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JavaScript: The Good Parts
Or: How a C# developer learned to stop worrying and love JS
Doug Jones
So…what’s this about?
 What C# learned from JS
 JS versions
 The language of JavaScript…the Good and the Bad
 ES5
 Tools
 History
What this is NOT about
 Transpilers
 TypeScript
 CoffeeScript
 Dart
 Traceur
 etc…
 Another JS framework or library
 Angular
 Ember
 Lo-Dash
 Underscore
 etc…
 ES6 or ES7 features
Creator of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
Wrote JSON2 parser and JSLint
Self proclaimed “world's foremost living authority on JavaScript”
“I am the greatest!” – Muhammad Ali
What C# learned from JS
“JavaScript is the only language that I’m aware of that
people feel they don’t need to learn before they start
using it.” – Douglas Crockford
What C# learned from JS cont’d
 .NET 2.0
 Anonymous methods (with closures) //inline assign delegate to click event
 Null Coalescing operator (??)
 int? i = x ?? y;
button1.Click += delegate(System.Object o, System.EventArgs ea)
{ System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Click!"); };
 .NET 3.5
 LINQ functionality has significant ties to js language
 Action<T> and Func<T> types
 Lambda expressions, like in LINQ .Where (anonymous functions like js, with closures)
 Extension Methods (tacking function onto .prototype in prototypal inheritance)
 Implicitly typed local variables (var in C#)
 Object and Collection initializers
 Anonymous types (hybrid between static typing and true dynamics)
 var anonTypeObj = new { x = 7, y = “testing”};
What C# learned from JS cont’d
 .NET 4.0
 Dynamic //every variable in js is dynamic, like the C# type
 Including associative array
 dynamicObj[“myProp”] = 7;
 Including ExpandoObject
 Dynamic dynamicObj = new ExpandoObject();
 dynamicObj.newProp = false;
What C# learned from JS cont’d
What C# learned from JS cont’d
 .NET 4.5
 async/await is promise/future construct similar to js frameworks
 TaskCompletionSource / Task in C#
 Used in Angular via $q and jQuery via $.promise
 $q.defer() / $q.defer().promise
 All ajax calls return promises (via $http or $.ajax(…).done(function() {…
JS Versions
(or ECMAScript)
 Book written using ES3, but current
browsers support ECMAScript 5 (as of IE 9*)
 *except strict mode
JS Versions cont’d
 ECMAScript 6 currently in draft
 Iterators and generators (yield keyword)
 Modules
 Replacement for RequireJS and CommonJS
 ECMAScript 7
 async/await in spec
 Chrome 39 and Firefox 34 appear to support about half ES6
JavaScript the language
There’s a lot to JavaScript…just not to The Good Parts
The Good Parts are about JavaScript the language, no references to the DOM
Data types
 Six data types that are primitives:
 Boolean var isTrue = false;
 Null
 Undefined
 Number var myNum = 7.29302; //64 bit floating point number, like “double” in C#
 0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3 //0.30000000000000004
 String var text = “hello”; // or ‘hello’
 and Object
 Arrays
 Functions
 Regular Expressions
 Dates
 Everything else…
Functions are objects!
They can be properties too (then called methods)
var obj = {};
obj.helloFn = function(){
obj.helloFn.testProp = 7; //functions can have properties
Functions cont’d
Functions have 2 name placements
 Variable name (function expression)
 Function name (function statement or function declaration)
var helloFn = function(){
function helloFn(){
//or both, useful for recursion
var quickSort = function quickSortInternal(items,left,right){
if (index < right) {
quickSortInternal(items, index, right);
Truthy and Falsy
Truthy and Falsy
Here are the falsy values:
 false
 null
 undefined
 empty string -> ‘’ or “”
 number 0
 NaN (Not a Number)
Everything else…Truthy
Only mildly contrived example
If(myVar && && && && …)
Triple equals – better than double equals
Using the == operator (Equality)
true == 1; //true, because 'true' is converted to 1 and then compared
"2" == 2; //true, because "2" is converted to 2 and then compared
Using the === operator (Identity)
true === 1; //false
"2" === 2; //false
This is because the equality operator == does type coercion, meaning that the
interpreter implicitly tries to convert the values before comparing.
