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DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011       DVCS in big Corporation
DVCS in big Corporation

     About                Challenges                    Solutions
 ●   Me               ●   Authentication            ●   Centralization
 ●   DVCS             ●   Authorization             ●   Visualization

November, 14th 2011       DVCS in big Corporation
Quick notes

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
About : me

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
About : me on SO

                      Many times during the day
                      Every single day

A Lot Rep             ask@me

November, 14th 2011                 DVCS in big Corporation
     Client side                          Server side

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
And then, a miracle:

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
     Client side                          Server side

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Git on a client

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Git on a client

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Git on a client

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
     Not enthusiastic

November, 14th 2011     DVCS in big Corporation
Issues? Authentication.
     Who is VonC?

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issues? Communication

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issues? Publication

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011    DVCS in big Corporation

                                       itsvcprd git

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation


November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Server: not root

                      Sudo apt-get install git

November, 14th 2011    DVCS in big Corporation
Server: not alone
     Services are managed by root

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Server: not in control
     /usr/local content can change
      at any time

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Recompile Everything

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Recompile Everything: root

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Recompile Everything: alone
 ●   Tailored services (ssh, ldap, https)

November, 14th 2011    DVCS in big Corporation
Recompile Everything: in control
     Your own version of ~/usr/local

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Manual recompilation?
     Download sources

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Manual recompilation?
./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-lib=${HULL}
./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-lib=${HULL}
--with-openssl --with-curl --with-expat --with-iconv=${HUL}
--with-openssl --with-curl --with-expat --with-iconv=${HUL}
--with-gitconfig=${HUL}/var/gitconfig --with-editor=vim
--with-gitconfig=${HUL}/var/gitconfig --with-editor=vim
--with-perl=${HULA}/perl/bin/perl --with-zlib=${HUL}
--with-perl=${HULA}/perl/bin/perl --with-zlib=${HUL}
  ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@
   ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@
--with-tcltk=no --with-python=${HULA}/python/bin/python
--with-tcltk=no --with-python=${HULA}/python/bin/python
  --enable-ssl=shared --enable-ssl --with-ssl=${HUL}/ssl
   --enable-ssl=shared --enable-ssl --with-ssl=${HUL}/ssl
  --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-connect
   --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-connect
  --enable-proxy-ftp --enable-proxy-http
   --enable-proxy-ftp --enable-proxy-http
  --with-ldap --enable-ldap
   --with-ldap --enable-ldap
  --enable-authnz-ldap --enable-authn-alias
   --enable-authnz-ldap --enable-authn-alias
      ./configure --prefix=${HULS}/@@NAMEVER@@
      ./configure --prefix=${HULS}/@@NAMEVER@@
  --with-apr=${HUL} --with-apr-util=${HUL}
   --with-apr=${HUL} --with-apr-util=${HUL}
      --enable-shared --enable-static
      --enable-shared --enable-static
  --enable-mods-shared=all --with-z=${HUL} @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@
   --enable-mods-shared=all --with-z=${HUL} @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@
      --with-zlib=${HUL} --with-ssl-engine=${HUL}/ssl
      --with-zlib=${HUL} --with-ssl-engine=${HUL}/ssl
      --without-privsep-user --with-pid-dir=${HUL}/var/run
      --without-privsep-user --with-pid-dir=${HUL}/var/run
      --with-privsep-path=${HUL}/var/empty @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@
      --with-privsep-path=${HUL}/var/empty @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@

November, 14th 2011       DVCS in big Corporation
Manual recompilation?
 ●   Make
 ●   Make install

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Manual recompilation?
     Rinse and repeat
     Git               =
                      32 libraries
   Gcc 3.4.6
   Gcc 3.4.6
                      14 applications
   Apache Http, lynx
   Apache Http, lynx  4 modules (Perl or ruby)
   Subversion, Python, perl
   Subversion, Python, perl
November, 14th 2011          DVCS in big Corporation
Manual Automated recompilation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
You've got git.
     Now What?

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
What is missing?
     Client side                          Server side

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: authorization script
     Client side                                 Server side

                                     gl-auth-command           Repo1:
                                                                user1, user2
                      Git command
                                                           +   Repo2:
                                                                user2, user3

                       Cmd output

November, 14th 2011          DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: openssh
     Client side                                 Server side

                                     gl-auth-command           Repo1:
                                                                user1, user2

                                                                user2, user3

                      Git command
                        Cmd output

November, 14th 2011          DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: forced command


no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: not for users
     Client side                          Server side

                              gl-auth-command           Repo1:



November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
SSH is not enough
     Client side                            Server side

                      ssh                                 gitolite

November, 14th 2011     DVCS in big Corporation
Git & “smart http”
     Client side                             Server side



November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: httpd
     Client side         LDAP                    Server side

                                     gl-auth-command           http-backend

                      Git command
                                      httpd =
                       Http answer

November, 14th 2011          DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: LDAP alias


<AuthnProviderAlias ldap myldap>
  AuthLDAPBindDN cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
  AuthLDAPBindPassword secret

