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STAT200: Assignment #2 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis and
Writeup - Instructions
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STAT200 Introduction to Statistics
Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup
Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup
In the first assignment (Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics
Analysis Data Plan), you developed a
scenario about annual household expenditures and a plan for
analyzing the data using descriptive
statistic methods. The purpose of this assignment is to carry
out the descriptive statistics analysis plan
and write up the results. The expected outcome of this
assignment is a two to three page write-up of
the findings from your analysis as well as a recommendation.
Assignment Steps:
Step #1: Review Feedback from Your Instructor
Before performing any analysis, please make sure to review
your instructor’s feedback on Assignment
#1: Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan. Based on the
feedback, modify variables, tables, and
selected statistics, graphs, and tables, if needed.
Step #2: Perform Descriptive Statistic Analysis
• (Re)Familiarize yourself with the variables. Review Table 1:
Variables Selected for the
Analysis you generated for the first assignment as well as your
instructor’s feedback. In
addition, look at the data dictionary contained in the data set for
information about the
• Select the variables you need for the analysis.
assignment, with any needed
modifications, based on your instructor’s feedback.
• Calculate Measures of Central Tendency and Variability. Use
the information from
Assignment #1 - Table 2. Numerical Summaries of the Selected
Variables. Here again,
be sure to see your instructor’s feedback and incorporate into
the analysis.
• Prepare Graphs and/or Tables. Use the information from
Assignment #1 - Table 3.
Type of Graphs and/or Tables for Selected Variables. Here
again, be sure to see your
instructor’s feedback and incorporate into the analysis.
STAT200: Assignment #2 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis and
Writeup - Instructions
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Step #3: Write-up findings using the Provided Template
For this part of the assignment, write a short 2-3 page write-up
of the process you followed and the
findings from your analysis. You will describe, in words, the
statistical analysis used and present the
results in both statistical/text and graphic formats.
Here are the main sections for this assignment:
✓ Identifying Information. Fill in information on name, class,
instructor, and date.
✓ Introduction. For this section, use the same scenario you
submitted for the first assignment and
modified using your instructor’s feedback, if needed. Include
Table 1 (Table 1: Variables
Selected for the Analysis) you used in Assignment #1 to show
the variables you selected for the
✓ Data Set Description and Method Used for Analysis. Briefly
describe the data set, using
information provided in the data set file. Also describe what
method(s) (i.e., TI Calculator, free
web applets, Excel) you used to analyze the data.
✓ Results. In this section, you will report the results of your
descriptive statistics data analysis. For
each variable, fill in the following sections:
• Variable (#): (Name). Fill in the name of the variable. Note:
Income was included for
variable 1.
• Numerical Summary. Fill in Table . Descriptive Analysis for
Variable with your
computation. Below is the template table; be sure to include the
name(s) of the
measures used as well as their values. Since there will be no
measure of dispersion for
the qualitative variable, just enter N/A for not applicable. Note:
The information for the
required variable, “Income,” has already been partially
completed and can be used as a
guide for completing information on the remaining variables.
Variable n Measure(s) of Central Tendency Measure(s) of
• Graph and/or Table. Put the graph or table for the variable in
this section.
STAT200: Assignment #2 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis and
Writeup - Instructions
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• Description of Findings.
- Briefly describe the descriptive statistics measure(s) that
was/were calculated
and explain why was it/they the appropriate one(s) to use.
- Describe the results of the analysis in everyday language.
Please consult your
textbook and information contained in our LEO classroom for
✓ Discussion and Conclusion. Organize the discussion to
address findings for which you presented
results. Briefly discuss each variable in the same sequence as
presented in the results. What has
the highest expenditure? What variable has the lowest
expenditure? If you were to recommend
a place to save money, which expenditure would it be and why?
Note: The section should be no
more than 2 paragraphs.
Assignment Submission: Name the file that contains your
completed “Assignment #2: Descriptive
Statistics Analysis Writeup Template” using the following
format: “Assignment2-StudentLastName.”
Submit it via the Assignments area in the LEO classroom in the
“Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics
Analysis Writeup” folder.
Grading Rubric for Assignment #2
Introduction 10%
Description of data set and method(s) used for analyzing the
data 10%
Results. For each variable (10% for each variable):
● Numerical Summary: Accurate/appropriate results reported in
● Graph and/or Table: Accurate/appropriate graph or table.