On the other hand, the identity operator === does not do type coercion, and thus does
not convert the values when comparing.
Very odd coercion
' trn ' == 0 // true
Truthy and Falsy cont’d
Given that you want to check whether the variable myVar has been assigned a
valid value
 if(myVar == undefined) no, null value would be coerced to true statement
 If(myVar === undefined) yes, but…undefined could be overwritten before ES5
 if(typeof myVar === "undefined") correct, but…
 if(myVar) can be used in most cases, much easier to work with
Null Coalescing Operator
int? val = firstVal ?? 0;
SELECT Name, COALESCE(Business_Phone, Cell_Phone,
Home_Phone) Contact_Phone
FROM Contact_Info
Falsy OR coalescing, returns first truthy value
var employeeName = employee.Name || "Unknown";
AND coalescing – if ALL truthy, returns LAST value
return (stockQuoteArray && stockQuoteArray[ticker] &&
function level scope, not block level scope
NOT like C# block level scope:
if (true)
var j = 3;
//compile time error
function fn() {
"use strict";
if (true) {
var j = 3;
//successfully shows alert
Closures are functions that refer to independent (free) variables.
In other words, the function defined in the closure 'remembers' the environment
in which it was created.
var x = 100;
var fn = function () {
fn(); //alerts 100
var x = 100;
var fn = function () {
window.setTimeout(function () {
alert("inner: " + x);
}, 1000);
alert("outer: " + x);
x += 1;
//alerts “outer: 100”
//alerts “inner: 101”
Closures in C#
public class LinqExample
private int[] _ints = new int[] {1, 7, 2, 9, 3, 4, 2};
public IEnumerable<int> FilterInts(int filterNum)
var result = _ints.Where(x => x == filterNum);
return result;
//get list of all ints of certain value…for some reason
public IEnumerable<int> FilterInts(int filterNum)
LinqExample.u003Cu003Ec__DisplayClass1 cDisplayClass1
= new LinqExample.u003Cu003Ec__DisplayClass1();
cDisplayClass1.filterNum = filterNum;
// ISSUE: method pointer
return Enumerable.Where<int>((IEnumerable<int>)
this._ints, new Func<int, bool>((object) cDisplayClass1,
Closures in C#
what they’re actually doing
private sealed class u003Cu003Ec__DisplayClass1
public int filterNum;
public bool u003CFilterIntsu003Eb__0(int x)
return x == this.filterNum;
Immediately Invoked Function Expression
var x = 100;
(function () {
}()); // *
*you have to wrap the function in parens in order to make it parse as an expression
Module Pattern (Crockford)
var stockService = (function () {
var stockQuoteArray = {
"AMZN": {
"10/31/2014": 305.46
// …
return {
getQuote: function (ticker, date) {
if (stockQuoteArray[ticker] && stockQuoteArray[ticker][date]) {
return stockQuoteArray[ticker][date];
return null;
var quote = stockService.getQuote("AMZN", "10/31/2014");
Revealing Module Pattern (John Papa)
var stockService = (function () {
var stockQuoteArray = {
"AMZN": {
"10/31/2014": 305.46
// …
return {
getQuote: getQuote //per Crockford, using a function before it’s defined is SLOPPY
function getQuote(ticker, date) {
if (stockQuoteArray[ticker] && stockQuoteArray[ticker][date]) {
return stockQuoteArray[ticker][date];
return null;
“this” is the context, just like C#
BUT… “this” can change
 In the global execution context (outside of any function), this refers to the global
object, whether in strict mode or not.
 When a function is called as a method of an object, its this is set to the object the
method is called on.
 When a function is used as a constructor (with the new keyword), its this is bound
to new object being constructed.
 When a function is used as an event handler, its this is set to the element the
event fired from
 Change “this” context yourself in call or apply method
Context cont’d
var dgName = "Bob";
function callName() {
callName.apply({ dgName:
"Tim" }, []);
//calls “Bob” then “Tim”
var dgName = "Bob";
function callName() {
(function () {
callName.apply({ dgName: "Tim" }, []);
//calls “Bob” twice
//due to subfunction using global context
Context cont’d
var dgName = "Bob";
function callName() {
var self = this;
(function () {
callName.apply({ dgName: "Tim" }, []);
//alerts “Bob” then “Tim”
 Douglas Crockford uses “that” instead of self.
