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Population with a                       Percentage of
      BA degree or higher                      obese people


                            States with a larger
                            percentage of people with
                            higher education than
                            with obesity
                            States with a larger
                            percentage of obese people
                            than of people with
                            a higher education

                            US average
                            27.2% BA or higher
                            27.0% Obese


            VT                                           MS

                                                                    A Functional Art

            MN                                           WV
                                                         AL    SC
            CA                                                 LA
            UT                                                 TN
            NY                                                 MO
            KS                                                 AR
            WA                                           GA

                                                                    how to embrace and teach
                                                         IA    SD
            MO                                           IL    ND
            AZ                                           DE    MD
            GA                                           NC

                                                                    infographics and visualization
       FL    IL                                                ME
      OR     RI                                                OR
       WI   DE                                                 FL
      AK     HI                                                ID
      MT                                                       WI
       SD                                                      VA
       PA                                                      RI
      ND                                                       WA
      NM                                                       NM
      SC                                                       WY
      NE                                                       NH
      OH                                                       MN
      NV                                                       AK
      TX                                                       AZ
      MI                                                       CA
       IA                                                      NY
      TN                                                       NJ
      ME                                                       VT
      NC                                                       MA
      OK                                                       MT
      WY                                                       HI
      LA                                                       CT

                                                                                                Alberto Cairo
      AL    IN                                                 UT
            KY                                           CO    NV

                                                                                          University of Miami
                                                                                       Twitter: @albertocairo
An infographic is a
visual representation
of evidence, a tool
for analysis,
communication, and
Two parts
Throughout the years I’ve
become concerned about
the way we teach what
evidence is in J-Schools

“How silly. I’d never fall for that one!”
Homeopathy, autism and vaccines...
We bite baits too easily
“It got worse after the zero-alcohol law was approved.
   Deaths in car accidents have not stopped growing!”
Deaths per
100.000 vehicles!
“Our world is not about ideology
 anymore. It’s about complexity”
        Matt Taibbi, Griftopia
Are we teaching students and learn ourselves
how to deal with that complexity?
We talk a lot about storytelling, but are we
really sure that we understand what the
challenges and limits of storytelling may be?
Do we teach them to our students?

                                                                                                                                                                       Average                  +9.4%


                                                                                                                                                                                                                I am a journalist and a
 NEWS IN PERSPECTIVE                                                                                                                                                                            -0,1%

                                                                                                                                                                           No data              -9,4%

 How Brazil can take advantage
 of a future with fewer children
                                                                                                                                                                                                                designer: Storytelling is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                part of my life
 per couple.
 Alberto Cairo, Francine Lima,
 Marco Vergotti

 create an interesting picture of the changes
                                                           2000          2010         Change
 that the Brazilian population has gone through
                                                      AP     477,032      648,553                36.0%
 in the past ten years. Brazil’s population
                                                      RR     324,397      425,398                31.1%
 grew, on average, 10% between 2000 and
                                                      AC      557,526      707,125               26.8%
 2010, but the fertility rate is below 2.1 children
                                                      DF    2,051,146   2,469,489                20.4%
 per woman, the minimum to keep a                     PA    6,192,307   7,443,904                20.2%
 population from shrinking. According to              AM    2,812,557    3,350,773               19.1%
 César Marques, a demographer from the                TO    1,157,098     1,373,551              18.7%
 University of Campinas, the main challenge           MT    2,504,353    2,954,625               18.0%
 Brazil will face in the future is how to maintain    GO   5,003,228     5,849,105               16.9%
 a healthy Social Security system if the              MS    2,078,001   2,404,256                15.7%
 number of older and retired people will              SC    5,356,360    6,178,603               15.4%
 likely be much larger than it is today.              SE    1,784,475    2,036,277               14.1%

 Read on to learn about all the variables at play     MA    5,651,475   6,424,340                13.7%
                                                      RN    2,776,782     3,121,451              12.4%
 in this story.
                                                      RO    1,379,787    1,535,625               11.3%
                                                      CE    7,430,661   8,180,087                10.1%
                                                      AL    2,822,621   3,093,994                9.6%    average
1 BRAZIL’S POPULATION IS BIGGER                       ES    3,097,232    3,392,775               9.5%                                                    (Data updated on November 4, 2010)
                                                      PB    3,443,825    3,753,633               9.0%                                                    The map shows the change in population
 The 2010 Census has revealed a 9.4%                                                                                                                           in Brazilian municipalities. Between
                                                      PI    2,843,278   3,086,448                8.6%
 population increase between                                                                             Below
                                                      PE    7,918,344    8,541,250               7.9%    average                                           2000 and 2010, 1,630 cities and towns,
 2000 and 2010. The differences between               SP   37,032,403   39,924,091               7.8%                                                    from a total of 5,506, lost population. Rio
 states, as you can see on the chart                  PR    9,563,458   10,266,737               7.4%                                                  Grande do Sul is the state with a the largest
 on the right, are noticeable. Most rich              MG   17,891,494   19,159,260               7.1%                                                number of municipalities that lost inhabitants,
 states, such as São Paulo and Rio, didn’t            RJ   14,391,282   15,180,636               5.5%
                                                                                                                                                          due to a significant drop in fertility rates
 grow as fast as the ones in the north east.          BA   13,070,250   13,633,969               4.3%
                                                                                                                                                                            and domestic migration
                                                      RS   10,187,798   10,576,758               3.8%
 2000                             169.799.170
 2010                               190,732,694                   AVERAGE +9.4%
                                                                                                                                                       Sources: IBGE, UN, World Bank, César Marques (UNICAMP)

