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European Law and National Procedural
Some considerations following a few cases of the
European Court of Justice regarding cross-border
debt recovery in the EU
Veerle Van Den Eeckhout
29 September 2021
Title/topic this presentation: cfr. Journal article written in Dutch 2020
And cfr. Efforts: parts report case law Luxembourg
Case law Court, mainly: Rebecka Jonsson, Bondora, Salvoni, Parking and Interplastics, ZSE
(+ some national decisions Belgian Constitutional Court and Court Appeal France)
Already some discussed in previous RR by others
Now particular perspective (not exhaustively discussing cases)
touched, will touch issues such as (selection of these in this presentation):
interchange, influence one regime on another,
allegations discrimination,
issues consistency/inconsistency,
balance of check and sanction mechanisms,
issue of possibly making more uniform or not
Perhaps also useful more, future Efforts deliverables (policy recommendations EU,
final study…?/as reflections and considerations as such, proceeding in analysis) (cfr.
Extensive PowerPoint, contains more than what will say during presentation – but
tried visualize in PowerPoint)
29 September 2021
Perspective, approach: two main perspectives:
* First perspective: perspective relationship European law – national procedural law
distinguishing thereby two types:
national procedural law as part of
European procedure (EPO and ESCP)
national procedure next to, beside
European procedure (EPO and ESCP)
result: variety regimes, options at disposal plaintiff
* Other perspective: when discussing relationship above, also perspective
defendant – particularly defendant-consumer
29 September 2021
First type of relationship European Law/national procedural law:
“part of”: European procedure, National procedural law part of it
Some notes:
National procedural law part of: Two ways
clear reference/not in regulation itself (“rest”)
See e.g. articles 25 EPO and 17 ESCP/26 EPO and 19 ESCP
Illustration second way: what and how
CJEU Rebecka Jonsson on ESCP
what (was asked to CJEU if European uniform or left to national)
how: procedural autonomy MS but …
(note: attention how here principles effectiveness and equivalence, as compared to e.g. reference to them in
CJEU Banco Espanol)
Cfr. Pending case CJEU on EPO, C-18/21
difficulties sometimes to know if European/left to national
29 September 2021
Part National
Part National
(as part of
In any case currently there are national differences (allowed as long as respect …)
Future: European regime ? More/less uniform?
29 September 2021
Part National procedural law
Country X
Part National
procedural law
Country Y
Part National
procedural law
Part European
procedural law
Consequences Currently, differences: complications whereas national variety but also
Options plaintiff (e.g. language/fees etc.) as far as options jurisdiction
Cfr. currently OPTIONS other ways:
options between European and domestic (ordinary/special) (second model
relationship) – Will make some comments (is second type relationship European Law/national procedural
Meanwhile also some comments on still another way of having options
options between European regimes themselves (especially EPO – ESCP – choice e.g.
based on difference jurisdiction rules; but also Brussels 1 bis/EEO regarding
enforcement domestic procedure)
29 September 2021
Part National
procedural law
Country X
Part National
procedural law
Country Y
I bis or
Second type of relationship
European law/National procedural law:
“Next to”
Cfr. European procedures (with enforcement if so) next to domestic
(Domestic: + Brussels 1 bis/possibly EEO if so)
Some notes below (starting from EPO and ESCP versus national procedure)
and also below some notes comparisons Brussels 1 bis next to EEO/broader
(European regimes as compared to each other, influence Brussels 1 bis
national, …)
29 September 2021
Part national
Next to: as EPO and ESCP OPTIONAL
Goals uniform procedures: quick, easy …
idea fair, balance (cfr. e.g. nr. 37 CJEU Eco Cosmetics)
but e.g. opinion nr. 104 AG in Bondora
Thus: may be advantageous for plaintiff European procedure (not necessarily but …) compared to
national procedural
If so: discrimination ?? (from perspective plaintiff in domestic procedure, more burdensome) See Constitutional court Belgium 12
October 2017: laconic, “no discrimination”, different situation international - national
EAPO French decision Paris Court of Appeal 28 January 2021: “discrimination”, impact on domestic French procedure
Court Belgium: can be (can co-exist as such, may live together). French court: also other then plus
So: (“plaintiff”/creditor)
From perspective plaintiff: + European versus – national Belgian Court: can remain + and -
From perspective plaintiff: + European versus – national French Court: must become + and +
Remark hereby, whereas Belgian constitutional court: “international” versus “national”: “international”?/”national”? (may be
“international” but not fulfilling requirements regimes/may be “national” procedure but …)
International in special sense EPO and ESCP
May make international (thus possibility benefit European regime, with its advantages)? (Not yet CJEU)
Issue Already CJEU: issue case Bondora (to what extent “advantage” when using European regime)
29 September 2021
National procedure
Bondora, EPO
About Directive 93/13/EEC unfair practices in consumer contracts and EPO
Cfr. National procedure Spain, opinion and judgment
Opinion nr. 134 and Judgment nr. 51: “Not allow circumvent” (not undermine) (requirements
Directive and article 38 Charter),
(seen above: court Belgium: one plus, other min: can be (plus and one from perspective plaintiff;
comparing international with national). French court: also other (national) should be plus, from
perspective plaintiff (no discrimination).
