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Artificial neural networks for
      ion beam analysis

      Nuno Barradas1 and Armando Vieira2
    Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, Sacavém
        Instituto Superior Engenharia, Porto
• Introduction
• Biological and artificial neural
• RBS data analysis with ANNs
• Application to real time RBS
• Outlook and prospects
Neurons – some characteristics
• Inputs: many, coming from many afferent
  neurons. Take continuous values
• Outputs: only one, to many neurons. Yes/no
• Synaptic connections: where the output of one
  neuron leads to the input in another one, with
  efficiency depending on the connection
• Each neuron has a reduced, but non-linear,
  processing ability
• The overall processing ability is distributed
  amongst the connected set of neurons
• Learning is done through experience, coded in
  changes in connection strength
Artificial neuron

 x1         w1
           w2                                output
x2                      sum   transmission

Transmission function: sigmoid, allows continuous output

Multilayer perceptron (MLP) 1

                                     Second hidden

            Hidden nodes                   First hidden

               inputs                            inputs

    A feedforward ANN based on TLUs may generate
    arbitrarily complex decision hipersurfaces

In principle, a MLP with a single hidden layer and sigmoidal
activation functions can approximate wiht any required
precision any functional relationship between two sets of
vectors of finite dimension
Neural Networks are
 Advanced Learning Machines
They can learn higher order correlations.


Where is the “knowledge” about the
In the weights (for a given architecture)

 How does the ANN know what
 are “good” weights for a given
Natural born talent and years of training
Learning - backpropagation
                          hidden layers



• Each connection has a given weight, initially random;
• A known set of inputs with corresponding known outputs is given;
• The weights are adjusted to minimise the diference between the
  calculated and known outputs
Generalisation and overtraining
    generalisation consists in building a statistical
    model of the process that generates the data

An independent set of data, the            Train set
test set, is used to control the           Test set
amount of training required
Noise in the training data also
helps generalisation

                                                Training epoch
Overfitting in action
Simpler hypothesis has lower error rate
Characteristics of ANNs
Characteristic              Traditional methods             Artificial neural networks
                            (Von Neumann)
logics                      Deductive                       Inductive
Processing principle        Logical                         Gestalt
Processing style            Sequential                      Distributed (parallel)
Functions          realised concepts, rules, calculations   Concepts, images, categories,
   through                                                     maps
Connections        between Programmed a priori              Dynamic, evolving
Programming                 Through a limited set of Self-programmable (given an
                               rigid rules               appropriate architecture)
Learning                    By rules                        By examples (analogies)
Self-learning               Through internal algorithmic Continuously adaptable
Tolerance to errors         Mostly none                     Inerent
ANNs – some properties
•   The mean square error of an ANN decreases with the number of
    parameters much faster than in a series expansion, particularly in
    high dimensional spaces. The price to pay is the non-linearity in
    relation to the parameters to optimise.
•   Minising the mean square error of an ANN leads to the fact that the
    outputs can be interpreted as probabilities.
•   Pre- and post-processing normally increase the effciency of ANNS,
    by reducing dimensionality, incorporating previous knowledge, and
    making up for incomplete data.
•   The role of the hidden layers is to reorganise the results of previous
    layers into a more separable or classifiable form, and to establish
    relevant characteristics
•   Nodes may be added or eliminated during training, providing a
    degree of flexibility to the architecture.
ANNs and Ion Beam Analysis
• Objective: automated data analysis
  -   Simulated annealing: IBA DataFurnace
      general (RBS, EBS, ERDA, NRA, NDP)
      not optimised for specific systems
  -   ANNs: (Ge)Si, (Er)Al2O3, Si/NiTC
      for specific systems
• Objective: automated optimisation of experiments
  -   For automated control
• Integrated set of ANNs (and other code)
ANNs and Ion Beam Analysis
• ANNs recognize recurring patterns in the
  input data, without knowledge of the
  causes. ANNs are then an ideal candidate
  to do automatically what RBS analysts
  have long done:
  to relate specific features of the data to
  specific properties of the sample.
• …because RBS spectra can be treated as
  just pictures
Rutherford backscattering: where is the pattern?
                                                                                    25Å Ge δ-layer under 400 nm Si

                                                                                    Angle of incidence

                                                          25       o

Yield (arb. units)

                     1000                                  o

                     500                                                 o
                                                                                    Scattering angle


                                    1.2 MeV                                  (a)

                                               1.6 MeV                              Beam energy
                                                           2 MeV

                            0      100        200          300                400
Patterns in RBS: Ge δ-layers in Si

                                                                                (b)              25, 50, 75 Å, under 200 nm Si

                     500                                                       75
Yield (arb. units)


                                                                                                 25 Å, under 20, 100, 300, 600,
                                                    5 Ge                                            1000 nm Si
                                5 Si
                                             4 Si                 1 Si
                     500                              3 Si 2 Si
                                                                  4 Ge 3 Ge 2 Ge
                                                                                1 Ge
                            0          100            200                300               400
                                                                                                 …similar with other parameters
Ge implanted in Si: training data set
                                                (a)                                               300
Number of cases

