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The Israel Project
National Tracking Poll #140704:
July 2014
Crosstabulation Results
This poll was conducted from July 21-22, 2014, among a national sample of 1010 registered voters. The
interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of reg-
istered voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual household
income, home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of error
of plus or minus 3 percentage points.
1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other
political offices?
certain to
Very likely About
Not too
Not likely
at all
Registered Voters 61 23 11 2 3 1010
Likely Voters 66 24 10 0 0 908
Male 63 25 11 1 1 471
Female 59 22 11 4 5 539
Age: 18-29 38 36 16 4 7 163
Age: 30-44 56 24 17 1 1 250
Age: 45-64 66 21 9 3 1 381
Age: 65+ 74 18 2 0 5 216
Democrats (no lean) 67 22 10 1 1 348
Independents (no lean) 48 26 14 5 7 365
Republicans (no lean) 70 22 7 1 0 296
Liberal (1-3) 65 25 8 1 1 244
Moderate (4) 56 26 17 1 1 265
Conservative (5-7) 70 23 5 1 0 396
Northeast 56 23 15 4 2 184
Midwest 55 26 13 2 5 238
South 65 25 7 1 3 375
West 65 19 11 5 1 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 72 23 4 1 0 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 53 24 15 3 5 607
Income: Under 50k 51 30 12 4 3 438
Income: 50k-100k 64 21 11 1 4 332
Income: 100k+ 75 16 7 1 1 240
Educ: < College 56 25 12 3 4 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 65 23 9 2 0 224
Educ: Post-grad 79 14 5 1 1 122
White Collar 70 23 6 1 1 447
Blue Collar 58 21 11 3 6 412
Cell Only/Mostly 59 23 12 4 3 494
Dual Use 69 22 8 1 0 316
LL Only/Mostly 58 24 10 1 7 173
2: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty
seriously gotten off on the wrong track?
Right Direction Wrong Track N
Registered Voters 28 72 1010
Likely Voters 28 72 908
Male 30 70 471
Female 26 74 539
Age: 18-29 45 55 163
Age: 30-44 32 68 250
Age: 45-64 23 77 381
Age: 65+ 20 80 216
Democrats (no lean) 51 49 348
Independents (no lean) 20 80 365
Republicans (no lean) 11 89 296
Liberal (1-3) 53 47 244
Moderate (4) 34 66 265
Conservative (5-7) 11 89 396
Northeast 33 67 184
Midwest 28 72 238
South 22 78 375
West 34 66 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 28 72 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 28 72 607
Income: Under 50k 30 70 438
Income: 50k-100k 28 72 332
Income: 100k+ 26 74 240
Educ: < College 25 75 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 34 66 224
Educ: Post-grad 34 66 122
White Collar 32 68 447
Blue Collar 22 78 412
Cell Only/Mostly 30 70 494
Dual Use 26 74 316
LL Only/Mostly 24 76 173
3: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Know /
Registered Voters 14 25 17 40 3 1010
Likely Voters 14 26 16 43 1 908
Male 12 29 15 44 0 471
Female 15 22 20 37 6 539
Age: 18-29 23 30 17 23 7 163
Age: 30-44 13 30 21 34 2 250
Age: 45-64 13 21 15 47 4 381
Age: 65+ 8 25 17 50 0 216
Democrats (no lean) 31 45 12 10 1 348
Independents (no lean) 5 21 26 41 7 365
Republicans (no lean) 4 8 13 75 1 296
Liberal (1-3) 28 45 15 11 1 244
Moderate (4) 12 37 19 30 2 265
Conservative (5-7) 5 10 14 70 0 396
Northeast 15 33 19 32 1 184
Midwest 11 35 14 38 3 238
South 16 17 17 47 4 375
West 12 23 21 40 4 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 17 19 13 49 1 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 11 29 20 34 5 607
Income: Under 50k 15 24 17 38 6 438
Income: 50k-100k 12 28 24 35 0 332
Income: 100k+ 13 24 9 52 2 240
Educ: < College 13 22 20 40 5 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 13 34 13 40 1 224
Educ: Post-grad 18 25 13 44 0 122
White Collar 15 26 14 45 0 447
Blue Collar 12 26 16 41 6 412
Cell Only/Mostly 15 27 16 38 5 494
Dual Use 15 23 12 47 3 316
LL Only/Mostly 9 27 23 41 1 173
4: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President?
Approve Disapprove Don’t Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 39 58 3 1010
Likely Voters 40 59 1 908
Male 41 58 0 471
Female 37 57 6 539
Age: 18-29 52 40 7 163
Age: 30-44 43 55 2 250
Age: 45-64 34 62 4 381
Age: 65+ 33 67 0 216
Democrats (no lean) 77 22 1 348
Independents (no lean) 25 68 7 365
Republicans (no lean) 11 88 1 296
Liberal (1-3) 74 26 1 244
Moderate (4) 49 49 2 265
Conservative (5-7) 15 85 0 396
Northeast 48 50 1 184
Midwest 45 52 3 238
South 32 64 4 375
West 35 61 4 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 37 62 1 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 40 55 5 607
Income: Under 50k 39 55 6 438
Income: 50k-100k 40 59 0 332
Income: 100k+ 37 61 2 240
Educ: < College 36 60 5 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 47 52 1 224
Educ: Post-grad 43 57 0 122
White Collar 41 59 0 447
Blue Collar 38 56 6 412
Cell Only/Mostly 42 54 5 494
Dual Use 37 60 3 316
LL Only/Mostly 36 63 1 173
5: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 27 25 15 11 20 2 1010
Likely Voters 29 25 15 11 19 1 908
Male 32 27 14 13 13 0 471
Female 22 22 17 10 25 4 539
Age: 18-29 11 24 23 12 21 9 163
Age: 30-44 21 19 14 16 28 2 250
Age: 45-64 29 27 14 9 20 0 381
Age: 65+ 41 27 14 10 8 0 216
Democrats (no lean) 16 25 21 16 20 1 348
Independents (no lean) 23 28 13 9 23 3 365
Republicans (no lean) 44 20 11 8 15 1 296
Liberal (1-3) 18 28 27 15 12 1 244
Moderate (4) 13 24 18 13 31 1 265
Conservative (5-7) 48 24 10 8 10 1 396
Northeast 28 19 19 12 22 1 184
Midwest 25 27 13 11 24 1 238
South 28 24 14 12 18 5 375
West 26 29 19 11 16 0 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 27 15 6 17 1 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 23 15 15 22 3 607
Income: Under 50k 22 24 14 11 25 4 438
Income: 50k-100k 29 26 17 15 12 1 332
Income: 100k+ 34 23 15 8 20 0 240
Educ: < College 24 23 14 11 25 3 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 32 28 16 13 11 0 224
Educ: Post-grad 32 27 24 7 9 1 122
White Collar 35 25 16 10 15 0 447
Blue Collar 22 25 16 14 19 4 412
Cell Only/Mostly 20 22 20 14 22 3 494
Dual Use 32 28 12 10 17 0 316
LL Only/Mostly 38 23 12 9 17 2 173
6: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 51 27 22 1010
Likely Voters 54 27 20 908
Male 59 27 14 471
Female 45 27 29 539
Age: 18-29 36 35 29 163
Age: 30-44 40 30 30 250
Age: 45-64 56 23 21 381
Age: 65+ 68 24 8 216
Democrats (no lean) 41 38 21 348
Independents (no lean) 51 23 26 365
Republicans (no lean) 64 20 16 296
Liberal (1-3) 46 42 13 244
Moderate (4) 37 31 32 265
Conservative (5-7) 71 18 11 396
Northeast 47 30 23 184
Midwest 51 24 25 238
South 52 25 23 375
West 54 30 16 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 61 22 18 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 45 30 24 607
Income: Under 50k 45 25 30 438
Income: 50k-100k 55 32 12 332
Income: 100k+ 57 23 20 240
Educ: < College 47 25 27 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 59 29 11 224
Educ: Post-grad 59 31 10 122
White Collar 60 25 15 447
Blue Collar 47 31 23 412
Cell Only/Mostly 42 33 25 494
Dual Use 60 22 17 316
LL Only/Mostly 60 21 19 173
7: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 5 9 50 16 18 1010
Likely Voters 2 5 9 52 16 16 908
Male 1 6 8 62 12 11 471
Female 3 3 10 39 20 25 539
Age: 18-29 6 15 9 19 20 31 163
Age: 30-44 3 4 10 44 18 22 250
Age: 45-64 1 1 11 52 18 17 381
Age: 65+ 0 3 5 75 9 7 216
Democrats (no lean) 3 4 12 37 20 23 348
Independents (no lean) 0 7 8 52 15 18 365
Republicans (no lean) 3 2 7 61 13 13 296
Liberal (1-3) 5 10 9 48 11 17 244
Moderate (4) 2 6 12 32 23 26 265
Conservative (5-7) 1 2 8 68 13 9 396
Northeast 2 4 8 54 18 14 184
Midwest 2 2 8 48 19 21 238
South 3 3 8 47 16 23 375
West 1 10 14 52 13 10 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 8 11 48 13 16 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 2 8 51 19 20 607
Income: Under 50k 3 7 9 38 21 23 438
Income: 50k-100k 1 4 10 58 10 16 332
Income: 100k+ 2 1 8 60 17 13 240
Educ: < College 2 5 9 41 20 23 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 2 4 8 65 12 8 224
Educ: Post-grad 3 3 9 71 6 9 122
White Collar 3 3 11 60 12 11 447
Blue Collar 1 4 9 46 18 22 412
Cell Only/Mostly 1 4 12 40 19 24 494
Dual Use 1 2 7 63 13 13 316
LL Only/Mostly 4 3 6 60 16 11 173
8: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 6 59 35 1010
Likely Voters 7 61 32 908
Male 7 70 23 471
Female 6 49 45 539
Age: 18-29 21 28 51 163
Age: 30-44 7 53 40 250
Age: 45-64 2 63 35 381
Age: 65+ 4 80 16 216
Democrats (no lean) 7 49 44 348
Independents (no lean) 7 60 33 365
Republicans (no lean) 5 68 27 296
Liberal (1-3) 15 57 28 244
Moderate (4) 7 44 49 265
Conservative (5-7) 2 76 22 396
Northeast 6 62 32 184
Midwest 4 56 40 238
South 6 55 39 375
West 11 66 23 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 12 58 30 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 3 59 38 607
Income: Under 50k 9 46 44 438
Income: 50k-100k 5 69 26 332
Income: 100k+ 3 67 30 240
Educ: < College 6 50 44 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 74 20 224
Educ: Post-grad 6 79 15 122
White Collar 6 70 23 447
Blue Collar 5 54 41 412
Cell Only/Mostly 5 52 43 494
Dual Use 4 70 26 316
LL Only/Mostly 8 66 27 173
9: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
The Palestinian Authority
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 6 17 42 22 11 1010
Likely Voters 3 6 18 43 22 9 908
Male 2 8 18 50 17 5 471
Female 2 4 16 34 26 17 539
Age: 18-29 6 15 21 17 22 19 163
Age: 30-44 1 7 14 42 26 10 250
Age: 45-64 1 2 18 43 24 12 381
Age: 65+ 3 5 16 57 13 7 216
Democrats (no lean) 3 7 21 34 25 11 348
Independents (no lean) 1 6 18 36 24 15 365
Republicans (no lean) 4 5 12 57 16 7 296
Liberal (1-3) 5 14 25 34 16 6 244
Moderate (4) 2 6 19 30 28 15 265
Conservative (5-7) 1 3 14 58 17 7 396
Northeast 2 8 20 42 24 4 184
Midwest 2 4 16 42 25 11 238
South 3 5 11 42 23 17 375
West 2 9 25 39 15 9 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 8 17 42 19 9 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 5 17 41 24 13 607
Income: Under 50k 2 8 16 31 29 14 438
Income: 50k-100k 2 5 20 48 15 10 332
Income: 100k+ 2 5 15 53 18 8 240
Educ: < College 2 5 15 36 26 15 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 6 19 54 14 5 224
Educ: Post-grad 3 9 22 52 12 2 122
White Collar 4 7 18 50 14 7 447
Blue Collar 1 5 16 40 25 13 412
Cell Only/Mostly 2 7 17 38 22 13 494
Dual Use 1 4 16 49 23 7 316
LL Only/Mostly 5 7 11 44 19 14 173
10: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
The Palestinian Authority
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 8 59 33 1010
Likely Voters 9 61 30 908
Male 10 68 22 471
Female 6 50 43 539
Age: 18-29 21 38 41 163
Age: 30-44 9 56 36 250
Age: 45-64 3 61 36 381
Age: 65+ 7 73 20 216
Democrats (no lean) 10 55 36 348
Independents (no lean) 7 54 39 365
Republicans (no lean) 9 68 23 296
Liberal (1-3) 19 60 21 244
Moderate (4) 8 50 42 265
Conservative (5-7) 4 72 24 396
Northeast 10 62 28 184
Midwest 5 59 36 238
South 8 53 39 375
West 11 65 24 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 12 59 28 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 58 36 607
Income: Under 50k 10 47 43 438
Income: 50k-100k 7 68 25 332
Income: 100k+ 7 67 26 240
Educ: < College 8 51 42 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 9 73 18 224
Educ: Post-grad 12 74 14 122
White Collar 11 68 21 447
Blue Collar 6 56 38 412
Cell Only/Mostly 9 56 35 494
Dual Use 5 66 30 316
LL Only/Mostly 12 55 33 173
11: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 5 19 47 23 3 1010
Likely Voters 3 6 20 48 22 1 908
Male 2 7 19 55 16 1 471
Female 3 4 19 40 30 5 539
Age: 18-29 10 11 23 26 21 9 163
Age: 30-44 2 6 19 42 30 1 250
Age: 45-64 0 4 18 52 24 2 381
Age: 65+ 1 2 18 60 16 2 216
Democrats (no lean) 2 8 20 44 22 4 348
Independents (no lean) 2 5 19 43 26 4 365
Republicans (no lean) 3 3 18 56 20 0 296
Liberal (1-3) 8 5 24 45 15 3 244
Moderate (4) 1 12 21 32 31 2 265
Conservative (5-7) 0 2 19 61 17 1 396
Northeast 2 5 15 49 27 2 184
Midwest 1 4 24 46 22 2 238
South 2 5 16 49 22 5 375
West 4 8 22 43 22 1 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 7 22 44 21 2 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 4 17 49 25 4 607
Income: Under 50k 3 7 20 33 31 6 438
Income: 50k-100k 2 5 19 59 13 1 332
Income: 100k+ 2 4 16 56 22 0 240
Educ: < College 2 5 17 42 30 4 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 6 22 56 12 0 224
Educ: Post-grad 3 4 25 58 8 2 122
White Collar 2 7 21 52 17 2 447
Blue Collar 1 3 18 49 24 4 412
Cell Only/Mostly 3 6 18 41 27 4 494
Dual Use 0 5 20 56 18 1 316
LL Only/Mostly 4 5 15 53 21 2 173
12: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 8 66 26 1010
Likely Voters 8 68 24 908
Male 9 75 16 471
Female 7 59 34 539
Age: 18-29 21 49 30 163
Age: 30-44 8 61 31 250
Age: 45-64 5 70 25 381
Age: 65+ 4 78 18 216
Democrats (no lean) 11 64 26 348
Independents (no lean) 7 62 30 365
Republicans (no lean) 6 74 21 296
Liberal (1-3) 14 69 17 244
Moderate (4) 13 53 34 265
Conservative (5-7) 3 80 18 396
Northeast 7 64 29 184
Midwest 5 71 24 238
South 8 65 27 375
West 12 65 23 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 66 22 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 66 29 607
Income: Under 50k 10 53 37 438
Income: 50k-100k 7 79 14 332
Income: 100k+ 6 72 22 240
Educ: < College 8 59 34 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 9 78 13 224
Educ: Post-grad 7 83 10 122
White Collar 9 73 18 447
Blue Collar 5 67 28 412
Cell Only/Mostly 9 60 31 494
Dual Use 5 76 19 316
LL Only/Mostly 9 68 22 173
13: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 10 26 24 32 5 1010
Likely Voters 3 10 27 26 30 4 908
Male 1 13 27 30 25 4 471
Female 3 8 25 19 38 6 539
Age: 18-29 7 13 16 13 30 21 163
Age: 30-44 3 12 24 21 37 3 250
Age: 45-64 0 6 24 33 35 1 381
Age: 65+ 1 13 40 21 23 2 216
Democrats (no lean) 3 13 26 19 33 6 348
Independents (no lean) 1 9 25 23 38 6 365
Republicans (no lean) 3 9 29 32 23 3 296
Liberal (1-3) 7 13 32 18 27 2 244
Moderate (4) 1 14 22 17 39 7 265
Conservative (5-7) 1 9 28 35 25 3 396
Northeast 1 10 28 23 35 2 184
Midwest 2 10 29 25 30 4 238
South 3 11 22 24 30 9 375
West 2 9 30 24 34 2 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 13 28 23 27 4 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 8 25 25 35 6 607
Income: Under 50k 3 9 20 22 37 9 438
Income: 50k-100k 2 11 34 24 26 3 332
Income: 100k+ 2 12 27 28 30 1 240
Educ: < College 2 9 22 23 38 7 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 13 32 28 23 2 224
Educ: Post-grad 6 13 40 26 14 1 122
White Collar 4 12 32 26 25 1 447
Blue Collar 1 9 24 25 33 7 412
Cell Only/Mostly 2 10 22 23 34 9 494
Dual Use 2 9 29 31 28 1 316
LL Only/Mostly 4 12 35 18 26 3 173
14: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 13 50 37 1010
Likely Voters 13 52 35 908
Male 14 58 28 471
Female 11 44 45 539
Age: 18-29 20 29 51 163
Age: 30-44 15 45 40 250
Age: 45-64 6 57 36 381
Age: 65+ 14 61 25 216
Democrats (no lean) 16 44 40 348
Independents (no lean) 9 48 43 365
Republicans (no lean) 12 61 26 296
Liberal (1-3) 20 50 29 244
Moderate (4) 15 39 46 265
Conservative (5-7) 10 63 28 396
Northeast 12 51 37 184
Midwest 12 54 34 238
South 15 46 39 375
West 11 54 36 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 18 51 31 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 50 41 607
Income: Under 50k 12 42 46 438
Income: 50k-100k 13 58 29 332
Income: 100k+ 14 55 31 240
Educ: < College 10 44 45 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 16 60 24 224
Educ: Post-grad 19 66 15 122
White Collar 16 58 26 447
Blue Collar 10 50 40 412
Cell Only/Mostly 12 45 42 494
Dual Use 11 61 29 316
LL Only/Mostly 17 53 30 173
15: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 5 22 20 15 33 5 1010
Likely Voters 6 24 19 16 32 3 908
Male 5 27 19 20 26 3 471
Female 6 18 21 10 39 6 539
Age: 18-29 15 16 13 15 27 14 163
Age: 30-44 4 16 20 16 38 6 250
Age: 45-64 2 23 18 16 40 1 381
Age: 65+ 5 32 31 11 21 1 216
Democrats (no lean) 5 20 22 15 32 5 348
Independents (no lean) 5 21 20 12 37 6 365
Republicans (no lean) 6 26 19 17 30 2 296
Liberal (1-3) 14 22 24 13 25 3 244
Moderate (4) 2 23 20 10 41 3 265
Conservative (5-7) 4 27 19 20 28 2 396
Northeast 5 16 24 17 32 6 184
Midwest 2 22 25 15 33 3 238
South 5 24 16 13 34 7 375
West 10 23 19 14 33 1 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 24 23 14 27 2 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 21 18 15 37 6 607
Income: Under 50k 7 18 18 13 36 8 438
Income: 50k-100k 3 26 23 17 28 3 332
Income: 100k+ 5 24 21 15 36 0 240
Educ: < College 5 20 17 13 39 6 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 4 23 24 22 25 2 224
Educ: Post-grad 11 33 29 8 17 2 122
White Collar 6 29 22 14 27 2 447
Blue Collar 3 18 22 16 36 5 412
Cell Only/Mostly 3 20 18 18 35 5 494
Dual Use 4 25 23 13 34 1 316
LL Only/Mostly 9 25 23 10 29 4 173
16: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 27 35 38 1010
Likely Voters 29 35 35 908
Male 32 39 29 471
Female 23 32 45 539
Age: 18-29 31 28 41 163
Age: 30-44 20 36 44 250
Age: 45-64 26 33 41 381
Age: 65+ 36 41 22 216
Democrats (no lean) 25 37 37 348
Independents (no lean) 26 31 43 365
Republicans (no lean) 32 36 32 296
Liberal (1-3) 35 37 28 244
Moderate (4) 25 31 44 265
Conservative (5-7) 31 39 30 396
Northeast 21 41 38 184
Midwest 24 40 36 238
South 30 29 41 375
West 33 33 35 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 37 29 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 34 43 607
Income: Under 50k 26 31 44 438
Income: 50k-100k 29 40 31 332
Income: 100k+ 29 35 36 240
Educ: < College 24 31 45 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 28 46 27 224
Educ: Post-grad 44 37 19 122
White Collar 35 36 29 447
Blue Collar 21 38 41 412
Cell Only/Mostly 23 36 41 494
Dual Use 28 37 35 316
LL Only/Mostly 34 33 33 173
17: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 3 20 27 20 26 3 1010
Likely Voters 3 20 28 22 25 2 908
Male 2 25 27 27 17 3 471
Female 4 15 28 15 34 4 539