Here, CJEU: also one (European) min (from perspective protection defendant/consumer, not
undermine protection, not less protection there defendant, so no advantage plaintiff there)
So from perspective plaintiff: + (?) European versus – national CJEU, regarding
European: - and -
CJEU: not undermine protection consumer, perspective consumer protection
- perspective rights defendant?
29 September 2021
Spanish National
Is regarding mechanism check Directive (focused on in Bondora) – limited to this?
Looking wider, mechanisms check and sanction – e.g. jurisdiction issues/…? (Bondora “boost” e.g.
for EPO check and sanction possibilities jurisdiction issues particularly regarding
consumers/defendants/possible reasonings based i.a. on (considerations in) Bondora?)
Taking into account, looking at EPO and also ESCP:
During enforcement/during procedure
EPO no refusal ground jurisdiction in sense Brussels 1 bis jurisdiction
but on the other hand review
issue perhaps wider than refusal grounds Brussels 1 bis (but Thomas cook, but
… ) as now at least (“wrongly issued”)
(attention if streamline review EPO with review mechanism ESCP)
(review EPO and ESCP: (no need during enforcement - but at court origin) if
granted, touched “in the heart”, “disappears”, whereas refusal Brussels 1 bis only not enforced in
country enforcement) (review EPO and ESCP with Court origin, but as far as allowed: touched in
heart, disappears (compared to Brussels 1 bis where refusal grounds but MS enforcement)
during procedure? quick etc., seemingly not large possibilities to check
EPO and ESCP (and EEO cfr. Discussion below) pure shift compared to Brussels 1 bis?
ESCP: “stripped-down” version Brussels 1 bis? (in essence lost possibility sanctioning violation
jurisdiction rules protecting consumers once ESCP (if errors by judge in ESCP) – no refusal
ground/seemingly no alternative refusal ground)
(might think in itself balance (with issue in any case court origin instead of MS enforcement), but
sometimes just lost possibilities check/sanction?)
29 September 2021
When comparing (above: EPO/ESCP - also in comparison with Brussels 1 bis - and national
procedures – cfr. Jurisdiction rules, consumer protection etc.), broader: Salvoni
Salvoni about Brussels 1 bis: check by judge at stage certificate (when appears that was wrong, later
on refusal ground but at this stage? May refuse deliver certificate/…, tasks and possibilities at this
stage? ). Court: no possibility for judge (said: later on refusal ground)
Salvoni opinion nr. 72 reference EEO (there obligation check, if requirements not fulfilled no
possibility obtain certificate – difference Brussels 1 bis)
Possibility issue EEO compared to Brussels 1 bis with refusal grounds/without refusal grounds
Seems EEO more severe in this regard (as no refusal ground, but requirement), or might say shift, at
other stage check, but perhaps in substance same?
Broader comparison EEO and Brussels 1 bis, can see/imagine various situations:
- Cfr. May say on the one hand e.g. Cornelius de Visser, defendant without known address no
certificate EEO (Brussels 1 bis: possible but refusal ground): EEO not (at all) possible, Brussels 1
bis with refusal ground (nr. 57 judgment comparing EEO with Brussels 1 bis: no refusal ground in
- but attention also imaginable EEO possible, Brussels 1 bis with refusal ground e.g. employees
(refusal ground in Brussels 1 bis, no requirement EEO) – risk “undermine” protection employees
regarding issues jurisdiction by choosing for EEO
29 September 2021
I bis
(so pure shift/more severe/less severe when it comes to respect rights of defence
defendant, rights of defendants?)
