." The
following section will explain in greater detail a model that can
be used to effectively write an introduction in an academic
paper. The remaining sections of the paper will continue to
address APA Style (6th ed.) and effective writing concepts,
including section headings, organizing information, the MEAL
plan, the conclusion, and the reference list.
Writing an Effective Introduction
An effective introduction often consists of four main
components, including (a) the position statement, thesis, or
hypothesis, which describes the author's main position; (b) the
purpose, which outlines the objective of the paper; (c) the
background, which is general information that is needed to
understand the content of the paper; and (d) the approach, which
is the process or methodology the author uses to achieve the
purpose of the paper. This information will help readers
understand what will be discussed in the paper. It can also serve
as a tool to grab the reader's attention. Authors may choose to
briefly reference sources that will be identified later on in the
paper as in this example (American Psychological Association,
2010a; American Psychological Association, 2010b; Walker,
In the FP4600 Introduction section, you will conclude with
a discussion of the research questions you are planning on
investigating and your proposed research methodology.
Literature Review
Include a brief introduction for the reader about what will
be explored in the literature review.
Level One Section Heading is Centered, Bold, Upper, and
Using section headings can be an effective method of
organizing an academic paper. The section headings should not
be confused with the "running head," a different concept
described in the cover page of this document. Section headings
are not required according to APA Style (6th ed.), however,
they can significantly improve the quality of a paper. This is
accomplished because section headings help both the reader and
the author, as will soon be discussed.
Level Two Section Heading is Flush Left, Bold, Upper, and
The heading style recommended by APA consists of five
levels (American Psychological Association, 2010a, p. 62). This
document contains two levels to demonstrate how headings are
structured according to APA Style (6th ed.). Immediately before
the previous paragraph, a Level 1 Section Heading was used.
That section heading describes how a Level 1 Heading should
be written, which is centered, bold, and uses upper and
lowercase letters. For another example, see the section heading
"Writing an Effective Introduction" on page 4 of this document.
The heading is centered, bold, and uses upper and lowercase
letters (compared to all uppercase in the running head at the top
of each page). If used properly, section headings can
significantly contribute to the quality of a paper by helping the
reader who wants to understand the information in the document
and the author who desires to effectively describe the
information in the document.
Section Headings Help the Reader
Section headings serve multiple purposes, including (a)
helping the reader understand what is being addressed in each
section, (b) helping readers, who may be more likely to
maintain an interest in the paper, and (c) helping readers choose
what they want to read. For example, if the reader of this
document wants to learn more about writing an effective
introduction, the previous section heading clearly states that is
where information can be found. When subtopics are needed to
explain concepts in greater detail, different levels of headings
are used according to APA Style (6th ed.).
Section Headings Help the Author
Section headings do not only help the reader, but they help
the author organize the document during the writing process.
Section headings can be used to arrange topics in a logical
order, and they can help an author manage the length of the
paper. In addition to an effective introduction and the use of
section headings, each paragraph of an academic paper can be
written in a manner that helps the reader stay engaged. Capella
University promotes the use of the MEAL plan to serve this
The MEAL Plan
The MEAL plan is a model used by Capella University to
help learners effectively compose academic discussions and
papers. Each component of the MEAL plan is critical to writing
an effective paragraph. The acronym "MEAL" is based on four
components of a paragraph (M = Main point, E = Evidence or
Example, A = Analysis, and L = Link). The following section
includes a detailed description and examples of each component
of the MEAL plan.
When writing the content sections of an academic paper
(as opposed to the introduction or conclusion sections), the
MEAL plan can be an effective model for designing each
paragraph. A paragraph begins with a description of the main
point, which is represented by the letter "M" of the MEAL plan.
For example, the first sentence of this paragraph clearly states
the main point is a discussion of the MEAL plan. Once the main
point has been made, evidence and examples can be provided.
The second component of a paragraph contains evidence or
examples, which is represented by the letter "E" in the MEAL
plan. An example of this component of the MEAL plan is
actually (and ironically) this sentence, which provides an
example of an example. Evidence can be in the form of expert
opinion examples from research. For example, evidence shows
that plagiarism can occur even when it is not intended if sources
are not properly cited (Marsh, Landau, & Hicks, 1997; Walker,
2008). The previous sentence provided evidence supported why
evidence is used in a paragraph.
Analysis, which is represented by the letter "A" of the
MEAL plan, should be based on the author's interpretation of
the evidence. An effective analysis might include a discussion
of the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments, as well as the
author's interpretations of the evidence and examples. If a quote
is used, the author will likely provide an analysis of the quote
and the specific point it makes for the author's position.
Without an analysis, the reader might not understand why the
author discussed the information that the reader just read. For
example, the previous sentence was an analysis by the author of
why an analysis is performed when writing paragraphs in
academic papers. Even with the first three elements of the
MEAL plan, it would not be complete without the final
The letter "L" of the MEAL plan refers to information that
"links" the current and the subsequent paragraphs. The link
helps the reader understand what will be discussed in the next
paragraph. It summarizes the author's reasoning and shows how
the paragraph fits together and leads (that is, “links”) into the
next section of the paper. For example, this sentence might
explain that once the MEAL plan has been effectively used
when writing the body of an academic paper, the final section is
the summary and conclusion section.
When writing the literature review for the research
proposal, you will need to focus on the following:
1) Describe the line of research of which the research project is
meant to contribute—what body of literature (research) will the
proposed study contribute to—or what is the current gap in
knowledge that it plans to address.
2) Identify, describe, and evaluate the studies that support the
research project's research problem, research question, and the
significance of the study. This is the literature review—a review
of the studies that demonstrate the current state of
understanding. You should integrate these studies, as well
compare and contrast. Citations must be used per APA Style
(6th ed.).
3) Identify, describe, and evaluate the studies that present the
theoretical framework for the study. Here, you will examine
how and why, theoretically, your proposed study and
methodology “works.”
4) Identify, describe, and evaluate the studies supporting the
research project's methodology and approach. This does not
need to be a particularly lengthy section, but your methods
should make sense given the research topic and the questions
you want answered through the proposed research
5) Support the appropriateness of the research project's
instruments, measures, and methods used to collect data. Again,
this is not a lengthy section, and it may be combined with the
previous section. Methods and instruments should make sense
with your proposed study question
6) Describe any limitations with your proposed design.