2 —BUT THE FERTILITY RATE IS MUCH LOWER THAN EXPECTED                                                              3 AS A CONSEQUENCE, POPULATION WILL STOP GROWING—
 A study in 2004 estimated that in 2010, the fertility rate would be 2.4 children                                    Forecasts made in 2004 anticipated that Brazil’s population
 per woman, on average. But new data collected by the IBGE prove that                                                would stop growing in 2040. But the most recent data from
 the fertility rate is already 1.9, below the threshold called “replacement rate”.                                   the IBGE suggests that this could happen much earler, in 2030.
 When the fertility rate drops below this number, the population of a country
 will eventually start to shrink and grow older.                                                                                                                                          New population
                                                                                                                    250 million people                                                    peak: moment
                                                                                                                                                                                          when population
                                                                                                                                                                                          will stop growing
  Number of children
  per woman
                                                                                        Each line                   125
                                                                                       represents                                                                                         Former population
                                                                                        a country                                                                                         peak (calculated
                                                                                                                                                                                          in 2004)
                                                                                      or continent                  0
                                                                                                                             1950                           2030 2040           2050

                                                                                                                   4 —AND IT WILL BECOME OLDER                               Men      Women
                                                                                                                                                         75 years
                                                                                               NIGERIA               Comparing the current
 7                                                                                                                   population pyramid with the              65

                                                                                                                     one predicted for 2050                   50

                                                                                                                          2005                                20

 6                                                                                                                        Forecast for 2050
                                                                                                                                                                     2       1     0       1       2
                                                                                                                                                                    Millions of people per age group

                                                                                                                                                                                                                But many distrust
 5                                                                                                                  How Brazil can transform the
                                                                                               África               population challenge into an opportunity
                                                                                                                     As the population ages, the proportion of people of working age increases.
 4                                                                                                                   The country will therefore have more people producing wealth (if the labor
                                     WORLD                                                                           market can absorb them) and fewer children to consume investments. It is a

                                                                                                                                                                                                                storytelling for very
                                                                                                                     window of opportunity, because in some cases the number of people of
                                                                                                                     working age to fall back when older people are leaving the market.

 3                                                                                                                   The population under 15 years of age is falling today. A smaller number of
                                                                                               INDIA                 student in public schools will facilitate the quality of teaching, if the amount
                                                                                               Australia             invested in education stays the same.
                                                                                               Latin America         Educational policy focused on low-income youth favors the formation of more

                                                                                                                                                                                                                good reasons...
                                                                                               North America         skilled workforce and greater social mobility.
             level: average of                                                                                       In the future, Brazil will reach the stage of Europe and Japan, which struggle
             2.1 children per woman                                                                                  to support their elders. This is why it’s so important to prepare a more balanced
                                                                                                                      retirement system, which will include retirement at a later age.

“Power”, “Impact”, “Captivate”, “Convince”, “Inspire”,
“Persuade”, “Connect”...

You may say that these are secondary values for journalists but are you really sure about that?
The human brain tends to impose linear patterns to
non-linear phenomena to make sense of them

This can lead to “narrative fallacies”:
Seeing connections and causation where there’s none;
oversimplification of complex phenomena. Journalists
are not aware of brain bugs and biases, in general
I don’t even need to remind you of this, right?

Many said that the main sin Lehrer committed was to make up
quotes, but the main problem was not that: His books impose
cohesive narrative structures to disperse bits of evidence
But we cannot avoid stories: The serial structure of
stories matches the serial dynamics of the thinking mind

In part, we like stories because we create stories
in our heads to make sense of the world
Perhaps we need to rethink how we teach
storytelling at J-School and the scientific
method in research classes: Less theory and
abstraction; less “follow your instincts” BS.
Make statistics and qualitative methods fun
and exciting, and learn about cognitive
biases and shortcomings
Two parts
Look for “Best
in Google and
you’ll find things
like this
Look for “Best      No structure
in Google and       No context
you’ll find things
like this           It is not a visual
                    representation, but
                    a simple layout
                    with a bunch of
                    unrelated numbers.
An infographic (or visualization)
should not be just a pretty
picture but a structured, accurate
visual presentation of evidence
Graphics and glasses:
With no glasses, the world looks like noise to me;
with glasses, chaos becomes signal
A graphic is a tool. In a very literal sense:
It extends our visual brain, it lets us see beyond
 what we would normally see, the same way a
       hammer makes us literally stronger
A graphic is a tool. In a very literal sense:
It extends our visual brain, it lets us see beyond
 what we would normally see, the same way a
       hammer makes us literally stronger
Before you even switch the computer on, ask yourself
what are the questions that readers most likely will
want to have answered. Or what tasks your graphic
should help readers with