Above not possible EEO but possible Brussels 1 bis but with refusal
ground with Cornelius and Salvoni; thus plusminus shift?
(with issue refusal ground that have to come up with oneself, in country
enforcement versus cannot be obtained, if wrongly delivered might ask withdrawal, can
thus disappear, in court of origin though)
Perhaps more severe especially might think situation consumer-
defendant, Vapenik but if other concept consumer with EEO (more severe: seemingly
also active consumer, and absolute jurisdiction rule) than EEO not possible while
Brussels 1 bis possible without even refusal ground (not possible EEO, possible
Brussels 1 bis without even refusal ground)
But other hand: employees EEO can undermine Brussels 1 bis, more
(= comparing requirements EEO – refusal grounds Brussels 1 bis – possibility issue
EEO/possibility Brussels 1 bis with/without refusal ground; EEO, taking thereby
into account also EEO if “wrongly” issued: withdrawal/rectification EEO: possibility to
sanction if errors EEO itself, should go to court origin, but if withdrawal: “disappears”)
29 September 2021
= about EEO and Brussels 1 bis, at occasion Salvoni. Secondly: Salvoni also broader,
EPO and ESCP – procedure with regime enforcement, compared to Brussels 1 bis/EEO
Foregoing is in comparison between Brussels 1 bis and EEO.
If continue on what in Salvoni regarding check rules, remedies and article 47 Charter
but broader, on occasion what said in Salvoni: Brussels 1 bis and EEO but also Brussels
1 bis and EEO and EPO/ESCP (cfr. Again what already above)
EPO and ESCP: no refusal ground whatsoever, at all in sense refusal grounds
jurisdiction Brussels 1 bis
EPO and ESCP review mechanism but … especially attention ESCP (ESCP
“stripped-down” version Brussels 1 bis)
during procedure? especially attention EPO (EPO on the other hand review
mechanism, including “wrongly” issued, with perhaps possibilities – and wide effect if
granted - but attention i.a. CJEU Thomas Cook – risk streamlining with ESCP)
Looking at EPO and ESCP from what said/considered in Salvoni?
29 September 2021
When comparing, last case, including issues Brussels 1 bis: Parking and
Interplastics national Croatian procedure, with Brussels 1 bis
(EEO mentioned but set aside: not uncontested), issue discrimination and violation
charter fundamental rights
Some particular notes. Two remarks, notes below:
(1) internationality, cross-border
(2) allegations discrimination
29 September 2021
Brussels I bis
(not possible, no circulation)
Special Croatian
(1) Internationality, cross-border (as first note on Parking and Interplastics)
Reference in nr. 34 judgment discussing “cross-border”, Brussels 1 bis,
to EPO/Bondora, and said nr. 35 “harmonized interpretation”
seems wide but
cfr. ESCP (same as EPO): ZSE Energia, with reference document
COM(2013)794 final: narrow, in any case different Brussels 1 bis
cfr. remark EEO opinion nr. 25 Zulfikarpasic about internationality and
reference “consistency”, harmonized but European legislator?
(cfr. Issue future here: how proceed internationality, cross-border? Before: in
context discrimination, Belgian Court, “availability” of a regime. Cfr. On this second
remark, but now other point:
29 September 2021
(2) Allegations discrimination (as second note on Parking and Interplastics)
(issue procedure stopped/procedure continued, without possibility recognition Brussels 1 bis (as was
already said in previous case law regarding Croatian procedure and Brussels 1 bis)
-Perspective plaintiff
-Perspective defendant (compare constitutional court situation defendant better off national
procedure – here defendant worse off national procedure?)
-Remarks reverse discrimination/effect international on national (usually: can international, cannot
national – cfr. Family law etc. (same-sex, previously divorce …); here: cannot international –
issues i.a. effect national? (not allowed procedure at all? Previous case law already: said no
condemnation national procedure)
-Discrimination cfr. Above already constitutional court Belgium and on EAPO French decision,
where looked from perspective plaintiff who worse off in national procedure (Belgian case: in fact
effect defendant better off national procedure); here particular situation Croatian plaintiff/might
also look from perspective Croatian defendant
-Here, this particular context, case:
-Court only said
-Not because not Brussels 1 bis that not allowed
(about impact Brussels 1 bis on national)
-This case no violation charter/non-discrimination
-no intention influence national
-But appears, emerges here and broader how position plaintiff/defendant may vary
and how allegations discrimination before Court/national judge, gives glimpse
29 September 2021
Brussels I
possible, no
All in all: Issues discrimination different levels, different comparisons regimes, sometimes influences etc.