 John Papa uses “self”, which I prefer
The new keyword
Module patterns shown for what amounts to essentially singletons
What if I need multiple instances with different state in each?
var Animal = function (helloText) {
if (!(this instanceof Animal)) {
return new Animal(helloText);
var self = this;
self.helloText = helloText;
self.speak = function () {
//returns “this” automatically when called with “new”
var human = new Animal("Hello");
var tiger = Animal("Growl"); //whoops, forgot new…no problem
//should allay Crockford’s fears
Instances without “new” keyword
 You can use the module patterns
WITHOUT the IIFE to allow for
multiple instances
 Only do this if you need multiple
 The state saved in the objects must
be different for different instances
var animal = function () {
var helloText = "";
var setText = function (text)
helloText = text;
var speak = function () {
return {
speak: speak,
setText: setText
var human = animal();
var tiger = animal();
 Variable declarations hoisted to top of function (top of scope)
 Function statements also hoisted
(function () {
var myFunc = function () {
alert("my func");
var x = 7;
function myOtherFunc() {
alert("my other func");
(function () {
var x;
var myFunc;
function myOtherFunc() {
alert("my other func");
myFunc = function () {
alert("my func");
x = 7;
Prototypal Inheritance
(or Prototypical)
 All javascript objects have a “template” base object, or prototype.
 Javascript functions have the “prototype” object, whereas all objects have
the “__proto__” object.
Don’t Do This! = function() {
Object.prototype.methodName = function(){
return dowhateverto(this)
Prototypal Inheritance (cont’d)
 The old way
var Animal = function (speakText) {
this.helloText = speakText;
this.speak = function () {
var Human = function () {
this.helloText = "Hello";
var mammal = new Animal("Growl");
Human.prototype = mammal;
var bob = new Human();
bob.speak(); //Hello
mammal.speak(); //Growl
Prototypal Inheritance (cont’d)
var individualStockService = function (tickerSymbol) {
var s = Object.create(stockService);
s.ticker = tickerSymbol || "SPY"; //default to common ticker
s.getThisQuote = function (date) {
return this.getQuote(this.ticker, date);
return s;
var amznStockService = individualStockService("AMZN");
var amznQuote = amznStockService.getThisQuote("10/31/2014");
var uaStockService = individualStockService("UA");
var uaQuote = uaStockService.getThisQuote("12/05/2014");
var quote = individualStockService().getThisQuote("12/05/2014");
alert(amznQuote); //305.46
alert(uaQuote); //69.43
alert(quote); //208
Use strict mode
var stockService = (function () {
‘use strict’;
var stockQuoteArray = {
 Converts mistakes into errors (as syntax errors or at runtime),
 mistypedVaraible = 17;
 var a = Animal(); // “this” undefined within function constructor without “new”
 undefined = 7; //assigning to read-only variable
 Octal syntax forbidden // 015 === 13, but now errors
 eval
 creates variables only for the code being evaluated
JavaScript: The Bad Parts
“If you want to learn more about the bad parts and how to use them badly,
consult any other JavaScript book.” - Douglas Crockford
The Awful Parts
 Global Variables //implicit global variables wherever “var” forgotten
 And in functions within methods as shown on last Context slide
 Scope – function level, not block level
 Semicolon insertion //can insert in bad places, like after “return”
 Unicode //only 16 bits, ('u0041‘, but not 'u1F4A9‘, need to use 'uD83DuDCA9‘
 Have to run surrogate pair algorithm to get the hex pairs above
 ES6 problem is fixed, example: 'u{1F4A9}'
Awful Parts cont’d
 typeof //typeof null === ‘object’
 parseInt //always use radix 10, “16 tons” produces 16 “08” produces 0
 + //adds or concatenates, like C#
 NaN // NaN !== NaN, typeof NaN === ‘number’
 Floating Point - (0.1 + 0.2) !== 0.3
 Phony Arrays //arguments array not an array, but object with length property
 Falsy Values //falsy not interchangeable, language idiosyncrasy
 hasOwnProperty //can be replaced
