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by Sergey N. Bolshchikov
The Important Parts
3 hours of
wasting my time?
Let's find out
1. Is it possible to do shadows with CSS?
1. Is it possible to do shadows with CSS?
2. Who can write such function?
var result = addNumbers(2)(3);
1. Is it possible to do shadows with CSS?
2. Who can write such function?
var result = addNumbers(2)(3);
3. Who can define "this"?
1. Is it possible to do shadows with CSS?
2. Who can write such function?
var result = addNumbers(2)(3);
3. Who can define "this"?
4. How to call a function after completion of
two async functions together?
1. Basics
2. CSS3
II. JavaScript
1. Functions: objects
2. Lexical scope: closures, module pattern
3. Execution contexts and "this" value
III. Tools and Libraries
1. RequireJS
2. jQuery
3. Promises
4. Chrome Dev Tools
Selector Description Example
Matches any element.
E Matches any E element (i.e., an
element of type E).
E F Matches any F element that is a
descendant of an E element.
div a
E > F Matches any F element that is a
child of an element E.
div > a
E:first-child Matches element E when E is the
first child of its parent.
Matches element E if E is the source
anchor of a hyperlink of which the
target is not yet visited (:link) or
already visited (:visited).
CSS :: SELECTORS (cont.)
Selector Description Example
Matches E during certain user
E + F Matches any F element immediately
preceded by a sibling element E.
div + div
E[foo] Matches any E element with the
"foo" attribute set (whatever the
E[foo="warning"] Matches any E element whose "foo"
attribute value is exactly equal to
DIV.warning Language specific. (In HTML, the
same as DIV[class~="warning"].)
E#myid Matches any E element with ID equal
to "myid".
● display: [none, block, inline, table, inline-
● position: [absolute, fixed, relative],
● top: [number],
● left: [number],
● float: [left, right, none]
● font: size, weight, family
● border-radius
● box-shadow
● gradients
● multiple columns
● transformations
● animation
● CSS is too much writing
.nav {}
.nav ul {}
.nav ul li {}
● No validation
● Declarative
LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior
such as variables, mixins, operations and
.nav {
ul {
li {
@color: #4D926F;
#header {
color: @color;
h2 {
color: @color;
#header {
color: #4D926F;
h2 {
color: #4D926F;
.border-radius (@radius) {
border-radius: @radius;
-moz-border-radius: @radius;
-webkit-border-radius: @radius;
#header {
.button {
#header {
border-radius: 4px;
-moz-border-radius: 4px;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
.button {
border-radius: 4px;
-moz-border-radius: 4px;
-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
is an
function foo (x) {
return x + 1;
function bar (y) {
return y * 2;
var myFuncs = [foo, bar];
myFuncs[0](2) // 3
var callFirst = function (x) {
return x + 1;
var callSecond = function (f, x) {
return f(f(x));
var attempt = callSecond(callFirst, 2); // 4
var makeFunc = function () {
var addOne = function (x) {
return x + 1;
return addOne;
var f = makeFunc();
f(3); // 4
A Lexical Environment is a specification type used to define
the association of Identifiers to specific variables and
functions based upon the lexical nesting structure of
ECMAScript code.
function () {
function () {
return ;
Lexical Env Outers
Lexical Env Inner
function createIncreaser () {
var accumulator = 0;
var increaser = function () {
return accumulator += 2;
return increaser;
var inc = createIncreaser();
console.log(inc()); // 2
console.log(inc()); // 4
console.log(inc()); // 6
function createIncreaser () {
var accumulator = 0;
var increaser = function () {
return accumulator += 2;
return increaser;
var inc = createIncreaser();
console.log(inc()); // 2
console.log(inc()); // 4
console.log(inc()); // 6
code block
FUNCTIONS :: LEXICAL ENV :: module pattern
// not a constructor
var myModule = (function (projId) {
var moduleName, projectorId;
moduleName = 'toolbar';
projectorId = projId;
return {
init: function () {
tickUpdate: function () {}
myModule.init() // "toolbar"
myModule.moduleName // undefined
I am div 1
I am div 2
I am div 3
I am div 1
I am div 2
I am div 3
var i, divs, len;
i = 0;
len = divs.length;
for (i; i < len; i += 1) {
function () {
alert('I am div ' + i);
}, false)
var i
handler 1
handler 2
handler 3
I am div 1
I am div 2
I am div 3
var i, divs, len;
i = 0;
divs = document.getElementsByTagName
len = divs.length;
for (i; i < len; i += 1) {
(function (id) {
function () {
alert("I am div " + (id + 1));
}, false);
handler 1
handler 2
handler 3
var i var i var i
this.javascript !==
this.javascript !== self.python
Every line of JavaScript code is run in an
“execution context.”