● Findings:
○ Description of and explanation of measure(s) used.
○ Explanation of the results of the analysis, including
information from both the
numerical summary and graph and/or table.
Discussion and Conclusion. Described results and provided
answers to questions about
Writes clearly, concisely, and with few errors.
Clearly presents material graphically. Easy to understand.
STAT200: Assignment #2 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis
Writeup - Template
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University of Maryland University College
STAT200 - Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis and
Identifying Information
Student (Full Name):
Use the same scenario you submitted for the first assignment
with modifications using your instructor’s feedback, if needed.
Include Table 1: Variables Selected for the Analysis you used in
Assignment #1 to show the variables you selected for analysis.
Table 1. Variables Selected for the Analysis
Variable Name in data set
Type of Variable (Qualitative or Quantitative)
Variable 1: “Income”
Annual household income in USD.
Variable 2:
Variable 3:
Variable 4:
Variable 5:
Data Set Description and Method Used for Analysis:
Variable 1: Income
Numerical Summary.
Table 2. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 1
Measure(s) of Central Tendency
Measure(s) of Dispersion
Variable: Income
SD =
Graph and/or Table: Histogram of Income
(Place Histogram here)
Description of Findings.
Variable 2: (Fill in name of variable)
Numerical Summary.
Table 3. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 2
Measure(s) of Central Tendency
Measure(s) of Dispersion
Graph and/or Table.
(Place Graph or Table Here)
Description of Findings.
Variable 3: (Fill in name of variable)
Numerical Summary.
Table 4. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 3
Measure(s) of Central Tendency
Measure(s) of Dispersion
Graph and/or Table.
(Place Graph or Table Here)
Description of Findings.
Variable 4: (Fill in name of variable)
Numerical Summary.
Table 5. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 4
St. Dev.
Variable 4:
Graph and/or Table.
(Place Graph or Table Here)
Description of Findings.
Variable 5: (Fill in name of variable)
Numerical Summary.
Table 6. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 5
Measure(s) of Central Tendency
Measure(s) of Dispersion
Graph and/or Table.
(Place Graph or Table Here)
Description of Findings.
Discussion and Conclusion.
Briefly discuss each variable in the same sequence as presented
in the results. What has the highest expenditure? What variable
has the lowest expenditure? If you were to recommend a place
to save money, which expenditure would it be and why? Note:
The section should be no more than 2 paragraphs.
STAT200: Written Assignment #1 - Descriptive Statistics Data
Analysis Plan - Instructions
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STAT200 Introduction to Statistics
Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan
Assignment #1: Prepare Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis
Before conducting any statistical analyses, researchers develop
a plan for how they will analyze their
data to answer their research questions. The purpose of this
assignment is to provide an experience
developing a descriptive statistics analysis plan. Note: This first
assignment is a plan only; no statistics
will be calculated or graphs created. The second assignment
will involve carrying out the plan, after
receiving feedback from your instructor.
Assignment Steps:
Step #1: Review the STAT200 data set file. (Note: This data set
will be used for all three of this term’s
written assignments).
The data is a subsample from the US Department of Labor’s
Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CE) and
provides information about the composition of households and
their annual expenditures
( Detailed information on the sample
and variables is included with the data
set file; please carefully review this information to familiarize
yourself with the data (Note: This
information will be used in Assignment #2 to describe the
Step #2: Develop descriptive statistics data analysis plan.
➢ Task 1: Develop scenario. Imagine that you are head of a
household and have to determine a
household budget plan based on the data available from the
dataset. For instance, you are a 35
year old single parent with a high school diploma and one child.
➢ Task 2: Select variables for analysis that match the scenario
developed in Task 1.The data set
provides information on household consumption; there are
socioeconomic variables and
expenditures variables. The socioeconomic variable names start
with “SE-” and the expenditure
variable names start with a “USD;” all expenditures are in US
dollars. All students must use
income as one variable. Select two additional socioeconomic
variables (one qualitative and one
quantitative) and two expenditures for your analysis that match
the scenario you developed for
Task 1. For instance, using the example scenario of a 35 year
old single parent with a high
STAT200: Written Assignment #1 - Descriptive Statistics Data
Analysis Plan - Instructions
Page 2 of 4
school diploma and one child, you could select “income,”
“education,” and “number of children”
as socioeconomic variables and then pick two household
expenditure items to show the
distribution of costs and compare that with your income. When
selecting variables, think about
the following three questions:
o Why am I choosing these variables?
o What interests me about these variables?
o What do I think will be the outcome?