Age: 18-29 8 15 23 22 22 11 163
Age: 30-44 2 20 23 21 29 5 250
Age: 45-64 2 18 29 20 30 1 381
Age: 65+ 1 26 33 20 19 1 216
Democrats (no lean) 5 19 28 21 24 3 348
Independents (no lean) 1 19 27 16 32 6 365
Republicans (no lean) 3 22 28 25 22 1 296
Liberal (1-3) 6 21 35 20 16 1 244
Moderate (4) 4 24 19 15 36 1 265
Conservative (5-7) 1 20 31 27 19 2 396
Northeast 6 20 31 15 24 5 184
Midwest 2 23 25 18 29 3 238
South 3 17 28 22 26 5 375
West 1 20 27 26 25 0 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 20 28 25 22 1 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 19 27 18 29 5 607
Income: Under 50k 4 15 22 22 30 7 438
Income: 50k-100k 2 24 31 20 21 2 332
Income: 100k+ 2 21 33 18 26 0 240
Educ: < College 3 16 24 20 31 5 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 2 25 28 25 19 0 224
Educ: Post-grad 3 28 43 15 10 1 122
White Collar 3 25 32 20 20 0 447
Blue Collar 3 18 26 22 28 4 412
Cell Only/Mostly 2 18 25 21 29 4 494
Dual Use 1 24 31 18 26 0 316
LL Only/Mostly 7 19 31 18 22 4 173
18: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 23 48 30 1010
Likely Voters 23 50 27 908
Male 26 54 20 471
Female 19 43 38 539
Age: 18-29 23 45 32 163
Age: 30-44 23 44 34 250
Age: 45-64 20 49 31 381
Age: 65+ 27 53 20 216
Democrats (no lean) 24 49 27 348
Independents (no lean) 20 43 37 365
Republicans (no lean) 25 52 23 296
Liberal (1-3) 28 55 17 244
Moderate (4) 28 34 37 265
Conservative (5-7) 21 58 21 396
Northeast 25 46 28 184
Midwest 26 43 32 238
South 20 49 31 375
West 21 53 26 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 25 52 23 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 45 34 607
Income: Under 50k 20 44 37 438
Income: 50k-100k 26 51 23 332
Income: 100k+ 23 51 26 240
Educ: < College 19 44 36 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 27 53 19 224
Educ: Post-grad 31 58 11 122
White Collar 28 52 20 447
Blue Collar 21 47 32 412
Cell Only/Mostly 20 47 33 494
Dual Use 25 49 26 316
LL Only/Mostly 26 49 25 173
19: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Saudi Arabia
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 4 18 28 22 25 4 1010
Likely Voters 4 19 28 22 23 3 908
Male 2 28 29 20 17 3 471
Female 5 9 27 23 31 5 539
Age: 18-29 8 20 22 14 24 12 163
Age: 30-44 4 12 24 28 27 5 250
Age: 45-64 3 20 26 23 28 1 381
Age: 65+ 1 20 42 18 16 3 216
Democrats (no lean) 5 14 29 27 21 4 348
Independents (no lean) 2 20 27 15 30 6 365
Republicans (no lean) 5 20 28 24 22 2 296
Liberal (1-3) 7 25 28 24 15 2 244
Moderate (4) 4 19 24 15 38 2 265
Conservative (5-7) 3 17 34 27 16 3 396
Northeast 3 21 31 19 21 6 184
Midwest 4 16 31 21 25 3 238
South 4 13 24 26 26 6 375
West 4 27 29 16 25 1 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 19 31 21 20 3 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 17 26 22 28 5 607
Income: Under 50k 3 18 22 19 30 8 438
Income: 50k-100k 3 15 34 27 19 2 332
Income: 100k+ 4 22 31 18 24 0 240
Educ: < College 3 17 23 21 30 6 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 4 21 35 24 15 1 224
Educ: Post-grad 4 20 41 21 13 1 122
White Collar 5 22 32 22 18 1 447
Blue Collar 3 14 26 25 26 5 412
Cell Only/Mostly 4 16 22 26 27 5 494
Dual Use 2 16 36 23 21 2 316
LL Only/Mostly 5 22 33 10 26 4 173
20: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Saudi Arabia
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 22 50 29 1010
Likely Voters 23 50 27 908
Male 30 49 21 471
Female 14 50 36 539
Age: 18-29 28 36 36 163
Age: 30-44 17 51 32 250
Age: 45-64 22 48 29 381
Age: 65+ 21 60 19 216
Democrats (no lean) 19 56 25 348
Independents (no lean) 22 42 36 365
Republicans (no lean) 25 52 24 296
Liberal (1-3) 32 52 16 244
Moderate (4) 23 38 39 265
Conservative (5-7) 20 62 19 396
Northeast 24 50 27 184
Midwest 20 52 28 238
South 17 51 32 375
West 30 44 25 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 26 52 22 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 19 48 33 607
Income: Under 50k 21 41 38 438
Income: 50k-100k 18 61 20 332
Income: 100k+ 27 49 24 240
Educ: < College 20 44 36 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 25 59 16 224
Educ: Post-grad 24 62 14 122
White Collar 27 54 19 447
Blue Collar 17 51 31 412
Cell Only/Mostly 20 48 32 494
Dual Use 18 59 23 316
LL Only/Mostly 27 43 30 173
21: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 7 21 51 17 2 1010
Likely Voters 3 6 22 52 16 1 908
Male 1 10 22 52 13 2 471
Female 4 4 19 49 21 3 539
Age: 18-29 6 14 28 27 16 9 163
Age: 30-44 3 7 13 52 22 4 250
Age: 45-64 1 3 20 57 18 0 381
Age: 65+ 1 8 25 56 11 0 216
Democrats (no lean) 3 5 23 50 18 1 348
Independents (no lean) 1 9 21 42 21 5 365
Republicans (no lean) 3 5 17 62 12 0 296
Liberal (1-3) 6 10 22 48 13 1 244
Moderate (4) 2 7 21 44 25 1 265
Conservative (5-7) 2 3 23 63 10 0 396
Northeast 2 5 22 49 18 4 184
Midwest 2 10 20 50 17 1 238
South 3 4 18 55 17 4 375
West 3 10 24 46 17 0 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 9 19 50 16 1 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 5 21 51 18 3 607
Income: Under 50k 3 8 21 40 23 5 438
Income: 50k-100k 1 8 22 59 10 0 332
Income: 100k+ 2 2 18 59 18 0 240
Educ: < College 2 7 19 46 23 3 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 2 9 21 60 8 0 224
Educ: Post-grad 3 3 30 58 5 1 122
White Collar 4 5 22 56 13 0 447
Blue Collar 2 7 19 53 17 3 412
Cell Only/Mostly 3 5 20 48 21 3 494
Dual Use 1 3 21 60 14 0 316
LL Only/Mostly 3 11 24 48 14 0 173
22: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 9 71 20 1010
Likely Voters 9 74 18 908
Male 10 75 15 471
Female 8 68 24 539
Age: 18-29 20 55 25 163
Age: 30-44 10 65 25 250
Age: 45-64 4 77 18 381
Age: 65+ 8 80 11 216
Democrats (no lean) 8 73 19 348
Independents (no lean) 10 64 26 365
Republicans (no lean) 9 79 12 296
Liberal (1-3) 16 70 14 244
Moderate (4) 8 66 26 265
Conservative (5-7) 5 86 10 396
Northeast 8 71 22 184
Midwest 11 70 18 238
South 6 73 21 375
West 13 70 18 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 69 17 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 73 22 607
Income: Under 50k 11 61 28 438
Income: 50k-100k 10 80 10 332
Income: 100k+ 4 77 18 240
Educ: < College 9 65 26 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 81 8 224
Educ: Post-grad 6 88 6 122
White Collar 9 78 13 447
Blue Collar 9 71 20 412
Cell Only/Mostly 8 68 24 494
Dual Use 5 81 14 316
LL Only/Mostly 14 72 14 173
23: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 5 17 55 19 2 1010
Likely Voters 3 5 16 58 17 1 908
Male 2 6 16 63 12 1 471
Female 3 3 18 48 24 3 539
Age: 18-29 8 9 23 31 20 9 163
Age: 30-44 3 7 17 46 25 2 250
Age: 45-64 0 3 15 64 18 0 381
Age: 65+ 1 1 18 70 11 0 216
Democrats (no lean) 3 6 20 51 17 2 348
Independents (no lean) 1 4 17 53 22 3 365
Republicans (no lean) 4 3 14 63 15 1 296
Liberal (1-3) 7 7 18 58 10 1 244
Moderate (4) 2 8 17 43 28 1 265
Conservative (5-7) 1 1 17 70 10 1 396
Northeast 3 5 14 57 22 0 184
Midwest 1 3 22 53 20 1 238
South 3 4 14 57 18 4 375
West 2 7 20 55 15 1 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 6 5 17 56 16 1 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 4 17 55 21 3 607
Income: Under 50k 3 5 18 45 26 4 438
Income: 50k-100k 2 6 21 61 10 1 332
Income: 100k+ 2 2 12 67 18 0 240
Educ: < College 2 3 18 50 24 3 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 9 15 62 11 0 224
Educ: Post-grad 3 4 16 72 4 1 122
White Collar 3 7 15 62 12 0 447
Blue Collar 2 3 17 55 18 4 412
Cell Only/Mostly 3 5 18 50 21 3 494
Dual Use 1 3 16 66 14 0 316
LL Only/Mostly 4 6 19 52 17 2 173
24: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 7 73 21 1010
Likely Voters 7 75 18 908
Male 8 79 13 471
Female 6 67 27 539
Age: 18-29 17 54 29 163
Age: 30-44 10 63 27 250
Age: 45-64 3 78 18 381
Age: 65+ 2 87 11 216
Democrats (no lean) 9 72 19 348
Independents (no lean) 5 69 26 365
Republicans (no lean) 6 78 16 296
Liberal (1-3) 13 76 11 244
Moderate (4) 10 60 30 265
Conservative (5-7) 2 87 11 396
Northeast 7 71 22 184
Midwest 4 74 21 238
South 7 71 22 375
West 9 75 16 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 73 16 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 4 72 23 607
Income: Under 50k 8 62 30 438
Income: 50k-100k 8 82 10 332
Income: 100k+ 4 78 18 240
Educ: < College 5 68 27 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 12 78 11 224
Educ: Post-grad 7 88 4 122
White Collar 10 78 12 447
Blue Collar 5 73 22 412
Cell Only/Mostly 8 68 24 494
Dual Use 4 82 14 316
LL Only/Mostly 10 71 19 173
25: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 5 23 20 15 32 4 1010
Likely Voters 5 23 21 16 31 3 908
Male 5 30 23 19 20 3 471
Female 5 17 18 12 43 5 539
Age: 18-29 14 15 16 17 27 12 163
Age: 30-44 3 22 20 15 34 5 250
Age: 45-64 2 22 18 16 40 1 381
Age: 65+ 3 32 28 14 20 3 216
Democrats (no lean) 5 21 23 14 33 3 348
Independents (no lean) 3 25 17 13 35 6 365
Republicans (no lean) 5 23 21 20 27 3 296
Liberal (1-3) 9 23 26 15 25 1 244
Moderate (4) 5 26 18 11 39 2 265
Conservative (5-7) 3 24 24 19 27 3 396
Northeast 3 29 17 14 30 6 184
Midwest 2 27 25 12 31 4 238
South 6 19 18 15 36 6 375
West 7 21 23 20 29 1 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 21 24 19 25 3 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 25 18 13 37 5 607
Income: Under 50k 5 17 18 16 36 8 438
Income: 50k-100k 4 28 23 15 28 2 332
Income: 100k+ 3 28 22 15 31 0 240
Educ: < College 4 20 17 15 38 6 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 4 28 23 20 24 1 224
Educ: Post-grad 8 31 37 8 15 1 122
White Collar 5 31 21 16 26 0 447
Blue Collar 4 20 20 15 35 6 412
Cell Only/Mostly 5 21 17 17 35 5 494
Dual Use 4 25 24 12 33 1 316
LL Only/Mostly 5 30 24 11 26 4 173
26: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 28 36 37 1010
Likely Voters 28 37 35 908
Male 35 42 23 471
Female 22 30 48 539
Age: 18-29 29 33 39 163
Age: 30-44 25 35 40 250
Age: 45-64 25 34 41 381
Age: 65+ 35 42 23 216
Democrats (no lean) 26 37 37 348
Independents (no lean) 28 31 41 365
Republicans (no lean) 29 41 30 296
Liberal (1-3) 33 41 26 244
Moderate (4) 30 29 41 265
Conservative (5-7) 27 43 30 396
Northeast 33 31 36 184
Midwest 29 37 34 238
South 25 33 42 375
West 28 42 30 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 30 42 28 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 27 31 42 607
Income: Under 50k 22 34 44 438
Income: 50k-100k 32 37 30 332
Income: 100k+ 31 37 32 240
Educ: < College 24 32 44 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 32 43 25 224
Educ: Post-grad 39 45 16 122
White Collar 37 37 27 447
Blue Collar 24 36 41 412
Cell Only/Mostly 25 35 40 494
Dual Use 29 37 34 316
LL Only/Mostly 35 35 30 173
27: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
John Kerry
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 10 29 23 20 11 7 471
Likely Voters 11 29 24 21 11 4 418
Male 9 28 23 26 8 6 236
Female 11 30 23 14 14 8 235
Age: 18-29 4 29 14 10 18 26 76
Age: 30-44 11 29 21 21 11 9 130
Age: 45-64 12 27 27 21 13 1 167
Age: 65+ 10 34 25 26 4 1 98
Democrats (no lean) 25 37 19 7 10 3 161
Independents (no lean) 1 30 19 24 9 16 164
Republicans (no lean) 4 19 32 30 15 1 146
Liberal (1-3) 26 37 16 7 10 5 124
Moderate (4) 8 45 20 13 12 2 127
Conservative (5-7) 1 17 33 38 9 1 179
Northeast 11 34 12 14 14 15 79
Midwest 11 26 21 29 9 4 116
South 8 24 29 16 15 8 173
West 11 37 23 21 5 2 103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 12 30 26 21 10 2 193
Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 28 21 19 12 11 278
Income: Under 50k 6 31 17 16 13 16 196
Income: 50k-100k 9 31 33 20 6 1 147
Income: 100k+ 17 24 19 26 13 0 128
Educ: < College 8 29 22 18 13 10 297
Educ: Bachelors degree 10 27 28 25 9 1 116
Educ: Post-grad 20 33 18 22 7 2 57
White Collar 12 28 28 22 9 1 219
Blue Collar 8 29 20 23 11 8 177
Cell Only/Mostly 11 30 20 19 12 8 241
Dual Use 9 24 30 25 9 3 148
LL Only/Mostly 10 30 27 16 14 3 56
28: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
John Kerry
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 39 43 18 471
Likely Voters 40 45 15 418
Male 38 48 14 236
Female 41 37 22 235
Age: 18-29 33 24 43 76
Age: 30-44 40 41 19 130
Age: 45-64 38 48 14 167
Age: 65+ 44 51 5 98
Democrats (no lean) 62 25 13 161
Independents (no lean) 32 43 26 164
Republicans (no lean) 22 62 16 146
Liberal (1-3) 63 22 15 124
Moderate (4) 53 33 14 127
Conservative (5-7) 18 71 10 179
Northeast 45 26 29 79
Midwest 38 50 13 116
South 32 45 23 173
West 48 44 8 103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 42 47 11 193
Religiosity: LT Monthly 37 40 23 278
Income: Under 50k 37 34 29 196
Income: 50k-100k 40 53 7 147
Income: 100k+ 41 46 13 128
Educ: < College 37 40 23 297
Educ: Bachelors degree 37 52 10 116
Educ: Post-grad 52 40 8 57
White Collar 40 49 10 219
Blue Collar 37 43 20 177
Cell Only/Mostly 41 39 20 241
Dual Use 33 55 12 148
LL Only/Mostly 41 43 16 56
29: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 13 30 23 19 15 0 539
Likely Voters 13 29 24 21 13 0 490
Male 17 30 22 23 6 0 235
Female 9 30 24 16 21 1 304
Age: 18-29 39 21 16 12 11 1 87
Age: 30-44 7 23 35 17 16 1 120
Age: 45-64 7 29 19 23 21 0 214
Age: 65+ 9 45 23 18 5 0 118
Democrats (no lean) 24 42 14 8 11 1 187
Independents (no lean) 7 31 24 15 23 0 201
Republicans (no lean) 6 15 33 38 7 0 151
Liberal (1-3) 29 46 11 2 11 0 120
Moderate (4) 16 28 27 10 17 1 138
Conservative (5-7) 4 23 28 36 9 0 217
Northeast 14 43 16 15 12 0 105
Midwest 6 32 21 23 17 1 122
South 14 23 33 19 12 0 203
West 18 29 13 20 20 1 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 21 25 30 10 1 210
Religiosity: LT Monthly 12 36 22 12 18 0 329
Income: Under 50k 19 19 20 19 22 1 242
Income: 50k-100k 6 43 21 19 10 0 185
Income: 100k+ 9 33 32 19 8 0 112
Educ: < College 12 26 24 18 19 1 366
Educ: Bachelors degree 12 48 11 23 6 0 108
Educ: Post-grad 16 26 38 17 3 0 65
White Collar 13 35 21 24 7 0 227
Blue Collar 12 28 25 16 19 0 236
Cell Only/Mostly 18 23 24 19 15 1 252
Dual Use 7 34 20 23 17 0 168
LL Only/Mostly 10 40 25 13 11 0 117
30: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 43 42 15 539
Likely Voters 42 44 13 490
Male 48 46 7 235
Female 39 39 22 304
Age: 18-29 61 28 12 87
Age: 30-44 30 53 17 120
Age: 45-64 36 42 21 214
Age: 65+ 54 41 5 118
Democrats (no lean) 65 22 13 187
Independents (no lean) 38 39 23 201
Republicans (no lean) 22 71 7 151
Liberal (1-3) 76 13 11 120
Moderate (4) 44 37 19 138
Conservative (5-7) 27 64 9 217
Northeast 57 31 12 105
Midwest 38 44 18 122
South 37 51 12 203
West 46 33 21 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 55 10 210
Religiosity: LT Monthly 48 34 18 329
Income: Under 50k 38 39 22 242
Income: 50k-100k 49 41 10 185
Income: 100k+ 42 51 8 112
Educ: < College 38 42 20 366
Educ: Bachelors degree 60 34 6 108
Educ: Post-grad 42 55 3 65
White Collar 48 44 7 227
Blue Collar 40 41 19 236
Cell Only/Mostly 41 43 16 252
Dual Use 40 43 17 168
LL Only/Mostly 50 39 11 117
31: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 11 30 23 20 13 4 1010
Likely Voters 12 29 24 21 12 2 908
Male 13 29 22 25 7 3 471
Female 10 30 23 15 18 4 539
Age: 18-29 23 25 15 11 14 12 163
Age: 30-44 9 26 28 19 13 5 250
Age: 45-64 9 28 23 22 18 0 381
Age: 65+ 10 40 24 22 4 1 216
Democrats (no lean) 24 40 16 7 11 2 348
Independents (no lean) 5 30 22 19 17 7 365
Republicans (no lean) 5 17 33 34 11 0 296
Liberal (1-3) 28 42 13 5 10 3 244
Moderate (4) 12 36 24 12 15 1 265
Conservative (5-7) 3 21 30 37 9 1 396
Northeast 13 39 14 15 13 6 184
Midwest 8 29 21 26 13 3 238
South 11 23 31 18 13 4 375
West 15 33 18 20 13 1 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 25 26 26 10 1 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 11 33 21 15 15 5 607
Income: Under 50k 13 25 19 18 18 8 438
Income: 50k-100k 8 38 26 19 8 1 332
Income: 100k+ 13 28 25 23 11 0 240
Educ: < College 10 27 23 18 16 5 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 37 20 24 8 0 224
Educ: Post-grad 17 29 29 19 4 1 122
White Collar 13 32 24 23 8 1 447
Blue Collar 10 28 23 19 16 4 412
Cell Only/Mostly 14 27 22 19 14 5 494
Dual Use 8 29 25 24 13 1 316
LL Only/Mostly 10 37 26 14 12 1 173
32: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 41 42 17 1010
Likely Voters 41 45 14 908
Male 43 47 10 471
Female 40 38 22 539
Age: 18-29 48 26 26 163
Age: 30-44 35 47 18 250
Age: 45-64 37 45 18 381
Age: 65+ 50 46 5 216
Democrats (no lean) 64 24 13 348
Independents (no lean) 35 41 24 365
Republicans (no lean) 22 67 11 296
Liberal (1-3) 69 18 13 244
Moderate (4) 48 35 17 265
Conservative (5-7) 23 67 9 396
Northeast 52 29 19 184
Midwest 38 47 15 238
South 34 49 17 375
West 47 38 14 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 38 51 11 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 43 37 20 607
Income: Under 50k 38 37 26 438
Income: 50k-100k 45 46 9 332
Income: 100k+ 41 48 11 240
Educ: < College 38 41 21 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 48 43 8 224
Educ: Post-grad 47 48 5 122
White Collar 44 47 9 447
Blue Collar 38 42 19 412
Cell Only/Mostly 41 41 18 494
Dual Use 37 49 15 316
LL Only/Mostly 47 40 13 173
33: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Benjamin Netanyahu
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 17 17 14 10 21 21 487
Likely Voters 19 18 12 11 22 19 433
Male 22 25 11 13 20 10 227
Female 12 9 17 7 23 32 259
Age: 18-29 9 6 9 16 30 29 97
Age: 30-44 16 14 10 12 25 24 115
Age: 45-64 13 22 9 8 24 24 162
Age: 65+ 28 20 30 7 6 8 112
Democrats (no lean) 7 18 17 16 19 23 172
Independents (no lean) 11 15 16 8 25 25 189
Republicans (no lean) 38 18 6 6 19 14 126
Liberal (1-3) 11 17 19 16 18 19 130
Moderate (4) 8 15 15 9 26 26 136
Conservative (5-7) 32 22 6 8 17 14 169
Northeast 18 29 13 12 16 12 97
Midwest 14 7 22 5 25 27 119
South 18 15 10 14 15 28 162
West 16 18 13 9 31 13 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 28 11 12 7 23 19 186
Religiosity: LT Monthly 10 20 15 12 20 23 301
Income: Under 50k 9 13 9 10 30 29 224