Said: Bondora (no less protection in Spain when using EPO in Spain than when using domestic in Spain)
Perspective this presentation (cfr. Previously described):
interaction (influence/dynamics – distinguished/pointed out in article cfr. tried out before courts i.a.):
influence Cfr. National Spanish – EPO Spanish Bondora: from min domestic to (interpretation) min
(less plus than applied by some) international (from perspective defendant, not undermine rights defendant
by allowing using international whereby less protection defendant)
and decisions constitutional court Belgium versus French decision EAPO (from plus international
keep living alongside with min national for plaintiff/creditor (whereby said no discrimination), versus from
plus international to plus (more plus) national from perspective plaintiff/creditor, argument no discrimination
Parking and Interplastics might be seen from different perspectives
perspective plaintiff and perspective defendant, particularly consumer-defendant?
with allegations perspective plaintiff – defendant (which regime, if options: left to arbitration plaintiff –
spectrum of colours, with some dark shadows looking from perspective defendant)
and also related to that issue scope, cfr. Cross-border/…
29 September 2021
some issues might be taken up in future by CJEU (or national courts)/by European legislator
himself (and we occasion policy recommendations for EU legislator in context Efforts/final
study Efforts),
Some issues presented hereby (with question if each regime an sich as such in itself fair and
balanced, albeit otherwise organized than others, or really deprived some rights/defenses in
certain regimes as compared to other, and if so if justified) (with issue if as far as difference
allowed in any case fair as such, each, balanced??)
Thus touching, touched issues such as
interchange, influence regimes on each other,
allegations discrimination, consistency/inconsistency, balance of check/sanction
possibly make more uniform or not
– selection of these in this presentation
Presented some reflections, as written down previously
Relevance e.g. also for policy recommendations EU/other future Efforts-deliverables such as
final study)/as reflections and considerations as such proceeding in analysis?
29 September 2021

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European Law and National Procedural Law. Some considerations following a few cases of the European Court of Justice regarding cross-border debt recovery in the EU

  • 1. European Law and National Procedural Law Some considerations following a few cases of the European Court of Justice regarding cross-border debt recovery in the EU Veerle Van Den Eeckhout 29 September 2021
  • 2. Title/topic this presentation: cfr. Journal article written in Dutch 2020 And cfr. Efforts: parts report case law Luxembourg Case law Court, mainly: Rebecka Jonsson, Bondora, Salvoni, Parking and Interplastics, ZSE Energia (+ some national decisions Belgian Constitutional Court and Court Appeal France) Already some discussed in previous RR by others Now particular perspective (not exhaustively discussing cases) touched, will touch issues such as (selection of these in this presentation): interchange, influence one regime on another, allegations discrimination, issues consistency/inconsistency, balance of check and sanction mechanisms, issue of possibly making more uniform or not Perhaps also useful more, future Efforts deliverables (policy recommendations EU, final study…?/as reflections and considerations as such, proceeding in analysis) (cfr. Extensive PowerPoint, contains more than what will say during presentation – but tried visualize in PowerPoint) 29 September 2021 1
  • 3. Perspective, approach: two main perspectives: * First perspective: perspective relationship European law – national procedural law distinguishing thereby two types: national procedural law as part of European procedure (EPO and ESCP) national procedure next to, beside European procedure (EPO and ESCP) result: variety regimes, options at disposal plaintiff * Other perspective: when discussing relationship above, also perspective defendant – particularly defendant-consumer 29 September 2021 2 Part National procedural law National procedure Part national procedural law
  • 4. First type of relationship European Law/national procedural law: “part of”: European procedure, National procedural law part of it Some notes: National procedural law part of: Two ways clear reference/not in regulation itself (“rest”) See e.g. articles 25 EPO and 17 ESCP/26 EPO and 19 ESCP Illustration second way: what and how CJEU Rebecka Jonsson on ESCP what (was asked to CJEU if European uniform or left to national) how: procedural autonomy MS but … (note: attention how here principles effectiveness and equivalence, as compared to e.g. reference to them in CJEU Banco Espanol) Cfr. Pending case CJEU on EPO, C-18/21 difficulties sometimes to know if European/left to national 29 September 2021 3 Part National procedural law Part National procedural law (as part of European regime)
  • 5. In any case currently there are national differences (allowed as long as respect …) Future: European regime ? More/less uniform? 29 September 2021 4 Part National procedural law Country X Part National procedural law Country Y Part National procedural law Part European uniform procedural law European uniform procedural law?