The Bad Parts
 == //double equal, coercive equality test
 with statement
 eval //compromises security and performance
 continue //not really sure why he dislikes, short circuit lowers code
 switch fall through // “attractive nuisance” that leads to bugs
 Block-less statements //same as in C#, 1 liner without curly braces
 If(id === 13) soundAlarm();
Bad Parts cont’d
 ++ and -- // “too tricky, too cryptic”
 Bitwise operators //bad performance, most likely mistyped, not wanted
 9 << 2 yields 36
 Function statement vs function expression
 Typed wrappers //new Boolean(false), has .valueOf
 like nullable types in C#, but confusing and no reason for it in JS
 New //if you forget new keyword, “this” inside function is global context
 Could tack properties and methods onto global scope
 void // void func(){…} always returns undefined
EcmaScript 5 changes
 Strict Mode //see slide
 Objects
 Object.create() //see prototypal inheritance slide
 Object.getPrototypeOf()
 Object.freeze()
 All properties read only and no properties can be added
 Object.seal()
 No properties can be added and writable state remains on properties
 Arrays
 Some Underscore/LoDash functions added in
 .every, .filter, .forEach, .indexOf, .map, .reduce, .some
EcmaScript 5 changes cont’d
 Accessors (get/set)
 Object.defineProperty( obj, “key", {
value: “myVal”,
writable: false,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true //if false, delete or changing property attributes will fail
JavaScript Tools
 Javascript compiler that builds js and checks code quality, just as C# compiler
 It is incredibly opinionated and somewhat brutal with excessive errors
 For example:
 Expected exactly one space between 'function' and '('.
 Expected '}' at column 17, not column 9.
 Expected '10/31/2014' at column 21, not column 13.
 Function used before it was defined
 prevents John Papa’s version of Revealing Module Pattern
A better option
 Forked from JSLint, but by default it is less strict
 Comes with Web Essentials (chances are, you already have it)
 You can edit JSHint config file to set up for only errors you’re
concerned with (roughly 50 or so options), such as:
 Require triple equals (===) for comparison
 Requires all functions run in ES5 Strict Mode
 Require all non-global variables to be declared (prevents global leaks)
 Prohibit use of `++` & `--` //set to false by default, which I’m happy with
 Some errors cannot be configured, such as the semi-colon required at
the end of every line.
 Bottom line, it forces me to write better code. I recommend it to
(function () {
'use strict';
var serviceId = 'carService';
// TODO: replace app with your module name
angular.module('app').factory(serviceId, ['$http',
function carService($http) {
// Define the functions and properties to reveal.
var service = {
getData: getData
return service;
function getData() {
//#region Internal Methods
History of JavaScript
 Mocha created in May 1995 by Brendan Eich at Netscape
 Officially called LiveScript in beta Netscape Navigator 2.0 releases
 Renamed JavaScript in 2.0B3
 Pressure from ally Sun (ally against Microsoft) to remove LiveScript since they had
a language that would work in every browser, Java
 With the name change to JavaScript, Sun was appeased.
 Microsoft implements JavaScript in IE 3.0
 Completely reverse engineered JS without consent of Netscape
 This included all bugs, great copy job!
 Later MSFT renames to JScript to avoid trademark issues
History of JavaScript cont’d
 Netscape submits JavaScript to ECMA International to become a standard
 ECMAScript
 EcmaScript v1 spec is published in June 1997
 EcmaScript v2 spec is published in June 1998
 EcmaScript v3 spec published December 1999
 EcmaScript v4 NEVER published
 EcmaScript v5 published December 2009
 10 years later!
 5.1 released June 2011
 EcmaScript v6 coming soon, NOT officially published
 JavaScript is a real programming language!
 Avoid the Bad parts, embrace the Good
 If you haven’t read the book, please do!