Income: 50k-100k 15 19 26 11 16 13 148
Income: 100k+ 33 21 8 9 11 18 115
Educ: < College 13 13 12 8 27 26 321
Educ: Bachelors degree 21 24 15 14 9 17 102
Educ: Post-grad 26 24 19 13 12 7 64
White Collar 26 25 12 11 14 12 217
Blue Collar 12 10 17 9 26 26 198
Cell Only/Mostly 13 12 9 12 22 33 222
Dual Use 22 22 16 8 19 13 161
LL Only/Mostly 21 21 26 9 12 11 88
34: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Benjamin Netanyahu
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 33 24 43 487
Likely Voters 37 23 40 433
Male 46 24 30 227
Female 22 24 54 259
Age: 18-29 16 25 59 97
Age: 30-44 30 21 49 115
Age: 45-64 35 16 48 162
Age: 65+ 49 37 15 112
Democrats (no lean) 25 33 42 172
Independents (no lean) 25 24 51 189
Republicans (no lean) 56 12 33 126
Liberal (1-3) 28 35 37 130
Moderate (4) 24 24 52 136
Conservative (5-7) 54 14 32 169
Northeast 47 24 29 97
Midwest 21 27 52 119
South 33 23 43 162
West 34 22 44 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 19 42 186
Religiosity: LT Monthly 29 27 43 301
Income: Under 50k 22 19 59 224
Income: 50k-100k 34 37 29 148
Income: 100k+ 54 17 29 115
Educ: < College 26 21 53 321
Educ: Bachelors degree 45 29 26 102
Educ: Post-grad 50 32 18 64
White Collar 51 23 26 217
Blue Collar 22 26 51 198
Cell Only/Mostly 24 21 55 222
Dual Use 44 24 32 161
LL Only/Mostly 41 36 23 88
35: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 21 23 19 14 16 8 253
Likely Voters 23 25 14 14 16 8 231
Male 25 29 13 15 14 4 173
Female 11 9 31 11 21 17 81
Age: 18-29 13 6 19 36 11 16 40
Age: 30-44 7 23 19 13 27 12 66
Age: 45-64 18 35 9 9 22 7 79
Age: 65+ 43 18 30 7 2 0 67
Democrats (no lean) 13 17 26 19 16 9 79
Independents (no lean) 14 22 20 13 22 9 107
Republicans (no lean) 40 30 8 9 8 4 67
Liberal (1-3) 20 17 17 17 12 15 60
Moderate (4) 8 18 22 17 26 9 77
Conservative (5-7) 37 35 9 10 7 2 91
Northeast 24 35 20 12 7 2 64
Midwest 22 13 20 6 28 11 76
South 18 19 13 28 8 14 49
West 18 24 20 14 19 5 65
Religiosity: Monthly+ 35 20 17 14 7 7 87
Religiosity: LT Monthly 13 24 20 14 22 8 166
Income: Under 50k 13 20 13 16 27 10 115
Income: 50k-100k 28 17 30 10 10 5 85
Income: 100k+ 26 37 13 15 3 7 54
Educ: < College 20 18 19 11 21 11 169
Educ: Bachelors degree 13 38 20 22 5 3 53
Educ: Post-grad 39 24 15 12 9 1 31
White Collar 28 32 12 16 6 5 112
Blue Collar 18 15 25 12 27 3 117
Cell Only/Mostly 11 17 16 21 20 14 110
Dual Use 25 31 16 7 17 3 85
LL Only/Mostly 33 20 26 10 8 4 58
36: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 43 32 24 253
Likely Voters 47 29 24 231
Male 54 28 18 173
Female 20 42 38 81
Age: 18-29 19 55 26 40
Age: 30-44 30 32 39 66
Age: 45-64 53 18 30 79
Age: 65+ 60 37 2 67
Democrats (no lean) 30 45 25 79
Independents (no lean) 36 33 31 107
Republicans (no lean) 71 17 13 67
Liberal (1-3) 38 35 28 60
Moderate (4) 26 39 35 77
Conservative (5-7) 72 19 9 91
Northeast 59 32 9 64
Midwest 35 26 39 76
South 38 41 22 49
West 42 35 23 65
Religiosity: Monthly+ 55 31 14 87
Religiosity: LT Monthly 37 33 30 166
Income: Under 50k 33 29 38 115
Income: 50k-100k 45 40 15 85
Income: 100k+ 62 28 10 54
Educ: < College 37 31 32 169
Educ: Bachelors degree 51 41 8 53
Educ: Post-grad 63 27 10 31
White Collar 60 28 11 112
Blue Collar 32 37 30 117
Cell Only/Mostly 29 37 34 110
Dual Use 56 23 20 85
LL Only/Mostly 52 36 12 58
37: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 17 16 16 12 21 19 487
Likely Voters 19 18 14 12 21 16 433
Male 23 24 13 16 18 7 227
Female 12 10 18 8 23 29 259
Age: 18-29 11 5 11 18 27 28 97
Age: 30-44 12 16 14 15 24 18 115
Age: 45-64 14 23 9 8 24 22 162
Age: 65+ 32 16 30 8 7 7 112
Democrats (no lean) 10 15 20 16 19 21 172
Independents (no lean) 12 15 17 10 25 21 189
Republicans (no lean) 35 19 8 8 18 12 126
Liberal (1-3) 16 13 18 17 19 16 130
Moderate (4) 9 14 20 11 23 24 136
Conservative (5-7) 30 25 8 10 17 11 169
Northeast 22 25 17 11 16 9 97
Midwest 15 10 21 5 26 23 119
South 17 14 10 16 15 28 162
West 16 17 17 13 28 9 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 26 12 13 10 22 16 186
Religiosity: LT Monthly 12 18 17 13 20 20 301
Income: Under 50k 10 14 10 12 28 26 224
Income: 50k-100k 18 16 29 10 18 8 148
Income: 100k+ 29 21 9 13 9 17 115
Educ: < College 15 13 15 9 26 22 321
Educ: Bachelors degree 18 23 17 18 9 16 102
Educ: Post-grad 27 23 19 14 12 5 64
White Collar 26 23 12 13 14 11 217
Blue Collar 13 11 20 10 24 22 198
Cell Only/Mostly 11 13 12 15 20 29 222
Dual Use 21 23 17 7 20 11 161
LL Only/Mostly 29 15 25 11 11 9 88
38: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 33 27 39 487
Likely Voters 37 26 37 433
Male 47 29 24 227
Female 22 26 53 259
Age: 18-29 16 30 55 97
Age: 30-44 29 29 42 115
Age: 45-64 37 17 46 162
Age: 65+ 48 38 14 112
Democrats (no lean) 25 35 39 172
Independents (no lean) 27 28 46 189
Republicans (no lean) 55 16 30 126
Liberal (1-3) 30 35 36 130
Moderate (4) 22 31 47 136
Conservative (5-7) 55 18 27 169
Northeast 47 28 24 97
Midwest 25 26 49 119
South 31 26 43 162
West 33 30 37 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 23 38 186
Religiosity: LT Monthly 30 30 40 301
Income: Under 50k 24 22 54 224
Income: 50k-100k 34 39 27 148
Income: 100k+ 51 23 27 115
Educ: < College 28 24 48 321
Educ: Bachelors degree 41 34 25 102
Educ: Post-grad 50 33 17 64
White Collar 50 25 25 217
Blue Collar 24 31 46 198
Cell Only/Mostly 24 28 49 222
Dual Use 44 24 32 161
LL Only/Mostly 44 35 21 88
39: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Vladimir Putin
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 1 3 19 57 10 9 471
Likely Voters 1 4 21 59 8 7 418
Male 1 5 20 61 7 6 236
Female 1 2 18 53 13 13 235
Age: 18-29 2 5 26 27 14 25 76
Age: 30-44 2 5 17 58 9 9 130
Age: 45-64 1 3 23 57 13 4 167
Age: 65+ 0 2 10 77 3 7 98
Democrats (no lean) 1 3 17 64 7 8 161
Independents (no lean) 0 6 23 45 10 17 164
Republicans (no lean) 2 2 19 63 12 3 146
Liberal (1-3) 3 3 24 60 3 6 124
Moderate (4) 1 5 20 51 16 7 127
Conservative (5-7) 0 3 19 68 7 3 179
Northeast 1 2 14 52 15 15 79
Midwest 1 3 20 62 10 4 116
South 2 2 17 60 9 11 173
West 1 8 26 49 7 9 103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 3 4 29 54 7 3 193
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 3 13 59 12 13 278
Income: Under 50k 1 2 23 44 14 16 196
Income: 50k-100k 1 6 20 65 4 4 147
Income: 100k+ 2 2 14 67 10 5 128
Educ: < College 1 1 21 51 13 14 297
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 10 15 67 6 2 116
Educ: Post-grad 1 4 22 68 3 3 57
White Collar 2 5 17 64 9 3 219
Blue Collar 0 3 20 57 6 14 177
Cell Only/Mostly 2 3 20 53 11 11 241
Dual Use 1 0 13 73 8 5 148
LL Only/Mostly 2 12 23 51 8 4 56
40: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Vladimir Putin
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 5 76 19 471
Likely Voters 5 79 16 418
Male 6 81 13 236
Female 4 71 25 235
Age: 18-29 7 53 39 76
Age: 30-44 7 75 18 130
Age: 45-64 3 81 16 167
Age: 65+ 2 87 10 98
Democrats (no lean) 4 81 15 161
Independents (no lean) 6 67 27 164
Republicans (no lean) 4 81 15 146
Liberal (1-3) 6 84 9 124
Moderate (4) 6 71 23 127
Conservative (5-7) 4 87 9 179
Northeast 3 66 31 79
Midwest 4 83 14 116
South 3 77 20 173
West 9 75 16 103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 83 11 193
Religiosity: LT Monthly 3 72 25 278
Income: Under 50k 3 67 30 196
Income: 50k-100k 7 85 8 147
Income: 100k+ 4 81 16 128
Educ: < College 2 71 26 297
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 82 8 116
Educ: Post-grad 5 90 5 57
White Collar 7 81 12 219
Blue Collar 3 77 20 177
Cell Only/Mostly 5 73 22 241
Dual Use 1 86 13 148
LL Only/Mostly 14 74 12 56
41: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Russian President Vladimir Putin
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 3 5 19 55 15 3 539
Likely Voters 3 5 18 57 13 3 490
Male 2 7 19 63 9 0 235
Female 3 3 20 49 20 5 304
Age: 18-29 14 10 8 49 18 1 87
Age: 30-44 1 7 20 46 20 6 120
Age: 45-64 0 3 19 60 15 4 214
Age: 65+ 1 2 27 61 8 0 118
Democrats (no lean) 4 4 15 54 16 7 187
Independents (no lean) 0 5 25 48 22 0 201
Republicans (no lean) 4 4 18 67 5 2 151
Liberal (1-3) 8 8 16 60 7 2 120
Moderate (4) 3 5 14 47 24 7 138
Conservative (5-7) 0 4 23 62 11 0 217
Northeast 3 3 22 59 13 1 105
Midwest 2 0 25 54 16 4 122
South 4 4 18 54 16 5 203
West 2 13 13 57 15 1 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 5 16 55 12 6 210
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 5 21 56 17 1 329
Income: Under 50k 4 8 15 46 25 2 242
Income: 50k-100k 2 4 29 58 6 2 185
Income: 100k+ 2 0 13 71 8 7 112
Educ: < College 2 6 18 50 20 4 366
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 3 22 66 6 1 108
Educ: Post-grad 4 3 20 68 4 0 65
White Collar 4 5 19 63 6 2 227
Blue Collar 2 3 18 55 19 2 236
Cell Only/Mostly 3 5 16 53 20 4 252
Dual Use 0 4 13 69 11 3 168
LL Only/Mostly 5 5 36 42 11 0 117
42: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Russian President Vladimir Putin
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 7 75 18 539
Likely Voters 8 75 17 490
Male 9 82 9 235
Female 6 69 25 304
Age: 18-29 24 57 19 87
Age: 30-44 8 66 26 120
Age: 45-64 3 79 19 214
Age: 65+ 3 88 8 118
Democrats (no lean) 9 69 23 187
Independents (no lean) 5 73 22 201
Republicans (no lean) 9 84 7 151
Liberal (1-3) 16 75 9 120
Moderate (4) 8 61 31 138
Conservative (5-7) 4 85 11 217
Northeast 6 80 14 105
Midwest 2 78 20 122
South 7 72 21 203
West 14 70 16 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 12 71 17 210
Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 77 19 329
Income: Under 50k 11 61 27 242
Income: 50k-100k 5 87 8 185
Income: 100k+ 2 83 15 112
Educ: < College 8 68 24 366
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 88 6 108
Educ: Post-grad 7 89 4 65
White Collar 10 82 8 227
Blue Collar 5 73 22 236
Cell Only/Mostly 7 68 24 252
Dual Use 4 82 14 168
LL Only/Mostly 10 79 11 117
43: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Vladimir Putin, Russian President Vladimir Putin
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 4 19 56 13 6 1010
Likely Voters 2 4 19 58 11 5 908
Male 2 6 19 62 8 3 471
Female 2 3 19 51 17 9 539
Age: 18-29 8 8 16 39 16 12 163
Age: 30-44 2 6 19 52 14 8 250
Age: 45-64 0 3 21 59 14 4 381
Age: 65+ 1 2 20 68 6 3 216
Democrats (no lean) 3 4 16 59 12 7 348
Independents (no lean) 0 5 24 46 17 8 365
Republicans (no lean) 3 3 18 65 9 2 296
Liberal (1-3) 6 5 20 60 5 4 244
Moderate (4) 2 5 17 49 20 7 265
Conservative (5-7) 0 4 21 65 9 1 396
Northeast 2 3 18 56 14 7 184
Midwest 1 1 23 58 13 4 238
South 3 3 18 56 13 8 375
West 1 11 19 53 11 4 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 5 22 54 10 5 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 4 18 57 15 7 607
Income: Under 50k 2 5 18 45 20 8 438
Income: 50k-100k 1 5 25 61 5 3 332
Income: 100k+ 2 1 13 69 9 6 240
Educ: < College 2 3 19 50 17 8 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 2 6 18 66 6 1 224
Educ: Post-grad 3 4 21 68 3 1 122
White Collar 3 5 18 63 7 3 447
Blue Collar 1 3 19 56 14 7 412
Cell Only/Mostly 2 4 18 53 16 8 494
Dual Use 0 3 13 71 9 4 316
LL Only/Mostly 4 8 32 45 10 1 173
44: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Vladimir Putin, Russian President Vladimir Putin
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 6 75 19 1010
Likely Voters 7 77 16 908
Male 7 82 11 471
Female 5 70 25 539
Age: 18-29 16 55 28 163
Age: 30-44 7 71 22 250
Age: 45-64 3 80 18 381
Age: 65+ 3 88 9 216
Democrats (no lean) 7 74 19 348
Independents (no lean) 5 70 24 365
Republicans (no lean) 6 83 11 296
Liberal (1-3) 11 80 9 244
Moderate (4) 7 65 27 265
Conservative (5-7) 4 86 10 396
Northeast 5 74 21 184
Midwest 3 80 17 238
South 6 74 20 375
West 12 72 16 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 9 76 14 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 4 75 22 607
Income: Under 50k 8 64 28 438
Income: 50k-100k 6 86 8 332
Income: 100k+ 3 82 15 240
Educ: < College 5 70 25 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 8 85 7 224
Educ: Post-grad 6 89 5 122
White Collar 8 82 10 447
Blue Collar 4 75 21 412
Cell Only/Mostly 6 71 23 494
Dual Use 3 84 13 316
LL Only/Mostly 12 77 11 173
45: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Barack Obama
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 16 20 17 34 9 4 471
Likely Voters 17 19 18 36 8 2 418
Male 15 20 14 38 11 3 236
Female 17 19 21 31 7 5 235
Age: 18-29 21 14 9 15 27 15 76
Age: 30-44 18 19 22 31 4 6 130
Age: 45-64 15 23 16 39 7 0 167
Age: 65+ 12 20 20 45 4 0 98
Democrats (no lean) 38 36 11 11 4 1 161
Independents (no lean) 4 15 21 38 12 11 164
Republicans (no lean) 6 7 21 57 10 0 146
Liberal (1-3) 33 31 13 8 13 1 124
Moderate (4) 16 26 24 23 10 0 127
Conservative (5-7) 5 8 17 66 4 0 179
Northeast 13 25 14 32 8 9 79
Midwest 22 25 8 38 7 0 116
South 11 19 22 35 5 7 173
West 19 10 23 30 18 0 103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 17 22 14 34 12 1 193
Religiosity: LT Monthly 15 18 19 35 6 7 278
Income: Under 50k 16 18 14 29 14 9 196
Income: 50k-100k 16 25 21 36 2 1 147
Income: 100k+ 16 16 19 41 8 0 128
Educ: < College 17 17 16 33 11 6 297
Educ: Bachelors degree 11 25 18 38 7 1 116
Educ: Post-grad 23 22 23 32 0 0 57
White Collar 15 23 19 38 6 0 219
Blue Collar 16 19 18 36 4 6 177
Cell Only/Mostly 19 20 16 32 8 5 241
Dual Use 13 21 22 38 5 1 148
LL Only/Mostly 16 22 18 42 2 0 56
46: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Barack Obama
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 36 52 13 471
Likely Voters 36 54 10 418
Male 34 52 14 236
Female 37 52 12 235
Age: 18-29 34 24 42 76
Age: 30-44 36 53 10 130
Age: 45-64 38 55 7 167
Age: 65+ 32 65 4 98
Democrats (no lean) 74 22 5 161
Independents (no lean) 18 58 23 164
Republicans (no lean) 13 78 10 146
Liberal (1-3) 64 22 14 124
Moderate (4) 43 47 10 127
Conservative (5-7) 13 83 4 179
Northeast 38 45 16 79
Midwest 47 46 7 116
South 31 57 12 173
West 29 53 18 103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 48 13 193
Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 54 13 278
Income: Under 50k 34 43 23 196
Income: 50k-100k 40 57 3 147
Income: 100k+ 33 59 8 128
Educ: < College 33 49 17 297
Educ: Bachelors degree 36 56 8 116
Educ: Post-grad 45 55 0 57
White Collar 37 57 6 219
Blue Collar 36 54 10 177
Cell Only/Mostly 39 48 13 241
Dual Use 34 60 6 148
LL Only/Mostly 38 60 2 56
47: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
U.S. President Barack Obama
Very Unfa-
Heard Of,
Registered Voters 19 24 15 39 3 539
Likely Voters 20 23 14 41 2 490
Male 17 29 9 45 1 235
Female 21 21 19 34 6 304
Age: 18-29 34 32 8 25 1 87
Age: 30-44 22 26 17 34 1 120
Age: 45-64 15 17 16 45 7 214
Age: 65+ 12 30 15 42 1 118
Democrats (no lean) 39 37 9 14 1 187
Independents (no lean) 11 26 17 39 6 201
Republicans (no lean) 6 7 18 67 2 151
Liberal (1-3) 36 48 7 9 0 120
Moderate (4) 28 23 17 28 3 138
Conservative (5-7) 6 10 17 65 2 217
Northeast 15 37 13 34 1 105
Midwest 19 32 8 38 2 122
South 24 12 20 41 3 203
West 13 26 14 40 8 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 22 12 11 53 2 210
Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 33 17 30 4 329
Income: Under 50k 24 19 10 40 7 242
Income: 50k-100k 17 29 22 31 1 185
Income: 100k+ 12 28 13 47 0 112
Educ: < College 19 23 14 38 5 366
Educ: Bachelors degree 17 29 13 41 1 108
Educ: Post-grad 20 23 20 36 0 65
White Collar 19 24 15 41 1 227
Blue Collar 21 23 13 40 4 236
Cell Only/Mostly 24 22 14 34 5 252
Dual Use 16 23 10 51 1 168
LL Only/Mostly 11 32 23 31 3 117
48: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
U.S. President Barack Obama
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 43 53 3 539
Likely Voters 43 55 2 490
Male 46 54 1 235
Female 42 53 6 304
Age: 18-29 66 33 1 87
Age: 30-44 48 51 1 120
Age: 45-64 33 61 7 214
Age: 65+ 42 57 1 118
Democrats (no lean) 75 23 1 187
Independents (no lean) 37 57 6 201
Republicans (no lean) 12 86 2 151
Liberal (1-3) 84 16 0 120
Moderate (4) 51 45 3 138
Conservative (5-7) 16 82 2 217
Northeast 52 46 1 105
Midwest 52 46 2 122
South 36 61 3 203
West 39 54 8 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 64 2 210
Religiosity: LT Monthly 49 47 4 329
Income: Under 50k 43 50 7 242
Income: 50k-100k 46 53 1 185
Income: 100k+ 40 60 0 112
Educ: < College 43 52 5 366
Educ: Bachelors degree 46 54 1 108
Educ: Post-grad 43 57 0 65
White Collar 44 56 1 227
Blue Collar 44 52 4 236
Cell Only/Mostly 46 48 5 252
Dual Use 39 61 1 168
LL Only/Mostly 43 54 3 117
49: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Barack Obama, U.S. President Barack Obama
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 18 22 16 37 6 2 1010
Likely Voters 19 21 16 39 5 1 908
Male 16 24 11 41 6 2 471
Female 19 20 20 32 6 2 539
Age: 18-29 28 24 9 20 13 7 163
Age: 30-44 20 22 20 33 2 3 250
Age: 45-64 15 20 16 43 7 0 381
Age: 65+ 12 25 17 43 2 0 216
Democrats (no lean) 38 36 10 13 3 0 348
Independents (no lean) 8 21 19 39 9 5 365
Republicans (no lean) 6 7 19 62 6 0 296
Liberal (1-3) 34 40 10 8 7 0 244
Moderate (4) 22 25 20 26 7 0 265
Conservative (5-7) 6 9 17 66 3 0 396
Northeast 14 32 13 33 4 4 184
Midwest 21 29 8 38 5 0 238
South 18 15 21 38 4 3 375
West 16 18 18 35 12 0 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 20 17 13 44 7 0 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 16 26 18 32 5 3 607
Income: Under 50k 20 19 12 35 10 4 438
Income: 50k-100k 17 27 21 33 1 0 332
Income: 100k+ 14 22 16 44 4 0 240
Educ: < College 18 21 15 36 8 3 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 14 27 15 40 4 1 224
Educ: Post-grad 21 23 22 34 0 0 122
White Collar 17 23 17 39 3 0 447
Blue Collar 19 22 15 38 4 3 412
Cell Only/Mostly 22 21 15 33 7 2 494
Dual Use 15 22 15 45 3 0 316
LL Only/Mostly 12 29 22 35 2 0 173
50: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Barack Obama, U.S. President Barack Obama
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 40 52 8 1010
Likely Voters 40 55 6 908