➢ Task 3: Determine appropriate measures of central tendency
and dispersion for the selected
variables. For each quantitative variable, select at least one
measure of central tendency and at
least one measure of dispersion (Please see below table for list
of measures). For the qualitative
variable, select one measure of central tendency. When
determining the measures of central
tendency and dispersion, think about what is appropriate given
the level of measurement and
type of variable. Recommend referring to the text and
information posted in our LEO classroom
to help with this task (Note: you will use this information to
provide a rationale for your choice
of measures).
Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Dispersion
● Mean
● Mode
● Median
● Range
● Sample Standard Deviation
● Variance
➢ Task 4: Determine appropriate graph and/or table for each of
the selected variables. Select
one graph or table for each variable (Please see below table for
list of graphs and tables). When
determining the graphs and tables, think about what is
appropriate given the level of
measurement and type of variable. Recommend referring to the
text and information posted in
our LEO classroom to help with this task (Note: you will use
this information to provide a
rationale for your choice of graphs and/or tables).
Types of Graphs Types of Tables
● Pie Chart
● Bar Chart
● Histogram
● Box Plots (also known as Box-and-Whiskers Plot)
● Frequency Table
● Relative Frequency Table
● Grouped Frequency Table
STAT200: Written Assignment #1 - Descriptive Statistics Data
Analysis Plan - Instructions
Page 3 of 4
Step #3: Complete the “Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics
Data Analysis Plan Template.”
Remember, you will not be conducting any statistical analysis,
drawing any graphs, or compiling any
tables for the first assignment. Rather, you need to wait for
feedback from your instructor on this
assignment and use that feedback to complete Assignment #2.
Here are the main sections for this assignment (i.e., completing
the plan template):
✓ Identifying Information. Fill in information on name, class,
instructor, and date.
✓ Scenario. In this section, briefly (2-3 sentences) describe the
scenario you developed in Step #2,
Task 1.
✓ Complete Table 1: Variables Selected for the Analysis. Enter
information the variables selected
for analysis in Step #2, Task 2. For each selected variable be
sure to include its: name as listed in
the data set, description, and variable type.
✓ Reason(s) for Selecting the Variables and Expected
Outcome(s): In this section, for each
selected variable, please answer the following questions:
✓ Why did I choose this variable?
✓ What interests me about this variable?
✓ What do I think will be the outcome?
✓ Complete Table 2. Numerical Summaries of the Selected
Variables. Enter information on
selected measures of central tendency and dispersion for each
selected variable. Be sure to
briefly explain why you choose those measurements. Note: The
information for the required
variable, “Income,” has already been completed and can be used
as a guide for completing
information on the remaining variables.
✓ Complete Table 3. Type of Graphs and/or Tables for Selected
Variables. Enter information on
selected graph and/or table for each selected variable. Be sure
to briefly explain why you
choose those measurements. Note: The information for the
required variable, “Income,” has
already been completed and can be used as a guide for
completing information on the
remaining variables.
Assignment Submission: Name the file that contains your
completed “Assignment #1: Descriptive
Statistics Data Analysis Plan Template” using the following
format: “Assignment1-StudentLastName.”
STAT200: Written Assignment #1 - Descriptive Statistics Data
Analysis Plan - Instructions
Page 4 of 4
Then, submit the file via the Assignments area in the LEO
classroom in the “Assignment #1: Descriptive
Statistics Data Analysis Plan” folder and wait for your
instructor’s feedback.
Grading Rubric for Written Assignment #1
Scenario and Selection of Related Variables
● Clear description of scenario
● Selected variables and reasons are appropriate for the
Selection of Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
For each variable:
● Appropriate measures selected.
● Rationale is provided and appropriate.
Selection of Graphs and/or Tables
For each variable:
● Appropriate measures selected.
● Rationale is provided and appropriate.
Writing Quality:
Completes all sections of template.
Writes clearly, concisely, and with few errors.