ExecCont = {
LexicalEnv: {},
VarEnv: {},
ThisBinding: {}
● Global code
alert("hello world");
● Function code
function callMe () {
alert('hello world');
● Eval code
var a = 1,
b = 3
c = a + b;
alert(c); // 4
alert(this); // window
var a = {
b: function() {
return this;
a.b(); //a;
a['b'](); //a;
var c = {};
c.d = a.b;
c.d(); //c
function a () {
return this;
var A = a(); // window
var a = {
b: function() {
return this;
var foo = a.b;
foo(); //window
var a = {
b: function() {
var c = function() {
return this;
return c();
a.b(); //window
function t() {
return [], 1);
var upd = t(1,2,3,4,5);
// [2,3,4,5][, arg1[, arg2[, ...]]])
function t() {
return [].slice.apply(arguments, [1]);
var upd = t(1,2,3,4,5);
// [2,3,4,5]
fun.apply(thisArg[, argsArray])
function Builder () { = 'Arnold';
var b = new Builder();
// b = {
// name: 'Arnold'
// }
Execution Context Syntax of function call Value of this
Global n/a global object (e.g. window)
Method call:;
Baseless function call:
global object (e.g. window)
(undefined in strict mode)
Using call:, myArg);
Using apply:
foo.apply(context, [myArgs]);
Constructor with new:
var newFoo = new Foo();
the new instance
(e.g. newFoo)
Evaluation n/a value of this in parent context
● Web sites are turning into Web apps
● Code complexity grows as the site gets
● Assembly gets harder
● Developer wants discrete JS files/modules
● JavaScript doesn't have import yet
an AMD JavaScript file
and module loader.
REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define
REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define
REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define
define(['sandbox', './views/View']);
REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define
define(['sandbox', './views/View'],
function () {
REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define
define(['sandbox', './views/View'],
function (sandbox, View) {
REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define
define(['sandbox', './views/View'],
function (sandbox, View) {
var Module = function () { }
return Module;
REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define
define(['sandbox', './views/View'],
function (sandbox, View) {
var Module = function () {
var views = [];
this.init = function () { };
this.tickUpdate = function () { }
return Module;
REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define
define(['sandbox', './views/View'],
function (sandbox, View) {
var Module = function () {
var views = [];
this.init = function () {};
this.tickUpdate = function () {
return Module;
REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: config
shim: {
'ember': {
deps: ['jquery', 'handlebars'],
exports: 'Ember'
paths: {
jquery: 'libs/jquery-1.8.2',
tick_mngr: 'managers/tick',
ember: 'libs/ember-1.0.0-rc.1',
For example, $(‘#list’) will return the elements which has the attribute id=”list”.
For more, see
● $(selector).html()
● $(selector).append(html)
● $(selector).remove()
● $(selector).attr('myAttr', 'value')
● $(selector).removeAttr('myAttr')
● $(selector).css('width', 40)
● $(selector).addClass('my-class')
● $(selector).removeClass('my-class')
● $(selector).text()
● $(selector).val()
url: ‘/api/posts’
type: ‘POST’,
data: {},
success: function () {},
error: function () {}
● $(selector).click(function () {})
● $(selector).dblclick(function () {})
● $(selector).mousedown(function () {})
● $(selector).mouseup(function () {})
● $(selector).mouseover(function () {})
● $(selector).mouseenter(function () {})
● $(selector).mouseleave(function () {})
● $(selector).on(eventName,
function () {})
● $(selector).off(eventName,
function () {})
REMINDER :: async nature
function getData() {
var data;
url: '',
type: 'GET',
success: function (response) {
data = response;
return data;
var myData = getData(); // ???
