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VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
William John Meegan
The Kundalini isa strangeand unfamiliar conceptto the monotheistic religions in modernity; nonetheless, the
Judeao Christian Scriptures and theRoman Catholic Church’s artworks have a number of examples that I am aware
of symbolizing and conveying the concept of the Kundalini mythoi. In addition there is plenty of evidence that
Catholicismbuilt Chartres Cathedral as a monument to the Kundalini Serpent. None of this symbolic evidence has
ever been exposed overtly to any great lengths to the laity. That evidence is of coursecovertly placed in plain sight
for all to partakeof; however, few recognize that symbolic artwork for what itis. In this paper I will laid out all the
evidence of the mythoi of the Kundalini that I am aware of, which is extensive seeing modernity know nothing
about this spiritual concept in the Judeao Christian traditions. There may be some scholars that know something
about this spiritual concept; however, it seems that they have chosen to keep silent about it.
I do understand the strict mandate that exudes from the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima
Materia (Perennial Matrix) and why the ancients esoterically (covertly) hid this esoteric science from the laity;
however, from another perspective this spiritual knowledge had to be communicated explicitly (overtly)
throughout monasteries and convents, built like cities housing thousands of monks or nuns, in the Early Middle-
Ages otherwise I cannot see how the literature, history and cathedrals could have risen from the Dark Ages. I see
the phrase “DARK AGES” as a cute little symbolic designate to symbolize the DARKNESS from which the LIGHT
comes as outlinein the firstday of creation. I believe that such monasteries that knew of this esoteric science still
exist and are covertly carrying on their work. One very clear reason, I believe this, is because Freemasonry knows
of its existence and is still codifying esoteric symbolism to the world’s mythoi 1. The ancients from Christianity
perspective are Roman Catholics symbolizing CHRIST; whereas, Freemasonry explicitly adheres to the teachings of
John the Baptist, Christ’s first cousin.
Catholicism comes at esotericism from the perspective of perfection: i.e. “Be ye therefore perfect, even as
your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48). There is no DARKNESS in Christ for the waters of
Creation represent the DARKNESS and CHRIST is the LIGHT that comes out of the DARKNESS. The teaching of John
the Baptist shows how to get out of the DARKNESS; whereas, the teachings of CHRIST illustrates how to stay out of
1 Here I am speaking to Freemasonry work on the American pathos long beforetheRevolutionary War rightup to the presentday.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
Understanding esoterically and psychologically the difference between the teachings of John the Baptist
(Freemasonry) and Jesus Christ (Catholicism) goes a long way in understanding the intended goal of the soul.
Baptism from the waters of Jordan was synonymous to the teachings of Judaism (Old Testament: i.e. ego-
consciousness).The symbolismof Baptismis learningthebasics of Judaismand fromthat Christwill risein the soul
likethe risingof the Kundalini.Very few that are symbolically Baptized can riseup out of the water as the Kundalini
Serpent (Christ). Even Peter found it difficult to rise up out of the water when he sank into it (Matthew 14: 22-33).
Notice how the beginning of Matthew 14 is all about John the Baptist.
22And straightwayJesus constrainedhis disciples to get intoa ship, and to go before him unto the other
side, while he sent the multitudes away. 23And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a
mountainapart to pray:andwhen the evening was come, he was there alone. 24But the ship was now in
the midst of the sea, tossedwithwaves:for the windwas contrary. 25And inthe fourth watch of the night
Jesus went unto them, walkingon the sea. 26Andwhenthe disciplessaw himwalkingon the sea, theywere
troubled, saying, It is a spirit;and theycriedout for fear. 27But straightwayJesus spake untothem, saying,
be of goodcheer;it is I;be not afraid. 28AndPeter answeredhimandsaid, Lord, ifit be thou, bid me come
unto thee onthe water. 29And he said, come. AndwhenPeter was come downout of the ship, he walked
on the water, to go to Jesus. 30But when he sawthe windboisterous, he was afraid;andbeginning to sink,
he cried, saying, Lord, save me. 31AndimmediatelyJesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, andsaid
unto him, O thou oflittle faith, wherefore didst thoudoubt? 32Andwhentheywere come into the ship, the
wind ceased. 33Then theythat were inthe shipcame andworshipped him, saying, of a truth thou art the
Son of God.
I always like this New Testament vignette for it illustrates what is meant when a Christian is saved by merely
calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter was already saved because he was walking on the water and
he knew what would happen to him if he sunk beneath the water. The water is analogous to the materialistic
commercial world and ignorance of one true nature. No one once out of it wants to go back into that milieu.
John the Baptist (Old Testament) esoteric teachings is what Freemasonry codifies and mapped out in the
streets, buildings and monuments of the world: i.e. example Washington DC. What does the Old Testament
teach? The Old Testament teaches to those that do not have ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD2)’,
which is what basically ails 99.999…% of humanity, the esoteric science. The example of Washing DC illustrates
that the vertically streets are named numerically;whereas,the horizontal streets are named alphabetically and the
diagonal streets are given the names of the first thirteen colonies of the United States of America. Freemasonry by
mapping out Washington this way illustrates precisely how the Judeao Christian Scriptures are esoterically and
alphanumerically structured letter by letter, creating words, which esoterically codifies sacred geometry into the
texts as it does the streets of Washington DC: i.e. all of this is collectively the WORD OF GOD if one knows how to
interpret the esoteric science. Freemasonry’s motto is “Making Good Men Better”. This Freemason motto points
out that there are three types of people: 1) A person that doesn’t study religion, 2) those Good Men that study
religion and 3) those Better Men that obtained Christ consciousness.
The Old Testament symbolizes the waters of creation and until the initiate can walk on water he or she
cannot truly be a Christian. In other words the individual Jewhas to become Christian. Whatis called Christian in
modernity is merely materialistic jargon. This does not mean that a person born a Jew has to leave his cultural
mores for he or she can still live in his or her Jewish community all the while living symbolically with a Christian
way of thought. In the Jewish community such a spiritual person would be designated as a Kabbalistic. In the
Medieval Period there were both Jewish and Christian Kabbalists and both groups studied the Zohar3. The words
‘common man’ and ‘Jew’ and ‘Christian’ merely designates the ‘materialist’ and the ‘initiate’ and the ‘master’
2 In modernityplacing a normal active child intoa claustrophobic classroom (sepulcher) to be still and silent is not ADHD; yet, teachers that
have the mental acuity ofchildrenthemselves givestrong, via their complaints tothemedical establishment, depressive drugs to students to
calm themdown and indoing so creates medical records destroying that‘so-called’ troublesomechild’s reputation for the rest ofits life. It a
very real sense what modernity is doing in the classroomto young children (basically child abuse) is what the spiritual powe rs that be does to
humanity as a whole;however, it is done without drugs. It is essentially the spiritual powers ofcreation (God) leaving the idiot to its own
thoughts extrapolating thatoutto humanity as a whole. ADHD fromtheperspectiveof99.999…%ofhumanity is thehuman race’s obsessive
and addictivenature tobeing sepulchers or stonestatues, which is driven into them psychologically in the claustrophobic classroom: i.e.
interested in nothing more than its egocentric thoughts,which is diametrically opposite toa child that is curious about eve rything. In a very
real symbolicsenseshutting a child upwith strong depressivedrugs is analogous to humanity as a whole shutting out religion in adulthood.
3 _9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1440184655&sr=1-9&keywords=zohar
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
Carl G. Jung (1875-1961) the great psychiatrist and psychoanalyst investigated this Kundalini concept
extensively from a psychological perspective and his work4 on this subject is highly recommended before the
initiate ventures into other works on this subject from India’s Tantric scholars. Jung warns that the West should
not try to assimilate the symbolism of the East; for the reason that, the Western psyche is not patient enough to
assimilateIndia’s symbolism into their worldview. Adhering to Jung’s warning is the reason that I decided to write
this paper so that there would be clear explicitevidence of the Kundalini Serpent mythoi symbolically outlinein the
Judeao Christian mythoi and in Catholicism’s artworks.
Iconography and iconoclastic paradigms are diametrically contrary methods of reading and researching the
WORD OF GOD in religious studies. In a very real sense these two conflicting paradigms are the cause of all
religious and secular turmoil in the world.
4 C.G. JUNG: The Psychology ofKundalini Yoga (Notes oftheSeminarGiven in1932by C.G.Jung), edited bySonu Shamdasani, Bollingen XCIX
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
ICONOGRAPHY’S PARADIGM is the study of the sacred scriptures through reading the symbolism and the
alphanumeric structure of each and every letter of the scriptural text in regards to the formation of words. The
WORD OF GOD is seen as having been written void of the time/space continuum. The sacred scriptures have
nothing whatsoever to do with the historicity of humanity. In other words the teachings of the sacred scripture
have nothing whatsoever to do with TIME. From the perspective of studying the sacred scriptures thought the
lenses of symbolismit is realize that the whole purpose of studying the WORD OF GOD i s to learn about one’s own
soul. When an individual comes into the world the soul splits into the psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness and the
personal unconscious ego (Shadow) and the texts of the bible presents enumerable examples via small vignettes
on how the individual can regain his or her soul; thus, the entire bible is seen as a commentary on the psyche and
how one’s can get to know him or herself in relationship to the spiritual powers that be: i.e. God. Those that truly
understand religious symbolism and its meaning in religion see the whole vista of the world religions as being
mirror images, via different symbolism, of each other. The mythoi that every culture uses to write and codify the
WORD OF GOD may be disparate; however, the Esoteric Science (Seven Liberal Arts5) used to codify the WORD OF
GOD is essentially thesame in all cultures;for the reason that, the spiritual scribes in all cultures around the world
are usingthe same spiritual sourcematerial:i.e.MONAD6, reservoir from which their personal revelations fromthe
powers that be: i.e. God streams.
The ICONOCLASTIC PARADIGM totally denies symbolism when studying the sacred scripture. Here the
mindset of the bible student is solely based on the historical aspects of the mythoi that were engaged to write and
codify the WORD OF GOD; however, the fundamentalist (literal minded) does not believe his or her religion is
based upon a contrived mythology. In fact they call such verbal and written thoughts, blaspheme; though, they
themselves will relegate other religions in other cultures as mythology and of course fundamentalists in other
cultures will call every other religion a contrived mythology. That would be a correct assessment of all religions;
but, for the wrong reasons.
The paradoxical problem, that is the elephant in the room so-to-speak, that emerges from the ICONOCLASTIC
PARADIGM, is that the fundamentalists (literalists) do not have the mental acuity to conceptualize that the very
words in their own culture’s vernacular vocabulary is, for all intent and purpose, symbolic of their unconscious
thoughts, which have yet to manifest in speech, writing or activity. ICONOCLASTIC thinking will not allow a
fundamentalist (literalist) to realize that WORDS are constructed and formed by ego-consciousness out of the
chaos of the personal unconscious ego (Shadow). It is this discriminatory processthatallows ego-consciousness to
select a singleword out of the entire dictionary’s vocabulary to express itself. That iconic word-selection process is
based solely upon the selection of other words in the current sentence and other sentences that will or have
formulated the paragraph (complete idea).
Fundamentalists (Literalists) cannot conceptualize that a one word definition for any word, in the process of
reading a text linearly or listening to a conversation, is insufficient knowledge to grasp what the textual material
was written to convey or what another individual is trying to convey in the conversation. Outside the esoteric
science human thought is too trivial and superfluous to even consider outside of the everyday activities.
Materialistic thought, word and deed is not consciously structured with the same integration of the SEVEN LIBERAL
ARTS codified into the sacred scriptures as one esoteric science. Human thoughts, words and deeds are basically
and collectively chaos; for the reason that, the archetype of ego-centrism is the primary light guiding the initiate
through life. This is basically why the average individual isoften misunderstood as to his conversations and deeds.
Actually,the thoughts, words and deeds of an individual areesoterically structured butin such a chaotic mode that
the WORD OF GOD codified to mundane activities is hardly worth researching; however, in many instances the
WORD OF GOD is recognized in different peoples thoughts, words and deeds by those that study ICONOGRAPHY.
This illustrate that the whole world is imbued with symbolism that expresses the WORD OF GOD throughout every
human being’s lifespan.
5 THE SEVEN LIBERAL ARTS: Arithmetic, Music/Harmony, Geometry,Astronomy/Astrology, Grammar, Rhetoricand Logic/Dialectics. The bibleis
read for the most partin translationall over the world. Evenifthebiblestudentwas to readthesacred scriptures in the indigenous languages
of the original texts he orshewouldonly seethegrammatical aspects ofthetexts not realizing that the other six liberal arts are codified into
the alphanumeric structure ofthe text; thus, reading the sacred scriptures literally is not obtaining 1% of1% ofthe WORD OF GOD.
6 The UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX is a commentary on the MONAD; though, this matrix can be studied as the psyche: ego-
consciousness andthepersonalunconscious ego (Shadow), norealunderstanding ofwhatthis matrix conveys can beunderstood without the
constant streaming revelation emanating from by the powers that be: i.e. God: i.e. Soul or GOD/MAN Christ (MONAD).
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
Experiencing and living the spiritual life: i.e. the ambiance of God is not something that can be conceptually
conveyed, by any human means, to another. The Esoteric Science7, the sum-total of all knowledge8 derived
exclusively from the MONAD9, is the only human technique10 that can animate esotericism11 on a religious level
and this can only be cognized by the initiate via a mono-e-mono relationship with God (spiritual powers: i.e. laws
of creation). The sacred scriptures of the world speaks to the hermeticism of the Esoteric Science; though,
esotericism can be discerned through direct-revelation12 from the spiritual powers that be; however, such a direct
revelation doesn’t necessarily mean that the soul that has been so graced will not search out the secrets of the
esoteric science. Most if not all that receive this gift from God, like me, would not even know of the existence of
the esoteric science codified to the sacred scriptures. Such an alien esoteric (hidden) science would be
inconceivable to the average person in relationship to modernity’s societal mores . As for myself I fell back on my
Roman Catholic heritage and upbringing in relationship to faded memories of symbolism. If I had not the faded
memories of symbolism of the Roman Catholic Church to fall back on, which I have since educated myself to
comprehend; I would have been floundering around so-to-speak in the wilderness of the psyche without any
7 The source of all humanknowledge, whichis obtained through the matrix ofthepsyche: ego-consciousness andtheunconscious mind, which
can be artisticallyexpressed via a 10x 10 square: i.e. THEUNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX. The MONAD is notthematrix.
8 In June 1978I had a vision, oftheSUMTOTAL OF ALL KNOWLEDGEthat peppered my psyche with billions ofpieces ofinformation , which
lastedno morethan a nanosecond oftime. Simultaneously tothat aspect ofthe vision I had an extrasensory visual representation ofthat
experience of going down a tunnelinto the light. As timewent byI interpreted this visual aspect ofthe vision, whichinformed me, there was no
such thing as death (total annihilation ofbeing), as a grave. And theinformation peppered into my mind explained to me in numerous and
variantways thereasonthat deathwas not a possibility. The going down the tunnelatthespeed oflight,into the light, was a scenic view from
the grave so-to-speak; whereas, itwouldtake billions ofyears for my bones to reach the light ofday. The nanosecondoftime ittook thevision
to expend itself inferred that billions ofyears wereas a nanosecond with God. The going down thetunnelinto the light also showed me that
my being (existence) was symbolized by the bones that were wrappedand trapped inthematerialismoftheworld. I had a glimpseofeternity:
i.e. the ever presentNOW. I didnot consciously retain this omniscience knowledge; however,therestofmy lifewas andis in pursuit oftrying
to understand and explain that vision to myself. My entire life, from the point of that vision, guided me in a steady progression of
understanding with the possibilityofmaking a record oftherudimentary elements ofthat vision, at the least for my soul, not for the world,
which is nothing morethan a phantasmagoria ofthepsyche.At this stageofmy life, at theage ofsixty-seven,I knowthat that vision exploded
like the Big Bang in my psyche, at the age of thirty, as a vision; for the reason that, the content of the 10 x 10 square: i. e. Universal
MathematicalMatrixwas revealed tome,from theperspective ofthedeathquestion,in thatnanosecondoftime. The question foremost on
my mind at thetimeofthevision was whetherphysical deathwas thetotalannihilationofbeing. Everybody has access tothatpsychic matrix.
9 In Pythagoras’ timetheMONAD was interpreted as God.
10 Hermeticism:i.e. theEsoteric Sciences are manmadespiritual methods and techniques that are developed through the guidance ofthe
spiritualpowers that be: i.e. God. Thesespiritual methods andtechniques are derivedfrom the Universal MathematicalMatrix, whichis known
all over the world by all religions and Mystery Schools and this Esoteric Science does not deviate one iota from one culture to another;
however, culturallythemythoiof the sacredscriptures oftheworldmay vary from one culture toanother; nonetheless, the Esoteric Science
codified alphanumerically toeachoftheculture’s alphabeticcoderis thesame. On thewhole, what this means is that onceinitiates gets pass
the mundanenature ofthemythoi and vernacular ofthesurfacetexts oftheirsacredscriptures theEsotericSciencecodified tothesacred texts
is found to be the sameworldwide both grammatically (conceptually) and mathematically (abstractly) and most important esoterically
(Esotericism is knowledge ofthetrue etherealnature ofthesoul: i.e. grasping synchronistically theconceptualand abstract nature ofthe soul
in unanimity). Esotericism canonly be elucidated totheinitiateethereally via the ambiance: i.e. mystical alchemical marriage ofthe esoteric
(Jachin) and exoteric(Boaz) natureofthe texts ofthesacredscriptures via theguidanceofthespiritual powers that be: i.e. in the parlance of
Christianity these spiritual powers are known as the Holy Spirit.
11 Esotericismis nothumanknowledgeenvisaged via the Hermeticismoftheesoteric science; rather, itis notpossibleto expla in the nature of
esotericism: astate ofcontent experiencingand livingthe spiritual life walkingwith God. To experience that stateofbeing one has to literally
give his or her whole heart, mind, soul, time, finances and resources in pursuit ofit.
12 This would be a direct descentinto hell, which is theApiori experiencetocommencethe questfor knowledge ofGod in order to learn and
dispensethat knowledgeesoterically since itcannot bedispersed exoterically. It is this kind ofdirect revelation that give emphasis to the
initiate’s mission that Godhas designated for him or her. This missionis notfor the phantasmagoria oftheworld; though, it erroneously may
appearthat way; rather, itis for thesoleedificationofthe soul. Mary BakerEddy neededto understandthe spiritual nature ofthe bible and
metaphysicalhealing seeing she was sick throughout her life, CG Jung need to heal his own psychosis and Bill Wilson needed t o heal his
alcoholism andas for me, I neededto understandthefoundations oflife, deathand existence seeing it all made no sense to me. These are
inherentpsychicneeds not theneeds and desires ofego-consciousness.Eachindividual lives in the phantasmagoria ofhis own psyche and it is
the erroneous beliefthat others are benefiting from those that havehad the spiritualexperiencethat encourages theinitiateand allows him or
her to realizehe orsheis right whenhypothesizing particular ideas. For myselfmy encouragement came from sacred geometry that exuded
from the esotericsciencecodified tothesacred scriptures soI did not needtheillusionthat others werebenefiting. InfactI envisagedthatthis
esoteric science, which noneofthe examples I gaveknew anything about, could not beconveyedto another. The Esoteric Science itselfmay be
taught; however,theesotericism that exudes fromthosehermetic sciences cannot be conveyed. It would be like trying to tel l an individual
born blind the magnificence splendor ofa rainbow. That blind person would think you were a stock raving lunatic.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
support system. Many people that have this spiritual experience (vision) end up in insane asylums because they
have no support system whatsoever to aid them in dealing with this traumatic psychic experience.
There are individuals that have had this direct revelation from God and used their immediate obsession in
life, which enamored their individual psyche, as a guiding principle in dealing with that psychic traumatic
experience. Such examples13 outside of institutional religious guidance can be found in the works of Mary Baker
Eddy Discover and Founder of Christian Science, Carl G. Jung the Founder of Analytic Psychology and Bill Wilson14
the Cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Christian Science, Analytical Psychology and Alcoholics Anonymous are
valid venues for experiencing esotericism; however, they are each limited to the individual ’s attempt to elucidate
the nature of esotericism: i.e. unseen powers of the spiritual forces. In every sense this is CHAOS not knowing
there is an ORDERLY technique: i.e. Esoteric Science to elucidate that which they are attempting to convey. What
Mary Baker Eddy’s, Carl G. Jung’s and Bill Wilson’s teachings demonstrate is that every human being can access
and work with the spiritual powers that be. These people are rare and are extremely fortunate not to have been
driven into an insane asylum. Each one of these individuals worked with the spiritual powers that be with what
their psyches were enamored by. Mary Baker Eddy worked with the Bible; hence, Christian Metaphysics, Carl G.
