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The Art and Science of Test Developmentβ€”Part E

              Calculate norms and derived scores

                             Kevin S. McGrew, PhD.

                              Educational Psychologist

                             Research Director
                         Woodcock-MuΓ±oz Foundation

   The basic structure and content of this presentation is grounded extensively on the test
               development procedures developed by Dr. Richard Woodcock
How do we construct age-based norms from
            standardization norm data?

Answer: Curve fitting of sorted subsample data points is
the engine that drives the development of all derived scores
These Block           546
   Rotation W-scores               Block Rotation
   are then used for              Summary: Final
    developing test                  Rasch for
      β€œnorms” and                 Publication test –
    validity research             graphic item map

                                   n = 37 norming
                                   items (0-74 RS
    ο‚€                              n = 4,722 norm
    ο‚€ο‚€                                 subjects
 ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€
ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€
 ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€

  Graphic display of
 distribution of Block
Rotation person abilities
                                      Pub. Test

1       6      11            WJ III β€œclassic” norm calculation procedures
         Age     Age     Age
          W       W       W

          2       7      12
         Age     Age     Age
          W       W       W
                                       (each ball represents an individual norm subject)
          3       8      13
         Age     Age     Age
          W       W       W                          n =8,000+ norm subjects
          4       9      …
         Age     Age     Age
          W       W       W

          5      10      8,000
         Age     Age      Age
          W       W        W

         1. Sort 8,000 subjects from youngest (CA in months) to oldest

Mdn CA   x1    x2 ……..
                         2. Divide sorted pool of subjects in successively older blocks of n=50
Mdn W    y1    y2 ……..

                         3. Calculate β€œweighted” (US Census derived subject weights)
                            median (average) CAMOS (X) and REF W (Y) for each block
                         4. Plot mdn CAMOS (x1, x2,..) and REF W (y1, y2…) and smooth curve
550                                                                         550
        Letter-Word ID Ref W (20-120 months) raw data points
500                                                                         500

450                                                                         450

400                                                                         400

350                                  Each data point is a β€œsample” that     350
                                     contains β€œsampling error” --- this
                                     accounts for the β€œbounce” between
                                     data points. How do we deal with
300                                  this sampling error (bounce) to        300
                                     construct norms and derived

250                                                                         250
   20         40           60            80              100              120
Letter-Word ID Ref W (20-120 months) polynomial curve generated solution
                            (using special curve fitting software)
550                                                                                  550

500                                                                                  500

450                                                                                  450

400                                                                                  400

                                                        The smoothed curve
350                                                                                  350
                                                        represents the best
                                                        approximation of the
300                                                     population average norm      300
                                                        W-score for a test
                                                        (Reference W or REF W)
250                                                                                  250
   20               40              60                 80            100           120
Obtaining Developmental Scores (age/grade equivalents)

                                 A W-score of 450 (for
                                 Letter-Word Identification
                                 test) = 2.4 grade equivalent

                                 A W-score of 400 = 1.3
                                 grade equivalent

                                 Smoothed age curves are
                                 used in the same manner to
                                 obtain age equivalents
Developing norms and derived scores: What does a tested person’s score
       on a test mean when compared to the appropriate reference group (age
                         norms will be used as example)

                                                                 The meaning of a Block
   ο‚€             ο‚€                    ο‚€            ο‚€             Rotation W-score of X
   ο‚€            ο‚€ο‚€
                 ο‚€                   ο‚€ο‚€
                                      ο‚€           ο‚€ο‚€
   ο‚€            ο‚€ο‚€
                 ο‚€                   ο‚€ο‚€
                                      ο‚€           ο‚€ο‚€
                                                   ο‚€             (e.g., 477) will have
   ο‚€            ο‚€ο‚€
                 ο‚€                   ο‚€ο‚€
                                      ο‚€           ο‚€ο‚€
                                                   ο‚€             different interpretations
   ο‚€ο‚€          ο‚€ο‚€
                 ο‚€ο‚€                 ο‚€ο‚€
                                      ο‚€ο‚€         ο‚€ο‚€
                                                   ο‚€ο‚€            when compared to
  ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€          ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€
                ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€                 ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€
                                     ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€         ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€
ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€
ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€
 ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€         ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€
              ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€
               ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€                ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€
                                   ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€
                                    ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€         ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€
                                                ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€
                                                 ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€            different age group norm
2 yr olds       3 yr olds           4 yr olds    5 yr olds
                                                                 Measures of relative
                                                                 standing (percentile
                                                                 rank, standard score)
                                                                 derive meaning based
                                                                 on how far away the
     431.6                  477                        545.7     person’s W-score is
                                                                 from average (for age)