STAT200: Assignment #1 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis Plan
- Template
Page 1 of 3
University of Maryland University College
STAT200 - Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis
Identifying Information
Student (Full Name):
Scenario: Please write a few lines describing your scenario and
the four variables (in addition to income) you have selected.
Use Table 1 to report the variables selected for this assignment.
Note: The information for the required variable, “Income,” has
already been completed and can be used as a guide for
completing information on the remaining variables.
Table 1. Variables Selected for the Analysis
Variable Name in the Data Set
(See the data dictionary for describing the variables.)
Type of Variable
(Qualitative or Quantitative)
Variable 1: “Income”
Annual household income in USD.
Variable 2:
Variable 3:
Variable 4:
Variable 5:
Reason(s) for Selecting the Variables and Expected
Variable 1: “Income” -
Variable 2: “ “ -
Variable 3: “ “ -
Variable 4: “ “ -
Variable 5: “ “ -
Data Set Description:
Proposed Data Analysis:
Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
Complete Table 2. Numerical Summaries of the Selected
Variables and briefly explain why you choose those
measurements. Note: The information for the required variable,
“Income,” has already been completed and can be used as a
guide for completing information on the remaining variables.
Table 2. Numerical Summaries of the Selected Variables
Variable Name
Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion
Rationale for Why Appropriate
Variable 1:
Number of ObservationsMedianSample Standard Deviation
I am using median for two reasons:If there are any outliers or
the data is not normally distributed, the median is the best
measure of central tendency.The variable is quantitative.
I am using sample standard deviation for three reasons:The data
is a sample from a larger data set.It is the most commonly used
measure of dispersion.The variable is quantitative.
Variable 2:
Variable 3:
Variable 4:
Variable 5:
Graphs and/or Tables
Complete Table 3. Type of Graphs and/or Table for Selected
Variables and briefly explain why you choose those graphs
and/or tables. Note: The information for the required variable,
“Income,” has already been completed and can be used as a
guide for completing information on the remaining variables.
Table 3. Type of Graphs and/or Tables for Selected Variables
Variable Name
Graph and/or Table
Rationale for why Appropriate?
Variable 1:
Graph: I will use the histogram to show the normal distribution
of data.
Histogram is one of the best plot to show the normal
distribution of quantitative level data .
Variable 2:
Variable 3:
Variable 4:
Variable 5:

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STAT200 Assignment #2 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis and.docx

  • 1. STAT200: Assignment #2 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup - Instructions Page 1 of 3 STAT200 Introduction to Statistics Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup In the first assignment (Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Analysis Data Plan), you developed a scenario about annual household expenditures and a plan for analyzing the data using descriptive statistic methods. The purpose of this assignment is to carry out the descriptive statistics analysis plan and write up the results. The expected outcome of this assignment is a two to three page write-up of the findings from your analysis as well as a recommendation. Assignment Steps: Step #1: Review Feedback from Your Instructor Before performing any analysis, please make sure to review
  • 2. your instructor’s feedback on Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan. Based on the feedback, modify variables, tables, and selected statistics, graphs, and tables, if needed. Step #2: Perform Descriptive Statistic Analysis • (Re)Familiarize yourself with the variables. Review Table 1: Variables Selected for the Analysis you generated for the first assignment as well as your instructor’s feedback. In addition, look at the data dictionary contained in the data set for information about the variables. • Select the variables you need for the analysis. assignment, with any needed modifications, based on your instructor’s feedback. • Calculate Measures of Central Tendency and Variability. Use the information from Assignment #1 - Table 2. Numerical Summaries of the Selected Variables. Here again,
  • 3. be sure to see your instructor’s feedback and incorporate into the analysis. • Prepare Graphs and/or Tables. Use the information from Assignment #1 - Table 3. Type of Graphs and/or Tables for Selected Variables. Here again, be sure to see your instructor’s feedback and incorporate into the analysis. STAT200: Assignment #2 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup - Instructions Page 2 of 3 Step #3: Write-up findings using the Provided Template For this part of the assignment, write a short 2-3 page write-up of the process you followed and the findings from your analysis. You will describe, in words, the statistical analysis used and present the results in both statistical/text and graphic formats. Here are the main sections for this assignment: ✓ Identifying Information. Fill in information on name, class, instructor, and date. ✓ Introduction. For this section, use the same scenario you submitted for the first assignment and