Jung was a psychiatric; hence, Analytical Psychology and Bill Wilson was a n active alcoholic; hence, Alcoholic
Anonymous; however, if every human being went willy-nilly broadcasting his or her own brand of spirituality
(Gnosticism) from their individual vocations there would be neither a STANDARD nor a CONSTANT SYSTEM (a.k.a.
Emperor Constantine15) of religious thought by which the world as a whole could adhere to.
In the truest sense this is why the bibleis written via the hermetically sealed sciences; for the reason that, the
soul has been split in twain. Hermeticism is the ORDERLY manner that is used to convey the methods and
techniques of the Esoteric Sciences, which is a product of the psyche, worldwide for the spiritual edification of all
humanity in all times and climes. The esoteric sciencecomes directly from the psyche, which classifies, diversifies
and individualizes these hermetic sciences as a generic system of thought systematized into the world sacred
scriptures and not a system of thought created from out of a lone individual’s psyche.
The exoteric and esoteric nature of the sacred scriptures is analogous to the psyche: ego-consciousness
(exoteric) and the person unconscious ego: i.e. Shadow (esoteric); therefore, the entire Bible: i.e. Old and New
Testaments are analogous to the dynamic interplay of the psyche in relationship to esotericism: i.e. knowledge of
the soul. When the soul enters into the world it seemingly splits into the psyche: ego-consciousness and the
person unconscious ego (Shadow), and via this seeming partitioning of the soul, into two parts the rational (ego-
consciousness) and the irrational person unconscious ego (Shadow), the individual loses his or her soul. Ego-
consciousness responds via its own ego-centric philosophy on life. That knowledge is accessed via the personal
unconscious ego (Shadow) not what CG Jung called the Collective Unconscious16.
13 Such examples are, for allintent andpurpose,Gnosticism. In and ofthemselves they are not wrong; however, they do not conform to the
religious esoteric paradigm. Eachofthe examples given above arelikento shards extractedfrom esotericism. Eachofthese examples is part
and partial of esotericismdevoidofthehermeticism oftheesotericscience, whichinherently develops a religious system and/or a Mystery
School. In every sense theseexamples I have given, which I have learneda great deal fromand whichI amverygratefulfor their existence, are
disparate Gnostic Sects giving theerroneous impression that the standardizedreligious paradigm is notnecessarysinceknowledge ofGod can
be obtainedby numerous materialisticmeans. In facteachoftheseexamples, excluding my researches, has created, in a sense, their own
religious sect by creating worldwide organizations:The Christian Science Church, AnalyticalPsychology and Alcoholics Anonymous; whereas,
my teachings are inherentin the perfection oftheROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH,whichis my secondary guide.My firstand primary guide is God,
who is my only confidant. The saints arepeoplethat haveadhereto the teachings ofthe Roman CatholicChurch, which basica lly makes their
identities, as time goes by, superfluous just as the disciple’s names become superfluous to the ministry and teachings ofJes us Christ.
14 I don’t consider ‘Dr. Bob’(RobertHolbrook Smith),who was anactual doctor to havebeena cofounder ofAlcoholicAnonymous with William
(Bill) Wilson seeing hedid not havethe Apriorispiritual vision andbecausehe regressedback to being anactive alcoholic, which disqualifies
him, in my eyes,as a cofounder ofAlcoholics Anonymous. It may bethefact, I don’treallyknow, that he was a doctor that initially gave the
Alcoholics Anonymous its prestige that got the public’s attention.
15 The mythoi surrounding Emperor Constantine negatehim as actually everhaving existed as a human being; hence, the mythoi in the name
CONSTANTINE referring to a STEADY, ORDERLYand CONSTANTsystemofthought: i.e.theRomanCatholic Church and this is the very reason for
the AD 325 Council ofNicaea toput allofChristianity on thesamepageso-to-speak with the Nicaea Creed and the edicts that codified the
Christian belief system for all times to come. Other counsels would deal with other problems that emerged.
16 Personally, I don’tbelievethereis a collectively unconscious; rather,I believethatthematrix ofthe psyche: UniversalMathematical Matrix
(10 x 10 square) is what CG Jung erroneously classified as the CollectiveUnconscious. As far as I am concerned, the persona l unconscious, is
merely another namefor ‘memory’andthereis a deeper level ofunconscious mind, whichCG Jung called the Shadow, which is the personal
unconscious ego (a perfectexample oftheunconscious egowould belikeCG Jung’s Philemon); whereas, theAnimus or Anima is an archetypal
personification of the second half of the psyche that has been rejected by ego-consciousness. The 10 x 10 matrix is a materialistic
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
The Esoteric Science (Hermeticism) is solely derived from the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX, which is a
real time image of the soul that seemingly split into two parts: i.e. ego-consciousness and the person unconscious
ego (Shadow) when its ‘spirit’ entered into the world. Just because academia and the scientific world does not
know of the existence of this matrix does not mean it does not exist as a real time representation of the psyche.
Academia and the scientific communities notknowing of the existence of this psychic matrix is ‘real time’ evidence
of their overall ignoranceof what religion is. This not knowing of the matrix illustrates the huge chasm that exists
between the secular and religious worlds. In fact it is the matrix that is the archetypal principle that bridges the
religious and the secular worlds and there is no other method by which that bridge can be built. Every religion on
earth knows of this matrix; though, many of their hierarchal personnel feign that they know nothing of it. In other
papers I have shown how this matrix was developed as a commentary on the MONAD; therefore, I will not repeat
that material here. Suffice to say that this matrix is totally objective and is the source material of all archetypal
material before manifesting as the outer (concretized) objective world or the inner subjective ‘archetypal’
complexes of the personal psyche: ego-consciousness and the person unconscious ego (Shadow). I, personally,
recommend that this matrix be researched as the generic psyche and it should become the foundation of
psychology and psychiatry in the future.
What CG Jung meant by the Collective Unconscious is a totally different concept than what was described in
the above paragraphs concerning the Universal Mathematic Matrix. I believe that what CG Jung envisaged as the
‘collective unconscious’ was the interrelationship of one human being with another, a mob mentality or humanity
as a whole havinga psychic influenceon one another. One human being touching another gives a sensual pleasure
that one cannot give oneself when touching oneself: i.e. touch your arm and then have another touch your arm.
Touch yourself and you feel firm; whereas, touching another he or she has a softness you feel you don’t have.
Being caught up in a mob mentality is raving about something that you would not normally rave above if you were
outside that mob. Each human being is like a drop (bubble17) of water within an ocean of different bubble
environments. No human being can escape his own bubble; though, he or she can change the psychic conditions
of that effervesce by personally psychically changing him or herself. A human being may escape the environment
of other individual bubbles; but, never can he or she escape his or her own psychic bubble. The bubble is, for all
intent and purpose, the individual’s unconscious psychic interpretation of the matrix, which in turn psychically
creates the ambianceof that bubble, which is the reason why he or she cannotescape it; whether, the individual is
aware of the existence of the matrix or not. What I believe CG Jung called the Collective Unconscious is the
collective person unconscious ego (Shadow) of all humanity.
The matrix is outside of that ‘real time’ phenomenology; for the reason that, the matrix per se does not exist
until it is needed by the individual not the collective and it is needed to generate and experience every thought,
word and deed. The Jewish Zohar18 tells the story of the Hebrew coder coming into creation to have the world
created through one of its alphanumeric letters, which speaks to this conceptual point of the matrix not actually
existing until it is needed. This alphabetic story in the prologue of the Zohar is a commentary on the first word of
Genesis: BERESHITH. The matrix is the foundation of all archetypes, which creates the world and the Hebrew
coder symbolizes those alphabetic archetypes that are built to coalesce with other archetypal letters to write the
WORD OF GOD from the foundation of the matrix. On one hand, the matrix objectivity, void of the time/space
continuum, writes the sacred scriptures of the world; on the other hand, the human psyche, knowledgeable or
ignorant of the matrix, unconsciously creates its personal psyche bubble subjectively inside the time/space
continuum. Essentially, by saying the matrix does not exist is, for all intent and purpose, saying the psyche does
not exist. The only reason that humans believe the psyche exist is because humans live within the confines of the
time/space continuum where the psyche is continuously going at the speed of summer lightning; whereas, the
matrix: i.e. the psyche outside the time/space continuum does not exist. Outside the time/space continuum only
the MONAD: i.e. Soul: i.e. God/Man exists. The psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind allows the
soul to live in the world of finiteness under the strict conditions that it knows nothing of the MONAD: i.e. soul.
manifestationofthe psyche, which cannotbe tampered with my man. It for alltimeandeternity has its owninnerstability via immutablelaws;
for the reason that, it is a representation ofGod (Holy Spirit: i.e. spiritual laws ofcreation).
17 I use the word ‘bubble’to includethepsychic influences that emanates from the individual, which is allpart and partialofthetotality ofwhat
emanates from the individual’s personal understanding ofthe matrix.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
This latter is essentially losing one soul; however, in entering the finite world the psyche needs to acclimate itself
to those things that enamor it to regain its soul and build from that amalgamation the Garden of Eden, which is a
semi-spiritual/secularworld risingfromthe matrix likea cathedral in which itcan experience and respect (worship)
itself as it is: i.e. spiritual laws of creation: i.e. God.
Yes, we can analyze a spiritual artistic rendition of the psyche’s matrix that is a commentary on the MONAD;
however, the 10 x 10 matrix:i.e. psychedoes not actually existper se. The only thing that actually exists isthesoul
(MONAD). Each person (soul) lives out his or her existence in the soul; whereas, the matrix and all that exudes
from it is the phantasmagoria of the soul, which is actually in union with God (spiritual laws). The soul and God
(spiritual laws) areone: i.e. MONAD and this is analogousto the individual walking in the Garden of Eden with God.
The fact that God and the soul are one shows that there really is no CHAOS in the soul. The soul is basically the
spiritualized-ego. The soul is thediscriminator thatis in union with the spiritual laws of creation: i.e. God (spiritual
laws); however, when the ego aspectof the soul advises itself rather than consulting with the laws of God than the
soul seemingly splits into the psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness (regression of the soul to a material state of being)
and the person unconscious ego: i.e. Shadow (chaotic distribution of the spiritual laws). This latter is basically the
oustingof Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden; therefore, it is up to the ego-centric individual to regain his soul
(the ego has to attune itself to the spiritual laws: i.e. God). The soul: i.e. spiritualized ego and the spiritual laws of
creation (God) are definitely not in a chaotic state of being; though, the outer world’s ego-consciousness sees the
soul as CHAOS; for the reason that, the universe atlargeis an objective manifestation of the psychic matrix, which
is a commentary on the soul: i.e. MONAD. It is academia and the scientific communities that are in a state of
CHAOS seeing they are the ones allegedly building a database of knowledge piecemeal, without understanding
that database’s relationship to the whole of creation, base solely upon the very world that the psychic matrix
projects as the universe at large. The ancient people fear most CHAOS and they sought eternally to bring ORDER
out of CHAOS. To the ancients CHAOS was all around them so they had to go deep within their own psyche to find
ORDER. The matrix is merely an interpretation of what is believed to be CHAOS. The matrix is ORDER out of what
is believed to be CHAOS. In order to coalescea spiritual artistic understandingand rendition of this 10 x 10 matrix
ego-consciousness and the person unconscious ego (Shadow) have to work hand-in-glove so to speak, for the most
part; the academic and the scientific communities refuse unconsciously to do this. They would rather rip from the
bowels of the material creation (projection of the psyche); via their own ego-centric techniques, the answers they
seek and not what are actually the spiritual laws of creation.Whatthe academic and the scientific communities are
actually receiving through the lenses of their ego-centric mania is a one-sided view of reality.
In endeavoring to envisage how the outer world and the universe at large was created, knowing that the 10 x
10 matrix is a real-timematerialistic manifestation of that psychic process,I came to the realization that the matrix
is analogous to the real time world and the universe at large; for the reason that, the soul is seemingly split into
the two parts psyche: ego-consciousness and the person unconscious ego (Shadow); though, the split psyche is a
manifestation and animation of the matrix it has absolutely no control whatsoever over the matrix itself; though
the matrix is a directcommentary on the MONAD: i.e. Soul/Christ/God-Man.The matrix is not a phantasmagoria of
the mind; for the reason that, the MONAD/SOUL/CHRIST/GOD-MAN is the offspring of God: spiritual powers that
be. The Universal Mathematical Matrix is the primary conceptual image that is closest to revealing to the initiate
and by extension humanity at large the nature of God and Man. The matrix is immutable law and is what, I
believe, Moses, call the TORAH. All archetypes (images and forms) of the psyche are animated manifestations
exuding from the matrix via the dynamics of the individual’s psyche. The MONAD is not of a dual nature per se; for
the reason that, it is an amalgamation of the spiritual and the material for these two aspects of creation, in every
sense, had become one flesh as Adam and Eve does in the beginning (second chapter of Genesis). The outer world
and the universeat largearenot of a dual nature per se as is the psyche of the individual. The outer world and the
universeat largeis essentially a projection of the omniscience of the matrix into the world on a symbolic level via
the dynamics of the MONAD not the dynamics of the individual or collectivepsyche. The psychic matrix projecting
itself as the universe at large is manifesting and animating its omniscience into infinite organic and materialistic
symbols nanosecond by nanosecond: i.e. creatio continua and in this manner God (spiritual law) creates and
sustains creation.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
Though it will be difficult for modernity to understand this, the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL
MATRIX is actually a valid representation of the psyche: ego-consciousness and the personal unconsciousego;
for the reason that, the matrix is a conceptualization of the MONAD. This matrix is known all over the world by
all major religions and Mystery Schools.
Notice that the SEASONS and CARDINAL DIRECTIONS are positioned around the matrix. SPRING and
FALL are positioned with the Equinoxes and SUMMER and WINTER are positioned with the Solstices. The
longest day of the year is in the SUMMER heat: i.e. expansion and the shortest day of the years is in the
WINTER cold: i.e. retraction. This is mentioned to point out the nature of the psyche: ego-consciousness and
the unconscious mind. It is the unconscious mind that introverts and it is ego-consciousness that bloats itself
and expandsout like the person that is an extravert; thus,the outer nature of the world and the universe at large
is projected outwardly from the matrix in precisely the selfsame manner that the generic psyche is structured.
Of course these are manmade (my) interpretations. Such interpretations, of this abstract matrix, are
possible once it become familiar to the researcher. I discuss the origins of this matrix in my other writings.
The Goddess Fortuna is blindly twirling the WHEEL OF FORTUNE (central image), which is symbolic of
not knowing the future. The background scenery mimics the pattern of the Universal Mathematical Matrix and
the Wheel of Fortune is on the grass indicating that a natural process is taking place. The King (summer) sits at
the top of the wheel (90º from the stationary matrix; whereas, the background scenery is at 45º angle) and the
King appears to be a pious individual as if to say, “Into thy hands I commend my spirit”. This a very colorful
image in contrast to the next image of the WHEEL OF FORTUNE. The King (deflated ego: first half of the
matrix: Summer) appearsto be having psychic intercourse with his anima (unconscious mind: i.e. second half of
the matrix: Winter) and his hands seem to be in the position of animating his discussion. The Godd ess Fortuna
is in concord with the deflated ego; for the reason that, the Wheel of Fortune is in a natural cyclic mode in
contrast to the stationary position illustrated in the third image.
The third image shows the King (inflated ego) not sitting on the Wheel of Fortune; rather, he is sitting on
top of the matrix as if usurping and amending the laws of God. In lieu of the other images this is an
extraordinary image; for the reason that, it says a great deal about the psyche and the matrix. The King
(inflated ego) in this image uses the matrix as his throne and the Wheel of Fortune as his footstool. The
Goddess Fortuna (unconscious mind) is the King’s wife and this is ascertained by the dresses that Fortuna and
the Queen are wearing. Except for the red garment the Queen is wearing over the dress the patterns in both
dresses are identical; thus, by the King’s wife being the Goddess Fortuna this indicates that the King sees
himself as God and he holds the earthly globe in his hand as if he is the ruler of the world. The other woman in
the scene is obviously the wife of the individual ascending; for the reason that, they are both wearing the same
colorgarments and the Queen, in the real world, seems to be instructing her as to what the new regulations are.
This latter point illustrates that the Queen has no direct intercourse with the King (inflated ego).
One of the striking and interesting contrasts between the second and third images is that the second image
discusses the spiritual principles of Closing the Mystic Circle (discussed in a previous paper); whereas, the
third image speak to the secular ego-centric principle: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole
world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul (Matthew 16:26)”? Notice
that the King in the third image hasthe globe of the world in his right hand and his left hand is over his heart as
if to say, “This is what I desire most in life”.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
The fact that the Goddess Fortuna (personal unconscious ego) is not blindfolded is very revealing for it
indicates that she is in complete control of the King’s (inflated ego) psyche. The ego has become one with its
role in life that points to obsession, which is eternally, in the NOW, cyclic; thus, pointing to schizophrenia
(psychosis). Knowing somewhat about Jungian Analytical Psychology this third image indicates that the King
(inflated ego), in the real world, is psychically seize by the anima archetype. I say this; for the reason that, the
Goddess Fortuna stopped the merry-go-round (Wheel of Fortune) signifying that the anima has seize the psyche
into a concretized obsessive state of mind, which indicates worldwide everyone is in some state of schizophrenia.
The background scenery, in the third image, representing the real world, outside the Wheel of Fortune, is
bland; yet, it is still in motion; whereas, the inside of the Wheel of Fortune is also bland but has an inflamed
psychotic color and is stationary to everything around it. This indicates ego-consciousness is in an unnatural
state of mind projecting its psychosis onto its world. What this second and third image illustrates is that the
Wheel of Fortune is indicative of the individual psyche and that the psyche is a separate spherical reality from
that of the outside real world; thus, pointing out that the psyche may or may not be in sync with reality.
The Queen, in the third image, is obviously the unconscious mind (anima), which can do nothing as long
as the inflated ego will not communicate with her. Notice how the Queen’s hands are positioned to prevent the
Wheel of Fortune from moving; whereas, the Goddess Fortuna (anima) in the central image has her hands
positioned to move the Wheel of Fortune. From this third image we obtain a clear understanding of how the
Roman Catholic Church in Medieval times saw the diabolical nature of the ego-centric mind.
This third image by illustrating that the inner psychic Queen (anima) is the mirror image of the Queen in
the outer world goes to what CG Jung says, ‘ each person, male or female, has an image in their psyche of their
ideal soul mate’. This may be so insofar as ego-consciousness projects outwardly it ideal mate; however, this is
not a natural state of being for it is ego-consciousness doing it and not a natural spiritual state of being. This
may well be why arranged marriages were instituted in antiquity. The ego getting to know its mate in an
arranged marriage; contrast, ego-consciousness projecting outwardly an ideal mate via its own mandate: these
are diametrically two different statesof mind. The ego getting to know its mate in the real world is analogous to
the ego having psychic intercourse with the second half of its psyche: the unconscious mind, which is getting to
know the entirety of its psyche so that the two halves of the psyche would become one in Christ consciousness.
From this it can be envisaged why the Catholic Church is against divorce; for the reason that, the ego is
attempting to flee from itself. This latter is exactly like the alcoholic opting for the geographical cure.
Unlike the marriage in the real world where the male and female compromise to the point that they look
like each other and complete each other’s sentences after a lifetime of total and absolute familiarity to the poi nt
that there are no more mysteries in their marriage psychic intercourse is unlike that. Psychic intercourse allow
each separate half of the psyche to maintain its identity;whereas, Christ become the Royal Arch so-to-speak that
brings them into unity as seen in the Vesica Piscis (see the scene of the Crucifixion at the top of this paper).
The two WHEELS OF FORTUNE are also contrasted by the different number of spokes in their wheels.