                  150                                                                                                                   (c)
                  100                                 200
                   50                                 100                                         100

                    0                                   0                                              0
                    0,1     1      10   100      1000           10      100      1000       10000            10       100      1000
                                    15     2                                  15     2                                15    2
                            Dose (10 Ge/cm )                         Depth (10 at/cm )                       Width (10 at/cm )
                                                      300                                        1250
                  125                          (d)
                                                                                           (e) 1000
Number of cases

                  100                                                                                                                   (f)
                                                      200                                         750
                   50                                                                             500
                   25                                                                             250
                   0                                  0                                                0
                   1000    1250 1500 1750        2000 10         15 20 25 30 35                  40    -30 -20 -10    0   10       20         30
                           Beam energy (keV)                     Detector FWHM (keV)                              θ inc (degree)
                  250                                                                             125                                   (i)
                                                (g) 400                                    (h)
Number of cases

                  200                                                                             100
                  150                                 300
                  100                                 200                                             50
                   50                                 100                                             25
                    0                                   0                                              0
                        130 140 150 160 170 180             0        100    200     300      400               10
                                                                                                                 -6                            -5
                                αscatt (degree)                      Charge x Ω (µC msr)                        Pileup factor
Ge in Si: ANN architecture
        architecture          train set error   test set error
(I, 100, O)                        6.3              11.7
(I, 250, O)                        5.2              10.1
(I, 100, 80, O)                    3.6               5.3
(I, 100, 50, 20, O)                4.2               5.1
(I, 100, 80, 50, O)                3.0               4.1
(I, 100, 80, 80, O)                2.8               4.7
(I, 100, 50, 100, O)               3.0               4.2
(I, 100, 80, 80, 50, O)            3.2               4.1
(I, 100, 80, 50, 30, 20, O)        3.8               5.3
Ge in Si: training

                                                 train set
Mean square error

                    0,6                          test set



                          0   25   50    75 100 125          150
                                    Training iteration
Performance: test set
                              a)                                  data

 Depth (10 )





      Dose (10 )





                          0        10   20   30    40       50      60
                                        Test case number
Ge in Si training: eliminated cases
Yield (counts)

                10                                                                          10

                                                                        Depth (10 at/cm )

                10                                                                               2
                            0     25        50   75   100         125                       10

   Yield (10 counts)

                                                       Ge                                   10


                                                                                                     -1    0           1           2    3
                                                                                                 10       10         10           10   10
                       20                                                                                             15     2
                                                                                                               Dose (10 Ge/cm )

                            0          20        40        60
Ge in Si results: real data


Yield (counts)



                        0   20   40   60        80   100   120
Ge in Si results: real data
              Values derived with NDF                Values obtained with the ANN

sample   Ge (1015 at/cm2)   depth (1015 at/cm2)   Ge (1015 at/cm2)   depth (1015 at/cm2)
  1           16.7               332.8                 16.3               267.4
  2           14.4               302.3                 12.4               223.7
  3           13.6               318.2                 15.3               307.2
  4           14.7               334.5                 12.4               236.8
  5           15.7               378.0                 10.6               245.7
  6           9.3                250.7                 12.2               308.7
  7           26.8               246.3                 27.9               214.3
  8           9.8                349.1                 12.7               359.4
  9           9.6                356.8                 12.6               384.7
 10           9.7                316.3                 11.9               329.4
Data analysis: (Er)Al2O3
                                                       o   15         2
                                  setup II, αscatt=180 , 4x10 Er/cm

Yield (counts)


                  2500                                     Er peak

                         0   20    40             60       80             100
Anything in Al2O3: test set

DepthANN (10 at/cm )
                   3000            b)

15                 2000


                               0          1000       2000             3000         4000
                                                            15          2
                                            Depthdata (10 at/cm )

   DoseANN (10 at/cm )





                                    0,1          1               10          100
                                                            15         2
                                            Dosedata (10 at/cm )
Anything in Al2O3
        nominal    implant    beam      setup /      angle       solid    dose            depth
         dose       energy   energy   scattering      of         angle    (1015 at/cm2)   (1015 at/cm2)
        (at/cm2)     (keV)   (MeV)       angle     Incidence    -charge
                                                               (µC msr)   ANN NDF         ANN NDF