  • 6. Consequences Currently, differences: complications whereas national variety but also Options plaintiff (e.g. language/fees etc.) as far as options jurisdiction Cfr. currently OPTIONS other ways: options between European and domestic (ordinary/special) (second model relationship) – Will make some comments (is second type relationship European Law/national procedural law) Meanwhile also some comments on still another way of having options options between European regimes themselves (especially EPO – ESCP – choice e.g. based on difference jurisdiction rules; but also Brussels 1 bis/EEO regarding enforcement domestic procedure) 29 September 2021 Part National procedural law Country X Part National procedural law Country Y National procedure Brussels I bis or EEO National procedure Own part enforc ement 5
  • 7. Second type of relationship European law/National procedural law: “Next to” Cfr. European procedures (with enforcement if so) next to domestic (Domestic: + Brussels 1 bis/possibly EEO if so) Some notes below (starting from EPO and ESCP versus national procedure) and also below some notes comparisons Brussels 1 bis next to EEO/broader (European regimes as compared to each other, influence Brussels 1 bis national, …) 29 September 2021 6 National procedure Part national procedural law
  • 8. Next to: as EPO and ESCP OPTIONAL Goals uniform procedures: quick, easy … idea fair, balance (cfr. e.g. nr. 37 CJEU Eco Cosmetics) but e.g. opinion nr. 104 AG in Bondora Thus: may be advantageous for plaintiff European procedure (not necessarily but …) compared to national procedural If so: discrimination ?? (from perspective plaintiff in domestic procedure, more burdensome) See Constitutional court Belgium 12 October 2017: laconic, “no discrimination”, different situation international - national Compare EAPO French decision Paris Court of Appeal 28 January 2021: “discrimination”, impact on domestic French procedure Court Belgium: can be (can co-exist as such, may live together). French court: also other then plus So: (“plaintiff”/creditor) From perspective plaintiff: + European versus – national Belgian Court: can remain + and - From perspective plaintiff: + European versus – national French Court: must become + and + Remark hereby, whereas Belgian constitutional court: “international” versus “national”: “international”?/”national”? (may be “international” but not fulfilling requirements regimes/may be “national” procedure but …) International in special sense EPO and ESCP May make international (thus possibility benefit European regime, with its advantages)? (Not yet CJEU) Issue Already CJEU: issue case Bondora (to what extent “advantage” when using European regime) 29 September 2021 7 National procedure
  • 9. Bondora, EPO Bondora About Directive 93/13/EEC unfair practices in consumer contracts and EPO Cfr. National procedure Spain, opinion and judgment Opinion nr. 134 and Judgment nr. 51: “Not allow circumvent” (not undermine) (requirements Directive and article 38 Charter), (seen above: court Belgium: one plus, other min: can be (plus and one from perspective plaintiff; comparing international with national). French court: also other (national) should be plus, from perspective plaintiff (no discrimination). Here, CJEU: also one (European) min (from perspective protection defendant/consumer, not undermine protection, not less protection there defendant, so no advantage plaintiff there) So from perspective plaintiff: + (?) European versus – national CJEU, regarding European: - and - CJEU: not undermine protection consumer, perspective consumer protection - perspective rights defendant? 29 September 2021 8 Spanish National procedure
  • 10. Is regarding mechanism check Directive (focused on in Bondora) – limited to this? Looking wider, mechanisms check and sanction – e.g. jurisdiction issues/…? (Bondora “boost” e.g. for EPO check and sanction possibilities jurisdiction issues particularly regarding consumers/defendants/possible reasonings based i.a. on (considerations in) Bondora?) Taking into account, looking at EPO and also ESCP: During enforcement/during procedure EPO no refusal ground jurisdiction in sense Brussels 1 bis jurisdiction but on the other hand review issue perhaps wider than refusal grounds Brussels 1 bis (but Thomas cook, but … ) as now at least (“wrongly issued”) (attention if streamline review EPO with review mechanism ESCP) (review EPO and ESCP: (no need during enforcement - but at court origin) if granted, touched “in the heart”, “disappears”, whereas refusal Brussels 1 bis only not enforced in country enforcement) (review EPO and ESCP with Court origin, but as far as allowed: touched in heart, disappears (compared to Brussels 1 bis where refusal grounds but MS enforcement) during procedure? quick etc., seemingly not large possibilities to check EPO and ESCP (and EEO cfr. Discussion below) pure shift compared to Brussels 1 bis? ESCP: “stripped-down” version Brussels 1 bis? (in essence lost possibility sanctioning violation jurisdiction rules protecting consumers once ESCP (if errors by judge in ESCP) – no refusal ground/seemingly no alternative refusal ground) (might think in itself balance (with issue in any case court origin instead of MS enforcement), but sometimes just lost possibilities check/sanction?) 29 September 2021 9