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation


   ScriptAlias /hgit/
    <Location /hgit>
        AuthName "LDAP authentication for ITSVC
                  Smart HTTP Git repositories"
        AuthBasicProvider myldap
        Require valid-user
        AddHandler cgi-script cgi

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: https://itsvcprdgit:8453/hgit


# GitHttp on 8453
    ServerAlias itsvcprdgit

    SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /path/to/repositories

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Httpd: multi-domain SSL certificate
     Client side                                  Server side


                        httpdX509v3X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:



November, 14th 2011           DVCS in big Corporation
Are we there yet?
     Client side                             Server side

                      ssh                                  gitolite


November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
gitweb.cgi ?
     Client side                             Server side



November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation


# finally the user name
$ENV{GL_USER} = $cgi->remote_user || "gitweb";

# now get gitolite stuff in...
unshift @INC, $ENV{GL_BINDIR};
require gitolite;       gitolite                -> import;

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
GitWeb: repo_rights()


$export_auth_hook = sub {
    my $repo = shift;
    return unless $repo =~ s/^Q$projectrootE/?

         # check for (at least) "R" permission
         my ($perm, $creator) = &repo_rights($repo);
         return ($perm =~ /R/);

November, 14th 2011     DVCS in big Corporation
GitWeb: https://itsvcprdgit:8443/git


         DocumentRoot compileEverything/gitweb
         Alias /git compileEverything/gitweb
         <Directory compileEverything/gitweb>
             AuthBasicProvider myldap

             AddHandler cgi-script cgi
             DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi

November, 14th 2011     DVCS in big Corporation
Are we there now?
     Client side                             Server side

                      ssh                                  gitolite



November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
cgit.cgi ?
     Client side                             Server side



November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation
CGit: repo_rights()


if ($request_uri ne "/cgit/" && $request_uri ne
"/cgit/") {
  (my $repo)=($path_info =~ //([^/]+)/);
  my ($perm, $creator) = &repo_rights($repo);
  if ($perm =~ /R/)
    print " <h1>HTTP Status 403 - Access is
denied</h1>n"; }

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
CGit: https://itsvcprdgit:8463/cgit


         DocumentRoot compileEverything/cgit
         Alias /cgit compileEverything/cgit
         <Directory compileEverything/cgit>
             AuthBasicProvider myldap

             SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT=.../repositories
             AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

November, 14th 2011     DVCS in big Corporation
And now?
     Client side                               Server side


                      httpd https://itsvcprdgit:8453/hgit


November, 14th 2011        DVCS in big Corporation
What do they want?
     Client side                              Server side


                      httpd https://itsvc/hgit NO PORT
                                https://itsvc/cgit          NAMES

November, 14th 2011       DVCS in big Corporation
Reverse Proxy
     Client side                              Server side




November, 14th 2011       DVCS in big Corporation
NGinx: https://itsvc/xxx


location /hgit/ {
location /git/ {
location /cgit/ {

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
There, there?
     Client side                               Server side


                      httpd https://itsvc/hgit


November, 14th 2011        DVCS in big Corporation
     Client side                          Server side

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue1: authorname

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue1: gitolite + hook
     Client side                          Server side


November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue1: pre-receive hook
glog=`git log --format='%cn~%h~%s' $new --not
for cns in $glog ; do
  echo branch $name: $cns
  cn=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f1`
  hash=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f2`
  subject=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f3`
  if [ "$cn" = "$GL_USER" ]; then
     echo "one commit found with $GL_USER as
           committer name"
     exit 0

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue1: pre-receive hook effect


remote: no commit with a committer name equals to 'bjensen',
        so this push is denied.

November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation
Issue2: Actual user on server
     Client side                          Server side


November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue2: authorname on server
../../bin/git commit -m "default user on server"

[master c694ed7] default user on server
 Committer: auser <auser@vonc-VirtualBox.(none)>

Your name and email address were configured
automatically based on your username and
Please check that they are accurate.

        git config --global "Your Name"
        git config --global

 November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue2: putty+ git wrapper
     Client side                          Server side


November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue2: authorname on server
alias agitBjensenItsvcprdgit='alias git="$
{H}/sbin/wgit u

auser@vonc-VirtualBox:~$ git st

[ bjensen, for ]
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

 November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Finally, are we there?
     Client side                             Server side

                      ssh                                          gitolite

                      httpd                     Git

                                               gitweb       cgit

November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation
Conclusion: Server is hard

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Conclusion: Application is hard

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Conclusion: Big Corporation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Any questions?

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
DVCS in big Corporation

     November, 14th 2011       DVCS in big Corporation

If you need to introduce any tool in a big corporation,
   this presentation will help you be ware of the
   question you need to be prepare to answer.

