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Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 1
Objective of Module Assessments
During this course, you will complete an organizational learning
assessment for a real-world organization.
Based on the breakdown of the course into four modules, this
effort will proceed in four stages that
culminate in the production of a final report that should be of
sufficient quality to share with the
In this guidebook, you will find the module assessment
descriptions and an outline of the expectations for
Selecting an Organization
One of the most important steps in a successful applied project
such as this is the selection of the right
organization. I highly recommend that you select a current or
past employer, or an organization with which
you serve as a volunteer. The chosen organization must be a
public or nonprofit organization.
Communicating and engaging with the organization is a delicate
process and influences project use. Please
be sensitive to the needs of the organization for example, in
some cases, confidentiality, anonymity and
other issues may arise. When necessary, you should disguise the
source of your project (unless the case is
drawn from public records) through use of appropriate
pseudonyms. Confidentiality and the general
conduct of the project are entirely your responsibility, so
proceed with caution and ethical care.
Please Note: Once you have selected an organization, please go
into the Blackboard assignment tab for
week 3 and share the organization with Dr. Bland. In doing so,
briefly state why you chose this organization
and discuss your access to the materials and information needed
to complete this assignment.
Module 1 Assessment – Organizational Overview (50 Points)
The aim of the module 1 assessment is to get you started on this
project and to get you into a frame of mind
that is analytical and begins to demonstrate an understanding of
the value of organizational learning to the
organization being studied. This report should be no more than
6 double-spaced typewritten pages (APA
format) and include the following:
A brief account of the organization being investigated,
providing sufficient information for the reader to
understand the nature of the organization and its context. This
section should include relevant background
information as well as a clear statement of the focus of your
case study. For example, it is appropriate to
provide information on the age, size, and history of the
organization, the product or services it provides,
and the general nature of its environment.
Following this account, this assessment should demonstrate the
value of organizational learning specifically
for your chosen organization and more broadly for good
government. This is a critical dimension of your
paper and cannot be overemphasized. Recall that our objective
in this course is always to demonstrate the
relevance of sound theory to real-world organizations. In this
assessment, however, you are not conducting
any analysis. Instead, you are selling the organization on the
need to undergo a learning assessment.
In addition to the grading rubric below, I have included a
template of how I would go about conducting this
assignment in the Appendix to this document. In addition to
outlining the type of information I am looking
Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 2
for in this assessment, this template also demonstrates how you
ought to go about mapping out module
assessments 2 and 3. This will be the only time I provide such a
Grading Rubric Part 1 – Organizational Overview
Content Points
Includes relevant background info (age, size, history, service
provided, nature of environment) 15
Demonstrates an understanding of the value of organizational
learning for the org and to good
government by introducing and reviewing the ins and outs of the
Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem
disconnected (uses appropriate
transitions, headings, and sub-headings – see writing helps
folder on Blackboard)
Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and in
APA format (potential
Total Points for Module 1 Assessment 50
Module 2 Assessment – Learning Assessment from an
Instrumental Perspective (100 Points)
In this module assessment, you have been tasked with
demonstrating an understanding of how to use the
instrumental perspective to analyze the learning capabilities of
your chosen organization. You should
choose and examine your organization on the basis of 3-4
structural variables and determine whether it is
structured in ways that impede or facilitate the learning process.
In your analysis, you will need to discuss
how those variables are influencing the flow of information and
relate your findings to potential issues in
the various stages of the learning process (problem awareness,
analysis and inference, institutionalization).
Prior to conducting the analysis, be sure to introduce the
purpose of the paper and the instrumental
perspective, including how you will use it in the analysis.
The assessment should be prepared in a format and style
appropriate for delivery to the organization,
including a title page, an abstract, and a clearly organized and
professionally written report (essay).
The actual assessment or report should not exceed 6 double-
spaced typewritten pages (APA format
(no abstract); Third-Person Active Voice).
Grading Rubric – Instrumental Perspective
Content Points
Organization, purpose, and format – Title page, abstract, written
assessment/report 20
Quality of assessment in linking theory/course materials to
organization/data: the rigor and soundness of
your analysis and general conclusions (you emphasized the flow
of information and the learning process
did not get lost in the analysis)
Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem
disconnected (uses appropriate transitions
and headings … It is apparent that you have reviewed and
followed the advice offered in the writing helps
folder in Blackboard)
Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and is
in APA format (potential deductions)
Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 100
Module 3 Assessment – Learning Assessment from an
Institutional Perspective (100 Points)
In this module assessment, you have been tasked with
demonstrating an understanding of how to use the
institutional perspective to analyze the learning capabilities of
your chosen organization. This should
Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 3
include an assessment of the organization’s culture and
institutional environment to determine how each
influences or shapes the interpretation of information by the
members. In your analysis, you will need to
relate your findings to the various stages of the learning process
(problem awareness, analysis and inference,
institutionalization). Prior to conducting the analysis, be sure to
introduce the purpose of the paper and the
institutional perspective, including how you will use it in the
analysis. The value of this analysis will likely
hinge on your ability to understand, incorporate, and describe
the important distinction between an
information-processing view of organizational learning and a
social constructionist view of organizational
The assessment should be prepared in a format and style
appropriate for delivery to the organization,
including a title page, an abstract, and a clearly organized and
professionally written report (essay).
The actual assessment or report should not exceed 6 double-
spaced typewritten pages (APA format
(no abstract); Third-Person Active Voice).
Grading Rubric – Institutional Perspectives
Content Points
Organization, purpose, and format – Title page, abstract, written
assessment/report 20
Quality of assessment in linking theory/course materials to
organization/data: the rigor and soundness of
your analysis and general conclusions (you emphasized the
distinction between the information processing
and social constructionist views and the learning process did not
get lost in the analysis)
Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem
disconnected (uses appropriate transitions
and headings … It is apparent that you have reviewed and
followed the advice offered in the writing helps
folder in Blackboard)
Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and is
in APA format (potential deductions)
Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 100
Module 4 Assessment – Learning Recommendations Memo (50
In this module assessment, you will be tasked with shifting from
a descriptive analysis of how or whether
your organization is learning to a prescriptive analysis. Based
on the findings generated in the previous
modules, you must develop a memo that references those reports
and offers several recommendations as to
how the organization might increase their likelihood of learning
(becoming a learning organization). Here,
there ought to be 2-3 recommendations based on the
instrumental perspective and 2-3 based on the
institutional perspective. Prior to offering the recommendations,
your memo should briefly reiterate the
value of organizational learning as an overarching management
perspective and the findings from the prior
Grading Rubric – Recommendations Memo
Content Points
Organization, purpose, format, grammar of memo – See Memo
Template 10
Quality of Instrumental Based Recommendations (clearly based
on analysis) 20
Quality of Institutional Based Recommendations (clearly based
on analysis) 20
Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 50
Appendix: Module 1 Template
Running Head: Abbreviated Title 1
Title of Paper
Author Name
Author Affiliation
Abbreviated Title 2
A brief summary of the purpose of this report and all that is
accomplished in what is to follow (250 words
or less). This, however, does not serve as or replace the
Abbreviated Title 3
Here, you must introduce and establish the purpose of the paper
(a brief account of your org and a
clear, concise argument as the value of assessing this
organization based on the principles of org. learning
… the intro does not get a heading) and provide the reader with
some direction as to how things will be
organized. The body of your paper should probably include two
major sections, such that each covers one
of the main purposes of the paper. A good intro is usually
somewhere between 3 – 5 sentences.
