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Locking the Throne Room
How ES5+ will change XSS and Client Side Security

         A presentation by Mario Heiderich
              BlueHat, Redmond 2011
   Mario Heiderich
       Researcher and PhD student at the Ruhr-University,
       Security Researcher for SRLabs, Berlin
       Security Researcher for Deutsche Post AG, Bonn
       Published author and international speaker
       HTML5 Security Cheatsheet / H5SC
       PHPIDS Project
       Twitter @0x6D6172696F
First of all...

                    Buckle Up
         Take a deep breath
         A lot of content for a one hour talk
            We'll be defeating XSS here
Today's menu
   JavaScript and the DOM
   Cross Site Scripting today
       Current mitigation approaches
       A peek into the petri dishes of current development
   A different approach
       ES5 and XSS
   Some theory first
   And some horrific reality
   Future work
JavaScript and XSS
   Cross Site Scripting
       One site scripting another
       Early vectors abusing Iframes
       First published attacks in the late nineties
       Three four major variations
            Reflected XSS
            Persistent XSS
            DOM based XSS / DOMXSS
            Plug-in XSS
       Information theft and modification
       Impersonation and leverage of more complex attacks
XSS today
   An ancient and simple yet unsolved problem
       Complexity
       Browser bugs
       Insecure web applications
       Browser plug-ins
       Impedance mismatches
       Application layer mitigation concepts
       New features and spec drafts enabling 0-day attacks
   XSS is a user agent problem! Nothing else!
Mitigation History
   Server side
       Native runtime functions, strip_tags(), htmlentities(), etc.
       Runtime libraries and request validation
       External libraries filtering input and output
            HTMLPurifier, AntiSamy, kses, AntiXSS, SafeHTML
            HTTPOnly cookies
   Client side protection mechanisms
       toStaticHTML() in IE8+ and NoScript
       IE8+ XSS filter and Webkit XSS Auditor
       Protective extensions such as NoScript, NotScripts
       Upcoming approaches such as CSP

  We broke every single one of them
          Numerous times

          And we enjoyed it – as we will in the future
Impedance mismatch
   Layer A is unaware of Layer B capabilities and flaws
       Layer A deploys the attack
       Layer B executes the exploit
   Case study:
       HTMLPurifier 4.1.1
       Server side HTML filter and XSS mitigation library
       Internet Explorer 8, CSS expressions and a parser bug

       <a style="background:url('/',!
Ancient Goods
   HTML+TIME and behaviors

                 1;--<?f><l ₩ :!!:x
    :url(#def&#x61ult#time2)ö/';'` ₩ /onbegin=

Further vectors
   Plug-in based XSS
       Adobe Reader
       Java applets
       Flash player
       Quicktime videos
       SVG images
   Charset injection and content sniffing
       UTF-7 XSS, EBCDIC, MacFarsi, XSS via images
       Chameleon files, cross context scripting, local XSS
   Server side filtering of client side attacks
       Useful and stable for basic XSS protection
   Still not remotely sufficient
       Affected by charsets, impedance mismatches
       Subverted by browser bugs an parser errors
       Rendered useless by DOMXSS
       Bypassed via plug-in based XSS
       Helpless against attacks deployed from different servers
       Not suitable for what XSS has become
   The server cannot serve protection for the client
   And - where will the classic server be in five years?
Revisiting XSS
   XSS attacks target the client
   XSS attacks are being executed client side
   XSS attacks aim for client side data and control
   XSS attacks impersonate the user
   XSS is a client side problem
       Sometimes caused by server side vulnerabilities
       Sometimes caused by a wide range of problems
        transparent for the server
   Still we try to improve server side XSS filters
   Prevention against XSS in the DOM
   Capability based DOM security
   Inspired by HTTPOnly
       Cookies cannot be read by scripts anymore
       Why not changing document.cookie to do so
   JavaScript up to 1.8.5 enabled this
   Unfortunately Non-Standard
   Example →
document.__defineGetter__('cookie', function(){
    alert('no cookie access!');
    return false;