REMINDER :: async nature
function getData() {
var data;
url: '',
type: 'GET',
success: function (response) {
data = response;
return data;
var myData = getData(); // undefined
TOOLS :: PROMISES :: pyramid of doom
startChannel(function (data) {
drawLayout(function () {
startFirstModule(function () {
TOOLS :: PROMISES :: parallel
startChannel(function (data) {
drawLayout(function () {
startFirstModule(function () {
In computer science, future, promise, and delay refer to
constructs used for synchronizing in some concurrent
programming languages. They describe an object that acts as a
proxy for a result that is initially unknown, usually because the
computation of its value is yet incomplete.
The term promise was proposed in 1976 by Daniel P. Friedman
and David Wise,[1] [...]
The terms future, promise, and delay are often used
interchangeably, although some differences in usage between
future and promise are treated below. Setting the value of a
future is also called resolving, fulfilling, or binding it.
TOOLS :: PROMISES :: Deferred Object
jQuery.Deferred() A constructor that creates a new Deferred object, can take an optional
initFunction parameter that will be called right after the deferred has
been constructed.
jQuery.when() A way to execute callback functions based on one or more objects that
represent asynchronous tasks.
jQuery.ajax() Performs an asynchronous Ajax requests where the jqXHR objects
returned by $.ajax() implement the Promise interface, giving them all
the properties, methods, and behaviour of a Promise.
deferred.resolve(arg1, arg2, ...) Resolve a Deferred object and call any 'done' Callback with the given
deferred.reject(arg1, arg2, ...) Reject a Deferred object and call any 'fail' Callback with the given
deferred.promise() Returns a promise, that is an immutable view of the deferred object: the
promise can be passed around safely since the underlying deferred
cannot be resolved or rejected through it.
TOOLS :: PROMISES :: Promise Object
Handlers to be called when the Deferred object is resolved or
deferred.done() Functions or array of functions that are called when the Deferred
object is resolved. Functions or array of functions that are called when the Deferred is
deferred.isResolved Determine whether a Deferred object has been resolved.
TOOLS :: PROMISES :: side 1
// call functions
).done(function () {
// do when both are done
TOOLS :: PROMISES :: side 2
function drawLayout () {
var dfd = $.Deferred();
function loadSettings() {
// do some ajax request;
function validate() {
// in case validation failed
function render() {
// render
return dfd.resolve();
return dfd.promise();
● F12 (Windows)
● Alt + Cmd + i (Mac)
● View > Developer > Developer Tools (Everywhere)
● Mouse right click > Inspect Element (Everywhere)
1. Elements: edit HTML, CSS, events
2. Resources: local storage, cookies
3. Network: xhr requests, their size, headers...
4. Source: js editing, debugging, breakpoints
5. Timeline: performance, memory
6. Profile: performance
7. Audits
8. Console
to be continued...

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Front End Development: The Important Parts

  • 1. FRONT END DEVELOPMENT by Sergey N. Bolshchikov The Important Parts
  • 4. LET'S FIND OUT 1. Is it possible to do shadows with CSS?
  • 5. LET'S FIND OUT 1. Is it possible to do shadows with CSS? 2. Who can write such function? var result = addNumbers(2)(3);
  • 6. LET'S FIND OUT 1. Is it possible to do shadows with CSS? 2. Who can write such function? var result = addNumbers(2)(3); 3. Who can define "this"?
  • 7. LET'S FIND OUT 1. Is it possible to do shadows with CSS? 2. Who can write such function? var result = addNumbers(2)(3); 3. Who can define "this"? 4. How to call a function after completion of two async functions together?