Summary and Conclusion
A summary and conclusion section, which can also be the
discussion section of an APA Style (6th ed.) paper, is the final
opportunity for the author to make a lasting impression on the
reader. The author can begin by restating opinions or positions
and summarizing the most important points that have been
presented in the paper. For example, this paper was written to
demonstrate to readers how to effectively use APA Style (6th
ed.) when writing academic papers. Various components of an
APA Style (6th ed.) paper that were discussed or displayed in
the form of examples include a running head, title page,
introduction section, levels of section headings and their use,
in-text citations, the MEAL plan, a conclusion, and the
reference list.
Before you conclude this section of the paper, provide a
brief transition statement about the next segment of the paper
(the Methods section).
[Note to author: This section details your proposed research
method (that is, your “plan”). All sections must be completed
fully and in the future tense.]
Briefly indicate the general research design that will be used
(quantitative, qualitative, mixed, et cetera) and the rationale for
your selection.
Participants (Subheading, Flush Left and Bold)
In this section you will discuss the participants that you plan to
have in your proposed study. Information that should be
included in this section: (a) proposed number of participants (b)
characteristics such as gender, age, defining characteristics and
(c) geography (location) that participants will be recruited from
(if applicable).
Procedures (Subheading, Flush Left and Bold)
In this section you will provide details on your proposed study.
For example how will participants be recruited? How will the
data be collected? What measures will be used to assess
participants (for example, surveys, interviews, testing) and how
often will this take place.
Measures (Subheading, Flush left and Underlined)
In this section you can also discuss the role of the researcher in
collecting data.
Name of First Measure (Flush Left and Bold)
You will likely have a few measures that will be used in your
study. For example, the first measure might be a survey. Here,
you would discuss the properties of the survey and perhaps
provide a few sample questions. You would also discuss any
reliability or validity information that you have on the measure
(if it has been used in other studies before).
Name of Measure No 2.
Your second measure could be a test of IQ, such as the Stanford
Binet test. Again, you would briefly describe the measure and
then provide information on validity and reliability, if available.
These descriptions need not be lengthy. You do want to give
your reader an indication of what each measure is about.
Data Analysis Plan
In this section, you will briefly describe your plan for data
analysis. Before you begin writing this section, be sure you are
clear on the relationship between the variables you are
proposing. For example, are you proposing a correlation
(positive, negative) between the variables? Is this a qualitative
study using a coding scheme or grounded theory approach? Are
you proposing a predictive relationship, in which case a
regression might be more appropriate?
Discussion & Expected Findings
This section details what you, the researcher, expect to
find out in your study. You want to connect this section to the
section above (data analysis). To do that, discuss what you
expect the data to show. You will also connect what you expect
to find with the literature or research you have reviewed
previously. For example, do you expect your proposed findings
will confirm previous research? Do you expect your study will
have findings contrary to what previous research has indicated?
If so, why?
In this section you will briefly wrap up the paper in 1–2
American Psychological Association. (2010a). Publication
manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.).
Washington, DC: Author.
American Psychological Association. (2010b). Ethical
principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Washington,
DC: Author. Retrieved from
Marsh, R. L., Landau, J. D., & Hicks, J. L. (1997).
Contributions of inadequate source monitoring to unconscious
plagiarism during idea generation. Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 23(4), 886-897.
Walker, A. L. (2008). Preventing unintentional plagiarism: A
method for strengthening paraphrasing skills. Journal of
Instructional Psychology, 35(4), 387–395. Retrieved from
Always begin a reference list on a new page. Use a hanging
indent after the first line of each reference. The reference list is
ordered alphabetically by the first author’s last name. A
reference list only contains sources that are cited in the body of
the paper, and all sources cited in the body of the paper must be
contained in the reference list.
The reference list above contains an example of how to cite a
source when two documents are written in the same year by the
same author. The year is also displayed using this method for
the corresponding in-text citations as in the next sentence. The
author of the first citation (American Psychological
Association, 2010a) is also the publisher, therefore, the word
"Author" is used in place of the publisher's name.
When a digital object identifier (DOI) is available for a journal
article, it should be placed at the end of the citation. If a DOI is
not available, a uniform resource locator (URL) should be used.
The Marsh, Landau, and Hicks (1997) reference is an example
of how to cite a source using a DOI. The Walker (2008)
reference is an example of how to cite a source using a URL.
DELETE this NOTE from your paper.
Research Continuum
The Research Continuum illustrates the various types of
research on a continuum of objectivity/subjectivity. Objectivity
increases Internal Validity, ad subjectivity increases External
Validity. Qualitative research is considered the least objective,
but produces the richest results in terms of subjective content.
Quantitative research is considered them most objective, but
produces results that are less subjective.
1. Qualitative - Case Study
The researcher observes and reports on the "case" or participant,
using multiple "sources" of data.
2. Qualitative - Ethnography
The researcher becomes a part of a particular group and
observes and reports on the characteristics of that group from
the inside.
3. Qualitative - Phenomenology
The researcher conducts in-depth interviews with people about
their lived experiences of a particular phenomenon.
4. Qualitative - Grounded Theory
The researcher conducts in-depth interviews with participants
and informants, observes the participants, and develops a theory
based on the observations.
5. Quantitative - Descriptive
The researcher collects and analyzes specific numeric data to
describe the participants.
6. Quantitative - Correlational
The researcher collects and analyzes specific numeric data to
determine the relationship between two characteristics of the
participants (variables).
7. Quantitative - Developmental
The researcher collects and analyzes specific numeric data to
compare the characteristics of the participants (variables) from
one point in time to another.
8. Quantitative - Quasi-Experimental
The researcher collects and analyzes specific numeric data to
determine the effect of one or more independent variables on
characteristics of the participants (dependent variables), often
utilizing a control group, and random selection OR random
assignment to groups to help ensure the effect is due to the
independent variable(s).
9. Quantitative - True Experimental
The researcher collects and analyzes specific numeric data to
determine the effect of one or more independent variables on
characteristics of the participants (dependent variables),
utilizing a control group, random selection, AND random
assignment to groups to help ensure the effect is due to the
independent variable(s).