28 Ti    1×1015      100      1.6      II/160º        6º         18.0     0.26    1.34     1307      742
 32      1×1015      100      1.6      II/180º        6º        104.4     0.65    1.08     1561      706
 35      1×1017      100      1.6      II/180º        5º         57.6     75.7    92.4     756       632
36 Fe    1×1016      160      1.6      II/160º        4º        17.55     10.0    10.6     1384      1222
 40      1×1016      160      1.6      II/180º        4º         99.0     9.49    10.3     1320      904
 43      5×1017      160      1.6      II/180º        4º         55.7     365      407     832       487
21 Co    1×1015      150       2        I/180º        7º         99.2     0.68    0.96     1161      680
 22      5×1016      150       2        I/180º        3º         94.8     40.9    48.4     1119      729
 24      5×1017      150       2        I/180º        2º         64.3     385      448     632       622
8 Er     8×1013      200      1.6      II/160º        0º         5.83     0.03    0.07     650       770
 11      4×1015      200      1.6      II/160º        0º         6.87     3.39    3.75     922       726
 15      4×1015      200      1.6      II/180º        0º        20.48     4.89    3.83     861       736
26 Au    6×1016      160       2       II/180º        2º         52.0     69.6    59.3     278       394

Architecture as in Ge in Si
Anything in anything
• Any element, with Z between 18 and 83, into any
  target composed of one or two lighter elements .

• Same architecture as before led to very large errors
• Extremely large networks were necessary to obtain
  train errors around 20%: complexity of ANN
  expands to meet complexity of problem.

• Pre-processing: reduce complexity of problem.
• Peak recognition routine determines automatically
  the peak position and area. It fails ocasionally (5-
Anything in anything – inputs and outputs
   • Experimental conditions
     E0          1 : 2.1 MeV
     αscatt      135º : 180º
     θinc        -20º : 20º (IBM geometry)
     Q.Ω         1 : 200 µC msr
     (FWHM:      10 : 40 keV)
   • Sample
     Z           18 : 83
     M           (redundant)
     Z1, Z2      6 : 82
     f1, f2      0:1
   • Pre-processing: P (peak position), A (area)
   • Outputs
     Dose        1 : 100 ×1015 at/cm2
     Depth       100 : 3700 × 1015 at/cm2
Anything in anything
 Network       Train error     Test error   # eliminated cases
 Topology         (%)            (%)               (%)
(12:30:10:2)     3.15             3.37              19.7
(12:30:20:2)     3.12             3.70              20.7
(12:40:10:2)     3.20             3.25              19.8
(12:40:20:2)     2.98             3.22              20.5

    ANN         DoseANN/DoseNDF      |DepthANN - DepthNDF|
                                          (1015 at/cm2)
  Ge in Si              1.11                  53
 Er in Al2O3            1.17                  106
all in Al2O3            1.02                  235
  all in all            0.96                  83
Data analysis: Si/NiTaC

  125    a)
                                               1.75 MeV protons:
 co 50
 un 25         C   Si
 Yi                            Ni                Simulated RBS spectrum
 el 0                                            (solid line) for two samples,
 d 80
 (1                                              calculated for the outputs
 0 60                                            given by the ANN. The
                                                 dashed lines corresponds
   40                                            to the contribution from
                    Si              Ta           each element, squares are
                                                 the collected data
         60   80         100             120
Data analysis: Si/NiTaC
                               NDF                                                 ANN
sample       t         C (at.%)      Ni (at.%)   Ta (at.%)       t         C (at.%)      Ni (at.%)   Ta (at.%)
         (10 at/cm2)
                                                             (10 at/cm2)

  1         6890         7.2           79.4        13.4         6918         7.2           78.2        14.6
  2         7286         7.6           78.4        14.0         7387         7.5           77.0        15.5
  3         6437        10.7           72.4        16.9         6593        10.8           72.3        16.9
  4         7516         7.7           72.1        20.2         7752         8.3           72.0        19.7
  5         5975        13.7           62.5        23.8         5858        13.1           64.0        22.9
  6         6898        12.5           64.4        23.1         7111        13.0           63.1        23.9
  7         5774        16.2           57.6        26.3         5719        17.7           56.0        26.3
  8         5984        19.1           50.1        30.8         5993        19.8           49.1        31.1
  9         7198        22.6           42.8        34.6         7205        22.9           42.1        35.0
 10         8352        18.0           44.4        37.6         8419        20.2           41.4        38.4
 11         6866        22.4           36.4        41.2         6904        24.2           33.8        42.0
 12         7769        24.2           34.1        41.7         7691        25.3           30.6        44.1
 13         7662        14.9           61.7        23.4         7858        14.8           61.4        23.8
 14         6868        13.9           64.6        21.5         7025        14.5           64.2        21.3
 15         5449        16.3           60.6        23.1         5490        16.6           60.4        23.0
 16         4809        15.0           63.3        21.7         5208        16.2           62.3        21.5
Ultra thin films of AlNxOy
• Thin films of AlNxOy are being used as
  insulating barriers between the metallic
  layers of spin-tunnel junctions for
  advanced read and recording devices
• RBS analysis of these films is an hard task
• Relevant signals from N and O are small
  and superimposed to a large background
  of Si signal. Al signal is also partially
  superimposed to the Si background.