“Name of Your Org” (Major Section 1 Heading)
This section probably should have an introductory section that
introduces the organization, briefly
discusses the services it provides, and provides an overview of
its value/impact as an org.
History, Age, and Size (Subheading 1 of Section 1)
Here, you ought to discuss the history, age, and size of the org
(number of employees, budget,
etc.). And, if you have the information how these things have
shifted over time, which you might use as
the transition into the next sub-section.
Environment (Subheading 2 of Section 1)
In relation to what you have shared above, what is the nature of
the environment. Is it volatile,
stable, and/or complex? Is the organization under much
scrutiny? Are the services it provides well
understood and supported by the public? Is the organization
constantly fighting for survival? What
environmental pressures does the organization experience and
where do they come from? Who are some
of the primary stakeholders?
Then, given everything that you have discussed in section 1 you
need to transition out of this
section and into the next by suggesting that your org could
benefit from a learning analysis and the
adoption of org learning as an overarching perspective.
The Value of an Organizational Learning Assessment (Major
Section 2 Heading)
This section should begin with some introduction to the concept
of organizational learning. This
would likely include a definition and a discussion of how
organizational learning might serve as an
overarching perspective for managing organizations, and serve
the end of strategic renewal. Then, you
Abbreviated Title 4
could discuss what is meant by strategic renewal (being able to
identify problems and explore the new,
while effectively exploiting the old to increase the likelihood
that the org will remain relevant and
sustainable). Then, you would want to declare your purpose for
the remainder of this section (something
like … “to make the case for the value of org learning to
an/your org, the remainder of this section will
outline the key aspects of the concept and discuss importance”).
Org Learning a Multi-Level Process (Subheading 1 of Section
Here, you would address the questions of who learns and how.
Then, suggest the importance of
knowing how or whether learning and the various processes are
facilitated or obstructed by the dynamics
of the org. What might an organization do with this type of
The Potential Depth of Learning
Here, you would introduce the important distinction between
single loop and double loop learning
(or reactive vs generative learning). Then, discuss how the
depth of learning may differ among orgs, but
the important thing in assessment is to understand whether the
org is learning at the depth necessary for
its environmental contingencies.
Transforming the Managerial/Leadership Role
If you really want to go above and beyond, you might discuss
how org learning as an overarching
perspective might alter the traditional view of org leadership
and management. Then, discuss what Senge
has to offer and the potential value of the three-legged stool.
Then, at the end of this section you would
need to transition into the conclusion by suggesting that step
one in adopting an organizational learning
perspective is to conduct or undergo an organizational learning
In the conclusion, you will reiterate the importance of the
above information and how it lays the
foundation for something more—an organizational learning
assessment. Then, you might briefly
introduce what will come next and how a learning assessment
might employ three separate lenses
(instrumental, cultural, and myth perspectives). Of course, all of
this should be written as a professional
report and in third-person active.
Abbreviated Title 5
Christensen, T., Laegreid, P., Roness, P., & Rovik, K. (2007).
Organization theory and the public sector:
Instrument, culture and myth. New York: Routledge.
Romme, G., & Dillen, R. (1997). Mapping the landscape of
organizational learning. European
Management Journal, 15(1), 68-78.
Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 1
Objective of Module Assessments
During this course, you will complete an organizational learning
assessment for a real-world organization.
Based on the breakdown of the course into four modules, this
effort will proceed in four stages that
culminate in the production of a final report that should be of
sufficient quality to share with the
In this guidebook, you will find the module assessment
descriptions and an outline of the expectations for
Selecting an Organization
One of the most important steps in a successful applied project
such as this is the selection of the right
organization. I highly recommend that you select a current or
past employer, or an organization with which
you serve as a volunteer. The chosen organization must be a
public or nonprofit organization.
Communicating and engaging with the organization is a delicate
process and influences project use. Please
be sensitive to the needs of the organization for example, in
some cases, confidentiality, anonymity and
other issues may arise. When necessary, you should disguise the
source of your project (unless the case is
drawn from public records) through use of appropriate
pseudonyms. Confidentiality and the general
conduct of the project are entirely your responsibility, so
proceed with caution and ethical care.
Please Note: Once you have selected an organization, please go
into the Blackboard assignment tab for
week 3 and share the organization with Dr. Bland. In doing so,
briefly state why you chose this organization
and discuss your access to the materials and information needed
to complete this assignment.
Module 1 Assessment – Organizational Overview (50 Points)
The aim of the module 1 assessment is to get you started on this
project and to get you into a frame of mind
that is analytical and begins to demonstrate an understanding of
the value of organizational learning to the
organization being studied. This report should be no more than
6 double-spaced typewritten pages (APA
format) and include the following:
A brief account of the organization being investigated,
providing sufficient information for the reader to
understand the nature of the organization and its context. This
section should include relevant background
information as well as a clear statement of the focus of your
case study. For example, it is appropriate to
provide information on the age, size, and history of the
organization, the product or services it provides,
and the general nature of its environment.
Following this account, this assessment should demonstrate the
value of organizational learning specifically
for your chosen organization and more broadly for good
government. This is a critical dimension of your
paper and cannot be overemphasized. Recall that our objective
in this course is always to demonstrate the
relevance of sound theory to real-world organizations. In this
assessment, however, you are not conducting
any analysis. Instead, you are selling the organization on the
need to undergo a learning assessment.
In addition to the grading rubric below, I have included a
template of how I would go about conducting this
assignment in the Appendix to this document. In addition to
outlining the type of information I am looking
Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 2
for in this assessment, this template also demonstrates how you
ought to go about mapping out module
assessments 2 and 3. This will be the only time I provide such a
Grading Rubric Part 1 – Organizational Overview
Content Points
Includes relevant background info (age, size, history, service
provided, nature of environment) 15
Demonstrates an understanding of the value of organizational
learning for the org and to good
government by introducing and reviewing the ins and outs of the
Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem
disconnected (uses appropriate
transitions, headings, and sub-headings – see writing helps
folder on Blackboard)
Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and in
APA format (potential
Total Points for Module 1 Assessment 50
Module 2 Assessment – Learning Assessment from an
Instrumental Perspective (100 Points)
In this module assessment, you have been tasked with
demonstrating an understanding of how to use the
instrumental perspective to analyze the learning capabilities of
your chosen organization. You should
choose and examine your organization on the basis of 3-4
structural variables and determine whether it is
structured in ways that impede or facilitate the learning process.
In your analysis, you will need to discuss
how those variables are influencing the flow of information and
relate your findings to potential issues in
the various stages of the learning process (problem awareness,
analysis and inference, institutionalization).
Prior to conducting the analysis, be sure to introduce the
purpose of the paper and the instrumental
perspective, including how you will use it in the analysis.
The assessment should be prepared in a format and style
appropriate for delivery to the organization,
including a title page, an abstract, and a clearly organized and
professionally written report (essay).
The actual assessment or report should not exceed 6 double-
spaced typewritten pages (APA format
(no abstract); Third-Person Active Voice).