· Adapted from table 3-1 "Procedural Steps in the Trial Process"
in Guido, G.W. (2006) Legal and ethical issues in nursing.
Boston: Allyn & Bacon (p. 39)
Subject Matter Expert:
Elizabeth Harper, PhD
Interactive Design:
Mark Bune
Instructional Designer:
Megan Eskola
Project Manager:
Kristin Staab
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
KateTutor: This research proposal must coincide with the two
papers about the two excessive use of the internet papers. I have
attached your versions as references.
Write a 12- 15 page research proposal for a selected topic.
Note: Developing a research proposal requires specific steps
that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this
course are presented in sequence and must be completed in
order.Show MoreBy successfully completing this assessment,
you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course
competencies and assessment criteria:
Competency 3: Apply knowledge of research methodology to
design an ethically-appropriate plan for a psychological
research study.
Apply knowledge of research methodology to design an
ethically appropriate plan for a psychological research study.
Evaluate a body of literature, providing context for a proposed
research study.
Develop research methodology for a proposed research study.
Describe the expected findings of a proposed research study.
Competency 4: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and
consistent with expectations for members of professional
Apply proper APA formatting and style.
Writing a research proposal is basically writing the first three
chapters of an APA-style research article. It includes sections 1,
2, and 3 of the research paper—the Introduction, the Literature
Review, and the Methodology sections. To recap, these sections
include the following:
The Introduction serves to provide the reader with the
background of the research problem. It identifies what the
problem is, tells why it is important to study, and gives a brief
summary of the most important findings related to the problem
in order to put it into context with the rest of the literature on
the topic. The main objective in the introduction is to help the
reader understand the research problem and its importance to
the field of psychology.
Questions to Consider
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider
the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a
work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the
business community.
· Will you conduct research, participate in research, or simply
be a consumer of research?
· How can you use research in your career, currently and in the
Required Resources
The following resources are required to complete the
Capella Resources
Click the links provided to view the following resources:
. Research Methods Template.
Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in
completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For
additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and
Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your
Capella Multimedia
Click the link provided below to view the following multimedia
. The Research Continuum | Transcript.
Course Library Guide
The University library guide has been created specifically for
your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the
resources in the Research Methods in Psychology Library Guide
to help direct your research.
Bookstore Resources
The resources listed below are relevant to the topics and
assessments in this course and are not required.
Salkind, N. J. (2017). Exploring research (9th ed.). Boston, MA:
2. Chapter 13, "Writing a Research Proposal."
2. Chapter 14, "Writing a Research Manuscript."
Assessment Instructions
This assessment is a completion of a formal APA-formatted
research proposal. You must use the Research Methods
Template, which is linked in the Resources. Your proposal
should reflect revisions you made based on the feedback you
received on Assessments 2 and 3.
Proposals should be approximately 12-15 pages in length (not
including the references and title page), follow APA format, and
contain the following elements in the order listed below:
· Title page (not included in 12- 15 page requirement).
· Abstract (120 words or less) (Note that this is a separate
· Introduction: a summary of your proposal and the research
questions under study (1 page).
· Literature review (5–6 pages).
· Methods section (4–6 pages) that includes the following
· Research design selection and rationale (1 page).
· Participants.
· Instruments.
· Data analysis plan.
· Discussion of your expected findings (1–2 pages).
· Conclusion (1–2 paragraphs wrapping up the proposal).
· References (not included in 12-15 page requirement).
· Additional Instructions
· Written communication: Written communication should be
free of errors that detract from the overall message.
· APA formatting: Your proposal should be formatted according
to APA (6th ed.) style and formatting.
· Length: A typical response will be 15–20 typed and double-
spaced pages, not including references and title page.
· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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  • 1. MEASUREMENT AND STATISTICS 1 MEASUREMENT AND STATISTICS 2 Measurement and Statistics Student Name: Institution Name: Instructor Name: Submission Date: Introduction There is excessive use of internet today both by the old and the young. It common to see people spending most of their time behind computers or using their mobile phones browsing the internet and assessing social media. Internet is beneficial for
  • 2. various reasons such as entertainment, social interaction, education and even work. There have been concerns as to whether this excessive use of internet by individuals has a negative impact on their psychological health. Some of the aspects that internet has been seen to affect one’s psychological health include; anxiety, sleep, stress, depression and even social life. Some researchers have conducted studies which link excessive use of internet to extreme cases of low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts. The focus of this paper is to analyze the statistics and measurements that will be used in the research which will be conducted to confirm if excessive internet use has a negative impact on psychological health. Type of Research The research to find out if excessive use of internet affects psychological health will be quantitative. This is where the variables will be assigned numerical date in scales and during data collection. After obtaining results from the date collection process, the collected data will be analyzed using various statistical analysis tests. The use of quantitative research in this case will be important to the test in various ways. Quantitative research tends to be more objective and reliable compared to qualitative research (Balnaves, 2001). It is also significant as statistics can be used to conclude a finding. The complex problem in a research study can be restructured and reduced to a smaller number of variables. It also focusses association and relationship between variables and can describe cause and effect easily. After results have been analyzed, quantitative research can easily test hypothesis and theories. It is important through its assumption that a sample represents the whole population. There is less recognition of the researcher’s subjectivity and therefore there is less biasness in this kind of research. Variables The qualitative study will be relational as it will analyze the relationship between various variables. There will be collection of data among university students who will be selected randomly and they will fill a questionnaire. The
  • 3. variables in the research study can be generally divided into two categories; internet use and psychological health. The data on internet use will be collected using Online Cognition Scale (OCS) while the psychological state which will comprise depression, anxiety and stress will be collected using DSSS. The will be comparison between internet use and each component of psychological state will be analyzed. The variables in this case will be more of ordinal, this is because although they could be categorical, they are ordered in the respective scales used in the study. Reliability Reliability of the research study will be determined using parallel forms. In this case there will be clarity on whether there is consistency in the different forms of measure. This test will therefore ensure that the correct measure is adopted in measuring the various variables (Salkind, 2012). If the outcome of the reliability test will be high then it is will be a clear indication that the different forms of measures can be used in measuring the behaviors. The measures for the various variables will be subjected to this test. Validity It will be important to conduct a validity test for the measures that will be used in the research study. This kind of test is important in establishing whether the test adopted for every variable is appropriate (Salkind, 2012). The kind of validity test that will be applicable to the research study is construct validity test. It will be able to confirm whether the test adopted measures the underlying variables appropriately. This test will be conducted by comparing the tests used in the research study to others that have been proved to be effective measures for the given variables. Methods of Measurement The method of data collection that will be adopted in the research will be a use of questionnaire that will be presented. The students will be invited to take part in the study through emails and then they will be randomly selected with a