Male 40 53 7 471
Female 39 52 8 539
Age: 18-29 51 29 20 163
Age: 30-44 42 52 6 250
Age: 45-64 35 58 7 381
Age: 65+ 37 61 2 216
Democrats (no lean) 75 22 3 348
Independents (no lean) 29 57 14 365
Republicans (no lean) 12 82 6 296
Liberal (1-3) 74 19 7 244
Moderate (4) 47 46 7 265
Conservative (5-7) 15 83 3 396
Northeast 46 46 8 184
Midwest 49 46 5 238
South 34 59 7 375
West 34 53 12 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 37 56 7 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 42 50 8 607
Income: Under 50k 39 47 14 438
Income: 50k-100k 44 55 1 332
Income: 100k+ 36 59 4 240
Educ: < College 39 51 10 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 41 55 5 224
Educ: Post-grad 44 56 0 122
White Collar 41 56 3 447
Blue Collar 40 53 7 412
Cell Only/Mostly 43 48 9 494
Dual Use 37 60 3 316
LL Only/Mostly 42 56 2 173
51: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Mahmoud Abbas
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 3 11 27 20 37 471
Likely Voters 2 3 12 28 21 35 418
Male 1 3 14 37 18 27 236
Female 2 2 8 17 22 48 235
Age: 18-29 2 4 15 21 15 44 76
Age: 30-44 4 3 10 21 20 41 130
Age: 45-64 0 2 12 25 25 36 167
Age: 65+ 0 2 8 44 15 30 98
Democrats (no lean) 0 4 12 22 16 45 161
Independents (no lean) 0 3 14 28 16 39 164
Republicans (no lean) 4 1 6 32 29 27 146
Liberal (1-3) 5 2 17 32 14 30 124
Moderate (4) 1 5 10 15 22 47 127
Conservative (5-7) 0 2 10 38 24 27 179
Northeast 0 1 12 22 26 39 79
Midwest 1 1 10 30 18 41 116
South 3 4 9 23 19 41 173
West 1 4 15 34 19 26 103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 3 12 30 18 33 193
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 2 11 25 21 41 278
Income: Under 50k 0 2 10 21 20 45 196
Income: 50k-100k 3 3 12 33 16 34 147
Income: 100k+ 2 3 11 30 24 29 128
Educ: < College 1 1 9 23 21 45 297
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 3 10 34 23 27 116
Educ: Post-grad 1 10 24 35 8 21 57
White Collar 3 4 13 29 22 29 219
Blue Collar 0 2 10 26 17 44 177
Cell Only/Mostly 2 2 10 22 19 44 241
Dual Use 0 1 14 31 26 27 148
LL Only/Mostly 2 7 14 25 14 37 56
52: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Mahmoud Abbas
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 4 38 58 471
Likely Voters 4 40 56 418
Male 5 51 45 236
Female 4 26 70 235
Age: 18-29 6 36 58 76
Age: 30-44 7 31 61 130
Age: 45-64 2 37 61 167
Age: 65+ 2 52 45 98
Democrats (no lean) 4 34 62 161
Independents (no lean) 3 42 55 164
Republicans (no lean) 5 38 56 146
Liberal (1-3) 8 48 44 124
Moderate (4) 6 25 69 127
Conservative (5-7) 2 48 51 179
Northeast 1 34 65 79
Midwest 2 39 59 116
South 7 33 60 173
West 5 50 45 103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 42 51 193
Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 36 62 278
Income: Under 50k 3 31 66 196
Income: 50k-100k 5 45 50 147
Income: 100k+ 5 41 54 128
Educ: < College 2 32 66 297
Educ: Bachelors degree 7 44 49 116
Educ: Post-grad 11 59 30 57
White Collar 6 42 51 219
Blue Collar 2 36 62 177
Cell Only/Mostly 4 32 64 241
Dual Use 1 45 54 148
LL Only/Mostly 10 39 51 56
53: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 8 16 36 22 17 539
Likely Voters 2 6 17 39 22 14 490
Male 0 8 18 48 16 11 235
Female 3 7 15 26 27 22 304
Age: 18-29 11 13 11 21 20 23 87
Age: 30-44 0 8 16 25 28 22 120
Age: 45-64 0 2 15 41 24 18 214
Age: 65+ 0 14 22 48 12 4 118
Democrats (no lean) 2 8 20 28 26 17 187
Independents (no lean) 0 10 14 27 27 21 201
Republicans (no lean) 3 3 14 57 11 12 151
Liberal (1-3) 6 16 23 26 12 16 120
Moderate (4) 1 5 17 24 35 17 138
Conservative (5-7) 0 1 15 56 19 9 217
Northeast 1 6 20 42 22 9 105
Midwest 1 13 11 32 28 15 122
South 2 3 14 37 21 22 203
West 2 13 21 32 17 16 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 3 15 41 22 14 210
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 10 17 32 22 19 329
Income: Under 50k 2 8 14 29 31 16 242
Income: 50k-100k 1 10 18 37 17 16 185
Income: 100k+ 2 2 17 48 10 21 112
Educ: < College 1 8 14 28 27 22 366
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 9 18 49 13 7 108
Educ: Post-grad 4 5 26 54 8 3 65
White Collar 3 6 18 48 11 13 227
Blue Collar 1 8 17 30 29 15 236
Cell Only/Mostly 1 7 15 31 23 24 252
Dual Use 0 3 19 44 26 8 168
LL Only/Mostly 4 16 16 34 15 16 117
54: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 9 52 39 539
Likely Voters 8 56 37 490
Male 8 66 26 235
Female 10 41 49 304
Age: 18-29 24 33 44 87
Age: 30-44 8 41 51 120
Age: 45-64 2 56 43 214
Age: 65+ 14 70 16 118
Democrats (no lean) 10 48 42 187
Independents (no lean) 10 42 48 201
Republicans (no lean) 7 71 22 151
Liberal (1-3) 22 49 28 120
Moderate (4) 6 42 53 138
Conservative (5-7) 1 71 28 217
Northeast 7 62 31 105
Midwest 14 43 43 122
South 5 51 44 203
West 15 53 33 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 57 36 210
Religiosity: LT Monthly 10 49 41 329
Income: Under 50k 10 43 47 242
Income: 50k-100k 11 56 33 185
Income: 100k+ 4 65 31 112
Educ: < College 9 42 49 366
Educ: Bachelors degree 12 68 20 108
Educ: Post-grad 9 80 11 65
White Collar 9 67 24 227
Blue Collar 9 47 44 236
Cell Only/Mostly 8 45 47 252
Dual Use 3 63 33 168
LL Only/Mostly 20 50 31 117
55: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 5 14 32 21 26 1010
Likely Voters 2 4 15 34 22 24 908
Male 1 6 16 42 17 19 471
Female 2 5 12 23 25 33 539
Age: 18-29 7 9 13 21 18 33 163
Age: 30-44 2 6 13 23 24 32 250
Age: 45-64 0 2 14 34 25 26 381
Age: 65+ 0 9 16 46 14 16 216
Democrats (no lean) 1 6 16 25 21 30 348
Independents (no lean) 0 7 14 28 22 29 365
Republicans (no lean) 4 2 10 45 20 19 296
Liberal (1-3) 6 9 20 29 13 23 244
Moderate (4) 1 5 14 20 29 32 265
Conservative (5-7) 0 1 13 48 21 17 396
Northeast 1 4 17 33 24 22 184
Midwest 1 7 10 31 23 28 238
South 3 3 12 31 20 31 375
West 1 9 18 33 18 21 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 3 14 36 20 23 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 7 14 29 22 29 607
Income: Under 50k 1 6 13 25 26 29 438
Income: 50k-100k 2 7 15 35 17 24 332
Income: 100k+ 2 3 14 39 18 25 240
Educ: < College 1 5 12 26 24 32 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 6 14 41 18 17 224
Educ: Post-grad 3 7 25 45 8 12 122
White Collar 3 5 16 39 16 21 447
Blue Collar 1 5 14 28 24 28 412
Cell Only/Mostly 2 4 12 27 21 34 494
Dual Use 0 2 17 38 26 17 316
LL Only/Mostly 3 13 15 31 14 23 173
56: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 7 45 48 1010
Likely Voters 6 48 46 908
Male 6 58 35 471
Female 8 34 58 539
Age: 18-29 15 34 50 163
Age: 30-44 8 36 56 250
Age: 45-64 2 47 51 381
Age: 65+ 9 62 29 216
Democrats (no lean) 8 41 51 348
Independents (no lean) 7 42 51 365
Republicans (no lean) 6 55 39 296
Liberal (1-3) 15 49 36 244
Moderate (4) 6 34 60 265
Conservative (5-7) 1 60 38 396
Northeast 4 50 46 184
Midwest 8 41 51 238
South 6 43 51 375
West 10 51 39 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 50 43 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 7 43 51 607
Income: Under 50k 7 38 55 438
Income: 50k-100k 9 51 41 332
Income: 100k+ 5 52 43 240
Educ: < College 6 38 57 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 9 55 35 224
Educ: Post-grad 10 70 20 122
White Collar 8 55 37 447
Blue Collar 6 42 52 412
Cell Only/Mostly 6 39 55 494
Dual Use 2 55 43 316
LL Only/Mostly 16 46 37 173
57: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Ismail Haniyeh
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 1 2 9 19 25 45 471
Likely Voters 1 2 10 20 25 43 418
Male 1 2 12 25 26 35 236
Female 1 1 7 13 23 55 235
Age: 18-29 1 1 16 6 28 48 76
Age: 30-44 2 4 5 21 23 44 130
Age: 45-64 0 1 10 15 27 46 167
Age: 65+ 0 0 9 32 19 40 98
Democrats (no lean) 0 2 11 17 20 50 161
Independents (no lean) 0 1 12 15 28 44 164
Republicans (no lean) 2 2 6 25 26 39 146
Liberal (1-3) 3 4 13 14 25 41 124
Moderate (4) 1 1 8 15 21 54 127
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 9 27 25 38 179
Northeast 0 1 6 15 44 34 79
Midwest 1 2 7 22 12 56 116
South 2 2 10 17 20 49 173
West 0 1 13 22 32 32 103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 2 3 11 19 23 42 193
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 1 8 19 25 46 278
Income: Under 50k 0 1 9 16 29 45 196
Income: 50k-100k 1 4 13 21 17 44 147
Income: 100k+ 2 0 6 20 27 46 128
Educ: < College 1 0 8 17 28 46 297
Educ: Bachelors degree 1 4 14 23 18 40 116
Educ: Post-grad 1 2 9 21 20 47 57
White Collar 2 1 10 20 21 46 219
Blue Collar 0 1 10 21 21 47 177
Cell Only/Mostly 2 2 10 18 21 47 241
Dual Use 0 2 8 21 23 47 148
LL Only/Mostly 0 1 9 23 19 47 56
58: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Ismail Haniyeh
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 2 28 69 471
Likely Voters 3 30 68 418
Male 3 36 61 236
Female 2 20 77 235
Age: 18-29 2 22 76 76
Age: 30-44 6 27 67 130
Age: 45-64 1 25 74 167
Age: 65+ 0 40 59 98
Democrats (no lean) 3 28 70 161
Independents (no lean) 1 27 73 164
Republicans (no lean) 4 31 65 146
Liberal (1-3) 7 27 66 124
Moderate (4) 2 23 75 127
Conservative (5-7) 0 37 63 179
Northeast 1 21 78 79
Midwest 2 29 69 116
South 4 27 69 173
West 1 35 64 103
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 30 66 193
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 27 72 278
Income: Under 50k 1 26 74 196
Income: 50k-100k 5 34 61 147
Income: 100k+ 2 26 72 128
Educ: < College 1 24 74 297
Educ: Bachelors degree 5 38 58 116
Educ: Post-grad 4 30 67 57
White Collar 3 30 67 219
Blue Collar 1 31 67 177
Cell Only/Mostly 3 29 68 241
Dual Use 2 29 69 148
LL Only/Mostly 1 32 66 56
59: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 2 13 43 20 21 539
Likely Voters 2 2 11 46 20 18 490
Male 0 4 9 58 18 12 235
Female 3 1 16 31 21 27 304
Age: 18-29 11 4 9 23 26 27 87
Age: 30-44 1 3 20 29 23 25 120
Age: 45-64 1 2 9 45 20 24 214
Age: 65+ 0 0 16 68 11 5 118
Democrats (no lean) 3 2 18 35 20 22 187
Independents (no lean) 0 2 12 36 28 23 201
Republicans (no lean) 4 2 8 61 8 17 151
Liberal (1-3) 6 3 14 40 17 20 120
Moderate (4) 2 5 17 25 29 22 138
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 8 64 14 13 217
Northeast 2 6 12 51 21 8 105
Midwest 1 1 16 37 21 23 122
South 2 1 10 42 16 29 203
West 3 2 15 42 23 15 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 3 14 45 15 18 210
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 2 12 41 23 22 329
Income: Under 50k 3 3 10 36 29 20 242
Income: 50k-100k 1 1 21 43 12 22 185
Income: 100k+ 2 3 5 58 12 20 112
Educ: < College 1 2 13 34 24 26 366
Educ: Bachelors degree 3 3 15 57 11 11 108
Educ: Post-grad 4 1 10 66 10 9 65
White Collar 4 3 14 56 8 15 227
Blue Collar 1 2 13 39 26 19 236
Cell Only/Mostly 2 3 12 36 21 26 252
Dual Use 1 0 13 52 20 14 168
LL Only/Mostly 4 4 14 45 15 18 117
60: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 4 55 40 539
Likely Voters 5 57 38 490
Male 4 66 30 235
Female 4 47 48 304
Age: 18-29 15 32 53 87
Age: 30-44 4 49 47 120
Age: 45-64 2 53 44 214
Age: 65+ 0 84 16 118
Democrats (no lean) 5 53 42 187
Independents (no lean) 2 47 51 201
Republicans (no lean) 6 69 25 151
Liberal (1-3) 10 53 37 120
Moderate (4) 7 42 51 138
Conservative (5-7) 1 72 28 217
Northeast 8 63 29 105
Midwest 3 54 44 122
South 3 52 45 203
West 5 57 38 109
Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 59 33 210
Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 53 45 329
Income: Under 50k 6 46 49 242
Income: 50k-100k 2 64 34 185
Income: 100k+ 5 63 33 112
Educ: < College 4 47 50 366
Educ: Bachelors degree 6 72 22 108
Educ: Post-grad 5 76 19 65
White Collar 7 70 23 227
Blue Collar 3 52 45 236
Cell Only/Mostly 4 48 48 252
Dual Use 1 65 35 168
LL Only/Mostly 8 59 33 117
61: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh
Very Fa-
Very Un-
Of, No
Heard Of
Registered Voters 2 2 11 32 22 32 1010
Likely Voters 2 2 11 34 22 30 908
Male 1 3 10 41 22 23 471
Female 2 1 12 23 22 39 539
Age: 18-29 6 3 12 15 27 37 163
Age: 30-44 1 3 12 25 23 35 250
Age: 45-64 0 1 9 32 23 34 381
Age: 65+ 0 0 13 52 15 21 216
Democrats (no lean) 2 2 15 27 20 35 348
Independents (no lean) 0 1 12 27 28 32 365
Republicans (no lean) 3 2 7 43 17 28 296
Liberal (1-3) 4 4 13 27 21 31 244
Moderate (4) 1 3 13 20 25 37 265
Conservative (5-7) 0 0 9 47 19 25 396
Northeast 1 4 9 35 31 19 184
Midwest 1 1 12 30 17 39 238
South 2 1 10 30 18 38 375
West 1 2 14 32 27 23 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 3 13 32 19 30 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 1 10 31 24 33 607
Income: Under 50k 2 2 10 27 29 31 438
Income: 50k-100k 1 2 17 33 14 31 332
Income: 100k+ 2 1 5 38 20 34 240
Educ: < College 1 1 10 26 26 35 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 2 3 15 40 14 26 224
Educ: Post-grad 3 2 10 45 15 27 122
White Collar 3 2 12 38 15 30 447
Blue Collar 1 1 12 31 24 31 412
Cell Only/Mostly 2 2 11 27 21 37 494
Dual Use 0 1 11 38 21 29 316
LL Only/Mostly 3 3 13 38 17 27 173
62: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate
if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual,
group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark
‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’
Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh
Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No
Registered Voters 3 43 54 1010
Likely Voters 4 44 52 908
Male 3 51 46 471
Female 3 35 61 539
Age: 18-29 9 27 64 163
Age: 30-44 5 37 58 250
Age: 45-64 2 41 57 381
Age: 65+ 0 64 36 216
Democrats (no lean) 4 41 55 348
Independents (no lean) 1 38 60 365
Republicans (no lean) 5 50 45 296
Liberal (1-3) 8 40 52 244
Moderate (4) 5 33 62 265
Conservative (5-7) 1 56 44 396
Northeast 5 45 50 184
Midwest 2 42 56 238
South 3 41 56 375
West 3 46 51 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 6 45 49 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 41 57 607
Income: Under 50k 4 37 60 438
Income: 50k-100k 3 51 46 332
Income: 100k+ 3 43 54 240
Educ: < College 3 37 61 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 5 54 40 224
Educ: Post-grad 4 55 41 122
White Collar 5 50 45 447
Blue Collar 2 43 55 412
Cell Only/Mostly 4 38 58 494
Dual Use 1 48 51 316
LL Only/Mostly 6 50 44 173
63: Now, thinking about the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East, please tell me whether,
in general, you think America should be...
A strong
of Israel
of Israel
of the
A strong
of the
Registered Voters 29 25 6 3 37 1010
Likely Voters 31 25 6 3 34 908
Male 33 32 7 3 25 471
Female 26 18 4 3 49 539
Age: 18-29 9 29 15 6 41 163
Age: 30-44 19 20 7 6 49 250
Age: 45-64 37 23 1 1 38 381
Age: 65+ 44 28 5 2 22 216
Democrats (no lean) 16 28 10 3 43 348
Independents (no lean) 29 24 4 2 42 365
Republicans (no lean) 45 21 3 5 26 296
Liberal (1-3) 16 30 15 4 34 244
Moderate (4) 15 28 5 3 49 265
Conservative (5-7) 51 24 2 2 21 396
Northeast 29 24 6 2 39 184
Midwest 28 25 4 1 42 238
South 28 24 5 4 39 375
West 33 25 9 4 29 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 28 6 6 26 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 22 5 1 45 607
Income: Under 50k 24 25 7 2 42 438
Income: 50k-100k 32 24 7 3 34 332
Income: 100k+ 34 24 3 4 35 240
Educ: < College 27 22 4 3 43 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 32 31 7 2 28 224
Educ: Post-grad 36 28 11 2 24 122
White Collar 35 27 7 5 26 447
Blue Collar 26 22 3 2 46 412
Cell Only/Mostly 22 22 5 5 46 494
Dual Use 38 29 4 1 28 316
LL Only/Mostly 37 19 11 1 32 173
64: Now, thinking about the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East, please tell me whether,
in general, you think America should be...
A supporter of
A supporter of
the Palestinians
Don’t Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 54 9 37 1010
Likely Voters 56 9 34 908
Male 66 10 25 471
Female 44 8 49 539
Age: 18-29 38 21 41 163
Age: 30-44 39 12 49 250
Age: 45-64 60 2 38 381
Age: 65+ 72 7 22 216
Democrats (no lean) 44 13 43 348
Independents (no lean) 53 5 42 365
Republicans (no lean) 66 8 26 296
Liberal (1-3) 46 20 34 244
Moderate (4) 43 8 49 265
Conservative (5-7) 75 3 21 396
Northeast 53 8 39 184
Midwest 53 5 42 238
South 52 9 39 375
West 58 13 29 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 62 12 26 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 49 6 45 607
Income: Under 50k 49 9 42 438
Income: 50k-100k 56 10 34 332
Income: 100k+ 58 7 35 240
Educ: < College 49 8 43 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 62 10 28 224
Educ: Post-grad 64 13 24 122
White Collar 62 12 26 447
Blue Collar 48 5 46 412
Cell Only/Mostly 44 10 46 494
Dual Use 67 5 28 316
LL Only/Mostly 56 12 32 173
65: Thinking about recent events in the Middle East, how much have you seen, read, or heard about the ongoing conflict
between Israel and Hamas which recently erupted in open hostilities?
A lot Some Not much Nothing at
Registered Voters 36 38 17 8 1010
Likely Voters 38 39 17 5 908
Male 46 38 12 4 471
Female 27 38 22 13 539
Age: 18-29 19 41 28 12 163
Age: 30-44 28 41 21 10 250
Age: 45-64 40 37 16 7 381
Age: 65+ 50 36 8 7 216
Democrats (no lean) 28 45 22 6 348
Independents (no lean) 31 38 17 15 365
Republicans (no lean) 51 32 14 3 296
Liberal (1-3) 37 46 15 3 244
Moderate (4) 28 43 22 8 265
Conservative (5-7) 49 33 15 4 396
Northeast 42 35 13 10 184
Midwest 34 39 20 8 238
South 30 41 20 8 375
West 43 36 13 9 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 38 16 4 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 31 39 19 11 607
Income: Under 50k 28 38 23 11 438
Income: 50k-100k 35 38 17 9 332
Income: 100k+ 51 39 8 2 240
Educ: < College 29 39 21 11 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 45 40 12 3 224
Educ: Post-grad 55 33 9 3 122
White Collar 46 41 10 3 447
Blue Collar 30 39 20 12 412
Cell Only/Mostly 30 39 21 10 494
Dual Use 41 42 14 4 316
LL Only/Mostly 46 29 16 9 173
66: Thinking about recent events in the Middle East, how much have you seen, read, or heard about the ongoing conflict
between Israel and Hamas which recently erupted in open hostilities?