Grading Rubric – Instrumental Perspective
Content Points
Organization, purpose, and format – Title page, abstract, written
assessment/report 20
Quality of assessment in linking theory/course materials to
organization/data: the rigor and soundness of
your analysis and general conclusions (you emphasized the flow
of information and the learning process
did not get lost in the analysis)
Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem
disconnected (uses appropriate transitions
and headings … It is apparent that you have reviewed and
followed the advice offered in the writing helps
folder in Blackboard)
Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and is
in APA format (potential deductions)
Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 100
Module 3 Assessment – Learning Assessment from an
Institutional Perspective (100 Points)
In this module assessment, you have been tasked with
demonstrating an understanding of how to use the
institutional perspective to analyze the learning capabilities of
your chosen organization. This should
Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 3
include an assessment of the organization’s culture and
institutional environment to determine how each
influences or shapes the interpretation of information by the
members. In your analysis, you will need to
relate your findings to the various stages of the learning process
(problem awareness, analysis and inference,
institutionalization). Prior to conducting the analysis, be sure to
introduce the purpose of the paper and the
institutional perspective, including how you will use it in the
analysis. The value of this analysis will likely
hinge on your ability to understand, incorporate, and describe
the important distinction between an
information-processing view of organizational learning and a
social constructionist view of organizational
The assessment should be prepared in a format and style
appropriate for delivery to the organization,
including a title page, an abstract, and a clearly organized and
professionally written report (essay).
The actual assessment or report should not exceed 6 double-
spaced typewritten pages (APA format
(no abstract); Third-Person Active Voice).
Grading Rubric – Institutional Perspectives
Content Points
Organization, purpose, and format – Title page, abstract, written
assessment/report 20
Quality of assessment in linking theory/course materials to
organization/data: the rigor and soundness of
your analysis and general conclusions (you emphasized the
distinction between the information processing
and social constructionist views and the learning process did not
get lost in the analysis)
Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem
disconnected (uses appropriate transitions
and headings … It is apparent that you have reviewed and
followed the advice offered in the writing helps
folder in Blackboard)
Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and is
in APA format (potential deductions)
Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 100
Module 4 Assessment – Learning Recommendations Memo (50
In this module assessment, you will be tasked with shifting from
a descriptive analysis of how or whether
your organization is learning to a prescriptive analysis. Based
on the findings generated in the previous
modules, you must develop a memo that references those reports
and offers several recommendations as to
how the organization might increase their likelihood of learning
(becoming a learning organization). Here,
there ought to be 2-3 recommendations based on the
instrumental perspective and 2-3 based on the
institutional perspective. Prior to offering the recommendations,
your memo should briefly reiterate the
value of organizational learning as an overarching management
perspective and the findings from the prior
Grading Rubric – Recommendations Memo
Content Points
Organization, purpose, format, grammar of memo – See Memo
Template 10
Quality of Instrumental Based Recommendations (clearly based
on analysis) 20
Quality of Institutional Based Recommendations (clearly based
on analysis) 20
Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 50
Appendix: Module 1 Template
Running Head: Abbreviated Title 1
Title of Paper
Author Name
Author Affiliation
Abbreviated Title 2
A brief summary of the purpose of this report and all that is
accomplished in what is to follow (250 words
or less). This, however, does not serve as or replace the
Abbreviated Title 3
Here, you must introduce and establish the purpose of the paper
(a brief account of your org and a
clear, concise argument as the value of assessing this
organization based on the principles of org. learning
… the intro does not get a heading) and provide the reader with
some direction as to how things will be
organized. The body of your paper should probably include two
major sections, such that each covers one
of the main purposes of the paper. A good intro is usually
somewhere between 3 – 5 sentences.
“Name of Your Org” (Major Section 1 Heading)
This section probably should have an introductory section that
introduces the organization, briefly
discusses the services it provides, and provides an overview of
its value/impact as an org.
History, Age, and Size (Subheading 1 of Section 1)
Here, you ought to discuss the history, age, and size of the org
(number of employees, budget,
etc.). And, if you have the information how these things have
shifted over time, which you might use as
the transition into the next sub-section.
Environment (Subheading 2 of Section 1)
In relation to what you have shared above, what is the nature of
the environment. Is it volatile,
stable, and/or complex? Is the organization under much
scrutiny? Are the services it provides well
understood and supported by the public? Is the organization
constantly fighting for survival? What
environmental pressures does the organization experience and
where do they come from? Who are some
of the primary stakeholders?
Then, given everything that you have discussed in section 1 you
need to transition out of this
section and into the next by suggesting that your org could
benefit from a learning analysis and the
adoption of org learning as an overarching perspective.
The Value of an Organizational Learning Assessment (Major
Section 2 Heading)
This section should begin with some introduction to the concept
of organizational learning. This
would likely include a definition and a discussion of how
organizational learning might serve as an
overarching perspective for managing organizations, and serve
the end of strategic renewal. Then, you
Abbreviated Title 4
could discuss what is meant by strategic renewal (being able to
identify problems and explore the new,
while effectively exploiting the old to increase the likelihood
that the org will remain relevant and
sustainable). Then, you would want to declare your purpose for
the remainder of this section (something
like … “to make the case for the value of org learning to
an/your org, the remainder of this section will
outline the key aspects of the concept and discuss importance”).
Org Learning a Multi-Level Process (Subheading 1 of Section
Here, you would address the questions of who learns and how.
Then, suggest the importance of
knowing how or whether learning and the various processes are
facilitated or obstructed by the dynamics
of the org. What might an organization do with this type of
The Potential Depth of Learning
Here, you would introduce the important distinction between
single loop and double loop learning
(or reactive vs generative learning). Then, discuss how the
depth of learning may differ among orgs, but
the important thing in assessment is to understand whether the
org is learning at the depth necessary for
its environmental contingencies.
Transforming the Managerial/Leadership Role
If you really want to go above and beyond, you might discuss
how org learning as an overarching
perspective might alter the traditional view of org leadership
and management. Then, discuss what Senge
has to offer and the potential value of the three-legged stool.
Then, at the end of this section you would
need to transition into the conclusion by suggesting that step
one in adopting an organizational learning
perspective is to conduct or undergo an organizational learning
In the conclusion, you will reiterate the importance of the
above information and how it lays the
foundation for something more—an organizational learning
assessment. Then, you might briefly
introduce what will come next and how a learning assessment
might employ three separate lenses
(instrumental, cultural, and myth perspectives). Of course, all of
this should be written as a professional
report and in third-person active.
Abbreviated Title 5
Christensen, T., Laegreid, P., Roness, P., & Rovik, K. (2007).
Organization theory and the public sector:
Instrument, culture and myth. New York: Routledge.
Romme, G., & Dillen, R. (1997). Mapping the landscape of
organizational learning. European
Management Journal, 15(1), 68-78.
Non-Profit Government Agency1
Springfield Art Association (SAA) Comment by Bland, James
Travis: Relevant Background Info - 12/15 (missing important
stuff on environment and does not utilize course concepts)
Demonstrates an understanding of org learning - 0/25 (no
reference to course materials and does not demonstrate an
understanding of the concept or its value)
Narrative Flows - 6/10
Sources and Format – - 3 (Not in APA format (no title page,
no page numbers) and No reference to course materials)
Grade: 18/50
Comment by Bland, James Travis: Your paper is missing
the information on organizational learning altogether and makes
no reference to course materials
The Spring field Art Association is a non-profit organization
based on a community. They promoted and maintain the visual
arts. They provide the opportunities for art education for the
Springfield area. They preserve the Edward Place and the
collection of SAA and interpret their history. Comment by
Bland, James Travis: Not in APA format … no title page, no
page numbers, spacing and indentation is off
Also, need to introduce your work … need to establish the
purpose of the paper and provide the reader with some direction
Comment by Bland, James Travis: No need for the extra
space in between sections or paragraphs
Spring “Amature Art Study Club”
The Springfield “Amature Art Study Club” known as SAA was
established by eight women in 1909. Those women were
actually motivated to create an atmosphere of art in Springfield.