   Proprietary
   And not tamper resistant at all
       JavaScript supplies a delete operator
       Delete operations on DOM properties reset their state
       Getter definitions can simply be overwritten
   Object getters - invalid for DOM protection
   Same for setters and overwritten methods
document.__defineGetter__('cookie', function(){
    alert('no cookie access!');
    return false;
    delete document.cookie;
Tamper Resistance
   First attempts down the prototype chain
       document.__proto__.__defineGetter__()
       Document.prototype
   Attempts to register delete event handlers
       Getter and setter definitions for the prototypes
       Setter protection for setters
       Recursion problems
       Interval based workarounds and race conditions
   JavaScript 1.8 unsuitable for DOM based XSS protection
ECMA Script 5
   Older user agents use JavaScript based on ES3
       Firefox 3
       Internet Explorer 8
       Opera 11
   The modern ones already ship ES5 compliance
       Google Chrome
       Safari 5+
       Firefox 4+
       Internet Explorer 9 and 10pp3
Object Extensions
   Many novelties in ECMA Script 5
   Relevance for client side XSS mitigation
       Object extensions such as
            Object.freeze() and Object.seal()
            Object.getOwnPropertyNames() - a lovely method!
            Object.defineProperty() / Object.defineProperties()
            Object.preventExtensions()
       Less relevant but still interesting
            Proxy Objects, useless since no host objects allowed...
            More meta-programming APIs
            Combinations with DOM Level 3 events
   Object.defineProperty() and ..Properties()
   Three parameters
       Parent object
       Child object to define
       Descriptor literal
   Descriptors allow to manipulate
       Get / Set behavior
       Value
       “Enumerability”
       “Writeability”
       “Configurability”
   Example →

Object.defineProperty(document, 'cookie', {
   get: function(){return:false},
   set: function(){return:false},


   delete document.cookie;
   Setting “configurability” to false is final
       The object description is stronger than delete
       Prototype deletion has to effect
       Re-definition is not possible

   With this method call cookie access can be
       By the developer
       And by the attacker
   Regulating access in general
       Interesting to prevent cookie theft
       Other properties can be blocked too
       Method access and calls can be forbidden
       Methods can be changed completely
       Horizontal log can be added to any call, access and event
   That is for existing HTML elements as well
   Example →
Action Protection

var form = document.getElementById('form');
Object.defineProperty(form, 'action', {
   set: IDS_detectHijacking,
   get: IDS_detectStealing,


First Roundup
   Access prohibition might be effective
   Value and argument logging helps detecting attacks
   Possible IDS solutions are not affected by heavy string
   No impedance mismatches
       Attacks are detected on they layer they target
       Parser errors do not have effect here
       No effective charset obfuscations
       Immune against plug-in-deployed scripting attacks
       Automatic quasi-normalization
   It's a blacklist though
Going Further
   No access prohibitions but RBAC via JavaScript
   Possible simplified protocol
       Let object A know about permitted accessors
       Let accessors of object A be checked by the getter/setter
       Let object A react depending on access validity
       Seal object A
       Execute application logic
       Strict policy based approach
   A shared secret between could strengthen the policy
   Example →
Object.defineProperty(document, 'cookie', {

// identified via arguments.callee.caller


Forced Introspection
   Existing properties can gain capabilities
       The added setter will know:
           Who attempts to set
           What value is being used
       The added getter will know:
           Who attempts to get
       An overwritten function will know:
           How the original function looked like
           Who calls the function
           What arguments are being used
   IDS and RBAC are possible
   Tamper resistance thanks to configurable:false
Case Study I
   Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library
   AES256, SHA256, HMAC and more in JavaScript
   „SJCL is secure“
   Not true from an XSS perspective
   Global variables
   Uses
       Math.floor(), Math.max(), Math.random()
       document.attachEvent(), native string methods etc.
       Any of which can be attacker controlled
   High impact vulnerabilities ahead...
Case Study II
   BeEF – Browser Exploitation Framework
   As seen some minutes ago ☺
   Uses global variables
       window.beef = BeefJS;
   Attacker could seal it with Object.defineProperty()
       Else the defender could “counterbeef” it
       BeEF XSS = Exploiting the exploiter
       Maybe a malformed UA string? Or host address?
   Website owners should obey a new rule
   „The order of deployment is everything“
   As long as trusted content is being deployed first
       Object.defineProperty() can protect
       Sealing can be used for good
   The script deploying first controls the DOM
       Persistent, tamper resistant and transparent
   Self-defense is possible
   Example →
Object.defineProperty(Object, 'defineProperty' {