                    Block Rotation W-scale
Obtaining Measures of Relative Standing: A subjects W-score for a
specific measure is compared to the average W-scores for that subjects
  specific age (age norms) or grade (grade norms). This is called the
                        Reference W (REF W)

                                           Expected β€œaverage REF W”
                                          for someone tested at grade
                                           3.0 (grade norms) is 472.5
                                            (obtained score of 472.5
                                           would be SS=100; PR=50)
Obtaining Scores of Relative Standing: Subjects obtained W-score for a specific
 measure is compared to the distribution (mean and SD) of W-scores for that
           subjects specific age (age norms) or grade (grade norms)

                                                             β€œMean” is the
                                                          smoothed β€œRef W”
                                                          value for a specific

                                                          β€œSD” is the smoothed
                                                            SD (10/90) for a
                                                           specific age/grade

    SS (M=100; SD=15) = (z x 15) + 100

              β€’ e.g.   z = -1; SS = 85
X                  Y
                                     Custom software generated
                                       norm β€œsetup” data file
                                          (Block Rotation)

                                         Input for graphing and
                                         polynomial curve fitting

                                     X             Y

Note: These examples are from
original WJ III 2001 norms and
 not the subsequent WJ III NU
         (2007) norms
Original Block Rotation Reference W age-based curve fitting: A real-
                     world example of the β€œart + science” of constructing norms

                           r^2=0.12670607 Eqn 8160 Line(a,b) Robust None
                        7667WLO Eqn 7667 Chebyshev=>Std Rational Order 8/9
                                      Block Rotation Ref-W Age
          510                                                                              510

          505                                                                              505

          500                                                                              500

          495                                                                              495

          490                                                                              490

          485                                                                              485

          480                                                                              480

          475                                                                              475

          470                                                                              470

          465                                                                              465
          460                                                                              460
             12                                  120                                    1200
                                           Age (in months)

                                   Solution A: Up to 230 months (note:
                                          age scale is a log scale)

Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
Original Block Rotation Reference W age-based curve fitting: A real-
                     world example of the β€œart + science” of constructing norms

                          r^2=0.12670607 Eqn 8160 Line(a,b) Robust None
                       6870WHI Eqn 6870 Chebyshev=>Std Polynomial Order 20
                                     Block Rotation Ref-W Age
          510                                                                             510

          505                                                                             505

          500                                                                             500

          495                                                                             495

          490                                                                             490

          485                                                                             485

          480                                                                             480

          475                                                                             475

          470                                                                             470

          465                                                                             465
          460                                                                             460
             12              276              540              804            1068
                                             Age (in months)

                             Solution B: 231 to 1200 months
                            (note: age scale is regular interval
                                   scale--not log scale)

Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
Original Block Rotation Reference W age-based curve fitting: A real-
            world example of the β€œart + science” of constructing norms

       Curve solution A β€œfeathered/blended” with Curve Solution B at 230
     months for single final solution. Sometimes more than 2 curve parts are
                               needed for age norms.

Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
Final smoothed curves serve
as the mechanism for the
published norms, either in the
form of equations in software


  Note: These examples are from
  original WJ III 2001 norms and
   not the subsequent WJ III NU
           (2007) norms
Age       Reference
                                    (in months)      W

                                                                  Age       Reference
                                                              (in months)      W
Tables of values for
published norms in
test manuals

  Note: These examples are from
   original WJ III 2001 norms and                 etc……
   not the subsequent WJ III NU
            (2007) norms
X                Y
                                     Custom software generated
                                       norm β€œsetup” data file
                                          (Block Rotation)

                                         Input for graphing and
                                         polynomial curve fitting

                                     X                          Y

Note: These examples are from
original WJ III 2001 norms and
 not the subsequent WJ III NU
         (2007) norms
Original Block Rotation SD90 age-based curve fitting: A real-world
                       example of the β€œart + science” of constructing norms