Choose graphic forms accordingly

Function doesn’t dictate form, but function does
restrict the variety of forms it is acceptable to use for
each story and set of data
(choosing forms is not a matter of personal taste only)

The Guardian
Income                         First     Second    Third            Fourth            Fifth
Quintile                     (Lowest)                                                 (Top)

Average                         -$10     -$192     -$706           -$1,679           -$7,762
  Times                                               GRAPHIC:	
Income                         First     Second    Third            Fourth            Fifth
Quintile                     (Lowest)                                                 (Top)

                                -$10     -$192     -$706           -$1,679

  Times                                               GRAPHIC:	
Income                         First     Second    Third            Fourth            Fifth
Quintile                     (Lowest)                                                 (Top)

Average                         -$10     -$192     -$706           -$1,679           -$7,762
  Times                                               GRAPHIC:	
Income                         First           Second   Third       Fourth              Fifth
Quintile                     (Lowest)                                                   (Top)

Average                         -$10           -$192    -$706      -$1,679            -$7,762
  Times                                                 GRAPHIC:	

  Quintile                                                           Average	
(Lowest) -$10
 Second               -$192
    Third                       -$706
   Fourth                                -$1,679
     (Top)                                                                                   -$7,762
  Times                                                 GRAPHIC:	
Infographics should not be
used to simplify stories, but
to clarify them
USA Today
Three steps to become a
visualization/infographics designer
First one is to accept that a graphic is a
tool for understanding and get used to
critically analyzing published examples
Second step is to start
making simple graphics
about topics you care
about. Tons of them.

“Obesity is, on average,
inversely proportional to the
average education of the
This doesn’t work...
  a                Percentage	
  higher            obese	
This is a little bit better, but not much...
  a               Percentage	
  higher           obese	

Lower        Higher                    Lower    Higher
  a                                Percentage	
  higher                           obese	
                                      0   50   100                                    0   50   100

  Columbia              45.7   Mississippi                                34
  Massachusetts                            36.7   West	
  Virginia                         32.5
  Colorado                                 35.5   Alabama                                  32.2
  Hampshire                         35.4   South	
  Carolina                        31.5
  Maryland                                 35.2   Kentucky                                 31.3
  Jersey                            34.6   Louisiana                                  31
  Connecticut                              34.5   Texas                                      31
  Vermont                                  34.2   Michigan                                 30.9
  Virginia                                 33.1   Tennessee                                30.8
  Minnesota                                32.5   Missouri                                 30.5
  California                               31.7   Oklahoma                                 30.4
  Utah                                     30.8   Arkansas                                 30.1
  York                              30.6   Georgia                                  29.6
  Kansas                                     30   Indiana                                  29.6
  Washington                               29.9   Kansas                                   29.4
  Missouri                                 28.1   Ohio                                     29.2
  Arizona                                    28   Pennsylvania                             28.6
  Georgia                                  27.6   Iowa                                     28.4
  Illinois                                 27.4   Illinois                                 28.2
  Island                          27.2   Delaware                                   28
  AVERAGE                            27.2   North	
  Carolina                        27.8
  Delaware                                 26.9   South	
  Dakota                          27.3
  Hawaii                                   26.6   North	
  Dakota                          27.2
  F lorida                                   26   Maryland                                 27.1
  Oregon                                   25.9   US	
  AVERAGE                            27.0
  Wisconsin                                25.6   Nebraska                                 26.9
  Alaska                                   25.5   Maine                                    26.8
  Montana                                  25.5   Oregon                                   26.8
  Dakota                          25.5   Florida                                  26.6
  Pennsylvania                             25.3   Idaho                                    26.5
  Dakota                          25.2   Wisconsin                                26.3
  Mexico                            25.1   Virginia                                   26
  Carolina                        24.9   Rhode	
  Island                          25.5
  Nebraska                                 24.8   Washington                               25.5
  Ohio                                     24.6   New	
  Mexico                            25.1
  Nevada                                   24.5   Wyoming                                  25.1
  Texas                                    24.5   New	
  Hampshire                           25
  Michigan                                 24.4   Minnesota                                24.8
  Iowa                                     24.3   Alaska                                   24.5
  Tennessee                                24.3   Arizona                                  24.3
  Maine                                    24.2   California                                 24
  Idaho                                    23.8   New	
  York                              23.9
  Carolina                        23.4   New	
  Jersey                            23.8
  Oklahoma                                 22.9   Vermont                                  23.2
  Wyoming                                  22.5   Massachusetts                              23
  Louisiana                                22.4   Montana                                    23
  Alabama                                  22.3   Hawaii                                   22.7
  Indiana                                  21.1   Connecticut                              22.5
  Kentucky                                   21   Utah                                     22.5
  Mississippi                              20.1   Nevada                                   22.4
  Arkansas                                 18.8   District	
  Columbia              22.2
  Virginia                         15.3   Colorado                                   21