  • 8. OUTLINE I. CSS 1. Basics 2. CSS3 3. LESS II. JavaScript 1. Functions: objects 2. Lexical scope: closures, module pattern 3. Execution contexts and "this" value III. Tools and Libraries 1. RequireJS 2. jQuery 3. Promises 4. Chrome Dev Tools
  • 9. CSS
  • 10. CSS :: SELECTORS Selector Description Example * Matches any element. E Matches any E element (i.e., an element of type E). a E F Matches any F element that is a descendant of an E element. div a E > F Matches any F element that is a child of an element E. div > a E:first-child Matches element E when E is the first child of its parent. li:first-child E:link E:visited Matches element E if E is the source anchor of a hyperlink of which the target is not yet visited (:link) or already visited (:visited). a:link a:visited
  • 11. CSS :: SELECTORS (cont.) Selector Description Example E:active E:hover E:focus Matches E during certain user actions. a:active a:hover a:focus E + F Matches any F element immediately preceded by a sibling element E. div + div E[foo] Matches any E element with the "foo" attribute set (whatever the value). div[data-id] E[foo="warning"] Matches any E element whose "foo" attribute value is exactly equal to "warning". input[type=”text”] DIV.warning Language specific. (In HTML, the same as DIV[class~="warning"].) div.navigation E#myid Matches any E element with ID equal to "myid". div#main
  • 12. CSS :: BOX MODEL
  • 13. CSS :: MORE ● display: [none, block, inline, table, inline- block...], ● position: [absolute, fixed, relative], ● top: [number], ● left: [number], ● float: [left, right, none] ● font: size, weight, family
  • 14. CSS :: CSS3 ● border-radius ● box-shadow ● gradients ● multiple columns ● transformations ● animation
  • 15. LESS
  • 16. LESS :: WHY? ● CSS is too much writing .nav {} .nav ul {} .nav ul li {} ● No validation ● Declarative
  • 17. LESS :: WHAT? LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions.
  • 18. LESS :: NESTING .nav { ul { ... li { ... } } }
  • 19. LESS :: VARIABLES @color: #4D926F; #header { color: @color; } h2 { color: @color; } #header { color: #4D926F; } h2 { color: #4D926F; }
  • 20. LESS :: MIXINS .border-radius (@radius) { border-radius: @radius; -moz-border-radius: @radius; -webkit-border-radius: @radius; } #header { .border-radius(4px); } .button { .border-radius(6px); } #header { border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; } .button { border-radius: 4px; -moz-border-radius: 4px; -webkit-border-radius: 4px; }
  • 23. FUNCTIONS :: OBJECTS function foo (x) { return x + 1; } function bar (y) { return y * 2; } var myFuncs = [foo, bar]; myFuncs[0](2) // 3
  • 24. FUNCTIONS :: OBJECTS var callFirst = function (x) { return x + 1; } var callSecond = function (f, x) { return f(f(x)); } var attempt = callSecond(callFirst, 2); // 4
  • 25. FUNCTIONS :: OBJECTS var makeFunc = function () { var addOne = function (x) { return x + 1; } return addOne; } var f = makeFunc(); f(3); // 4
  • 27. FUNCTIONS :: LEXICAL ENV :: def Definition: A Lexical Environment is a specification type used to define the association of Identifiers to specific variables and functions based upon the lexical nesting structure of ECMAScript code.
  • 28. FUNCTIONS :: LEXICAL ENV :: wtf function () { ... function () { ... return; } return ; } Lexical Env Outers Lexical Env Inner
  • 29. FUNCTIONS :: LEXICAL ENV :: nesting function createIncreaser () { var accumulator = 0; var increaser = function () { return accumulator += 2; }; return increaser; } var inc = createIncreaser(); console.log(inc()); // 2 console.log(inc()); // 4 console.log(inc()); // 6
  • 30. FUNCTIONS :: LEXICAL ENV :: closure function createIncreaser () { var accumulator = 0; var increaser = function () { return accumulator += 2; }; return increaser; } var inc = createIncreaser(); console.log(inc()); // 2 console.log(inc()); // 4 console.log(inc()); // 6 env code block
  • 31. FUNCTIONS :: LEXICAL ENV :: module pattern // not a constructor var myModule = (function (projId) { var moduleName, projectorId; moduleName = 'toolbar'; projectorId = projId; return { init: function () { console.log(moduleName); }, tickUpdate: function () {} }; })(); myModule.init() // "toolbar" myModule.moduleName // undefined
  • 32. PROBLEM <div> I am div 1 </div> <div> I am div 2 </div> <div> I am div 3 </div>
  • 33. PROBLEM <div> I am div 1 </div> <div> I am div 2 </div> <div> I am div 3 </div> var i, divs, len; i = 0; divs=document.getElementsByTagName('div'); len = divs.length; for (i; i < len; i += 1) { divs[i].addEventListener('click', function () { alert('I am div ' + i); }, false) }
  • 35. PROBLEM <div> I am div 1 </div> <div> I am div 2 </div> <div> I am div 3 </div> var i, divs, len; i = 0; divs = document.getElementsByTagName ('div'); len = divs.length; for (i; i < len; i += 1) { (function (id) { divs[i].addEventListener('click', function () { alert("I am div " + (id + 1)); }, false); })(i); }