   Object.defineProperty(window,'secret', {
   }); // TypeError
   Where are we now with ES5?
       Pro:
           We can fully restrict property and method access
           We have the foundation for a client side IDS and RBAC
           We can regulate Object access, extension and modification
           CSP and sand-boxed Iframes support this approach
       Contra:
           It's a blacklist
           Magic properties cause problems
           We need to prevent creation of a fresh DOM
           Right now the DOM sucks!
   Still we can approach XSS w/o any obfuscation
But now...

        Enough with the theory already!
   Publish a totally XSS-able website
           1st step: Attribute injections
           2nd step: Full HTML injections, implemented as crappily as possible
           No server filter at all
   Protect it with JavaScript only
   Block access to document.cookie
   Implement a safe getter
   Announce a challenge to break it
           Break→Score→Await Fix→Break→Score again
           Tough challenge→Evolutionary Result-Set→Extra Learning
Code Example
document.cookie = '123456-secret-123456';

  var i,j,x,y; var c = document.cookie; var o = Object.defineProperty;
  o(MouseEvent.prototype, 'isTrusted', {configurable:false});
  o(document, 'cookie', {get:function()arguments.callee.caller===Safe.get ? c : null});

  for(i in x) {
    if(/^HTML/.test(x[i])) {
      for(j in y=['innerHTML', 'textContent', 'text']) {
        o(window[x[i]].prototype, y[j], {get: function() null})
  for(i in x=['wholeText', 'nodeValue', 'data', 'text', 'textContent']) {
    o(Text.prototype, x[i], {get: function() null})
A Safe Getter?
var Safe = {};
Safe.get = function() {
  var e = arguments.callee.caller;
  if(e && e.arguments[0].type === 'click'
    && e.arguments[0].isTrusted === true) {
    return document.cookie
  return null;

   Make sure it's a click
   Make really sure it's a click
   Make really sure it's a real click
   Look good, right?
Evaluation by Penetration
       Turns out it's been all rubbish
       Code was broken 52 times
           Spoofing “real” clicks
           Overwriting frozen properties
           Using Iframes and data URIs
           Using XHR from within JavaScript and data URIs
           Finding leaking DOM properties
           Cloning content into textarea and reading the value
           Here's a full list
       Code was fixed successfully 52 times
           Remainder of an overall of zero “unfixable” bypasses?
           Well – almost. And depending on the user agent.
           IE? Yes sir! Firefox? Yes - kinda. Rest? Nope
Current State
   XSSMe¹ still online
   XSSMe² as well
   You are welcome to break it
   ~14.000 attempts to break it so far
       52 succeeded,
       52 were ultimately fixed! Thanks plaintext and createHTMLDocument()
   XSSMe³ / JSLR is available right now!
       Hat-tips to Gareth Heyes
       ~8.000 attempts to break it – of which 15 succeeded (so far) and 14 were fixed
   And hopefully there is more to come
How's it done?
   XSSMe²
       Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window).concat(
       document.write('<plaintext id=__doc>')
       document.implementation.createHTMLDocument()
       All of the above
       Apply a random ID to any legitimate element
       Check against its existence
       Wrap JavaScript code in identifier blocks
       High security mode – server supported though
   Please, please try to break it!
   Client-side, JavaScript only XSS protection is possible
   Is it elegant right now? Noope
   Does it work on all modern browsers? Almost! IE and FF doing great
   Is it feasible? Yes – but fragile
   More fragile than protection allotted over n layers? Noope

   What remains to be done?
   A small wish-list for the browser vendors!
   A possibility to make it work elegantly
Future Work I
   We need to fix the DOM
       Consistency please
       Higher prio for DOM bugs – they will be security bugs anyway soon!
   Specify a white-list based approach
   Fix and refine event handling and DOM properties
       DOMFrameContentLoaded
       Maybe DOMBeforeSubtreeModified?
       Maybe DOMBeforeInsertNode?
   The DOM needs more “trustability”
   Monitor and contribute to ES6 and ES7
   We need DOM Proxies!
Future Work II
   Talk to W3C people
       DOM Sandboxing kinda works – but that's about it
       Introduce the features we need to make it elegant
   Specify DOMInit, support its implementation
   Specify Object.intercept()
       White-list based DOM access and caller interception
       Details available soon. Or after a beer or two
   And finally?