                                     CO                              MD
  with      30
  higher                                                                                          US	


                                20        22    24          26           28             30    32        34   36
Population with a                       Percentage of
      BA degree or higher                      obese people


                            States with a larger
                            percentage of people with
                            higher education than
                            with obesity
                            States with a larger
                            percentage of obese people
                            than of people with
                            a higher education

                            US average
                            27.2% BA or higher
                            27.0% Obese


            VT                                           MS


            MN                                           WV
                                                         AL    SC
            CA                                                 LA
            UT                                                 TN
            NY                                                 MO
            KS                                                 AR
            WA                                           GA
                                                         IA    SD
            MO                                           IL    ND
            AZ                                           DE    MD
            GA                                           NC
       FL    IL                                                ME
      OR     RI                                                OR
       WI   DE                                                 FL
      AK     HI                                                ID
      MT                                                       WI
       SD                                                      VA
       PA                                                      RI
      ND                                                       WA
      NM                                                       NM
      SC                                                       WY
      NE                                                       NH
      OH                                                       MN
      NV                                                       AK
      TX                                                       AZ
      MI                                                       CA
       IA                                                      NY
      TN                                                       NJ
      ME                                                       VT
      NC                                                       MA
      OK                                                       MT
      WY                                                       HI
      LA                                                       CT
      AL    IN                                                 UT
            KY                                           CO    NV


Population with a                       Percentage of
      BA degree or higher                      obese people
                                                                           Population with a                       Percentage of
                                                                          BA degree or higher                      obese people

                            States with a larger
                            percentage of people with
                            higher education than
                            with obesity                                       DC
                            States with a larger
                            percentage of obese people
                            than of people with                     45%
                            a higher education

                            US average
                                                                                                States with a larger
                            27.2% BA or higher                                                  percentage of people with
                            27.0% Obese
                                                                                                higher education than
                                                                                                with obesity
                                                                                                States with a larger
                                                                                                percentage of obese people
                                                                                                than of people with
            MA                                                                                  a higher education
            NH                                                                                  US average
                                                                                                27.2% BA or higher
            CT                                                                                  27.0% Obese
            VT                                           MS

            MN                                           WV
                                                         AL    SC
            CA                                                 LA
            UT                                                 TN
            NY                                                 MO
            KS                                                 AR
            WA                                           GA
                                                         IA    SD
            MO                                           IL    ND
            AZ                                           DE    MD
                                                               ME              MA
      OR     RI                                                OR
       WI   DE                                                 FL
      AK     HI                                                ID
      MT                                                       WI
       SD                                                      VA
       PA                                                      RI
      NM                                                       NM              NH
      SC                                                       WY              MD
                                                               MN   35%
                                                               AZ               NJ
                                                               NY               CT
                                                               VT               VT                                           MS
      NC                                                       MA
      OK                                                       MT
      WY                                                       HI
      LA                                                       CT
      AL    IN                                                 UT
            KY                                           CO    NV
                                                                               MN                                            WV
                                                                                                                             AL    SC
            AR                                                                                                                     KY
                                                                                CA                                                 LA
                                                                               UT                                                  TN
                                                                               NY                                                  MO
                                                                               KS                                                  AR
            WV                                                      30%
                                                                               WA                                            GA
Population with a                       Percentage of                    MN
      BA degree or higher                      obese people                           AL   SC
            DC                                                                  CA         LA
                            States with a larger
                            percentage of people with                           UT         TN
                            higher education than
                            with obesity                                        NY         MO
                            States with a larger                                KS         AR
                            percentage of obese people              30%
                            than of people with
                            a higher education                                  WA    GA
                            US average                                                KS
                            27.2% BA or higher
                            27.0% Obese
40%                                                                                   PA
                                                                                      IA   SD
                                                                                MO    IL   ND
                                                                                AZ    DE   MD
                                                                                GA    NC
                                                                           FL    IL        ME
                                                                          OR     RI        OR
            MA                                                             WI   DE         FL
                                                                          AK     HI        ID
            CO                                                            MT               WI
            MD                                                             SD              VA
            NJ                                                             PA              RI
                                                                          ND               WA
                                                                          NM               NM
             VI                                                           SC               WY
            MN                                           WV               NE               NH
                                                         AL    SC
                                                                          OH               MN
            CA                                                 LA
                                                                          NV               AK
                                                               MI         TX               AZ
                                                               MO         MI               CA
                                                               AR          IA              NY
            WA                                           GA               TN               NJ
                                                         KS               ME               VT
                                                         OH                ID
                                                                          NC               MA
            MO                                           IL
                                                               ND         OK               MT
            GA                                           NC    MD
                                                               NE         WY               HI
                                                               OR         LA               CT
                                                               ID         AL    IN         UT
      MT                                                       WI
                                                               VA               KY    CO   NV
       PA                                                      RI
      NM                                                       NM
                                                               WY               MS
      NV                                                       AK
      TX                                                       AZ
      MI                                                       CA
       IA                                                      NY
      TN                                                       NJ
      ME                                                       VT
      WY                                                       HI
      LA                                                       CT
      AL    IN                                                 UT
            KY                                           CO    NV


