history 12 hitler cold war social studies 11 history ussr political cartoon mussolini corporate state lenin second world war canada government fascism radio sar command economy dictators comparison stalin five-year plan economic russian revolution league of nations egypt canadian history victorian boer war tin pot navy laurier norad nato diefenbunker avro arrow bomarc missile canadian autonomy provincial exam interpreting political cartoons test prep political cartoons rationing women total war home front camp x production rcaf(wd) wrcn rosie ronnie the bren gun girl cwac bcatp jeopardy canadian parliament parliament socialism anarchy capitalism ism ideology communism politics socials 11 corduroy road oxen spartree donkey engine steam donkey spar pole yalta conference newfoundland conference potsdam conference atlantic charter cairo conference tehran conference aircraft carrier kamikaze war in the pacific usa iwo jima japan u.s. marines pacific war island hopping midway eastern front barbarossa colonial colony of vancouver island b.c. pact of steel syndicalism black shirts ovra march on rome acerbo law lateran accord desegregation civil rights jim crow scottsboro 9 segregation kkk east germany ddr perestroika glasnost collapse of communism gorbachev communication log voice procedure connotation denotation panmunjon mig alley macarthur dmz pusan korean war korea kapyong inchon hollywood usa 1950s joseph mccarthy huac peaceful coexistence khrushchev marshall plan super power iron curtain east vs. west competition truman doctrine second world david low ww2 indian national congress raj congress party muslim league gandhi haral amritsar massacre satyagraha salt march homespun india league of nations mandates 1948 war zionism camp david accord yom kippur war six-day war arab nationalism goering strasser himler rohm roehm sa oath of allegience ss four-year plan four-year plan marx quotations karl marx marxism provisional government peace bread and land bolshevik revolution all power to the soviets trotsky lvov february revolution march revolution november revolution october revolution father gapon stolypin bloody sunday duma russia fundamental laws treaty of versailles french security in the inter-war period pocast history of the world rob monaco hyksos podcast of our world social studies 7 middle kingdom dirty thirties great depression autonomy putsch germany 1930s germany 1920s china ww2 japan ww2 causes united nations peace keepers un names first world war 1914 map english 12 poetry
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