   Please let's fix the Java Plugin! Really!
       This is sheer horror and breaks everything
       Anyone here from Oracle we could talk to?
   XSS remains undefeated - but lots'a steps forwards were made
   RIAs gain complexity and power, WDP and Win8
   Client-agnostic server side filters designed to fail

   Time for a new approach
   Still a lot of work to be done
   Client-side XSS protection and more is possible
       Just not the most elegant
       Still – compare 70 lines of JS to 12091 lines of PHP
   Let's get it done already
   Hard? Yes. No one said it'd be easy :)
   Thanks for your time!
   Discussion?

   Thanks for advice and contribution:
       G. Heyes, S. Di Paola, E. A. Vela Nava
       R. Shafigullin, J. Tyson, M. Kinugawa, N. Hippert, M. Nison, K. Kotowicz
       D. Ross and M. Caballero
       J. Wilander and M. Bergling
       J. Magazinius, Phung et al.
       All unmentioned contributors

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Locking the Throneroom 2.0

  • 1. Locking the Throne Room How ES5+ will change XSS and Client Side Security A presentation by Mario Heiderich BlueHat, Redmond 2011
  • 2. Introduction  Mario Heiderich  Researcher and PhD student at the Ruhr-University, Bochum  Security Researcher for SRLabs, Berlin  Security Researcher for Deutsche Post AG, Bonn  Published author and international speaker  HTML5 Security Cheatsheet / H5SC  PHPIDS Project  Twitter @0x6D6172696F
  • 3. First of all... Buckle Up Take a deep breath A lot of content for a one hour talk We'll be defeating XSS here
  • 4. Today's menu  JavaScript and the DOM  Cross Site Scripting today  Current mitigation approaches  A peek into the petri dishes of current development  A different approach  ES5 and XSS  Some theory first  And some horrific reality  Future work
  • 5. JavaScript and XSS  Cross Site Scripting  One site scripting another  Early vectors abusing Iframes  First published attacks in the late nineties  Three four major variations  Reflected XSS  Persistent XSS  DOM based XSS / DOMXSS  Plug-in XSS  Information theft and modification  Impersonation and leverage of more complex attacks
  • 6. XSS today  An ancient and simple yet unsolved problem  Complexity  Browser bugs  Insecure web applications  Browser plug-ins  Impedance mismatches  Application layer mitigation concepts  New features and spec drafts enabling 0-day attacks  XSS is a user agent problem! Nothing else!
  • 7. Mitigation History  Server side  Native runtime functions, strip_tags(), htmlentities(), etc.  Runtime libraries and request validation  External libraries filtering input and output  HTMLPurifier, AntiSamy, kses, AntiXSS, SafeHTML  HTTPOnly cookies  Client side protection mechanisms  toStaticHTML() in IE8+ and NoScript  IE8+ XSS filter and Webkit XSS Auditor  Protective extensions such as NoScript, NotScripts  Upcoming approaches such as CSP
  • 8. Reliability? We broke every single one of them Numerous times And we enjoyed it – as we will in the future
  • 9. Impedance mismatch  Layer A is unaware of Layer B capabilities and flaws  Layer A deploys the attack  Layer B executes the exploit  Case study:  HTMLPurifier 4.1.1  Server side HTML filter and XSS mitigation library  Internet Explorer 8, CSS expressions and a parser bug  <a style="background:url('/',! @x:expression(write(1))//)!'');"></a>
  • 10. Ancient Goods  HTML+TIME and behaviors 1;--<?f><l ₩ :!!:x /style=`b&#x5c;65h0061vIor/ĸ :url(#def&#x61ult#time2)ö/';'` ₩ /onbegin= &#x5bµ=u00&#054;1le&#114t&#40&#x31)&#x5d&# x2f/&#xyŧ> 
  • 11. Further vectors  Plug-in based XSS  Adobe Reader  Java applets  Flash player  Quicktime videos  SVG images  Charset injection and content sniffing  UTF-7 XSS, EBCDIC, MacFarsi, XSS via images  Chameleon files, cross context scripting, local XSS  DOMXSS