  • 4. modified using your instructor’s feedback, if needed. Include Table 1 (Table 1: Variables Selected for the Analysis) you used in Assignment #1 to show the variables you selected for the analysis. ✓ Data Set Description and Method Used for Analysis. Briefly describe the data set, using information provided in the data set file. Also describe what method(s) (i.e., TI Calculator, free web applets, Excel) you used to analyze the data. ✓ Results. In this section, you will report the results of your descriptive statistics data analysis. For each variable, fill in the following sections: • Variable (#): (Name). Fill in the name of the variable. Note: Income was included for variable 1. • Numerical Summary. Fill in Table . Descriptive Analysis for Variable with your computation. Below is the template table; be sure to include the name(s) of the measures used as well as their values. Since there will be no measure of dispersion for
  • 5. the qualitative variable, just enter N/A for not applicable. Note: The information for the required variable, “Income,” has already been partially completed and can be used as a guide for completing information on the remaining variables. Variable n Measure(s) of Central Tendency Measure(s) of Dispersion Variable: • Graph and/or Table. Put the graph or table for the variable in this section. STAT200: Assignment #2 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup - Instructions Page 3 of 3 • Description of Findings. - Briefly describe the descriptive statistics measure(s) that was/were calculated and explain why was it/they the appropriate one(s) to use. - Describe the results of the analysis in everyday language. Please consult your
  • 6. textbook and information contained in our LEO classroom for examples. ✓ Discussion and Conclusion. Organize the discussion to address findings for which you presented results. Briefly discuss each variable in the same sequence as presented in the results. What has the highest expenditure? What variable has the lowest expenditure? If you were to recommend a place to save money, which expenditure would it be and why? Note: The section should be no more than 2 paragraphs. Assignment Submission: Name the file that contains your completed “Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis Writeup Template” using the following format: “Assignment2-StudentLastName.” Submit it via the Assignments area in the LEO classroom in the “Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis Writeup” folder. Grading Rubric for Assignment #2 Introduction 10% Description of data set and method(s) used for analyzing the data 10%
  • 7. Results. For each variable (10% for each variable): ● Numerical Summary: Accurate/appropriate results reported in table. ● Graph and/or Table: Accurate/appropriate graph or table. ● Findings: ○ Description of and explanation of measure(s) used. ○ Explanation of the results of the analysis, including information from both the numerical summary and graph and/or table. 50% Discussion and Conclusion. Described results and provided answers to questions about expenditures. 20% Writes clearly, concisely, and with few errors. Clearly presents material graphically. Easy to understand. 10% STAT200: Assignment #2 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis Writeup - Template Page 3 of 3 University of Maryland University College STAT200 - Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis and
  • 8. Writeup Identifying Information Student (Full Name): Class: Instructor: Date: Introduction: Use the same scenario you submitted for the first assignment with modifications using your instructor’s feedback, if needed. Include Table 1: Variables Selected for the Analysis you used in Assignment #1 to show the variables you selected for analysis. Table 1. Variables Selected for the Analysis Variable Name in data set Description Type of Variable (Qualitative or Quantitative) Variable 1: “Income” Annual household income in USD. Quantitative Variable 2: Variable 3: Variable 4: Variable 5: Data Set Description and Method Used for Analysis:
  • 9. Results: Variable 1: Income Numerical Summary. Table 2. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 1 Variable n Measure(s) of Central Tendency Measure(s) of Dispersion Variable: Income Median= SD = Graph and/or Table: Histogram of Income (Place Histogram here) Description of Findings. Variable 2: (Fill in name of variable) Numerical Summary. Table 3. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 2 Variable n Measure(s) of Central Tendency Measure(s) of Dispersion Variable:
  • 10. Graph and/or Table. (Place Graph or Table Here) Description of Findings. Variable 3: (Fill in name of variable) Numerical Summary. Table 4. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 3 Variable n Measure(s) of Central Tendency Measure(s) of Dispersion Variable: Graph and/or Table. (Place Graph or Table Here) Description of Findings. Variable 4: (Fill in name of variable) Numerical Summary. Table 5. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 4 Variable N Mean/Median St. Dev. Variable 4:
  • 11. Graph and/or Table. (Place Graph or Table Here) Description of Findings. Variable 5: (Fill in name of variable) Numerical Summary. Table 6. Descriptive Analysis for Variable 5 Variable n Measure(s) of Central Tendency Measure(s) of Dispersion Variable: Graph and/or Table. (Place Graph or Table Here) Description of Findings. Discussion and Conclusion. Briefly discuss each variable in the same sequence as presented in the results. What has the highest expenditure? What variable has the lowest expenditure? If you were to recommend a place to save money, which expenditure would it be and why? Note: The section should be no more than 2 paragraphs.