A lot / Some Not much / Nothing
at all
Registered Voters 74 26 1010
Likely Voters 77 23 908
Male 85 15 471
Female 65 35 539
Age: 18-29 60 40 163
Age: 30-44 69 31 250
Age: 45-64 77 23 381
Age: 65+ 86 14 216
Democrats (no lean) 73 27 348
Independents (no lean) 68 32 365
Republicans (no lean) 83 17 296
Liberal (1-3) 82 18 244
Moderate (4) 71 29 265
Conservative (5-7) 81 19 396
Northeast 77 23 184
Midwest 72 28 238
South 71 29 375
West 79 21 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 81 19 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 70 30 607
Income: Under 50k 66 34 438
Income: 50k-100k 73 27 332
Income: 100k+ 90 10 240
Educ: < College 68 32 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 85 15 224
Educ: Post-grad 88 12 122
White Collar 87 13 447
Blue Collar 68 32 412
Cell Only/Mostly 69 31 494
Dual Use 83 17 316
LL Only/Mostly 75 25 173
67: Please indicate which point of view you agree with more, even if neither is exactly right
Israel has the
right and the
obligation to
protect its
citizens from
Hamas rocket
fire directed at
Israeli civilians
through the use
of military
Israel is
overreacting by
using military
force against
Hamas. While
cannot be
condoned, Israel
needs to find a
Don’t Know /
No Opinion
Registered Voters 61 17 21 1010
Likely Voters 63 18 18 908
Male 68 20 12 471
Female 56 15 30 539
Age: 18-29 43 33 24 163
Age: 30-44 51 21 29 250
Age: 45-64 70 11 19 381
Age: 65+ 73 12 15 216
Democrats (no lean) 53 26 21 348
Independents (no lean) 57 16 27 365
Republicans (no lean) 76 9 15 296
Liberal (1-3) 53 34 13 244
Moderate (4) 53 22 26 265
Conservative (5-7) 81 7 12 396
Northeast 64 17 19 184
Midwest 59 14 27 238
South 63 14 22 375
West 58 27 15 212
Religiosity: Monthly+ 65 20 16 403
Religiosity: LT Monthly 59 16 25 607
Income: Under 50k 55 20 26 438
Income: 50k-100k 64 17 19 332
Income: 100k+ 69 14 17 240
Educ: < College 58 15 26 664
Educ: Bachelors degree 65 20 14 224
Educ: Post-grad 69 22 9 122
White Collar 67 18 15 447
Blue Collar 62 14 24 412
Cell Only/Mostly 56 17 28 494
Dual Use 73 13 14 316
LL Only/Mostly 64 17 19 173
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National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs
National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs

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National Israel-Hamas Conflict Poll - crosstabs

  • 1. The Israel Project National Tracking Poll #140704: July 2014 Crosstabulation Results Methodology: This poll was conducted from July 21-22, 2014, among a national sample of 1010 registered voters. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of reg- istered voters based on age, race/ethnicity, gender, educational attainment, region, annual household income, home ownership status and marital status. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. 1
  • 2. 1: How likely is it that you will vote in the November 2014 general election for United States Senate, Congress, and other political offices? Absolutely certain to vote Very likely About 50-50 Not too likely Not likely at all N Registered Voters 61 23 11 2 3 1010 Likely Voters 66 24 10 0 0 908 Male 63 25 11 1 1 471 Female 59 22 11 4 5 539 Age: 18-29 38 36 16 4 7 163 Age: 30-44 56 24 17 1 1 250 Age: 45-64 66 21 9 3 1 381 Age: 65+ 74 18 2 0 5 216 Democrats (no lean) 67 22 10 1 1 348 Independents (no lean) 48 26 14 5 7 365 Republicans (no lean) 70 22 7 1 0 296 Liberal (1-3) 65 25 8 1 1 244 Moderate (4) 56 26 17 1 1 265 Conservative (5-7) 70 23 5 1 0 396 Northeast 56 23 15 4 2 184 Midwest 55 26 13 2 5 238 South 65 25 7 1 3 375 West 65 19 11 5 1 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 72 23 4 1 0 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 53 24 15 3 5 607 Income: Under 50k 51 30 12 4 3 438 Income: 50k-100k 64 21 11 1 4 332 Income: 100k+ 75 16 7 1 1 240 Educ: < College 56 25 12 3 4 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 65 23 9 2 0 224 Educ: Post-grad 79 14 5 1 1 122 White Collar 70 23 6 1 1 447 Blue Collar 58 21 11 3 6 412 Cell Only/Mostly 59 23 12 4 3 494 Dual Use 69 22 8 1 0 316 LL Only/Mostly 58 24 10 1 7 173 2
  • 3. 2: Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? Right Direction Wrong Track N Registered Voters 28 72 1010 Likely Voters 28 72 908 Male 30 70 471 Female 26 74 539 Age: 18-29 45 55 163 Age: 30-44 32 68 250 Age: 45-64 23 77 381 Age: 65+ 20 80 216 Democrats (no lean) 51 49 348 Independents (no lean) 20 80 365 Republicans (no lean) 11 89 296 Liberal (1-3) 53 47 244 Moderate (4) 34 66 265 Conservative (5-7) 11 89 396 Northeast 33 67 184 Midwest 28 72 238 South 22 78 375 West 34 66 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 28 72 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 28 72 607 Income: Under 50k 30 70 438 Income: 50k-100k 28 72 332 Income: 100k+ 26 74 240 Educ: < College 25 75 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 34 66 224 Educ: Post-grad 34 66 122 White Collar 32 68 447 Blue Collar 22 78 412 Cell Only/Mostly 30 70 494 Dual Use 26 74 316 LL Only/Mostly 24 76 173 3
  • 4. 3: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President? Strongly Approve Somewhat Approve Somewhat Disap- prove Strongly Disap- prove Don’t Know / No Opinion N Registered Voters 14 25 17 40 3 1010 Likely Voters 14 26 16 43 1 908 Male 12 29 15 44 0 471 Female 15 22 20 37 6 539 Age: 18-29 23 30 17 23 7 163 Age: 30-44 13 30 21 34 2 250 Age: 45-64 13 21 15 47 4 381 Age: 65+ 8 25 17 50 0 216 Democrats (no lean) 31 45 12 10 1 348 Independents (no lean) 5 21 26 41 7 365 Republicans (no lean) 4 8 13 75 1 296 Liberal (1-3) 28 45 15 11 1 244 Moderate (4) 12 37 19 30 2 265 Conservative (5-7) 5 10 14 70 0 396 Northeast 15 33 19 32 1 184 Midwest 11 35 14 38 3 238 South 16 17 17 47 4 375 West 12 23 21 40 4 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 17 19 13 49 1 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 11 29 20 34 5 607 Income: Under 50k 15 24 17 38 6 438 Income: 50k-100k 12 28 24 35 0 332 Income: 100k+ 13 24 9 52 2 240 Educ: < College 13 22 20 40 5 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 13 34 13 40 1 224 Educ: Post-grad 18 25 13 44 0 122 White Collar 15 26 14 45 0 447 Blue Collar 12 26 16 41 6 412 Cell Only/Mostly 15 27 16 38 5 494 Dual Use 15 23 12 47 3 316 LL Only/Mostly 9 27 23 41 1 173 4
  • 5. 4: Do you approve or disapprove of the job Barack Obama is doing as President? Approve Disapprove Don’t Know / No Opinion N Registered Voters 39 58 3 1010 Likely Voters 40 59 1 908 Male 41 58 0 471 Female 37 57 6 539 Age: 18-29 52 40 7 163 Age: 30-44 43 55 2 250 Age: 45-64 34 62 4 381 Age: 65+ 33 67 0 216 Democrats (no lean) 77 22 1 348 Independents (no lean) 25 68 7 365 Republicans (no lean) 11 88 1 296 Liberal (1-3) 74 26 1 244 Moderate (4) 49 49 2 265 Conservative (5-7) 15 85 0 396 Northeast 48 50 1 184 Midwest 45 52 3 238 South 32 64 4 375 West 35 61 4 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 37 62 1 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 40 55 5 607 Income: Under 50k 39 55 6 438 Income: 50k-100k 40 59 0 332 Income: 100k+ 37 61 2 240 Educ: < College 36 60 5 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 47 52 1 224 Educ: Post-grad 43 57 0 122 White Collar 41 59 0 447 Blue Collar 38 56 6 412 Cell Only/Mostly 42 54 5 494 Dual Use 37 60 3 316 LL Only/Mostly 36 63 1 173 5
  • 6. 5: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Israel Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 27 25 15 11 20 2 1010 Likely Voters 29 25 15 11 19 1 908 Male 32 27 14 13 13 0 471 Female 22 22 17 10 25 4 539 Age: 18-29 11 24 23 12 21 9 163 Age: 30-44 21 19 14 16 28 2 250 Age: 45-64 29 27 14 9 20 0 381 Age: 65+ 41 27 14 10 8 0 216 Democrats (no lean) 16 25 21 16 20 1 348 Independents (no lean) 23 28 13 9 23 3 365 Republicans (no lean) 44 20 11 8 15 1 296 Liberal (1-3) 18 28 27 15 12 1 244 Moderate (4) 13 24 18 13 31 1 265 Conservative (5-7) 48 24 10 8 10 1 396 Northeast 28 19 19 12 22 1 184 Midwest 25 27 13 11 24 1 238 South 28 24 14 12 18 5 375 West 26 29 19 11 16 0 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 27 15 6 17 1 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 22 23 15 15 22 3 607 Income: Under 50k 22 24 14 11 25 4 438 Income: 50k-100k 29 26 17 15 12 1 332 Income: 100k+ 34 23 15 8 20 0 240 Educ: < College 24 23 14 11 25 3 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 32 28 16 13 11 0 224 Educ: Post-grad 32 27 24 7 9 1 122 White Collar 35 25 16 10 15 0 447 Blue Collar 22 25 16 14 19 4 412 Cell Only/Mostly 20 22 20 14 22 3 494 Dual Use 32 28 12 10 17 0 316 LL Only/Mostly 38 23 12 9 17 2 173 6
  • 7. 6: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Israel Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 51 27 22 1010 Likely Voters 54 27 20 908 Male 59 27 14 471 Female 45 27 29 539 Age: 18-29 36 35 29 163 Age: 30-44 40 30 30 250 Age: 45-64 56 23 21 381 Age: 65+ 68 24 8 216 Democrats (no lean) 41 38 21 348 Independents (no lean) 51 23 26 365 Republicans (no lean) 64 20 16 296 Liberal (1-3) 46 42 13 244 Moderate (4) 37 31 32 265 Conservative (5-7) 71 18 11 396 Northeast 47 30 23 184 Midwest 51 24 25 238 South 52 25 23 375 West 54 30 16 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 61 22 18 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 45 30 24 607 Income: Under 50k 45 25 30 438 Income: 50k-100k 55 32 12 332 Income: 100k+ 57 23 20 240 Educ: < College 47 25 27 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 59 29 11 224 Educ: Post-grad 59 31 10 122 White Collar 60 25 15 447 Blue Collar 47 31 23 412 Cell Only/Mostly 42 33 25 494 Dual Use 60 22 17 316 LL Only/Mostly 60 21 19 173 7
  • 8. 7: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Hamas Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 5 9 50 16 18 1010 Likely Voters 2 5 9 52 16 16 908 Male 1 6 8 62 12 11 471 Female 3 3 10 39 20 25 539 Age: 18-29 6 15 9 19 20 31 163 Age: 30-44 3 4 10 44 18 22 250 Age: 45-64 1 1 11 52 18 17 381 Age: 65+ 0 3 5 75 9 7 216 Democrats (no lean) 3 4 12 37 20 23 348 Independents (no lean) 0 7 8 52 15 18 365 Republicans (no lean) 3 2 7 61 13 13 296 Liberal (1-3) 5 10 9 48 11 17 244 Moderate (4) 2 6 12 32 23 26 265 Conservative (5-7) 1 2 8 68 13 9 396 Northeast 2 4 8 54 18 14 184 Midwest 2 2 8 48 19 21 238 South 3 3 8 47 16 23 375 West 1 10 14 52 13 10 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 8 11 48 13 16 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 2 8 51 19 20 607 Income: Under 50k 3 7 9 38 21 23 438 Income: 50k-100k 1 4 10 58 10 16 332 Income: 100k+ 2 1 8 60 17 13 240 Educ: < College 2 5 9 41 20 23 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 2 4 8 65 12 8 224 Educ: Post-grad 3 3 9 71 6 9 122 White Collar 3 3 11 60 12 11 447 Blue Collar 1 4 9 46 18 22 412 Cell Only/Mostly 1 4 12 40 19 24 494 Dual Use 1 2 7 63 13 13 316 LL Only/Mostly 4 3 6 60 16 11 173 8
  • 9. 8: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Hamas Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 6 59 35 1010 Likely Voters 7 61 32 908 Male 7 70 23 471 Female 6 49 45 539 Age: 18-29 21 28 51 163 Age: 30-44 7 53 40 250 Age: 45-64 2 63 35 381 Age: 65+ 4 80 16 216 Democrats (no lean) 7 49 44 348 Independents (no lean) 7 60 33 365 Republicans (no lean) 5 68 27 296 Liberal (1-3) 15 57 28 244 Moderate (4) 7 44 49 265 Conservative (5-7) 2 76 22 396 Northeast 6 62 32 184 Midwest 4 56 40 238 South 6 55 39 375 West 11 66 23 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 12 58 30 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 3 59 38 607 Income: Under 50k 9 46 44 438 Income: 50k-100k 5 69 26 332 Income: 100k+ 3 67 30 240 Educ: < College 6 50 44 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 7 74 20 224 Educ: Post-grad 6 79 15 122 White Collar 6 70 23 447 Blue Collar 5 54 41 412 Cell Only/Mostly 5 52 43 494 Dual Use 4 70 26 316 LL Only/Mostly 8 66 27 173 9
  • 10. 9: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ The Palestinian Authority Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 6 17 42 22 11 1010 Likely Voters 3 6 18 43 22 9 908 Male 2 8 18 50 17 5 471 Female 2 4 16 34 26 17 539 Age: 18-29 6 15 21 17 22 19 163 Age: 30-44 1 7 14 42 26 10 250 Age: 45-64 1 2 18 43 24 12 381 Age: 65+ 3 5 16 57 13 7 216 Democrats (no lean) 3 7 21 34 25 11 348 Independents (no lean) 1 6 18 36 24 15 365 Republicans (no lean) 4 5 12 57 16 7 296 Liberal (1-3) 5 14 25 34 16 6 244 Moderate (4) 2 6 19 30 28 15 265 Conservative (5-7) 1 3 14 58 17 7 396 Northeast 2 8 20 42 24 4 184 Midwest 2 4 16 42 25 11 238 South 3 5 11 42 23 17 375 West 2 9 25 39 15 9 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 8 17 42 19 9 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 5 17 41 24 13 607 Income: Under 50k 2 8 16 31 29 14 438 Income: 50k-100k 2 5 20 48 15 10 332 Income: 100k+ 2 5 15 53 18 8 240 Educ: < College 2 5 15 36 26 15 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 3 6 19 54 14 5 224 Educ: Post-grad 3 9 22 52 12 2 122 White Collar 4 7 18 50 14 7 447 Blue Collar 1 5 16 40 25 13 412 Cell Only/Mostly 2 7 17 38 22 13 494 Dual Use 1 4 16 49 23 7 316 LL Only/Mostly 5 7 11 44 19 14 173 10
  • 11. 10: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ The Palestinian Authority Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 8 59 33 1010 Likely Voters 9 61 30 908 Male 10 68 22 471 Female 6 50 43 539 Age: 18-29 21 38 41 163 Age: 30-44 9 56 36 250 Age: 45-64 3 61 36 381 Age: 65+ 7 73 20 216 Democrats (no lean) 10 55 36 348 Independents (no lean) 7 54 39 365 Republicans (no lean) 9 68 23 296 Liberal (1-3) 19 60 21 244 Moderate (4) 8 50 42 265 Conservative (5-7) 4 72 24 396 Northeast 10 62 28 184 Midwest 5 59 36 238 South 8 53 39 375 West 11 65 24 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 12 59 28 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 58 36 607 Income: Under 50k 10 47 43 438 Income: 50k-100k 7 68 25 332 Income: 100k+ 7 67 26 240 Educ: < College 8 51 42 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 9 73 18 224 Educ: Post-grad 12 74 14 122 White Collar 11 68 21 447 Blue Collar 6 56 38 412 Cell Only/Mostly 9 56 35 494 Dual Use 5 66 30 316 LL Only/Mostly 12 55 33 173 11
  • 12. 11: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Syria Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 5 19 47 23 3 1010 Likely Voters 3 6 20 48 22 1 908 Male 2 7 19 55 16 1 471 Female 3 4 19 40 30 5 539 Age: 18-29 10 11 23 26 21 9 163 Age: 30-44 2 6 19 42 30 1 250 Age: 45-64 0 4 18 52 24 2 381 Age: 65+ 1 2 18 60 16 2 216 Democrats (no lean) 2 8 20 44 22 4 348 Independents (no lean) 2 5 19 43 26 4 365 Republicans (no lean) 3 3 18 56 20 0 296 Liberal (1-3) 8 5 24 45 15 3 244 Moderate (4) 1 12 21 32 31 2 265 Conservative (5-7) 0 2 19 61 17 1 396 Northeast 2 5 15 49 27 2 184 Midwest 1 4 24 46 22 2 238 South 2 5 16 49 22 5 375 West 4 8 22 43 22 1 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 7 22 44 21 2 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 4 17 49 25 4 607 Income: Under 50k 3 7 20 33 31 6 438 Income: 50k-100k 2 5 19 59 13 1 332 Income: 100k+ 2 4 16 56 22 0 240 Educ: < College 2 5 17 42 30 4 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 3 6 22 56 12 0 224 Educ: Post-grad 3 4 25 58 8 2 122 White Collar 2 7 21 52 17 2 447 Blue Collar 1 3 18 49 24 4 412 Cell Only/Mostly 3 6 18 41 27 4 494 Dual Use 0 5 20 56 18 1 316 LL Only/Mostly 4 5 15 53 21 2 173 12
  • 13. 12: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Syria Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 8 66 26 1010 Likely Voters 8 68 24 908 Male 9 75 16 471 Female 7 59 34 539 Age: 18-29 21 49 30 163 Age: 30-44 8 61 31 250 Age: 45-64 5 70 25 381 Age: 65+ 4 78 18 216 Democrats (no lean) 11 64 26 348 Independents (no lean) 7 62 30 365 Republicans (no lean) 6 74 21 296 Liberal (1-3) 14 69 17 244 Moderate (4) 13 53 34 265 Conservative (5-7) 3 80 18 396 Northeast 7 64 29 184 Midwest 5 71 24 238 South 8 65 27 375 West 12 65 23 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 66 22 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 66 29 607 Income: Under 50k 10 53 37 438 Income: 50k-100k 7 79 14 332 Income: 100k+ 6 72 22 240 Educ: < College 8 59 34 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 9 78 13 224 Educ: Post-grad 7 83 10 122 White Collar 9 73 18 447 Blue Collar 5 67 28 412 Cell Only/Mostly 9 60 31 494 Dual Use 5 76 19 316 LL Only/Mostly 9 68 22 173 13
  • 14. 13: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Lebanon Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 10 26 24 32 5 1010 Likely Voters 3 10 27 26 30 4 908 Male 1 13 27 30 25 4 471 Female 3 8 25 19 38 6 539 Age: 18-29 7 13 16 13 30 21 163 Age: 30-44 3 12 24 21 37 3 250 Age: 45-64 0 6 24 33 35 1 381 Age: 65+ 1 13 40 21 23 2 216 Democrats (no lean) 3 13 26 19 33 6 348 Independents (no lean) 1 9 25 23 38 6 365 Republicans (no lean) 3 9 29 32 23 3 296 Liberal (1-3) 7 13 32 18 27 2 244 Moderate (4) 1 14 22 17 39 7 265 Conservative (5-7) 1 9 28 35 25 3 396 Northeast 1 10 28 23 35 2 184 Midwest 2 10 29 25 30 4 238 South 3 11 22 24 30 9 375 West 2 9 30 24 34 2 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 13 28 23 27 4 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 8 25 25 35 6 607 Income: Under 50k 3 9 20 22 37 9 438 Income: 50k-100k 2 11 34 24 26 3 332 Income: 100k+ 2 12 27 28 30 1 240 Educ: < College 2 9 22 23 38 7 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 3 13 32 28 23 2 224 Educ: Post-grad 6 13 40 26 14 1 122 White Collar 4 12 32 26 25 1 447 Blue Collar 1 9 24 25 33 7 412 Cell Only/Mostly 2 10 22 23 34 9 494 Dual Use 2 9 29 31 28 1 316 LL Only/Mostly 4 12 35 18 26 3 173 14
  • 15. 14: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Lebanon Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 13 50 37 1010 Likely Voters 13 52 35 908 Male 14 58 28 471 Female 11 44 45 539 Age: 18-29 20 29 51 163 Age: 30-44 15 45 40 250 Age: 45-64 6 57 36 381 Age: 65+ 14 61 25 216 Democrats (no lean) 16 44 40 348 Independents (no lean) 9 48 43 365 Republicans (no lean) 12 61 26 296 Liberal (1-3) 20 50 29 244 Moderate (4) 15 39 46 265 Conservative (5-7) 10 63 28 396 Northeast 12 51 37 184 Midwest 12 54 34 238 South 15 46 39 375 West 11 54 36 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 18 51 31 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 50 41 607 Income: Under 50k 12 42 46 438 Income: 50k-100k 13 58 29 332 Income: 100k+ 14 55 31 240 Educ: < College 10 44 45 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 16 60 24 224 Educ: Post-grad 19 66 15 122 White Collar 16 58 26 447 Blue Collar 10 50 40 412 Cell Only/Mostly 12 45 42 494 Dual Use 11 61 29 316 LL Only/Mostly 17 53 30 173 15
  • 16. 15: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Jordan Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 5 22 20 15 33 5 1010 Likely Voters 6 24 19 16 32 3 908 Male 5 27 19 20 26 3 471 Female 6 18 21 10 39 6 539 Age: 18-29 15 16 13 15 27 14 163 Age: 30-44 4 16 20 16 38 6 250 Age: 45-64 2 23 18 16 40 1 381 Age: 65+ 5 32 31 11 21 1 216 Democrats (no lean) 5 20 22 15 32 5 348 Independents (no lean) 5 21 20 12 37 6 365 Republicans (no lean) 6 26 19 17 30 2 296 Liberal (1-3) 14 22 24 13 25 3 244 Moderate (4) 2 23 20 10 41 3 265 Conservative (5-7) 4 27 19 20 28 2 396 Northeast 5 16 24 17 32 6 184 Midwest 2 22 25 15 33 3 238 South 5 24 16 13 34 7 375 West 10 23 19 14 33 1 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 10 24 23 14 27 2 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 21 18 15 37 6 607 Income: Under 50k 7 18 18 13 36 8 438 Income: 50k-100k 3 26 23 17 28 3 332 Income: 100k+ 5 24 21 15 36 0 240 Educ: < College 5 20 17 13 39 6 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 4 23 24 22 25 2 224 Educ: Post-grad 11 33 29 8 17 2 122 White Collar 6 29 22 14 27 2 447 Blue Collar 3 18 22 16 36 5 412 Cell Only/Mostly 3 20 18 18 35 5 494 Dual Use 4 25 23 13 34 1 316 LL Only/Mostly 9 25 23 10 29 4 173 16