            WV                                                      15%
Third step is to educate yourself in creating hierarchies,
narratives, stories, etc., that make your presentations
understandable and useful. Don’t just throw data at readers

                      ENEM test
Show me what I’d not
be able to see otherwise
Population with a                       Percentage of
      BA degree or higher                      obese people


                            States with a larger
                            percentage of people with
                            higher education than
                            with obesity
                            States with a larger
                            percentage of obese people
                            than of people with
                            a higher education

                            US average
                            27.2% BA or higher
                            27.0% Obese



                                                                    Thank you!
            VT                                           MS


            MN                                           WV
                                                         AL    SC
            CA                                                 LA
            UT                                                 TN
            NY                                                 MO
            KS                                                 AR
            WA                                           GA
                                                         IA    SD
            MO                                           IL    ND
            AZ                                           DE    MD
            GA                                           NC
       FL    IL                                                ME
      OR     RI                                                OR
       WI   DE                                                 FL
      AK     HI                                                ID
      MT                                                       WI
       SD                                                      VA
       PA                                                      RI
      ND                                                       WA
      NM                                                       NM
      SC                                                       WY
      NE                                                       NH
      OH                                                       MN
      NV                                                       AK
      TX                                                       AZ
      MI                                                       CA
       IA                                                      NY
      TN                                                       NJ
      ME                                                       VT
      NC                                                       MA
      OK                                                       MT
      WY                                                       HI
      LA                                                       CT

                                                                                   Alberto Cairo
      AL    IN                                                 UT
            KY                                           CO    NV

                                                                             University of Miami
                                                                          Twitter: @albertocairo

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The Functional Art: Design and Infographics | Journalism Interactive Conference 2013 |