This is a more Git-oriented presentation, but most of
 it equally applies to Mercurial.
DVCS in big Corporation

     About                Challenges                    Solutions
 ●   Me               ●   Authentication            ●   Centralization
 ●   DVCS             ●   Authorization             ●   Visualization

November, 14th 2011       DVCS in big Corporation
Quick notes

     November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
About : me

     November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation

The opinions and elements in this presentations are
 mine and does not represent my current or former
About : me on SO

                      Many times during the day
                      Every single day

A Lot Rep             ask@me

November, 14th 2011                 DVCS in big Corporation
     Client side                          Server side

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
And then, a miracle:

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
     Client side                          Server side

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Git on a client

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Git on a client

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Git on a client

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
     Not enthusiastic

November, 14th 2011     DVCS in big Corporation
Issues? Authentication.
     Who is VonC?

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issues? Communication

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issues? Publication

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011    DVCS in big Corporation

                                       itsvcprd git

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation


November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Server: not root

                      Sudo apt-get install git

November, 14th 2011    DVCS in big Corporation
Server: not alone
     Services are managed by root

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Server: not in control
     /usr/local content can change
      at any time

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation

     November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Recompile Everything

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Recompile Everything: root

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Recompile Everything: alone
 ●   Tailored services (ssh, ldap, https)

November, 14th 2011    DVCS in big Corporation
Recompile Everything: in control
     Your own version of ~/usr/local

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Manual recompilation?
     Download sources

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Manual recompilation?
./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-lib=${HULL}
./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-lib=${HULL}
--with-openssl --with-curl --with-expat --with-iconv=${HUL}
--with-openssl --with-curl --with-expat --with-iconv=${HUL}
--with-gitconfig=${HUL}/var/gitconfig --with-editor=vim
--with-gitconfig=${HUL}/var/gitconfig --with-editor=vim
--with-perl=${HULA}/perl/bin/perl --with-zlib=${HUL}
--with-perl=${HULA}/perl/bin/perl --with-zlib=${HUL}
  ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@
   ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@
--with-tcltk=no --with-python=${HULA}/python/bin/python
--with-tcltk=no --with-python=${HULA}/python/bin/python
  --enable-ssl=shared --enable-ssl --with-ssl=${HUL}/ssl
   --enable-ssl=shared --enable-ssl --with-ssl=${HUL}/ssl
  --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-connect
   --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-connect
  --enable-proxy-ftp --enable-proxy-http
   --enable-proxy-ftp --enable-proxy-http
  --with-ldap --enable-ldap
   --with-ldap --enable-ldap
  --enable-authnz-ldap --enable-authn-alias
   --enable-authnz-ldap --enable-authn-alias
      ./configure --prefix=${HULS}/@@NAMEVER@@
      ./configure --prefix=${HULS}/@@NAMEVER@@
  --with-apr=${HUL} --with-apr-util=${HUL}
   --with-apr=${HUL} --with-apr-util=${HUL}
      --enable-shared --enable-static
      --enable-shared --enable-static
  --enable-mods-shared=all --with-z=${HUL} @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@
   --enable-mods-shared=all --with-z=${HUL} @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@
      --with-zlib=${HUL} --with-ssl-engine=${HUL}/ssl
      --with-zlib=${HUL} --with-ssl-engine=${HUL}/ssl
      --without-privsep-user --with-pid-dir=${HUL}/var/run
      --without-privsep-user --with-pid-dir=${HUL}/var/run
      --with-privsep-path=${HUL}/var/empty @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@
      --with-privsep-path=${HUL}/var/empty @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@

November, 14th 2011       DVCS in big Corporation
Manual recompilation?
 ●   Make
 ●   Make install

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Manual recompilation?
     Rinse and repeat
     Git               =
                      32 libraries
   Gcc 3.4.6
   Gcc 3.4.6
                      14 applications
   Apache Http, lynx
   Apache Http, lynx  4 modules (Perl or ruby)
   Subversion, Python, perl
   Subversion, Python, perl
November, 14th 2011          DVCS in big Corporation
Manual Automated recompilation

     November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
You've got git.
     Now What?

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
What is missing?
     Client side                          Server side

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: authorization script
          Client side                                 Server side

                                          gl-auth-command           Repo1:
                                                                     user1, user2
                           Git command
                                                                +   Repo2:
                                                                     user2, user3

                            Cmd output

     November, 14th 2011          DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: openssh
     Client side                                 Server side

                                     gl-auth-command           Repo1:
                                                                user1, user2

                                                                user2, user3

                      Git command
                        Cmd output

November, 14th 2011          DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: forced command


no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: not for users
     Client side                          Server side

                              gl-auth-command           Repo1:



November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
SSH is not enough
     Client side                            Server side

                      ssh                                 gitolite

November, 14th 2011     DVCS in big Corporation
Git & “smart http”
     Client side                             Server side



November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: httpd
     Client side         LDAP                    Server side

                                     gl-auth-command           http-backend

                      Git command
                                      httpd =
                       Http answer

November, 14th 2011          DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: LDAP alias


<AuthnProviderAlias ldap myldap>
  AuthLDAPBindDN cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com
  AuthLDAPBindPassword secret

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation


   ScriptAlias /hgit/
    <Location /hgit>
        AuthName "LDAP authentication for ITSVC
                  Smart HTTP Git repositories"
        AuthBasicProvider myldap
        Require valid-user
        AddHandler cgi-script cgi