                                           Block Rotation SD90 Age
    Rank 2502 Eqn 7938 y=(a+cx^(0.5)+ex+gx^(1.5)+ix^2)/(1+bx^(0.5)+dx+fx^(1.5)+hx^2+jx^(2.5)) [NL]
                       r^2=0.48235094 DF Adj r^2=0.41998358 FitStdErr=1.6978814 Fstat=8.6968999
                            a=15.791894 b=0.66619087 c=1.7270779 d=-0.2462822 e=-1.0287721
                     f=0.02543265 g=0.082451267 h=-0.00095281528 i=-0.0010522608 j=1.5044367e-05
          15                                                                                         15

          13                                                                                         13

          11                                                                                         11

          9                                                                                          9

          7                                                                                          7

          5                                                                                          5

          3                                                                                          3

          1                                                                                          1
           12                                            120                                       1200
                                                  Age (in months)

                                        Same is done for SD 10

Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
Original Block Rotation SD90 age-based curve fitting: A real-world
                      example of the β€œart + science” of constructing norms

                                            Block Rotation SD90 Age
    Rank 2502 Eqn 7938 y=(a+cx^(0.5)+ex+gx^(1.5)+ix^2)/(1+bx^(0.5)+dx+fx^(1.5)+hx^2+jx^(2.5)) [NL]
                        r^2=0.48235094 DF Adj r^2=0.41998358 FitStdErr=1.6978814 Fstat=8.6968999
                             a=15.791894 b=0.66619087 c=1.7270779 d=-0.2462822 e=-1.0287721
                      f=0.02543265 g=0.082451267 h=-0.00095281528 i=-0.0010522608 j=1.5044367e-05
          15                                                                                          15

          13                                                                                          13

          11                                                                                          11

          9                                                                                           9

          7                                                                                           7

          5                                                                                           5

          3                                                                                           3

          1                                                                                           1
           12                 276                   540                   804                  1068
                                                   Age (in months)

                                       Same is done for SD 10

Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
Final smoothed
curves serve as
the mechanism
for the published
norms, either in
the form of
equations in


Note: These examples are from
original WJ III 2001 norms and
 not the subsequent WJ III NU
         (2007) norms
Age       SD (in
                                  (in months)   W units)

                                                               Age       SD (in
                                                           (in months)   W units)
Tables of values for
published norms in
test manuals

 Note: These examples are from
 original WJ III 2001 norms and                 etc……
  not the subsequent WJ III NU
          (2007) norms
Obtaining Scores of Relative Standing: Subjects W-score for a specific
  measure is then compared to the distribution of W-scores for that subjects
              specific age (age norms) or grade (grade norms)

Smoothed SD90
                                               Smoothed REF W (average)

                                                              Note: These are NOT
                                                               the curves for Block
                                                             Rotation. They are from
                                                             another measure. Used
                                                                 here as example

                                     Smoothed SD10
Use of bootstrap re-sampling methods in curve fitting

Special proprietary iterative curve fitting Q/A procedures for selecting
best possible curve from a pool of plausible curves

Different subject weighting procedures

Calculating cluster norms (combinations of tests)

Calculating differentially weighted cluster norms (e.g., WJ III GIA

Calculating discrepancy norms

Special test-cluster consistency checks and procedures

Creating special Rasch (W-score) based interpretative scoring options
and features (e.g., RPI, instructional ranges) – explained in separate
PPT module

Special test-length correction procedures for calculation of reliabilities
and correlations
With publication of WJ III NU norms, we now use bootstrap
     generated β€œsticks” and not raw single data points
WJ III NU boostraping: If you really want to know check out ASB9
WJ III NU boostraping: If you really want to know check out ASB9
WJ III NU boostraping: If you really want to know check out ASB9
End of Part E
  Additional steps in test development process will be
presented in subsequent modules as they are developed
Applied Psych Test Design: Part E--Cacluate norms and derived scores
Applied Psych Test Design: Part E--Cacluate norms and derived scores
Applied Psych Test Design: Part E--Cacluate norms and derived scores

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Applied Psych Test Design: Part E--Cacluate norms and derived scores