JavaScript: The Good Parts Or: How A C# Developer Learned To Stop Worrying And Love JS

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JavaScript: The Good Parts Or: How A C# Developer Learned To Stop Worrying And Love JS

  • 1. JavaScript: The Good Parts Or: How a C# developer learned to stop worrying and love JS Doug Jones
  • 2. So…what’s this about?  What C# learned from JS  JS versions  The language of JavaScript…the Good and the Bad  ES5  Tools  History
  • 3. What this is NOT about  Transpilers  TypeScript  CoffeeScript  Dart  Traceur  etc…  Another JS framework or library  Angular  Ember  Lo-Dash  Underscore  etc…  ES6 or ES7 features
  • 4. Creator of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Wrote JSON2 parser and JSLint Self proclaimed “world's foremost living authority on JavaScript”
  • 5. “I am the greatest!” – Muhammad Ali
  • 6. What C# learned from JS “JavaScript is the only language that I’m aware of that people feel they don’t need to learn before they start using it.” – Douglas Crockford
  • 7. What C# learned from JS cont’d  .NET 2.0  Anonymous methods (with closures) //inline assign delegate to click event  Null Coalescing operator (??)  int? i = x ?? y; button1.Click += delegate(System.Object o, System.EventArgs ea) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Click!"); };
  • 8.  .NET 3.5  LINQ functionality has significant ties to js language  Action<T> and Func<T> types  Lambda expressions, like in LINQ .Where (anonymous functions like js, with closures)  Extension Methods (tacking function onto .prototype in prototypal inheritance)  Implicitly typed local variables (var in C#)  Object and Collection initializers  Anonymous types (hybrid between static typing and true dynamics)  var anonTypeObj = new { x = 7, y = “testing”}; What C# learned from JS cont’d
  • 9.  .NET 4.0  Dynamic //every variable in js is dynamic, like the C# type  Including associative array  dynamicObj[“myProp”] = 7;  Including ExpandoObject  Dynamic dynamicObj = new ExpandoObject();  dynamicObj.newProp = false; What C# learned from JS cont’d
  • 10. What C# learned from JS cont’d  .NET 4.5  async/await is promise/future construct similar to js frameworks  TaskCompletionSource / Task in C#  Used in Angular via $q and jQuery via $.promise  $q.defer() / $q.defer().promise  All ajax calls return promises (via $http or $.ajax(…).done(function() {…
  • 11. JS Versions (or ECMAScript)  Book written using ES3, but current browsers support ECMAScript 5 (as of IE 9*)  *except strict mode 
  • 12. JS Versions cont’d  ECMAScript 6 currently in draft  Iterators and generators (yield keyword)  Modules  Replacement for RequireJS and CommonJS  ECMAScript 7  async/await in spec  Chrome 39 and Firefox 34 appear to support about half ES6 
  • 13. JavaScript the language There’s a lot to JavaScript…just not to The Good Parts The Good Parts are about JavaScript the language, no references to the DOM
  • 14. Data types  Six data types that are primitives:  Boolean var isTrue = false;  Null  Undefined  Number var myNum = 7.29302; //64 bit floating point number, like “double” in C#  0.1 + 0.2 !== 0.3 //0.30000000000000004  String var text = “hello”; // or ‘hello’  and Object  Arrays  Functions  Regular Expressions  Dates  Everything else…
  • 15. Functions Functions are objects! They can be properties too (then called methods) JS var obj = {}; obj.helloFn = function(){ alert("hello"); }; obj.helloFn.testProp = 7; //functions can have properties
  • 16. Functions cont’d Functions have 2 name placements  Variable name (function expression)  Function name (function statement or function declaration) var helloFn = function(){ alert(“hello”); } function helloFn(){ alert(“hello”); } //or both, useful for recursion var quickSort = function quickSortInternal(items,left,right){ … if (index < right) { quickSortInternal(items, index, right); } }
  • 17. Truthy and Falsy Truthy and Falsy Here are the falsy values:  false  null  undefined  empty string -> ‘’ or “”  number 0  NaN (Not a Number) Everything else…Truthy Only mildly contrived example If(myVar && && && && …)
  • 18. Triple equals – better than double equals Using the == operator (Equality) true == 1; //true, because 'true' is converted to 1 and then compared "2" == 2; //true, because "2" is converted to 2 and then compared Using the === operator (Identity) true === 1; //false "2" === 2; //false This is because the equality operator == does type coercion, meaning that the interpreter implicitly tries to convert the values before comparing. On the other hand, the identity operator === does not do type coercion, and thus does not convert the values when comparing. Very odd coercion ' trn ' == 0 // true