The twelve spokes in the central image symbolizes Astrology or the celestial laws, which do not change when
Christ consciousness is obtained; whereas, the third image’s Wheel of Fortune having eight spokes infers the
Kamea of Saturn and the nine basics numbers, which symbolizes the unconscious mind (raw materials in chaos
used, by the deflated and spiritualized ego, for creatio continua) would normally symbolize the octagon
Christian temple; for the reason that, the center is motionless in contrast to the outer world; however, the King
(ego) sitting on top of the matrix is the cause of everything going dead and bland in his world. It is almost as if
this medieval image is playing off of the old Humpty Dumpty verse rhyme. It is as if, and probably is, these
ancient medieval images are riddles that challenge the laity as to their understanding of the immutable laws of
God. One example illustrating this point is that once Christ consciousness is obtained there is no longer any
need for Astrology, as an interpretive device, and the central image appears to be a riddle to that dyn amic
process. What this means is that once Christ consciousness is obtained there is no longer any need for
peripheral support systems like the teachings of the Church or self-help programs basically because these
teaching are already imbued into the mind of the deflated ego. With Christ consciousness the deflated ego is
already walking with God; thus, any additional support systems would be superfluous. The sacred scriptures are
written as if TIME does not exist; therefore, fate (Fortuna) is an erroneous concept for those graced with Christ
consciousnesses living in the eternal NOW. This is not a state of blandness as seen in the third image; rather, it
is an exuberant life living life more abundantly analogous to the central image; whereas, the third image is a
false interpretation of spirituality; for the reason that it attempt to stop TIME, which is a total negation of the
dynamic forces of creatio continua;though,ultimately TIME does not exist it is an inscrutable issue that the ego
has to deal with on a psychic spiritual level in relationship to the secular activities in the real world.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
CHARTRES CATHEDRAL: A Spiritual and Mystical Commentary
I am republishingthis section on Chartres Cathedral from another paper becausethere is additional data from
the cathedral that I am adding so that it will not be read out of context to the main thesis. In the previous paper:
THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING I used these same two examples to allow the reader to visualize the barrier between
the mystical and physical realities. It behooves me, at least, to try and explain this mystical barrier; however, here
I have a lot more data to add to the discussion on Chartres Cathedral.
I want to start out by pointing out that the SPACE/TIME CONTINUUM has nothing to do with the continuous
never-ending spiritual light that stream through the soul creating and sustaining the outer world known as the
SPACE/TIME CONTINUUM. The soul is analogous to the Romanesque style of architecture with the labyrinth
etched into its found represents Solomon Temple in Jerusalem, which is similar to the face of Caesar etched into a
penny in the materialistic commercial world. In writing the mythoi of the sacred scriptures in literature, art and
monuments the rubric of the SPACE/TIME CONTINUUM has to be used in order for the spiritual paradigmatic
process governs the soul can be laid out and conveyed in human terminology. The initiate should not confuse the
transient SPACE/TIME CONTINUUM with the eternal laws of God.
1) There is the small vignette in the New Testament outlining the story of the Tribute Money (Matthew 22:15-22,
Mark 12:13-17, Luke 20:20-26). Christ is asked if it is lawful to give tribute money to Caesar. Few would
understand that the sacred scripture is the Tribute Money or should I say instead that the individual’s soul is
the Tribute Money. It is difficult for the average initiate to understand that the sacred scripture is God
communicating with the soul. God is not speaking to the multitudes; rather, God is speaking to the individual
in a Mono e Mono (one on one)19 relationship and of course God is speaking to the infinite souls of creation
simultaneously. Each individual hears the WORD OF GOD from a different perspective according to his or her
raison d’être (read up on Pentecostal Sunday). I, personally, see the WORD OF GOD as an impersonal
universal spiritual law, which distributes its governing dynamic transcendental powers according to the
individual’s psychic deportment.
The Pharisees asked Jesus Christ “is it lawful to give Tribute Money to Caesar?” And Christ said, “Show
me the tribute money” and they show him a penny. Jesus asked, “Whom super-inscription is that?” And the
Pharisees answered “Caesar’s” and Jesus said “give unto Caesar
that which is Caesar’s and give unto God that which is God’s”. The
key word in this discussion is “super-inscription”. To mint the
penny the super-inscription of Caesar has to be married (etched) to
the penny; thus, if the penny is melted down, the image of Caesar is
‘Gone with the Wind’. The individual (sacred scriptures): i.e. penny
retains his or her soul (sacred scriptures retain its integrity). In
other words Caesar symbolizes the powers and belief systems in the
world (sins of the world) that dominate the soul. It is easy to
envisagewhat Christdid here. Jesus Christdiscusses the penny as if
the penny symbolized owing allegiance to two masters: i.e. God or
Caesar. As long as the psyche retains the addiction or obsession it
has to the world its allegiance is to Caesar.
Quintessentially, when the individual pays taxes to the
government essentially thatperson is givingof him or herself to the
world. Paying taxes symbolically is not just paying money to the
government it is one’s total and absolute commitment and
allegiance to his or her belief systems (Caesar), which the psyche
becomes obsessed or addicted to. The symbolism of the soul (penny) is a day’s wages earned with Caesar’s
image on it and the individual has to toil by the sweat of his or her brow all day long to maintain that status
19 I deliberately used this phraseMonoe Mononot because so-called experts tellus itis a misinterpretation ofMano AMano (man to man).
Mono itself means one andManois interpreted as man. Monoe Mono is a deliberately created phrase.This goes toillustrate how quickly the
averageindividualwilladheres tothedictates oftheacademic symbolically the KNOW ITALL. “Sometime”, as Sigmund Freud would say, “a
cigar is a cigar”and mostacademics areinsensitive tothat kind ofthinking especially when they can get their two cent in or should I say get
their snide remarks in sideways.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
quo. In every sense the ego is psychically hardwired to believe in the belief systems of the world and not to
know of anything other than what the addiction or obsession is conveying to its psyche.
Entering into the world of Christ is not as easy as stepping into the secular world. It takes the
individual’s whole heart, mind, soul, time, energy and resources to enter into the world of FAITH: Garden of
2) In the twenty-seventh chapter of Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia, second volume La Purgatorio, Virgil
and Dante have to traversea wall of flames that is hotter than the fires of Hell. That wall of flames (Faith) that
Dante speaks of is symbolic of the whole of Dante’s experience in La Purgatorio up to that point. Moving
through the wall of flames is the melting down of the belief systems (super-inscription) that the psyche has
carved out for itself in the world; hence, traversing the wall of flames is the ridding of the psyche of Caesar’s
belief systems and regaining one’s soul.
This is very much like interpreting the sacred scriptures aright. Initially, when approaching the sacred
scriptures the initiate has at his disposal the beliefs systems of the world (swimming against the tide) to aid
him or her in interpreting the text and/or listening to WHOEVER is the charismatic speaker presently on the
podium. This is synonymous to beating your head against the wall; for the reason that, it is known that
continuously trying the same techniques over and over again, with the same belief systems in play, trying
to get different result is the act of a crazy person. At
this stage of awareness the psyche is battling against
itself via its own belief systems. Unless the soul burns
away the surface texts of the sacred scripture he or
she cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Remember
that the sacred scripture is the psyche: ego-
consciousness and the personal unconscious ego
(Shadow): i.e. Boaz and Jachin. Boaz and Jachin stand
at the entrance to the temple or cathedral; because,
ego-consciousness (Sun = Boaz) and the personal
unconscious ego (Shadow) (Moon = Jachin) are not
allowed in the temple or cathedral separately; for the
reason that, they have to be mystically and psychically
married. This image of Boaz and Jachin is beautifully
displayed at Chartres Cathedral on the West Façade’s
Royal Portal’s north and south towers symbolizing the
Sun and Moon. These same images of Boaz and Jachin
are found in all Masonic Temples. With the Sun and
Moon married they are psychically Christ-
consciousness: i.e. Garden of Eden. Below is an image
of the Vesica Piscis above the central portal to
Chartres Cathedral. Only by Boaz and Jachin coming
together is the image of Christ, in the midst of the
Vesica Piscis, possible; for the reason that, this union
of Boaz and Jachin is the Birth of Christ. Those that
study the history of Chartres Cathedral will see this entire paradigm of the Birth of Christ worked out in the
different architectural stages of its construction. Let me point out here that Boaz represents the immediately
solar system and the Jachin symbolizes the Lunar Zodiacal system, which the two are analogous to the big
and the small.
a) Chartres Cathedral20 as we know it today commenced its building project, after the fire of 102021, during
Bishop Fulbert tenure at the cathedral. The ROMANESQUE architectural style of Chartres Cathedral
symbolized the obstinacy of the ego to fully embrace the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church; hence,
21 This datednumber1020symbolizes thatChrist is theCrown ofCreation. The last four Hebrew letters spell out the word CHRISTin Greek
(krst) has theGematria value of1000and the number#20 symbolizes the CrownofCreation. This shows that theEgo has become subservient
to CHRIST. This is why the mythoi ofChartres Cathedral have the legend ofthe very first fire in the cathedral in the year 1020AD.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
the thick walls thatonly allowed a small amount of light into Chartres Cathedral proper: i.e. the mythoi of
the building’s construction symbolizing ego-consciousness’ steady progress into religious matters.
b) Before 1020 the community was basically Christian coming out of the pagan period. The site of Chartres
Cathedral22 is actually aligned to Stonehenge duringthe midsummer sunrise,which is an ancient Druid or
Celtic monument. ‘There’s no evidence of any building before the pagan Gallo Roman chapel c. AD 500;
however, certain early literature sources have claimed that the site was sacred to the Carnutes, a powerful
Gaulish tribe, who had a Druid grotto dedicated to a pre-Christian virgin who they believed would conceive
and bear a son. The first known Christian chapel was the Merovingian chapel AD 743. There a total of five
churches built on the site and it gives me the impression that the mythos of the symbolism of the five
coffins the pope is buried in [cloths, pine, and zinc, oak and marble coffins: i.e. progression to sainthood].’
c) There was a firein the town of Chartres in 1134 and also possibly in the ROMANESQUE Chartres Cathedral
north tower (?) before the new cathedral was completed and that is a very interesting nuance. The town
of Chartres Cathedral is the very essence and spirituality of the cathedral on a symbolic level. I see these
fires at Chartres Cathedral as the wall of flames in the twenty-seventh-chapter of Dante Alighieri’s La
Purgatorio in his trilogy La Divina Commedia. The fires at Chartres Cathedral and its rebuilding in the
Romanesque and then the Romanesque/Gothic style epitomize the spiritual progress of the soul moving
through that wall of flame. The second fire in 1134 only damaged the Wes t Façade and thus a whole new
style of architect is given birth by amalgamating the Romanesque style of architecture to the Gothic style
of architecture, which symbolized the birth of the God/Man Christ in the midst of darkness: i.e. LIGHT out
of DARKNESS. It always amazed me that only the West Façade was damaged in 1134; however, if you
look at the buildingof the ROMANESQUE style of Chartres Cathedral as the individual building the Temple
of God in his soul the burning of the West Façade of the cathedral is not such an amazing event. The
concept of the ‘west’ is symbolic of entering the material world from the east; thus, in contrast entering
the cathedral the soul is moving back towards the east: i.e. symbolically moving towards God.
d) The Romanesque style married to the Gothic style is the Birth of the God/Man Jesus Christ and this is
precisely why Christ is in that Vesica Piscis on the West Façade for the Vesica Piscis symbolizes the
22 CHARTRES: Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space, by Gordon Strachan
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
material and the spiritual realms coming together: symbolically the first letter of Genesis: BETH. It is not
that ego-consciousness (Sun-Boaz) or the personal unconscious ego: i.e. Shadow (Moon-Jachin) is Christ;
rather, it is the marriage (beheading: i.e. destruction of the ego) of Boaz and Jachin that summons Christ
into the world.This concept is beautifully depicted in the T-shape columns in Circle-D archeological site of
Göbekli Tepe23 twelve thousand years ago in contrast to the Moai24 statues on Easter Island that display
their egos prominently. It is obvious that the architectural styles of Chartres Cathedral symbolize the
material (Romanesque) and the spiritual (Gothic) realms. The Romanesque style of architecture that
symbolizes both ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow). Don’t get the idea that
the Gothic style symbolizes the personal unconscious ego: i.e. shadow (Moon-Jachin); rather, it is the
marriage of Boaz and Jachin that exude the material/spiritual symbolizing: God/Man Christ. Once this
Alchemical Marriage takes place in the soul Christ can burn down the Romanesque architectures
(materialistic psyche: ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow)).
e) In 1194 sixty years after the second fire of 1134 the whole ROMANESQUE part of Chartres Cathedral
burns down except the West Façade[what arethe odds?]. This is beautiful description of the soul moving
east burningaway the false beliefs of the material world and this is after obtaining Christ-consciousness
and obtaining residence in the Garden of Eden. The rebuilding of Chartres Cathedral except for the West
Façadewas done solely in the Gothic style of architecture, which symbolizes the Garden of Eden bath in a
great deal of light via it stain-glass windows. The stain-glass windows symbolizes the God/Man
interpreting the sacred scriptures via the light of God; however, note that the Romanesque foundation
and floor of the cathedral remained intact meaning that what is known spiritually still needs the aid of
ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind to archive in memory that database of knowledge.
f) Chartres Cathedral is a very beautiful contrast between the stone statues and stain-glass windows
surrounding the cathedral telling the stories of the bible: Old and New Testaments. The stories in stones
are analogous to white sepulchers that emit no spiritual light or it should be said not anywhere near the
spiritual light emitted by the stain-glass windows. The stone statues symbolize the Romanesque style of
architecture and the stain-glass windows symbolize the Romanesque/Gothic style of architecture. It can
be said that the Gothic symbolizes the light and the Romanesque symbolizes the paint the light shines
23 t-shapestones in Circle-D are built similar to statues onEaster Island, which haveheads.
24 statues on Easter Island are shapedsimilar tothet-shapestones in GöbekliTepe, which haveno heads.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
a. Thus, it can be envisaged that there are three parts to building the temple in the soul, which is
analogous to the Trinity.
i. The Romanesque style of architecture symbolizes the psychic: ego-consciousness and
the personal unconscious ego (Shadow), which has advance from paganism to the
Jewish temple
1. This last is intuited from the Labyrinth that still is etched into the floor of
Chartres Cathedral is the same diameter size as that of the ROSE WINDOW on
the West Façade. This Labyrinth is analogous to John the Baptist prophesying
about the Lamb of God. The Labyrinth foresee the Rose Window, which puts
Christ as the centerpiece of creation
ii. The Gothic/Romanesque style of architecture is symbolic of the God/Man Christ: i.e.
“Elohym separating the heavens (Moon - Jachin) and the earth (Sun - Boaz)” as outlined
in the first chapter of Genesis. The separation of the big and the small gives distinction
between the two that were confused in their roles in creation. Once this distinction is
envisaged by the two an Alchemical Marriage between the two can take place, which
allows for the burning down of the Romanesque style of architect and the mystical rise
of the Gothic Cathedral.
1. The Gothic/Romanesque style of architecture is the generic mystical theme of
the Roman Catholic Church’s teachings: i.e. WORD OF GOD via the Christian
iii. The Gothic styleof architecture is purely the teachings of God: spiritual laws of creation:
i.e. creatio continua.
g) The labyrinth on the floor of Chartres Cathedral is of the Romanesque period and is diametrically opposite
to its counterpart, which is the Rose Window on the West Façade. The Rose Window and the Labyrinth
both have the same measurements. The analogy is that of BERESHITH: “in the beginning”, which will be
discussed at length below. The labyrinth is on the floor symbolizing the horizontal and the Rose Window
symbolizes the vertical: i.e. The Cross of Christ or the cross within the sphere or the symbol of the
spiritualized sun: i.e. Alchemical Marriage of ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego
(Shadow). Walking the labyrinth in Chartres
Cathedral without the meditative guidance of the
Rose Window on the West Façade is in fact the
obedience of following the dictates of another. It
is in fact walking a straight line every which way
but loose; however, “into thy hands I commend
my spirit”, as Christ says on the Cross is not
walking that labyrinth. It’s mouthing and
mimicking by rote the teachings of the Roman
Catholic Church without the spiritual input of the
God/Man Christ is tantamount to praying
ineffectively. Mimicking the teachings of the
Roman Catholic Church is not spiritual: i.e.
burning the Church down to the ground.
h) Consider the Kamea of Saturn that is in the center
of the ROSE WINDOW on the west façade and
Christ is in the center of that. Now take the Cross
of Christ and stretch the horizontal beam north
and south and then stretch the vertical beam of
the cross east and west and voila the Kamea of Saturn appears. It is not that the Kamea of Saturn did not
already exist in the image of the Cross but now you have the schematics for building the cathedral.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
i) The Romanesque style of architect is symbolic of Solomon Temple in the rectangle format and the Gothic
styleof architectureis in the round format (octagon or the cross25). The best example I know of, and there
are many, is the fresco of Christ giving the Keys to Peter in the Sistine Chapel. In the background is an
octagon shapebuilding,which epitomizes transformingthe rectangular shapeof the SistineChapel, which
measurements mimicking Solomon Temple in the rectangle transforming into the round or octagon
shape. Emperor Constantinebuiltthe rectangular shapeof SaintPeter’s Basil ica;whereas,Julius II,rebuilt
it in the shape of an octagon.
j) The Kamea of Saturn is one of the most powerful spiritual symbolsin theworld. It is a mini -version of the
UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Materia (Perennial Matrix)26, which is used around the world
schematically to build cathedrals, churches, stupas, pyramids, etc., etc., the Chinese I Ching and Tao Te
Ching, the game of Chess, the science of Astrology, etc. Notice how the five odd numbers in the Kamea of
Saturn forms the cross: i.e. sun = ego-consciousness because only it can discriminate: i.e. ORDER;
whereas, the four even numbers create the empty space around the cross: i.e. moon = personal
unconscious ego (Shadow), which symbolizes CHAOS, which is incapable of discriminating (symbolically
the cross is an oasis in the wilderness). Notice how this magic square, the Kamea of Saturn, totals to
fifteen in all columns, rows and diagonals: i.e. perfect matrix.
k) It should be pointed out that most of the structure of the present Chartres Cathedral was finished by
1250, 15-years before Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was born or 50-years before Dante began writing his
trilogy La Divina Commedia.
l) The roof was replaced in 1836, which is a symbolic set of numbers: 1, 3, 6 and 8, which relates directly to
the phraseLord Jesus Christand his birth place(Bethlehem) and the Dawn of Christianity at least from the
contexts of the mythoi of the New Testament. These things are not coincidental especially when it put
the entire buildingprojectat816-years (1020-1836), which is the transposition of the formula for Golden
Ratio: 0.618. These are no accidental numbers brought about by chance. That roof could have been
replaced at anytime, in any year, and it wasn’t. In fact the roof points to a CROWNING achievement:
symbolizing the GENESIS FORMULA, this is an extrapolation of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH.
m) The symbolism here is that 1000 symbolizes a large ALEPH in the Hebrew coder. The total one thousand
(1000) also symbolizes the Gematria value of the word CHRIST: Tav-400, Shin-300, Resh-200 and Qoph-
100, which is codified into the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. The word CHRIST (krst) is spelt out in
Greek using the Hebrew coder; whereas, in the Hebrew coder the number twenty: KAF equals the Crown
of Creation found in sacred geometry in the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH (will be discussed and
illustrated below); therefore, when the roof, which is symbolically the crown of the cathedral was replace
in 1836, it symbolized the finishing touches of the overall process: Christ returning. The numbers 1, 3, 6
and 8 symbolizes the geodetic location of Bethlehem of Judea: i.e. 31.68 North Latitude and also the
Gematria valuefor the phraseLord Jesus Christ:i.e. 3168 and the initiating butterfly pattern (1 of 3) in the
Zodiac/Calendar year that emits the STAR OF DAVID (Star of the Magi) in the center of the Zodiac.
n) The Golden Ratio implied by 816-years (transposing 0.618) from 1020, which infers this is an instinctual
natural organic process: i.e. the Trinity working in unity and harmony: Yahweh, Elohym and Christ. In the
first chapter of Genesis Elohym (86 = 5) and Yahweh27 (26 = 8) are united to represents a set in the
Fibonacci28 sequence. In fact there are other parts of the bible that infers this Golden Ratio/Fibonacci
sequence even to be well worked out and established in the first word and first two verse of Genesi s.
25 Those that haveeyes to see andears to hear willrecognize thecathedral and church built intheshapeofa cross is analogous totheoctagon
shape: i.e.theKamea ofSaturn, whichembodies thefirst ninenumbers. The five (spiritualized Sun) odd numbers create the cross and the
other four (spiritual Moon) numbers symbolize the infinity ofthe empyrean.
26THEUNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Material (PerennialMatrix) and
27 The word Yahwehis impliedfrom a number offactors inthefirst chapter ofGenesis.
28 Of course Fibonacciwasn’taliveatthetime; however,that doesn’t meanthat the concept was notknown.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
The fire in Chartres Cathedral in 1020 is symbolically the birth of Christ in the soul for it symbolizes the
crowning achievement of the spiritual awakening. The number 1000 in the year 1020 symbolizes the large Aleph
in the Hebrew coder or the spellingof the word Christin Hebrew: Qoph (100),Resh (200),Shin (300) and Tav (400).
The number 20 in the year 1020 symbol Kaph the eleventh letter of the Hebrew coder and has the numerical value
of twenty, which symbolizes the Crown.
I don’t believe that the symbolism of the year 1020 symbolically reflecting the fire in Chartres Cathedral , in
that year, infers any demeaning character to the previous Catholic churches that stood on that site other than that
the fire suggest that the psyche of the individual:symbolically theVirgin Mary,in the congregation of that previous
Church had a spiritual insight (Christ Child). This is why Chartres Cathedral is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In
readingthe New Testament’s accountof the angel Gabriel’s (symbolically Joseph) visitto Mary at the Annunciation
it has to be understood that in order for this visit from the angel to have been experience by the individual a
spiritual event in the psyche had to have taken place, which is out of the normal experience that ta kes place in the
outer secular ‘real-world’. The harrowingchangefrom linear thought (iconoclastic) to circular thinking(meditation
and analytical thought) is a life altering experience. It can be said that Joseph and Mary (psyche) become the first
Christians with that spiritual insight; for the reason that, that spiritual insight, for all intent and purpose, burnt
down Judaism in their psyche; though, they still when to the temple and kept adhering to their culture’s society
mores. This is essentially what Christ did at his Baptism, when he said to John, “Suffer it to be so now”. Essentially,
in the vignette of the Baptism of Christ, John became symbolically the spiritualized psyche. Christ needed to put
on the mantle of Judaismin order to understand it and all its nuances and John symbolized the Old Testament just
as Mary and Joseph did initially in their vignette.
Symbolically, Joseph (ego-consciousness) and Mary (personal unconscious ego) as a normal Jewish couple
(psyche) would have been students of the Torah that lived in an area of Galilee in the land of Judea that was
surrounded by Gentile29 religions, which was considered pagan. The thoughts of these Gentile religions crept into
the psyche of this Jewish couple and influenced their analysis and thoughtful meditation on the Torah. All Gentile
religions are image orientated unless they become Judaized: i.e. iconoclastic and literalistic, which happened to
Christian Protestantism and, for the most part, Catholicism; though, outwardly Catholicism still displays its
symbols. In modernity Catholicism has the laity reading the bible in translation and they read it literally like a
fundamentalist,which is virtually,for all intentand purpose, not readingthe WORD OF GOD at all. This is basically
the pathos of the psyche of the Pharisees when Jesus called them ‘white sepulchers filled with all kinds of filth”.
This is becausethey were concretized in their thoughts about the WORD OF GOD. This is the normal status quo for
all human beings; for the reason that is the nature of ego-consciousness the discriminator; however, the psyche is
not meant to be addicted or obsessive with one spiritual idea. The twenty-four hour day symbolizes the sun (ego-
consciousness) dying each day in order to be reborn the next day, which is analogous to ego-consciousness
progressing continuously ad infinitum in its understanding of the WORD OF GOD. Humans don’t think this way in
modernity; nonetheless, that is the nature of spirituality.
I agree with Catholicism that it is not necessary to read the Hebrew and Greek texts of the bible and study
these foreign languages’ alphanumeric structures in the bible 100% of the time; however, these foreign
alphanumeric structures codified to the sacred scriptures should be taught to the laity until they obtain an
understanding of the basic paradigm of hermeticism (Esoteric Science). The reason I say this is because much of
Catholicism art is based upon the basic generic alphanumeric structure of the Hebrew Torah. There is but one
vignette explaining the deep teachings of the WORD OF GOD in the entire bible and the entire Old and New
Testament are written as commentaries on that one vignette that is explained and outlined in numerous and
dissimilarmythological vignettes,which appear outwardly to be a people’s historicity. In knowing the rudiments of
hermeticism the individual can on his or her own volition study any or all the vignettes , throughout the Old and
New Testaments, to appreciate their esoteric structures30 and to obtain a deeper and more profound
understanding of the WORD OF GOD. Personally, I never found it necessary, except in one case (Abram/Abraham
29 It can be saidthat Gentile religions symbolizeforeign thoughts outside the status quo.
30 Another and very importantreason thatthesacred scriptures arestructured symbolically and alphanumerically; for the reason that, future
generations canvalidatetheir authenticity one way ortheother via theperfection ofits hermetic structure: EsotericScience: sacred geometry.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
and his two families); to go beyond the first chapter of Genesis (the first two verses) to understand the first
vignette that teaches the WORD OF GOD in its entirety. I was able to recognize this vignette in all parts of the Old
and New Testament and in many parts of the world. It was while I was recognizing the numerous examples of this
universal paradigmatic vignette, that is the WORD OF GOD, beyond the first verses of Genesis that I realized that
the numerous vignettes throughout the sacred scriptures and envisaged around the world taught the numerous
nuances that would be taught throughout the sacred scriptures if they were studied via the indigenous scriptural
languages. In other words, the whole world is the WORD OF GOD. In addition to these numerous vignettes in the
sacred scriptures and displayed all over the world it is the deep analysis and meditational thoughts on these
vignettes that add to one’s understanding of the WORD OF GOD. I believe that the reason that the bible is so
voluminous is to get across the point that Christ is none of these vignettes per se; rather, they are numerous
interpretations of the spiritual paradigm. This is why the disciples were asked the question, “Who do people say
that I am” and “Who do you say that I am”. No matter what mantle that Christ puts on he is none of them. God
cannot be defined. The WORD OF GOD can be recognized in numerous vignettes; however, God cannot be defined
by any of those vignettes.
The fires that took place at Chartres Cathedral were already discussed above. In fact all the Christian
churches on the site of Chartres cathedral were said to have been burnt down according to the historical archival
records. Whether those events actually took place or not the mythoi of the cathedrals speaks to the spiritual
imports of those fires. Personally, I think that the commencement of the Romanesque foundation of Chartres
Cathedral pretty much tells the back story to the present Gothic Cathedral. There is littledoubt, in my mind, that at
the commencement of planning for the construction of Chartres Cathedral the project from beginning to end was
already complete. A strong and sturdy foundation was needed; hence, the Romanesque foundation; however, I do
not believe, because of the finances, time and resources that the Romanesque ever got beyond the foundation of
the cathedral and I believe that was all that was plan for the Romanesque architecture for Chartres Cathedral
because itmet the needs of the historical mythoi that was being setup as the back-story for its creation. The back-
story of the several fires is too perfectly aligns to Dante Alighieri’s description of the WALL OF FLAMES (Faith) in
the twenty-seventh chapter of La Purgatorio is be a coincidence; thus, building a Romanesque cathedral just to
tear it down makes no sense. Also wall as thick and as strong as those of Romanesque architecture would not be
easy to burn down. To burn down a Romanesque cathedral of that size the heat would have been hotter than any
volcano; thus, how could the veil of the Virgin Mary have survive such a blazing inferno? The back story to any
religious mythoi is not history; therefore, is not a lie; rather, such a tale is describing a spiritual truth.
Once one gets past the discrepancies between the historical back-story and the religious mythoi it is easy to
read the dynamics of the WORD OF GOD codified symbolically into the mythoi and architecture of Chartres
Cathedral. The first part of BERESHITH is called upon with the fire of 1020 at Chartres Cathedral as the Crown of
Christ. The next part takes place in 1134. The year 1134 mimics the Hebrew alphabet coming into creation where
the last four letters enter creation, in the west, first. The first three letters into creation are TAV (400), SHIN (300)
and RESH (200). Reduced to their lowest common denominators they are 4, 3, and 2. The only letters remain after
all the other letters go out of creation are YUD (10), Aleph (1) and BETH (2): thus, when the alphabet returns it is
basically the Second Coming of Christ because the 432 creates a skip lettering sequence forming the word
BERESHITH (see the Genesis Formula image below). The year 1134 is symbolically the 4, 3, 2 coming into creation
forming the word BERESHITH; for the reason that 1134 = 9 as does 4, 3 and 2. Essentially, what the fire of 1134 is
saying after the mythoi of the texts are broken down into its smallest constituent component elements and the
origins of how the sacred scriptures were written and what their original source material were: i.e. Universal
Mathematic Matrix it is learned that ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind went toward each other and
amalgamated causing a spiritual event to occur in the psyche; hence, the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH: i.e. “in
the beginning”.
The fire of 1194AD when the entire Romanesque cathedral, except the West Façade, burnt down was sixty
years from 1134AD and the year 1194 is reduced to six symbolically displaying the interpretation of the first word of
Genesis: BERE-SHITH, “separated six”: i.e. separating the visible and invisible forces of creation. The year 1194AD
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
was the year the Gothic part of the Chartres Cathedral rose from its foundation. This is why the first chapter of
Genesis is written with only six days of creation to symbolize this separating of the six seen and the six unseen
forces in creation. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are only used as a symbolic tool; thus, the six and six merely
represents the concept of ‘half and half’.
The alphanumeric spelling of the word BERESHITH literally shows a skip lettering sequence. These ten letters
symbolize the ten columns (first row: i.e. first multiplication table) in the 10 x 10 square and when the two halves
of the matrix go towards each other they have no option other than to create a skip-cell-sequence, which is
interpreted here as a skip-lettering-sequence. When that amalgamation is complete the Kundalini rises within the
manifested Vesica Piscis. The two letters BETH and RESH inside the Vesica Piscis together by themselves create
the word BERESHITH. The letter BETH spelt out BETH-YUD-TAV is merely interpreted as “IN”; whereas, RESH is
spelt RESH-ALEPH-SHIN, that in itself is interpreted as separating the Heavens and the Earth: i.e. the spiritual and
the material. After the word BERESHITH is written then the first verse of Genesis is written from an interpretation
of that letter RESH; thus, it can be seen that the first verse of Genesis was already conceived and structured
abstractly before it was written in ink as “in the beginning Elohym separated the beginning and ends of the
heavens and the beginnings and ends of the earth”. As it can be seen the nines in the matrix symbolize the
MONAD besides the number ones. All the ones and nines symbolize Elohym in the Genesis Formula, which create
the Vesica Piscis; thus, when the first verse of Genesis is read part of what is written in the empyrean is written
and incorporated into that first verse. Notice that the three letters in the empyrean and the five letters in the
word BERESHITH, encompassed by the two circles are,in and of themselves, a set in the Fibonacci sequence,which
constellates the next number (eight) in the Fibonacci sequence. The letters TAV and DALETH symbolize the waters
of creation (Yahweh and Elohym) or the two towers (Sun and Moon) at Chartres Cathedral respectively and this is
why the Vesica Piscisis illustrated in the central portal of the West Façade. TAV and DALETH as the symbols for the
North (sun) and South (Moon) Towers could not be part of the two circles forming the Vesica Piscis. It can be
envisaged that when the fire of Chartres Cathedral took place in 1134 the Genesis Formula was already known as
was the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX (10 x 10 matrix) otherwise the West Façade of the Chartres
Cathedral could not have been built in the symbolic manner in which it was built.
The two towers of Chartres Cathedral present an apparent enigma; for the reason that, the Moon in it setting
in the South and the Sun is rising in the North, which is diametrically opposite to what is taking place in the word
BERESHITH where BETH (Sun) is going from east to west and RESH (Moon) is going from North to South. The
enigma of Chartres Cathedral two towers is solved by looking at what takes place in the Sistine Chapel (see images
below). Notice in the Sistine Chapel the frescoes depicting the Life of Christ are on the North wall just as the Sun
Tower on the West Façade of Chartres Cathedral is on the North Side. BERESHITH symbolizes a new day since
scripturally the new day begins at sunset; thus, when the sun rises it symbolizes Christ consciousness.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
a. The first thing to know about this 10 x 10 matrix is that it is an artistic manifestation of the, one and
only, commentary on the MONAD (Soul: i.e. God/Man): i.e. this matrix is second to none. This matrix
is created naturally/mystically in every psyche upon conception; for the reason that the soul 31
seemingly split in half upon entering into the world. These two halves of the psyche are ego-
consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow).
b. However, in order to achieve Christ consciousness the two halves of the psyche (matrix): i.e. ego-
consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow)will have to come towards each other in
unanimity32. That is easier said than done.
c. When the psychecomes into the world it already has a formed personality33; though, it is ignorant of
all knowledge of the world.
31 The soul retains its identity as theSon ofGod: i.e. MONAD/CHRISTeven as it projects its two halves into the world as ego-consciousness and
the unconscious mind. The soul can neither be destroyed nor lose its identity.
32 This is not to say that thewholeofthe spiritualand thewholeofthematerial amalgamateinto Christconsciousness. This only means that
which enamors thepsyche oftheindividualunites withits spiritualcorrespondenceand it’s within those spiritualboundaries that thesage lives
out his or her life with God.
33 I believe this personality thatis already completelyformed whenthechildis birthed intotheworld is based upon genetics and the psychic
activities of the parents during the fetus’ gestation period otherwise when the soul is split into the psyche: ego-consciousness and the
unconscious mind it is tabula rasa (blank slate).
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
d. Humanity has evidence that the psyche’s matrix (ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious
ego (Shadow)) existand there is littledoubt that the soul has instantaccess to the soul’s omniscience
via the realm of CHAOS before it is coalesce into the psyche’s matrix, which the soul can
instantaneously coalesceinto ORDER to deal with any problem or question that arises;paradoxically,
the soul is without an archival database (library) of knowledge; for the reason that, a reservoir of
knowledge or archival databasedoes not actually existuntil itis needed; yet, all spiritual and material
knowledge is derived from the soul via the manifested matrix.
i. The soul can only live in the world via one of two ways. It is impossible for the soul to live
outside the perimeters of its psychic boundaries: ego-consciousness and the personal
unconscious ego (Shadow).
1. FIRST: the soul has to involuntarily forfeitits inherent ability to access omniscience;
thus, ego-consciousness inflate itself in order to come into the world like a new
born baby; whereas, the personal unconscious ego (Shadow) archives all that ego-
consciousness has personally rejected and this latter has nothing to do with the
matrix per se.
2. SECOND: the psyche: ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego
(Shadow) have to regain its soul while living in the world creating its personal
Garden of Eden.
ii. It is only through the matrix that materialistic knowledge or spiritual omniscience can be
obtained and/or understood; for the reason that, the psyche (matrix) is all that exist. There
is literally nothing else in all of creation.
e. Here in this matrix it is seen that the number nine (9) symbolizes DARKNESS; for the reason that, the
other eight numbers pair off into sets of opposites totaling nines: i.e. 1 and 8 (Fire), 2 and 7 (Earth), 3
& 6 (Air), 4 & 5 (Water).
i. The total numerical value of the matrix is 630, which would total to 70-nines: 40-nines
symbolizethe circle:i.e. 360º; whereas, the other 60-cells total to 30-nines or 270,which is a
number that is the transposition of 207, which is the Gematria value of the Hebrew word
LIGHT used in the first and fourth days of creation.
1. The numbers two and seven symbolize the second and seventh multiplication
tables, which are in reverse of each other and they represent the mystic element
EARTH, which points to ORDER out of CHAOS or LIGHT OUT OF DARKNESS. This is
why 207 is the Gematria value of LIGHT and the reason that the New Testament has
27-books; for the reason that the New Testament is the LIGHT out of the DARKNESS
of the Old Testament.
ii. This number 207 become important because the first (31) and second (38) days of creation
total to 69-words and the third and fourth days of creation each have 69-words totaling 207-
words for the first four days of Genesis.
iii. The seventy34 nines in the matrix represent the birth of consciousness; however, the totality
of those seventy nines also symbolize DARKNESS; for the reason that, the other eight
numbers are including in those seventy nines. They represent DARKNESS because the four
elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water have thus far not been culled out of the DARKNESS.
iv. In the above image of the matrix illustrating the Vesica Piscis there are:
1. 8-cells with red dots
2. 7-cells with blue dots
3. 1-cell with an orange dot, which is analogous to the blue. This orange color is used
to show where Saint Peter’s statue is positioned in Saint Peter’s Basilica.
34 This is becausethenumber seventy breaks down tothenumber seven: i.e. 1, 2 and 4, which symbolizes the first letter ofGenesis: BETH,
which has the Gematria value of412.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
a. These color coded dots are displayed here merely to emphasize the pillars
that houses the Founder Saints35 and to illustrate more ostentatiously the
Vesica Piscis in relationship to the Founder Saints.
4. Each of these dots on the floor plan representing Saint Peter’s Basilica symbolize
two statues (one above another) in the same niche in the pillar and these sixteen
color dots symbolize 31-Founder Saints and Saint Peter totaling the 32nd statue
within the matrix’s proper. This coincides with the 32-times the Hebrew word
35 Saint Peter’s Basilica interactivefloor planis alphanumerically formatted to coincide
with the mysticalnature ofthe firstletter ofGenesis: BETH, which is the second letter ofthe Hebrew coder. The twenty al phabetic sites
representthe39-Founder Saints. The 80-numerical designated sites added to the 20-alphabetic sites total to 100-sites. The eighty (80)
symbolizes PEI theseventeenth letter in theHebrew coder, whichesoterically inundates andsurrounds theletter BETH. The letter BETH is the
number two;whereas,twentyis Kaph: i.e. Crown ofCreation. WhenBETH andPEI amalgamate BETH ascends to the level ofKAPH, which in
turn melds with PEIcreating thenineteenthletter oftheHebrew coder QOPH,which has the numericalvalueofonehundred (100) as inthe10
x 10 matrix. QOPH symbolizes theMost High Godas theGardenofEden. TheFounderSaints arethose individualthat haveorganized religious
organizations within theCatholicChurch. They symbolize the fluidity ofCatholicism or the life blood oftheRomanCatholic Church and this is
why they collective form the CROSS OF CHRIST.
VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology
ELOHYM is used in the first chapter of Genesis. As it can be seen in the above
image two circles diametrically opposite to each other: i.e. spiritual (blue) and
material (red) come towards each other formatting the Vesica Piscis; thus, it can be
seen that 2 x 8 of those Founding Saints coalesce to create the VESICAL PISCIS and
the other 2 x 8 are left in the darkness.
a. There are actually forty Founder Saints in Saint Peter’s Basilica; however, I
am only dealinghere with the 32-FoundingSaints that arehoused in the 10
x 10 matrix.
b. The forty Founding Saints form an elongated cross as oppose to the
equidistant cross that is housed in the 10 x 10 matrix, which only uses 32-
of the Founder Saints.
v. The word ELOHYM in the first chapter of Genesis has the Gematria value of 86; however,
when the letters that make up the word ELOHYM are broken down into their constituent
components and put into a circle going counterclockwise the formula for pi exudes from it:
i.e. 3.1415. The word Elohym is being defined as both the diameter and the circumference
of the circle.
1. All this is mentioned to point out that the 32-uses of the word ELOHYM has an
aggregate of 528 and when the 32-Elohyms are sequentially place into a circle the
diameter of said circle is 168,
which is the aggregate of 3-18,
which are the numbers of the 16-
ELOHYMS in the first four days of
creation; whereas, the remaining
16-uses of the word ELOHYM has
the aggregate of 360 or the
degrees in a circle.
2. The first four days of creation is
not only calling ELOHYM the
LIGHT; but, it is also defining
ELOHYM as the DARKNESS and the
Kundalini Serpent; for the reason
that, 168 is the amount of hours in
a week; but, also because the four
Kabbalistic Tree of Life categories used to represent the LIGHT have a pattern of the
3½ coiled Kundalini rising on the central column of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life: i.e.
Sefirahs (48), Single Letters (48), Double Letters(48) and Mother Letters (24).
a. It is shown here that the LIGHT (Yahweh), DIAMETER of the circle (Elohym)
and DARKNESS (Most High God: i.e. spiritual law). This Vesica Piscis
symbolizing the spiritual vision is analogous to the Trinity.
b. The Vesica Piscis obviously represents the spiritual vision that the initiate
receives, which in turn symbolizes the LIGHT the individual culls out of the
DARKNESS; thus, each individual creates his own idea of ELOHYM (God).