  • 1. The Art and Science of Test Developmentβ€”Part E Calculate norms and derived scores Kevin S. McGrew, PhD. Educational Psychologist Research Director Woodcock-MuΓ±oz Foundation The basic structure and content of this presentation is grounded extensively on the test development procedures developed by Dr. Richard Woodcock
  • 2. How do we construct age-based norms from standardization norm data? Answer: Curve fitting of sorted subsample data points is the engine that drives the development of all derived scores
  • 3. These Block 546 Rotation W-scores Block Rotation are then used for Summary: Final developing test Rasch for β€œnorms” and Publication test – validity research graphic item map n = 37 norming items (0-74 RS points) ο‚€ n = 4,722 norm ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ subjects ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ Graphic display of distribution of Block Rotation person abilities Pub. Test W-score scale 432
  • 4. 1 6 11 WJ III β€œclassic” norm calculation procedures Age Age Age W W W 2 7 12 Age Age Age W W W (each ball represents an individual norm subject) 3 8 13 Age Age Age W W W n =8,000+ norm subjects 4 9 … Age Age Age W W W 5 10 8,000 Age Age Age W W W 1. Sort 8,000 subjects from youngest (CA in months) to oldest Oldest Youngest ……………………………………………………………………………………… Mdn CA x1 x2 …….. 2. Divide sorted pool of subjects in successively older blocks of n=50 Mdn W y1 y2 …….. 3. Calculate β€œweighted” (US Census derived subject weights) median (average) CAMOS (X) and REF W (Y) for each block 4. Plot mdn CAMOS (x1, x2,..) and REF W (y1, y2…) and smooth curve
  • 5. 550 550 Example: Letter-Word ID Ref W (20-120 months) raw data points 500 500 450 450 400 400 350 Each data point is a β€œsample” that 350 contains β€œsampling error” --- this accounts for the β€œbounce” between data points. How do we deal with 300 this sampling error (bounce) to 300 construct norms and derived scores? 250 250 20 40 60 80 100 120
  • 6. Letter-Word ID Ref W (20-120 months) polynomial curve generated solution (using special curve fitting software) 550 550 500 500 450 450 400 400 The smoothed curve 350 350 represents the best approximation of the 300 population average norm 300 W-score for a test (Reference W or REF W) 250 250 20 40 60 80 100 120
  • 7. Obtaining Developmental Scores (age/grade equivalents) A W-score of 450 (for Letter-Word Identification test) = 2.4 grade equivalent A W-score of 400 = 1.3 grade equivalent Smoothed age curves are used in the same manner to obtain age equivalents
  • 8. Developing norms and derived scores: What does a tested person’s score on a test mean when compared to the appropriate reference group (age norms will be used as example) The meaning of a Block ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ Rotation W-score of X ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ (e.g., 477) will have ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ different interpretations ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ when compared to ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ ο‚€ο‚€ ο‚€ different age group norm subsamples 2 yr olds 3 yr olds 4 yr olds 5 yr olds Measures of relative standing (percentile rank, standard score) derive meaning based on how far away the 431.6 477 545.7 person’s W-score is from average (for age) BBB Block Rotation W-scale
  • 9. Obtaining Measures of Relative Standing: A subjects W-score for a specific measure is compared to the average W-scores for that subjects specific age (age norms) or grade (grade norms). This is called the Reference W (REF W) Expected β€œaverage REF W” for someone tested at grade 3.0 (grade norms) is 472.5 (obtained score of 472.5 would be SS=100; PR=50)
  • 10. Obtaining Scores of Relative Standing: Subjects obtained W-score for a specific measure is compared to the distribution (mean and SD) of W-scores for that subjects specific age (age norms) or grade (grade norms) β€œMean” is the smoothed β€œRef W” value for a specific age/grade β€œSD” is the smoothed SD (10/90) for a specific age/grade SS (M=100; SD=15) = (z x 15) + 100 β€’ e.g. z = -1; SS = 85
  • 11. X Y Custom software generated norm β€œsetup” data file example (Block Rotation) Input for graphing and polynomial curve fitting X Y Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
  • 12. Original Block Rotation Reference W age-based curve fitting: A real- world example of the β€œart + science” of constructing norms r^2=0.12670607 Eqn 8160 Line(a,b) Robust None 7667WLO Eqn 7667 Chebyshev=>Std Rational Order 8/9 Block Rotation Ref-W Age 510 510 505 505 500 500 495 495 490 490 Ref-W Ref-W 485 485 480 480 475 475 470 470 465 465 460 460 12 120 1200 Age (in months) Solution A: Up to 230 months (note: age scale is a log scale) Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