  • 4. consideration of gender, the sample should have 50% of both males and females. Collection of this data will be done in a systematic way as follows. The forms will be first developed and it will contain all the information that will be needed to collect sufficient data on the variables under study. For easy analysis of the data, there will be coding, this will be done before the actual data collection in order to get sufficient information for the coding itself. Actual collection of data will done online, however the process will be timed and the participants will be given a period of two days and they can complete the questionnaire at their own convenient time so long as it is within the set period. To ensure that the participants have almost the same environment as much as possible, they will be advised to complete the questionnaire early in the morning when the mind is still fresh. In addition, to ensure that results have less impact from external factors, participants will be advised to complete the questionnaire in a place with fewer interruptions so that they can give accurate responses. After collection of data, it will be compiled and entered into SPSS for analysis. This process will be checked and even have another person to double check it, this is to ensure that there will be correct data for analysis. Inaccurate data will mean that the whole process is wrong and therefore invalid. Although human error can occur in any stage of a research study, the most sensitive one is on data entry and thus requires a lot of attention (Salkind, 2012). It would be recommendable to transfer data electronically from the questionnaire to SPSS if it was possible. Data Analysis Various analysis tests will be conducted to confirm whether the set hypothesis is right or wrong. In our case, the data analysis done on the collected data will be able to confirm if it is true that excessive internet use or internet addiction can negatively affect one’s psychological health in terms of anxiety, depression and stress. Descriptive statistics will be applied mainly in the research study. This will be important as it will be able to give
  • 5. a clear picture on the characteristics of the collected date. For instance, from our research study, it can be easily established the average score of each variable such as anxiety and depression among others. Variability measures can also be used and this will be important for the research study as it will explain the way in which data has been dispersed. From the respective chosen scales for the variables, it will be clear whether most participants either up or down in the scale. Standard deviation on the research study will be able to indicate the variation of every score from the mean (Miles, 2014). This variation will be important in comparing other score and particularly for the general student population. The data will also be subjected to statistical tests in form of significance tests for analysis. There will be use of a t test and this will be used to compare difference between males and females in regards to how they are psychologically affected. Using the t-test will be able to explain if either males or females are affected more by internet addiction. Since the research study involve multiple variables, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will be used in analysis of the variables. Interpretation of Results Results interpretation will be found in the discussion part of the research. It is important to interpret the analyzed data for it to have meaning to any other reader. Presentation of data in the analyzed form does not have any meaning as it may appear technical to other people. Interpretation of data should answer the questions in the research study. Interpretation of results will therefore make them have meaning. It should be able to explain how the research will be important. For instance in the research study, if the results will indicate that excessive internet leads to depression, at this level it does not make any meaning. It will be more meaningful if this can be applied to real life. It would make more sense if the results are interpreted that students should avoid excessive internet use in order to avoid getting depressed. Protection of Data and Ethics
  • 6. It is important for any researcher to consider issues on data protection and ethics. Guidelines on ethics ensure that the environment, participants and even the general population are protected from manipulations, any harm and malpractices (Burgess, 2005). It is important to affirm to the participants that the data that is being collected is for lawful and specific reasons. The participants will also be informed that the data will be safe and that the identity of participant cannot be revealed. The participants will also be made aware that they could withdraw from the research if they see it not fit to proceed with it. In addition, there will be a full disclosure on ways in which data will be used including whether there will be a third party involved. References Balnaves, M., & Caputi, P. (2001). Introduction to quantitative research methods: An investigative approach. London: SAGE. Burgess, R. (2005). The Ethics Of Educational Research. Routledge Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldaña, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook. Thousand Oaks, Califorinia : SAGE Publications Salkind, N. J. (2012). Exploring research (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
  • 7. Running head: LITERATURE REVIEW 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 2 Literature Review Student Name: Institution Name: Instructor Name: Submission Date: There is excessive use of internet today both by the old and the young. It common to see people spending most of their time behind computers or using their mobile phones browsing the internet and assessing social media. Internet is beneficial for various reasons such as entertainment, social interaction, education and even work. There have been concerns as to whether this excessive use of internet by individuals has a
  • 8. negative impact on their psychological health. Some of the aspects that internet has been seen to affect one’s psychological health include; anxiety, sleep, stress, depression and even social life. Some researchers have conducted studies which link excessive use of internet to extreme cases of low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts. The focus of this paper is to analyze four articles on research studies on the topic under discussion. . Each of the sources will be placed in the context of how it contributes in the understanding of the topics discussed. The section will elaborate relationship among the different sources. In addition, there will be a look at the gap that exists in the available literature. In a research by Niemz, the study was conducted to examine the excessive use of internet by university students and its relationship to disinhibition, self-esteem and non-psychotic illnesses. The author first acknowledges that there has been increased concerns and interest over the internet’s addictive nature. The main focus of the paper was to give a replication of the results in previous studies and give more evidence to the idea that students experience internet addiction and that it is indeed a vulnerable population. The aim of the study was to extend the research to include a larger sample of students in United Kingdom universities. The hypothesis adopted by the researchers was that those who use the internet excessively would have self-esteem and high scores in relation to association with non-psychotic illnesses. The method applied involved use of an internet survey in which the participants were sent an email to fill a questionnaire and the total number of participants was 371 (Niemz, 2005). The measures used in the research study included; demographics of the participants, level of internet use, self-esteem, general health and the level of social confidence. Results were conducted over a period of 4 weeks and were then treated to the following statistical tests; multiple regression, variance and chi- squares. The results from the study indicated that there was a higher chance for males to be addicted internet users than