Their purpose was to raise the technical development of the
artists at a local level. They have adopted a decent strategy for
the development of their project that is each day they met at the
house of one of their member and for discussion they discuss
arts, they discuss the new techniques and learned from each
other. People become more and more interested in Art Study
Club with the passage of time. As the interest of the people
grew the membership holder also increased in number. By 1913
one hundred people had joined Art Study Club. As the
membership of the club increased the admin of the club started
seeking for a permanent bigger place where they can meet and
work together. Comment by Bland, James Travis: Probably
should avoid making an assessment of the strategy Comment by
Bland, James Travis: ?
There are numerous grammatical errors … I suggest reading
your work aloud to see if you can catch them
History of SAA
Elizabeth Capps was the co-founder of the Armature Art Study
Club. She was following the grand Italianate mansion which is
called as Edward Place. After the death of Helen Edwards which
happened 4 years earlier, the place remained vacant. Alice
Edwards Ferguson the daughter of late Helen Edward was
approached by Mrs. Capps who asked her to rent her two rooms
of Edwards Place. But Alice offered the whole mansion to Mrs.
Capps for the art club, which they were about to use for the
gallery, classroom, and meeting place. They started this project
with the belief that through the exposure to arts by
understanding it completely, the society can be developed.
The Springfield Art Club secured the charter by the State and
Illinois and got incorporated on September 30, 1931. They
renovated the Edwards Place within the next 3 months and
redecorated the Edward place for the 1941 exhibition of C.
Arnold Slade’s work. Almost 1,000 people attended that
opening. The vision of Springfield Art Association was growing
from the ladies club of smaller size to the giant art organization
from its earliest days. They aimed high, there was the goal was
to be Springfield, what the Art Institution was for Chicago.
They succeeded to achieve their goal in many ways. The most
important names of American Art could be seen in the
exhibitions conducted by Art Association in the early days.
Until 1940’s Edward Place was used as an art school and art
Many changes in the form of additions and renovation took
place at the location with the passage of time like 1937 the
addition of fire proof gallery was made on the west side of the
house. To an appearance of 19th-century, plans were made to
restore the parlors of Edwards Place. Meanwhile, the expansion
of SAA campus kept on going. The construction of Condell
Studio was completed in 1949 and the classes that were being
held at Edward Place moved out from there. In 1963 another
addition was made at Condell Studio to accommodate the
classes on popular ceramics. In 1991 the metal lab took its place
and the ceramics lab was moved to an annex. In 1968 the size of
the gallery was expanded to the current size. On December 17,
1969 Edward place was added to the National Register of
Historical Places.
In 1964, the Michael Victor II Art Library was created by
Benjamin and Devera in the memory of their son. The humble
beginning of the library in the studio as a shelf of art books had
developed to an outstanding collection of periodical, books, and
media of visual arts. In 1978 the Michael Victor II Art library
was constructed along with it current offices. The development
of SAA can be assessed from its current standard. Today SAA is
the non-profit organization that provides a low cost, and high
quality of classes, special events, and exhibitions to more than
each 90,000 people through its Michael Victor II Art Library,
School of Art, Edwards Place Historical House, and Nelson
Family Gallery.
Thesis Statement
Here we will explore the Springfield Art Association. How this
non-profit organization facilitates the community? Comment by
Bland, James Travis: I am not following the organization of
your paper … Your thesis should be established as early as
Management of SAA
SAA is administered by 25 member Board Directors. SAA
comprises of energetic staff that design strategies and
implement those strategies to engage, motivates and educate the
Purpose of SAA
Springfield’s community visual art center is a resource for
creative expression, education, exploration, and fun. In 2016
prairie Art Alliance and Springfield Art Association did an
agreement. Through this Prairie merged with Visual arts and
committed to promoting the awareness of the community and to
participate in visual arts. It played an important role in
developing the member artists and to serve the public by
exhibits, community, and classes outreach programming.
Comment by Bland, James Travis: Have some good info
here but the flow of the narrative is disjointed and doesn’t
follow the logic of the assignment … Did you review the
materials provided, including the template?
Prairie Art Alliance started its services in 1979 with the
support group of an artist called the Art Alliance of women. The
main purpose of this organization is to promote and encourage
the artists by providing workshops, exhibition opportunities,
and the artistic development. In 1985 the Alliance incorporated
as a nonprofit organization. In 1995 the name Prairie Art
Alliance was changed to reflect the admission of associate
members and male artists. The classroom and Gallery facility
was open just north of downtown Springfield in 1995 because it
was adjacent to the Springfield Art Association. In 2004 the
Prairie Alliance moved to the “Hoogland Center for the Arts at
420 S. Sixth St”. By the merger they continued to work in H.D
Smith Gallery; SAA collectives.
Services offered by Springfield Art Association (SAA)
Springfield Art Association (SAA) offers the community the
summer art camp, art classes, and scholarships for the people of
any age. The scholarships offered are based on financial needs
and artistic merit. Maintain the historical places such as Edward
Place; it has historical significant on the national Historic
Register and it is the oldest house in the Springfield, IL and
provide the public tours. It represents the local artists that
formerly known as the Prairie Art Alliance. It provides art
promotion and appreciation program that known as Art Outreach
for area schools and it facilitate 8,000 students monthly. It
facilitates more than 98,000 people through the art of high
quality and community outreach events and programs such as
fine art fair, film festival, paints the street, and roasted hot pots
and pork. Each year the calendar of SAA is filled with different
and special events. Through their various events, they strive to
entertain, engage and inform the visitors. Each year they held
and celebrate these events in unique style. SAA celebrate
following events around the year: film festival, art critiques,
artful reader book club, alliterations, brunch and brush, canvas
and cocktails.
SAA arranged the annual events such as film series (January to
February) clay date night (February), dancing (February),
celebrity bartender battle (February), roasted (April), and fine
art fair (September).
It offers membership to individual/family, artists and
corporate. By the family/ individual membership; an individual
is able to increase the support of the whole organization and
community a valuable resource. As a corporate membership of
any business; benefits the employees and offer distinctive
opportunities for advertising while supporting a great and non-
profit organization.
School of Art
Providing a quality education in visual arts is the core mission
of Art Association. The school of Art provides summer art
camps, workshops, classes. Art Outreach and many social
events for the people.
The classes they offer include painting, drawing, Ceramics,
Digital media, Metals & Jewelry, Stained glass, sculpture,
photography, mixed media, fiber arts, printmaking, pastels and
all the courses that target the youth of the society. SAA has a
well-qualified faculty of professional artists and talented and
skillful instructors who designed the contents of the courses up
to date the courses time to time. The school of Arts always
strives to give best to its students.
The Condell Studio provides different facilities like 2D facility,
Mixed Media Lab, Mac Computer Lab, Ceramics Lab, a Jewelry
metal Lab.
SAA is doing great things for people. They raise funds of about
$800,000 to make Community Visual Arts Center best in the
region of central Illinois. They collect charity for general
public. People generously donate here which shows their trust
on Springfield Art Association. They provide different options
to the donors. A donor can give gift or cash to help SAA to
fulfill their immediate needs. They pledge a commitment of 3
years for contributors. Comment by Bland, James Travis:
Would like to see you discuss the environment utilizing
concepts such as complexity and uncertainty …
The doors of SAA are always open for volunteers to work for
the betterment of the society. They allow public to help them in
several ways by providing them different options like Donation,
volunteer, capital campaign, and sponsorship.