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Gitolite: https://itsvcprdgit:8453/hgit


# GitHttp on 8453
    ServerAlias itsvcprdgit

    SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /path/to/repositories

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Httpd: multi-domain SSL certificate
     Client side                                  Server side


                        httpdX509v3X509v3 Subject Alternative Name:



November, 14th 2011           DVCS in big Corporation
Are we there yet?
     Client side                             Server side

                      ssh                                  gitolite


November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
gitweb.cgi ?
     Client side                             Server side



November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation


# finally the user name
$ENV{GL_USER} = $cgi->remote_user || "gitweb";

# now get gitolite stuff in...
unshift @INC, $ENV{GL_BINDIR};
require gitolite;       gitolite                -> import;

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
GitWeb: repo_rights()


$export_auth_hook = sub {
    my $repo = shift;
    return unless $repo =~ s/^Q$projectrootE/?

         # check for (at least) "R" permission
         my ($perm, $creator) = &repo_rights($repo);
         return ($perm =~ /R/);

November, 14th 2011     DVCS in big Corporation
GitWeb: https://itsvcprdgit:8443/git


         DocumentRoot compileEverything/gitweb
         Alias /git compileEverything/gitweb
         <Directory compileEverything/gitweb>
             AuthBasicProvider myldap

             AddHandler cgi-script cgi
             DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi

November, 14th 2011     DVCS in big Corporation
Are we there now?
     Client side                             Server side

                      ssh                                  gitolite



November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
cgit.cgi ?
     Client side                             Server side



November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation
CGit: repo_rights()


if ($request_uri ne "/cgit/" && $request_uri ne
"/cgit/") {
  (my $repo)=($path_info =~ //([^/]+)/);
  my ($perm, $creator) = &repo_rights($repo);
  if ($perm =~ /R/)
    print " <h1>HTTP Status 403 - Access is
denied</h1>n"; }

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
CGit: https://itsvcprdgit:8463/cgit


         DocumentRoot compileEverything/cgit
         Alias /cgit compileEverything/cgit
         <Directory compileEverything/cgit>
             AuthBasicProvider myldap

             SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT=.../repositories
             AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl

November, 14th 2011     DVCS in big Corporation
And now?
     Client side                               Server side


                      httpd https://itsvcprdgit:8453/hgit


November, 14th 2011        DVCS in big Corporation
What do they want?
     Client side                              Server side


                      httpd https://itsvc/hgit NO PORT
                                https://itsvc/cgit          NAMES

November, 14th 2011       DVCS in big Corporation
Reverse Proxy
     Client side                              Server side




November, 14th 2011       DVCS in big Corporation
NGinx: https://itsvc/xxx


location /hgit/ {
location /git/ {
location /cgit/ {

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
There, there?
     Client side                               Server side


                      httpd https://itsvc/hgit


November, 14th 2011        DVCS in big Corporation
     Client side                          Server side

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue1: authorname

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue1: gitolite + hook
     Client side                          Server side


November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue1: pre-receive hook
glog=`git log --format='%cn~%h~%s' $new --not
for cns in $glog ; do
  echo branch $name: $cns
  cn=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f1`
  hash=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f2`
  subject=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f3`
  if [ "$cn" = "$GL_USER" ]; then
     echo "one commit found with $GL_USER as
            committer name"
     exit 0

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue1: pre-receive hook effect


remote: no commit with a committer name equals to 'bjensen',
        so this push is denied.

November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation
Issue2: Actual user on server
     Client side                          Server side


November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue2: authorname on server
../../bin/git commit -m "default user on server"

[master c694ed7] default user on server
 Committer: auser <auser@vonc-VirtualBox.(none)>

Your name and email address were configured
automatically based on your username and
Please check that they are accurate.

        git config --global "Your Name"
        git config --global

 November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue2: putty+ git wrapper
     Client side                          Server side


November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Issue2: authorname on server
alias agitBjensenItsvcprdgit='alias git="$
{H}/sbin/wgit u

auser@vonc-VirtualBox:~$ git st

[ bjensen, for ]
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)

 November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Finally, are we there?
     Client side                             Server side

                      ssh                                          gitolite

                      httpd                     Git

                                               gitweb       cgit

November, 14th 2011      DVCS in big Corporation
Conclusion: Server is hard

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Conclusion: Application is hard

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Conclusion: Big Corporation

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation
Any questions?