  • 1. Population with a Percentage of BA degree or higher obese people DC 45% States with a larger percentage of people with higher education than with obesity States with a larger percentage of obese people than of people with a higher education US average 27.2% BA or higher 27.0% Obese 40% MA CO NH MD 35% NJ CT VT MS A Functional Art VI MN WV AL SC KY CA LA TX MI UT TN NY MO OK KS AR 30% WA GA how to embrace and teach IN KS OH PA IA SD MO IL ND AZ DE MD GA NC infographics and visualization NE FL IL ME OR RI OR WI DE FL AK HI ID MT WI SD VA PA RI ND WA NM NM 25% SC WY NE NH OH MN NV AK TX AZ MI CA IA NY TN NJ ME VT ID NC MA OK MT WY HI LA CT Alberto Cairo AL IN UT KY CO NV DC MS 20% AR University of Miami 15% WV Twitter: @albertocairo
  • 2. An infographic is a visual representation of evidence, a tool for analysis, communication, and understanding
  • 4. Throughout the years I’ve become concerned about the way we teach what evidence is in J-Schools
  • 6. Homeopathy, autism and vaccines... We bite baits too easily
  • 7. “It got worse after the zero-alcohol law was approved. Deaths in car accidents have not stopped growing!”
  • 9. “Our world is not about ideology anymore. It’s about complexity” Matt Taibbi, Griftopia
  • 10. Are we teaching students and learn ourselves how to deal with that complexity?
  • 11. Moreover... We talk a lot about storytelling, but are we really sure that we understand what the challenges and limits of storytelling may be? Do we teach them to our students?
  • 12. POPULATION CHANGE Above Average +9.4% DIAGRAM Below +0.1% I am a journalist and a NEWS IN PERSPECTIVE -0,1% No data -9,4% available Brazil’s Demographic Opportunity How Brazil can take advantage of a future with fewer children designer: Storytelling is part of my life per couple. Alberto Cairo, Francine Lima, Marco Vergotti PRELIMINARY DATA FROM THE 2010 CENSUS create an interesting picture of the changes 2000 2010 Change that the Brazilian population has gone through AP 477,032 648,553 36.0% in the past ten years. Brazil’s population RR 324,397 425,398 31.1% grew, on average, 10% between 2000 and AC 557,526 707,125 26.8% 2010, but the fertility rate is below 2.1 children DF 2,051,146 2,469,489 20.4% per woman, the minimum to keep a PA 6,192,307 7,443,904 20.2% population from shrinking. According to AM 2,812,557 3,350,773 19.1% César Marques, a demographer from the TO 1,157,098 1,373,551 18.7% University of Campinas, the main challenge MT 2,504,353 2,954,625 18.0% Brazil will face in the future is how to maintain GO 5,003,228 5,849,105 16.9% a healthy Social Security system if the MS 2,078,001 2,404,256 15.7% number of older and retired people will SC 5,356,360 6,178,603 15.4% likely be much larger than it is today. SE 1,784,475 2,036,277 14.1% Read on to learn about all the variables at play MA 5,651,475 6,424,340 13.7% RN 2,776,782 3,121,451 12.4% in this story. RO 1,379,787 1,535,625 11.3% CE 7,430,661 8,180,087 10.1% Above AL 2,822,621 3,093,994 9.6% average 1 BRAZIL’S POPULATION IS BIGGER ES 3,097,232 3,392,775 9.5% (Data updated on November 4, 2010) PB 3,443,825 3,753,633 9.0% The map shows the change in population The 2010 Census has revealed a 9.4% in Brazilian municipalities. Between PI 2,843,278 3,086,448 8.6% population increase between Below PE 7,918,344 8,541,250 7.9% average 2000 and 2010, 1,630 cities and towns, 2000 and 2010. The differences between SP 37,032,403 39,924,091 7.8% from a total of 5,506, lost population. Rio states, as you can see on the chart PR 9,563,458 10,266,737 7.4% Grande do Sul is the state with a the largest on the right, are noticeable. Most rich MG 17,891,494 19,159,260 7.1% number of municipalities that lost inhabitants, states, such as São Paulo and Rio, didn’t RJ 14,391,282 15,180,636 5.5% due to a significant drop in fertility rates grow as fast as the ones in the north east. BA 13,070,250 13,633,969 4.3% and domestic migration RS 10,187,798 10,576,758 3.8% 2000 169.799.170 2010 190,732,694 AVERAGE +9.4% Sources: IBGE, UN, World Bank, César Marques (UNICAMP) 2 —BUT THE FERTILITY RATE IS MUCH LOWER THAN EXPECTED 3 AS A CONSEQUENCE, POPULATION WILL STOP GROWING— A study in 2004 estimated that in 2010, the fertility rate would be 2.4 children Forecasts made in 2004 anticipated that Brazil’s population per woman, on average. But new data collected by the IBGE prove that would stop growing in 2040. But the most recent data from the fertility rate is already 1.9, below the threshold called “replacement rate”. the IBGE suggests that this could happen much earler, in 2030. When the fertility rate drops below this number, the population of a country will eventually start to shrink and grow older. New population 250 million people peak: moment when population will stop growing Number of children per woman Each line 125 represents Former population a country peak (calculated in 2004) or continent 0 1950 2030 2040 2050 8 4 —AND IT WILL BECOME OLDER Men Women 75 years NIGERIA Comparing the current 7 population pyramid with the 65 one predicted for 2050 50 30 2005 20 6 Forecast for 2050 2 1 0 1 2 Millions of people per age group But many distrust YEMEN 5 How Brazil can transform the África population challenge into an opportunity As the population ages, the proportion of people of working age increases. 