Springfield Art Association. (n.d.). SAA Visual Art Center.
Retrieved Feb 19, 2017, from

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Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 1 Objective of .docx

  • 1. Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 1 Objective of Module Assessments During this course, you will complete an organizational learning assessment for a real-world organization. Based on the breakdown of the course into four modules, this effort will proceed in four stages that culminate in the production of a final report that should be of sufficient quality to share with the organization. In this guidebook, you will find the module assessment descriptions and an outline of the expectations for each. Selecting an Organization One of the most important steps in a successful applied project such as this is the selection of the right organization. I highly recommend that you select a current or past employer, or an organization with which you serve as a volunteer. The chosen organization must be a public or nonprofit organization. Communicating and engaging with the organization is a delicate
  • 2. process and influences project use. Please be sensitive to the needs of the organization for example, in some cases, confidentiality, anonymity and other issues may arise. When necessary, you should disguise the source of your project (unless the case is drawn from public records) through use of appropriate pseudonyms. Confidentiality and the general conduct of the project are entirely your responsibility, so proceed with caution and ethical care. Please Note: Once you have selected an organization, please go into the Blackboard assignment tab for week 3 and share the organization with Dr. Bland. In doing so, briefly state why you chose this organization and discuss your access to the materials and information needed to complete this assignment. Module 1 Assessment – Organizational Overview (50 Points) The aim of the module 1 assessment is to get you started on this project and to get you into a frame of mind that is analytical and begins to demonstrate an understanding of the value of organizational learning to the organization being studied. This report should be no more than 6 double-spaced typewritten pages (APA format) and include the following:
  • 3. A brief account of the organization being investigated, providing sufficient information for the reader to understand the nature of the organization and its context. This section should include relevant background information as well as a clear statement of the focus of your case study. For example, it is appropriate to provide information on the age, size, and history of the organization, the product or services it provides, and the general nature of its environment. Following this account, this assessment should demonstrate the value of organizational learning specifically for your chosen organization and more broadly for good government. This is a critical dimension of your paper and cannot be overemphasized. Recall that our objective in this course is always to demonstrate the relevance of sound theory to real-world organizations. In this assessment, however, you are not conducting any analysis. Instead, you are selling the organization on the need to undergo a learning assessment. In addition to the grading rubric below, I have included a template of how I would go about conducting this assignment in the Appendix to this document. In addition to outlining the type of information I am looking
  • 4. Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 2 for in this assessment, this template also demonstrates how you ought to go about mapping out module assessments 2 and 3. This will be the only time I provide such a template. Grading Rubric Part 1 – Organizational Overview Content Points Includes relevant background info (age, size, history, service provided, nature of environment) 15 Demonstrates an understanding of the value of organizational learning for the org and to good government by introducing and reviewing the ins and outs of the concept 25 Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem disconnected (uses appropriate transitions, headings, and sub-headings – see writing helps folder on Blackboard) 10 Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and in APA format (potential deductions)
  • 5. Total Points for Module 1 Assessment 50 Module 2 Assessment – Learning Assessment from an Instrumental Perspective (100 Points) In this module assessment, you have been tasked with demonstrating an understanding of how to use the instrumental perspective to analyze the learning capabilities of your chosen organization. You should choose and examine your organization on the basis of 3-4 structural variables and determine whether it is structured in ways that impede or facilitate the learning process. In your analysis, you will need to discuss how those variables are influencing the flow of information and relate your findings to potential issues in the various stages of the learning process (problem awareness, analysis and inference, institutionalization). Prior to conducting the analysis, be sure to introduce the purpose of the paper and the instrumental perspective, including how you will use it in the analysis. The assessment should be prepared in a format and style appropriate for delivery to the organization, including a title page, an abstract, and a clearly organized and professionally written report (essay). The actual assessment or report should not exceed 6 double-
  • 6. spaced typewritten pages (APA format (no abstract); Third-Person Active Voice). Grading Rubric – Instrumental Perspective Content Points Organization, purpose, and format – Title page, abstract, written assessment/report 20 Quality of assessment in linking theory/course materials to organization/data: the rigor and soundness of your analysis and general conclusions (you emphasized the flow of information and the learning process did not get lost in the analysis) 70 Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem disconnected (uses appropriate transitions and headings … It is apparent that you have reviewed and followed the advice offered in the writing helps folder in Blackboard) 10 Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and is in APA format (potential deductions) Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 100
  • 7. Module 3 Assessment – Learning Assessment from an Institutional Perspective (100 Points) In this module assessment, you have been tasked with demonstrating an understanding of how to use the institutional perspective to analyze the learning capabilities of your chosen organization. This should Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 3 include an assessment of the organization’s culture and institutional environment to determine how each influences or shapes the interpretation of information by the members. In your analysis, you will need to relate your findings to the various stages of the learning process (problem awareness, analysis and inference, institutionalization). Prior to conducting the analysis, be sure to introduce the purpose of the paper and the institutional perspective, including how you will use it in the analysis. The value of this analysis will likely hinge on your ability to understand, incorporate, and describe the important distinction between an information-processing view of organizational learning and a social constructionist view of organizational learning.
  • 8. The assessment should be prepared in a format and style appropriate for delivery to the organization, including a title page, an abstract, and a clearly organized and professionally written report (essay). The actual assessment or report should not exceed 6 double- spaced typewritten pages (APA format (no abstract); Third-Person Active Voice). Grading Rubric – Institutional Perspectives Content Points Organization, purpose, and format – Title page, abstract, written assessment/report 20 Quality of assessment in linking theory/course materials to organization/data: the rigor and soundness of your analysis and general conclusions (you emphasized the distinction between the information processing and social constructionist views and the learning process did not get lost in the analysis) 70 Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem disconnected (uses appropriate transitions and headings … It is apparent that you have reviewed and followed the advice offered in the writing helps
  • 9. folder in Blackboard) 10 Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and is in APA format (potential deductions) Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 100 Module 4 Assessment – Learning Recommendations Memo (50 Points) In this module assessment, you will be tasked with shifting from a descriptive analysis of how or whether your organization is learning to a prescriptive analysis. Based on the findings generated in the previous modules, you must develop a memo that references those reports and offers several recommendations as to how the organization might increase their likelihood of learning (becoming a learning organization). Here, there ought to be 2-3 recommendations based on the instrumental perspective and 2-3 based on the institutional perspective. Prior to offering the recommendations, your memo should briefly reiterate the value of organizational learning as an overarching management perspective and the findings from the prior analyses.
  • 10. Grading Rubric – Recommendations Memo Content Points Organization, purpose, format, grammar of memo – See Memo Template 10 Quality of Instrumental Based Recommendations (clearly based on analysis) 20 Quality of Institutional Based Recommendations (clearly based on analysis) 20 Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 50 Appendix: Module 1 Template Running Head: Abbreviated Title 1 Title of Paper Author Name Author Affiliation
  • 11. Abbreviated Title 2 Abstract A brief summary of the purpose of this report and all that is accomplished in what is to follow (250 words or less). This, however, does not serve as or replace the introduction.