  • 9. females. There were more than half of all the participants who were found to be internet addicts. It was also clear that internet addicts had their social life concentrated online having more online friends and even shared their secrets over the internet. The study also supported its hypothesis that those addicted to the internet were most likely to display low self-esteem. The time spent on the internet by the participant was directly proportional to their levels of self-esteem. This can be explained in two ways that one may have low self-esteem and they resort to going online. The other possible explanation is that internet addiction results in one being socially isolated and will this socialize less with others physically. One weakness with research studies on internet addiction is that the term internet addiction has not been clearly defined and all the studies are just exploratory (Niemz, 2005). The scales used in the study are not validated and psychological concepts being studied are ambiguous. Another limitation in the study is that only a small percentage of students took part in the study while emails had been sent to a large number, the sample was thus self-selected. A research study by Kim focused on establishing the relationship between psychological state and the internet use. There was a study of loneliness as a factor that leads to problematic Internet Use (PIU) and the effect of the same. The author acknowledges that ease in accessing internet has had many benefits. However, internet has been the cause of PIU. The objective of the research study is therefore to establish if loneliness can lead to one using the internet excessively which in turn affects their psychological well-being. According to the author, lonely individuals tend to prefer having their interactions online. The study is done among university students and this is because they are known for internet use either for their studies or interactions through social media. Research statistics indicate that 80% of students in the university use the internet actively (Kim, 2009). Different kinds of experience from the internet that have been elaborated include social
  • 10. networking and entertainment. When young adults were asked their favorite internet sites, 61% of them indicated that they loved Facebook, 51% preferred Instagram while 55% used Facebook (Kim, 2009). Social uses of internet have been closely attributed to PIU. The methodology used in the study involved use of a survey among students. The total participants in the study included 150 students, 42% of the participants were female while 58% were female (Kim, 2009). The participants were asked to choose an online activity that they like most when using the internet. There was an analysis of the relationship between the psychological state of a participant and PIU. Examination of PIU was done in relevance to independent variables which include loneliness levels. Examination of PIU according to gender indicated that there was a difference between females and males (Kim, 2009). It is clear from the study that those who do not have social skills will benefit from online interaction. However, this will lead to PIU and this has an impact on one’s psychological well-being and may suffer from such conditions like low self-esteem and even depression. Results from the study support the view that online socialization acts as an intermediary between PIU and psychological state. One limitation of this study is the sample size which appears to be very small compared to the total number of students in the university. In addition, the study does not clearly establish how different activities done over the internet can have varying problematic behavior. In a study by Beranuy, the clinical symptoms of excessive use of mobile phones are examined among university students. The aim of the study is to establish whether there is a relationship between mental disorder and psychological distress. In addition, the role played by emotional intelligence in the relationship between the two variables is studied. Previous studies done by Whang indicated that there is a correlation between levels of internet addiction and psychological state that is negative like compulsive behavior and loneliness.
  • 11. Participants in the study comprised 404 students from Ramon Llull University (Beranuy, 2009). It was a requirement that the participants should have mobile phones which they used to access the internet in their studies. The participants filled a questionnaire in a classroom setting. Data was subjected to various statistical tests such as t-test to find out if there was difference based on gender and hierarchical regression was done to find out if there was variance in psychological distress (Beranuy, 2009). The results from the study confirmed the study’s hypothesis that excessive use of internet has a relationship to the psychological stress among university students. This outcome concurs with that of the previous research done by Niemz and indicated that problematic internet users who were students in high school and college displayed low self-esteem. Another important finding from the research is that those who use the internet mostly for socialization tend to suffer psychologically compared to those who use it for entertainment. The reason for this is that maintaining social relationships usually involve emotional engagement (Beranuy, 2009). It is because of this reason that females usually experience more psychological distress compared to males. Female tend to use internet more for social interactions whereas males use it more for entertainment and social aspects (Beranuy, 2009). The study put into consideration the fact that internet use has changed compared to previously when it was used mainly for scientific and technological purpose. In today’s society internet is mainly used for recreational purposes. One limitation to the research is that it is only correctional. It would have been more comprehensive if it should have investigated the nature of the relationship between excessive use of internet and that of negative psychological state. A possible research topic that could be derived from this research is the effect of psychological distress on problematic internet use. Panicker conducted a research study with the aim of establish the relationship between excessive internet use and the
  • 12. following psychological conditions; stress, loneliness, anxiety and depression. The study is conducted among adolescents with an average age of 17 years and the reason being it is the most active group using the internet. The purpose of the study was to establish the situation of PIU among adolescents while at the same time studying relationship with stress, loneliness, anxiety and depression. According to previous studies, various emotional factors have been identified to cause addiction among university students. Research has also revealed that internet addiction leads to psychological state of stress and anxiety. The questions that are set to be answered in the study are; the association between PIU and the variables stress, loneliness, anxiety and depression. The other question is the way PIU differs between either males or females. The research design adopted in the study is a quantitative descriptive one and explained the correlation between the variables. The sample comprised a total of 84 students chosen randomly. Collection of data was done using UCLA scale for loneliness, DASS for depression, anxiety and stress and Online Cognition Scale (OCS) for internet use (Panicker, 2014). PIU predictors were analyzed using multiple correlation and gender differences in terms of PIU was analyzed using t-Test. Findings from the study indicated that the correlation between excessive internet use and stress, loneliness, anxiety together with depression existed. However there was no significant in relationship between PIU and the rest of variables. All the elements had a positive effect on PIU. The results was in accordance to those by other recent studies which indicated that internet addiction resulted in low-self-esteem, reduced social interactions, loneliness and even depression. One of the gaps which still exist in the research of the topic is evidence which would confirm the relationship between stress and anxiety with internet addiction. It can however be concluded that internet addiction results into anxiety and depression based on its effect on one’s self-esteem and social life in general (Panicker, 2009). Unlike other studies done
