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When They’re Not Looking…
        Throw in
   21st Century Skills!

                         M e l anie W i s c ou nt
       P a l my ra A r e a S c h ool D i s tri ct, P a l my ra, P A
        N M SA 2 0 1 0 C o nf er e nce – B a l t imore , M D
                         N o v e mb er 5 , 2 0 1 0
Become Global
   On Board:

 “Think of an
   Idea to
 The world –
  Put it into

“Pay It Forward – Assignment to Save the World” – video segment from by
user WateryNeo -
The World is Different

“World is in my hand” - Photo from ~by simply fred
Learning Objectives
 Explorehow we as teachers
 can effectively provide
 learning experiences that
 “connect” to the global society
 of the 21st century learner

 Infuse21 st century skills by
 using Web 2.0 resources &
 tools that can be integrated
 into any curriculum
What’s Different?
 Technology                – Internet & widespread use
 Global      Competition – it’s a flat world
 Workplace              – basic and technical skill
 requirements of traditional jobs are
 changing & organization structure
 Economy             – creating high-performance
    “21st Century Skills for 21st Century Jobs” - A Report of the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S.
    Department of Education, U.S. Department of Labor, National Institute of Literacy, and the Small
    Business Administration,
    January 1999
“Information and communication
  technologies are raising the bar
  on the competencies needed to
  succeed in the 21st century."
           The 21st Century Workforce Commission's
           (2000) National Alliance of Business
   Technology “flattens” the
   Global Achievement Gap
    measured by PISA
    PISA Country Profiles
PISA Results
PISA Tests                Top Scoring Country                     United States Place

2003                  Math – Hong Kong
                      Reading – Finland
                                                                 Math – 28th 
                                                                 Reading – 18th 
Results               Science – Finland                          Science – 22nd 
                      Problem-solving – Korea                    Problem-solving – 29th 
                                                                 Math – 25th 
                      Math – Taipei (Kiina)
                                                                 Reading – 15th 
2006                  Reading – Korea
                                                                 Science – 21st 
                      Science – Finland
                                                                 Problem-solving – Not
                      Problem-solving – Not assessed

2009                  Will be reported in December               Will be reported in December
                      2010                                       2010

 Above OECD average                    Close to OECD average        Below the OECD average
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
    Growing competitive demand
    for advanced skills
   Global Achievement Gap
    measured by PISA
    PISA Country Profiles
How the Demand for
 Skills has Changed? – September 2010
The Future
“In the 21st century, American
  competitiveness and worker
  prosperity will be tied tightly
     to the education and
     skill attainment of the

“21st Century Skills for 21st Century Jobs” - A Report of the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S.
Department of Education, U.S. Department of Labor, National Institute of Literacy, and the Small Business
January 1999
The Profession
N e w p r i n ciple s f or t e a c her p r e p ara t ion p r og ra ms

1 .P - 12 e d u c a ti on w i l l p r e p a re a l l s t u d en ts w i t h 2 1 s t
c e n t ury k n ow led ge a n d s k i l ls .

2 . P - 1 2 t e a c her s a n d a d mi nis t rat ors w i l l p os s e ss , t e a c h
a n d a s s e s s 2 1 s t c e n t ury k n ow led ge a n d s k i l ls .

3 . E d u ca t or p r e p a ra tion p r og ra ms w i l l p r e p a re t h e i r
g r a d u at es t o p os s e s s, t e a c h a n d a s s e s s 2 1 s t c e n t ury
k n ow le dge a n d s k i l ls .

4 . N e w t e a c he rs w i l l b e p r e p are d t o b e c ome c h a n g e
a g e n t s f or e mb e d ding 2 1 s t c e n t ury k n ow led ge a n d
s k i l ls i n a l l s u b j ect s i n P - 1 2 c u r ricu la i n a c c ord ance
w i t h n a t i on a l a n d s t a t e s t a n d a rd s.

        American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) & Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21)
        September 2010
The Profession
N e w p r i n ciple s f or t e a c her p r e p ara t ion p r og ra ms

5 . H i g her e d u ca t ion l e a d ers w i l l w or k w i t h l e a d e rs
i n P - 1 2 a n d l oc a l c ommu nit ies t o i n f or m t h e
r e d e sig n of e d u ca t or p r e p a ra ti on p r og ra ms t o
mor e e f f e c t ively me e t t h e n e e d s of 2 1 s t c e n t u ry
l e a r ne rs.

6 . E a c h e d u ca t or p r e pa ra ti on p r og ra m w i l l d e ve l op
a 2 1 s t c e n t ury b l u e p rint f or t r a n s f ormin g i t s e l f i n t o
a 2 1 s t c e n t ury p r og r am.

7 . E d u ca t or p r e p a ra tion p r og ra ms w i l l b e
r e c ogni zed a s s ou r ce s of l e a d ers hip i n d e ve l op ing
2 1 s t c e n t ury e d u ca t ion a n d l e a r n ing s t r a t eg ies.