  • 11. When comparing (above: EPO/ESCP - also in comparison with Brussels 1 bis - and national procedures – cfr. Jurisdiction rules, consumer protection etc.), broader: Salvoni Salvoni about Brussels 1 bis: check by judge at stage certificate (when appears that was wrong, later on refusal ground but at this stage? May refuse deliver certificate/…, tasks and possibilities at this stage? ). Court: no possibility for judge (said: later on refusal ground) Salvoni opinion nr. 72 reference EEO (there obligation check, if requirements not fulfilled no possibility obtain certificate – difference Brussels 1 bis) Possibility issue EEO compared to Brussels 1 bis with refusal grounds/without refusal grounds Seems EEO more severe in this regard (as no refusal ground, but requirement), or might say shift, at other stage check, but perhaps in substance same? Broader comparison EEO and Brussels 1 bis, can see/imagine various situations: - Cfr. May say on the one hand e.g. Cornelius de Visser, defendant without known address no certificate EEO (Brussels 1 bis: possible but refusal ground): EEO not (at all) possible, Brussels 1 bis with refusal ground (nr. 57 judgment comparing EEO with Brussels 1 bis: no refusal ground in EEO) - but attention also imaginable EEO possible, Brussels 1 bis with refusal ground e.g. employees (refusal ground in Brussels 1 bis, no requirement EEO) – risk “undermine” protection employees regarding issues jurisdiction by choosing for EEO 29 September 2021 10 National procedure Brussels I bis EEO National procedure
  • 12. (so pure shift/more severe/less severe when it comes to respect rights of defence defendant, rights of defendants?) Above not possible EEO but possible Brussels 1 bis but with refusal ground with Cornelius and Salvoni; thus plusminus shift? (with issue refusal ground that have to come up with oneself, in country enforcement versus cannot be obtained, if wrongly delivered might ask withdrawal, can thus disappear, in court of origin though) Perhaps more severe especially might think situation consumer- defendant, Vapenik but if other concept consumer with EEO (more severe: seemingly also active consumer, and absolute jurisdiction rule) than EEO not possible while Brussels 1 bis possible without even refusal ground (not possible EEO, possible Brussels 1 bis without even refusal ground) But other hand: employees EEO can undermine Brussels 1 bis, more lenient. (= comparing requirements EEO – refusal grounds Brussels 1 bis – possibility issue EEO/possibility Brussels 1 bis with/without refusal ground; EEO, taking thereby into account also EEO if “wrongly” issued: withdrawal/rectification EEO: possibility to sanction if errors EEO itself, should go to court origin, but if withdrawal: “disappears”) 29 September 2021 11
  • 13. = about EEO and Brussels 1 bis, at occasion Salvoni. Secondly: Salvoni also broader, EPO and ESCP EPO and ESCP – procedure with regime enforcement, compared to Brussels 1 bis/EEO Foregoing is in comparison between Brussels 1 bis and EEO. If continue on what in Salvoni regarding check rules, remedies and article 47 Charter but broader, on occasion what said in Salvoni: Brussels 1 bis and EEO but also Brussels 1 bis and EEO and EPO/ESCP (cfr. Again what already above) EPO and ESCP: no refusal ground whatsoever, at all in sense refusal grounds jurisdiction Brussels 1 bis EPO and ESCP review mechanism but … especially attention ESCP (ESCP “stripped-down” version Brussels 1 bis) during procedure? especially attention EPO (EPO on the other hand review mechanism, including “wrongly” issued, with perhaps possibilities – and wide effect if granted - but attention i.a. CJEU Thomas Cook – risk streamlining with ESCP) Looking at EPO and ESCP from what said/considered in Salvoni? 29 September 2021 12 Enforce ment
  • 14. When comparing, last case, including issues Brussels 1 bis: Parking and Interplastics national Croatian procedure, with Brussels 1 bis (EEO mentioned but set aside: not uncontested), issue discrimination and violation charter fundamental rights Some particular notes. Two remarks, notes below: (1) internationality, cross-border (2) allegations discrimination 29 September 2021 13 Brussels I bis (not possible, no circulation) Special Croatian procedure