  • 12. Quintessence  Server side filtering of client side attacks  Useful and stable for basic XSS protection  Still not remotely sufficient  Affected by charsets, impedance mismatches  Subverted by browser bugs an parser errors  Rendered useless by DOMXSS  Bypassed via plug-in based XSS  Helpless against attacks deployed from different servers  Not suitable for what XSS has become  The server cannot serve protection for the client  And - where will the classic server be in five years?
  • 13. Revisiting XSS  XSS attacks target the client  XSS attacks are being executed client side  XSS attacks aim for client side data and control  XSS attacks impersonate the user  XSS is a client side problem  Sometimes caused by server side vulnerabilities  Sometimes caused by a wide range of problems transparent for the server  Still we try to improve server side XSS filters
  • 14. Idea  Prevention against XSS in the DOM  Capability based DOM security  Inspired by HTTPOnly  Cookies cannot be read by scripts anymore  Why not changing document.cookie to do so  JavaScript up to 1.8.5 enabled this  Unfortunately Non-Standard  Example →
  • 15. __defineGetter__() <script> document.__defineGetter__('cookie', function(){ alert('no cookie access!'); return false; }); </script> … <script> alert(document.cookie) </script>
  • 16. Problems  Proprietary  And not tamper resistant at all  JavaScript supplies a delete operator  Delete operations on DOM properties reset their state  Getter definitions can simply be overwritten  Object getters - invalid for DOM protection purposes  Same for setters and overwritten methods
  • 17. Bypass <script> document.__defineGetter__('cookie', function(){ alert('no cookie access!'); return false; }); </script> … <script> delete document.cookie; alert(document.cookie) </script>
  • 18. Tamper Resistance  First attempts down the prototype chain  document.__proto__.__defineGetter__()  Document.prototype  Attempts to register delete event handlers  Getter and setter definitions for the prototypes  Setter protection for setters  Recursion problems  Interval based workarounds and race conditions  JavaScript 1.8 unsuitable for DOM based XSS protection
  • 19. ECMA Script 5  Older user agents use JavaScript based on ES3  Firefox 3  Internet Explorer 8  Opera 11  The modern ones already ship ES5 compliance  Google Chrome  Safari 5+  Firefox 4+  Internet Explorer 9 and 10pp3
  • 20. Object Extensions  Many novelties in ECMA Script 5  Relevance for client side XSS mitigation  Object extensions such as  Object.freeze() and Object.seal()  Object.getOwnPropertyNames() - a lovely method!  Object.defineProperty() / Object.defineProperties()  Object.preventExtensions()  Less relevant but still interesting  Proxy Objects, useless since no host objects allowed...  More meta-programming APIs  Combinations with DOM Level 3 events
  • 21. ({}).defineProperty()  Object.defineProperty() and ..Properties()  Three parameters  Parent object  Child object to define  Descriptor literal  Descriptors allow to manipulate  Get / Set behavior  Value  “Enumerability”  “Writeability”  “Configurability”  Example →
  • 22. Example <script> Object.defineProperty(document, 'cookie', { get: function(){return:false}, set: function(){return:false}, configurable:false }); </script> … <script> delete document.cookie; alert(document.cookie); </script>
  • 23. configurable:false  Setting “configurability” to false is final  The object description is stronger than delete  Prototype deletion has to effect  Re-definition is not possible  With this method call cookie access can be forbidden  By the developer  And by the attacker
  • 24. Prohibition  Regulating access in general  Interesting to prevent cookie theft  Other properties can be blocked too  Method access and calls can be forbidden  Methods can be changed completely  Horizontal log can be added to any call, access and event  That is for existing HTML elements as well  Example →
  • 25. Action Protection <script> var form = document.getElementById('form'); Object.defineProperty(form, 'action', { set: IDS_detectHijacking, get: IDS_detectStealing, configurable:false }); </script> … <script> document.forms[0].action='//'; </script>