  • 13. Original Block Rotation Reference W age-based curve fitting: A real- world example of the β€œart + science” of constructing norms r^2=0.12670607 Eqn 8160 Line(a,b) Robust None 6870WHI Eqn 6870 Chebyshev=>Std Polynomial Order 20 Block Rotation Ref-W Age 510 510 505 505 500 500 495 495 490 490 Ref-W Ref-W 485 485 480 480 475 475 470 470 465 465 460 460 12 276 540 804 1068 Age (in months) Solution B: 231 to 1200 months (note: age scale is regular interval scale--not log scale) Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
  • 14. Original Block Rotation Reference W age-based curve fitting: A real- world example of the β€œart + science” of constructing norms Curve solution A β€œfeathered/blended” with Curve Solution B at 230 months for single final solution. Sometimes more than 2 curve parts are needed for age norms. Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
  • 15. Final smoothed curves serve as the mechanism for the published norms, either in the form of equations in software Or, Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
  • 16. Age Reference (in months) W Age Reference (in months) W Tables of values for published norms in test manuals Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and etc…… not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
  • 17. X Y Custom software generated norm β€œsetup” data file example (Block Rotation) Input for graphing and polynomial curve fitting X Y Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
  • 18. Original Block Rotation SD90 age-based curve fitting: A real-world example of the β€œart + science” of constructing norms Block Rotation SD90 Age Rank 2502 Eqn 7938 y=(a+cx^(0.5)+ex+gx^(1.5)+ix^2)/(1+bx^(0.5)+dx+fx^(1.5)+hx^2+jx^(2.5)) [NL] r^2=0.48235094 DF Adj r^2=0.41998358 FitStdErr=1.6978814 Fstat=8.6968999 a=15.791894 b=0.66619087 c=1.7270779 d=-0.2462822 e=-1.0287721 f=0.02543265 g=0.082451267 h=-0.00095281528 i=-0.0010522608 j=1.5044367e-05 15 15 13 13 11 11 9 9 SD90 SD90 7 7 5 5 3 3 1 1 12 120 1200 Age (in months) Same is done for SD 10 Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
  • 19. Original Block Rotation SD90 age-based curve fitting: A real-world example of the β€œart + science” of constructing norms Block Rotation SD90 Age Rank 2502 Eqn 7938 y=(a+cx^(0.5)+ex+gx^(1.5)+ix^2)/(1+bx^(0.5)+dx+fx^(1.5)+hx^2+jx^(2.5)) [NL] r^2=0.48235094 DF Adj r^2=0.41998358 FitStdErr=1.6978814 Fstat=8.6968999 a=15.791894 b=0.66619087 c=1.7270779 d=-0.2462822 e=-1.0287721 f=0.02543265 g=0.082451267 h=-0.00095281528 i=-0.0010522608 j=1.5044367e-05 15 15 13 13 11 11 9 9 SD90 SD90 7 7 5 5 3 3 1 1 12 276 540 804 1068 Age (in months) Same is done for SD 10 Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
  • 20. Final smoothed curves serve as the mechanism for the published norms, either in the form of equations in software Or, Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
  • 21. Age SD (in (in months) W units) Age SD (in (in months) W units) Tables of values for published norms in test manuals Note: These examples are from original WJ III 2001 norms and etc…… not the subsequent WJ III NU (2007) norms
  • 22. Obtaining Scores of Relative Standing: Subjects W-score for a specific measure is then compared to the distribution of W-scores for that subjects specific age (age norms) or grade (grade norms) Smoothed SD90 Smoothed REF W (average) Note: These are NOT the curves for Block Rotation. They are from another measure. Used here as example Smoothed SD10
  • 23. Use of bootstrap re-sampling methods in curve fitting Special proprietary iterative curve fitting Q/A procedures for selecting best possible curve from a pool of plausible curves Different subject weighting procedures Calculating cluster norms (combinations of tests) Calculating differentially weighted cluster norms (e.g., WJ III GIA cluster) Calculating discrepancy norms Special test-cluster consistency checks and procedures Creating special Rasch (W-score) based interpretative scoring options and features (e.g., RPI, instructional ranges) – explained in separate PPT module Special test-length correction procedures for calculation of reliabilities and correlations
  • 24. With publication of WJ III NU norms, we now use bootstrap generated β€œsticks” and not raw single data points
  • 25.
  • 26. WJ III NU boostraping: If you really want to know check out ASB9
  • 27. WJ III NU boostraping: If you really want to know check out ASB9
  • 28. WJ III NU boostraping: If you really want to know check out ASB9
  • 29. End of Part E Additional steps in test development process will be presented in subsequent modules as they are developed