  • 38. FUNCTIONS :: EXECUTION this.javascript !== this.javascript !== self.python
  • 39. FUNCTIONS :: EXECUTION CONTEXT Every line of JavaScript code is run in an “execution context.” ExecCont = { LexicalEnv: {}, VarEnv: {}, ThisBinding: {} }
  • 40. FUNCTIONS :: EXECUTABLE CODE TYPES ● Global code alert("hello world"); ● Function code function callMe () { alert('hello world'); } ● Eval code
  • 41. FUNCTIONS :: GLOBAL CONTEXT var a = 1, b = 3 c = a + b; alert(c); // 4 alert(this); // window
  • 42. FUNCTIONS :: FUNC CONTEXT :: method var a = { b: function() { return this; } }; a.b(); //a; a['b'](); //a; var c = {}; c.d = a.b; c.d(); //c
  • 43. FUNCTIONS :: FUNC CONTEXT :: function function a () { return this; } var A = a(); // window
  • 44. FUNCTIONS :: FUNC CONTEXT :: function var a = { b: function() { return this; } }; var foo = a.b; foo(); //window
  • 45. FUNCTIONS :: FUNC CONTEXT :: function var a = { b: function() { var c = function() { return this; }; return c(); } }; a.b(); //window
  • 46. FUNCTIONS :: FUNC CONTEXT :: call function t() { return [], 1); } var upd = t(1,2,3,4,5); // [2,3,4,5][, arg1[, arg2[, ...]]])
  • 47. FUNCTIONS :: FUNC CONTEXT :: apply function t() { return [].slice.apply(arguments, [1]); } var upd = t(1,2,3,4,5); // [2,3,4,5] fun.apply(thisArg[, argsArray])
  • 48. function Builder () { = 'Arnold'; } var b = new Builder(); // b = { // name: 'Arnold' // } FUNCTIONS :: FUNC CONTEXT :: new
  • 49. FUNCTIONS :: FUNC CONTEXT :: reference Execution Context Syntax of function call Value of this Global n/a global object (e.g. window) Function Method call:; myObject Function Baseless function call: foo(); global object (e.g. window) (undefined in strict mode) Function Using call:, myArg); context Function Using apply: foo.apply(context, [myArgs]); context Function Constructor with new: var newFoo = new Foo(); the new instance (e.g. newFoo) Evaluation n/a value of this in parent context source:
  • 50. TOOLS
  • 52. REQUIREJS :: WHY? ● Web sites are turning into Web apps ● Code complexity grows as the site gets bigger ● Assembly gets harder ● Developer wants discrete JS files/modules ● JavaScript doesn't have import yet source:
  • 53. REQUIREJS :: WHAT? RequireJS is an AMD JavaScript file and module loader.
  • 54. REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define define();
  • 55. REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define define([]);
  • 56. REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define define(['sandbox', './views/View']);
  • 57. REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define define(['sandbox', './views/View'], function () { });
  • 58. REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define define(['sandbox', './views/View'], function (sandbox, View) { });
  • 59. REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define define(['sandbox', './views/View'], function (sandbox, View) { var Module = function () { } return Module; });
  • 60. REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define define(['sandbox', './views/View'], function (sandbox, View) { var Module = function () { var views = []; this.init = function () { }; this.tickUpdate = function () { } } return Module; });
  • 61. REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: define define(['sandbox', './views/View'], function (sandbox, View) { var Module = function () { var views = []; this.init = function () {}; this.tickUpdate = function () { this.views.push(View.create()); } } return Module; });
  • 62. REQUIREJS :: HOW? :: config require.config({ shim: { 'ember': { deps: ['jquery', 'handlebars'], exports: 'Ember' } }, paths: { ... jquery: 'libs/jquery-1.8.2', tick_mngr: 'managers/tick', ember: 'libs/ember-1.0.0-rc.1', ... } })
  • 64. JQUERY :: SELECTORS $(selector).method() For example, $(‘#list’) will return the elements which has the attribute id=”list”. For more, see
  • 65. JQUERY :: DOM MANIPULATIONS ● $(selector).html() ● $(selector).append(html) ● $(selector).remove() ● $(selector).attr('myAttr', 'value') ● $(selector).removeAttr('myAttr') ● $(selector).css('width', 40) ● $(selector).addClass('my-class') ● $(selector).removeClass('my-class') ● $(selector).text() ● $(selector).val()
  • 66. JQUERY :: AJAX $.ajax({ url: ‘/api/posts’ type: ‘POST’, data: {}, success: function () {}, error: function () {} });
  • 67. JQUERY :: EVENTS ● $(selector).click(function () {}) ● $(selector).dblclick(function () {}) ● $(selector).mousedown(function () {}) ● $(selector).mouseup(function () {}) ● $(selector).mouseover(function () {}) ● $(selector).mouseenter(function () {}) ● $(selector).mouseleave(function () {}) ● $(selector).on(eventName, function () {}) ● $(selector).off(eventName, function () {})
  • 69. REMINDER :: async nature function getData() { var data; $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'GET', success: function (response) { data = response; } }); return data; } var myData = getData(); // ???