4 The country will therefore have more people producing wealth (if the labor WORLD market can absorb them) and fewer children to consume investments. It is a storytelling for very AVERAGE window of opportunity, because in some cases the number of people of working age to fall back when older people are leaving the market. 3 The population under 15 years of age is falling today. A smaller number of INDIA student in public schools will facilitate the quality of teaching, if the amount Australia invested in education stays the same. Asia Latin America Educational policy focused on low-income youth favors the formation of more good reasons... North America skilled workforce and greater social mobility. 2 BRAZIL Replacement level: average of In the future, Brazil will reach the stage of Europe and Japan, which struggle Europe 2.1 children per woman to support their elders. This is why it’s so important to prepare a more balanced retirement system, which will include retirement at a later age. CHINA 1 Years
  • 13. “Power”, “Impact”, “Captivate”, “Convince”, “Inspire”, “Persuade”, “Connect”... You may say that these are secondary values for journalists but are you really sure about that?
  • 14. The human brain tends to impose linear patterns to non-linear phenomena to make sense of them This can lead to “narrative fallacies”: Seeing connections and causation where there’s none; oversimplification of complex phenomena. Journalists are not aware of brain bugs and biases, in general
  • 15. I don’t even need to remind you of this, right? Many said that the main sin Lehrer committed was to make up quotes, but the main problem was not that: His books impose cohesive narrative structures to disperse bits of evidence
  • 16. But we cannot avoid stories: The serial structure of stories matches the serial dynamics of the thinking mind In part, we like stories because we create stories in our heads to make sense of the world
  • 17. Perhaps we need to rethink how we teach storytelling at J-School and the scientific method in research classes: Less theory and abstraction; less “follow your instincts” BS. Make statistics and qualitative methods fun and exciting, and learn about cognitive biases and shortcomings
  • 19. Look for “Best Infographics” in Google and you’ll find things like this
  • 20. Look for “Best No structure Infographics” in Google and No context you’ll find things like this It is not a visual representation, but a simple layout with a bunch of unrelated numbers.
  • 21. An infographic (or visualization) should not be just a pretty picture but a structured, accurate visual presentation of evidence
  • 22. Graphics and glasses: With no glasses, the world looks like noise to me; with glasses, chaos becomes signal
  • 23. A graphic is a tool. In a very literal sense: It extends our visual brain, it lets us see beyond what we would normally see, the same way a hammer makes us literally stronger
  • 24. A graphic is a tool. In a very literal sense: It extends our visual brain, it lets us see beyond what we would normally see, the same way a hammer makes us literally stronger
  • 25. Before you even switch the computer on, ask yourself what are the questions that readers most likely will want to have answered. Or what tasks your graphic should help readers with Choose graphic forms accordingly Function doesn’t dictate form, but function does restrict the variety of forms it is acceptable to use for each story and set of data (choosing forms is not a matter of personal taste only)
  • 27. How  much  you  would  save  if  federal  income  taxes  were  reduced  20% Income First Second Third Fourth Fifth Quintile (Lowest) (Top) Average -$10 -$192 -$706 -$1,679 -$7,762 tax  change SOURCE:  The  New  York  Times GRAPHIC:  ACME
  • 28. How  much  you  would  save  if  federal  income  taxes  were  reduced  20% Income First Second Third Fourth Fifth Quintile (Lowest) (Top) Average tax  change -$10 -$192 -$706 -$1,679 ? -$7,762 SOURCE:  The  New  York  Times GRAPHIC:  ACME
  • 29. How  much  you  would  save  if  federal  income  taxes  were  reduced  20% Income First Second Third Fourth Fifth Quintile (Lowest) (Top) Average -$10 -$192 -$706 -$1,679 -$7,762 tax  change SOURCE:  The  New  York  Times GRAPHIC:  ACME
  • 30. How  much  you  would  save  if  federal  income  taxes  were  reduced  20% Income First Second Third Fourth Fifth Quintile (Lowest) (Top) Average -$10 -$192 -$706 -$1,679 -$7,762 tax  change SOURCE:  The  New  York  Times GRAPHIC:  ACME How  much  you  would  save  if  federal  income  taxes  were  reduced  20% Income  Quintile Average  tax  change First (Lowest) -$10 Second -$192 Third -$706 Fourth -$1,679 Fifth (Top) -$7,762 SOURCE:  The  New  York  Times GRAPHIC:  ACME
  • 31. Infographics should not be used to simplify stories, but to clarify them
  • 33. Three steps to become a visualization/infographics designer First one is to accept that a graphic is a tool for understanding and get used to critically analyzing published examples
  • 34. Second step is to start making simple graphics about topics you care about. Tons of them. “Obesity is, on average, inversely proportional to the average education of the population”
  • 35. Data
  • 36. This doesn’t work... Percentage  with  a Percentage  of BA  degree  or  higher obese  people
  • 37. This is a little bit better, but not much... Percentage  with  a Percentage  of BA  degree  or  higher obese  people Lower Higher Lower Higher