  • 12. Abbreviated Title 3 Here, you must introduce and establish the purpose of the paper (a brief account of your org and a clear, concise argument as the value of assessing this organization based on the principles of org. learning … the intro does not get a heading) and provide the reader with some direction as to how things will be organized. The body of your paper should probably include two major sections, such that each covers one of the main purposes of the paper. A good intro is usually
  • 13. somewhere between 3 – 5 sentences. “Name of Your Org” (Major Section 1 Heading) This section probably should have an introductory section that introduces the organization, briefly discusses the services it provides, and provides an overview of its value/impact as an org. History, Age, and Size (Subheading 1 of Section 1) Here, you ought to discuss the history, age, and size of the org (number of employees, budget, etc.). And, if you have the information how these things have shifted over time, which you might use as the transition into the next sub-section. Environment (Subheading 2 of Section 1) In relation to what you have shared above, what is the nature of the environment. Is it volatile, stable, and/or complex? Is the organization under much scrutiny? Are the services it provides well understood and supported by the public? Is the organization constantly fighting for survival? What environmental pressures does the organization experience and where do they come from? Who are some of the primary stakeholders?
  • 14. Then, given everything that you have discussed in section 1 you need to transition out of this section and into the next by suggesting that your org could benefit from a learning analysis and the adoption of org learning as an overarching perspective. The Value of an Organizational Learning Assessment (Major Section 2 Heading) This section should begin with some introduction to the concept of organizational learning. This would likely include a definition and a discussion of how organizational learning might serve as an overarching perspective for managing organizations, and serve the end of strategic renewal. Then, you Abbreviated Title 4 could discuss what is meant by strategic renewal (being able to identify problems and explore the new, while effectively exploiting the old to increase the likelihood that the org will remain relevant and sustainable). Then, you would want to declare your purpose for the remainder of this section (something like … “to make the case for the value of org learning to an/your org, the remainder of this section will
  • 15. outline the key aspects of the concept and discuss importance”). Org Learning a Multi-Level Process (Subheading 1 of Section 2) Here, you would address the questions of who learns and how. Then, suggest the importance of knowing how or whether learning and the various processes are facilitated or obstructed by the dynamics of the org. What might an organization do with this type of information? The Potential Depth of Learning Here, you would introduce the important distinction between single loop and double loop learning (or reactive vs generative learning). Then, discuss how the depth of learning may differ among orgs, but the important thing in assessment is to understand whether the org is learning at the depth necessary for its environmental contingencies. Transforming the Managerial/Leadership Role If you really want to go above and beyond, you might discuss how org learning as an overarching perspective might alter the traditional view of org leadership and management. Then, discuss what Senge
  • 16. has to offer and the potential value of the three-legged stool. Then, at the end of this section you would need to transition into the conclusion by suggesting that step one in adopting an organizational learning perspective is to conduct or undergo an organizational learning perspective. Conclusion In the conclusion, you will reiterate the importance of the above information and how it lays the foundation for something more—an organizational learning assessment. Then, you might briefly introduce what will come next and how a learning assessment might employ three separate lenses (instrumental, cultural, and myth perspectives). Of course, all of this should be written as a professional report and in third-person active. Abbreviated Title 5 References Christensen, T., Laegreid, P., Roness, P., & Rovik, K. (2007). Organization theory and the public sector: Instrument, culture and myth. New York: Routledge.
  • 17. Romme, G., & Dillen, R. (1997). Mapping the landscape of organizational learning. European Management Journal, 15(1), 68-78. Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 1 Objective of Module Assessments During this course, you will complete an organizational learning assessment for a real-world organization. Based on the breakdown of the course into four modules, this effort will proceed in four stages that culminate in the production of a final report that should be of sufficient quality to share with the organization. In this guidebook, you will find the module assessment descriptions and an outline of the expectations for each. Selecting an Organization One of the most important steps in a successful applied project such as this is the selection of the right
  • 18. organization. I highly recommend that you select a current or past employer, or an organization with which you serve as a volunteer. The chosen organization must be a public or nonprofit organization. Communicating and engaging with the organization is a delicate process and influences project use. Please be sensitive to the needs of the organization for example, in some cases, confidentiality, anonymity and other issues may arise. When necessary, you should disguise the source of your project (unless the case is drawn from public records) through use of appropriate pseudonyms. Confidentiality and the general conduct of the project are entirely your responsibility, so proceed with caution and ethical care. Please Note: Once you have selected an organization, please go into the Blackboard assignment tab for week 3 and share the organization with Dr. Bland. In doing so, briefly state why you chose this organization and discuss your access to the materials and information needed to complete this assignment. Module 1 Assessment – Organizational Overview (50 Points) The aim of the module 1 assessment is to get you started on this project and to get you into a frame of mind that is analytical and begins to demonstrate an understanding of
  • 19. the value of organizational learning to the organization being studied. This report should be no more than 6 double-spaced typewritten pages (APA format) and include the following: A brief account of the organization being investigated, providing sufficient information for the reader to understand the nature of the organization and its context. This section should include relevant background information as well as a clear statement of the focus of your case study. For example, it is appropriate to provide information on the age, size, and history of the organization, the product or services it provides, and the general nature of its environment. Following this account, this assessment should demonstrate the value of organizational learning specifically for your chosen organization and more broadly for good government. This is a critical dimension of your paper and cannot be overemphasized. Recall that our objective in this course is always to demonstrate the relevance of sound theory to real-world organizations. In this assessment, however, you are not conducting any analysis. Instead, you are selling the organization on the need to undergo a learning assessment.
  • 20. In addition to the grading rubric below, I have included a template of how I would go about conducting this assignment in the Appendix to this document. In addition to outlining the type of information I am looking Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 2 for in this assessment, this template also demonstrates how you ought to go about mapping out module assessments 2 and 3. This will be the only time I provide such a template. Grading Rubric Part 1 – Organizational Overview Content Points Includes relevant background info (age, size, history, service provided, nature of environment) 15 Demonstrates an understanding of the value of organizational learning for the org and to good government by introducing and reviewing the ins and outs of the concept 25 Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem disconnected (uses appropriate transitions, headings, and sub-headings – see writing helps folder on Blackboard) 10
  • 21. Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and in APA format (potential deductions) Total Points for Module 1 Assessment 50 Module 2 Assessment – Learning Assessment from an Instrumental Perspective (100 Points) In this module assessment, you have been tasked with demonstrating an understanding of how to use the instrumental perspective to analyze the learning capabilities of your chosen organization. You should choose and examine your organization on the basis of 3-4 structural variables and determine whether it is structured in ways that impede or facilitate the learning process. In your analysis, you will need to discuss how those variables are influencing the flow of information and relate your findings to potential issues in the various stages of the learning process (problem awareness, analysis and inference, institutionalization). Prior to conducting the analysis, be sure to introduce the purpose of the paper and the instrumental perspective, including how you will use it in the analysis.