This infers that there are as many gods in Christianity as there are in
Hinduism being that each baptized Catholic is a CHRIST.
c. It is literally amazing to see this data about the Kundalini Serpent
transposed from the matrix to the scriptural creation account.
3. Thus it can be seen that in this concept of the Vesica Piscis the biblical scribes
codified into the first chapter of Genesis is conceptually the same data that was
culled out of the matrix.
a. As it can be seen the diameter of the circle is produced by the sixteen
ELOHYMS forming the LIGHT or vice versa sixteen ELOHYMS forms the
DARKNESS. These thirty-two (32) Elohyms symbolize the 32-teeth in the

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  • 1. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 1 THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology William John Meegan ABSTRACT THE KUNDALINI RISING FROM THE MYTHOI OF THE JUDEAO-CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURES The Kundalini isa strangeand unfamiliar conceptto the monotheistic religions in modernity; nonetheless, the Judeao Christian Scriptures and theRoman Catholic Church’s artworks have a number of examples that I am aware of symbolizing and conveying the concept of the Kundalini mythoi. In addition there is plenty of evidence that Catholicismbuilt Chartres Cathedral as a monument to the Kundalini Serpent. None of this symbolic evidence has ever been exposed overtly to any great lengths to the laity. That evidence is of coursecovertly placed in plain sight for all to partakeof; however, few recognize that symbolic artwork for what itis. In this paper I will laid out all the evidence of the mythoi of the Kundalini that I am aware of, which is extensive seeing modernity know nothing about this spiritual concept in the Judeao Christian traditions. There may be some scholars that know something about this spiritual concept; however, it seems that they have chosen to keep silent about it. I do understand the strict mandate that exudes from the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Materia (Perennial Matrix) and why the ancients esoterically (covertly) hid this esoteric science from the laity; however, from another perspective this spiritual knowledge had to be communicated explicitly (overtly) throughout monasteries and convents, built like cities housing thousands of monks or nuns, in the Early Middle- Ages otherwise I cannot see how the literature, history and cathedrals could have risen from the Dark Ages. I see the phrase “DARK AGES” as a cute little symbolic designate to symbolize the DARKNESS from which the LIGHT comes as outlinein the firstday of creation. I believe that such monasteries that knew of this esoteric science still exist and are covertly carrying on their work. One very clear reason, I believe this, is because Freemasonry knows of its existence and is still codifying esoteric symbolism to the world’s mythoi 1. The ancients from Christianity perspective are Roman Catholics symbolizing CHRIST; whereas, Freemasonry explicitly adheres to the teachings of John the Baptist, Christ’s first cousin. Catholicism comes at esotericism from the perspective of perfection: i.e. “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect (Matthew 5:48). There is no DARKNESS in Christ for the waters of Creation represent the DARKNESS and CHRIST is the LIGHT that comes out of the DARKNESS. The teaching of John the Baptist shows how to get out of the DARKNESS; whereas, the teachings of CHRIST illustrates how to stay out of the DARKNESS. 1 Here I am speaking to Freemasonry work on the American pathos long beforetheRevolutionary War rightup to the presentday.
  • 2. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 2 Understanding esoterically and psychologically the difference between the teachings of John the Baptist (Freemasonry) and Jesus Christ (Catholicism) goes a long way in understanding the intended goal of the soul. Baptism from the waters of Jordan was synonymous to the teachings of Judaism (Old Testament: i.e. ego- consciousness).The symbolismof Baptismis learningthebasics of Judaismand fromthat Christwill risein the soul likethe risingof the Kundalini.Very few that are symbolically Baptized can riseup out of the water as the Kundalini Serpent (Christ). Even Peter found it difficult to rise up out of the water when he sank into it (Matthew 14: 22-33). Notice how the beginning of Matthew 14 is all about John the Baptist. 22And straightwayJesus constrainedhis disciples to get intoa ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away. 23And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountainapart to pray:andwhen the evening was come, he was there alone. 24But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossedwithwaves:for the windwas contrary. 25And inthe fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walkingon the sea. 26Andwhenthe disciplessaw himwalkingon the sea, theywere troubled, saying, It is a spirit;and theycriedout for fear. 27But straightwayJesus spake untothem, saying, be of goodcheer;it is I;be not afraid. 28AndPeter answeredhimandsaid, Lord, ifit be thou, bid me come unto thee onthe water. 29And he said, come. AndwhenPeter was come downout of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. 30But when he sawthe windboisterous, he was afraid;andbeginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. 31AndimmediatelyJesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, andsaid unto him, O thou oflittle faith, wherefore didst thoudoubt? 32Andwhentheywere come into the ship, the wind ceased. 33Then theythat were inthe shipcame andworshipped him, saying, of a truth thou art the Son of God. I always like this New Testament vignette for it illustrates what is meant when a Christian is saved by merely calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Peter was already saved because he was walking on the water and he knew what would happen to him if he sunk beneath the water. The water is analogous to the materialistic commercial world and ignorance of one true nature. No one once out of it wants to go back into that milieu. John the Baptist (Old Testament) esoteric teachings is what Freemasonry codifies and mapped out in the streets, buildings and monuments of the world: i.e. example Washington DC. What does the Old Testament teach? The Old Testament teaches to those that do not have ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD2)’, which is what basically ails 99.999…% of humanity, the esoteric science. The example of Washing DC illustrates that the vertically streets are named numerically;whereas,the horizontal streets are named alphabetically and the diagonal streets are given the names of the first thirteen colonies of the United States of America. Freemasonry by mapping out Washington this way illustrates precisely how the Judeao Christian Scriptures are esoterically and alphanumerically structured letter by letter, creating words, which esoterically codifies sacred geometry into the texts as it does the streets of Washington DC: i.e. all of this is collectively the WORD OF GOD if one knows how to interpret the esoteric science. Freemasonry’s motto is “Making Good Men Better”. This Freemason motto points out that there are three types of people: 1) A person that doesn’t study religion, 2) those Good Men that study religion and 3) those Better Men that obtained Christ consciousness. The Old Testament symbolizes the waters of creation and until the initiate can walk on water he or she cannot truly be a Christian. In other words the individual Jewhas to become Christian. Whatis called Christian in modernity is merely materialistic jargon. This does not mean that a person born a Jew has to leave his cultural mores for he or she can still live in his or her Jewish community all the while living symbolically with a Christian way of thought. In the Jewish community such a spiritual person would be designated as a Kabbalistic. In the Medieval Period there were both Jewish and Christian Kabbalists and both groups studied the Zohar3. The words ‘common man’ and ‘Jew’ and ‘Christian’ merely designates the ‘materialist’ and the ‘initiate’ and the ‘master’ respectively. 2 In modernityplacing a normal active child intoa claustrophobic classroom (sepulcher) to be still and silent is not ADHD; yet, teachers that have the mental acuity ofchildrenthemselves givestrong, via their complaints tothemedical establishment, depressive drugs to students to calm themdown and indoing so creates medical records destroying that‘so-called’ troublesomechild’s reputation for the rest ofits life. It a very real sense what modernity is doing in the classroomto young children (basically child abuse) is what the spiritual powe rs that be does to humanity as a whole;however, it is done without drugs. It is essentially the spiritual powers ofcreation (God) leaving the idiot to its own thoughts extrapolating thatoutto humanity as a whole. ADHD fromtheperspectiveof99.999…%ofhumanity is thehuman race’s obsessive and addictivenature tobeing sepulchers or stonestatues, which is driven into them psychologically in the claustrophobic classroom: i.e. interested in nothing more than its egocentric thoughts,which is diametrically opposite toa child that is curious about eve rything. In a very real symbolicsenseshutting a child upwith strong depressivedrugs is analogous to humanity as a whole shutting out religion in adulthood. 3 _9?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1440184655&sr=1-9&keywords=zohar
  • 3. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 3 Carl G. Jung (1875-1961) the great psychiatrist and psychoanalyst investigated this Kundalini concept extensively from a psychological perspective and his work4 on this subject is highly recommended before the initiate ventures into other works on this subject from India’s Tantric scholars. Jung warns that the West should not try to assimilate the symbolism of the East; for the reason that, the Western psyche is not patient enough to assimilateIndia’s symbolism into their worldview. Adhering to Jung’s warning is the reason that I decided to write this paper so that there would be clear explicitevidence of the Kundalini Serpent mythoi symbolically outlinein the Judeao Christian mythoi and in Catholicism’s artworks. ICONOGRAPHY AND ICONOCLASTIC PARADIGMS Iconography and iconoclastic paradigms are diametrically contrary methods of reading and researching the WORD OF GOD in religious studies. In a very real sense these two conflicting paradigms are the cause of all religious and secular turmoil in the world. 4 C.G. JUNG: The Psychology ofKundalini Yoga (Notes oftheSeminarGiven in1932by C.G.Jung), edited bySonu Shamdasani, Bollingen XCIX
  • 4. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 4 ICONOGRAPHY’S PARADIGM is the study of the sacred scriptures through reading the symbolism and the alphanumeric structure of each and every letter of the scriptural text in regards to the formation of words. The WORD OF GOD is seen as having been written void of the time/space continuum. The sacred scriptures have nothing whatsoever to do with the historicity of humanity. In other words the teachings of the sacred scripture have nothing whatsoever to do with TIME. From the perspective of studying the sacred scriptures thought the lenses of symbolismit is realize that the whole purpose of studying the WORD OF GOD i s to learn about one’s own soul. When an individual comes into the world the soul splits into the psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow) and the texts of the bible presents enumerable examples via small vignettes on how the individual can regain his or her soul; thus, the entire bible is seen as a commentary on the psyche and how one’s can get to know him or herself in relationship to the spiritual powers that be: i.e. God. Those that truly understand religious symbolism and its meaning in religion see the whole vista of the world religions as being mirror images, via different symbolism, of each other. The mythoi that every culture uses to write and codify the WORD OF GOD may be disparate; however, the Esoteric Science (Seven Liberal Arts5) used to codify the WORD OF GOD is essentially thesame in all cultures;for the reason that, the spiritual scribes in all cultures around the world are usingthe same spiritual sourcematerial:i.e.MONAD6, reservoir from which their personal revelations fromthe powers that be: i.e. God streams. The ICONOCLASTIC PARADIGM totally denies symbolism when studying the sacred scripture. Here the mindset of the bible student is solely based on the historical aspects of the mythoi that were engaged to write and codify the WORD OF GOD; however, the fundamentalist (literal minded) does not believe his or her religion is based upon a contrived mythology. In fact they call such verbal and written thoughts, blaspheme; though, they themselves will relegate other religions in other cultures as mythology and of course fundamentalists in other cultures will call every other religion a contrived mythology. That would be a correct assessment of all religions; but, for the wrong reasons. The paradoxical problem, that is the elephant in the room so-to-speak, that emerges from the ICONOCLASTIC PARADIGM, is that the fundamentalists (literalists) do not have the mental acuity to conceptualize that the very words in their own culture’s vernacular vocabulary is, for all intent and purpose, symbolic of their unconscious thoughts, which have yet to manifest in speech, writing or activity. ICONOCLASTIC thinking will not allow a fundamentalist (literalist) to realize that WORDS are constructed and formed by ego-consciousness out of the chaos of the personal unconscious ego (Shadow). It is this discriminatory processthatallows ego-consciousness to select a singleword out of the entire dictionary’s vocabulary to express itself. That iconic word-selection process is based solely upon the selection of other words in the current sentence and other sentences that will or have formulated the paragraph (complete idea). Fundamentalists (Literalists) cannot conceptualize that a one word definition for any word, in the process of reading a text linearly or listening to a conversation, is insufficient knowledge to grasp what the textual material was written to convey or what another individual is trying to convey in the conversation. Outside the esoteric science human thought is too trivial and superfluous to even consider outside of the everyday activities. Materialistic thought, word and deed is not consciously structured with the same integration of the SEVEN LIBERAL ARTS codified into the sacred scriptures as one esoteric science. Human thoughts, words and deeds are basically and collectively chaos; for the reason that, the archetype of ego-centrism is the primary light guiding the initiate through life. This is basically why the average individual isoften misunderstood as to his conversations and deeds. Actually,the thoughts, words and deeds of an individual areesoterically structured butin such a chaotic mode that the WORD OF GOD codified to mundane activities is hardly worth researching; however, in many instances the WORD OF GOD is recognized in different peoples thoughts, words and deeds by those that study ICONOGRAPHY. This illustrate that the whole world is imbued with symbolism that expresses the WORD OF GOD throughout every human being’s lifespan. 5 THE SEVEN LIBERAL ARTS: Arithmetic, Music/Harmony, Geometry,Astronomy/Astrology, Grammar, Rhetoricand Logic/Dialectics. The bibleis read for the most partin translationall over the world. Evenifthebiblestudentwas to readthesacred scriptures in the indigenous languages of the original texts he orshewouldonly seethegrammatical aspects ofthetexts not realizing that the other six liberal arts are codified into the alphanumeric structure ofthe text; thus, reading the sacred scriptures literally is not obtaining 1% of1% ofthe WORD OF GOD. 6 The UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX is a commentary on the MONAD; though, this matrix can be studied as the psyche: ego- consciousness andthepersonalunconscious ego (Shadow), norealunderstanding ofwhatthis matrix conveys can beunderstood without the constant streaming revelation emanating from by the powers that be: i.e. God: i.e. Soul or GOD/MAN Christ (MONAD).
  • 5. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 5 WHAT IS THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: i.e. Hermeticism? Experiencing and living the spiritual life: i.e. the ambiance of God is not something that can be conceptually conveyed, by any human means, to another. The Esoteric Science7, the sum-total of all knowledge8 derived exclusively from the MONAD9, is the only human technique10 that can animate esotericism11 on a religious level and this can only be cognized by the initiate via a mono-e-mono relationship with God (spiritual powers: i.e. laws of creation). The sacred scriptures of the world speaks to the hermeticism of the Esoteric Science; though, esotericism can be discerned through direct-revelation12 from the spiritual powers that be; however, such a direct revelation doesn’t necessarily mean that the soul that has been so graced will not search out the secrets of the esoteric science. Most if not all that receive this gift from God, like me, would not even know of the existence of the esoteric science codified to the sacred scriptures. Such an alien esoteric (hidden) science would be inconceivable to the average person in relationship to modernity’s societal mores . As for myself I fell back on my Roman Catholic heritage and upbringing in relationship to faded memories of symbolism. If I had not the faded memories of symbolism of the Roman Catholic Church to fall back on, which I have since educated myself to comprehend; I would have been floundering around so-to-speak in the wilderness of the psyche without any 7 The source of all humanknowledge, whichis obtained through the matrix ofthepsyche: ego-consciousness andtheunconscious mind, which can be artisticallyexpressed via a 10x 10 square: i.e. THEUNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX. The MONAD is notthematrix. 8 In June 1978I had a vision, oftheSUMTOTAL OF ALL KNOWLEDGEthat peppered my psyche with billions ofpieces ofinformation , which lastedno morethan a nanosecond oftime. Simultaneously tothat aspect ofthe vision I had an extrasensory visual representation ofthat experience of going down a tunnelinto the light. As timewent byI interpreted this visual aspect ofthe vision, whichinformed me, there was no such thing as death (total annihilation ofbeing), as a grave. And theinformation peppered into my mind explained to me in numerous and variantways thereasonthat deathwas not a possibility. The going down the tunnelatthespeed oflight,into the light, was a scenic view from the grave so-to-speak; whereas, itwouldtake billions ofyears for my bones to reach the light ofday. The nanosecondoftime ittook thevision to expend itself inferred that billions ofyears wereas a nanosecond with God. The going down thetunnelinto the light also showed me that my being (existence) was symbolized by the bones that were wrappedand trapped inthematerialismoftheworld. I had a glimpseofeternity: i.e. the ever presentNOW. I didnot consciously retain this omniscience knowledge; however,therestofmy lifewas andis in pursuit oftrying to understand and explain that vision to myself. My entire life, from the point of that vision, guided me in a steady progression of understanding with the possibilityofmaking a record oftherudimentary elements ofthat vision, at the least for my soul, not for the world, which is nothing morethan a phantasmagoria ofthepsyche.At this stageofmy life, at theage ofsixty-seven,I knowthat that vision exploded like the Big Bang in my psyche, at the age of thirty, as a vision; for the reason that, the content of the 10 x 10 square: i. e. Universal MathematicalMatrixwas revealed tome,from theperspective ofthedeathquestion,in thatnanosecondoftime. The question foremost on my mind at thetimeofthevision was whetherphysical deathwas thetotalannihilationofbeing. Everybody has access tothatpsychic matrix. 9 In Pythagoras’ timetheMONAD was interpreted as God. 10 Hermeticism:i.e. theEsoteric Sciences are manmadespiritual methods and techniques that are developed through the guidance ofthe spiritualpowers that be: i.e. God. Thesespiritual methods andtechniques are derivedfrom the Universal MathematicalMatrix, whichis known all over the world by all religions and Mystery Schools and this Esoteric Science does not deviate one iota from one culture to another; however, culturallythemythoiof the sacredscriptures oftheworldmay vary from one culture toanother; nonetheless, the Esoteric Science codified alphanumerically toeachoftheculture’s alphabeticcoderis thesame. On thewhole, what this means is that onceinitiates gets pass the mundanenature ofthemythoi and vernacular ofthesurfacetexts oftheirsacredscriptures theEsotericSciencecodified tothesacred texts is found to be the sameworldwide both grammatically (conceptually) and mathematically (abstractly) and most important esoterically (Esotericism is knowledge ofthetrue etherealnature ofthesoul: i.e. grasping synchronistically theconceptualand abstract nature ofthe soul in unanimity). Esotericism canonly be elucidated totheinitiateethereally via the ambiance: i.e. mystical alchemical marriage ofthe esoteric (Jachin) and exoteric(Boaz) natureofthe texts ofthesacredscriptures via theguidanceofthespiritual powers that be: i.e. in the parlance of Christianity these spiritual powers are known as the Holy Spirit. 11 Esotericismis nothumanknowledgeenvisaged via the Hermeticismoftheesoteric science; rather, itis notpossibleto expla in the nature of esotericism: astate ofcontent experiencingand livingthe spiritual life walkingwith God. To experience that stateofbeing one has to literally give his or her whole heart, mind, soul, time, finances and resources in pursuit ofit. 12 This would be a direct descentinto hell, which is theApiori experiencetocommencethe questfor knowledge ofGod in order to learn and dispensethat knowledgeesoterically since itcannot bedispersed exoterically. It is this kind ofdirect revelation that give emphasis to the initiate’s mission that Godhas designated for him or her. This missionis notfor the phantasmagoria oftheworld; though, it erroneously may appearthat way; rather, itis for thesoleedificationofthe soul. Mary BakerEddy neededto understandthe spiritual nature ofthe bible and metaphysicalhealing seeing she was sick throughout her life, CG Jung need to heal his own psychosis and Bill Wilson needed t o heal his alcoholism andas for me, I neededto understandthefoundations oflife, deathand existence seeing it all made no sense to me. These are inherentpsychicneeds not theneeds and desires ofego-consciousness.Eachindividual lives in the phantasmagoria ofhis own psyche and it is the erroneous beliefthat others are benefiting from those that havehad the spiritualexperiencethat encourages theinitiateand allows him or her to realizehe orsheis right whenhypothesizing particular ideas. For myselfmy encouragement came from sacred geometry that exuded from the esotericsciencecodified tothesacred scriptures soI did not needtheillusionthat others werebenefiting. InfactI envisagedthatthis esoteric science, which noneofthe examples I gaveknew anything about, could not beconveyedto another. The Esoteric Science itselfmay be taught; however,theesotericism that exudes fromthosehermetic sciences cannot be conveyed. It would be like trying to tel l an individual born blind the magnificence splendor ofa rainbow. That blind person would think you were a stock raving lunatic.