November, 14th 2011   DVCS in big Corporation

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DVCS in big corporation

  • 1. DVCS in big Corporation November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 2. DVCS in big Corporation About Challenges Solutions ● Me ● Authentication ● Centralization ● DVCS ● Authorization ● Visualization November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 3. Quick notes November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 4. About : me November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 5. About : me on SO 100K+ Many times during the day Every single day A Lot Rep ask@me November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 6. CVCS Client side Server side November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 7. And then, a miracle: November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
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  • 11. Git on a client eclipse November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 12. Reaction? Not enthusiastic November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 13. Issues? Authentication. Who is VonC? X41064 LDAP November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 14. Issues? Communication November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 15. Issues? Publication November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 16. Centralization Server November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 17. Centralization itsvcprd git November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 18. Server November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 19. Server MUTUALIZED November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
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  • 21. Server: not root Sudo apt-get install git November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
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  • 23. Server: not in control /usr/local content can change at any time November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 24. Help? November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 25. Recompile Everything November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 26. Recompile Everything: root November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 27. Recompile Everything: alone ● Tailored services (ssh, ldap, https) November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 28. Recompile Everything: in control Your own version of ~/usr/local November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 29. Manual recompilation? Download sources November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 30. Manual recompilation? Configure ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-lib=${HULL} ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-lib=${HULL} --with-openssl --with-curl --with-expat --with-iconv=${HUL} --with-openssl --with-curl --with-expat --with-iconv=${HUL} --with-gitconfig=${HUL}/var/gitconfig --with-editor=vim --with-gitconfig=${HUL}/var/gitconfig --with-editor=vim --with-perl=${HULA}/perl/bin/perl --with-zlib=${HUL} --with-perl=${HULA}/perl/bin/perl --with-zlib=${HUL} ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-tcltk=no --with-python=${HULA}/python/bin/python --with-tcltk=no --with-python=${HULA}/python/bin/python --enable-ssl=shared --enable-ssl --with-ssl=${HUL}/ssl --enable-ssl=shared --enable-ssl --with-ssl=${HUL}/ssl --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-connect --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-connect --enable-proxy-ftp --enable-proxy-http --enable-proxy-ftp --enable-proxy-http --with-ldap --enable-ldap --with-ldap --enable-ldap --enable-authnz-ldap --enable-authn-alias --enable-authnz-ldap --enable-authn-alias ./configure --prefix=${HULS}/@@NAMEVER@@ ./configure --prefix=${HULS}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-apr=${HUL} --with-apr-util=${HUL} --with-apr=${HUL} --with-apr-util=${HUL} --enable-shared --enable-static --enable-shared --enable-static --enable-mods-shared=all --with-z=${HUL} @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@ --enable-mods-shared=all --with-z=${HUL} @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@ --with-zlib=${HUL} --with-ssl-engine=${HUL}/ssl --with-zlib=${HUL} --with-ssl-engine=${HUL}/ssl --without-privsep-user --with-pid-dir=${HUL}/var/run --without-privsep-user --with-pid-dir=${HUL}/var/run --with-default-path=@@PATH@@ --with-default-path=@@PATH@@ --with-privsep-path=${HUL}/var/empty @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@ --with-privsep-path=${HUL}/var/empty @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@ November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 31. Manual recompilation? ● Make ● Make install November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 32. Manual recompilation? Rinse and repeat Git Git = 32 libraries Gcc 3.4.6 Gcc 3.4.6 openssl,libssh2,curl,libiconv,expat,libidn,zlib openssl,libssh2,curl,libiconv,expat,libidn,zlib 14 applications openssh + openssh Apache Http, lynx Apache Http, lynx 4 modules (Perl or ruby) Subversion, Python, perl Subversion, Python, perl November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 33. Manual Automated recompilation November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 34. You've got git. Now What? November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 35. What is missing? Client side Server side November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 36. Gitolite: authorization script Client side Server side gl-auth-command Repo1: user1, user2 Git command + Repo2: user2, user3 = Cmd output November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 37. Gitolite: openssh Client side Server side gl-auth-command Repo1: user1, user2 Repo2: user2, user3 Git command ssh Cmd output November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 38. Gitolite: forced command ~/.ssh/authorized_keys Command= "compileEverything/gitolite/bin/gl-auth-command bjensen", no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding, no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAA... November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 39. Gitolite: not for users Client side Server side gl-auth-command Repo1: Repo1: fisheye user1 Repo2: Repo2: sonar user2 ssh November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 40. SSH is not enough Client side Server side ssh gitolite November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 41. Git & “smart http” Client side Server side git- http-backend httpd November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 42. Gitolite: httpd Client side LDAP Server side git- gl-auth-command http-backend + Git command httpd = Http answer November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 43. Gitolite: LDAP alias Httpd.conf <AuthnProviderAlias ldap myldap> AuthLDAPBindDN cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com AuthLDAPBindPassword secret AuthLDAPURL ldap://localhost:9011/dc=example,dc=com ?uid?sub?