  • 22. The assessment should be prepared in a format and style appropriate for delivery to the organization, including a title page, an abstract, and a clearly organized and professionally written report (essay). The actual assessment or report should not exceed 6 double- spaced typewritten pages (APA format (no abstract); Third-Person Active Voice). Grading Rubric – Instrumental Perspective Content Points Organization, purpose, and format – Title page, abstract, written assessment/report 20 Quality of assessment in linking theory/course materials to organization/data: the rigor and soundness of your analysis and general conclusions (you emphasized the flow of information and the learning process did not get lost in the analysis) 70 Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem disconnected (uses appropriate transitions and headings … It is apparent that you have reviewed and followed the advice offered in the writing helps folder in Blackboard)
  • 23. 10 Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and is in APA format (potential deductions) Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 100 Module 3 Assessment – Learning Assessment from an Institutional Perspective (100 Points) In this module assessment, you have been tasked with demonstrating an understanding of how to use the institutional perspective to analyze the learning capabilities of your chosen organization. This should Guidebook for PAD 502 Module Assessments 3 include an assessment of the organization’s culture and institutional environment to determine how each influences or shapes the interpretation of information by the members. In your analysis, you will need to relate your findings to the various stages of the learning process (problem awareness, analysis and inference, institutionalization). Prior to conducting the analysis, be sure to introduce the purpose of the paper and the institutional perspective, including how you will use it in the analysis. The value of this analysis will likely
  • 24. hinge on your ability to understand, incorporate, and describe the important distinction between an information-processing view of organizational learning and a social constructionist view of organizational learning. The assessment should be prepared in a format and style appropriate for delivery to the organization, including a title page, an abstract, and a clearly organized and professionally written report (essay). The actual assessment or report should not exceed 6 double- spaced typewritten pages (APA format (no abstract); Third-Person Active Voice). Grading Rubric – Institutional Perspectives Content Points Organization, purpose, and format – Title page, abstract, written assessment/report 20 Quality of assessment in linking theory/course materials to organization/data: the rigor and soundness of your analysis and general conclusions (you emphasized the distinction between the information processing and social constructionist views and the learning process did not get lost in the analysis) 70
  • 25. Narrative flows logically, sections and paragraphs do not seem disconnected (uses appropriate transitions and headings … It is apparent that you have reviewed and followed the advice offered in the writing helps folder in Blackboard) 10 Sources identified, Writing is w/out grammatical errors, and is in APA format (potential deductions) Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 100 Module 4 Assessment – Learning Recommendations Memo (50 Points) In this module assessment, you will be tasked with shifting from a descriptive analysis of how or whether your organization is learning to a prescriptive analysis. Based on the findings generated in the previous modules, you must develop a memo that references those reports and offers several recommendations as to how the organization might increase their likelihood of learning (becoming a learning organization). Here, there ought to be 2-3 recommendations based on the instrumental perspective and 2-3 based on the institutional perspective. Prior to offering the recommendations,
  • 26. your memo should briefly reiterate the value of organizational learning as an overarching management perspective and the findings from the prior analyses. Grading Rubric – Recommendations Memo Content Points Organization, purpose, format, grammar of memo – See Memo Template 10 Quality of Instrumental Based Recommendations (clearly based on analysis) 20 Quality of Institutional Based Recommendations (clearly based on analysis) 20 Total Points for Module 2 Assessment 50 Appendix: Module 1 Template Running Head: Abbreviated Title 1 Title of Paper
  • 27. Author Name Author Affiliation Abbreviated Title 2 Abstract A brief summary of the purpose of this report and all that is accomplished in what is to follow (250 words or less). This, however, does not serve as or replace the introduction.
  • 28. Abbreviated Title 3 Here, you must introduce and establish the purpose of the paper (a brief account of your org and a clear, concise argument as the value of assessing this organization based on the principles of org. learning
  • 29. … the intro does not get a heading) and provide the reader with some direction as to how things will be organized. The body of your paper should probably include two major sections, such that each covers one of the main purposes of the paper. A good intro is usually somewhere between 3 – 5 sentences. “Name of Your Org” (Major Section 1 Heading) This section probably should have an introductory section that introduces the organization, briefly discusses the services it provides, and provides an overview of its value/impact as an org. History, Age, and Size (Subheading 1 of Section 1) Here, you ought to discuss the history, age, and size of the org (number of employees, budget, etc.). And, if you have the information how these things have shifted over time, which you might use as the transition into the next sub-section. Environment (Subheading 2 of Section 1) In relation to what you have shared above, what is the nature of the environment. Is it volatile, stable, and/or complex? Is the organization under much scrutiny? Are the services it provides well understood and supported by the public? Is the organization
  • 30. constantly fighting for survival? What environmental pressures does the organization experience and where do they come from? Who are some of the primary stakeholders? Then, given everything that you have discussed in section 1 you need to transition out of this section and into the next by suggesting that your org could benefit from a learning analysis and the adoption of org learning as an overarching perspective. The Value of an Organizational Learning Assessment (Major Section 2 Heading) This section should begin with some introduction to the concept of organizational learning. This would likely include a definition and a discussion of how organizational learning might serve as an overarching perspective for managing organizations, and serve the end of strategic renewal. Then, you Abbreviated Title 4 could discuss what is meant by strategic renewal (being able to identify problems and explore the new, while effectively exploiting the old to increase the likelihood
  • 31. that the org will remain relevant and sustainable). Then, you would want to declare your purpose for the remainder of this section (something like … “to make the case for the value of org learning to an/your org, the remainder of this section will outline the key aspects of the concept and discuss importance”). Org Learning a Multi-Level Process (Subheading 1 of Section 2) Here, you would address the questions of who learns and how. Then, suggest the importance of knowing how or whether learning and the various processes are facilitated or obstructed by the dynamics of the org. What might an organization do with this type of information? The Potential Depth of Learning Here, you would introduce the important distinction between single loop and double loop learning (or reactive vs generative learning). Then, discuss how the depth of learning may differ among orgs, but the important thing in assessment is to understand whether the org is learning at the depth necessary for its environmental contingencies. Transforming the Managerial/Leadership Role
  • 32. If you really want to go above and beyond, you might discuss how org learning as an overarching perspective might alter the traditional view of org leadership and management. Then, discuss what Senge has to offer and the potential value of the three-legged stool. Then, at the end of this section you would need to transition into the conclusion by suggesting that step one in adopting an organizational learning perspective is to conduct or undergo an organizational learning perspective. Conclusion In the conclusion, you will reiterate the importance of the above information and how it lays the foundation for something more—an organizational learning assessment. Then, you might briefly introduce what will come next and how a learning assessment might employ three separate lenses (instrumental, cultural, and myth perspectives). Of course, all of this should be written as a professional report and in third-person active. Abbreviated Title 5
  • 33. References Christensen, T., Laegreid, P., Roness, P., & Rovik, K. (2007). Organization theory and the public sector: Instrument, culture and myth. New York: Routledge. Romme, G., & Dillen, R. (1997). Mapping the landscape of organizational learning. European Management Journal, 15(1), 68-78. Non-Profit Government Agency1 Springfield Art Association (SAA) Comment by Bland, James Travis: Relevant Background Info - 12/15 (missing important stuff on environment and does not utilize course concepts) Demonstrates an understanding of org learning - 0/25 (no reference to course materials and does not demonstrate an understanding of the concept or its value) Narrative Flows - 6/10 Sources and Format – - 3 (Not in APA format (no title page, no page numbers) and No reference to course materials) Grade: 18/50 Comment by Bland, James Travis: Your paper is missing the information on organizational learning altogether and makes no reference to course materials