  • 19. Truthy and Falsy cont’d Given that you want to check whether the variable myVar has been assigned a valid value  if(myVar == undefined) no, null value would be coerced to true statement  If(myVar === undefined) yes, but…undefined could be overwritten before ES5  if(typeof myVar === "undefined") correct, but…  if(myVar) can be used in most cases, much easier to work with
  • 20. Null Coalescing Operator C# int? val = firstVal ?? 0; SQL SELECT Name, COALESCE(Business_Phone, Cell_Phone, Home_Phone) Contact_Phone FROM Contact_Info JS Falsy OR coalescing, returns first truthy value var employeeName = employee.Name || "Unknown"; AND coalescing – if ALL truthy, returns LAST value return (stockQuoteArray && stockQuoteArray[ticker] && stockQuoteArray[ticker][date]);
  • 21. Scope function level scope, not block level scope NOT like C# block level scope: C# if (true) { var j = 3; } MessageBox.Show(j.ToString()); //compile time error JS function fn() { "use strict"; if (true) { var j = 3; } alert(j); } fn(); //successfully shows alert
  • 22. Closures Closures are functions that refer to independent (free) variables. In other words, the function defined in the closure 'remembers' the environment in which it was created. var x = 100; var fn = function () { alert(x); }; fn(); //alerts 100 var x = 100; var fn = function () { window.setTimeout(function () { alert("inner: " + x); }, 1000); }; fn(); alert("outer: " + x); x += 1; //alerts “outer: 100” //alerts “inner: 101”
  • 23. Closures in C# public class LinqExample { private int[] _ints = new int[] {1, 7, 2, 9, 3, 4, 2}; public IEnumerable<int> FilterInts(int filterNum) { var result = _ints.Where(x => x == filterNum); return result; } } //get list of all ints of certain value…for some reason
  • 24. public IEnumerable<int> FilterInts(int filterNum) { LinqExample.u003Cu003Ec__DisplayClass1 cDisplayClass1 = new LinqExample.u003Cu003Ec__DisplayClass1(); cDisplayClass1.filterNum = filterNum; // ISSUE: method pointer return Enumerable.Where<int>((IEnumerable<int>) this._ints, new Func<int, bool>((object) cDisplayClass1, __methodptr(u003CFilterIntsu003Eb__0))); } Closures in C# what they’re actually doing [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class u003Cu003Ec__DisplayClass1 { public int filterNum; public bool u003CFilterIntsu003Eb__0(int x) { return x == this.filterNum; } }
  • 25. The IIFE! Immediately Invoked Function Expression var x = 100; (function () { alert(x); x++; }()); // * alert(x); *you have to wrap the function in parens in order to make it parse as an expression
  • 26. Module Pattern (Crockford) var stockService = (function () { var stockQuoteArray = { "AMZN": { "10/31/2014": 305.46 // … } }; return { getQuote: function (ticker, date) { if (stockQuoteArray[ticker] && stockQuoteArray[ticker][date]) { return stockQuoteArray[ticker][date]; } return null; } }; })(); var quote = stockService.getQuote("AMZN", "10/31/2014"); alert(quote);
  • 27. Revealing Module Pattern (John Papa) var stockService = (function () { var stockQuoteArray = { "AMZN": { "10/31/2014": 305.46 // … } }; return { getQuote: getQuote //per Crockford, using a function before it’s defined is SLOPPY }; function getQuote(ticker, date) { if (stockQuoteArray[ticker] && stockQuoteArray[ticker][date]) { return stockQuoteArray[ticker][date]; } return null; } })();
  • 28. Context “this” is the context, just like C# BUT… “this” can change  In the global execution context (outside of any function), this refers to the global object, whether in strict mode or not.  When a function is called as a method of an object, its this is set to the object the method is called on.  When a function is used as a constructor (with the new keyword), its this is bound to new object being constructed.  When a function is used as an event handler, its this is set to the element the event fired from  Change “this” context yourself in call or apply method
  • 29. Context cont’d var dgName = "Bob"; function callName() { alert(this.dgName); } callName(); callName.apply({ dgName: "Tim" }, []); //calls “Bob” then “Tim” var dgName = "Bob"; function callName() { (function () { alert(this.dgName); }()); } callName(); callName.apply({ dgName: "Tim" }, []); //calls “Bob” twice //due to subfunction using global context