  • 17. 16: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Jordan Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 27 35 38 1010 Likely Voters 29 35 35 908 Male 32 39 29 471 Female 23 32 45 539 Age: 18-29 31 28 41 163 Age: 30-44 20 36 44 250 Age: 45-64 26 33 41 381 Age: 65+ 36 41 22 216 Democrats (no lean) 25 37 37 348 Independents (no lean) 26 31 43 365 Republicans (no lean) 32 36 32 296 Liberal (1-3) 35 37 28 244 Moderate (4) 25 31 44 265 Conservative (5-7) 31 39 30 396 Northeast 21 41 38 184 Midwest 24 40 36 238 South 30 29 41 375 West 33 33 35 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 37 29 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 23 34 43 607 Income: Under 50k 26 31 44 438 Income: 50k-100k 29 40 31 332 Income: 100k+ 29 35 36 240 Educ: < College 24 31 45 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 28 46 27 224 Educ: Post-grad 44 37 19 122 White Collar 35 36 29 447 Blue Collar 21 38 41 412 Cell Only/Mostly 23 36 41 494 Dual Use 28 37 35 316 LL Only/Mostly 34 33 33 173 17
  • 18. 17: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Egypt Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 3 20 27 20 26 3 1010 Likely Voters 3 20 28 22 25 2 908 Male 2 25 27 27 17 3 471 Female 4 15 28 15 34 4 539 Age: 18-29 8 15 23 22 22 11 163 Age: 30-44 2 20 23 21 29 5 250 Age: 45-64 2 18 29 20 30 1 381 Age: 65+ 1 26 33 20 19 1 216 Democrats (no lean) 5 19 28 21 24 3 348 Independents (no lean) 1 19 27 16 32 6 365 Republicans (no lean) 3 22 28 25 22 1 296 Liberal (1-3) 6 21 35 20 16 1 244 Moderate (4) 4 24 19 15 36 1 265 Conservative (5-7) 1 20 31 27 19 2 396 Northeast 6 20 31 15 24 5 184 Midwest 2 23 25 18 29 3 238 South 3 17 28 22 26 5 375 West 1 20 27 26 25 0 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 20 28 25 22 1 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 19 27 18 29 5 607 Income: Under 50k 4 15 22 22 30 7 438 Income: 50k-100k 2 24 31 20 21 2 332 Income: 100k+ 2 21 33 18 26 0 240 Educ: < College 3 16 24 20 31 5 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 2 25 28 25 19 0 224 Educ: Post-grad 3 28 43 15 10 1 122 White Collar 3 25 32 20 20 0 447 Blue Collar 3 18 26 22 28 4 412 Cell Only/Mostly 2 18 25 21 29 4 494 Dual Use 1 24 31 18 26 0 316 LL Only/Mostly 7 19 31 18 22 4 173 18
  • 19. 18: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Egypt Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 23 48 30 1010 Likely Voters 23 50 27 908 Male 26 54 20 471 Female 19 43 38 539 Age: 18-29 23 45 32 163 Age: 30-44 23 44 34 250 Age: 45-64 20 49 31 381 Age: 65+ 27 53 20 216 Democrats (no lean) 24 49 27 348 Independents (no lean) 20 43 37 365 Republicans (no lean) 25 52 23 296 Liberal (1-3) 28 55 17 244 Moderate (4) 28 34 37 265 Conservative (5-7) 21 58 21 396 Northeast 25 46 28 184 Midwest 26 43 32 238 South 20 49 31 375 West 21 53 26 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 25 52 23 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 21 45 34 607 Income: Under 50k 20 44 37 438 Income: 50k-100k 26 51 23 332 Income: 100k+ 23 51 26 240 Educ: < College 19 44 36 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 27 53 19 224 Educ: Post-grad 31 58 11 122 White Collar 28 52 20 447 Blue Collar 21 47 32 412 Cell Only/Mostly 20 47 33 494 Dual Use 25 49 26 316 LL Only/Mostly 26 49 25 173 19
  • 20. 19: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Saudi Arabia Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 4 18 28 22 25 4 1010 Likely Voters 4 19 28 22 23 3 908 Male 2 28 29 20 17 3 471 Female 5 9 27 23 31 5 539 Age: 18-29 8 20 22 14 24 12 163 Age: 30-44 4 12 24 28 27 5 250 Age: 45-64 3 20 26 23 28 1 381 Age: 65+ 1 20 42 18 16 3 216 Democrats (no lean) 5 14 29 27 21 4 348 Independents (no lean) 2 20 27 15 30 6 365 Republicans (no lean) 5 20 28 24 22 2 296 Liberal (1-3) 7 25 28 24 15 2 244 Moderate (4) 4 19 24 15 38 2 265 Conservative (5-7) 3 17 34 27 16 3 396 Northeast 3 21 31 19 21 6 184 Midwest 4 16 31 21 25 3 238 South 4 13 24 26 26 6 375 West 4 27 29 16 25 1 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 19 31 21 20 3 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 17 26 22 28 5 607 Income: Under 50k 3 18 22 19 30 8 438 Income: 50k-100k 3 15 34 27 19 2 332 Income: 100k+ 4 22 31 18 24 0 240 Educ: < College 3 17 23 21 30 6 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 4 21 35 24 15 1 224 Educ: Post-grad 4 20 41 21 13 1 122 White Collar 5 22 32 22 18 1 447 Blue Collar 3 14 26 25 26 5 412 Cell Only/Mostly 4 16 22 26 27 5 494 Dual Use 2 16 36 23 21 2 316 LL Only/Mostly 5 22 33 10 26 4 173 20
  • 21. 20: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Saudi Arabia Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 22 50 29 1010 Likely Voters 23 50 27 908 Male 30 49 21 471 Female 14 50 36 539 Age: 18-29 28 36 36 163 Age: 30-44 17 51 32 250 Age: 45-64 22 48 29 381 Age: 65+ 21 60 19 216 Democrats (no lean) 19 56 25 348 Independents (no lean) 22 42 36 365 Republicans (no lean) 25 52 24 296 Liberal (1-3) 32 52 16 244 Moderate (4) 23 38 39 265 Conservative (5-7) 20 62 19 396 Northeast 24 50 27 184 Midwest 20 52 28 238 South 17 51 32 375 West 30 44 25 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 26 52 22 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 19 48 33 607 Income: Under 50k 21 41 38 438 Income: 50k-100k 18 61 20 332 Income: 100k+ 27 49 24 240 Educ: < College 20 44 36 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 25 59 16 224 Educ: Post-grad 24 62 14 122 White Collar 27 54 19 447 Blue Collar 17 51 31 412 Cell Only/Mostly 20 48 32 494 Dual Use 18 59 23 316 LL Only/Mostly 27 43 30 173 21
  • 22. 21: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Iraq Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 7 21 51 17 2 1010 Likely Voters 3 6 22 52 16 1 908 Male 1 10 22 52 13 2 471 Female 4 4 19 49 21 3 539 Age: 18-29 6 14 28 27 16 9 163 Age: 30-44 3 7 13 52 22 4 250 Age: 45-64 1 3 20 57 18 0 381 Age: 65+ 1 8 25 56 11 0 216 Democrats (no lean) 3 5 23 50 18 1 348 Independents (no lean) 1 9 21 42 21 5 365 Republicans (no lean) 3 5 17 62 12 0 296 Liberal (1-3) 6 10 22 48 13 1 244 Moderate (4) 2 7 21 44 25 1 265 Conservative (5-7) 2 3 23 63 10 0 396 Northeast 2 5 22 49 18 4 184 Midwest 2 10 20 50 17 1 238 South 3 4 18 55 17 4 375 West 3 10 24 46 17 0 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 9 19 50 16 1 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 5 21 51 18 3 607 Income: Under 50k 3 8 21 40 23 5 438 Income: 50k-100k 1 8 22 59 10 0 332 Income: 100k+ 2 2 18 59 18 0 240 Educ: < College 2 7 19 46 23 3 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 2 9 21 60 8 0 224 Educ: Post-grad 3 3 30 58 5 1 122 White Collar 4 5 22 56 13 0 447 Blue Collar 2 7 19 53 17 3 412 Cell Only/Mostly 3 5 20 48 21 3 494 Dual Use 1 3 21 60 14 0 316 LL Only/Mostly 3 11 24 48 14 0 173 22
  • 23. 22: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Iraq Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 9 71 20 1010 Likely Voters 9 74 18 908 Male 10 75 15 471 Female 8 68 24 539 Age: 18-29 20 55 25 163 Age: 30-44 10 65 25 250 Age: 45-64 4 77 18 381 Age: 65+ 8 80 11 216 Democrats (no lean) 8 73 19 348 Independents (no lean) 10 64 26 365 Republicans (no lean) 9 79 12 296 Liberal (1-3) 16 70 14 244 Moderate (4) 8 66 26 265 Conservative (5-7) 5 86 10 396 Northeast 8 71 22 184 Midwest 11 70 18 238 South 6 73 21 375 West 13 70 18 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 14 69 17 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 6 73 22 607 Income: Under 50k 11 61 28 438 Income: 50k-100k 10 80 10 332 Income: 100k+ 4 77 18 240 Educ: < College 9 65 26 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 11 81 8 224 Educ: Post-grad 6 88 6 122 White Collar 9 78 13 447 Blue Collar 9 71 20 412 Cell Only/Mostly 8 68 24 494 Dual Use 5 81 14 316 LL Only/Mostly 14 72 14 173 23
  • 24. 23: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Iran Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 5 17 55 19 2 1010 Likely Voters 3 5 16 58 17 1 908 Male 2 6 16 63 12 1 471 Female 3 3 18 48 24 3 539 Age: 18-29 8 9 23 31 20 9 163 Age: 30-44 3 7 17 46 25 2 250 Age: 45-64 0 3 15 64 18 0 381 Age: 65+ 1 1 18 70 11 0 216 Democrats (no lean) 3 6 20 51 17 2 348 Independents (no lean) 1 4 17 53 22 3 365 Republicans (no lean) 4 3 14 63 15 1 296 Liberal (1-3) 7 7 18 58 10 1 244 Moderate (4) 2 8 17 43 28 1 265 Conservative (5-7) 1 1 17 70 10 1 396 Northeast 3 5 14 57 22 0 184 Midwest 1 3 22 53 20 1 238 South 3 4 14 57 18 4 375 West 2 7 20 55 15 1 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 6 5 17 56 16 1 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 4 17 55 21 3 607 Income: Under 50k 3 5 18 45 26 4 438 Income: 50k-100k 2 6 21 61 10 1 332 Income: 100k+ 2 2 12 67 18 0 240 Educ: < College 2 3 18 50 24 3 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 3 9 15 62 11 0 224 Educ: Post-grad 3 4 16 72 4 1 122 White Collar 3 7 15 62 12 0 447 Blue Collar 2 3 17 55 18 4 412 Cell Only/Mostly 3 5 18 50 21 3 494 Dual Use 1 3 16 66 14 0 316 LL Only/Mostly 4 6 19 52 17 2 173 24
  • 25. 24: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Iran Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 7 73 21 1010 Likely Voters 7 75 18 908 Male 8 79 13 471 Female 6 67 27 539 Age: 18-29 17 54 29 163 Age: 30-44 10 63 27 250 Age: 45-64 3 78 18 381 Age: 65+ 2 87 11 216 Democrats (no lean) 9 72 19 348 Independents (no lean) 5 69 26 365 Republicans (no lean) 6 78 16 296 Liberal (1-3) 13 76 11 244 Moderate (4) 10 60 30 265 Conservative (5-7) 2 87 11 396 Northeast 7 71 22 184 Midwest 4 74 21 238 South 7 71 22 375 West 9 75 16 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 11 73 16 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 4 72 23 607 Income: Under 50k 8 62 30 438 Income: 50k-100k 8 82 10 332 Income: 100k+ 4 78 18 240 Educ: < College 5 68 27 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 12 78 11 224 Educ: Post-grad 7 88 4 122 White Collar 10 78 12 447 Blue Collar 5 73 22 412 Cell Only/Mostly 8 68 24 494 Dual Use 4 82 14 316 LL Only/Mostly 10 71 19 173 25
  • 26. 25: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Turkey Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 5 23 20 15 32 4 1010 Likely Voters 5 23 21 16 31 3 908 Male 5 30 23 19 20 3 471 Female 5 17 18 12 43 5 539 Age: 18-29 14 15 16 17 27 12 163 Age: 30-44 3 22 20 15 34 5 250 Age: 45-64 2 22 18 16 40 1 381 Age: 65+ 3 32 28 14 20 3 216 Democrats (no lean) 5 21 23 14 33 3 348 Independents (no lean) 3 25 17 13 35 6 365 Republicans (no lean) 5 23 21 20 27 3 296 Liberal (1-3) 9 23 26 15 25 1 244 Moderate (4) 5 26 18 11 39 2 265 Conservative (5-7) 3 24 24 19 27 3 396 Northeast 3 29 17 14 30 6 184 Midwest 2 27 25 12 31 4 238 South 6 19 18 15 36 6 375 West 7 21 23 20 29 1 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 21 24 19 25 3 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 25 18 13 37 5 607 Income: Under 50k 5 17 18 16 36 8 438 Income: 50k-100k 4 28 23 15 28 2 332 Income: 100k+ 3 28 22 15 31 0 240 Educ: < College 4 20 17 15 38 6 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 4 28 23 20 24 1 224 Educ: Post-grad 8 31 37 8 15 1 122 White Collar 5 31 21 16 26 0 447 Blue Collar 4 20 20 15 35 6 412 Cell Only/Mostly 5 21 17 17 35 5 494 Dual Use 4 25 24 12 33 1 316 LL Only/Mostly 5 30 24 11 26 4 173 26
  • 27. 26: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Turkey Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 28 36 37 1010 Likely Voters 28 37 35 908 Male 35 42 23 471 Female 22 30 48 539 Age: 18-29 29 33 39 163 Age: 30-44 25 35 40 250 Age: 45-64 25 34 41 381 Age: 65+ 35 42 23 216 Democrats (no lean) 26 37 37 348 Independents (no lean) 28 31 41 365 Republicans (no lean) 29 41 30 296 Liberal (1-3) 33 41 26 244 Moderate (4) 30 29 41 265 Conservative (5-7) 27 43 30 396 Northeast 33 31 36 184 Midwest 29 37 34 238 South 25 33 42 375 West 28 42 30 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 30 42 28 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 27 31 42 607 Income: Under 50k 22 34 44 438 Income: 50k-100k 32 37 30 332 Income: 100k+ 31 37 32 240 Educ: < College 24 32 44 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 32 43 25 224 Educ: Post-grad 39 45 16 122 White Collar 37 37 27 447 Blue Collar 24 36 41 412 Cell Only/Mostly 25 35 40 494 Dual Use 29 37 34 316 LL Only/Mostly 35 35 30 173 27
  • 28. 27: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ John Kerry Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 10 29 23 20 11 7 471 Likely Voters 11 29 24 21 11 4 418 Male 9 28 23 26 8 6 236 Female 11 30 23 14 14 8 235 Age: 18-29 4 29 14 10 18 26 76 Age: 30-44 11 29 21 21 11 9 130 Age: 45-64 12 27 27 21 13 1 167 Age: 65+ 10 34 25 26 4 1 98 Democrats (no lean) 25 37 19 7 10 3 161 Independents (no lean) 1 30 19 24 9 16 164 Republicans (no lean) 4 19 32 30 15 1 146 Liberal (1-3) 26 37 16 7 10 5 124 Moderate (4) 8 45 20 13 12 2 127 Conservative (5-7) 1 17 33 38 9 1 179 Northeast 11 34 12 14 14 15 79 Midwest 11 26 21 29 9 4 116 South 8 24 29 16 15 8 173 West 11 37 23 21 5 2 103 Religiosity: Monthly+ 12 30 26 21 10 2 193 Religiosity: LT Monthly 9 28 21 19 12 11 278 Income: Under 50k 6 31 17 16 13 16 196 Income: 50k-100k 9 31 33 20 6 1 147 Income: 100k+ 17 24 19 26 13 0 128 Educ: < College 8 29 22 18 13 10 297 Educ: Bachelors degree 10 27 28 25 9 1 116 Educ: Post-grad 20 33 18 22 7 2 57 White Collar 12 28 28 22 9 1 219 Blue Collar 8 29 20 23 11 8 177 Cell Only/Mostly 11 30 20 19 12 8 241 Dual Use 9 24 30 25 9 3 148 LL Only/Mostly 10 30 27 16 14 3 56 28
  • 29. 28: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ John Kerry Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 39 43 18 471 Likely Voters 40 45 15 418 Male 38 48 14 236 Female 41 37 22 235 Age: 18-29 33 24 43 76 Age: 30-44 40 41 19 130 Age: 45-64 38 48 14 167 Age: 65+ 44 51 5 98 Democrats (no lean) 62 25 13 161 Independents (no lean) 32 43 26 164 Republicans (no lean) 22 62 16 146 Liberal (1-3) 63 22 15 124 Moderate (4) 53 33 14 127 Conservative (5-7) 18 71 10 179 Northeast 45 26 29 79 Midwest 38 50 13 116 South 32 45 23 173 West 48 44 8 103 Religiosity: Monthly+ 42 47 11 193 Religiosity: LT Monthly 37 40 23 278 Income: Under 50k 37 34 29 196 Income: 50k-100k 40 53 7 147 Income: 100k+ 41 46 13 128 Educ: < College 37 40 23 297 Educ: Bachelors degree 37 52 10 116 Educ: Post-grad 52 40 8 57 White Collar 40 49 10 219 Blue Collar 37 43 20 177 Cell Only/Mostly 41 39 20 241 Dual Use 33 55 12 148 LL Only/Mostly 41 43 16 56 29
  • 30. 29: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 13 30 23 19 15 0 539 Likely Voters 13 29 24 21 13 0 490 Male 17 30 22 23 6 0 235 Female 9 30 24 16 21 1 304 Age: 18-29 39 21 16 12 11 1 87 Age: 30-44 7 23 35 17 16 1 120 Age: 45-64 7 29 19 23 21 0 214 Age: 65+ 9 45 23 18 5 0 118 Democrats (no lean) 24 42 14 8 11 1 187 Independents (no lean) 7 31 24 15 23 0 201 Republicans (no lean) 6 15 33 38 7 0 151 Liberal (1-3) 29 46 11 2 11 0 120 Moderate (4) 16 28 27 10 17 1 138 Conservative (5-7) 4 23 28 36 9 0 217 Northeast 14 43 16 15 12 0 105 Midwest 6 32 21 23 17 1 122 South 14 23 33 19 12 0 203 West 18 29 13 20 20 1 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 21 25 30 10 1 210 Religiosity: LT Monthly 12 36 22 12 18 0 329 Income: Under 50k 19 19 20 19 22 1 242 Income: 50k-100k 6 43 21 19 10 0 185 Income: 100k+ 9 33 32 19 8 0 112 Educ: < College 12 26 24 18 19 1 366 Educ: Bachelors degree 12 48 11 23 6 0 108 Educ: Post-grad 16 26 38 17 3 0 65 White Collar 13 35 21 24 7 0 227 Blue Collar 12 28 25 16 19 0 236 Cell Only/Mostly 18 23 24 19 15 1 252 Dual Use 7 34 20 23 17 0 168 LL Only/Mostly 10 40 25 13 11 0 117 30
  • 31. 30: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 43 42 15 539 Likely Voters 42 44 13 490 Male 48 46 7 235 Female 39 39 22 304 Age: 18-29 61 28 12 87 Age: 30-44 30 53 17 120 Age: 45-64 36 42 21 214 Age: 65+ 54 41 5 118 Democrats (no lean) 65 22 13 187 Independents (no lean) 38 39 23 201 Republicans (no lean) 22 71 7 151 Liberal (1-3) 76 13 11 120 Moderate (4) 44 37 19 138 Conservative (5-7) 27 64 9 217 Northeast 57 31 12 105 Midwest 38 44 18 122 South 37 51 12 203 West 46 33 21 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 55 10 210 Religiosity: LT Monthly 48 34 18 329 Income: Under 50k 38 39 22 242 Income: 50k-100k 49 41 10 185 Income: 100k+ 42 51 8 112 Educ: < College 38 42 20 366 Educ: Bachelors degree 60 34 6 108 Educ: Post-grad 42 55 3 65 White Collar 48 44 7 227 Blue Collar 40 41 19 236 Cell Only/Mostly 41 43 16 252 Dual Use 40 43 17 168 LL Only/Mostly 50 39 11 117 31
  • 32. 31: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 11 30 23 20 13 4 1010 Likely Voters 12 29 24 21 12 2 908 Male 13 29 22 25 7 3 471 Female 10 30 23 15 18 4 539 Age: 18-29 23 25 15 11 14 12 163 Age: 30-44 9 26 28 19 13 5 250 Age: 45-64 9 28 23 22 18 0 381 Age: 65+ 10 40 24 22 4 1 216 Democrats (no lean) 24 40 16 7 11 2 348 Independents (no lean) 5 30 22 19 17 7 365 Republicans (no lean) 5 17 33 34 11 0 296 Liberal (1-3) 28 42 13 5 10 3 244 Moderate (4) 12 36 24 12 15 1 265 Conservative (5-7) 3 21 30 37 9 1 396 Northeast 13 39 14 15 13 6 184 Midwest 8 29 21 26 13 3 238 South 11 23 31 18 13 4 375 West 15 33 18 20 13 1 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 13 25 26 26 10 1 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 11 33 21 15 15 5 607 Income: Under 50k 13 25 19 18 18 8 438 Income: 50k-100k 8 38 26 19 8 1 332 Income: 100k+ 13 28 25 23 11 0 240 Educ: < College 10 27 23 18 16 5 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 11 37 20 24 8 0 224 Educ: Post-grad 17 29 29 19 4 1 122 White Collar 13 32 24 23 8 1 447 Blue Collar 10 28 23 19 16 4 412 Cell Only/Mostly 14 27 22 19 14 5 494 Dual Use 8 29 25 24 13 1 316 LL Only/Mostly 10 37 26 14 12 1 173 32
  • 33. 32: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 41 42 17 1010 Likely Voters 41 45 14 908 Male 43 47 10 471 Female 40 38 22 539 Age: 18-29 48 26 26 163 Age: 30-44 35 47 18 250 Age: 45-64 37 45 18 381 Age: 65+ 50 46 5 216 Democrats (no lean) 64 24 13 348 Independents (no lean) 35 41 24 365 Republicans (no lean) 22 67 11 296 Liberal (1-3) 69 18 13 244 Moderate (4) 48 35 17 265 Conservative (5-7) 23 67 9 396 Northeast 52 29 19 184 Midwest 38 47 15 238 South 34 49 17 375 West 47 38 14 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 38 51 11 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 43 37 20 607 Income: Under 50k 38 37 26 438 Income: 50k-100k 45 46 9 332 Income: 100k+ 41 48 11 240 Educ: < College 38 41 21 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 48 43 8 224 Educ: Post-grad 47 48 5 122 White Collar 44 47 9 447 Blue Collar 38 42 19 412 Cell Only/Mostly 41 41 18 494 Dual Use 37 49 15 316 LL Only/Mostly 47 40 13 173 33