                     35            (a) Raw Data                      Sample 3                     AlNxOy t
                                                                     ANN Result
                     30                                              Sample 4
                                                                     ANN Result
                                                                                         E = 1 - 2 MeV
Yield (x10 )

                     20                                                                  angle of incidence = -40º - +40º
                     15                                                                  Q.Ω = 52.4 - 393 µC msr
                     10                                                                  t = 150 - 850×1015 at/cm2.

                      0                                                                  (unintentional channelling)
                          50          75     100      125      150      175       200


                      35             (b) Smoothed Data                  Sample 3
                                                                        Sample 4

      Yield (x10 )





                              50       75     100        125    150      175       200
AlNxOy t - training

                Mean square error   0,1

                                                                            Test set

                                                                            Training set

                                          0 50   1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
                                                       Training iteration

        Network                                    Train set MSE (%)                   Test set MSE (%)
ANN-Raw                                                     2,2                              2,8
ANN-Smooth                                                  2,9                              3,7
ANN-Differentiated                                          2,4                              3,4
ANN-No Exp. Param                                           3,1                              4,3
Sample       ANN          Thickness        [Al]           [N]           [O]
  1          Raw          0.92 (0.12)   0.87 (0.08)   1.17 (0.08)    0.75 (0.5)
           Smoothed       0.92 (0.12)   0.85 (0.08)    1.2 (0.08)    0.78 (0.5)
         Differentiated   0.94 (0.16)   0.94 (0.1)     1.07 (0.1)     1.1 (0.3)
         No exp. Param.   0.84 (0.19)   0.83 (0.08)   1.14 (0.09)    1.66 (0.78)
  2          Raw          1.14 (0.18)   0.76 (0.17)   1.19 (0.09)    1.5 (1.31)
           Smoothed       1.4 (0.18)    0.77 (0.2)    1.17 (0.07)    1.59 (1.24)
         Differentiated   1.06 (0.08)   1.01 (0.08)   1.02 (0.08)    0.79 (0.34)
         No exp. Param.   1.09 (0.15)   0.98 (0.11)   1.04 (0.11)    0.79 (0.26)
  3          Raw          0.91 (0.17)   0.95 (0.13)   1.12 (0.13)    0.51 (0.88)
           Smoothed       0.9 (0.15)    0.93 (0.11)    1.1 (0.15)    0.85 (0.86)
         Differentiated   0.88 (0.15)   0.99 (0.12)    1.04 (0.1)    0.86 (0.3)
         No exp. Param.   0.86 (0.12)   0.93 (0.14)   1.09 (0.11)    0.92 (0.51)
  4          Raw          1.14 (0.21)   0.83 (0.09)   7.16 (0.64)    0.75 (0.15)
           Smoothed        1.1 (0.2)    0.89 (0.1)    6.91 (0.63)    0.73 (0.16)
         Differentiated   0.82 (0.17)   1.13 (0.1)      1 (0.27)     0.98 (0.07)
         No exp. Param.   0.82 (0.16)   0.95 (0.09)    1.3 (0.31)    1.09 (0.08)
  5          Raw          0.08 (0.03)   1.27 (0.12)   16.82 (1.72)   0.01 (0.04)
           Smoothed       0.11 (0.07)   1.09 (0.1)    19.1 (1.83)    0.01 (0.05)
         Differentiated   0.1 (0.03)    1.38 (0.11)   15.21 (1.64)   0.04 (0.01)
         No exp. Param.   0.1 (0.01)    1.7 (0.19)    10.29 (4.59)   0.09 (0.02)
Real time RBS
• Composition and depth profile of thin films
  treated through annealing

• Objective: Determine diffusion coefficients

• Hundreds of spectra analysed per sample,
meaning that each sample can take weeks
  to analyse!
Systems tested so far
•   CoSi
•   NiErSi
•   NiPtSi
•   For each layer we want to evaluate:
       • Thickness
       • Concentrations
       • Roughness (?)
How to define the problem:
         The CoSi system

• layer 1: Si
• layer 2: Co2 Si
• layer 3: Co Si2
• layer 4: CoSi
• layer 5: Co
CoSi annealing at 3°C/min (200°C -600°C)
annealing two T-steps; 430°C and 565°C
(left) Comparison between ANN and RUMP at low temperature.
(right) Results after using NDF to optimise the fit, the ANN results
                    are used as in input for NDF.
NFD fit to data # 94
The Ni Er Si system
• layer 1: Si
• layer 2: Six Ni1-x
• layer 3: Ni
• layer 4: Six Niy Er 1-x-y
• layer 5: Six Ni1-x

• 9 parameters (5 thickness + layer 2 x,
  layer 4 x, layer 4 y,layer 5 x)
0.00, 139.42, 395.48, 95.32, 309.08





  100   150        200         250            300   350
Example: thickness
Example: concentration
The Ni Pt Si system
• layer 1: Ni (Pt)
• layer 2: Pt Six
• layer 3: Ni2 Si (Pt)
• layer 4: Ni Si (Pt)
• layer 5: Ni Si (Pt)
• layer 6: Ni Si (Pt)

• 12 parameters (6 thickness + 6 concentrations)
Layer 4
                    Concentration                                    Thickness
      0.08                                                   800






        0                                                    -200
                                                                 0   200     400   600   800
         0   0.02       0.04            0.06   0.08   0.10

Layer 2
              Concentration                          Thickness

      0.5                                     80





      -0.1                                    -20
          0      0.2            0.4     0.6      0    20         40   60

• Experimental data collection … 2 weeks

• Traditional analysis … 6 months

• ANN Analysis … 1 week - for beginners
•              … 2 days - for experts!