8 . E d u ca t or p r e p a ra tion p r og ra ms w i l l b e a t t h e
f or e f ront of r e s e a rch a n d e v a l u a tion of 2 1 s t
c e n t ury e d u ca t ion .
   American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) & Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21)
   September 2010
What Does
             21 st             Teaching Look Like?
           S u c c e ssfu lly a l i g n ing t e c h nolog ies w i t h
           c on t e nt a n d p e d a g ogy an d d e v e l o pi ng t h e
           ab il i t y t o c re at iv ely u s e t e c h n ologies t o m e e t
           s p e c if ic le arn in g n e e d s ,
           A l i g n in g in s t ru c ti on w i t h s t an d ard s, p art ic u larly
           t h o s e s t a n d a rds t h a t e mb od y 2 1 s t c e n t u ry
           k n ow le dge a n d s k i l ls ,
           B alan c i ng d i re c t in s t ru c tion s t rat e gical ly w i t h
           p r oj ect -orien ted t e a c h ing me t h ods
           A p p l yi ng c h i ld a n d a d ol e s cent d e ve l op men t
           k n ow le dge t o e d u c ato r p re p arat i on an d
           e d u c ati o n p o l i c y,

American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) & Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) September 2010
What Does 21 st Teaching
         Look Like?
  Using a range of assessment
  strategies to evaluate student
  performance and differentiate
  instruction (including but not limited
  to formative, portfolio-based,
  curriculum-embedded and
  Participating actively in learning
  communities; tapping the expertise
  within a school or school district
  through coaching, mentoring,
  knowledge-sharing, and team

American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) & Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21)
September 2010
What Does 21 st Teaching
       Look Like?
Acting as mentors and peer
coaches with fellow educators ,
Using a range of strategies
(such as formative assessments)
to reach diverse students and to
create environments that support
differentiated teaching and
Pursuing continuous learning
opportunities and embracing
career-long learning as a
professional ethic.
American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) & Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21)
September 2010
 Global,   Knowledge-based Economy
   "The current and future health of
     America's 21st century economy
     depends directly on how broadly
     and deeply Americans reach a
     new level of literacy — 21st
     Century Literacy."
               The 21st Century Workforce Commission's
               (2000) National Alliance of Business
Each Student Needs to be:
a   c r i t i cal t hi nker
 a pr obl em s ol v er
 a n i nnov a t or
 an      effec t i ve c ommuni c a t or
 an   effec t i ve c ol l a bor a tor
 i nf or mat i on a nd medi a l i t er ate
 gl obal l y    aw a r e
 c i v i ca lly en ga ged
 fi n a nc i a lly a nd ec onomi c a ll y l iter a te

   Preparing Students for Jobs That Do Not Exist, Chris Pearson, August 16, 2007
21st Century Literacy
  Academic Core Subjects
 English, reading  Economics

 or language arts      Science

 World   languages    Geography

 Arts                 History

                       Government   and
 Mathematics
21st Century Literacy

 21 st   Century Inter-disciplinary Themes

   Global Awareness
   Financial, Economic, Business, Entrepreneurial
   Civic Literacy
   Health Literacy
   Environmental Literacy
21 st Century Learning
 Learning    & Innovation Skills

 Information,
            Media, &
 Technology Skills

 Life   & Career Skills
21 st Century Learning
 Learning    & Innovation Skills
  Critical Thinking & Problem Solving
  Creativity & Innovation
21 st Century Learning
 Information,   Media, & Technology
  Information Literacy
  Media Literacy
  ICT – Information, Communications, &
  Technology Literacy
21 st Century Learning
 Life  & Career Skills
  Flexibility & A daptability
  Initiative & Self -direction
  Social & Cross-Cultural Skills
  Productivity & Accountability
  L eadership & Responsibility
Partnership for 21 st
Century Skills (P21)
21st Century Literacy

21st Century Inter-disciplinary Themes

  Digital   Age Literacy

  Inventive   Thinking

  Effective   Communication

  High   Productivity
21 st Century Learning


           Global                  Scientific
          Awareness                 Literacy

Multicultural           Digital             Economic
  Literacy             Literacy              Literacy

         Information              Technological
           Literacy                  Literacy

of Thinking


Risk-taking                  Curiosity

Teaming &

  Interactive                                        Inter-personal
Communication                                             Skills


           Social &
               for Results


 Ability to
                                 Use Of
How We Learn
10% of what we READ
20% of what we HEAR
30% of what we SEE
50% of what we SEE and HEAR
70% of what is DISCUSSED with OTHERS
95% of what we TEACH TO SOMEONE ELSE
                 William Glasser
Digital Writing Prompts
Write a paragraph to persuade your parents to appreciate
your choice in music and listen to your favorite artist.

   Basic Literacy

   Visual Literacy

  Ability to Produce
Peer Assessment
Peer Assessment – PowerPoint US President Project – PQP Chart

Date: ___________________________________________________________________

Student that you are Assessing: ______________________________________________

Your name: ______________________________________________________________

           Steps                                   Peer Tips 
                                                                                 PPP Charts ~
                                                                                 Praise – Pose- Polish

                                                                                   Interpersonal Skills

Peer Assessment – PowerPoint US President Project – PQP Chart
Date: ___________________________________________________________________               Literacy
Student that you are Assessing: ______________________________________________

Your name: ______________________________________________________________
                                                                                     Critical Thinking
           Steps                                   Peer Tips 
Peer Assessment
        Wall Wisher

                               Interpersonal Skills


                                Critical Thinking
Interactive PowerPoint
VBA Scripting in MS Applications
Ability to Produce      •ActiveX Controls
     Relevant,             •Option Buttons
                           •Text Boxes
                           •Check Boxes
 Technological             •List Box
    Literacy               •Command Button
  Teaming &
                           •Combo Box
Five Things This
Generation Can’t Do
Searching Strategies
                     The     Deep (Invisible) Web
  Information        Use
    Literacy          directories/databases
 Technological         Op e n D irectory P r oject
                       I n ternet P u blic L ibrary &
Critical Thinking
                       L i brarians ’ I n ternet I n dex
      Skills           T h e En vironment D irectory
                     Information Scavenger
Website Credibility