  • 34. 33: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Benjamin Netanyahu Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 17 17 14 10 21 21 487 Likely Voters 19 18 12 11 22 19 433 Male 22 25 11 13 20 10 227 Female 12 9 17 7 23 32 259 Age: 18-29 9 6 9 16 30 29 97 Age: 30-44 16 14 10 12 25 24 115 Age: 45-64 13 22 9 8 24 24 162 Age: 65+ 28 20 30 7 6 8 112 Democrats (no lean) 7 18 17 16 19 23 172 Independents (no lean) 11 15 16 8 25 25 189 Republicans (no lean) 38 18 6 6 19 14 126 Liberal (1-3) 11 17 19 16 18 19 130 Moderate (4) 8 15 15 9 26 26 136 Conservative (5-7) 32 22 6 8 17 14 169 Northeast 18 29 13 12 16 12 97 Midwest 14 7 22 5 25 27 119 South 18 15 10 14 15 28 162 West 16 18 13 9 31 13 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 28 11 12 7 23 19 186 Religiosity: LT Monthly 10 20 15 12 20 23 301 Income: Under 50k 9 13 9 10 30 29 224 Income: 50k-100k 15 19 26 11 16 13 148 Income: 100k+ 33 21 8 9 11 18 115 Educ: < College 13 13 12 8 27 26 321 Educ: Bachelors degree 21 24 15 14 9 17 102 Educ: Post-grad 26 24 19 13 12 7 64 White Collar 26 25 12 11 14 12 217 Blue Collar 12 10 17 9 26 26 198 Cell Only/Mostly 13 12 9 12 22 33 222 Dual Use 22 22 16 8 19 13 161 LL Only/Mostly 21 21 26 9 12 11 88 34
  • 35. 34: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Benjamin Netanyahu Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 33 24 43 487 Likely Voters 37 23 40 433 Male 46 24 30 227 Female 22 24 54 259 Age: 18-29 16 25 59 97 Age: 30-44 30 21 49 115 Age: 45-64 35 16 48 162 Age: 65+ 49 37 15 112 Democrats (no lean) 25 33 42 172 Independents (no lean) 25 24 51 189 Republicans (no lean) 56 12 33 126 Liberal (1-3) 28 35 37 130 Moderate (4) 24 24 52 136 Conservative (5-7) 54 14 32 169 Northeast 47 24 29 97 Midwest 21 27 52 119 South 33 23 43 162 West 34 22 44 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 19 42 186 Religiosity: LT Monthly 29 27 43 301 Income: Under 50k 22 19 59 224 Income: 50k-100k 34 37 29 148 Income: 100k+ 54 17 29 115 Educ: < College 26 21 53 321 Educ: Bachelors degree 45 29 26 102 Educ: Post-grad 50 32 18 64 White Collar 51 23 26 217 Blue Collar 22 26 51 198 Cell Only/Mostly 24 21 55 222 Dual Use 44 24 32 161 LL Only/Mostly 41 36 23 88 35
  • 36. 35: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 21 23 19 14 16 8 253 Likely Voters 23 25 14 14 16 8 231 Male 25 29 13 15 14 4 173 Female 11 9 31 11 21 17 81 Age: 18-29 13 6 19 36 11 16 40 Age: 30-44 7 23 19 13 27 12 66 Age: 45-64 18 35 9 9 22 7 79 Age: 65+ 43 18 30 7 2 0 67 Democrats (no lean) 13 17 26 19 16 9 79 Independents (no lean) 14 22 20 13 22 9 107 Republicans (no lean) 40 30 8 9 8 4 67 Liberal (1-3) 20 17 17 17 12 15 60 Moderate (4) 8 18 22 17 26 9 77 Conservative (5-7) 37 35 9 10 7 2 91 Northeast 24 35 20 12 7 2 64 Midwest 22 13 20 6 28 11 76 South 18 19 13 28 8 14 49 West 18 24 20 14 19 5 65 Religiosity: Monthly+ 35 20 17 14 7 7 87 Religiosity: LT Monthly 13 24 20 14 22 8 166 Income: Under 50k 13 20 13 16 27 10 115 Income: 50k-100k 28 17 30 10 10 5 85 Income: 100k+ 26 37 13 15 3 7 54 Educ: < College 20 18 19 11 21 11 169 Educ: Bachelors degree 13 38 20 22 5 3 53 Educ: Post-grad 39 24 15 12 9 1 31 White Collar 28 32 12 16 6 5 112 Blue Collar 18 15 25 12 27 3 117 Cell Only/Mostly 11 17 16 21 20 14 110 Dual Use 25 31 16 7 17 3 85 LL Only/Mostly 33 20 26 10 8 4 58 36
  • 37. 36: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 43 32 24 253 Likely Voters 47 29 24 231 Male 54 28 18 173 Female 20 42 38 81 Age: 18-29 19 55 26 40 Age: 30-44 30 32 39 66 Age: 45-64 53 18 30 79 Age: 65+ 60 37 2 67 Democrats (no lean) 30 45 25 79 Independents (no lean) 36 33 31 107 Republicans (no lean) 71 17 13 67 Liberal (1-3) 38 35 28 60 Moderate (4) 26 39 35 77 Conservative (5-7) 72 19 9 91 Northeast 59 32 9 64 Midwest 35 26 39 76 South 38 41 22 49 West 42 35 23 65 Religiosity: Monthly+ 55 31 14 87 Religiosity: LT Monthly 37 33 30 166 Income: Under 50k 33 29 38 115 Income: 50k-100k 45 40 15 85 Income: 100k+ 62 28 10 54 Educ: < College 37 31 32 169 Educ: Bachelors degree 51 41 8 53 Educ: Post-grad 63 27 10 31 White Collar 60 28 11 112 Blue Collar 32 37 30 117 Cell Only/Mostly 29 37 34 110 Dual Use 56 23 20 85 LL Only/Mostly 52 36 12 58 37
  • 38. 37: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 17 16 16 12 21 19 487 Likely Voters 19 18 14 12 21 16 433 Male 23 24 13 16 18 7 227 Female 12 10 18 8 23 29 259 Age: 18-29 11 5 11 18 27 28 97 Age: 30-44 12 16 14 15 24 18 115 Age: 45-64 14 23 9 8 24 22 162 Age: 65+ 32 16 30 8 7 7 112 Democrats (no lean) 10 15 20 16 19 21 172 Independents (no lean) 12 15 17 10 25 21 189 Republicans (no lean) 35 19 8 8 18 12 126 Liberal (1-3) 16 13 18 17 19 16 130 Moderate (4) 9 14 20 11 23 24 136 Conservative (5-7) 30 25 8 10 17 11 169 Northeast 22 25 17 11 16 9 97 Midwest 15 10 21 5 26 23 119 South 17 14 10 16 15 28 162 West 16 17 17 13 28 9 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 26 12 13 10 22 16 186 Religiosity: LT Monthly 12 18 17 13 20 20 301 Income: Under 50k 10 14 10 12 28 26 224 Income: 50k-100k 18 16 29 10 18 8 148 Income: 100k+ 29 21 9 13 9 17 115 Educ: < College 15 13 15 9 26 22 321 Educ: Bachelors degree 18 23 17 18 9 16 102 Educ: Post-grad 27 23 19 14 12 5 64 White Collar 26 23 12 13 14 11 217 Blue Collar 13 11 20 10 24 22 198 Cell Only/Mostly 11 13 12 15 20 29 222 Dual Use 21 23 17 7 20 11 161 LL Only/Mostly 29 15 25 11 11 9 88 38
  • 39. 38: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 33 27 39 487 Likely Voters 37 26 37 433 Male 47 29 24 227 Female 22 26 53 259 Age: 18-29 16 30 55 97 Age: 30-44 29 29 42 115 Age: 45-64 37 17 46 162 Age: 65+ 48 38 14 112 Democrats (no lean) 25 35 39 172 Independents (no lean) 27 28 46 189 Republicans (no lean) 55 16 30 126 Liberal (1-3) 30 35 36 130 Moderate (4) 22 31 47 136 Conservative (5-7) 55 18 27 169 Northeast 47 28 24 97 Midwest 25 26 49 119 South 31 26 43 162 West 33 30 37 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 23 38 186 Religiosity: LT Monthly 30 30 40 301 Income: Under 50k 24 22 54 224 Income: 50k-100k 34 39 27 148 Income: 100k+ 51 23 27 115 Educ: < College 28 24 48 321 Educ: Bachelors degree 41 34 25 102 Educ: Post-grad 50 33 17 64 White Collar 50 25 25 217 Blue Collar 24 31 46 198 Cell Only/Mostly 24 28 49 222 Dual Use 44 24 32 161 LL Only/Mostly 44 35 21 88 39
  • 40. 39: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Vladimir Putin Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 1 3 19 57 10 9 471 Likely Voters 1 4 21 59 8 7 418 Male 1 5 20 61 7 6 236 Female 1 2 18 53 13 13 235 Age: 18-29 2 5 26 27 14 25 76 Age: 30-44 2 5 17 58 9 9 130 Age: 45-64 1 3 23 57 13 4 167 Age: 65+ 0 2 10 77 3 7 98 Democrats (no lean) 1 3 17 64 7 8 161 Independents (no lean) 0 6 23 45 10 17 164 Republicans (no lean) 2 2 19 63 12 3 146 Liberal (1-3) 3 3 24 60 3 6 124 Moderate (4) 1 5 20 51 16 7 127 Conservative (5-7) 0 3 19 68 7 3 179 Northeast 1 2 14 52 15 15 79 Midwest 1 3 20 62 10 4 116 South 2 2 17 60 9 11 173 West 1 8 26 49 7 9 103 Religiosity: Monthly+ 3 4 29 54 7 3 193 Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 3 13 59 12 13 278 Income: Under 50k 1 2 23 44 14 16 196 Income: 50k-100k 1 6 20 65 4 4 147 Income: 100k+ 2 2 14 67 10 5 128 Educ: < College 1 1 21 51 13 14 297 Educ: Bachelors degree 1 10 15 67 6 2 116 Educ: Post-grad 1 4 22 68 3 3 57 White Collar 2 5 17 64 9 3 219 Blue Collar 0 3 20 57 6 14 177 Cell Only/Mostly 2 3 20 53 11 11 241 Dual Use 1 0 13 73 8 5 148 LL Only/Mostly 2 12 23 51 8 4 56 40
  • 41. 40: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Vladimir Putin Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 5 76 19 471 Likely Voters 5 79 16 418 Male 6 81 13 236 Female 4 71 25 235 Age: 18-29 7 53 39 76 Age: 30-44 7 75 18 130 Age: 45-64 3 81 16 167 Age: 65+ 2 87 10 98 Democrats (no lean) 4 81 15 161 Independents (no lean) 6 67 27 164 Republicans (no lean) 4 81 15 146 Liberal (1-3) 6 84 9 124 Moderate (4) 6 71 23 127 Conservative (5-7) 4 87 9 179 Northeast 3 66 31 79 Midwest 4 83 14 116 South 3 77 20 173 West 9 75 16 103 Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 83 11 193 Religiosity: LT Monthly 3 72 25 278 Income: Under 50k 3 67 30 196 Income: 50k-100k 7 85 8 147 Income: 100k+ 4 81 16 128 Educ: < College 2 71 26 297 Educ: Bachelors degree 11 82 8 116 Educ: Post-grad 5 90 5 57 White Collar 7 81 12 219 Blue Collar 3 77 20 177 Cell Only/Mostly 5 73 22 241 Dual Use 1 86 13 148 LL Only/Mostly 14 74 12 56 41
  • 42. 41: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Russian President Vladimir Putin Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 3 5 19 55 15 3 539 Likely Voters 3 5 18 57 13 3 490 Male 2 7 19 63 9 0 235 Female 3 3 20 49 20 5 304 Age: 18-29 14 10 8 49 18 1 87 Age: 30-44 1 7 20 46 20 6 120 Age: 45-64 0 3 19 60 15 4 214 Age: 65+ 1 2 27 61 8 0 118 Democrats (no lean) 4 4 15 54 16 7 187 Independents (no lean) 0 5 25 48 22 0 201 Republicans (no lean) 4 4 18 67 5 2 151 Liberal (1-3) 8 8 16 60 7 2 120 Moderate (4) 3 5 14 47 24 7 138 Conservative (5-7) 0 4 23 62 11 0 217 Northeast 3 3 22 59 13 1 105 Midwest 2 0 25 54 16 4 122 South 4 4 18 54 16 5 203 West 2 13 13 57 15 1 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 5 16 55 12 6 210 Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 5 21 56 17 1 329 Income: Under 50k 4 8 15 46 25 2 242 Income: 50k-100k 2 4 29 58 6 2 185 Income: 100k+ 2 0 13 71 8 7 112 Educ: < College 2 6 18 50 20 4 366 Educ: Bachelors degree 3 3 22 66 6 1 108 Educ: Post-grad 4 3 20 68 4 0 65 White Collar 4 5 19 63 6 2 227 Blue Collar 2 3 18 55 19 2 236 Cell Only/Mostly 3 5 16 53 20 4 252 Dual Use 0 4 13 69 11 3 168 LL Only/Mostly 5 5 36 42 11 0 117 42
  • 43. 42: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Russian President Vladimir Putin Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 7 75 18 539 Likely Voters 8 75 17 490 Male 9 82 9 235 Female 6 69 25 304 Age: 18-29 24 57 19 87 Age: 30-44 8 66 26 120 Age: 45-64 3 79 19 214 Age: 65+ 3 88 8 118 Democrats (no lean) 9 69 23 187 Independents (no lean) 5 73 22 201 Republicans (no lean) 9 84 7 151 Liberal (1-3) 16 75 9 120 Moderate (4) 8 61 31 138 Conservative (5-7) 4 85 11 217 Northeast 6 80 14 105 Midwest 2 78 20 122 South 7 72 21 203 West 14 70 16 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 12 71 17 210 Religiosity: LT Monthly 5 77 19 329 Income: Under 50k 11 61 27 242 Income: 50k-100k 5 87 8 185 Income: 100k+ 2 83 15 112 Educ: < College 8 68 24 366 Educ: Bachelors degree 6 88 6 108 Educ: Post-grad 7 89 4 65 White Collar 10 82 8 227 Blue Collar 5 73 22 236 Cell Only/Mostly 7 68 24 252 Dual Use 4 82 14 168 LL Only/Mostly 10 79 11 117 43
  • 44. 43: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Vladimir Putin, Russian President Vladimir Putin Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 4 19 56 13 6 1010 Likely Voters 2 4 19 58 11 5 908 Male 2 6 19 62 8 3 471 Female 2 3 19 51 17 9 539 Age: 18-29 8 8 16 39 16 12 163 Age: 30-44 2 6 19 52 14 8 250 Age: 45-64 0 3 21 59 14 4 381 Age: 65+ 1 2 20 68 6 3 216 Democrats (no lean) 3 4 16 59 12 7 348 Independents (no lean) 0 5 24 46 17 8 365 Republicans (no lean) 3 3 18 65 9 2 296 Liberal (1-3) 6 5 20 60 5 4 244 Moderate (4) 2 5 17 49 20 7 265 Conservative (5-7) 0 4 21 65 9 1 396 Northeast 2 3 18 56 14 7 184 Midwest 1 1 23 58 13 4 238 South 3 3 18 56 13 8 375 West 1 11 19 53 11 4 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 5 22 54 10 5 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 4 18 57 15 7 607 Income: Under 50k 2 5 18 45 20 8 438 Income: 50k-100k 1 5 25 61 5 3 332 Income: 100k+ 2 1 13 69 9 6 240 Educ: < College 2 3 19 50 17 8 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 2 6 18 66 6 1 224 Educ: Post-grad 3 4 21 68 3 1 122 White Collar 3 5 18 63 7 3 447 Blue Collar 1 3 19 56 14 7 412 Cell Only/Mostly 2 4 18 53 16 8 494 Dual Use 0 3 13 71 9 4 316 LL Only/Mostly 4 8 32 45 10 1 173 44
  • 45. 44: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Vladimir Putin, Russian President Vladimir Putin Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 6 75 19 1010 Likely Voters 7 77 16 908 Male 7 82 11 471 Female 5 70 25 539 Age: 18-29 16 55 28 163 Age: 30-44 7 71 22 250 Age: 45-64 3 80 18 381 Age: 65+ 3 88 9 216 Democrats (no lean) 7 74 19 348 Independents (no lean) 5 70 24 365 Republicans (no lean) 6 83 11 296 Liberal (1-3) 11 80 9 244 Moderate (4) 7 65 27 265 Conservative (5-7) 4 86 10 396 Northeast 5 74 21 184 Midwest 3 80 17 238 South 6 74 20 375 West 12 72 16 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 9 76 14 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 4 75 22 607 Income: Under 50k 8 64 28 438 Income: 50k-100k 6 86 8 332 Income: 100k+ 3 82 15 240 Educ: < College 5 70 25 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 8 85 7 224 Educ: Post-grad 6 89 5 122 White Collar 8 82 10 447 Blue Collar 4 75 21 412 Cell Only/Mostly 6 71 23 494 Dual Use 3 84 13 316 LL Only/Mostly 12 77 11 173 45
  • 46. 45: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Barack Obama Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 16 20 17 34 9 4 471 Likely Voters 17 19 18 36 8 2 418 Male 15 20 14 38 11 3 236 Female 17 19 21 31 7 5 235 Age: 18-29 21 14 9 15 27 15 76 Age: 30-44 18 19 22 31 4 6 130 Age: 45-64 15 23 16 39 7 0 167 Age: 65+ 12 20 20 45 4 0 98 Democrats (no lean) 38 36 11 11 4 1 161 Independents (no lean) 4 15 21 38 12 11 164 Republicans (no lean) 6 7 21 57 10 0 146 Liberal (1-3) 33 31 13 8 13 1 124 Moderate (4) 16 26 24 23 10 0 127 Conservative (5-7) 5 8 17 66 4 0 179 Northeast 13 25 14 32 8 9 79 Midwest 22 25 8 38 7 0 116 South 11 19 22 35 5 7 173 West 19 10 23 30 18 0 103 Religiosity: Monthly+ 17 22 14 34 12 1 193 Religiosity: LT Monthly 15 18 19 35 6 7 278 Income: Under 50k 16 18 14 29 14 9 196 Income: 50k-100k 16 25 21 36 2 1 147 Income: 100k+ 16 16 19 41 8 0 128 Educ: < College 17 17 16 33 11 6 297 Educ: Bachelors degree 11 25 18 38 7 1 116 Educ: Post-grad 23 22 23 32 0 0 57 White Collar 15 23 19 38 6 0 219 Blue Collar 16 19 18 36 4 6 177 Cell Only/Mostly 19 20 16 32 8 5 241 Dual Use 13 21 22 38 5 1 148 LL Only/Mostly 16 22 18 42 2 0 56 46
  • 47. 46: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Barack Obama Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 36 52 13 471 Likely Voters 36 54 10 418 Male 34 52 14 236 Female 37 52 12 235 Age: 18-29 34 24 42 76 Age: 30-44 36 53 10 130 Age: 45-64 38 55 7 167 Age: 65+ 32 65 4 98 Democrats (no lean) 74 22 5 161 Independents (no lean) 18 58 23 164 Republicans (no lean) 13 78 10 146 Liberal (1-3) 64 22 14 124 Moderate (4) 43 47 10 127 Conservative (5-7) 13 83 4 179 Northeast 38 45 16 79 Midwest 47 46 7 116 South 31 57 12 173 West 29 53 18 103 Religiosity: Monthly+ 39 48 13 193 Religiosity: LT Monthly 33 54 13 278 Income: Under 50k 34 43 23 196 Income: 50k-100k 40 57 3 147 Income: 100k+ 33 59 8 128 Educ: < College 33 49 17 297 Educ: Bachelors degree 36 56 8 116 Educ: Post-grad 45 55 0 57 White Collar 37 57 6 219 Blue Collar 36 54 10 177 Cell Only/Mostly 39 48 13 241 Dual Use 34 60 6 148 LL Only/Mostly 38 60 2 56 47
  • 48. 47: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ U.S. President Barack Obama Very Favorable Somewhat Favorable Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Unfa- vorable Heard Of, No Opinion N Registered Voters 19 24 15 39 3 539 Likely Voters 20 23 14 41 2 490 Male 17 29 9 45 1 235 Female 21 21 19 34 6 304 Age: 18-29 34 32 8 25 1 87 Age: 30-44 22 26 17 34 1 120 Age: 45-64 15 17 16 45 7 214 Age: 65+ 12 30 15 42 1 118 Democrats (no lean) 39 37 9 14 1 187 Independents (no lean) 11 26 17 39 6 201 Republicans (no lean) 6 7 18 67 2 151 Liberal (1-3) 36 48 7 9 0 120 Moderate (4) 28 23 17 28 3 138 Conservative (5-7) 6 10 17 65 2 217 Northeast 15 37 13 34 1 105 Midwest 19 32 8 38 2 122 South 24 12 20 41 3 203 West 13 26 14 40 8 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 22 12 11 53 2 210 Religiosity: LT Monthly 17 33 17 30 4 329 Income: Under 50k 24 19 10 40 7 242 Income: 50k-100k 17 29 22 31 1 185 Income: 100k+ 12 28 13 47 0 112 Educ: < College 19 23 14 38 5 366 Educ: Bachelors degree 17 29 13 41 1 108 Educ: Post-grad 20 23 20 36 0 65 White Collar 19 24 15 41 1 227 Blue Collar 21 23 13 40 4 236 Cell Only/Mostly 24 22 14 34 5 252 Dual Use 16 23 10 51 1 168 LL Only/Mostly 11 32 23 31 3 117 48
  • 49. 48: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ U.S. President Barack Obama Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 43 53 3 539 Likely Voters 43 55 2 490 Male 46 54 1 235 Female 42 53 6 304 Age: 18-29 66 33 1 87 Age: 30-44 48 51 1 120 Age: 45-64 33 61 7 214 Age: 65+ 42 57 1 118 Democrats (no lean) 75 23 1 187 Independents (no lean) 37 57 6 201 Republicans (no lean) 12 86 2 151 Liberal (1-3) 84 16 0 120 Moderate (4) 51 45 3 138 Conservative (5-7) 16 82 2 217 Northeast 52 46 1 105 Midwest 52 46 2 122 South 36 61 3 203 West 39 54 8 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 64 2 210 Religiosity: LT Monthly 49 47 4 329 Income: Under 50k 43 50 7 242 Income: 50k-100k 46 53 1 185 Income: 100k+ 40 60 0 112 Educ: < College 43 52 5 366 Educ: Bachelors degree 46 54 1 108 Educ: Post-grad 43 57 0 65 White Collar 44 56 1 227 Blue Collar 44 52 4 236 Cell Only/Mostly 46 48 5 252 Dual Use 39 61 1 168 LL Only/Mostly 43 54 3 117 49
  • 50. 49: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Barack Obama, U.S. President Barack Obama Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 18 22 16 37 6 2 1010 Likely Voters 19 21 16 39 5 1 908 Male 16 24 11 41 6 2 471 Female 19 20 20 32 6 2 539 Age: 18-29 28 24 9 20 13 7 163 Age: 30-44 20 22 20 33 2 3 250 Age: 45-64 15 20 16 43 7 0 381 Age: 65+ 12 25 17 43 2 0 216 Democrats (no lean) 38 36 10 13 3 0 348 Independents (no lean) 8 21 19 39 9 5 365 Republicans (no lean) 6 7 19 62 6 0 296 Liberal (1-3) 34 40 10 8 7 0 244 Moderate (4) 22 25 20 26 7 0 265 Conservative (5-7) 6 9 17 66 3 0 396 Northeast 14 32 13 33 4 4 184 Midwest 21 29 8 38 5 0 238 South 18 15 21 38 4 3 375 West 16 18 18 35 12 0 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 20 17 13 44 7 0 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 16 26 18 32 5 3 607 Income: Under 50k 20 19 12 35 10 4 438 Income: 50k-100k 17 27 21 33 1 0 332 Income: 100k+ 14 22 16 44 4 0 240 Educ: < College 18 21 15 36 8 3 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 14 27 15 40 4 1 224 Educ: Post-grad 21 23 22 34 0 0 122 White Collar 17 23 17 39 3 0 447 Blue Collar 19 22 15 38 4 3 412 Cell Only/Mostly 22 21 15 33 7 2 494 Dual Use 15 22 15 45 3 0 316 LL Only/Mostly 12 29 22 35 2 0 173 50
  • 51. 50: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Barack Obama, U.S. President Barack Obama Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 40 52 8 1010 Likely Voters 40 55 6 908 Male 40 53 7 471 Female 39 52 8 539 Age: 18-29 51 29 20 163 Age: 30-44 42 52 6 250 Age: 45-64 35 58 7 381 Age: 65+ 37 61 2 216 Democrats (no lean) 75 22 3 348 Independents (no lean) 29 57 14 365 Republicans (no lean) 12 82 6 296 Liberal (1-3) 74 19 7 244 Moderate (4) 47 46 7 265 Conservative (5-7) 15 83 3 396 Northeast 46 46 8 184 Midwest 49 46 5 238 South 34 59 7 375 West 34 53 12 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 37 56 7 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 42 50 8 607 Income: Under 50k 39 47 14 438 Income: 50k-100k 44 55 1 332 Income: 100k+ 36 59 4 240 Educ: < College 39 51 10 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 41 55 5 224 Educ: Post-grad 44 56 0 122 White Collar 41 56 3 447 Blue Collar 40 53 7 412 Cell Only/Mostly 43 48 9 494 Dual Use 37 60 3 316 LL Only/Mostly 42 56 2 173 51