  • 12. STAT200: Written Assignment #1 - Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan - Instructions Page 1 of 4 STAT200 Introduction to Statistics Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan Assignment #1: Prepare Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan Before conducting any statistical analyses, researchers develop a plan for how they will analyze their data to answer their research questions. The purpose of this assignment is to provide an experience developing a descriptive statistics analysis plan. Note: This first assignment is a plan only; no statistics will be calculated or graphs created. The second assignment will involve carrying out the plan, after receiving feedback from your instructor. Assignment Steps: Step #1: Review the STAT200 data set file. (Note: This data set will be used for all three of this term’s written assignments). The data is a subsample from the US Department of Labor’s
  • 13. Consumer Expenditure Surveys (CE) and provides information about the composition of households and their annual expenditures ( Detailed information on the sample and variables is included with the data set file; please carefully review this information to familiarize yourself with the data (Note: This information will be used in Assignment #2 to describe the dataset). Step #2: Develop descriptive statistics data analysis plan. ➢ Task 1: Develop scenario. Imagine that you are head of a household and have to determine a household budget plan based on the data available from the dataset. For instance, you are a 35 year old single parent with a high school diploma and one child. ➢ Task 2: Select variables for analysis that match the scenario developed in Task 1.The data set provides information on household consumption; there are socioeconomic variables and expenditures variables. The socioeconomic variable names start with “SE-” and the expenditure
  • 14. variable names start with a “USD;” all expenditures are in US dollars. All students must use income as one variable. Select two additional socioeconomic variables (one qualitative and one quantitative) and two expenditures for your analysis that match the scenario you developed for Task 1. For instance, using the example scenario of a 35 year old single parent with a high STAT200: Written Assignment #1 - Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan - Instructions Page 2 of 4 school diploma and one child, you could select “income,” “education,” and “number of children” as socioeconomic variables and then pick two household expenditure items to show the distribution of costs and compare that with your income. When
  • 15. selecting variables, think about the following three questions: o Why am I choosing these variables? o What interests me about these variables? o What do I think will be the outcome? ➢ Task 3: Determine appropriate measures of central tendency and dispersion for the selected variables. For each quantitative variable, select at least one measure of central tendency and at least one measure of dispersion (Please see below table for list of measures). For the qualitative variable, select one measure of central tendency. When determining the measures of central tendency and dispersion, think about what is appropriate given the level of measurement and type of variable. Recommend referring to the text and information posted in our LEO classroom to help with this task (Note: you will use this information to provide a rationale for your choice of measures). Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Dispersion
  • 16. ● Mean ● Mode ● Median ● Range ● Sample Standard Deviation ● Variance ➢ Task 4: Determine appropriate graph and/or table for each of the selected variables. Select one graph or table for each variable (Please see below table for list of graphs and tables). When determining the graphs and tables, think about what is appropriate given the level of measurement and type of variable. Recommend referring to the text and information posted in our LEO classroom to help with this task (Note: you will use this information to provide a rationale for your choice of graphs and/or tables). Types of Graphs Types of Tables ● Pie Chart ● Bar Chart ● Histogram ● Box Plots (also known as Box-and-Whiskers Plot) ● Frequency Table ● Relative Frequency Table ● Grouped Frequency Table
  • 17. STAT200: Written Assignment #1 - Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan - Instructions Page 3 of 4 Step #3: Complete the “Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan Template.” Remember, you will not be conducting any statistical analysis, drawing any graphs, or compiling any tables for the first assignment. Rather, you need to wait for feedback from your instructor on this assignment and use that feedback to complete Assignment #2. Here are the main sections for this assignment (i.e., completing the plan template): ✓ Identifying Information. Fill in information on name, class, instructor, and date. ✓ Scenario. In this section, briefly (2-3 sentences) describe the scenario you developed in Step #2, Task 1. ✓ Complete Table 1: Variables Selected for the Analysis. Enter information the variables selected for analysis in Step #2, Task 2. For each selected variable be sure to include its: name as listed in