     Literacy        Train  students to be
                     Digital Investigator
    Literacy         Training
                     Smart Search for Digital R esources
 Responsibility      Ev aluate Digital Materials
Critical Thinking    Use Digital Materials in an Ethical
      Skills         Manner
Website Credibility
Website Credibility
Website Credibility
Social Bookmarking
                               Users    save bookmarks to a
                                   publicly accessible web

                                     Make your bookmarks available
     Literacy                        on any computer
                                     Share your bookmarks with a
    Literacy                         group of colleagues and see
                                     their bookmarks
Effective Use of
Real-world Tools            or digg
Teaching Ethics to Students
          Different Scenarios




Cyber Safety
Digital Citizenship

  Digital Security

   Digital Safety

Information Literacy



Cyber Safety
Digital Citizenship

  Digital Security

   Digital Safety

Information Literacy




Visual Literacy

 Planning, &
 Managing for


Visual Literacy

 Planning, &
 Managing for



 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools

Critical Thinking


  Visual Literacy

 Effective Use of
 Real-World Tools

 Critical Thinking

 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools

Critical Thinking


 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools

Critical Thinking
                   • Ten Reasons why to
                     Attend Hershey
    Literacy         Middle School
                      – Students use
 Basic Literacy
Effective Use of        headsets
Real-World Tools
                      – Create voice profile
     Literacy        Digital Storytelling
 Visual Literacy             VoiceThread
Effective Use of
Real-World Tools



Ability to Produce
 Relevant, High
Quality Products

Digital Storytelling
     Literacy          MixBook
 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools


Ability to Produce
 Relevant, High
Quality Products

Digital Storytelling
     Literacy        Windows Movie Maker
 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools


Ability to Produce
 Relevant, High
Quality Products

                     Microsoft Windows MovieMaker

 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools


Ability to Produce
 Relevant, High
Quality Products



Global Awareness


 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools

Excel Timeline & Quiz


 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools

Excel Timeline & Quiz
Extreme Bedroom
  Technology Makeover

 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools



Extreme Bedroom
Amusement Park

 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools



Amusement Park
Lemonade Stand Game


 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools


Lemonade Stand Game

 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools
                     Student’ s
   Creativity        Reflection on
Lemonade Stand Game
 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools

 and Managing
   for Results

TEAM - Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Information      Ring Around the

                   A - Reader

 Higher Order of   B - Paraphraser
   Thinking &
Sound Reasoning
                   C - Predictor
  Teaming &

Google Earth Tours



  Teaming &

Global Awareness


Google Earth Tours



  Teaming &

Global Awareness


Google Docs & Groups

                       Word     Processor

 Adaptability &
   Managing            Presentations
                       Spreadsheets
Economic Literacy
                       Use with Google
   Teaming &
Scientific Literacy    Chat

Online Tools
What is Web 2.0?
    “An emerging network-centric
      platform to support distributed,
      collaborative and cumulative
      creation by its users.”
    John Hagel, Business, Strategy, and Technology Speaker

•   More social – more communication
•   More collaborative
•   Content created by users
•   Services can be built coordinating data and
    code from other services
My Discovery 8 Blog


  Teaming &

Effective Use of
Real-world Tools


My Computer 6 Blog


  Teaming &

Effective Use of
Real-world Tools



  Teaming &

Effective Use of
Real-world Tools



  Teaming &

Effective Use of
Real-world Tools



  Teaming &

Effective Use of
Real-world Tools


Try Your Entrepreneurial
       Hot Shot Business

  Effective Use of
  Real-World Tools


  Problem Solving

      h t t p : / / d i s n e y. g o . c o m / h o t s h o t / h s b 4 / n o l o g i n / h s b 4 _ b r o a d b a n d . h t
Lights! Camera! Action!
                                     Animated Video
 Visual Literacy

Effective Use of
Real-World Tools


Ability to Produce
 Relevant, High
Quality Products

        h t t p : / / w w w. x t r a n o r m a l . c o m
Go Green
           Virtual Learning
  Teaming &

Effective Use of
Real-world Tools


Safe Ways to Personalize
          Voki – talking avatar


Effective Use of
Real-world Tools

Visual Literacy

Safe Ways to
    Be Funky – “cartoonize” & sketch


Effective Use of
Real-world Tools

Visual Literacy


                                          Pine Grove
 Interpersonal                               Area
     Skills                                 Middle
Effective Use of                             Fifth
Real-world Tools                           Graders
  Interactive          Middle

Photo Editing


Effective Use of
Real-world Tools

Visual Literacy

Put Your Course


Effective Use of
Real-world Tools


Digital Writing Prompt

Think about the word "determination". What do the words
"you can do anything that you set your mind to do" mean
to you?

      Basic Literacy

      Visual Literacy

    Ability to Produce

Rice Experiment
                   The POWER of Words.....