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Artificial neural networks for ion beam analysis

  • 1. Artificial neural networks for ion beam analysis Nuno Barradas1 and Armando Vieira2 1 Instituto Tecnológico e Nuclear, Sacavém 2 Instituto Superior Engenharia, Porto
  • 2. • Introduction • Biological and artificial neural networks • RBS data analysis with ANNs • Application to real time RBS • Outlook and prospects
  • 3. Neurons – some characteristics • Inputs: many, coming from many afferent neurons. Take continuous values • Outputs: only one, to many neurons. Yes/no • Synaptic connections: where the output of one neuron leads to the input in another one, with efficiency depending on the connection • Each neuron has a reduced, but non-linear, processing ability • The overall processing ability is distributed amongst the connected set of neurons • Learning is done through experience, coded in changes in connection strength
  • 4. Artificial neuron inputs weights x0 w0 x1 w1 w2 output x2 sum transmission wn xn
  • 5. Transmission function: sigmoid, allows continuous output Sigmóide
  • 6. Multilayer perceptron (MLP) 1 outputs outputs Second hidden layer Hidden nodes First hidden layer inputs inputs
  • 7. MLP 2 A feedforward ANN based on TLUs may generate arbitrarily complex decision hipersurfaces In principle, a MLP with a single hidden layer and sigmoidal activation functions can approximate wiht any required precision any functional relationship between two sets of vectors of finite dimension
  • 8. Neural Networks are Advanced Learning Machines They can learn higher order correlations. FRUSTATION Age Money
  • 9. Where is the “knowledge” about the function? In the weights (for a given architecture) How does the ANN know what are “good” weights for a given problem?
  • 10. Natural born talent and years of training
  • 11. Learning - backpropagation hidden layers inputs outputs • Each connection has a given weight, initially random; • A known set of inputs with corresponding known outputs is given; • The weights are adjusted to minimise the diference between the calculated and known outputs
  • 12. Generalisation and overtraining generalisation consists in building a statistical model of the process that generates the data error An independent set of data, the Train set test set, is used to control the Test set amount of training required Noise in the training data also helps generalisation Training epoch
  • 13. Overfitting in action Simpler hypothesis has lower error rate
  • 14. Characteristics of ANNs Characteristic Traditional methods Artificial neural networks (Von Neumann) logics Deductive Inductive Processing principle Logical Gestalt Processing style Sequential Distributed (parallel) Functions realised concepts, rules, calculations Concepts, images, categories, through maps Connections between Programmed a priori Dynamic, evolving concepts Programming Through a limited set of Self-programmable (given an rigid rules appropriate architecture) Learning By rules By examples (analogies) Self-learning Through internal algorithmic Continuously adaptable parameters Tolerance to errors Mostly none Inerent
  • 15. ANNs – some properties • The mean square error of an ANN decreases with the number of parameters much faster than in a series expansion, particularly in high dimensional spaces. The price to pay is the non-linearity in relation to the parameters to optimise. • Minising the mean square error of an ANN leads to the fact that the outputs can be interpreted as probabilities. • Pre- and post-processing normally increase the effciency of ANNS, by reducing dimensionality, incorporating previous knowledge, and making up for incomplete data. • The role of the hidden layers is to reorganise the results of previous layers into a more separable or classifiable form, and to establish relevant characteristics • Nodes may be added or eliminated during training, providing a degree of flexibility to the architecture.