  • 26. First Roundup  Access prohibition might be effective  Value and argument logging helps detecting attacks  Possible IDS solutions are not affected by heavy string obfuscation  No impedance mismatches  Attacks are detected on they layer they target  Parser errors do not have effect here  No effective charset obfuscations  Immune against plug-in-deployed scripting attacks  Automatic quasi-normalization  It's a blacklist though
  • 27. Going Further  No access prohibitions but RBAC via JavaScript  Possible simplified protocol  Let object A know about permitted accessors  Let accessors of object A be checked by the getter/setter  Let object A react depending on access validity  Seal object A  Execute application logic  Strict policy based approach  A shared secret between could strengthen the policy  Example →
  • 28. RBAC and IDS <script> Object.defineProperty(document, 'cookie', { set:RBAC_checkSetter(IDS_checkArguments()), get:RBAC_checkGetter(IDS_checkArguments()) configurable:false }); // identified via arguments.callee.caller My.allowedMethod(document.cookie); </script> … <script> alert(document.cookie) </script>
  • 29. Forced Introspection  Existing properties can gain capabilities  The added setter will know:  Who attempts to set  What value is being used  The added getter will know:  Who attempts to get  An overwritten function will know:  How the original function looked like  Who calls the function  What arguments are being used  IDS and RBAC are possible  Tamper resistance thanks to configurable:false
  • 30. Case Study I  Stanford JavaScript Crypto Library  AES256, SHA256, HMAC and more in JavaScript  „SJCL is secure“  Not true from an XSS perspective  Global variables  Uses  Math.floor(), Math.max(), Math.random()  document.attachEvent(), native string methods etc.  Any of which can be attacker controlled  High impact vulnerabilities ahead...
  • 31. Case Study II  BeEF – Browser Exploitation Framework  As seen some minutes ago ☺  Uses global variables  window.beef = BeefJS;  Attacker could seal it with Object.defineProperty()  Else the defender could “counterbeef” it  BeEF XSS = Exploiting the exploiter  Maybe a malformed UA string? Or host address?
  • 32. Deployment  Website owners should obey a new rule  „The order of deployment is everything“  As long as trusted content is being deployed first  Object.defineProperty() can protect  Sealing can be used for good  The script deploying first controls the DOM  Persistent, tamper resistant and transparent  Self-defense is possible  Example →
  • 33. !defineProperty() <html> <head> <script> … Object.defineProperty(Object, 'defineProperty' { value:[], configurable:false }); </script> … <script> Object.defineProperty(window,'secret', { get:stealInfo }); // TypeError </script>
  • 34. Reflection  Where are we now with ES5?  Pro:  We can fully restrict property and method access  We have the foundation for a client side IDS and RBAC  We can regulate Object access, extension and modification  CSP and sand-boxed Iframes support this approach  Contra:  It's a blacklist  Magic properties cause problems  We need to prevent creation of a fresh DOM  Right now the DOM sucks!  Still we can approach XSS w/o any obfuscation
  • 35. But now... Enough with the theory already!
  • 36. Experimentation  Publish a totally XSS-able website  1st step: Attribute injections  2nd step: Full HTML injections, implemented as crappily as possible  No server filter at all  Protect it with JavaScript only  Block access to document.cookie  Implement a safe getter  Announce a challenge to break it  Break→Score→Await Fix→Break→Score again  Tough challenge→Evolutionary Result-Set→Extra Learning
  • 37. Code Example document.cookie = '123456-secret-123456'; (function(){ var i,j,x,y; var c = document.cookie; var o = Object.defineProperty; document.cookie=null; o(MouseEvent.prototype, 'isTrusted', {configurable:false}); o(document, 'cookie', {get:function()arguments.callee.caller===Safe.get ? c : null}); x=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window),x.push('HTMLHeadElement'); for(i in x) { if(/^HTML/.test(x[i])) { for(j in y=['innerHTML', 'textContent', 'text']) { o(window[x[i]].prototype, y[j], {get: function() null}) } } } for(i in x=['wholeText', 'nodeValue', 'data', 'text', 'textContent']) { o(Text.prototype, x[i], {get: function() null}) } })();