Interpersonal Skills




                                      Thank You            You Fool

Where to
The Four C’s by
             Top US Executives

       Communication Skills
       Critical Thinking & Problem
       Collaboration/Team-building
       Creativity & Innovation – AMA Critical Skills
Survey Executive Summary - 2010
21 s t Century Skills
            assessment
  A r e y o u r s tudents r e ady f o r t h e 2 1 st c e ntury?
  A l igned t o t h e NETS ( National Ed ucational T e chnology
  S t andards)
Ultimate Goal

          Progression &
Make a Difference
      “ T h e i l l i t e ra te o f t h e
      2 1 s t c e n t u ry w i l l n o t
      be those who cannot
      read and write, but
      those who cannot
      l e a rn , u n l e a rn , a n d
                       Alvin Toffler

      American Writer & Futurist;
      former editor of Fortune

              For electronic files from today’s session :
                    Click on Conferences page
Click on Incorporating 21st Century Skills into the Curriculum page

     Check out my slideshow on
            Technology…It’s All Around Us ~
                 username mwiscount
           Follow me on Twitter: @mwiscount
R e sources:
S i l d e 2 : “ Pay I t For wa r d – A s s i g nme nt t o S av e t h e Wor l d ” – v i d e o s eg m e n t f r om www. y ou t u b e .c om by
us er Water yNeo
Slide 4:“21st Century Skills for 21st Centur y Jobs” - A Repor t of the U.S . Depar tment of Commerce,
U.S . Depar tment of Education, U.S . Depar tment of Labor, National Institute of Literacy, and the Small
Business Administration,
January 1999
S l i d e 5: h t t p : / / www. doc ument s/a ac te_p21_whi tep aper2010.pd f
Sl ide 6: http://pis acountr
S l i d e 7 : h t t p : / / www. all4 e d. org/f i le s/In tl Comp _Fact Sh ee t .p df
h t t p : / /www.mi ned u. fi /exp or t /si tes/ defau lt/ OPM/ Kou lut us/ ar t i kkeli t/p is a -
t u t k i m u s /p is a2 00 3 /P is a _ av er age s 1 . pd f
h t t p : / /www.ed uca ti onc oun ts . gov t. nz /d at a_coll ec ti ons /pi sa _res ea rch /p isa _2003
h t t p : / /www.ed uca ti onc oun ts . gov t. nz /d at a_coll ec ti ons /pi sa _res ea rch /p isa _2006
h t t p : / /www.ed uca ti onc oun ts . gov t. nz /d at a_coll ec ti ons /pi sa _res ea rch /p isa _2009
h ttp ://www.finfacts .com/ireland bu sin es snews/pu blish/ar ticle_1012003.shtml
h t t p : / /n ces .ed. gov /p ub s2008/2008016.p df
h t t p : / /www.mi ned u. fi /exp or t /si tes/ defau lt/ OPM/ Kou lut us/ ar t i kkeli t/p is a -
tu tkim u s/p is a2006/l iitteet/PISA2006en.pd f
S l i d e 8: 21 st C en t u r y K n owl ed g e & S ki l l s i n Ed u c a t or P r ep a r at ion by A A C TE & P 2, S ep t emb er 2010 -
h ttp ://www.p ocu ments/aacte_p21_whitepaper2010.pd f
S l i d e 38: h t t p : / /www. vid eova t. com/ searc h.a sp x?q= hoyt

Slide 83:
h t t p : / /d is n ey. go . co m / ho t s ho t /h s b 4/ no l og i n/ hs b 4 _ br o a db and .h tm l ? pr o f il e _ pl ay =% 3 c bus in es s _ t yp e% 3e
G ra phics :
S l i d e 1 : I m a g e f o u n d a t h t t p : / / w w w . f li ck r . c o m /p h o t o s /b a ck g r o u n d n ow / 3 9 5 5 6 7 0 1 70 /
b y B a c k g r o u n d N ow . co m
S l i d e 2 5 : h t t p : / / w w w . p 2 1 . o r g /r o u t e 2 1 /i m a g e s /s t o r i e s /s t a t e s /r a i n b ow _ we b % 2 0 0 7 1 0. j p g
S l i d e 9 5 : h t t p : / /c o m m on s . w i k i m e d i a . o rg /w i k i /Fi le : U S_ N av y _1 0 1 0 1 3 - N - 8 8 6 3 V-
5 2 2 _ E i g h t h _ g r a d e _s t u d e n t s _ f r o m _M i r a _ L o m a _ Mi d d l e _S ch oo l _ u s e _ a _ g r o u n d _t r a c k i n
g _ s y s t e m _ d u r i n g _ t h e _ 1 1 t h _a n n u a l _S ci e n ce _ a n d _Te ch n . j p g

Slide 74: Image found at
h t t p : / / co m m o n s . w i k i m e d i a . o rg / w i k i / Fi l e : R o t a t i n g _ e a r t h _% 2 8 l a rg e %2 9 . g i f b y M a r v e l
S l i d e 8 4 : h t t p : / / w w w . l e a r n i n g . c o m /p d f s / 2 1 cs a /2 1 s t - C SA - P r o d u c t -S h e e t . p d f , p a g e 2

Q u o te :
Slide 74:
h t t p : / / w w w . q u o t a t i o n s p a g e . co m /s e a r ch . p h p 3 ? h o m e s e a r c h = 2 1 s t + ce n t u r y & s t a r t s e a r ch =
S e a r ch
W h e n T h e y ’ re N o t L o o k i n g …
                     Throw in
             2 1 s t C e n t u ry S k i l l s!
              For electronic files from today’s session :

            Click on NMSA on Wilkes University page
 For middle school cyber safety curriculum, links, videos, & games:
For Incorporating 21st Century Skills into your Curriculum Resources:
                   Contact Information



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Connecting Students to the Global Society of the 21st Century