  • 52. 51: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Mahmoud Abbas Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 3 11 27 20 37 471 Likely Voters 2 3 12 28 21 35 418 Male 1 3 14 37 18 27 236 Female 2 2 8 17 22 48 235 Age: 18-29 2 4 15 21 15 44 76 Age: 30-44 4 3 10 21 20 41 130 Age: 45-64 0 2 12 25 25 36 167 Age: 65+ 0 2 8 44 15 30 98 Democrats (no lean) 0 4 12 22 16 45 161 Independents (no lean) 0 3 14 28 16 39 164 Republicans (no lean) 4 1 6 32 29 27 146 Liberal (1-3) 5 2 17 32 14 30 124 Moderate (4) 1 5 10 15 22 47 127 Conservative (5-7) 0 2 10 38 24 27 179 Northeast 0 1 12 22 26 39 79 Midwest 1 1 10 30 18 41 116 South 3 4 9 23 19 41 173 West 1 4 15 34 19 26 103 Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 3 12 30 18 33 193 Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 2 11 25 21 41 278 Income: Under 50k 0 2 10 21 20 45 196 Income: 50k-100k 3 3 12 33 16 34 147 Income: 100k+ 2 3 11 30 24 29 128 Educ: < College 1 1 9 23 21 45 297 Educ: Bachelors degree 3 3 10 34 23 27 116 Educ: Post-grad 1 10 24 35 8 21 57 White Collar 3 4 13 29 22 29 219 Blue Collar 0 2 10 26 17 44 177 Cell Only/Mostly 2 2 10 22 19 44 241 Dual Use 0 1 14 31 26 27 148 LL Only/Mostly 2 7 14 25 14 37 56 52
  • 53. 52: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Mahmoud Abbas Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 4 38 58 471 Likely Voters 4 40 56 418 Male 5 51 45 236 Female 4 26 70 235 Age: 18-29 6 36 58 76 Age: 30-44 7 31 61 130 Age: 45-64 2 37 61 167 Age: 65+ 2 52 45 98 Democrats (no lean) 4 34 62 161 Independents (no lean) 3 42 55 164 Republicans (no lean) 5 38 56 146 Liberal (1-3) 8 48 44 124 Moderate (4) 6 25 69 127 Conservative (5-7) 2 48 51 179 Northeast 1 34 65 79 Midwest 2 39 59 116 South 7 33 60 173 West 5 50 45 103 Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 42 51 193 Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 36 62 278 Income: Under 50k 3 31 66 196 Income: 50k-100k 5 45 50 147 Income: 100k+ 5 41 54 128 Educ: < College 2 32 66 297 Educ: Bachelors degree 7 44 49 116 Educ: Post-grad 11 59 30 57 White Collar 6 42 51 219 Blue Collar 2 36 62 177 Cell Only/Mostly 4 32 64 241 Dual Use 1 45 54 148 LL Only/Mostly 10 39 51 56 53
  • 54. 53: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 8 16 36 22 17 539 Likely Voters 2 6 17 39 22 14 490 Male 0 8 18 48 16 11 235 Female 3 7 15 26 27 22 304 Age: 18-29 11 13 11 21 20 23 87 Age: 30-44 0 8 16 25 28 22 120 Age: 45-64 0 2 15 41 24 18 214 Age: 65+ 0 14 22 48 12 4 118 Democrats (no lean) 2 8 20 28 26 17 187 Independents (no lean) 0 10 14 27 27 21 201 Republicans (no lean) 3 3 14 57 11 12 151 Liberal (1-3) 6 16 23 26 12 16 120 Moderate (4) 1 5 17 24 35 17 138 Conservative (5-7) 0 1 15 56 19 9 217 Northeast 1 6 20 42 22 9 105 Midwest 1 13 11 32 28 15 122 South 2 3 14 37 21 22 203 West 2 13 21 32 17 16 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 3 15 41 22 14 210 Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 10 17 32 22 19 329 Income: Under 50k 2 8 14 29 31 16 242 Income: 50k-100k 1 10 18 37 17 16 185 Income: 100k+ 2 2 17 48 10 21 112 Educ: < College 1 8 14 28 27 22 366 Educ: Bachelors degree 3 9 18 49 13 7 108 Educ: Post-grad 4 5 26 54 8 3 65 White Collar 3 6 18 48 11 13 227 Blue Collar 1 8 17 30 29 15 236 Cell Only/Mostly 1 7 15 31 23 24 252 Dual Use 0 3 19 44 26 8 168 LL Only/Mostly 4 16 16 34 15 16 117 54
  • 55. 54: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 9 52 39 539 Likely Voters 8 56 37 490 Male 8 66 26 235 Female 10 41 49 304 Age: 18-29 24 33 44 87 Age: 30-44 8 41 51 120 Age: 45-64 2 56 43 214 Age: 65+ 14 70 16 118 Democrats (no lean) 10 48 42 187 Independents (no lean) 10 42 48 201 Republicans (no lean) 7 71 22 151 Liberal (1-3) 22 49 28 120 Moderate (4) 6 42 53 138 Conservative (5-7) 1 71 28 217 Northeast 7 62 31 105 Midwest 14 43 43 122 South 5 51 44 203 West 15 53 33 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 57 36 210 Religiosity: LT Monthly 10 49 41 329 Income: Under 50k 10 43 47 242 Income: 50k-100k 11 56 33 185 Income: 100k+ 4 65 31 112 Educ: < College 9 42 49 366 Educ: Bachelors degree 12 68 20 108 Educ: Post-grad 9 80 11 65 White Collar 9 67 24 227 Blue Collar 9 47 44 236 Cell Only/Mostly 8 45 47 252 Dual Use 3 63 33 168 LL Only/Mostly 20 50 31 117 55
  • 56. 55: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 5 14 32 21 26 1010 Likely Voters 2 4 15 34 22 24 908 Male 1 6 16 42 17 19 471 Female 2 5 12 23 25 33 539 Age: 18-29 7 9 13 21 18 33 163 Age: 30-44 2 6 13 23 24 32 250 Age: 45-64 0 2 14 34 25 26 381 Age: 65+ 0 9 16 46 14 16 216 Democrats (no lean) 1 6 16 25 21 30 348 Independents (no lean) 0 7 14 28 22 29 365 Republicans (no lean) 4 2 10 45 20 19 296 Liberal (1-3) 6 9 20 29 13 23 244 Moderate (4) 1 5 14 20 29 32 265 Conservative (5-7) 0 1 13 48 21 17 396 Northeast 1 4 17 33 24 22 184 Midwest 1 7 10 31 23 28 238 South 3 3 12 31 20 31 375 West 1 9 18 33 18 21 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 3 14 36 20 23 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 7 14 29 22 29 607 Income: Under 50k 1 6 13 25 26 29 438 Income: 50k-100k 2 7 15 35 17 24 332 Income: 100k+ 2 3 14 39 18 25 240 Educ: < College 1 5 12 26 24 32 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 3 6 14 41 18 17 224 Educ: Post-grad 3 7 25 45 8 12 122 White Collar 3 5 16 39 16 21 447 Blue Collar 1 5 14 28 24 28 412 Cell Only/Mostly 2 4 12 27 21 34 494 Dual Use 0 2 17 38 26 17 316 LL Only/Mostly 3 13 15 31 14 23 173 56
  • 57. 56: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 7 45 48 1010 Likely Voters 6 48 46 908 Male 6 58 35 471 Female 8 34 58 539 Age: 18-29 15 34 50 163 Age: 30-44 8 36 56 250 Age: 45-64 2 47 51 381 Age: 65+ 9 62 29 216 Democrats (no lean) 8 41 51 348 Independents (no lean) 7 42 51 365 Republicans (no lean) 6 55 39 296 Liberal (1-3) 15 49 36 244 Moderate (4) 6 34 60 265 Conservative (5-7) 1 60 38 396 Northeast 4 50 46 184 Midwest 8 41 51 238 South 6 43 51 375 West 10 51 39 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 7 50 43 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 7 43 51 607 Income: Under 50k 7 38 55 438 Income: 50k-100k 9 51 41 332 Income: 100k+ 5 52 43 240 Educ: < College 6 38 57 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 9 55 35 224 Educ: Post-grad 10 70 20 122 White Collar 8 55 37 447 Blue Collar 6 42 52 412 Cell Only/Mostly 6 39 55 494 Dual Use 2 55 43 316 LL Only/Mostly 16 46 37 173 57
  • 58. 57: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Ismail Haniyeh Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 1 2 9 19 25 45 471 Likely Voters 1 2 10 20 25 43 418 Male 1 2 12 25 26 35 236 Female 1 1 7 13 23 55 235 Age: 18-29 1 1 16 6 28 48 76 Age: 30-44 2 4 5 21 23 44 130 Age: 45-64 0 1 10 15 27 46 167 Age: 65+ 0 0 9 32 19 40 98 Democrats (no lean) 0 2 11 17 20 50 161 Independents (no lean) 0 1 12 15 28 44 164 Republicans (no lean) 2 2 6 25 26 39 146 Liberal (1-3) 3 4 13 14 25 41 124 Moderate (4) 1 1 8 15 21 54 127 Conservative (5-7) 0 0 9 27 25 38 179 Northeast 0 1 6 15 44 34 79 Midwest 1 2 7 22 12 56 116 South 2 2 10 17 20 49 173 West 0 1 13 22 32 32 103 Religiosity: Monthly+ 2 3 11 19 23 42 193 Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 1 8 19 25 46 278 Income: Under 50k 0 1 9 16 29 45 196 Income: 50k-100k 1 4 13 21 17 44 147 Income: 100k+ 2 0 6 20 27 46 128 Educ: < College 1 0 8 17 28 46 297 Educ: Bachelors degree 1 4 14 23 18 40 116 Educ: Post-grad 1 2 9 21 20 47 57 White Collar 2 1 10 20 21 46 219 Blue Collar 0 1 10 21 21 47 177 Cell Only/Mostly 2 2 10 18 21 47 241 Dual Use 0 2 8 21 23 47 148 LL Only/Mostly 0 1 9 23 19 47 56 58
  • 59. 58: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Ismail Haniyeh Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 2 28 69 471 Likely Voters 3 30 68 418 Male 3 36 61 236 Female 2 20 77 235 Age: 18-29 2 22 76 76 Age: 30-44 6 27 67 130 Age: 45-64 1 25 74 167 Age: 65+ 0 40 59 98 Democrats (no lean) 3 28 70 161 Independents (no lean) 1 27 73 164 Republicans (no lean) 4 31 65 146 Liberal (1-3) 7 27 66 124 Moderate (4) 2 23 75 127 Conservative (5-7) 0 37 63 179 Northeast 1 21 78 79 Midwest 2 29 69 116 South 4 27 69 173 West 1 35 64 103 Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 30 66 193 Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 27 72 278 Income: Under 50k 1 26 74 196 Income: 50k-100k 5 34 61 147 Income: 100k+ 2 26 72 128 Educ: < College 1 24 74 297 Educ: Bachelors degree 5 38 58 116 Educ: Post-grad 4 30 67 57 White Collar 3 30 67 219 Blue Collar 1 31 67 177 Cell Only/Mostly 3 29 68 241 Dual Use 2 29 69 148 LL Only/Mostly 1 32 66 56 59
  • 60. 59: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 2 13 43 20 21 539 Likely Voters 2 2 11 46 20 18 490 Male 0 4 9 58 18 12 235 Female 3 1 16 31 21 27 304 Age: 18-29 11 4 9 23 26 27 87 Age: 30-44 1 3 20 29 23 25 120 Age: 45-64 1 2 9 45 20 24 214 Age: 65+ 0 0 16 68 11 5 118 Democrats (no lean) 3 2 18 35 20 22 187 Independents (no lean) 0 2 12 36 28 23 201 Republicans (no lean) 4 2 8 61 8 17 151 Liberal (1-3) 6 3 14 40 17 20 120 Moderate (4) 2 5 17 25 29 22 138 Conservative (5-7) 0 0 8 64 14 13 217 Northeast 2 6 12 51 21 8 105 Midwest 1 1 16 37 21 23 122 South 2 1 10 42 16 29 203 West 3 2 15 42 23 15 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 5 3 14 45 15 18 210 Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 2 12 41 23 22 329 Income: Under 50k 3 3 10 36 29 20 242 Income: 50k-100k 1 1 21 43 12 22 185 Income: 100k+ 2 3 5 58 12 20 112 Educ: < College 1 2 13 34 24 26 366 Educ: Bachelors degree 3 3 15 57 11 11 108 Educ: Post-grad 4 1 10 66 10 9 65 White Collar 4 3 14 56 8 15 227 Blue Collar 1 2 13 39 26 19 236 Cell Only/Mostly 2 3 12 36 21 26 252 Dual Use 1 0 13 52 20 14 168 LL Only/Mostly 4 4 14 45 15 18 117 60
  • 61. 60: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 4 55 40 539 Likely Voters 5 57 38 490 Male 4 66 30 235 Female 4 47 48 304 Age: 18-29 15 32 53 87 Age: 30-44 4 49 47 120 Age: 45-64 2 53 44 214 Age: 65+ 0 84 16 118 Democrats (no lean) 5 53 42 187 Independents (no lean) 2 47 51 201 Republicans (no lean) 6 69 25 151 Liberal (1-3) 10 53 37 120 Moderate (4) 7 42 51 138 Conservative (5-7) 1 72 28 217 Northeast 8 63 29 105 Midwest 3 54 44 122 South 3 52 45 203 West 5 57 38 109 Religiosity: Monthly+ 8 59 33 210 Religiosity: LT Monthly 2 53 45 329 Income: Under 50k 6 46 49 242 Income: 50k-100k 2 64 34 185 Income: 100k+ 5 63 33 112 Educ: < College 4 47 50 366 Educ: Bachelors degree 6 72 22 108 Educ: Post-grad 5 76 19 65 White Collar 7 70 23 227 Blue Collar 3 52 45 236 Cell Only/Mostly 4 48 48 252 Dual Use 1 65 35 168 LL Only/Mostly 8 59 33 117 61
  • 62. 61: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh Very Fa- vorable Somewhat Favor- able Somewhat Unfavor- able Very Un- favorable Heard Of, No Opinion Never Heard Of N Registered Voters 2 2 11 32 22 32 1010 Likely Voters 2 2 11 34 22 30 908 Male 1 3 10 41 22 23 471 Female 2 1 12 23 22 39 539 Age: 18-29 6 3 12 15 27 37 163 Age: 30-44 1 3 12 25 23 35 250 Age: 45-64 0 1 9 32 23 34 381 Age: 65+ 0 0 13 52 15 21 216 Democrats (no lean) 2 2 15 27 20 35 348 Independents (no lean) 0 1 12 27 28 32 365 Republicans (no lean) 3 2 7 43 17 28 296 Liberal (1-3) 4 4 13 27 21 31 244 Moderate (4) 1 3 13 20 25 37 265 Conservative (5-7) 0 0 9 47 19 25 396 Northeast 1 4 9 35 31 19 184 Midwest 1 1 12 30 17 39 238 South 2 1 10 30 18 38 375 West 1 2 14 32 27 23 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 4 3 13 32 19 30 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 0 1 10 31 24 33 607 Income: Under 50k 2 2 10 27 29 31 438 Income: 50k-100k 1 2 17 33 14 31 332 Income: 100k+ 2 1 5 38 20 34 240 Educ: < College 1 1 10 26 26 35 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 2 3 15 40 14 26 224 Educ: Post-grad 3 2 10 45 15 27 122 White Collar 3 2 12 38 15 30 447 Blue Collar 1 1 12 31 24 31 412 Cell Only/Mostly 2 2 11 27 21 37 494 Dual Use 0 1 11 38 21 29 316 LL Only/Mostly 3 3 13 38 17 27 173 62
  • 63. 62: Now, thinking about some people, organizations, and countries that are active in politics and world affairs, please indicate if you have a Very Favorable, Somewhat Favorable, Somewhat Unfavorable, or Very Unfavorable opinion of each individual, group, or country listed below. If you have heard of the person or organization, but do not have an opinion, please mark ‘Heard Of, No Opinion.’ If you have not heard of the person or organization, please mark ‘Never Heard Of.’ Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh Favorable Unfavorable NHO / No Opinion N Registered Voters 3 43 54 1010 Likely Voters 4 44 52 908 Male 3 51 46 471 Female 3 35 61 539 Age: 18-29 9 27 64 163 Age: 30-44 5 37 58 250 Age: 45-64 2 41 57 381 Age: 65+ 0 64 36 216 Democrats (no lean) 4 41 55 348 Independents (no lean) 1 38 60 365 Republicans (no lean) 5 50 45 296 Liberal (1-3) 8 40 52 244 Moderate (4) 5 33 62 265 Conservative (5-7) 1 56 44 396 Northeast 5 45 50 184 Midwest 2 42 56 238 South 3 41 56 375 West 3 46 51 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 6 45 49 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 1 41 57 607 Income: Under 50k 4 37 60 438 Income: 50k-100k 3 51 46 332 Income: 100k+ 3 43 54 240 Educ: < College 3 37 61 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 5 54 40 224 Educ: Post-grad 4 55 41 122 White Collar 5 50 45 447 Blue Collar 2 43 55 412 Cell Only/Mostly 4 38 58 494 Dual Use 1 48 51 316 LL Only/Mostly 6 50 44 173 63
  • 64. 63: Now, thinking about the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East, please tell me whether, in general, you think America should be... A strong supporter of Israel A supporter of Israel A supporter of the Palestini- ans A strong supporter of the Palestini- ans No Opinion N Registered Voters 29 25 6 3 37 1010 Likely Voters 31 25 6 3 34 908 Male 33 32 7 3 25 471 Female 26 18 4 3 49 539 Age: 18-29 9 29 15 6 41 163 Age: 30-44 19 20 7 6 49 250 Age: 45-64 37 23 1 1 38 381 Age: 65+ 44 28 5 2 22 216 Democrats (no lean) 16 28 10 3 43 348 Independents (no lean) 29 24 4 2 42 365 Republicans (no lean) 45 21 3 5 26 296 Liberal (1-3) 16 30 15 4 34 244 Moderate (4) 15 28 5 3 49 265 Conservative (5-7) 51 24 2 2 21 396 Northeast 29 24 6 2 39 184 Midwest 28 25 4 1 42 238 South 28 24 5 4 39 375 West 33 25 9 4 29 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 34 28 6 6 26 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 26 22 5 1 45 607 Income: Under 50k 24 25 7 2 42 438 Income: 50k-100k 32 24 7 3 34 332 Income: 100k+ 34 24 3 4 35 240 Educ: < College 27 22 4 3 43 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 32 31 7 2 28 224 Educ: Post-grad 36 28 11 2 24 122 White Collar 35 27 7 5 26 447 Blue Collar 26 22 3 2 46 412 Cell Only/Mostly 22 22 5 5 46 494 Dual Use 38 29 4 1 28 316 LL Only/Mostly 37 19 11 1 32 173 64
  • 65. 64: Now, thinking about the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians in the Middle East, please tell me whether, in general, you think America should be... A supporter of Israel A supporter of the Palestinians Don’t Know / No Opinion N Registered Voters 54 9 37 1010 Likely Voters 56 9 34 908 Male 66 10 25 471 Female 44 8 49 539 Age: 18-29 38 21 41 163 Age: 30-44 39 12 49 250 Age: 45-64 60 2 38 381 Age: 65+ 72 7 22 216 Democrats (no lean) 44 13 43 348 Independents (no lean) 53 5 42 365 Republicans (no lean) 66 8 26 296 Liberal (1-3) 46 20 34 244 Moderate (4) 43 8 49 265 Conservative (5-7) 75 3 21 396 Northeast 53 8 39 184 Midwest 53 5 42 238 South 52 9 39 375 West 58 13 29 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 62 12 26 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 49 6 45 607 Income: Under 50k 49 9 42 438 Income: 50k-100k 56 10 34 332 Income: 100k+ 58 7 35 240 Educ: < College 49 8 43 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 62 10 28 224 Educ: Post-grad 64 13 24 122 White Collar 62 12 26 447 Blue Collar 48 5 46 412 Cell Only/Mostly 44 10 46 494 Dual Use 67 5 28 316 LL Only/Mostly 56 12 32 173 65
  • 66. 65: Thinking about recent events in the Middle East, how much have you seen, read, or heard about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas which recently erupted in open hostilities? A lot Some Not much Nothing at all N Registered Voters 36 38 17 8 1010 Likely Voters 38 39 17 5 908 Male 46 38 12 4 471 Female 27 38 22 13 539 Age: 18-29 19 41 28 12 163 Age: 30-44 28 41 21 10 250 Age: 45-64 40 37 16 7 381 Age: 65+ 50 36 8 7 216 Democrats (no lean) 28 45 22 6 348 Independents (no lean) 31 38 17 15 365 Republicans (no lean) 51 32 14 3 296 Liberal (1-3) 37 46 15 3 244 Moderate (4) 28 43 22 8 265 Conservative (5-7) 49 33 15 4 396 Northeast 42 35 13 10 184 Midwest 34 39 20 8 238 South 30 41 20 8 375 West 43 36 13 9 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 43 38 16 4 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 31 39 19 11 607 Income: Under 50k 28 38 23 11 438 Income: 50k-100k 35 38 17 9 332 Income: 100k+ 51 39 8 2 240 Educ: < College 29 39 21 11 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 45 40 12 3 224 Educ: Post-grad 55 33 9 3 122 White Collar 46 41 10 3 447 Blue Collar 30 39 20 12 412 Cell Only/Mostly 30 39 21 10 494 Dual Use 41 42 14 4 316 LL Only/Mostly 46 29 16 9 173 66
  • 67. 66: Thinking about recent events in the Middle East, how much have you seen, read, or heard about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas which recently erupted in open hostilities? A lot / Some Not much / Nothing at all N Registered Voters 74 26 1010 Likely Voters 77 23 908 Male 85 15 471 Female 65 35 539 Age: 18-29 60 40 163 Age: 30-44 69 31 250 Age: 45-64 77 23 381 Age: 65+ 86 14 216 Democrats (no lean) 73 27 348 Independents (no lean) 68 32 365 Republicans (no lean) 83 17 296 Liberal (1-3) 82 18 244 Moderate (4) 71 29 265 Conservative (5-7) 81 19 396 Northeast 77 23 184 Midwest 72 28 238 South 71 29 375 West 79 21 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 81 19 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 70 30 607 Income: Under 50k 66 34 438 Income: 50k-100k 73 27 332 Income: 100k+ 90 10 240 Educ: < College 68 32 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 85 15 224 Educ: Post-grad 88 12 122 White Collar 87 13 447 Blue Collar 68 32 412 Cell Only/Mostly 69 31 494 Dual Use 83 17 316 LL Only/Mostly 75 25 173 67
  • 68. 67: Please indicate which point of view you agree with more, even if neither is exactly right Israel has the right and the obligation to protect its citizens from Hamas rocket fire directed at Israeli civilians through the use of military force. Israel is overreacting by using military force against Hamas. While Hamas terrorism cannot be condoned, Israel needs to find a non-violent solution. Don’t Know / No Opinion N Registered Voters 61 17 21 1010 Likely Voters 63 18 18 908 Male 68 20 12 471 Female 56 15 30 539 Age: 18-29 43 33 24 163 Age: 30-44 51 21 29 250 Age: 45-64 70 11 19 381 Age: 65+ 73 12 15 216 Democrats (no lean) 53 26 21 348 Independents (no lean) 57 16 27 365 Republicans (no lean) 76 9 15 296 Liberal (1-3) 53 34 13 244 Moderate (4) 53 22 26 265 Conservative (5-7) 81 7 12 396 Northeast 64 17 19 184 Midwest 59 14 27 238 South 63 14 22 375 West 58 27 15 212 Religiosity: Monthly+ 65 20 16 403 Religiosity: LT Monthly 59 16 25 607 Income: Under 50k 55 20 26 438 Income: 50k-100k 64 17 19 332 Income: 100k+ 69 14 17 240 Educ: < College 58 15 26 664 Educ: Bachelors degree 65 20 14 224 Educ: Post-grad 69 22 9 122 White Collar 67 18 15 447 Blue Collar 62 14 24 412 Cell Only/Mostly 56 17 28 494 Dual Use 73 13 14 316 LL Only/Mostly 64 17 19 173 68