  • 38. A Safe Getter? var Safe = {}; Safe.get = function() { var e = arguments.callee.caller; if(e && e.arguments[0].type === 'click' && e.arguments[0].isTrusted === true) { return document.cookie } return null; }; Object.freeze(Safe);  Make sure it's a click  Make really sure it's a click  Make really sure it's a real click  Look good, right?
  • 40. Evaluation by Penetration  Turns out it's been all rubbish  Code was broken 52 times  Spoofing “real” clicks  Overwriting frozen properties  Using Iframes and data URIs  Using XHR from within JavaScript and data URIs  Finding leaking DOM properties  Cloning content into textarea and reading the value  Here's a full list  Code was fixed successfully 52 times  Remainder of an overall of zero “unfixable” bypasses?  Well – almost. And depending on the user agent.  IE? Yes sir! Firefox? Yes - kinda. Rest? Nope
  • 41. Current State  XSSMe¹ still online   XSSMe² as well   You are welcome to break it  ~14.000 attempts to break it so far  52 succeeded,  52 were ultimately fixed! Thanks plaintext and createHTMLDocument()  XSSMe³ / JSLR is available right now!   Hat-tips to Gareth Heyes  ~8.000 attempts to break it – of which 15 succeeded (so far) and 14 were fixed  And hopefully there is more to come
  • 42. How's it done?  XSSMe²  Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window).concat( Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Window.prototype))  document.write('<plaintext id=__doc>')  document.implementation.createHTMLDocument()  JSLR/XSSMe³  All of the above  Apply a random ID to any legitimate element  Check against its existence  Wrap JavaScript code in identifier blocks  High security mode – server supported though  Please, please try to break it!
  • 43. So?  Client-side, JavaScript only XSS protection is possible  Is it elegant right now? Noope  Does it work on all modern browsers? Almost! IE and FF doing great  Is it feasible? Yes – but fragile  More fragile than protection allotted over n layers? Noope  What remains to be done?  A small wish-list for the browser vendors!  A possibility to make it work elegantly
  • 44. Future Work I  We need to fix the DOM  Consistency please  Higher prio for DOM bugs – they will be security bugs anyway soon!  Specify a white-list based approach  Fix and refine event handling and DOM properties  DOMFrameContentLoaded  Maybe DOMBeforeSubtreeModified?  Maybe DOMBeforeInsertNode?  The DOM needs more “trustability”  Monitor and contribute to ES6 and ES7  We need DOM Proxies!
  • 45. Future Work II  Talk to W3C people  DOM Sandboxing kinda works – but that's about it  Introduce the features we need to make it elegant  Specify DOMInit, support its implementation  Specify Object.intercept()  White-list based DOM access and caller interception  Details available soon. Or after a beer or two  And finally?  Please let's fix the Java Plugin! Really!  This is sheer horror and breaks everything  Anyone here from Oracle we could talk to?
  • 46. Conclusion  XSS remains undefeated - but lots'a steps forwards were made  RIAs gain complexity and power, WDP and Win8  Client-agnostic server side filters designed to fail  Time for a new approach  Still a lot of work to be done  Client-side XSS protection and more is possible  Just not the most elegant  Still – compare 70 lines of JS to 12091 lines of PHP  Let's get it done already  Hard? Yes. No one said it'd be easy :)
  • 47. Questions  Thanks for your time!  Discussion?  Thanks for advice and contribution:  G. Heyes, S. Di Paola, E. A. Vela Nava  R. Shafigullin, J. Tyson, M. Kinugawa, N. Hippert, M. Nison, K. Kotowicz  D. Ross and M. Caballero  J. Wilander and M. Bergling  J. Magazinius, Phung et al.  All unmentioned contributors