  • 1. When They’re Not Looking… Throw in 21st Century Skills! M e l anie W i s c ou nt P a l my ra A r e a S c h ool D i s tri ct, P a l my ra, P A N M SA 2 0 1 0 C o nf er e nce – B a l t imore , M D N o v e mb er 5 , 2 0 1 0
  • 2. Become Global Thinkers Assignment On Board: “Think of an Idea to change The world – & Put it into Action “Pay It Forward – Assignment to Save the World” – video segment from by user WateryNeo -
  • 3. The World is Different “World is in my hand” - Photo from ~by simply fred
  • 4. Learning Objectives  Explorehow we as teachers can effectively provide learning experiences that “connect” to the global society of the 21st century learner  Infuse21 st century skills by using Web 2.0 resources & tools that can be integrated into any curriculum
  • 6. What’s Different?  Technology – Internet & widespread use  Global Competition – it’s a flat world  Workplace – basic and technical skill requirements of traditional jobs are changing & organization structure  Economy – creating high-performance workplaces “21st Century Skills for 21st Century Jobs” - A Report of the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Labor, National Institute of Literacy, and the Small Business Administration, January 1999
  • 7. Technology “Information and communication technologies are raising the bar on the competencies needed to succeed in the 21st century." The 21st Century Workforce Commission's (2000) National Alliance of Business
  • 8. Global Competition  Technology “flattens” the world  Global Achievement Gap measured by PISA PISA Country Profiles
  • 9. PISA Results PISA Tests Top Scoring Country United States Place 2003 Math – Hong Kong Reading – Finland Math – 28th  Reading – 18th  Results Science – Finland Science – 22nd  Problem-solving – Korea Problem-solving – 29th  Math – 25th  Math – Taipei (Kiina) Reading – 15th  2006 Reading – Korea Science – 21st  Science – Finland Problem-solving – Not Problem-solving – Not assessed assessed 2009 Will be reported in December Will be reported in December 2010 2010  Above OECD average  Close to OECD average  Below the OECD average Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • 10. Workplace  Growing competitive demand for advanced skills  Global Achievement Gap measured by PISA PISA Country Profiles
  • 11. How the Demand for Skills has Changed? – September 2010
  • 12. The Future “In the 21st century, American competitiveness and worker prosperity will be tied tightly to the education and skill attainment of the workforce.” “21st Century Skills for 21st Century Jobs” - A Report of the U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Department of Education, U.S. Department of Labor, National Institute of Literacy, and the Small Business Administration, January 1999
  • 13. The Profession N e w p r i n ciple s f or t e a c her p r e p ara t ion p r og ra ms 1 .P - 12 e d u c a ti on w i l l p r e p a re a l l s t u d en ts w i t h 2 1 s t c e n t ury k n ow led ge a n d s k i l ls . 2 . P - 1 2 t e a c her s a n d a d mi nis t rat ors w i l l p os s e ss , t e a c h a n d a s s e s s 2 1 s t c e n t ury k n ow led ge a n d s k i l ls . 3 . E d u ca t or p r e p a ra tion p r og ra ms w i l l p r e p a re t h e i r g r a d u at es t o p os s e s s, t e a c h a n d a s s e s s 2 1 s t c e n t ury k n ow le dge a n d s k i l ls . 4 . N e w t e a c he rs w i l l b e p r e p are d t o b e c ome c h a n g e a g e n t s f or e mb e d ding 2 1 s t c e n t ury k n ow led ge a n d s k i l ls i n a l l s u b j ect s i n P - 1 2 c u r ricu la i n a c c ord ance w i t h n a t i on a l a n d s t a t e s t a n d a rd s. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) & Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) September 2010
  • 14. The Profession N e w p r i n ciple s f or t e a c her p r e p ara t ion p r og ra ms 5 . H i g her e d u ca t ion l e a d ers w i l l w or k w i t h l e a d e rs i n P - 1 2 a n d l oc a l c ommu nit ies t o i n f or m t h e r e d e sig n of e d u ca t or p r e p a ra ti on p r og ra ms t o mor e e f f e c t ively me e t t h e n e e d s of 2 1 s t c e n t u ry l e a r ne rs. 6 . E a c h e d u ca t or p r e pa ra ti on p r og ra m w i l l d e ve l op a 2 1 s t c e n t ury b l u e p rint f or t r a n s f ormin g i t s e l f i n t o a 2 1 s t c e n t ury p r og r am. 7 . E d u ca t or p r e p a ra tion p r og ra ms w i l l b e r e c ogni zed a s s ou r ce s of l e a d ers hip i n d e ve l op ing 2 1 s t c e n t ury e d u ca t ion a n d l e a r n ing s t r a t eg ies. 8 . E d u ca t or p r e p a ra tion p r og ra ms w i l l b e a t t h e f or e f ront of r e s e a rch a n d e v a l u a tion of 2 1 s t c e n t ury e d u ca t ion . American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) & Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) September 2010
  • 15. What Does 21 st Teaching Look Like? S u c c e ssfu lly a l i g n ing t e c h nolog ies w i t h c on t e nt a n d p e d a g ogy an d d e v e l o pi ng t h e ab il i t y t o c re at iv ely u s e t e c h n ologies t o m e e t s p e c if ic le arn in g n e e d s , A l i g n in g in s t ru c ti on w i t h s t an d ard s, p art ic u larly t h o s e s t a n d a rds t h a t e mb od y 2 1 s t c e n t u ry k n ow le dge a n d s k i l ls , B alan c i ng d i re c t in s t ru c tion s t rat e gical ly w i t h p r oj ect -orien ted t e a c h ing me t h ods A p p l yi ng c h i ld a n d a d ol e s cent d e ve l op men t k n ow le dge t o e d u c ato r p re p arat i on an d e d u c ati o n p o l i c y, American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) & Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) September 2010