  • 16. ANNs and Ion Beam Analysis • Objective: automated data analysis - Simulated annealing: IBA DataFurnace general (RBS, EBS, ERDA, NRA, NDP) not optimised for specific systems - ANNs: (Ge)Si, (Er)Al2O3, Si/NiTC for specific systems instantaneous • Objective: automated optimisation of experiments - For automated control • Integrated set of ANNs (and other code)
  • 17. ANNs and Ion Beam Analysis • ANNs recognize recurring patterns in the input data, without knowledge of the causes. ANNs are then an ideal candidate to do automatically what RBS analysts have long done: to relate specific features of the data to specific properties of the sample. • …because RBS spectra can be treated as just pictures
  • 18. Rutherford backscattering: where is the pattern? 25Å Ge δ-layer under 400 nm Si 1500 (c) 1000 o Angle of incidence 50 500 o 25 o 0 0 (b) Yield (arb. units) 1000 o 120 500 o Scattering angle 140 o 180 0 1.2 MeV (a) 1000 500 1.6 MeV Beam energy 2 MeV 0 0 100 200 300 400 Channel
  • 19. Patterns in RBS: Ge δ-layers in Si 1500 1000 (b) 25, 50, 75 Å, under 200 nm Si 500 75 50 Yield (arb. units) 25 0 (a) 1000 25 Å, under 20, 100, 300, 600, 5 Ge 1000 nm Si 5 Si 4 Si 1 Si 500 3 Si 2 Si 4 Ge 3 Ge 2 Ge 1 Ge 0 0 100 200 300 400 Channel …similar with other parameters
  • 20. Ge implanted in Si: training data set 200 400 (a) 300 (b) Number of cases 150 (c) 300 200 100 200 50 100 100 0 0 0 0,1 1 10 100 1000 10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 15 2 15 2 15 2 Dose (10 Ge/cm ) Depth (10 at/cm ) Width (10 at/cm ) 300 1250 125 (d) (e) 1000 Number of cases 100 (f) 200 750 75 50 500 100 25 250 0 0 0 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 Beam energy (keV) Detector FWHM (keV) θ inc (degree) 500 250 125 (i) (g) 400 (h) Number of cases 200 100 150 300 75 100 200 50 50 100 25 0 0 0 130 140 150 160 170 180 0 100 200 300 400 10 -6 -5 10 αscatt (degree) Charge x Ω (µC msr) Pileup factor
  • 21. Ge in Si: ANN architecture architecture train set error test set error (I, 100, O) 6.3 11.7 (I, 250, O) 5.2 10.1 (I, 100, 80, O) 3.6 5.3 (I, 100, 50, 20, O) 4.2 5.1 (I, 100, 80, 50, O) 3.0 4.1 (I, 100, 80, 80, O) 2.8 4.7 (I, 100, 50, 100, O) 3.0 4.2 (I, 100, 80, 80, 50, O) 3.2 4.1 (I, 100, 80, 50, 30, 20, O) 3.8 5.3
  • 22. Ge in Si: training 0,8 train set Mean square error 0,6 test set 0,4 0,2 0,0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Training iteration
  • 23. Performance: test set 3000 a) data at/cm ANN Depth (10 ) 2 2000 15 1000 0 b) at/cm data Dose (10 ) ANN 2 100 15 10 1 0.1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Test case number
  • 24. Ge in Si training: eliminated cases 5 10 (a) 4 10 Yield (counts) 10 3 Ge 2 10 10 3 Depth (10 at/cm ) 2 1 10 15 0 10 2 0 25 50 75 100 125 10 50 (b) Yield (10 counts) 40 Ge 10 1 30 3 -1 0 1 2 3 10 10 10 10 10 20 15 2 Dose (10 Ge/cm ) 10 0 0 20 40 60 Channel
  • 25. Ge in Si results: real data 8000 6000 Yield (counts) 4000 2000 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Channel
  • 26. Ge in Si results: real data Values derived with NDF Values obtained with the ANN sample Ge (1015 at/cm2) depth (1015 at/cm2) Ge (1015 at/cm2) depth (1015 at/cm2) 1 16.7 332.8 16.3 267.4 2 14.4 302.3 12.4 223.7 3 13.6 318.2 15.3 307.2 4 14.7 334.5 12.4 236.8 5 15.7 378.0 10.6 245.7 6 9.3 250.7 12.2 308.7 7 26.8 246.3 27.9 214.3 8 9.8 349.1 12.7 359.4 9 9.6 356.8 12.6 384.7 10 9.7 316.3 11.9 329.4
  • 27. Data analysis: (Er)Al2O3 o 15 2 setup II, αscatt=180 , 4x10 Er/cm 10000 7500 Yield (counts) 5000 2500 Er peak 0 20 40 60 80 100 Channel