  • 38. Percentage  with  a Percentage  of BA  degree  or  higher obese  people 0 50 100 0 50 100    District  of  Columbia 45.7 Mississippi 34    Massachusetts 36.7 West  Virginia 32.5    Colorado 35.5 Alabama 32.2    New  Hampshire 35.4 South  Carolina 31.5    Maryland 35.2 Kentucky 31.3    New  Jersey 34.6 Louisiana 31    Connecticut 34.5 Texas 31    Vermont 34.2 Michigan 30.9    Virginia 33.1 Tennessee 30.8    Minnesota 32.5 Missouri 30.5    California 31.7 Oklahoma 30.4    Utah 30.8 Arkansas 30.1    New  York 30.6 Georgia 29.6    Kansas 30 Indiana 29.6    Washington 29.9 Kansas 29.4    Missouri 28.1 Ohio 29.2    Arizona 28 Pennsylvania 28.6    Georgia 27.6 Iowa 28.4    Illinois 27.4 Illinois 28.2    Rhode  Island 27.2 Delaware 28    US  AVERAGE 27.2 North  Carolina 27.8    Delaware 26.9 South  Dakota 27.3    Hawaii 26.6 North  Dakota 27.2    F lorida 26 Maryland 27.1    Oregon 25.9 US  AVERAGE 27.0    Wisconsin 25.6 Nebraska 26.9    Alaska 25.5 Maine 26.8    Montana 25.5 Oregon 26.8    South  Dakota 25.5 Florida 26.6    Pennsylvania 25.3 Idaho 26.5    North  Dakota 25.2 Wisconsin 26.3    New  Mexico 25.1 Virginia 26    South  Carolina 24.9 Rhode  Island 25.5    Nebraska 24.8 Washington 25.5    Ohio 24.6 New  Mexico 25.1    Nevada 24.5 Wyoming 25.1    Texas 24.5 New  Hampshire 25    Michigan 24.4 Minnesota 24.8    Iowa 24.3 Alaska 24.5    Tennessee 24.3 Arizona 24.3    Maine 24.2 California 24    Idaho 23.8 New  York 23.9    North  Carolina 23.4 New  Jersey 23.8    Oklahoma 22.9 Vermont 23.2    Wyoming 22.5 Massachusetts 23    Louisiana 22.4 Montana 23    Alabama 22.3 Hawaii 22.7    Indiana 21.1 Connecticut 22.5    Kentucky 21 Utah 22.5    Mississippi 20.1 Nevada 22.4    Arkansas 18.8 District  of  Columbia 22.2    West  Virginia 15.3 Colorado 21
  • 39. US  obesity  average:  27% 50 DC 45 40 CO MD 35 Percentage of  people  with 30 a  BA  degree People  with  a  BA, or  higher US  average:  27.2% 25 WY 20 AR WV 15 10 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 Percentage  of  obese  people
  • 40. Population with a Percentage of BA degree or higher obese people Slopegraph DC 45% States with a larger percentage of people with higher education than with obesity States with a larger percentage of obese people than of people with a higher education US average 27.2% BA or higher 27.0% Obese 40% MA CO NH MD 35% NJ CT VT MS VI MN WV AL SC KY CA LA TX MI UT TN NY MO OK KS AR 30% WA GA IN KS OH PA IA SD MO IL ND AZ DE MD GA NC NE FL IL ME OR RI OR WI DE FL AK HI ID MT WI SD VA PA RI ND WA NM NM 25% SC WY NE NH OH MN NV AK TX AZ MI CA IA NY TN NJ ME VT ID NC MA OK MT WY HI LA CT AL IN UT KY CO NV DC MS 20% AR WV 15%
  • 41. Population with a Percentage of BA degree or higher obese people Population with a Percentage of BA degree or higher obese people DC 45% States with a larger percentage of people with higher education than with obesity DC States with a larger percentage of obese people than of people with 45% a higher education US average States with a larger 27.2% BA or higher percentage of people with 27.0% Obese higher education than 40% with obesity States with a larger percentage of obese people than of people with MA a higher education CO NH US average 35% MD 27.2% BA or higher NJ CT 27.0% Obese VT MS VI 40% MN WV AL SC KY CA LA TX MI UT TN NY MO OK KS AR 30% WA GA IN KS OH PA IA SD MO IL ND AZ DE MD NC FL GA IL NE ME MA OR RI OR WI DE FL AK HI ID MT WI SD VA PA RI WA CO ND 25% NM NM NH SC WY MD NE OH NH MN 35% NV TX AK AZ NJ MI IA CA NY CT TN ME NJ VT VT MS ID NC MA OK MT WY HI LA CT AL IN UT KY CO NV DC VI MS 20% MN WV AL SC AR KY CA LA TX MI UT TN NY MO OK KS AR WV 30% 15% WA GA IN KS
  • 42. Population with a Percentage of MN BA degree or higher obese people AL SC KY DC CA LA 45% TX States with a larger MI percentage of people with UT TN higher education than with obesity NY MO OK States with a larger KS AR percentage of obese people 30% than of people with a higher education WA GA IN US average KS 27.2% BA or higher 27.0% Obese OH 40% PA IA SD MO IL ND AZ DE MD GA NC NE FL IL ME OR RI OR MA WI DE FL AK HI ID CO MT WI NH MD SD VA 35% NJ PA RI CT VT ND WA MS NM NM 25% VI SC WY MN WV NE NH AL SC KY OH MN CA LA TX NV AK MI TX AZ UT NY TN MO MI CA KS OK AR IA NY 30% WA GA TN NJ IN KS ME VT OH ID PA NC MA IA MO IL DE SD ND OK MT AZ GA NC MD NE WY HI FL OR IL RI ME OR LA CT WI AK DE HI FL ID AL IN UT MT WI VA KY CO NV SD PA RI WA DC ND NM NM 25% WY MS SC NE OH NH MN 20% NV AK TX AZ MI CA IA NY TN NJ ME VT ID NC OK MA MT AR WY HI LA CT AL IN UT KY CO NV DC MS 20% AR WV WV 15% 15%
  • 43. Third step is to educate yourself in creating hierarchies, narratives, stories, etc., that make your presentations understandable and useful. Don’t just throw data at readers ENEM test
  • 45. Show me what I’d not be able to see otherwise
  • 46. Population with a Percentage of BA degree or higher obese people DC 45% States with a larger percentage of people with higher education than with obesity States with a larger percentage of obese people than of people with a higher education US average 27.2% BA or higher 27.0% Obese 40% MA CO NH MD 35% NJ Thank you! CT VT MS VI MN WV AL SC KY CA LA TX MI UT TN NY MO OK KS AR 30% WA GA IN KS OH PA IA SD MO IL ND AZ DE MD GA NC NE FL IL ME OR RI OR WI DE FL AK HI ID MT WI SD VA PA RI ND WA NM NM 25% SC WY NE NH OH MN NV AK TX AZ MI CA IA NY TN NJ ME VT ID NC MA OK MT WY HI LA CT Alberto Cairo AL IN UT KY CO NV DC MS 20% AR University of Miami 15% WV Twitter: @albertocairo