  • 13. previously, the study did not find any difference based on gender in relation to internet use. The limitations in the study include the scope of participants who were selected from only a stream of science students, it would have been better if the sample was more heterogeneous and larger, statistics applied in the study are correlational and therefore the statements on causality cannot be definitive. In summary, it is clear from the articles that internet addiction has an effect on one’s psychological well-being. Most of the research has been done on college and high school students because this is a vulnerable group as they undergo a lot of changed both physically and mentally and thus internet addiction can affect them so much. Most of the research studies indicate that there is a difference between males and females in relation to internet use although some disagree with the idea. It is recommendable that extensive research is done to reach at a clear conclusion on the issue. In addition, more studies should be done among different age groups. References Beranuy, M., Oberst, U., Carbonell, X., & Chamarro, A. (2009). Problematic Internet and mobile phone use and clinical symptoms in college students: The role of emotional intelligence. Computers in human behavior, 25(5), 1182-1187. Kim, J., LaRose, R., & Peng, W. (2009). Loneliness as the cause and the effect of problematic Internet use: The relationship between Internet use and psychological well- being. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 12(4), 451-455. Niemz, K., Griffiths, M., & Banyard, P. (2005). Prevalence of pathological Internet use among university students and correlations with self-esteem, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ), and disinhibition. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 8(6), 562-570. Panicker, J. A. Y. A. S. H. R. E. E., & Sachdev, R. (2014). Relations among loneliness, depression, anxiety, stress and problematic internet use. International Journal of Research in
  • 14. Applied, Natural and Social Sciences, 2(9), 1-10. Running head: YOUR ABBREVIATED TITLE OF YOUR PAPER 1 APA STYLE (6TH ED.) PAPER TEMPLATE 2 Note: The running head is an abbreviated title of the paper. The running head is located at the top of pages of a manuscript or published article to identify the article for readers. The running head should be a maximum of 50 characters, counting letters, punctuation, and spaces between words. The words "Running head" are on the cover page but not on the rest of the document. The running-head title is all CAPS. Page 1 begins on the cover page. The entire document should be double-spaced, have one- inch margins on all sides, and use 12 pt., Times New Roman font. DELETE this NOTE from your paper. Your Full Title of Your Paper Learner's Full Name Course Title Assessment Title Capella University Month, Year Abstract An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of a paper. It allows readers to quickly review the key elements of a paper without having to read the entire document. This can be helpful for readers who are searching for specific information and may be reviewing many documents. The abstract may be one of the most important paragraphs in a paper because readers often decide if they will read the document based on information in the abstract. An abstract may not be required in some academic papers, however, it can still be an effective method of gaining the reader's attention. The following sentences serve as an example of what could be
  • 15. composed as an abstract for this paper. The basic elements of APA Style (6th ed.) will be reviewed, including formatting of an APA-style paper, in-text citations, and a reference list. Additional information will address the components of an introduction, how to write effective paragraphs using the MEAL plan, and elements of a summary and conclusion section of a paper. Your Full Title of Your Paper APA (American Psychological Association) Style (6th ed.) is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. APA Style (6th ed.) is used when writing papers in the psychology programs offered at Capella University. This document serves as an APA Style (6th ed.) template for learners to use when writing their own papers, as well as a resource containing valuable information that can be used when writing academic papers. For more information on APA Style (6th ed.), learners can refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (American Psychological Association, 2010a). In the first section of this paper, the author demonstrates how an introduction effectively introduces the reader to the topic of the paper. In APA Style (6th ed.), an introduction never gets a heading. For example, this section did not begin with a heading titled "introduction," similar to the following section, which is titled "writing an effective introduction." The following section will explain in greater detail a model that can be used to effectively write an introduction in an academic paper. The remaining sections of the paper will continue to address APA Style (6th ed.) and effective writing concepts, including section headings, organizing information, the MEAL plan, the conclusion, and the reference list. Writing an Effective Introduction An effective introduction often consists of four main components, including (a) the position statement, thesis, or hypothesis, which describes the author's main position; (b) the
  • 16. purpose, which outlines the objective of the paper; (c) the background, which is general information that is needed to understand the content of the paper; and (d) the approach, which is the process or methodology the author uses to achieve the purpose of the paper. This information will help readers understand what will be discussed in the paper. It can also serve as a tool to grab the reader's attention. Authors may choose to briefly reference sources that will be identified later on in the paper as in this example (American Psychological Association, 2010a; American Psychological Association, 2010b; Walker, 2008). In the FP4600 Introduction section, you will conclude with a discussion of the research questions you are planning on investigating and your proposed research methodology. Literature Review Include a brief introduction for the reader about what will be explored in the literature review. Level One Section Heading is Centered, Bold, Upper, and Lowercase Using section headings can be an effective method of organizing an academic paper. The section headings should not be confused with the "running head," a different concept described in the cover page of this document. Section headings are not required according to APA Style (6th ed.), however, they can significantly improve the quality of a paper. This is accomplished because section headings help both the reader and the author, as will soon be discussed. Level Two Section Heading is Flush Left, Bold, Upper, and Lowercase The heading style recommended by APA consists of five levels (American Psychological Association, 2010a, p. 62). This document contains two levels to demonstrate how headings are structured according to APA Style (6th ed.). Immediately before the previous paragraph, a Level 1 Section Heading was used. That section heading describes how a Level 1 Heading should be written, which is centered, bold, and uses upper and
  • 17. lowercase letters. For another example, see the section heading "Writing an Effective Introduction" on page 4 of this document. The heading is centered, bold, and uses upper and lowercase letters (compared to all uppercase in the running head at the top of each page). If used properly, section headings can significantly contribute to the quality of a paper by helping the reader who wants to understand the information in the document and the author who desires to effectively describe the information in the document. Section Headings Help the Reader Section headings serve multiple purposes, including (a) helping the reader understand what is being addressed in each section, (b) helping readers, who may be more likely to maintain an interest in the paper, and (c) helping readers choose what they want to read. For example, if the reader of this document wants to learn more about writing an effective introduction, the previous section heading clearly states that is where information can be found. When subtopics are needed to explain concepts in greater detail, different levels of headings are used according to APA Style (6th ed.). Section Headings Help the Author Section headings do not only help the reader, but they help the author organize the document during the writing process. Section headings can be used to arrange topics in a logical order, and they can help an author manage the length of the paper. In addition to an effective introduction and the use of section headings, each paragraph of an academic paper can be written in a manner that helps the reader stay engaged. Capella University promotes the use of the MEAL plan to serve this purpose. The MEAL Plan The MEAL plan is a model used by Capella University to help learners effectively compose academic discussions and papers. Each component of the MEAL plan is critical to writing an effective paragraph. The acronym "MEAL" is based on four components of a paragraph (M = Main point, E = Evidence or