  • 6. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 6 support system. Many people that have this spiritual experience (vision) end up in insane asylums because they have no support system whatsoever to aid them in dealing with this traumatic psychic experience. There are individuals that have had this direct revelation from God and used their immediate obsession in life, which enamored their individual psyche, as a guiding principle in dealing with that psychic traumatic experience. Such examples13 outside of institutional religious guidance can be found in the works of Mary Baker Eddy Discover and Founder of Christian Science, Carl G. Jung the Founder of Analytic Psychology and Bill Wilson14 the Cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous. Christian Science, Analytical Psychology and Alcoholics Anonymous are valid venues for experiencing esotericism; however, they are each limited to the individual ’s attempt to elucidate the nature of esotericism: i.e. unseen powers of the spiritual forces. In every sense this is CHAOS not knowing there is an ORDERLY technique: i.e. Esoteric Science to elucidate that which they are attempting to convey. What Mary Baker Eddy’s, Carl G. Jung’s and Bill Wilson’s teachings demonstrate is that every human being can access and work with the spiritual powers that be. These people are rare and are extremely fortunate not to have been driven into an insane asylum. Each one of these individuals worked with the spiritual powers that be with what their psyches were enamored by. Mary Baker Eddy worked with the Bible; hence, Christian Metaphysics, Carl G. Jung was a psychiatric; hence, Analytical Psychology and Bill Wilson was a n active alcoholic; hence, Alcoholic Anonymous; however, if every human being went willy-nilly broadcasting his or her own brand of spirituality (Gnosticism) from their individual vocations there would be neither a STANDARD nor a CONSTANT SYSTEM (a.k.a. Emperor Constantine15) of religious thought by which the world as a whole could adhere to. In the truest sense this is why the bibleis written via the hermetically sealed sciences; for the reason that, the soul has been split in twain. Hermeticism is the ORDERLY manner that is used to convey the methods and techniques of the Esoteric Sciences, which is a product of the psyche, worldwide for the spiritual edification of all humanity in all times and climes. The esoteric sciencecomes directly from the psyche, which classifies, diversifies and individualizes these hermetic sciences as a generic system of thought systematized into the world sacred scriptures and not a system of thought created from out of a lone individual’s psyche. The exoteric and esoteric nature of the sacred scriptures is analogous to the psyche: ego-consciousness (exoteric) and the person unconscious ego: i.e. Shadow (esoteric); therefore, the entire Bible: i.e. Old and New Testaments are analogous to the dynamic interplay of the psyche in relationship to esotericism: i.e. knowledge of the soul. When the soul enters into the world it seemingly splits into the psyche: ego-consciousness and the person unconscious ego (Shadow), and via this seeming partitioning of the soul, into two parts the rational (ego- consciousness) and the irrational person unconscious ego (Shadow), the individual loses his or her soul. Ego- consciousness responds via its own ego-centric philosophy on life. That knowledge is accessed via the personal unconscious ego (Shadow) not what CG Jung called the Collective Unconscious16. 13 Such examples are, for allintent andpurpose,Gnosticism. In and ofthemselves they are not wrong; however, they do not conform to the religious esoteric paradigm. Eachofthe examples given above arelikento shards extractedfrom esotericism. Eachofthese examples is part and partial of esotericismdevoidofthehermeticism oftheesotericscience, whichinherently develops a religious system and/or a Mystery School. In every sense theseexamples I have given, which I have learneda great deal fromand whichI amverygratefulfor their existence, are disparate Gnostic Sects giving theerroneous impression that the standardizedreligious paradigm is notnecessarysinceknowledge ofGod can be obtainedby numerous materialisticmeans. In facteachoftheseexamples, excluding my researches, has created, in a sense, their own religious sect by creating worldwide organizations:The Christian Science Church, AnalyticalPsychology and Alcoholics Anonymous; whereas, my teachings are inherentin the perfection oftheROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH,whichis my secondary guide.My firstand primary guide is God, who is my only confidant. The saints arepeoplethat haveadhereto the teachings ofthe Roman CatholicChurch, which basica lly makes their identities, as time goes by, superfluous just as the disciple’s names become superfluous to the ministry and teachings ofJes us Christ. 14 I don’t consider ‘Dr. Bob’(RobertHolbrook Smith),who was anactual doctor to havebeena cofounder ofAlcoholicAnonymous with William (Bill) Wilson seeing hedid not havethe Apriorispiritual vision andbecausehe regressedback to being anactive alcoholic, which disqualifies him, in my eyes,as a cofounder ofAlcoholics Anonymous. It may bethefact, I don’treallyknow, that he was a doctor that initially gave the Alcoholics Anonymous its prestige that got the public’s attention. 15 The mythoi surrounding Emperor Constantine negatehim as actually everhaving existed as a human being; hence, the mythoi in the name CONSTANTINE referring to a STEADY, ORDERLYand CONSTANTsystemofthought: i.e.theRomanCatholic Church and this is the very reason for the AD 325 Council ofNicaea toput allofChristianity on thesamepageso-to-speak with the Nicaea Creed and the edicts that codified the Christian belief system for all times to come. Other counsels would deal with other problems that emerged. 16 Personally, I don’tbelievethereis a collectively unconscious; rather,I believethatthematrix ofthe psyche: UniversalMathematical Matrix (10 x 10 square) is what CG Jung erroneously classified as the CollectiveUnconscious. As far as I am concerned, the persona l unconscious, is merely another namefor ‘memory’andthereis a deeper level ofunconscious mind, whichCG Jung called the Shadow, which is the personal unconscious ego (a perfectexample oftheunconscious egowould belikeCG Jung’s Philemon); whereas, theAnimus or Anima is an archetypal personification of the second half of the psyche that has been rejected by ego-consciousness. The 10 x 10 matrix is a materialistic
  • 7. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 7 The Esoteric Science (Hermeticism) is solely derived from the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX, which is a real time image of the soul that seemingly split into two parts: i.e. ego-consciousness and the person unconscious ego (Shadow) when its ‘spirit’ entered into the world. Just because academia and the scientific world does not know of the existence of this matrix does not mean it does not exist as a real time representation of the psyche. Academia and the scientific communities notknowing of the existence of this psychic matrix is ‘real time’ evidence of their overall ignoranceof what religion is. This not knowing of the matrix illustrates the huge chasm that exists between the secular and religious worlds. In fact it is the matrix that is the archetypal principle that bridges the religious and the secular worlds and there is no other method by which that bridge can be built. Every religion on earth knows of this matrix; though, many of their hierarchal personnel feign that they know nothing of it. In other papers I have shown how this matrix was developed as a commentary on the MONAD; therefore, I will not repeat that material here. Suffice to say that this matrix is totally objective and is the source material of all archetypal material before manifesting as the outer (concretized) objective world or the inner subjective ‘archetypal’ complexes of the personal psyche: ego-consciousness and the person unconscious ego (Shadow). I, personally, recommend that this matrix be researched as the generic psyche and it should become the foundation of psychology and psychiatry in the future. What CG Jung meant by the Collective Unconscious is a totally different concept than what was described in the above paragraphs concerning the Universal Mathematic Matrix. I believe that what CG Jung envisaged as the ‘collective unconscious’ was the interrelationship of one human being with another, a mob mentality or humanity as a whole havinga psychic influenceon one another. One human being touching another gives a sensual pleasure that one cannot give oneself when touching oneself: i.e. touch your arm and then have another touch your arm. Touch yourself and you feel firm; whereas, touching another he or she has a softness you feel you don’t have. Being caught up in a mob mentality is raving about something that you would not normally rave above if you were outside that mob. Each human being is like a drop (bubble17) of water within an ocean of different bubble environments. No human being can escape his own bubble; though, he or she can change the psychic conditions of that effervesce by personally psychically changing him or herself. A human being may escape the environment of other individual bubbles; but, never can he or she escape his or her own psychic bubble. The bubble is, for all intent and purpose, the individual’s unconscious psychic interpretation of the matrix, which in turn psychically creates the ambianceof that bubble, which is the reason why he or she cannotescape it; whether, the individual is aware of the existence of the matrix or not. What I believe CG Jung called the Collective Unconscious is the collective person unconscious ego (Shadow) of all humanity. The matrix is outside of that ‘real time’ phenomenology; for the reason that, the matrix per se does not exist until it is needed by the individual not the collective and it is needed to generate and experience every thought, word and deed. The Jewish Zohar18 tells the story of the Hebrew coder coming into creation to have the world created through one of its alphanumeric letters, which speaks to this conceptual point of the matrix not actually existing until it is needed. This alphabetic story in the prologue of the Zohar is a commentary on the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. The matrix is the foundation of all archetypes, which creates the world and the Hebrew coder symbolizes those alphabetic archetypes that are built to coalesce with other archetypal letters to write the WORD OF GOD from the foundation of the matrix. On one hand, the matrix objectivity, void of the time/space continuum, writes the sacred scriptures of the world; on the other hand, the human psyche, knowledgeable or ignorant of the matrix, unconsciously creates its personal psyche bubble subjectively inside the time/space continuum. Essentially, by saying the matrix does not exist is, for all intent and purpose, saying the psyche does not exist. The only reason that humans believe the psyche exist is because humans live within the confines of the time/space continuum where the psyche is continuously going at the speed of summer lightning; whereas, the matrix: i.e. the psyche outside the time/space continuum does not exist. Outside the time/space continuum only the MONAD: i.e. Soul: i.e. God/Man exists. The psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind allows the soul to live in the world of finiteness under the strict conditions that it knows nothing of the MONAD: i.e. soul. manifestationofthe psyche, which cannotbe tampered with my man. It for alltimeandeternity has its owninnerstability via immutablelaws; for the reason that, it is a representation ofGod (Holy Spirit: i.e. spiritual laws ofcreation). 17 I use the word ‘bubble’to includethepsychic influences that emanates from the individual, which is allpart and partialofthetotality ofwhat emanates from the individual’s personal understanding ofthe matrix. 18 2&keywords=English+Zohar%2C+Volume+1
  • 8. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 8 This latter is essentially losing one soul; however, in entering the finite world the psyche needs to acclimate itself to those things that enamor it to regain its soul and build from that amalgamation the Garden of Eden, which is a semi-spiritual/secularworld risingfromthe matrix likea cathedral in which itcan experience and respect (worship) itself as it is: i.e. spiritual laws of creation: i.e. God. Yes, we can analyze a spiritual artistic rendition of the psyche’s matrix that is a commentary on the MONAD; however, the 10 x 10 matrix:i.e. psychedoes not actually existper se. The only thing that actually exists isthesoul (MONAD). Each person (soul) lives out his or her existence in the soul; whereas, the matrix and all that exudes from it is the phantasmagoria of the soul, which is actually in union with God (spiritual laws). The soul and God (spiritual laws) areone: i.e. MONAD and this is analogousto the individual walking in the Garden of Eden with God. The fact that God and the soul are one shows that there really is no CHAOS in the soul. The soul is basically the spiritualized-ego. The soul is thediscriminator thatis in union with the spiritual laws of creation: i.e. God (spiritual laws); however, when the ego aspectof the soul advises itself rather than consulting with the laws of God than the soul seemingly splits into the psyche: i.e. ego-consciousness (regression of the soul to a material state of being) and the person unconscious ego: i.e. Shadow (chaotic distribution of the spiritual laws). This latter is basically the oustingof Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden; therefore, it is up to the ego-centric individual to regain his soul (the ego has to attune itself to the spiritual laws: i.e. God). The soul: i.e. spiritualized ego and the spiritual laws of creation (God) are definitely not in a chaotic state of being; though, the outer world’s ego-consciousness sees the soul as CHAOS; for the reason that, the universe atlargeis an objective manifestation of the psychic matrix, which is a commentary on the soul: i.e. MONAD. It is academia and the scientific communities that are in a state of CHAOS seeing they are the ones allegedly building a database of knowledge piecemeal, without understanding that database’s relationship to the whole of creation, base solely upon the very world that the psychic matrix projects as the universe at large. The ancient people fear most CHAOS and they sought eternally to bring ORDER out of CHAOS. To the ancients CHAOS was all around them so they had to go deep within their own psyche to find ORDER. The matrix is merely an interpretation of what is believed to be CHAOS. The matrix is ORDER out of what is believed to be CHAOS. In order to coalescea spiritual artistic understandingand rendition of this 10 x 10 matrix ego-consciousness and the person unconscious ego (Shadow) have to work hand-in-glove so to speak, for the most part; the academic and the scientific communities refuse unconsciously to do this. They would rather rip from the bowels of the material creation (projection of the psyche); via their own ego-centric techniques, the answers they seek and not what are actually the spiritual laws of creation.Whatthe academic and the scientific communities are actually receiving through the lenses of their ego-centric mania is a one-sided view of reality. In endeavoring to envisage how the outer world and the universe at large was created, knowing that the 10 x 10 matrix is a real-timematerialistic manifestation of that psychic process,I came to the realization that the matrix is analogous to the real time world and the universe at large; for the reason that, the soul is seemingly split into the two parts psyche: ego-consciousness and the person unconscious ego (Shadow); though, the split psyche is a manifestation and animation of the matrix it has absolutely no control whatsoever over the matrix itself; though the matrix is a directcommentary on the MONAD: i.e. Soul/Christ/God-Man.The matrix is not a phantasmagoria of the mind; for the reason that, the MONAD/SOUL/CHRIST/GOD-MAN is the offspring of God: spiritual powers that be. The Universal Mathematical Matrix is the primary conceptual image that is closest to revealing to the initiate and by extension humanity at large the nature of God and Man. The matrix is immutable law and is what, I believe, Moses, call the TORAH. All archetypes (images and forms) of the psyche are animated manifestations exuding from the matrix via the dynamics of the individual’s psyche. The MONAD is not of a dual nature per se; for the reason that, it is an amalgamation of the spiritual and the material for these two aspects of creation, in every sense, had become one flesh as Adam and Eve does in the beginning (second chapter of Genesis). The outer world and the universeat largearenot of a dual nature per se as is the psyche of the individual. The outer world and the universeat largeis essentially a projection of the omniscience of the matrix into the world on a symbolic level via the dynamics of the MONAD not the dynamics of the individual or collectivepsyche. The psychic matrix projecting itself as the universe at large is manifesting and animating its omniscience into infinite organic and materialistic symbols nanosecond by nanosecond: i.e. creatio continua and in this manner God (spiritual law) creates and sustains creation.
  • 9. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 9 Though it will be difficult for modernity to understand this, the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX is actually a valid representation of the psyche: ego-consciousness and the personal unconsciousego; for the reason that, the matrix is a conceptualization of the MONAD. This matrix is known all over the world by all major religions and Mystery Schools. Notice that the SEASONS and CARDINAL DIRECTIONS are positioned around the matrix. SPRING and FALL are positioned with the Equinoxes and SUMMER and WINTER are positioned with the Solstices. The longest day of the year is in the SUMMER heat: i.e. expansion and the shortest day of the years is in the WINTER cold: i.e. retraction. This is mentioned to point out the nature of the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. It is the unconscious mind that introverts and it is ego-consciousness that bloats itself and expandsout like the person that is an extravert; thus,the outer nature of the world and the universe at large is projected outwardly from the matrix in precisely the selfsame manner that the generic psyche is structured. Of course these are manmade (my) interpretations. Such interpretations, of this abstract matrix, are possible once it become familiar to the researcher. I discuss the origins of this matrix in my other writings. The Goddess Fortuna is blindly twirling the WHEEL OF FORTUNE (central image), which is symbolic of not knowing the future. The background scenery mimics the pattern of the Universal Mathematical Matrix and the Wheel of Fortune is on the grass indicating that a natural process is taking place. The King (summer) sits at the top of the wheel (90º from the stationary matrix; whereas, the background scenery is at 45º angle) and the King appears to be a pious individual as if to say, “Into thy hands I commend my spirit”. This a very colorful image in contrast to the next image of the WHEEL OF FORTUNE. The King (deflated ego: first half of the matrix: Summer) appearsto be having psychic intercourse with his anima (unconscious mind: i.e. second half of the matrix: Winter) and his hands seem to be in the position of animating his discussion. The Godd ess Fortuna is in concord with the deflated ego; for the reason that, the Wheel of Fortune is in a natural cyclic mode in contrast to the stationary position illustrated in the third image. The third image shows the King (inflated ego) not sitting on the Wheel of Fortune; rather, he is sitting on top of the matrix as if usurping and amending the laws of God. In lieu of the other images this is an extraordinary image; for the reason that, it says a great deal about the psyche and the matrix. The King (inflated ego) in this image uses the matrix as his throne and the Wheel of Fortune as his footstool. The Goddess Fortuna (unconscious mind) is the King’s wife and this is ascertained by the dresses that Fortuna and the Queen are wearing. Except for the red garment the Queen is wearing over the dress the patterns in both dresses are identical; thus, by the King’s wife being the Goddess Fortuna this indicates that the King sees himself as God and he holds the earthly globe in his hand as if he is the ruler of the world. The other woman in the scene is obviously the wife of the individual ascending; for the reason that, they are both wearing the same colorgarments and the Queen, in the real world, seems to be instructing her as to what the new regulations are. This latter point illustrates that the Queen has no direct intercourse with the King (inflated ego). One of the striking and interesting contrasts between the second and third images is that the second image discusses the spiritual principles of Closing the Mystic Circle (discussed in a previous paper); whereas, the third image speak to the secular ego-centric principle: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul (Matthew 16:26)”? Notice that the King in the third image hasthe globe of the world in his right hand and his left hand is over his heart as if to say, “This is what I desire most in life”.
  • 10. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 10 The fact that the Goddess Fortuna (personal unconscious ego) is not blindfolded is very revealing for it indicates that she is in complete control of the King’s (inflated ego) psyche. The ego has become one with its role in life that points to obsession, which is eternally, in the NOW, cyclic; thus, pointing to schizophrenia (psychosis). Knowing somewhat about Jungian Analytical Psychology this third image indicates that the King (inflated ego), in the real world, is psychically seize by the anima archetype. I say this; for the reason that, the Goddess Fortuna stopped the merry-go-round (Wheel of Fortune) signifying that the anima has seize the psyche into a concretized obsessive state of mind, which indicates worldwide everyone is in some state of schizophrenia. The background scenery, in the third image, representing the real world, outside the Wheel of Fortune, is bland; yet, it is still in motion; whereas, the inside of the Wheel of Fortune is also bland but has an inflamed psychotic color and is stationary to everything around it. This indicates ego-consciousness is in an unnatural state of mind projecting its psychosis onto its world. What this second and third image illustrates is that the Wheel of Fortune is indicative of the individual psyche and that the psyche is a separate spherical reality from that of the outside real world; thus, pointing out that the psyche may or may not be in sync with reality. The Queen, in the third image, is obviously the unconscious mind (anima), which can do nothing as long as the inflated ego will not communicate with her. Notice how the Queen’s hands are positioned to prevent the Wheel of Fortune from moving; whereas, the Goddess Fortuna (anima) in the central image has her hands positioned to move the Wheel of Fortune. From this third image we obtain a clear understanding of how the Roman Catholic Church in Medieval times saw the diabolical nature of the ego-centric mind. This third image by illustrating that the inner psychic Queen (anima) is the mirror image of the Queen in the outer world goes to what CG Jung says, ‘ each person, male or female, has an image in their psyche of their ideal soul mate’. This may be so insofar as ego-consciousness projects outwardly it ideal mate; however, this is not a natural state of being for it is ego-consciousness doing it and not a natural spiritual state of being. This may well be why arranged marriages were instituted in antiquity. The ego getting to know its mate in an arranged marriage; contrast, ego-consciousness projecting outwardly an ideal mate via its own mandate: these are diametrically two different statesof mind. The ego getting to know its mate in the real world is analogous to the ego having psychic intercourse with the second half of its psyche: the unconscious mind, which is getting to know the entirety of its psyche so that the two halves of the psyche would become one in Christ consciousness. From this it can be envisaged why the Catholic Church is against divorce; for the reason that, the ego is attempting to flee from itself. This latter is exactly like the alcoholic opting for the geographical cure. Unlike the marriage in the real world where the male and female compromise to the point that they look like each other and complete each other’s sentences after a lifetime of total and absolute familiarity to the poi nt that there are no more mysteries in their marriage psychic intercourse is unlike that. Psychic intercourse allow each separate half of the psyche to maintain its identity;whereas, Christ become the Royal Arch so-to-speak that brings them into unity as seen in the Vesica Piscis (see the scene of the Crucifixion at the top of this paper). The two WHEELS OF FORTUNE are also contrasted by the different number of spokes in their wheels. The twelve spokes in the central image symbolizes Astrology or the celestial laws, which do not change when Christ consciousness is obtained; whereas, the third image’s Wheel of Fortune having eight spokes infers the Kamea of Saturn and the nine basics numbers, which symbolizes the unconscious mind (raw materials in chaos used, by the deflated and spiritualized ego, for creatio continua) would normally symbolize the octagon Christian temple; for the reason that, the center is motionless in contrast to the outer world; however, the King (ego) sitting on top of the matrix is the cause of everything going dead and bland in his world. It is almost as if this medieval image is playing off of the old Humpty Dumpty verse rhyme. It is as if, and probably is, these ancient medieval images are riddles that challenge the laity as to their understanding of the immutable laws of God. One example illustrating this point is that once Christ consciousness is obtained there is no longer any need for Astrology, as an interpretive device, and the central image appears to be a riddle to that dyn amic process. What this means is that once Christ consciousness is obtained there is no longer any need for peripheral support systems like the teachings of the Church or self-help programs basically because these teaching are already imbued into the mind of the deflated ego. With Christ consciousness the deflated ego is already walking with God; thus, any additional support systems would be superfluous. The sacred scriptures are written as if TIME does not exist; therefore, fate (Fortuna) is an erroneous concept for those graced with Christ consciousnesses living in the eternal NOW. This is not a state of blandness as seen in the third image; rather, it is an exuberant life living life more abundantly analogous to the central image; whereas, the third image is a false interpretation of spirituality; for the reason that it attempt to stop TIME, which is a total negation of the dynamic forces of creatio continua;though,ultimately TIME does not exist it is an inscrutable issue that the ego has to deal with on a psychic spiritual level in relationship to the secular activities in the real world.