  • 34. The Spring field Art Association is a non-profit organization based on a community. They promoted and maintain the visual arts. They provide the opportunities for art education for the Springfield area. They preserve the Edward Place and the collection of SAA and interpret their history. Comment by Bland, James Travis: Not in APA format … no title page, no page numbers, spacing and indentation is off Also, need to introduce your work … need to establish the purpose of the paper and provide the reader with some direction Comment by Bland, James Travis: No need for the extra space in between sections or paragraphs Spring “Amature Art Study Club” The Springfield “Amature Art Study Club” known as SAA was established by eight women in 1909. Those women were actually motivated to create an atmosphere of art in Springfield. Their purpose was to raise the technical development of the artists at a local level. They have adopted a decent strategy for the development of their project that is each day they met at the house of one of their member and for discussion they discuss arts, they discuss the new techniques and learned from each other. People become more and more interested in Art Study Club with the passage of time. As the interest of the people grew the membership holder also increased in number. By 1913 one hundred people had joined Art Study Club. As the membership of the club increased the admin of the club started seeking for a permanent bigger place where they can meet and work together. Comment by Bland, James Travis: Probably should avoid making an assessment of the strategy Comment by Bland, James Travis: ? There are numerous grammatical errors … I suggest reading your work aloud to see if you can catch them History of SAA Elizabeth Capps was the co-founder of the Armature Art Study Club. She was following the grand Italianate mansion which is
  • 35. called as Edward Place. After the death of Helen Edwards which happened 4 years earlier, the place remained vacant. Alice Edwards Ferguson the daughter of late Helen Edward was approached by Mrs. Capps who asked her to rent her two rooms of Edwards Place. But Alice offered the whole mansion to Mrs. Capps for the art club, which they were about to use for the gallery, classroom, and meeting place. They started this project with the belief that through the exposure to arts by understanding it completely, the society can be developed. The Springfield Art Club secured the charter by the State and Illinois and got incorporated on September 30, 1931. They renovated the Edwards Place within the next 3 months and redecorated the Edward place for the 1941 exhibition of C. Arnold Slade’s work. Almost 1,000 people attended that opening. The vision of Springfield Art Association was growing from the ladies club of smaller size to the giant art organization from its earliest days. They aimed high, there was the goal was to be Springfield, what the Art Institution was for Chicago. They succeeded to achieve their goal in many ways. The most important names of American Art could be seen in the exhibitions conducted by Art Association in the early days. Until 1940’s Edward Place was used as an art school and art gallery. Many changes in the form of additions and renovation took place at the location with the passage of time like 1937 the addition of fire proof gallery was made on the west side of the house. To an appearance of 19th-century, plans were made to restore the parlors of Edwards Place. Meanwhile, the expansion of SAA campus kept on going. The construction of Condell Studio was completed in 1949 and the classes that were being held at Edward Place moved out from there. In 1963 another addition was made at Condell Studio to accommodate the classes on popular ceramics. In 1991 the metal lab took its place and the ceramics lab was moved to an annex. In 1968 the size of the gallery was expanded to the current size. On December 17, 1969 Edward place was added to the National Register of
  • 36. Historical Places. In 1964, the Michael Victor II Art Library was created by Benjamin and Devera in the memory of their son. The humble beginning of the library in the studio as a shelf of art books had developed to an outstanding collection of periodical, books, and media of visual arts. In 1978 the Michael Victor II Art library was constructed along with it current offices. The development of SAA can be assessed from its current standard. Today SAA is the non-profit organization that provides a low cost, and high quality of classes, special events, and exhibitions to more than each 90,000 people through its Michael Victor II Art Library, School of Art, Edwards Place Historical House, and Nelson Family Gallery. Thesis Statement Here we will explore the Springfield Art Association. How this non-profit organization facilitates the community? Comment by Bland, James Travis: I am not following the organization of your paper … Your thesis should be established as early as possible Management of SAA SAA is administered by 25 member Board Directors. SAA comprises of energetic staff that design strategies and implement those strategies to engage, motivates and educate the people. Purpose of SAA Springfield’s community visual art center is a resource for creative expression, education, exploration, and fun. In 2016 prairie Art Alliance and Springfield Art Association did an agreement. Through this Prairie merged with Visual arts and committed to promoting the awareness of the community and to participate in visual arts. It played an important role in developing the member artists and to serve the public by exhibits, community, and classes outreach programming. Comment by Bland, James Travis: Have some good info here but the flow of the narrative is disjointed and doesn’t follow the logic of the assignment … Did you review the
  • 37. materials provided, including the template? Prairie Art Alliance started its services in 1979 with the support group of an artist called the Art Alliance of women. The main purpose of this organization is to promote and encourage the artists by providing workshops, exhibition opportunities, and the artistic development. In 1985 the Alliance incorporated as a nonprofit organization. In 1995 the name Prairie Art Alliance was changed to reflect the admission of associate members and male artists. The classroom and Gallery facility was open just north of downtown Springfield in 1995 because it was adjacent to the Springfield Art Association. In 2004 the Prairie Alliance moved to the “Hoogland Center for the Arts at 420 S. Sixth St”. By the merger they continued to work in H.D Smith Gallery; SAA collectives. Services offered by Springfield Art Association (SAA) Springfield Art Association (SAA) offers the community the summer art camp, art classes, and scholarships for the people of any age. The scholarships offered are based on financial needs and artistic merit. Maintain the historical places such as Edward Place; it has historical significant on the national Historic Register and it is the oldest house in the Springfield, IL and provide the public tours. It represents the local artists that formerly known as the Prairie Art Alliance. It provides art promotion and appreciation program that known as Art Outreach for area schools and it facilitate 8,000 students monthly. It facilitates more than 98,000 people through the art of high quality and community outreach events and programs such as fine art fair, film festival, paints the street, and roasted hot pots and pork. Each year the calendar of SAA is filled with different and special events. Through their various events, they strive to entertain, engage and inform the visitors. Each year they held and celebrate these events in unique style. SAA celebrate following events around the year: film festival, art critiques, artful reader book club, alliterations, brunch and brush, canvas and cocktails. SAA arranged the annual events such as film series (January to
  • 38. February) clay date night (February), dancing (February), celebrity bartender battle (February), roasted (April), and fine art fair (September). It offers membership to individual/family, artists and corporate. By the family/ individual membership; an individual is able to increase the support of the whole organization and community a valuable resource. As a corporate membership of any business; benefits the employees and offer distinctive opportunities for advertising while supporting a great and non- profit organization. School of Art Providing a quality education in visual arts is the core mission of Art Association. The school of Art provides summer art camps, workshops, classes. Art Outreach and many social events for the people. The classes they offer include painting, drawing, Ceramics, Digital media, Metals & Jewelry, Stained glass, sculpture, photography, mixed media, fiber arts, printmaking, pastels and all the courses that target the youth of the society. SAA has a well-qualified faculty of professional artists and talented and skillful instructors who designed the contents of the courses up to date the courses time to time. The school of Arts always strives to give best to its students. The Condell Studio provides different facilities like 2D facility, Mixed Media Lab, Mac Computer Lab, Ceramics Lab, a Jewelry metal Lab. Support SAA is doing great things for people. They raise funds of about $800,000 to make Community Visual Arts Center best in the region of central Illinois. They collect charity for general public. People generously donate here which shows their trust on Springfield Art Association. They provide different options to the donors. A donor can give gift or cash to help SAA to fulfill their immediate needs. They pledge a commitment of 3
  • 39. years for contributors. Comment by Bland, James Travis: Would like to see you discuss the environment utilizing concepts such as complexity and uncertainty … The doors of SAA are always open for volunteers to work for the betterment of the society. They allow public to help them in several ways by providing them different options like Donation, volunteer, capital campaign, and sponsorship. References Springfield Art Association. (n.d.). SAA Visual Art Center. Retrieved Feb 19, 2017, from