  • 18. Example, A = Analysis, and L = Link). The following section includes a detailed description and examples of each component of the MEAL plan. When writing the content sections of an academic paper (as opposed to the introduction or conclusion sections), the MEAL plan can be an effective model for designing each paragraph. A paragraph begins with a description of the main point, which is represented by the letter "M" of the MEAL plan. For example, the first sentence of this paragraph clearly states the main point is a discussion of the MEAL plan. Once the main point has been made, evidence and examples can be provided. The second component of a paragraph contains evidence or examples, which is represented by the letter "E" in the MEAL plan. An example of this component of the MEAL plan is actually (and ironically) this sentence, which provides an example of an example. Evidence can be in the form of expert opinion examples from research. For example, evidence shows that plagiarism can occur even when it is not intended if sources are not properly cited (Marsh, Landau, & Hicks, 1997; Walker, 2008). The previous sentence provided evidence supported why evidence is used in a paragraph. Analysis, which is represented by the letter "A" of the MEAL plan, should be based on the author's interpretation of the evidence. An effective analysis might include a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments, as well as the author's interpretations of the evidence and examples. If a quote is used, the author will likely provide an analysis of the quote and the specific point it makes for the author's position. Without an analysis, the reader might not understand why the author discussed the information that the reader just read. For example, the previous sentence was an analysis by the author of why an analysis is performed when writing paragraphs in academic papers. Even with the first three elements of the MEAL plan, it would not be complete without the final component. The letter "L" of the MEAL plan refers to information that
  • 19. "links" the current and the subsequent paragraphs. The link helps the reader understand what will be discussed in the next paragraph. It summarizes the author's reasoning and shows how the paragraph fits together and leads (that is, “links”) into the next section of the paper. For example, this sentence might explain that once the MEAL plan has been effectively used when writing the body of an academic paper, the final section is the summary and conclusion section. When writing the literature review for the research proposal, you will need to focus on the following: 1) Describe the line of research of which the research project is meant to contribute—what body of literature (research) will the proposed study contribute to—or what is the current gap in knowledge that it plans to address. 2) Identify, describe, and evaluate the studies that support the research project's research problem, research question, and the significance of the study. This is the literature review—a review of the studies that demonstrate the current state of understanding. You should integrate these studies, as well compare and contrast. Citations must be used per APA Style (6th ed.). 3) Identify, describe, and evaluate the studies that present the theoretical framework for the study. Here, you will examine how and why, theoretically, your proposed study and methodology “works.” 4) Identify, describe, and evaluate the studies supporting the research project's methodology and approach. This does not need to be a particularly lengthy section, but your methods should make sense given the research topic and the questions you want answered through the proposed research 5) Support the appropriateness of the research project's instruments, measures, and methods used to collect data. Again, this is not a lengthy section, and it may be combined with the previous section. Methods and instruments should make sense with your proposed study question 6) Describe any limitations with your proposed design.
  • 20. Summary and Conclusion A summary and conclusion section, which can also be the discussion section of an APA Style (6th ed.) paper, is the final opportunity for the author to make a lasting impression on the reader. The author can begin by restating opinions or positions and summarizing the most important points that have been presented in the paper. For example, this paper was written to demonstrate to readers how to effectively use APA Style (6th ed.) when writing academic papers. Various components of an APA Style (6th ed.) paper that were discussed or displayed in the form of examples include a running head, title page, introduction section, levels of section headings and their use, in-text citations, the MEAL plan, a conclusion, and the reference list. Before you conclude this section of the paper, provide a brief transition statement about the next segment of the paper (the Methods section). Methods [Note to author: This section details your proposed research method (that is, your “plan”). All sections must be completed fully and in the future tense.] Briefly indicate the general research design that will be used (quantitative, qualitative, mixed, et cetera) and the rationale for your selection. Participants (Subheading, Flush Left and Bold) In this section you will discuss the participants that you plan to have in your proposed study. Information that should be included in this section: (a) proposed number of participants (b) characteristics such as gender, age, defining characteristics and (c) geography (location) that participants will be recruited from (if applicable). Procedures (Subheading, Flush Left and Bold) In this section you will provide details on your proposed study. For example how will participants be recruited? How will the data be collected? What measures will be used to assess participants (for example, surveys, interviews, testing) and how
  • 21. often will this take place. Measures (Subheading, Flush left and Underlined) In this section you can also discuss the role of the researcher in collecting data. Name of First Measure (Flush Left and Bold) You will likely have a few measures that will be used in your study. For example, the first measure might be a survey. Here, you would discuss the properties of the survey and perhaps provide a few sample questions. You would also discuss any reliability or validity information that you have on the measure (if it has been used in other studies before). Name of Measure No 2. Your second measure could be a test of IQ, such as the Stanford Binet test. Again, you would briefly describe the measure and then provide information on validity and reliability, if available. These descriptions need not be lengthy. You do want to give your reader an indication of what each measure is about. Data Analysis Plan In this section, you will briefly describe your plan for data analysis. Before you begin writing this section, be sure you are clear on the relationship between the variables you are proposing. For example, are you proposing a correlation (positive, negative) between the variables? Is this a qualitative study using a coding scheme or grounded theory approach? Are you proposing a predictive relationship, in which case a regression might be more appropriate? Discussion & Expected Findings This section details what you, the researcher, expect to find out in your study. You want to connect this section to the section above (data analysis). To do that, discuss what you expect the data to show. You will also connect what you expect to find with the literature or research you have reviewed previously. For example, do you expect your proposed findings will confirm previous research? Do you expect your study will