  • 70. REMINDER :: async nature function getData() { var data; $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'GET', success: function (response) { data = response; } }); return data; } var myData = getData(); // undefined
  • 71. TOOLS :: PROMISES :: pyramid of doom startChannel(function (data) { drawLayout(function () { startFirstModule(function () { ... }); }); });
  • 72. TOOLS :: PROMISES :: parallel startChannel(function (data) { drawLayout(function () { startFirstModule(function () { ... }); }); }); 1 1 2
  • 73. TOOLS :: PROMISES :: def In computer science, future, promise, and delay refer to constructs used for synchronizing in some concurrent programming languages. They describe an object that acts as a proxy for a result that is initially unknown, usually because the computation of its value is yet incomplete. The term promise was proposed in 1976 by Daniel P. Friedman and David Wise,[1] [...] The terms future, promise, and delay are often used interchangeably, although some differences in usage between future and promise are treated below. Setting the value of a future is also called resolving, fulfilling, or binding it. Source:
  • 75. TOOLS :: PROMISES :: Deferred Object jQuery.Deferred() A constructor that creates a new Deferred object, can take an optional initFunction parameter that will be called right after the deferred has been constructed. jQuery.when() A way to execute callback functions based on one or more objects that represent asynchronous tasks. jQuery.ajax() Performs an asynchronous Ajax requests where the jqXHR objects returned by $.ajax() implement the Promise interface, giving them all the properties, methods, and behaviour of a Promise. deferred.resolve(arg1, arg2, ...) Resolve a Deferred object and call any 'done' Callback with the given arguments. deferred.reject(arg1, arg2, ...) Reject a Deferred object and call any 'fail' Callback with the given arguments. deferred.promise() Returns a promise, that is an immutable view of the deferred object: the promise can be passed around safely since the underlying deferred cannot be resolved or rejected through it.
  • 76. TOOLS :: PROMISES :: Promise Object deferred.then(resolveCallback, rejectCallback) Handlers to be called when the Deferred object is resolved or rejected. deferred.done() Functions or array of functions that are called when the Deferred object is resolved. Functions or array of functions that are called when the Deferred is rejected. deferred.isResolved Determine whether a Deferred object has been resolved.
  • 77. TOOLS :: PROMISES :: side 1 $.when( // call functions startChannel(), drawLayout() ).done(function () { // do when both are done initModule.start(); })
  • 78. TOOLS :: PROMISES :: side 2 function drawLayout () { var dfd = $.Deferred(); function loadSettings() { // do some ajax request; } function validate() { ... // in case validation failed dfd.reject(); } function render() { // render return dfd.resolve(); } return dfd.promise(); }
  • 80. CHROME DEV TOOLS :: OPEN ● F12 (Windows) ● Alt + Cmd + i (Mac) ● View > Developer > Developer Tools (Everywhere) ● Mouse right click > Inspect Element (Everywhere) source:
  • 81. CHROME DEV TOOLS :: TABS 1. Elements: edit HTML, CSS, events 2. Resources: local storage, cookies 3. Network: xhr requests, their size, headers... 4. Source: js editing, debugging, breakpoints 5. Timeline: performance, memory 6. Profile: performance 7. Audits 8. Console