  • 15. (1) Internationality, cross-border (as first note on Parking and Interplastics) Reference in nr. 34 judgment discussing “cross-border”, Brussels 1 bis, to EPO/Bondora, and said nr. 35 “harmonized interpretation” seems wide but cfr. ESCP (same as EPO): ZSE Energia, with reference document COM(2013)794 final: narrow, in any case different Brussels 1 bis cfr. remark EEO opinion nr. 25 Zulfikarpasic about internationality and differences reference “consistency”, harmonized but European legislator? (cfr. Issue future here: how proceed internationality, cross-border? Before: in context discrimination, Belgian Court, “availability” of a regime. Cfr. On this second remark, but now other point: 29 September 2021 14
  • 16. (2) Allegations discrimination (as second note on Parking and Interplastics) (issue procedure stopped/procedure continued, without possibility recognition Brussels 1 bis (as was already said in previous case law regarding Croatian procedure and Brussels 1 bis) -Perspective plaintiff -Perspective defendant (compare constitutional court situation defendant better off national procedure – here defendant worse off national procedure?) -Remarks reverse discrimination/effect international on national (usually: can international, cannot national – cfr. Family law etc. (same-sex, previously divorce …); here: cannot international – issues i.a. effect national? (not allowed procedure at all? Previous case law already: said no condemnation national procedure) -Discrimination cfr. Above already constitutional court Belgium and on EAPO French decision, where looked from perspective plaintiff who worse off in national procedure (Belgian case: in fact effect defendant better off national procedure); here particular situation Croatian plaintiff/might also look from perspective Croatian defendant -Here, this particular context, case: -Court only said -Not because not Brussels 1 bis that not allowed (about impact Brussels 1 bis on national) -This case no violation charter/non-discrimination -no intention influence national -But appears, emerges here and broader how position plaintiff/defendant may vary and how allegations discrimination before Court/national judge, gives glimpse 29 September 2021 15 Special Croatian procedure Brussels I bis (not possible, no circulation)
  • 17. All in all: Issues discrimination different levels, different comparisons regimes, sometimes influences etc. Said: Bondora (no less protection in Spain when using EPO in Spain than when using domestic in Spain) Future? Perspective this presentation (cfr. Previously described): interaction (influence/dynamics – distinguished/pointed out in article cfr. tried out before courts i.a.): influence Cfr. National Spanish – EPO Spanish Bondora: from min domestic to (interpretation) min (less plus than applied by some) international (from perspective defendant, not undermine rights defendant by allowing using international whereby less protection defendant) and decisions constitutional court Belgium versus French decision EAPO (from plus international keep living alongside with min national for plaintiff/creditor (whereby said no discrimination), versus from plus international to plus (more plus) national from perspective plaintiff/creditor, argument no discrimination plaintiff/creditor Parking and Interplastics might be seen from different perspectives perspective plaintiff and perspective defendant, particularly consumer-defendant? with allegations perspective plaintiff – defendant (which regime, if options: left to arbitration plaintiff – spectrum of colours, with some dark shadows looking from perspective defendant) and also related to that issue scope, cfr. Cross-border/… 29 September 2021 16
  • 18. some issues might be taken up in future by CJEU (or national courts)/by European legislator himself (and we occasion policy recommendations for EU legislator in context Efforts/final study Efforts), Some issues presented hereby (with question if each regime an sich as such in itself fair and balanced, albeit otherwise organized than others, or really deprived some rights/defenses in certain regimes as compared to other, and if so if justified) (with issue if as far as difference allowed in any case fair as such, each, balanced??) Thus touching, touched issues such as interchange, influence regimes on each other, allegations discrimination, consistency/inconsistency, balance of check/sanction mechanisms possibly make more uniform or not – selection of these in this presentation Presented some reflections, as written down previously Relevance e.g. also for policy recommendations EU/other future Efforts-deliverables such as final study)/as reflections and considerations as such proceeding in analysis? 29 September 2021 17