  • 16. What Does 21 st Teaching Look Like? Using a range of assessment strategies to evaluate student performance and differentiate instruction (including but not limited to formative, portfolio-based, curriculum-embedded and summative), Participating actively in learning communities; tapping the expertise within a school or school district through coaching, mentoring, knowledge-sharing, and team teaching American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) & Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) September 2010
  • 17. What Does 21 st Teaching Look Like? Acting as mentors and peer coaches with fellow educators , Using a range of strategies (such as formative assessments) to reach diverse students and to create environments that support differentiated teaching and learning Pursuing continuous learning opportunities and embracing career-long learning as a professional ethic. American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education (AACTE) & Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21) September 2010
  • 18. National Economy  Global, Knowledge-based Economy "The current and future health of America's 21st century economy depends directly on how broadly and deeply Americans reach a new level of literacy — 21st Century Literacy." The 21st Century Workforce Commission's (2000) National Alliance of Business
  • 19. Each Student Needs to be: a c r i t i cal t hi nker  a pr obl em s ol v er  a n i nnov a t or  an effec t i ve c ommuni c a t or  an effec t i ve c ol l a bor a tor  i nf or mat i on a nd medi a l i t er ate  gl obal l y aw a r e  c i v i ca lly en ga ged  fi n a nc i a lly a nd ec onomi c a ll y l iter a te Preparing Students for Jobs That Do Not Exist, Chris Pearson, August 16, 2007
  • 20. What?
  • 21. 21st Century Literacy Academic Core Subjects  English, reading  Economics or language arts  Science  World languages  Geography  Arts  History  Government and  Mathematics civics
  • 22. 21st Century Literacy  21 st Century Inter-disciplinary Themes Global Awareness Financial, Economic, Business, Entrepreneurial Literacy Civic Literacy Health Literacy Environmental Literacy
  • 23. 21 st Century Learning  Learning & Innovation Skills  Information, Media, & Technology Skills  Life & Career Skills
  • 24. 21 st Century Learning  Learning & Innovation Skills Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Communication Collaboration Creativity & Innovation
  • 25. 21 st Century Learning  Information, Media, & Technology Skills Information Literacy Media Literacy ICT – Information, Communications, & Technology Literacy
  • 26. 21 st Century Learning  Life & Career Skills Flexibility & A daptability Initiative & Self -direction Social & Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity & Accountability L eadership & Responsibility
  • 27. Partnership for 21 st Century Skills (P21)
  • 28. 21st Century Literacy 21st Century Inter-disciplinary Themes  Digital Age Literacy  Inventive Thinking  Effective Communication  High Productivity
  • 29. 21 st Century Learning
  • 30. Basic Literacy Global Scientific Awareness Literacy Multicultural Digital Economic Literacy Literacy Literacy Information Technological Literacy Literacy Visual Literacy
  • 31. Adaptability and Managing Complexity Higher Order Self- of Thinking Direction & Reasoning Inventive Thinking Risk-taking Curiosity Creativity
  • 32. Teaming & Collaboration Interactive Inter-personal Communication Skills Effective Communication Social & Personal Civic Responsibility Responsibility
  • 33. Prioritizing, Planning, and Managing for Results High Productivity Ability to Effective Produce Use Of Relevant, Real-World High-Quality Tools Products
  • 34. How?
  • 35. How We Learn 10% of what we READ 20% of what we HEAR 30% of what we SEE 50% of what we SEE and HEAR 70% of what is DISCUSSED with OTHERS 80% of what is EXPERIENCED PERSONALLY 95% of what we TEACH TO SOMEONE ELSE William Glasser
  • 37. Digital Writing Prompts Write a paragraph to persuade your parents to appreciate your choice in music and listen to your favorite artist. Basic Literacy Visual Literacy Ability to Produce Relevant, High-Quality Products
  • 38. Peer Assessment Peer Assessment – PowerPoint US President Project – PQP Chart Date: ___________________________________________________________________ Student that you are Assessing: ______________________________________________ Your name: ______________________________________________________________ Steps Peer Tips  PPP Charts ~ Praise – Pose- Polish Interpersonal Skills Peer Assessment – PowerPoint US President Project – PQP Chart Technological Date: ___________________________________________________________________ Literacy Student that you are Assessing: ______________________________________________ Your name: ______________________________________________________________ Critical Thinking Steps Peer Tips  Skills
  • 39. Peer Assessment Wall Wisher Interpersonal Skills Technological Literacy Critical Thinking Skills
  • 40. Interactive PowerPoint Presentations VBA Scripting in MS Applications Ability to Produce •ActiveX Controls Relevant, •Option Buttons High-Quality •Text Boxes Products •Check Boxes Technological •List Box Literacy •Command Button •Labels Teaming & •Combo Box Collaboration
  • 41. Five Things This Generation Can’t Do
  • 42. Searching Strategies  The Deep (Invisible) Web Information  Use Literacy directories/databases Technological Op e n D irectory P r oject Literacy I n ternet P u blic L ibrary & Critical Thinking L i brarians ’ I n ternet I n dex Skills T h e En vironment D irectory  Information Scavenger Hunt