  • 28. Anything in Al2O3: test set 4000 DepthANN (10 at/cm ) 2 3000 b) 15 2000 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 15 2 Depthdata (10 at/cm ) 100 DoseANN (10 at/cm ) a) 2 10 15 1 0,1 0,1 1 10 100 15 2 Dosedata (10 at/cm )
  • 29. Anything in Al2O3 nominal implant beam setup / angle solid dose depth dose energy energy scattering of angle (1015 at/cm2) (1015 at/cm2) (at/cm2) (keV) (MeV) angle Incidence -charge (µC msr) ANN NDF ANN NDF 28 Ti 1×1015 100 1.6 II/160º 6º 18.0 0.26 1.34 1307 742 32 1×1015 100 1.6 II/180º 6º 104.4 0.65 1.08 1561 706 35 1×1017 100 1.6 II/180º 5º 57.6 75.7 92.4 756 632 36 Fe 1×1016 160 1.6 II/160º 4º 17.55 10.0 10.6 1384 1222 40 1×1016 160 1.6 II/180º 4º 99.0 9.49 10.3 1320 904 43 5×1017 160 1.6 II/180º 4º 55.7 365 407 832 487 21 Co 1×1015 150 2 I/180º 7º 99.2 0.68 0.96 1161 680 22 5×1016 150 2 I/180º 3º 94.8 40.9 48.4 1119 729 24 5×1017 150 2 I/180º 2º 64.3 385 448 632 622 8 Er 8×1013 200 1.6 II/160º 0º 5.83 0.03 0.07 650 770 11 4×1015 200 1.6 II/160º 0º 6.87 3.39 3.75 922 726 15 4×1015 200 1.6 II/180º 0º 20.48 4.89 3.83 861 736 26 Au 6×1016 160 2 II/180º 2º 52.0 69.6 59.3 278 394 Architecture as in Ge in Si
  • 30. Anything in anything • Any element, with Z between 18 and 83, into any target composed of one or two lighter elements . • Same architecture as before led to very large errors • Extremely large networks were necessary to obtain train errors around 20%: complexity of ANN expands to meet complexity of problem. • Pre-processing: reduce complexity of problem. • Peak recognition routine determines automatically the peak position and area. It fails ocasionally (5- 10%).
  • 31. Anything in anything – inputs and outputs • Experimental conditions E0 1 : 2.1 MeV αscatt 135º : 180º θinc -20º : 20º (IBM geometry) Q.Ω 1 : 200 µC msr (FWHM: 10 : 40 keV) • Sample Z 18 : 83 M (redundant) Z1, Z2 6 : 82 f1, f2 0:1 • Pre-processing: P (peak position), A (area) • Outputs Dose 1 : 100 ×1015 at/cm2 Depth 100 : 3700 × 1015 at/cm2
  • 32. Anything in anything Network Train error Test error # eliminated cases Topology (%) (%) (%) (12:30:10:2) 3.15 3.37 19.7 (12:30:20:2) 3.12 3.70 20.7 (12:40:10:2) 3.20 3.25 19.8 (12:40:20:2) 2.98 3.22 20.5 ANN DoseANN/DoseNDF |DepthANN - DepthNDF| (1015 at/cm2) Ge in Si 1.11 53 Er in Al2O3 1.17 106 all in Al2O3 1.02 235 all in all 0.96 83
  • 33. Data analysis: Si/NiTaC 150 125 a) 100 1.75 MeV protons: 75 EBS Ta co 50 un 25 C Si 3ts) Yi Ni Simulated RBS spectrum el 0 (solid line) for two samples, d 80 (1 calculated for the outputs b) 0 60 given by the ANN. The dashed lines corresponds 40 to the contribution from Si Ta each element, squares are Ni 20 the collected data C 0 60 80 100 120 Channel
  • 34. Data analysis: Si/NiTaC NDF ANN sample t C (at.%) Ni (at.%) Ta (at.%) t C (at.%) Ni (at.%) Ta (at.%) (10 at/cm2) 15 (10 at/cm2) 15 1 6890 7.2 79.4 13.4 6918 7.2 78.2 14.6 2 7286 7.6 78.4 14.0 7387 7.5 77.0 15.5 3 6437 10.7 72.4 16.9 6593 10.8 72.3 16.9 4 7516 7.7 72.1 20.2 7752 8.3 72.0 19.7 5 5975 13.7 62.5 23.8 5858 13.1 64.0 22.9 6 6898 12.5 64.4 23.1 7111 13.0 63.1 23.9 7 5774 16.2 57.6 26.3 5719 17.7 56.0 26.3 8 5984 19.1 50.1 30.8 5993 19.8 49.1 31.1 9 7198 22.6 42.8 34.6 7205 22.9 42.1 35.0 10 8352 18.0 44.4 37.6 8419 20.2 41.4 38.4 11 6866 22.4 36.4 41.2 6904 24.2 33.8 42.0 12 7769 24.2 34.1 41.7 7691 25.3 30.6 44.1 13 7662 14.9 61.7 23.4 7858 14.8 61.4 23.8 14 6868 13.9 64.6 21.5 7025 14.5 64.2 21.3 15 5449 16.3 60.6 23.1 5490 16.6 60.4 23.0 16 4809 15.0 63.3 21.7 5208 16.2 62.3 21.5
  • 35. Ultra thin films of AlNxOy • Thin films of AlNxOy are being used as insulating barriers between the metallic layers of spin-tunnel junctions for advanced read and recording devices • RBS analysis of these films is an hard task • Relevant signals from N and O are small and superimposed to a large background of Si signal. Al signal is also partially superimposed to the Si background.