  • 11. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 11 CHARTRES CATHEDRAL: A Spiritual and Mystical Commentary I am republishingthis section on Chartres Cathedral from another paper becausethere is additional data from the cathedral that I am adding so that it will not be read out of context to the main thesis. In the previous paper: THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING I used these same two examples to allow the reader to visualize the barrier between the mystical and physical realities. It behooves me, at least, to try and explain this mystical barrier; however, here I have a lot more data to add to the discussion on Chartres Cathedral. I want to start out by pointing out that the SPACE/TIME CONTINUUM has nothing to do with the continuous never-ending spiritual light that stream through the soul creating and sustaining the outer world known as the SPACE/TIME CONTINUUM. The soul is analogous to the Romanesque style of architecture with the labyrinth etched into its found represents Solomon Temple in Jerusalem, which is similar to the face of Caesar etched into a penny in the materialistic commercial world. In writing the mythoi of the sacred scriptures in literature, art and monuments the rubric of the SPACE/TIME CONTINUUM has to be used in order for the spiritual paradigmatic process governs the soul can be laid out and conveyed in human terminology. The initiate should not confuse the transient SPACE/TIME CONTINUUM with the eternal laws of God. 1) There is the small vignette in the New Testament outlining the story of the Tribute Money (Matthew 22:15-22, Mark 12:13-17, Luke 20:20-26). Christ is asked if it is lawful to give tribute money to Caesar. Few would understand that the sacred scripture is the Tribute Money or should I say instead that the individual’s soul is the Tribute Money. It is difficult for the average initiate to understand that the sacred scripture is God communicating with the soul. God is not speaking to the multitudes; rather, God is speaking to the individual in a Mono e Mono (one on one)19 relationship and of course God is speaking to the infinite souls of creation simultaneously. Each individual hears the WORD OF GOD from a different perspective according to his or her raison d’être (read up on Pentecostal Sunday). I, personally, see the WORD OF GOD as an impersonal universal spiritual law, which distributes its governing dynamic transcendental powers according to the individual’s psychic deportment. The Pharisees asked Jesus Christ “is it lawful to give Tribute Money to Caesar?” And Christ said, “Show me the tribute money” and they show him a penny. Jesus asked, “Whom super-inscription is that?” And the Pharisees answered “Caesar’s” and Jesus said “give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and give unto God that which is God’s”. The key word in this discussion is “super-inscription”. To mint the penny the super-inscription of Caesar has to be married (etched) to the penny; thus, if the penny is melted down, the image of Caesar is ‘Gone with the Wind’. The individual (sacred scriptures): i.e. penny retains his or her soul (sacred scriptures retain its integrity). In other words Caesar symbolizes the powers and belief systems in the world (sins of the world) that dominate the soul. It is easy to envisagewhat Christdid here. Jesus Christdiscusses the penny as if the penny symbolized owing allegiance to two masters: i.e. God or Caesar. As long as the psyche retains the addiction or obsession it has to the world its allegiance is to Caesar. Quintessentially, when the individual pays taxes to the government essentially thatperson is givingof him or herself to the world. Paying taxes symbolically is not just paying money to the government it is one’s total and absolute commitment and allegiance to his or her belief systems (Caesar), which the psyche becomes obsessed or addicted to. The symbolism of the soul (penny) is a day’s wages earned with Caesar’s image on it and the individual has to toil by the sweat of his or her brow all day long to maintain that status 19 I deliberately used this phraseMonoe Mononot because so-called experts tellus itis a misinterpretation ofMano AMano (man to man). Mono itself means one andManois interpreted as man. Monoe Mono is a deliberately created phrase.This goes toillustrate how quickly the averageindividualwilladheres tothedictates oftheacademic symbolically the KNOW ITALL. “Sometime”, as Sigmund Freud would say, “a cigar is a cigar”and mostacademics areinsensitive tothat kind ofthinking especially when they can get their two cent in or should I say get their snide remarks in sideways.
  • 12. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 12 quo. In every sense the ego is psychically hardwired to believe in the belief systems of the world and not to know of anything other than what the addiction or obsession is conveying to its psyche. Entering into the world of Christ is not as easy as stepping into the secular world. It takes the individual’s whole heart, mind, soul, time, energy and resources to enter into the world of FAITH: Garden of Eden. 2) In the twenty-seventh chapter of Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia, second volume La Purgatorio, Virgil and Dante have to traversea wall of flames that is hotter than the fires of Hell. That wall of flames (Faith) that Dante speaks of is symbolic of the whole of Dante’s experience in La Purgatorio up to that point. Moving through the wall of flames is the melting down of the belief systems (super-inscription) that the psyche has carved out for itself in the world; hence, traversing the wall of flames is the ridding of the psyche of Caesar’s belief systems and regaining one’s soul. This is very much like interpreting the sacred scriptures aright. Initially, when approaching the sacred scriptures the initiate has at his disposal the beliefs systems of the world (swimming against the tide) to aid him or her in interpreting the text and/or listening to WHOEVER is the charismatic speaker presently on the podium. This is synonymous to beating your head against the wall; for the reason that, it is known that continuously trying the same techniques over and over again, with the same belief systems in play, trying to get different result is the act of a crazy person. At this stage of awareness the psyche is battling against itself via its own belief systems. Unless the soul burns away the surface texts of the sacred scripture he or she cannot enter the Kingdom of God. Remember that the sacred scripture is the psyche: ego- consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow): i.e. Boaz and Jachin. Boaz and Jachin stand at the entrance to the temple or cathedral; because, ego-consciousness (Sun = Boaz) and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow) (Moon = Jachin) are not allowed in the temple or cathedral separately; for the reason that, they have to be mystically and psychically married. This image of Boaz and Jachin is beautifully displayed at Chartres Cathedral on the West Façade’s Royal Portal’s north and south towers symbolizing the Sun and Moon. These same images of Boaz and Jachin are found in all Masonic Temples. With the Sun and Moon married they are psychically Christ- consciousness: i.e. Garden of Eden. Below is an image of the Vesica Piscis above the central portal to Chartres Cathedral. Only by Boaz and Jachin coming together is the image of Christ, in the midst of the Vesica Piscis, possible; for the reason that, this union of Boaz and Jachin is the Birth of Christ. Those that study the history of Chartres Cathedral will see this entire paradigm of the Birth of Christ worked out in the different architectural stages of its construction. Let me point out here that Boaz represents the immediately solar system and the Jachin symbolizes the Lunar Zodiacal system, which the two are analogous to the big and the small. a) Chartres Cathedral20 as we know it today commenced its building project, after the fire of 102021, during Bishop Fulbert tenure at the cathedral. The ROMANESQUE architectural style of Chartres Cathedral symbolized the obstinacy of the ego to fully embrace the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church; hence, 20 21 This datednumber1020symbolizes thatChrist is theCrown ofCreation. The last four Hebrew letters spell out the word CHRISTin Greek (krst) has theGematria value of1000and the number#20 symbolizes the CrownofCreation. This shows that theEgo has become subservient to CHRIST. This is why the mythoi ofChartres Cathedral have the legend ofthe very first fire in the cathedral in the year 1020AD.
  • 13. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 13 the thick walls thatonly allowed a small amount of light into Chartres Cathedral proper: i.e. the mythoi of the building’s construction symbolizing ego-consciousness’ steady progress into religious matters. b) Before 1020 the community was basically Christian coming out of the pagan period. The site of Chartres Cathedral22 is actually aligned to Stonehenge duringthe midsummer sunrise,which is an ancient Druid or Celtic monument. ‘There’s no evidence of any building before the pagan Gallo Roman chapel c. AD 500; however, certain early literature sources have claimed that the site was sacred to the Carnutes, a powerful Gaulish tribe, who had a Druid grotto dedicated to a pre-Christian virgin who they believed would conceive and bear a son. The first known Christian chapel was the Merovingian chapel AD 743. There a total of five churches built on the site and it gives me the impression that the mythos of the symbolism of the five coffins the pope is buried in [cloths, pine, and zinc, oak and marble coffins: i.e. progression to sainthood].’ c) There was a firein the town of Chartres in 1134 and also possibly in the ROMANESQUE Chartres Cathedral north tower (?) before the new cathedral was completed and that is a very interesting nuance. The town of Chartres Cathedral is the very essence and spirituality of the cathedral on a symbolic level. I see these fires at Chartres Cathedral as the wall of flames in the twenty-seventh-chapter of Dante Alighieri’s La Purgatorio in his trilogy La Divina Commedia. The fires at Chartres Cathedral and its rebuilding in the Romanesque and then the Romanesque/Gothic style epitomize the spiritual progress of the soul moving through that wall of flame. The second fire in 1134 only damaged the Wes t Façade and thus a whole new style of architect is given birth by amalgamating the Romanesque style of architecture to the Gothic style of architecture, which symbolized the birth of the God/Man Christ in the midst of darkness: i.e. LIGHT out of DARKNESS. It always amazed me that only the West Façade was damaged in 1134; however, if you look at the buildingof the ROMANESQUE style of Chartres Cathedral as the individual building the Temple of God in his soul the burning of the West Façade of the cathedral is not such an amazing event. The concept of the ‘west’ is symbolic of entering the material world from the east; thus, in contrast entering the cathedral the soul is moving back towards the east: i.e. symbolically moving towards God. d) The Romanesque style married to the Gothic style is the Birth of the God/Man Jesus Christ and this is precisely why Christ is in that Vesica Piscis on the West Façade for the Vesica Piscis symbolizes the 22 CHARTRES: Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space, by Gordon Strachan Space/dp/0863153917/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1422069598&sr=8-1&keywords=chartres+cathedral+sacred+geometry+sacred+space
  • 14. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 14 material and the spiritual realms coming together: symbolically the first letter of Genesis: BETH. It is not that ego-consciousness (Sun-Boaz) or the personal unconscious ego: i.e. Shadow (Moon-Jachin) is Christ; rather, it is the marriage (beheading: i.e. destruction of the ego) of Boaz and Jachin that summons Christ into the world.This concept is beautifully depicted in the T-shape columns in Circle-D archeological site of Göbekli Tepe23 twelve thousand years ago in contrast to the Moai24 statues on Easter Island that display their egos prominently. It is obvious that the architectural styles of Chartres Cathedral symbolize the material (Romanesque) and the spiritual (Gothic) realms. The Romanesque style of architecture that symbolizes both ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow). Don’t get the idea that the Gothic style symbolizes the personal unconscious ego: i.e. shadow (Moon-Jachin); rather, it is the marriage of Boaz and Jachin that exude the material/spiritual symbolizing: God/Man Christ. Once this Alchemical Marriage takes place in the soul Christ can burn down the Romanesque architectures (materialistic psyche: ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow)). e) In 1194 sixty years after the second fire of 1134 the whole ROMANESQUE part of Chartres Cathedral burns down except the West Façade[what arethe odds?]. This is beautiful description of the soul moving east burningaway the false beliefs of the material world and this is after obtaining Christ-consciousness and obtaining residence in the Garden of Eden. The rebuilding of Chartres Cathedral except for the West Façadewas done solely in the Gothic style of architecture, which symbolizes the Garden of Eden bath in a great deal of light via it stain-glass windows. The stain-glass windows symbolizes the God/Man interpreting the sacred scriptures via the light of God; however, note that the Romanesque foundation and floor of the cathedral remained intact meaning that what is known spiritually still needs the aid of ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind to archive in memory that database of knowledge. f) Chartres Cathedral is a very beautiful contrast between the stone statues and stain-glass windows surrounding the cathedral telling the stories of the bible: Old and New Testaments. The stories in stones are analogous to white sepulchers that emit no spiritual light or it should be said not anywhere near the spiritual light emitted by the stain-glass windows. The stone statues symbolize the Romanesque style of architecture and the stain-glass windows symbolize the Romanesque/Gothic style of architecture. It can be said that the Gothic symbolizes the light and the Romanesque symbolizes the paint the light shines through. 23 t-shapestones in Circle-D are built similar to statues onEaster Island, which haveheads. 24 statues on Easter Island are shapedsimilar tothet-shapestones in GöbekliTepe, which haveno heads.
  • 16. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 16 a. Thus, it can be envisaged that there are three parts to building the temple in the soul, which is analogous to the Trinity. i. The Romanesque style of architecture symbolizes the psychic: ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow), which has advance from paganism to the Jewish temple 1. This last is intuited from the Labyrinth that still is etched into the floor of Chartres Cathedral is the same diameter size as that of the ROSE WINDOW on the West Façade. This Labyrinth is analogous to John the Baptist prophesying about the Lamb of God. The Labyrinth foresee the Rose Window, which puts Christ as the centerpiece of creation ii. The Gothic/Romanesque style of architecture is symbolic of the God/Man Christ: i.e. “Elohym separating the heavens (Moon - Jachin) and the earth (Sun - Boaz)” as outlined in the first chapter of Genesis. The separation of the big and the small gives distinction between the two that were confused in their roles in creation. Once this distinction is envisaged by the two an Alchemical Marriage between the two can take place, which allows for the burning down of the Romanesque style of architect and the mystical rise of the Gothic Cathedral. 1. The Gothic/Romanesque style of architecture is the generic mystical theme of the Roman Catholic Church’s teachings: i.e. WORD OF GOD via the Christian mythoi iii. The Gothic styleof architecture is purely the teachings of God: spiritual laws of creation: i.e. creatio continua. g) The labyrinth on the floor of Chartres Cathedral is of the Romanesque period and is diametrically opposite to its counterpart, which is the Rose Window on the West Façade. The Rose Window and the Labyrinth both have the same measurements. The analogy is that of BERESHITH: “in the beginning”, which will be discussed at length below. The labyrinth is on the floor symbolizing the horizontal and the Rose Window symbolizes the vertical: i.e. The Cross of Christ or the cross within the sphere or the symbol of the spiritualized sun: i.e. Alchemical Marriage of ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow). Walking the labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral without the meditative guidance of the Rose Window on the West Façade is in fact the obedience of following the dictates of another. It is in fact walking a straight line every which way but loose; however, “into thy hands I commend my spirit”, as Christ says on the Cross is not walking that labyrinth. It’s mouthing and mimicking by rote the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church without the spiritual input of the God/Man Christ is tantamount to praying ineffectively. Mimicking the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church is not spiritual: i.e. burning the Church down to the ground. h) Consider the Kamea of Saturn that is in the center of the ROSE WINDOW on the west façade and Christ is in the center of that. Now take the Cross of Christ and stretch the horizontal beam north and south and then stretch the vertical beam of the cross east and west and voila the Kamea of Saturn appears. It is not that the Kamea of Saturn did not already exist in the image of the Cross but now you have the schematics for building the cathedral.
  • 17. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 17 i) The Romanesque style of architect is symbolic of Solomon Temple in the rectangle format and the Gothic styleof architectureis in the round format (octagon or the cross25). The best example I know of, and there are many, is the fresco of Christ giving the Keys to Peter in the Sistine Chapel. In the background is an octagon shapebuilding,which epitomizes transformingthe rectangular shapeof the SistineChapel, which measurements mimicking Solomon Temple in the rectangle transforming into the round or octagon shape. Emperor Constantinebuiltthe rectangular shapeof SaintPeter’s Basil ica;whereas,Julius II,rebuilt it in the shape of an octagon. j) The Kamea of Saturn is one of the most powerful spiritual symbolsin theworld. It is a mini -version of the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Materia (Perennial Matrix)26, which is used around the world schematically to build cathedrals, churches, stupas, pyramids, etc., etc., the Chinese I Ching and Tao Te Ching, the game of Chess, the science of Astrology, etc. Notice how the five odd numbers in the Kamea of Saturn forms the cross: i.e. sun = ego-consciousness because only it can discriminate: i.e. ORDER; whereas, the four even numbers create the empty space around the cross: i.e. moon = personal unconscious ego (Shadow), which symbolizes CHAOS, which is incapable of discriminating (symbolically the cross is an oasis in the wilderness). Notice how this magic square, the Kamea of Saturn, totals to fifteen in all columns, rows and diagonals: i.e. perfect matrix. k) It should be pointed out that most of the structure of the present Chartres Cathedral was finished by 1250, 15-years before Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) was born or 50-years before Dante began writing his trilogy La Divina Commedia. l) The roof was replaced in 1836, which is a symbolic set of numbers: 1, 3, 6 and 8, which relates directly to the phraseLord Jesus Christand his birth place(Bethlehem) and the Dawn of Christianity at least from the contexts of the mythoi of the New Testament. These things are not coincidental especially when it put the entire buildingprojectat816-years (1020-1836), which is the transposition of the formula for Golden Ratio: 0.618. These are no accidental numbers brought about by chance. That roof could have been replaced at anytime, in any year, and it wasn’t. In fact the roof points to a CROWNING achievement: symbolizing the GENESIS FORMULA, this is an extrapolation of the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. m) The symbolism here is that 1000 symbolizes a large ALEPH in the Hebrew coder. The total one thousand (1000) also symbolizes the Gematria value of the word CHRIST: Tav-400, Shin-300, Resh-200 and Qoph- 100, which is codified into the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH. The word CHRIST (krst) is spelt out in Greek using the Hebrew coder; whereas, in the Hebrew coder the number twenty: KAF equals the Crown of Creation found in sacred geometry in the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH (will be discussed and illustrated below); therefore, when the roof, which is symbolically the crown of the cathedral was replace in 1836, it symbolized the finishing touches of the overall process: Christ returning. The numbers 1, 3, 6 and 8 symbolizes the geodetic location of Bethlehem of Judea: i.e. 31.68 North Latitude and also the Gematria valuefor the phraseLord Jesus Christ:i.e. 3168 and the initiating butterfly pattern (1 of 3) in the Zodiac/Calendar year that emits the STAR OF DAVID (Star of the Magi) in the center of the Zodiac. n) The Golden Ratio implied by 816-years (transposing 0.618) from 1020, which infers this is an instinctual natural organic process: i.e. the Trinity working in unity and harmony: Yahweh, Elohym and Christ. In the first chapter of Genesis Elohym (86 = 5) and Yahweh27 (26 = 8) are united to represents a set in the Fibonacci28 sequence. In fact there are other parts of the bible that infers this Golden Ratio/Fibonacci sequence even to be well worked out and established in the first word and first two verse of Genesi s. 25 Those that haveeyes to see andears to hear willrecognize thecathedral and church built intheshapeofa cross is analogous totheoctagon shape: i.e.theKamea ofSaturn, whichembodies thefirst ninenumbers. The five (spiritualized Sun) odd numbers create the cross and the other four (spiritual Moon) numbers symbolize the infinity ofthe empyrean. 26THEUNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Material (PerennialMatrix) and 27 The word Yahwehis impliedfrom a number offactors inthefirst chapter ofGenesis. 28 Of course Fibonacciwasn’taliveatthetime; however,that doesn’t meanthat the concept was notknown.