(objectClass=*) </AuthnProviderAlias> November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 44. Gitolite: REMOTE_USER Httpd.conf ScriptAlias /hgit/ compileEverything/gitolite/bin/gl-auth-command/ <Location /hgit> AuthName "LDAP authentication for ITSVC Smart HTTP Git repositories" AuthBasicProvider myldap Require valid-user AddHandler cgi-script cgi </Location> November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 45. Gitolite: https://itsvcprdgit:8453/hgit Httpd.conf # GitHttp on 8453 <VirtualHost> ServerName ServerAlias itsvcprdgit SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /path/to/repositories SetEnv GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL SetEnv GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME /home/auser/compileEverything November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 46. Httpd: multi-domain SSL certificate Client side Server side itsvcprdgit httpdX509v3X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: extensions:, DNS:itsvcprdgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 47. Are we there yet? Client side Server side ssh gitolite httpd November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 48. GitWeb November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 49. gitweb.cgi ? Client side Server side Gitweb.cgi gl-auth-command httpd ? November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 50. GitWeb: GL_USER ~/gitweb/ # finally the user name $ENV{GL_USER} = $cgi->remote_user || "gitweb"; # now get gitolite stuff in... unshift @INC, $ENV{GL_BINDIR}; require gitolite; gitolite -> import; November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 51. GitWeb: repo_rights() ~/gitweb/ $export_auth_hook = sub { my $repo = shift; return unless $repo =~ s/^Q$projectrootE/? (.+).git$/$1/; # check for (at least) "R" permission my ($perm, $creator) = &repo_rights($repo); return ($perm =~ /R/); }; November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 52. GitWeb: https://itsvcprdgit:8443/git Httpd.conf DocumentRoot compileEverything/gitweb Alias /git compileEverything/gitweb <Directory compileEverything/gitweb> AuthBasicProvider myldap AddHandler cgi-script cgi DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi </Directory> November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 53. Are we there now? Client side Server side ssh gitolite httpd gitweb November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 54. CGit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 55. cgit.cgi ? Client side Server side cgit.cgi gl-auth-command httpd November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 56. CGit: repo_rights() ~/cgit/ if ($request_uri ne "/cgit/" && $request_uri ne "/cgit/") { (my $repo)=($path_info =~ //([^/]+)/); my ($perm, $creator) = &repo_rights($repo); if ($perm =~ /R/) system("compileEverything/cgit/cgit.cgi"); else print " <h1>HTTP Status 403 - Access is denied</h1>n"; } November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 57. CGit: https://itsvcprdgit:8463/cgit Httpd.conf DocumentRoot compileEverything/cgit Alias /cgit compileEverything/cgit <Directory compileEverything/cgit> AuthBasicProvider myldap SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT=.../repositories AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl DirectoryIndex </Directory> November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 58. And now? Client side Server side ssh httpd https://itsvcprdgit:8453/hgit https://itsvcprdgit:8443/git gitweb https://itsvcprdgit:8463/cgit cgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 59. What do they want? Client side Server side ssh httpd https://itsvc/hgit NO PORT NUMBER https://itsvc/git gitweb SHORT https://itsvc/cgit NAMES cgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 60. Reverse Proxy Client side Server side ssh httpd itsvc gitweb cgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 61. NGinx: https://itsvc/xxx nginx.conf location /hgit/ { proxy_pass;} location /git/ { proxy_pass;} location /cgit/ { proxy_pass;} November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 62. There, there? Client side Server side ssh httpd https://itsvc/hgit https://itsvc/git https://itsvc/cgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 63. What!? Client side Server side November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 64. Issue1: authorname November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 65. Issue1: gitolite + hook Client side Server side gl-auth-command Pre-receive hook November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 66. Issue1: pre-receive hook glog=`git log --format='%cn~%h~%s' $new --not --all` for cns in $glog ; do atLeastOneCommit=true echo branch $name: $cns cn=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f1` hash=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f2` subject=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f3` if [ "$cn" = "$GL_USER" ]; then echo "one commit found with $GL_USER as committer name" exit 0 fi done November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 67. Issue1: pre-receive hook effect push remote: no commit with a committer name equals to 'bjensen', so this push is denied. November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 68. Issue2: Actual user on server Client side Server side putty November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 69. Issue2: authorname on server auser@vonc-VirtualBox:~/gitolite/demo$ ../../bin/git commit -m "default user on server" [master c694ed7] default user on server Committer: auser <auser@vonc-VirtualBox.(none)> Your name and email address were configured automatically based on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate. git config --global "Your Name" git config --global November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 70. Issue2: putty+ git wrapper Client side Server side putty Git wrapper November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 71. Issue2: authorname on server alias agitBjensenItsvcprdgit='alias git="$ {H}/sbin/wgit u bjensen,, y,bjensen"' auser@vonc-VirtualBox:~$ git st [ bjensen, for ] # On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean) November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 72. Finally, are we there? Client side Server side ssh gitolite Pre- httpd Git wrapper receive hook gitweb cgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 73. Conclusion: Server is hard November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 74. Conclusion: Application is hard November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 75. Conclusion: Big Corporation November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 76. Any questions? November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 77. DVCS in big Corporation November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation If you need to introduce any tool in a big corporation, this presentation will help you be ware of the question you need to be prepare to answer. This is a more Git-oriented presentation, but most of it equally applies to Mercurial.