  • 18. the data set, description, and variable type. ✓ Reason(s) for Selecting the Variables and Expected Outcome(s): In this section, for each selected variable, please answer the following questions: ✓ Why did I choose this variable? ✓ What interests me about this variable? ✓ What do I think will be the outcome? ✓ Complete Table 2. Numerical Summaries of the Selected Variables. Enter information on selected measures of central tendency and dispersion for each selected variable. Be sure to briefly explain why you choose those measurements. Note: The information for the required variable, “Income,” has already been completed and can be used as a guide for completing information on the remaining variables. ✓ Complete Table 3. Type of Graphs and/or Tables for Selected Variables. Enter information on selected graph and/or table for each selected variable. Be sure to briefly explain why you choose those measurements. Note: The information for the required variable, “Income,” has
  • 19. already been completed and can be used as a guide for completing information on the remaining variables. Assignment Submission: Name the file that contains your completed “Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan Template” using the following format: “Assignment1-StudentLastName.” STAT200: Written Assignment #1 - Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan - Instructions Page 4 of 4 Then, submit the file via the Assignments area in the LEO classroom in the “Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan” folder and wait for your instructor’s feedback. Grading Rubric for Written Assignment #1 Scenario and Selection of Related Variables ● Clear description of scenario ● Selected variables and reasons are appropriate for the scenario.
  • 20. 20% Selection of Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion For each variable: ● Appropriate measures selected. ● Rationale is provided and appropriate. 30% Selection of Graphs and/or Tables For each variable: ● Appropriate measures selected. ● Rationale is provided and appropriate. 30% Writing Quality: Completes all sections of template. Writes clearly, concisely, and with few errors. 20% STAT200: Assignment #1 - Descriptive Statistics Analysis Plan - Template Page 1 of 3
  • 21. University of Maryland University College STAT200 - Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Data Analysis Plan Identifying Information Student (Full Name): Class: Instructor: Date: Scenario: Please write a few lines describing your scenario and the four variables (in addition to income) you have selected. Use Table 1 to report the variables selected for this assignment. Note: The information for the required variable, “Income,” has already been completed and can be used as a guide for completing information on the remaining variables. Table 1. Variables Selected for the Analysis Variable Name in the Data Set Description (See the data dictionary for describing the variables.) Type of Variable (Qualitative or Quantitative) Variable 1: “Income” Annual household income in USD. Quantitative Variable 2: Variable 3: Variable 4:
  • 22. Variable 5: Reason(s) for Selecting the Variables and Expected Outcome(s): Variable 1: “Income” - Variable 2: “ “ - Variable 3: “ “ - Variable 4: “ “ - Variable 5: “ “ - Data Set Description: Proposed Data Analysis: Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion Complete Table 2. Numerical Summaries of the Selected Variables and briefly explain why you choose those measurements. Note: The information for the required variable, “Income,” has already been completed and can be used as a guide for completing information on the remaining variables. Table 2. Numerical Summaries of the Selected Variables Variable Name Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion Rationale for Why Appropriate Variable 1: “Income” Number of ObservationsMedianSample Standard Deviation I am using median for two reasons:If there are any outliers or the data is not normally distributed, the median is the best measure of central tendency.The variable is quantitative. I am using sample standard deviation for three reasons:The data
  • 23. is a sample from a larger data set.It is the most commonly used measure of dispersion.The variable is quantitative. Variable 2: Variable 3: Variable 4: Variable 5: Graphs and/or Tables Complete Table 3. Type of Graphs and/or Table for Selected Variables and briefly explain why you choose those graphs and/or tables. Note: The information for the required variable, “Income,” has already been completed and can be used as a guide for completing information on the remaining variables. Table 3. Type of Graphs and/or Tables for Selected Variables Variable Name Graph and/or Table Rationale for why Appropriate? Variable 1: “Income” Graph: I will use the histogram to show the normal distribution of data. Histogram is one of the best plot to show the normal distribution of quantitative level data .