  • 44. Website Credibility Information Literacy  Train students to be Digital Investigator Technological Literacy Training Personal Smart Search for Digital R esources Responsibility Ev aluate Digital Materials Critical Thinking Use Digital Materials in an Ethical Skills Manner
  • 48. Social Bookmarking  Users save bookmarks to a publicly accessible web site Information Make your bookmarks available Literacy on any computer Technological Share your bookmarks with a Literacy group of colleagues and see their bookmarks Effective Use of Real-world Tools or digg businesses/2006/07/31/
  • 49. Teaching Ethics to Students Different Scenarios Information Literacy Technological Literacy Personal Responsibility
  • 50. Cyber Safety Digital Citizenship Digital Security Digital Safety Information Literacy Personal Responsibility Interactive Communication
  • 51. Cyber Safety Digital Citizenship Digital Security Digital Safety Information Literacy Personal Responsibility Interactive Communication
  • 53. Creating News Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Prioritizing, Planning, & Managing for Results Problem-solving
  • 54. Creating News Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Prioritizing, Planning, & Managing for Results Problem-solving
  • 55. Packaging Design Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Critical Thinking Skills
  • 56. Packaging Design Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Critical Thinking Skills
  • 57. Packaging Design Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Critical Thinking Skills
  • 58. Packaging Design Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Critical Thinking Skills
  • 59. Voice Recognition • Ten Reasons why to Attend Hershey Technology Literacy Middle School – Students use Basic Literacy microphone Effective Use of headsets Real-World Tools – Create voice profile
  • 60. Technology Literacy Digital Storytelling Visual Literacy VoiceThread Effective Use of Real-World Tools Creativity Interactive Communication Ability to Produce Relevant, High Quality Products
  • 61. Digital Storytelling Technology Literacy MixBook Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Creativity Ability to Produce Relevant, High Quality Products
  • 62. Digital Storytelling Technology Literacy Windows Movie Maker Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Creativity Ability to Produce Relevant, High Quality Products Microsoft Windows MovieMaker
  • 63. MapFest Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Creativity Ability to Produce Relevant, High Quality Products Problem-solving
  • 65. My Totem Pole Multicultural Literacy Global Awareness Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Creativity
  • 66. Excel Timeline & Quiz Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Creativity
  • 68. Extreme Bedroom Technology Makeover Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Creativity Economic Literacy Problem-solving
  • 69. Extreme Bedroom Makeover
  • 70. Amusement Park Comparison Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Creativity Economic Literacy Problem-solving
  • 71. Amusement Park Comparison
  • 72. Lemonade Stand Game Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Creativity Economic Literacy
  • 73. Lemonade Stand Game Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Student’ s Creativity Reflection on Performance Economic Literacy
  • 74. Lemonade Stand Game Technology Literacy Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Prioritizing, Planning, and Managing for Results Economic Literacy
  • 75. Group Projects TEAM - Together Everyone Accomplishes More
  • 76. Information Ring Around the Research Literacy Basic Literacy A - Reader Curiosity Higher Order of B - Paraphraser Thinking & Sound Reasoning C - Predictor Teaming & Collaboration Creativity
  • 77. Google Earth Tours Information Literacy Technological Literacy Curiosity Teaming & Collaboration Global Awareness Problem-solving
  • 78. Google Earth Tours Information Literacy Technological Literacy Curiosity Teaming & Collaboration Global Awareness Problem-solving
  • 79. Google Docs & Groups  Word Processor Self-direction Adaptability & Managing  Presentations Complexity  Spreadsheets Economic Literacy  Use with Google Teaming & Collaboration Groups Scientific Literacy  Chat
  • 80. Online Tools & Applications
  • 81. What is Web 2.0? “An emerging network-centric platform to support distributed, collaborative and cumulative creation by its users.” John Hagel, Business, Strategy, and Technology Speaker • More social – more communication • More collaborative • Content created by users • Services can be built coordinating data and code from other services
  • 82. My Discovery 8 Blog Basic Literacy Teaming & Collaboration Effective Use of Real-world Tools Interactive Communications
  • 83. My Computer 6 Blog Basic Literacy Teaming & Collaboration Effective Use of Real-world Tools Interactive Communications
  • 84. Wikis Basic Literacy Teaming & Collaboration Effective Use of Real-world Tools Interactive Communications
  • 85. Wikis Basic Literacy Teaming & Collaboration Effective Use of Real-world Tools Interactive Communications
  • 86. Podcasts VozMe Basic Literacy Teaming & Collaboration Effective Use of Real-world Tools Interactive Communications
  • 87. Try Your Entrepreneurial Skills Hot Shot Business Technology Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Economic Literacy Problem Solving h t t p : / / d i s n e y. g o . c o m / h o t s h o t / h s b 4 / n o l o g i n / h s b 4 _ b r o a d b a n d . h t ml?profile_play=%3cbusiness_type%3e
  • 88. Lights! Camera! Action! Technology Literacy Animated Video Visual Literacy Effective Use of Real-World Tools Creativity Ability to Produce Relevant, High Quality Products h t t p : / / w w w. x t r a n o r m a l . c o m