  • 78. DVCS in big Corporation About Challenges Solutions ● Me ● Authentication ● Centralization ● DVCS ● Authorization ● Visualization November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 79. Quick notes November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 80. About : me November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation The opinions and elements in this presentations are mine and does not represent my current or former clients.
  • 81. About : me on SO 100K+ Many times during the day Every single day A Lot Rep ask@me November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 82. CVCS Client side Server side November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 83. And then, a miracle: November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 84. DVCS Client side Server side November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 85. Git on a client November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 86. Git on a client eclipse November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 87. Git on a client eclipse November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 88. Reaction? Not enthusiastic November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 89. Issues? Authentication. Who is VonC? X41064 LDAP November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 90. Issues? Communication November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 91. Issues? Publication November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 92. Centralization Server November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 93. Centralization itsvcprd git November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 94. Server November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 95. Server MUTUALIZED November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 96. Server November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 97. Server: not root Sudo apt-get install git November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 98. Server: not alone Services are managed by root November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 99. Server: not in control /usr/local content can change at any time November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 100. Help? November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 101. Recompile Everything November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 102. Recompile Everything: root November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 103. Recompile Everything: alone ● Tailored services (ssh, ldap, https) November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 104. Recompile Everything: in control Your own version of ~/usr/local November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 105. Manual recompilation? Download sources November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 106. Manual recompilation? Configure ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-lib=${HULL} ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-lib=${HULL} --with-openssl --with-curl --with-expat --with-iconv=${HUL} --with-openssl --with-curl --with-expat --with-iconv=${HUL} --with-gitconfig=${HUL}/var/gitconfig --with-editor=vim --with-gitconfig=${HUL}/var/gitconfig --with-editor=vim --with-perl=${HULA}/perl/bin/perl --with-zlib=${HUL} --with-perl=${HULA}/perl/bin/perl --with-zlib=${HUL} ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ ./configure --prefix=${HULA}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-tcltk=no --with-python=${HULA}/python/bin/python --with-tcltk=no --with-python=${HULA}/python/bin/python --enable-ssl=shared --enable-ssl --with-ssl=${HUL}/ssl --enable-ssl=shared --enable-ssl --with-ssl=${HUL}/ssl --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-connect --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-connect --enable-proxy-ftp --enable-proxy-http --enable-proxy-ftp --enable-proxy-http --with-ldap --enable-ldap --with-ldap --enable-ldap --enable-authnz-ldap --enable-authn-alias --enable-authnz-ldap --enable-authn-alias ./configure --prefix=${HULS}/@@NAMEVER@@ ./configure --prefix=${HULS}/@@NAMEVER@@ --with-apr=${HUL} --with-apr-util=${HUL} --with-apr=${HUL} --with-apr-util=${HUL} --enable-shared --enable-static --enable-shared --enable-static --enable-mods-shared=all --with-z=${HUL} @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@ --enable-mods-shared=all --with-z=${HUL} @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@ --with-zlib=${HUL} --with-ssl-engine=${HUL}/ssl --with-zlib=${HUL} --with-ssl-engine=${HUL}/ssl --without-privsep-user --with-pid-dir=${HUL}/var/run --without-privsep-user --with-pid-dir=${HUL}/var/run --with-default-path=@@PATH@@ --with-default-path=@@PATH@@ --with-privsep-path=${HUL}/var/empty @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@ --with-privsep-path=${HUL}/var/empty @@WITHOUT_GNU_LD@@ November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 107. Manual recompilation? ● Make ● Make install November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 108. Manual recompilation? Rinse and repeat Git Git = 32 libraries Gcc 3.4.6 Gcc 3.4.6 openssl,libssh2,curl,libiconv,expat,libidn,zlib openssl,libssh2,curl,libiconv,expat,libidn,zlib 14 applications openssh + openssh Apache Http, lynx Apache Http, lynx 4 modules (Perl or ruby) Subversion, Python, perl Subversion, Python, perl November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 109. Manual Automated recompilation November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 110. You've got git. Now What? November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 111. What is missing? Client side Server side November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 112. Gitolite: authorization script Client side Server side gl-auth-command Repo1: user1, user2 Git command + Repo2: user2, user3 = Cmd output November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 113. Gitolite: openssh Client side Server side gl-auth-command Repo1: user1, user2 Repo2: user2, user3 Git command ssh Cmd output November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 114. Gitolite: forced command ~/.ssh/authorized_keys Command= "compileEverything/gitolite/bin/gl-auth-command bjensen", no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding, no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAA... November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 115. Gitolite: not for users Client side Server side gl-auth-command Repo1: Repo1: fisheye user1 Repo2: Repo2: sonar user2 ssh November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 116. SSH is not enough Client side Server side ssh gitolite November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 117. Git & “smart http” Client side Server side git- http-backend httpd November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 118. Gitolite: httpd Client side LDAP Server side git- gl-auth-command http-backend + Git command httpd = Http answer November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 119. Gitolite: LDAP alias Httpd.conf <AuthnProviderAlias ldap myldap> AuthLDAPBindDN cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com AuthLDAPBindPassword secret AuthLDAPURL ldap://localhost:9011/dc=example,dc=com ?uid?sub?