  • 30. Context cont’d var dgName = "Bob"; function callName() { var self = this; (function () { alert(self.dgName); }()); } callName(); callName.apply({ dgName: "Tim" }, []); //alerts “Bob” then “Tim”  Douglas Crockford uses “that” instead of self.  John Papa uses “self”, which I prefer
  • 31. The new keyword Module patterns shown for what amounts to essentially singletons What if I need multiple instances with different state in each? var Animal = function (helloText) { if (!(this instanceof Animal)) { return new Animal(helloText); } var self = this; self.helloText = helloText; self.speak = function () { alert(helloText); }; //returns “this” automatically when called with “new” }; var human = new Animal("Hello"); var tiger = Animal("Growl"); //whoops, forgot new…no problem //should allay Crockford’s fears human.speak(); tiger.speak();
  • 32. Instances without “new” keyword  You can use the module patterns WITHOUT the IIFE to allow for multiple instances  Only do this if you need multiple instances  The state saved in the objects must be different for different instances var animal = function () { var helloText = ""; var setText = function (text) { helloText = text; }; var speak = function () { alert(helloText); }; return { speak: speak, setText: setText }; }; var human = animal(); var tiger = animal(); human.setText("Hello"); tiger.setText("Growl"); human.speak(); tiger.speak();
  • 33. Hoisting  Variable declarations hoisted to top of function (top of scope)  Function statements also hoisted (function () { myOtherFunc(); var myFunc = function () { alert("my func"); } var x = 7; function myOtherFunc() { alert("my other func"); } }()); (function () { var x; var myFunc; function myOtherFunc() { alert("my other func"); } myOtherFunc(); myFunc = function () { alert("my func"); }; x = 7; }());
  • 34. Prototypal Inheritance (or Prototypical)  All javascript objects have a “template” base object, or prototype.  Javascript functions have the “prototype” object, whereas all objects have the “__proto__” object. Don’t Do This! = function() { alert("bar"); }; Object.prototype.methodName = function(){ return dowhateverto(this) };
  • 35. Prototypal Inheritance (cont’d)  The old way var Animal = function (speakText) { this.helloText = speakText; this.speak = function () { alert(this.helloText); }; }; var Human = function () { this.helloText = "Hello"; }; var mammal = new Animal("Growl"); Human.prototype = mammal; var bob = new Human(); bob.speak(); //Hello mammal.speak(); //Growl
  • 36. Prototypal Inheritance (cont’d) var individualStockService = function (tickerSymbol) { var s = Object.create(stockService); s.ticker = tickerSymbol || "SPY"; //default to common ticker s.getThisQuote = function (date) { return this.getQuote(this.ticker, date); }; return s; }; var amznStockService = individualStockService("AMZN"); var amznQuote = amznStockService.getThisQuote("10/31/2014"); var uaStockService = individualStockService("UA"); var uaQuote = uaStockService.getThisQuote("12/05/2014"); var quote = individualStockService().getThisQuote("12/05/2014"); alert(amznQuote); //305.46 alert(uaQuote); //69.43 alert(quote); //208
  • 37. Use strict mode var stockService = (function () { ‘use strict’; var stockQuoteArray = { …  Converts mistakes into errors (as syntax errors or at runtime),  mistypedVaraible = 17;  var a = Animal(); // “this” undefined within function constructor without “new”  undefined = 7; //assigning to read-only variable  Octal syntax forbidden // 015 === 13, but now errors  eval  creates variables only for the code being evaluated 
  • 38. JavaScript: The Bad Parts “If you want to learn more about the bad parts and how to use them badly, consult any other JavaScript book.” - Douglas Crockford
  • 39. The Awful Parts  Global Variables //implicit global variables wherever “var” forgotten  And in functions within methods as shown on last Context slide  Scope – function level, not block level  Semicolon insertion //can insert in bad places, like after “return”  Unicode //only 16 bits, ('u0041‘, but not 'u1F4A9‘, need to use 'uD83DuDCA9‘ instead)  Have to run surrogate pair algorithm to get the hex pairs above  ES6 problem is fixed, example: 'u{1F4A9}'