  • 89. Go Green Virtual Learning umerConsequences.html
  • 90. Podcasts Basic Literacy Vocaroo Teaming & Collaboration Effective Use of Real-world Tools Interactive Communications
  • 91. Safe Ways to Personalize Voki – talking avatar Creativity Effective Use of Real-world Tools Visual Literacy
  • 92. Safe Ways to Personalize Be Funky – “cartoonize” & sketch Creativity Effective Use of Real-world Tools Visual Literacy
  • 93. Skype Pine Grove Interpersonal Area Skills Middle School Effective Use of Fifth Real-world Tools Graders Hershey Interactive Middle School Communication Sixth Graders
  • 94. Photo Editing Creativity Effective Use of Real-world Tools Visual Literacy
  • 95. Put Your Course Online Self-direction Effective Use of Real-world Tools Personal Responsibility
  • 96. Digital Writing Prompt Think about the word "determination". What do the words "you can do anything that you set your mind to do" mean to you? Basic Literacy Visual Literacy Ability to Produce Relevant, High-Quality Products Empathy
  • 97. Rice Experiment The POWER of Words..... Interpersonal Skills Interactive Communication Verbal Communication Empathy Thank You You Fool
  • 99. The Four C’s by Top US Executives  Communication Skills  Critical Thinking & Problem Solving  Collaboration/Team-building  Creativity & Innovation – AMA Critical Skills Survey Executive Summary - 2010
  • 100. 21 s t Century Skills Assessment  assessment A r e y o u r s tudents r e ady f o r t h e 2 1 st c e ntury? A l igned t o t h e NETS ( National Ed ucational T e chnology S t andards)
  • 101. Ultimate Goal Life-long Learner Success Self-sufficiency Progression & Self-improvement
  • 102. Make a Difference “ T h e i l l i t e ra te o f t h e 2 1 s t c e n t u ry w i l l n o t be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot l e a rn , u n l e a rn , a n d relearn.” Alvin Toffler American Writer & Futurist; former editor of Fortune Magazine
  • 103. Contact Information For electronic files from today’s session : Click on Conferences page Or Click on Incorporating 21st Century Skills into the Curriculum page Check out my slideshow on Technology…It’s All Around Us ~ username mwiscount Follow me on Twitter: @mwiscount
  • 104. R e sources: References S i l d e 2 : “ Pay I t For wa r d – A s s i g nme nt t o S av e t h e Wor l d ” – v i d e o s eg m e n t f r om www. y ou t u b e .c om by us er Water yNeo Slide 4:“21st Century Skills for 21st Centur y Jobs” - A Repor t of the U.S . Depar tment of Commerce, U.S . Depar tment of Education, U.S . Depar tment of Labor, National Institute of Literacy, and the Small Business Administration, January 1999 S l i d e 5: h t t p : / / www. doc ument s/a ac te_p21_whi tep aper2010.pd f Sl ide 6: http://pis acountr S l i d e 7 : h t t p : / / www. all4 e d. org/f i le s/In tl Comp _Fact Sh ee t .p df h t t p : / /www.mi ned u. fi /exp or t /si tes/ defau lt/ OPM/ Kou lut us/ ar t i kkeli t/p is a - t u t k i m u s /p is a2 00 3 /P is a _ av er age s 1 . pd f h t t p : / /www.ed uca ti onc oun ts . gov t. nz /d at a_coll ec ti ons /pi sa _res ea rch /p isa _2003 h t t p : / /www.ed uca ti onc oun ts . gov t. nz /d at a_coll ec ti ons /pi sa _res ea rch /p isa _2006 h t t p : / /www.ed uca ti onc oun ts . gov t. nz /d at a_coll ec ti ons /pi sa _res ea rch /p isa _2009 h ttp ://www.finfacts .com/ireland bu sin es snews/pu blish/ar ticle_1012003.shtml h t t p : / /n ces .ed. gov /p ub s2008/2008016.p df h t t p : / /www.mi ned u. fi /exp or t /si tes/ defau lt/ OPM/ Kou lut us/ ar t i kkeli t/p is a - tu tkim u s/p is a2006/l iitteet/PISA2006en.pd f S l i d e 8: 21 st C en t u r y K n owl ed g e & S ki l l s i n Ed u c a t or P r ep a r at ion by A A C TE & P 2, S ep t emb er 2010 - h ttp ://www.p ocu ments/aacte_p21_whitepaper2010.pd f
  • 105. References Resources: S l i d e 38: h t t p : / /www. vid eova t. com/ searc h.a sp x?q= hoyt Slide 83: h t t p : / /d is n ey. go . co m / ho t s ho t /h s b 4/ no l og i n/ hs b 4 _ br o a db and .h tm l ? pr o f il e _ pl ay =% 3 c bus in es s _ t yp e% 3e
  • 106. References G ra phics : S l i d e 1 : I m a g e f o u n d a t h t t p : / / w w w . f li ck r . c o m /p h o t o s /b a ck g r o u n d n ow / 3 9 5 5 6 7 0 1 70 / b y B a c k g r o u n d N ow . co m S l i d e 2 5 : h t t p : / / w w w . p 2 1 . o r g /r o u t e 2 1 /i m a g e s /s t o r i e s /s t a t e s /r a i n b ow _ we b % 2 0 0 7 1 0. j p g S l i d e 9 5 : h t t p : / /c o m m on s . w i k i m e d i a . o rg /w i k i /Fi le : U S_ N av y _1 0 1 0 1 3 - N - 8 8 6 3 V- 5 2 2 _ E i g h t h _ g r a d e _s t u d e n t s _ f r o m _M i r a _ L o m a _ Mi d d l e _S ch oo l _ u s e _ a _ g r o u n d _t r a c k i n g _ s y s t e m _ d u r i n g _ t h e _ 1 1 t h _a n n u a l _S ci e n ce _ a n d _Te ch n . j p g Slide 74: Image found at h t t p : / / co m m o n s . w i k i m e d i a . o rg / w i k i / Fi l e : R o t a t i n g _ e a r t h _% 2 8 l a rg e %2 9 . g i f b y M a r v e l S l i d e 8 4 : h t t p : / / w w w . l e a r n i n g . c o m /p d f s / 2 1 cs a /2 1 s t - C SA - P r o d u c t -S h e e t . p d f , p a g e 2 Q u o te : Slide 74: h t t p : / / w w w . q u o t a t i o n s p a g e . co m /s e a r ch . p h p 3 ? h o m e s e a r c h = 2 1 s t + ce n t u r y & s t a r t s e a r ch = S e a r ch
  • 107. W h e n T h e y ’ re N o t L o o k i n g … Throw in 2 1 s t C e n t u ry S k i l l s! For electronic files from today’s session : Click on NMSA on Wilkes University page For middle school cyber safety curriculum, links, videos, & games: For Incorporating 21st Century Skills into your Curriculum Resources: Contact Information