  • 18. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 18 ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS ON CHARTES CATHEDRAL The fire in Chartres Cathedral in 1020 is symbolically the birth of Christ in the soul for it symbolizes the crowning achievement of the spiritual awakening. The number 1000 in the year 1020 symbolizes the large Aleph in the Hebrew coder or the spellingof the word Christin Hebrew: Qoph (100),Resh (200),Shin (300) and Tav (400). The number 20 in the year 1020 symbol Kaph the eleventh letter of the Hebrew coder and has the numerical value of twenty, which symbolizes the Crown. I don’t believe that the symbolism of the year 1020 symbolically reflecting the fire in Chartres Cathedral , in that year, infers any demeaning character to the previous Catholic churches that stood on that site other than that the fire suggest that the psyche of the individual:symbolically theVirgin Mary,in the congregation of that previous Church had a spiritual insight (Christ Child). This is why Chartres Cathedral is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. In readingthe New Testament’s accountof the angel Gabriel’s (symbolically Joseph) visitto Mary at the Annunciation it has to be understood that in order for this visit from the angel to have been experience by the individual a spiritual event in the psyche had to have taken place, which is out of the normal experience that ta kes place in the outer secular ‘real-world’. The harrowingchangefrom linear thought (iconoclastic) to circular thinking(meditation and analytical thought) is a life altering experience. It can be said that Joseph and Mary (psyche) become the first Christians with that spiritual insight; for the reason that, that spiritual insight, for all intent and purpose, burnt down Judaism in their psyche; though, they still when to the temple and kept adhering to their culture’s society mores. This is essentially what Christ did at his Baptism, when he said to John, “Suffer it to be so now”. Essentially, in the vignette of the Baptism of Christ, John became symbolically the spiritualized psyche. Christ needed to put on the mantle of Judaismin order to understand it and all its nuances and John symbolized the Old Testament just as Mary and Joseph did initially in their vignette. Symbolically, Joseph (ego-consciousness) and Mary (personal unconscious ego) as a normal Jewish couple (psyche) would have been students of the Torah that lived in an area of Galilee in the land of Judea that was surrounded by Gentile29 religions, which was considered pagan. The thoughts of these Gentile religions crept into the psyche of this Jewish couple and influenced their analysis and thoughtful meditation on the Torah. All Gentile religions are image orientated unless they become Judaized: i.e. iconoclastic and literalistic, which happened to Christian Protestantism and, for the most part, Catholicism; though, outwardly Catholicism still displays its symbols. In modernity Catholicism has the laity reading the bible in translation and they read it literally like a fundamentalist,which is virtually,for all intentand purpose, not readingthe WORD OF GOD at all. This is basically the pathos of the psyche of the Pharisees when Jesus called them ‘white sepulchers filled with all kinds of filth”. This is becausethey were concretized in their thoughts about the WORD OF GOD. This is the normal status quo for all human beings; for the reason that is the nature of ego-consciousness the discriminator; however, the psyche is not meant to be addicted or obsessive with one spiritual idea. The twenty-four hour day symbolizes the sun (ego- consciousness) dying each day in order to be reborn the next day, which is analogous to ego-consciousness progressing continuously ad infinitum in its understanding of the WORD OF GOD. Humans don’t think this way in modernity; nonetheless, that is the nature of spirituality. I agree with Catholicism that it is not necessary to read the Hebrew and Greek texts of the bible and study these foreign languages’ alphanumeric structures in the bible 100% of the time; however, these foreign alphanumeric structures codified to the sacred scriptures should be taught to the laity until they obtain an understanding of the basic paradigm of hermeticism (Esoteric Science). The reason I say this is because much of Catholicism art is based upon the basic generic alphanumeric structure of the Hebrew Torah. There is but one vignette explaining the deep teachings of the WORD OF GOD in the entire bible and the entire Old and New Testament are written as commentaries on that one vignette that is explained and outlined in numerous and dissimilarmythological vignettes,which appear outwardly to be a people’s historicity. In knowing the rudiments of hermeticism the individual can on his or her own volition study any or all the vignettes , throughout the Old and New Testaments, to appreciate their esoteric structures30 and to obtain a deeper and more profound understanding of the WORD OF GOD. Personally, I never found it necessary, except in one case (Abram/Abraham 29 It can be saidthat Gentile religions symbolizeforeign thoughts outside the status quo. 30 Another and very importantreason thatthesacred scriptures arestructured symbolically and alphanumerically; for the reason that, future generations canvalidatetheir authenticity one way ortheother via theperfection ofits hermetic structure: EsotericScience: sacred geometry.
  • 19. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 19 and his two families); to go beyond the first chapter of Genesis (the first two verses) to understand the first vignette that teaches the WORD OF GOD in its entirety. I was able to recognize this vignette in all parts of the Old and New Testament and in many parts of the world. It was while I was recognizing the numerous examples of this universal paradigmatic vignette, that is the WORD OF GOD, beyond the first verses of Genesis that I realized that the numerous vignettes throughout the sacred scriptures and envisaged around the world taught the numerous nuances that would be taught throughout the sacred scriptures if they were studied via the indigenous scriptural languages. In other words, the whole world is the WORD OF GOD. In addition to these numerous vignettes in the sacred scriptures and displayed all over the world it is the deep analysis and meditational thoughts on these vignettes that add to one’s understanding of the WORD OF GOD. I believe that the reason that the bible is so voluminous is to get across the point that Christ is none of these vignettes per se; rather, they are numerous interpretations of the spiritual paradigm. This is why the disciples were asked the question, “Who do people say that I am” and “Who do you say that I am”. No matter what mantle that Christ puts on he is none of them. God cannot be defined. The WORD OF GOD can be recognized in numerous vignettes; however, God cannot be defined by any of those vignettes. WHY WAS CHARTRES CATHEDRAL BUILT IN THE MANNER IN WHICH IT WAS BUILT? The fires that took place at Chartres Cathedral were already discussed above. In fact all the Christian churches on the site of Chartres cathedral were said to have been burnt down according to the historical archival records. Whether those events actually took place or not the mythoi of the cathedrals speaks to the spiritual imports of those fires. Personally, I think that the commencement of the Romanesque foundation of Chartres Cathedral pretty much tells the back story to the present Gothic Cathedral. There is littledoubt, in my mind, that at the commencement of planning for the construction of Chartres Cathedral the project from beginning to end was already complete. A strong and sturdy foundation was needed; hence, the Romanesque foundation; however, I do not believe, because of the finances, time and resources that the Romanesque ever got beyond the foundation of the cathedral and I believe that was all that was plan for the Romanesque architecture for Chartres Cathedral because itmet the needs of the historical mythoi that was being setup as the back-story for its creation. The back- story of the several fires is too perfectly aligns to Dante Alighieri’s description of the WALL OF FLAMES (Faith) in the twenty-seventh chapter of La Purgatorio is be a coincidence; thus, building a Romanesque cathedral just to tear it down makes no sense. Also wall as thick and as strong as those of Romanesque architecture would not be easy to burn down. To burn down a Romanesque cathedral of that size the heat would have been hotter than any volcano; thus, how could the veil of the Virgin Mary have survive such a blazing inferno? The back story to any religious mythoi is not history; therefore, is not a lie; rather, such a tale is describing a spiritual truth. Once one gets past the discrepancies between the historical back-story and the religious mythoi it is easy to read the dynamics of the WORD OF GOD codified symbolically into the mythoi and architecture of Chartres Cathedral. The first part of BERESHITH is called upon with the fire of 1020 at Chartres Cathedral as the Crown of Christ. The next part takes place in 1134. The year 1134 mimics the Hebrew alphabet coming into creation where the last four letters enter creation, in the west, first. The first three letters into creation are TAV (400), SHIN (300) and RESH (200). Reduced to their lowest common denominators they are 4, 3, and 2. The only letters remain after all the other letters go out of creation are YUD (10), Aleph (1) and BETH (2): thus, when the alphabet returns it is basically the Second Coming of Christ because the 432 creates a skip lettering sequence forming the word BERESHITH (see the Genesis Formula image below). The year 1134 is symbolically the 4, 3, 2 coming into creation forming the word BERESHITH; for the reason that 1134 = 9 as does 4, 3 and 2. Essentially, what the fire of 1134 is saying after the mythoi of the texts are broken down into its smallest constituent component elements and the origins of how the sacred scriptures were written and what their original source material were: i.e. Universal Mathematic Matrix it is learned that ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind went toward each other and amalgamated causing a spiritual event to occur in the psyche; hence, the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH: i.e. “in the beginning”. The fire of 1194AD when the entire Romanesque cathedral, except the West Façade, burnt down was sixty years from 1134AD and the year 1194 is reduced to six symbolically displaying the interpretation of the first word of Genesis: BERE-SHITH, “separated six”: i.e. separating the visible and invisible forces of creation. The year 1194AD
  • 20. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 20 was the year the Gothic part of the Chartres Cathedral rose from its foundation. This is why the first chapter of Genesis is written with only six days of creation to symbolize this separating of the six seen and the six unseen forces in creation. The twelve signs of the Zodiac are only used as a symbolic tool; thus, the six and six merely represents the concept of ‘half and half’. The alphanumeric spelling of the word BERESHITH literally shows a skip lettering sequence. These ten letters symbolize the ten columns (first row: i.e. first multiplication table) in the 10 x 10 square and when the two halves of the matrix go towards each other they have no option other than to create a skip-cell-sequence, which is interpreted here as a skip-lettering-sequence. When that amalgamation is complete the Kundalini rises within the manifested Vesica Piscis. The two letters BETH and RESH inside the Vesica Piscis together by themselves create the word BERESHITH. The letter BETH spelt out BETH-YUD-TAV is merely interpreted as “IN”; whereas, RESH is spelt RESH-ALEPH-SHIN, that in itself is interpreted as separating the Heavens and the Earth: i.e. the spiritual and the material. After the word BERESHITH is written then the first verse of Genesis is written from an interpretation of that letter RESH; thus, it can be seen that the first verse of Genesis was already conceived and structured abstractly before it was written in ink as “in the beginning Elohym separated the beginning and ends of the heavens and the beginnings and ends of the earth”. As it can be seen the nines in the matrix symbolize the MONAD besides the number ones. All the ones and nines symbolize Elohym in the Genesis Formula, which create the Vesica Piscis; thus, when the first verse of Genesis is read part of what is written in the empyrean is written and incorporated into that first verse. Notice that the three letters in the empyrean and the five letters in the word BERESHITH, encompassed by the two circles are,in and of themselves, a set in the Fibonacci sequence,which constellates the next number (eight) in the Fibonacci sequence. The letters TAV and DALETH symbolize the waters of creation (Yahweh and Elohym) or the two towers (Sun and Moon) at Chartres Cathedral respectively and this is why the Vesica Piscisis illustrated in the central portal of the West Façade. TAV and DALETH as the symbols for the North (sun) and South (Moon) Towers could not be part of the two circles forming the Vesica Piscis. It can be envisaged that when the fire of Chartres Cathedral took place in 1134 the Genesis Formula was already known as was the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX (10 x 10 matrix) otherwise the West Façade of the Chartres Cathedral could not have been built in the symbolic manner in which it was built. The two towers of Chartres Cathedral present an apparent enigma; for the reason that, the Moon in it setting in the South and the Sun is rising in the North, which is diametrically opposite to what is taking place in the word BERESHITH where BETH (Sun) is going from east to west and RESH (Moon) is going from North to South. The enigma of Chartres Cathedral two towers is solved by looking at what takes place in the Sistine Chapel (see images below). Notice in the Sistine Chapel the frescoes depicting the Life of Christ are on the North wall just as the Sun Tower on the West Façade of Chartres Cathedral is on the North Side. BERESHITH symbolizes a new day since scripturally the new day begins at sunset; thus, when the sun rises it symbolizes Christ consciousness.
  • 22. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 22 COMMENTARY ON THESE SIX IMAGES 1. THE UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: LIGHT from the DARKNESS 2. And SAINT PETER’S BASILICA FLOOR PLAN a. The first thing to know about this 10 x 10 matrix is that it is an artistic manifestation of the, one and only, commentary on the MONAD (Soul: i.e. God/Man): i.e. this matrix is second to none. This matrix is created naturally/mystically in every psyche upon conception; for the reason that the soul 31 seemingly split in half upon entering into the world. These two halves of the psyche are ego- consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow). b. However, in order to achieve Christ consciousness the two halves of the psyche (matrix): i.e. ego- consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow)will have to come towards each other in unanimity32. That is easier said than done. c. When the psychecomes into the world it already has a formed personality33; though, it is ignorant of all knowledge of the world. 31 The soul retains its identity as theSon ofGod: i.e. MONAD/CHRISTeven as it projects its two halves into the world as ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. The soul can neither be destroyed nor lose its identity. 32 This is not to say that thewholeofthe spiritualand thewholeofthematerial amalgamateinto Christconsciousness. This only means that which enamors thepsyche oftheindividualunites withits spiritualcorrespondenceand it’s within those spiritualboundaries that thesage lives out his or her life with God. 33 I believe this personality thatis already completelyformed whenthechildis birthed intotheworld is based upon genetics and the psychic activities of the parents during the fetus’ gestation period otherwise when the soul is split into the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind it is tabula rasa (blank slate).
  • 23. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 23 d. Humanity has evidence that the psyche’s matrix (ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow)) existand there is littledoubt that the soul has instantaccess to the soul’s omniscience via the realm of CHAOS before it is coalesce into the psyche’s matrix, which the soul can instantaneously coalesceinto ORDER to deal with any problem or question that arises;paradoxically, the soul is without an archival database (library) of knowledge; for the reason that, a reservoir of knowledge or archival databasedoes not actually existuntil itis needed; yet, all spiritual and material knowledge is derived from the soul via the manifested matrix. i. The soul can only live in the world via one of two ways. It is impossible for the soul to live outside the perimeters of its psychic boundaries: ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow). 1. FIRST: the soul has to involuntarily forfeitits inherent ability to access omniscience; thus, ego-consciousness inflate itself in order to come into the world like a new born baby; whereas, the personal unconscious ego (Shadow) archives all that ego- consciousness has personally rejected and this latter has nothing to do with the matrix per se. 2. SECOND: the psyche: ego-consciousness and the personal unconscious ego (Shadow) have to regain its soul while living in the world creating its personal Garden of Eden. ii. It is only through the matrix that materialistic knowledge or spiritual omniscience can be obtained and/or understood; for the reason that, the psyche (matrix) is all that exist. There is literally nothing else in all of creation. e. Here in this matrix it is seen that the number nine (9) symbolizes DARKNESS; for the reason that, the other eight numbers pair off into sets of opposites totaling nines: i.e. 1 and 8 (Fire), 2 and 7 (Earth), 3 & 6 (Air), 4 & 5 (Water). i. The total numerical value of the matrix is 630, which would total to 70-nines: 40-nines symbolizethe circle:i.e. 360º; whereas, the other 60-cells total to 30-nines or 270,which is a number that is the transposition of 207, which is the Gematria value of the Hebrew word LIGHT used in the first and fourth days of creation. 1. The numbers two and seven symbolize the second and seventh multiplication tables, which are in reverse of each other and they represent the mystic element EARTH, which points to ORDER out of CHAOS or LIGHT OUT OF DARKNESS. This is why 207 is the Gematria value of LIGHT and the reason that the New Testament has 27-books; for the reason that the New Testament is the LIGHT out of the DARKNESS of the Old Testament. ii. This number 207 become important because the first (31) and second (38) days of creation total to 69-words and the third and fourth days of creation each have 69-words totaling 207- words for the first four days of Genesis. iii. The seventy34 nines in the matrix represent the birth of consciousness; however, the totality of those seventy nines also symbolize DARKNESS; for the reason that, the other eight numbers are including in those seventy nines. They represent DARKNESS because the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water have thus far not been culled out of the DARKNESS. iv. In the above image of the matrix illustrating the Vesica Piscis there are: 1. 8-cells with red dots 2. 7-cells with blue dots 3. 1-cell with an orange dot, which is analogous to the blue. This orange color is used to show where Saint Peter’s statue is positioned in Saint Peter’s Basilica. 34 This is becausethenumber seventy breaks down tothenumber seven: i.e. 1, 2 and 4, which symbolizes the first letter ofGenesis: BETH, which has the Gematria value of412.
  • 24. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 24 a. These color coded dots are displayed here merely to emphasize the pillars that houses the Founder Saints35 and to illustrate more ostentatiously the Vesica Piscis in relationship to the Founder Saints. 4. Each of these dots on the floor plan representing Saint Peter’s Basilica symbolize two statues (one above another) in the same niche in the pillar and these sixteen color dots symbolize 31-Founder Saints and Saint Peter totaling the 32nd statue within the matrix’s proper. This coincides with the 32-times the Hebrew word 35 Saint Peter’s Basilica interactivefloor planis alphanumerically formatted to coincide with the mysticalnature ofthe firstletter ofGenesis: BETH, which is the second letter ofthe Hebrew coder. The twenty al phabetic sites representthe39-Founder Saints. The 80-numerical designated sites added to the 20-alphabetic sites total to 100-sites. The eighty (80) symbolizes PEI theseventeenth letter in theHebrew coder, whichesoterically inundates andsurrounds theletter BETH. The letter BETH is the number two;whereas,twentyis Kaph: i.e. Crown ofCreation. WhenBETH andPEI amalgamate BETH ascends to the level ofKAPH, which in turn melds with PEIcreating thenineteenthletter oftheHebrew coder QOPH,which has the numericalvalueofonehundred (100) as inthe10 x 10 matrix. QOPH symbolizes theMost High Godas theGardenofEden. TheFounderSaints arethose individualthat haveorganized religious organizations within theCatholicChurch. They symbolize the fluidity ofCatholicism or the life blood oftheRomanCatholic Church and this is why they collective form the CROSS OF CHRIST.
  • 25. THE KUNDALINI RISING: CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS VISUALIZING AND ANIMATING THE ESOTERIC SCIENCE: The Codification and Amplification of Mythology 25 ELOHYM is used in the first chapter of Genesis. As it can be seen in the above image two circles diametrically opposite to each other: i.e. spiritual (blue) and material (red) come towards each other formatting the Vesica Piscis; thus, it can be seen that 2 x 8 of those Founding Saints coalesce to create the VESICAL PISCIS and the other 2 x 8 are left in the darkness. a. There are actually forty Founder Saints in Saint Peter’s Basilica; however, I am only dealinghere with the 32-FoundingSaints that arehoused in the 10 x 10 matrix. b. The forty Founding Saints form an elongated cross as oppose to the equidistant cross that is housed in the 10 x 10 matrix, which only uses 32- of the Founder Saints. v. The word ELOHYM in the first chapter of Genesis has the Gematria value of 86; however, when the letters that make up the word ELOHYM are broken down into their constituent components and put into a circle going counterclockwise the formula for pi exudes from it: i.e. 3.1415. The word Elohym is being defined as both the diameter and the circumference of the circle. 1. All this is mentioned to point out that the 32-uses of the word ELOHYM has an aggregate of 528 and when the 32-Elohyms are sequentially place into a circle the diameter of said circle is 168, which is the aggregate of 3-18, which are the numbers of the 16- ELOHYMS in the first four days of creation; whereas, the remaining 16-uses of the word ELOHYM has the aggregate of 360 or the degrees in a circle. 2. The first four days of creation is not only calling ELOHYM the LIGHT; but, it is also defining ELOHYM as the DARKNESS and the Kundalini Serpent; for the reason that, 168 is the amount of hours in a week; but, also because the four Kabbalistic Tree of Life categories used to represent the LIGHT have a pattern of the 3½ coiled Kundalini rising on the central column of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life: i.e. Sefirahs (48), Single Letters (48), Double Letters(48) and Mother Letters (24). a. It is shown here that the LIGHT (Yahweh), DIAMETER of the circle (Elohym) and DARKNESS (Most High God: i.e. spiritual law). This Vesica Piscis symbolizing the spiritual vision is analogous to the Trinity. b. The Vesica Piscis obviously represents the spiritual vision that the initiate receives, which in turn symbolizes the LIGHT the individual culls out of the DARKNESS; thus, each individual creates his own idea of ELOHYM (God). This infers that there are as many gods in Christianity as there are in Hinduism being that each baptized Catholic is a CHRIST. c. It is literally amazing to see this data about the Kundalini Serpent transposed from the matrix to the scriptural creation account. 3. Thus it can be seen that in this concept of the Vesica Piscis the biblical scribes codified into the first chapter of Genesis is conceptually the same data that was culled out of the matrix. a. As it can be seen the diameter of the circle is produced by the sixteen ELOHYMS forming the LIGHT or vice versa sixteen ELOHYMS forms the DARKNESS. These thirty-two (32) Elohyms symbolize the 32-teeth in the