  • 40. Awful Parts cont’d  typeof //typeof null === ‘object’  parseInt //always use radix 10, “16 tons” produces 16 “08” produces 0  + //adds or concatenates, like C#  NaN // NaN !== NaN, typeof NaN === ‘number’  Floating Point - (0.1 + 0.2) !== 0.3  Phony Arrays //arguments array not an array, but object with length property  Falsy Values //falsy not interchangeable, language idiosyncrasy  hasOwnProperty //can be replaced
  • 41. The Bad Parts  == //double equal, coercive equality test  with statement  eval //compromises security and performance  continue //not really sure why he dislikes, short circuit lowers code complexity  switch fall through // “attractive nuisance” that leads to bugs  Block-less statements //same as in C#, 1 liner without curly braces  If(id === 13) soundAlarm();
  • 42. Bad Parts cont’d  ++ and -- // “too tricky, too cryptic”  Bitwise operators //bad performance, most likely mistyped, not wanted  9 << 2 yields 36  Function statement vs function expression  Typed wrappers //new Boolean(false), has .valueOf  like nullable types in C#, but confusing and no reason for it in JS  New //if you forget new keyword, “this” inside function is global context  Could tack properties and methods onto global scope  void // void func(){…} always returns undefined
  • 43. EcmaScript 5 changes  Strict Mode //see slide  Objects  Object.create() //see prototypal inheritance slide  Object.getPrototypeOf()  Object.freeze()  All properties read only and no properties can be added  Object.seal()  No properties can be added and writable state remains on properties  Arrays  Some Underscore/LoDash functions added in  .every, .filter, .forEach, .indexOf, .map, .reduce, .some
  • 44. EcmaScript 5 changes cont’d  Accessors (get/set)  Object.defineProperty( obj, “key", { value: “myVal”, writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: true //if false, delete or changing property attributes will fail });
  • 46. JSLint  Javascript compiler that builds js and checks code quality, just as C# compiler does.  It is incredibly opinionated and somewhat brutal with excessive errors  For example:  Expected exactly one space between 'function' and '('.  Expected '}' at column 17, not column 9.  Expected '10/31/2014' at column 21, not column 13.  Function used before it was defined  prevents John Papa’s version of Revealing Module Pattern
  • 47. JSHint A better option  Forked from JSLint, but by default it is less strict  Comes with Web Essentials (chances are, you already have it)   You can edit JSHint config file to set up for only errors you’re concerned with (roughly 50 or so options), such as:  Require triple equals (===) for comparison  Requires all functions run in ES5 Strict Mode  Require all non-global variables to be declared (prevents global leaks)  Prohibit use of `++` & `--` //set to false by default, which I’m happy with  Some errors cannot be configured, such as the semi-colon required at the end of every line.  Bottom line, it forces me to write better code. I recommend it to everyone.
  • 48. (function () { 'use strict'; var serviceId = 'carService'; // TODO: replace app with your module name angular.module('app').factory(serviceId, ['$http', carService]); function carService($http) { // Define the functions and properties to reveal. var service = { getData: getData }; return service; function getData() { } //#region Internal Methods //#endregion } })();
  • 49. History of JavaScript  Mocha created in May 1995 by Brendan Eich at Netscape  Officially called LiveScript in beta Netscape Navigator 2.0 releases  Renamed JavaScript in 2.0B3  Pressure from ally Sun (ally against Microsoft) to remove LiveScript since they had a language that would work in every browser, Java  With the name change to JavaScript, Sun was appeased.  Microsoft implements JavaScript in IE 3.0  Completely reverse engineered JS without consent of Netscape  This included all bugs, great copy job!  Later MSFT renames to JScript to avoid trademark issues
  • 50. History of JavaScript cont’d  Netscape submits JavaScript to ECMA International to become a standard  ECMAScript  EcmaScript v1 spec is published in June 1997  EcmaScript v2 spec is published in June 1998  EcmaScript v3 spec published December 1999  EcmaScript v4 NEVER published  EcmaScript v5 published December 2009  10 years later!  5.1 released June 2011  EcmaScript v6 coming soon, NOT officially published
  • 51. Conclusion  JavaScript is a real programming language!  Avoid the Bad parts, embrace the Good  If you haven’t read the book, please do!