  • 36. 40 35 (a) Raw Data Sample 3 AlNxOy t ANN Result 30 Sample 4 25 ANN Result E = 1 - 2 MeV Yield (x10 ) 3 20 angle of incidence = -40º - +40º 15 Q.Ω = 52.4 - 393 µC msr 10 t = 150 - 850×1015 at/cm2. 5 0 (unintentional channelling) 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Channel 40 35 (b) Smoothed Data Sample 3 Sample 4 30 25 Yield (x10 ) 3 20 15 10 5 0 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 Channel
  • 37. AlNxOy t - training 1 Mean square error 0,1 Test set Training set 0,01 0 50 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Training iteration Network Train set MSE (%) Test set MSE (%) ANN-Raw 2,2 2,8 ANN-Smooth 2,9 3,7 ANN-Differentiated 2,4 3,4 ANN-No Exp. Param 3,1 4,3
  • 38. Sample ANN Thickness [Al] [N] [O] 1 Raw 0.92 (0.12) 0.87 (0.08) 1.17 (0.08) 0.75 (0.5) Smoothed 0.92 (0.12) 0.85 (0.08) 1.2 (0.08) 0.78 (0.5) Differentiated 0.94 (0.16) 0.94 (0.1) 1.07 (0.1) 1.1 (0.3) No exp. Param. 0.84 (0.19) 0.83 (0.08) 1.14 (0.09) 1.66 (0.78) 2 Raw 1.14 (0.18) 0.76 (0.17) 1.19 (0.09) 1.5 (1.31) Smoothed 1.4 (0.18) 0.77 (0.2) 1.17 (0.07) 1.59 (1.24) Differentiated 1.06 (0.08) 1.01 (0.08) 1.02 (0.08) 0.79 (0.34) No exp. Param. 1.09 (0.15) 0.98 (0.11) 1.04 (0.11) 0.79 (0.26) 3 Raw 0.91 (0.17) 0.95 (0.13) 1.12 (0.13) 0.51 (0.88) Smoothed 0.9 (0.15) 0.93 (0.11) 1.1 (0.15) 0.85 (0.86) Differentiated 0.88 (0.15) 0.99 (0.12) 1.04 (0.1) 0.86 (0.3) No exp. Param. 0.86 (0.12) 0.93 (0.14) 1.09 (0.11) 0.92 (0.51) 4 Raw 1.14 (0.21) 0.83 (0.09) 7.16 (0.64) 0.75 (0.15) Smoothed 1.1 (0.2) 0.89 (0.1) 6.91 (0.63) 0.73 (0.16) Differentiated 0.82 (0.17) 1.13 (0.1) 1 (0.27) 0.98 (0.07) No exp. Param. 0.82 (0.16) 0.95 (0.09) 1.3 (0.31) 1.09 (0.08) 5 Raw 0.08 (0.03) 1.27 (0.12) 16.82 (1.72) 0.01 (0.04) Smoothed 0.11 (0.07) 1.09 (0.1) 19.1 (1.83) 0.01 (0.05) Differentiated 0.1 (0.03) 1.38 (0.11) 15.21 (1.64) 0.04 (0.01) No exp. Param. 0.1 (0.01) 1.7 (0.19) 10.29 (4.59) 0.09 (0.02)
  • 39. Real time RBS • Composition and depth profile of thin films treated through annealing • Objective: Determine diffusion coefficients • Hundreds of spectra analysed per sample, meaning that each sample can take weeks to analyse!
  • 40. Systems tested so far • CoSi • NiErSi • NiPtSi • For each layer we want to evaluate: • Thickness • Concentrations • Roughness (?)
  • 41. How to define the problem: The CoSi system • layer 1: Si • layer 2: Co2 Si • layer 3: Co Si2 • layer 4: CoSi • layer 5: Co
  • 42. CoSi annealing at 3°C/min (200°C -600°C)
  • 43. annealing two T-steps; 430°C and 565°C
  • 44. (left) Comparison between ANN and RUMP at low temperature. (right) Results after using NDF to optimise the fit, the ANN results are used as in input for NDF.
  • 45. NFD fit to data # 94 .
  • 46. The Ni Er Si system • layer 1: Si • layer 2: Six Ni1-x • layer 3: Ni • layer 4: Six Niy Er 1-x-y • layer 5: Six Ni1-x • 9 parameters (5 thickness + layer 2 x, layer 4 x, layer 4 y,layer 5 x)
  • 47. 0.00, 139.42, 395.48, 95.32, 309.08 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 100 150 200 250 300 350
  • 50. The Ni Pt Si system • layer 1: Ni (Pt) • layer 2: Pt Six • layer 3: Ni2 Si (Pt) • layer 4: Ni Si (Pt) • layer 5: Ni Si (Pt) • layer 6: Ni Si (Pt) • 12 parameters (6 thickness + 6 concentrations)
  • 53. Layer 4 Concentration Thickness 0.08 800 600 0.06 400 ANN 0.04 200 0.02 0 0 -200 0 200 400 600 800 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 Target
  • 54. Layer 2 Concentration Thickness 0.5 80 60 0.3 40 ANN 20 0.1 0 -0.1 -20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 20 40 60 Target
  • 55. Conclusion • Experimental data collection … 2 weeks • Traditional analysis … 6 months • ANN Analysis … 1 week - for beginners • … 2 days - for experts!