(objectClass=*) </AuthnProviderAlias> November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 120. Gitolite: REMOTE_USER Httpd.conf ScriptAlias /hgit/ compileEverything/gitolite/bin/gl-auth-command/ <Location /hgit> AuthName "LDAP authentication for ITSVC Smart HTTP Git repositories" AuthBasicProvider myldap Require valid-user AddHandler cgi-script cgi </Location> November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 121. Gitolite: https://itsvcprdgit:8453/hgit Httpd.conf # GitHttp on 8453 <VirtualHost> ServerName ServerAlias itsvcprdgit SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /path/to/repositories SetEnv GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL SetEnv GITOLITE_HTTP_HOME /home/auser/compileEverything November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 122. Httpd: multi-domain SSL certificate Client side Server side itsvcprdgit httpdX509v3X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: extensions:, DNS:itsvcprdgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 123. Are we there yet? Client side Server side ssh gitolite httpd November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 124. GitWeb November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 125. gitweb.cgi ? Client side Server side Gitweb.cgi gl-auth-command httpd ? November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 126. GitWeb: GL_USER ~/gitweb/ # finally the user name $ENV{GL_USER} = $cgi->remote_user || "gitweb"; # now get gitolite stuff in... unshift @INC, $ENV{GL_BINDIR}; require gitolite; gitolite -> import; November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 127. GitWeb: repo_rights() ~/gitweb/ $export_auth_hook = sub { my $repo = shift; return unless $repo =~ s/^Q$projectrootE/? (.+).git$/$1/; # check for (at least) "R" permission my ($perm, $creator) = &repo_rights($repo); return ($perm =~ /R/); }; November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 128. GitWeb: https://itsvcprdgit:8443/git Httpd.conf DocumentRoot compileEverything/gitweb Alias /git compileEverything/gitweb <Directory compileEverything/gitweb> AuthBasicProvider myldap AddHandler cgi-script cgi DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi </Directory> November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 129. Are we there now? Client side Server side ssh gitolite httpd gitweb November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 130. CGit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 131. cgit.cgi ? Client side Server side cgit.cgi gl-auth-command httpd November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 132. CGit: repo_rights() ~/cgit/ if ($request_uri ne "/cgit/" && $request_uri ne "/cgit/") { (my $repo)=($path_info =~ //([^/]+)/); my ($perm, $creator) = &repo_rights($repo); if ($perm =~ /R/) system("compileEverything/cgit/cgit.cgi"); else print " <h1>HTTP Status 403 - Access is denied</h1>n"; } November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 133. CGit: https://itsvcprdgit:8463/cgit Httpd.conf DocumentRoot compileEverything/cgit Alias /cgit compileEverything/cgit <Directory compileEverything/cgit> AuthBasicProvider myldap SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT=.../repositories AddHandler cgi-script .cgi .pl DirectoryIndex </Directory> November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 134. And now? Client side Server side ssh httpd https://itsvcprdgit:8453/hgit https://itsvcprdgit:8443/git gitweb https://itsvcprdgit:8463/cgit cgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 135. What do they want? Client side Server side ssh httpd https://itsvc/hgit NO PORT NUMBER https://itsvc/git gitweb SHORT https://itsvc/cgit NAMES cgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 136. Reverse Proxy Client side Server side ssh httpd itsvc gitweb cgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 137. NGinx: https://itsvc/xxx nginx.conf location /hgit/ { proxy_pass;} location /git/ { proxy_pass;} location /cgit/ { proxy_pass;} November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 138. There, there? Client side Server side ssh httpd https://itsvc/hgit https://itsvc/git https://itsvc/cgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 139. What!? Client side Server side November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 140. Issue1: authorname November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 141. Issue1: gitolite + hook Client side Server side gl-auth-command Pre-receive hook November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 142. Issue1: pre-receive hook glog=`git log --format='%cn~%h~%s' $new --not --all` for cns in $glog ; do atLeastOneCommit=true echo branch $name: $cns cn=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f1` hash=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f2` subject=`echo $cns | cut -d~ -f3` if [ "$cn" = "$GL_USER" ]; then echo "one commit found with $GL_USER as committer name" exit 0 fi done November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 143. Issue1: pre-receive hook effect push remote: no commit with a committer name equals to 'bjensen', so this push is denied. November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 144. Issue2: Actual user on server Client side Server side putty November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 145. Issue2: authorname on server auser@vonc-VirtualBox:~/gitolite/demo$ ../../bin/git commit -m "default user on server" [master c694ed7] default user on server Committer: auser <auser@vonc-VirtualBox.(none)> Your name and email address were configured automatically based on your username and hostname. Please check that they are accurate. git config --global "Your Name" git config --global November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 146. Issue2: putty+ git wrapper Client side Server side putty Git wrapper November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 147. Issue2: authorname on server alias agitBjensenItsvcprdgit='alias git="$ {H}/sbin/wgit u bjensen,, y,bjensen"' auser@vonc-VirtualBox:~$ git st [ bjensen, for ] # On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean) November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 148. Finally, are we there? Client side Server side ssh gitolite Pre- httpd Git wrapper receive hook gitweb cgit November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 149. Conclusion: Server is hard November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 150. Conclusion: Application is hard November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 151. Conclusion: Big Corporation November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation
  • 152. Any questions? November, 14th 2011 DVCS in big Corporation