  • 22. have findings contrary to what previous research has indicated? If so, why? Conclusion In this section you will briefly wrap up the paper in 1–2 paragraphs. References American Psychological Association. (2010a). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. American Psychological Association. (2010b). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from Marsh, R. L., Landau, J. D., & Hicks, J. L. (1997). Contributions of inadequate source monitoring to unconscious plagiarism during idea generation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 23(4), 886-897. doi:10.1037/0278-7393.23.4.886 Walker, A. L. (2008). Preventing unintentional plagiarism: A method for strengthening paraphrasing skills. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 35(4), 387–395. Retrieved from 5 Always begin a reference list on a new page. Use a hanging indent after the first line of each reference. The reference list is ordered alphabetically by the first author’s last name. A reference list only contains sources that are cited in the body of the paper, and all sources cited in the body of the paper must be contained in the reference list. The reference list above contains an example of how to cite a source when two documents are written in the same year by the same author. The year is also displayed using this method for
  • 23. the corresponding in-text citations as in the next sentence. The author of the first citation (American Psychological Association, 2010a) is also the publisher, therefore, the word "Author" is used in place of the publisher's name. When a digital object identifier (DOI) is available for a journal article, it should be placed at the end of the citation. If a DOI is not available, a uniform resource locator (URL) should be used. The Marsh, Landau, and Hicks (1997) reference is an example of how to cite a source using a DOI. The Walker (2008) reference is an example of how to cite a source using a URL. DELETE this NOTE from your paper. Research Continuum The Research Continuum illustrates the various types of research on a continuum of objectivity/subjectivity. Objectivity increases Internal Validity, ad subjectivity increases External Validity. Qualitative research is considered the least objective, but produces the richest results in terms of subjective content. Quantitative research is considered them most objective, but produces results that are less subjective. 1. Qualitative - Case Study The researcher observes and reports on the "case" or participant, using multiple "sources" of data. 2. Qualitative - Ethnography The researcher becomes a part of a particular group and observes and reports on the characteristics of that group from the inside. 3. Qualitative - Phenomenology The researcher conducts in-depth interviews with people about their lived experiences of a particular phenomenon. 4. Qualitative - Grounded Theory The researcher conducts in-depth interviews with participants and informants, observes the participants, and develops a theory based on the observations. 5. Quantitative - Descriptive
  • 24. The researcher collects and analyzes specific numeric data to describe the participants. 6. Quantitative - Correlational The researcher collects and analyzes specific numeric data to determine the relationship between two characteristics of the participants (variables). 7. Quantitative - Developmental The researcher collects and analyzes specific numeric data to compare the characteristics of the participants (variables) from one point in time to another. 8. Quantitative - Quasi-Experimental The researcher collects and analyzes specific numeric data to determine the effect of one or more independent variables on characteristics of the participants (dependent variables), often utilizing a control group, and random selection OR random assignment to groups to help ensure the effect is due to the independent variable(s). 9. Quantitative - True Experimental The researcher collects and analyzes specific numeric data to determine the effect of one or more independent variables on characteristics of the participants (dependent variables), utilizing a control group, random selection, AND random assignment to groups to help ensure the effect is due to the independent variable(s). References · Adapted from table 3-1 "Procedural Steps in the Trial Process" in Guido, G.W. (2006) Legal and ethical issues in nursing. Boston: Allyn & Bacon (p. 39) Credits Subject Matter Expert: Elizabeth Harper, PhD Interactive Design: Mark Bune Instructional Designer: Megan Eskola Project Manager:
  • 25. Kristin Staab Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. KateTutor: This research proposal must coincide with the two papers about the two excessive use of the internet papers. I have attached your versions as references. Write a 12- 15 page research proposal for a selected topic. Note: Developing a research proposal requires specific steps that need to be executed in a sequence. The assessments in this course are presented in sequence and must be completed in order.Show MoreBy successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria: Competency 3: Apply knowledge of research methodology to design an ethically-appropriate plan for a psychological research study. Apply knowledge of research methodology to design an ethically appropriate plan for a psychological research study. Evaluate a body of literature, providing context for a proposed research study. Develop research methodology for a proposed research study. Describe the expected findings of a proposed research study. Competency 4: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities. Apply proper APA formatting and style. Context Writing a research proposal is basically writing the first three chapters of an APA-style research article. It includes sections 1, 2, and 3 of the research paper—the Introduction, the Literature Review, and the Methodology sections. To recap, these sections include the following: Introduction
  • 26. The Introduction serves to provide the reader with the background of the research problem. It identifies what the problem is, tells why it is important to study, and gives a brief summary of the most important findings related to the problem in order to put it into context with the rest of the literature on the topic. The main objective in the introduction is to help the reader understand the research problem and its importance to the field of psychology. Questions to Consider To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community. · Will you conduct research, participate in research, or simply be a consumer of research? · How can you use research in your career, currently and in the future? Resources Required Resources The following resources are required to complete the assessment. Capella Resources Click the links provided to view the following resources: . Research Methods Template. Suggested Resources The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom. Capella Multimedia Click the link provided below to view the following multimedia piece: . The Research Continuum | Transcript. Course Library Guide The University library guide has been created specifically for
  • 27. your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the Research Methods in Psychology Library Guide to help direct your research. Bookstore Resources The resources listed below are relevant to the topics and assessments in this course and are not required. Salkind, N. J. (2017). Exploring research (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. 2. Chapter 13, "Writing a Research Proposal." 2. Chapter 14, "Writing a Research Manuscript." Assessment Instructions . This assessment is a completion of a formal APA-formatted research proposal. You must use the Research Methods Template, which is linked in the Resources. Your proposal should reflect revisions you made based on the feedback you received on Assessments 2 and 3. Proposals should be approximately 12-15 pages in length (not including the references and title page), follow APA format, and contain the following elements in the order listed below: · Title page (not included in 12- 15 page requirement). · Abstract (120 words or less) (Note that this is a separate page.). · Introduction: a summary of your proposal and the research questions under study (1 page). · Literature review (5–6 pages). · Methods section (4–6 pages) that includes the following subsections: · Research design selection and rationale (1 page). · Participants. · Instruments. · Data analysis plan. · Discussion of your expected findings (1–2 pages). · Conclusion (1–2 paragraphs wrapping up the proposal). · References (not included in 12-15 page requirement). · Additional Instructions
  • 28. · Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. · APA formatting: Your proposal should be formatted according to APA (6th ed.) style and formatting. · Length: A typical response will be 15–20 typed and double- spaced pages, not including references and title page. · Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.